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Roscobigdog Member Since November 27, 2009

Molly's First Time

sexyboy22 on Animal Stories

"Come on Ralph, let's go for a walk," said fourteen-year-old Molly. She picked the leash up off the table and hooked it up to the golden retriever's collar. "Ok mom, I'm taking Ralph for a walk. I'll be back in a little bit." She called.
    "Ok sweetie, dinner will be ready when you get back," her mom called back to her.

Slithering Surprise

sexyboy22 on Animal Stories

This story is about a 15 year old girl named Emily. Emily is a 9th grader at her school. She has one brother named David, who is 17. She is 5'8", average weight long brown hair, blue eyes, tan, smooth skin, decent sized boobs, and an ass that every boy stared at as she walked by.

    It was 6th period. Everyone was tired and ready to go home, including Emily. The tea

My Dog And Me

Lillabeth on Animal Stories

It happened to me a while ago, i'm not going to state my name so i'm going to call myself LillyI was 16, pale skin and long blonde hair, about 5ft with blue eyes and big breasts.My mother who I didn't live with at the time was going away and called me to ask if me any my boyfriend could look after her dog. We said yes seeing as it ment we would have her large house to ourselves, plenty of space t

My Daughter Teaches Her Dog a New Trick!

CMatthews on Animal Stories

A short story by Carolyn Matthews.

I am sitting in the kitchen having a nice cold lemonade when my

daughter Amy pulls open the sliding door and comes in with her

dog "Damien". We selected Damien because both of us love big

"Great Dane" dogs. He stands about six feet tall when he is on

his back legs and probably weighs more than her. Anyway, Amy

runs over to the middle of the kitchen

A neigbors dog; my ONLY FREIND!

anonymous on Animal Stories

I was young, and a bit naive, but very curious about sex. Also,   I felt I was not loved, basically. No one would teach, or show me things!   Teddy, one of my paperroute subscribers' dog was always friendly with me! He'd follow me, while I was on my bike, delivering papers. I was always afraid he'd get hit by a car or something.   Sometimes he would jump up an

Gina Learns to Farm

frank422 on Animal Stories

Gina was 19 when she went away to college in Iowa. Until this point in her life she had been living with her grandparents who lived on and ran a hog farm in central Iowa. Gina was glad to get away from the farm, even though she loved her grandparents dearly. She was now on her own and was enjoying college and all it had to offer.

I Seduce my Daughter's Dog Using Peanut Butter.

CMatthews on Animal Stories

Short story by Carolyn Matthews.

My daughter "Amy" and I are laying naked on the couch while we

watch television. I am behind her with my head propped up on a

pillow. She loves it when I kiss the nape of her neck while I

run my left hand up and down her slender young body. After a

while she sits up, then turns around and lays back down so she

is facing me. We begin tongue kissing eac

My Daughter Really Loves Her Horse! Literally!

CMatthews on Animal Stories

Short story by: Carolyn Matthews

It is really hot today, so I am sitting on the back porch

watching my daughter Amy washing her horse "Brute" over by the

barn. She gets him nice and wet, then applies soap and brushes

him good. Brute turns all white for a while, then Amy hoses him

down and brushes him again. Amy got her clothes damp from

washing him, so she strips naked and throws her

I would not believe a dog could seduced me.

davidj on Animal Stories

I was doing some work at my computer and from my first floor office I noticed my neighbour sunning herself naked by her pool. She often sunbakes naked either alone or whith her husband. I have often joined them and done it with them myself. Unbeknown to her I have even let her husband try my honeypot a couple of times when she has been away. He is great and while my husband is overseas I need a little bit of real manhood pleasure apart from using my fingers.

This day I notice she had her dog with her and it is a big alsation. They keep it more as a guard dog than a pet. It always bothered me as it is looks quite viscious when strangers are about. The dog was sniffing about her and before my eyes she started to play with its cock and actually masturbated it which it obviously

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enjoyed as it just lay on its back and let her do it to it until it came and its cum went all over her hand and it stomach.  

Then they both jumped into the pool and she washed it clean.

