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Knave987 Member Since April 11, 2012

satisfied by a dog

janey1113 on Animal Stories



I was just 13 when the girls at school started talking about sex. Many of them were having sex, and they were very excited to be telling us ‘Virgins’ about it. They talked about the different sizes of the ‘cocks’ that the boys had and how long they could go before they would cum ( I didn’t e

Finding Our Way Chapter One: The First Two Times (Part 2)

dannst on Incest Stories

The next three days, Mom escalated the “desensitization” process. “I want to be able to sunbathe in the yard without worrying that you might freak out.” she explained. So each day the clothes revealed more and more of her lithe 5'10” 120 pound body.

Finding Our Way Chapter Two: Experimentation (Part 1)

dannst on Incest Stories

Mom and I showered together that morning, but didn't end up doing the kind of sexual things I wanted. Despite what you may read or see in movies, the shower can be a pretty poor place for sexual activity (at least if you're in

A Wicked Truth or Dare Part I

anonyme18 on Gay Stories

This is a true story that happened to me when I was in my teenage years. In that time, we were nothing but bored teenagers with nothing to do except play videogames and drink our parent’s alcohol. My best friend Jay and I would often organize sleepovers when our parents were gone. This is in one of those nights that everything changed completely between us.

At that time, I was a 5’ 9’’ teenage

Janey's slaves part 2

janey1113 on BDSM Stories

As I went down the stairs, I wondered of all the things that I had planned for the two, in the weeks before, what do I do next??? I had my taser, and I took the shackles off of them, one at a time to go to the bathroom. I took Ann first. I led her to the bathroom, and as she sat down, I placed my hand over her pussy to feel the piss coming from her. When she started, I was surprise

