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wetpants Member Since October 19, 2009

A Friend in Need.....

wetpants on Gay Stories

A Friend in Need…..

A friend of mine called round the other day. He was feeling a bit low and asked if he could come round. Of course I said yes. I’ve never known for sure if he was gay or not, but I’ve thought he probably is. Not that it bothers me. To each his own, live and let live, and all that. In fact, when I’ve felt like sex and had a good wank, I’ve imagined, a few times, what it might be like with him.

He duly arrived and seemed pleased to see me and have some company. He lives alone, as I do, and I’ve wondered from time

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to time what he did about sex. Did he have a girlfriend? A boy friend? Call girls? Rent boys? I really had no idea. We settled down with a drink and he was talking about the fact that he was alone and it was nice to enjoy some company now and then. He gave an embarrassed chuckle and added that being alone meant that he couldn’t get any sex except by wanking himself, and did I know what he meant?  I noticed that there was a bulge in his trousers as his cock was getting hard as he was thinking and talking about sex.


“Yes,” I agreed. “That is one of the disadvantages of being alone. It’s either a hand job, or a blowup dolly, or something similar.” I didn’t want to mention rent boys or hookers in case I picked the wrong gender.

He nodded agreeably and sipped his drink.  “The trouble with wanking is, it gets boring after a while. And I do like a bit of excitement when I have sex.”

“Excitement?” I queried. He looked away and went a bit red.

“Oh, well, just something to add a little spice,” he said vaguely. By now, the bulge in his jeans was extremely large. I nodded in that direction.

“Looks as if you’re spiced up already,” I suggested with a smile.

He glanced down and chuckled again. “It’s been a long time,” he explained, “so it doesn’t take a lot to get me hard.” He chuckled once more as he looked at me embarrassedly and, without realising it, rubbed himself once or twice. The bulge was now big enough to show the outline of his cock inside his jeans.

“It looks to me as if you’ll have to do something about that,” I said. “It’s going to burst out in a minute.”

He laughed. “Not a lot I can do now!” he muttered.

“Oh, feel free,” I said. “You know where the bathroom is if you want to go and sort yourself out.”

He looked surprised. “You wouldn’t mind?” he asked. “I mean….if I went and…. sorted myself out, as you put it.”

“Not in the least,” I assured him. “Go right ahead if you want and I’ll refresh our drinks.”

He was now rubbing the front of his jeans as he stared at me.

“Well….if you’re sure?” he said doubtfully. I gestured to the stairs.

“Go and enjoy yourself,” I said with a grin.

“A different house, different place,‑ it might make all the difference,” he said and stood up. He was now quite blatantly grasping his cock from outside his jeans and gently rubbing himself through the material. “You’re very understanding,” he said sheepishly.

“It’s not a problem,” I assured him again.


He went upstairs and I heard him go into the bathroom.  I busied myself making fresh drinks and after a while I called up and asked him if he was okay. No reply. I went up to the bathroom and called again to ask if he was okay.  Again no reply. I knocked on the bathroom door and it opened against my knock.  (I think he had left the door ajar deliberately).  He was sitting on the toilet seat, his trousers down to his ankles, and holding his  cock in his hand and rubbing himself  fast. I couldn’t help looking and what I saw I couldn't believe at first! He was wearing soft silky white ladies’ pants and sheer black holdup stockings. His cock was huge as it projected from inside his pants.  I could see his huge balls:- and they were shaved completely smooth. There was not a hair to be seen anywhere. His cock and his skin gleamed softly in the light.  He went very red as he tried to cover himself and pull up his pants and his cock wilted just a little.

“Oh God! I am sorry,” he said. “I didn't hear you and I thought I locked the door.”  (I wasn't at all sure about that!). “Oh, well, now you know my secret! I’m really embarrassed! I’m so sorry!” he blurted out, still holding his erect cock.

“No, it’s I that am sorry!” I said.  “I had no idea you were still ‘busy’.  As for your secret, well, it’s safe with me, I can promise you. Now I know what you mean about a little spice!”

He looked down at his clothing. “Oh, yes. Well, that and other things,” he admitted, going red again. “I like to wear stockings and suspenders, and ladies’ panties. I find it very erotic and exciting. But I’m sorry you had to find out that way.”

I told him it didn’t matter and not to be embarrassed.

“Actually,” I whispered with a smile, “so do I!” 

His eyes lit up. “You’re joking!  Really?” Then he looked away, embarrassed again. “You’re just trying to make me feel better,” he admonished me.

“No I’m not,” I said. “I often wear the same sort of things.” He was still holding his cock and it had got  harder again.

“I don’t believe you!” he said, shaking his head. “You’re just trying to save my embarrassment!”

I reached for my zip and pulled it down, opened the fly and showed him what I was wearing. Then throwing caution to the winds I pulled down my jeans far enough for him to be certain I was wearing soft see‑through pink ladies’ pants, and for him to see the tops of my stockings and the suspenders.

His jaw dropped as he gazed at my crotch. But I noticed that his cock had suddenly got ramrod hard and he began to stroke himself again, heedless of me.

“I’m speechless!” he murmured. “All this time we’ve known each other and we share the same likes and enjoy the same hidden pleasures and we never knew it!”

Watching him wanking gently was making me hard and I couldn’t resist a gentle rub myself. That only served to make me harder still, and he noticed.

“It’s a turn‑on, isn’t it?” he said, wanking himself harder and looking straight at my own erection.

By now I was sure that he was gay, or at the very least bi, and seeing me in front of him with my jeans half down, wearing ladies’ pants and stockings and with an erection was obviously having its effect on him.

“What is?” I enquired. “The ladies’ clothes or seeing me with a hard on?”

He was becoming a bit breathless. “Both!” he gasped. I rubbed myself again and my cock became harder still inside my pants. I could see he was enjoying the sight of it. He was now wanking himself furiously in front of me.

“Wanking my cock in front of you is a turn‑on as well!” he gasped. “Sorry! I really am! But it is!”

“Stop!” I suggested gently, pulling up my jeans and reluctantly letting my cock go. “This is a waste.”

His strokes slowed as he looked at me in puzzlement. “What do you mean?” he asked.

“Now we know each other’s little secrets,” I explained, “why are we in the bathroom when there’s a perfectly good bedroom next door?”

“Oh!” he exclaimed. “You mean……you and I….really? You’re happy to….I mean, if we both….”

He trailed off, but the thought was evidently too much for his frustration to cope with because he suddenly let out a groan and muttered, “Oh! I’m sorry but I have to cum! I can’t stop it now!”

And giving his huge cock one or two last strokes he quickly pulled up the front of his pants and jerked several times as he shot his cum into them. I could see the wet stain appearing as the cum oozed through the soft material. There was a lot of it.

“Oh, I’m sorry!” he gasped yet again. “It was too late! The thought of you…and seeing your cock hard inside those lovely soft pants…it was too much!”

“Stop apologising!” I said. “That was obviously a good wank and I’m pleased for you. But now there’s something I’d like to do!”

He looked at me enquiringly but I said nothing, just reached forward and rubbed my hand over his pants, feeling the warm cum beneath my fingers. I rubbed gently, wiping his cum over the front of his pants, and then quickly reached inside the waistband and took his cock in my hand, wiping the remains of the cum over it.

“Oh! That’s nice!” he murmured breathlessly. “That’s very nice! I like the feel of your hand on me!”

I withdrew my hand and straightened up. “Come on,” I suggested. “Now we have nothing to hide from each other, so let’s go and enjoy our drinks. We’ll let you recover a bit, and if you’re still up for it we’ll enjoy ourselves again a bit later.”

“Oh, I’m up for it, alright!” he agreed. He stood up and pulled up his jeans over his damp pants. I led the way downstairs and gave him his drink. We sipped and I said, “I see what you mean about adding a little spice. Nice that we don’t have any secrets now.”

He looked away. “You don’t know all my secrets,” he murmured.

“Well,” I offered, “if you want to share them with me, I’ll be pleased to know about them.”

“Not sure about that!” he muttered.

I raised an eyebrow. “Surely you can’t be shy or embarrassed now?” I said.

He didn’t answer but glanced from me to the floor and back again.

“Well, I like other things as well,” he said, “but I’m not sure you’d be interested.”

“Not if it involves pain,” I agreed. “I’m not into handcuffs, whips, latex masks or domination. Other than that, if it adds zest to sex, I’m all for it.”

“Hmmph!” was his rejoinder, and he sat down and nursed his drink. We sat in companionable silence for a while.

“Can I ask a question?” he ventured.

“Go ahead. If I don’t want to answer, I won’t.”

He nodded. “I’m bi,” he admitted. “What about you?”

“The same,” I answered him. “Women were okay, but I enjoy sex with a man just as much, possibly even more.”

He nodded again. “I understand,” he said. He shook his head thoughtfully and swallowed some of his drink. “I can’t get over the sight of you dropping your jeans and showing me your lovely pants and stockings,” he mused. “And the sight of your cock, hard inside your pants was just……” he shook his head again.

“And I have to say that the sight of your cock was a turn‑on, too,” I said. “It was huge. I had no idea you had such a big cock. And you’re smooth! You shave!  Just as I do. I admit it turned me on to see you wanking that lovely smooth cock, wearing those pants and holdups. It made me hard.  And all that lovely hot cum. Yes, I admit it. It turned me on.”

He smiled at me. “Good. Let’s hope I can turn you on again, in a bit,” he said.

I felt a stirring deep inside my balls. “Oh, I’m sure you will,” I agreed. “And look.” I hesitated, trying to find the right words. “Your other, er‑ pleasures, secrets, call them what you like. If you want to try them out on me, go ahead. If I don’t like anything, be sure I’ll let you know!”

He looked at me for a while. “Maybe,” he answered. “I don’t want to spoil what promises to be a terrific evening by –“

“Night,” I interrupted him. “Why don’t you stay the night? That way there’s no rush and we can take as much time as we like over our pleasures.”

He stared at me, surprised. “Okay!” he agreed. “I’d love to! But……I’m still doubtful about…..”

I let him stop and ponder. Finally he made up his mind. “ I like dirty sex,” he said in a rush. He held up a hand. “Now if you don’t like that, okay, it’s fine. We don’t have to mention it again. Forget I said anything. But I love to be dirty when I have sex. Sometimes,” he added.

“By dirty, you mean…..” I prompted him.

Once more he looked embarrassed. “I like to wet myself,” he admitted. “And more.”

 I thought about it. “You mean you like to pee yourself?”

“In my pants,” he agreed.

“And the more?”

He looked away from me and swallowed the last of his drink,  for some Dutch courage, I suspected.

I decided not to help him out. “You don’t want to tell me?” I suggested.

He didn’t look at me. “I’ll tell you if you’re sure we can still…. um. Enjoy each other. As long as you don’t change your mind, because I really want to hold your cock and wank you, at the very least. If you don’t like what I like, that’s fine, but don’t let it stop us having sex, please?”

I nodded. “That’s fair enough. I promise I won’t change my mind. But if I don’t like the thought of whatever it is you do, then we won’t do that. Okay?”

He looked relieved and glanced at his empty glass. I poured some more Dutch courage into it for him and he took a big swallow.

“I like to fill my pants too,” he blurted. “I like to do a shit in them and feel it all over my ass and my balls and my cock.” He watched me for a moment. “Now you know,” he added defiantly.  “Dirty, very dirty and not ‘normal’.” He made a sign of apostrophe marks in the air with his fingers.


I thought about it. It wasn’t something I’d tried before. I tried to imagine the feel of a warm brown packet oozing into my own pants. The thought wasn’t unpleasant. I thought about that warm brown stuff sinking down to cover my balls and nestling in the crotch of my pants. The idea was rather appealing and my cock twitched.

“But harmless,” I pointed out. “Maybe not normal for most people, but there are thousands, if not millions, of people all around the world who enjoy it.”

Now he looked at me and was obviously waiting for me to complete the punch line. I finished my own drink.

“I don’t think it would bother me,” I finished for him. “I find the idea rather erotic.”

He looked very relieved. “Yes,” he said. “I find it erotic too. But if you don’t want –“

It was my turn to hold up a hand. “Let’s see what happens,” I suggested. “If we find we want to, we will, if not, we won’t.”

He looked pleased, then crestfallen at the thought that it might not happen.

“Okay,” he agreed. “Plenty of other things we can enjoy, anyway.”

But I knew from his expression that he was hoping we would do these things together, and to be honest, I rather liked the idea myself. All in good time.

We spent an enjoyable evening, talking, drinking and reminiscing about various escapades in our lives, complimenting or denouncing mutual acquaintances.

At one point he stood up and said, “Must go to the bathroom.”

“I’ll come with you,” I said.

In front of the bowl he unzipped and produced his cock. I gently curled my fingers round it, feeling the warmth and the smoothness of it. He started to grow hard as his pee flowed out. I unzipped my jeans with the other hand.

“I didn’t want you to wet your pants now,” I said to him.

“I wasn’t going to,” he said, surprised, “but why not?”

“Because there is all that lovely cum on them,” I explained, “ and I didn’t want it washed away. I want to taste that, later.”

I suddenly turned to him and pushed his cock inside my jeans. I could feel the warmth through my own pants as it nestled against my own cock.

“But you can wet me,” I told him.

His eyes lit up and I felt the hot gush as he let the last of his piss go, soaking my pants and the front of my jeans. It flowed over my cock and down my thighs.

“Nice!” I said as the flow stopped. “Yes, I like that!” I stroked him gently and he began to get hard again. He thrust against me, his cock buried inside my jeans.

“Do you want me to cum on you?” he whispered.

“Not now,” I said and pulled away from him. “Later, yes, lots of it! As much as you can!”

I felt my own erection starting, and he must have seen it in my eyes because his hand slid into my jeans and through the softness of my pants I felt his fingers curl round my semi‑hard cock and begin to rub.

“I want that!” he whispered. “I want to hold that and feel its heat, its hardness. I want to take it inside my mouth and suck it! I want to feel your cum gush over me!”

Now I was really hard and I wanted him to continue wanking me.

“Do you know what I want?” I asked quietly.

“Tell me!” he urged, still holding me tightly and wanking me through the material of my pants.

“I want to cum inside your pants!” I told him. “I want you to wank me till I cum, and I want to shoot it all inside your lovely soft pants so that it mixes with your own cum!”

He reached down inside the elastic waistband of my pants and gently pulled my cock outside them.

“Nice!” he breathed. “Oh, nice and smooth! And hard! Yes! Do it! I’m going to stroke you and hold you and wank you till you cum and I want to feel all that hot sticky cream inside my pants!”

He moved his hand faster, wanking me hard and my cock was rigid in his grasp. He pulled down the waist of his own pants and aimed my cock at them.

“Whenever you want!” he said. “Your cock is lovely! I love holding it and wanking you! Shoot your hot cum into my pants!”

And the words, and the thought, were enough and I couldn’t hold back, great gouts of hot white cum shooting from my cock as he continued to stroke me, hitting his smooth, soft, shaven skin and running down inside his pants to nestle there with his own half dry cum.

“Aaaahh! Nice! Hot and creamy!” he murmured.

As the last drops oozed from the tip of my cock he suddenly squatted down and rubbed it over his face, licking the tip and collecting the last few drops of my cum.

“Beautiful!” he murmured. He stood up, took my hand and rubbed it over his pants so that the palm of my hand was wet with cum. Then he licked my palm, savouring the taste of my cum again.

“That was nice!” I told him breathlessly. “Now I need to pee myself.”

I let the flow run, and he held my cock as I pissed.

“Oh, I do hope I’m going to get some of that later!” he murmured.

“You will,” I promised.


I made us something to eat, a big helping for each to get our strength up, and afterwards we sat and made further inroads into the bottle.

“I’m so pleased we’ve ended up like this,” he said eventually, “you know, knowing about each other and enjoying each other’s bodies. I have to tell you it’s a great relief for me to know we can share and enjoy sex together.”

“Yes,” I agreed. “I was surprised when I saw you in the bathroom, especially wearing those pants and holdups, but of course, I didn’t know you liked that, and you didn’t know I did, either. Yes, I agree. It’s nice to be able to share such pleasures.”

He smiled and rubbed the front of his jeans. “I’m so looking forward to enjoying you,” he admitted. “It will be nice if I can fuck you too.”

I must have looked doubtful. His cock really is huge when it’s hard.

“I won’t hurt, if that’s what you’re thinking, I promise,” he continued earnestly. “If I can fuck you I’ll be very gentle.”

“Your cock is huge,” I said. “Bigger than mine. I don’t know if I can take it.”

He smiled at me. “But I know I want you in me!” he said. “I really want you to fuck me, hard! But I want to wank you too. And suck you. It could be a long night!”

We laughed. I thought about his big, hard cock probing at my ass and the thought began to make me hard. Then I thought about him holding me and wanking me again, and I got harder still. He was watching me.

“You’re getting hard,” he pointed out. “What are you thinking about?”

“You,” I admitted. “You wanking me, even fucking me. And me wanking you and fucking you. Yes, it’s making me hard.”

He came over to me then, and knelt on the floor in front of me.

“Relax and enjoy,” he whispered, and gently unzipped my jeans. He caressed the outside of my cock through the soft pants, and at each gentle stroke of his fingers I grew harder until I was totally erect and my cock was straining inside my pants. Gently his fingers curled round me and began to wank me again. I couldn’t believe how hard it was making me and I knew I was going to cum quickly.

“Where do you want me to cum?” I murmured.

“In my mouth,” he answered, and pulled my cock free of the top of my pants. He licked around it, the tip, the back, caressing it with his tongue and making it wet and slippery.

“Cum in my mouth,” he repeated and so saying, opened his lips and slid my cock inside his mouth, holding the base gently with his fingers and thumb as he continued to wank me and suck me at the same time.

I was holding back as much as I could but the feeling was so pleasurable I knew I was only moments away.

“Don’t swallow!” I gasped.

He looked at me with a raised eyebrow without stopping his movements.

“I want it back!” I gasped again. “Give it all back to me in my pants!”

His eyes signalled he understood and he took me even deeper into his mouth as I pushed my hips forward to meet him.

And then I felt it, that movement deep within my balls which meant that my cum had started its journey to the open air and suddenly I gushed a huge amount of hot cum into his mouth.

It leaked from around his lips as he sucked and sucked and wanked me with his fingers even harder and faster and I came again, and again, filling his mouth with my hot cream. I groaned in sheer pleasure as I shot my spunk into his mouth, and then sank back, completely sated.

His eyes smiled as he released my cock from his lips. Keeping them tightly closed he nuzzled my pants and pulled down the waistband. Gently he released the cum into them and I enjoyed the warm stickiness as my own cum soaked into them, running over my cock and down to my balls.

“Oh, that was nice!” I gasped. “That was NICE!”

He gently nuzzled his face from side to side on my pants, wiping the last few drops of cum onto them.

“Glad you enjoyed it,” he said with a grin.

“I do love you wanking me!” I had to admit to him. “I’ll return the favour later!”

He nodded. “I’m looking forward to it!” he agreed.


We finished the bottle as we watched a movie on TV.  I suggested we take another one upstairs with us. I had recovered from the huge climax which had emptied my balls, and the thought of going to bed with him, wearing those erotic ladies’ pants and being able to freely touch, lick, suck and feel his body was already turning me on again. Switching off the TV and the lights, we went up to the bedroom.  Setting the bottle and glasses down on the bedside table I looked at him. I stripped off my tee-shirt and he did the same.

“Lie down,” I suggested.

He grinned and obligingly lay full length on the bed.

I lay beside him and gently stroked his thigh. It was warm beneath his jeans. I rubbed and stroked gently, moving my hand higher and higher, nearer his crotch. I could see his cock getting hard inside his jeans. My hand passed gently over it, feeling the heat of it and it twitched beneath my fingers.

“Yes!” he murmured. “Nice!”

I grasped as much of his erect cock as I could through his jeans and began to rub him. His breath became faster and his eyes closed in pleasure.

I undid the top of his jeans and slowly unzipped them. His cock burst out from them, still inside his soft, silky pants, but so big that the top two inches were already protruding from the waistband. I moved on the bed and bent to nuzzle my face against his pants, feeling his hot, hard cock against my cheek and then my lips. I sucked at the material of his pants, tasting the mixture of his cum and my own. It was delicious, slightly salty, creamy and sticky. I felt his cock straining inside his pants as my mouth traced the outline of it.

Pausing for a few moments I pulled his jeans down and off him. He arched his back to help me and then lay back with the holdups and the thin, soft material of his pants and his cock strained inside them. I pulled my own jeans off too, and lay beside him again. His hands roved over the tops of my stockings and his fingers traced the line of the suspenders up to my own pants.

“So sexy!” he gasped. “So nice!”

 I bent to kiss his thigh and felt the warmth of his hot, smooth skin.  I grasped his cock again and rubbed him gently.  I licked the tip of it and my tongue continued to caress his helmet, the back of it and probe gently at the tiny hole. He pushed upwards against my hand.

“Oh! I’m going to cum!” he gasped. “Do something, please!  Take my cock outside my pants!”

I pulled the top of the silky material down and his cock sprung out, ramrod straight and hard as a rock. I marvelled at the size of it.  My lips closed over it and I took as much as I could in my mouth. It tasted divine, of pee and cum, and his own hot flavour.  He pushed upwards, trying to get all of his cock in my mouth but there was no way I could take it all. I felt him quiver and knew he was about to erupt.

Quickly I released his cock from my lips and it pointed straight up in the air, quivering, with a tiny drop of precum oozing from the tip. I quickly licked that up and savoured the taste of it.  He groaned and thrust his hips upwards. I rolled over to him, kneeling above him with his huge cock pointing straight up at my balls. Pulling the leg of my pants aside I lowered myself onto it and felt that huge member slide inside my pants, up against my own semi-hard cock. I grasped it outside my pants and wanked him once, twice, and that was it.


He thrust up, hard and I felt his hot cum shoot out of his cock and onto mine, into my pants and against my skin. The hot stickiness ran down my cock and onto my balls. And still he kept shooting more and more. My pants were soaked and I felt the hotness run down my thigh as I continued to rub him, his cock twitching and quivering inside my pants as I wanked the last tiny drops of cum from him.

He sank back, gasping for breath and I gently eased upwards and off his cock, now a little softer but still enormous in its semi-hard state.

I rubbed my hand over my pants and felt his warm cum on my fingers. I licked them and tasted his cum, and then did it again, trying to collect as much as I could from the wet material of my pants and lick it from my fingers.

I lay back beside him as he recovered his breath.

“God! That was amazing!” he gasped.

I was now more than semi-hard  and I began to wank myself, holding my cock outside my wet pants. I suddenly realised that the fact that they were wet was turning me on. The thought of all his cum in them, the feel of the warm cum on my hands as I rubbed myself and the sensation of the stickiness on my own cock and skin suddenly made me completely erect.

He was watching me, still slightly short of breath.

“Your turn!” he grinned. “What do you want to do?”

And suddenly I knew what I wanted. I thought about it briefly and the very thought made me quiver in expectation.

“I want to fuck you,” I said.

He nodded. “Which way?” he asked me. Shall I kneel in front of you or shall I sit on you?”

“Sit on me,” I told him, and he rose up to kneel above me.

I was still wanking myself very gently through my pants. His cock was in front of me, softer now but still big, and I wished he was hard again already. I loved holding his big cock and making him cum but I knew he needed time to recover.

