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LuckyCharm Member Since January 31, 2011


WMSpearshaker on Incest Stories

Mary and I had decided at the end of our freshman year in college to move in together. That was just a little less than a year ago. As the summer was winding to a close and we were getting ready to begin our junior year, we decided to spend a week with each of our families, before classes started up again.

I have four sisters and two brothers. Your typical Irish Catholic family. My older sister had moved out of state, but my three younger sisters were still at home. Ruth is going to be a senior in high school. She is 5’6”, long, dark hair, with some auburn highlights, blue eyes, and a slender, athletic figure. Terri, was born just 11 months after Ruth. She has short, dirty blonde hair, and a slim, muscular body, due to her running track and playing soccer. Her eyes ar

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e green and she has some legs that just don’t quit. She is a couple of inches taller than Ruth, 5’ 8”, with a small, yet blooming, butt. My youngest sister, Kathy, doesn’t figure into these events, so I won’t go into details, other than she is a high school freshman, and just beginning to come into her own.

Mary and I arrived at my parent’s house on Sunday evening. We exchanged the usual pleasantries with my parents and discussed the past school year. Being staunch Catholics, my parents would never allow Mary and I to sleep together, at least not in their house! This, despite the fact that we had been living, and sleeping together, for nearly a year. Mary was to stay in my old room, and I would be spending the week on the sleeper sofa in our family room, that is just outside of my old room. My parents sleep on the main floor of their ranch style home. My younger brother, the baby of the family, at 12, and my youngest sister, Kathy, also had their bedrooms on the main floor. Ruth’s bedroom is on the lower level, where my old room is, as is Terri’s room. The layout of the lower level is like this. Ruth and Terri’s bedrooms are at the south end of the house. My old room is at the north end, off of the game room and family room. The laundry room and a full bath are also on this floor. The downstairs backdoor leads out to a small patio with a hot tub and my sisters had talked my dad into putting an above ground, 4’ deep pool, in our back yard. It is just one of those free standing, plastic jobs, but it was a place for the girls to lay out and cool off in the summer. The city code required my dad to put up a privacy fence, to enclose the pool and make it less accessible to small children. There are also tall bushes along both sides and a row of poplar trees growing on the back property line.

Mary and I were finishing off our second round of “toddies” with the folks, when Ruth came home from her friend Jo Anne’s house. She skipped over to where I was standing and wrapped her arms around me. Nearly squeezing the breath from me, she hugged me and pressed her firm B-cup breasts into my chest. Standing on her tip toes, her pelvis was pressed firmly against my crotch.

“John, it is so nice to have you home! She spoke enthusiastically.

“It’s nice to see you too, sis.” I replied. “But you are going to strangle me if you don’t let go of me pretty soon.”

I could feel my cock beginning to stir from the sensations her firm breasts and pelvis were causing in me, a direct effect of her ardent hugging. As she released me, I could clearly see that her nipples were hard and erect. It was a hot August afternoon, and her flimsy wife beater T-shirt was damp, and clinging to her pert breasts. I thought maybe it was due to the air-conditioning, but hoped it was from sexual arousal. I did feel a bit awkward. Here I was with a bulge in my shorts, gazing at my sister, trying to maintain eye contact and not look too obvious about ogling her firm titties.

I guess I should preface this by telling you that as youngsters, my sisters and I had played our share of “doctor” and other games that involved exploring each other’s bodies. It usually just involved my older sister Chris and I. Then as Ruth and Terri got older, I would engage them in the same activities. Sometimes these games would include two or three of my sisters and I. I had participated with all of my sisters in playing “The Cover Game” .  This usually involved dry humping, touching each other’s pee place, and sometimes some “dare you to put your mouth on it”. Meaning the girls would take my cock into their mouth or I would suck on a nipple or lick their “pee spot”. Terri and Kathy sometimes played these games with my younger brother, when I “got too old to play” and on a few occasions, I had witnessed my younger sisters engaging in these games without my brother or I. My games with them had never progressed to the point of actual fucking, but it did involve lots of incestuous, pre-teen and adolescent oral sex. But, as time went by, we apparently, somehow, “outgrew” these activities.

OK, back to the present events.

Ruth had crossed the room and was now greeting Mary with a warm embrace. Mary gave my bulging crotch a glance and smiled at me. As Ruth released Mary, I could also see that my lovely girlfriend’s nipples were also protruding from her round nearly D-cup breasts. It was either colder in the house than I felt, or the sensation of having my sister’s taut nipples poking into her rounded tits, was causing some sort of excitement in her also.

“It’s just so great to have you both here.” Ruth finally declared. “How long are you staying?”

“We’re here for a week.” Mary replied. “Then were off to visit my family for a week.”

“That’s great! It will give me some time to get to know you better.” Ruth returned. “As well as have a chance to see my big brother again.”

“It’s getting late.” My mother broke in. “You had better get your things from the car so that you two can get settled.”

“Remember, John. This is my house. I don’t care if you two live in sin when you aren’t here, but there will be no sleeping together in my house!” My dad interjected.

“Oh, dad, join the 21 st century!” Ruth scoffed.

“I understand dad.” I assured him.

Ruth followed Mary and I to the car to assist us. I noticed Mary glancing at my sister’s small breasts as Ruth was leaning into the opposite side of the car. From my vantage point, standing behind Mary, I had the same clear view of my sister’s tits and nickel-sized areola’s.

“Can you believe that dad is making you guys sleep in separate beds?” Ruth questioned, as she leaned further in to take one of the bags. “I can’t wait to go to college so that I don’t have to listen to all of his, “Because good girls don’t behave that way” lectures. Do you know he still waits up for me! I have to have guys park a block away to say goodnight, just so he doesn’t spy on us making out! I swear he must think he is the Pope and that all of us girls should become nuns!

I was so busy gazing at my sister’s perfect, young breasts that I didn’t notice she was looking at me looking at her tits. That is, not until I felt Mary’s tight round ass back into me as she moved back out of the car.

I stumbled backwards as Mary exclaimed, “Damn John, are you just going to get in the way! Or are you going to be of some help here? Your sister is more help then you are!”

“I think he must be preoccupied with something!” Ruth responded, while giving me a wry little smile.

I blushed as Mary looked at me and saw the bulge in my shorts.

“John, is that from me backing into you or are you just really horny?” Mary quizzed in a low whisper.

I leaned into the car as Mary and Ruth walked toward the house with a few of Mary’s and my things. Mary stopped about halfway there, turning around, she looked at me as Ruth laughed. I figured that Ruth must have told Mary that she caught me staring at her breasts and Mary was giving me a rather odd look.

I spent a few extra minutes getting things from the car. Then I noticed Ruth walking back to the car alone. I quickly grabbed a couple of more things, closed the car door and started to walk back to the house. As I passed by Ruth, she chuckled; “They aren’t just “little mosquito bites” anymore are they?” A clear reference to how I used to tease her about our pre-pubescent days of sexual exploration. I wasn’t able to respond and continued to walk toward the house.

I carried the things down to my old room where Mary was waiting. I was ready to turn around and just try to figure out what I should do or say. Mary interrupted my thoughts with the quip, “Get that stuff in here you pervert! I want to talk to you!” As I set the duffel bag and backpack on the floor, Mary pushed me to the bed. I was caught completely off guard as she spoke, “I was a little pissed at you when Ruth told me that she saw you staring at her tits. My first thoughts were of what a sicko you must be. Then I remembered how my two brothers were always trying to catch a glimpse of my boobs when we were growing up. I guess that boys will be boys! I swear all you guys think about are tits and pussies! So if that is where your mind is, I’ll give you some!”

Mary lay down on top of me, grinding her pelvic bone into my crotch. She breathed huskily into my ear, “Take me here John, I’ll make you forget all about your little sisters sexy, little breasts! I saw them too and I can’t blame you for looking at them. I’m just glad she didn’t catch me looking too.” She gripped my wrist and guided my hand under her shirt, pushed her bra up and pressed my hand onto her firm round tit and rock hard nipple. She then slid her hand up the leg of my shorts, pushing them all the way up my leg. She firmly gripped my rigid cock with her tender hand. I was just about to tell her we had better not do this while my parents were still awake upstairs, but suddenly there was another voice!

“As much as I would love to watch you two get it on, you had better know that dad said he will be down in a couple of minutes!” Ruth abruptly declared. “Looks like it was going to be a real good time too. Sorry to deflate your, uh-humm, brother!” She chuckled as she eyed my shrinking cock in Mary’s hand.

Mary quickly sat up, her shirt and bra still raised above her breasts, giving my sister a clear look at her full, rounded, C-cup, breasts. As Mary quickly regained her composure, rearranged her bra and shirt, she mumbled, “I’m sorry Ruth, but I was just trying to get his mind back on me.”

“Oh, I don’t think that will be a problem. Your breasts are bigger than mine. My brother is a bit of a boob man and I know he likes yours much better. The bigger the better, right John?” Ruth taunted while pushing up at her own breasts. “But really you two, dad said to check on you and to let you know that the parents are going to bed. He did say it was my responsibility to make sure you two were not sleeping in the same room though. And John, you know dad, he will be up so early in the morning, probably around 5, so you had better be sure that you don’t fall asleep in the same bed!”

It was all I could do to keep my dick from getting hard again as I pulled the leg of my shorts back down over my cock. Wondering just how long Ruth had been watching Mary and I. How long had she been standing there watching Mary stroke my cock while I fondled her tits and slipped my hand into her pants. Had she seen all of this? Was my younger sister not upset or surprised by this? Just how much “parking” had she been doing before having her boyfriends finally bring her home?

Ruth spoke again, “Well; both Terri and Kathy are staying over at their friend’s house tonight. Too bad they didn’t get to see this sexy little show. I bet they would have liked seeing there brothers hard on as much as I did. Not to mention your sexy boobs, Mary. I’m going out to take a quick dip in the pool. You two can join me if you like.” Ruth invited. “Or you can go back to what you were doing, and run the risk of dad coming down, just to make sure I warned you about the sleeping situation, again!” She then sauntered out of the doorway and began removing her tank top while heading for the back door.

Mary and I just stared at each other for a few minutes. “Well, lets join your sister for a swim, since we probably can’t shower together here either. Maybe by that time your parents will be asleep and we can get back to what we were doing.” Mary suggested.

She then walked toward the door, stating, “Apparently your sister isn’t requiring suits. Are you going to join me or just sit there?”

I was in total disbelief. Here was my girlfriend asking me if I was going to join her and my sister, in skinny-dipping! I let my dick do my thinking for me and was soon standing next to the ladder into the pool, still fully clothed. Mary had used the few minutes it took me to get to the pool to strip and lay her clothes on the patio next to Ruth’s few folded articles. I stood there for just a moment admiring the two naked female forms in the pool. I admired Mary’s naked body, the sensuous, large breasted blonde girl I was in love with. And, floating on an air mattress, was my sister. Ruth was completely nude, seemingly unashamed of her naked body.

“Well, come on in big brother! Ruth exclaimed. Mom and dad never come out here, and besides, I’m sure they are both sound asleep by now. Are you afraid to let me see you naked again? It’s not like when we played our little games as kids, but I did just see your privates a few minutes ago. Mary and I are showing you ours, now you gotta do the same!” She commanded. “Otherwise I tell dad that I heard you two doing things he told you not to do!

Was my sister blackmailing me into getting naked? I really didn’t care. Seeing her firm breasts and the thin, landing strip of dark, wet, matted, curly hair between her slightly spread legs, lured me in. I abruptly tossed all of my clothing aside, walked up the short ladder, with my rigid cock waving from side to side, I slipped into the pool.

“Now there you go brother. Isn’t this much more comfortable? I know that couldn’t have felt too good keeping your stiff dick stuffed in your shorts. Mary is one lucky girl to get to stroke your cock the way she was in your old room! I remember when you used to let me do that too, but that was a few years back, huh? Long before I grew this stuff!” She said while brushing her hand across her neatly trimmed pubic hair. “It’s such a nuisance! I think I’ll see if your lovely girlfriend will show me how to shave it all off. Just like her completely bare puss! Is that why you like her pussy so much big brother? It does look so much like a little girls. Just like your sister’s pussies when you used to kiss them for us! Did you know that Mary? My brother used to spend hours talking his sisters into letting him put his tongue into our little “pee spots” and then we would all take turns putting his little boy thing in our mouths. Did he ever tell you about our childhood games? No, probably not. Go ahead, John, tell her its all true.”

I was stunned and shocked at the words my sister was using and the secret family stories she was sharing! “Ruth, please stop.” I blurted.

It was then that I noticed that Mary had slipped her hand between her spread legs and was rubbing two v shaped fingers over her cleanly shaved pussy.

“Well it appears your beautiful girlfriend is enjoying my stories, big brother! You don’t want me to stop telling my story, do you Mary?” Ruth teased.

Ruth then slipped a single digit between her now wide spread legs. Her sweet young pussy was completely open before me and I saw the little clit that I used to lick when I was younger.

Mary stopped rubbing her pussy and walked over to me. She looked into my eyes, firmly gripped my rigid shaft and led me right up to the raft my nude sister was floating on. Both girls’ eyes appeared glassy and dazed. Mary reached up to Ruth’s hand and guided it to my pulsating cock. It had been years since I had felt my sister touch my cock. Now that I was grown up, my cock nearly exploded as Mary wrapped her hand around my sisters and began to move Ruth’s hand up and down my 7” shaft.

I was awe struck. I wasn’t sure that any of this was really happening and if it was, was it supposed to feel this good? Mary released her hand and watched as Ruth continued to stroke my cock, just below the water line. Mary once again began to work on her own pussy and leaned forward to suckle my little sister’s nipple!

She raised her head from the perky nipple for a moment and said, “It’s all right John. Isn’t this what you are always telling me you would like to do? Share me with another girl? Ruth is another girl and her body just drove me wild this afternoon. I never thought I would do this, but she is so much like you. It almost feels like I have been with her already. She is you, just in female form!”

With that, my sexy Mary began to vigorously tongue my younger sister’s nipple again. Alternating licking it and then puckering her lips to suck the nipple in and stretch the elongated nipple and areola into her mouth, taking more of my sister’s breast into her mouth with each sucking action.

I could tell Ruth was clearly aroused. She began to grip my shaft more firmly and quickened the pace of her stroke on it.

“John, my sweet brother, give Mary what she wants. Show her how you used to use your tongue on my little pussy. I want to feel your warm wet tongue slipping up and down my wet cunt. Oh, yes John, like that. Show Mary how you used to use your tongue on me!”

I feverishly began to tongue fuck my sisters wet pussy hole. The water was beginning to really move in the pool due to our rigorous frolicking! It had been years since I last had my face buried between my sweet sister’s legs. I was now enjoying it with a renewed zest. The delicious flavor was the same, just maybe more pronounced. The sweet aroma was so inviting. I now found myself wanting to explore my sisters now mature pussy with my engorged cock. I watched Mary continue to alternate sucking first one breast and nipple, then the other. I also saw my sister raise her head to suckle on one of Mary’s elongated, nipples. Damn I wanted to feel my cock inside of my sister’s pussy, but I was afraid to interrupt any of the current activity, in fear that everyone might suddenly come to their senses.

Ruth suddenly slipped off of the raft, stating, “I can’t take this anymore!” My fears were realized! My sister was putting a stop to my dream come true! Shit!

“That’s all I can take out here! Were going to my room, John! Mary I want to lick your beautiful shaved pussy while I finally get to take your lovers, or should I say my sexy brother’s cock in my pussy! Don’t be alarmed big brother. I’m not a virgin. I have had several guys, but every time, I would fantasize that I was fucking you.”

Mary didn’t stop her. She actually took Ruth by the hand and led her up the steps out of the pool. I stared at the two perfect bodies as the emerged from the water. I watched the water trickle down the short, dark hairs between my sisters legs, as she took each step. I rushed out of the pool and followed them both to Ruth’s room.

Mary lay back on Ruth’s bed. “Lick my wet pussy Ruth. I want to feel your tongue inside me. I want to feel your tongue, just like I’ve felt John’s inside of me. Please fuck me with your tongue!” It was only a matter of seconds before my sister had her face buried between Mary’s legs. It had always seemed to me that she had spent more time exploring my other sister’s young pussies during our games. Apparently she had continued this into her nearly adult life. As she spread Mary’s clean shaven pussy, she raised her perfect heart shaped butt for me and with her free hand, gripped my cock and pulled it to her still dripping slit.

I had a clear view of my sister’s puffy, dark, haired, crack. Her puffy pussy lips led up to her sparsely, haired, sphincter. The few strands of dark hair hung damp around her pretty asshole. I leaned forward to plant a quick kiss on her tiny butt hole, then positioned myself between her legs. She spread her legs, pushed her ass back toward me, and again gripped my cock from between her legs. I knew this had to be a dream. My sweet young sister was ravaging my beautiful girlfriends shaved pussy while she began to rub my pulsing cock across her soaking wet pussy and clit. The little rose bud clit was rock hard as she ran the tip of my cock across it. It was then that my loving sister pushed her butt back and slipped the head of my cock into her steaming moist cunt. I was overcome with anticipation. My beautiful sister was so wet and tight. I gently pushed into her. She moaned. Mary began to buck her pelvis against my sister’s face. She was writhing in orgasm. After my initial thrust into my sister’s sweet pussy, I just stayed inside of her. I did not pull back, and I couldn’t slide any further into her. I just rested there for a moment. I felt my cock pulsating inside of my sister’s tight pussy. I felt her using the muscles inside her tight cunt to squeeze my cock as tight as her pussy would allow her. The sensation was unlike any I had known. This was forbidden! Yet here I was, my sister using her pussy to squeeze her brother’s cock. I began to slowly pull back out. I could feel her pussy trying to grip my cock with each movement. Begging to hold me in. I looked down to see the ring around the head of my circumcised cock withdrawing from my sweet sister’s cunt. With one fluid motion, I thrust all the way back into the tight wet grip of her pussy. It was as if her cunt had a life of its own. She would grip me as tightly as she could, hold me tightly in place, then begin to loosen her grip so that I could thrust back into her again. As I began to quicken my pace, pounding faster and harder into her ever so eager cunt, I felt a hand grip my tight nut sack. Apparently Mary’s orgasm had subsided and she was now licking at Ruth’s erect clit and gently squeezing my taut balls. Ruth began to moan then short shrill squeals. I felt the cum building in my balls and was now ready to shoot my wet sticky load of cum inside of my sisters tight hole. As my cock pulsed inside of Ruth, Mary gave my balls a tight squeeze! I exploded in unison with my sweet young sister. Her cunt exploded with wet pussy juice. I leaned forward, my cock pumping, Mary now using her long fingernails to tickle my balls. I cupped my sister’s small, firm breasts. Her sweet pussy milked the last drops of cum from my cock. The three of us remained motionless, frozen for what seemed an eternity. Our souls danced together. This wasn’t meant to be forbidden. It was too beautiful. Too perfect. Nirvana sex!

Ruth collapsed forward. My cock dislodged from her with a load pop. Ruth lay on her stomach. I fell backward and to the side. I watched, eyes glazed over as Mary moved up to Ruth’s cum filled pussy and began to use her tongue to gently lap up my cum and the flood of cunt juice that was still between Ruth’s legs. She tenderly lapped at my beautiful sister’s cunt. She eagerly devoured all of the mix of my cum and my sisters cunt juices. Ruth responded by again slightly raising her butt. More of our commingled juices slid into Mary’s anxious mouth.

It lovemaking had lasted nearly two hours! The clock read 1:32 A.M. I slowly raised myself from the bed. Mary, satisfied she had accepted all of the cum that my sisters sweet cunt would give up, followed my lead.

“Thank you Ruth! That was fantastic and so perfect! I love you!” Mary whispered into my sister’s ear. Ruth appeared to use every last ounce of strength to roll onto her back. “I love you too, Mary. Thank you so much for sharing John with me. I want to do this again. Every day that you guys are here. You are so perfect inside of me, brother. It almost seems like we become one! Good night loves! Please pick up our clothes from the patio and sleep in separate beds. Then I won’t have to lie to dad and go to confession. Good night! Love ya both!

Me and my cousin pt. 1

who_dis_be on Incest Stories

My Cousin and I pt.1

"Finally it's friday" i exclaimed as I woke up. See, I'm so excited because my lillte cousin Jessica is spending the night, Let me tell you why I'm so excited. She is 16 years old and about 5'1-5'3, about 90 lbs brown hair, brown eyes, and a bad ass body. She has these little tits that I've never seen before, but all the times i've imagined them, i pretty much got them down, especially since ive seen her older sisters tits. Theyre about a b cup, small brown areolas and 2 nipples that are brown and very eatable. She has a coke bottle figure that just blows my mind everytime i see her. And her ass, oh my gawd! she has an ass that i just want to grab ahold of everytime i see her and just bite it and massage it.

"Hey Joe" she said

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as she first entered my room.

"Hey jess, u spending the night?" as if i already didnt know.

"Yeah, the whole weekend" when she said that my heart skipped a beat because i knew sometime this week i was going to see her in her 2 piece bathing suit considering that it is summer and about 90 degrees outside.

"Joe, im going to be downstairs ok" shouts my little sister monica

"Ok, ill be here" i shout back "You going too jess?"

"No, im a little tired, so i think im going to take a nap in monica's bed"

"Iight" i say back. Now's my chance i think to myself. As soon as she dozes off, ill sneak in and see if i can catch a glimpse of her body. I begin to watch tv as if not even thinking of my cousin for about 45 minutes. As soon as i dont hear anything froom my sisters room, i start to make my way to her door. I held my ear to the door to try and see if jessica was still up, nothing, so i slowly cracked open the door. There she is, laying there with her back towards me. Her shapely ass sticking out from under the sheet. I caught a glimpse of her black bra strap because the spaghetti strap shirt she was wearing was starting to come off her shoulders. I slowly made my way into the room, trying my hardest not to make a sound. She suddenly jerked in the bed and i froze. It was mothing, just a dream. She then readjusted herself on the bed and stuck her ass out towards me even more than before. that simple movement gave me an absolutely great look at her purely puerto rican ass. The shorts she had on were so short, i could see the curve of her ass that met her thick thighs. I immediately got a hardon, and me not wearing any underwear, my cock was completely visible to anyone who woke up or entered the room. Deciding that this would be possibly the most of her that i would see today, i pulled out my cock and started to jack-off. I started to moan her name, softly so as not to wake her up. i moved in closer and gently touched that part of her ass that was visible to me. again, she shifted in bed, but i didnt care, i kept on doing what i was doing. I slid my shorts off completely and stood there in all my glory with my cock in my hand, and my fingers on her ass. i must've been beating it too loud because she slowly awoke and sat up, not having enough time to pull my pants up,i just stood there, hoping that she wasnt completely up and went back to bed. but she didnt, she just looked at me with those beautiful eyes and said "Joe, what the hell are you doing?!" damn it, if she tells anybody, im in deep shit considering that im 19 and her blood cousin. "Damn jess, im so sorry, i dont know what came over me, please dont tell anybody" i tried to beg her but to my surprise she didnt say that she would or wouldnt, she just looked up at me and said "Can i touch it?"

"hell yea" as i said this, she reached out her hand and gently rubbed her fingers along the lenght of my shaft.

"wow its hard, and real hot"

"you should fell it inside you" as soon as i said this, i knew i was taking a big risk, first of all my sister could come up at any minute or jessica could realize what i wanted to do to her and scream her little head off.

"maybe i will" when she said that my jaw dropped almost to the floor. she wrapped her hand around my erect cock and just held it "do you want me to do what you were doing?

"yes" i said. she started to move her hand up and down my shaft, jacking me off.

"damn jessica, that feels good"

"your dick is sooo hard, is it because of me?

"yes, yes it is" she then took her tongue and slide it across the head of my prick.

"ohhhhhhh" was all that i could muster as the feel of her tongue on my prick was too much to take.

"did that feel good Joe?"

"yes, try putitng it in your mouth now"

i helped her because i could see that she was a little scared of what i asked her to do. I grabed the wrist of the hand she had on my cock, and guided it to her lips.