The Bicycle Ride

masterb8 on Sissy Stories

    Just like many young teenage boys my body was growing taller, but it was still as thin as a twig.  Unlike many teens I was not into organized sports.  I was more of a loner and liked to ride my racing bike after school.  I wore tight fitting colorful spandex shorts and jerseys.  I imagined myself to be a European pro bike racer.  I took long solo rides into the country where I searched out deserted roads so I would not have to deal with traffic.
    On one afternoon I hurried home from school, got dressed, hopped on my bike and headed for the country.  I found a quiet back road and after I
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had ridden for about ten miles an old blue pickup truck passed me.  It was the only vehicle that I had seen.  When it disappeared up the road I was alone again.
    Shortly after I noticed the same pickup parked off the side of the road.  It was partly hidden by some bushes, but I could still see two people inside.  I continued on my way when all of a sudden the pickup roared along side of me.  Then it swerved in front and screeched to a halt.  I had to slam on my brakes to keep from hitting it and almost fell off of my bike.
    I was very shaken and tried to gather my senses.  The passenger door of the truck flew open and a man jumped out and charged at me with a knife in one of his hands.  I was terrified.  He looked to be about thirty maybe two hundred pounds and over six feet tall, a very big man.  He grabbed my left arm  and swung me around.  I slammed into the side of the truck and it knocked the wind out of me.  The man  stuck the knife blade at my throat and ordered me to get into the truck.
    I felt a panic and my legs got week.  He pushed me into the truck as the driver ran around back and threw my bike into the truck bed.  They got in on either side of me and the driver floored it.  The guy with the knife grinned at me and I could see that he was missing at least one tooth.  He held the knift to my throat with his left hand and his right hand groped my crotch.
    The driver, a fat dark skinned older man, glanced sideways and yelled, "Come on Pete. Lets see what the little faggot has between his legs."  Then this Pete guy pressed the knife point into my neck and growled at me, " Take off those fucking shorts now asshole, or you'll be dead meat on the side of the road."  His breath smelled like vomit and I began to shake.
    I tugged my  tight shorts down past my knees and the driver shot his big hairy hand between my thighs.  He squeezed my penis and I pushed back into the seat as I tried to dislodge his hand.  His elbow came up and slammed my head back against the rear window.  I felt blood run from my nose.  Pete laughed and said not to fuck with Mario because he liked to play rough.
    The truck slowed and turned onto a one lane dirt road that looked like it had not seen another car in months.  We bounced along for about a mile while the driver, Mario, pinched my penis between his thumb and forefinger.  "This fairy's got no dick Pete, I can hardly find the damn thing."   I felt my face get red. He turned into a deserted driveway and stopped the truck in front of an old abandoned house trailer.
    I was terrified by the thought of going inside the trailer, but Mario dug his fingers into my arm and dragged me to the front door.  He pulled me up the decaying wooden steps and then ripped open the door.  The three of us entered into darkness.
    We stepped on empty beer cans as we walked across the room.  Mario jerked my arm and ordered my to strip.  I could hardly think because of fear, but did as I was told.    I was barely into my teens and was still a virgin.  I didn't know a thing about gay sex to say nothing about male rape.  I stood there naked and  was scared  shitless.
    As my eyes adjusted to the dim light I saw a couple of plastic chairs and a  table and also a dirty old sofabed that was open.  Mario pushed me toward it as Pete fumbled with his pants.  He got them off and began to stroke his cock that hung halfway down his thigh.Then he came over and pushed me onto the stained mattress and told me to suck on his massive cock.  The thought of me sucking another man's penis caused me to tremble with fear.
    Mario held my head and Pete pushed his cock against my lips.  "Open", he shouted and I did.  His cock was hot and smelled like foul cheese.  "Bite me and I'll knock your teeth out", he growled.  Mario forced my jaw open wider and I gagged as Pete forced his cock into my mouth.  Suddenly I felt Mario stick a finger in my asshole and I bit down on Pete's cock.  He back-handed me across my mouth and I tasted blood.
    Mario had gotten his finger all the way into my anus and said, "Don't kill the bastard Pete , because I still want to fuck the fag".  Pete laughed and said that he wanted to fuck me first.  "Hey Mario, drive over to the liquor store and get us some whiskey". Then he added, " And get something to grease this pig's ass."   Mario replied, "OK, but don't fuck him until I get back."
    He left and I felt cold and began to cry because now I knew what they wanted to do to me.  Pete began to rub his hands over my chest and stomach.  He told me to lay back on the mattress and his hands moved lower on me.  He laughed and said that Mario was right about the size if my dick.  His big hands played with it and then he lowered his head and took me in his mouth.  He said to pay attention so that I could do the same to Mario when he got back.  He licked and sucked and I started to feel my dick swell.  The brute was turning me on as he sucked harder.  Then he stuck the tip of his finger in my ass and massaged my asshole.  Oh god, don't let me cum , I prayed.  Pete must have heard me because he stopped and said, "You cute little fairy I can't wait to put my cock in your ass."
    Just then the door opened and the light nearly blinded me.  Mario put down a bag of liquor bottles  on the table and opened his jeans.  Pete grabbed a bottle and drank half as he told Mario that I was a great cocksucker.  "Come here girlie and show daddy", Mario said to me.  He had a bottle in one hand and grabbed the back of my neck with the other one.
    His pants were gone now and his crotch was black with thick matted pubic hair.  He pulled my face down into it.  I could smell his musky odor .  His short but very thick cock was buried in it beneath his fat belly.  I stroked it and tried to remember what Pete had done to me.  "Suck me", Mario ordered and I opened my mouth.  I could feel his cock head get bigger as I sucked it.  He groaned and took a gulp from the bottle.  His hips moved in and out and he pulled my face deeper onto his hairy mass.
    Pete went over to the table and opened another bottle.  He pulled something else from  the bag.  Out of the corner of my eye I saw him fill his hand with a clear cream from a tube.  Then he walked over and shoved that hand between the cheeks of my ass.  He stuck a finger in my anus.  Then he pulled his hand away and wiped the rest on his soft, but very long cock.  My fear increased as he soon had the biggest raging hard-on that I could even imagine.   It looked bigger than my forearm and made Mario's seem puny in comparison.
