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HistBuff Member Since May 13, 2022

Monks In Heaven, 1957

HistBuff 1029 days ago on Forced Stories

Disclaimer: Rape in reality is despicable and wrong; the author of this story does NOT condone real-life rape in any shape or form. Rape in fiction can be a fun way to explore one's fantasies.

Monks In Heaven

Captain Judd McCormack, 38, sat on the left seat behind the basic instrument panel of the Lockheed Super Constellation L-1049 he had been flying for five years. He was at home in this cockpit, rather similar to the B-17 “Flying Fortress” he had flown in missions over Germany. He loved flying the Super Connie! He would jestingly say that Connie was the one and only name his wife could rightly be jealous of. A big statement from a man who loved brunettes!

He was scheduled for takeoff at 6 sharp. He and the First Officer went through their pre-flight checklists while the Flig