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ReleaseMe77 Member Since April 28, 2012

My Mom and I

Morgen on Incest Stories

To start out, I'm a 28 year old woman, I'm from a small farm town in the Midwest. Growing up, I was taught how to masturbate at 14 by my childhood friend, we'll call her Helen. She had been doing it since she was taught by her older sister. We'd lie side by side, stroke ourselves, and enjoy the sight of each other getting off.

fun with bro

haverhilluk on Incest Stories

Hi, my name is Lisa, I'm 22, I've got brown hair, hazel eyes, I'm slim - about 110 lbs and 5'6 tall, I have been told several times that my best features are my tits, I'm a 36c with rather large nipples. My story starts about 7 years ago when I was just a very shy, naïve teenager who up till then had no experience of sex, sure I used to think about sex a lot, most of my friends had boyfriends, I would hear of their experiences and sometimes when lying in bed at night I would play with myself to relieve the frustrations I had.

It's not that I didn't have offers of dates from boys, I was just too shy to take them up, I lived with mom and dad and my brother Chris, we had a house very close to the beach and during the summer vacation I spent a lot of time there, Chris was almost

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two years older than me, and unlike me he had many girlfriends. One day Chris asked me if I wanted to go to a beach party he was invited to, I jumped at the offer, this was the first time Chris had ever included me in any of his plans, that evening before we left home Chris warned me that there would be a lot of booze there and suggested I went easy, "You are not used to drinking and I don't want to have to carry you home" he told me. I wore a skimpy bikini with a long wrap around skirt, looking in the mirror, seeing the way I was dressed made my body quiver with excitement.

I had a great time, looking back it was probably the drinks that made me open up, that evening I decided I was going to let myself go, have a good time and enjoy myself. I kissed several of the guys there, some of them when getting me alone tried to take things further, I didn't mind them feeling my tits, to be truthful I probably encouraged them too much, I was actually flaunting myself in front of them, but when one of them tried to get his hand between my legs I firmly said NO! I didn't want things to go that far!

I didn't really realise what was happening when, later in the evening I ended up behind a sand dune with two of them, they were all over me, I tried to make them stop but they wouldn't listen, they soon had my bikini off and their hands were all over me, feeling and squeezing my tits, kissing me, I tried to keep my legs tight together, I felt their hands around my pussy and struggled, "Please stop!" I screamed out.

They laughed, "C'mon Lisa, you know you want it, you've been begging for it all night, tell us you want it Lisa, tell us you want us to fuck you!"

"No! You've got it wrong, please stop! Please! I don't feel very well, I think I'm going to be sick!" I heard Chris calling my name - he was looking for me! They probably realised they had gone too far.

"Ok Lisa, we're sorry, we thought it was what you wanted" they said and quickly left, a couple of minutes later Chris found me there, still naked, crying. I told him what had happened, he put his arm around me and hugged me tight.

"I told you not to drink too much" he said.

"You won't tell mom or dad will you Chris? Please promise me you won't!" I sobbed.

"Of course I won't" he said, "Now let's get you dressed and I will take you home"

I felt a bit embarrassed putting my bikini on with Chris watching me, then Chris put his arm around me to steady me and we made our way home, half way there I said I felt sick, we sat on the sand, I started to feel very cold, Chris again put his arm around my shoulders and pulled me close, I looked at him, "Thanks Chris" I said, "If you weren't there tonight they might have...."

"Lisa, It's all over now, just be more careful in the future, I won't be around to look out for you for ever"

"Yes, I know that but still....., thanks Chris" I leaned over towards him and kissed him on the lips, nothing more than just a peck but that was the first time our lips had met, we looked at each other, then I kissed him again, this time our lips stayed together for longer.

Chris started to pull me closer to him, I felt his tongue probing at my lips, I opened my lips and his tongue started to explore my mouth, both our tongues touching, we broke away, neither of us knowing what to say, It seemed we both knew we had done something we shouldn't have done, we both felt guilty yet looking back all we had done was to kiss.

Chris broke the silence, "C'mon, we had better get home, it's getting late" He helped me up and we walked home, as we did he held me again, this time his arm around my waist, his hand resting on my hip. Luckily I managed to get to bed before mom or dad saw me, as I lay there I thought of my kiss with Chris, It was nice - very nice! Much better than the kisses I had from the other guys, I fell asleep dreaming about it.

Next day I woke up with a hangover, after a shower I felt much better, later in the afternoon while I was sitting on the beach wearing my bikini when Chris came and sat next to me.

"Hi Lisa, how do you feel today?" he asked, I said I was ok, "Lisa, about last night, you know....when we kissed, well...I just wanted to tell you...well, I know I shouldn't say this but, it was...nice!" he looked a bit embarrassed by what he had just told me.

I smiled at him, "I enjoyed it as well Chris, it felt kind of...special!"

"Well, what I was thinking Lisa was..." he stopped talking, it seemed he couldn't bring himself to carry on.

"Do you want to kiss me again, is that what you are trying to say?" I asked him,

"Yes, would you let me?" he asked, I stood up and reached out my hand.

