yngluv's Avatar
yngluv Member Since October 19, 2009
Good Catholic Boy Gets His Just Dessert.
yngluv 5449 days ago
- 3 + is it that hard to write a story with good and proper grammar? Not only do you have problems with tenses and spelling, you have a big problem with your memory...either he's Nick or Matt, unless you would like to specify his- or your- multiply personality
Daddy Yes! Wait...You're Not My Daddy!
yngluv 5449 days ago
- 10 + I didnt even notice that slip up but hey, it still works right? It might be a pain in the ass for some people and a seemingly wasted spot on the site but really its a good thing too. Those who don't find animal stories appealing can still enjoy Liz's hard
Sweet 16
yngluv 5449 days ago
- 10 + I really liked it! Spelling bah w/e i can deal with that, definitely had me squirming
yngluv 5449 days ago
- 6 + I liked it a lot, good plot, problem is you completely didn't go into the sex...you lose points for that alone. I was just catching on that he had entered her when he was already getting changed! SLOW it done...fantasy, is after all, fantasy. :)