"Now open them and put the head in"

"ok" she said, as she opened her mouth and slide 2 inches of my cock in her young mouth.

"ooooooo wow jess, now take more of it" with that said, she just giggled and looked up at me as she took 4 more inches of my cock

"h-h-have you d-d-done this b-b-b-b-efore?

"mmmhmmmm" i took that as a yes when she deepthroated that rest of my cock

"fuck jess, suck my fucking cock" she bobbed her head up and down my cock like a pro. slurping and sucking my precum as she played with my balls.

"Fuck jess im gonna cum" i was sooooo hot from the sensation of my cousins mouth sucking my cock and her hand caressing my balls that i nearly exploded then and there. she took my cock out of her mouth with a loud pop.

"do u want to cum in my mouth Joesph?" my beautiful cousin asked me

"fuck yes i do" with that, she went back to sucking me off. She now had one hand on my balls, one wrapped around my shaft and her head bobbing on my cock.  i reached down and felt her little tits. i pinched her nipples through her halter top. I then slipped the straps off her shoulder and let the top fall from her bra. then she undid her bra, never breaking stride on my cock and let her tits bounce free from their lacey prison.

"wow those are pretty" i told my cousin, trying to keep myself from coming too soon.

i decided then that i wanted to feel her virgin pussy. i reached down and played with her belly button. she undid her tight shorts and stood up, again my cock fell from her mouth with a pop and a trail of saliva ran from my cock head to her mouth, dripping down to her tits and stomach. she wriggled out of her shorts with a devilish grin and a little shimmy that made me even hotter. she knealt back down and sucked in my cock without the use of her hands, wow was she fucking good at this!

I reached down to her surprisingly trimmed pussy, she must shave because she was practically bare with the exception of the little strip above her clit. i felt my way around and found her hooded friend. she must've been enjoying this as much as i did because she was literelly dripping wet, her pussy lips slick with her juices. I slipped my index finger inbetween her slit and with my thumb caressed her clit. i felt her moan on my cock and that made her go even faster and deeper with my cock.

"fuck im gonna cum jessica" even though i tried to warn her, she never stopped, keeping the same furious pace as before. with one last stroke into her throat, my cock spurted its white hot streams down her throat.

"fffuuuuuuuuccckkkkk" i excalimed as i felt my cock drain its manjuice into my 16 year old cousins stomach. she tried her hardest to swallow my entire load, but it wasnt gonna happen, little streams came out form the sides of her mouth and dripped onto her nipples then the floor. she kept sucking me until my cock went limp.

"that was fucking great jess"i said as she let my cock slip from her mouth and stood up, barely coming up to my chin.

"you taste great Joe, did u like it?"

"yea, i loved it jess, you really knew what you were doing"

"youre not the first cock ive had in my mouth" that was good, very good, i didnt need a rookie sucking my cock.

"we have to do this everytime you spend the night here"

"yea we do, i loved suicking your cock, and i would love to know what your dick feels like inside my tight cunt" the way she talked to me completely changed the way i saw my cousin, she went from this little innocent girl, to this cocksucking, fuckdoll-like woman.

"me too jess, i want to fuck you so bad"

"tonight, when your sister falls asleep, ill go to your room"

"ok dont knock, just come right in ok, ill be waiting"

"ok" she said as she stood on her tippytoes and deeply kissed me, her tongue darting around my mouth, the slight sweet taste of my cum along with it. and with that, she went back to bed and i went back to my room, thinking of what we just planned to do tonight. boy, i cant wait.....

Daniel's Stepmom (Part 2 of 3)

HarleyBuff on Incest Stories

Daniel’s Story, Part 2

As you recall in part 1, I had come home early one day and discovered my son masturbating in the living room in front of the television watching a homemade video of myself (his dad) and his stepmother that he had found in my closet while I was at work and his step mom was out of town. This eventually led to my discovery that his step mom had been secretly fantasizing about him since he was younger. Now that all of this is out in the open, our next step is come up with a plan to get the two of them together.

Being a programmer, it was only natural that I look upon this upcoming adventure as a project. As with any other project, there were certain rules that needed to be followed to insure success. A normal project would define goal

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s (deliverables), resources, restrictions, timetable and other elements. I’m not that bad. All I really need here is goals. The ultimate goal here is to establish a sexual relationship between my son and my wife. Left up to Daniel, all of this could be accomplished in one or two minutes. Just both strip and jump each other’s bones. Fortunately, I know Heather well enough to know that would never fly.

How do we ease into this? That was the question. After rolling this question over and over in my mind, I decided that the best tool to use to break the ice was the videos. His curiosity had already been peaked by the short screening he had already had. He was very anxious to see more.

I decided that it would all take place on Saturday evening.

Today was Thursday, and it was very hard to concentrate on my work. All I could think about was Saturday night. Daniel had some errands to run, and was out of the house for the day. I decided to go home at lunch for a little afternoon delight.

Arriving at the house and walking in the front door, it appeared as if no one was home. All was quiet. I made my way upstairs, and as I was walking down the hall to our bedroom I heard a faint sound. Stopping at the closed door, I listened. It was the distinct sound of sexual activity. Not hard-driving sexual activity, but soft and sensual sounds. Slowly, I turned the knob and opened the door about 6 inches. What I saw made me very glad I decided to come home for lunch.

Heather was lying on the bed, and the television was on. Her eyes were glued to the set, but her legs were spread and her fingers were buried between them. She hadn’t noticed me because the headboard of the bed is against the same wall as the door. I felt my cock beginning to stiffen as I watched. She was viewing the video of one of our mountain trips where we were making love near a waterfall. It was a very sensuous setting, and we were obviously enjoying each other. As I watched, I could tell she was well into this session. Her fingers were glistening with her own wetness. I almost went over the edge when she took her very wet fingers and brought them to her face. Holding them in front of her face for a split second, she seemed to look to see how much juice was there. Then, she inserted the fingers in her mouth and sucked all of the juice off. While sucking her fingers, I could hear another sound coming from her. It was as if she had just placed a spoonful of ice cream in her mount. "Mmmmmmmm! "

I couldn’t take it anymore. Opening the door the rest of the way, I half expected her to jump when she saw me. Instead, she just looked up at me and smiled. Her fingers never missed a beat. "Remember that day?" she asked, looking over at the television.

"Oh, yeah……I remember. Great trip."

"Mmmmmmmm. Take your clothes off and come here."

I didn’t wait to be told twice. Before you could count to three, I was naked and lying next to her.

"Suck my nipples. They’ve been thinking about you all morning….."

Gently, I took a nipple in my mouth and began sucking. Immediately it instilled a reaction from her. Arching her back upwards slightly, she resumed moaning. She was hot. Hotter than I had seen her in a long time.

Now wanting to look a gift horse in the mouth, I remained silent and continued my assault on her nipples. My fingers now began wandering down her flat tummy to the neatly trimmed tuft of dark hair. Sliding further, I found my finger wedged between two of the wettest lips I had ever experienced. Easily I slid up and down, rubbing against her clitoris with the motion. Within moments my finger was dripping with wetness. I replaced the nipple in my mouth with my own wet finger, enjoying the savory aroma as well as the wonderful flavor of her sex.

Lifting myself off of the bed and working my way on top of her, I positioned my cock at her opening. Gently I pushed, and her eyes closed. Slowly, till it completely disappeared, I held it in place. Opening her eyes, she pleaded, "Don’t tease me. Not now. I need him so bad."

I began the familiar back and forth motion. After only seconds, she grabbed my arms and dug her fingernails into my biceps. With every forward thrust, she replied with an upward thrust of her own. Harder and harder I fucked her, till the room was filled with the sound of our crotches slapping together and the smell of our sweat from our overheated bodies.

Before long, I could feel the orgasm building deep inside me. As I thrust even harder, she could tell the moment was near and began shouting at me. "OH, YES!!! OH, YES!!! FUCK ME. FUCK ME HARDER. I’M GONNA CUM…………………..NOWWWWWWWW!!!!!!"

Simultaneously we both exploded in orgasm. Already, I was feeling wetness dripping down my cock and over my balls and onto the sheet below. Now I just added to the already overwhelming amount of liquid inside of her. As I slowly began to pull my cock from her, she grabbed me and held me still. I pushed back in ever so slightly, and felt the liquid being pushed out around my cock. Eventually, she let me go and I slowly pulled out and rolled to her side. After what seemed like forever, she finally smiled and opened her eyes. Turning towards me, she stared at me with those beautiful blue eyes.

"Mmmmmmm! That was wonderful. Just what I needed."

"So tell me, what started all of this?" I asked.

"I had a dream. About having you and Daniel at the same time. God, it was erotic. I woke up already wet."

"Well, I think the three of us are gonna stay home Saturday night and watch movies.’ Pointing to the television……. "Those movies. Then we’ll just see what happens. I want you to head to the mall this afternoon and pick out something very sexy from Fredrick’s. It’s a special occasion. We need to dress up."

With that, I went to the bathroom and cleaned up and dressed. Returning back to the bedroom, I found her still lying on the bed looking very satisfied. "I gotta get back to work."

Bending over to give her a kiss, she grabbed me and pulled me down onto the bed. Placing a hand on each side of my head, she pulled my lips to hers and we embraced in a passionate kiss. "You’re so good to me. Have I told you how much I love you?"

"Yeah, but don’t let that stop you."

Giving me a huge bear hug, she quietly whispered………"I love you, I love you, I love you."

As I got back in the car, I almost had to pinch myself to make sure I wasn’t dreaming. I was without a doubt, the luckiest man in the world.

Work went a little better that afternoon. At least I had temporarily satisfied my carnal desire. Now I could concentrate on getting some work done. The rest of the day went well and flew by. Before I knew it, I was packing to go home for the day. I was anxious to see what Heather had found at Fredrick’s.

As I pulled into the driveway I noticed Daniel’s car was back in it’s usual spot. Wondering what I would find when I walked into the house, I was a little apprehensive. As it turned out, my fears were unfounded. Walking into the living room, Daniel was in my recliner watching Nickelodeon. I thought to myself, "21 years old and he still watches that stuff. Maybe he’s not ready for what we have in store for him." It was a fleeting thought that passed as quickly as it came.

"Where’s Mom?"

"In the kitchen making dinner. How was your day?"

My thoughts traveled back to lunch. Smiling, I responded "Oh…..same ol, same ol

Walking into the kitchen, I was a little taken back by what I saw. She was wearing a t-shirt that was gathered and tied just below her breasts and a familiar pair of sweat shorts. As I walked up behind her she was bending over looking into the window of the oven. She had picked out my very favorite pair of her sweat shorts to wear. The ones that ride halfway up her cheeks when she bends over (which is exactly why I like them) and usually stays like that when she straightens up. Hearing me come in behind her, she stood up and, much to my delight, the shorts did not disappoint me. Turning around to give me a hug, I reached around her and grabbed a cheek in each hand. Sliding my hands under the material, I found that she also had on something new. Apparently she had picked up a couple of new thongs at Fredrick’s. Stepping away from me and turning around, she grabbed the waistline of her shorts and pulled them down just far enough for me to see the white lace disappear between her cheeks.

"Very nice!" I said.

Turning back around, she untied the knot in her T-shirt and lifted it up for me to see her new very sexy and revealing bra that matched the thong. "You like? I bought them with YOU in mind."

"Oh, sure. ME in mind? I know who you have had on your mind." Giving her a grin to let her know that I was being sarcastic, I slapped her gently on her ass and gave her a brief kiss.

"Alright, what’s going on in here? I hate it when mom goes away for awhile. When she comes back home, you guys are all over each other for days." Daniel strolled into the kitchen and seated himself on one of the barstools at the counter. "God mom, are you hot or something? Could you have any less clothes on?" he said in his best Joey (from Friends) imitation.

"Well. I could have, but that will have to wait till tomorrow night. Today, you just get to look and use your imagination."

Daniel stole a puzzled look at me. To this point, he was unaware that any firm plans have been made.

"I’ll tell you later." I said as I winked at him. Turning to Heather I changed the subject….. "So, what’s for dinner."

"Pot roast. You’re favorite….."

"Yummy. " I said as Daniel and I returned to the living room.

I could see the excitement in Daniel. We had hardly moved out of earshot of Heather when he turned to me.

"Whassup!" He whispered, obviously overly excited .

"I was gonna tell you tonight…….. Oh well, I’ll tell you now. Remember I said I was going to have that talk with mom about you and the videos? Well, I had that talk. I hope you don’t have any plans for Saturday night. That’s all I’m gonna say."

"OH, RIGHT!!!! Don’t leave me hanging like this….. Tell me what’s going on."

"You’ll find out. Just be on your best behavior till then. I don’t want her getting upset at you for anything and spoiling the whole thing………….and believe me, you don’t want that either. Trust me…"

That’s all it took. Daniel was an angel over the next two days. I’ve never seen him so good. I even saw him doing homework. That was a first.

Saturday came none too soon. Heather woke me up at 6 am. "I can’t sleep. I’m too excited. What if he gets embarrassed? What if he can’t get it up? "

"Calm down. Number one, LOOK AT YOU. YOU’RE GORGEOUS. I think not getting it up is the last of your worries. As far as being embarrassed, I guess that’s possible…….but I guarantee it won’t last for long. Just chill out and go about your business like usual today. Everything will be fine."

"Yeah, right! Like usual, huh? You have got to be kidding."

"Tell you what. If you don’t calm down, you are liable to do something today to spoil it. You wouldn’t want that, would you?"

"You’re right, you’re right. I’ll just bury myself in my cleaning. Just like a normal Saturday."

"Yeah, that’s the ticket. Later on, we’ll lie by the pool and get some sun. That always relaxes you….especially after cleaning all morning. I’ve got to do some work in the yard and I’ll be ready for a dip in the pool later as well. Just try to stay focused. Daniel has a game today so he’ll be gone most of the day. That way you won’t have to keep looking at him."

"I know. Every time I look at him lately, I find my eyes drawn to his crotch. It’s embarrassing but I can’t help myself."

"Well, tonight should take care of all of it. Meanwhile, can we go back to sleep for a couple of hours. It is Saturday, you know."

"OK, ok." She leaned over and kissed me. "Are you sure you don’t want a little to start the day?"

Smiling, I said "Why don’t you save it for tonight."

"OK!" she said, pouting as she got out of bed and headed for the bathroom to take a shower.

About an hour later, I gave up trying to sleep anymore. Between the vacuum cleaner and the stereo, it was a battle that I knew I wasn’t going to win. I got up, put on my Saturday ‘outside work’ clothes and headed outside to mow the yard.

Around lunchtime, Heather was done with her inside work and I was done with my outside work. She made lunch and we ate outside by the pool. She had changed, and was now wearing a new bright yellow bikini that showed much more than it covered, apparently another Fredrick’s purchase. After eating, we both decided to jump in for a quick dip (I know, we should have waited an hour……tough).

I really liked this new bikini on her. As soon as she got it wet, her dark areola and hard nipples were all but exposed for the world to see and when she turned away from me, the crack of her ass was perfectly visible through the sheer material. "Wow. That’s a keeper honey."

"You like?" she said as she turned and posed slightly for me.

"Oh, yeah! Can’t wait for our next trip to the beach. You’ll have em’ falling all over you."

"Especially when it’s wet."

It was very hard to keep my hands off of her. Speaking of hard, the front of my bathing suit was beginning to bulge.

We spent the next several hours lying in the sun and taking dips now and again. Around 5 o’clock Daniel appeared already suited up and ready for a swim.

"Hey guys. Y’all have a good day. House looks great, mom."

"Oh yeah, suck up to her." I teased.

"I’m hot as hell." He said as he headed to the water and jumped in. After swimming around for a few minutes he splashed water on us. "Come on in you guys. This feels great."

Heather got up and ran to the water, jumping in almost on top of Daniel. I was right behind her and as Daniel moved to avoid Heather, he looked up and found himself directly in the path of the geyser of water that was the result of my cannonball. "Get Him" I hollered at Heather and we both began chasing him around in the water.

I grabbed and held him and Heather went under the water and grabbed the waist of his suit and pulled. Off they came and she quickly swam towards the side of the pool, throwing his trunks towards the patio.

I laughed so hard I inadvertently loosened my grip and he got away. Immediately he headed towards Heather. Her attempt at running away from him in the water was comical. He was on her in a flash and he reached out and pulled on the bow at the back of her neck that was holding up her bikini top. "Two can play at that game."

The bikini top fell immediately, revealing Heather’s perfect breasts and erect nipples. She turned towards Daniel and began splashing water at him and laughing hysterically. Poor Daniel. I felt sorry for him, for he was a sitting duck. He couldn’t move. All he could do is stare. Finally, Heather stopped splashing him and the water calmed. Daniel’s eyes were glued to her dark, hard nipples. Her mouth curved upwards in an almost evil smile as she slowly approached him. "Touch them."

I thought to myself, "Well, this wasn’t exactly according to plan……………but I guess it will do."








Adventures Of

Jr.Kong69 on Incest Stories

Rick Johnson was a freshman in college and still lived at home with his mother, father, sister, and aunt. He enjoyed living at home because he saved money on rent and bills (plus, he could keep a close eye on his hot mom, Katie, his gorgeous sister, Patti, and his buxom aunt, Jessica ).

The strange thing about Rick, was that, when he was twelve, and started looking at jack-off books, he realized his cock was much fatter than the ones the guys had. He didn"t really think nothing of it, and just unloaded squirt after creamy squirt of cum on the pages.

It wasn't until high school when he finally got some pussy, when the girl he was pounding started screaming when his dick jammed in and out of her. He was actually giving pain and pleasure at the same time. After he slid ou

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t of her, and went home, he looked own on the ground outside of his house. It was one of those red bricks old houses were built with. He picked it up and went up to his room. He pulled out his huge penis, thought about his mother until he was hard, and layed the brick against it. His cock was about two inches longer, but the thickness between the two was the same.

After he fucked two more girls, and word got around. People were calling him "The Brick" Johnson.

Rick worked the third shift so he came down the steps at 9:00 to get some food and watch some television before going to the factory. He was only wearing gym shorts that came halfway down his muscular thighs. His well-formed chest was bare and tan. As he got to the bottom, he stopped at the sounds he heard coming from the living room. "It sounds like some bitch is gettin' it hard!" he whispered. He walked over to the corner and peered around it. He couldn't believe what he was seeing. There, on the chair, was his mom shoving a six-inch dildo in and out of her cunt while watching a porn. She was wearing a bath robe, and one nice-sized tit was out and bouncing with the force. Her long legs were perched up on the small table in front of the reclining chair. It was dark in the room except for the light from the TV shining right on his mom's hairy cunt. By watching this act, his dick was instantly hard, and he brought his hand down to unload it from the hole in the front of his shorts. From the weight, even when he was rock-hard, it still pointed slightly to the ground. The head was like a portabella mushroom, and there were two veins on the side that were the width of human thumbs. He wrapped his fingers around the gigantic piece of meat and started sroking as the dildo in his mom was glistening with her slime.

Katie just noticed the clock on the VCR and knew she had to stop because her son would be coming down soon. She fumbled with the remote, but finally shut the tape off and removed it from the VCR. She didn't have time to take it back upstairs, so she slid it under the couch. She threw her robe back over her legs, and pushed her bare tit back inside. Her husband was on vacation, so he couldn't finish her off, and she was frustrated. Just have to cum later when Rick leaves , she thought.

Rick's eight-inch-round shaft was let down as his holder saw his mom stop fucking herself. He stood there for a minute to let his hot, sweaty cock die down. He loved how it felt when it pressed against his naked thigh; a couple of droplets of clear pre-cum ran down his leg, and he thought he was going to get hard again. He reached in and grabbed a bead of it with his fingers. He brought his hand out, and licked the semen off--he loved the taste of women-cum better, but he still liked his own.

He strolled into the living room and stood in front of his mom. He stole a glance down at her shiny legs when he said, "What are you doing up, Ma? Aren't you tired?"

Katie saw the bulge of her son's flaccid penis inside his tight shorts. She risked a lick across her lips, and responded, "No, I'm not tired, I was just...uh...watching a little TV. You going to work tonight?"

As he finally realized what he saw between his mom's thighs that were covered with the fabric of the robe, he said, "That depends. I think you forgot somethin', Mom, while you were 'watching a little TV'". He pointed at her crotch where there was a little bump poking out from the still-inserted plastic dong.
Katie felt embarrassment as she felt the dildo resting inside her wet vaginal walls. Her head was down, staring at the fake cock sticking out of her pussy when she said in a low tone, "I'm so sorry, Son. I didn't want you to see this. It's just that your Dad's been gone a while, and I'm still a young-enough woman to have needs." Her head lifted up a bit, and she saw her son's massive thickness pressing against the inside of his shorts. His cock was so long, that the bulbous head was peeking out the bottom a little. Pre-cum was dripping out, and she watched it rickle down his leg. "You forgot something, too, baby." She gestured at his thigh.

Rick looked down and spread his legs a little; the fat head was peeking out and it was soaked with clear semen. "Well, I guess were both busted, huh? Let me just turn around and I'll put it away. You could do the same with your little toy there.

"If you don't mind, sweety, I would like to look at it longer. I always knew when you were younger that you had a fat dick, but I never dreamed it would have developed into that beast!" She leaned in to get a closer look; she could smell the juices of sweat and cum. Her face was only three inches away from her son's prick-head.

"I don't mind at all, Mom, but I have to see that tiny dildo hanging out of your hairy pussy, so spread 'em wide."
"Oh honey, I've been waiting for you to say that since you strolled in here with that obscene bulge in your shorts. I'll open wide so you could see where you came from." Katie spread her legs and hooked them on the sides of the chair. She also pulled apart the robe, and showed her son her beautiful fun-bags and overgrown cunt. The dildo was shiny with her cream as it wiggled a little back and forth; there was a tiny puddle of white fluid just under her ass-crack. "Better?"
"Much. Mom, I hope you don't mind, but I have to release my dick. The pressure's killing me!" He started to rub the apple-sized head that was pouring clear, viscous cream.

"Oh, please do, honey. And after your done, could you pull out this dildo for me? I would love to watch you do that."
"I would like that, Mom. I can't believe we're doing this stuff. It's so awesome!" he said, as he pulled down his shorts. When he ran his hand back up his thigh, he got a handful of his semen. His thick cock was pointing right between his mother's open legs to her soaked cunt.

"Me neither, but we are. And I don't care what anyone else thinks about it. You have the most delicious prick I've ever seen. You're going to hurt me, but I want it in every one of my holes. And by the amount of pre-cum you're leaking, I'll bet you'll have enough regular cum for each hole as well." She brought her hand down, and started rubbing her clit as she watched her son kneel down in front of her. He placed his hands on each thigh and inhaled. The smell of her vagina made his cock throb.

"Mom, you have a very hairy cunt. Most women shave nowadays, so I'll have to remove all that hair after I slide that dildo out." He placed his fingers around the plastic dick and watched, in wide-eyed splendor, his mom frigging her clit. He slowly pulled it out, and a moan of passion escaped his mother's lips. A tiny river of white juice ran out of the hole, down her bush, and into her ass-crack. He brought the dong up to his mouth and ran his tongue around the top. He then pointed it at her, and she took it and sucked it all the way in her mouth. The slurping sound her sexy mouth was making made more semen leak from his pulsing cock. "I love the taste of myself, too, but your sister tastes much better. Your Aunt is a little sour, but that's okay."

Rick was instanty shocked at the thought. He wasn't angry...just jealous. His mom ate his sister's and his aunt's sweet snatch before, and, at that thought, he knew he would be cumming buckets.

"Maybe when your Aunt Jessy comes back from vacation, and Patti gets home next week from school, we'll all have some fun. And if your Father's home by then, maybe he'll indulge as well. Now, go get the shaving stuff so you could remove this mess," she rubbed her cunt-lips hard. "I want some cock, so hurry."
"But first, Ma, I have something for you." Rick stood up so his mother could get a better look at his horse-member. He still had a handful of his own semen, and he stretched it out to his mom's face.