    Pete saw me staring at it and an evil grin crossed his face.  "Hold onto him Mario", he said, "I'm going to open this little mother fucker's ass so wide the whole world will fit inside".  Mario leaned on me and forced my face into the mattress.  Then he grabbed my wrists in an iron-like grip and I couldn't move.  I could barely breathe.  I felt Pete spread my legs apart.  Then he reached under my hips and lifted my ass up.  I looked back between my knees and saw him kneeling there.  I tried to pull away , but they had me pinned down.
    Mario hissed, "Go on Pete, fuck the little bitch like a tied goat. Make him cry for his mommy".  Pete shoved three then maybe four of his thick fingers into my tight anus and I screamed in pain.  I could feel skin and muscle tear.  "That's it, now fuck him good and hard", cheered the drunk and sex crazed Mario.  I felt Pete"s fingers withdraw and then felt something far more terrible push against my sore asshole.
    I looked back under my dick and saw Pete tighten up to my ass.  He dug his thumbs into my ass cheeks and began to pry them apart with tremendous  strength.  Mario pushed down hard on my back and tried to get a closed look at my destruction.  Pete hunched forward and I felt the head of his massive cock forcing its way into my ass.  "Come on Pete, pop this mother fucker's cherry.  I want to see blood", shrieked the drunk and delirious Mario.
    Pete grunted and shoved and then shoved again.  Over and over.  I screamed with intense pain.  That only seemed to encourage Pete and he shoved harder still.  Tears ran down my cheeks  as Mario reached a hand under me and grabbed my hanging ball sack.  He was trying to tear my balls from my body and I shrieked.  Pain was coming from everywhere and I began to pass out.
    Then I felt Pete shove again only this time it was different.  The sharp pain was replaced with a dull feeling of fullness.  "Thats it. You're in him now", shouted Mario as he tightened his grip on my balls.  Pete began to hump faster while Mario pulled on my dick like he was milking a cow.  Pete thrust against me hard and deep and let out a loud roar.  Mario released his grip on me and moved around to get a good view.  Pete hunched me spastically a couple times and Mario hollered, "Thats it buddy, fill his little ass full".  And he did just that.
    Mario went to the table and handed Pete a bottle announcing that he deserved a drink after that show.  Pete's monster cock was still inside me as he took a long pull from the bottle.  He rotated his hips and pulled his now softening cock from my anus.  It felt like fire burned through me.
    The mattress was  soaked with sweat, tears and much cum.  Mario came over and cupped his hand under my ass and it filled with Pete's escaping cum load that was oozing from me.  He then grabbed my neck and stuck his hand under my mouth and told me to eat it.  I gagged, but opened my mouth and lapped up the cum mixed with my own blood like a dog drinks water.  He smeared the rest on my face.
    They were both drinking and laughing at the table as I lay sprawled on the sofa bed in pain and humiliation.  My young mind could not comprehend what had just happened to me.  If I thought they were finished I was terribly wrong.  Mario wanted his share now.  Before I saw it happen he had got  behind me and slapped ass my with such force that I was sure the skin had split.  He grabbed be around the neck and literally flipped me over onto my back.  "Now its my turn to fuck your little faggot ass", he spit at me.
    He grabbed both of my ankles with his powerful hands and lifted them high over my head.  My ass was lifted off the mattress.  "Grab these Pete", he called out.  Pete took hold of my ankles and pulled them back past my head.  I was now on my back with my ass up high off the mattress.  He held me tight and spread my legs apart.  Mario lubed his fat cock with the same cream that Pete had used.  He jerked his cock and grinned down at me.  Bubbles  started coming out of my ass and he laughed , "Pete, I think you gave this whore an enema with your cock".  "Just use yours like a cork in his ass", joked Pete.
    Mario's cock was hard now and he told Pete to spread my legs wide.  Then he aimed his purple headed cock at my asshole and flopped down on top of me.  "I'm going to fuck your pussy, you little cunt.  I'm going to fill you with my cum , whore", he screamed at me.  Then he dropped down on me again and his hard fat cock ripped me open and penetrated fully in one terrible instant.  Another scream escaped from my throat and things grew dark.
    He pounded at my ass like a jack hammer and I knew that his cock was fully inside me.  Pete cheered him on with glee as tears streamed down my face.  I was crying uncontrollably.  He fucked my ass without mercy.  Then he grabbed my ass cheeks in both of his huge hands and he shuddered violently.  He groaned deeply like an animal and foamed at the mouth.  He filled me with his cum just like he said he would. 
    His cock popped out of me with what sounded like a fart and  they staggered back to the table.  They sat there drinking and laughing at my misery.  It was decided that because I had such fun they would both fuck me again.  They might even keep me as a prisoner and let thier friends have a go at me.
    My asshole felt like it had been ripped apart by two runaway locomotives.  My little dick had practically shrunk into itself because all I could see was a red button that had been the head of my penis.  Everything else was in hiding.  I really can't describe my misery, it was just too awful.
    The two brutes kept drinking and laughing for nearly an hour and then things grew quiet.  I looked over and saw that Mario's head was down on his hairy chest.  Pete was sprawled across the table.  I waited for a few minutes to make sure it was safe.  I spotted a pile of Mario's clothes where he dumped them after he returned from the store.  It was getting harder to see as it grew darker and I slowly crept toward the pile of clothes.  
    Now both of my attackers were snoring and I grabbed Mario's clothes.  I crawled to the door and held my breath as I opened it about a foot.  They didn't move. so I slithered through the opening.  Once outside I searched the pockets of Mario's jeans and found the truck keys.
    My heart raced as I ran to the truck and opened the driver's door.  I expected to feel Mario's grip on my neck as the door squeaked open.  Still naked I slid inside with cum from my ass greasing the plastic seat cover.  I fumbled through the keys and tried each until one fit in the ignition.  I held my breath, said a prayer and turned the key.
    The old engine roared to life.  I thought I saw the trailer door open when I put the truck in gear.  As I spun the old pickup around I saw a naked man with a cock hanging halfway down his thigh bolt down the steps.  But he was too late.  I raced down the driveway and turned onto the dirt road.  I was free!  I thought that my nightmare had ended.

