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Alfred9 Member Since January 22, 2012

Xavier, Philip and Alexandra - Chapter 1

Alfred9 on Teen Stories

This story begins a Saturday noon, one of these perfect sunny days of May. I was going at my friend's house, Philip was his name. His parents were going to see his grandmother out of town and they didn't want him to stay alone during the weekend so I was going to sleep at his house. We were planning to play video games and maybe rent a movie, but something much better happened.

Xavier, Philip and Alexandra - Chapter 4

Alfred9 on Teen Stories

Chapter 4 I was lying in bed, it was around 11:30 pm. I was still thinking about a plan to get all of us, Philip Alexandra and I, together. I would eventually need to tell Philip. I would have liked to have a cell phone right now so I could talk to him. My mom passed by my room even though the door was closed she saw that the light were on: “Go to bed Xavier, you have school tomorrow.&rdq