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xrigorxmortisx702 Member Since October 19, 2009

The deomnstration Part II

xrigorxmortisx702 on Incest Stories

The Demonstration – Part Two


“Father do you need me at the store tomorrow afternoon?” Sara asked at dinner.

“Why no Sarah, I won’t be there myself in the afternoon, I have to take of some business, but Mrs. Cunningham, yo

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u know, Bertha’s mother, is planning to work and mid-week evenings are never as busy as Saturdays so she can handle the work alone.  What do you have in mind?”

Sarah, hadn’t thought this all out, but the sensations that had ravaged her body we insistently demanding another visit with the good doctor although she could hardly tell her father she wanted a stranger to pleasure her body, so for the first time in her life, good little Sarah told a lie.

“I wanted to visit Mabel Hutton, you know she’s been sick and out of school all this last week.”

“Yes I heard she has consumption. Too bad, she was a lovely girl.” He said as if she’d already died. Yes that would be the Christian thing to do, good-girl!” he praised her as if she was still five.

The next day she took a moment at noon and ran by the doctor’s train. His assistant was working the reception area and Sara inquired as to whether she could obtain another treatment that afternoon. The woman looked at her and smiled an understanding smile. “Quite a treat wasn’t it, sweet heart?

“Ah yes I suppose you could phrase it like that. It was… I don’t know how to explain it.”

“No explanation needed my dear, none at all. Yes you can come at four-thirty. How are you free from school in the middle of the day?”

“I came over on my lunch break. I often join my family at home for lunch because we live so close to school so no one questions my absence especially not Miss Becker, the poor woman is so overwhelmed with the younger grades, that us who are older hardly get attention.”Â

“You don’t have to go right back then?”

“No… not for a hour or more.”

“I’ve no clients for a while so if you wish you can come back with me and I will help you be a little more comfortable until this afternoon’s appointment with the doctor.”

Sarah couldn’t later explain, even to herself, her strange willingness to follow the beautiful woman, but she only knew that she’d do anything the woman ordered, no matter how degraded or sinful if might be. Her experience yesterday has filled her with longings she’d never had and that now wanted, indeed demanded to fully be experienced. Some detached part of her mind concluded that this must have been how Eve felt when she ate the forbidden fruit, enjoying the luscious thrill of that which had hitherto been forbidden.Â

The treatment room was small and private with a padded table and a chair for the practitioner. The table was short with gleaming raised metal supports at either side of the foot. The woman ordered her to strip and climb at top the table, which she willingly did. She didn’t know quite what to do when she found that table far too short her bottom was hanging off the edge, but the woman had long experience with inexperienced girls and gently pushed her legs back toward her chest, far back to her chest until she could place the feet in the cloth stirrups that hung from the metal supports.Â

Sarah relaxed her legs and was amazed at how completely exposed and vulnerable the table made her private areas and even more so at how excited she was at the idea of being vulnerable to anything these people might want to do to her. The wall at the foot of the bed held a full length mirror and she carefully examined her own image from the neatly spread legs down to her public mound and her hot pink opening already glistening with arousal to her tiny, pink, and very exposed anus which moved and contracted as she squirmed.

Her body suddenly seemed so wonderfully made, her sex she realized in that moment designed for a specific purpose. Her sex education was admittedly scant, but she’d seen horses mate, the huge male organ entering the female’s body and looking at herself for the first time she realized that she was designed to accept the male into her body and the thought of the huge horse’s organ violating her small opening brought her feelings of both terror and strangely, at the same time the desire to have one of the huge organs she’d seen on horses impale her immediately! She contemplated the idea of human male organs and whether they were as large as horses with both fear and more than a little longing curiosity. These duel feelings of pleasure and fear seemed totally a part of her current experience for there seemed not a part of her whole mind and body that was not confused or contradictory in some way.

She’d been so occupied she’d no paid attention to the other woman until she stood at the foot of the table and began to touch her legs with a knowledge and skill that not even the doctor had exhibited. Sara felt the woman’s hands massage her inner thighs, using just enough pressure so that it didn’t tickle and yet not really hard either. Her hands moved down her inner legs inching ever closer to the boiling cauldron that was getting wetter and wetter between her legs at last brushing over her pubic hair the hands parting to slid down either side of her labia, the woman skillfully tugging at each inner lip their movements transferred to her center of pleasure that was just now emerging from its covering.

Just when she was sure the woman would bring her to the peak of pleasure the hands left her sex to wander up to her still developing breasts with their ultra sensitive nipples. The soft fingers pinched, pulled, and twisted, oh so perfectly, while Sarah’s groans and cries of pleasure could no longer be contained.Â

The woman moved to her side and leaning over took first one and then the other nipple into her mouth making Sarah pant with uncontrolled lust. Sarah thought she was going to die of unmet pleasures until the woman’s hand reached down for her tiny node of pleasure while sucking her nipples much harder causing the whole area between Sarah’s legs to twitch and contact in pleasure just before her orgasm took her.

When Sarah could think once more the woman’s tongue was gently flicking her nipple with Sarah’s arms locked over her head as if fearful the woman would leave. Feeling foolish Sarah let go of her head, but the woman continue to work both her nipples with mouth and fingers, taking ten or fifteen minutes, never letting up until Sarah began to make noises of pleasure once more, then her mouth moved downward toward Sarah’s sex.

The idea that the human mouth could be used for pleasuring another person had not occurred to Sarah, however, there was no denying to massive wave of arousal that had flowed from her nipples to her pleasure center when the woman had suckled her now hardened tips. Now still coming to terms with what had just happened, the pleasuring tongue was beginning to probe in between the lips of her sex and if a hand had been enjoyable this was absolute heaven.

Sarah rode to flickering tongue and caressing lips making loud noises she was unaware of, as her whole world dissolved into that pleasuring mouth and two probing hands taking her higher and higher, yet not taking her out over the edge into the ultimate pleasure. She had to reach that special moment of release or she was going to go insane. The woman was driving her nearly frantic. Sarah reached up with both hands and began to tweak her own nipples feeling an almost electric shock of extra arousal from playing with them. Then the woman’s hands suddenly pulled her labia way back and sucked hard on her exposed pleasure organ.Â
         Sarah exploded into a second climax and then as the sucking continued was over whelmed as the organ became extraordinarily sensitive the sucking, but the woman continued. She tried to push her away because it was almost painfully too much, but the woman doggedly continued and suddenly amid her cries of protest, her body launched its self into a series of three more climaxes in rapid succession leaving her nearly delirious with pleasure and her sex swollen and extraordinarily wet.

She found she was trembling when she at last rose and the woman kissed her full on the mouth—her first kiss and that with another woman and full of her own sex juices and yet she never wanted it to end. She was filled with the odd desire to eat the other woman’s wetness and explore her body, to try and give back a little of pleasure she’d just received. The doctor’s skill had been wonderful, but this was something beyond belief and she was no longer able to contemplate the rightness or wrongness of any action and knew only that she had to have more and was glad for her afternoon appointment. She left for her afternoon at school amazed the woman had known how terrible her desire was and that if couldn’t wait until four-thirty.