Reaching between his legs he pulled aside his own pants and began to lower himself towards me. I pulled down my own pants and my cock rose from inside them. He lowered himself some more and I guided the tip of my own hard cock inside his pants and against the cheeks of his ass. He moved a little and I felt the tip of my cock press against his rosebud.

I pushed upwards as he sank lower and I felt my cock enter him, a little resistance and then I was sliding into his ass. It was warm, and felt wet. He smiled with pleasure as he felt me inside him.

“Nice!” he murmured. “Fuck me!”

And he began to move up and down, sliding on my cock as I strained upwards, trying to push every inch of me into his ass. We looked at each other.

“You know,” he murmured softly, “that if you fill me with cum, it will have to come out afterwards?”

I nodded. “I know. Fine. Let it come out.”

And he gave a little nod and moved harder and stronger and I felt the warmth of his ass surrounding my cock and I pushed up hard, almost lifting myself off the bed as I shot my cum into him, again and again and again, filling his ass with my own hot stickiness. It lubricated his hole and my cock and the fact that it was surrounded by wetness made me stay hard for longer than I could have imagined and I jerked again as the last drops of cream shot from my cock into his ass.

Now it was I who was breathless and I sank back, and he lifted himself from my cock and rolled to lie beside me.

“Gorgeous!” I said. “A wonderful fuck!”

“Certainly was,” he agreed. “Love the feel of you in my ass. Love the feel of your hot cum squirting into me.”

I reached over and filled our glasses.

“A little rest,” I suggested, “ and then we’ll find something else to do.”

He nodded his agreement and we half lay, half sat against the pillows and relaxed with our drinks.

At one point he bent forward and his fingers eased my cock from my pants. He took me in his mouth and I felt him sucking me. But it was much too soon to get hard again. He resumed his position against the pillows and smiled at me.

“Just tasting the last drops of your cum,” he explained, “and anything else that I could.”

I guessed what he meant. There could only be one other thing he could taste on my cock.

“Nice?” I asked.

“Oh, yes!” he answered. “Just enough to taste but not too much.”

I opened the top of my pants and looked at my sleeping cock. Most of it was brown and there was brown on the front of my pants too, mixing with the cum.

“Well, you didn’t taste all of it,” I said.

“Oh no. Saving it for later,” he grinned.

We lay for a while and sipped our drinks.

“Do you wear those clothes outside?” he asked me.

“Usually,” I told him. “I try to wear them all the time. I have other things I like to wear, slips, bloomers,  holdups like yours.”

He nodded. “We’re so much the same,” he said. “I wear my stuff whenever I can. It’s rare that I don’t have any of it on.” He sighed. “It’s so nice to find a like-minded person.”

I nodded and we relaxed for a while.

Eventually I asked,” What do you want to do now?”

“I know exactly what I want to do,” he answered firmly. “I’ve been waiting for you.”

“Waiting for me?”

He looked at me seriously.

“It’s decision time, I’m afraid,” he said. “If you’re okay with my, er, desires. Or not. In which case I’ll go to the bathroom. I’m struggling to hold everything in here.”

“Aah. I see.” I paused. I thought about what he wanted to do. And the more I thought about it, the more I wanted him to do it.

“Do it,” I told him, equally firmly.

He cocked an eyebrow. “Sure? Once it’s done, it’ll be too late to change your mind.”

“Do it,” I said again.

He nodded and rolled over to squat on the bed, his legs astride me as I lay beneath him.

“Put your hand on my ass,” he said.

I reached between his legs, feeling that huge cock, soft now, rub against my arm as I curved my hand round under his pants to place my palm against his cheeks.

He closed his eyes and there was a pause. Then I felt something gently pushing against my palm and I realised with a thrill of erotic pleasure that he had let go and was emptying himself, filling his pants with my cum, and his own brown stuff. The pressure grew as he expelled everything he had. A warm bulge nestled in my hand, soft, squashy and unbelievable erotic.  He pushed himself against my hand and I felt it all move inside his pants, squashing against his skin. I felt him tense as he used his muscles to push the last remainder out of himself and my hand filled again as he finally opened his eyes and looked at me questioningly.

“Nice,” I admitted. “The feel of all your shit inside your pants is nice.” I massaged the bulge gently and he closed his eyes again, this time in pleasure.

“Use your fingers to pull it down inside my pants,” he instructed. “I want to feel it on my balls.”

I did so, gently easing and teasing the huge bulge down into the crotch of his pants, massaging it against his balls and teasing it further round to the front of his silky pants, not so white now, but soft and erotic against my fingers. His cock once again began to grow hard as I teased his warm brown stuff round onto his cock.

He lowered himself gently until his ass was resting against my own soft cock and I felt the shit against me through my pants, warm, soft, squashy and to my surprise I felt my own cock getting hard yet again. He rubbed himself back and forth a couple of times, spreading his packet over his own balls and cock, inside those soft pants.

“Yeeeeessss!” he breathed.  Rubbing against my cock, getting hard again itself, made him hard too and the tip of his cock, covered as it was with his own brown stuff, began to protrude outside the waistband of his pants.

The feel of his full pants and the feel of him rubbing against me had succeeded in bringing me to a full erection again. He reached down and grabbed my cock through my pants, wanking me gently.

Suddenly he moved, turning completely round and kneeling in front of me, facing the foot of the bed.

“Put your cock in my pants!” he urged me. “Fuck my pants! Push it in my full pants and cum!”


I knelt up behind him and pulled my cock out from the top of my own pants. It was hard, and still mostly brown from being inside his ass. The thought of pushing it deep into his pants and being surrounded by all that brown warmth was amazing and I lunged forward, pushing my cock feverishly into the leg of his pants and feeling my cock slide into that incredible bulge of warmth. It made me so hard it was almost painful and I wanted to cum immediately.

“Fuck my pants!” he said again urgently. “Yes! Yes! Fuck my shit and cum into it! Make it even softer and wetter! I want to feel your cock against mine, and my balls!”

And I pounded at him hard because it was better than I could ever have imagined and I wanted to stay there and feel all that warm brown shit around my cock for ever but I wanted to cum too because I was bursting, and I grabbed his hips and pulled him against me as I thrust into his pants and let my hot cream shoot into them. The warmth in his pants squashed against me as I thrust at him and I felt the heat of my own cum as it mixed with the shit and surrounded my cock.

I gasped and gasped as I fucked his pants and it was heavenly. Finally I finished and I sagged against him, completely spent.

He turned round to face me again, still kneeling over me and began to wank himself through his pants.

“Oh, it’s so nice!” he breathed, his eyes gleaming. “To have my pants full, to know your cum is in there too, to feel my own shit on my cock as I hold it, it’s just so nice!”

He wanked himself hard, and again I marvelled at the size of his huge cock, straining in his own hand, covered with his soft brown stuff which I could see was acting as a lubricant too. His hand was grasping his cock hard, but sliding easily up and down its length. He paused and massaged some more of his packet up from the crotch of his pants and onto his cock.

“Yes!” he breathed again. “Yes!”

And suddenly he turned round once more, facing my feet and pushing his body backwards. He lay forward and I felt him at the waist of my own pants. His cock thrust inside them, touching my own which was still sensitive and made me jerk. I felt his hand still wanking himself inside my pants as his hard cock rubbed against mine. I felt him fetch more of his brown load and push it into the front of my pants and then he withdrew his hand and jerked back and forth as he fucked my pants, his cock thrusting against mine and pushing out the crotch of  my pants as he slid back and forth in the soft brown shit that nestled against my cock.

He gave a huge jerk and stayed thrust forwards and I felt his hot cum gush from him into my pants, saturating them and covering my cock and his in white creamy stickiness which mixed with the soft brown stickiness that was already there. He let out a huge groan as he came, once, twice, three times and still more of his hot cum squirted into my pants. It ran down onto my balls and I felt it on my thighs as it leaked out from the elastic at the legs.

Finally he relaxed against me, his cock still buried inside my pants.

“Oh, God! God!” was all he could manage to gasp.

His ass was just in front of me as he lay gasping on me and I gently massaged his cheeks through the soft silk of his pants, persuading the last remaining brown stuff trapped inside them to slide down to his rosebud. I rubbed at his hole gently and he pushed backwards against my finger a little.

“Yes! That too, soon!” he murmured.

Finally he sat up, rolled off me and lay beside me.

“Where’s my drink?” he enquired. “I really need a rest after that!”

And so we lay, recovering after our sex and sipping at our drinks as our heart rates slowed and our breathing became normal again.

After a while he glanced at my pants, then at me. There was a hopeful look in his eyes.

“I suppose….is there a chance you might…..?” he trailed off and looked at my pants again.

I thought about it. I could feel a pressure inside me. I thought it very likely. Did I want to? Yes.

“I think it’s quite likely, quite soon,” I said.

His eyes glowed in expectation of pleasure to come.

“Let me know when it’s time,” he said. “I want to enjoy every second of it when you do it!”

“Right now,” I said, “I need to pee.”

“In my pants!” he said immediately. “On top of me and go inside the leg and let it all go on me!”

So now I rolled over to lie on him, holding my cock and pushing it inside his pants leg.

“Are you sure?” I asked him. “I think there might be quite a lot.”

“I’m sure,” he said positively. “Are you sure about your bed?”

“Sheets can be washed,” I answered, and without more ado I let myself go and felt my hot piss gush out into his pants. His eyes closed again and he just kept breathing ‘yes!’ quietly as he felt my flow soak into his pants and his shit and my cum. I was right. There was a lot of it. I felt it soaking into my own pants too, and the feeling was very erotic and sexy.

“Yes!” he repeated, again and again. “More! Beautiful! So hot! Wonderful!”

Eventually I finished and withdrew my cock and lay back beside him. His eyes remained closed but his hand went to his pants and he massaged his cock through them, squelching in the wetness and the brownness and rubbing it over his pants as much as he could. Then he did the same to me, rubbing my pants and holding my cock through the material, massaging his own cum and my piss into a glorious wet, sticky mixture that I could feel on my skin and on my cock.

We were silent for a while, enjoying the feelings.  Idly I reached over and rubbed his cock gently again.

“I love you doing that,” he said. “It’s so nice when someone else  holds your cock and wanks you.”

“What do you want to do now?” I asked.  I had a feeling I knew what he wanted. “Do you want me to wank you until you cum and shoot your cum on me, into your pants, or into my cock and balls, or do you want me to roll over  so that you can push your cock into me and fuck my ass?” 

“I want to fuck you!” he said with a guttural growl. “Very much! Wank my cock a bit!”

I reached for his cock and began to rub him slowly to make him erect yet again. It wasn’t instantaneous, but it didn’t take long. Gradually his huge cock, wet, glistening and quite brown from our previous exploits, began to show itself above the waist of his pants, equally wet and brown now.

“I’ll sit on you,” I told him. I wasn’t going to do this any other way at first. If his enormous length and girth was going to slide into my ass I wanted to control how it happened.

He nodded, and pulled his cock free of his pants. Again it stood, a ramrod hard pole and I moved to straddle him. He reached up, rubbed my cock and massaged my balls for a moment then pulled aside the leg of my wet, brown pants.  Gently I lowered myself until I felt the tip of his rod probing at my cheeks.  He guided it to my rosebud and I felt a twinge of worry. I really wanted to feel his cock fucking me but I was still dubious about being able to accept that huge gleaming rod in me. I lowered myself a little more and now the tip of his cock was pushing at my rosebud,  straining to enter. I’ve long since learnt that the best way to accept something in the ass is push out as if emptying yourself, not clench your buttocks, which is the natural reaction and tightens everything up. So I closed my eyes and pushed outwards, moving a little lower at the same time. I felt his hands moving and guessed that he was lubricating his length, either with the wet piss in our pants, or perhaps some of the brown packet that nestled within.  His hands reached up and gently grasped my hips easing me downwards and now I felt that huge rod pushing my muscle aside and sliding slowly into me.  It felt huge, enormous. It was huge. Gradually he slid further into me and I could feel every inch of him as his cock gradually probed further and further into my ass. 

“Oh, that’s nice!” he murmured. “I can feel heat, and wetness. I think you’re full!”

I thought I was too.  The feel of his member in me made me want to expel, and I knew that as soon as he withdrew I would have to.

By now I could feel the tip of him deep inside me and pushing at the top of my bowels. I was just about to say ‘enough, I can’t take any more’, when he breathed out a long sigh.

“I’m in you,” he said, almost wonderingly. “I’m right inside you and it’s gorgeous!”

Gently I moved up and down, and whatever it was that was lubricating us worked, because I could feel him sliding easily inside me as I moved. He pushed his hips upwards to meet my movements.  His hands were still grasping my hips, working me up and down on his length. His movements became more urgent, faster, his upward heaves more thrusting and each time I felt that magnificent cock slide deep within my asshole.

“God, that’s so good!” he breathed. “Fucking you is just so nice!”

Now he was really heaving at me and his hands were pulling me down onto his length more urgently.

 “I wish we could do this doggy style!” he gasped.

“If you come out, I shall have to let go,” I warned him.

“Roll over with me,” he pleaded, and stopped his movements, staying buried as deep as he could inside me.

Gently and carefully we both rolled to one side, making sure that he stayed inside me. He supported his weight on one hand as I drew my knees up and managed to get in a kneeling position.  He straightened himself behind me and again his hands grasped my hips, now pulling me backwards onto him.

“Oh, yes!” he gasped. “Now I want to fuck you and fuck you!” And he began to move again, thrusting at me and sliding almost his entire length in and out of me without ever actually allowing himself to withdraw.

“Oh, that is just heaven!” he gasped, quite loudly it seemed to me.  “I’m fucking you! I’m fucking your lovely, wet, tight, full ass!” And he thrust harder and deeper and I really wanted to expel him and everything I had, but there was no way I could do that while he was still thrusting his huge cock inside my man-cunt, filling me to the exclusion of all else.

“Let me rape you!” he gasped.

And without more ado he pounded at me so hard that each movement sent me forward onto the pillows. I could feel his huge balls banging against me as he thrust and pounded and pushed every inch of that huge, magnificent cock as hard and as deep as he possibly could into my ass hole. He started to talk, muttering to himself rather than me.

“I love being in your ass! My cock is filling your ass and I can feel all your shit surrounding it as I fuck you! And it’s nice to fuck you hard! I’m raping you! I’m fucking your tight ass and I’m going to fill you with my cum! I’m going to shoot all my hot cream into your ass, into your shit and I’m going to fill you so full when I cum---”

And I felt him jerk, and a hot gush inside me as the first jet of his cum shot out of his cock and into my ass. He pounded again, and again another jerk and a huge spasm as he shot more cum. And now he fucked me so hard and so fast I could hardly tell if he was fully in me or half out and with each forward thrust I felt more of his hot cum gush into me.  I couldn’t believe how much there was.  Surely he must soon be finished, but it seemed not, and although it was probably only several seconds it seemed ages as he continued to thrust his great cock into me and each time he did there was another hot gush of cum spurting into me. He was sliding in and out of me even easier and faster than before and I guessed that his spunk was acting as a further lubricant.

Finally his strokes slowed and he eventually stopped, his cock buried to the hilt in me. He was gasping so hard he sounded like he’d just run a mile or more.

We stayed like that for several minutes. His cock was gradually becoming softer within me, although it was still enormous.  I liked the feeling of him being deep in me, but I knew that soon he would withdraw, and I wanted him to be ready.

“Let me know when you’re going to leave me,” I said, “because as soon as you do, I’m going to let go.”

“Yes!” he gasped. “Yes! In a moment!  I want to put my hand against your ass as you do it! I want to feel you fill your pants!”

And then he gently and very slowly began to pull his cock from me. I felt it sliding back and it seemed there was no end to it, but suddenly it was gone. I felt him pull the leg of my pants back into place and his warm hand spread over my cheeks.

I couldn’t wait for a second longer, and with relief I allowed my muscles to relax and felt the contents of my ass moving towards freedom.

With a huge gush I emptied my ass, feeling all the brown stuff that his cum had softened shoot out of my ass and into my pants. It was hot against my cheeks and there was a tremendous amount of it.  I heard him murmuring excitedly as the bulge in my pants filled his hand and he pushed it back against me, spreading it over me as much as he could inside my pants.

Just when I thought I’d finished I realised there was more and I pushed outwards again, a second huge pile leaving my rosebud and swelling the bulge that was already stretching my pants as far as they could go. I was conscious of his exclaims of delight and rapture without actually hearing him.

He realised I’d finally finished and his hands rubbed against the huge bulge in my pants. I felt him manipulating it down. Still kneeling, as I was, I felt the heat of it as it reached my balls but he didn’t stop there. Gently and carefully he eased all the contents down and down, round under my balls until they were completely immersed in it, and then further, round and up the front of my pants. I felt it reach the base of my cock and even further still as he used his fingers and the palm of his hand to drag more of it up onto my cock until that too was completely buried in it.

The feel of it surrounding my cock and the touch of his fingers against my balls and cock was enough to start my erection again. He grasped my cock from outside my pants, and I felt the shit and cum squash warmly against it as he started to wank me. He stroked me for several minutes. I was now as hard as I was ever going to be.

“Let me fuck you!” I managed to gasp. “I want to stick my hot cock and all my shit into you!”

He immediately let me go and assumed his own kneeling position beside me. I moved over, getting between his legs and feverishly dragging down the waistband of his pants. I felt the heat of my brown packet as I reached into the waist of my pants and pulled my rampant cock out. Without a word I just lunged forward, wanting nothing more than to bury my cock in his ass and cum into him.

His cheeks were still wet and brown and as I guided my cock towards his rosebud I saw that amidst the brown which covered my cock there were streaks of white;- his cum. I probed at his ass and slid in him without any effort. His muscles were open to receive me and I looked down and saw that my shit and his own cum was going inside him too. The thought was the final straw. I had time for just two huge thrusts into him, feeling the heat and wetness of his ass hole before I shot my own cum into him:- once, twice, three times a huge gush of cum left me to splash inside his ass. Gradually the spasms eased and became less forceful, but I knew I’d just shot a lot of cum into him. I was exhausted, and allowed myself to fall back onto the bed, my cock dripping with the last drops of spunk and still outside my pants. He relaxed too, rolling to lie on his back.

He grabbed my hand and pushed it under him, just in time as he expelled his own bowels and again I felt a bulge as he filled his pants with his brown packet and my cum.

I squashed it against him, but I really wanted to rest a bit. The orgasm as I fucked him had been so intense I just couldn’t do anything more until I’d rested.

“I think,” I gasped, “a little rest would be a good idea.”

He nodded. “Yes! I think so! God I haven’t had so much sex so quickly for yonks! But oh so nice!”

We lay quietly and I felt my eyelids drooping. I was quite ready to nod off and have a snooze while my body recovered. I heard his deep breathing beside me and when I glanced at him he was already dozing himself.  Gratefully, I let my eyes close completely and I slept.


I awoke to the feel of a hand rubbing my pants and as I opened my eyes I realised he was again massaging my cock through the thin, dirty material of my pants.

“Hi!” he greeted me. “Nice snooze?”

“How long?” I muttered, still not fully awake.

“About half an hour,” he answered. “I thought a coffee would be nice. Any chance?”

I nodded and rubbed my eyes. I swung out of bed to sit on the edge of it and as I did I felt all the contents of my pants squash hard against my balls and the base of my cock. The feeling was wonderful and I knew this was going to become a regular thing for me now.

“Oh, that’s a nice feeling,” I murmured.

“When it squashes against you as you sit?” he asked. “I know. Wonderful.”

I stood up and my pants stuck to my ass and balls, held there by the delightful brown, and white, stickiness inside them.

“Yes, a coffee is definitely on the agenda, I think,” I agreed.

We went downstairs and as we reached the kitchen he grabbed my shoulders and swung me round to face him. He wrapped his arms round my back and gave me a big hug.

“Thanks,” he murmured. “Thanks for understanding, for being who you are, and for doing what we’ve just done together.” He released me and stood, watching me.

I wasn’t sure what to say to him at first, and then I answered, “And thank you for introducing me  to the delights of full and wet pants! I had no idea it was so erotic and so sexy and such a turn-on!”

He smiled an acknowledgement and I busied myself making coffee while he watched.

“I hope,” he said, “that you’re going to keep your pants on until tomorrow?  Or do you want to change into clean ones?”

“Whatever for?” I asked in surprise. “I like the feel of them being full so why should I want to change them? We still have lots of time and I think after the coffee we’ll have recuperated enough to start all over again. No, I’m happy to stay as I am, if you are.”

“Oh, yes,” he said with a grin. “I shall want to stay like this until I get home, and maybe not even change then for a while.”

He came close to me and stood just behind me as I prepared the coffees. Then his arm circled me and he placed his hand on my cock.

“Stand still,” he murmured. “I want to wank you again.”

And as I stood and did things with coffee and spoons and sugar and hot water, he rubbed me and stroked me, making me erect again very quickly. Staying outside my pants, he grasped my cock completely and wanked me faster. I felt my legs trembling as the exhilaration of his hand on my cock grew and suddenly I was cumming again, shooting hot white spunk into the front of my full, dirty pants.

“Aaah!” I gasped.  And I let out a groan as I reached the heights of ecstasy, spunking hotly into my own pants. Feverishly his hand rubbed all over the front of me as my cock twitched again and I felt the fresh hot cum and the brown stickiness in my pants spread over my stomach and cock.

“Ooooohhh! Nice!” I gasped again and sagged a bit, supporting myself on the kitchen counter. As I rested there, my body still trembling from my climax, I felt his cock pushing against my ass.

“Bend over!” he suddenly pleaded, an urgent note in his voice. “Bend over the chair! I want to fuck you again!”

And before I could say or do anything he had grasped me and manipulated me so that I was bending over a kitchen chair, my hands supporting me on it and my ass presenting itself to him in the air.

I felt him feverishly pulling down the waist of my pants even as the tip of his cock probed between my cheeks and then he was pushing his huge cock into my rosebud. It was all so quick I had no time to think about any pain but I needn’t have worried. The brown and white pile in my pants and around my ass acted as a superb lubricant and he shoved himself into me, then almost out again as he began to pound at my ass, fucking me as hard as he could.

“I love fucking your ass!” he gasped out loud. “I love almost raping you as I fuck you, fuck you, fuck you!”

My ass hole felt as if it was bursting with the huge, hot rod of flesh that was filling it. He continued to pound at me as I braced myself against the chair. I felt a tremble in his massive cock and he matched his words to his movements as he erupted and thrust his  cock even harder into me with each stroke, gushing his hot cum into me again.

“I – love – fucking – you – and – filling – your – ass -- with – my -- cum!”

And then he was spent and sagged against me so that I was almost supporting the weight of two of us for a few moments. I felt him sliding back out of me and I didn’t hesitate. I pushed hard and even as the tip of his cock left my rosebud I emptied myself over it. I felt him pause and stay still as the hot cum and a little more brown softness spurted out from me and covered his cock, running down inside my own pants and along the crease of my ass.

He breathed a long, drawn-out sigh of contentment as he felt the warmth envelope his cock, then finally pulled away from me and pulled up the back of my pants again. I felt the warmness from our exertions against my cheeks.

I straightened up.

“Fuck! That was good!” he exclaimed breathlessly. And I had to agree. It had been good and I’d loved the feel of him in me again, and the feeling as I emptied myself afterwards.

“Now I need the coffee!” he said, and I reboiled the kettle, finished the drinks and handed him a mug.