"Come with me" I said, we walked to a secluded spot and sat down, "Ok, kiss away big brother" I told him, we kissed as we did the night before, our tongues touching, kissing deeply, Chris had one arm around my shoulders, the other on my hip, slowly the hand on my hip started to move upwards over my bare skin, gently stroking over my stomach, then upwards a little more till his hand brushed against my bikini top, I knew Chris wanted more.

"Chris, do you want to play with my tits!" I asked him, hearing what I had said he darted his hand under my top, pushing it up over my tits, he squeezed my firm young tits, he played with my now hard nipples, rolling them between his fingers, I lay back on the sand, he next to me, we were still kissing, now with more passion, then he started to kiss, lick and suck on my tits, I lay back, moaning with the pleasure I was feeling from the attention he was giving to my tits.

I wanted more, "Do you want to play with my pussy?" I asked.

"Are you sure Lisa, is that what you really want, I mean, you're a virgin aren't you?"

"Yes, I'm sure, I want you Chris, I want you to make me a woman, and I want you to fuck me!" I told him, he went down between my legs, he took hold of my bikini pants and pulled them down exposing my pussy, he used his tongue and licked along my pussy lips which made me groan and moan out loud, darting it deep into my wet cunt, then he slid a finger into my virgin cunt poking it, then two, then more getting deeper and deeper until his fingers took my virginity.

It hurt a little and I screamed out, this must have been the first time he had been with a virgin because when he saw the juices and blood run from my cunt he stopped his fingering and asked me if I was ok, "Don't stop Chris, please it feels so good! I want you inside me Chris, I want to feel your dick inside my cunt" He stood up, pulled the shirt over his head and undid his pants, his hard dick sprung out, it was pretty big, about 7 inches long I would guess.

"Can I touch it Chris? I've never touched a dick before" I told him, he knelt beside me and I reached out and took hold of his throbbing dick, he was very hard, I noticed some clear liquid seeping out of it and used my thumb to smear it around the top, I knew that some girls actually sucked on a guys dick prior to getting fucked.

"Do you want me to suck it Chris? Would you like that?" I asked, "Yes please Lisa, suck on my dick" he groaned, not knowing exactly what to do I just started to lick it, it must have felt good for Chris because his moaning increased.

"Put it in your mouth and suck it" he instructed, I took the end in my mouth. I had to open my mouth wide to get it in, then doing what he said I started to suck it, he put his hands on top of my head and gently pushed down making me take more of him, "That's it, now go up and down on it, yes like that, keep on sucking, go deeper, try to get more in," my 'teacher' instructed, he was moaning how good it was, I wanted to do a good job, I wanted to please my brother.

"That's good Lisa, Oh it feels so good, don't stop" I felt his dick start to get very hard in my mouth, it started to throb and twitch, "I'm cumming Lisa, I'm going to cum" I didn't really know what to do so I carried on sucking, then with a big lunge Chris emptied his cum into my mouth.

I was a bit startled as it shot out, I choked a little as it hit the back of my throat and instinctively swallowed, it tasted salty, not unpleasant, I swallowed as much as I could, some dribbled out and ran down my chin, but I carried on gently sucking until Chris pulled out of my mouth and we both lay back on the sand hugging, kissing and cuddling each other.

"That was great Lisa, that was the best blowjob I have ever had, I love you Lisa, You do know that don't you?"

"I know you do Chris, and I love you too, now if you can get your dick hard again I still want you to fuck me, I want you to be the first!" It didn't take long for Chris to get his dick hard again, he knelt between my legs and rubbed his dick along my pussy lips, then slowly and gently he slid his dick inside my wet cunt, I wrapped my legs around his back as he fucked me, "That's so good Chris, fuck me harder, deeper" I told him, he continued to pump his dick into me, I looked up at my big brother, seeing him there fucking me made me feel so good, this was the happiest day of my life, I didn't want it to end then I felt it - my first real orgasm, my body started to shake, I felt warm all over, "Oh it feels so good, Fuck me Chris, Fuck me!"

Again I felt his dick start to swell, I knew he was ready to cum, I didn't want to take any chances "Pull out and cum over my tits" I said, he did as I asked and straddling my stomach he spurted his hot cum over my tits, neck and face, then as it was still oozing out he used his dick to rub his cum into my nipples. We both lay there for some time, kissing, touching, playing with each other till we eventually got dressed and headed home.

So, that was how my brother Chris became my first lover, over the next couple of years we had sex regularly, we both had our own boyfriends / girlfriends but whenever we wanted to, we would fuck! I became more confident with myself, I started to dress more sexily, and I gradually became a different person.

When I was 18 I met Paul, he was kind, caring, gentle guy and after 6 months we got married, for the first year of our marriage things were great but one night he came home late, he had been drinking and I could smell perfume all over him - he had been with another woman, of course at first he denied it but eventually he confessed and told me everything in detail. He said he loved me and that the woman he had sex with didn't mean anything to him - it was only sex he said, that night when he was downstairs sleeping on the couch I decided that two could play at that game, if it was ok for him then it should be ok for me!

I decided that on Friday night I would get myself looking sexy and go out and have some fun, I phoned Chris and asked if he fancied a night out on the town, he told me he had arranged to go out with a mate who was feeling a bit down and needed cheering up, he said I would be welcome to join them if I wanted. I had a long bath, shaved my pussy smooth and got ready.