"Thank you, dear." She placed her lips on the lake of clear juice, and slurped it all up.
He saw her lips shine with his seed, and when she was finished, he said, "I'll be right back. But no playing with yourself; I want all that cum for my stomach."
She was disappointed that the large flesh-snake was taken away from her, but she revelled in the sight of it slapping between her son's muscular thighs. She also loved his nut-cracking ass.

He returned a minute later with a towel, lotion, shaving cream, a razor, and a water bottle. "Please let me touch it first," his mom said.
"Oh, don"t worry, you"ll be touching it soon. In fact, you'll be shaving me when I'm done with you." She settled for pinching her nipples and playing with her tits as her son sprayed the warm water onto her pussy. She gasped as she felt the shaving cream being rubbed on her swollen flaps and labia. He placed the razor on the side of the juicy cunt, and carefully removed the hair in strips.

When he was going to start on the other side, his mom said, "Can I see it yet?" She leaned over and saw the bald spot. She used her hand to pull up on the flesh. "Wow! I never realized how bulging my cunt was before with all that hair on it. I hope it doesn't turn you off."
"No way, Ma. I love the way your pussy looks without hair. I can't wait until my face is buried in it." He finished the other side, and now it was time for the sensitive area. He gently brought the razor over the puffed-out lips and protruding clit.

" Oooooh , that feels so good, darling. Shave Mommy's pussy for her so I could finally touch that big, fat cock."
When he was done, he wiped the hairs away, and sprayed more water on the bald cunt. After that was dried off, he massaged the lotion over the huge hot-box of his mom. "My turn," he announced.

His mom stood up and let her robe fall to the floor. As they changed positions, his shaft rubbed against her exposed ass, leaving a streak of his hot jizz.
He sat down and his mother knelt between his open thighs, getting as close as she could to the brick-sized dick that was pointing right at her mouth. She rubbed her bare cunt as she sprayed foam on his prick with her other hand. A river of pre-cum spilled down his pulsing cock, and nestled on his large ball-sack. His mother looked up at him with pleading eyes, and begged, "Can I please just have one lick first? Just one, I promise."

"Okay. But just one for now; I want my dick shaved clean then sucked off. I have a body full of cum, and I want to spray it right into your beautiful mouth."
She wrapped both hands around the shaving-foamed dick. She didn't jerk it, she just stared at it for a second as she rested her nose against her son's sack. She licked the clear cum that was there and she knew she had never tasted a piece of flesh as good as this. She brought her head back, and stroked the massive log, spreading the cream all over his cock, balls, and even the hair that was on his pelvis. She felt the warmth from his pulsing penis as she started removing all the hair from his nuts. His ass squirmed in the chair as she brought the razor down his shaft over and over again. After that, all of the pubic hair above his dick was taken off.

She stroked his wet cock with both hands and pleaded, "Can I suck it now, Rick? I need it bad."
"You may suck it, Mother."

" Mmmmm ...okay." She knew she would really have to try hard to get this monster in her mouth, but it would be fun. She leaned forward and ran her tongue all over the enormous head, sucking up all of her son's fluids. She placed kisses all up and down the fat length. She exercised her mouth muscles, and placed the engorged head in her mouth. Only half of it would fit at first. Then her full lips and mouth relaxed, and the head popped in. Her eyes were wide at the girth, and the pressure of it pushing aginst the inside of her cheeks. She pulled it out after testing it, and she said to her son, "Now. I don't care how much it hurts at first, but I want you to stand up, and give Mommy's mouth a real good fucking. I may bleed a little, but that's okay. I want you to force this fucking cock down my throat, Son. If I gag too much, I'll pinch your balls a bit, and just take it out for a second until I can compose myself again."

"Whatever you say, Mom." He stood up and grabbed the back of her head. He forced the head in at once, and waited for her hot mouth to adjust. Watching his brick-dick in his mom's mouth sent jolts of excitement up his cock. He now had both hands on the back of his mother's head and pushed his shaft into her mouth slowly. He saw his mom's throat bulge out as inch after veiny inch slipped inside. Tears were running down his mom's cheeks as the skin at the corners of her mouth split a little, and some blood ran down her chin. Five inches were now in, but his balls got a pinch, so he slid his dick out.
He rested it on his mom's chin as she said, "It hurts a little, but the pleasure is much more powerful. Don't worry about the blood, I'm okay. Alright, I think I'm ready for it all now."

She stuck her mouth on her son's dripping penis, and she immediately took in the five again. Slowly he forced his member down her thoat, and she was makng " hmmmmmmm " sounds. Finally, all nine were in, and her nose was pressed against his bare pubis.
"Here comes the face-fuck of your life, Mom," he announced. He thrusted his hips violently into her, but she was receiving it well. Her mouth was puffed out in an obscene manner as she jammed three finges into her soaked cunt. Every time he would get it all in, he would leave it there for a second. His mom's spit was hanging from the cock and her mouth in ribbons.

Ten more pumps, and he said, "Here it comes, mom! I'm not going to pull it out; I'm just going to inject your throat with it so swallow it all."

He yanked her head into his pubic area as far as it would go. After a moan, his cock pulsed and beat as his seed was being sent into her belly. At the same time, the carpet got drenched with mommy-cum as she was in ecstasy from her own orgasm.
While his prick was firing off, she was choking and gagging on the cream. After seven steaming jets of cum filled up his mom, he drew his meat-sword out of her mouth. As soon as he did, gobs of it waterfalled out of her mouth, and ran down her chin, landing on her tits. She swallowed a couple of times, and said, "I'm sorry, honey, but there was just too much of your cum for one person. I hope you have enough left for my pussy and ass?"

"That's okay, Mom. I'll clean that up. And yes, I have plenty more." He knelt down in front of his mother, and when he was just about to suck his cum off of his mother's face and tits, they heard, "I hope there's room for one more in there."

Standing in the doorway was Rick's sister wearing a French maids' outfit....

To be cunt-inued....

Naughty Stepdaughter

hornydaddy4262 on Incest Stories

The feeling of my wife’s mouth on my cock was a very welcome wakeup that morning, she was working her mouth like crazy creating a wonderful suction and working her tongue on the head each time she came up for air. Then it hit me, she had never given me head like this…and I remembered she had already left for work. I looked down to see my 17 year old stepdaughter, naked and sucking my cock like crazy! I must have jumped, because she looked up at me and smiled, well, as best she could with my cock filling her mouth, I must have looked pretty shocked because she giggled, but I grew even harder and she started sucking even harder.


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in 0in 0pt">This was a fantasy come true, I had been lusting after her for about 3 years, right after I met her mother, when I first saw her in a bikini. I never made a pass but looked as much as I could, peeking a few times to see her naked, and what a sight! Great body, firm round ass, long brown hair and a set of 36d’s with pale pink areoles and pencil thick, half inch high nipples, I must have jacked off 3 times a week to thoughts of her, as well as sometimes imagining it was her I was fucking instead of her mother (who had a great body, DD’s and loved to fuck and suck). But here I was with her naked and sucking me like an expert!


Her mouth was incredible… she was working most of my 7-½ inches into her mouth, the suction was amazing, and her tongue never stopped moving. I would have shot off already had she not had her thumb and forefinger wrapped tight around the base, holding me back, but I knew even that was not going to be enough to hold me back much longer. I started to buck my hips up to meet her mouth, I put my hand on her head and grabbed a handful of her hair and started fucking her mouth. She moaned around my cock, saliva running down into my pubic hair. I then realized that the hand that was not wrapped around my cock was between her own legs fingering her pussy. I took my other hand and ran it down her body squeezing her large tit and thumbing her nipple, which was hard as a pencil eraser, I slid it down and over her ass, sliding it into the hottest wettest pussy I had ever seen, the juice was literally running down her thighs. I sunk 2 fingers into her snatch and with another groan she started sucking even harder, well that was it for me.


“OH, SHIT, I’M CUMMING!!!!” I screamed.


And stream after stream of cum shot into her mouth, and she took it all, never stopping, almost none of it escaped. She kept on sucking till I could not take any more and pulled out of her mouth


She fell back and kept her hand around my cock, jacking slowly, lapping up what little cum was still on her lips


“ Was that good?” she asked with a sly grin.


“ Are you kidding?” I managed to get out, “ what brought this on? Not that I mind…”


“ I’ve been listening to you and mom fucking for a while now and it always got me off, and last night I peeked in and watched you fucking mom, she looked like you were doing her real good, I came twice watching…and since my attempts to get you to come after me have been failing, I figured I had to take matters into my own hands or mouth as it were…” she then grinned and rubbed her pussy showing me the pink inner lips


“I f I knew you wanted me I never would have held back, I was afraid you would kill me if I tried, or worse, your mom would… “


She smiled that sly grin again, “ don’t worry, I would never spoil my claim on a cock this good. Now, cum eat my pussy, and make me come like mom does.”


Her pussy looked so tasty my mouth watered as I climbed between her legs and ran my tongue up her thighs, the scent of her pussy as strong and intoxicating as strong whiskey I worked my tongue between her dripping lips and worked it up and down her pussy. She moaned and grabbed my head as I worked her cunt


“Oh yesss…eat my pussy daddy, make me cummm!”   She moaned, she never called me daddy before and it was like a challenge to me, I twirled my tongue around her swollen clit, which was as hard and stood up like a tiny cock, her juices were running down my chin as sweet and tangy as fruit juice, I drank down as much as I could as I sucked her pussy like a man possessed, her hips bucked and swayed so I could hardly hold on.


“Oh yes aahhhh yes daddy, make your little girl cum, god your tongue is so goood… god yes… fuck! fuck! Eat meeeee!!!”   She never stopped talking dirty and moaning   “yessss dadddyyyyy! fuck! Fuck! Suck my clit! yessss dadddyyyyy!” she arched her back and came, screaming and cursing till I could not hold on to her hips and she fell away moaning and hardly able to breathe


“God you are fantastic” she gasped “ no wonder mom is so loud when she comes…”


“You were louder” I grinned, my face wet with her juice “ I hope this isn’t over yet?”


“God no!” she smiled “after that I have to have that cock inside me…want to fuck me daddy?”


That was an offer I was not going to turn down, but I looked at the clock and saw that I would not be able to get to work on time...not that it mattered at the moment. “In a minute…” my cock was harder then it was when she was sucking me, but I called my boss and told him I would not be in, while I did this my horny stepdaughter started to lick my cock and balls, making my concentration a bit rough then I called the school and told them she would not be in either.. And as I did this the little brat climbed on top of me and lowered her pussy onto my cock, biting her lip as my cock sank deeper into her tight, hot hole. The school thanked me and I quickly hung up as she started to ride my cock


“ Oh, yes! Your cock is so good… I’ve wanted to do this for sooo long…” I let her ride for a few more minutes while I played with her big, beautiful tits and then pulled her to me and flipped over so she was on her back and I started to fuck her pussy. I pinned her hands over her head and smiled at her


“And I’ve wanted to do this for a long time too.” I started to fuck her pussy hard, bouncing my balls on her ass, pounding her as hard as I could.


‘ohh, ohh, god yesss, fuck me daddy! Pound your little girls pussy, god, your cock is so good” she wrapped her legs around me and hung on as I pounded her pussy, her ass bouncing off the bed “ fuck meeee!” she yelled, her head thrashing back and forth then she reached her head up and kissed me, he tongue deep in my mouth, moaning as she did, grunting and moaning, her head fell back and she started screaming. “god yess fuck meeee! Fuck me good… I’m gonna cum! Yess, YESS, YESSSSSS!!!!!” I kept right on fucking as she rode through her cum.


“Get up on hands and knees baby, daddy wants to fuck you doggy stile” I pulled out and she scrambled to get   into position.


“yes daddy fuck me from behind, fuck me like the dirty slut I am” she wiggled her ass at me.


“ yeah” I growled, as I sank my cock into her pussy and slapped her ass, I then grabbed a handful of her hair “but you are my slut”


“Oh daddy yes I am your slut! Fuck daddys slut hard!”


I pounded in hard as she slammed her ass back to me I looked over at the mirror and watched as her tits bounced and swayed as I pounded my hard cock into her as hard as I could


“Yes daddy, fuck your little slut! FUCK MEEEE!


Never in her most horny moment had my wife been this wild a fuck, I knew that I was in for the ride of my life, it felt like I was riding a bucking bronco she went into a frenzy moaning and screaming as she came again



That was all it took for me, I could not hold back any more…


“YESS BABY TAKE DADDYS CUM!!!”   I shot load after load into her pussy, she screamed and fell forward as I finished pumping the last of my cum into her and fell next to her


When we caught our breath she kissed me again and when we broke apart she asked if this was a one-time thing, I squeezed her tit and told her I hoped not and ground my cock into her ass. She smiled and said that she hoped not too


We spent the day fucking and sucking until her mom came home, showering together and fucking in the shower again, and just got our act together when her mom came home


That night she started teasing me when her mom wasn’t looking, flashing her tits and sucking her finger like it was a cock, and licking her lips… I knew this was only the start of something wonderful


This is my first posting...tell me what you think...Constructive criticism only please!

Teaching my young sister how to please a man

anonymous on Incest Stories

One day me and my sister were alone,we're around the same age.I was 18 an she was 16,she had just hooked up with this boy form school and all.She had been asking me all these wird quistions about sex and stuff like what was a bj,doggy style,and getting eatin out. So the wheels in my twisted 18 year old mind went into hyper speed, cause I'd had always thought she was super hot she had a nice ro

New Year's Eve passed out drunk sister

anonymous on Incest Stories

So on New Years Eve a couple of years ago I was home and watched the ball drop with my family. My sister was out with a couple of her friends. Midnight comes and goes and I stay up late and dick around on my computer. At about 2:00 in the morning I hear my sister come home with a couple of friends. She was 16 and I was 17. I hear them go out into the garage we had converted into a spare room w


cous on Incest Stories

This story is a biography, based on fact with interwoven fiction. It now spans a period of about 11 years. I have used some story embellishment to hopefully make it more readable and interesting. . A reader can likely work out which part is fact and which is fiction. Comments welcome.

Baning my 36d cousin AGAIN

MaryHicks123123 on Incest Stories

Hey i have go another story for all of you and it is abouut my cousin agian. My cousin and i have a good relastionship and if you had read my last story you would now that my cousin got pegrant and it was by me. She had her baby 6 months ago and this story is about us starting to fuck again. So one day i went to my cousins house to see how she was. i knocked on the door and she opened and she

Fucking my 36d cousin

MaryHicks123123 on Incest Stories

Me and my cousin (The picture) We are both 18 and we see eachother alot. We have jokes and we go to the same school and she is in some of my classes. She lives 2 doors away from me and she likes wearing lots of short skirts and top that show of her 36d tits. One day our parents had to go to a wedding so we agreed that i would go to her house untill they came back (my parens didnt trust me). I

My Friends the Allens

SSPAdmins on Incest Stories

My Friends the Allens -- At the Pool

by Mark Aster

= = =

Note: this story takes place in a fantasy world where

vaccines against AIDS and pregnancy are safe and common,

and casual sex with strangers is not suicidally stupid.

The real world, sadly, is not like that: so don't try

this at home.

= = =

The highlight of the afternoon came when Robin slipped her

sweatshirt off over her head

My First Time with Aunt Linda

zorro7191 on Incest Stories

This story starts when my grandma died when I was 11 years old.  Grandma died of liver disease and Grandpa took it very hard.  Within a couple months of her death, my parents, my two younger sisters, and I all moved into Grandpa's house so he wouldn't be so alone.  My aunt Linda, recently divorced, had already moved in a few weeks before having come back from the city she was living in with her former husband. 

At the time, Aunt Linda was 26 years old and one of the prettiest women I had ever seen.  She was a petite 5'2" tall and about 115 lbs. with shoulder-length dark brown hair.  Linda had a great ass, nice legs, and big 34C breasts.  During the summer, she had a habit of wearing short-shorts and tight t-shirts that really accented the size and perkin

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ess of her big tits.

Of course, being 11 years old when I first moved into Grandpa's house, I never noticed these things about her nor did I understand the sexual comments some the of the older boys on the street would make about her when they saw her outside in the front yard or bending over in her short-shorts digging something out of her car.  To me, she was just Aunt Linda. 

It wasn't until almost a year later when I started going through puberty that I started noticing Linda as a woman as well as the voluptuousness and sexy shape of her body.  I especially noticed those full tits!  Also, I began to understand the comments the other boys in the neighborhood made about her and wondered what it would be like to squeeze and suck on those big tits and to get a piece of that ass.  I knew it was wrong to think of my aunt in this way.  After all, she was my father's sister.  But I was a boy with raging hormones and I couldn't help it!  Just the thought of seeing Linda naked was enough to make me cum really hard every time I jacked off in the shower thinking about her.

For the next year or so, I noticed everything about Aunt Linda from the dresses she wore to work that showed off her legs and the size of her boobs, to the sometimes-short nighties she wore which she never covered with a robe, to the ever-popular short-shorts and tight t-shirts.  I used to love catching her standing next to the refrigerator in her nightgown with the door open looking for something to drink.  All the while, the light from inside would shine through the thin nylon fabric allowing me to catch a glimpse of those gorgeous breasts!  It was almost enough to make me cum in my pajama bottoms right then and there!  Then, she would notice me standing there but apparently not notice how my gaze was fixed on her tits. 

"Did you want something to drink?", she would ask.

"Um...yeah.", was about all I could muster to say while I snapped out of my daze.

Unfortunately, when I was 13, my parents, sisters, and I all moved to a house Dad rented for us.  Luckily though, it was only 4 doors down the street.  However, it disappointed me not to be able to live in the same house with my aunt Linda because it meant I wouldn't be able to see her in her nighties anymore.  But since Grandpa was old and Linda was a working woman, it was still my responsibility to do some of the household chores such as taking out the trash and mowing the lawn.  Of course, I always tried to do these things when Linda was home.

One Sunday morning, I walked down the street to Grandpa's house to remove the trash from inside.  As I walked towards his house, I noticed that Linda was home since her car was in the driveway but Grandpa's was not.  Apparently, he was out having his coffee and biscuits at a nearby diner as this was his routine every morning without fail.  I assumed Linda was sleeping in because I knew she had gone clubbing the night before.  Thus, I entered the house with my key as quietly as I could so as not to wake her.  But I did hope I would see her before I finished taking out the trash.

As I walked into the kitchen and over to the trash can to pull out the full trash bag, I glanced down the hall and noticed Linda's bedroom door was closed.  "Damn", I thought to myself.  "She's still asleep.".  To my surprise, as I'm pulling out the trash bag from the can, I hear the toilet flush from the bathroom down the hall.  Then the door opens and out comes Linda wearing a short pink nightgown!  My jaw almost dropped to the floor when I saw her and how I could see the color of her nipples showing through the material of that flimsy nightgown.  I nearly spilled the trash all over the kitchen floor as well! 

When she saw me she said, "Hi!".  I saw that she was carrying a bottle of Pepto-Bismol in her right hand and while she shook it as she walked toward the kitchen, I noticed how the motion made her big tits jiggle like crazy!  I had an instant hard-on. 

"I'm a little hungover.", she said, referring to the Pepto-Bismol.

"Did you have fun last night?", I asked.

"Yeah. Too much fun!", she responded laughing.

"Are you okay?", I asked with concern.

"I'll live.", she answered.

Meanwhile, I was still fiddling with the trash bag while I studied Linda in that nightie up and down while she took a dose of the medicine.  There was an uncomfortable silence for a few seconds as she turned around to look at me.  Finally, she spoke up.

"You like this nightie?", she asked sheepishly.

"Um...yeah, Linda.  It's nice." ,I stammered.

She giggled.  "Just nice? You don't think it's sexy?"

It took all my courage to respond.  "It's very sexy.  It's the prettiest one I've ever seen you wear.". 

"Aww!", she said obviously flattered. "That's why you're my favorite nephew!"

I responded with a goofy laugh. "And you're my favorite aunt!"

As Linda moved closer to me, I picked up the scent of her perfume.  I wanted so bad to rip that nightie off her right then and there! But again, she surprised me as she put her lips to mine to give me a warm sweet kiss.

"You're growing up so fast!  I'll bet you'll have lots of girlfriends when you're older!" ,she said.

"You're already my girlfriend, Linda!"

Again she giggled.  "You're so precious.  Tell me.  Have you ever seen a woman's body up close?"

Embarassed at the question, I answered "  Only in magazines and movies.".

"Well..." Linda said, "judging by the size of that banana in your pants I think you'd like to see mine.  Am I right?"

"Boy, would I!" ,I said excitedly.

"Well then.  It's time for me to properly educate my favorite nephew!"

With that, Linda took me by the hand down the hall to her bedroom.  When we got there she sat me on the edge of her bed.  "Just relax." ,she said.  "It's time for Sex Education 101.".

Linda grabbed the sides of her little pink nightie and pulled it up and off over her head.  Those big 34C tits bounced free and I nearly fainted as I got my first real look up close and personal.  "Study me all you want and feel free to touch whatever you feel like touching." , she instructed.

Of course, the first thing I went for was those large tits.  I caressed and kneaded them first. Then I nuzzled them with my face and kissed and licked those delicious nipples.  Linda obviously loved it and moaned with pleasure.  "Mmm....Are you sure you've never done this before?" ,she asked.  "Uh-uh", I responded, the whole time never taking my mouth off her gorgeous boobs. 

"Geez, you're really turning me on.  You have such a gentle and passionate touch." ,she purred while stroking my hair. Finally, when I had enough fun with her tits, I kissed my way down her stomach.  Linda started moaning even more.  As I got to the top of her little pink bikini panties, I noticed that they were wet right where the crotch was. 

"What is that?" I asked her referring to the wet spot on her underwear.

"Those are my love juices, Honey." ,she answered. "They start to flow when I get sexually excited."

"So I'm exciting you?" , I asked innocently.

"Yes, Baby, you are!" ,she said.

With that response, I just had to look at what was underneath those wet panties.  I put both pairs of my index and middle fingers just inside the waistband of Linda's panties as if to pull them down.  As I did that, I looked up at her face to see how she felt about my taking them off. 

She nodded in approval. "Go ahead.  Do whatever you want with me."

Without hesitation, I pulled those little pink panties down to the bottom of her ankles.  She stepped out of them and kicked them aside.  Linda was now totally naked in front of me and what a beautiful sight it was!  I took a good long look at her neatly trimmed pussy and saw how swollen the lips were.  I also noticed the sweet musky scent eminating from it. 

Instinctively, I started to kiss and flick my tongue at her hot wet pussy.  Linda was really moaning now.  "Oh Baby, that feels sooo good!  You are definitely my favorite nephew!"

After a little while, Linda laid back on the bed and spread her legs.  "Keep doing what you were doing."  I laid my face between her legs and really started eating her out.  She tossed her head from side to side and tugged at her hair as I pleasured that sweet pussy with my mouth.  Finally, Linda screamed, "Oh my God, I'm gonna cum!"  At that moment, she exploded her hot love juices all over my face.  I did my best to lap them up as best I could.

As Linda came back down to Earth, she said "Now it's time for Auntie to pleasure her favorite nephew!"

She instructed me to lay on my back while she undressed me.  First my shoes and socks came off, then my shirt, jean shorts, and underwear in that order.  When my underwear came off, out popped my rock-hard 7-inch cock.

"That's pretty good size for kid your age!" Linda said excitedly. "Here comes your first blowjob!"

She first licked the tip of my cock then gradually put her lips around the head.  Before long, she began sucking on my 13-year-old cock like it the most delicious popsicle she had ever tasted.  The slurping sounds were driving my crazy and within a couple I was ready to burst. 

"Linda, I'm gonna explode!" I yelled.  In a few seconds, I was squirting a hot load of jism down her throat.  The feeling was so intense, I felt like I wanted to pass out.  When I regained my composure, I looked down to see that Linda was finishing licking me clean.  It was at that moment I realized my Aunt Linda was a cum hungry slut!

After that terrific blowjob, Linda moved up the bed to lie next to me. "Did you enjoy that?" ,she asked.  "I loved it!" ,I answered enthusiastically.  

"Well, I'm not through with you yet!" ,she said.

With that, she parted my lips with her tongue and we proceeded to do some deep kissing.  Meanwhile, she used her hand to bring my young cock to full attention once again.  Then I began to hungrily kiss and suck on her big tits again much to her pleasure.