Your comments and suggestions welcome and encouraged:

Please note the story title when contacting me. Â thomascan06@yahoo.com








A Week At My Aunt and Uncle's Part III

xrigorxmortisx702 on Incest Stories

Aunt Sally was almost directly below me, in the kitchen, when I came down the ladder from the loft in my cotton nightshirt. I didn’t realize until later that as I came down the ladder she could look up and see the whole of my exposed sex. Only later could I imagine what my swollen, aroused and wet pussy must have looked like. An experienced woman she couldn’t have missed my copious wetness from that distance, but being only 13 and still naive I supposed no one knew about my wildly sexual state so what followed was something of a shock. Aunt Sally was preparing food and I noticed she was wearing the thin cotton night shit similar to the one I wore but unbuttoned down the front all the way to her belly. The gown gaped her and there as she moved exposing view

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s of her cleavage ranging from a lot to a whole lot and when she leaned over the open oven door to check on the fresh fruit crisp she was baking I had a view of her totally exposed breasts and nipples, the sight of which sent a shockwave of arousal through me. What’s wrong with me? I wondered. I’ve never gotten excited at the thought of another woman’s breasts before. But the urge to touch them was almost overwhelming. I fought it down. How terrible Aunt Sally would think I am if she knew I had watched her last nigh and was lusting after her this morning. The whole experience left me feeling confused and embarrassed, but Aunt Sally didn’t seem to notice as she bustled about the kitchen. I could see the outline of her dark nipple poking out of the thin fabric and it was totally un-nerving after seeing what she’d done with those nipples last night. Suddenly she turned to me and looking me in the eye said, “I sorry. We disturbed you last night, didn’t we?” I thought I would die. I felt my checks grow hot. I wanted to act cool, but I couldn’t manage it. Finally I looked at the floor and nodded. She gathered me in her arms and hugged me. “It’s all right sweetie” She comforted while holding me against her. “Norm’s flight got canceled and he came home. I had no idea that we’d be having sex, it just happened and I worried about whether or not we disturbed you. It can be sort of frightening the first time you see or hear it.” She pulled back for a moment, still holding me in her arms but no longer snug against her and looked at me. I looked up at this point and couldn’t help but admire her beauty. She’d displayed what sex could be and in so doing she’d become my sexual hero and I wanted to be just like her. “You were beautiful last night. I peeked down and it was so amazing. Does it hurt when he puts his part inside of you like that?” “No…Oh I guess you did see something. No it feels goon to have sex, of course it hurts all women the first time you have sex, but it doesn’t hurt afterward. But you were asking about my ass. No Dear, if you are excited and wet like I was last night then if doesn’t hurt in fact if feels fantastic, pleasures a woman like nothing else can do. Hasn’t your mother taught you about sex/” I just shook my head for some reason terrible ashamed. “That sister of mine she was always uncomfortable with the idea, but I’d have thought she shared something with you.” “Well we have these classes at school that tell how it is done.” “That fine. Everyone needs to understand their plumbing, but it doesn’t begin to deal with the emotions and the feelings. You are a young lady. You body is filled with new impulses and desires and you’ve a right to understand them.” As she was talking to me our chests we touching each other and the warmth of her full breasts were igniting a fire in mine. Without thinking I was starting to move so as to rub my hardened nipples against hers. It took her a moment then she realized that I was on fire. “Of course!” she exclaimed as if she was used to sex crazed relatives rubbing their breasts on her every day. After all you saw and heard you must be suffering terribly. How stupid of me to think you were only scarred you so excited you can hardly stand it. She let go of me and reaching down pulled her nightshirt over her head standing nude before me. I could only stare as she reached for the hem of my nightshirt and I willing raised my arms as she pulled it over my head and I stood as naked as she. Her arms enclosed me and her mouth moved to mine and I received the first kiss of my life from another woman, as she skillfully explored my lips, my mouth and then her kisses and warm tongue explored the line of my jaw and then my earlobes sending shivers of delight racing through my being which only intensified as she worked down my throat and then onto my chest her lips closing about my nipples with a tenderness that no hand can duplicate, her soft lips and probing tongue send huge jolts of pure arousal to my womanhood supercharging my lubrication and making the tiny center of my pleasure increasingly excited. I had never known such pleasure resided in my overly sensitive nipples but another women understood just how to draw out their potential for pleasure and I was in heaven. I was barely aware of her mouth moving lower ever contact with my skin now yielding deep animal cries seeming coming form my mouth of their own accord. I was beginning to understand how swept away she was last night if it felt anything like was I was experiencing. Somehow, I still can say how, I found myself laying face up on the kitchen table while my aunt buried her face between my opened thighs and if my nipples had responded the tender seeking knowledge of a woman brought a nearly endless stream of sighs and moans form me as she teased her way to my engorged clitoris. By the time she’d kissed and lick my inner thighs and the whole of my sex I was teetering on the edge of my first climax at the hands, well not exactly the hands, of another person. She seemed to know just where I was and she tortured me buy changing her activity at this point and I felt her fingers pulling my little labia open and then the colder air hitting my innermost places as if a soft cool caress. I was desperate to cum by this point and she inserted her tongue in my vagina and worked it in and out of my wetness and then at last she circled my clit drawing closer and closer but never quite making contact until she pulled the skin back and suddenly sucked it hard. I exploded into orgasm by body bucking and thrashing as the sensations ripped through my whole being and ruled my mind, but she never backed off and suddenly I was beginning to cum once more and then again. It went on and on. I never knew I could climax like this and yet I simply kept cuming until at last she sensed I’d have enough and she backed off and smiled at me. I smiled back weakly unable to comprehend the half dozen times she’d forced me to climax, my thirteen year old body and mind hardly knowing what had hit it. All I knew was that I didn’t want it to stop and reached for her. She sensed my need and embraced me once more and after a long open mouth kiss she told me. “I have so much to show and teach you, but let eat and then I share all the secrets of womanhood with you. It’s a good thing this house is so isolated or people would hear us scream.”

To be continued. Comments, questions or suggestions contact


The Demonstration Part

xrigorxmortisx702 on Incest Stories




         The 19th century was a time of marked contrasts with scientific knowledge increasing

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while at the same time superstitions and theory frequently masqueraded as accepted fact. It was also a period of tremendous disease and early death creating a fascination with a whole host of new “scientific” ways to gain and maintain health. The people of that period were often sincere, religious, and as easily manipulated by skillful charlatans.Â

Hence there arose a whole host of therapists who preyed upon the general lack of knowledge of human sexuality. With so little understanding of female sexuality in the general population and the women themselves, the only person in most towns who could cause difficulties for such traveling therapists would be the town physician. But for the doctors objection would be unthinkable, given that servicing the women’s unmet sexual needs formed a large part of his income. Females were diagnosed with female hysteria for nearly every symptom and would then undergo "pelvic massage, that is undergo manual stimulation of the woman's genitals by the doctor to cause what professionals of that time called "hysterical paroxysm", what we’d call an orgasm, sometimes serveral orgasms were stimulated, depending upon the situation. Needless to say the woman felt better and it assured continued treatments as well as continued payments to the doctor.