Such Beautiful Horses Pt. 3

Sultrybuxombbw on Animal Stories

My life is insane lately. I have sex as often as I can and that means usually twice a day. My husband enjoys that I need to get it so often since that means that whenever he wants it all he has to do is hint at it. Well, I drive by the place where I was used by horses everyday on the way to work and every day, I get wet thinking of it. Totally stuffed and filled by animals that would do wha they did naturally was such a hot thought for me and still is. Last week I drove to work and there was a young girl riding one of the horses and she had no saddle on it. She was trim and had long black hair. She had no bra on and her, maybe 34C breasts bounced like she had meant for them to be out there watching her which I was. I stopped the car and watched her ride around the track t

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hat was there. I could have sworn that before I stopped her nipples were not hard but now that I had they were very hard.

She pulled up the horse next to the fence where I was and said, "Hi, you are Teresa aren't you?" I was shocked but said, "Yeh, how did you know?" "My mom told me all about you." she said. "all about me?" I said. "Oh yes, everything, I saw the video." she said laughing. "You saw the video?" I said. "Yeh, she set it to me while I was away at school. Me and some friends have watched it a few times." My heart sank even more since the bar rape and all I had been hearing comments all over town about the "love of horses" I had. Her mom called out, "Connie, come on to the stable, and bring Teresa." she yelled. "Come on, get on behind me." she said and I managed to climb up. "Here, hold on," she said and put my hands on her chest. "MMmm, that feels good" she said and I moved to her hips. She laughed again. We got to the stable and her mom closed the doors behind us. She was naked as she was most of the time and she helped us down, kissing me deep and telling me to undress, that I knew the stable rules, no clothes. She helped her daughter down and they kissed deep, tongues in each other's mouths. "Oh mommy, that made me as hot as Teresa holding my tits." she said. "Good, we have a full day ahead of us, we have guests coming over and they all need demonstrations of the horses abilities." she said.

We groomed the horses and I got very aroused brushing them with the smel of them and my naked body brushing against them all morning. We ate lunch naked in the house and then Connie laid me on the couch and had desert by eating me slowly thru several orgasms. I tried to do something for her but she moved away from me and smiled, "Later dear, later, after." We sat around a while and Connie came back in, now dressed. "Mom, the guests are here." she said. Her mom dressed and I began to. "No dear, you are going to help with the demonstrations." she said and gave me a couple drinks, both strong and made me dizzy. "Make sure to really express a lot of passion Dear." she said. We walked to the stables and there were thrity of so people there, men and women, all dressed. I was the only one naked. Connie was speaking to the group, "Now we have trained these to serve specially in human-animal relationships. They will do as told as much as told and not harm the human. Teresa has come out to show you all that we are good at what we do."