We stood, leaning and drinking, not saying a lot. There was no need to say much. We had enjoyed each other. We would enjoy each other again. And again. The night was yet young, and we had plenty of time.

(for now………)

Tanya 2

wetpants on Sex Stories

                               TANYA  2
Tanya and I were strolling, hand in hand, down the supermarket aisle. With my free hand I pushed the trolley and with hers she occasionally dumped things into it as we passed the shelves. It was a blazing hot summer’s day and we were dressed to suit it. I had on only a pair of shorts and a T-shirt. Short shorts, because Tanya hated those long things that come to your knees or lower that are all the fashion now. She wouldn’t let me wear them. That was fine because I didn’t like them either. A
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fter all, if you’re trying to catch the sun, or get a tan, what’s the point of covering up half of yourself ? So short shorts and nothing else under them. She liked it that way and so did I.
Tanya was wearing one of my shirts. You know the type -  short sleeves but with a tail at the back to tuck into your trousers. Except Tanya wasn’t wearing any trousers. She knew that I adored her dressing in one of my shirts. I found it immensely sexy and erotic to see her bare legs, beautiful legs at that, appearing from under the shirt. It hinted at what remained hidden, something I was intimately acquainted with, but nevertheless, the hint was always there. She wasn’t wearing a bra either, but that didn’t matter because Tanya has the most gorgeous, small, round, firm breasts that stand up on their own without the need for support. Her nipples are large and round and brown and pointed, and right now they were clearly visible beneath the shirt, straining against the confines of the material and offering themselves to whoever may wish to lick, suck, kiss or rub them.  Me.  Evidently they wanted to break free of the shirt and take a peek at the outside world.
The only concession that Tanya, reluctantly, made to society on this occasion was that she wore pants under the shirt. Not often, I hasten to add. Normally, when wearing one of my shirts for me, she wore nothing under it. If we were at home, out in a park, or someplace where there weren’t many people she wouldn’t wear any. This invariably led to us enjoying some sex somewhere, right up to orgasms for us both. We usually managed to find a place where we could pleasure each other and bring each other to climax, no matter where we were.
But even Tanya had to admit, it’s a bit difficult in a supermarket.
So, pants under the shirt, and if Tanya had to collect an item for our trolley from a low shelf, if there were other shoppers around she crouched daintily and demurely and retrieved it. If the aisle was empty she made a point of bending right over in front of me to show me her pants, the tops of her soft thighs, and the  thin line of material that, just, covered her cunt, which was a bit irrelevant as the pants were see-through. She wiggled her ass at me too, when she could. She knew that I enjoyed looking at her body, any part of it, at any time, and she enjoyed reminding me and offering me views at every opportunity.
So we proceeded down the aisle, hand in hand and loving every minute of each other’s company. We had known each other for six months, and our sex life was unbelievable **. She adored me and I adored her. She was quite small, beautiful with a gorgeous figure, long flowing dark tresses of hair, her body was soft and warm and there whenever I wanted it (as mine was for her) and when I was close to her or touching her luscious little body I always had difficulty tearing myself away from it.
She took our sex to levels and heights that most men could only ever dream of. She was clever, quick, intelligent and her eyes sparkled frequently. She was impish and devilish and made every day and every little mundane item in life seem interesting. I blessed the day I met her.
“Davey,” she said, chucking  something into the trolley, “how do you feel about a threesome?”
“Which way?” I asked immediately.
She looked at me. “Either way. A man or a girl.”
I remained quiet for several moments.
“You don’t like the idea, do you?” she observed. “It upsets you to think of another man fucking me.”
That’s another thing I adore about her. More often than not she has the uncanny knack of knowing exactly what I’m thinking or what I’m going to say.
“Yes,” I agreed. “It does upset me. But it worries me more. You have to be careful. What happens if we have a few drinks first and he gets a bit drunk or aggressive? What happens if he’s bigger or stronger than me, loses control and either injures me or incapacitates me in some way and then just attacks you?”
I said this because I knew Tanya’s body intimately and I knew that any red blooded man seeing her as I do, lying on a bed half clothed or naked would not want to just have a blowjob from her or be wanked by her. He would want to fuck her, again and again. No, I didn’t like that idea.
** See “Tanya”.
Tanya looked alarmed at my words.
“Oh. I hadn’t thought of that,” she said. “You’re right.”
“And anyway, “ I went on, “how do I know that you might not come to enjoy his er—ministrations better than mine?”
“No Davey!” she cried very fiercely, and dropped a packet into the trolley, ran to me and clasped her arms round me, burying her face and her long hair against my chest. She hugged me very tightly.
“No!” she said again, her voice partly muffled. “Don’t you ever, ever, think that or say that again, Davey! You’re mine! I love you! I love you like crazy and I don’t want another man in my mouth or my cunt or even my hand. I adore you and only you, you great stupid lump and don’t ever, ever think I want any other man and don’t ever, ever say that again!”
Her body shook against my chest and I realised that she was actually sobbing. I stroked her hair and her back.
“I won’t, I won’t,” I promised softly. “I adore you too, you know that and I didn’t mean to upset you. I love that you love me, and I love loving you. And that’s what I’m going to do when we get home.”
“What are you going to do?” she asked in her small, muffled voice. She had stopped her sobs but stayed tight against my chest, hugging me for all she was worth. I could feel those beautiful nipples, well, one of them, pressing into my T-shirt and just begging to have some attention.
“I’m going to throw you on the bed,” I began softly. “I’m going to lick and kiss your legs, starting at your feet and working my way up to your knees. I’m going to undo two buttons of that shirt and then I’m going to lick and suck and kiss your beautiful breasts and nipples until they are so hard they hurt.”
And they almost did hurt, because I could feel that luscious point growing harder and pressing even more against my chest.
“And then I shall go back to your lovely legs,” I went on, “and start where I left off, at your knees, licking and kissing your thighs, first one and then the other, getting higher and higher, going under the shirt so I can reach the very tops of your soft, warm, fragrant thighs, tasting your delicious skin and feeling the warmth---“
I broke off as I realised that Tanya’s knees were trembling against me.
“ – the warmth coming from between your legs as my tongue licks higher and higher, finding the edge of your pants and licking round them into your groin, and then across the material to the other side, just allowing my tongue to briefly brush across your cunt inside your pants –“
By now Tanya’s whole body was trembling but she still gripped me tightly and still kept her face buried against my chest.
“And then what?” whispered her muffled voice.
“Then I shall gently pull aside your pants and allow my tongue to brush against your cunt lips again. I shall taste your skin, your heat, your juice as you become wet and it runs out from you and onto my tongue. I shall just probe gently between your lips and find more heat and more juice. I shall drink deeply of it because it is my Tanya’s juice and I love to drink her nectar whenever I can.”
Tanya was now quivering in my arms and her legs were shaking. She squeezed me hard, which I took as a silent sign to continue.
“And then and only then, as I am tasting and drinking your warm heavenly nectar from deep inside your cunt, will my tongue find your button, that tiny place that is the root of all your ecstasy, that magical place that will start a feeling deep within you, and as I lick at your clit and flick my tongue over it, back and forth, your juice will flood out from you into my mouth, the feeling inside you will grow and grow and grow until it explodes out at the height of your ecstasy and you cum and cum and cum.”
As I spoke Tanya suddenly sagged against me, her knees and legs giving way so that I actually had to hold her up. She was breathing very fast and heavily, making a damp patch on my T-shirt and her body and legs quivered and shook against me for several moments.   Tanya had cum.
Maybe a supermarket isn’t so difficult after all.
“She orlright, mate?” came a voice.
I looked round and saw an old man watching us.
“Just a bit weak at the knees,” I said. “It happens sometimes. It’ll pass.”
The old man harrumphed and moved away.
Gradually Tanya quieted down and regained her own feet.
She broke away from me and used a hanky to wipe her eyes.
“You – you – you!” she stuttered. Words seemed to fail her, very unusual for her.
I reached for her and hugged her gently.
“You absolute fucking bastard!” she murmured. “I don’t believe it!  You – you – you actually made me cum by your words alone. In the middle of a shop! I just pictured it all as you spoke and you made me cum! You didn’t even fuck me! You just described how you licked my cunt and I came! You wonderful, gorgeous, sexy adorable bastard!”
(Couldn’t help a slight smirk at this. Well, wouldn’t you?)
Tanya looked round at the aisle.
“You’ve made me cum into my pants,” she said. “Oh, God, it’s running down my leg.” She gave a sort of wiggle as she rubbed her thighs together.
“Oh, good,” I said. “Then I can lick it off when we get home.”
“Don’t start again!” Tanya said. “Don’t!  But yes, I want you to lick it off  like you often do. Shut up Tanya!” she added to herself.  “Come on, my sweet Davey. We still have shopping to do.”
We moved on, filling the trolley slowly and leisurely.
“I do love the feel of my cum in my pants, “ she said at one point. “All that lovely warm juice. Wish it was yours though.”
“It will be,” I promised.
And after a while she said, without looking at me, “What about a girl, then?”
I stopped and stared at her.
“But then you’re going to have the same worries too. Aren’t you? And you’d be happy with another girl? I mean, you wouldn’t mind having sex with another girl? Or me having sex with another girl?”
Tanya slowly shook her head thoughtfully.
 “Actually, my lovely adorable Davey, I don’t think I would have those worries. Not if we planned it properly. I don’t think a girl could do anything to put me out of action like a man could to you. So, no, I don’t think I’m worried about that. And I have no problem about another girl. I’ve never done it before, but I don’t have a problem with it, and as I know you would love to have two girls in bed and it would give you great pleasure, then it would give me great pleasure too.”
She’s a girl in ten million, is my Tanya.
I pulled her to me and looked straight into her eyes.
“You’re wonderful,” I said, “and I adore you and love you, very, very much.”
She smiled and her eyes melted with the light of her own love in them as she looked at me.
“I know it,” she said, “And you know I do too.”
“And what,” I asked her with a twinkle in my eye, “about the possibility of me ending up preferring her cunt to yours?”
“It won’t happen,” she answered decisively. “And I’ll tell you why. You won’t put your cock anywhere near her cunt. She can wank you, suck you, give you a blowjob, you can even fuck her ass, but if I see your cock within an inch of her cunt, I’ll throw her out into the street just as she is, even if she’s bollock naked. And I’ll deal with you afterwards,” she added darkly.
“Yes sir!!” I grinned, and she grinned too because I knew she meant every word but she wanted to please me without any risks to either of us and that was fine by me and I adored her for it and loved her and I thought hell, she’d probably try to cut the bloody thing off if I didn’t keep my word.
“Agreed?” she asked.
“Yes, my sweet Tanya. If you’re sure you’re happy with the idea, then let’s do it. But I have to say I think you’ll find it very difficult to find someone who’ll agree to this plan. Most women want to be fucked and if I don’t ---aaaahhh! I see.”
Light had suddenly dawned.
“That’s right,” Tanya grinned again. “I will. With my strap-on while you fuck her ass. Or her mouth. Whichever you want.”
I nodded.
“And you really think you’re going to find a girl who’ll agree to all this?”  I wanted to ask about the other wet and dirty pleasures that Tanya and I so often enjoy together but I thought I’d wait a bit for that.
“And as for the other things we do together, Tanya went on,  (see what I mean? Wonderful girl!)  “I agree it won’t be easy but I’m going to try. Leave it to me.”
     *                *                *                *                *                *                *                *                *                *                *                *
The next few weeks passed enjoyably, with Tanya and I delighting in all the many and varied things that made up our sex together. In the hot weather we ended up sweaty, wet, and not only from the sweat, dirty, as we both enjoyed that too, and the bond and rapport between us grew and grew each passing day, as did our love  and respect for each other. Both of us knew that neither would ever do anything to hurt the other,  and that made our relationship something very, very special and very strong. It also made our sex incredibly passionate and our orgasms, whether together or separately, were always huge and often exhausting.
A girl in ten million.
Sometimes during those weeks Tanya would make or receive phone calls on her mobile,  and this often meant that she would disappear into the bedroom and shut the door. She always spoke very quietly so that I couldn’t hear a word of the conversation. Once or twice I opened the door to enter the room and she always yelled at me to go away. Another man might have suspected that Tanya had a bit on the side, but I trusted her implicitly and knew that no such thing was happening. She never spoke about the conversations and shook her head if I asked, so I gave that up. Occasionally the aftermath of these phone conversations meant that she looked very glum but even if she did, it never prevented her from doing what she knew I liked in bed, or enjoying my own ways of giving her as much pleasure as she could physically take.
And then, one day, she came out of the bedroom, snapped her phone shut and looked at me, her eyes gleaming and sparkling in that way that always made me want to take her in my arms, kiss her and then take her to bed and spend hours making her groan and cry with pleasure.
“It’s fixed!” she exclaimed.
Just for a brief moment I had to catch up with her, and then I said “Ah! It is?”
“It is!” she said. “I found a girl who agrees with everything we talked about before.”
“She does?”
“She does,” Tanya nodded. “Including the fact that your cock is not allowed near her cunt.”
“She does?”
“She does. And she is happy about our other pleasures. The wet and dirty ones.”
“She is?”
Tanya threw a cushion at me.
“Lump! Yes, everything.”
I wasn’t sure what to say, except for the obvious.
“A week next Friday. For the weekend.”
“Is that okay for you?” Tanya came to me looking concerned. “I can always make another day ---“
“No, no,” I hastened to reassure her. “I was just really surprised that you actually found someone. A week next Friday is absolutely fine.”
Tanya gazed up at me. “It’s fine by me, too,” she whispered.
That night as we were preparing for bed and I was in the bathroom brushing my teeth Tanya came out of the bedroom wearing a cotton top and long cotton pyjama trousers. I had never, ever seen her in such a get-up.
“What the hell is that?” I demanded. I looked her up and down. “Are you cold?”
As the temperature outside at night was still in the middle twenties, this was a ridiculous suggestion but it was the only thing I could think of.
Tanya came to me, cupped my face in between her hands and stared deep into my eyes.
“No, my sweet and lovely Davey. Of course not. I want to make a rule.”
Now Tanya and I have a complete understanding of each other. Neither of us ever dictates to the other. We might demand a special something jokingly, in fun, or during sex, that we want at that particular moment but in our everyday lives we always discussed things and agreed together, compromising if necessary. So Tanya’s request for a rule meant that this was a serious matter that needed my agreement or her compromise.
“Okay, my sweet. What is this rule you want?”
“No sex until she arrives,” said Tanya without hesitation.
“WHAT!” I cried and stepped back to look at her.
Never, never, has Tanya ever prevented me from having sex, at any time at home and often elsewhere. She has never had a headache or any other ailment that meant no sex and even that time each month which most people avoid wasn’t completely off-limits to us.
So this was a real shock and it showed on my face.
“I’m so sorry, Davey baby,” murmured Tanya miserably. “I really am sorry. I know it’s a shock but I really want this.”
“But why?” I protested. “Ten days or more without being able to give you pleasure, lick you, fuck you –“
“Stop it!” she cried, looking even more miserable. “Stop it please! You think I don’t want it? Want you? You think I don’t want to give you pleasure all the time like I do? Share pleasure with you like we always do?  You think I’ve gone off you or your sex?  No! It’s nothing like that.”
She cupped my face again and her eyes glistened with tears.
“Don’t be mad, my sweet Davey baby. Please?”
Of course my heart immediately melted. Yours would too.
“Okay, okay,” I reassured her. “I’m not mad. Of course I’m not mad with you. But please explain what’s behind this.”
“It’s simple,” she said softly. “I’ve thought about it quite a lot. I want us both to wait so that when she arrives and we start to enjoy the weekend, we’re both so full of sex that we’re bursting, and we’ll want it so much it should make our orgasms even better than they usually are.”
She paused and searched my eyes with hers.
“Do you understand me, Davey baby?”
As my heart had already melted into that goo that Tanya can soften it into on occasion, I was already lost to her request.
“I understand,” I murmured into her ear as I held her tightly against me. I could only just feel her breasts through that bloody material. But then, that was the idea.
“It was just that the thought of not being able to enjoy you, touch you, caress you, pleasure you, see and hear you explode with your orgasm in front of me was a huge shock. A nasty shock too.”
“I feel the same,” Tanya said, wiping her eyes with her fingers. “I’m going to miss your touches, your kisses on me, your tongue and most of all your beautiful cock, but please agree my sweet Davey. I’m sure we’ll both be pleased later that we did this.”
I cuddled her and stroked her hair.
“Of course I agree,” I said. “I don’t like it, of course, but I understand and I think you’re probably right, so I agree. You have your rule.”
“Thank you my sweet,” she said. “I thought about one last session before……but then I thought that would make it more difficult, so I’ve started it tonight.”
“So I see.”
She paused. “And Davey, one more thing, please.”
I raised an eyebrow, not completely happy that she was adding to the rule.
“No wanking yourself on the quiet, please Davey. No matter how much you want to.”
I sighed.
“I hadn’t thought about that, but I agree to that too.”     
“I love you,” she murmured. “Let’s go to bed. To sleep.”
       *                *                *                *                *                *                *                *                *                *                *                *
Of course, the days, and the nights, passed incredibly slowly, as they always do when you’re waiting for something special and nice to happen, made worse because of Tanya’s rule. Oh, we kissed (without tongues) and cuddled  and put our arms round each other, but more than that was strictly taboo. Sitting beside me while watching TV, she would put her arm round the back of my neck and play with my ear, or stroke me, but never touched my legs, thighs or crutch. Either of us could arouse the other in any number of ways and usually did so whenever and as often as we could. But now there was none of this. Tanya wore demure clothes, shorts so that I couldn’t see the tops of her thighs or her cunt, leggings that refused to hint at what lay beneath, and tops that restrained her breasts (as much as they could) and partly hid her wonderful nipples. I hated it.

 And at night she wore those revolting cotton pyjamas, and whereas she would normally sleep in just her pants, cuddled tight up against me, one of legs between mine so that she could feel my cock and balls on her thigh, (so she told me) and her head and long, thick  flowing hair on my chest, now she moved as far away as possible to the other side of the bed, her back towards me. So I couldn’t even enjoy the wonderful sensation of either her cunt nestling against my thigh, or the cheeks of her lovely tight, round, firm ass pressing against my cock either.
Sometimes, if Tanya had been kneeling above me and lowered herself onto my cock for our final  orgasms, she would just lean forward and rest the top half of her body on me, my cock still nestling inside her hot wet cunt, and she would doze off in that position. Only when my cock dozed off itself and left her tight wet hole of its own accord would she stir and lie beside me in  her normal position. I missed it all like hell!
If I am hard during the night I often wake to press my cock against her and caress her, which usually wakes her too. But now I couldn’t do anything like that and had to force myself to go back to sleep.  A few kisses, a quick cuddle together and then “night-night” was all there was. I hated every bloody minute of those days and nights.
But eventually the Friday morning dawned, as it does, and we cleaned around the house in preparation for our visitor, went shopping and returned home to await her arrival. After putting the shopping away, Tanya turned to me and gave me a huge hug, like the ones you get when you haven’t seen your lover for a long time.
“Thank you for being so understanding, sweet Davey,” she said. “I know it’s been very hard, for me too, but now it’s finished, the rule stops and we can enjoy each other again.”
“Yes, it has been bloody hard!” I agreed somewhat waspishly. “I hope you don’t ever want to start a rule like that again. I shall say no.”
“Don’t think I could put up with it either,” Tanya agreed.
“So is there anything special you want me to wear this weekend?” I enquired.
Now I should explain that Tanya and I have a very extensive wardrobe, of outer clothes of course, but also of underwear for our own pleasures, mostly chosen by her. I hate nearly all men’s’ underwear and refuse to wear it, which explains the short-shorts-and-nothing-else in the supermarket. Fortunately, Tanya also has the same dislike of it. Cotton boxer shorts which hide everything and don’t show the contours of what’s beneath clearly, with a hole in the front from which to extract your cock (for whatever reason)?  Horrible.  Thick, cotton material which restricts and often itches? Positively medieval. And as for Y-fronts! As Tanya put it to me:- ‘you have to pull aside one piece of material one way, then another piece the other way just to get inside them. Ugh! It’s like fighting your way through a maze!’
And I hate having my cock and balls restricted inside any clothing. Y-fronts grip you as if determined that your cock will never see the light of day.   Like a bloody chastity belt. Some boxers do this too, but I do have one or two pairs of soft, micro material that stretches, and so does free my cock to go up or down as it wishes and does show what there is if I wear them. Not often though. And neither do I like lace pants or bra on a woman. It’s often thick, and rough on the lips and tongue if I am licking through it.
So Tanya usually chooses our underwear, always thin, soft material, stretchy and if possible always see-through or nearly so. We have all types of shape, size and colours. Tie-ups, side ties, silk, satin, thongs, G-strings, big pants, but they all have the same thing in common. They act like a second skin and show the contours of whoever is wearing them, or they are loose fitting, (usually for me) or they  stretch to allow complete freedom underneath.  She always buys two pairs of pants, one for her and one for me and very occasionally a matching bra for her if she really likes the style. The first time she saw me wearing pants like this, my own, she evinced no surprise but cooed approvingly and murmured that she liked that very much. So we share our pants and she often chooses what she wants me to wear round the house or if we are going to bed.
Tanya also has several short, elastic mini-skirts of the same stretch material. They’re not see-through but they’re soft and pleasurable to touch. Some are shiny. But they’re short! When she first wore one for me she asked if I liked the miniskirt.
“That’s not a mini-skirt, it’s a manhole cover,” I told her. She burst out laughing and the name stuck. She doesn’t wear one outside much, except in the garden, because if she sits in front of me it immediately reveals everything and rides up to cover just one inch of her thighs, and if she bends over it does the same thing, riding up to cover about the top two inches of her ass cheeks. 
Those miniskirts are short!! Very occasionally she would put one on if we went for a walk in the evening twilight so that other people couldn’t really see what it was, (or almost wasn’t),  but she always wore pants underneath. She would have been arrested if she hadn’t. And of course I knew if she went out  dressed like that that she wanted us to have sex outdoors somewhere.
Now Tanya pondered my question.
“Um – yes. Let me think about it. Shall I wear a shirt?”
I nodded. “Please, my sweet. You know what it does for me.”
“Oh, I know!” she said lasciviously. “No bra?”
I shook my head.
“I am aching to caress and suck and lick your lovely breasts and nipples,” I said. “No bra.”
Tanya put her hands over her ears in mock horror.
“Stop it! Stop it! It’s not Friday evening yet!” But she smiled as she said it and I took her into my arms and hugged and kissed her.
“I love you so much,” I said. “You’re just incredible. I feel so lucky to have you. You could have chosen any man you wanted in the world.”
Tanya gazed into my eyes, her lips mere inches from mine.
“But I didn’t,” she whispered. “I chose you, you lump, you lovely wonderful, caring lump. I chose my sweet Davey, with your strong arms, your loving heart, your gorgeous cock and balls and ass, who turns me on and makes me cum, even with just words, never mind your caresses, your touch, your tongue or the lovely feeling of your cock in my ass or my wet cunt or the feeling of your cum shooting on my face or the taste of your cock and your cum in my mouth or ---- “
“Hey, hey, hey!” I protested. “That’s not fair!”
She leant forward and kissed me, her tongue for just a brief moment flicking between my lips and into my mouth before she pulled away again.
“I know!” she said impishly, “But lovely!” and she danced away from me and disappeared into the bedroom to sort out clothes.
  *              *                *                *                *                *                *                *                *                *                *                            
And at seven o’clock the doorbell rang.
We looked at one another.
Tanya raised an eyebrow at me.
 I nodded.  “And you?”
It was her turn to nod firmly. “Absolutely sure.”
So she opened the door.
“Hallo,” she greeted the girl standing there. She was carrying a small hold-all.
“Come in. Davey, this is Toni.”
Toni stepped up to me and planted a kiss on my cheek, then on Tanya’s.
“Hallo Dave.”  (Not Davey.) “It’s very nice to meet you and thank you both for inviting me.”
Tanya smiled and gestured her to come inside. I sensed that she was watching me very closely.
“You’re very welcome,” I said. “It’s a pleasure to meet you too.”
And it was.
It was more than a pleasure. It was a positive delight.
Toni was a little taller than Tanya, but still shorter than I am. She wore a V-neck top which showed the curves of her breasts, bigger than Tanya’s but firm and round, a short flowery skirt which swished and swirled as she walked, occasionally flashing a tantalising glimpse of thigh, and flip-flops on her feet. Her legs were longer than Tanya’s but beautifully proportioned and smooth. They were very brown, as were her face, arms and hands. Her hands were slim, with long tapering fingers and I had a quick vision of them curling round my hard cock. Her face was elfin like, longish, with big round eyes, a petite nose and luscious lips that bore no hint of lipstick. But her hair was the biggest surprise. It was dark, and she had it cut very short, like a boy’s,  and styled like that too. She had an innocent air about her, she looked very young and she was absolutely gorgeous.
I sensed Tanya’s eyes on me.
“Come in,” I invited, gesturing to the sofa.