What follows is a work of fiction—it is however, true to the facts of the era and while fictionalized here, the occurrences portrayed occurred and reoccurred in towns all over the United States, especially in the central and upper Mid-western states of that time.  Â


                                    The Special Demonstration



The special rail coaches had been shunted into the siding at Flores, Iowa in the predawn hours of a summer morning 1860 and by sun up any public space on a tree, fence, or building bore a sign promising an amazing demonstration that evening by the newly arrived doctor from the east demonstrating the astonishing results of the new discoveries in the field of massage therapy and physio-science.  The posters spoke of the many benefits of this course of treatment and of the many disease conditions it could help or cure, from back trouble to hysteria.   The small rail city had little in the way of entertainment and a good many of the townspeople decided to visit the train of Doctor William H. Jacobs.Â

That evening seventy or eighty of the towns two hundred residents we standing before the presentation stage that was ingeniously built into the last of the three car personal train sitting on the siding. The side of the car folded away displaying a 15-foot wide hardwood stage with multiple curtain layers in front and along the back wall making it impossible to tell the true depth of the stage compartment although in truth it ran about two-thirds of the cars width leaving only room behind for a hall leading to the performance entrances to the stage. The rest of the private car contained dressing and treatment rooms.Â

         Sarah Wilson’s father owned the general store and her mother was the teacher of the local one room schoolhouse making Sara’s life compact and supervised. School during the day, afternoons helping in the store, and Sundays at church where here family were leading members.  Like many denominations of that period hers worried over the evils of self-pollution as they phrased it among other euphoniums for masturbation although the proper word was almost never used being considered too course of polite company or conversation. The outcome of all this was that Sarah like so many countless boys and girls had endured many nights, in her earlier years, with her hands tied to the bedrails for fear that she might, if left to her own devices, corrupt herself. Even in washing she had been schooled to never touch for pleasure and never more that absolutely necessary. Sarah had been a good girl and when she joined the crowd that evening she was fifteen years old, chaste, unquestionably a virgin and viewed as standing in the upper tier of society, economically, morally, and culturally.Â

Glancing about she noticed 17-year old Henry Wittcomb, the son of the district manager for the railroad, a fellow church member, and one of the best looking boys in town. He caught her glance and waved from across the crowd, but she shyly averted her eyes, secretly thrilled he’d noticed her. Â

         Doctor Jacobs it turned out was a young man from who’d graduated he told the crowd from the Philadelphia College of Massage and Physical Sciences which was in truth nothing more than an office producing for a reasonable fee fancy diplomas in degrees which had never before existed.Â

He had something of the personality of a circus ringmaster and he spotted Joseph Maccough walking at the edge of the crowd and invited him up to the stage. Old Joe did after so good natured urging from friends and neighbors. Joe almost blushed as the doctor’s young female assistant seated him on a chair at center stage the young doctor in his spotless while coat knelt smoothly before him and quickly took his hands in his, discarding the left hand he held the right in his probing with gentle fingers and proclaimed to Joe, “You are in pain in this hand all the time aren’t you.”

         “Yes”, Joseph replied.

         “Before I go on confirm for your friends and neighbors that we’ve never met before, never have spoke and do not know each other.”Â

         “All that is true.”

         “You broke this hand a year perhaps slightly more ago and you’ve never fully recovered. From the nature of the injury you fell, probably from a wagon and put the hand out to break your fall.”

         Suddenly the crowd was applauding the doctor’s skill for everyone know old Joe had broken the hand when he fell from a hay wagon gathering the first load of hay the previous spring. Nobody knew that the young man had seen Joe earlier in the day, had seen him wince in pain opening a door and with some discreet inquiries learned his story long before Joe appeared in the crowd that evening.

         “Now I wonder of there is a young lady in this town, a teenager who is know for her self-control who would volunteer to be a subject for tonight’s demonstration of the therapies benefits.” He asked the crowd. Sarah looked about the group. There were many middle aged and older folks and not a few young men, but not very many young women her age. There was Ester Banks standing some feet to her left, but she’d never do. She was known to have lost herself to giggling in the congregational church over some private thought during the Christmas program last winter. Besides she fancied Henry too and Sarah certainly was not going to allow such a demonstration to draw his attention to Easter.Â

Sarah had almost worked up her courage to raise her hand when the doctor announced that as compensation for the volunteer’s time they not only would receive tonight’s treatment, but any others they desired for the entire week the doctor would be in town as well as “this 5 dollar gold piece.” Five whole dollars! Her mind was made up and she raised her hand thankful that her dad was still working and her mother at home with her little brother so no one would overrule her.Â

         Amid the happy sounds of applause the female doctor’s assistant helped her to the backstage section of the car and showed her the massage chair. It was enclosed in a tent-like structure with only an opening for her neck. “That protects your privacy,” the woman explained. She showed Sarah a small cubically shaped room with some hooks on the walls. Talk off all your clothes and hang them here. Then I’ll help you get settled.

         Sarah, suddenly had second thoughts, but how could she walk back out after volunteering in front of everybody? “Naked?” She questioned.

“Yes, but don’t worry. No one will ever see anything except your head. They won’t know how you’re dressed under the cover. “Hurry!” She urged. “Everyone is waiting.”

          Feeling trapped but too proud to admit it Sarah bravely pulled off her clothes trying to act like she stood naked in front of other women all the time and meekly followed the woman to the chair. It was different from anything she’d ever seen. There was very little to sit on. Very much like an outhouse seat it provide a partial rim open in front to sit on, but also had support running under the thighs and heavy arm rests for her arms. Last there was an upper back support providing so balance. She gingerly sat where the girl directed feeling she’d fall out any moment and with thankfulness felt the young woman’s hands tightening heavily padded straps over each thigh greatly stabilizing her perch. Her forearms were secured in similar fashion then her lower legs just above the foot. The woman carefully closed the curtains about her fastening the neck opening securely.Â

Belatedly realizing her completely vulnerable state, Sarah had just decided she wanted out when the woman pulled back to curtain revealing the crowd who cheered her wildly, even Henry. She smiled weakly back at him. The man in white walked behind her where there was a small stool like a milking stool and an opening for his arms although no one could see what he was doing with his hands.Â

Sarah’s first impression was of the warm hands and warm oil on the small of her back as his hands rubbed and skillfully brought her pleasures she hadn’t known her skin capable of. Just as she started to relax those same hands were ever so carefully cupping her full breasts bringing an involuntary blush of humiliation to her face. The woman who’d helper her change noticed and shouted to the crowd to, “notice the increased circulation bringing back the flush of health to her checks after less than a minute.”

Sarah was in turmoil. The man was skillfully manipulating her breasts quickly seeking her cutely upturned, and markedly sensitive nipples. Now he was gently pinching, turning and twisting, as well as tugging at her responsive pink tips. She struggled against the straps, but she couldn’t move. A strangely new, yet oddly welcome and swelling wet sensation was beginning between her legs. A deep animalistic moan broke from her lips, hushing the crowd in fascination.

“Oh God help me!” She cried out as his fingers moved down and started probing the wetness of her womanhood. His fingers ever so skillfully began building up this new sensation. He did not attack her hidden clit but instead worked her wet labia brushing every so softly over her engorged center of pleasure, nearly making her beg for more. She was so wet down there that she was sure she somehow had urinated on herself. Her breath was coming in unusual gasps and sighs while perspiration beaded on her brow and covered her chest.

