Molly's First Time
"Ok sweetie, dinner will be ready when you get back," her mom called back to her.
Slithering Surprise
This story is about a 15 year old girl named Emily. Emily is a 9th grader at her school. She has one brother named David, who is 17. She is 5'8", average weight long brown hair, blue eyes, tan, smooth skin, decent sized boobs, and an ass that every boy stared at as she walked by.
It was 6th period. Everyone was tired and ready to go home, including Emily. The tea
My Dog And Me
My Daughter Teaches Her Dog a New Trick!
I am sitting in the kitchen having a nice cold lemonade when my
daughter Amy pulls open the sliding door and comes in with her
dog "Damien". We selected Damien because both of us love big
"Great Dane" dogs. He stands about six feet tall when he is on
his back legs and probably weighs more than her. Anyway, Amy
runs over to the middle of the kitchen
A neigbors dog; my ONLY FREIND!
I was young, and a bit naive, but very curious about sex. Also, I felt I was not loved, basically. No one would teach, or show me things! Teddy, one of my paperroute subscribers' dog was always friendly with me! He'd follow me, while I was on my bike, delivering papers. I was always afraid he'd get hit by a car or something. Sometimes he would jump up an
Gina Learns to Farm
I Seduce my Daughter's Dog Using Peanut Butter.
My daughter "Amy" and I are laying naked on the couch while we
watch television. I am behind her with my head propped up on a
pillow. She loves it when I kiss the nape of her neck while I
run my left hand up and down her slender young body. After a
while she sits up, then turns around and lays back down so she
is facing me. We begin tongue kissing eac
My Daughter Really Loves Her Horse! Literally!
It is really hot today, so I am sitting on the back porch
watching my daughter Amy washing her horse "Brute" over by the
barn. She gets him nice and wet, then applies soap and brushes
him good. Brute turns all white for a while, then Amy hoses him
down and brushes him again. Amy got her clothes damp from
washing him, so she strips naked and throws her
I would not believe a dog could seduced me.
I was doing some work at my computer and from my first floor office I noticed my neighbour sunning herself naked by her pool. She often sunbakes naked either alone or whith her husband. I have often joined them and done it with them myself. Unbeknown to her I have even let her husband try my honeypot a couple of times when she has been away. He is great and while my husband is overseas I need a little bit of real manhood pleasure apart from using my fingers.
This day I notice she had her dog with her and it is a big alsation. They keep it more as a guard dog than a pet. It always bothered me as it is looks quite viscious when strangers are about. The dog was sniffing about her and before my eyes she started to play with its cock and actually masturbated it which it obviously
Jane's Story - Mom's Black Lab Toby
I had just come home from school. Dad and Mom were still at work, they wouldn’t be home until six. I was trusted at home alone after school, but I had to make sure every door and window was locked. Today was late gym class, I was sweaty and wanted to take a quick shower before doing my homework. But first I had to let Toby, our black lab, out, he had been cooped up since I left for school. He ran out into the back yard and pissed on his favorite tree. Then he comes loping back, wanting to get back into the house. I let him in, then I went to my room.
My Daughter Enters Her Dog in Competition.
you up to date. My daughter Amy and I both love large "Great
Dane" dogs, so about a year ago we bought a six month old male
and named him "Damien". A few months ago, my daughter and I
started noticing that Damien would get an erection whenever he
saw us walking around the house naked. One thing led to another
and now my dau
A Labs Desire
When I was almost 16, I had my first sexual experience with a boy my age. Let's face it, it was quick, it hurt and I was certainly unfulfilled by his 5 inches. He came all over my belly, and other than passing him in the halls at school, he never saw me again. It did however, start a yearning within me that continued to build through the months.
I was about 5'6", 125 lbs, shoulder length brunette hair, with a size 34b nice fitting bra, at the time. With a mild complexion, I must admit that the boys were fond of me but I didn't get too many hits from any of the boys at school. I was depressed that no one was interested in me as someone that was dateable. Each day I would come home, finish school work a
This story is about a missionary family who travel to a far away jungle tribe and become embedded in their ritual called Nite Of The Pigs. The women (Mom, and 2 daughters) are subdued, and offered as sacrifice to the wild boar hog gods, and even more than that happens for sure!!
Nite Of The Pigs:
A story of jungle tradition:
A story about a missionary family who arrive at a jungle tribes village
and the females become the tribes offerings to the god of the pigs.
Now Louis43, and his wife Ellen40, and 2 daughters,Sara19,and Marie18,
arrived at the tribes village after several days of solid trecking through the
jungle with thier guide Jungue who himself was a member of the tribe
my trip to the vet part 4 of 4
A few moments later his dick was within reach, I put my tongue out and the red tip ran across my out stretched tongue. It sent shivers right back to my over-stretched pussy. I opened my mouth and let his penis inside. I felt the damn thing grow inside my partially closed mouth. It kept getting bigger and longer. At that moment I realized what an idiot I had been. His fur was near my mouth which meant that there was nowhere for his foot long dick to go but inside my throat. I don’t know how big he had gotten but my mouth was pretty full. A moment later he started humping my face. At first I was Ok, but then he trusted and I gagged. I relaxed and was Ok, but the same thing happened about every few thrusts. This was not being fun anymore. I pushed my head up into h
Forced In...
--------THIS IS A FICTION STORY-----------
You must be at least 18 years of age to read this. Enjoy!
My email is gbw_dl@yahoo.com if you like it or want me to write a second story please let me knoW!
One day i was checking my email when i had recieved a message about a free fourwheeler i had won through a sweepstakes, it seemed to be pretty legitimate. I decided to take the offer after long consideration. I replied to the email accepting the offer and then with a return email i got the directions. Well the nest day came and i didnt want to tell anyone where i was going. Well the next day came and i didnt want to tell anyone where i was going, in fear that it would be a scam and then i would be mocked by the people i told. This plac