We made ourselves comfortable. Toni sat in an armchair opposite Tanya and I on the sofa. Her flowery skirt rose just high enough to show her brown thighs and I had to tear my eyes away. I offered to get drinks. When we were settled Tanya cleared her throat.
“Toni,” she began, “We both want you to understand that while you’re here this weekend, our home is your home. We’ll show you round in a minute, but if you want anything, food, drink, TV, just help yourself. Please don’t feel that you have to ask us for anything. We hope that you will feel completely relaxed and comfortable with us. Whatever we’re doing,” she added significantly.
“I feel relaxed already,” Toni said, her eyes glancing from me to Tanya. “I’m sure I’m going to enjoy every minute with you both.”
But she was looking at me as she said it.
Tanya stood up.
“Bring your drink and we’ll show you round.”
We took Toni round our house and she stopped now and again to look at pictures or photographs or to admire some little gew-gaw that we’d acquired. She often looked at me and smiled and once she winked at me. I knew Tanya was watching me watching her looking at me and she must have seen the smiles and maybe the wink and I thought are we going to have a problem after all and I thought about Toni and imagining what lay beneath the skirt and the top, thinking about her cunt and whether it was small, big, tight or not, her ass and her breasts, how her mouth would feel surrounding my cock and how it would feel to slide my cock inside her cunt or her ass and whether she would be very wet like my Tanya is but of course that was off-limits and ---
“And so there you are,” came Tanya’s voice and we were back where we started. Tanya gestured to another door. “That’s our spare bedroom,” she explained. “You could leave your bag and stuff in there, and of course the room is there for you if you want it.”
“I shan’t want that room,” said Toni firmly. She was looking directly at me as she spoke. “But I will dump my stuff there.”
She picked up her bag and went into the bedroom.
Tanya whispered fiercely into my ear.
“She fancies you like mad!” she said. “Did you see her looking at your cock?”
I could hear the sound of the bag unzipping in the other room and rustlings as Toni extracted her belongings.
“I’m staggered!” I told Tanya. “She’s gorgeous! She’s lovely! How the hell did you manage to find her?”
Tanya grinned at me.
“You fancy her too,” she accused me, but in fun. “I knew you would. Wouldn’t have been much point in it if she’d been fat and lumpy.”
“You’ve met her before,” I accused in return.
Tanya nodded.  “Yesterday in a coffee bar. We had a long talk and got to know each other and talked all about this weekend. I knew you were thinking about licking her and fucking her just now. I knew exactly you’d fancy the pants off her.”
“And you’re not worried?”
“Nope.” Tanya shook her head. “You know I trust you and we have our agreement. I know very well you’d like nothing better than to slide your cock into her cunt and feel how wet she is and fill her full of your cum but you’ll have to be content with her mouth and her ass.”
“How do you know she’ll  take me in her ass?”
“I know,” Tanya replied. “We talked. There are only two taboos. She’s not allowed to call you Davey.”
I knew this. Tanya had coined the name Davey for me and no-one else was allowed to use it. If she introduced me to anyone she did it as Davey, but if the person responded by saying ‘hallo Davey’ she would immediately say, ‘his name is Dave,’ and the tone of her voice and the gleam in her eyes made it crystal clear to everyone that this was her name for me, and hers alone.
“Her cunt is the only other taboo. But you can lick it!” she added devilishly. “I want to watch! And I have a big surprise for you!”
I couldn’t imagine what other surprise Tanya could possibly present me with after Toni but as she is a girl in ten million, if she said she had a big surprise, she would have one.
Toni returned from the spare room.
“It’s a lovely room,” she said. “It’s a lovely home and you are both lovely people and I think you’re very lucky to have each other.”
She was again staring straight at me as she spoke and she added, “I’m sure I’m going to enjoy this weekend and have a wonderful time with you.”
“Yes, and I think –“ (I very nearly said ‘I’) “-- we’ll have a wonderful time with you,” I answered her with a smile.
Tanya watched this interplay with a smile playing on her own lips.
“Well, I’m looking forward to it,” she said and grabbing my hand she led me over to Toni where she put one arm round her, the other round me and proceeded to kiss my cheek, then Toni’s, took one of my hands and placed it on her own breast and her hand on one of Toni’s.
Toni grinned at us and took my other hand to her other breast. Her own hand went straight to my crotch and rubbed me through my clothes, just long enough to start an immediate hard-on, then left me and slid her cupped palm between Tanya’s legs and rubbed her too.
“Oh, I think we’re all going to have a really wonderful time!” she said to us both.
        *                *                *                *                *                *                *                *                *                *                *                *
Tanya cooked us a meal and as she prepared it she would pause and come to me, hug me and kiss me, deep kisses with our tongues thrashing together, rub my cock through my clothes and then return to her cooking. The next time she would go to Toni, kiss her the same way and caress her breasts and rub her between her legs. We were fully clothed and all this was done outside them. She never tried to get my cock out or go inside Toni’s top or under her skirt.
We opened a bottle of wine and sipped away as we both watched Tanya’s expertise in the kitchen.
(A girl of many talents she is, but you know that.)
We talked small talk about this and that, none of us asking any personal questions. It didn’t bother me and I suspected the girls had asked all the personal and intimate questions they wanted at their meeting.
At one point Tanya looked round from her cooking at me, then at Toni.  “Feel free,” she said.
Toni looked at me and a smile appeared on her lips. It reached deep into her eyes and she came towards me and threw her arms round me, pressing her lips against mine and then forcing her tongue into my mouth. She tasted sweet and delicate, and I felt her nipples harden beneath her top. Her hand went to find my cock again and she massaged it and rubbed it and cupped her palm beneath my balls, all outside my clothes, as she gently caressed them.
Our tongues continued to explore each others mouths. My hands went behind her and pressed against her ass, pulling her hard against my hardening cock, then pulling the cheeks of her ass apart gently to signal that I wanted that too. She pressed herself hard against me as if she wanted me in her cunt there and then.
“Feel my pants,” she whispered as she finally released her passionate pressure on my mouth.
She backed off from me a little to allow me room to slide my hand down the front of her skirt. My fingers followed the contour of her love mound, slowly inching down and round, beneath her and between her legs. The bottom of the skirt passed my fingertips and I was caressing her pants, right between her legs, feeling the soft lips of her cunt as they parted slightly to invite me in. To my huge delight her pants were soaking wet. I rubbed them gently and my finger found her clit through the material. She made a little guttural noise and pulled away from my hand.
“Oooo! I’ve been waiting for that!” she gasped. “Ever since I arrived!”
I looked across at Tanya. She was smiling broadly, watching us, and her hand was between her own legs, massaging herself through her clothes.
“The sooner we eat, the better then!” she laughed.
Small talk continued through the meal. Tanya had (carefully?) positioned us so that the girls sat on either side of the table with me at the end. Both of them let their hands fall on my thigh beneath the table now and again, rising higher until they reached my crotch. At one point I had a hand on each thigh and their fingers must have met because they stopped, looked at each other and smiled. A second bottle of wine was demolished between us, just enough to loosen any last reservations (I don’t think there were any, for anyone) but not enough to make us sleepy or affect our libidos.

And after so long without touching or fucking my beloved Tanya, or even a wank, my own libido was at bursting point. I didn’t care whether it was a cunt, an ass or a blowjob but I knew I wanted release from the pressures inside my balls as soon as possible. It was just short of being actually painful.
We helped Tanya clear away, wash and dry, and returned to the living room.
Toni looked at me with that look again.
“I’m going to go and choose what to wear,” she said. And to Tanya, “D’you want to come and help?”
“Absolutely!” Tanya agreed. “And Davey can go and get ready too.”
I took this as an instruction to go into our room and get ready. Tanya and I had already decided what I was going to wear, although she wouldn’t let me know what exactly she had chosen for herself.
“You’ll see,” was all she would say.
So I obeyed her instruction, went to the bathroom to shower, shave again and clean my teeth (nothing worse for a woman than a rough stubble against her thighs or bad breath!) and then went to the bedroom to get dressed. I waited there, knowing that Tanya would come in when she could. I heard the sound of the shower again and Tanya appeared at the door.
“Okay, Toni’s showering,” she said. “She’s really got the hots for you. Can’t stop talking about you. Didn’t even touch me when we were alone in her room. She really wants your cock in her cunt but she’s promised again not to.”
“Oh, but you’re a hard mistress!” I said to her jokingly in my best Shakespearean voice. “How can you be so cruel as to tantalise me, excite me but not let me----“
“Shut up!” she laughed. “She’s nice though, isn’t she?” she added seriously.
I nodded first  and then shook my head.  “She is that!” I agreed fervently. “And I marvel at how you found her. Apart from a lovely figure and body she has a nice personality too.”
“Important!” Tanya wagged a finger at me. “Don’t want a dumbo or a slut. It would spoil everything. Now go away while I get ready myself.”
I was ushered to the door and it was closed firmly behind me. I went to the kitchen and poured the last drops of wine into a glass. I heard Toni leave the bathroom, pad across to her room and the door close.
I’m abandoned! I thought. The shower ran again as Tanya used it. I let my mind wander about the evening ahead, the weekend ahead. I thought about my beloved girl, what I would do now that her bloody awful rule had been abandoned, and my thoughts drifted to Toni. I really did like her and wanted to do everything to her that I did to Tanya. But despite this, there was always the feeling in me that Tanya was mine;- very, very special to me and would remain so, no matter who was with us or what we may do to each other. I loved Tanya with all my heart and even a weekend with another girl joining us wasn’t going to be enough to damage that. Tanya knew it too, and that’s why we both felt that this weekend was going to be incredible, hedonistic, and utterly, indescribably sexy and erotic. We both knew that our orgasms were going to be mountainous, unbelievable, the stuff  dreams are made of and I thought that Toni probably felt much the same way as we did.
“Have you shaved?”
Tanya was standing at the kitchen door, wrapped in a fluffy bathtowel on her way back to our room. I felt my face.  “Smooth as—“
“Oh. I see. Yes.”
I should explain. I hate hair round my cock and balls. I shave there regularly and keep myself, well, as smooth as a baby’s bottom. Being shaven heightens all the feelings in that area. Whether it is cool fingers, a gently grasping hand, cunt lips, mouth lips or a delightfully tight ass, anything surrounding a cock or balls devoid of hair is more erotic, more noticeable and a hundred times more enjoyable.
(No? Try it sometime.)
So I kept myself clean shaven at all times, and Tanya was just checking that I was as smooth as I could be. She loved me that way too, but the first time she had seen me naked she had paused in surprise.
“Are you normally like that?” she had enquired.
I told I was, and didn’t she like it?  
“I’ll tell you later” was her reply, and afterwards she said yes, she loved it and don’t  let any hair grow there again.
“Suits me,” I’d agreed. (Suits you too, sir! Go on. Try it.)
But the one thing that Tanya had consistently refused to do was remove her own pubic hair. I had asked her more than once to try it but she wouldn’t. She couldn’t say why, she just wanted to stay the way she was. Despite her thick, long, masses of flowing hair, (Tanya has Mediterranean blood) her pubic hair was fine, soft and downy, unlike the stiff, hard curls that men and most women have. Wire wool, I call it.  She didn’t have a lot and what she did have was so soft it was delightful to kiss or touch or lick. She had just enough to cover her love mound and the tops of her cunt lips. Just enough to retain my hot sticky cum if I shot over it so I could lick it off afterwards and then insert my tongue into her mouth so she could receive it properly and enjoy ----
“Good! You’re in a reverie again.” Tanya brought me back to earth. She vanished and then her head reappeared round the door. She looked at me and what I was wearing approvingly.
“And you’re lovely!” She blew me a kiss and disappeared into the bedroom.
      *                *                *                *                *                *                *                *                *                *                *                *
I waited patiently and finished the last of my wine.
Eventually I heard Tanya call me. I went to the bedroom and closed the door behind me. She was sitting on our bed wearing one of my shirts again, a pale lilac one, and under that she had on one of her short manhole covers. A black one made of some slightly shiny, soft material. The same type as the one she had asked me to wear. No bra, of course, and she opened her legs a little to show me that she had on one of my favourite pairs of pants, completely see-through, pink, very thin and very stretchy so that I could manipulate them however I wanted. So apart from the shirt, we were dressed identically. She likes to see me in her manhole covers sometimes and I have no problem with it. (Why should I? It’s just as erotic for her to see me sit or bend down as it is for me to see her. It gives her pleasure so why should there be a problem?)
“Aaahhh!” said I, somewhat foolishly. “Very nice!”
“Are we ready to call Toni?” she asked.
I nodded.  “I certainly am,” I agreed.
“You lecherous lump!” she chuckled. “God how I want you! How I want your tongue and your cock and to suck your balls and taste your cum and have it all over me and feel you and me wet—“
“Enough!” I held up my hand. “Are you trying to make me cum in my pants?”
She made a little moue.  “You did it to me,” she pouted. Then, seriously, “No I’m not. I’m teasing you and hinting at things to come, excuse the pun. I don’t want you to lose a drop of that delicious creamy hot spunk in your pants. Well, not yet, anyway.”
She stood.  “Let’s go.”
We went to the spare room and knocked.
“Come right in,” came Toni’s voice.
Tanya opened the door.
        *                *                *                *                *                *                *                *                *                *                *                *
Toni was sitting on the bed, facing us.
She wore only a matching bra and pants. The bra was front fastening, I noticed, - always helpful. They were not see-through, but they were thin and showed firstly the shape and size of her breasts which were quite big but looked firm and rounded, and her aureoles, a darker brown, large and shaping the material of the bra round them, and her nipples, hard and pointing outwards inside the fabric. Her pants clearly showed the outline of her love mound and she leant back and opened her legs to give us a view of what lay below. Her cunt lips pushed out the material of the pants leaving a dark area between them which could only be the entrance to her cunt itself. She trailed one finger between her lips and as she did so I actually saw the size and shape of her clit for a brief moment, much bigger than Tanya’s.
Her hair, freshly washed, shone dark and gleamed in the light, brushed upwards like a boy’s. But the most erotic thing I noticed were the hold-up stockings.
Now I like suspenders and stockings as much as the next man, but hold-ups are my special favourite. They hide, but they reveal. They’re sexy, erotic and a turn-on. You can kiss and lick thighs and proceed towards the ultimate place without having to fumble suspender straps out of the way. They can be left in place or peeled delicately and sensually down. They suggest naughtiness, forbidden pleasures, ultimate orgasms. I love hold-ups!
Toni was wearing black ones, also my favourite colour and she brushed her fingers slowly up her thigh, across the elastic top and up to her cunt.
She looked at us both.
“Will this do?” she asked quite innocently.
I looked from one to the other.  “You’ve planned this,” I said accusingly.
Tanya slipped an arm round me.  “Only slightly,” she laughed.
To me, that was about the same as the expression ‘slightly pregnant’.  Meaningless. The girls had obviously put a lot of thought into this and I loved it.
“Toni, you look absolutely fabulous,” I said with sincerity. “You’re beautiful, you have a superb figure, a nice personality, but above all you look incredibly sexy and desirable.”
“Why, thank you, kind sir,” she replied and fluttered her eyes at me.
“And I love the miniskirt and pants you have on,” she added, and I realised that in her position on the bed she could see up my skirt. “I do love a man wearing sexy things like that,” she added breathily, brushing her fingers once more over her cunt lips. I saw a tiny glistening drop on her pants as her finger moved on. “Tanya, you have a wonderful taste in sexy underwear for you and your man.”
She stood up and held out both hands towards us.  “Shall we move to your room?”
And we did.
Tanya led the way, releasing me and leading Toni by the hand into our room. Once inside, as I closed the door, cocooning us in our own little private, hedonistic world, she turned and pulled Toni to her, fiercely kissing her as her hands caressed Toni’s breasts. I could see that both were tasting each other’s tongues and mouths. Toni’s hands went behind Tanya and she stroked and massaged Tanya’s ass, pulling her tightly to her. Their faces parted slightly and their tongues came out and licked and slurped at each other’s faces, covering cheeks, noses, eyes and throats with wet, luscious movements.
Tanya leaned down and licked at Toni’s breasts, covering them with the same wet kisses, making the fabric wet and slightly transparent. She took one nipple between her lips and sucked it gently. Toni threw back her head and let out a long drawn-out breath. Her hand went to Tanya’s breast and she caressed and fondled it through the shirt. The nipple hardened and stood out inside the fabric.
Tanya stroked one hand between her own legs. I knew she was collecting her love juices on her fingers and she held her hand up to Toni’s lips inviting her to taste. Toni obliged, running her tongue over Tanya’s fingers and the palm of her hand, greedily tasting Tanya’s juice.
Watching this made me hard, but I didn’t want to intrude on their lust and evident enjoyment of each other. I put my hand under the skirt and grasped my cock through the material of my pants. I began to stroke gently, loving the feeling of it and loving the sight of these two beautiful, adorable girls turning each other on.
They both sank onto our king-size bed and lay together, still caressing, kissing and licking at each other. Toni’s hand was between Tanya’s legs, rubbing her and collecting more of her juice which she then licked from her own fingers every now and then. With her other hand she motioned me nearer.
I stood beside the bed and Toni pushed my hand away from my cock and took it herself, not going inside my pants but rubbing, squeezing and stroking it. Tanya moved on the bed, gently rolling Toni onto her back.  She moved between Toni’s legs and started to lick her thighs and legs. Toni’s eyes closed and she moved her hand to cup my balls extending one finger beyond them to stroke that area between them and my ass, one of the most erotic places I have.
Tanya’s petite ass was in the air and I stroked it and rubbed it, my finger tip following the crease between her cheeks, finding her hole and pressing the fabric gently into it. By now Tanya was at Toni’s cunt, licking her thighs and groin and occasionally flicking her tongue over her cunt lips. I could see that Toni’s pants were soaking wet. I moved my hand round Tanya’s ass to find her own wet cunt and her pants were wet too. I tasted her nectar on my fingers and then gently stroked Tanya’s masses of hair, gently easing her head away from Toni.
She paused, knowing what I wanted. My fingers traced the outline of Toni’s cunt lips, the pants wet to my touch. My fingers collected as much of Toni’s juice as I could get, briefly brushing across her clit inside the pants and making her jerk with a sudden frisson of excitement. I tasted Toni’s juices,  thicker than Tanya’s, almost like a thin syrup, deliciously sweet with her own individual flavour, and tasting slightly of her shower, slightly of her piss. It was heavenly and I thought that I would love it when Toni wet herself later.
Tanya was flicking her tongue across Toni’s cunt and clit. Toni leaned over towards me and lifted the skirt. Her lovely lips opened and she began to kiss my cock through my pants, running her tongue right from the very base up to the tip, using her hand to pull my cock towards her, still inside my pants. Her lips closed over the tip and I felt her tongue explore round and round, especially at the back, making me strain towards her. I wanted to push myself deep into her mouth. She let me in a little more and I felt her sucking me.
I thought I’d better stop it there because I didn’t want to cum yet, so I pulled back from her mouth. I bent over and kissed her face, duplicating Tanya’s earlier motions as I covered her face with my tongue, finding her mouth at last and thrusting my tongue deep inside. Toni responded equally, our mouths and faces becoming completely wet as we enjoyed the taste of each other. I felt Tanya’s hand cup my balls and stroke them, moving up to my cock, stroking me and wanking me as Toni had done. Then she pulled down the waistband of my pants and released my cock to her grasp. She held it tightly, wanking me a little faster.  I left Toni’s sweet, delicate, soft face and moved round behind Tanya. Pulling the top of her pants down a little I thrust my cock into them, rubbing the tip over her cheeks and then tracing the crease, down, underneath and then rubbing the tip across her soaking wet cunt. My cock was covered with her juices and I moved it back up a little to find her rosebud. I pushed gently at it, not wanting to fuck her yet, but enjoying the feeling as it opened a little each time I thrust forward. And each time I did so, Tanya’s whole body also moved forward a little which meant that each time I thrust at her ass hole her tongue flicked and licked at Toni’s clit that little bit harder.
Toni began to make a deep guttural ‘Uh!’ each time Tanya’s tongue met her clit in that way. She began to arch her back each time to meet Tanya’s tongue thrusts. I would have preferred to change my tactics because I didn’t want a drop of cum to escape me till I was ready, but I continued those short gentle thrusts since it was apparent that Toni was close to cumming.
And then there it was, Toni’s first orgasm and she let out a long, long “Oooorrrrrrrrrr” as she came. Her back stayed arched in the air with her eyes closed and Tanya continued to lick her feverishly, prolonging the climax as long as Toni could bear it. I moved away from the danger area and went back to Toni to gently kiss her face and lips as she sank back on the bed. They were delicate, gentle, loving kisses and her eyes opened and she smiled at me  before closing her eyes once more.
Tanya left her position between Toni’s legs and knelt up on the bed facing me. Her face was dripping wet, some of it from her own licking and some from Toni’s love juices. Tanya licked her lips and smiled. I moved to her and licked her face, savouring the mingled tastes. I collected as much as I could on my tongue and then kissed Tanya on the mouth, pushing my tongue inside so that we could both enjoy the taste of Toni’s cum.
As we finally separated she mouthed words at me;- “Love you!”
She motioned me and lay back herself on the bed, beside Toni. I knew she wanted me to lick her out and I positioned myself between her open legs,  doing what I love doing and what I know Tanya enjoys immensely.
I’ve been told, not only by Tanya, that my tongue and the way I use it, possesses a certain  -- er—quality. I’ve no idea what that quality or qualities may be, it isn’t extra long or fat or thin or anything as far as I can tell, but it seems that when I use it the way I love to use it, between a girl’s thighs and legs, my tongue acquires these magical extra aspects that, well, they seem to like rather a lot. Whatever that quality may be, it works.
So my tongue began its work, kissing and licking at Tanya’s thighs, making the skin wet and glistening as I enjoyed every minute of giving pleasure to my girl.
Then I felt something behind me and realised that Toni had started to kiss and lick at my ass. I felt her tongue tracing over my cheeks, her hand under me cupping, stroking, massaging my balls then my cock. I felt her tongue find the top of my crease and felt it push in between my cheeks. I opened my own legs a little to oblige her and her tongue followed the crease down towards my own ass hole, my man-cunt, pressing the material of my pants into my crease and making it deliciously wet with
 her saliva.
Then she found my hole and her tongue thrust into it, taking the fabric with her as she strove to insert her tongue deeper into me.
I was now licking at Tanya’s cunt lips and flicking my tongue over her clit. She was stroking the back of my head and suddenly she pulled me hard into her, pushing herself against me as I licked and sucked at her pants and the cunt beneath it, tasting her own wonderful juice as it soaked into them. She came then. I knew it, even without the “uh, uh, uh, uh” that she growled softly  or the sudden gush of juice that spurted from inside her and into her pants and my mouth.
“Davey, Davey, Davey,” she murmured, as she sank back onto the bed.
I stayed in my position because now Toni was using her finger to insert into my ass, trapped by the fabric of my pants. I loved it and pushed backwards onto her finger. She moved it in and out and once again I thought what a shame it was that there could be no sudden gush of cum inside me. But the feeling was lovely and I let her continue as long as she liked.
Eventually she withdrew it and moved away to lie beside Tanya. She licked at her finger, the finger, as she lay down and then offered it to Tanya to suck. Tanya greedily took it in her mouth and sucked with relish, tasting everything there was to be tasted.
My knees had begun to ache a bit so I moved forward and lay face down on the bed between them. There must have been a signal between the girls, unseen by me, since I suddenly felt two warm breaths on me and two sets of hand stroking my back.
Toni was on my left and Tanya on my right, so I could tell who was doing what to me, I just couldn’t see, only feel. And enjoy.
I felt two sets of hands and fingers rubbing my back and my sides. They moved lower, circling, tracing lines with fingers, under my sides, along and across my ribs and back to my spine. They moved lower until they were at the top of my pants. The skirt was gently eased higher. I felt hands stroking the cheeks of my ass, cupping them, so many caresses criss-crossing my body that now I wasn’t sure whose hands were where. And then fingers eased down the elastic of my pants. Fingers slipped gently inside them and caressed my skin, cool fingers, Tanya’s? Toni’s? I didn’t know and I didn’t care. I just lay with my face to one side and closed my eyes, revelling in the soft, sensual touch of two beautiful girls stroking my body, content in the absolute knowledge that soon those caresses would reach my ass  and then my balls. A finger traced down the crease of my ass, and back, and down again and I opened my legs a little to allow the finger more freedom.
I felt hands on the backs of my thighs roving, stroking, caressing, a finger tracing the inside of my thigh towards my cock. Hands pulled down the back of my pants a little more and then I felt both girls place their hands under my hips to lift me clear of the bed so that I was kneeling. My pants were eased down more and a hand rubbed my cheeks. I felt my ass being gently opened, a pause, and then the sheer delight of a tongue flicking down my crease, starting at the top, licking, a nibbling now and then, sucking, then the tongue again, licking and wetting. My whole body was in a heightened state, waiting for the tongue to reach my rosebud and then there it was, a delicate, butterfly touch of a tongue tip flicking at my hole while other hands caressed my back and cupped my balls and stroked and rubbed and caressed me everywhere. This continued for some minutes and then the tongue increased its pressure as the owner began to push at my hole, still licking and wetting me but insistent in its gentle way that it be allowed to enter me. I pushed outwards gently with my muscles to relax them and the tongue tip was inside, roving and feeling as it explored inside me.
I felt movement between my thighs. Someone was wriggling their way between them, approaching my cock, hard but still inside the front of my pants. A hand cupped my balls. A finger traced a line between them and my ass hole, and still the tongue insisted on exploring further into my rosebud. I felt my cock being enveloped in something, fabric and all.
I opened my eyes and craned my neck to look down the length of my body. It was my sweet Tanya who was exploring my ass, her hands gently holding my cheeks apart, her face buried between them as she licked and slurped and wetted, lost in her own enjoyment of the moment.
I moved my head and peered under myself. Toni was lying flat on her back, to one side of Tanya, her knees at the foot of the bed, her legs draped over the edge and her feet touching the floor. It was she who was taking my cock and pants into her mouth,  her tongue exploring too, roving and tasting and licking. She inched her head higher and took more of me inside her mouth.
She began to suck and used one hand to grasp the base of my cock, her long slender fingers curling round it just as I had imagined it in that brief moment when I saw her first but now it was for real and it made my cock harden in her mouth.
Her other hand reached down round Tanya’s stomach and curled between her legs and I saw the movement of her fingers as she sought Tanya’s clit through the fabric of her pants and she found the spot and began to rub Tanya, wanking her even as she sucked at my cock.
She saw me looking at her and her eyes smiled at me. She opened her mouth wider and sucked me inside. She couldn’t take all of me like Tanya can but it was more than enough and her fingers began to stroke me back and forth to match the movement of her mouth as she sucked me off.
The feeling of two separate arousals of two of my erogenous zones made me make contented noises in my throat and I let out a long ‘mmmmmm!’ as I let myself be totally enveloped in this sheer sexual delight. I felt that movement deep in my balls that signalled the onrush of my cum. Toni felt it too because she suddenly released my cock from her mouth, pulled away my pants and took my cock back inside her mouth, bareback. Tanya must have known my moment was near, or maybe she just knew what Toni had done, or maybe she was close to cumming herself because she suddenly started to thrust her tongue in and out of my rosebud, fucking me with her tongue. Toni slid my cock as far as she could inside her mouth and as she sucked at me and Tanya fucked at me I knew that was it and I let out a huge groan as my cum shot up from my balls and through my prick and out into that lovely soft delicate mouth that was Toni’s and my cock spasmed and shot again and I groaned with ecstasy and I heard Tanya let out a cry as if far away and my heart was glad she had cum too and I could still feel my cum travelling within me and there was more and I shot again and again and again filling Toni’s mouth with my hot cream and I had to groan each time because it was just so ecstatic and after so long there was so much and it squirted again and I could feel it on the outside of my cock because Toni’s mouth was full of it and it was escaping from her lips as they slid up and down the length of my cock and covering it and making it wet and there was one last spasm and finally I had no more.
Toni quickly slid from between my legs, pulling the front of my pants up over my cock again. I felt Tanya leave my ass and gratefully I let my body sink onto the bed. I felt hands roll me over onto my back. Tanya had done it and she was kneeling beside me now on the bed. Toni came to sit beside her and the two girls moved together and kissed, their mouths opening and tongues meeting as Toni gave my cum into Tanya’s mouth and they shared it together, their faces moving and their tongues roving, making their faces wet with my cum as they passed it back and forth. Then they separated and Tanya leant over me, her lips closed and her eyes smiling and she pressed her lips on mine and her tongue forced them open and she emptied her mouth into mine and I tasted the thick texture of my own cream and then she was gone and Toni was there and she kissed me too and emptied her own mouthful of cum into me and I swallowed it and gasped for air and the girls were watching me and smiling and I saw love in Tanya’s eyes and yes, something in Toni’s too.
      *                *                *                *                *                *                *                *                *                *                *                *
We lay, contented, together. My little Tanya was in her favourite position with her head on my chest and Toni lay curled, further down my body with her head lying just above my cock.
“Do you realise,” Tanya murmured softly, that we have all had an orgasm, we have all cum, and not one of us has even removed our undies yet?”
“Plenty of time for that,” Toni answered. She idly traced my cock with one finger.  “Thank you both.”
Tanya turned her head slightly to look at her.  “Sweet Toni, you don’t have to thank us. We’re both glad you’re here. We’ve both enjoyed pleasuring you and we’ve both delighted in the pleasure you’ve given us. We’ve done nothing that you need to thank us for.”
“You’re very sweet Tanya. Both of you are sweet. But I have to thank you for the chance to do all the things we’ve done now and, I hope, all the things we still will do together this weekend because it’s been a long time since I had pleasure like that from anybody and I think,---” she paused and I had the distinct feeling she was choosing her words carefully, “-- what we still may do will give me even more pleasure. So I have to thank you.”
Tanya reached out an arm and caressed Toni softly.  “Sssh,” she said.  “ Sssh. You are giving me and Davey every bit as much pleasure.”   
“You said, a long time,” I ventured. “Do you not have a boyfriend? Or girlfriend?” I added hastily, thinking that perhaps Toni’s natural inclinations went that way.
“Not for five months now,” Toni said. “There were too many arguments. Love died. Mine first, then his too, I think. It became awful. We had to tolerate each other but it was no life. We parted and since then I haven’t been kissed let alone had intercourse or even been masturbated. Except by myself.”
Tanya was still caressing Toni but now her head turned to look at me.
I knew what she was thinking. She and I were fortunate. More than that. Blessed.
“I’m sorry,” I said quietly.
“Oh, I’m over it now,” Toni said cheerfully. “It was that bad it didn’t take me long. But I missed the sex. I tried to meet someone new but no-one appealed to me. And anyway –“ she broke off and looked up at me, then Tanya, then looked away again, “the sexual things I like are….well, lots of people would be horrified. You both are not and to you they’re normal. Another thing I should be thankful for.”
“Did your ex not, -- er-- indulge…?” I probed delicately.
Toni shook her head.  “Nope. Wham, bam, thank you mam, really. Maybe not quite that bad,” she added. “He did give me pleasure and plenty of climaxes, but no imagination. I got him to try one or two things that I liked once or twice but he wasn’t interested and didn’t care whether I wanted something….particular or special, or not. And then he started --” she looked at me then Tanya and lowered her eyes “—fucking me without even trying to give me an orgasm or anything. That meant I wasn’t wet and so it began to hurt a bit and that made me not want him. Love died.”
“Toni,” Tanya said in a firm voice, “if you want me, or Davey, to do something particular or special this weekend, if we haven’t done it spontaneously, you just tell us. You hear me? Whatever it is, if you want us to do something to heighten your pleasure, you just tell us.”
Toni looked up at her, then me, and back to Tanya. She smiled. There was something in her eyes, a light, no, more of a glow. I couldn’t say what it was. I don’t think it was love but it reminded me of a child being given a special surprise. There was warmth, and gratitude, and acceptance, and surprise, and pleasure, and, well, yes, maybe a little love too.
She suddenly wriggled up my body and threw one arm round Tanya and the other round me, lying her head on my chest too, facing Tanya.
“You’re both so very, very sweet,” she said. “I’m so glad I’m here with you both.” And she snuggled against me and against Tanya and life was really very alright.
We lay a little, then Tanya suggested a drink and was anyone hungry?
No-one was hungry and Toni said,  “I’ll get the drinks.”
“Beer for me and for Davey,” Tanya told her,  “and whatever you would like.”
Toni rose and stood beside the bed looking at us.  “Yes,” she said. “A beer would be nice.” She padded towards the door and opened it, then paused to look back at us again.
“You two have something very special, don’t you? I can tell. The way you look at each other, talk to each other, the way you seem to know each other’s minds and hearts. You instinctively know what to do to each other to give the best sexual pleasure. Very special. Wish I had someone like that,” she added wistfully, then she disappeared.
Tanya looked at me. I knew why she’d told Toni beers.  “Love you.”
“Love you too,”  I said, planting a kiss on her nose. I nodded towards the kitchen. “She’s sweet. How old is she?”
Tanya smiled.  “Guess.”
“I would say, quite young, but not as young as she looks, not as old as you, maybe…….twenty three, twenty four?”
Tanya chuckled. “Miles out,” she reported. “Miles. She’s as young as she looks. Twenty.”
I pulled a surprised face. “Nice,” I said.
“And only just,” Tanya added impishly.
I let my mind wander over the vision of Toni’s twenty-year-old young pussy.
“You’re not having it!”
(There she goes again!)
“My tongue can.”
“Oh, yes,” Tanya agreed,  “after the beer. I’m going to watch that. From all angles.”
She suddenly moved and freed my cock, dozing at the time, from my pants.   
“I want to suck your cock to see what it tastes like after Toni’s sucked it,” she said. She quickly slid me in her mouth and her tongue roved around, tasting and sucking. 
We heard faint rummaging sounds from the kitchen. Tanya released me and put my cock back to bed.  “Left hand drawer!” Tanya called. “Nice!” she said to me. “She missed a drop of cum.”
“Now you wouldn’t do that,” I told her with feeling.
“No fear!” she answered with a grin. “Mustn’t waste it!”
Toni returned with three beers and handed them round.
“How did you know I couldn’t find the opener?” she enquired of Tanya.
I shifted my position slightly.
“Be warned Toni! Tanya has an uncanny knack for that. It can be quite spooky until you get used to it. Even now I don’t know how she does it. But you’ll have a hell of a job keeping a secret from her.”
Toni gazed at us warmly.  “I can’t think that I would want to keep any secrets from either of you,” she said, that glow in her eyes again.
I smiled at her, thinking that I would enjoy lying beside, or on top, or underneath Toni, listening to her softly telling me her secrets, her innermost desires, her feelings ---
“Your beer’s getting warm, Davey.”
“So it is.”
“Can I ask you…..about yourselves?” Toni asked, lying back down on the bed. The girls rested their beers on the bedside table each side and I nursed mine on my chest.
So we told her how we had first met, six months before, in the middle of a field and how –

