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jollyman Member Since October 19, 2009
Finally 3
jollyman 5543 days ago
- 10 + I wish you would have contenued with a forth part about other goings on that day
Having Hannah
jollyman 5543 days ago
- 10 + very good story please add more to it I would see if the become lovers
My very close sister and me...
jollyman 5543 days ago
- 5 + start like to know where they go from here does mom and get involed do they fall in love there are alot question on which way thsi will go
A Fresh Start For Brother And Sister - Part 3
jollyman 5543 days ago
- 5 + I gave this five stars because it was that good the build up to thsi part was one of the best I have read on thsi site if thereis more to this story I hope to see it soon.
Big Brother 3
jollyman 5543 days ago
- 10 + very good story
My Little Sister and Me
jollyman 5543 days ago
- 10 + I think this story is very good in telling now kid really feel about sex at that age for thier first time
Incest for two please
jollyman 5543 days ago
- 10 + make it a part but please do write more
Oh Sam Chapter 2
jollyman 5543 days ago
- 10 + Great job you are very good writer looking forword to the next chapter and when mat and sam met up agian
All I wanted to do was fuck the shit out of her...
jollyman 5543 days ago
- 0 + I read the fisrt few k line and stoped if the reat of the stroy is that bad im glad i stoped learn to respect people
The wonderful divorce
jollyman 5543 days ago
- 10 + good start but you might change the text color the red is harder to read but the story ids good and j hope see more very soon
A Sick Day Home From School With Mom
jollyman 5543 days ago
- 10 + tihs is good start but you should wnet a bit afrther in this story but keep up the good work
my cousin and her friend in a 3some
jollyman 5543 days ago
- 10 + another very good story keep up the good work
Me & Kelsey
jollyman 5543 days ago
- 0 + lol you call thsi a story I know now why you go by unknow name i woul;d be embrassed to to I worte something this bad
Me and My Cousin
jollyman 5543 days ago
- 10 + Man what place to leave off please bring out part two asap! the is was very good!
My First, My Brother
jollyman 5543 days ago
- 10 + I loved this story nice job on it
Kelly's Fashion Tease
jollyman 5543 days ago
- 4 + I can only give four stars it is a good story but there was alot of speeling errors the next time proof read the story more you post it and if can and have the porgram use MS word it helps a lot
The Ultimate Day
jollyman 5543 days ago
- 4 + it was a good story but you need to spell check the next story you do i make the same mistakes so if use a good program like microsoft woerd and spell check as you it will be much better
Natural Fantasies -- Chapter One!
jollyman 5543 days ago
- 8 + it has the making of great story or gruop of stories please keep it going
My sweet little Tanya part 2
jollyman 5543 days ago
- 10 + please add more stroies like both but i think this one was better then the first one
Spying on Daddy
jollyman 5543 days ago
- 5 + hope to see next part soon
Midnight Mass
jollyman 5543 days ago
- 10 + very good story ad no offence taken on my part even though I am beleaver in christ our lord the did have anything to with religian so I have no problem with it.keep up the good work
Tracy gets her brother 2
jollyman 5543 days ago
- 10 + good story where is the first a part and and wis it under story title please find it and see if you psot it here becuase i like the ages of the two in the story and how this all got started
“I need your help. Can I Come Over?”
jollyman 5543 days ago
- 10 + very good looking forword to part 2
Leslie My Daughter
jollyman 5543 days ago
- 6 + you need more deltail but the story is ok i would rewrite this one and repost with detail and do tell if this a true story or not it has a good start but it does need more detail and background
As Daddy Kissed Me Good Night...
jollyman 5543 days ago
- 10 + good start tell us little more about the girl her age for one thing and do they go farther ?
Old friends
jollyman 5543 days ago
- 4 + thats a good start but because you did not finish it I can only give you four stars I hope you fisnish it and repost or add to it soon.
The stormy night - PART TWO
jollyman 5543 days ago
- 5 + very good story well written better then other i have read on this site looking forward to the next part
Angel Alice
jollyman 5543 days ago
- 10 + very good story for a young writer if yoy have any more parts to this stroy please sare them with us
My life with uncle-part 6
jollyman 5543 days ago
- 5 + agian you captured the inocents of a young learning about sex you write very good and it does not what termaniology you use you are getting the story told in your own words keep up the good work and I am lokking forward to the next parts
M Ride to Practice Part 3
jollyman 5543 days ago
- 3 + good story the second page of part three did not show up