The crowd looked on awestruck as her transformation. Whatever the doctor was doing she was having quite a reaction. As they watched this young woman trembled and her head began to loll from side to side a nearly continual moaning cry of pleasure coming from her.

“This can’t be happening to me.” Sarah thought as the man’s hands now worked the well oiled pathway from her dripping sex to her increasingly responsive nipples, Sarah’s back arching trying to get way from and at the same time encourage his actions.

From somewhere seeming far away Sarah could hear the female assistant explaining how the massage increased circulation and was especially helpful for female problems. See how it energizing the whole being, reacting like a athletic contestant in extreme exertion. This way it purifies the entire body.”

“I can’t take another second.” Sarah thought and then thought she couldn’t endure it if the man stopped. She was desperate her moans becoming cries of urgency. The man knew her stage and a finger entered her virgin tightness bring evermore pleasure, more than she knew she was able to attain. Then a second finger wormed its way inside her anal passage. She literally screamed in extreme pleasure and terror at this never before considered action, them she shrieked again as fingers concentrated on her tiny node of pleasure and for the first and only time in her life she experienced an orgasm. Her cries tapered to rhythmic moans coming in time to doctor’s incredibly skilled fingers inside her vagina and anus timing the thrusts with the contractions her body was having for the first time, Hence he was helping her ride the waves of pleasure that had just consumed her.

The audience stood dumbfounded. The young woman’s hair was sweat soaked. He breath still came in pained gasps, her body clearly was shuddering with some type of great contractions causing her head to quiver. With every shudder she seemed to sink ever deeper into an astonishing state of relaxation and a dumb, but happy grin was increasingly plastered on her face. Nearly every woman and a good many men began making plans to visit this doctor and every husband there knew he’d have to pay for his wife to visit the doctor.

The curtain closed amid the cheers of the crowd. The fingers left her body and the doctor rushed out of this now private area to work the crowd and schedule appointments. The woman untied Sarah’s restraints and helped the shaken girl stand and then used a towel to dry her off. Sarah was amazed at how sensitive her nipples and sex had become as the girl ran the rough towel all over her body and astonished at what must be her own fluids covering her sex her buttocks, her anal opening and literally causing a small puddle under the chair. When she at last got dressed and the woman handed her the gold piece. “You’d be welcome anytime, she assured her”Â

Sara could think of nothing else all the way home the new wet feeling beginning once more between her legs.


Your comments and suggestions welcome and encouraged:

Please note the story title when contacting me. Â thomascan06@yahoo.com


The Demonstration Part V

xrigorxmortisx702 on Incest Stories

The Demonstration Part V


Sarah couldn’t get the idea of her father as a sexual being to connect in head with the images she had of him. Oh sure she understood in a sort of theoretical sense that her parents had to have sex at some point or she would not be there, but nevertheless she didn’t think of him as having a sex life. Like every generation Sarah imagined that only young people like herself understood or experienced that pleasures of sex and certainly no one

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, but the young and adventurous ever explored sex outside the bounds of procreational sex in marriage. Now she was coming face to face with idea that her parents or at least her father was sexual and part of her was fascinated, even turned on at the idea of standing at the peephole and watching her father’s activity while another part of her was revolted knowing on some deep, intuitive level this was wrong.


She hesitated and then her primal urge for sexual fulfillment held sway and she moved to the peephole in time to see her father enter the room with the pretty female assistant. Both of them dropped their clothes and Sarah was surprise to see he was already hard and shocked at how large her father’s organ was. Seeing his erection filled her with desire and the familiar wetness began gathering in her loins.Â


He was kissing the woman, his hands exploring her breasts making her moan so that Sarah could hear them though the wall. Sarah’s own hands went up to her own breasts cupping them, pleasuring them and gently circling the nipples. They harden instantly and she pinched and tugged them moaning softly as her very sensitive nipples sent waves of fire toward her womanhood.


Looking through the peephole she Sarah saw her father look up towards the wall at the new sound of a woman pleasured and she froze in horror because he had heard her moan. Did he know it was her?


He nuzzled Valerie’s neck and whispered, “I hear another woman moaning, sounded like a young girl actually. You are wonderful but I absolutely love young inexperienced girls. I’d pay extra.”


Valerie looked up at the wall and actually smiled. “We do have a young trainee, but she is not trained for intercourse yet. She is very young and very shy so I don’t think it would be workable, although she is orally skilled and very, very responsive. She is so young – still a virgin that she would just die to have you see her engaged in such activities and would never agree to it.”


“What if I didn’t see her?”




“You could blindfold me. I’d be considerate of her as if she were my own daughter.”


“Well under those circumstances, I suppose I could ask her if you wish.”


“Yes. Please”  Â


Valerie slipped on a robe and left him sitting there and a moment later entered Sarah’s compartment accompanied by the doctor. They took one look at her and both smiled. Sara was standing and rubbing her center of pleasure shamelessly her chest flushed with arousal. “I take it you want to?” The woman asked.   Sarah could only nod. Alright

Stay here until I come call for you.


Re-entering the room, where Sarah’s father waited his organ still stiff and excited at the prospect, she announced. “The young woman has agreed, but and will offer either to massage you to release or oral penetration. It is expected you will pay her handsomely for the privilege and that you will pleasure her as well all while never removing the blindfold. I will remain with her of course. Do you agree?”


“Yes but I want her to do both. I want her to take me in her mouth and afterwards to massage me.”


“I will tell her.” Now let me blindfold you she said taking a long piece of fabric she had brought in with her for the purpose and wrapping it three times about his head completely occluding his vision. When she was satisfied he couldn’t see anything she called out. “Ok Madeline, you can come in now.”


Sarah dressed in a short robe the doctor provided slipped down the corridor to the other exam room where her father waited her mind a blur of confused and excited feelings. She had crossed so many taboos the last two days that one more didn’t seem to matter. Besides, she told herself, the only person in town after today that would know what actually happened in here would be her. Taking a deep breath she slipped into the room where Valerie waited.


The woman explained what her father had agreed to and she nodded. She dropped her robe and moved up next to her naked father who slid his hands onto her shoulders and then explored her finding her soft young breasts and the hard upturned nipples while his hard organ poked her softly just above her public hair leaving a wet trail, the first signs of what would eventually be a large emission, but for now, was little more than the promise of things to come. She reached her hand down and touched the head with her fingers and then brought the moisture to her lips tasting her own sire’s semen. The very wickedness of the act brought a flush of arousal to her face and chest while the lubrication between her legs advanced rapidly from renewed moisture to overwhelming wetness that threatened to drip from her inner labia.


Sara had little time to think as her father kisses her full on the mouth his tongue hungry and probing deeply in between her all too willing lips taking her arousal even further and then his mouth traced her neck and found her ears and her neck sending shivers of delight racing through her. While he did this his hands continued felling her young firm breasts and nipples making her gasp into his mouth as the sheer pleasure of his stimulation overwhelmed her and forced tiny sex sounds from her mouth, even though she had promised herself she wouldn’t speak, least he recognize her voice.


