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Becky13ann Member Since June 15, 2023

Bad rash , daddy shower

Becky13ann 542 days ago on Teen Stories

I had gone camping with some friends and stupid me did not pay attention and walked into a patch of poi a on oak, and poison ivy by the lake were
Swimming in.
When I got home mom had to take me to the e r because I was red and ichy from head to tod, and had some bad blisters on my body.
The Dr examined me and said I had a severe reaction to the poison in the plants.
He gave mom a few of those Dr sponges with bedding in it and a prescription for bedenide soap, and another medicated c soap to scrub me with, and a medicated cream to put on me from head to foot.
When the weekend came she was at work and called to say someone could not come in and had to work a double.
She told daddy he would have to scrub me, and told him it would be a lot easier if he got in the shower to scrub me.