Member Since October 09, 2010
The James Family Pt. 2: A Reluctant Cristina
4935 days ago
4925 days ago

Wow! Very hot. Would love to read more of this, please continue writing this series.
Horny Son for Mom in the Morning [Part Two]
Of course we want part 3! This was a fantastic read, can't wait for the next one.
The Panties - Chapter 2: Jaclyn's Discovery
Great job, keep going please, these are very enjoyable.
The Panties - Chaper 1: Nick's Dilemma
Good story. Well paced and quite a great read. Good job.
Sweet Sixteen with the Best Present You Can Get
I agree, paragraphs would make it a lot easier to follow. The story itself is good though. Please continue.
I'm loving your series. I had planned on reading it a while back but only just now have read it all. Can't wait for the next installment.
The Kiss Part # 2
I would love to read more chapters. There is so much more you can do with these characters. All your stories are very arousing. Love them.
Homecoming: Part 4 - Cumming Home
I really enjoyed this story. All of the different movies that were described and all of the situations she got into. Very well written, I can't wait for more of your stories.
There Can Be Only One Ch 33
I really think you need to pump another one out, these are too good.
Busted: April's Wild Ride
Very nice one chapter story, just as amazing as all of your others. Can't wait for more.
My Son The Inventor - Ch5 - Like an episode from the Simpsons
Very interesting toys that the son created. I hope you find the time to continue this storyline, the inventions are quite creative, I really liked reading it.
My Daughter's friend Natalia Part # 22
Please continue this storyline, I can't wait to hear what happens next and after they get married. Highly enjoyable read.
Alexis and Maddie, Begging for Pussy, Part 8
I really hope you eventually continue with this series. I absolutely love it. And I know there has to be more, there's still 363 days left!
His Wishes part 5
I would also love for this story to be continued. It just seems like its over so quick. It's a great idea and you seem to be using it quite well, with new characters introduced all the time. Would love more.
My Summer Job: Stacy
I enjoyed this storyline just as I enjoyed your others. I hope you can finish this one, I really want to know what happened with Katie.
My Sister, A Comic Book Babe.
Seems I'm late to the party, but hey everyone else is doing it! The story was fantastic. It seems you haven't written anything in a long while, so maybe you won't even see this, but I would love to read more stuff. Also, if you do get this, I would also like those pictures :) fuzzbuckit@gmail.com
My Daughter Cindy Part # 4
I also hope there will be more. I want to hear more about Cindy and her father. Your stories are all fantastic.
Walker Family Fun Part 06
This was a really good storyline, I'm disheartened that it has not been continued. If you ever read this, please know that i would like to read a seventh part.