His hand reached around her finding her full buttocks and he explored their ever contour as he sucked and gently bit at her shoulders and neck, until sensing her need he pulled back and his mouth located her overly sensitive nipples. He sucked hard and tongued them wildly making her knees weak and when his fingers explored the wet cleft between her legs she found herself sighing softly, “Please! Please! She feared his touches would continue and feared even more their ending.Â


Suddenly the woman finger found her nipples and began brutally pulling and twisting them. The sensation as intense and combined with his clumsy efforts about her clit Sara exploded into orgasm, crying out screaming, “Yes, yes, yes!” Then his fingers found her virginal passage and one entered her tightness probing as her body contracted over and over about his digit buried within her womanhood.Â


“I simple must have you.” He begged. “I would pay a lot. Pay you a large bonus!”


Sara looked at Sara and nodded. At that moment she would have done it for free. She wanted a cock and why not get paid.


“How much?” Valerie demands.


“I. Hadn’t considered. A hundred dollars!”


Sara couldn’t believe it. That much money seemed a small fortune, but Valerie was done. If you carry that much cash you can afford more. You want this girls virginity and all you offer is a hundred dollars. Even a common laborer earns a dollar a day. She worth more than a labor’s salary for a few months, you shame her with you cheapness.Â


Her father looked so desperate, so eager than Sara almost laughed at his desperation and began to understand the power that sex gave her. He almost danced about in his blindfold, acting all ridiculous with his huge organ already leaking fluids and she noticed his socks still on. She reached out and rubbed his cock. He groaned. “OK! Ok, three-hundred dollars.”


Valerie looked at him. “Do you carry that much?”




“Well let me explain. I will trust you for the balance, but only for an hour. If you are not back with payment in full and perhaps a little bonus for the girl, I will march right down to your home, I imagine most people in town will tell me where you live and I will have a little talk with your wife about how you spent your afternoon.”


“No, no, no, I have the money. I just have to go to the store and get it. I promise. Please let me have her?”


“All right. She has agreed to let you have her, but only once vaginally. The moment you cum it is finished,” Valerie insisted and he nodded.


Ok Madeline. You are all his. He may do whatever he wishes to within limits, but I shall remain to make sure he doesn’t hurt you too bad. Suck his organ Madeline. He felt the presence of the girl kneeling before him and then a tiny and inexperienced pair of lips began pleasuring his cock. He treated he gently working it in and out farcing her to take more and more, backing off as she cocked and gagged, helping her learn to accept his largeness. Suddenly he was there, at his peak, exploding in her mouth. She gagged and gulped and handed most of his large load. Then as agreed she kept sucking and with the oil supplied by Valerie she coated his organ and began rubbing him.


She learned from his reactions that a slow down-stroke coupled with a fasted up-stroke was best. After about five minutes his moans got loader and louder and her erupted his first stream hitting her full in the face and the next one sticking the wall behind her as others went here and there as she wildly moved his organ having not been prepared for such a reaction.


Valerie helped her clean him up with a towel and herself then Valerie guided her to the table and laid her back like an offering, her womanhood soaking with desire. Her father leaned over her once more and sucked first one nipple and then the other making her sigh and moan. Then he unexpectedly licked her privates. He was not as skilled as the woman and it took him longer but she did managed to climax, once she learned how to move her special center of pleasure to where his tongue thought it was supposed to be.Â


Her father was in bliss. Already this young girl had made his climax twice and as he pleasured her all his desperate desire returned. He was super hard and eager, he could wait no longer. Positioning his head at her entrance he slid his cock up and down between her lips. The sensations were acutely pleasure filled and he nearly came right then and there but he held still and managed with effort to keep from climaxing at that point.Â


Sara was desperately eager to experience more. Knowing that gliding between her wet labia had pleasuring him and hoping that if he was pleasured he would enter her she moved her own pelvis grinding her sex back against him, signaling her arousal and willingness to be penetrated.


“No!” He shouted not understanding why she had started to move only that he was on the edge and fighting for control and her movements were driving him over the point of no return. He pulled back breaking their connection, trying not to cum, but it was too late as streams of creamy sperm intended for her virginal passage now splattered on the floor.

He couldn’t believe it. He had never even entered her passage and now. He was still hard he would take her anyway, but as he moved an iron hand grabbed his manhood.Â


“Madeline, please return to you quarters.“ Valerie ordered. Just as she was leaving She heard her father complaining that this wasn’t fair. Valerie was merciless. “Fair? My girl offered you everything she had to give. She offered her virginity and you worthless little prick that you are couldn’t even deflower the virgin when she is offered to you. Get dressed and leave. Get what you owe or I swear to God I will do just as I ordered and further I will tell every man, woman or child I meet that you were unable to perform. I should never have let you have the girl. You may have ruined her. Rejection like that is a shameful behavior. How will she ever be able to relax with another man after your fool behaviors?”


Sara could hardly imagine it was her self-confident father as he left tail between her legs. She turned when Valerie entered the room. They were both so excited they hugged then kissed, then Sara pushed the woman down and for the first time in her life lowered her mouth to the other woman’s sex and her tongue probed and explored the intoxicating taste and smell, the mysterious folds of a woman’s sex. She had made the other woman reach her peak several times by the time the doctor came in and found them. He entered, but they were so enthralled now face opposite each licking the other’s vulva that his cock’s head rubbing in Sara’s lubricant was her first indication of his presence and then he once more worked his stiffness inside her anal passage and his cock combined with her lips on her teenage clit sent her into a continual series of climaxes that lasted as long as he did which wasn’t all that long.Â


He pulled out and she grabbed for his organ taking it in her mouth, fresh from Sara’s anus and he filled her hunger for his sperm. Sara could feel the woman’s reactions to her climax and understood her was pouring streams to cum into her mouth.


Cleaning himself up he told Valerie. He is waiting for you.


Valerie nodded. “Let me get him into a room and get you money so you can leave while he can’t see.”


In minutes she was back with four hundred dollars. She smiled, “H said he felt bad about ruining you.”Â


“I don’t know what to say,” Sara whispered. “You’ve opened a whole new world to me.”


“Just say goodbye. It’s been fun and I hope you always enjoy what we have shared. Don’t let anyone tell you it is wrong or sinful.”


Sara gave her a hug and skipped out the door, stashing the cash in her pocket, knowing she was wealthy, wealthier than any other girl her age. She could contribute to forming a new household if a certain young man asked her to marry.


In the meantime, he father reached the store just as the train whistle sounded and the Doctor’s special pulled out. He listened with regret and longing.


The train’s movement brought a wonderful rest to the stress town always brought to such traveling shows. They would ride all night and then set up and do it all over in a new town. Valerie smiled at her brother. Well “Doctor” we certainly enjoyed that young girl.Â


“Ah, we did indeed. “ He agreed


“Are you all worn out or can you help a girl out.”


Sure sis, he said standing and dropping his pants as she began pulling off her dress and together they would spend some of the long hours practicing the skills they had learned together as children, secretly making love before their were old enough to even know what it meant. Still each other’s most special partner, still brother and sister, both making a fortune from others less fortunate than themselves in sexual knowledge.


Questions, comment and suggestions welcome Thomascan06@yahoo.com

Please reference the story title when writing.

















