A Slut Tries Bi
First of all, if I haven't already been absolutely clear about the subject, I am a slut who is head-over-heels in love with her wonderful and sexy husband. I thought our love couldn’t be any stronger, but Will has been so sweetly open and responsive to my awakened sexuality, that it has deepened my love for him in ways that I never expected. He has lovingly supported my taking other lovers, and has warmly welcomed them into our relationship, generously sharing me with others, urging me to find and enjoy complete sexual freedom and fulfillment.
Simply writing those words fills me with an overwhelming joy and euphoria. It is so exhilarating to completely reveal every aspect of my sexuality. To leave not one intimate detail o
Will and I often used to mutually fantasize about having other partners, but it took me a long time before I had the courage to act on my fantasies. I just couldn't bring myself to flout those ugly old repressive societal norms and express myself sexually.
Essentially, I needed someone, besides my husband, to give me the permission I needed to go against the peer pressure of society and just let myself be a slut. My friend Kathy turned out to be that person. The first time I met her, I knew inherently that I had finally found someone, other than Will, who could understand my inner nature and accept me for the slut that I knew was hidden deep inside!
Kathy is beautiful. She is a soft and round and sexy and ultra-feminine woman who is eight years younger than I am. She is slightly taller than I am and, while she works out regularly, she has a sensuous womanly shape. Her red hair, full breasts, long legs and round ass turn heads wherever she goes, and her vitality and vibrant personality make her the focus of any room she enters. I usually get my share of attention, and I've never had many self esteem problems, but she makes me feel just little bit like a fat ugly duckling. As you might be guessing, I have had a serious crush on her for quite a while.
Kathy openly admitted that she was a slut the first week I knew her. She freely admits that she is wantonly promiscuous and bi-sexual, and acknowledges that she needs to have sex often, in many different ways and with many different people - as long as it is consensual and does not hurt anyone else (her first rule is: NO married men without their wives).
As we got to know each other, Kathy and I often talked about my marriage with Will. I told Kathy that Will’s first marriage had been an open swinging relationship, and that right from the start of our marriage I had his permission to fuck other guys. So, when I told her about my attraction to Tom, she supportively urged me on. “You go, girl – he’s hot! Just do it!â€Â
That finally gave me the courage to take the first step toward becoming a slut, and after I fucked Tom for the first time, I could hardly wait to tell Kathy all about it. I breathlessly gave her all the details and told her how much fun it was and how wonderful my husband had been, afterwards. She just smiled and gave me a big hug, telling me how proud she was and congratulating me for becoming a sister slut.
I was so turned on and excited from telling her about fucking Tom and having her welcome me as a slut, that my knees got weak in her embrace. My arousal, the feeling of our breasts pressed together, the pressure of her thighs on mine, and the sweet dusky scent of her womanly perfume nearly had me cumming right there in the office.
For years, I've felt an attraction to certain women that I've always tried to deny, but they have often filled my fantasies during oral sex or when I masturbate. Lately, Kathy has been the main subject of those dreams. Whenever we talked, I couldn't believe how open and daring she was, and how casual and free she was about being a slut. Listening to her, I would blush as I felt my nipples harden and my pussy pulse with desire. Although Kathy never did anything overtly to come-on to me, just hearing about her philosophy and her sexual adventures with her many lovers had me squirming in my seat. My wet pussy was in constant titillation, and I couldn't help wishing that I was one of them!
My development and growth as a slut has given me a wonderfully liberating and glowing sense of security and self-confidence as a sexual woman. I have been very curious about bi-sexuality for many years, but just like fucking other men, I was afraid it would harm my marriage. Well, I finally took the plunge and made love to another woman. I had sex with Kathy, and I am so in love with her!!
What was I waiting for? It was incredibly hot and loads of fun! It was so sweet, so joyous! I must admit that I was a little (no - a lot) nervous before it actually happened, but that's to be expected. After all, religion and society have made such a big taboo issue of sexuality in general, and bi- and homo-sexuality specifically, that anyone naturally would be somewhat nervous the first time. But again, when it finally happened, it was so lusciously liberating!
Being with a woman is so wonderfully warm and loving that it must be utterly natural. Making love to a woman is so blissfully exciting that it fills me with joy! Why are people so weird about it? I think that those who preach that homosexuality and lesbianism is unnatural and a sin must be crazy! With so much violence and hate in the world, we all owe it to ourselves to embrace our bi-sexual nature and experience all the love, peace and joy that multiple partners of either gender can provide.
Kathy has been working in my office as my assistant for several months. Kathy's desk is in one of those office "cubicles" just outside my office, and whenever my door is open she is in my direct line of sight. If she turns her head slightly I am in hers. Often, I look up and catch her staring at me with those deep green eyes of hers. Most people would look away, but she just smiles at me, and I instantly blush and feel as though a hot flame has gone through me. The directness of her gaze always makes me tingle all over.
In the office, we maintain a strictly professional relationship. But when I am with her outside of the office I feel like a tongue-tied schoolgirl, and I can't help flirting with her. We regularly have lunch and go out for drinks after work. Often, she joins Will and me for dinner and a show, and I have found that I don't mind Kathy flirting with him, as well. I wasn't one bit jealous. In fact, it was wildly exciting to watch my two best friends becoming more and more intimate.
However, I still didn't have the courage to approach her directly, so she took matters into her own hands. When Will stopped by to pick me up after work, I noticed them quietly flirting and laughing as I straightened up my desk. When I turned out the lights and came out to join my husband, Kathy innocently asked us if we'd like to go out for some dinner at a nearby Mexican restaurant. We had no plans, so we headed out for what turned out to be the night that changed my life.
At “Jalapeno’sâ€Â, the food is delicious and the margaritas are fresh and strong, so there is always a big crowd. We had a round of margaritas while we waited for a table, and our conversation was unusually intimate and flirtatious. We finally got a table and had a lovely meal, talking about all sorts of interesting topics. The margaritas kept coming, and the conversation became increasingly sexual. Will later told me that by the third round I was totally focused on Kathy, openly and wantonly flirting and giggling like a teenage girl.
Just like when I flirted with Tom in front of our friends, the thrill of people seeing me flirt with a woman in public was making me incredibly aroused. Will later told me that I was so cute and giddy that I just got carried away, and just as our fourth round arrived, I told Kathy how I had fucked both Will and Tom the night before. With my husband sitting beside me, I breathlessly confessed to this beautiful woman how brazenly and wantonly I had acted out my most sluttish desires. As I told her the details of my adventure, I was hoping for Kathy's approval, and when she told me I was making her wet and that she was proud of me, I glowed with sexual energy.
Encouraged by her praise, I giddily plunged ahead and blurted out how beautiful and sexy I thought she was, and that I wanted to make love to her. Kathy just looked right into my eyes like she was looking into my soul, transfixing me, and said, "I know. I’ve known for a long time that we would be lovers." Kathy told me that she wanted me from the moment we met, and was just waiting for me to realize that I wanted her, and was ready to make love with her.
The next few moments seemed like a dream. I don't remember moving. I don’t know how I got to the other side of the table. It seemed like I simply levitated to her side. Suddenly, I was in her arms! The poor waiter with our next round of drinks nearly spilled them all over Will, as I brazenly kissed her right there in the packed restaurant. I felt her breasts and caressed her hair, saying to no one in particular, "She's so sweet, she's so sweet, she's so sweet!!" My husband quickly paid the leering waiter and sent the round of drinks to a nearby table of shocked and staring young women. Kathy took my hand, and I followed her from the restaurant.
I could hardly breathe in the intense air of eroticism that swirled around us, as we urgently walked arm-in-arm to my soon to be lover's nearby apartment. I was about to make love with another woman while my husband watched! As the handsome doorman let us in he grinned knowingly at us. Kathy has a lot of other lovers and, I found out later, has also fucked the doorman, so he had a real good idea of what was about to happen. As we waited for the elevator, I couldn't resist giving him the slutiest look as I brazenly give Kathy a big sloppy kiss.
How can I explain the way I felt? Words are totally inadequate. I keep using the terms wanton, brazen, euphoric, free and liberated, but it was as if I had been reborn into a new and far more beautiful world. I had finally given myself permission to enjoy sex in absolutely any way I wished. I was dizzy with lust.
In the elevator I couldn't keep my hands off her, and Kathy gave Will her key to unlock the door for us so that she could focus completely on me. She immediately started undressing me, and had my shirt and bra off by the time the elevator doors opened. I felt disappointed that there was no on waiting for the elevator, as I brazenly walked half naked down the hallway and waited impatiently while Will let us into Kathy's apartment.
We hurried into Kathy's dimly lit apartment and she and I just stood in the middle of her living room, kissing and caressing each other. I impatiently tore at the buttons of her blouse, eager to feel her nakedness against my burning skin. I was in the grip of a fever, urgently fumbling with the clasp of Kathy's bra like a teenage boy, so I could fondle her full breasts and suck her hard nipples. It only added to my excitement to be able to demonstrate my desire and lust for this incredible exciting woman as my husband watched. Again, all I could say was, "Kathy, you're so sweet! Oh, Will, she's so sweet! You're so sweet! Oh God, you're so SWEET!!"
And she was! I couldn't believe how sweet and delicious her mouth and neck and breasts and nipples tasted! How sweet and smooth and soft her skin was! How full and round her tits were! She was so completely unlike any man I had ever known. My husband just smiled as he watched us, gently rubbing our necks and backs, letting me take everything at my own pace.
Kathy quickly sensed how much I love to have my nipples pinched and sucked, and that the harder they are pinched, the more completely willing and wanton I become. I'll do anything for anyone when my nipples are pinched like that! She took both at once, and looked into my eyes. "Amy, I know you. I know who, and what you are. I know what a lovely little slut you are. I know, because you are just like me. I know what a whore you are, and how much you love cock and need to fucked. I know that you are also a pussy-whore. You are my pussy-slut. You are my little cunt-whore.â€Â
Her words thrilled me. Kathy let my skirt fall to the floor, and I stood naked before her. She fingered my sopping pussy. “I am going to make love to you as only one woman can make love to another. You will beg for my pussy, and I will to teach you to lick my cunt. Then I’m going to have the pleasure of fucking your husband, while you watch. He’s going to fill my pussy with his hard cock, while you masturbate for us and show us how much you love to cum. You will become a complete whore and show us how much a little slut like you loves to cum, needs to cum, while I enjoy your husband." I could only mumble, "Oh yessss! Pleeeease! Please, Kathy! I’m your slut! Please, use me as your slut! I am your whore! I’ll do anything you want! Take me! Fuck me! Use me! Use me for your pleasure!"