I chose a black short skirt and jacket, buttoned up it looked fairly formal but unbuttoned a little, it was a different story, underneath I wore a black quarter cup bra that pushed my tits up, exposing my very hard, erect nipples, I put on a black stocking top, it fitted like a second skin, my tits easily seen, I finished the outfit off with black stockings with lacy tops, suspenders and a pair of high heeled shoes, I didn't bother with panties, just knowing I wasn't wearing any made me feel very horny!

I told Paul I was going out with a girlfriend, he wasn't very happy when he saw how I was dressed - too bad I thought! I got a cab and went to meet Chris and his friend. They were already at the club when I arrived, Chris introduced me to Tony, "I didn't know Chris had such a good looking sister!" he told me, for the next hour we drank, laughed, had a great time.

I had by now unbuttoned my jacket a little so that whenever I bent forward it gaped open allowing the boys to have a good view of my tits through my see through top, I made a point of sitting so that my skirt rode up exposing my stocking tops. Tony was trying to 'chat me up' probably thinking he had a good chance seeing the only other guy with us was my brother - Chris.

I danced with both of them, as I danced I could feel their hard dicks pressing into me, Tony steered me into a dark corner and as we kissed he groped my tits and slid his hand under my skirt, "Not here Tony" I told him, "Wait till later" I said pushing his hand away. Chris suggested we all went back to his place and have a few more drinks there, "we could pick up a takeaway on the way home" he said, Tony seemed very happy with the idea so off we went.

In the cab on the way home Tony put his arm around me, seeing there was no objections from me he went that bit further, he put his other hand on my knee, stroking my stocking clad leg, I turned to him and we kissed deeply.

When we arrived at Chris's flat I took off my jacket, my tits and nipples easily seen through my top, "You look very sexy tonight Lisa," Chris said, Tony must have thought it strange hearing Chris say something like that to his sister, he looked a little bewildered.

"You two are brother and sister aren't you?" he asked, both me and Chris laughed, Chris came over to me and cupping my tit he kissed me.

"Yes Tony, we are but we are lovers too, Lisa and I have been having sex for years now - does that shock you?"

Tony seemed amazed, "Hell no, it's cool with me - do you want me to leave?" he asked.

I went over to him and kissed him, "No Tony, I don't want you to leave, tonight Tony I want you and Chris to fuck me, would you like that Tony? Do you want to fuck me Tony?" I asked, he pulled me close and kissed me, his hand cupped my tit, squeezing it, Chris came up behind me, his hand went under my skirt, I opened my legs and he fingered my cunt.

They sat me down on the sofa, Tony kissed and played with my tits while Chris knelt in front of me, he unzipped my skirt and pulled it off, then opening my legs wide he started to lick and kiss my smooth pussy, darting his tongue into my wet cunt, Tony pulled my top up over my head and unclipped my little bra, he sucked hard on my nipples making me moan and groan with pleasure, I needed dick, all I had left on were my stockings and suspenders, "Right, its about time you two stripped!" I said, Tony's dick was about the same size in length as Chris's but much fatter.

They both stood out hard, I knelt on the floor with them standing each side of me and in turn sucked on their dicks going from one to the other, they had a tit each to play with, both of them tweaked on my nipples as I sucked their dicks, I tried to take them both into my mouth at the same time but could only manage to take the ends, it felt so good having two different dicks to suck on.

Tony laid me back on the floor, he got down between my legs and took his turn at licking out my cunt, he fingered me deeply, his fingers sliding easily into my wet cunt, Chris was still getting his blowjob, his dick buried into my mouth, sliding down my throat.

"I want you to fuck me Tony" I told him.

"Fuck me hard!" he positioned himself and rubbed his dick over my pussy lips, then he slowly entered me until he was deep inside me, he started off fucking me gently - TOO Gently, "I want you to fuck me hard, hard and deep" I told him, he did as I asked and lunged into me as hard and as deep as he could, it felt so good, I was moaning and screaming with pleasure as he fucked me, we changed positions with me getting on all fours.

Chris took his turn at fucking me, Tony had to make do with a deep throat blowjob - I didn't hear him complaining! Chris reached under me as he fucked me and played with my swinging tits, he fucked me so deep and hard - he knew what I liked! I had never been fucked in the ass, it was something I was a little wary of, I guess I thought it would hurt too much, I had seen girls taking dicks up their ass holes in videos and had often thought about doing it, I decided that tonight I would try it.

"Finger my ass hole Chris, finger it while you fuck me" I asked him, Chris used his saliva as lubrication, that and the juices that were dripping out of my wet cunt and gently, very gently he slid a finger into my virgin ass hole, it did hurt a little at first but I soon got used to it as my ass hole began to loosen up and stretch a little, it didn't take long before he had two fingers in me and as he pumped his dick into my cunt he finger fucked my ass hole.

"Chris, I want Tony inside my cunt and I want you to fuck my ass" I told them, Tony lay on the floor, I straddled him and lowered myself down on to his stiff dick, I leant forward so he could suck on my tits as I bounced up and down on him, Chris positioned himself behind and then I felt his dick probing my ass hole, he pushed a little and I felt it slide in, it felt so tight but so good! He took it slowly at first, then gradually started to speed up, getting deeper, fucking me harder and harder until they were both pumping into me as hard and as deep as they could.