I couldnt believe that it would let that be done to it but afterwards when they got out she let it lick her pussy and I could tell she loved it. Then she put booties on its forelegs and she bent over and the dog actually had sex with her. I couldnt tell if it was vaginal or anal.She had to insert its penis into her by hand but only as far as the knot or bulge in it. It was obviously experienced and it knew exactly what to do and waved its head about as I do when I am enjoying being fucked. Eventually it came again and her bum was covered in its cum.

Then she hopped into the pool again and washed herself and the dog before going indoors again. Later I heard her drive out.

I was still thinking about what had happened and my sex drive was almost in top gear. I was myself curious as to what it would be like with a dog. This one was experienced and I thought why not try and see if it will go with me. I guessed she had gone to work she would be away for at least 4 hours.

I went over to their place and the dog came at me before realising who I was, then just wagged its tail as to say you wouldnt guess what I have just done. I had left my pants off and I was so wet from watching so I just sat on a chair, lifted my skirt up up and let it sniff me. It went right to my slit and I could feel its cold wet nose rubbing into me. Then it began to lick and its tongue was far rougher than anything I have ever had down there and it was a bit uncomfortable at first.

Once I got used to it licking me, it was fine but it only removed all my juice and went no further and left me once it had dried me up.

Then I thought well that was that, but I will see what happens if I get down like a bitch. I took all my clothes off and immediately he came back and sniffed my crutch and then my ass which he seemed most interested in.

I found the booties she had left to dry and put them on it and immediately the dog realised what was in store for him and he got quite excited, wagging his tail and rubbing against me and his cock came out and hung down ready for action. 

I got down on all fours and he jumped up on my back with his front paws and his chest on my backside then he pushed himself up against me until I could feel his cock against the cheeks of my ass.I thought then which hole will I use, I had done anal quite few times and had no problems getting a guys cock into me but I thought to hell with it I will try for the jackpot and have it fuck me. It was then I realised it was waiting for me to insert its cock into me, as he couldnt manage it himself, so I put my hand down and took hold of him. This felt strange as it didnt feel like a guys cock, it had a feeling quite unique. It was all wet and although quite firm, not as hard as a guy, but he was longer than both my husband and hers. I then opened myself as wide as I could took the top of its cock between my fingers and proceeded to tuck the head of it into my now soaking wet cunt. Once I had got the head in he did the rest himself pawing my back and pushing his legs against me until he was in right up to the knot. I was glad he had the booties on as I could still feel his claws grabbing onto me. Then he started to fuck me like he would a bitch and the sensation was unlike anything I had ever felt before even doing doggy with my husband felt nothing like this.

I began to actually enjoy the sensation and thought this is disgusting having sex with a dog but the more he did it the better I enjoyed it. I began to cooperate with him working together as he lunged, my tits were swinging in unison with his thrusting which also felt nice. I pushed and I could feel his fur against my ass as he pushed to get it into me. Again it was a strange feeling having a furry animal up against my ass and his actions were much different to my husband. I began to take mental notes so I could get my husband to do it to me like this dog. I dont know how I was going to replicate the hairy cock and balls as my husband was almost shaved clean.

The dog was obviously having a good time and I heard him sort of growl a couple of times as if he was telling me I was a good fuck. I suppose he was fucking me for well over five minutes and I was thinking this is really good, but I was glad nobody was watching me as they would think I was a real depraved bitch myself. I certainly was behaving like one. I put my hand down onto his cock and thought can I get the knot in as well but he wasnt going to have any of that and growled like he was telling me he didnt want me doing that. I held his balls for a moment and he seemed to enjoy that and stoppd fucking me while I played with them for a few moments. I had changed position to get at him and now my hand was all slimy with his juice mixed with mine. I got back to the position he semed to be better at fucking me in and then his actions told me he was about to cum.It was so much like my husband.  I have to admit I was a bit concerned about having dog cum in me but I sliped my finger down and began to stimulate my clit and it only took a few seconds for me to get to the stage where I was ready to cum myself and I could feel he had blown his load into me. He had filled me with his cum and I could feel it all sloppy and wet where he had ejaculated. Fortunately for me he held on long enough for me to have a fairly mild but enjoyable orgasm as well.