I don't remember walking into her bedroom. The next thing I remember was that we were all naked on her bed and Kathy's sweet mouth was on my pussy. I leaned back against Will who was holding me, cradling me from behind, pinching my flaming nipples and whispering in my ear. “I love you, my sweet, beautiful little slut. You’re so beautiful when you’re making love, fucking, being a whore! You love having your pussy licked, don’t you? You’re such a slut! You love having a woman eat your cunt. Look at Kathy licking your pussy. Doesn’t she look beautiful down there, between your legs? Look at her beautiful sexy eyes! Give yourself to her! Cum for her! Be her slut! Be her whore!â€Â
I had never felt anything so wonderful! No one had ever made me feel so exquisite! Her lips and tongue were so soft and delicate, her touch so knowing and sensitive as she sucked and nibbled and licked my pussy and clit, that I came in one of the biggest and longest screaming orgasms of my life! I never could have believed how wonderful it is to have a woman lick my pussy until it actually happened! I was in heaven... total bliss!!
I lay between them as they kissed and fondled my tingling body, floating in a sensual haze of ecstasy. I was in a state of blissful consciousness in which nothing existed but lips and hands and skin and eyes and lips and hands and breasts and pussy and breasts and cock and pussy and skin and lips and cock and pussy... Will and Kathy, my husband and my lover, him and her, and her and him, and Her and Her, Her, Her, HER, HER!!...
I just had to have her! It was as if I couldn't continue to breathe if I wasn't able to give her pleasure. I just had to see her pretty pussy up close. I had to touch and taste her! She was so beautiful, her pussy so glorious! I explored each beautifully delicate fold of her neatly trimmed and shaved pussy with fingers, nose, lips and tongue, savoring her aroma and flavor, greedily pushing my husband away to have her all to myself. I let my instinct take over, finding her swollen clit to lick and nibble, looking deep into her eyes to read her reaction to my searching mouth, to gauge the pressure and speed of my eagerly probing tongue. She was so juicily delicious. I couldn't believe how wonderful she tasted. I deliriously devoured this wonderful new treat, giving myself completely to my lover's pleasure.
"Fuck her from behind! I want to feel you push the little slut's face into my pussy with your cock! I want to feel your cock fucking her! I want you to fuck me through her! Fuck her! Fuck her hard!" My pussy was still so hot that I came again almost as soon as my husband filled my cunt with his lovely hard penis, moaning and groaning into Kathy's beautiful pussy. I felt so proud as she came, too, screaming so that half the block must have heard her.
"I need to fucked, now! Give me your husband’s hard cock! Will, fuck me so Amy can watch and see how her husband fucks another slut! Fuck me, and let me show her what a slut she looks like when she fucks you! Put his cock in me, Amy! Give me your husband! Put your husband’s lovely hard cock in my pussy, now! Fuck me! Fuck me hard!" Kathy was steadily moaning with lust. Trembling with anticipation I took my husband's throbbing erection and, for the first time, eagerly guided it into another woman's dripping pussy.
I gently flicked her clitoris so that she bucked up to meet his thrusts. "Look, slut! Your husband is fucking me! He fucking another woman. His cock is deep in another slut’s pussy! My pussy! It feels so fucking good! Look at him fuck me! Look at his cock fucking my pussy! He’s not only your cock, any more. Now, he’s my cock, too! Look at him fuck me. Touch me! Touch my pussy! Feel me, where his cock is fucking my pussy. His cock feels so fucking fantastic!"
Will sat back on his heels, so I could lay my head on Kathy’s soft belly, getting the best possible view of my husband's beautiful cock pounding her dripping cunt. The sight and sound and scent were overwhelming. I caressed the point of their union, pressing her pussy lips firmly around his cock. I nibbled her clit and licked her pussy juices from his cock, as my husband fucked the pussy I now loved.
Kathy pulled me up so she could lick my pussy while I watched as my husband rammed his cock into my new lover. She slapped my ass as she moaned on my clit, wildly licking and thrashing her head back and forth on my pussy so that we were both cumming over and over. Will fucked her wildly, sucking and biting at my nipples as I shuddered through wave after wave of orgasm.
I passionately kissed my husband. "Oh, Will! I love you! I love you so much! Fuck her! I love watching you fuck her. Seeing your cock in another woman’s pussy is so hot! I love it! Yes! Spank me, Kathy! Slap my naughty slut ass, while you fuck my husband! Fuck her, Will! Use your cock on her! Fuck her! Cum for me! Cum in her pussy, my love. Fill her cunt with your delicious cum. I want to drink your cum from her sweet pussy. Watching you fuck her is so fucking hot! It’s making me cum! I’m cumming!! Fuck her!! FUCK HER HARD!!!"
Will soon joined us, spraying his hot cum deep into my lover's pussy. I couldn't wait to dive back into Kathy’s sloppy cunt, slurping up the delicious mingling of my two lovers' juices. "Amy, look at me. As you lick your husband's sweet cum from my pussy, you must listen to me carefully. There’s no denying it. We all know that you are a cock-whore and a pussy-whore. If you keep licking my pussy and make me cum, you will show me that you wish to submit to becoming my personal pussy-whore. From now on, you’re my bitch, and you agree to give your husband to me as my new boyfriend and lover, and that he and I will fuck whenever we want to. Stop licking me, if you can, but if you stop licking me, you will never taste my pussy again.â€Â
There is no way that I could ever give up that pussy. Nothing could make me happier than to be Kathy’s obedient little slut. I just pushed my face deeper into Kathy's beautiful pussy, blissfully lapping up her sweet juices until she again quivered in orgasm. “Good girl. At the office, you will still be my boss. But, at any other time, you will be my slut. I will teach you and train you to be a good slut. I will use you as my personal sex toy whenever and however I wish, and you will obey me without question or comment."
That night was just the beginning of a fantastic evening of incredibly hot and wonderfully intimate sex. It has changed my life: I affirm my commitment and bond to Will. But I dearly love both Will and Kathy, and I am now their whore and sex-toy to lovingly use as they wish.
In return, they allow me complete freedom to fuck whomever I want. Will and Kathy's only requirements are that I must be always available to either of them first, that I tell all of my new lovers that I am married, that I never spend the whole night with any other lover without at least one of them, and that I relate all my activities with any other lovers to them while the three of us fuck. My utter joy is obeying their wishes... whatever they may be... with whomever they wish...
I now have a wonderful and loving husband, a wildly sexual girlfriend and sister-slut, and my sexy young stud Tom to fuck whenever I want. I feel more exquisitely loved and well fucked and desired in every way than I ever dared hope for. Just knowing that there are other women like Kathy who are not afraid of their sexuality, or of going after it aggressively is a wonderful thing. Thanks for letting me share this with you.
licks & nibbles,
your pussy-slut,
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A Slut's First Threesome
Hi, my name is Amy and I am a brazen, wanton slut. I admit it, I love cocks!
I have always loved sex. I have had a fascination with men and cocks ever since I was a little girl. Perhaps it was because I had four sisters and no brothers. Men seem to me to be such strange, wonderful creatures!  What’s more, they have these marvelous things called penises that react and respond to me by getting bigger! ÂÂ
No matter what they look like, they all are fascinating! The way the veins run up and down a hard shaft delights me, the different shapes and colors of the yummy heads, the way some are straight and others are curved, and the different amount of pre-cum each one makes drives me wild with lust! I don't care much about the size, a big one feels wonderful in my pussy, but a smaller one is delightful in my ass.
Of course, there are pretty cocks and ugly cocks, just like faces, but I've found that they don't necessarily correspond. One of the ugliest men I have ever met had the one of the most beautiful cocks I have ever seen, and was one of the most considerate and giving lovers I have ever fucked.
The naughtiness of being a slut is also incredibly exciting. I find it supremely erotic to give myself completely to my lovers, so they can use me for their pleasure and satisfaction. It is such a turn on to be the erotic vehicle which causes a man such intense gratification, to be the object of such desire and passion. When I flirt with a man, my pussy tingles with the anticipation of feeling his hardness filling me up, knowing that just the possibility of fucking me is making his penis hard.
My husband, Will, was not the first man I fucked, of course. Before we were married, I fucked a lot of guys and sucked off many others. But, until recently, I thought that I wasn't supposed to fuck anyone outside my marriage.
I remember the first time I ever fucked a man – well, he was almost a man. It was in my parent’s restaurant where I worked in high school. We closed early on Sunday nights, so my Dad had given me the responsibility to close up. Everyone else had gone home for the night, but I had to wait for Richard, the bus boy, to finish before I could lock up and go home. Richard was 17, a senior on the football team and I thought he was so handsome. ÂÂ
I had just turned fourteen years old, and maybe I was precocious, but I couldn't wait to find out if sex was as good as everyone said it was. All my older sisters had already started fucking, and they said they loved it. They had all told me about sex, what they did when they fucked their boyfriends, what guys liked, and how to do it to them. They also had given me some condoms. So, I was ready to be fucked the first time I had a chance.
My sisters all have nice big tits, and even at fourteen, mine had already blossomed into firm 36C’s that stuck out proudly from my chest. It was the bra-less 70's, and I loved the stares I would get at my perky nipples jutting out through the thin material of my tight tee-shirts. Whenever I went out with boys my age, they would make clumsy attempts to get under my top and feel my tits. I would let them until I got bored with their pawing, but they all seemed so stupid and silly to me. I wanted Richard to be the one to fuck me for the first time. That night, I decided this would be my chance.
I watched as Richard mopped up, his muscles rippling under his tee-shirt as he swung the mop back and forth, the sweat a sheen on his smooth skin. When he was finished, I just pulled off my own tee-shirt and proudly showed him my firm, bra-less tits. I stood there, naked to the waist, and asked him if he liked them. I asked him if they were as nice as some of older girl’s tits, and told him that if he liked them he could touch them. He just stood there with his mouth open, staring at my tits. But, I could see his cock standing up through his thin khakis, so I knew that he liked what he saw. I asked if he was just going to stand there, or if he knew what to do with them.
Of course, he immediately started feeling them and pinching my nipples. I had long enjoyed the joys of masturbation, and I knew from playing with myself that pinching my nipples makes me wild with lust. I just wasn’t expecting how much more wonderful it would feel when a man pinched and pulled my nipples. It drove me crazy! He bent down to suck on them, and I moaned in ecstasy as I pulled his head tightly into my breasts.
I told Richard that I was still a virgin, and asked him if he would be the first to fuck me, if he would put his hard cock in my virgin pussy and show me what everyone was talking about. How could he refuse! Richard lifted me up onto a freezer chest and lifted my mini-skirt up around my waist. I had already removed my panties, and he had the sense to lick my pussy a little. I was so excited, and his tongue felt so much better than my own fingers on my clit, that I came almost immediately. It was the first time someone else had ever given me an orgasm, and I nearly suffocated him as I came.