"Yes, that feels so good!" I told them, Tony said he was ready to come so they both pulled out, "Come here" I told him, "I want to suck you!" I knelt on the floor, I could feel Tony's dick start to twitch and throb, as I sucked him I squeezed and wanked his dick, then - "I'm cumming Lisa" he said and his dick spurted spunk deep into my mouth, I continued to suck and swallow until he was dry, his dick still throbbing, softening just a little.

"My turn" said Chris who had been watching his friend spunk into my mouth, he stood beside of me wanking his dick "Open your mouth" he said, I did as he asked, "Wider" he told me, I must have looked a sight, lying back against the sofa, legs wide open, I played with my tits as I waited with my mouth wide open for him to shoot his spunk into my mouth, I saw Tony standing there, playing with his dick, watching, the first spurt hit me on my face, splattering all over, the next was on target, right into my mouth, I swallowed what I could before the next.

I ended up with my face covered with Chris's spunk, it ran down, dripping off my chin onto my tits, I then took Chris's dick into my mouth and sucked out the rest that continued to ooze out. For the next two hours Tony and Chris fucked me many times, I took their spunk in my cunt, my ass and my mouth, eventually we were all spent, Tony thanked me for the evening, he asked if we could repeat it - I said I would think about it.

It was early morning when I got home, Paul was asleep, and so I quietly got into bed and fell asleep. Next day Paul and I had a long talk, we both agreed that we would see other people if we wanted to, Paul suggested we find another couple or some single guy's so that we could both enjoy ourselves together, I told him I thought it was a great idea - I know two guy's who would love to join us for some fun, I'll get things arranged right away (and I did, but that's another story)

My life with uncle

Jolly1 on Incest Stories

I am 23 now but this story began almost 15 years ago. It is a love story and one that continues today. My uncle (though I barely think of him as uncle now) reads all that I write, helps with editting when his memory is better than mine. If readers enjoy and want then it will become a long narration with many parts. The start is by neccesity a little slow but is neccesary to set the scene for later events.


My uncle often used to look after my sister and I when our parents went out for an evening. Other people would babysit us sometimes but sis and I always preferred uncle. He was always kind and would play games with us, something that our father would not often do.
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I remember I had just turned nine and talk among my friends at school had turned toward boyfriends and kissing. We would assess the boys in our class as to whether they were handsome or not and tease each other about who wanted to kiss who and such like. One of my friends asked me who I thought was handsome and immediately my uncle came into my mind. I told her my uncle was handsome, but that was a mistake as she told others and soon I was being teased with taunts like "Sarah loves her uncle", "Sarah wants to kiss her uncle" and so forth. It was a relief to get to the end of that day, go home and get away from it. The girls never forgot though and so next day it started all over again.

Hearing this all day did get me thinking about uncle though. He was in his forties and single since his marriage had broken up some years ago. In the time since, he never seemed to have a girlfriend. He is a tall, slim man and I did indeed think he was handsome to my young mind. He smoked heavily and I suddenly thought that kissing him would probably be horrible because of the smell of the smoke. I surprised myself, here I was thinking about kissing my uncle. I had never kissed anyone other than my parents on the cheek and here I was contemplating kissing someone else for the first time and it was my uncle. Despite thinking of his smoking and how horrid that might taste, I could not get the thought out of my mind for the next few days.

Friday came around and school finished and mother as usual picked my sister and I up from school. On the drive home she told us that father and she were going out tonight and that uncle would be looking after us for the evening. My sis and I both yelled "Hooray" and my heart was suddenly racing. All the teasing and my thoughts all week were going through my mind. My sister was excited and chattered away as she always did when uncle was coming round, not doubt at the prospect of playing games and being allowed to stay up later than usual. I should say that my sis is two years younger than I. While she chattered I sat quietly lost in my thoughts, heart racing, nervous and excited all at the same time. I must have been quiet because mum even asked if I was ok. Why was my mind racing through all my thoughts of the week? What was happening to me?

The next couple of hours passed so slow, my mind racing, my heart pounding. Twice my mother asked if I was sure I was all right. Finally we heard the sound of uncles’ car coming up the drive. Little sis rushed out to give him a hug and say hello as she always did. Sometimes I would do this too but today I found myself rooted to the spot, my heart pounding harder still, if that was possible. I even felt jealous of my sis hugging uncle. Sis came running back inside, followed by uncle who greeted mum, his sister, and said "Hi Sarah, how are you going?" to me. I muttered "Fine." and nothing more. Mum proceeded to tell uncle that I had been acting strange ever since coming out of school today and she didn't know what was up with me. Uncle just batted it off and said that I was probably just tired from a hard day at school. Mum and uncle then seemed to forget about me and talked of other things.