*              *                *                *                *                *                *                *                *                *                *                *          

“In the middle of a field? An empty field?” Toni exclaimed. “What on earth were you both doing, separately, in the middle of a field?”
Tanya swigged some beer.
“I was going for a stroll,” she explained. “And so was he.” She prodded me.
“Sorry. Anyway, we both happened to go for a walk in the same place, an empty field where we could be alone with our thoughts and we were walking towards each other.”
She stopped to let me continue.
“And we both sort of headed straight towards each other but we couldn’t really see who the other person was until we got closer.”
“And I was just about to veer off in case he was an axe murderer or a sex fiend, which he is,--” another prod.
“Ouch again!”
“ --- Sorry again,  but I didn’t know that then, of course, when I saw his face.”
“And I saw hers.” I looked across at my sweet Tanya. “And there was a sort of lurch in my heart and it felt everso full and I said ‘hello!’”.
“And my heart lurched too and I looked into his eyes and there was a sort of flash, a spark of something between us, between our eyes, and I said hello back and we sort of stared at each other –”
“And she said, you want to ask me for my phone number but you think I’ll scream or run away –”
“And I said, I won’t and you can have it and I’ll be home in ten minutes and call me.”
“And I did.”
“And here we are,” Tanya finished her beer.
Toni’s head had been swivelling back and forth as if she were watching a tennis match.
“Incredible!” she murmured. “It was fate.”
“It was something, “ Tanya agreed. “Don’t know what you’d call it. But we both knew instantly that we had to see each other, be with each other, know each other.”
Toni shook her head slowly. “That is just amazing,” she said. “It’s, it’s,  well, it’s sort of unreal. If either of you had been a minute later or earlier….” She trailed off, her big eyes wide and looking from me to Tanya and back. “You are just so lucky!”
Tanya and I looked at each other.  Blessed. I handed my empty bottle to her to put away, then  nodded.  “Yes. And we’ve been together ever since.”
“That night.”
Toni stared at Tanya.  “You slept together that same night? The first day?”   
It was Tanya’s turn to nod. “As soon as I saw him I thought, fuck, I want this man. Not just lust. I wanted him as a person. I knew I’d just met someone that I shouldn’t let go. I knew it was special. That’s why I told him to call me in ten minutes.”
Toni drank her beer slowly, emptying the bottle and gazing at us as we continued the explanation.
“So I called and we spoke for two hours. And in that time we knew as much about each other and understood each other as well as if we’d known each other for months. And I wanted desperately to see her again, very soon, and then she said to me, this phone call is a waste of time and unnecessary. Come to me and bring your toothbrush.”
“It took twenty minutes of that phone call for us to learn  about each other’s everyday lives, what we did, likes, dislikes, music, food, clothes and so on, and the rest was about our sexual tastes,” Tanya supplied. “And by about twenty three minutes I was dripping wet and stayed that way.”
There was a silence.
“Wow! It’s like a book, or a film. It’s the stuff dreams are made of.”
“Couldn’t have put it better myself,” I agreed. “But we’re lucky. It’s not a dream. It’s real.”
“And neither of us has had a single moment of doubt or regret ever since,” Tanya said.
Toni just shook her head slowly. “I’m speechless.”
“In that case,” I suggested, reaching for her slender hand and pulling her towards me, “I think I should find you something to do with your lips.”
And I started to kiss her, two gentle ones on the lips and then I moved to her cheek, her neck, the back of her neck, her ears, her throat, her eyes, nose, and back to her lips. She tasted delicious, soft, warm skin, smelling slightly of her shower, but also a particular ‘Toni’ taste that was hers alone, sweet, delicate and fragrant.  She closed her eyes and let me continue, my tongue now just parting her lips but no more, and then tracing lines over her skin, leaving tiny wet trails as I covered every inch of her face and neck and ears with my tongue and my kisses. As I probed softly at her ear she moaned quietly and her shoulders moved. Her short hair smelt fresh and clean and I gently brushed at it, the feeling of its softness and shortness delightful to my fingertips.
I kissed her lips again and now my tongue was more insistent, probing between her lips and across her teeth, even and white, and between them and into the warmth of her mouth and she tasted wonderful and I was content to let my tongue rove round inside her mouth as I relished her taste.
I felt Tanya between my legs, reaching for my cock and taking it fully into her mouth as she sucked at me greedily. I reluctantly left Toni’s mouth but I knew other things awaited. Gently I kissed her throat again, moving down to kiss and lick the mounds of her breasts, feeling the hardness of her nipples through her bra. She moaned again. I kissed one nipple, taking it and the fabric between my teeth and nibbling oh so gently at it while my hand softly rubbed and teased the other nipple.
Tanya’s tongue was now running up the back of my cock, from the base to the tip, a feeling that I adore and which always makes me harder. She alternated between this and taking me in her mouth as I felt for that front fastening on Toni’s bra and it was undone and the cups separated a little and I kissed her bare flesh between them and she breathed very fast and whispered “Yes!” and I used my tongue to separate the cups even more and they fell away and Toni’s breasts were revealed to me in all their beauty. They were tanned all over with not a trace of a white line anywhere. I gave a silent whistle of surprise and delight at this revelation. Toni evidently suntanned herself topless.
I teased at her nipples with fingers and tongue and teeth. I brushed her aureoles with my lips and she moved her legs and opened them and I realised that Tanya was using her hand and fingers to discover her love button while her mouth was full of my cock and she was still sucking at me. Toni began to breathe harder and faster and I knew that my lovely Tanya had found her special spot and was wanking Toni even as I was arousing her nipples even more and covering her chest and breasts with wet kisses and Toni began to make little grunting noises and suddenly she grabbed my head with both hands and pulled me up to her face and her tongue was in my mouth and it thrashed around and she pressed her face against mine very hard and we were both wet from these kisses and her back arched and she moaned loudly and I knew she was close and she tried to push her tongue even deeper into my mouth and her back arched again high off the bed and she pulled away from my face and cried out ‘Uuuuuuuuhhhhhhhhh!’ as she climaxed and her arched body was absolutely rigid and I watched and teased her nipples again and Tanya was still rubbing her clit and inserting one finger into her cunt and she massaged a little more and Toni began to make ‘Uh! Uh! Uh!’ sounds again  and then another long ‘Uuuuhhhh!’ and I thought yes! my beautiful Tanya had made her cum twice in succession.