"Now I'm gonna show you how to fuck!" ,she announced.  Linda laid on her back once again and spread her legs.  She then maneuvered me on top of her so that my crotch met hers.  She then took my cock in her hand and directed it to the opening of her love hole.  "Now push it in gradually and when it's all the way in, start moving up and down slowly but move with me."

As I slowly pushed my rock-hard cock into Linda's pussy, she let out a low and long-lasting moan.  "Okay, Baby, start moving."

I did as instructed and moved my hips up and down slowly while at the same time she moved hers in rhythm.  I couldn't believe the feeling of my cock buried in Linda's hot wet pussy as it clamped down and massaged and pulled at me.  Before long, we were moving faster.  My mind was in another place but I could hear us both grunting and moaning.  Again, it wasn't long before I could feel my balls swelling up with another load of cum.

"Linda, you're gonna make me explode again!" I said in an almost panicked tone. 

"Go ahead, Baby!  Give it to me!  I want to feel you squirt your hot sperm in my hot pussy!  Unnngh!  Unnngh!  You're gonna make me explode too!"

By now, I was pounding her pussy with all my strength while she used her legs to pull me into her harder and deeper.   The bedsprings were squeaking like crazy from all the movement.

At last, I heard myself yell as I unleashed wave after wave of hot jism in Linda's sopping wet pussy.  At the same time, she let out a scream as she experienced her own earth-shattering orgasm and covered my cock with her love juices.  I collapsed on top of her and we laid there hugging each other for several minutes.

Finally, Linda spoke. "Did you like that?"

"You're a great fuck, Aunt Linda!"

"Well then," ,she said.  "Let's do it again!"

We fucked again for a good hour all the while showing me different positions and bringing about several intense orgasms.

Afterwards, I finally did get around to taking out the trash!  When I got home, my mom asked me what took me so long at Grandpa's.

"Oh nothing.  Linda was showing me something."

Man, did she ever!


Wedding incest

rajadurai on Incest Stories


House is full of joy. As soon as I entered, my parents informed that my sister is engaged for marriage. My sister Jay is just 16 years old and undergoing Pre- college studies. S he is a young man’s fancy and an old man’s dream. She is very beautiful and her body is covered with velvet like skin, juicy sweet lip, small but curved tits, slim waist, and cushioned ass. With 5 feet 8 inches tall and attractive eyes,

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you can call her as a queen of sex. Many used to envy her perfectionist structure and beautifulness including me. I used to dream of her in my wild dreams….Wah., Who is going to possess her. Really he will land into pleasure of paradise.

I am just 14 years old. I use to dream of girls and enjoyed many in dreams. When I dream about the girls, my nine-inch penis use to get full length. Yet, in real life I have to penetrate a pussy. The pornographic movies and pictures made growing need in body. My sister’s body disturbed many times. Her natural aroma and beauty made me mad many times. But I know that I should not do any sin by having any affair with her.

Her in-laws came to our house for the marriage arrangements. They are all impressed with the beauty of my sister. Her father in law in excitement opened his mouth with lust. Through his eyes he was feasting her. At that point he must have planned something. His wife, on the other side, was moving her eyes over my body. Some occasion she was trying to feel my body. While departing she invited me to come her house for next day morning. I accepted her invitation.

Next day, on the way to my school I went to their house. When I pressed the bell. I could not hear any response. I thought electricity might not be there. I went back side of the house. When I sneaked through the window. I really shocked. Aunt Sara was in naked position. She is getting fucking from her own brother Arju. Both of them where moving together as one unit. Over his sister body Arju was moving with his thick barrel of cock deep inside her. He deep tongued her mouth and their lips locked together. The room was filled with their fucking sound and lustful cry due to flurry of cock strokes inside the cunt. The situation indicated that they are long-term incest lovers. They were enjoying every moment. Soon Uncle Arju filled deep inside of his sister womb with his hot semen After five minutes he separated his body as well as his sex tool from the clasp of his sister body. Aunt Sara was in an awkward position, her well-fucked pussy kept widely opened to have clear view. Her cuntlips were swollen in reddish color. From her fucking tunnel, her brother’s love juice was oozing   out.

As soon as their mating is over, I went to the door and waited for their arrival. Once some movement came, I knocked the door.Aunt Sara exhibited her and greeted me. ‘Hei, Raj when did you come? ..Come inside…’. I came in. Though she looks little tired her face expression indicated the satisfied fuck she got little away from her own brother. Her lower lip (big and mouthful) was slightly swollen and reddish may be due to deep kissing received from Arju. Uncle Arju was sitting in couch after completing his banging. “ I came here to complete some repairing job. Now I have to leave as my wife will be waiting there?” . Aunti secretly grinned at him. ‘Arju, Today night also you can come and complete the work. Inform your wife that some important assignment is there” . He happily nodded by looking at her crotch. After five minutes he left the place.

Sara put a bolt on the door. Now, she gets a new companion. She smiled and came towards me. She sat next to me very closely. “Do you want to drink some thing,,. I nodded. “Yes, A cup of apple juice for my thirst”. She brought the juice. Her hands brushed me slightly. After seeing me she must have applied some deodorizer on her body. That evoked my hidden pleasure. “ Why cant I get some pleasure from this old but beautiful lady? ” . She put her arm around my shoulder and started to talk. “Don’t be shy, I am going to be your relative, feel free to talk. How do you feel me? Though I am not young like you I am fit enough to be a companion for you ” She has given more sound for the last sentence. I studied her mind. She wants me to her younger lover, to ride her, to fill her and to satisfy her inner urges. ‘ Aunt, You are beautiful. You are looking like around 25 years old only. I will be happy to have you as my companion”. I surveyed her body Her fingers slowly moved from my shoulder and placed near my abdomen and slightly touched my bulging. “Are you a virgin? Anytime you had experience with girls in sex…. I told “no”. Her mouth with red juicy lips was moving slowly to mine. She kissed on it. I reciprocated. I wrap my arms around her and gently kiss those sweet lips. We pressed each other for exploration. I tasted her lip and swallowed it entirely and sent tongue in deep of her mouth. She allowed me to have her saliva taste. I sucked her lip ferociously and kept in my captivity for 10 minutes.’ Oh…Don’t hurt it. Now it is for you only. As long as you can kiss me you can kiss. But have it slowly my young lover..” I deep kissed her till turning my concentration to other sex parts of her.

My virginity was in stack. Aunt Sara slowly removed the top, letting it fall to the floor. Her perky breasts and hard pink nipples were begging for a mouth to suck on them. All the while keeping her eyes on me, she then lowered her panties, letting them drop to the floor, to reveal her blond bush. Then, giving me a big grin, she turned around to expose her full, creamy ass, giving it a little wiggle. God, what a sexy ass she had! This blonde was all booty! I was breathing heavily, devouring her with eyes, a little less nervous now. Her cunt lips were protruding out and were quite wet due to earlier fuck received from her brother as well an anticipatory leak out from my fuck. Sara then looked me in the eye and said "Take your shirt off, my young lover." I slowly did. As I stood up to remove my shorts, Aunt looked at my crotch, which was bulging, with huge wet spot. Aunt's eyes twinkled and she smiled that devilish grin of hers.

"Now your shorts," she said. My young prick was obscenely making a tent of my shorts. Aunt didn't have to say anything as she was all wide-eyed with excitement at what I am covering up. Without anything being said, I pried open the waistbands and slid down my shorts, letting my young, hard teen-age cock bounce out into the air, bobbing up and down, freed from its confinement. There I stood, giggling, nervous adolescent with my cock high in the air. At the time I was only about eight inches. My Aunt's eyes bulged as she caught her breath. Her mouth opened and she licked her lips as she looked over my hard, young prick. I even noticed my aunt checking out my tool with less hesitancy and more desire in her eyes.” You have really grown up, I have never seen like this big cock" Aunt said with a smile. “Even your brother?’ I asked. She exclaimed. I whispered to her. “ Just now I have seen your screwing session”. ‘Please don’t tell to anybody. Before my marriage itself we were doing this. I was getting good satisfaction from him than my husband”. I told, “ Don’t worry I will not reveal to anybody. Now I my only aim is to enjoy you. I have never fucked anybody. It is good that I am going to learn from your experienced cunt. Aunt, will you give it to me?”. She urgently told” Certainly, now it is waiting for your riding.. even you can make me your permanent lover. I am readily available for your lust…enjoy me. I am very happy that I will be your first fuck..come on…we will do it…”.

The sexual tension in the room was massive. While looking at my naked Aunty, I could barely contain myself, and began tugging on my dick, which was getting harder as pre-cum oozed out even more. Aunt broke away her stare, looked at me and said, "Go on." I started playing with my cock and I fisted it to rock solid and slick with pre-cum, Aunt couldn't control herself. She spread her legs and began rubbing her clit, which was soaked and protruding outward, beckoning me. I was breathing heavily.

A horny and attractive 45 years old women and young, ripe, teenaged virgin boy was about to make history and fuck each other silly! "Oh, sure you are big," Aunt moaned while frigging her cunt. Aunt then snapped out of her clit-rubbing dream, and stood up. "Come sit down here on the bed," she told. God, her fingers were so wet! As I sat down Aunt gently said, "We're going to have sex. You're going to become men now." Then with a smile she asked, "Are you ready to loose virginity to me?""Um, yeah, okay," I replied, a little uncertain. Aunt then knelt down and took my cock in her hand and stroked it a few times.

"My own young fucker’s hard-on," she said, smiling at me, tugging my dick. "Wow!" She then lowered her head and took my cock in her mouth. I was shocked at first and noticed my half penis disappeared down Aunt's throat. She went up and down a few times, coating my shaft with her saliva. It felt incredible! Her tongue was so hot and slick as she took me to the root and back up again.

I began breathing heavily, loving every bit of it. Aunt was now really going at it, sucking and slurping and pumping it until I couldn't stand it any longer. I began groaning louder and louder as I approached orgasm, and quickly grabbed Aunt's head and started shooting my cum into her mouth. After I finished cumming, Aunt let it run down and out of her mouth and over my cock, as she continued sucking on my cum-slick joystick, occasionally swallowing more and more of my cum down her hungry throat until she swallowed every drop. What a treat to have your first blow job, and from a real talented lady!

"You taste good, your virgin cum may give youth look to me" Aunt said. "Mmmm, god, I love your teenage cock!" I was in heaven. I'd experienced an orgasm many times through masturbation, but nothing like this!   Just then, Aunt stood up and hold my penis in her hand directed to follow her upstairs to her private room. That was quite a sight, walking upstairs behind Aunt's ass! I'd never seen anything quite like it. When we entered Aunts room, she fell on her bed, while I just stared at her."What now?" I asked."The best is soon to CUM," she said with beady eyes. Then Aunt spread her legs to flash me her wet cunt. Looking at me she said "You're going to put your cock in HERE. It's gonna feel soooooo good!""We're gonna fuck?" "I am gonna make men of you. I will take your virginity! I want to be your first feast. “ Then noticing my again-erect cock, Aunt told me to climb on the bed and get on top of her. As I did, she held out her arms and hugged me, as my cock nestled near her pussy. Thickness of the wall and circumference indicated how much she experience in her 45 years of life. She wanted this 14 years old cock to fuck her very badly.

As I held her, she then reached down and took hold of my erection with one hand, while trying to maneuver my body to insert it inside her. Once I was at the entrance to her cunt, Aunt said, "Okay, push forward your big and beautiful cock inside of yours love hole ." I did. If I thought her mouth was incredible, this was sexual Disneyland. All of a sudden, first time wet heat blanketed my teenage prick as I pushed further inward, inch by inch, until I was in as far as I could go. End of fuck tunnel as my cock filled her cunt tightly like virgin cunt. At that point, instinct took over as I pulled back a few inches and thrust forward again. I repeated the action until I began developing a rhythm and started thrusting in and out, in and out; faster and faster, harder and harder. It felt soooooo good and I wasn't the only one who thought so. Aunt was moaning with each thrust of my cock and while I grunted and groaned, she got vocal.
"Oh, yes honey! Ooooooohhh, yeeeaaahh! That's it, that's IT! Oh god, yes! Fuck me! Oh yes, baby, fuck me! Fuck Auntyyyy! Ooooohh god, fuck Aunty! Fuck your Aunt GOOD! Fuck with big cock..don’t stop..ride me completely…enjoy your feast ..I am ready to give everything ..fuck me continuously….ahaaaaaa"

I was moaning and saying, "Yeah! Yeah!" over and over while my aunt cried out with each powerful thrust of my cock. Aunt said not a word except this loud, incredible cry with each stroke of my hefty cock. As my aunt held me, she lifted her pussy up to meet my thrusts, giving back what I gave her. With each thrust of my cock, Aunt cooed in my ear. I started kissing her cheek, and uncontrollably I moved my mouth to hers and began kissing my aunt. She seemed surprised but responded to my kisses with her tongue. It must have seemed weird; a teenage boy passionately kissing his forty-three year old aunt, while his young cock pounded in and out of her mature cunt, but we were exchanging all sorts of fluids, from our tongues and saliva, to my pre-cum leaking into her cunt. While we were lost in our own ecstasy, we were really fucking up a storm. The room was filled with the sounds of fantastic sex! The big bed really shook as I grunted and groaned with each thrust, in and out of my aunts' cunt, while she cried out in pleasure over this fabulous act of deflowering incest! I lasted a lot longer this time, giving my Aunts' cunts a good workout. I was getting near to shooting and could feel the tension building up in my cock. Frantically, I hammered my prick in and out of Aunt until I lost it and crying out I began shooting my fertile seed into deep inside of her unprotected pussy.

"Oh yes baby!" Aunty cried out. "Give Aunty your cum! Oh yeah! Cum in me!" I just laid on top of her feeling my twitching cock shoot more and more sperm into her hot, wet cunt. I felt hot and wet myself as perspiration covered me; my body heat meshed with Aunt's, and my hot cock shooting hot cum inside her even hotter fertile cunt and unloaded a gallon of baby making juice into her.
Aunt just held me and stroked my hair. After a moment of trying to catch our breath, I removed my sweaty bodies from my sweaty aunt.   I pulled out, newly hard but happy and satisfied. Aunt was lying on the side like a widely opened book. Stream of sperm were flowing out from her cunt after filling the entire channel as a prize of love making. She submitted her mature body for enjoyment of her young lover. With no shame, she expressed her happiness of being thoroughly used for sexual pleasure." You're men now!" Aunt proclaimed. "How was it baby?""Mmmm, nice," I moaned. "Thank you," and, "I love you." At that moment we really did love each other. Aunt quickly found that she and I were totally compatible when it came to sex.

  As we rested a bit, we talked about little things, but with teenaged boy in the same room with naked women lying in one bed, little things soon became big things!" You want more, huh?" Aunt snickered. We laughed.
After a brief rest we made a body love once again, but this time more reflexively and powerfully in a way of sucking her cum filled juicy cunt and fucked in different positions. Aunt Sara enjoyed every moment and allowed my youthful encounter on her until I freed her prostrated body after five hours enjoyment.
  Our sexual relationship was started to go in steady ship before my sis’s marriage. Many time she called me to have screwing session in her house. Some times I fucked her in my school premise after the school timings, but for that she shared the sex with school watchman once after my turn was over. I continued to fuck her whenever and wherever things fit ideally. I made her pregnant in the age of 45. We were excited. As her lovers were all family planned already, it was my seed strongly united with her ova. She decided to carry it as a token of love with me but we have decided to keep her pregnancy a secret until my sister marriage is over.   Our relationship was entered in new dimension that she almost became my wife. I screwed her daily as a part of my school studies. I felt grown up in my class, as I became a screwing master and possessing a mature lady for my sexual encounter.

In the next part I will tell about how I managed to fuck my sister and gang banged her with her in laws during her first night. Please watch next part.

Making Christina Pt 1 & 2

AcousticDavid on Incest Stories

 The key turned as Christina fumbled with the lock.  The alcohol in her young system pulsed throughout her body making fine movements difficult.  She had skipped the last two periods of the day to leave and celebrate her 16th birthday with her friends.  The afternoon sun beat down hard on her neck and back as she entered her house.  The door slammed behind her, beads of sweat soon chilled in the air conditioned air of the living room.  She carefully walked to the couch, trying not to stumble.  She plopped down on a middle cushion and closed her eyes.  Her father wouldnt be home for another couple of hours, more than enough time to sober up.  The room seemed to spin as she sat motionless.  A faint sound of movement eminated from the hallway, but Christina wa

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s just too tipsy to care. 

 "Wow, youre home early", David, her father said, startling Christina.  How could she pull off being so drunk in front of her own father.  If she could play it off, wonderful, but if she couldnt, she had to come up with an excuse soon. 

 "Hey Daddy", She said, "This is when I always get home".  He stood behind the couch watching her, knowing good and well what was running through her mind.  The school had called him at work to notify him of his daughters absence from the better half of a day from school.

 "What did you do today?" He asked, hoping for the truth, but knowing that it wouldnt come. 

 "Nothing really, just boring schoolwork"

 "Really, you didnt do anything interesting today?"

 "Besides me turning 16... no, not really"

 Annoyed with her insolence, He finally broke.  "The school called me today at work.  You have any idea what they told me?"

 "Umm... no daddy, not really, what?", She asked, scared of what was to come. 

 Angry, He spoke harshly, "You know damned well what they told me. Now you want to give me a fucking good reason why you skipped half a fucking day of school?"

 "Umm... uhh.. I dont know daddy"

 "Thats a wrong fucking answer Christina.  Look at you, sitting there like a perfect little angel.  And you have some nerve to come home drunk as hell after skipping school, I can smell the liquor on your breath from here."

 She knew that she had been caught.  She sat up and bent forward, her elbows on her knees, trying to hang her head in shame. "But.. but... its my birthday daddy"

 "Thats no fucking reason to skip school and get plastered with your little friends.  Youre only fucking 16, you have 5 more goddamned years until you can drink.  Do you have any idea what would have happened if someone else saw you like this, someone who didnt give a damn about you?? Huh?? Stand up and face me when Im talking to you dammit"
 She stood up slowly, shaking from the booze messing with her young mind.  "Yes Sir?"  She folded her hands in front of her and stood as straight as she could.  He walked closer to her, within arms reach.  Fearing his anger, she flinched, wary of a slap to the face. 

 "What.. you think im going to fucking hit you?.. Im not a child abuser"  He said as he stood firm in front of his young trembling daughter.  Sit your ass down now, we need to have a little 'chat'". 

 She sat down on the couch, and he sat on the coffee table edge in front of her.  He grasped the sides of her head, forcing her to look into his eyes.  "Youre so fucking lucky your mom isnt here.  She would ship your ass off to a private school in a heartbeat.  Im not that mean however" He stated while glaring at her.  She sighed with relief.  "But theres no fucking way that youre going to get away with this without some punishment.  Now go to your fucking room, Ill be in there in a minute to deal with you."

 She stumbled to her room, holding onto the walls for support.  He waited for her to get to her room, the opening and closing of the door signaled that he was in the clear.  He walked to the front door, locked it.  Walked to the windows, and closed the blinds.  Little did Christina know, but her father had a lot more in store for her than just a simple grounding. 

 Her father and her mother had been divorced since she was a kid.  Her father had no marraiges since, not even a girlfriend.  He had been waiting for this day for years.  The phones had been disconnected before Christina got home from school, the school was notified that Christina was to be moved to a different school.  With no phone, and no outside contact, noone was going to be able to know of her whereabouts.  He grasped a black bag from the corner of the room, and walked to Christina's room, ready to dish out the punishment necessary. 

 Christina lay on her queensized bed, her eyes closed, spread out.  "Sit the hell up" He barked at her.  She sat up to face him, a serious look in his eyes seemed to burn holes in her.  "Theres no way youre getting off with this.  Ive put up with your meaningless bullshit for years, and quite frankly, Im fucking tired of it.  There is NO way that you will ever do anything like that again."  She shook from sheer fright from his words, the liquor fogging her mind, she thought a simple spanking was in store for her. 

 "Take your clothes off, Im going to do something that I should have done a long time ago".

 She seemed to pause, her father commanding her to strip off her clothes seemed strange. 

 "Do it NOW dammit, dont make me ask you again"

 She did as she was told, slowly removing her tshirt.  Her white cotton bra masked her young breasts.  She slid off her shoes and socks, then her skirt.  The only thing keeping her concealed was  a few square inches of cloth. 


 Christina fumbled with her bra clasp, removing her bra and covering up her breasts with one hand.  Her breasts covered, she slid off her white panties with the other, holding her legs tightly togther and covering her crotch with the other hand.  She sat on the edge of the bed, trembling out of fear, naked, her father before her holding a black bag. 

 "Now lets get something perfectly clear Christina, You will do as i say when I say, and do not question me, or you will regret it.  Understand?"

 She shook her head yes.

 "Turn around" He commanded.

 She stood up and turned around, her arms dropping to her sides, for her tender parts were now out of his view.  He watched as her curves lightened in the sunlight.  He reached into the strange bag, and pulled out a piece of metal which Christina could clearly hear clanging together. 

 The rachet sound of a handcuff eminated as her left hand was cuffed.  They were padded leather cuffs, but the sound, and knowing what they were, scared Christina to death.  She started to turn around, before her father grasped her shoulders and held her still.  The other hand was cuffed, and he turned her around to face him. 

 "What are you doing daddy??" she whimpered, tears of fright forming in her eyes.

 "Im going to teach you some respect". He said, his eyes staring at hers, not at her tender young body, unexposed and shaking. 

 "You have no concept of respect Christina," Her father said to her sharply, "none whatsoever.  After Im done with you, you will truly know how to show someone of authority the dignity they deserve."  Pushing her on the bed, her hands captive under her rump.  He stood before her, "This is all for the best Christina, It needs to be done.  Im only doing this because I love you, and you will soon understand what i mean by that."

 He bent down to her, kissing her cheek softly, the first non-agressive sign he had given her all day.  Her state still scared the hell out of her, She feared her predicament, she feared her punishment, but most of all, she feared what her father was going to do to her."

 "Stand up" Her father commanded as he watched his teenage daughet struggle to stand without the aid of her hands.  He grabbed her waist and pulled her.  Handing her the black bag behind her back, which she grasp with both hands, he motioned her to follow. 

 "Take a good look at your room Christina, this is the last time youll see it in a long time".

 She looked around at her room, her bed, her dresser, her freshly removed clothes wadded up on the floor. She turned to her father and followed him.  He led her, turning around periodically to make sure she was obeying, through the hallway, and up the stairs.  She knew where he was taking her, a place where she hadnt been since her mother lived with them.  He was taking her to his room. 

 His room was significantly larger than hers, sporting a king sized bed with large, almost gothic, pillars on its corners.  Except for the bed and a dresser, His room was devoid of all furniture.  The carpet was cept imaculately clean, the bed was made, and nothing was out of order.  He motioned for her to move to the bed.  The sun now turned her beads of sweat into tiny prisms, giving her an almost angelic glow.  She stood at the end of his bed, looking around.  He stood behind her. 

 "Notice anything?" He asked

 "No daddy", her voice quivering.

 He stepped beside her, pointing at one of the posts by the headboard.  There was a chain, something almost fit for a dog, attached securely with a padlock to the sturdy wooden pillar.  The stainless steel chain lay curled up on the head of the bed, tipped off with a leather collar, also padlocked to it. 

 He removed her handcuffs, and instinctively she rubbed her wrists.  "Lay on your back on the bed" He said to her in a calm, almost soothing voice.  She did as commanded, laying on her back in the middle of his huge bed.  He knelt on the bed before her, and slowly spread her legs a bit.  The bright firey pubic hair which seemed to bush out from her crotch caught his eye.  He had thought for sure that every girl her age had shaved, but his own daughter proved him wrong.  He rubbed her soft pubes with one hand before bracing himself over her.  She had feared this, she had feared being taken by her father, being ravaged.  He bent down to her soft cheek, and whispered softly into her ear.  "I am going to make you mine Christina."  He moved to the side of her, unlocked the collar from the chain, and gave it to Christina. 

 "Put this on Christina."