I wanted to make Richard feel as good as he had made feel, so tits bouncing, I hopped down off the freezer chest. I kneeled down to pull off his pants and underwear. I had seen a few of the nearly hairless cocks of some of the boys my own age when we fooled around while necking and petting. I even had sucked a few off, and I knew I liked the way they felt in my mouth and that I liked the taste of cum. But this was the first time I had seen a fully grown man’s cock. It almost looked menacing, jutting out at me aggressively, daring me to take it in my mouth. Its head glistened with precum, and my mouth salivated as I stuck out my tongue to lick it off. I took as much of him in my mouth as I could and sucked on his lovely prick.
Richard moaned and leaned back on the counter for support. I licked and sucked for awhile, taking as much of his cock down my inexperienced throat as I could without gagging. But I wanted this hard cock in my pussy. I wanted to fuck!
Richard was shocked when I pulled out a condom and asked if I could put it on him. None of his other girlfriends would ever have anything to do with the actual mechanics of a condom. I giggled as I rolled it over his beautiful hard-on. Then he slipped his erect penis into my tight wet pussy and fucked me on top of the freezer in the kitchen of my parent's restaurant.
It hurt just for a moment, just a brief stinging feeling which was quickly replaced by the most wonderful feeling I had ever experienced. I wasn’t ready for how incredibly full his hard prick made me feel. I went crazy, wrapping my legs around Richard’s tight ass, gripping the edge of the freezer, and bucking my pussy into his driving cock. I was wailing with delirious ecstasy as orgasms washed over me again.
“Cum on my tits! I want see you cum! I want to watch your cock spurt cum on my tits!†At the last second, Richard pulled out, whipping off the condom and I jacked his cock off to unload spurt after spurt of hot cum. I rubbed into my big tits as I licked the last few spurts from his cock, getting my very first taste of his lovely semen.
Richard was never my boyfriend. Although he was the first to fuck me, we never dated, but were just fuck-buddies. It wasn’t at all cool for a Senior boy to be seen with a Freshman girl. I didn’t care, as long as he kept fucking me. I loved fucking him just for the sake of fucking.
Richard already had another girlfriend, an air-head cheerleader who was a real cock-tease. He was totally infatuated with her blond Barbie-doll looks, so he wouldn’t dump her. She gave him blow-jobs occasionally, but usually she only gave him hand-jobs and wouldn’t let his cum get on her hands.
I felt sorry for him, so I let him fuck me whenever he wanted, even after I started to date and fuck other guys. Besides, he was really a pretty good lay, especially after he got to know what got me off. When he went to college we continued to fuck whenever we were both home for vacation. I loved the naughtiness of it, the wantonness that made it such a turn on.
I soon developed quite a reputation as a slut who was an easy lay, fucking and sucking a lot of guys before I met and eventually married Will. Will and I have always had a terrific sex life, and he is still the best lover I have ever had, but that didn’t keep me from lusting after other men or wanting other cocks.
Will let me know from when we first started dating that he enjoys women who like to fuck a lot of men. He said he wanted to express his love for me by giving me the freedom to enjoy other lovers, either by myself or with him. Will had been in an open marriage before, and told me I could have other lovers, but I was afraid it would wreck our marriage. After we were married, I accepted the common wisdom that I had to be monogamous to keep my marriage intact, so I suppressed my desires to fuck other guys.
Will made me realize that sex with other men wouldn’t make me a bad person, and he gave me the courage to go ahead and fuck Tom. He knew, because I have always been extremely lusty and wanton and uninhibited with him, that I would love it, that there was an inner slut, a hidden whore within me. Little did I know just how much Will would actually cherish and prize me even more as his wife-whore!
Just like when I was fucking Richard, the idea of flouting society’s norms by being such a naughty slut drove me crazy with lust, so when Tom came into the bar that first night we fucked, I just threw everything to the winds and gave myself to him in the nastiest way I could. I had my first fuck-date with Tom a few days later, while my husband was working late. After I returned home, and Will so lovingly licked Tom’s cum from my pussy and fucked me, I thought that sex couldn't get any better.
Unbelievably, tonight it did get better. A lot better! Tonight, I just had my first threesome experience with my husband Will and my boyfriend Tom. I got to play with two beautiful cocks at once, and I was so wildly aroused that I would have done just about anything with anybody. Tonight I had the most fun I have ever had in my life! What on earth could I have been waiting for? It was unbelievably delicious!
Will was sweetly fucking me this morning, after my fuck-date with Tom last night. My pussy was still warm and wet, so when and told me that he wanted to fuck me with Tom, that he wanted to see his whore with two cocks fucking her, I exploded in orgasm.
Will kept fucking me as we excitedly talked about what we would do later. He told me to meet him at our favorite bar after work. He said that he would take care of everything else. He didn’t want me to have to think about anything but the fun I would have fucking two cocks. He wanted me to fantasize about it all day long, so I would be crazy-horny for our sexual adventure. My two beautiful cocks! I couldn’t wait!
When I came out of the shower, Will had laid out a new outfit for me that he had bought just for the occasion. Black leather miniskirt, an extremely low cut, very sheer white blouse, seamed black lace stockings, garter belt, see-through white push-up bra, finished off with a pair of four inch stilettos. He made me model them for him. I looked at myself in the mirror. “I can’t wear this to work!†I looked like a high-class
Will let out a low whistle, and came up behind me to tease my nipples through the fabric. “You look like such a delicious slut!†I leaned back into him, and he smiled wickedly at my reflection. “No, I don’t expect you to wear this to work. I do expect you to change into it before you meet me and Tom at the bar. If my whore is going to fuck two men tonight, she should be dressed for the part.â€Â
The day seemed to drag by interminably. Whenever I saw Tom in the hallways at work, I took every opportunity I could to tease him and flirt outrageously with him, but Will had told me not to say anything about what we had planned. We laughed and talked about how much we had enjoyed fucking the night before. “You fucked me so good! I loved the way your hard cock felt in my pussy and ass! I can’t wait to fuck you again! Meet me after work at the bar.†I could see that he was in a state of extreme arousal, so I knew he would show up.
It was Friday, so the office closed early again. Everyone had left by four o’clock , and the office was empty. I stayed behind to take my time changing into my new outfit and prepare for the evening’s sexual adventure. I began my transformation into a tart. I touched up my makeup to give it a more dramatic slutty look. In a moment of inspiration, I rubbed a little blush into my already dark nipples to make them even more visible through my sheer blouse. I rolled my stockings up my legs, carefully making sure that the seams were straight, and attached them to my garter belt. I looked terrific! My pussy was already dripping with anticipation, and I couldn’t resist masturbating to a quick orgasm.
I walked into the bar shortly after five, enjoying the open admiration of every man there. I let them take in the full effect of my sexy outfit, as I slowly walked through the crowd. My nipples swelled, as I felt eyes staring at my tits, and I smiled back at several men who hopefully invited me to join them for a drink. I knew most of them, and I greeted them by name as I suggested that maybe they’d get lucky next time.
Swinging my hips, I brazenly sauntered over to Tom. I walked right up to Tom, put my arms around his neck, and gave him a great big sloppy, slutty kiss.
When Will to showed up a few minutes later, I turned to give him an equally sloppy, slutty kiss. It was the first time Tom had actually seen Will face to face since we fucked, so he tried to act cool and bought Will a drink.
"Thanks, Tom. So, how do you like fucking my wife? She’s a really hot piece of ass, isn’t she? I love her sloppy wet cunt and the way she loves to suck cock. Look at her. Don’t her tits look great? Look at her nipples in that shirt. Doesn’t she look like a slut, tonight? I don't blame you for fucking my wife. Actually, I’ve got to thank you for fucking her. She’s been so happy and horny, she’s fucked my brains out all week long. I think you should fuck her more often."
Before Tom could choke out a reply, Will started talking about how beautiful and sexy he thinks I am, telling Tom how much he loves my tits and how pretty he thinks my pussy is, what a good fuck I am and how well I suck cock. It made my knees weak and my pussy throb to stand there between two handsome men and hear my husband talk that way about me. ÂÂ
I just pulled both of my men close to me, saying how good Tom had fucked me and how much I loved having two men to fuck. I just kept kissing them both while they laughed and talked about what a slut I was and how much I love to fuck. Of course, by that time pussy juices were practically running down my leg.
In a voice just loud enough to turn a few heads, my husband asked Tom if he would like to help him fuck me, saying that any woman who was dressed the way I was, ought to be fucked right away. All that sexy talk had made me totally brazen. I slid my hands down so that I could give their sexy asses a squeeze. "Oh, yes! I'd love that! I want you both! I want to be your whore! Let’s go. I want both of your hard cocks! I want you both to fuck me, now!"
Luckily, there is a nice hotel just a couple of blocks from the bar, and Will had already reserved a room. Followed by several shocked and many envious stares, we hurried over to the hotel. As we walked down the street arm in arm, my head was in such a whirl that I could hardly think. We seemed to be floating down the street. I was so nervous I wasn't able to say a word, but I must have been laughing and grinning like an idiot, because everyone we passed smiled and grinned back. My pulse was racing, my heart pounding with wild, raw emotion and the lust for the two hard cocks I knew I was about to enjoy. I had never, ever, been so turned on or excited in my life!
For someone who has consistently avoided any kind of non-monogamous sex, I'm sure there has never been a quicker and more thorough convert to slut-hood! As soon as we got to the room, I unbuttoned my blouse and  dropped my skirt on the floor. Putting my hands on my hips, jutting out my tits, I looked them both in the eye. "What does a naughty slut have to do to get fucked around here?"
My two men laughed as Tom quickly pushed me back on the bed and started licking my sopping pussy, while Will removed my bra to kiss and suck and pinch my nipples. That did it. I was already so turned on that I screamed in an immediate orgasm.
“Give me a cock! I need a big hard cock!! If someone doesn't fuck me immediately and fill my pussy with hard cock, I’m going out in the hall and jump the first person I meet. Somebody fuck me now!!†I tore at Will’s pants, and he started pounding his wonderful sweet cock into me, fucking me while Tom crawled up by my head, so I could suck his cock and lick his balls. I was in complete, utter, total bliss. I just let myself get carried away in a hazy blur of fucking and sucking and cumming and cumming and cumming.
Having two cocks fuck me was indescribable, but I’ll try to give you an idea of what it was like. Every where I reached I touched some part of a hard, manly body - taught legs, rounded muscles, flat belly, firm ass. My senses were filled with the caress of strong hands, brush of rough beard on soft skin, earthy smell of manly musk.
As I sucked Tom's cock, Will fucked me and kept talking to me softly. “I love you so much, Amy. You look so beautiful with a hard cock in your mouth. Suck his cock! What a lovely, sweet whore you are! I’m so proud that my wife is a cock-sucking slut. I’m so excited and happy that my woman loves cock so much! I love that you suck cock so joyfully. Make Tom cum! Suck his cock, and make him fill your mouth with cum! Suck him, slut!â€Â
With his fingertips, he lightly and lovingly caressed my lips and mouth where they enveloped Tom's throbbing cock, feeling my greedy sucking. He kissed my face and eyes. When he kissed and licked my lips where they surrounded Tom’s cock, I exploded in a blinding orgasm!