Toni flopped back onto the bed. She was gasping for breath as if she had run a marathon.
“Oh, God!” she breathed. “Oh, God! Yes! Wow! Yes!” and she continued to lie and gasp until her breathing slowed and her body relaxed.
Tanya came to stand beside the bed and took one of my hands in hers. She raised it to her lips and looked down at me sitting on the edge of the bed, her eyes sparkling but with immense tenderness in them too. She kissed my hand, not a sexual kiss in the slightest but a kiss of love, a kiss of shared pleasure and mutual contentment.
Toni had opened her eyes and was gazing up at us both.
“Is your sex always as good as this?” she asked breathlessly. “Do you always give each other such massive climaxes?”
“Usually,” Tanya answered her. “We enjoy each other so much our climaxes are usually huge. Maybe not if one of us is a bit tired, but always, always wonderful.”
“I don’t think I’ve ever had two like that so close before,” Toni reflected. “What have I been missing?” She paused and looked away from us. “Wish I’d met you a long time ago.”
Tanya moved away from me, releasing my hand which she had been rubbing her own cheek with softly. She bent over Toni and kissed her tenderly on her lips.
“Well, you’ve met us now,” she murmured, “and I hope you’ll have plenty more like that before the weekend is over.”
Toni responded to her kiss and the two girls lay beside each other, gently kissing, nibbling and licking at each other’s faces, necks and ears.
Then Toni rolled over on to her knees and moved lower down Tanya’s body, kissing her throat again, and lower still, to her breasts, hidden beneath my shirt. She kissed them and cupped them and stroked them and Tanya’s nipples stood out hard under the material. Toni gently undid a button, caressed the top of one breast, then undid a second button and eased the shirt away. Tanya’s breasts were finally free of the shirt and Toni gazed at them.
“They’re beautiful!” she whispered, and proceeded to lick and suck and caress and tease  them with her mouth and hands. I could see the tiny wet trails she left on Tanya as she moved around, enjoying the feel of Tanya’s soft skin under her fingers and between her lips.
I was content to sit and watch.
The two girls were obviously enjoying every moment of their shared pleasure and my heart went out to my adorable little Tanya as I looked at her face. I thought again of how much I loved her, as I did about twenty times a day. And I looked at Toni, her lovely lithe body lying half across Tanya’s as she licked and kissed and caressed and nuzzled at my girl. I gazed at her small elfin face and her short boy’s hair, her slender fingers and the long expanse of her back and her lovely tanned breasts. I saw the pleasure in her own eyes as she relished Tanya’s body,  and I felt something in my heart for her too. A love, but different to the love Tanya and I shared. There was no way I could love Toni like that, and I knew it, and was happy that it was so, and Tanya knew it too, but nevertheless there was a feeling deep inside me that made me feel a great warmth towards Toni. I wanted to protect her,  and see her eyes light up with pleasure again, like a child’s, and most of all I wanted to thrust my hard cock into her and fuck her cunt until she screamed with ecstasy.
Tanya’s eyes opened and she looked at me and smiled.
My lovable, adorable, sexy, wonderful girl knew exactly what was going through my mind.
Toni had undone the shirt completely now and it had fallen aside to show Tanya’s chest and stomach. Toni’s kisses and licks moved downwards, across the flatness of her stomach, paused at the waist of Tanya’s pants, and then continued lower, following the contour of her love mound. Her arms slid down Tanya’s sides, her fingers always caressing as she moved across one leg to lie between them and her mouth sucked and tasted the cum and lovejuices on Tanya’s pants as she moved ever lower and downwards between Tanya’s legs licking round her love mound until she was there, guzzling and sucking and licking and tasting at Tanya’s cunt beneath her wet pants.
Tanya’s breath was coming in small, short gasps. Again she opened her eyes to look at me watching them both. She motioned with one hand, signing in the air across her own body and I knew she wanted me to kneel across her so that she could suck my cock while Toni licked at her cunt.
I moved to comply and this time it was I who mouthed ‘love you’ at her as I positioned myself above her. She didn’t say anything but her eyes replied for her. She grasped my cock and rubbed me once or twice and then pulled down the top of my own pants. She leaned her head forward, propped up as it was on the pillows and greedily took my cock into her mouth.    
A warm light of love and contentment shone in her eyes before they closed and she sucked and slurped at me, making me astonishingly wet as my cock grew harder and harder inside the soft warmth of her lovely wet mouth.
And then she released me and used both hands to push me downwards, manipulating me so that my rampant cock now lay between her beautiful breasts. Briefly I felt the exquisite touch of Toni’s tongue flicking at my crease and asshole as she paused to pleasure me, then she returned to Tanya’s cunt and clit. Tanya held her breasts together, tightly enfolding my cock and waited as I began to fuck her breasts. My cock was so wet from the sucking I’d received in her mouth that it slid easily between her lovely mounds and I enjoyed the sensation as I fucked them, slowly at first and then faster, Tanya squeezing and kneading and pushing at her own breasts to ensure she received the maximum pleasure from my movements. I felt her body heaving a little beneath me, a signal that Toni’s tongue was working magic on her and the heaves became more, and longer, and she began to breathe out loud and she gasped out words as her orgasm began to build deep within her and she said ‘I love your cock in my breasts! I love you fucking them! Toni, fuck me with your tongue!... Yes! …..Lick my clit! Harder!.....  Davey! Davey!.... Shoot your cum on me!..... Toni, drink me!’ and then she gave a mighty heave beneath me and stayed arched as much as she could under me and she screamed out loud ‘Yes! I’m cumming I’m cumming NOW!’ and she groaned and gasped and her body shook beneath me and she let out a long guttural ‘Yeeeeeessssssss!’ in her throat and at that moment my own cum shot from my cock and spurted into her breasts and again and she squeezed them tighter against me and that made me cum again into them and it was wonderful and exquisite and wet and beautiful and she sank back onto the bed and I sank down a little onto her as I  finished.
She let her breasts relax away from my cock and used the fingers of both hands to wipe and smear my cum all over her breasts and her stomach, covering her nipples and her chest and her stomach as much as she could, and then grasping my cock and wiping some back onto it and Toni was beside us now and Tanya offered her fingers to Toni and she sucked at them and wiped some cum from Tanya with her own fingers and offered it back to Tanya’s mouth and the girls were sucking at each other’s fingers covered with my cum and wiping it across their cheeks and then Toni pressed her wet sticky fingers against my lips and I opened them and sucked at those long slender digits as she gave me back my own cum.
I rolled away from Tanya to allow her to recover. Her body was still heaving slightly as she regained her breath. Toni looked at me as she sucked the last remaining cum from her fingers.
“You taste lovely!” she whispered.  “Taste ME !” and she lay back on the bed beside Tanya who obligingly shifted to one side.
This was an invitation I was not going to miss (would you?) and I moved to lie half across her so that I could start by kissing  and nuzzling those lovely breasts. I followed Toni’s own earlier movements down Tanya’s body as I kissed and sucked and licked and nuzzled and nibbled my way down the length of Toni’s body, savouring the taste of her soft skin, the mingled tastes of  her juices and Tanya’s and my cum all together as I neared the waistband of her pants. I paused to suck the fabric, the mingled tastes stronger on her pants and the better for that. She opened her legs and I moved between them, running my tongue across the flat of her belly through her pants, then lower down the crease of her groin, first one side and then the other.  She caressed my head and as I let my tongue flick across her cunt lips she tried to pull my head in there but I wasn’t having that yet and I made her wait, licking her thighs, enjoying the thrill as my tongue touched the elastic of those black hold-ups and then back onto the heat of her thighs and I did it again because it’s just so erotic and so  naughty and it’s like sex with a girl for the first time and it’s heavenly and you want it to go on and on but Toni was pulling at my head and I moved up again to her groin and her belly and then I let my tongue nuzzle briefly into her cunt lips and she gasped and jerked and pushed against me and now I eased away the leg of  her pants from her skin and my tongue went inside them and now I could taste her hot flesh and suck those beautiful cunt lips for real and I paused in shock because they were so beautifully smooth and to my utter delight Toni was completely shaved.
I sensed that Tanya had been kissing Toni’s stomach above my head at some point and I sensed her moving round the bed too as she watched me sucking Toni out.
But Toni was pulling insistently at me and I continued licking her cunt lips and between them.    
She was incredibly wet and she tasted of sweetness and of cum and a little of pee and her juices were hot and they flowed from her and onto my tongue as I eased it between her lips and into her cunt and it was so hot and wet and then my tongue found her clit and I began to lick it very, very hard and because it was quite large it was easy to trace my tongue round it and over it and across it and I licked and flicked at it even harder and she gasped again and jerked and thrust herself against me so hard my lips ached and there was so much juice coming from her and I drank the nectar with delight and relish and licked and licked and used one finger to explore inside her pants at her ass and in the crease and I found her rosebud and gently inserted my finger there and she opened to receive it and began those arching movements and I felt contentment that I was giving her pleasure and she began to gasp out loud ‘oh! oh! oh! Dave! Dave! What’re you doing to me?’ and the words died away to a groaning and moaning in her throat and I let my finger go right inside her rosebud and then she was there as I licked so very hard at her clit and she arched up and let out her breath in a long ‘aaaaaaaahhhhhhhhh!’ as she came and I felt the spurts of her own cum soaking my already wet mouth and face and it was delightful and gorgeous and she sank back as I removed my finger. But I followed her body with my tongue and licked at her delightful clit and cunt, soaking wet, as she relaxed. Her hands gently grasped my head and she held me away from her, gasping   ‘Can’t! Can’t!’ and I reluctantly stopped and allowed the edge of her pants to fall back into place.
I sat on the edge of the bed and watched her tenderly as she recovered. I really did like her very much. Tanya was standing on the other side of the bed and she gave me a huge grin.   All angles.
She moved to the foot of the bed and bent over Toni, opening her legs. Toni looked at her in surprise. Tanya quickly went down on her and started to lick and suck at her cunt through her pants. Toni tried to wriggle up the bed away from her saying ‘No! Please! I can’t now. Wait a bit!’
I knew Tanya wanted to taste her cum and her juice as much as I did and she continued to lick at Toni’s wet pants as she wriggled away from her making pushing motions at her head until there was no more bed left and she had to stop.
Toni made little whimpering noises. “Please! Stop! ”
But Tanya’s tongue works wonders (I should know) and as Toni tried to push Tanya away she let out small, child-like cries.
“I can’t! I really can’t!..... No, please! No! Oh! Oh! I’m cumming again!” and she went rigid for a moment as she had another small climax from Tanya’s tongue.
Tanya came to sit beside me on the bed. Toni was lying back with her eyes closed, her whole body trembling. Tanya smiled at me and kissed me, our tongues meeting as we exchanged the flavour and taste of Toni’s cum. And then we both sat and watched her, our hands joining and our fingers intertwining like young lovers on their first date. But then, that’s how it is with us, all the time.
Toni continued to tremble, her eyes screwed tightly shut. And then to my dismay and horror I saw a tear escape from one eye, then another, and then her body shook and she sobbed.
I looked at Tanya and for a brief millisecond all sorts of thoughts ran through my head. Had she overdone it? Was Toni frightened we were monsters who were going to abuse her body all weekend? Had Tanya hurt her because she was so sensitive after her orgasm with my tongue? I was really concerned and when I looked at Tanya I saw the same concern mirrored in her eyes.
“Toni!” Tanya’s voice bore the same worry. “Whatever is it, my sweet? Have we hurt you? What’s wrong?”
But Toni just shook her head and kept her eyes closed. She reached out both hands and we each took one, not sure what to do or say. Toni lay and sobbed, tears running from her eyes and she made no attempt to wipe them away or look at us. Something was obviously terribly wrong and Tanya and I looked at each other hopelessly.
“Toni!” she said again, her voice as soft and tender as I’ve ever heard it. “Tell us. What’s wrong? Why are you crying?”
Toni shook her head again and pressed her lips together. “You-” was all she managed to blurt out. And then again, “You –”
And then her eyes opened and she stared straight up at the ceiling and the tears ran down her face and she almost shouted as us as she struggled between her sobs and she began to roll her head from side to side but didn’t look at us and gripped our hands very, very tightly and she cried,
“It’s you! Both of you! You make me feel….you’re so nice! You’re so warm! To each other and to me…you make me feel wanted….you make me feel loved and it’s such a nice feeling….and I’ve never felt that way so much before…and you give me so much pleasure…..and why couldn’t I have met you before…..and where have you both been all my life!”