 "Please dont do this daddy... please", tears now streaming from her cheeks onto her fathers bed

 "What did I say about not doing as youre told Christina?  That was your one and only excused disobedience that I will allow, all further will be strictly punished."

 She slowly attached the collar around her neck.  The thich leather fit her perfectly.  Holding it closed, her father attached the padlock to the clasp. 

 "You are now mine Christina, you are now my little girl.  I hold your very life in my hands, and I will teach you how to be a true woman."

 She lay there, on his bed, motionless, the severity of her situation sobering her up.  A thousand rampant thoughts ran though her head.  What lay in store for her? What was her father going to do to her?

 He sat up before her, grabbing the mystious black bag.  He motined for her to sit up as well.  They both sat indian style on the edge of the bed, facing each other.  The contents were dumped out onto the bed, and the mere sight of the objects made Christina bawl with fright. 

 Dildos, Butt plugs, Anal Beads, various gags, rope, duct tape, a small package of needles, clothes pins.  These were merely the top of the pile.  She turned her head, crying harder than ever.  She had no intention of looking upon the devices which she feared her father was to use on her. 

 "Happy Birthday Baby"

 Only sobs came from Christinas lips.

 "I said happy birthday Baby"

 she sniffled... turning to her father, "What did I do wrong?"

 "See Baby, this is what Im talking about, you show no respect".  He grabbed a rubber ball gag from the pile and held it before her to look at.  Holding each end, he slowly and carefully moved the gag closer to her mouth.  She moved back. 

 "tsk tsk tsk Baby... I thought you had more respect in you than that.  Now I have to force you".  He grasped her tiny body, pushing her against the matress.  Holding her down, he forced the ball into her mouth, and closed the clasp around the back of her bright red hair.  She began to drool almost instantaneously from the corners of her mouth.  He wiped them off with a rag, and sat her back up. 

 "See Baby, If youre good, then youll be treated good.  If you act bad, then... i think you know what happens then."  He pulled her head closer slowly and tenderly kissed her forehead.  She didnt move a muscle, her legs and arms limp at her sides. 

 "Do you want that gag off Baby?" He asked sincerely

 She nodded yes

 "You going to be a good baby for daddy?"

 She nodded Yes

 He nodded, and she removed the gag herself. 

 "Lets get one thing straight Christina.  I love you more than anything.  And Im only doing this for your own good. "

 She tried to resist, but knew what her father wanted to hear.  "I love you too Daddy"

 "Good baby, good... " He kissed her cheek again.  "Now Im going to ask you some questions and I want you to answer them honestly"

 "Ok daddy".. her tears and sobbing were almost gone

 "Have you ever been with a boy before baby?"

 Embarassed, she lowered her head and shook no.

 "Baby, look at me when you answer"

 "Yes Daddy" She answered, raising her head up, and pushing her red locks out of her face.

 "Have you ever masturbated before?"

 "Yes Daddy, I have"

 "Good, now one more important question: Have you ever had an orgasm?"

 she studdered.. "Uh... i really dont know daddy.. uhh.. maybe... i dont know"

 "Very well", her father answered, giving her a loving smile, which seemed to brighten up her expression. 

 "Dont Worry baby, Im not going to hurt you.  I will only punish you if you deserve it"

 "Ok Daddy"

 He stretched out his hand for hers, and stood up, pulling her up to her feet.  "We need to get you cleaned up Baby"

 "Ok Daddy"

 "Go into my bathroom, Ill be in there in a minute"

 She slowly walked to the bathroom.  She gently tugged at her collar.

 "Its not going to come off Baby, so dont even try"

 She turned the corner into the bathroom and sat silently on the toilet, pondering her future. 
 Her father walked in minutes later, Christina looked up at him.  "I just want to make sure that youre perfectly clean for me Baby"

 "Im clean Daddy, I promise"

 "You may be clean enough for you Baby, but youre not clean enough for me.  Now I want you to get on all fours in the bathtub facing away from me. She did as she was told, moving the shower curtain aside, she noticed a tube securely attached to the bathroom faucet.  He knelt beside her, rubbed her back with one hand as he placed the end of the tube in the drain with the other.  The sound of running water filled the bathroom as he turned the bathtub on.  Turned all the way to the left, the hottest temperature, he left the hose, and began to rub his daughters back with both hands, kneeding and massaging her tender back.  She remained firm, looking over at him through her red hair, a slight smile graced her face, to which her father smiled back. 

 "This may hurt a little bit baby, but its for the best.  Stay right here, Ill be right back"  He walked out of the bathroom, returning quickly carrying a small butt plug and a bottle of lubrication.  He grabbed her hands, and guided her chest on the side of the tub, resting there, leaving her hands free.  She held out one hand, which he grabbed.  Holding hands, Her father could tell that she was on the right path.  He held the bottle of lube over her rear, squirting a small ammount into the crack.  His free hand massaged the silky smooth substance over her asshole. 

 This was her first feeling of being intimately touched by a man.  At the time, she would have picked no other.  Her father pushed against her tiny hole with his index finger, rubbing the lube inside and out.  He pushed in slowly, letting her tiny hole loosen around the finger.  Satisfied, he pulled out.  Steam now filled the air.  He lowered the temperature of the water, and set it to around half intensity flow.  With his free hand, her father slowly guided the hose up to her anus.  The hot water made Christina squirm as it splashed all over her legs and rump.  Slowly he pushed the tube into her rectum, holding it there while the warm water filled his young daughters bowels.  Christina's grasp on her fathers hand tightened as she wimpered, but her father only smiled and nodded with approval.  She smiled back through the frequent grimaces she made.  He turned the temperature up, and watched his daughter squirm as the scalding hot water filled her tender untouched insides.  "I love you Baby" he whispered', to which she almost instantly replied, "I love you too Daddy". 

 "I know it hurts baby, but you have to be cleaned out Baby". 

 "I feel like im going to explode Daddy"

 "I know baby, just a few more moments".  He turned the water off, the hose remaining inside her tender anus, now hot from its contents.  "I want you to hold all of inside Baby, Dont let any out".

 "I dont know If i can daddy" her body was in tremendous pain, her bowels filled with scalding hot water, she feared losing her enema, she feared dissappointing her father for what me might do to her in return.  "I wont lose any Daddy". 

 "Good Baby, Good" he removed the tube, only a small drop drizzled from her asshole.  "Hold it baby".  He sat up, holding the small black rubber plug.  Covering it in a generous ammount of the slick lube, he presented it to her.  "This is going to help you hold it in"

 Tears of pure pain gathered in her eyes... "Thank you Daddy..." she paused, and lowered her head.  She raised it back up and faced him, "Thank you so much". 

 He grasp her hand again, holding the plug in the other "Im going to push it in quick Baby, but its small, so it shouldnt hurt too much, so brace yourself"  He pressed the tip against her anus.  "Breathe deep baby, on the count of three, count with me"



 "3"... and he thrust the rubber plug into her, she let out a gasp as it slid into position.

 "See Baby, that wasnt so bad, now was it?"

 "No Daddy, It wasnt"

 He stood and grabbed a towel, kneeling back down again to pat dry his daughters warm rear and legs.  "Stand up now Baby"

 She tried to stand, but the pain in her bowels prevented the full range of motion.  She held out her hand, hoping that her father would help her to her feet. 

 "No baby, you need to do this on your own"

 "OK Daddy" and she sat up slowly, her water impregnation sloshing around in her like waves.  She braced herself against the side of the tub, and pushed herself up.  She stood in the tub, then slowly stepped out onto the rug, facing her father.  She smiled at him. 

 "Good Baby, Very Good."  If you keep the good behavior up, I just might have to reward you. 

 His hand reached over, her hand did the same, and he led her back into his room. 

 He lay on his bed, she lay down next to him.  She had either forgotten about her nudity, or was now comfortable with her body, her father hoped for the latter.  He turned on his side to face her, and without a word, she did the same.  Christina's belly bulged, and her fahter rubbed it with one hand softly, feeling the warmth from within.  "Did you like that Baby?"

 "I have to be honest daddy..." she paused, and slowly cracked a smile..." I loved it"

 "Wonderful Baby, Youre not too full are you?"

 "Not at all Daddy" she said, knowing that her body was in fact full to the point of explosion, but she spoke the words that her father would want to hear.  "I could take more Daddy"

 "Really Baby?".. his eyes widened, pleased with how his daughter was taking so quickly to her new role, "well lets go fill you up some more"

 Christina's heart sank, she had hoped that her father would not, but watched as he stood up and raised his hand for hers, ready to guide her back into the bathroom.  She went for his hand, and he cracked a smile.  "Thats ok Baby, youve done more than enough for right now"

 christina grinned, "thank you Daddy".  She lay on her back, her stomach sticking up into the air.  Her father walked around beside her, and began softly kneeding her belly with his hands.  The increased pressure was almost too much for the young girl to handle.  Soft whimpers escaped her lips as he pushed against her swolen stomach.  She forced a smile, and stared into her fathers eyes.  "I love you Daddy"

 "I love you too baby" and he bent down, moving his face directly on top of hers, staring at her eyes, he kissed her on the lips, something she hadnt experienced for over a decade.  The feeling of love overwhelmed her and the pain from her stomach vanished.  Nirvana engulfed her for the fleeting moment that their lips touched.  He moved back, she moved in unison, keeping contact between both of them, sitting up as he moved. 

 "Comeon now baby, lets let this water out"

 She remained firm, pulling her father closer, kissing him again, not caring about the searing pain.  "It can wait a little longer Daddy" 

 "comeon baby, we dont want to cause any permanent harm, lets go"

 Her heart sank as she followed her father into the bathroom.  As motined by her father, she sat on the toilet.  He guided her back on the toilet seat.  Her small frame left a large gap between her crotch and the front of the seat.  "Take the plug out Baby" 

 She reached down slowly, watching her fathers eyes as she did so, reaching down and back to the rubber plug that held the warm liquid that she now loved so dear inside her.  She breathed deeply, and pulled it out, squeezing her anus as she did so.  The faint sound of a couple of drops splashed thorughout the toilet, as she presented the wet plug to her father, it was very warm to the touch.  Her father grabbed it, wiped it off with a rag, and then set it down, before sitting down on the edge of the bathtub to watch his daughter expel her first enema. 

 "I didnt lose any Daddy" she squeeled with delight at her own accomplishment. 

 "I know baby, thats very good, thats very good".

 "I could hold this forever Daddy, it feels glorious."

 "I know baby, but its time to let it out"  her now constant smile lessened as she did as she was commanded.  She contracted her stomach muscles, and the warm water began to trickle out of her puckered hole. 

 "Push out as hard as you can baby, lets see how fast you can go, itll be like a game"

 "Oh good, i love games", she said as she pressed with all of her might as the clean toilet water splashed about.

 "But theres one thing Baby, you cant pee"

 "ok Daddy" she gasp as she stopped the small trickle of golden urine.

 The splashing seemed to last for an eternity, both of their eyes fixated upon the others.  Her father reached and rubbed the flat stomach of his daughter.  "Almost done Baby?" he asked

 "Yes Daddy, almost".  The last of the water shot from her anus, and she sat there. 

 "Comeon now baby" her father said as he unrolled a bit of toilet paper and wiped her tender wet ass. 

 They both stood up, immediately, her fathers eyes snapped to the toilet.  It had been previously flushed prior to her enema expulsion, and the water was still as crystal clear as it had been before.  "Wow" he said, truly impressed, "you were cleaned out". 

 "I told you daddy" she said jokingly as she grasp his hand again.  They walked back together into his room, laying down. 

 "Youve done very good Baby, i am truly impressed"

 "Thank you Daddy, that means a lot to hear"

 He pulled her close and embraced her body.  Christina's arms wrapped around her father, her mind soared to the highest place she had ever experienced.  She had reached that fleeting feeling once more.  She began to tear up once more.  "I love you Daddy, I love you more than anything else in the entire world, I wish i would haev told you that more often Daddy, and Im so sorry that I didnt". 

 He looked down at her, her small body wrapped around his, she looked up at him, teary eyed.  "You are my BabY girl, Never forget that. You are the only person I love in this world."  and as if almost by fate, Her father said the six words that Christina's heart was screaming.  "We were meant to be together".

 christina sat on the edge of the bed, her legs slightly spread, sitting as she normally would  if she happened to be wearing jeans.  David sat beside her, looking at his young daughter.  "It amazes me that I had some part in bringing the most beautiful creature in the world into creation.  It just boggles my mind how something so beautiful came out of me."

 "I think youre beautiful too Daddy", Christina said, her eyes full of honesty and sincerity.  "Ive always thought that we should be together too, I just didnt know how to say it to you". 

 "Can i ask you a question Baby, and please be honest with me, because Im going to be honest with you?"

 "Yes Daddy, absolutely, whats on your mind?"

 "When you masturbate, assuming that you do it a lot, what do you think about?"

 "Theres only one thing that I ever think about Daddy"... her cheeks red with embarassment..."I think of you"

 "Really Baby?"

 "Yes daddy, and in case you were wondering, I masturbate a lot"

 A sly grin came across Davids face "Really baby, tell me, how much do you masturbate?"

 Christina's cheeks reddned even more, and she looked down, "3 or 4 times a day Daddy"

 Shocked, David let out a chuckle, "You have no reason to be embarassed baby, I probably do it 5 times a day easy"  Davids arm wrapped around Christina, and he pulled her tight.

 "Well Daddy, Can I ask you a question?"

 "Go for it Baby"

 Her cheeks remained bright red, she know the answer she was about to hear, but after years of anticipation, she thought the moment would never come, "What do you think about when you masturbate Daddy?"

 "Theres only one thing I think about Baby, You and You alone".

 She looked up with tears of pure joy in her eyes,  "I love you daddy", and burried her face in Davids chest. 

 "can I ask you one more question Baby?"

 Davids chest muffled her answer of yes

 "Have you ever broken your hymen?"

 Christina pulled out and looked up, "No daddy, I would never do that" and she hesitated

 "Any reason Baby?"

 "I was saving it for you"

 "awwww  I love you Baby"

 The sun was setting in the sky, the miniblinds cast horizontal shadows against the bedroom wall.  "Looks like its time for bed", David said.

 "No Daddy", christina whimpered, "i want to savor this moment forever"

 "Dont worry baby, 'this' will never end", and he stood up, lending his hand for his daughter to pull herself up with.  He glanced down where his daughter had been sitting, there was a small wet spot.  "Hey baby, look at that", he pointed. 

 Christinas cheeks reddned once again looking at the wetspot that her pussy, and thoughts of her father, had made.  "Im sorry Daddy"

 "Dont be baby, Thats no problem" he grinned, and knelt down before the bed, bending down towards the wet spot.  "You smell glorious Baby".  Davids tongue then traced a line across the wet spot.  "And you taste twice as good". 

 Christina was now overcome with embarassment.  Her father was doing everything and saying everything right.  It was like her dreams had finally come true. 

 "Now baby, bear with me, for this may seem a little harsh, and I know it is seeing as how good youve been so far, but this is just going to last as long as it has to."  He led her over to his closet, a large walk-in closet.  He opened it, showing the interior.  A pillow, two bowls, and a chain mounted securely with metal mountings were all that was inside.  He kissed her forehead softly, then motioned for her to enter.

 "But daddy..."... her smile faded

 "Like I said Baby, this will just last as long as it has to" He held her hands and guided her down onto the pillow.  She sat on it and waited patiently for her fathers next move.  He bent down and attached the chain to her collar with a padlock, the key to which he kept on a chain around his neck.  He stood up, looking at his daughter, the most beautiful human being ever to be born, chained up like a dog in his closet, sitting on nothing but a pillow. 

 "What are these bowls for DAddy?" she asked

 "One is for number 1 and number 2" he said jokingly, "and the second one is for later, dont worry about that one yet"

 "Ok Daddy"

 "One more thing Baby, and this is very important, and must be followed"

 "WHat is it daddy?"
 "You may not masturbate at all Baby, you may not touch yourself at all"

 ...she signed, for she knew what she had intended to do for countless hours into the night, "Yes Daddy, I promise"

 "Good Girl" he bent down and kissed her on the forehead once more, "I love you Baby"

 "I love you too daddy"

 And with that David closed the closet door, securing it with a latch on the outside.  He laid down and quickly fell asleep with dreams of his young nubile daughter running through his head.  His daughter sat for hours dreaming about what was to come, if her daddy would in fact, take her virginity, and when she would reach that truly 'special place' again.  She fell asleep sitting indian style with her back against the wall.


 THe next morning brought fantastic dreams from both of them.  David lay in bed, his arms wrapped around a pillow, moaning through his lucid state, Christinas name.  Christina, however, sat against the closet wall, repeating 4 words in her mind.  "I love my Daddy".  Dreams of her father, dreams so horribly dirty, brought images to her head, images she had dreamt of a thousand times before, but only this time, they seemed more real, more tangible.  David awoke in the mid afternoon,  He didnt set his alarm, for he knew that both of them could use all the energy they could muster the following day.  He wore only boxers, a pair of red plaid boxers with no snap on the crotch.  He secretly hoped for an "accidental" flashing. 

 He walked slowly, silently, over to the closet, unlatching the door as quietly as he could, opening it slowly.  Christina sat silently inside, her eyes closed.  David opened the door fully, gazing at his daughter, and the dirty thoughts that he had just dreamt about.  He knelt down slowly, as not to wake her.  He bent in for a kiss, as if a prince was waking up a princess.  Inches from Christinas angel like face, a smile broke her stillness, and she opened her eyes, and without hesitation, spoke "Good Morning Daddy" and quickly lunged forward and pecked David on the lips. 

 David jumped back, startled, his chained daughter giggling.  He smiled back at her, "Good Afternoon Sweetheart, correcting her, did you sleep well?", and he began to unlatch the lock from around Christinas neck.

 "Of course Daddy, I slept like a 'baby" and she let out a small giggle, which David matched. 

 David grasp Christinas thighs, pulling her up.  Looking down at the closet, both bowls were empty.  "Good girl, didnt even have to use the bathroom during the night"

 "Nope Daddy, and i didnt even touch myself"

 "Promise?" David said

 "Yes Daddy, I cross my heart" 

 David bent down and grabbed the pillow that Christina had used as a pad the night before.  He held it up, ran his nose over it, looking for the tell tale sign of female scent.  He found none, and threw the pillow back into the closet. 

 David led christina over to his bed, sitting her down on the edge.  Christinas left hand began to roam down to her crotch, swollen with thoughts of her father.  She made small circles in her firey pubic hair, pulling and tugging on them. 

 "Know whats funny Baby?"

 "Whats that Daddy?" Christina asked still playing with pussy fire

 "Youre hairy..."

 "Yes Daddy"

 "... But Im Not"  and David grinned at her

 "Really Daddy? You shave?"

 "All of it is gone...

 Christina knew what she wanted to ask, she wanted proof, she wanted a glimpse of what she had always wanted, but she waited

 "... and if youre good, you might get to see"

 Her heart skipped a beat, and she giggled with glee.

 "Daddy, can I ask you something?"

 "Sure Baby, what is it?"

 "Why couldnt I touch myself last night?"

 "Because i have complete control of you and your body Baby, and an orgasm without me is almost a slap in the face", his tone and face showed extreme seriousness, which was not lost on his daughter

 "Ok Daddy, I understand."

 "Well since were playing '20 questions' here, i have one for you"

 "Ok Daddy, what?"

 "Why were you so clean and spotless with your enema last night?"

 her face once again reddned, David figured she would be used to saying anything, and comfortable with her thoughts and actions around him, but she once again proved him wrong. Her red cheeks were a literal embodiment of her innocence "I like enemas a lot daddy"... she smirked... "Me and my friend do them sometimes"

 Davids face lit up, "That sounds fun Baby"

 "Oh It is Daddy, but if i may say, i have NEVER had one as heavenly as yours last night.  You gave me the enema of a lifetime Daddy"

 Davids face reddned as the confident words came from Christina's Mouth.  "Im... uuh.. glad to hear that... Baby"

 christina giggled like a child at her fathers stammering.  "Want to know what i dreamed about last night Daddy?

 "Sure Baby"

 "You, and how much I love you"

 "I dreamed about you, and i probably cuddled my pillow to death, dreaming it was you"

 they both laughed at how childish their words sounded, but then looked into each others eyes.  Unspoken words, unspoken "i love you's" simply via a gaze. 

 "I want to give you another present Baby, I even wrapped it up for you last night"

 "Really daddy?" she bounced with anticipatin

 David handed her a box wrapped in birthday paper, she opened it like a kid on christmas, tearing the paper off quickly. 

 "Seeing as how we dont want to break your hymen just yet..."

 christinas heart sank

 "... I figured this was the next best thing" he grabbed the contraption from the box.  It was a small vibrating egg.  He handed the egg to Christina, and pulled the remote from the box.  "You know how these work Baby?"

 "No Daddy"

 "You put the egg inside you Baby, and whenever i push this button" David pushed the button and the egg began to violently vibrate, strange strengh for something so small, "it vibrates"

 "Awesome DAddy, Thank You" Christina ran up and gave David a kiss on the lips, jumping up a bit to do so.   

 "what do you want us to call your vagina Baby? what word are you most comfortable using?"

 "Ive always called it a pussy daddy, but you know what?"

 "What Baby?"

 "I think Im going to call it yours"

 David smiled and pushed the button again just for laughs.  Christinas hand shook from the strengh of the vibrator.  Both chuckled. 

 "well since We dont want to get anything in that pretty little pussy of yours yet, i figured that we could put this in your bum"

 "I bet its gonna feel good Daddy"

 David tossed her the small bottle of lube they had used the night before for her initiation enema.  "Go ahead Baby, get it in"

 Christina turned around, facing the headboard of the bed, grabbed two pillows, and placed them in front of her, laying on them, she exposed her supple cheeks and small pink hole into the air.  Christina squirted the lube into her hand, and coated the egg.  Reaching around, one hand tried desperately to spread her firm ass, while the other tried to push the egg directly in. 

 "Baby, dont you want to spread your ass a little bit before you just push it in?"

 "No Daddy, I dont need to spread it..." facing the headboard, she could speak candidly without being nervous and seeing her fathers reaction "...i dont deserve to be spread"  She had always hoped for this.  Her daddy punishing her, and she has always recited that line whenever she masturbated. Over and over 'no daddy, i dont deserve to be spread'.  One hand pulling her cheeks apart, the other hand placed the egg over her puckered sweet spot.  She counted out lout  "1...2...and then pushed the egg entirely inside her ass, grunting and moaning heavily as it passed her tiny anus" 

 David walked up to Christina, wiping the excess lube out of her sexy crack with a rag, then cleaning off her hand.  Christina licked in between her fingers, the spot David missed.  "Wow Daddy, this stuff tastes really good.... strawberries?"

 "Yea Baby, i knew youd like it"  Standing there watching his daughteres ass shoved in the air, her tongue lapping up the slimy lube from her hand. 

 She turned over on her stomach, just in time for David to push the button. 

 Waves of pleasure shot throughout her entire body.  Anal Stimulation of this kind could never bring the pleasure, or so Christina though, that this did. Her body rocked on the bed, arching up into the air, as if her pussy were desperately searching for something to grind up against.  Her hands roamed all over her body, massaging her tiny B cup breasts, her nipples erect, flicking them with her fingertips, rubbing her stomach firmly as her hands reached her pussy.  She was no longer in control of her body.  David watchd intensly as his 16 year old daugher spasmed in his bed.  He waited to see if she had the self control to stop her hands from touching her sweet spot which he had already claimed was his and his alone. Her hands stopped at her firey pubes, rubbing them with a fury that David had never seen before.  This lasted only moments before her hands rubbed against her clit, no doubt engorged with blood and begging to be touched.  He gave her a few seconds of clitoral stimulation, before he pushed the button again, and watched her body fall back down to earth, back down to his bed. 

 "Comeon Daddy, that felt good" she said weakly through heavy breaths

 "You did what you werent supposed to Baby"

 "Whats that daddy?" she said, her voice quivering

 "You touched what was mine" He nodded his head down to her pussy, where her hands still rested

 She looked down to see her hands on her fathers property, knowing that she had no control over them, she quicly moved them back to her sides before stammering "im.. sorry.. im.. i mean... im sorry"

 David shook his head in dissapproval as Christinas body went limp with self disgust.

