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BigBro4babysister Member Since February 23, 2023

The reunion of little sister.

BigBro4babysister 748 days ago on Incest Stories

Growing up it was always just me and my sister. Our mom worked all the time and our dad left years ago. Being the older brother it was always my job to make sure my little sister was ready for school and had food to eat.

As the years went by it was that way then I ended up moving out on my own. It killed me to leave my little sister all alone. I was always the loner as a child so having her around was always my best friend as a kid. I never had any girlfriends so I would take her out to places. I would take her to the mall and we would have so much fun. A lot of the time it would feel like she was my girlfriend and not my little sister around me.

She did spent a lot more of the time sleeping in my bed than she did in her own bed. The tv that she had in her room was way smaller then