I have never felt so incredibly alive and desirable! It was overwhelming that I could arouse such an erotic response from two men at once! Tom fucked my face, as I greedily sucked and swallowed. "I still can't believe what a fucking whore your wife is. Look at the slut. She's stuffed full of cock and she's sucking on me like she needs more! I fucking love it! Come on, suck it, slut! Take it! Suck my fat cock down your slut's throat, you cock-sucking whore!"
I loved all the dirty talk, and I seethed in another shaking in orgasm as he shot his cum in my mouth. I desperately tried to swallow as much as I could, to show Will what a slut I was, and he showered me with praise. “Take it, Amy! Yes! Good girl! Drink his cum, slut! Show us how you love it! Show me what a whore my wife is!†Tom's penis fell from my mouth, and I opened it so my lovers could see it filled with cum. Will leaned in to kiss me, licking away the last few drops from my lips. As he tasted Tom's cum, he exploded in violent orgasm, filling my pussy with his own warmth.
My two beautiful lovers collapsed on either side of me, caressing me, touching me, kissing and licking and nibbling, keeping me riding my sexual high. "Fuck Tom now. Put his hard cock in your wet cunt and fuck him. I want to watch my slut-wife fucking another man."
My husband turned me so that Tom could fuck me from behind. In that position, Will's lovely cock was just inches from my mouth. My husband gently slapped my face several times with his hard cock and I moaned in ecstasy, begging him to let me suck him. “Oh, please let me suck your cock. I want him in my mouth while Tom is fucking me. Oh, God! Tom is fucking me so good! I love it! I love his cock in me! His big hard cock feels so good in my cunt! Please give me your cock! Please let me suck it! Please fuck my face! Come on, fuck me!â€Â
He smeared his pre-cum around my face, my mouth gaping open trying to capture his lovely penis. My husband slapped me a few more times with his cock, and shoved it into eager mouth. "I love you, my wife, my whore. I love you because you are not afraid to let yourself follow your instincts and find the pleasure you need and deserve. Look how beautiful she is, Tom. Look how she loves to be fucked. Listen to her beg for cock. She's begging to suck my cock like a starving slut. Come on, fuck her! Fuck the slut! Fuck her!!â€Â
Tom slammed his fat cock over and over deep into my burning pussy. “Feel how wet and slippery your fucking cock makes her pussy. Pinch her nipples while you fuck her. She loves that. Pinch them hard. Feel how it makes her pussy jump and tighten and squeeze around your cock. Pack her cunt full with your slut-fucking cock. Take her, you fucker. Fuck her. Use her like a whore!" I moaned in ecstasy. Tom’s thrusting was driving Will’s cock deep down my throat, and I screamed my orgasm around the sweet cock filling my mouth.
I can only remember all this now as though through a dense fog. It’s like I was stoned the whole time. While it was happening I lost all conscious thought, overcome and drifting in an ecstasy born of the sensory overload of two men, two cocks, two tongues, four hands, caressing, sucking, fucking, cumming and cumming and cumming. I have no idea how many times I came, or how many times they filled me with their sweet cum. I simply surrendered to their use. I just opened my mouth and cunt and became a vehicle for their pleasure, and in doing so experienced more pleasure than I ever imagined was humanly possible. I was laughing, crying, moaning and screaming in ecstasy, shouting obscenities, begging to be used, filled, pounded with cock.
At one point I vaguely remember exploding in yet another mind blowing orgasm when, as I was riding Tom’s cock, Will started licking my ass. I groaned as his tongue drew circles around my puckered little hole. He gradually inserted more and more of his tongue, licking my asshole deeper and deeper. He slowly shoved his cock up my eager ass. In the intensity, I surged back and forth between blackness and bursting fireworks, screaming filthy gibberish at the top of my lungs, and yet, not being able to make a sound, shaking and shivering, whipping my head back and forth, cumming continuously, bucking and thrusting against the two cocks filling me, stuffing me with their hardness.
For that brief, endless moment, the whole universe was nothing but the whirling orgasm centered on the two beautiful hard cocks filling my cunt and ass. “Oh, God! It feels so fucking good! You’re splitting me apart with your fucking cocks! Fuckmefuckmefuckmefuckme, you fuckers! Fuck my ass! Fuck my cunt! Fuck me! Yes! Yes!! Give it to me hard, you fuckers! FUUUUUUUUCK MEEEEEEEE!!
I was riding a giant wave of orgasm upon orgasm. As they reached their climaxes, Will and Tom rolled me over, so they could jerk their cocks above me. My fingers flew over my clit as gobs of cum from two cocks splattered on my face, in my hair and on my tits. We finally collapsed together in a cum covered tangle of sweaty arms and legs. Will and Tom gently massaged their cum into my skin, then brought a couple of warm, wet towels from the bathroom and lovingly wiped off all the sweat that covered me from our fucking.
Before I drifted off to sleep with a sweet cock in each hand, I was thrilled to hear Will telling Tom that he had his permission to fuck me whenever he's busy or out of town, and together the two of them would fuck me silly whenever I liked. To put it simply, I learned to glow last night and I'm still glowing! I have never before felt so wonderfully, so totally and completely, satisfied and happy! It has made me so happy and relieved to be able to fuck anyone I like. I feel so much more focused and calm. I finally feel that my life is complete.
I am so lucky to be a slut!
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A Slut Evolves
A Slut Evolves
Hi again. My name is Amy, and if you’ve read my other entries, you know I'm a cock-loving married slut.
Since I have become a slut, just walking down the street has become a joyfully erotic experience. There is an added lightness to my step, an extra swing to my hips, and a bigger bounce and jiggle to my tits because I feel so wonderfully sexy and attractive. I get more appreciative stares and suggestive comments from men I pass than ever before, and I feel so completely alive knowing that I have the freedom to fuck any of them I want.
People must wonder why there is such a big smile on my face all the time. It's the freedom, you know. I am finally free to behave as the slut I've always wanted to be and enjoy all those beautiful cocks out
All week long I have been in such a state of horny euphoria, as Will and I have enjoyed the anticipation of my first date to fuck my new lover Tom. It was the first time since we were married that I have actually made a fuck-date with another man. You know, a date to nothing more than just fuck. The anticipation over the last four days has been agonizingly exhilarating.
I have been absolutely giddy with the intoxication of lust. Will and I have been so horny and excited that we have done nothing but fuck every chance we've been together. Last night, Will prepared me for my fuck-date with Tom. With a raging hard-on, Will bathed me and trimmed my pussy. He helped me pick out a sheer bra, garter belt and thigh high hose for me to wear, and then I modeled several different sexy outfits for my husband, so he could pick out the slutiest one for Tom’s enjoyment. Of course, my reward was a thorough pounding from Will’s hard cock!
At work, Tom and I have also been in a state of constant arousal, and we have talked incessantly about all the naughty things I was going to do with him and how much I want his cock. Every time I’ve seen him in the hall or in the lounge at work he has looked at me knowingly, in a way that makes my pussy tingle, creaming my pussy when he whispered sweet nasty nothings in my ear. "You want my cock, don’t you, slut? I know you’re a whore that needs to fuck. I can’t wait to get my cock in your tight little pussy again."
It makes me so wet that he knows he can treat me like a slut so freely. Today, when no one else was in the copy room, he looked into my eyes, pinched my nipples through my tight blouse and ran his hand up under my skirt to finger my clit. Since I wasn’t wearing panties, he slipped a finger inside me, then held it to my lips for me to taste my own juices. "You're going to be my slut again, tonight. I'm going to fuck you, and you'll beg me to be my whore."
I sucked on his finger like it was a little penis, savoring the taste of my own pussy. It made my knees weak, it was so hot. I couldn’t wait until after work to have his cock, so I grabbed his hand and used my key to let us into the executive washroom. I locked the door behind us and pushed him up against it. "Yes, your going to fuck my sloppy wet cunt tonight, but right now I’m going to suck your cock so I can drink your cum!"
I sank to my knees before him and unbuckled his pants. Looking deep into his eyes, I took his erection in my mouth and gobbled it hungrily. Tom was so horny from thinking about fucking me all week that he came in seconds, filling my mouth with his lovely cum. I sucked him dry and left him standing there with a dazed expression on his face, his pants around his ankles, and the door unlocked. "That’s just an appetizer, stud. You’ll get the whole package, later."
I laughed all the way back to my office, thinking of someone walking in on him to find him in that condition. Back at my desk, I closed my office door and urgently masturbated to a lovely orgasm, the taste of his cum still on my lips. I was unable to do anything the rest of the day, except think about how I was going to fuck and suck his sweet penis later.
Just before I left work, I decided to give my husband a call. I knew that Will didn’t expect me to call, but I thought it would make the whole experience nastier for both of us if I called him to remind him that I would be having a good time fucking Tom’s cock. I admit, I was a little nervous, but I hoped that this would be a delicious turn on for him and make him even hotter to fuck me when I finally got home.
When Will answered the phone, I simply told him that I was going to be fucking another guy while he was working late. I told him not to worry if I wasn't there when he got home, but that he should expect me to come home much later, covered in cum and smelling of sex. I said that my pussy would be dripping with another man’s juices, and that he should be ready to fuck my cum-filled pussy.
Will was so sweet. He just laughed. "Go ahead, my sweet whore. I love you. Go have a fucking good time fucking Tom. You know that I told you that you could fuck anyone you want. Don’t worry, I meant it. I want you to fuck all the hard cocks you can. Go along, and take plenty of time to enjoy your new lover’s beautiful hard cock. I'll be thinking of the two of you fucking all evening, and when you get home, we'll make love and I’ll fuck you some more, while you tell me all about it."
So, after work I let Tom take me to his house to fuck me, and shortly after 5:00 PM, I was riding the commuter bus from the Port Authority in New York City to his house in New Jersey. There were plenty of empty seats toward the front, but Tom led me all the way back to sit in the very last seat, with me by the window. There was no one in the seats in front of us, but in the two seats across the aisle there was one other passenger reading a book.
I snuggled up to Tom, just enjoying his strong masculinity. It was dark inside the terminal, and Tom started gently playing with my tits, slipping his hand under my blouse to squeeze my breasts and pinch my nipples through the thin fabric of my lacy bra. I shivered with excitement and reciprocated by lightly tickling his sweet cock and balls through the thin fabric of his pants. He didn’t have any underwear on, and I easily felt the outline of his hardening cock.
As the bus started rolling I started to feel that lovely throbbing and tingling in my pussy that I love so much. Once that starts, there is no stopping the slut in me. As the whore in me took over, and I slid down and pretended to be taking a nap in Tom's lap. Glancing over at the passenger across the aisle, he seemed engrossed in his book. I just couldn't wait to play with Tom's pretty penis, so like the naughtiest little slut, I opened up his fly to pull out his cock just enough to start slowly sucking on the tip and massaging his balls. Since I didn’t have any panties on, it was easy for Tom to discretely slip his hand under my skirt and started playing with my ass and pussy.