Mum was in the middle of preparing dinner so she and uncle chatted in the kitchen. The kitchen was open to the dining area and I sat at the table from where I could see uncle. Uncle had tossed his jacket off and just wore an old shirt and what he called his weekend trousers, a scruffy pair of loose fitting track type pants. Uncle never noticed me watching him as he talked so I was free to look at him and continue my imaginings. He did look handsome to me and I noticed that he had shaved today, he didn't always. As I noted that he had shaved I also looked at his mouth and my thoughts again swung to kissing. I realised then that I did not care so much that he smoked, I just looked at his lips and imagined what it would be like for them to kiss mine. At one point uncle came over to me, put his hand on my shoulder and asked what I was up to. I just muttered "nothing" and he wandered back to the kitchen. The feeling of his hand on my shoulder had made my heart leap and it seemed I could still feel it long after he had walked away. I liked it and felt that it had made up a little for not hugging him earlier.

In time mum asked sis and I if we wanted to come with her and pick up dad or stay with uncle. We both yelled out that we were staying and off she went. Uncle came into the lounge and sat on the sofa, asking what we were up to. Uncle always sat in the middle of the sofa, our lounge consisted of a sofa and two arm chairs. The arm chairs were where mum and dad sat so often sis and I would be sat either side of uncle on the sofa. When we sat this way uncle always had an arm round each of us. Sis immediately jumped on the sofa and snuggled up beside him. I again felt the jealousy as he put his arm around her and asked her what she wanted to do tonight. Sis of course asked if we could play a game as she always did and uncle of course asked what game she wanted to play. Sis said "I'll show you" and bolted off the couch and out the room to find the board-game she had in mind.

While she was gone, uncle spoke to me. "What about you Sarah? What do you want to do?" I just said that playing a game would be good. Uncle then asked "Aren't you going to sit with me today?" and patted the seat beside him. I really wanted to sit by him but for some reason I was afraid to, as if sitting by him would reveal to him all that I had been thinking the last few days. "Come on Sarah. Come and sit by your uncle." As if in a dream state I said "Ok" and slowly moved over to sit beside but away from him, not touching. As soon as I had sat down his arm snaked around me and he dragged me close to him. We sat hip to hip with his hand resting on my other outer hip. "That’s better." he said as sister came bounding back in the room clutching a game. "This one uncle, this one" she exclaimed. "What about you Sarah" uncle asked "Do you want to play that game?" I replied ok and sis sat on the ground to begin unpacking it. "Remember, we have to have dinner and let your mum and dad go out before we play though." uncle explained but sis carried on setting the game up anyway. So uncle and I sat on the couch while sis readied the game. I don't know why I had felt afraid to sit by uncle but now that I was here I was happy. I was very aware of his hand resting on my hip, every little movement or squeeze as he spoke. I sat there, hands clutched together in front of my chest and must have looked stupid but inside my heart was racing and I felt wonderful.

As uncle chattered away to sis, and I cuddled beside him, I realised that I was looking straight down into his lap and furthermore that my eyes were making out the outline of his package. My friends and I had talked of boys penises at times and I had seen my father in the shower before. I knew that penises where something that boys had, somehow were involved in sex and making babies but had never really thought much more about them than that. Yet here I was looking at uncles package and thinking that it looked bigger than dads'. For some reason I felt happy at the thought that uncle had a bigger penis than dad, though of course I did not know that for sure. I got a bit self conscious of where I was looking and tried to look away but invariably my eyes would flick back for a glance at all too regular an interval. Uncle never even noticed, he just carried on chatting with sis and squeezing me to him occasionally.

Sis finished with her game preparation and jumped up on the other side of uncle and she too got an arm about her. This was how we were as mum and dad walked in, nothing unusual there, they had seen this many times before. While mum finished preparing dinner, dad and uncle talked. In time mum called sis and I to ready the table for dinner and I left the side of uncle.

Dinner came and went and mum and dad readied themselves for their night out. Seemingly forever passed but finally they left for the night with final words of being good for uncle and not staying up too late. Uncle, sis and I sat down on the floor to play the board-game. My mind was only half on the game but it was still wonderful to be near to uncle and doing something with him. The game finished eventually and sis wanted to play another but uncle explained that it was getting late so maybe we should watch some TV before bedtime. That meant of course that we would be back on the sofa and I would never have complained about that. Uncle suggested that we get into our pyjamas and clean our teeth before watching so that we could just pop off to bed when we felt tired. Sis immediately peels her clothes off right there in the lounge and gets into her pyjamas. Though I had done the same many times in front of uncle without another thought, this time I felt reluctant and so got changed in my bedroom. I remember wondering as I put my nightie on if uncle would think it was pretty. I felt quite shy as I walked back through the lounge to the bathroom but this shyness was unnecessary as sis was way ahead of me and charged past, having cleaned her teeth to jump up by uncle and ask what was on TV.

Returning after cleaning my teeth I again felt a pang of jealousy to see sis cuddled up to uncles right, his arm draped around her. As I walked in front of them to sit on his left, I could see sis's panties under her little nightie and so became conscious of keeping my own nightie hem down as I again sat beside but apart from him, only once again to have his long arm drape across me and feel myself pulled tight in against him. So the three of us sat in front of TV, I realised that though I could see sis's panties as I walked in front of her, they were not visible while sitting. Somehow I felt happy that uncle could not see her panties. I didn't want uncle to see her panties, just mine. I startled myself with such a crazy thought but like it not, there was the thought and it would not go away.