 "I really didnt mean to Daddy, im sorry, I promise I wont do it again"

 "I gave you one chance Baby, you seem to have mistaken my kindness for leniency"

 "Please Daddy.. im sorry...I.."

 "No excuses Baby" He walked over to the black bag which sat by the closet door.  "I want you to bend over the edge of the bed, with your ass exposed"

 She knew what was going to happen.  She had been spanked as a child.  She braced herself.

 David walked back standing behind her exposed ass.  Her firm teen flesh was like porcelain, pure perfection.  He stepped to the side of her.  "How many do you think you deserve Baby"

 not knowing how to answer this questoin, christina thought for a moment. "10 Daddy?" she spoke unsurely of herself, fearing the pain that the paddle would bring her, but fearing her fathers dissapproval even more. 

 "Only 10 Baby?"

 "No daddy... i meant 15"

 "15 It is then"

 Christinas hands curled into the bed sheets, her eyes squinting, her teeth grinding.  She would be momentarily taken to hell.  David Cocked his arm back, only using one arm for the impact, and let one loose.  The sound of hard wood against virgin ass echoed in the room as christina screamed out in pain.  "Count off for me Baby, If you lose count, well have to start all over again"

 "Yes Daddy" she managed to gasp through the tears and whimpers

 "And dont scream or cry Baby, I dont want to haev to gag you again"

 "Yes Daddy"

 THe second swing of the paddle landed in the same spot as the first, the sound was louder and more intense this time.  Christinas ass was already redder than David had thought was possible, and she still had 13 more swings to go.  Christina didnt scream, but mild whimpers and sobs came from her pain wracked body.  David continued to swing the paddle at her red cheeks again and again, all the while christina thinking to herself how she loved her father more than anything in the world.  She knew that she deserved more than 15, but doubted if her petite body could handle more than that.  She moaned out softly "2... 3...... 4....5..." David continued furiously beating her ass, all the while getting pleasure from her muffled pain.  "7....8......9......10"  Christina had stopped crying, simply gasping the number of swings, then bracing herself for her next impact.  Her mind escaped, wandered off, but she continued to count off.  "12....13....14........" Somehow, the swings stopped hurting, her mind had blocked the pain, instead, christina was feeling the onset of the euphoria that being with her father brought her.  This feeling lasted longer than previous ones.  Her mind was at complete peace with the world, like she had tapped into somehting much higher than herself.  David braced himself and doublehanded swing 15.  A baseball bat style swing to Christinas bright apple red ass and a sound of a gunshot exploded, the bed shook, and Christina simply moaned out, almost as if pleasureably, "15". 

 David returned the paddle to the floor beside the bag.  And looked as christina half-lay on the bed, David unaware that Christina was in 'her place' wondered if he had in fact hurt her.  He walked over to her, bent down and kissed each bright red cheek once.  The impact had brought blood to the surface, the cheeks were unnaturally warm.  he palmed one cheek, and with the help of the other, turned christina over onto her back. 

 Her eyes rolled back in her head, Christina snapped back into reality, but only after David saw the perfect and harmonious smile of pleasure on her face.  SHe shook her head, as if waking up. 

 "Thank you Daddy"

 "Youre welcome Baby"

 She sat there, her ass swollen from the savage beating she had just recieved, but not caring about the immense pain that would put most into shock, instead, she let her hand move slowly to David, placing her hand on his leg, giving off love simply through a touch of her hand.  David sat puzzled at why his young daugher was not bawling and screaming for mercy.  He bent down and kissed her on the lips, a tender kiss that lasted longer than all those before.  Christinas arms wrapped around Davids neck and Back, holding him tight, never letting go.  Christina clearly wanted more than simply a peck on the cheek from her father.  She opened her mouth a little, and touched Davids lips with her warm tongue.  Davud Did the same.  They lay there, embracing each other, their tongues darting in and out of each others mouths for what seemed like an eternity. 

 David backed off, looking at his helpless little daughter, only wanting tender love from him, she spread her legs a bit, an unspoken invitation to the pleasures that lie within her soft pubic mound.  He moved to sit between her legs, letting his fingers slowly trace lines up and down her inner thighs, untouched by his cruel beating earlier.  Each time he traced up her thigh, he teased her by getting closer and closer to her pussy.  He bent down with his face, close to her mound, and took in the wonderful senses.  Her pussy gave off, almost as a lightbulb, radiant heat which David felt on his chin, the scent of a virgin filled his nostrils, and he slowly spread her legs.  He bend down further, and with one swift move of his tongue, flicked Christinas tender erect clit once.  She rocked up and down on the bed, shaking the entire thing, pushing Davids face even further into her tender innocence. 

 Christina had in no way earned an orgasm today, so one more tease of her clit with his loving tongue seemed appropriate.  He slowly began at the bottom of her pussy, and slowly licked his way up, her juices intoxicated him as he got ever closer to her tiny little nub.  His entire tongue tasted nothing but his daughers sweet sweet honey flavored pussy.  After what seemed like an hour, the base of his tongue reached her clit, he could feel it poking, begging, pleading.  He continued to slowly lick up.  Christina had now begun to moan out "Daddy" through her pre-orgasmic breaths.  As the tip of the tongue touched her clit, he flicked it up one more time, the last time. Her Body shook as if possessed by a demon, and she screamed.  Thick white juice began to dribble out of the base of her cunt onto the bedsheets. 

 David sat up to inspect his daughter.  She lay there with nothing but a smile on her face, breathing.  Her body randomly shook, as if she had been electrocuted by his warm tongue. She moaned out vaguely "I love you daddy, I love you".  Her cum had coated the bed between her legs.  David took two fingers and scooped up the thick white love from her pussy.  He held them before her eyes, and spoke only these words "One for you, and One for me".  He separated his fingers, and presented one for Christina.  Her smell wafted through her nose, and she opened her mouth to recieve her own juice.  Her tongue made circles around Davids finger as she lapped up every drop, moaning. David then took the rest for himself.  Suckling his fingers, revelling in virgin cum. 

 David lay down beside her as she lie motionless.  She sat up slowly, as if it took tremendous strengh to do so, as if her body were weighed down.  David lay as she sat beside him.  He had taken great care and precaution not to present his daughter with an erection.  She did not deserve an erection... yet.  She moved slowly and straddled his waist, still dripping thick pussy milk.  She bent down to kiss her father, which was met with an open mouth and willing tongue, 

 She could taste her flavor all over him, her pussy had coated him with that delicious scent and flavored his tongue with that unmistakable taste.

 David grabbed her waist and sat her up abruptly.  "Are you hungry?" he asked with love and affection.

 "Yes Daddy, I am"

 "Well The only food you will recieve..."

 Christina waited for the answer

 "will be my semen"

 Her spirit soared inside her, she moved beside him and bent down, ready to feed.  David Stopped her however. 

 "Do you honestly think you deserve my cum as of right now Baby?"

 Her stomach growled and her instincts said yes, but her mind said no, as she shook her head.

 "Well then youll just have to eat another Day Baby."

 "She sat beside him motionless, a sad puppy dog look in her eyes, she wanted nothing more than to make her father feel good, to make him feel the orgasms that he had given her.  To lead him to that 'special place'.  But she knew that she did not deserve that feeling.  David sat up, facing her. 

 "I think its time for bed Baby"

 "Yes Daddy"
 "I love you baby"

 "I love you more DAddy"

 David crawled to the haedboard, and unlocked the chain that was secured to the bed post.

 "what are you doing DAddy?"

 "I think you deserve to sleep in the bed with me Baby"

 "REALLY DADDY??" she screamed with delight

 "Yea Baby" he nodded as he locked the padlock around the collar and the chain. 

 "Lay down now baby, morning will come soon"

 Christina curled up into a little ball next to David, who traced hearts into her back with a light touch of his fingers.  They both knew what they and the other would dream about, but Christina had no idea the pleasure and pain that David had planned for her the next day. 

 "I love you Daddy, and Id do anything for you" Christina said as she lay there still feeling the plesaure

 "I Love you too Baby, and i know" David replied as he continued tracing hearts on her back


heater on Incest Stories

"Oh Daddy it is so big and hard and soft and hot ".
I nearly came right then from the softness of her grasp.
I put my hand over hers and start to jack off. "Do this honey" I said and showed her how to slide her hand up and down my shaft.

 She held it with both her hands, barely covering the shaft and stroked it with her soft little hands maybe 10 times as she examined the head. Her eyes were glued to the slit at its' tip as pre cum oozed from my cock.
I put my hand on her head. " Kiss it baby, kiss it for Daddy." I pushed her head down to my cock and my little 16-year-old daughter pressed her soft lips to the tip of my dick.
I pressed a little harder against the back of her head and slid t

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he tip past her lips.
"Suck it sweetie. Suck it like a lollypop".
She opened her mouth and sucked up and down my shaft
 I began to move her head back and forth and started to pump it deeper, she gagged but I pressed on
" Breathe through your nose baby. Take Daddy's dick down your throat".
Wanting to please me she opened her throat as best she could and took my cock down her sweet throat as I slid down her tight, hot, wet orifice.
Slurping and drooling, Lisa took about half of my manhood down her sweet throat. I wanted to press more of my meat down her throat but feared I might harm her little esophagus. I pulled my now raging hard dick back from the depths of her throat and freed her to catch a breath of air before plunging down once again. I slid down her throat as gobs of cum began to spew from my dick, washing her tonsils with my white-hot cream.
Sucking and gagging, Lisa experienced her first taste of her daddy's cum, desperately trying to swallow every drop.
Tears formed in her eyes as spurt after spurt of cum forced itself down her sweet throat.
Finally, after what seemed like the longest climax of my life I freed my daughter from my meat. Cum and saliva drooled from her lips as she gulped the remaining cum down her pretty throat. She took her hand and wiped her small face as she looked into my eyes, searching for some clue as to what to do next.

I held her small face in my hands as my dick slow softened before her.

"That was great sweetheart. Are you ok? Daddy didn't hurt you did he?"
"No Daddy. You didn't hurt me. It's just that I've never sucked such a large cock before. The boys on my school bus aren’t anywhere near your size."

I removed her hands from my bare knees where they had come to rest and helped her up from her kneeling position between my legs.

"You really like sucking cock huh honey? Did you like your daddy's dick as much as those boys you suck off on the school bus every morning?" I asked.

"More Daddy. You're my father. It's so much more fun when it's incest."
Little Lisa smiled as I leaned back onto the bed, pulling her on top of me. Her panty covered pussy lay directly over my returning hardon.

"Give Daddy a kiss."

Her small pubescent breasts rubbed against my chest as our lips met and her tongue slipped itself into my mouth. I sucked her tongue as she had just sucked my dick, enjoying the taste of salvia and cum that was in her mouth and on her lips.
She released one hand from my grasp and slid it between us, grasping my returning stiffness. Now nearly fully renewed to its' full 8".
I marveled to myself that I was already returning after such a short time.
"I guess it's true" I thought, "The saying that a young girl really can rejuvenate your youth."

"I'm not a virgin Daddy, but I've never had something that big inside my mouth or my pussy" she grinned.

"Would you like to try it on for size sweetheart?" I asked.
"Would I ever" she answered as she raised from her position and began a sexy removal of her pink panties. I grinned as I noted to myself the word 'Tuesday' imprinted on the waistband. I thought to myself, "Tuesday is definitely my favorite day from now on"

Lisa ground and swiveled as she slowly pealed the tight fabric from her waist and turned her cute little butt towards me as it slid over the roundness of her ass.

Turning her head towards me and pushing her butt cheek in my direction she asked, "Do I have a cute butt Daddy? Do you like your baby daughter's cute little ass?"

I held my hands out, palms up and looked toward the raging hardon between my legs. "Doesn't this answer your question?" I asked

"Ooh" she said, "I think Daddy likes it. I really do"

She continued the sexual removal of her panties, bumping, grinding, and bending over at her waist as she pulled them past her calves and knees.
With her legs slightly apart and bent she exposed her ass and gave me my first glance at her nearly hairless pink slit.

"Ooh yes. Daddy likes." I murmured. "And Daddy want's to taste that pretty little twat of yours too."
Her cunt was pink and sweet looking. The slit had the puffiest little lips and I could see her wetness. There was only a small triangle of hair on her pubic bone and being a true blue eyed blond even it was almost non-existent.
The thought crossed my mind that I haven’t seen such perfect little pussy sense high school, nearly 18 years ago.
Pre cum oozed from my dick as Lisa removed her panties from around her ankles and turned her beautiful young body around to give me a full frontal view.

"You want some of this Daddy?" she cooed. You want to taste my little pussy?  You want to put that great big cock of yours in your baby girl?"
 Feel how wet I am daddy; " She came nearer to me. " I'm so wet Daddy, my pussy is drooling. It wants you. I want you. I need to feel that inside me so bad!"

To be continued

Step Dad Brings Stepdaughter Into Womanhood

Robynsguy on Incest Stories

It started just after I met Joanne and moved in with her, her daughter Carolyn & son John.   I noticed her 11 year old daughter Carolyn would walk to & from her room to the washroom totally naked.   She also would walk in on me when I was in the shower.   No matter how we tried to discourage her from this behavior she continued to do it.   Just after Joanne & I got married and Carolyn turned 13,   Joanne & I were in bed and I was p

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ounding into Joanne when the door opened & in walked Carolyn who just stood there and watched as I fucked her mother, when I went to cover up, Joanne whispered in my ear “don’t cover up or stop, let her watch”.   So I continued driving into Joanne till she started to cum when I started to cum deep inside her.   I then rolled off of her onto my back and we looked at Carolyn who smiled at us and left our bedroom.   I looked over at Joanne and asked her “has she ever done that before?”   In which Joanne replied “No, but if she wants to watch she can watch us anytime, as can John” who is a couple of years younger then Carolyn.   The next night when we climbed into bed we started to cuddle when there was a knock on the door and when we hollered for who ever to come in, the door opened and in walked Carolyn and a smile lit up her face when she saw us lying in bed totally naked.   We asked her what was wrong as we thought she was in bed, and she replied “Nothing is wrong; I want to watch you from start to finish this time”.   We said okay she can watch us anytime she likes.   She sat down on the side of the bed as I started kissing Joanne and licking my way down her body, licking around her tits taking the nipples into my mouth and sucking on them for sometime as I reached down and started running my fingers around her clit pushing a couple of fingers into her pussy as I kiss my way down her belly and start licking all around her groin, taking her clit into my mouth & sucking hard on it as I plunged my fingers into her pussy while her daughter watched us with a smile on her face and a look of wonder.   As I then removed my fingers from her and buried my tongue into her and moved over top of her and lowered my rock hard cock into her mouth and then rolled us so Joanne was on top of me.   I reached around and took Joanne’s ass in my hands pulling her pussy down tight on my mouth as I fucked her pussy with my tongue and felt Joanne taking my cock deep into her throat sucking, I glanced over at Carolyn to find her fingers working around her clit under her nightgown, staring at her mother sucking on my cock.    I kept running my tongue from in her pussy & around her clit, taking her clit back in my mouth till I felt her start to cum when I fastened my lips around her entrance drinking up all her juices.  

As I continued licking around her pussy I came very hard in Joanne’s mouth & could feel her swallowing my entire load.   Joanne then rolled off of me and looked at her daughter as some of my cum ran down her chin & she took a finger and wiped it off her chin and stuck it in her mouth to swallow it.   I was still rock hard and put her on her hands and knees taking a hold of her hips and driving my cock to the hilt in her belly.   I fucked her hard and deep Cuming again deep inside of her, we then collapsed on the bed beside each other and looked at Carolyn as she was cumin on her fingers.   Once she calmed down she got up and came over and gave her mother a kiss goodnight and then came around and gave me a huge kiss goodnight and said thank you for letting her watch.

It had been 2 weeks since then and Joanne & I were watching a porno on the TV in the living room and playing around as Carolyn & John were in bed.   I was sitting on the couch with Joanne on the floor between my legs sucking on my cock when all of a sudden Carolyn came upstairs from her basement bedroom took one look at us, then at the TV and smiled.   Carolyn then came over and sat down on the couch right beside me lifting her night gown off sitting there totally naked and started to play with her pussy while she watched her mom suck my cock.   I reached over and tweaked one of her nipples and took her hands away from her pussy and put them on her breasts & then reached down and started to rub her clit.   I looked down at Joanne as I pushed a finger into her daughter’s tight pussy and got a look of approval from her.   Joanne & I then switched places and I buried my tongue in her pussy as I fingered & played with Carolyn.    As I was sucking hard on Joanne’s clit bringing her off, I heard Carolyn say to her mother, “ohhhh this is so good”.   I then removed my fingers from Carolyn and moved over and started running my tongue up her lips and around her clit taking it in my mouth and softly sucking on it, as I reached up to play with one of her nipples.   I drove my tongue as far as I could into her pussy, drinking up her sweet juices as she started to cum all over my tongue, I licked my way up her body and started sucking her one nipple into my mouth sucking on it hard and then taking the other nipple into my mouth, while I was playing with her clit.     Kneeling on the floor in front of Carolyn sitting on the edge of the couch, I reached down and took my rock hard cock into my hand and started running the knob up and down the inside of her lips and around her clit.   I looked over at Joanne who nodded and said “go on give it to her”.   I asked Joanne if she was sure and she replied “Yes fuck her”.   I looked at Carolyn and asked her what she wanted and she told me “For you to fuck me Daddy, to be my first”.   I slowly pushed the knob into her & took a hold of her hips as I slowly pushed into her depths till she cried out in pain when I would stop letting the pain subside.   I then pushed into her till I was buried to the hilt in her belly holding it there till she adjusted and the pain left completely.    I then pulled out very slowly and pushed it back into her to the hilt picking up the pace.   After no more then a dozen strokes into her, I buried my cock to the hilt blowing my load deep into her belly.   I then looked over at Joanne to find her burying her fingers deep in her own pussy & cumming all over her fingers saying “ Ohhhh God Yes, That Was So Hot”.

Author’s Note:   This Story Is To Be Continued






The Family Pussy

Youngstuff on Incest Stories

Father-Daughter Affair 7

by Youngstuff



Mari P.



Tony cornered his sister Mari at school during lunch where they could talk privately. He told Mari he had really enjoyed her pussy the other night and that he wouldn’t mind another piece of pussy from her. Mari was leaning back against the wall with her head and shoulders looking out of her big brown eyes, all innocent. As innocent as any 14 year old girl could be after having fucked her daddy and her brother in the same week.


It was the same old courting game that all boys and girls play except Tony was after his little sister’s pussy again! Mari looked great in her yellow spaghetti-strap top that showed her fi

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rm belly and her pierced belly button. Her 34" B-cup tits were standing proud against her strapless bra and clearly showed major cleavage. Mari’s tight jeans were worn and showed every move her sexy hips made. You couldn’t help but notice the perfect side to side ass-whip when she walked in them. Every guy in school was wanting to fuck her!

Mari smiled up at her brother and asked him why she should even consider making love with him again? Mari could feel the familiar tingle in her jeans that she had experienced that first night with her daddy before he had fucked her. She tried her best to be cool and not show her brother that she was indeed horny. There was no doubt though, it was her brother who would most likely be fucking her soon again.



"Because I know my baby sister enjoyed me fucking her. It was plain to me the way you were working those sexy hips with me during all that fucking we did together. Besides, remember, you even climbed on top the second time without me asking for that piece!" Tony reminded her.


"But that doesn’t mean I want to do it with you again does it Tony?" Mari explained. Mari had been thinking about making love with her daddy all day and wanted to be in bed with him again but he wasn’t here, her brother was! It wasn’t fair Mari thought. She wanted her daddy riding her and filling her with his hard cock.

Tony touched Mari’s bare waistline with his fingers as Mari jumped with "sparks" at his touch and released a soft "oooo". "That tells me your sexed up and wanting some cock in you though Mari and you know I got the cock that makes you dance don’t you baby?" Tony stated.


Mari tried to hide her smile as she only responded " maybe". Mari didn’t regret fucking her brother, in fact it had been really good intercourse with him. Mari had enjoyed the way his cock filled her pussy.


Yeah, Mari was his sister, but right now Tony was treating Mari just like any other piece of tail he was after. Tony was 18 but very experienced with the girls, like his dad. Getting his 14 year old sister back in the bed just wasn’t that big of a challenge to him. He knew what to say and do to make her want it and follow him for it. He intended to fuck his little sister again today and would not take no for an answer.


Tony peaked down his sister’s top and eyed the front of her jeans which held Mari’s delicious cunt which he would soon fill with his throbbing cock. Mari’s tail had a bull’s eye on it and her brother aimed to drill her ass soon.


Mari lightly pushed him away and told him to quit looking down her top. Tony closed right back in and even pulled his sister’s top out further so he could see her breasts plainly. Mari complained to him once more but he just told her he had seen her naked once before and she was going to be naked again very soon so she could consider it a preview of her tits.


Tony knew no-one else was watching so he leaned forward and took a little lip off of his sexy little sister followed by a more intimate kiss. Then a deep french kiss from Mari with his hand on her ass gripping one of her cheeks. Tony fondled his little sister’s ass as they kissed even running his hand up and in between her legs causing Mari to moan softly. Mari told her brother they shouldn’t because someone might see them. Then we have to leave school little sister so I can get me some of your hot pussy again baby.


Tony stated his directions to Mari, " I’m going up to the office and I’m going to sign us both out. You go get your back-pack and meet me up there in five minutes baby, because you can’t go the rest of the day without me sticking my cock in you Mari and you know it". Tony kissed Mari again as he fondled her delicious ass. Your pussy needs fucking so hurry up and meet me so we can get your legs spread soon and



I’ll fill your cunt with what you love.


With that Tony turned and walked away from Mari as he headed to the office. Mari stood there, weak in her knees, watching her brother’s cute butt walk off. Mari was a little pissed. She didn’t like it that her brother knew her this well. She did need a hard cock in her. She hadn’t been to bed with her daddy since the motel a week ago. Tony had been the last one fucking her. "Damn" Mari exclaimed as she stomped off with a classic ass-whip that stated she was ready to do some hard fucking!


Tony looked up as Mari walked into the office with her back pack in hand. He smiled as she looked back at him with a scowl. "You ready to go little sister" Tony asked.


"I’m here aren’t I?" she blurted out as they turned and exited the school office.

Tony opened the passenger door for Mari and let her crawl in then he went to his side and entered. He cranked the car and looked around to see if any one was around them. Seeing no one he leaned over and they began kissing. Tony got a handful of Mari’s breast but she pushed it away.


"Where are you taking me to Tony?" Mari asked.


I know dad is working so why don’t we go over there and spend the afternoon fucking in his bed. Is that cool to you baby? Mari pulled her make-up kit out of her small purse and told her brother, " well, your driving."


Mari touched up her make-up as Tony drove to their dad’s house. She even put on some lip gloss and added more perfume to "various electric spots".


Tony pulled into the drive and parked. They walked to the door with his arm around Mari’s waist. Tony knew where the key was hid and he opened the door. They were barely inside before he seized his little sister from behind.

Mari dropped her purse in the floor as her brother put his arms around her from behind and kissed her neck and ran his hands over her jeans. "I want your pussy right now Mari" Tony moaned. "I can’t wait to feel my little sister’s tight cunt wrapped around my hard cock."


Tony found Mari’s lips and they began to kiss passionately as Mari felt her desire for her brother’s cock to fill her aching love-hole growing by the minute.


"Damn you Tony! You’ve got me so horny it’s driving me crazy", Mari told her brother.


They walked into the living room where Mari turned to face her brother and she fell into his arms as they began to kiss again. Tony’s hands were all over his sister’s perfectly shaped ass. Mari was only 14 but she had the classic upside-down, heart-shaped ass you expect to see on a beautiful cheerleader. Mari’s ass would get a major workout this afternoon and tonight!

"Not here Tony please. If you want me, then make-love to me in a bed this time where I can enjoy it more and make it better for you baby ok?" Mari asked.