And she finished with a huge sob as she finally turned her head to look straight at us as she gripped our hands and her eyes were imploring us for an answer as they poured out her tears and she looked from Tanya to me and that imploring look was still there and she was waiting for us to answer her heartfelt cries.
“Oh, Toni!”
My adorable girl melted at Toni’s look and she went to lie beside her, nuzzling her and stroking her and soothing her as if she were a small child, and really that’s how she looked, lying on the bed, small, innocent and child-like, waiting for someone to make her pain better. And I saw with a sudden surge of love that Tanya had tears in her eyes too as she comforted Toni and made soothing noises and cooed at her and caressed her tenderly but with no sexual undertones and I relaxed a bit myself because that had all been a bit of a shock.
Tanya used her shirt to gently wipe Toni’s face and eyes, watching her with great tenderness. Toni’s sobs quietened apart from an occasional sniff and she looked at us and gave us a sad little smile.
“I’m so sorry,” she said. “I’m sorry I cried. I hope I haven’t spoilt things and I’m very sorry for what I just said. I had no right to say those things to you, but you both make me feel so warm and nice inside and I just couldn’t keep it in. I really am sorry.”
We both said “Don’t be silly!” at the same time.
“You certainly haven’t spoilt things,” I told her, “and you can say whatever you like to us while you’re here. Whatever you like,” I repeated, thinking that it would be nice to hear her say to me ‘Fuck me!’
“And there’s nothing to be sorry about,” Tanya cooed at her. “We were just worried we’d hurt you or frightened you.”
Toni shook her head again. “No, no,” she said quietly. “Far from it. Somehow you manage to give me such huge orgasms, both of you,  bigger than I’ve had before. And I’ve lost count how many. Oh no, you haven’t hurt me at all. Don’t think that, please. You’ve made me –you’re making me, very happy.”
And we all paused and looked at one another and knew that each of us was happy and contented and I believe each of us thought ahead to what still was to come, and we smiled and grinned at each other and I knew I was right.
“I think,” Tanya said, rising from the bed and shucking off the shirt, “that we could have a little break. I’ll make us some snacks and some more drinks.”
She looked at Toni and smiled, bent down and picked up Toni’s bra which had come off during our exploits and dropped it on the floor with the shirt.
“It will give you two a chance to get to know each other better.” She grinned at us both, and gave me a wink as she passed by me and out of the room.
      *                *                *                *                *                *                *                *                *                *                *                *
I lay on one side, facing Toni, gazing into her face and gently stroking her cheek or her ear, or her lovely short hair.
“You’re a very lovely girl, Toni. Beautiful. Small, sweet, a little elfin. I like you very much.”
She reached and touched my cheek and her eyes searched my face.
“And I like you too, Dave. Very much. And Tanya, of course. But I do like you. I wish I could feel you in ----” she stopped and her eyes continued to rove across my face. “Do you and Tanya often talk dirty to each other?” she asked me softly.
 “Oh,  always,” I assured her. “All the time.”
She nodded thoughtfully. “I never have.”
I raised an eyebrow. “Never?”
“The only time my ex used the word fuck was if he said, ‘I want to fuck you now.’ He might just as well have said ‘I want coffee, or I want food.’ It meant about the same to him, I think. He never tried to turn me on by using dirty talk and never asked me to use it on him either.”
“Oh,” I said. “Well, for us, dirty talk heightens our pleasure. A lot. There are no holds barred and we say to each other whatever we feel or want. I can’t say if it works that way for other people, but it definitely does for us.”   
“Oh it works for me too,” Toni smiled. “Now that I’ve heard it. Hearing Tanya urging you and me just now and telling us what she wanted made me very wet.”
She stroked my cheek.
“I wish you could fuck me, Dave. I wish I could feel you in my cunt. My wet cunt.”
Her words, and the way she spoke them, trying them as if savouring a new taste on her tongue for the first time, made me start to get hard again.
Toni closed her eyes. “I wish I could feel your prick sliding into me, sliding into my pussy and rubbing against my clit and making me wet and filling me ---”  Her eyes opened and a cloud passed behind them.
“But we both promised, didn’t we?”
“Yes we did,” I agreed with a trace of firmness in my voice. “And I won’t break a promise, especially to Tanya. Your cunt, delightful and wet and hot as it is, is strictly out of bounds to my cock, and my cock is equally off-limits to your wet pussy. It’s a shame, I agree. But there it is.”
Toni nodded again. “There’s no way I would want you to break that promise,” she said, “but, God, my cunt is aching for your prick.”
We looked at each other, both wishing for the unattainable.
“Can I ask you something?” I said, wanting to divert my thoughts away from temptation.
“Anything.” She kissed me gently. “Anything. No holds barred.”
“You seem a little, er—tender, well, er--- young, to have such sexual experience as you have. I’m surprised that you’re quite so -- um-- adept as you are, if your ex was as selfish as you say.”
“Oh, I’ve never done anything like this before,” Toni answered cheerfully. “Of course I gave him blowjobs and handjobs if he wanted, but I’ve never been licked or sucked out before.  Maybe that’s why I had such huge climaxes when Tanya and you licked me out,” she added thoughtfully. 
My eyebrows were rising more and more as she told me this.
“I’ve never had my  um- ass licked or licked one myself, and I’ve never, ever been with another girl or a couple before.”
Now I was up, leaning one elbow as I stared at her incredulously.
“You’ve never done any of that?”
She shook her head, then giggled.
“I’m sort of making it up as I go along, and it’s lovely!” And she hugged me and kissed me again.
I was absolutely dumbfounded.
In the first place I would never have guessed from her touches and her confidence that she had no experience of some of the things we’d done. Secondly, I was amazed that she accepted all these new experiences, took these new ideas into her stride and immediately used them to give pleasure to Tanya and I without batting an eyelid.  And of course I was dumbstruck at the thought that Tanya had managed to find a sweet girl like this.
“But, I don’t understand,” I floundered. “If that’s the case, how did you meet up with Tanya? Why did the idea of coming here appeal to you at all? Tanya must have explained about our own tastes and sexual fun, and what we do. If this was all unknown and new to you, how is it that you’re so ready and willing to be with us?”
“I just wanted it,” she replied simply.
This was no explanation at all and she realised it.
“I mean, although I’ve never tried the things that you and Tanya do, never been licked out, never been with a girl or any of the other things she told me about, and she told me a lot, I’ve often thought about things like that. Imagined them, I suppose you could say. I don’t know where it comes from, somewhere deep inside my psyche I suppose, but I’ve often thought to myself, what would it be like to be sucked till I came? How will it be if I tried this? What’s it like to do that? How is sex with another girl? Would I like the feel of  a female tongue on me or female kisses? Would it be nice if I had a cock in me at the same time? Oh, many things that I’ve never experienced, but thought about, wanted to do. Do you understand, Dave?”
I nodded.  I understood.
“And how did you meet up with Tanya?” I enquired.
Toni giggled again and glanced away sheepishly. “I was on the internet. At a sex site, looking for a boyfriend,” she giggled. “And I saw Tanya’s advert.”
(So that’s how she’d done it!).   
“And I thought, wow, that’s sounds like it could be interesting. So I emailed her, and later we spoke on the phone, and then, well, here I am!” she finished with a laugh.
My elbow was aching  and I lay down again.
“Well, I don’t know what to say,” I said. “Except, here you are indeed, and very glad I am that you are.”
She laughed again and traced a finger across my cheek.
“You sound like Yoda from Star Wars,” she laughed, “but you’re not as old and wizened as he is, thank God!”
I laughed too and I told her, “I’m not that old and I don’t think I’m wizened but I’m going to find out.”
And I reached for her and kissed her and we started all over again as I moved across her face with my lips and tongue, and then down over those gorgeous, tanned mounds.
“Your breasts are just beautiful,” I murmured between kisses and licks. “So soft, so smooth, but so round and firm. I love them.”
And I moved lower and lower and reached her pants and pulled them down a little and yes, there was no mistake, she was smooth, smooth, soft, silky and just as tanned there too with not a white area in sight so it was sunbathing naked then and to kiss and lick her smooth tanned love mound and her smooth cunt lips and slide inside them to lick her smooth wet cunt was ecstatic. I was now hard again and I moved back up to her face to plant wet kisses over her and give her her own juices back and I whispered, “I want to fuck you, sweet little Toni. I want to fuck your ass, as deep as I can!”
“Yes, Dave!” she whispered back, her eyes shining. “Yes! I want it! I want you to fuck me! Fuck my ass!  Deep! And hard! Now! Quickly!”
And she was rolling over and tipping me off her as she knelt before me and presented her lovely round ass to me and I wanted it too and I didn’t want to wait and I pulled down the waistband of her pants and she pushed her ass out at me and my cock was out and I wanted to be in her so much and I shoved and this was like rape and I plunged into her and I pounded at her and each thrust pushed her forward and it was just so lovely to fuck that tight round ass and I thrust and thrust and thrust and she was whispering at me and saying ‘Yes! It’s so nice!’ and I kept pounding at her and my pulse was racing and my heart was pounding and I wanted to fuck her ass for ever but I felt that feeling and she was whispering ‘Fuck me! Fuck me! I love you in my ass! Fuck me harder!’ and there were the words that I wanted to hear so much and it didn’t matter that it was not her cunt but her ass because it was so nice to be in there and I fucked her as hard as I possibly could and I was sweating and my heart raced and there it was and I came and it gushed and spurted and gushed and spurted and I felt it on my cock as it seeped out of her ass along my cock and there was still cum and I shot again and again and she must be full but there was one last spurt and I was empty.
I was utterly exhausted and sated and I sank back onto the bed, catching my breath and waiting for my heart and pulse to slow. They do say that having sex is equal in effort to running a mile. I thought I must have just run ten. My girl had been right as usual. The orgasms were tremendous after that long wait. And then I felt my hand being taken and placed inside the waist of Toni’s pants and she took my fingers to her ass and collected my cum on them and brought my hand back to her mouth and licked them and sucked them as I continued to breathe heavily and only when she’d sucked every last drop she could did she give my hand little gentle, normal kisses and lay it tenderly on my chest.
She snuggled up to me and put her head on my stomach. I felt a lick as she retrieved some cum from my cock and then she slid  her head up to my chest and I moved my hand to rest on her cheek as she lay there and looked at me, her eyes glowing, her short hair all tousled and her mouth wet from my cum.
“Dave!” she murmured. “Dave! That was ---I can’t tell you in words. I just love you in my ass.” She wriggled as she spoke, maybe imagining me there again or maybe remembering the feelings. “I want that again,” she said softly. “I like that so much. I wish it was my cunt but I like that and I want it again.”
I waved a hand at her weakly.
“Not now. I want it too, my sweet and lovely little Toni but I’m exhausted. I need a bit of a rest. You could say, I’m fucked.”   
And she laughed out loud and I grinned at her because I didn’t have the strength to laugh and we lay like that, sated, contented and drowsy until Tanya returned.
    *                *                *                *                *                *                *                *                *                *                *                *
She brought in a huge tray of goodies, plates, cutlery, napkins, and then returned to the kitchen to fetch three more beers.
Tanya was a believer in the old adage, ‘the way to a man’s heart is through his stomach’ and this time she’d excelled herself.  None of this faddish vegetarian crap, thank you very much, but good wholesome food that tasted delicious, filled you up and was (mostly) good for you. Toni and I rose and padded to the table where Tanya had set things down. On the way, Toni couldn’t resist taking my hand putting it down the back of her wet pants again and licking my fingers once more even as we arrived at the food.
“Wow!” she exclaimed. “Look at all this! Tanya, why didn’t you call me to help you?”
Tanya laughed, grabbed my hand and licked my fingers herself.
(Doesn’t miss a trick.)
“Oh, no, sweet little Toni. You and Davey had much better things to do!”  And she laughed again and Toni giggled and life was again, very much alright.
There were cheesy things, salady things, tomato things, mini pizzas, sausages on sticks, fruit on sticks, little bowls of hot steaming rice, there were vol-au-vents, there were biscuits and crackers and nuts and crisps and dips and breadsticks and fruit and right in the middle of the tray, a big raspberry gateaux. (Mostly good for you.) I knew we had all this stuff. We’d only bought it all that morning. (Was it really only that morning? It seemed like ages ago.) But my girl had spent a lot of effort in laying it all out.
“This should keep us going for a while,” Tanya said. “Dive in.”
And we did.
We stood or sat around munching and Tanya passed a beer to Toni and one to me. I gave her a look. She understood perfectly what it said. If I drink this I really won’t be able to wait any longer.
Through a mouthful of cheese and biscuits she mouthed ‘Wait!’ severely at me then smiled.
I put one arm round her and gave her a strong hug.  I nodded at the food. “Thanks for this,” I said. “You’re wonderful and adorable and sexy and gorgeous, - and I want to fuck you!” I finished in a whisper. “But I can’t just yet,” I added.
“Oh, and why’s that then?” she asked ingenuously in a whisper. “You’re fucked are you?”
I nodded and she said “Good. Good. That’s what we like to hear.”
And Toni, who’d heard perfectly well everything we’d said,  giggled and made us laugh too.
We finally filled ourselves as much as we could and sat, finishing our beers.
“Leave the food there,” Tanya suggested. “We can help ourselves whenever we want, and anyway, it might come in useful. Who knows?”
We’d tried this once or twice. We both enjoyed it, but we preferred our sex wet and dirty rather than fruity or creamy.
Toni’s eyes went a bit wide and she glanced at the gateaux which remained untouched.
“Ooooooo!” was all she said.
“Toni, my sweet little girl, ” Tanya suddenly said, “we’ll be with you in just a minute.”
And so saying she suddenly grabbed me and threw me back on the bed, beer bottle and all. She straddled me, kneeling and looking down at me, her long hair falling forwards to drape across my chest.
“Finish that,” she commanded.
I drained the last drops and she took the bottle and put it on the bedside table.
“Now,” she said, and took my hand and placed it between her open legs. I felt her cunt lips, warm and soft through the damp fabric of her pants. We stayed like that for a moment as Tanya stared down at me, then smiled and closed her eyes as the first hot drops of her pee came soaking through her pants and onto my hand.
I looked across at Toni who was watching interestedly. “Toni,” I called.
She came to the bed and I took her hand and placed it above mine so that she could feel the  delicious heat and wetness of Tanya’s golden shower which ran from her pants and cascaded over our hands.   
“Ooooooo!” Toni said again. “Nice!” She removed her hand and licked it, sampling the taste. “Ooo, I like that!”
Tanya rolled off me and onto her back. I knew what she wanted. I moved between her legs and licked her cunt through her pants and the shower she’d been holding back released, gushing out and soaking her pants and my face. I licked and slurped and sucked, enjoying the slightly salty taste; a taste I’d relished many times before but was quite new to Toni.  She could see and hear what was happening and she moved nearer to us and said,  “Can I have some?” and I obligingly moved away and let her take my place between Tanya’s legs. She buried her head as tightly into Tanya’s pants as she could and made little appreciative ‘mmmm’ noises as she licked and sucked and drank until Tanya was empty. Finally she raised her face, soaking wet and shining, licked her lips and said, “Dave?”
Tanya moved aside and Toni lay in her place, her legs open wide. Tanya began to lick and kiss her legs through the black hold-ups and Toni wriggled comfortably.
“Let me do it on you,” she begged me and I regained my position on the bed, pushing my wet face into Toni’s crotch and delighting as she hesitantly at first, then more confidently, allowed her piss to run out into her pants.
“Oooo, that’s nice!” she exclaimed as she felt the warmth of her own shower run down her cunt and round to her ass. I sucked and licked and tasted her, and she was more salty than Tanya but it was still delicious and I relished every drop.
“Stop, sweet girl,” came Tanya’s quiet voice.
Toni looked at her in some surprise and I felt the warm flow cease.
“Lump! It’s my turn,” Tanya  grinned and I moved off the bed completely.
Tanya lay down and pulled Toni over to lie on top of her.
“Straddle me,” Tanya whispered, and as Toni raised her body, drew up her knees and knelt over her, Tanya wriggled down towards the foot of the bed.
“Higher,” she said, and then again, “higher.”
Toni’s wet pants and cunt were now positioned over Tanya’s breasts.
Tanya reached up and fondled Toni’s own breasts and looked into her eyes.
“Just a little,” she said and I saw the golden flow begin again as Toni relaxed her muscles and her pee ran out straight from her pants and onto Tanya’s breasts, covering them and running down each side of them, down between them and onto Tanya’s stomach.
“Enough, darling Toni,”  Tanya murmured. “Move higher.”
And Toni did, so that she was now positioned directly over Tanya’s mouth.
“Sit on me, and let it all go,” Tanya instructed and Toni lowered her crotch onto Tanya’s face and a look of sheer bliss appeared on her face as she felt her warm piss run out, over her own thighs, into her pants and onto Tanya’s face. I knew Tanya would be licking her cunt as well, and that added to the look of pleasure on Toni.
Finally she must have stopped because she lifted herself from Tanya. She rolled off her and the two lay side by side.
“I’ve never done that before,” she said wondrously. “It’s, -- it’s lovely! I never thought it would be so nice.”
“You’re never to old to learn, my child,” I intoned in my best headmaster’s voice.
Toni fluttered her eyelashes at me as Tanya looked on, a huge  grin on her face.
“Oh! And what else have you to teach me, kind sir?” she asked in a squeaky, little girl voice. She put one finger provocatively between her lips and pulled them open a little. “I’m sure I have much to learn  and I can assure the gentleman that I am a most willing and able student!” And she opened her legs wide and fluttered her eyelashes at me again.
But neither of us could keep up the act and we all dissolved into fits of laughter.
“I think,” Tanya said, “that it’s time Davey wet us. Don’t you agree, fair maiden?”
“Mmmmm!” Toni answered, gazing at me.
“And where shall he place this wonderful nectar upon us, do you think?” Tanya mused. “Shall it be on our tits? Our stomachs? In our cunts? Our asses? You choose, little Toni. Where would you like him to do it on you?”
“I think,” Toni began thoughtfully, doing her lip pulling thing again with one finger, quite unconsciously it seemed to me, “I think I would like--”  and she whispered in Tanya’s ear, so quietly that I couldn’t hear a word.    
Tanya’s eyes lit up and she looked at me. “Brilliant!” she exclaimed. “Toni, you’re brilliant! We’ve never tried that! What a great idea. I hope he’s got enough for two.”
As I was so full to bursting after a quantity of wine and two beers that it was a job to hold it back and that itself was uncomfortable, I felt quite sure I had enough for two.
“Your idea. You first,” Tanya offered. “I’ll get out of the way.”  And she rolled off the bed, came to me, cupped her face in my hands and said ‘Lump. I love you. The fair maiden awaits.’ And she went to nibble at the food again.
Toni actually rubbed her hands together. “Dave!” she called imperiously. “I require your services. Now.”
“Yes, ma’am,” I replied, touching my forelock and enjoying the game as I moved towards the bed.
“You’re to straddle me,” commanded the fair maiden, “but facing the foot of the bed. You’re to put your cock inside the waistband of my pants so that it lies on my mound, facing my feet. And then let go,” she added in an excited voice.
Tanya was right, bless her. We never had tried this and I thought it would be very nice.
So I dutifully positioned myself as instructed and paused.
“Yes, Dave,” whispered Toni softly. “Now. Let it go on me. Please?”
And I did. My pee gushed out from me and the relief was almost a physical sensation as my golden water shot into Toni’s pants and ran down against her cunt and clit.
“Oh, it’s hot!” Toni exclaimed. “Nice! Hot!” And she fondled and caressed the cheeks of my ass in front of her, murmuring “Nice! Nice! Nice!” all the while. Then, “Enough, sir! I declare I am washed sufficiently now. Enough, I say sir! You may resume your other duties!”
With some difficulty I held back my flow and extracted my cock from Toni’s pants.
As I moved off Toni she said, “I shall summon you again when needed. Do not stray!” and even as she spoke my lovely Tanya was taking her place and lying as she had done. She smiled a loving smile at me but said not one word as I re-positioned myself in the same way. Tanya didn’t bother with the cheeks of my ass. She waited till she felt my warm flow on her and went straight for my rosebud, pushing her finger into me and taking the fabric of my pants with it as she strove to push it all the way in. The pants prevented her and she contented herself with moving her finger in and out as I let my pee flow into her pants and down over her cunt as it had Toni’s before her. I looked up to see Toni watching, rubbing her soaking wet pants and then licking her fingers as she savoured the taste of my pee and the other mixed tastes from our previous encounters. Her eyes glowed with pleasure as she sucked and swallowed, scooped again and sucked and swallowed some more.
“Davey, baby, I love you,” came Tanya’s voice. “I like this. So warm. So wet. Love you very much my baby.”
And just for the briefest of moments, the very, very briefest of milliseconds, I saw the cloud that passed behind Toni’s eyes.
I had finished and I rolled off Tanya. Lying beside her I looked at her. “I needed that.”
“I know you did, my sweet. We all did. It was nice, and worth the wait.” She looked at Toni.
“Love you for that idea Toni. Brilliant. That’s added to our list of pleasures.”
And Toni looked at us both, and beamed, and her eyes shone even more brightly than before. She came to lie between Tanya and I.
“If I’ve done that,” she said, “if I’ve managed to do something to add to your pleasures, something new, then I’m very, very happy.” And she hugged Tanya and then  me.
“You’re a sweetheart,” Tanya murmured to her, running her hand through Toni’s short hair and down her cheek. “A real sweetheart. And -” she gave me a brief glance with her eyebrow raised and I nodded, “ –we love you. Not like we love each other, but we love you too. Both of us.”
Toni looked at Tanya, her big eyes wide, and there was love in her look and she turned her face and looked at me and there was still love in her eyes and she smiled, a warm, utterly peaceful and contented smile and she said, “And I love you too. Both of you. I love you Tanya for your kindness and cleverness and thoughtfulness and because you make sure I’m having pleasure from you both, and because you’re so happy with Dave, and I love you Dave because you’re thoughtful too and because you look after Tanya so well and because you love her so much but you make sure I have pleasure too, and you’re strong and kind and everything a man should be and you’re both so happy with each other and you’ve  made me so happy too now and I love you both for it.” And she hugged us again.
We lay there, together, arms round one another or draped across our bodies and we were at peace and it was so nice and nobody had to touch anybody’s sex at all because it wasn’t necessary it was just right that we lay there together. 
And then Toni made to get up from the bed and said, “But now I must go to the bathroom.”
And quick as a flash Tanya’s arms went round her and her hands pinned Toni’s upper arms to the bed so she had to stay flat on her back.
“What!” Toni cried. “What are you doing? I have to go to the bathroom!”
And Tanya remained quiet and watched her and Toni began to struggle against her and cried out.
“Tanya! Let me go. I mean it! I’m not joking! Let me up!”
I had no idea what this was all about and I got off the bed and stood looking down at them. Tanya moved to straddle Toni and now she was hopelessly pinned beneath Tanya, her arms still pinned flat. She heaved up but there was no way she was going to shift Tanya like that.
Toni glared at her. “Tanya! Stop it! Now!”
She struggled harder and writhed her body under Tanya as she tried to free herself.
“Tanya! What is this?” Toni looked up at me. “Dave! Tell her!”
I began to feel uncomfortable.
“Tanya! I’m telling you I must get up and go to the bathroom!”
“You’ve already been to the bathroom,” Tanya pointed out.
“Not like that!” Toni said. “I mean I have to go to the bathroom, properly!”
Tanya nodded. “Then go,” she told her.
Toni writhed furiously. “Then let me up!” she screamed.
I really didn’t like this. This wasn’t my Tanya. What the hell was she doing? After Toni’s earlier outburst of crying when we were both concerned I felt protective of Toni and this wasn’t nice for her. I really didn’t like this at all and said so.
“Tanya. Enough,” I said firmly. “Let Toni up. If she wants to go and use the bathroom, let her.”
Now it may seem that Tanya wears the trousers in our home and that she controls things, plans things and organises her and me the way she wants and that I just keep my mouth shut and let her get on with it, like a puppy letting its master organise its food, walks and its life.  She does. And I do, but because I’m happy for her to be that way. It suits both of us and we’re both quite content that it works like that. She controls, plans and organises so well because she instinctively knows what I’ll like and what I won’t. So I don’t have to object or insist on my own way because her way suits me and her both, and we’re happy like that. But you know all that already. The point is, Tanya also knows very well that she doesn’t really wear the trousers at all. I let her, but if I really, really want something apposite to her idea, or if I really, really object to something, and believe me that is a very, very rare occurrence indeed,  there is a tone in my voice which tells her immediately that I am wearing the trousers and that I mean what I say and that I am being masterful as a man should. This, as I say, is a rare thing, but Tanya always knows she doesn’t really control me or organise me and if she hears that tone in my voice she at once becomes submissive and gives way to me. She heard that tone now, and ignored it.
Toni looked at me and gave a little satisfied nod, then looked at Tanya.
“See! Now let me up!”
“If you have to go to the bathroom, then go,” Tanya repeated.
Toni stared at her and her big eyes grew enormous.
“What! What’re you saying! You want me to go now? Here? In my pants?”
Tanya nodded. And Toni struggled even more furiously and heaved and twisted.
“Tanya! She needs to go. Let her up! Do as I say. Now!”
And to my utter, utter amazement and incredulity, Tanya turned to look at me with a half smile on her face, and Toni stopped her struggling, looked at me with that sweet elfin face and gave me a huge wink and said,
“All part of the plan, Stan!”
I looked at them both, speechless.
“Really Dave. It’s okay. Look.”
And Tanya was still looking at me with that half smile as she lifted her hands to free Toni and Toni stayed exactly where she was.
“See?” Toni said. “It really is okay.”
“You’ve planned this between you!” I accused them. “You bloody little minxes! I can’t believe it.”   
And Toni giggled and looked at Tanya, and Tanya looked at me and realised that for once, just for once,  she might have gone too far and she left Toni and came to me and threw her arms round me and hugged me but she couldn’t help but laugh at the expression on my face because she, they, had had me so completely and utterly and she said, “Oh, Davey, I’m really sorry but it was such fun to see your face. Yes, we had planned it. I admit. We thought it would be fun. I’m sorry. I’m sorry. We didn’t mean to hurt you or make you angry.” And she giggled at Toni, and Toni giggled some more.
Bloody little minxes!
I hugged my adorable little minx and said, “I’m not angry. Really I’m not. It was a clever trick and it totally fooled me. I was worried for Toni but I’m not angry. Really.”
Maybe I was. At being fooled. Just a teeny bit.
I kissed Tanya and held her face. “Bloody little minx! I’m not angry but I feel as if I ought to tan your backside!”
“Oooo, yes please!” she squealed, but we don’t do that and she knew it. I looked at Toni.
“Bloody little elfin minx,” I said.
She wiped a laughter tear from her eye. “That was good!” she admitted with a grin. “I wasn’t at all sure I could keep a straight face and get away with it, but Tanya said yes you can, and I did.” And she started giggling all over again.
“Come and join the game,” Tanya pleaded, kissing my lips and gazing into my eyes. “Please! Promise I’ll make it up to you later.”
And she did. (But that’s another story.)
Tanya led me back to the bed and brushed her hand across my hair and down my cheek. She looked searchingly at me and asked quietly, “You okay, Davey baby? You really okay now?”
I nodded. “ I may get you back for that one day, y’know” I threatened.
Tanya nodded seriously. “Perhaps I deserve it,” she said quietly. “We really didn’t think you’d be quite so  -um- masterful about it. Have I spoilt things?”
“No,” I told her. “No, you haven’t. But I wonder what else you’ve got planned between you?” I arched an eyebrow theatrically and looked them both, but neither replied.
“I love you,” Tanya said then, resting her head on my chest as she does. “I love you so much. And I want you.”
I stroked her hair and back, the way she likes.
“We haven’t had a row, you know,” I said. “You just tricked me and I didn’t see it coming at all. It’s okay, my adorable little minx. It is okay, you know.”
And it was.  My few moments of annoyance had gone.
“Well, anyway, I have to go to the bathroom,” Toni reminded us, and Tanya left me and leapt onto the bed and onto Toni and pinned her arms again and this time I joined in and put my head close to Toni’s and leered at her in my best evil voice, “But you’re not going to the bathroom. You’re going to stay here and do it in your pants!”
And Toni struggled again and now I could see that her arms weren’t really pinned at all and she twisted and heaved under Tanya and she cried out, softly, “No! No! You must let me up! Please! I can’t do it in my pants! They’ll be full! And dirty! I mustn’t! It’s not right! Let me up! Please!”
And Tanya grinned at me and leered at Toni herself.
“No, my sweet. My lovely little Toni. You’re not getting up yet. We’ll keep you here until you’re empty!”
And Toni squealed and struggled and pleaded and twisted.
“No, no! I can’t! I mustn’t! I can’t fill my pants! Oh! Oh! No! I must go! It’s coming! I can’t hold it in any more! Let me up before it’s too late and I let it all go!”
“Let it all go, little girl!” I leered.
“Yes, let it all come out of you and fill your lovely wet pants!” leered Tanya.
“To mix with the pee and the cum that’s already there!” I leered.
And Toni’s squeal rose higher and she struggled some more and then a look of shock dawned on her face and she cried, “No! No! I can’t hold it!” Her eyes screwed up tight together and she repeated, “ I can’t hold it! It’s coming! It’s coming!”
Tanya signalled me with her eyes and together we rolled Toni over and lifted her hips so that her tight, round little ass was in the air. Her head lay to one side and she stopped her fake struggles but kept on objecting as we positioned her.   
“No! No! This is so naughty! You mustn’t make me do this!  I mustn’t do it in my pants and make them full and dirty but I can’t stop it! It wants to come out! I can feel it’s coming out now and oh! No! I mustn’t let it! No! Oh! Oh!  Ooooooohhhhhhhhhhhhhh!”
Tanya and I had a hand each on her ass, mine down near her cunt and Tanya’s higher at the top of her crease. Toni’s last long cry was accompanied by a bulge appearing in the middle of her pants as she began to expel everything she had inside her.
It was hot and soft and sticky and brown and it continued to fill and expand her pants as Tanya and I each revelled in the sight and feel of it as we cupped the bulge in our hands and massaged it higher and lower to cover all her ass cheeks. Toni was very, very full and more and more sticky brown stuff came from inside her and continued to fill her pants. Tanya and I spread it and shaped it and pushed it inside her pants and it began to fill her crotch so that it was hot against her cunt and she moaned and whispered ‘oh I’m filling my pants and it’s so nice and hot and sticky and I can feel it on my cunt.’ We felt her push as she extruded more and more. There was a huge amount and we were careful  to keep it within her pants, filling every inch of the back of them and ensuring that it also filled them lower down in her crotch where it formed a separate, hot sticky bulge which I gently squashed against her cunt and clit.
“Rrrrooooorrrrrrrr!” Toni whispered loudly as she felt it squeeze between her cunt lips, rub against her clit and into her love tunnel. “Ooooooo, that’s so nice! I want more! But I haven’t any more! That’s all I have.”
“It’s wonderful and it’s enough for now,” Tanya cooed softly. “But you shall have more, sweet little Toni. You shall have more.”