Thoughts of panties also drew my eyes back to uncles' package and I seemed to look at that more than the program on the TV as if I wanted to etch the image into my mind forever. I also was not comfortable with sis still being there, I wanted uncle all to myself and hoped that she would go to bed soon as she normally went before me. It seemed like forever but finally sis declared that she was tired and going to bed. She gave uncle a hug, said good night to me and left for bed.

To my disappointment uncle got up and went outside for a cigarette and I was left counting down the moments until he returned. I must have adjusted my nightie and where to place my hands a hundred times while he was outside, trying to sit in the prettiest way I could. I wondered if uncle would even notice. In time he returned, sat myself me, slipped his arm over me and pulled me close to his side. I rested my head against the side of his chest and felt content. As uncle watched TV my eyes seemed glued to the front of his pants and my mind continued racing. I felt happy to have uncle all to myself. I must have been in a near trance as I just blurted out without thinking, "Uncle, do you have a girlfriend?" You would think that I had just asked him if he wanted a cup of tea for he just replied as if the question was nothing. "No Sarah, I don't". Perhaps emboldened I asked "Why not?" Again his response was just like any other question. "Well Sarah, I just haven't found a nice enough girl and really am too busy to look too hard right now." "Don't you like having a girlfriend Uncle?" "Of course I do Sarah, I just haven't had time for one for a while." Why I said what I said next I will never know, but I did all the same. "I could be your girlfriend."

Uncle chuckled but not in a mean way and gave me a big squeeze towards him. "Oh Sarah, how lovely. In a way you and sis are my girlfriends, you are my two most favorite girls in all the world." My mouth seemed to be working much faster than my brain at this point "But uncle, you can not have two girlfriends, you should only have one, and sis is too young." Again uncle chuckled and hugged me to him "Oh Sarah. Do you really think uncle needs a girlfriend?" Somehow I had lost my courage and resorted back to meekly saying "yes". Uncle was quiet for a moment then spoke again "Well Sarah, if you really want to be my girlfriend, then you can. But I think it’s probably a good idea not to tell anyone, especially sis. It'll be our little secret, you are my girlfriend and I am your boyfriend. What do you say?" My boldness had completely deserted me but I was still able to muster up a quiet "ok".

"Ok my pretty girlfriend, let’s have a little cuddle and watch TV before you get too tired." I felt happy to hear him call me his girlfriend and happy to hear him say I was pretty but as I sat cuddled beside him I thought nothing else had changed. He said we are girl and boyfriend but maybe he was just kidding. So I asked "Am I truly your only girlfriend?" Uncle sighed, paused a moment then spoke. "Sarah, you should know that uncles and nieces are not meant to be boy and girlfriend, that other people would get very angry if they heard such a thing. I think your mother and father would get angry too. Your uncle is too busy to look for a girlfriend so will not have one for a long time, maybe never again. So, if you really want to be my girlfriend and you promise to keep it secret from everyone else, and I mean everyone else; friends sis, mum, dad, teachers, everyone. Then and only then can you truly be my girlfriend." We were both silent for a moment, then he asked "So Sarah, what do you say? Do you still want to be my girlfriend?" Head down, I answered yes. "Sarah look at me?" When I didn't move uncle repeated the request and with his fingers under my chin lifted so that I was looking at him. "Look at me Sarah and tell me if you want to be my girlfriend?" Yes I responded. "And do you promise to keep this secret from everybody else in the world." Again my response was yes. With that, uncle took his fingers from my chin, hugged me tightly to him and said "Good, I am happy to have a pretty little girlfriend"

We sat for a while, I felt happy but still not completely satisfied that anything really had changed between us. Uncle must been thinking too for he asked "Sarah, what is it that you think boy and girl friends do?" I didn't know how to answer that and fumbled with a nothing response. Uncle asked again and eventually I got out that "They went everywhere together and held hands." Uncle responded "Yes they do that Sarah and you realise that we can not quite do that. But when we are alone we can hold hands." With that he took my hand in his. "There is something else you're not telling me though Sarah, what is it? What else do you think boy and girl friends do?" He had to ask me a number of times but in the end I said "they kiss." I felt uncle tense for a moment when I mentioned this and though his body eventually relaxed a little he was silent a moment longer. "Is there anything else Sarah that you think girl and boy friends do?" He kept at me with this question and I said some answers liking "dating" and "cuddling", the one that really floored him was when I said "making out". In the end he seemed satisfied that I had told him all I knew and fell quiet for a while. I sat against his side looking down, my eyes again focused on his lap. I thought maybe his package was a bit bigger than before but couldn't be sure. This intrigued me and I kept looking to see if it would grow before my eyes.

