Last night on an island resort, my wife and I got back to our hotel. We're pretty high up on a level and I thought it'd be a great idea for me to ask my wife who has huge natural boobs if I could pretend to expose her boobs from our balcony under the cover of darkness. She agreed. So she stood in front of my facing away over the balcony and she put her hands on her head as she allowed me to undo her bra and for me to slowly remove the cups off her huge boobs to the unsuspecting public. Unfortunately no one saw as that's my fetish: for people to see her tits in public but not share her pictures online. I pretended to bring attention to her bare chest, there was a bus full of party goers and I motioned her bare chest to the bus whispering some stuff in her ear like I hope they can see and t
My wife and I are new to all of this stuff. This whole experience has only happened in the last month.
This is pretty long, but I think it will be worth reading. I’ll give the back story first so you can understand the whole context.
I’ve always been faithful to my wife and she to me, I trust her. She’s only 28, me and my buddy that she was with are in our late 30s.
My buddy (JJ) and I have known each other since high school, and she met him through me of course, when we were dating.
He lives in another state now, but stops over to see us when he’s in town on business (which I wouldn’t be surprised if it’s more often now..LOL) and stays the weekend. He just went through a terrible divorce last year and (which he didn’t want and still wears his ring) we haven’t seen him since that
During 2015-2017 I happened to have some amazing times with a mature lady fondly called “Auntie Lynda”, This Is how it all started she's not actually an Aunt but a really close friend of the family her and my mother have been close friends for over 35 years , At the time I worked in a pub. It was a good place to meet girls and have a laugh. I was still living at home at the time and mum used to go out regularly with her friend called Lynda. For a woman in her 50’s Lynda was stunning. They were as close as sisters, she was with her almost every day and we all used to call her Aunt because of this.
One night both my mother and Lynda stopped off in the pub where I was working for a drink before they headed off downtown for the night at the other pubs and clubs in town. Lynda was wearing
Let me start off by saying that I am not a writer. Never have been great at this but my ex wife (wish was still current wife) and I have had some fun times that we think are pretty hot and I wanted to post them. This is one of many. If this isn't isn't terrible when it's done I might post more. These events are based on true as well. I hope you enjoy.
My ex wife Rachel and I always had a really great sex life. We were together off and on starting in 7th grade. So by the time we had been married for a while we were opening up about different fantasies we had and things that we were curious about. One of mine was the thought of sharing her with another man. Not just like in a three way but even the thought of her with other men without me involved. I brought this up to her during sex on
We were cuddling in the hotel sauna alone. Sweat drenched our bodies as we just wore our bathing suits and had towels around our waists. We endured the intense heat as we just relaxed in silence. Then her body shifted and she got right on top of me.
She kissed me once. "I love you, husband."
"I love you too, wife."
We heard people outside the sauna, yelling and having fun in the pool. Then she lifted herself up off me and her feet met the floor. She left the towel, wandered to the door and looked out there.
Her eyebrows rose up. "Let's have some fun in here," she suggested, looking back at me.
She closed the door and walked back towards me, but stopped about two feet in front of me.
"What are you doing?"
Her hands moved onto her back. "Being spontaneous," she answered
Hi all married beautiful ladies welcome back to your doctor cum sex consultant page. Let's talk reality no matter if whole world hates us..enough of living in fake world. This is the second article and continuation to the first one. I have received lot of response asking for in detail explanation about lot of things so I am going to explain few of the things here. Thanks for all your support. In my first article I explained how society won't talk truth.. And I am here to break all the myths and make people realize and help them get what they deserve for..
Let's discuss the below points today.
1. How to know if your life main goal is sex or lead normal life
2. How to choose good sex partner
3. How to get away with family problems and fuck as much as possible
4. How to know if boy is
We as a swinger group had lots of fun, there were 14 active couples and a few that popped in once in a while. The regulars were governed by the whole group, the group met once a month, planned group events, and voted on things, majority rules, if an event was planned by the group and you did opt out of something there were consequences.
We were organized, all of our homes had a number (we were #4) and the numbers 1 thru 14 were on paper slips in a jar, if the other non regular couples wanted to be involved we just added a number for them. We used the jar for many games and events.
One game we played at least once a month was called “around the clock”, In the group meetings we would pick a date and time to play the game. For this game a number was pulled from the jar, lets say the
My wife and I met at work almost 35-years ago. Our sex life at first was amazing, everyday sometimes twice a day. We would watch porn together and fuck. Over time it became somewhat routine. Before we met, I had done a lot of phonesex which she knew about and didn't mind. Eventually I started again, and she told me she was okay with it as long as it didn't interfere with our sex life. Then one night she came home and told me she wanted me to get her setup to do phonesex so she could see what it was all about. I was using an IRC program and showed her how to set a simple profile. Since there were always more men than women the moment, she entered the room she was bombarded with private messages. As she weeded through them and picked someone to play with, she took the laptop into the bedroo
So my last story I told about Chris. His wife Arrissa left him because she didn’t enjoy how big his cock is. After Chris and I hooked up he video it. He threaten to show my wife. But what he didn’t know is that I already told her. So she asked me is her and Arrissa could hook up once. I say I don’t care. Well later that night my wife ask me if she cld tell Arrissa about Chris and I. Reminder that is Chris wife. I say fuck it yea. So she tells her the next thing I know is the girls are calling me asking me to come over to Arrissa’s house. I get there and Arrissa starts to ask uncomfortable questions. Like how was able to let him fuck me ? and did I let him finish? I say yes I did. I told her it hurt me but I felt bad for him and all he wanted was to have sex. She then tells me that they o
Hi i am Uma(name changed for security reason) working as consultant for sex related problems. This is not related any specific desease rather about most women's problem in 2020.
Being in medical field its hard to talk truth but i hope in online no one can stop me doing that. First of all i am more crazy about sex since early age and thats the reason i choose gynocology to understand more about sex. After researching a lot and studying tons of books what i realised is sex is natural activity and there is nothing one should be ashamed of. When i was in college i could not stay without having sex for more than two days so i was doing living together with a boy who had very good cock( i dont want to use boring medical terms like penis..i am tired using it all day in my clinic) so my curios
One of the best investments we ever made was our king size hot tub it seats 6 adults and we practically live in it even in the winter.
The other night my stepdaughter stopped by and we were reminiscing about her college days and when she lived at home. Since her mom and I first met her daughter and I became very close some may say strangely close but my girlfriend now wife was more than ok with it. Her and I had many intimate conversations about life , relationships, love, sex you name it.
Well one night Alley (we’ll call her daughter) and I were chilling out in the hot tube sharing a joint and drinking wine coolers, her mom was in the house finishing putting the baby to bed. So, we’re hanging out and she gets this look in her eye and says he wanna fuck with ma? I laughed and said I f
My name is Anna married 10 years and three children. We have played with others discreetly and never close to home. We have gone to clubs or to a swing party on weekends. We were at a neighborhood party with some friends and one of our friends is going thru a divorce the wife wanted out and Larry was very depressed about the whole thing. That night he had been drinking a bit and at one point I stepped outside with him to have a smoke, We walked around the side of the house and shared a cigarette together, He was upset over the divorce so I told him that I had always had a secret crush on him. He smiled as I began to rub his crotch, I could feel his cock growing quickly. I was wearing a short skirt and soon his hands were all over me. He was feeling my breasts and reaching under my skirt