Tony smiled and led Mari by the hand over to the couch. Their was about to be some serious brother-sister fucking going on! Before Mari could lay down on the couch, her brother was peeling her top over her head followed by unhooking her bra and dropping it to the floor by the couch.


Tony whispered in Mari’s ear, "You want your brother’s dick buried in you bad don’t you baby?"

Mari could only reply from the passion she was feeling, " yes Tony. I really need it baby". As soon as she said it she was in disbelief that she had even uttered the words. They were true but how could she have actually said it, revealing the truth of her soul. With that declaration Mari sealed her sexual fate for this day and night.


Mari followed that statement with; "God I want it deep Tony, please!"

Tony stood and stripped naked showing his hard throbbing cock to Mari. "Oh yeah baby sister. Your brother is gonna take care of your sweet pussy. I want to hear you moaning my name when my dick is filling your hot cunt."


Mari wasn’t at all ashamed to have sex with her older brother. He was sexy and all the girls wanted him. Why shouldn’t she spread her legs for him and enjoy the pleasure of his big cock driving into her young body? Mari had enjoyed fucking him the other night and knew their sex would be even better this afternoon and she was so ready for it.


Tony joined Mari on the couch now as their lips melted together and their tongues began to wrestle. They were both uttering soft moans and desires as their kissing continued for several minutes as Tony fondled his sexy sister’s ass and legs.


Tony then licked Mari’s neck and chest before settling on a bare breast. He circled Mari’s breast globe several times with his tongue before pulling her nipple into his mouth and swallowing a large portion of tender breast meat with it. Tony sucked and slurped his sister’s breast like a hungry animal.

Mari could feel the intense sucking pressure her brother was applying and it sent tingles of pleasure through her body. Mari could also feel Tony’s hard cock pressing against the crotch of her jeans and she dreamed of how wonderful it would soon feel plunging deep inside of her over and over!


Tony suddenly stopped and sat up. He pulled Mari by the hair of her head up and over towards his lap. She instinctively knew what her brother’s lust was. Mari rolled to her side facing her brother’s cock with her body longways on the couch. Mari’s mouth popped open ready to give the pleasure desired.

Mari kissed the head of her brother’s big cock with her soft lips before flicking her tongue all around the spearhead and around his shaft. Mari slowly licked up and down his meat-stick with a strong and forceful tongue. Mari was nearly in a state of worship for her brother’s cock.


Mari worked back up to the top of this wonderful instrument of pleasure, then opened her lips wide to accept Tony’s throbbing cock into her oral cavity. Tony could not contain his moan of satisfaction as he watched his little sister swallow his dick! "Oh God Mari" he moaned loudly!


Mari had to breathe through her nose because the size of her brother’s cock cut off all air through her mouth. Mari moaned and gave approving sighs of "Umm, umm" as she enjoyed the taste of a man’s cock again. Mari’s big brown eyes outlined with her painted eyelashes and blue eyeliner glanced up at her brother’s face off and on as she looked for signs of his approval in how she was sucking his cock.

Mari could see him open his mouth and let a soft moan escape each time she sank his meat-pole back into her throat. He smiled when she rose to the tip of his penis and circled the spearhead with her tongue and then began to sink him back down through her mouth again. Tony had dated 18 and 19 year-old girls who couldn’t suck cock near as well as his own 14 year-old sister.


Mari continued to suck her brother’s cock passionately feeling his heart beating in her mouth as Tony’s dick slowly grew larger in his sister’s mouth. It swelled till Mari could feel the large veins full of blood and knew his cock juice was near. Tony suddenly pulled her head up off his cock using the a fist full of hair.


He looked at her and said; " No bitch, every drop of my sperm is gonna fill your tight, little pussy today Mari!" Your gonna have no doubt that your pussy has been well fucked when I fill you to the top with my cock and cum. I’m about to give my sexy sister the fucking she needs and deserves for being such a tease with her body.


Tony stood and took Mari by the hand to help her up. They walked to their dad’s bedroom with Tony’s arm around his sister’s bare waistline. Tony thought he could actually smell the sweet scent of his sister’s pussy. They stood in the doorway of their dad’s bedroom facing each other and kissing. Tony was nude and Mari was topless. Mari could feel her brother unbuttoning her jeans and then she felt them drop to her ankles with a push on each side of her hips by her brother. Mari’s panties quickly joined her jeans on the floor as her young naked body pressed into her older brother’s flesh.


Mari’s soft hand held her brother’s large hand and led him to the bed where she turned down the sheets for them. Mari longed to feel a hard cock buried in her again and she didn’t want to wait for it! Mari laid in the middle of the bed and held her brother’s jerking cock in her hand as she pulled him to her spread legs. Mari leaned up to gently kiss her brother’s cheek and softly whispered she wanted him to make love to her.

Tony was crouched on his knees between his sexy sister’s naked legs with his cock-head poised against the entrance of her pussy. He leaned forward and kissed Mari’s glossed lips as he suddenly sank his penis fully into Mari. Mari moaned loudly " OH GOD YES TONY!".


Tony began a slow rhythmic fucking of his 14 year old sister, Mari’s eyes were closed as she enjoyed the feeling of her hunk of a brother’s cock splitting her hungry cunt open. Mari’s small hands rested against the force of her brother’s chest as he drove his cock into her time after time. Mari’s bare feet stroked up and down his hairy legs encouraging her incest lover to master her young body.


Tony sucked some breast now and then as he continued to stroke his hard cock into Mari. Mari moaned her brother’s name several times as she felt the flood of female cum release from deep inside of her womb causing her to push her pussy against her brother’s cock hard and grind her hips into him. Oh how she loved the feeling of sex with anyone who wanted her.

Tony began to swell inside of Mari as she massaged his legs and ass with her hands. She continued to moan his name as she told him she needed his cum in her. Tony now held his sister’s naked legs apart by her knees and pounded his cock deep into her until he felt his balls jump and then spurt hot male sperm into this vixen cheerleader.

They collapsed together for a moment as Mari caught her breath after their first fucking of the day. Mari soon climbed atop of her brother and straddled him, playing his limp cock against her vagina and clitoris. Mari smiled at Tony and told him she wanted more! Mari did love fucking very much.


Scott pulled up into his yard noticing his son’s vehicle parked there. He thought that was unusual since it was a school day and it was only like 2 in the afternoon. The door was also un locked but Tony knew where he kept the key at so that was ok. It was just strange. Maybe his son was sick and had come over to lay down.


Scott silently opened the door and saw a small purse laying in the entrance hall with a large blue "M" on it. That was odd...Mari had a purse like that! Scott then heard some sounds down the hallway and decided to quietly investigate in case of burglars or something. As he walked down the hall he passed the living room where he saw male and female clothes in the floor.


He quietly reached the door way to his bedroom where he saw a pair of girls jeans and panties laying in the floor. The sounds were unmistakable now. Someone was in his bedroom fucking! Tony stood there and clearly saw the sexy form of his young daughter riding a cock buried in her cunt. She was working her hips and moaning from the undeniable pleasure she was receiving. It was stunning but he now realized that his 18 year-old son and his 14 year-old daughter were fucking in his bed and they were serious with it! He decided to silently stand and enjoy the performance.


He watched Mari work and buck her hips as she rode her brother’s up-thrusts of cock-meat. He saw his son’s hands kneading and massaging his young daughter’s delicious bare flesh, hips, ass and legs as they kept fucking. The same ass he had already enjoyed fucking a few times himself. Mari was no-doubt a sweet, young piece of ass and Scott had to admit he enjoyed the view of her taking cock in her pussy even though it wasn’t his, yet!


Scott watched as Mari exploded in a massive orgasm as her brother filled her pussy with a second load of hot sex-juice. Mari left her brother’s cock in her as she laid forward on his chest to rest. Her sexy legs were still quivering and jerking as the sensations of their delicious fucking session flowed through her young body and soul. Mari knew she was hooked on her brother’s cock and that she could never deny his lust for her. Mari could never see herself unwilling to spread for her brother and provide her pussy to his needs.


Scott eased back out before they noticed him and he went into the living room and sat in his favorite chair which was in the back corner of the room. It was turned slightly towards the wall so he could sit there without being noticed unless his son and daughter looked for him.


Tony came out to living room after a few minutes and sat on the couch as he turned on the tv. Mari walked out about 5 minutes later wearing her thong panties and a button-up shirt belonging to her daddy. Mari stood in front of her brother as he ran a hand up under the shirt tail and played with her panties. He told Mari to go get him a beer from the refrigerator. Mari did as she was told.


Mari handed her brother his beer and sat on his lap with her sexy legs open for his viewing pleasure. Tony asked his little sister if she enjoyed the fucking they just did. Mari could only reply of course she did. Mari told Tony she would have sex with him anytime he wanted her.


"You feel so good when your deep inside of me Tony. I love having sex with you baby" Mari stated.


Mari held his beer for him as they began to kiss passionately again. Tony pried his sister’s legs apart and slipped her panty down over her knees and down to the floor again. They kissed as he slipped two fingers into Mari’s still wet cunt as she grunted at the insertion. Tony began to methodically finger-fuck his little sister as Mari moaned her appreciation.



Tony unbuttoned the top two buttons of her shirt with his teeth and Mari laid the shirt back and exposed her breasts to her brother’s hungry lust.


Scott stood now and turned to his children on the couch. He asked in a loud voice, "what the hell are you doing Mari?" Mari jumped up from her brother’s fingering to grab her panties and close her shirt. She claimed her brother had raped her and forced her to have sex with him!


Scott slapped Mari and told her not to lie. He told her he had watched her ride her brother’s cock in the bed. You are the one that seduced him I bet Mari!


"Your going to have to pay for what you did with Tony. You have to be punished", Scott said with a smile.

Scott then pulled a set of handcuffs from his back pocket and slapped them on his young daughter. Mari was in shock at what was happening and just let her daddy lead her back to the bedroom, lay her down and connect her handcuffs to the headboard on the bed.


Scott called his son into the bedroom. Tony was still naked as he heard his dad ask him how many times he had sex with his little sister?


Tony was honest and replied " well dad I fucked her twice today and three times the other night."

Scott smiled and patted his son on the back as he told him how proud he was of him . "I guess my boy has his daddy’s eye for sexy young tail".


Tony was a little taken back and asked his dad if he was in trouble for fucking Mari. Scott put his arm around his son and told him of course not, that he’d had her himself, twice. "Your sister has a really good pussy son. I know now that it is something we should start enjoying together. We fish and hunt together, now we can start fucking pussy together too!"


"Are you sure dad? I like fucking her and it might be fun to screw her with you daddy" Tony exclaimed.


Mari couldn’t believe her brother and daddy were discussing this. How could they even think of it. Mari truly enjoyed fucking each of them but she felt their fucking should be in private, one on one not all together! Mari begged her daddy to make Tony leave and she would make love with him again, just the two of them.

Scott would have none of it and told his daughter she must be punished for her deception and all her teasing of them. Scott undressed as he told his son to go get two cherry popsicles from the freezer and a can of spray whipped cream from the refrigerator. Scott pulled a small paddle from the night-stand beside the bed.


Mari struggled against her handcuffs that held her firmly to the bed posts with her arms spread away from her sexy body and over her head. Scott used his pocket knife to cut his daughter’s cotton thong panty from her hips and toss the remains aside. He watched as Mari kicked her creamy legs in protest and he noticed his son’s sperm on Mari’s pussy lips and in her pubic hair where it had been deposited during the fucking they had already completed. Mari was about to do a lot more fucking but this time she would be servicing both the males in her life who lusted for her sexy ass. After all, she was quickly becoming "The Family Pussy".


When Tony re-entered the bedroom, his dad asked him to hold the paddle and spank his sister’s ass when he told him to. Scott rolled Mari’s hips to one side and asked her if she had seduced her brother?


Mari’s reply was "No daddy, he wanted me and made me have sex with him!"

Scott instructed Tony to give his sister’s ass cheeks 5 hard licks and Tony did as instructed. Mari cried out in pain.

Scott again asked Mari if she had seduced her brother? Mari again denied it and was spanked. The third time Mari admitted she was the one that seduced her brother, it was her fault.

Scott now asked Mari if she was going to have sex with both of them in a threesome?

"No daddy! I’m not like that daddy. I’ll make love with you or with Tony but I want to do it when we are alone, just one of you and me. I’d be embarrassed making love in front of someone else" Mari replied.

WRONG ANSWER! Five more licks were dealt to this sexy fourteen year-old ass.

"Yes you will fuck us both Mari won’t you baby?" Daddy demanded.

"Yes daddy. I will, I will, I promise. I will! Please don’t paddle me again" Mari begged.


Tony and his dad each took a side of the bed and leaned in to kiss and nibble on Mari’s neck. Each of them took a breast mound in their hand and fondled the breast-meat and played with her enlarged nipples. Mari couldn’t help but moan. Then suddenly the cherry popsicles were pressing into her breasts. Their coldness producing magnificent erect nipples.

"Oh God, oooo my God" Mari moaned.


Mari had barely moaned her pleasure when her daddy took one breast-mound into his mouth and her brother took the other as they began to hungrily feed upon her aching flesh. Mari squirmed as the popsicles trailed down her abdomen and across her hips into her pubic mound.

"No, no pleasezzzz no.." Mari pleaded.

Each popsicle took a turn splitting the lips of her pussy but never entering her cunt. The heat of young Mari’s boiling love pot quickly evaporated the last drops of cherry liquid. Mari’s dad let her breast flop from his mouth showing the redness of the intense suction he had placed on her.


Scott left his son sucking his sister’s breast and playing with her spread legs. Scott secured two more popsicles and returned to the bed. Scott had his son take a popsicle and told him it was time to punish Mari some more.


Scott eased his popsicle into his daughter’s cunt and told his son to do the same. Mari came up off the bed at the intense coldness inside of her as her lovers worked their cold prongs in and out of her. They both licked and slurped her creamy thighs, hips and tummy. Mari moaned and cried in pain and pleasure as her torture continued until only the bare sticks from the popsicles were left, her hungry pussy having devoured the last vestiges of the icy treats.


Mari moaned her dad’s name and begged him to fuck her now please?

Scott slapped her and asked her if she would ever again have sex without both of them being invited to share her bed and fuck her.

"Daddy please? Please, you know I love to have sex with you and with Tony too, but can’t I just make love with one of you at a time in private? I promise, I’ll always give you both some but let me do it my way daddy." Mari begged.


Scott slapped her again and then raised her butt for her brother to spank hard with seven licks of the paddle.

"You’ll fuck us both now and you’ll keep fucking us in a threesome when we tell you we are ready for some pussy, won’t you Mari?" Scott demanded. " And you will ask us both to take your pussy now. Ask your brother and daddy to fuck you Mari!" Scott exclaimed.


Mari dripped a tear from her brown eyes as she asked them both to fuck her and to fuck her at the same time.


"Should we oblige your poor little sister son?" Scott asked.

"I wouldn’t mind another piece of her pussy daddy" Tony replied.


Scott told his son to get him a little bit of pussy first. Scott stuck his cock in Mari’s face as Tony crawled between his sister’s sexy legs and sank his cock deep into her cunt. When gasped at his penetration her mouth opened and Scott slipped his meat into her mouth to be sucked off.


Mari oooed and moaned as her pussy was ravaged and audibly showed her delight at the taste of her daddy’s cock. Mari loved to suck cock now and she tried to capture more and more cock into her mouth and throat. Tony got about three or four minutes of steady pussy until his dad said to swap.


Tony moved and Mari gladly accepted his cock in her mouth tasting her own pussy juices on her brother’s cock. Scott slipped between her muscular legs and plunged his bulging cock deep into his daughter’s pussy causing her to rise from the bed with her hips to meet the massive intruder. Mari’s pussy seemed better than ever to her daddy as he drove into her hard and deep.

Scott held Mari’s classic cheerleader thighs in his hands as he drilled her cunt over and over. Tony loved looking at his sister’s cheeks cave in as she applied suction to his cock as it stroked in and out of her mouth. Mari could feel her brother’s heart beating in her mouth as she sucked him. Mari could feel the swelling veins of his cock and she could also feel her daddy growing in her cunt as he prepared to cream her vaginal canal and womb.


Suddenly both of her lover’s cocks were spewing their hot, sticky cream into her body. One filled her mouth, throat and belly as the other filled her love canal. Mari couldn’t control her emotions and she erupted into a massive orgasm. She creamed her daddy’s penis with her young female cum-juice. Her sexy body jumped and jerked as the delicious sensations of being the "family fucking toy" swept through her soul.


They all collapsed together with her daddy’s cock buried in Mari still and her brother’s cock laying on her glossy lips. Sperm from her brother and daddy oozed from her mouth and pussy. Mari felt so warm and complete. She never dreamed it could be this good sharing her love with the men in her life.


Having a short fucking session with his vivacious young daughter and his son had been awesome for Scott. It was almost five o’clock though and Mari’s mom would soon be looking for her. Scott uncuffed his daughter and helped her up from the bed.


Scott held Mari in his arms and kissed her as Tony pressed against her naked rear. Scott told Mari she was to go out with her brother Saturday night. He informed Mari and Tony that he would call Tony and tell him where to bring Mari so they could enjoy a night of good fucking together. He told Mari to take her vitamins and birth control and to wear something really sexy for her men. He warned Mari to be ready to put out a lot if she wanted to keep on being "The Family Pussy".

Brady incest

gauxban on Incest Stories

She moaned as his cock slid home. Thick and long, she
had been dreaming about his hard-on for weeks. When she left
for college she hadn't known that Greg was bigger than most
guys, but, based on the guys she'd tried at school, and the
girls she'd talked to, he was. She could feel herself
unwinding with each stroke. She really needed this boning.
She matched his rhythm, pushing her hips up to meet his
downstrokes. Her legs wrapped around him, her muscles
flexing in time with his fucking, helping him drive it deep.
She came hard, her cunt spasming around his rod, her body
surging up against his.

     Greg was looking into her eyes when she came. She always
opened her eyes at that moment. Her lust

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pushed him to the
edge. He thrust into her several more times, then pushed in
deep, cuming hard into Marcia's tight, hot pussy. He'd had
other girls, but there was something special about Marcia.
Tight, hot and gorgeous, he always came harder and longer
when he fucked her. And she enjoyed it as much as he did. She
really liked fucking and sucking his big, stiff prick.

     He pulled out of her and rolled off, his still erect
cock slapping his stomach when he landed on his back. Marcia
snuggled up against him, warm and happy. She reached for his
cock, just holding it, stroking it slowly to keep it hard
while they caught their breath. That was another great thing
about Greg that she hadn't appreciated before. He never went
soft right away, and never dropped off to sleep right after.
He was always good for a second ride. She stroked his cock,
squeezing on the upstroke. She could see the big purple head
swell, she could feel the shaft throb occasionally. She slid
toward his waist, put her left arm across his body, rested
against his firm, flat stomach. His cock was only inches from
her mouth. Her right hand wrapped around the base, gently
squeezing. Her fingers massaged the area below his balls,
causing his rod to swell even more, forcing a large drop of
clear liquid out of his cockhole. Her tongue darted out,
licking him clean. She loved the way he tasted. She opened
her mouth wide and took him in. Her tongue played along the
sensitive underside, her cheeks caved in around the head as
she sucked. Several inches of shaft slid into her mouth as
she sucked, but most of his tool remained on the outside.
She had never been able to get much of his monster into her
mouth, but she always tried. She began fisting his shaft,
sucking on the upstroke, releasing on the down. When his hips
began to buck beneath her she knew he was getting close. She
began pumping him faster, sucking harder, literally jacking
him off into her mouth. When she felt him swell she stroked
him hard and fast, then just sucked as the hot cum shot out
of his prick and into the back of her throat. She sucked and
swallowed, drinking his jiz, wanting every drop. When he had
finished she removed him from her mouth, then gently licked
his shaft and head, making sure he was clean. This time Greg
softened, but didn't go completely limp. He was enlarged, but
not fully erect.

     Marcia turned toward him, moved one leg across his chest
so that she straddled him, and moved her steaming snatch
toward his waiting mouth. Greg's strong hands gripped her ass
cheeks, pulling her towards him. His tongue pushed her cunt
lips apart. She could feel him licking and sucking, feel his
fingers and tongue probing her. Marcia stroked her small,
firm tits, pinching the nipples, pulling on them. Her pussy
throbbing, she pulled Greg's head tighter against her cunt
She knew she was losing control. His tongue flicked across
her clit, triggering her orgasm, starting the avalanche that
left her breathless and trembling.

     Bobby and Cindy were 14. While both had masturbated,
neither was really sure what sex was all about. That's why
they were hiding in the closet in Marcia's room. They had
watched everything Greg and Marcia had done, and were more
than ready to give it a try. Bobby's almost hairless cock had
gotten hard before Greg had even mounted Marcia, and it was
still hard. Cindy's virgin pussy was so wet her panties were
soaked. As soon as Marcia and Greg were gone, they rushed out
of the closet and fell onto the bed. They had stripped while
they watched, but were too afraid of making noise to do

     Bobby pulled Cindy close, kissed her eyes and mouth the
way he'd seen Greg kiss Marcia. He moved down to Cindy's
tiny, barely bulging titties and began to lick and suck the
nipples. They hardened even more, which surprised him. He
hadn't known that would happen.

     Cindy held Bobby's cock gently. It was her first, and
she wasn't sure it wouldn't break. Bobby covered her hand
with his and squeezed, then stroked his shaft, showing her
how to jack his dick. She stroked it a few times on her own,
liking the way it felt in her hand.

     They skipped the rest of the foreplay they had seen.
Both were eager to fuck. But Cindy was a virgin, and they
both knew a girls first fuck could be painful. Cindy liked
Bobby, trusted him, wanted him to be her first. She lay on
her back, her face framed by blond curls, her lightly haired
snatch a slightly darker blonde. She spread her legs wide,
fingered herself for a moment, letting Bobby look at her
pussy. Bobby stretched out above her, his knees between her
legs, his arms supporting his weight, his young, hard cock
touching her belly. Cindy took hold of his tool, guided it to
her cunt, helped him enter her. He entered slowly, stopping
when Cindy flinched. He started to backup, not wanting to
hurt her. She grabbed his ass with both hands, pulled him
hard towards herself, felt a tearing pain in her cunt. She
buried her face in his shoulder, stifling a scream.  She told
him not to move, told him that she had been told the pain
would go away in a few minutes.

     Bobby lay quietly on top of her, not moving, feeling a
pussy wrapped around his dick for the first time. It was so
much better than his hand. He remained still, looking at
Cindy's face, waiting. On impulse he kissed her again,
pushing his tongue into her mouth. After a moment she
responded, kissing back, tongue sliding over tongue. Cindy
broke the kiss, began pushing her hips up against him,
telling him it was OK. He began slowly, thinking that the
pain might come back, and not wanting his cock to slip out.
He pulled back slowly, thrust in slowly, watching her face
all the time. She smiled when he was all the way inside,
which Bobby took to mean he could fuck her the way Greg had
fucked Marcia. Gradually he began to move faster, pumping his
cock into her tight young pussy. She matched his rhythm,
thrusting her hips in time with his thrusts.

     Cindy was going crazy. Her body had never felt like this
before. Her nipples were on fire, her cunt muscles were
rippling around the shaft inside it. She felt her whole body
clench, felt herself thrust upward. She felt the spasms begin
in her pussy, felt it tighten and relax around Bobby's prick.
She fell into her orgasm, moaning and pounding her fists into
Bobby's back, finally pulling him in as deep as possible,
holding him there until she finished.

     Bobby began pounding hard now, his hips pistoning into
the pussy beneath him. He could feel his cock swelling even
more, feel it throbbing until finally he began to cum,
pouring shot after shot into Cindy's tightness. Pumping hard,
he pushed in ball deep and stayed there until his cock had

     They lay side by side, whispering together about the
things each had felt. As they talked, Bobby got hard again.
Time for round two. They had seen Marcia blow Greg, so they
assumed the same positions, Cindy lying across Bobby.