When uncle finally spoke, he seemed more careful, his words measured. "Sarah, I am happy that you want to be my girlfriend. You are a pretty young lady and any man would be pleased to be with you. But we must talk about this some more before we get into trouble." Eyes still looking at his crotch I asked "what trouble, uncle?" Again uncle was careful with his response. "Sarah, you know how your school and mum and dad all tell you to be wary of unknown older men, to never take gifts or accept rides and so forth?." I replied yes. "Do you know why your school and mum and dad keep telling you this." I said that "it was because I might be kidnapped." Uncle proceeded "Yes there is that Sarah, but there is also more than that. Some men will take children to do more than just kidnap them. They want to see the child with no clothes on for instance, to touch and kiss the child and do other things." I was quiet and just listening now wondering about what uncle was saying. "Sarah, there are some laws in this country to protect children from men like this, laws that send those men to jail. Until a child is older than sixteen no adult may touch or kiss them in the way a boy or girl friend might. Do you understand what I am saying Sarah." I said that I thought so but I did not really. "So Sarah, if I was to kiss you as my girlfriend and anyone else were to find out then I would be in lots of trouble and maybe even be sent to jail. I don't think you would like to see me sent to jail would you?" Of course I said no to that. "So I think Sarah, that although it is lovely that a pretty young lady like you would like to be my girlfriend, perhaps we should forget the idea so that we don't end up in trouble." I blurted out "But uncle, we won't get in trouble, we can keep it secret. No-one will ever know." Uncle gave me squeeze against him. "Sarah, you really want be my girlfriend?" "Yes uncle." Uncle sighed and was quiet for a moment. "Sarah, I really don't want to do anything to get into trouble. I will have to think about it." I was insistent, thinking that what had started out great was being lost. "We won't get into trouble uncle. We can keep it secret." "Ok Sarah, lets not talk about it anymore this night. We can discuss it next time." His final response disappointed me and though I made no move away from uncle I was sulking somewhat inside.

I sat against uncle and he held me to him in silence for some time. I think neither of us was watching the TV particularly. I felt a bit sad, that things had really not worked out that well. I think uncle sensed my feeling and my sulkiness.

In time uncle suggested that mum and dad would be home soon and that maybe I should pop off to bed before they arrived. I said ok and arose to head to bed, my head down and not very happy with the events of the evening. Uncle saw this and shifted forward to the edge of the sofa, quickly reaching out to take my hand before I moved out of range. "Sarah. How about a hug before you go to bed?" He gently pulled me toward him and that was enough for me to rush to him and throw my arms around his neck. His hands moved to my back and we held each other tight together, chins resting on each other shoulder. I felt uncle move his head back. "Sarah?" "Yes" I replied. "Look at me Sarah." I moved my head to look at uncle. Our eyes met for a second then he moved to me and I felt his lips touch mine in a short kiss before he pulled back. "You won't tell anyone, will you Sarah?" "No uncle." "Good girl." This time his lips met mine and held for a few moments. "A kiss good night for my girlfriend." My mind was in a haze, it felt wonderful to be held close by uncle and he had kissed me twice, my first kisses. "Do you like being kissed Sarah?" "Yes." " Do you want to be kissed again?" "Yes." "Ok last kiss then bed. No more ok?" "Ok." This kiss was longer again, our mouths together I felt uncles tongue flick across my lips. One of his hands stroked my hair while he kissed me. My heart was thumping in my chest, I wanted to stay in my uncles arms much longer. But all too soon he broke the kiss, gave me one last peck on the cheek and suggested I head to bed while reminding me of my promise to say nothing.

I looked down for a brief moment before turning to leave the room. But what I saw in that shortest of time I will never forget. The front of uncles’ pants was bulging out. I knew in myself that it was his penis that had grown big, very big and I knew also that it was me that had made it so. Uncle holding me and kissing me had made him grow. I thought about this and about my first kisses as I lay in bed and tried to go to sleep. I heard mum and dad arrive home and later uncles’ car leave before finally drifting off to sleep.

to be continued ......

Auntie and I

Jolly1 on Incest Stories

Auntie and I
By Jolly1

Chapter 1

It happened shortly after my twelfth birthday, my dad was in a car accident and mom was staying at the hospital with him. My father’s little sister was asked to stay with me until my dad got better. Dad had been in a coma since the accident and mom would not leave his side.

My aunt was just twelve years older than me and she was very sexy. She was a teacher at my school and all the boys had a crush on her. I had never been alone with her, but at all the family functions she always gave me a big hug. This was enough to give me an all day erection. She was blonde and had a nice set of tits, and curves in all the right places. She was the subject of many a wet dream and jack off sessions.

As the days went by my aunt May a

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nd I became closer and closer, she cooked for me and helped me with my homework. She became more casual around me and at night often watched TV with me in her night gown and robe. Truthfully I watched more aunt May than I did TV. To say she was a hot babe would be an understatement. When she leaned over I would catch a glimpse of her cleavage, when she crossed her legs I could see a little of her high thigh. I tried to hide the hard on she was always giving me. When she hugged and kissed me good night, I could smell her wonderful perfume.

I won’t bore you with all of the day to day details and get right to the point. One night when she went to kiss me goodnight the kiss changed form an aunt kissing her nephew to a more passionate kiss. It seem to go on for ever, and when it was over she was blushing red as a beet. Although I knew about sex, from the locker room talk, I did not understand the feelings rushing thru me at the time. I just knew I did not want it to end. It did end and aunt May went rushing to her room, as I slowly went to my room. As you can guess going to sleep was not possible, all of the new feeling and thoughts were racing thru my head. Lucky for me this was a Friday night and I had no school tomorrow morning so I could sleep in.