"Put her on the bench" I heard and I was led to the bench and strapped to it. "Now for Donte" Connie said and he was led to me. He made noises that told me he was excited and then he was on the bench and his cock was at my pussy. He snorted and then he was in me and more and more. "Oh god" I moaned and was not acting. He drove into me deep and was mating with me. Soon he filled me with his cum, it overflowed and ran down my legs and I had shuttering orgasm after orgasm. "As you can se, Teresa is enjoying herself." and the group laughed. I was taken off the bench and led to another horse. Castaway was the horse. I was led to him and got on my knees. "Now, she will give him pleasure and enjoy it herself." Connie said. I patted his ass and ten came to his cock. The smell made me crazy and I sudenly wanted it in me. I began licking it up and down the length and massaged it. It felt so good, it was hot all over. I got longer and longer until it was all in my hands and face. The horse was excited but remained in one place. I was at it for a long time and then as I was licking the slit he rewarded me with the load of cum that almost smotered me. I took as much into my mouth as I could and I kept swallowing as much as I could. He finished and I was covered in horse cum, I laid back and began fingering myself and forgot where I was and that there was a 30 person audience there.

"Okay, now another," Connie said. I was back on the bench but not strapped. "Now, into the other hole." Connie said and the horse pushed into my ass. "Oh god, oh fuck yes." I yelled. It went in and filled my ass. THe horse drove into me over and over again and I felt him push deeper as if it would come out of my head. He pumped deeper and deeper and finally filled me up with cum. Again I was shaking all over and collapsed as he moved off me. "Teresa likes a good fucking folks. Now, sealed bids will be accepted as you leave. These horses all will serve you very well." Connie was saying. She came to help me up and I grabbed her, "Oh please, I need it again, please." I begged her since my body was in need of more sex. Connie stripped and jammed her fist into my pussy and began ramming me harder and harder. Then she put me back up on the bench. Another horse was behind me and now in me. I had orgasm after orgasm and my legs felt like rubber. The horse finished and I begged Connie again, "another please." Another mounted me and finally, I passed out, still feeling cock in me. I woke in bed with Connie the next day, both of us covered with horse cum. She kissed me, "That was wonderful, I thought you were going to die of orgasms." she said. "So did I" I said and kissed her again.

We both managed to go to the hot tub and soak for an hour. "Wanna stay the night tonight?" she said. "No, I have to go home and let my pussy shrink back to size for my husband." I saidand we laughed.


masterb8 on Taboo Stories

    After my escape I found the paved road and steered the old truck toward the city lights that glowed in the now dark sky.  I wanted to get far away from the trailer house and fast.  I got to the city limits and thought about what I was going to do next.  I wanted the cops to get the two bastards who raped me and put them in jail forever.  I was trying to remember where the police station was when I changed my mind.  How could I go to the police?  I would have to tell them that I had sucked the creeps cocks and that both of them had fucked me in my ass.  That kind of story would spread through the community like wildfire.  There would be no way to stop it.  I couldn't even tell my parents because I was too embarrassed. 

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It would remain a secret and the two thugs would get away with it.


    I turned the truck into a darkened strip center and parked in the back.  I hated that the cum kept leaking from my ass.  I slid in the wetness on the plastic seat as I got out.  Still naked, I pulled on Mario's jeans.  They were much too big for me, but they were all I had to wear.  I took my bike from the truck bed and started riding toward home.


    I was relieved to see that the garage door was open when I got there.  I leaned the bike against a wall and then opened the door leading into the kitchen just a crack.  No one was in sight.  I went in and hurried to the hallway that leads to my bedroom.  I had to go past the open door to my older sister's room and saw that her light was on.  As I hurried past I heard her call out, "Hey Donnie, wait a minute", but I didn't stop.  I went into my room and closed the door.  I tore off Mario's jeans and then collapsed on my bed.  I was lying on my back naked when I  was startled to hear my sister Debbie ask, "Donnie, what happened to you?"   I sat up quickly and saw her wide eyes looking down at my fully exposed penis.