A week and my Aunt and Uncle's

xrigorxmortisx702 on Incest Stories

A Week at My Aunt and Uncle’s


I had just turned thirteen the summer I visited Aunt Sally’s. Aunt Sally, my mother’s youngest sister was always my favorite, because she acted, and in reality was, much younger than mother or other relatives I knew and seemed more a friend than older

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relative entering into the children’s games and playing with us. She’d married the previous year at the ripe old age of 25 and moved to her own place, a very romantic sounding old cottage they were renting in the Catskills.


I was thrilled when she’d invited me to spend a week with her, while her husband Norman was away on business; and I didn’t even mind the long bus trip  It was all just part of this grand adventure—my first trip away from home! I arrived late one cool evening amid a heavy rain and by the time we had collected my baggage, loaded up, driven to her home, and unpacked, we were both soaked and chilled.


The cottage was everything I had imagined – a storybook home tiny—really little more than one large main room and little loft tucked up under the eves. In front of the fire we both stripped down and dried off in her oversized towels, sitting nude for a while in the hypnotic warmth and soft, flickering light of the fire, enjoying, letting the waves of heat penetrate our chilled skin while we sipped hot chocolate.


As I warmed, I looked at Aunt Sally taking pleasure in the rare opportunity to study the naked, fully developed woman who was lost in her own thoughts studying the fire. I had begun developing early and my breasts were already huge, much larger than most girls I knew, but Sally’s were massive by comparison and seemed even larger because her frame was slight, but she was certainly endowed with the most perfect breasts I’d ever imagined anyone could posses.  Large white circular orbs hung on her chest jutting out proudly topped with large, light pink areola, the colored skin still crinkled with cold and in the center of each a long, hard, pink nipple. Her tummy was flat and her hips broad flaring out providing her an hourglass shape and between her legs was a gloriously padded, but surprising to me, hairless mound. As she sat in her chair studying the fire her legs were spread wide and her sex was open exposing her pink inner labia.Â


It wasn’t as if I was unaware of my body and its development. Nor was I unaware of the purpose and uses of my newly grown accessories. After all, I masturbated ever day—sometimes several times a day. My teen body was literally on fire with my newly developed interests. However, seeing Aunt Sally’s body gave me a appreciation for just what I could and would become. She was absolutely alluring. The crazy thought crossed my head of touching her. I dismissed it, but I was acutely aware of her sexuality and with my awareness was a growing wet arousal in my own secret places.Â


I decided to get up and get dressed before I embarrassed myself and Aunt Sally roused herself and suggested I just throw on my pajamas because it was so late and she was sure I was tired.  I was but not tired enough to take away the thrill of exploring the tiny loft where I would sleep. The railed balcony looked down into the main room. On the left was their bed where Aunt Sally was pulling a nightshirt over her head, her bare buttocks exposed to my view, and to the right was the living area, while the kitchen and bathroom were under the loft and hence out of view. I felt very secretive, like I was hidden and could spy on the entire little house. For some odd reason the idea excited me, but my thoughts didn’t last long because the minute I lay down I was asleep, too early a start and too long a day to avoid sleep.


I am not sure when I awoke or what wakened me, but as I slowly became aware of my surroundings, I realized I was at my Aunts cottage and somewhere down below the balcony were sounds I’d never heard before, but that seemed to draw me with irresistible allure and yet some unknown corner of my mind warned me that this was one time I couldn’t be seen. So I slipped noiselessly from my bed to the floor instinctively understanding that I could not peek over the rail, but on this night must peek through it; so I crept slowly towards the sounds a sort of heavy breathing mixed with soft sighs or moans. It seemed an eternity before I was able to see between the rails and their below me was the same room I left, a fire burning brightly and a lamp-oil light burned on the nightstand by the bed but it was the sight on the bed that totally took my breath away.


Aunt Sally, completely nude was laying on her back and in between her widespread legs Uncle Norm was for some reason home and now lay on the bed licking and kissing the area of her sex and it must have felt good because Aunt Sally was moaning softly and uttering a little “yes,” every now and then. I had understood sex to the extent that I knew the man’s organ would enter my vagina, but I guess I my friends were more innocent than we’d thought because the idea of the oral sex act I was seeing had not yet entered my head.  Now, as I watched, my aunt was being pleasured intensely her hands forming firsts that clenched and unclenched the covers, her voice growing louder and higher until she arched her head back and even the novice that I was knew she was climaxing.


I was incredible! But Uncle Norm wasn’t finished with her yet. He just kept working his mouth over her sex which I could see in glimpses was glistening with wetness. His fingers had pulled her inner lips apart and the view was the most explicit exposure of a woman’s sex I’d ever seen, her deep pink folds such a deeper, brighter pink than when I had seen them earlier in the evening. He seemed as if he could never get enough and as I watched he probed inside her vagina with his tongue, sending a jolt of wetness between my legs that shocked me. He pulled her legs way back and then shocked me once more by licking her anal opening – an action I would have thought terribly perverted, but now filled my little girl body with the molten fire of arousal and made Aunt Sally moan with pleasure as he worked whatever magic he was working on her anus before returning to her vaginal opening greeted with her soft sighs and cries of pleasure.Â


He shifted positions and for the first time in my young life I saw what a man’s organ looked like, all engorged and hard; it seemed massive much larger than I had imagined it could be and yet seeming his so large and full made me ache with the desire to feel my tiny opening being stretched by it. I was laying on my tummy, head raised to look through the railing and I realized I was humping my hips with desire, I pulled my nightshirt up to reach my sex, but the lump under me didn’t feel good so I worked it off, up over my head and now as naked as they I lay the nightshirt on the wooden floor and flopped on top of it my eyes back on their sex-play my own right hand buried between my legs already exploring and abundant wetness that had formed there. I watched as Aunt Sally began writhing in the bed as his mouth worked its magic on her vulva and as little as I knew, I was certain she was climaxing repeatedly, another possibility that hadn’t occurred to me as even possible before now. Her cries and spasmodic movements continued for the next 15 minutes and I watched in spellbound fascination until she was, at last spent, and pushed his head away begging him, “No, no, no more.”


He looked up at her and rising to his feet walked around the bed until he could place his huge organ at her lips and my aunt immediately began licking and kissing his head before shifting about and tilting her head back allowing him to slide a good portion of his penis into her throat, his organ withdrawing and reentering wet with her saliva she clearing enjoying as much as he until her at last withdrew and positioned himself between her legs and prepared to enter her.Â


My body which had been sitting in limbo for the last few minutes came demandingly awake and I moved my fingers over my little girl clit and at the first contact I exploded into the most powerful climax of my life, my throat barely able to hold in my cries of delight, my eyes closing, my breathing ragged as waves of pleasure racked my whole being, but dimly aware of new female sounds of pleasure from below. At last I could focus on my world and I opened my eyes and raised my head to peek once more at the world of sex that had so unexpectedly opened to my view.