Sometime over in the morning as I lay staring at the bedroom ceiling the door slowly opened. Aunt May was standing at the door, guess she had trouble sleeping too. When she saw I was awake also, she came in and sat on the edge of my bed, and said she needed to talk to me. She told me that the goodnight kiss she had given me was not right. And when I asked her what was wrong with it she said it was not the kind of kiss an aunt should give her nephew. I told her that I liked it and could not see anything wrong with it, she let out a long sigh and tried to explain that it was more a kiss you would give a lover not a family member. I told her that it was ok that I did love her and thought the kiss was great. She smiled at me and told me she loved me too, but it was wrong of her to love me like that, and then she started to cry. I got out of bed and stood in front of her and hugged her to me, smoothing her hair and trying to comfort her. She wrapped her arms around me and cried against my chest for a few minutes.

When she stopped crying she looked up at me and I bent down and kissed the tears from her face. Thinking back I think that act of tenderness finally broke her resistance. She pulled me to her and gave me a tender kiss that turned into a kiss of passion. She pulled me onto the bed next to her, our bodies were against each other and it was then I realized that she had only a thin night gown on and I had on just my jockey shorts. Her body gave off incredible heat as she kissed me on the lips and all over my face. I knew she had to feel my hard on pressed against her; there was no way to hide it now.

Then I felt her hands running all over my body and stop at the tent in my jockey shorts. I almost came when I felt her hand grasp my cock and squeeze it. Her kisses became more intense and she was pushing her tongue into my mouth. She suddenly sat up and pulled her night gown over her head, god she was beautiful. She stood up and pulled off my jockey shorts and my cock stood saluting her at full attention. She got back on the bed and we started kissing again, she placed my hands on her bare breasts, this twelve year old boy was in heaven. She reached down between our bodies and began to slowly jack off my cock, and moved one of my hands down to her hot steaming pussy. She kept her hand on mine to guide it to the right places as I was quite inexperienced in the ways of pleasing a woman. After a while she pushed me onto my back and laid on top of me, kissing me all over the face an neck at first and then slowly working her way down my chest to the object of her desire. When her lips reached my cock it felt like a hot match had touched me there. She kissed it all over and worked her way down to my balls, then I felt her tongue gliding over my balls and she licked her way back up to the tip of my cock. I was trembling with the need for release and she seemed to sense this and grasped me firmly at the base of my cock. Then she slid her lips over the head of my cock and swirled her tongue around it. She then began to take more and more of my cock in her mouth until she had it all down her throat, like she was trying to swallow my dick. She slowly started bobbing her head up and down while moving her tongue around my dick; I withered on the bed in pure joy and pleasure. After a time she released the pressure on the base of my cock and I flooded her mouth with my cum and she greedily swallowed every drop.

Aunt May crawled up on the bed next to me and smiled at me, she asked me if I liked what she had done. I told her I loved it and kissed her with all of the love and affection that I felt. My hands moved to her large breasts as I kissed her lips and ears and neck. She guided me to her breasts which I started to kiss and suck like a baby that could not get enough milk. She pulled my face from her breast and asked me if I would lick her pussy, I told her I did not know how but she said she would teach me.

Aunt May spread her legs and let me get my first look at a real pussy, it was red and swollen and had just a wisp of hair above the slit. She took my hand and guided it to her protruding clit and told me to start licking her here. Her pussy had a musky smell but not bad at all so I proceeded to lick her clit. I must have been doing something right because she wrapped her legs around my head and ground her pussy into my face. My fingers started to explore my first pussy and I started moving my tongue up and down her slit. I noticed she was wet and getting wetter as I lapped up the sweet nectar she was giving me. My tongue found her hole and I pushed it in as deep as I could, aunt May was going wild and trying to squeeze my brains out with her legs. I moved my tongue back to her clit and stuck my finger into that hot hole, aunt May screamed and shuddered and then stiffened like a board, and rewarded me with a flood of new nectar.

When she released my head from the death lock she had it in with her legs, I gasps for breath as her juices ran down my face. I crawled up and lay in her arms and cuddled as close to her as I could. We lay like that for a while and she pushed me on my back again, I thought she was going to suck my cock again as it was rock hard again, but instead she straddled me, she smiled at me as she reached behind her and grasp my cock guiding it to her furness of love. I could not believe the sensation as my cock entered my first pussy. It was tight and wet and hot, as it slid down my cock. When she had it all, she stopped and smiled down at me, then gave her ass a little wiggle that sent shock waves up my spine.

As she slowly started to ride my cock she leaned down so that her breasts were brushing my lips. I took the hint and began to fondle and suck the hard nipples she had offered me. She rode me for what seemed like hours, every time I felt like I was going to cum she stopped and waited for it to pass, and then she would start again. I had never felt anything like this before as I humped back at her rising and falling pussy. Then she started to move faster and faster, my cock moving in her like a piston in a high performance engine, she was bucking and shaking her head from side to side, I grabbed her waist and tried to just hang on. I felt it coming from the soles of my feet, as she pounded me I was thrusting and shooting rope after rope of cum in her, and she was flooding my cock with her hot juices.

Aunt May collapsed on me and we rolled on our sides in a bear hug that we could not release, my hard cock still deep in her. Both our bodies wet with sweat, her hard nipples boring holes in my chest, we lay looking into each others eyes, knowing this was just the beginning.

End of Chapter 1