He pulled out and stood there with his cock hanging down and covered in the frothy mix of his cum and my juice. I stood up and the mess he had made was running down my legs which had a strange odour unlike a man, and it looked at me with its head on its side as to say did you enjoy it. I patted him and rubbed his neck to show I had enjoyed it and I could then see he wanted the booties off so I did that and I couldnt believe it when I was doing that he licked my neck as if to kiss me. When I stood up I offered him my cunt again as it was soaking wet and he sniffed but then walked away. Obviously he wasnt keen on licking out his own cum it seems.

I hopped into the pool to wash the mess off me that I was covered in and he followed as much as to say I want to be cleaned up too. I wont be licking myself clean with that mixture all over my balls and stomach. As I washed around his penis and balls his cock came down again and I stropped him a few times as she had done when she masturbated him. He seemed more than happy, climbed out of the pool, shook himself and then lay in the sun to dry off. His cock was back in wherever he keeps it. I thought if its good enough for him then it is for me too.

I lay on a poolside lounge with him beside me on the ground and my hand rubbing behind his ears.and unconsciously dozed off. The next thing I knew was my neighbour had come home and she was standing there looking down at my naked body, that she had seen many,many times, and the dog who actually hadnt moved. Something triggered me and I woke up and there she was. She said by golly I didnt know Ben (the dog) was so comfortable with you around, he is becoming quite a wuss. You look nice and comfortable and content there if I didnt know better I would say you have been having a bit of sex. Pity our men are away or we could make a foursome. Now there was an offer I wasnt going to refuse and I replied, I cant wait. Then she said well maybe we could have a practice run a bit later with just the two of us. I thought this could be a wild party if she decides to introduce Ben into our party. If she only knew her dog has no favourites either.

Seems things are even going to get more interesting and Ben and I may try something new.

Maybe thats my next story, the four of us (and maybe 5) together would be good fun.

Jane's Story - Mom's Black Lab Toby

LuckyNuts on Animal Stories

My name is Jane, I’m in my late thirties now. The story I’m about to relate to you is true, happening when I was sixteen years old. I am an only child, my parents told me, “They didn’t want to mess with perfection by having more children.”

I had just come home from school. Dad and Mom were still at work, they wouldn’t be home until six. I was trusted at home alone after school, but I had to make sure every door and window was locked. Today was late gym class, I was sweaty and wanted to take a quick shower before doing my homework. But first I had to let Toby, our black lab, out, he had been cooped up since I left for school. He ran out into the back yard and pissed on his favorite tree. Then he comes loping back, wanting to get back into the house. I let him in, then I went to my room.

My Daughter Enters Her Dog in Competition.

CMatthews on Animal Stories

If you have not read the first few stories, then let me bring

you up to date. My daughter Amy and I both love large "Great

Dane" dogs, so about a year ago we bought a six month old male

and named him "Damien". A few months ago, my daughter and I

started noticing that Damien would get an erection whenever he

saw us walking around the house naked. One thing led to another

and now my dau

A Labs Desire

jm82dabn on Animal Stories

When I was almost 16, I had my first sexual experience with a boy my age. Let's face it, it was quick, it hurt and I was certainly unfulfilled by his 5 inches. He came all over my belly, and other than passing him in the halls at school, he never saw me again. It did however, start a yearning within me that continued to build through the months.

I was about 5'6", 125 lbs, shoulder length brunette hair, with a size 34b nice fitting bra, at the time. With a mild complexion, I must admit that the boys were fond of me but I didn't get too many hits from any of the boys at school. I was depressed that no one was interested in me as someone that was dateable. Each day I would come home, finish school work a

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nd chores and then usually take Bart outside and let him do his business and then play ball or fetch with him. He had been the family pet for about 4 years and was very loving and extremely protective of me. Being an only child, most afternoons it was just Bart and I alone at home, until my mom and dad would return from work around 5:30 or 6:00 each weekday. My dad often went on business trips for the weekends.