To be continued…


You comments welcome Thomascan06@yahoo.com


the demonstration part IV

xrigorxmortisx702 on Erotic Poems

As Sarah watched the other woman hold Henry’s organ, it seemed to swell in the woman’s hands, the penile head turning a darker and darker purple by the minute, while the woman’s skilled fingers slid over the oiled surface bringing moans of pleasure from Henry as his fists clenched and unclenched at his side, his hips rising up as if to offer his long, thin organ to the woman, as if fearful she would stop her ministrations to his pro-offered organ. Not that there was much chance given the fee he’d paid.Â

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Sarah remembered the Doctor’s thick member so recently in her mouth and longed to suck Henry’s manhood and yet it was so different from the thickness her virgin tongue had worshiped. The doctors was big and meaty, a mature man’s cock while Henry’s organ was longer and thinner, almost as if it were not quite finished developing and would one day fill out into the fullness of manhood. Strangely these differences did not make her desire for his organ any less. She secretly loved Henry and desired him more than she’d realized. The doctors hands had wandered up to her breasts and where teasing about her nipples, but were doing nothing for her urgent need. His skill had been so completely effective before this she could hardly imagine him unaware of her arousal.Â


“Please.” She softly pleaded.


He just reached for her hands. She fought them free and half turned toward him although she hated the idea of leaving the sight of Henry.Â


“I need….”.


“I know.”


“Then why…”


“I leave tomorrow.” She looked at his questioningly. “I won’t be here to help you, so let me help you now.” He took her hands and guided them to her own breasts, as she turned back and once more looked into the other room. Henry was perspiring as the woman rubbed his organ ever so slowly teasing him, squeezing every once of pleasure out of the encounter. Her own hands suddenly felt good next to her stiff nipples and she found herself cupping the sensitive nipples letting them rub lightly against her palms imagining Henry touching her nipples that way. Her fingers located the stiffening tips and gently began tugging on them, a soft moan of pleasure escaping un-noticed from her lips.


She became aware the doctor’s body was all of a sudden close behind her, his thick meat once more hard and extended sliding under her buttocks. She both shivered in fear and delight wondering if her was going to take her virginity right then. She knew in her heart that no matter how much it hurt she would allow him any violation of her body for the pleasures he was providing, but it was soon evident that he was doing something very different.Â


She jumped as his organ slid smoothly over her external wetness brushing her center of pleasure. “You want Henry, don’t you?” He whispered in her ear.  Sarah couldn’t trust herself to speak, but managed to nod working her nipples much harder with real passion now instinctively grinding her sex back against his organ seeking penetration. “You can’t let the boy enter you down here he told her his fingers finding her soaked opening, but you can take him in your mouth and as long as he is well oiled like I now am he can do this. His cock was suddenly against her anus applying pressure. It was something she’d never considered, but she was so aroused and so eager for male penetration she accepted and pushed back for a moment. Her passage opened and his lubricated head entered her back passage.


He waited for her to adjust and then just when she was prepared for him to trust further in he pulled back disarming her fears and then he was suddenly much deeper taking her before she could tense up. He stopped once more as she thought about this new sensation. It was scary, allowing him to take, not just his pleasures, but to use her body, and yet it was also very pleasurable. She had never known her anus was so sexually responsive. His hands guided her hands to the wet cleft between her legs as he began to rhythmically thrust her incredibly tight opening into her virginal, but willing body.


Sarah’s whole being was exploding in pleasure, fear, and plain hard work. She struggled to stay in position watching Henry’s cock, which was now leaking some type of wet emission, but not like the Doctor’s huge explosion and he didn’t seem to have reached his climax. Sarah wished she could lick it off his head. The Doctor’s penis was savaging her rectum and her body couldn’t contain her cries and sighs of pleasure, fear and pain.  Her fingers began searching for the spot that so desperately wanted attention and eventually located the tiny stiffness that responded to her touch.   Her own hands seemed to instinctively know just what to do and in moments she was building rapidly toward an explosion. The doctor’s organ was moving rapidly in and out of her and suddenly he moaned and she could feel him contract over and over inside her anal passage. Henry suddenly cried out and large streams of white sperm shot out of his organ hitting the woman’s face and hands as well as leaving a large amount on Henry’s heaving belly which the woman began to clean up with a towel.Â


Her own orgasm took her by surprise sweeping though her body, releasing the flood of warmth that centered on her pelvis. She could feel her ass contracting forcibly around the Doctor’s penis still buried in her bowels giving her even greater pleasure as she cried out over and over again as each wave of pleasure possessed her being. When she at last calmed down he removed himself from her anal opening and she realized she felt a certain odd sensation down there. She felt opened, almost raw, reamed-out even, and yet sexually alive and willing. “I can let Henry do that to me?” She whispered.


Anytime you want. But don’t let him enter your vagina because that is how you become pregnant – you know, how you make a baby and you aren’t ready for that until you marry.


“How many times…”


“You mean how often you can do it?”


She nodded. “As often as you wish. When you first start you guys will likely do if every day or even more. Just do what you like. And don’t let anyone else know you are doing it. By the way, you can rub yourself that way anytime you want, not just when you are being taking by a man”


He tossed her a towel and she began cleaning up. He was well ahead of her having started drying off as soon as they finished. As he adjusted his shirt he glanced out the other door’s peep-hole. Turning back her looked at her still bare breasts, her public hair displaying signs of her wetness and he wanted her once more. He walked over and ran his hands over her responsive breasts and she shivered in pleasure feeling a new gush of wetness between her legs. “You need to stay in here a while my dear.” He whispered.




There is someone in the waiting room. Valerie’s next appointment I believe, but in a town like this you would want the wrong people learning of your visits here.” She drew in her breath at the very horror of her family learning what she’d been doing glad he had protected her from such a fate.  Â


“Who is it?” She asked.


“Your Father.”


Suggestions and comments welcome


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A Week and my Aunt and Uncle's Part II

xrigorxmortisx702 on Incest Stories



Recovering form the most intense orgasmic experience of my life I slipped my head back up to look through the railing and sucked my breath in at the sight. My uncle’s bare buttocks moved as he held himself over my aunt her legs spread out and when he moved into her she sighed as if it was the exquisite joy to be so taken and used by a man. It frightened me and yet I nearly quiver

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ed with excitement at the thought of it being my opening and not hers so penetrated by that hard organ.


They changed positions because, he being taller than she, couldn’t thrust into her without his head hitting the headboard so he almost tossed her sideways on the bed and re-entered her, his legs apart and I could clearly see his hard manhood working in and out of her female opening, a thick and creamy wetness clung to the base of his hardness while the shaft glistened with her wetness.  Her legs wrapped around him and in the light I could see his testicles hanging down and the small opening of her anus also becoming covered in her female juices –the same juices I realized with awe that were pouring out of my body right now.