     Bobby could feel her holding his cock, watched as the
back of her head moved toward it. He felt something warm and
wet touch the head, knew she was licking him. Her lips closed
around the head, engulfing him in warmth. He could feel her
tongue against his cock, feel the inside of her cheeks as she

     Cindy held it in her mouth. Her tongue explored it,
tasting him, but she knew she was tasting herself, too. His
cum and her pussy juice were still on his cock. She thought
it tasted a little funny at first, but the more she licked,
the more she liked. She began sucking in earnest, wanting
more dick juice. As she sucked, she realized much more of
Bobby's rod was sliding in and out of her mouth than Marcia
had managed with Greg. In fact, a couple of times she was
sure she had felt his balls banging her chin. The thought of
being better at this than Marcia excited her, drove her to try
even harder. She started sucking harder, pulling most of it
into her mouth every time. She discovered that if she held
her head just right, she could take him into the back of her
throat and hold him there, his entire cock in her mouth. She
practiced this, noticing the effect it had on Bobby, who was
trying very hard to fuck her mouth. His hips kept thrusting
upward whenever she sucked. She began sucking harder, pulling
his cock in faster, then squeezing it with her lips on its
way out. She was jacking him off with her mouth, in and out,
fast and hard. She felt him tense beneath her, felt the cock
in her mouth swell, and then he began to cum. It was hot in
her mouth, with a tangy sort of taste and a creamy texture.
She liked it hot. She swallowed and sucked, trying to get it
all. When Bobby was done she released his cock, licking the
shaft, cleaning it the way she had seen Marcia do it.

     They both heard the car pull in, which meant Marcia and
Greg were back. They dressed quickly, then went out in the

     Jan and Peter were in the basement, fucking their little
brains out. Peter's manic thrusting had already gotten Jan
off several times, and was well on the way to getting her off
again. This time Jan was on her hands and knees, her big
boobs swinging as Peter slammed in and out of her juicy
snatch. She loved doing the doggie, she always got off real
good this way. Peter took long, hard strokes, pulling all the
way back and slamming in, which was exactly the way Jan
wanted it. He liked power fucking, and Jan liked being fucked
that way. When her back arched Peter knew she was about to
cum, so he drove it in as hard as he could and held it there,
letting her spasm around his pole, feeling her cunt tighten
and relax around him. When she finished he pulled out, still
hard. She knew he would. The only time Peter would doggie
fuck was when he got to plow her butt.

     His cock slick with pussy juice, he immediately began
easing it into her ass, pushing just hard enough to pop the
head past her sphincter. He waited until he felt her relax,
then pushed again, slipping almost half his shaft inside her.
While he waited for her to relax again, he leaned forward,
cupping her tits in his hands, mashing them up against her
chest. He pinched a nipple, then lifted it toward her mouth,
knowing she'd take it, knowing she liked sucking her own
tits. As she mouthed her nipple he felt her relax, so he
grabbed her hips and pulled her back, hard, while thrusting
with his cock. He sank into her ass, all the way, his balls
banging her cunt. He began fucking her butt, slowly, feeling
it clamp down on him every time he moved inside her. Slowly
and steadily, in and out, going ball deep with every stroke,
he began building to his own orgasm. As it approached he
began moving faster, his thrusts becoming almost manic. He
shot deep in her ass, pulling her against him, holding her
there while he emptied his balls.

Way Too Drunk Sis

nutgar on Incest Stories

My name is Allan, 27 years of age and I live with my sister Cynthia who is 25. We're originally from Boston Mass., and I moved to San Francisco 2 years ago cause I was transfered to our sattelite office in SFO. My sister followed suit a year ago and asked if she could stay with me for the time being till she can get a job and settle to her own place. Since I rented a 2 bedroom apartment, I offered my sis the use of the other bedroom.

My little secret with sis started two months ago when she asked if she could go party with some friends at the local bar & disco. Sis told me that she should be back around 1 am. I told her " sure, i'll wait up for ya so I can open the door." It was about 2:30 am when the doorbell rang so  I opened the door and saw two of her frien

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ds carrying Cynthia inside the apartment. I asked " what happened?" Her friends said " oh, she's wasted, cold drunk and dead to the world." I smiled and told them I can take care of sis from here so they can be on their way.

I carried my sister to her room and lay her down on her bed. I noticed she still had spots of puke on her dress so I tried to wake her up so she could change her dress and freshen up but she was dead to the world. I tapped her cheeks to try to wake her up again to ask if she would like me to make some coffee for her, but still no response. So I just made the decision to change her clothes for her.

I pulled off her shoes and started to unbutton her dress, man it was a mess!! I lifted her dress and pulled it off so she was lying on her bed with just her underwear. I went to the bathroom to get a wet towel to wipe off the puke off her.As I was wiping the mess off her body I noticed that her bra and panty were also moist with puke so I figured I might as well change her underwear as well. I unhooked her bra and pulled it out and slipped her thongs down. I walked towards the dresser to get fresh underwear for her, but as I looked back at the bed I started to stare at my naked sister for a long time. Lying in bed was the most gorgeous thing i've ever seen. Her beautiful 36 cupsize breast with little pink nipples just waiting to be devoured. Her bushy volcano waiting to errupt.I could see the line in her pussy underneath that bushy black pubic hair. Many kinky things started to enter my mind but something was whispering in my ear THAT IS WRONG!! But after a few seconds, I developed a tremendous BONER and all hell broke loose. I figured Cynthia's spaced out anyway so she wouldn't know what happened.

I sat down beside her bed and stuck my finger inside her mouth to see if she would wake up, yup still lucky. I played with her tongue with my finger to see if there was any movement and there was none at all. My God, she's wasted. I went down a bit and started to caress her tits, moved my head down and licked her nipples with my tongue. I sqeezed her tits ever so gently while sucking her nipples and all I heard was Cynthia's snoring. I was giggling with amazement on how densed my sister was. I moved my right hand down to her pussy and started to massage it with my fingers. I slid my middle finger down her line in an up and down motion until I could bury my finger as deep as I could. I stopped for a moment and spread her legs apart as far as she could and finally had a clear opening at her volcano.I spread the lips of her pussy and played with her clit but since she was out cold her vagina was dry. I got the baby oil on top of her dresser and squirted a few drops at a time down her pussy. Spread the lips once again and squirted more baby oil down her pussy till it reached her asshole. I threw the bottle of baby oil down the floor and played with her pussy again which was now slippery wet. I slid my finger a quarter of the way inside her pussy trying to get as much baby oil inside as I can but careful enough not to jolt her. I ran my finger down her asshole and lubricated it with oil. As I was pressing oil around my sisters asshole my finger started to slid inside her ass. I slid my finger inside as gently as I could and as far as I could and started the slow fucking motion. I slid my finger in and out but constantly staring at Cynthia if she would wake up but she was still out cold.

At this point my pecker was ready to explode and my pecker head was turning purple blue with anticipation. I knelt down in between my sisters legs and started playing with her pussy again but this time with the head of my pecker. Moved the head up and down her line enjoying every moment of it. Then the head of my pecker finally rested on the opening of her pussy, I paused for a moment, hesitated a little bit then pushed in halfway. Noticing that Cynthia was still snoring, I pushed in all the way till my pecker was burried deep inside her. I pulled up slowly and pushed in again till I was actually fucking my sister. As I was about to explode, Cynthia's head started to turn from side to side, I figured this is it, she is going to get really pissed. Finally I exploded all my semen on top her belly and just dropped down the floor with exhaustion. I looked up at Cynthia's face and wouldn't you know it, she was snoring again. Unbelievable. I cleaned her up with the wet towel and slipped on her jammies, turned off the lights and went to bed.

The next morning, I went down to the kitchen to have my usual morning coffee. Cynthia was up and cooking breakfast. "Good morning sweetie" Cynthia said. " Morning Babe" I replied. " by the way, who took me home last night?" she uttered. " your friends, but they were pretty messed up too so I took you up to your room" " Oh, thanks for putting on my jammies" Cynthia said." no prob" I answered.

Cynthia suddenly turned towards me and said " Someone must have taken advantage of me in the bar last night cause my pussy and ASS is so damn sore"     " No, it was me" I said. Cynthia screamed " you serious?" I said " NO..."     Cynthia smiled and said " JERK!!"


JaxDotters on Incest Stories


Note : This story is completely fictional!

I put my nephew to bed at last. It was my first time babysitting alone with him. I was terrified he would spend all night crying but I fed him, played coochy-coo with him, changed his diaper and he was out like a light. 

I figured I would straighten up before Kelly got home. She had been working nights waiting tables and was busy with Calvin all day long. The place was a mess. She was feeling the affects of being a single mom. She was tired and on edge. I figured the least I could do was give her a break with some babysitting and picking up the place.

I started in the living room and worked my way to the back of the house, finishing up in her bedroom. I was pulling the sheets over the be

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d when my foot kicked a shoe-box on the floor just underneath. I grabbed the box and set it on the bed, a smile crept across my face. I opened it, my eyes going wide, my heart finding a quicker beat. There was a copy of Hustler magazine staring up at me. I lifted it and saw the address label. It was Tim’s, he obviously didn’t bother to do a change-of-address when he left. It was a current issue. But I quickly tossed the magazine aside when I saw what was underneath.

It was black and long and thick with exaggerated veins running up to the mushroom head. I reached in and picked up the massive dong. It was rubber and at least 10 inches long. I could only just get my fingers around it. My breath left me as the thought of my sister pushing this monster between her legs flashed across my mind. Next to it in the box was a half rolled up tube of k-y jelly. It seemed this wasn’t just for show. 

I stared at the beast as my fingers slowly moved over its latex surface. I couldn’t get the image of my sister lying back in bed, pushing this rubber cock into her cunt. Slowly I brought it to my lips and let them slide over the head. I couldn’t taste her, only latex. I blushed as I set the schlong down on the bed. 

There were two other cocks at the bottom of the box. These were hard plastic vibrators though. The blue one was about six inches and narrow with an adjustable dial on the end. I picked it up and turned the dial, felling it come to life in my hand with an orgasmic humming that made my cock push against my jeans. Again I pushed the cock to my lips hoping to find her scent there, nothing. I set it next to the black horse-cock on the bed and held up the third toy peter. This was small, only about four inches and slender. It was pink, and though small, jumped like lightning in my hand. No taste there either. 

A blue velvet bag contained her stash and a glass blown pipe in the shape of a cock. I was starting to see a pattern here. I never imagined my sister was so sexual. She had always been sexy, and had no trouble getting boyfriends, but I figured her as pretty straight laced when it came to sex. We had become close when she went off to college. Four years younger than her, I had always been the pest that she avoided at all costs. But when she came back for breaks we started to spend a lot of time together. She would tell me about college life and the guys she saw, but never about this. I could only guess that it was because Tim had been gone for six months now, and as far as I know she had been to busy with Calvin to date anyone. At twenty-two she was a sexy but frustrated single mom.

Then the key fell out of the velvet bag. I recognized it right off because I gave it to her. It opened a wooden chest that I built for her when I was in highschool. I went to the closet and searched around until I found the chest under a pile of clothes in the back. I pulled it forward and slid the key in, popping the latch. My mouth went dry as I made out the contents. A digital cam corder sat on top of several VHS tapes. She bought a computer last year, and I could only guess what she was doing with the camera. But I wouldn’t have to guess about the tapes. They were all labeled with a white sticker on the side that simply had a date. All the addresses were over a year old. I picked up September 24, 1999, Kelly’s 18th birthday. I slid it into the VCR on her dresser and sat back on the bed, my cock aching behind my jeans.

The screen lit up and there was my sister, just as I remember her at eighteen, except she was wearing a blindfold and standing in a living room I didn’t recognize. A man’s voice was wishing her a happy birthday and asked if she was ready for her present. I recognized the girl who came on screen immediately. It was my sister’s best friend, Andi. Her black hair was cut short and she was naked except for the butterfly tattoo just below her naval. I pulled my cock free and caressed the sensitive skin in my palm. 

Andi stepped behind my sister, kissing her neck while her hands slid up Kelly’s stomach to her breasts, cupping and squeezing them through her t-shirt. She lifted the shirt up resting it above Kelly’s firm tits, then moved around her to suck her taught nipples. Kelly moaned and giggled as her friend pushed her back on the sofa, pealed her jeans off, and buried her face between her thighs. Andi lapped hungrily at my sister’s cunt until Kelly shook and yelled with orgasm. I slid my jeans, shirt and shoes off and pulled the covers back on my sister’s bed. I lay flat on my stomach, eyes glued to the screen, humping my hard prick against the soft sheets. 

Kelly lay in a heap, her naked chest rising and falling with rapid breathes, her legs draped over her friend’s shoulders. Andi stopped her from pulling off the blindfold, so Kelly could not see the two men who had entered the room. I knew one of them, Tyson, Kelly had introduced me to him at a college party she brought me to when I was 17. He was a football player, muscular, athletic. His black skin made an erotic contrast against Kelly’s as he stepped up on to the couch and let his semi-hard cock brush against her cheek. The other guy did the same and Kelly squealed with delight as she reached blindly for the cocks. She guided each one to her mouth stroking them as she turned from one to the other. As I fucked my cock against the bed sheets I could almost feel my sister beneath me.

Another man appeared naked in front of the camera. He took up a position behind Andi and slid his cock deep into her cunt. The camera was being placed on a tripod and set back to capture the whole room. The fourth man, the camera guy, stepped into view. He crawled behind Kelly on the sofa, forcing her to momentarily pull her lips from Tyson’s shaft. She didn’t complain though, as he slid beneath her pushing his cock up between her legs as she lay back against his chest. Andi sucked his cock deep into her throat before pushing it up into her friend’s wet cunt. My head swam and my balls swelled as I watched my big sister riding one cock while feeding two into her hungry mouth. Andi licked at the cock and clit in front of her with her body rocking in rhythm to the cock slamming her pussy from behind.

Tyson pulled Kelly to her feet. Andi crawled up on to the cock in front of her and began fucking camera guy back into the couch. The tall blonde, whose cock my sister had been sucking, sat back on the couch next to Andi and camera guy. Tyson guided Kelly down onto the blonde’s cock so that both girl’s road side by side, straddling the men, their heart shaped asses bouncing wildly. Tyson stepped out of site for a moment, then he and the third guy appeared again rubbing lube over their cocks. Tyson pushed his slick fingers between the crack of Kelly’s ass, the third man did the same with Andi. My cock erupted between the sheets and my stomach as I watched Tyson slowly stuff his thick black cock deep into my sister’s ass.

The sticky cum coated my belly as I breathlessly humped the wet sheets watching my sister fucking two cocks with uncontrolled passion. Then I heard the car pull up out front. Shit! I jumped up in a panic. I threw the covers over the bed, turned off the TV and VCR and killed the lights in the room. I grabbed my boxers and wiped the cum from my stomach. I pulled on my jeans tossing the cum soaked boxers and my t-shirt in the corner. I stuffed everything in the shoe-box, tossed it under the bed, then reached into the closet to close the chest. Where’s the fucking key?! The front door was opening. I closed the closet door and jumped onto the bed, faking sleep. 

I heard the bedroom door push open. Kelly tip-toed across the room to the closet trying not to wake me. She quietly pulled open the closet door and my heart raced. I couldn’t see her but I could hear her approach the bed. The room was silent for what seemed like an eternity, then I heard her walk out of the bedroom. I lay motionless, listening, until I heard the shower water running.

I jumped up and looked in the closet. She probably hadn’t noticed the chest, it was still piled in clothes. I searched for that fucking key but couldn’t find it anywhere. I straightened the shoe-box as best as I could and jumped back into bed when I heard the water shut off. 

Kelly came back in the room flipping the lights on this time. I opened my eyes to see her with her back to me searching through her top drawer. The white towel wrapped around her came loose. She held it to her breasts with one hand as it fell revealing her back and butt to me. 

“Did you lose something?” she asked not turning and letting the towel hang in front of her, her perfect ass filling my sight. I sat up. She turned to face my, not hiding her nakedness but casually pulling the towel around her again until she was covered. I couldn’t read the strange expression on her face but my mouth had gone dry. She tossed the key on the bed between my legs. 

“I’m sorry, Kelly,” I started. “I was cleaning up when I found the box...”

“So you think I’m a slut now?” she said in a voice I could still not read as she sat at the end of the bed.

“No, I ...”

“You saw the tapes?”

“Ya,” I was blushing. “I just had no idea you were... much...” I was stammering.

She sat staring at the floor in a silence that felt like it would never end.

“You wanna smoke some?” she finally asked. I still couldn’t read her.

She told me to grab the box, she said I obviously knew where her stash was. She laughed for the first time as I put the cock shaped pipe to my lips. She curled her feet under her at the end of the bed and we started to talk. As the pot kicked in she told me more and more secrets.

She said it had been nearly six months since she had had sex. She hadn’t gone this long with out sex since she lost her virginity at 13. I couldn’t believe it. She never had a reputation at school and never had a serious boyfriend either. Who was she having this sex with? She explained about Mr. Simms. 

Mr. Simms was our next door neighbor growing up. Just before her fourteenth birthday, she had seen him in his garage. His wife and kids were away for the weekend, he told her. She was flirting and next thing she knew, they were fucking in his daughter’s bedroom. He was 36 at the time. His daughter was my age. Kelly laughed when I told her I had fucked her several times during highschool. 

“I think her Dad did too,” Kelly laughed. “At least he wanted to.” 

Kelly told me about the times he had called her Angie, his daughter’s name, while fucking her. It weirded her out at first but then she kinda got off on it. He was the one who got her into filming. He loved to make movies with her, and when she graduated he gave her the old video camera. He also liked to invite friends over to fuck her. One night she fucked six of his friends and him when she found out where they were camping that weekend. When they were 16, Andi started to fuck him too.

As Kelly told me her stories, she relaxed on a cloud of pot at the end of the bed, kicking her legs out toward me and carelessly letting them fall open. The towel parted and I could see the silky pink lips parted sexily. Her pussy was shaved bald. My cock was like iron.

“I can’t believe I’m telling you this,” she laughed.

I grabbed the shoe-box, “Do you really use this?!” I laughed, holding up the huge black cock. She howled. 

“That’s for when I’m extra horny,” she blushed and giggled at the same time, “which is a lot lately.”

“Jesus! It’s huge!” I gasped in amazement. 

Kelly looked at me with a teasing smile then grabbed the cock from me. My cock jumped when she licked the head then pushed the monster down between her thighs.

“Don’t tell me your jealous,” she teased.

“It is a bit intimidating,” I groaned. She laughed. 

“From what I hear, you got nothen to worry about,” she said coyly. 

I knew what she was talking about. I had fucked her friend Jessie a few months ago, and I knew she knew everything. 

“So let’s see it,” she said in a slightly breathless voice. She was teasing me, and I don’t like to be teased. I couldn’t back down. I smiled and unzipped my fly. I pulled my hard on free and let it lay back against my stomach. Kelly smiled a wicked smile, but the giggles were gone. 

“You can stroke it,” she breathed. As my fingers circled my cock she lay back against the foot board and spread her thighs, the towel pulling up and apart. She set the huge dong aside and snaked her middle finger down over her clit. A long deep moan moved through her.

“I’ve never seen one shaved before,” fell quietly from my lips, “it’s beautiful.”

She looked at me hard for a moment, “Here,” she said reaching forward and grabbing my hand from my cock. She lay back and slowly guided my hand to her mound. Her hips lifted slightly as I pressed my palm over the smooth hairless mound. My fingers traveled lower, caressing, moving up, my middle finger just parting the swollen lips until I found her clit, brushing over it lightly.

“Fuck!” she jumped up from the bed tightening the towel around her. She turned her back to me and ran her hands through her damp hair. We were silent for several minutes, I didn’t move. Finally she turned on the VCR and hit eject.

“Which one did you watch?”she asked.

“Your 18th birthday.”

“That was a good one,” she said with a small laugh. She went over to the closet and pulled open the chest. As she bent down her towel rose up exposing her ass. 

“Here, this is the first one I ever made with Mr.Simms.” she said popping the tape in the player and turning on the TV. She curled her hair behind her ear as the tape loaded, trying not to look at me. Suddenly she ran over and jumped up on the bed like a little girl as the screen lit up. I lay back against the headboard and she snuggled up next to me.

On screen I saw my sister kneeling naked in front of our next door neighbor, his cock slipping in and out of her lips.

“How old were you?” I asked.

“Fourteen,” she answered in a near whisper.

She sucked him passionately, but my attention was not on the screen. Kelly curled up next to me and lay her head on my shoulder, her hand on my thigh. My cock was standing proud, still sticking out of my open jeans. I could smell strawberries from the shampoo in her damp hair resting on my bare chest. I ran my fingers over her back just above the towel. Mr.Simms sprayed a load of cum across Kelly’s chest on the TV. I breathed deep as I felt my sister’s fingers curl around my hard on. She began to slowly stroke it. I tugged at the towel and it fell open around her. I ran my fingers down to the small of her back.

As Mr. Simms pushed his cock between my fourteen year old sister’s thighs, Kelly slid down and I felt the warmth of her mouth cover my cock. I slipped lower on the bed with a groan as she pushed her lips to the base of my shaft. Pulling her hips around we moved into a 69, my mouth devouring the inner folds of her smooth shaved pussy. The realization of the moment was intense and Kelly swallowed hard as my cum filled her mouth.

I slid from beneath my sister and quickly moved over her pushing her down flat on her stomach. My hands and lips covered her ass, kissing and sucking at her cheeks, my fingers pushing down between her thighs into her sex. Her moans filled my ears as I buried my face between her legs sucking at her cunt from behind, her hips rolling under my hands.

The teenager on screen was on all fours as Mr.Simms fucked her little pussy from behind. I lifted my sister’s hips and slid a pillow under her, crawling between her spread thighs. I rubbed the head of my cock along her wet pink gash until it was shining with her juices. Then I pushed forward feeling her cunt envelop my cock to the hilt, stopping when my hips joined her firm round ass cheeks. We fucked, my cock thrusting into her, her cunt squeezing me, her ass pushing back at me, her screams and moans drowning out her fourteen year old self on TV.

She pushed me onto my back. Straddling my cock with her back to me, she reached around and spread her ass cheeks. Her tight anus slid like a vice over my cock and she lay back in my arms grinding her ass against me. I wrapped her in my arms, stroking her clit, massaging her breasts, kissing her neck. I reached out and found it, the black schlong. I lay it on Kelly’s chest, letting my sister squeeze it between her tits and suck at the head before I positioned it at her dripping slit.

“Show me,” I hissed into her ear and Kelly took my hand and pushed the monster deep into her cunt. I held the base and she worked my wrist in circles, pumping the mammoth rubber prick in and out of her while she bounced and wiggled her ass on my cock. I licked the sweat from her shoulders as I stroked her clit and pumped both cocks into her. Her body tensed, her ass strangling my cock until my cum covered her inner walls. She went limp above me.

As we sat in a hot bubble bath, Kelly eased back against me, her breasts soft in my palms. As she talked about taking me to a swing club where noone would know I was her brother and she could fuck me in front of everyone, my cock hardened against the small of her back. She giggled and stood up. 

“Where are you going?”

“To get the cam-corder,” she cooed.

The Seduction of Mommy

varunpal89 on Incest Stories

CB-733 The Seduction Of Mommy by Foster Davis

Chapter 1

It was noon and, except for the continuous soft purr of the refrigeratorand an occasional drip from the bathroom faucet, the house was quiet.
Arlene was alone. Her son and daughter would be at Washington HighSchool until midafternoon. At six her husband would arrive home fromwork. These next precious hours she had

Party with Mom in French Quater, La. part 2

mind_warrior_2000 on Incest Stories

Next morning to I woke up by sounds of toilet flushing, and noise from street.
My roommate walked out the bathroom with a big smiled and he high five me.

"goddamn man, that was one sweet pussy we did last night".

Mom opened her eyes from all that noise. there was confuses in her eyes.
It took her few seconds to realized that she was naked and dried

Caring for Dad pt 3

wifesharer on Incest Stories

Tom’s birthday was approaching and I got a call from his brother’s daughter that she wanted to know if we were going to have a party for his 75th birthday. Sara was a very demure almost prudish lady who was about to turn 40, divorced and could have been a model but opted f