One particular day I was feeling pretty horny and after chores, I took Bart outside and then came back into the house. I removed my t-shirt and slid my pants off, piling them on the couch, and sat down on the couch and thought about one of the football players that I thought was hot. I slid one hand over my breasts, feeling my puffy pink nipples harden, with the other hand I slid it down inside my panties and slid it up and down the outside of my slit, feeling it starting to get slick. I was very aroused at the thought of having good sex from this stud of a ball player. I took my bra off and slid my panties down my legs, remembering now that I remarked how I needed to wear shorts more often and tan my legs more. I went to the window to check outside, don't know why, I just did, even having a good two hours before anyone would come home.

I sat back down on the couch and resumed my self petting. Wow, was I excited, I was very slick. My fingers started working faster on my lips, I started pressing my clit with one hand as I slid up and down my slit with the other hand. It was this time I was about to stick my finger inside me when I felt something very cold touch my pussy, I jumped, opening my eyes, there was Bart with his nose in my pussy sniffing. I tried shooing him away with my foot as I tried to get back to the business at hand. I really needed an orgasm. As I tried to get going again, Bart just nudged his nose back in there and his tongue just slid right up my slit. "Jesus Bart, what are you doing?" I yelled, his rough tongue was not expected in the least, but oh when it struck my clit, I tingled more than I ever had. "Come here boy" I said as he came back to me, his tail wagging. 

I opened my legs a bit more and decided what the hell, lick away Bart, it did feel very good. Wow, I didn't know a dogs tongue could feel so good licking my pussy. His tongue was lapping away as my pussy was getting very wet, wetter than I was the time I got fucked by Chad. I was getting into it, but I needed something inside me, I pushed Bart away and tried to get my finger inside my wet pussy and satisfy my desires, but Bart didn't want anything to do with that plan. I stood up to take him out so I could get down to some serious frigging, as I stepped towards the kitchen, Bart went right between my legs, causing me to fall down. My right hand caught the edge of the couch as my knees hit the floor, damn that hurt. Bart came right around behind me and started licking me again.... Oh My God he is a good pussy licker I thought. I just fell victim to him and conceded defeat to his artful tongue, after a minute or two, he just jumped up on my back and started dry humping at me. His nails started scratching me back and shoulders, as I tried to get away he just dug in more causing more pain. I stopped fighting and let him dry hump me, then I felt his cock start poking at my enterance, I was mesmerized by this and just let it happen. I reached between my legs and helped his cock guide at my enterance, damn it was moist and big. Inch by inch he was getting it into me. 

I had seen his knot before, but that didn't even cross my mind, as it barely got past his sheath any time I had seen it, I disregarded it. What a mistake that was, or was it..... God his cock felt good in my sopping pussy, faster and faster his cock was pounding into me when I started feeling the knot, like a small fist punching me, it took him three tries and it popped into me, "DAMN BART!!" I yelled as he knotted me. His fucking got even faster,  my head was spinning from the royal fucking I was getting, I came like never before. Bart wasn't finished yet and he rammed his dog cock into me like a punching bag, when I felt his cum spill into my pussy, it was so hot, I couldn't believe the feeling. It was so much warmer than the cum on my belly. I reached between my legs but couldn't feel any cum there, his knot prevented that. I went to touch my clit by found I was too sensitive for any clitoral stimulas. Bart kept pumping into me for a few more minutes until his knot softened enough to pull out of me. Bart went to the other side of the couch and just licked himself clean. Bastard left me just like the other fuck. But I knew Bart would be there tomorrow and the next day as well.......


mandawg on Animal Stories

 This story is about a missionary family who travel to a far away jungle tribe and become embedded in their ritual called Nite Of The Pigs. The women (Mom, and 2 daughters) are subdued, and offered as sacrifice to the wild boar hog gods, and even more than that happens for sure!!


 Nite Of The Pigs:

                               A story of jungle tradition:   

  A story about a missionary family who arrive at a jungle tribes village
and the females become the tribes offerings to the god of the pigs.