As I nibbled on Tom's sweet penis, the eroticism of the situation washed over me. I became so horny, I lost all my inhibitions and couldn’t help acting upon my naughtiest impulses. I had started out trying to be discrete and conceal what I was doing, but the thrill of doing something so outrageously naughty in public made me giddily wanton. Besides, the guy across the aisle was a handsome Hispanic in his early thirties, the Antonio Banderas type which I think is so hot!
I decided that I wanted him to see me sucking cock. I wanted him to see that I was a cock-sucking slut. I wanted to see if what I was doing would turn him on or shock him. I quietly unbuckled Tom’s belt and unbuttoned his trousers so I could get at more of his cock and balls. Gradually, I took more and more of Tom's penis in my mouth until my head was bobbing up and down on his shaft. It was now obvious that I was sucking cock, and my handsome stranger could plainly see me as a whore.
Shaking giddily with the excitement of the situation, I waited until I could see out of the corner of my eye that I had captured his complete attention. A total stranger was watching me sucking cock! My mind was in a whirl, yet completely focused on nothing but Tom’s cock and the handsome man watching me from across the aisle. I took a big breath, raised my head and smiled deeply into the stranger's eyes. I shook with a shattering orgasm as he smiled back at me. I ran my tongue around the head of the cock in my mouth and let watch me cum. The stranger grinned at my brazen display, and taking his hard cock out, began rubbing it as he watched me plunge Tom’s cock back into my mouth to stifle my moans.
He stared as Tom's cock slid in and out between my lips. I motioned for him to move over and sit in the closest seat, so he could watch me better and I could get a better look at his cock. I reached across the aisle and took his hand from his lovely penis and sucked on his middle finger, to show him how I would suck his cock. As I resumed sucking on Tom’s cock, I placed my stranger’s hand on my face, so he could caress it as my mouth took all the fullness of Tom's cock. What an incredibly raunchy intimate moment! It was so intensely submissive to feel the stranger's hand on my face as I sucked cock. As Tom came in my mouth with a muffled groan, I bucked against the hand on my face with my second orgasm in less than a minute.
My handsome stranger was building toward his own orgasm, so I quickly stepped across the aisle, pushed him over into the far seat and knelt before his throbbing cock. Swirling my tongue around its purple head, I tasted his salty precum before plunging his cock into my throat to bury my nose in his wispy pubic hair. Sucking and swallowing, I pulled back to tickle his cum hole with my tongue. Babbling in Spanish, my stranger tangled his fingers in my hair and fucked my mouth, driving his cock deep into my throat, and I came for a third time as he exploded his huge load of lovely cum. I don’t know Spanish, but I heard the word "puta" several times. I think it is the word for whore.
Thinking back on it, I still can't believe I found the courage to be such a slut! What a naughty and nasty thing to do! I purposefully left a dribble of cum on my chin as I leaned down and kissed the stranger goodbye. He thanked me for the best ride home ever, saying that his name was Carlos and that he always rode the 5:23 bus. Who knows? Maybe I've found my second lover already! Oh, it is so good to be a married slut!
Of course, Tom wanted to fuck me immediately when we got to his place, but I was in a naughty mood. Having just sucked off Carlos in the bus while Tom watched gave me a strange sense of the power I have as a slut. Tom’s cock was rock hard, and I knew he wanted to fuck me just as badly as I wanted to fuck him, but I just teased him, increasing the level of raunchy eroticism between us.
I began to flaunt my full, middle-aged body, performing a naughty, wantonly slow strip show for him. I just kept tormenting him, waving my big tits and round ass in his face, playing with my nipples, flashing my pussy. I felt so wonderfully naughty! I wanted to provoke him. I wanted to tease him and taunt him. I giggled and laughed at his helpless frustration. I flirted and flaunted myself, as I told him how hot Carlos had made me, how handsome he was and how much I had enjoyed sucking his lovely hard penis. I said how beautiful and sexy his cock was. I told how delicious his cum had tasted. I slipped a finger into my pussy and sucked my juices from it like it was a cock. "Did you like watching me suck Carlos’ cock? Did I look like a whore sucking his cock? Did it make you jealous to watch me swallow his cum like a slut? I want his cock in my cunt. I want him to fuck me with that beautiful cock of his. I want to be his slut, too!"
I was deliberately being nasty and teasing him to see if I could make him angry. What I really wanted was to make Tom so horny and annoyed that he would take me forcefully. I wanted to provoke him into powerfully possessing me, to torment him into throwing down on the floor and roughly fucking me. I wanted him to take me, rape me and use me like a whore.
My timing couldn’t have been better! Just as I could tell that Tom was losing patience with my bratty behavior, his phone rang. It was his fiancé. She had no idea that Tom was fucking a new slut on the side, so wickedly, I took this opportunity to make Tom squirm and provoke him even further. I knew he couldn't say anything to me without giving himself away to his fiancé, and the cord on the phone wasn’t long enough to let him reach me. With the most devilish gleam in my eyes, I ran over to the big picture window and opened all the blinds and continued to perform my naughty erotic dance, while he tried to talk with his girlfriend. I put on a real show, stripping down to my bra and garter belt, licking my tits through the lace and playing with my pussy. He was motioning for me to get away so the neighbors wouldn't see he had a whore in his house.
Even though he was in a panic, Tom was so turned on he couldn't resist stroking his lovely cock. So, I decided to make it even more difficult for him. I slowly crawled across the carpet to him on my hands and knees. Kneeling before him as he stroked his penis, I started licking his crotch and balls. With little butterfly flicks of my tongue I worked my way back between his ass cheeks, rimming and tonguing his asshole while I looked deep into his eyes and let him see my sexual hunger. I whispered, "Does your fiancé do that for you?" He squirmed and glared at me.
"What about this?" I moved up and replaced his hand with my hungry mouth, sucking his pretty cock deep into my throat, fingering my pussy and clit. He breathing was becoming ragged, and he was trying so hard not to cum while he talked to his fiancé. I was laughing around his cock, while I sucked. Soon, I badly needed to cum again, so I lay back on the floor in front of him. I lewdly masturbated for him, driving my fingers into my pussy and giving myself a huge orgasm while Tom watched and tried to control his voice so he could talk calmly to his girlfriend.
Tom was so incredibly horny from my sucking his cock and from watching me make myself cum, that as soon as he got off the phone he grabbed me roughly by my long dark hair and dragged me onto his thick living room rug. "You bitch! You cheap little slut! Now I'll show you how a whore like you should be treated!"
My plan had worked! I just laughed as he threw me on the living room rug. I rolled onto my back and opened my legs wide, inviting him to come fuck me. "Come on, fucker! I want that cock! Fuck me! Stick that beautiful cock in my cunt! Fuck my pussy! Give me that cock! Fuck me with it!"
But Tom’s rage had given him other needs. Grabbing me by the ankles, he flipped me onto my belly, forcing me to my hands and knees. Holding me by the back of my neck, he pushed my face into the thick pile and began spanking my big round ass. Over and over, his hand smacked onto my bare skin, bringing tears to my eyes. I yelped with each stinging blow, but soon, the pain began to turn into the welcome heat of erotic pleasure.
Oh, God! I was in heaven! I couldn't believe how incredibly sexy and exciting it was to be pinned down by this strong angry man who was turning my ass bright red while calling me all sorts of lovely filthy names. "You dirty fucking whore! You fucking cock-slut! Cunt! Bitch! How dare you tease me like that?! Take it! Fucking take it, you fucking cunt! Take it, bitch!!"
My ass cheeks jiggled and bounced as his hand smacked down again and again, stinging, searing my tender flesh. Tears streamed down my face, but I love having my ass spanked and I was wiggling my ass in the air, laughing and screaming as my fingers worked frantically between my legs. "Oh, God, yes! Yes! Spank me! Give it to me! I’m a dirty little whore, a filthy fuck-slut! I need to be spanked! Come on, slap it! Yes! Please! Please spank me hard! I’m a nasty slut! Spank my ass! Spank it! Spank it hard! Come on! Make it hurt! Harder! Harder!! Oh, yes! Now fuck it! Fuck it hard! Fuck my ass! Please, I need your hard cock in my ass!! PLEASE FUCK MEEEEEEEE NOWWWWWWW!!"
With the sweet intoxicating pain from his hand, and the need I already had for his cock, my pussy and ass-hole were pulsing and throbbing with the need to be filled with hard cock. My pussy was soaking with so much juice, that it was running down my leg. Tom’s hard penis slid all the way into my pussy on his first thrust. He slammed his cock several times into my cunt to lubricate it with my pussy juices. Then, grabbing a handful of my long hair, he pulled my head back as he shoved his cock into my waiting asshole. I screamed and came over and over as soon as Tom filled my ass with his wonderful cock.
Tom fucked my asshole deep and hard. He rammed his beautiful penis into me over and over. "You bitch! You're such a fucking whore! Take my fat cock in your ass, you cunt! Take it and show me what a slut you are! You love it, don't you? Tell me how much you love my cock in your ass!"
I grunted and gasped with the force of his pounding cock. I yelled at the top of my lungs as I bucked back to meet his thrust. I screamed and moaned, begging Tom for his cock and the fucking of my life. "Yes! Yes! Yes, you fucker, I love it! I love a hard cock in my ass! Oh, God, it feels so fucking good! Slam it into me! Fuck me, fuck me, fuck me! FUCK ME!! FUCK MY ASS!! I’m your dirty whore to fuck, you fucker. Oh, shit, it feels so fucking good! I’m your little naughty slut to use any way you like, so fuck me with that cock of yours! Give it to me hard! Harder! Harder!! Come on, fucker, you can fuck me harder than that! Rape me! Rape me with that fucking cock of yours!! Fuck my ass! Fuck it! Fuck it hard! Fuck it deep! FUUUUUUCK IIIIIIT!!!
I was in heaven! It was so wonderfully dirty to give myself to this man who was not my husband, to be used by him in such a completely sexual way. The liberation I felt at being so shamelessly wanton and completely sexual was so intoxicating that I writhed and slammed back against his thrusts, trying to suck his magnificent cock deep into my ass. I wanted to devour him with my sexuality, to consume him with my lust. I was totally incoherent, babbling obscenities, moaning in a continual orgasm, whipping my head back and forth in total abandonment to my lust, as he finally came, filling my bowels with his cum.
Later, we showered together and I gently cleaned his sweet cock before sucking him hard again. This time, we went into his bedroom for a more leisurely tender fuck. I pushed Tom back on the bed and rode his cock slowly, grinding it into my pussy, playing with my clit and cumming in waves as my lover gently rolled my nipples between his fingers. Just before he finally came again, I rolled off him so he could spray his cum all over my face and tits as a souvenir of our fucking. Like an expensive moisturizing creme, I gently massaged his lovely semen into my skin.