    Debbie was almost three years older than me and she used to babysit me when our parents went out.  She had even given me baths, so I knew that she had already seen every inch of me, although that was several years ago.  I followed her eyes to my dick and I was shocked to see bruises and red swelling all around my cock.  My little dick was almost purple.  I stood up quickly and turned around so she couldn't see it.  I heard her gasp and looked back to see her pointing at my ass.  "Donnie, you've been hurt . Did you fall off your bike?"  She moved toward me and  touched my ass lightly.  I jumped from the pain it caused.  I could not see my ass, so I went over to the mirror.  I saw a huge black and purple welt on my right ass cheek where Mario had slapped it.  Even worse, I saw that cum was still dripping from my ass and running down my leg.  I spun around to hide it from Debbie, but she had already seen it.  "Donnie", she said, "something is coming out of you.  What happened to your butt?"


    Debbie was the only person I could tell because we had always been very close and I knew she wouldn't  tell anyone.  I fell on my bed again and told her that I had not had a bicycle accident.  Tears welled up in my eyes as I told her the whole nightmarish encounter with the two brutes.  Debbie never said a word and her eyes never left me.  When I had finished she sat on the bed next to me and put her hand on my arm.


    She told me how sorry she felt and asked me what I planned to do.  I told her I was going to do nothing.  She seemed to understand with no further explanation.  She told me to take a shower and said she would be back.  Debbie left my room and I put on a robe and went to the bathroom.


    The hot water from the shower stung as it pelted my sore cock and ass, but I wanted to wash the filth off of me.  When I stepped out of the shower Debbie was there with some ice in a towel.  She held the towel against my ass and said that I might need to see a doctor.  I told her the bruises would heal, but she said she meant because I might have gotten some sex disease.  I felt a cold chill.


    Debbie helped me towel dry and she seemed to pay extra attention to my dick.  She held it lightly in one hand and patted it dry with the other.  She even stroked it softly and I began to get hard.  What the hell, I thought.  Could my own sister be fondling my cock?  She stopped and said that our parents were wondering where I'd been.  I put the robe back on and walked into the family room where they sat watching T.V.  I lied that I had gotten a flat tire.  I said that I was so tired I was going to go to bed.  They said goodnight.  That night I got little sleep.


    The next day I was tired and distracted at school.  I hurried home after and never thought about my bike.  I was still sore, but at least the cum stopped leaking out.  I was changing into shorts when Debbie walked into my room.  She asked me how I felt and I said tired and sore.  She then asked about the doctor and I told her I just couldn't tell anyone.  She nodded her head.  Then she asked how my bruises were doing.  With no hesitation, I pulled off my shorts and briefs.  My sister felt closer to me than anyone on the planet and her concern was genuine.


    I stood naked in front of her and she gently touched my penis.  It felt fantastic.  I wanted my sister to stroke my dick again and pushed my hips toward her.  Debbie said she was afraid of hurting me and I quickly assured her that would not be a problem.  In the past I did have wet dreams about my older sister, but this was no dream.  My sister was giving me a hand job and I forgot all about the pain.


    Debbie had me lie on my bed and she continued to make me feel better.  My little dick was fully erect from my sister's touch.  Then I felt her warm wet mouth envelop it.  I looked down at her head and could not believe this.  She sucked me slow and deep as she pumped my cock with her hand.  I couldn't hold back and put my hands on her head to hold it still.  I came in her mouth harder than I ever came before.  The thought of fucking my sister's mouth caused me to cum again on her face.  She used one finger to wipe it from her cheek into her mouth.  Then she milked the last drop from my cock and licked it off the tip.  She told me she would check on me the following day and she left my room. How many fourteen year old boys get to have sex with their older sisters?  It seemed that my nightmare had just become a fairy tale.


    The following afternoon Debbie again came to my room.  She told me that she was going to make me forget all about the two animals who raped me.  Then she kissed me full on the mouth.  One of my hands gripped her round ass and the other cupped her small firm breast.  It was the first time I ever felt a real tit and it was a thrill.  Debbie put her hand over mine and pressed it tightly against her breast.  Her other hand then unzipped my shorts and they fell to the floor.  "Debbie, I want to see you naked", I told her.  She smiled and pulled off her t-shirt.  Debbie was about five foot five inches tall and I don't think that she weighed one hundred pounds.  Her hair was auburn with a little extra red that she added.  Her skin was flawless and her wide eyes were hazel.  The corners of her lips were turned up in a perpetual smile.  I thought she was the prettiest girl I had ever seen.  She had on a sports bra that she pulled over her head.  Her small tits popped out and her pink nipples pointed up at the ceiling.  She kept her dark eyes on me as she pulled her shorts down.  Debbie now stood in front of me with only rose colored bikini panties on.  My eyes fell to her pelvis.  Her panties were showing a dark wet spot that was spreading between her thighs.  What a sight for a fourteen year old boy!


