Raping the forest - Part 1
GangRapeLover 1414 days ago on Forced Stories
Disclaimer: Rape is not ok in reality... In the realm of fantasy do as you please
“…They expect to come with their heavy machines and their saws! They think we are just going to stand by and watch silently! but no! They are not taking the trees down! the only thing going down is R&P´s corporations!" Everyone applauded as Agatha finished her speech at the Alliance for the Forest´s meeting.
The 25 years old looked sweet and tender, but she was headstrong and determined when required. As a very active and charismatic activist, she has gotten some hate from a few corporations along with the love of fellow nature lovers.
“That was beautiful, Agatha!” said Mathew,
“…They expect to come with their heavy machines and their saws! They think we are just going to stand by and watch silently! but no! They are not taking the trees down! the only thing going down is R&P´s corporations!" Everyone applauded as Agatha finished her speech at the Alliance for the Forest´s meeting.
The 25 years old looked sweet and tender, but she was headstrong and determined when required. As a very active and charismatic activist, she has gotten some hate from a few corporations along with the love of fellow nature lovers.
“That was beautiful, Agatha!” said Mathew,