Tom was done for the night, and I was impatient to get home to my husband so I could tell him all about my sexy adventure. I was incredibly excited, because this time Will knew exactly where I had been and what I had been doing. Will was waiting for me, just like the first time I had fucked Tom, except that this time, I didn’t need to worry about how he would react. I knew that he would be horny from the anticipation of imagining what I had been doing with my lover, and he would be eager to fuck me while I told him every detail of how I had fucked Tom.
Will had already enjoyed several hours of the sweet torture of anticipation, so to show me how much he loves me and how much he enjoys and approves of his wife becoming a slut, he had filled the house with flowers and soft candle light. A new CD of Schubert string quartets was softly playing, and a box of Godiva chocolates and two glasses stood next to a bottle of Champagne on ice.
My husband was dressed only in his silk robe, with a glass of red wine in one hand and one of his favorite cigars in the other. His cock was already hard from imagining what I had been up to with Tom, and it jutted out at me obscenely and enticingly from between the folds of his robe. When I walked in the door covered with the perfume of Tom's sexy cum, Will took me into his arms and kissed me, saying, "Welcome home my sweet little slut. I love you so much as my wife and my whore. Come have some Champagne and celebrate your debauchery while you tell me all about what you've done and where you've been. Tell me all about how you were a whore tonight."
We snuggled and laughed, drank and laughed, kissed and laughed, as I stroked my husband's hard cock and told him all about my sexual adventure. Will was so proud of how daring I was when I told him how I had sucked the stranger on the bus. I confessed how I wanted to take Carlos as a lover and fuck his gorgeous cock, as well as Tom's. That brought on Will’s first orgasm of the evening, which I caught in my mouth and washed down with the excellent Champagne.
I sucked Will back to hardness, and pushing him back on the sofa, I straddled him to ride his sweet cock as I continued my story. Will pinched and pulled my nipples and I gently played with my clit, as I told him how I had teased poor Tom. We laughed at his predicament, at how provoked I had made him, while he tried to talk to his fiancé. And we both came in huge orgasms when I recalled how he had spanked me as I had urged him to fuck my ass.
I told Will how I loved giving myself so completely to Tom, and how turned on I am just by the thought of cocks. "I want more cocks, Will! I want to fuck lots and lots of lovely hard cocks! Please, may I fuck lots of other cocks?"
My husband just held me closer. "Of course, you'll have other cocks. You’ll have as many as you like. You're a slut now, and I love you for it. We'll see to it that you will have many cocks to fuck and suck. I love you because you let yourself become a slut with Tom's cock. I love you even more that you were a slut with Carlos’ cock, and I will love you that much more again when you are a slut with other cocks. I love you with all my heart, and only want you to be totally happy!" With that he carried me into our bedroom and spent the next couple of hours making tender sweet love to me.
Will is so sweet to be so excited about my being a slut and fulfilling all my wicked desires that it makes me want to become even more wanton and brazen. I wish that I had revealed my true nature and become a slut years ago!ÂÂ
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The Next - After Becming a Slut
The Next Day: ÂÂ
Hello, my name is Amy, and I'm a brand new slut. I don’t know why I get so turned on posting these stories, but I’m having a blast! The truth is, it's both exciting and terrifying sharing my diary with you and telling you such intimate details about myself on such an explicit and personal level. I have no way of knowing who is is reading the stories, but it's tremendously erotic imagining that they make your penis hard or your pussy wet and that you're masturbating, or sharing them with your husband, your wife, or your other lovers. On the other hand (pun intended), if you're reading this, you probably already know how potentially sublime, free and open sex without limits can be. You don't know me. You have no other knowledge of me except that I am
I believe that sex has the power to transform. Think about it. I can be transformed by something as simple as just having my nipples touched. I adore having them touched, pinched and pulled, sucked and nibbled. But it’s much more than that it feels so good. I adore it. Whenever a lover looks into my eyes and pinches my nipples, I have to change. I’m compelled to become a whore. I start to glow with erotic energy and will do absolutely anything my lover desires. I become a total slut, a sexual being with absolutely no inhibitions left. I am transformed by my lover’s touch into a complete sex toy to be used any way he likes, with absolutely no inhibitions left. When my nipples are pinched my need for cock or pussy becomes overwhelming. I feel that I might almost go crazy if I don't get the sex I crave, and and it seems like I have a real physical need for a hard cock.
God, I love being a slut! I can't believe how much fun I'm having! It's fantastic how incredibly free and light and full of energy I feel since I shed my burden of monogamous prudery and allowed myself the joy of being a slut. Just last night I became a slut when I fucked my new lover Tom for the first time, and then came home covered with his cum and joyfully confessed everything to my husband. Will was delighted that I had fucked another man and joyously licked Tom’s cum from my pussy. He was thrilled that I had become a slut, and we laughed all night long as we fucked, talking about my naughty adventure with Tom.
This morning we awoke in each others arms. Will was already hard and he was gazing at me adoringly. "Good morning, my love. I love you, Amy, my wife. I’ve been lying here watching you, remembering a lovely dream I had last night. I dreamed that you told me you fucked another man and came home with your pussy full of his cum last night. Was it only a dream? Please tell me it wasn’t really a dream! Is it too good to be true that my sweet little wife really has become the delicious slut I’ve always wanted you to be? Are you really, truly my sweet whore now?"
I gently squeezed his lovely erection. "Yes, my love, it’s true. It wasn’t a dream., I am a slut! I did fuck another man. I fucked Tom last night, and your wife is now your whore. I loved his hard cock and the way he fucked me so wildly! Are you still OK with that? Are you sure you are happy that I am a slut?"
In case there was any doubt, I asked.Will’s cock was now rock hard and throbbing. "I'm thrilled and ecstatic! Look at my cock! Just thinking of you sucking Tom's cock has me hard and horny, ready to fuck you again, already. But I want you to suck my cock, first. Suck my cock now, my sweet slut. Show me how hungry you are. Show me how my sweet little whore loves to suck cock in the morning."
I hungrily began to giave Will a slow morning blow job, sliding his cock down my throat, looking up into his eyes to make sure he could see how whorishly I devoured his sweet penis. We laughed as I gradually sucked harder and deeper to make Will’s hips involuntarily begin humping my face. As I said, sex has the power to transform.
My new sense of confidence and freedom as a slut made me suck wildly, with complete abandon. “Oh, God! Yes! You’ve never sucked my cock like that. It’s incredible! Yes! Suck it, slut! Suck it, you cock-sucking whore!!†I smiled naughtily into my husband’s eyes and swirled my tongue around the head of his cock. Plunging his lovely hard cock deep into my throat, I nuzzled in his pubic hair, tracing circles in his curls with my nose.
I couldn’t wait for my own release. My fingers had found my clit, and I soon was approaching my first orgasm of the new day. I wanted to cum with my husband, so pulling back from his lovely penis for a second, I licked a finger and lubricated my husband’s asshole. Will moaned as I slipped it in and gradually increased the motion of one finger, then two, finally finding his prostate. As I massaged his sex gland, Will bellowed with the intensity of his orgasm and exploded with a delicious load of cum in my mouth.
The excitement of his semen splashing into my mouth drove me over the edge, and I collapsed onto his penis, driving it deep into my throat as my own orgasm swept over me. I swallowed as Will exploded in my mouth with spurt after spurt of his delicious hot cum, keeping the last of his cum in my mouth. Naughtily, I let just a dribble run down my chin and leaned over to kiss my sweet husband. Licking the dribble of my chin, he shared his own cum with me as I snuggled into his shoulder.
We dozed contentedly for awhile, before Will got up to bring me coffee in bed. We sat in bed and smiled over the steaming cups, laughing and giggling as we talked about our new swinging open marriage. After our coffee and I had amy yummy breakfast of Will's his sweet cum, I was ready to fuck again, but Will had a few Saturday morning errands that had to be attended to.
While he was gone, I toddled into the bedroom, took a quick shower and luxuriously returned to bed. The warm morning sun poured through our large bedroom windows and fell across my naked body. I rubbed lotion all over my body as I lay therin bed and dreamily recalled the events of the last 18 hours.
Leisurely, I began to play with my nipples and finger my clit. Thoughts of Tom’s and Will’s sweet penises whirled through my mind, and I passed into a blissful Zen-like erotic trance. I reached for my favorite toy, my vibrator which has a special g-spot stimulator. I can hold it at just the right angle with my thighs and still play with both nipples.
The warm sun soon had me in another world, suspended by erotic visions of lush foliage, tropical beaches, waterfalls, and my two favorite cocks. Soon, I was riding rolling waves of gasping orgasms, until I no longer had the strength to hold the vibrator in place between my moist thighs.
Usually I feel calmer after I cum, but since I fucked Tom last night, my orgasms were leaving me feeling even hornier, so I got the wicked idea to call him. I wanted to tell him how happy I was this morning and how much I had enjoyed being his slut and fucking him. I couldn't wait to tell him how excited my husband had been about my becoming a slutwhore!
I dialed his number, and had two fingers deep in my dripping wet pussy when Tom's voice, thick with sleep, answered the phone. "Good morning, lover. How is your sweet cock this morning? He was so hard last night! Is he hard again now? I loved sucking him last night and he felt so wonderful in my pussy. He tasted so delicious. I loved his cum! Is he hard and ready to fuck, yet this morning? Mmmmm, I want him in my pussy again!"
I laughed as Tom groaned in frustration at my teasing. “I always wake up with an erection, you bitch! But even if I didn't have one before you called, I'd certainly be hard now, with you talking like such a slut. It’s hard as a rock!â€Â
It was my turn to moan at not being able to touch his penis. “Mmmm, I want your cock. I want him in my pussy. I want to fuck him right now…â€Â. I told him I had just sucked my husband off a few minutes ago, and that I could still taste his cum on my lips. I told Tom that Will had to go out and run to the bank before it closesd, so he wouldn’t fuck me.
"I’m here in my bed naked, horny and all alone. I’ve been lying here in the sun masturbating, thinking about your sweet penises and how good you both fucked me last night. It’s no fair, I want your penis now! I want him in my mouth! and I wish I was with you right then now, so I could wrap my lips around your sweet cock to give you a wake-up blow job, too. I’m still hungry. I didn’t get enough cum to eat this morning!â€Â
I giggled, and said that after last night, my best fantasy was that more than anything, I wanted to taste his cum mixed together with my husband's. “You bitch! You’re such a slut! How can tease me like that, when I can’t even be there to fuck you? If I was there right now, I’d give your cunt such a pounding you wouldn’t walk right for a week!â€Â
“Ooooh, Promise? I’d love that! I want your cock again, lover. Soon!†Tom moaned in frustration when I said that I couldn't wait to fuck him again, and that it was OK with Will for me to be a slut, as long as I followed the rules we had agreed on.