    Now Louis43, and his wife Ellen40, and 2 daughters,Sara19,and Marie18,
arrived at the tribes village after several days of solid trecking through the
jungle with thier guide Jungue who himself was a member of the tribe

my trip to the vet part 4 of 4

usafslut1 on Animal Stories

A few moments later his dick was within reach, I put my tongue out and the red tip ran across my out stretched tongue. It sent shivers right back to my over-stretched pussy. I opened my mouth and let his penis inside. I felt the damn thing grow inside my partially closed mouth. It kept getting bigger and longer. At that moment I realized what an idiot I had been. His fur was near my mouth which meant that there was nowhere for his foot long dick to go but inside my throat. I don’t know how big he had gotten but my mouth was pretty full. A moment later he started humping my face. At first I was Ok, but then he trusted and I gagged. I relaxed and was Ok, but the same thing happened about every few thrusts. This was not being fun anymore. I pushed my head up into h

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is chest and pushed and he took a few steps back. I was finally OK again and had about 6 inches in my mouth. I was getting face fucked by the Dane for a few minutes when I felt a weird feeling in my pussy and the next thing I felt was Shep’s ball coming lose from my pussy. It felt great for a moment, and then there was nothing. I felt like my pussy was wide open. Suddenly I felt the rush of cum pouring down my thigh. 

The Dane must have smelled it as he started pumping my mouth harder and again I was gagging. I moved my head to the side to get him out a little, but for some reason at the angle I was now at, I wasn’t choking and I could feel him way down my throat- now I had to concentrate on breathing.


Without notice I start to fart. But it wasn’t from my butt, it was from my pussy. It must have scared the Dane or something as he backed off of me. My legs where still a little frozen but I was able to crawl.  The Sheppard was now on the other side of the pen. I was still moving and the pussy farts wouldn’t stop. I was starting to laugh and was embarrassed.  The Dane finally came around my behind to check me out I guess. I was stupid again just for that one moment and didn’t move away from him. That was all it took, he was up behind and on top of me.


Just like the first time he mounted me; I felt his wet dick sliding up my butt crack and again I hopped that he would just do that. Of course he shifted and just like the last time he hit my butt hole. I figured I better shift and let him get it over with and try not to let him into my pussy too deep if I could help it. His next poke hit my butt hole again, but this time he didn’t retract, he trust right from there and a few inches when into my ass. I started to scream, “no, no, you can’t” but he could care less and I felt my butt tear a little as he started to pump me. More and more of him entered my dark hole and I tried to drop to my belly, but somehow that hurt where he was hitting inside me as I was dropping and I quickly moved back up.  I felt more and more of him enter my ass and then just started pounding me. After a couple of minutes of crying and screaming something wild happened. I start to pant, but it wasn’t from crying. I couldn’t figure it out.  I was getting horny again. I was starting to like the feeling. “How could this be possible” I asked myself. I never thought about anal sex as getting a girl off, just the guy. But I was feeling better and better, and for some reason, without my pussy even being touched, I was heading for about my twelfth climax. As I started to get more excited I felt him going in even further, the lube from his dick sprinkling kept my hole wet and feeling good. I sure wasn’t worried about his ball going inside my tight hole, but I was amazed when I felt it hit my hole. I ducked my head down to see how far up his shaft the ball had gone and gasped when I saw it hadn’t moved up yet- I had his entire dick inside me.  I guess the thought of that was all it took and I started to cum. It was different from cumming from my pussy or clit, it was actually more intense and I almost started to howl. I heard myself and stopped for a moment in fear that with all this dog sperm in me that I was becoming one. 


My fear soon ended and my climax continued as the Dane’s huge dig kept pumping my virgin ass. I few minutes later the ball was hitting my hole and he retraced a bit from that happening. I was still cumming like crazy when I felt his load fill my ass. He was still pumping and all the cum made it feel even better and I got off one last climax before he pulled his long pole out of me.


Again I could not stand and I wondered if I would ever be able to walk again.  I moved along the floor on all fours and went over to the big Dane. He was cleaning off his dick, but a few moments later he stopped. I lied down next to him and put my head on his chest and fell asleep.


