Erotic relationship with my girlfriend
Eroticnights 1448 days ago on Sex Stories
I was my way to home when I saw her. She wears a track pant with a top wearing headphones in her ear. She was not wearing her bra. She has a good physique and wide eyes. Her nipples made a way though her top right into my eyes . I was staring at her suddenly she comes right infront of me. She my in my college. I take off my eyes from her but at that time she realised her mistake for not wearing her bra and I think she blushed.I was wearing my shorts with a boxer and there was some erection but I was trying to control. I leave from there by saying I am in hurry
To my intro I am a college guy and today I have to meet my bae. The day passed and and after having my dinner I visited my girl house. The door was left open and she was lying on her bed with a blanket covered her lower part. I
To my intro I am a college guy and today I have to meet my bae. The day passed and and after having my dinner I visited my girl house. The door was left open and she was lying on her bed with a blanket covered her lower part. I