It was true. I couldn’t wait to fuck my new lover again, so I took a step up to a new level of slut-hood. I made a date to go fuck my lover. I didn’t want to have dinner with him. I didn’t want to go out dancing. I just wanted to go to his house and fuck like a whore.
“I would be free to fuck when my husband will be working late Thursday night. I want to fuck you again while he is working. He gave me permission to come over to your house and fuck you while he is busy. May I? May I be your sweet whore again? Will you please fuck me again? Will you please give me your sweet penis? We can suck and fuck for hours Thursday night. I want your big hard cock inside me again. I want you to pin me to the bed and ram you cock in me! Do you want to fuck me, lover? Do you want to bang your cock in my tight hot cunt? My pussy is gushing wet and hot just thinking about it, lover.â€Â
Tom said that he was stroking his hard cock while he was talking with me, and that we should have sex right then over the phone. “I’m so horny from talking to you, that I’m pouring lotion all over my cock. I’m making my hand almost as slick and slippery as your hot pussy was last night. I loved fucking you, and I can’t wait to fuck you again.†His words had me writhing on the bed, trying to feel his imaginary cock in my cunt.
He said that no woman had ever been such a slut, so wild with for him or fucked him so hard. “I’m pumping my cock, now. You should put your fingers in your pussy. Play with yourself while we talk, slut... Tell me what a whore you are and what you want to do with my cock. Make yourself cum for me!â€Â
As if he needed to tell me that! My fingers had been in my pussy the whole time we’d been talking, and I was on the verge of cumming any second. We were talking about how we had fucked the night before and how much fun and how erotic it had been. “I loved being your whore. You made me feel so wonderfully wild when you slapped my ass!â€Â
I lay naked in the warmth of the morning sun shining across the bed as we talked. “Your cock felt so good in my pussy, and I loved the way you fucked my ass! I want you to do that again!†I was playing with my nipples, with my legs splayed lewdly open, my fingers were squishing were up in my juicy cunt, and a wanton look of pure lust was was on my face, when my husband Will walked in.
Will grinned in appreciation and excitement when he saw the phone propped againstheld to my ear. "Don't stop, my pretty little slut wife. You are such a beautiful whore lying there. I love to watch you when you’re being naughty like that. It's Tom on the other end, right?â€Â
I smiled in a fog of lust and nodded. “Is he masturbating, too? Did he like sticking his cock in your pretty little cunt? Is he telling you how much he enjoyed fucking my little slut last night?â€Â
Near orgasm, I moaned. “Will’s here. He’s watching me masturbate as I talk to you. He knows I’m talking to you, lover, and that you’re rubbing your beautiful hard cock that was fucking my pussy last night. It makes me feel so fucking nasty, masturbating for my lover, while my husband watches!†I shoved another finger into my pussy.
“You look like such a fucking slut. Your pussy is so wet.†Will unzipped his pants and began stroking his penis. “Did you tell Tom how wet your pussy is, and how hot you are for his cock?†I nodded, yes. He slapped my face with his erection. “Tell him again. I want to hear my naughty slut-wife tell her lover how much she wants his hard cock." It was so thrilling and wicked to be caught like that by my sweet husband.
“Tom, my husband is here. He is, watching me masturbate while I talk to you, lover. Oh! I feel so nasty! Will, spank me for being such a naughty whore. Slap my ass while I cum!†Now, I had all four fingers in my cunt, and I couldn’t do anything but just shudder and moan as I rubbed my clit harder faster and shuddered jerked in orgasm.
"Yes! I want it, Will! I want Tom's cock! I want to be a whore for him! Tom, I want your hard cock deep in my pussy! I love your cock! I loved the way you fucked me!, I want you you to pound your big fat cock into my cunt, you fucker! Oh, shit! I'm cumming! Yes! Yes!! I want your cock! I want your cock!! FUCK MEEEEEEEE!!†I writhed on the bed in orgasm.
“My husband just watched me cum while I was talking to you, Tom. Isn’t that incredibly hot? Oh, God! He's going down to lick my pussy! He’s going to make me cum again, while he listens to me tell you how I loved fucking you and sucking your sexy cock! His tongue is deep in my pussy. Oh, Tom, you made me feel so good when you fucked me! You fucked me so hard, and your strong cock made me feel so good! My husband is kneeling between my legs, sucking my clit. Oh, I’m in heaven! Tom, your cum is so delicious! I love the way it tastes! I know my husband can still taste your cum mixed with his own cum from last night. Oh, God, I love it! This so nasty! It’s so much fun! I love being such a slut! I am such a whore! I loved how your delicious cum slid down my throat. I loved how you fucked me, Tom, how your cock filled my pussy and pounded my ass! Oh, Will, Tom, you both fucked me so good last night, you fuckers! Oh! Oh, God! Here I go agaaain I'm cumming! Yes! Yes! Yessssss! Fuuuuuuuck!!" I yelled as another huge wave of orgasm washed over me.
Will immediately pulled me and the phone down onto the floor and shoved his cock in my pussy and began to fuck me. “Here’s another cock for you, bitch! You love hard cocks in your pussy, don’t you, slut?!†He pounded his penis into me as I continued to cum in a series of rolling orgasms. “Take my cock! Fuck me! Take it you whore!!†Will made me hold the phone so Tom could hear when he hit my G-spot just right, and I came in wave after wave.
Tom could hear me grunting, moaning and screaming as Will he fucked me. â€ÂYes! Fuck me! I’m a whore! Fuck me! Use me! Use my cunt!†I held the phone down by my pussy so Tom could hear the squishing smacking sounds of my husband’s cock fucking my cunt.
“You were such a good slut to suck Tom’s cock so well and swallow all his cum. I love you, my slut-wife! I love you, my little cock-whore for how good his cock had felt in taking his hard cock deep in your pussy and fucking your lover so well! Will said, I’m going to cum in your pussy now, too. Tell Tom, I'm about to cum. Tell him I’m going to fill my whore’s cunt with cum! Tell him to jerk that slut-fucking cock of his and cum with us together. Tell him, bitch!"
For another 20 or 30 secondscouple of minutes the sounds of fucking crescendoed in the room. “Oh, Tom! My husband is fucking me so good! I feel like such a fucking slut while I talk with you as he fucks me. He’s about to cum! Come on, Baby! Cum with us! I’m going to cum, too! Come on, shoot that lovely goo from your beautiful cock! Spray it for me, Baby! Yes! Yes! Shoot it! Fuck me, Will!â€Â
As until Will and Tom both started to cum, and I was blinded by another orgasm. Will usually hits my G-spot just right, and this time I came in wave after wave, screaming into the phone. Afterwards, I could barely speak. "Bye, lover. Bye my sweet cock. Thank you." I sighed, " I'll fuck you on Thursday!" Will hung up the phone and I lay snuggled with him on our bed. I have never been happier in my life!
Happy Fucking! It is good to be a slut!
To be continued…
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The Next Day - After Becoming a Slut
A Slut's Diary- The Next Day
Hello, my name is Amy, and I'm a brand new slut. I don’t know why I get so turned on posting these stories, but I’m having a blast! The truth is, it's both exciting and terrifying sharing my diary with you and telling you such intimate details about myself on such an explicit and personal level. I have no way of knowing don't even know who is is reading the stories, but it's tremendously erotic imagining that they make your penis hard or your pussy wet and that you're masturbating, or sharing them with your husband, your wife, or your other lovers.
On the other hand (pun intended), if you're reading this, you probably already know how potentially sublime free and open sex without limits can be. You don't know me. You ha
I believe that sex has the power to transform. Think about it. I can be transformed by something as simple as just having my nipples touched. I adore having them touched, pinched and pulled, sucked and nibbled. But it’s much more than that it just feels so good. I adore it. Whenever a lover looks into my eyes and pinches my nipples, I start to change. I start to glow with erotic energy and will do absolutely anything for him my lover desires. I become a total slut, a sexual being with absolutely no inhibitions left. I am transformed by my lover’s touch into a complete sex toy to be used any way he likes, with absolutely no inhibitions left. When my nipples are pinched my need for cock or pussy becomes overwhelming. I feel that I might go crazy if I don't get the sex I crave, and it seems like I have a real physical need for a hard cock. When that happens, I am compelled to be a slut, I must become a whore!ÂÂ
God, I love being a slut ! I can't believe how much fun I'm having! It's fantastic how incredibly free and light and full of energy I feel since I shed my burden of monogamous prudery and allowed myself the joy of being a slut. Just last night I became a slut when I fucked my new lover Tom for the first time, and then came home covered with his cum and joyfully confessed everything to my husband. Will was delighted that I had fucked another man and joyously licked Tom’s cum from my pussy . He was thrilled that I had become a slut , and we laughed all night long as we fucked , talking about my naughty adventure with Tom .
This morning we awoke in each others arms. Will was already hard and he was gazing at me adoringly. " Good morning, my love. I love you, Amy, my wife . I’ve been lying here watching you, remembering a lovely dream I had last night. I dreamed that you told me you fucked another man and came home with your pussy full of his cum last night. Was it only a dream? Please tell me it wasn’t really a dream! Is it too good to be true that my sweet little wife really has become the a delicious slut I’ve always wanted you to be? Are you really, truly my sweet whore now? "
I gently squeezed his lovely erection. "Yes, my love, it’s true. It wasn’t a dream. I am a slut! I did fuck another man. I fucked Tom last night, and your wife is now your whore. I loved his hard cock and the way he fucked me so wildly! Are you still OK with that? Are you sure you are happy that I am a slut?"
In case there was any doubt, Will’s cock was now rock hard and throbbing . "I'm ecstatic! Look at my cock ! Just thinking of you sucking Tom's cock has me hard and horny ready to fuck you again. But I want you to suck my cock, first. Suck my cock now, my sweet slut. Show me how hungry you are. Show me how my sweet little whore loves to suck cock in the morning ."
I hungrily began to give Will a slow morning blow job, sliding his cock down my throat, looking up into his eyes to make sure he could see how whorishly I devoured his sweet penis. We laughed as I gradually sucked harder and deeper to make Will’s hips involuntarily begin humping my face. As I said, sex has the power to transform. My new sense of confidence and freedom as a slut made me suck wildly, with complete abandon.
“Oh, God! Yes! You’ve never sucked my cock like that. It’s incredible! Yes! Suck it, slut! Suck it, you cock-sucking whore!†I smiled naughtily into my husband’s eyes and swirled my tongue around the head of his cock. Plunging it his lovely hard cock deep into my throat, I nuzzled in his pubic hair, tracing circles in his curls with my nose.