I don’t know how long I was sleeping when I started dreaming of  a man who kept telling me to suck his cock. He kept saying it and then I awoke and realized it was not a dream. I looked over my shoulder and there was the Vet. He was in jeans and tee shirt and he had his dick in his hand. His hand was stoking up and down his pole.  I tried to cover up, but there was noting around and the towel was dirty and wet.


“Hey pretty one; come over here and suck my cock and I will let you out.” He said. It took me a second to realize where I was and remember what I had done.  “Why would I want to do that?” I asked.  “Because from the look of cum on your ass and legs you obviously are a little slut, and I could use a blow job.” I just sat there watching him stroke his dick, it was big but nothing like the Dane’s.


“Would you rather I fucked you up the ass, like one of these dogs obviously did?” He asked next. I looked back and asked “Is it morning? Did my mom call you?”  He smiled and said “it’s about 1:00, I haven’t heard from your mom, but I wanted to see how you were doing.” I noticed his words were being slurred and as I looked his eyes were glazed. 


“You knew I was here all this time?” I asked. “Yes, I figured you could use sometime with your dog. I went for a drink and met a nice or should I say a naught girl, I forgot all about you till she left my place and I was getting into bed. I came over right away, but seeing you lying there naked with your red pussy lips and cum oozing out of your ass, got me all excited again.  So if you want me to let you out now, get back on your hands and knees and come suck me off, or I will leave and come back in the morning with your mother and catch you here in the pen with the dogs. The choice is yours.” He explained.

I figured this day would never end if I didn’t do him, so I  crawled over, took his dick in my mouth for only a few minutes and he shot his load down my throat.


He did as he promised and let me out and brought me home, after he watched me shower in his office.

Forced In...

gbw_dl on Animal Stories

--------THIS IS A FICTION STORY-----------

You must be at least 18 years of age to read this. Enjoy!

My email is if you like it or want me to write a second story please let me knoW!

One day i was checking my email when i had recieved a message about a free fourwheeler i had won through a sweepstakes, it seemed to be pretty legitimate. I decided to take the offer after long consideration. I replied to the email accepting the offer and then with a return email i got the directions. Well the nest day came and i didnt want to tell anyone where i was going. Well the next day came and i didnt want to tell anyone where i was going, in fear that it would be a scam and then i would be mocked by the people i told. This plac