    Debbie asked me what I thought and I said I thought she should take off the panties.  She giggled and off they came.  Oh god!  She was only seventeen, but she had trimmed her pubic hair into a small triangular wedge that pointed right at her pussy.  The rest she had shaved clean.  I could see light glistening on her pale wet pussy lips.


    "Your turn", she announced.  I quickly pulled off my t-shirt and briefs.  Debbie looked down at my dick and then told me to turn around.  She kneeled and kissed the bruise on my ass.  She said that it was looking much better.  Next she got on my bed.  I was awestruck by her pussy and as I stared at it, Debbie began to rub it with both hands.  I could see she was dripping wet when she inserted one finger into her pussy and it disappeared.  She maoned softly and moved her hips in rhythm with her hands.  My older sister was putting on quite a show for her little brother.


    Debbie got real still, but her fingers worked furiously on her pussy.  She stopped rubbing and raised her hips off the bed.  She shuddered and cried out, "Oh Donnie!"  Then she smiled up at me and said that she wanted me to play with myself.  I felt embarrassed, But she looked me in the eye and said she knew I did it.  In fact she had seen me jerk off in the shower months ago when she sneaked in unnoticed.  She told me that she had even played with my dick when she bathed me years ago.  My horny sister, who would have known?


    I kneeled over Debbie on the bed and took my penis in my hand.  A smile floated across her face as she looked up at my stiff dick.  Just when I thought I was about to cum, she reached up and stopped my hand from moving.  I thought I was going to explode, but Debbie said we were going to try something new.


    She took my hands and placed them on her firm teenage tits.  The nipples felt like small round pebbles, so hard!  Debbie sighed and told me to touch her pussy.  It was burning hot and soaking wet.  She put her hand over mine and guided one of my fingers between her pussy lips.   Debbie panted, "Lick me Donnie.  I want you to lick my pussy".  I didn't know about this, but quickly buried my face below her little hairy triangle.  I tasted pussy for the first time in my young life and I loved it.  I licked and sucked and even tried to put my whole head inside her pussy.  I put a fingertip in her asshole like Pete had done to me and she went wild.  She bounced up and down on the bed and closed her eyes.   She tried to grind my finger deeper into her tight asshole.


    My young mind felt a sense of control and I stopped licking Debbie's pussy.  With my free hand I guided my stiff cock  toward the point of the shaven  triangle.  I placed the head of my dick between her swollen pussy lips and pushed myself inside.  Debbie wrapped her arms around my neck and pulled my head down.  Her dark eyes were wide open and she cried out, "Donnie no, don't, no!"  But I felt her hips push up hard against me and my cock went deeper inside her.  She yelled, "Harder, Donnie, fuck me harder!"


    There was no holding back now.  This was a chance of a lifetime.  I pushed into her with all my strength.  I felt the resistance disappear and all four inches of my cock penetrated my sister.  I pounded at her pussy and she dug her fingers into the back of my neck.  We fucked in together like lovers.  My cock exploded inside of her while she held on and bucked against me.  We collapsed in each other's arms drenched in sweat and sweet sex.


    We stayed like that for several minutes.  Then much too soon Debbie whispered, "Donnie I have to get up.  Mom will be home soon".  Grudingly I pulled out of her and watched dejectedly as she got off the bed.  Her face was glowing, her body taught, her tits her ass her pussy all were breathtaking.  I wanted more, but she opened my door slowly and ran down the hall to the bathroom.


    I fell back on my bed and stared at the ceiling.  In just a few short days I had been forced to have sex with two thugs and now my sister and I had fucked eath other.  All this to a young teenage boy who had not even had sex less than one week ago.  Life was coming at me fast and I wondered what was next.  Things were about to get even more unreal in the days ahead.