I couldn’t wait for my own release. My fingers had found my clit, and I soon was approaching my first orgasm of the new day. I wanted to cum with my husband, so pulling back from his lovely penis for a second, I licked a finger and lubricated my husband’s asshole. Will moaned as I slipped it in and gradually increased the motion of one finger, then two, finally finding his prostate. As I massaged his sex gland, Will bellowed with the intensity of his orgasm and exploded with a delicious load of cum in my mouth.
The excitement of his semen splashing into my mouth drove me over the edge, and I collapsed onto his penis, driving it deep into my throat as my own orgasm swept over me. I swallowed spurt after spurt of his delicious hot cum, keeping the last of his cum in my mouth. Naughtily, I let just a dribble run down my chin and leaned over to kiss my sweet husband. Licking the dribble of my chin, he shared his own cum with me as I snuggled into his shoulder .
We dozed contentedly for awhile, before Will got up to bring me coffee in bed. We sat in bed and smiled over the steaming cups, laughing and giggling as we talked about our new swinging open marriage. After our coffee and my yummy breakfast of Will's sweet cum, I was ready to fuck again, but Will had a few Saturday morning errands that had to be attended to. While he was gone, I toddled into the bedroom, took a quick shower and luxuriously returned to bed.
The warm morning sun poured through our large bedroom windows and fell across my naked body. I rubbed lotion all over my body as I lay in bed and dreamily recalled the events of the last 18 hours. Leisurely, I began to play with my nipples and finger my clit. Thoughts of Tom’s and Will’s sweet penises whirled through my mind, and I passed into a blissful Zen-like erotic trance. ÂÂ
I reached for my favorite toy, my vibrator which has a special g-spot stimulator. I can hold it at just the right angle with my thighs and still play with both nipples. The warm sun soon had me in another world, suspended by erotic visions of lush foliage, tropical beaches, waterfalls, and my two favorite cocks. Soon, I was riding rolling waves of gasping orgasms, until I no longer had the strength to hold the vibrator in place between my moist thighs.
Usually I feel calmer after I cum, but since I fucked Tom last night, my orgasms were leaving me feeling even hornier, so I got the wicked idea to call him. I wanted to tell him how happy I was this morning and how much I had enjoyed being his slut and fucking him. I couldn't wait to tell him how excited my husband had been about my becoming a slut whore!  ÂÂ
I dialed his number, and had two fingers deep in my dripping wet pussy when Tom's voice, thick with sleep, answered the phone. "Good morning, lover. How is your sweet cock this morning? He was so hard last night! Is he hard again now? I loved sucking him last night and he felt so wonderful in my pussy. He tasted so delicious. I loved his cum! Is he hard and ready to fuck yet, this morning? Mmmmm, I want him in my pussy again!"
I laughed as Tom groaned in frustration at my teasing. “I always wake up with an erection, you bitch! But even if I didn't have one before you called, I'd certainly be hard now, with you talking like such a slut. It’s hard as a rock!â€Â
It was my turn to moan at not being able to touch his penis. “Mmmm, I want your cock. I want him in my pussy. I want to fuck him right now …â€Â I told him I had just sucked my husband off a few minutes ago, and that I could still taste his cum on my lips. I told Tom that he had to go out and run to the bank before it closes, so he wouldn’t fuck me.
"I’m here in my bed naked, horny and all alone. I’ve been lying here in the sun masturbating, thinking about your sweet penis and how good you fucked me last night. It’s no fair, I want him now! I want him in my mouth! I wish I was with you right now, so I could to wrap my lips around your sweet his cock to give you him a wake-up blow job, too. I’m still hungry. I didn’t get enough cum to eat this morning!â€Â
I giggled, and said that after last night, my best fantasy was that more than anything, I wanted to taste his cum mixed together with my husband's.
“You bitch! You’re such a slut! How can tease me like that, when I can’t even be there to fuck you? If I was there right now, I’d give your cunt such a pounding you wouldn’t walk right for a week!â€Â
“Ooooh, Promise? I’d love that! I want your cock again, lover. Soon!â€Â
Tom moaned in frustration when I said that I couldn't wait to fuck him again, and that it was OK with Will for me to be a slut , and that it was OK with Will for me to be a slut, as long as I followed the rules we had agreed on .
It was true. I couldn’t wait to fuck my new lover again, so I took a step up to a new level of slut-hood. I made a date to go fuck my lover. I didn’t want to have dinner with him. I didn’t want to go out dancing. I just wanted to go to his house and fuck like a whore. “I would be free to fuck you when my husband will be working late Thursday night. I want to fuck you again while he is working. He gave me permission to come over to your house and fuck you while he is busy. May I? May I be your sweet whore again? Will you please fuck me again? Will you please give me your sweet penis? We can suck and fuck for hours Thursday night. I want your big hard cock inside me again. I want you to pin me to the bed and ram you cock in me! Do you want to fuck me, lover? Do you want to bang your cock in my tight hot cunt? My pussy is gushing wet and hot just thinking about it, lover. â€Â
Tom said that he was stroking his hard cock while he was talking with me, and that we should have sex right then over the phone. “I’m so horny from talking to you, that I’m pouring lotion all over my cock. I’m making my hand almost as slick and slippery as your hot pussy was last night. I loved fucking you, and I can’t wait to fuck you again.†His words had me writhing on the bed, trying to feel his imaginary cock in my cunt.
He said that no woman had ever been such a slut or so wild with for him or fucked him so hard. “I’m pumping my cock, now. Put your fingers in your pussy. Play with yourself while we talk, slut. Tell me what a whore you are and what you want to do with my cock. Make yourself cum for me!â€Â
As if he needed to tell me that! My fingers had been in my pussy the whole time we’d been talking, and I was on the verge of cumming any second.
We were talking about how we had fucked the night before and how much fun and how erotic it had been. “You fucked me so hard! I loved being your whore. You made me feel so wonderfully wild when you slapped my ass!â€Â
My robe had fallen open, and I was slumped in the chair I lay naked in the warmth of the morning sun shining across the bed as we talked . “Your cock felt so good in my pussy, and I loved the way you fucked my ass! I want you to do that again!†I was playing with my nipples, my legs were splayed lewdly open, my fingers were squishing were up in my juicy cunt, and a wanton look of pure lust was was on my face, when my husband Will walked in.
Will grinned in appreciation and excitement when he saw the phone propped against held to my ear. "Don't stop, my pretty little slut wife. You are such a beautiful whore lying there. I love to watch you when you’re being naughty like that. It's Tom on the other end, right?†I smiled in a fog of lust and nodded. “Is he masturbating, too? Did he like sticking his cock in your pretty little cunt? Is he telling you how much he enjoyed fucking my little slut last night?â€Â
Near orgasm, I moaned. “Will’s here. He’s watching me masturbate as I talk to you. He knows I’m talking to you, lover, and that you’re rubbing your beautiful hard cock that was fucking my pussy last night. It makes me feel so fucking nasty, masturbating for my lover, while my husband watches!†I shoved another finger into my pussy.
“You look like such a fucking slut. Your pussy is so wet.†Will unzipped his pants and began stroking his penis. “Did you tell Tom him how wet your pussy is, and how hot you are for his cock?â€Â
I nodded, yes and he slapped my face with his erection. “Tell him again. I want to hear my naughty slut-wife tell her lover how much she wants his hard cock."
It was so thrilling and wicked to be caught like that by my sweet husband. “Tom, my husband is here . He is watching me masturbate while I talk to you, lover. Oh! I feel so nasty! Will, spank me for being such a naughty whore. Slap my ass while I cum!â€Â
Now, I had all four fingers in my cunt, and I couldn’t do anything but just shudder and moan as I rubbed my clit harder faster and jerked in orgasm. "Yes! I want it, Will! I want Tom's cock ! I want to be a whore for him! Tom, I want your hard cock deep in my pussy ! I love your cock! I loved the way you fucked me! I want him you to pound your big fat cock into my cunt, you fucker! Oh, shit! I'm cumming! Yes! Yes!! I want your cock! I want your cock!! FUCK MEEEEEEEE!! †I writhed on the bed in orgasm.
“My husband just watched me cum while I was talking to you, Tom. Isn’t that incredibly hot? Oh, God! He's going down to lick my pussy! He’s going to make me cum again, while he listens to me I tell you how I loved fucking you and sucking your sexy cock! His tongue is deep in my pussy. Oh, Tom, you made me feel so good when you fucked me! You fucked me so hard, and your strong cock made me feel so good! My husband is kneeling between my legs, sucking my clit. Oh, I’m in heaven! Tom, your cum is so delicious! I love the way it tastes! I know my husband can still taste your cum mixed with his own cum from last night. Oh, God, I love it! This so nasty! It’s so much fun! I love being am such a slut! I am such a whore! I loved how your delicious cum slid down my throat. I loved how you fucked me, Tom, how your cock filled my pussy and pounded my ass! Oh, Will, Tom, you both fucked me so good last night, you fuckers! Oh! God! Here I go agaaain! Yes! Yes! Yessssss! Fuuuuuuuck!!" I yelled as another huge wave of orgasm washed over me.
Will immediately pulled me and the phone down onto the floor shoved his cock in my pussy and began to fuck me. “Here’s another cock for you, bitch! You love hard cocks in your pussy, don’t you, slut?!†He pounded his penis into me as I continued to cum in a series of rolling orgasms. “Take my cock! Fuck me! Take it you whore!!â€Â
Will hits my G-spot just right, and I came in wave after wave. Tom could hear me grunting, moaning and screaming as Will fucked me. â€ÂYes! Fuck me! I’m a whore! Fuck me! Use me! Use my cunt!†I held the phone down by my pussy so Tom could hear the squishing smacking sounds of my husband’s cock fucking my cunt.
“You were such a good slut to suck Tom’s his cock so well and swallow all his cum. I love you, my slut-wife! I love you, my little cock-whore for how good his cock had felt in taking his hard cock deep in your pussy and fucking your lover so well! I’m going to cum in your pussy now, too. Tell Tom, I'm about to cum. Tell him I’m going to fill my whore’s cunt with cum! Tell him to jerk that slut-fucking cock of his and cum with us together. Tell him, bitch!"
For another 20 or 30 seconds couple of minutes the sounds of fucking crescendoed in the room. “Oh, Tom! My husband is fucking me so good! I feel like such a fucking slut while I talk with you as he fucks me. He’s about to cum! Come on, Baby! Cum with us! I’m going to cum, too! Come on, shoot that lovely goo from your beautiful cock! Spray it for me, Baby! Yes! Yes! Shoot it! Fuck me, Will!†As Will and Tom both started to cum I was blinded by another orgasm.ÂÂ
Afterwards, I could barely speak. "Bye, lover. Bye my sweet cock. Thank you. I'll fuck you on Thursday!"
Will I hung up the phone and I lay snuggled with Will him on our bed. I have never been happier in my life!
Happy Fucking! It is good to be a slut!
To be continued
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