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e was in the middle of no-where, in kansas, and even with my directions i still had trouble finding the place. Finally i found the entrance to the farm, and it was a huge farm, the driveway alone was a mile and a half long. i pulled up to the farm and i was flagged to go to barn 4 out of 5. i parked my car outside the barn, and waltzed in. feeling excited to get this new fourwheeler. I was met by a man named Jake, and he shook my hand and introduced himself with a re-assuring smile. we got aquanted, and he could see my anxiousness to move on. Jake said, "well, of course i have a little bit of paper work to be filled out, pretty routine." i replied, "sure, just show me where to sign!". Jake, handed over the terms of agreement, and i signed the dotted line. Jake said" well just follow me over to barn number 3, thats where your fourwheeler is, and oy yes, here is the key to the quad!" "Sweet" i practically shouted. and followed him over to barn 3. it was back in the threes of the farm and we finally saw barn 3. i walked ahead of Jake, and opened the barn door, and saw my new fourwheeler, Jake said that he was going to go grab the owner manual and i walkedd over to the fourwheeler, and was in awe that this was now mine. i saw Jake comming back but really payed no attention to him, finally Jake said," Turn Around." i turned around to see what the comotion was, and a wierd looking gun was pointed at my neck. I hurd a "WHHHHHPHHHHHHHH" and then a stinging feeling in my neck, i fell to my knees, and rubbed my neck, and then felt a dart sticking partially in my neck. I awoke in a horse stall with nothing on except a shock collar that was locked around my neck. i jumped up and ran to the stall door that had me caged in. i pounded on it and yelled "HELP!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" as loud as i could. No one came, i noticed a surveilence camera in the top corner but i could not reach it. i came to terms that i was trapped in here like an animal. as i was laying there i was about to fall asleep and then i herd the barn door open. i jumped to my feet and ran to the stable door and looked between the bars. i saw that it was Jake. I yelled, "WHAT THE FUCK AM I DOING HERE, WHAT DO YOU WANT WITH ME!!!!!!!!!!!!" Jake tried to calm me down, but i was being irrate, finally Jake shouted, "SHUT THE FUCK UP!!!" i was immediatly shocked and shut my mouth. Jake said, "Now, thats better. You are probably wondering why you are in one of my stables in the horse barn. Here is why." he tossed me a copy of the agreement i signed earlier for the "fourwheeler". he took the liberty of highlighting the area he wanted me to read. i read it and then it felt like my stomach dropped. I signed a document to become legel property of Jake, and be a Horse Sex Slave. Jake smiled ear to ear and said" Ever been fucked before?" i shook my head no. he said " LETS GO BITCH", and opened up the stall door, and i noticed a remote in his hand. i backed up to the very back end of the stall and said im not going with you. when i did that Jake said, "Fine, the hard way". and he pushed the button on the remote. it activated the shock wave for the collar i was wearing. i fell to the floor and jumbled around a little bit, and then my bladder emptied itself. i laid there still for a second. i slowly came back up on my feet. Jake said, "shall we try this again?" and i walked out of the stall and followed him to a stall across the barn. he unlocked it and slid the door open. the only thing in there was a saw-horse looking thingy with straps on it. Jake said, "Get in there and lay down with your belly on the long part of the saw-horse", i reluctantly did as told. as i laid there Jake came in the stall behind me and strapped my feet the the legs of the saw-horse, and then my back and finally my arms. to sum it up for you i was exposed in the receiving end of a doggie style position(not on my knees though). Jake then walked around to my face and put a ball gag in my mouth. I knew what was up next. Jake said, "be back in a sec." it was about a minute and 30 seconds and then i herd the clatter of hooves. my heart sank as i saw this stallion being marched in. Jake closed the stall door and then tied the horse up in front of me. he did me the favor of lubing up my ass-hole then he put some mare in heat stuff around my ass cheeks. as jake was doing this he said " This horse here has a huge cock, he likes to fuck mare bitches, to him, all you are is a mare in heat that needs to have a seed planted in her." as soon as Jake was done, i could see that the studly stallion could smell that stuff, and its cock grew right before my eyes. My eyes widened as much as the horses cock grew. Jake Set up a camera right side with my ass cheeks. i herd the camera beep, i assumed he started recording. Jake walked around the horse and untied him. The horny stallion ran behind my immediatly and did what nature instructed him to do. i felt his big horse legs wrap around my waist, and then he thrusted foward, and missed my ass hole, he jabbed a few times, and the whole time he was doing this i was feeling the head of his dick hit the outside of my leg, and i could picture this huge thing trying to fit in my ass. "OOOOOMMMMMMMMMM" i grunted through my ball gag, the stallion hit his target with one deep thrust. he started thrusting steadily. each thrust hurt as much as the last one.i continued to grunt with pain, and then after a little bit, the pain subsided into pleasure. i looked at Jake, and could see that he was Masturbating. I recall hearing him whisper "fuck that little bitch, fuck him hard". my own cock started hardening, by now, the horse was so deep in my fuck hole, that i could feel his big cum filled sack slapping up against ,y butt cheeks. i was really enjoying myself, feeling used, knowing that now my only use in life is to be fucked by horses, thats all im good for. I remember felling his cock grow inside of me and i knew what this meant. I felt his cum flood into my hungry hole. it was so full that i could feel it dripping down my legs and i could hear it hitting the hay on the floor below me. This caused me to blow my load too. i was exausted. when the horse pulled his sowlen dick out of my fucked hole, it was like uncorking a bottle of champagne. i laid there still bound, used, and filled. i know had horse seed floating around inside me. Jake left me there for the rest of the day to marinade in horse cum.