It was amazing and my body I realized had began responding once more my already soaked sex becoming even wetter, filling the loft with the hot scent of my aroused femaleness. My still developing breasts felt swollen and the nipples ached to be touched and although in their growing state they were always tender so I gently cupped the sensitive nipples in my palms felling them harden even harder as my uncle began playing with my aunts lovely tits. There was nothing gentle in his treatment of her massive breasts. His hands grabbed and roughly kneaded the twin masses before pulling her nipples so hard I could hear her squeal. Then he lowered his mouth to them, all the while, still working his hard organ in and out of her wet opening her breath coming and pants as he suckled her nipples.Â


After another ten minutes or so her withdrew his soaked member the head had gone from a deep pink to a dark purple and looked huge. He positioned Aunt Sally at the edge of the bed on her hands and knees and re-entered her womanhood accompanied by his deep sigh and her cry of pleasure as he ravaged her depths. Grabbing her hips he picked up his pace taking her very hard and fast her cries growing into screams of delight forced from her without thought as the sensations possessed her being. He let go of her hips to slap her hanging breasts in his passion making her cry out even more and filling me with renewed desires and fears about sex. I’d just never dreamed that sex could be so rough, so passionate and still under my fears I wished it my virginal opening and my large breasts being so used. The very thought may me quake with desire.Â


He was grunting now with his desire and he surprised me by pulling out and Aunt Sally shocked me by dropping her head to the bed and reaching her hands back to her buttock she spread them open and inviting her anus clearly exposed just as his organ began huge squirts of a white creaming liquid that I assumed must be sperm all over her buttocks, her anus and her hands holding her buttocks open and still he kept making more white streams of liquid that issued with less force from his organ’s opening. Then carefully positioning the still leaking head at her anus, having to work through the massive puddle of male juices he used it as lubricant and did something I’d never considered. He pushed inside her anal passage as she cried out, clearly enjoying this completely taboo act.


I couldn’t imagine it could do anything but hurt, but her was my dear Aunt who I idolized letting her husbands do the post perverted sex act I’d seen or even thought of and her hands were now buried between her legs and her cries and screams of pleasure anything, but the agony I would have expected. His thrusts were becoming faster and faster and she suddenly screamed out her climax practically howling while he continued to use her anal passage then stiffened and must have been having his own climax because he gasped and moaned over and over then seemingly spent withdrew leaving her opening gapping.


I crept back to bed, but couldn’t sleep for the longest time that night, my naked body sexually on fire as I masturbated to relief, but repeatedly I climax but as soon as I relaxed I’d began thinking about what I’d seen, get aroused once more and begin all over until after several orgasms complete exhaustion overruled my sex drive and I slept restlessly until near dawn when I heard Uncle Norman leaving once more and knowing that the sex was definitely over somehow helped me relax and I slept solidly until mid-morning.


The loft was already hot and I’d thrown off my covers in the morning heat of a day that promised real summer warmth after the last evening’s cold rain. I pulled on a long cotton nightshirt and headed down the loft’s ladder wondering what today would bring and hoping no one knew of my spying last night. The very thought of their activity brought a renewed wetness in my sex  still wet from last night and I was un-naturally aware of my own sexuality that morning as I headed downstairs.


To be continued

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the demonstration part III

xrigorxmortisx702 on Incest Stories

School ended at 3:30 and Sarah rushed out to bring flowers to Mabel Hutton knowing that they would not think it strange that she didn’t stay long knowing that she worked in her father’s store every afternoon. Mabel’s mother answered her knock and when Sarah learned that Mabel was sleeping she insisted that the sick girl not be disturbed. So she left the flowers and after bidding Mrs. Hutton good by, Sarah made her way to the Doctor’s train arrived shortly before her appointment. The doctor’s examination room was similar to the one she’d been pleasured in at noon by his assistant and she couldn’t explain or even understand the massive wave of arousal that now possessed her whole being, but Doctor Jacobs understood. He greeted her warmly and
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with her arm about her waist had shown, practically drawn her into the room. There he had kissed her full on the lips, her mouth opening, seemingly of it own accord, to accept the penetration of his tongue, the stimulation already building the strange, hot wetness between her legs that she craved. Finally breaking their embrace He urged her to prepare for the treatment expecting her to shyly head for the dressing cubical, but she boldly removed her clothes while holding his gaze, her pink nipples reaching proudly outward as if offering themselves as a sacrifice. She was lovely, he thought and just the age a girl blossomed sexually. He decided to act on her boldness, kissing her once more as his hands roamed her back creeping toward her exposed buttocks. When his finger probed to rub over her anal opening he was surprised and pleased to find her wetness already overspreading her ass and using her wetness he ran his finger repeatedly over and then just into her tight anal opening as she moaned in his kiss, her body literally shaking with arousal. In minutes his hands left the moist cleft of her buttocks and slid smoothly around her now sweaty body until they reached the underside of her soft, sensitive breasts. His fingers traced the upward curve of her perfectly formed, yet still growing breasts, circling her nipples coming agonizingly close to her responsive tips, but never doing more than brushing by the edges leaving her panting with desire and crying out in frustration as her arousal moved to a new and higher level. Desperate she dropped to her knees in front of him and ran her hands over the clear outline of his stiff and engorged manhood. Jacobs quickly lowered his pants and for the first time she beheld an erect penis and his was impressive, the large purple head atop a long slightly curving shaft and his hairy sack containing the male organs. A thrill ran through her as she ran her fingers over the sack felling the hard, ball-like structures within and making his whole cock bob and move from her stimulus. Then his hands guided the tip of his organ to her mouth and she eagerly opened for it. His hands gently found her head and guided her actions. Part of her was shocked at her own actions, but his moans of pleasure thrilled her. After about ten minutes she heard his voice say softly, “Sarah?” She looked up at him while his cock slid in and out of her warm, wet mouth while her tongue flickered over his more sensitive parts. “Sarah, I am getting ready to reach my own climax. When I do, my sperm, like nay other man’s will squirt into your mouth and you will have to drink it down. If you don’t want to do this you need to stop right now. She just looked at him and quickened her pace until at last he could hold out no longer and exploded in her mouth. Sarah was thrilled at the idea of his organ’s emission in her mouth, however, she hadn’t expected so much or for it to come with such force. The first sprays few so strong no thought was required to swallow. There was no choice as it literally blasted down her throat, but the rest of his seed filled her mouth as she gulped the first part and though she tried globs escaped her lips ran down her chin and dripped unto her breasts He stood her up and his hands were instantly on her breasts rubbing his own seed into them pulling and tugging on her nipples covered in his think white love juices. She moaned in pleasure, in fear, and in pain as he used her boobs freely for his pleasure as much as hers. Several minutes passed with no noise except her sighs and moans. She didn’t notice her sex noises getting louder and quicker, but he worked her nipples like the master lover he was until suddenly her climax rippled through her body without his ever making contact with the boiling volcano brewing between her legs. She collapsed against him and slid down to the floor. Gradually she came to her senses and looked up at his semi-soft cock hanging inches in front of her face. She kissed, licked the head his sperm still leaking from the small opening, then she sucked it gently until he pulled it away and helped her up to her feet once more. She became aware of other moans from someplace close by and looked questioningly at Doctor Jacobs. He put a finger to his lips requesting silence and then motioned her over to the far wall and showed her the tiny peephole into the next treatment room. There on the bed was none other than Henry Wittcomb stark nude and the doctor’s female assistant was holding in her hand Henry’s engorged and oiled penis stroking him up and down, his face contorted is the those of pleasure. She leaned against the wall fascinated as Doctor Jacob’s hands reached between her legs, pressed her thighs apart to gain access to her vulva So she stood, watching the woman who had so pleasured her that afternoon, stimulate Henry while this skilled Doctor had his hands in her own sex, beginning to be masturbate her as well. She responded at once aroused beyond belief at the idea of secretly sharing sex with Henry. Questions, comments, or suggestions please contact Thomascan06@yahoo.com Please tell me the article title you are commenting on.