I was massaging Toni’s pants and shaping and pushing and making sure that I filled Toni’s cunt with as much of her brown stickiness as I possibly could. And each time I kneaded a little more into her she gave a little moan and pushed backwards against my hand to help.
Tanya bent to kiss Toni’s lithe back and ran her tongue from her shoulderblades slowly and delicately down Toni’s spine. Toni gave a little shiver. Tanya continued until she reached the small of her back and then she left the bed and disappeared from my view. I took over, still playing with Toni’s full pants and filling her cunt and I licked her back and her ribs as I did.
“Are you comfortable like that, Toni?” I whispered.
She nodded her head. Then, softly, excitedly, “Are you going to fuck my ass again, Dave?”
“Not now, my lovely little Toni,” I answered equally softly. “But I will. Tanya wants to fuck you.”
Because I knew where my girl had gone. She’d gone for the strap-on with the latex cock that we have.
“Tanya’s going to fuck my ass?” She was still excited at the thought.
“No. She’s going to fill your cunt with her cock and fuck you.”
“Mmmmmmm! Yes! I want it. I want to feel it!”
I moved aside and waited as Tanya came to the bed and positioned herself at the foot of it. Gently she pushed at Toni’s hips and slid her further up the bed until she could kneel on it herself. Tanya had got rid of her manhole cover and now wore only her pink see through stretch pants. I thought it would be a good time to lose my skirt as well and it joined the growing pile of clothes on the floor. Tanya had pulled down the front of her pants and the cock stuck out from them. I’d seen it, and felt it, many times before, but now it looked huge.
Tanya waited and looked at me.
“Love you,” she said and her mouth puckered up. I stepped forward to her and kissed her tenderly.
Tanya reached one hand out and stroked Toni’s back.
“Love you, Toni,” she said.
Toni wriggled a little and sighed comfortably. “Love you too, Tanya. I want to feel you fuck me now!”
By way of answer Tanya knelt up on the bed behind her, holding the cock in one hand and moved forward so that it pressed against Toni’s ass, the tip pushing gently into the fabric and squashing the brown stickiness inside. Toni let out a soft ‘Mmmm!’ and Tanya moved the tip down, down, until she could push it under Toni’s crotch, rubbing it  outside her pants against her cunt lips.
“Mmmmm!” murmured Toni again. “Warm. Nice.”
And I relaxed and watched as my wonderful sweet Tanya began to give the ultimate pleasure to Toni as she rubbed and stroked and played the tip of her cock around and across and under and everywhere except inside.    
I couldn’t resist and for a few minutes I gently stroked the inside of Toni’s thighs, my fingers trailing up and down and around too, across the top of the holdups and up to her groin and away again and the tip of the cock rubbed beneath her and Toni’s breath became a little faster and Tanya and I continued to arouse her and pleasure her for a while until each stroke of my fingers against her skin and each stroke or gentle probe of the cock against her made her take a short, sharp intake of  breath and they began to grow a little louder and more frequent and we both knew she was ready to receive that luscious, sensual, ecstatic feeling of the cock sliding into her cunt.
And now Tanya carefully eased away the edge of one leg of Toni’s pants and allowed the tip of her cock to rub Toni’s flesh, and Toni squirmed a little and made murmuring noises. Tanya explored gently with her cock until she found Toni’s cunt lips and poised with the cock just separating them.
“Oh, I can feel you there!” Toni murmured. “It’s nice. I want you in me now!”
And Tanya obliged, thrusting forward in one long, slow movement that sent her cock between Toni’s cunt lips and past her clit, and in, further, sliding slowly in Toni’s tight young love tunnel, sliding in her hot love juices and the warm brown sticky stuff that filled Toni’s cunt and as Tanya slid her cock  further and further inside Toni there always seemed to be more left and Toni began to gasp ‘Oh! Oh! Yes! That’s it! Yes! Oh, it’s filling me!’ and Tanya went on easing her hips forward and the cock forward and finally it was completely inside Toni and Tanya’s mound was pressed up against Toni’s round ass and Toni gasped again and said ‘Yeeeeesssssss!’
Tanya paused and gazed down at Toni. Then she turned her head to look at me, mouthed ‘love you!’ and beckoned me with a flick of her head.
I moved nearer to her and she kept one hand on Toni’s hip to steady her, and went for my cock with the other. And she began to fuck Toni, pulling out with a long, slow stroke almost leaving her cunt, but not quite, and then back in again with the same long slow stroke, and Toni gasped and went ‘aaaaahhhh’ and Tanya’s hand was cupping my balls and stroking my cock and I was getting hard because to see these two adorable girls enjoying their sex together and to feel my beloved Tanya’s hand wanking me gently was too much and I wanted to be part of this and moved round to stand behind Tanya and pulled down the top of her pants, down past her ass cheeks and lower until her rosebud was free and I aimed my cock  there and Tanya spread her knees a little because she wanted me too and my cock found that lovely round hole and I slid inside her and then remained still and as Tanya pulled back with each stroke from Toni she slid onto my cock and as she moved forward into Toni she slid away from me and it was just electrifying to know that we were fucking each other this way.
And Tanya began to move faster, sliding in and out of Toni’s cunt with long, even, fast strokes and onto my own cock with the same long strokes and Toni’s gasps became louder as she cried ‘Yes! Fuck me! It’s nice in there! It’s nice! Faster!’ and Tanya complied and began to pound Toni’s cunt and thrust herself back onto my cock and it was heavenly and now Tanya was breathing fast and beginning to gasp too and Toni was moaning in her throat and thrusting herself back onto Tanya’s cock each time and I used one hand to rub Tanya’s cunt through her pants as she moved her own body so that I was wanking her even as I fucked her ass and she moaned too but I was standing perfectly still and the girls were doing everything themselves and I sensed Toni’s body go rigid and I knew she was there and she let out a little scream of pure ecstasy as Tanya thrust at her very hard and again and once more  and each thrust produced a little scream and then Toni came and I knew she’d shot her cum all over Tanya’s cock inside her and it mixed with the brown sticky stuff that was in her too and Tanya knew it and gasped and her body quivered as she had her own small orgasm at the feel of my cock in her ass and her cock in Toni’s cunt and Toni let out a huge gasp and scream together as she reached her peak and orgasmed but Tanya kept thrusting at her and Toni gasped again with each thrust and now I knew I was close too and I matched Tanya’s backwards movements and thrust into her myself beginning to pound at her lovely, wet, tight rosebud and Toni was building again and moaning and gasping and Tanya thrust at her cunt as hard as she could and Toni came again and the sound of her gasping ‘Ah! Ah! Ah! Ah!’ with each of Tanya’s thrusts made me cum too and I felt my warm spunk gush from my cock and into my lovely Tanya’s ass and she pressed against me and moaned and Toni fell forward away from Tanya’s cock in exhaustion and collapsed face down on the bed and I gave one last thrust at Tanya and felt the last of my hot cum spurt into her and then I released her and we both joined Toni on the bed and the three of us lay there all gasping and heaving together in the throes of our triple orgasms.  
Within a few moments Tanya had rolled onto her back and removed the strap-on, Throwing it aside she pulled at me with her hands until I was between her legs and she pushed my head down towards her cunt. I knew she wanted to be licked and sucked and I was delighted to oblige because I can stay there and lick and suck my adorable little Tanya for hours, and have done, and now I wanted to taste her love juice and her pee and I briefly aroused her again through her pants until she was stroking my head and pulling me into her and then I eased down the top of her pants and ran my tongue over her soft skin and she lifted herself slightly off the bed so that I could pull her pants down further and I stopped in pure shock and utter rapture because my wonderful girl, this beautiful, sexy, adorable creature that I loved so much and whose body I could enjoy and pleasure for hours had shaved herself at last and she was completely smooth and soft like Toni and there wasn’t a vestige of her soft downy hair anywhere and I loved it.
I looked up to see her smiling at me, her eyes glowing with love and tenderness.
“Told you I had a surprise for you,” she whispered.
I couldn’t say anything. I just gazed at her and my heart went out to her because she does so much to please me and make me happy and her smile grew wider and she whispered,” Now suck me and lick me harder than you ever have before!”
And I did. I pressed against those incredibly smooth soft cunt lips and I licked and kissed and I sucked and slurped and her juices ran and my tongue was making her wet all around her cunt and inside it too, mixing with her juice and she began to writhe and murmur and pressed herself onto my tongue and it was absolute heaven, it was ecstasy to feel that smooth skin and flesh against my lips and tongue and I thrust my tongue into her and licked and flicked at her clit with every ounce of strength my muscles could produce and I sucked at her juice and tasted it and swallowed her warm nectar and knew I wanted to stay there for hours and hours and Toni was forgotten in the thrill of sucking my beloved Tanya and hearing and feeling her pleasure build as she moaned and writhed and thrust against my lips and there was so much juice and it flooded from her and soaked my face and it was heavenly to feel it and taste it and Tanya gasped and gasped again and arched up and cried out ‘Daaaavey! Baby! Baby! Baby! Oh Davey!’ and her hands roved around my head and my neck and I couldn’t believe it but there was even more of her cum coming from inside that deliciously wet warm smooth cunt and on me as I licked and sucked at her clit and my tongue revelled in it and I licked and sucked and drank and didn’t stop until I’d recovered every drop I could and Tanya was lying back and making little moaning noises as she enjoyed my tongue around her cunt lips and her thighs collecting her cum from them.
Whatever it is, it works.
“I don’t care --” Tanya said, gasping from her orgasm, looking straight up at the ceiling, “—how bloody good the orgasms are ---  I am not waiting to feel your tongue in me like that again --- for ten fucking days, ever!  I love you, Davey baby.”
We lay together, content and sated. I glanced at Toni and saw that she was dozing peacefully, her head turned to one side on the pillow, her short, boyish hair framing that delicate elfin face, her lips parted slightly and her breathing light and even.
I turned to look at Tanya and our eyes met. She glanced at Toni herself and smiled at her, a tender, caring, loving smile and then she looked back at me and we kissed each other’s lips, and again and again,  and there was no sex there, it was love, pure and simple and fulfilled and absolute as we stroked each other’s faces and looked  into each other’s eyes and kissed and spoke not one word.
Toni moved slightly next to me and I looked and saw she’d opened her eyes. It took a moment for her to focus, and then she shuffled herself upright onto the pillows.
“Sorry,” she said sleepily. “I didn’t want to doze off. But I’m so fucked.” She giggled at us. “I’m fucked! I’m fucked, and it’s lovely!” She rubbed her eyes.
“Best sleep in the world,” Tanya assured her. “Purest, deepest, most restful sleep there is, when you’re fucked.”
“Well, I’m awake now!” Toni said. “What have I missed?”
“Davey gave me a good licking,” Tanya said with her impish smile. “Soaked me. Feel me.” And she reached across me and took Toni’s hand and placed it between her legs.
“Ooo, lovely and wet,” Toni agreed. She glanced down at her own wet and dirty pants. “Like me. But I’m full in my pussy, as well as wet.”
“Oh, I will be too,”  Tanya said airily. “The night is yet young.”
Actually, it wasn’t. It was quite late, but none of us cared.   
“Then it must be time for me to do something,” Toni said, glancing at me. “Can I use the strap-on, Tanya?”
My girl rolled her eyes heavenwards, tutted, then rolled right over me to lie beside Toni. She took her face in both hands, her nose inches from Toni’s and she growled in her best parental voice,
“I told you, don’t ask! I told you, you adorable little creature, with your big eyes and your lovely body and your gorgeous wet, full pussy, I told you,  don’t ask!
She rubbed Toni’s nose with her own, kissed  her lips and then continued in the same joking growl, “Take the strap-on, do what you want with it, fuck me, fuck Davey, do exactly what you want to whoever you want, but don’t ask!” And she slipped her hands round Toni’s neck and pulled her head forward, resting cheek to cheek with Toni. She kissed her tenderly on one cheek and let Toni go.
“Now be off with you my girl!” she growled, smiling. “Take your lovely breasts, your lithe body, your big round eyes, your tight round ass and your wonderful wet cunt full of your own brown stuff and your pee and your cum, and do whatever you want whenever you want and to whom, but do not ask again!”
And Toni looked at her and said submissively, “Yes mummy,” and both girls laughed and hugged each other and kissed and Tanya felt around for the strap-on and handed it to her. Toni held it for a moment, gazing at me with warmth in her eyes. She left the bed, fitted the toy on over her pants and stood looking down at me, her hands on her hips. She did that delightful lady-of the-manor thing again.
“Dave, I have need of exercise. Your services are required immediately.”
“Yes, ma’am.”
“I’m desirous of discovering for myself, purely in the interests of propriety, you understand, some details of these carnal pleasures of which the servants constantly speak and word of which has drifted up from the scullery to my chaste ears.”
Tanya was grinning and silently clapping her hands together.
“It will therefore be necessary for me to use this, um-  um- “ she gestured at the latex cock –
“Cock, ma’am,” I supplied helpfully.
“Yes. This um – cock upon your person. Do you understand?”
“Certainly ma’am. Anything I can do to oblige your ladyship will be a pleasure.”
“Hmmmphh! Well, as you are of the male persuasion and therefore deficient in the area generally associated, so I am led to believe, with this um—cock, I shall have no alternative but to use the only available area in which I believe this appendage will fit.”
Tanya was rolling about, her eyes screwed up and shaking with silent laughter. “Brilliant!” she murmured “Just brilliant!”
“What is the name commonly used to describe that area?”
“The ass, ma’am.”
“And how does one describe, in the politest of company of course, the action when using the appendage?”
“In the politest of company, ma’am? Fucking.”
And Tanya burst out in gales of laughter and rolled around, the tears streaming from her eyes, hammering her fists on the bed and Toni couldn’t keep a straight face either and her lips pursed as she tried not to laugh but it was no good and she had to look away as her shoulders shook.
“Oh, I love it! I love it!” Tanya could hardly get the words out. Toni had recovered and faced me again sternly.
“Fucking. Yes. Cock, ass, fucking.”
“If I may be permitted ma’am, the correct sequence for that would be, cock fucking ass.”
“Yes. Well,  thank you Dave. I shall remember that for the ladies at our next musical soiree  ---”
And Tanya collapsed in hysterics and I cracked up too and that set Toni off and she lost it completely and had to sit on the bed, her shoulders heaving with laughter and her hands covering her face.
“I can’t go on!” she laughed. “I ‘ve lost it now.”
Tanya was wiping her eyes with her fingers, still laughing.
“Oh, that was good!” she said. “That was just so clever! Toni, you’re brilliant! You’re an angel.”
Toni shook her head, grinning broadly at us.  “Sorry. It’s gone. I wanted to do some more but I know I’d never be able to keep a straight face now.”   
“Shame,” I said. “I was enjoying that too.”
“Maybe I’ll try again later,” said Toni. “But right now I want to fuck your ass.”
And my girl got up from the bed and gave her eyes a last wipe and still grinning, said, “I’m going to fetch some more beers. Start without me.”
Toni lay beside me. “As I sat on the bed just now I felt some more of my full pants squash into my cunt again, Dave. I do wish I could feel your cock in there with it.” She held up a hand to forestall me. “I know, I know, I’m only saying.”
She planted a kiss on my lips and looked at me with the same devilish smile that I see on Tanya sometimes. “Maybe if I fuck your ass you’ll need to fill your pants, Dave.”
She paused and kissed me again. “That would be nice. I’d like to see that and feel it, the way you and Tanya felt me when I did it.”
“The world will be your oyster,” I said softly, “and your wishes will be our commands.”
“Oh, you’re so sweet!” she squealed, and kissed me hard, her tongue forcing into my mouth. Then she resumed her former position, her face close to mine, her eyes shining and she said, “Roll over, you lovely man. Give me your ass.”
And I did and she knelt behind me and pulled down the waist of my pants. “Have to keep these on for later,” she murmured, and chuckled.
I felt the tip of her cock probing between my cheeks as she sought the entrance to my man-cunt. The cock pushed against me and she spread my cheeks a little. She probed again and then she was in, sliding into me and holding my hips to balance herself.
“Ooohhh!” she murmured. “I like it! It’s like being a man, being behind you and pushing my cock into you, in and out, sliding into your hole.” She fell silent for a moment, and there was wonder in her voice as she murmured again.
“I’m fucking you Dave. I’m fucking you. My cock is in your ass hole and –”
She fell silent again and I could see down the length of the bed and my own body that Tanya had silently returned and her hand was between Toni’s legs as she massaged the brown bulge that was still there in her pants and she felt for Toni’s cunt clips and clit through the fabric and the brown sticky bulge and she found the magic place because Toni’s head went back and her eyes were closed and she stroked backwards and forwards sliding her cock in and out of me slowly and gently and she murmured dreamily, “I’m fucking your lovely ass Dave, and it’s nice to be like the man for once, fucking, and I can feel Tanya’s fingers in my cunt, wanking me and I’m a girl too so I’m both now and I wish my cock could cum in you Dave but it’s nice to fuck you and I’m going to cum myself now and do it harder Tanya, my lovely Tanya, you’re making me cum again and it’s coming now and I love you Tanya and I love you Dave and oooooooohhhhhhhh!” and she withdrew the cock from me and fell onto my back and hips as she came.
I lowered myself onto the bed and she stayed where she was, lying on my back and clinging to me round my waist. It was a strangely quiet and subdued orgasm compared to her earlier ones. She murmured dreamily again as she lay on me, the cock pressing into my back a little under her weight.
“Oh that was nice. That was such a nice climax!”
“Toni,” I ventured softly, “I love the feel of your warm body on mine and I don’t want to disturb you but your cock is still hard and its not in me, its on me and --”
And she scrambled off me, saying “Sorry, sorry,  it’s so nice to lie on you Dave. I just wanted to stay there.”
Tanya deftly removed the strap-on from her and smiled.
“Then lie on him, sweet Toni. Lie on him and enjoy him.”
But I had rolled onto my back by now, and Toni snuggled her body against me and pressed it hard and rested her head on my chest and she said in that dreamy voice, “I could lie here for hours, just doing nothing. I love being next to you, Dave.”
And I looked at Tanya, wondering how she would take that and the fact that Toni was lying in her own favourite position and she was smiling at Toni and bent to kiss her body, working her way up her ribs and sides, pausing to kiss the breast that lay against me and then to her cheek and she murmured softly “And he likes being next to you, sweet little Toni-girl. He likes the feel of your warm skin on him, the feel of your head on his chest, the pressure of your breast against him and the sensation of your warm cunt on his thigh. So lie, and enjoy.”
( She’s just so amazing and I love her so much.)  
“And I love the feel of you next to me, too,” whispered my girl very softly into Toni’s ear.
Toni opened an eye and gazed at her. “Do you know,” she murmured, “that climax I just had was different to all the others.”
“Not every one can be an all-time high.” Tanya spoke quietly to her, stroking her short boyish hair and her cheek. “Sometimes they’re like that, sometimes they’re simply wonderful.”
“That was a wonderful one,” Toni murmured thoughtfully. “And I know why.”
Tanya waited, still caressing Toni gently. And I waited, perfectly content to listen to these two wonderful girls, these two adorable creatures, talking together and sharing their innermost thoughts and feelings in front of me, and my heart went out to both of them and I felt honoured that they would do that.
“And why was it a wonderful one, my darling little Toni,” asked Tanya in her soft and loving whisper. “Do you want to say, or is it something to keep close to your heart, a secret for lovely little Toni-girl to treasure forever?”
“It will be my secret,” agreed Toni dreamily, “to treasure forever in my heart, but only a secret from other people, not from you two.”
She continued in that dreamy fashion.  “It wasn’t electrifying, that orgasm. It wasn’t even ecstatic. It was simply wonderful because it wasn’t an orgasm of sex.”
Tanya was beginning to nod her head gently.
“It was a wonderful climax,” Toni went on, “because it was a warm climax, a contented climax, a slow, languorous, full climax, because it was a climax of love.”
Tanya was still nodding  and she bent down once again and  murmured oh-so-softly into Toni’s ear, “I know it was, my sweet darling, my lovely little Toni. I know exactly that it was one of love and not sex, and they can often be the best kind of orgasm you can have.”
Toni shifted her head slightly so that she could look at Tanya.
“You know what I’m saying?” she asked her.
“I know,” Tanya murmured. “I know.”
And Toni moved to look at me and then back at my girl, and she said, quietly and simply,
“I love you. I love you Tanya. I love you Dave. I’ve known you only a few hours, but I love you both from deep in my heart. Not because of the sex. Oh no. Not because of the fun and the wet and the orgasms. Oh no. Because of the people you are. Because of the feelings you’ve shown me. Because of the care, and the love you’ve shown me. And because I can look in your eyes Tanya, and in yours Dave, and I can see that your whole life is love, and that makes me love you both.” She was quiet for a few moments, then she said, “I really do love you both very much, but that is a secret that will stay locked right in the middle of my heart.”
There was a silence. I didn’t want to break it for fear of  spoiling the warm, contented feeling that drifted gently around us all. I was sure Tanya felt as I did since she remained quiet and just gently stroked and caressed Toni all the while.
“I hope I haven’t upset you or made you angry,” Toni said in a small voice.
Tanya looked at me silently but her eyes signalled me to answer.
“You haven’t,” I told Toni, in a quiet and gentle voice. “Not Tanya, and not me. We’re not upset and neither are we angry. Why should we be? You’ve just said some wonderful things about us, to us. Why do you think we could be upset or angry?”
“I thought -  - I thought maybe Tanya would think I was trying to muscle in on her man --”
And Tanya reached for her and heaved Toni bodily off my chest and cuddled the top half of her in her arms and rocked back and forth like you would rock a baby and stroked her head and her neck and squeezed her tight and Toni’s head was on her shoulder and without looking at me she said, “And maybe Dave would think I was trying to take him away from you- -”
“No, no, no, no, no,” Tanya crooned, rocking her. “Toni, Toni, Toni.”
And I saw a tear glistening in the corner of her eye.
I sat up on the bed and moved to face Toni as her head, resting on Tanya’s shoulder as she rocked her back and forth gently, moved closer to me and away, closer and away again. She raised her eyes and looked at me.
“You lovely adorable little girl,” I said softly. “You could not do that. We’re both delighted, we’re flattered, we’re honoured, we’re all the nice adjectives you can think of, that you’ve said those things to us but there’s no way you could do that to either of us.”    
“I know it,” Toni answered me. “I know it and I would never, never want to do that. But I was afraid you two, or one of you, might think it.”
“Never,” I replied. I cupped her face in my hands as she came near to me and Tanya had to stop rocking as I was holding Toni fast. “We---love—you,” I said, saying each word clearly and slowly and looking deep into her eyes. “We both love you.”
I liked the nickname that Tanya had called her earlier and I used it again now.  “You are our little Toni-girl. You are adorable, lovely, loving, you’re a pleasure to be with. You make us laugh, and in all the world there is no better thing than shared laughter. You have shown us the same care, the same thoughtfulness, the same love, that you have had from us. You are special, you are deep in our hearts, and you will remain there.”
And Toni reached forward impulsively and Tanya let her go and Toni threw her arms round me and buried her head in my neck and she said very softly “I love you. I love you.”
      *                *                *                *                *                *                *                *                *                *                *                *
We had a short rest again, returning to the food, or what was left of it, drinking our beers and reminiscing about the hours we had already spent together. Toni tried to start her-ladyship again but Tanya had a mouthful of food and waved her hand frantically at Toni to stop as she tried to laugh and eat at the same time.
And eventually the only thing left on the tray was the huge raspberry gateau.
“Who wants a piece?” Tanya asked.
“I do,” I said.
“I’m full,” Toni said and then let out one of her delightful giggles. “Both ends.”
So Tanya cut a huge slice of the gateau, laid it on a plate then cut an inch from the tip of the slice, collected it on a fork and presented it to my lips.
“There you are,” she offered, and I dutifully took the morsel from her fork.
“Is that all I get?” I enquired peevishly.
“Oh no, you get the lot,” Tanya grinned, and she used her fingers to scoop half the remaining slice into her hand and then offered the plate to Toni.
Tanya reached for my pants, pulled the waist away from my skin and dumped the gateau from her hand into my pants. She wiped the cream and fruit from her fingers onto my skin and held the pants open for Toni, who followed suit. Tanya let the elastic spring back into place.
It was cool and soft and squelchy and squashy and the girls mashed it into my skin and down over my cock.
“Nothing like a bit of spice to improve the flavour of food,” Tanya grinned and knelt in front of me. Again she pulled my pants away from me and nuzzled her head against me, searching for my cock amidst the huge mound of sticky, creamy goo that bulged in my pants. She slurped at the cake, found my cock and took it in her mouth, sucking the gateau from it. My cock was dozing but it began to wake at the feel of her mouth round it. Satisfied, she removed her head, her mouth and  cheeks covered with gateau. She looked up at Toni. “Sure you don’t want some?”
“Well, if it’s spiced like that I may well be able to manage some,” Toni agreed and the girls changed places and Toni knelt in front of me and took her turn at nuzzling into me, and the cake, and sucking at my cock, now half awake and gaining full consciousness rapidly.
Tanya used her own pants to wipe the last vestiges of cake from her fingers. Toni stood and licked her lips, her face covered with cream and squashed fruit.
“Lovely!” she agreed. “Nice cake!”
“You’ve both got cream on your noses,” I pointed out.
The girls looked at each other.
“So we have,” they agreed and Tanya pointed to her love mound. “There,” she said to Toni, and lay back on the bed, opened her legs and waited. Toni moved to her and nuzzled her face against Tanya’s stomach, wiping her cheeks against them and cleaning her face against Tanya’s pants. The girls rolled over each other and Tanya did the same, leaving white and pink streaks of cream and fruit against Toni’s own soft pants, and mixing with the traces of her brown stuff that lay within.
Toni gave a little yawn. “Ooo, sorry,” she said. “I’m not used to such mammoth sessions. I’m not really tired.”   
“Well,” Tanya told her, “there’s one thing I haven’t had yet and I want it very much, so you could have a little rest for a while if you want.” And she looked up at me and I knew what she meant and I wanted it too and Toni looked from me to her and smiled and said, “You want your Dave. I’m going to watch.”
And Tanya rolled onto her back and held out both arms wide to me. Her eyes glowed, tenderly, as they silently begged me to come to her. Toni moved aside and lay propped on one elbow watching us.
I moved to Tanya and lay on top of her, gazing into her eyes. They spoke volumes to me, telling me of her love, her tenderness, and that she wanted me inside her, and that she was happy, and contented, and that she was glad we had done this thing with three people and I was glad too and I gently kissed her nose and then her lips because her eyes had told me that she wanted me inside her but she didn’t want sex she wanted my love.
And there was no foreplay, there was no caressing or kissing or licking or sucking. She opened her legs wide and I just pulled aside her pants gently and explored with my cock to find her cunt lips and then her clit and the tip rubbed against it gently and her eyes glowed even more and I entered her, slowly, gently until I was fully inside her and I began to love my sweet, adorable so special Tanya with long, gentle, full strokes, moving my hips so that she could feel every inch of me within her and I continued those long, slow, gentle strokes because I wasn’t fucking her I was loving her and I wanted it to take a long time, a very long time because we had done this many times, countless times before, and the sex was good but the loving was always a hundred times better and I knew if I aroused her slowly with my love her climax would be tremendous and now I wanted that for her, very much.
And she smiled and kissed me gently and let her eyes close as my cock continued to pleasure her, slowly, slowly, gently and I could feel the coolness of the cake on her against my skin and I could feel the softness of her smooth, smooth  love mound against me too and the wetness within her as her love juices flowed and I felt an incredibly warm feeling in me as I gazed at her because it was love and not sex and I knew she felt the same and I wanted us to be in this position and to move together this way forever but I wanted her to explode in a frenzy of pleasure and excitement and love too but not yet, not yet, and our love went on and on and it was just so beautiful to give so much pleasure to my girl this way and I was careful to control myself absolutely because nothing must spoil this time, this loving, and now her lips were open a little and she was breathing through them and her gentle thrusts against me as we loved became a little more insistent and harder but it wasn’t time yet and this must go on longer still and I wouldn’t allow myself to become faster and stronger but continued to love her in that same slow, gentle way and her lips were open more and she breathed  ‘Davey, my baby, my Davey,’ and now her words spoke volumes as her eyes had done and still I moved inside her in that same way and I knew she was building but oh-so slowly and that is what I wanted for her and how it should be and her hands rubbed my back and her fingers curled into me as her body responded to mine and her pleasure mounted, and she stroked my hair and my neck and my back and her fingers gripped me again, harder and more insistently and her hands stroked my back down to my ass and she began to pull me into her but it still wasn’t time, not yet, and I wouldn’t allow it and continued my slow, gentle strokes within her and now her breath was coming harder and faster and her hips rose to meet mine urging me to move harder and faster as her pleasure neared the point of no return but I wouldn’t do it and continued to build her pleasure the way I wanted, slowly and gently and her hands gripped my neck and pulled my head down beside hers on the pillow and she breathed ‘Davey, my darling, my sweet baby, oh I love you, I love you, I love you so much’  and she was gripping my neck so hard and pulling my head against hers and now I knew it wouldn’t be long as each breath was a gentle ‘uh’ sound and I stopped briefly, almost outside her and she breathed another ‘uh’ and then I moved inside her again, slowly, slowly, and her body began to tremble beneath me and I stopped again, just for a second and again she let out a little moan and her body shivered against mine and I knew that her climax had started deep, deep within her and that it was growing and building and that’s why she was shivering and trembling but it must take a long time and I still wouldn’t move fast within her and I wasn’t conscious of my own orgasm at all because my thoughts were only to give my girl the ultimate climax, the biggest, the longest, the highest, the most electrifying pleasure I had ever given her and this was so important and I continued the same way loving her with my body and my heart and my soul and then she was squeezing me so hard it hurt and her fingers dug into my back and her body   
lifted against mine and she drew in a huge breath and held it and her body went still for a moment and then she let out her breath and screamed ‘Davey! Davey!’ and her body was absolutely rigid against me and the rest of her breathing was just ‘Ah! Ah! Ah! Ah!’ one after another and they continued for a long time and that is what I wanted for her and now I felt my own orgasm beginning and I was content to let it happen and only now as her own climax just passed its peak and her body began to soften and relax against me did I move inside her a little harder and more insistently as I felt my physical love start its travel and she stiffened against me once more and cried out ‘I love you!’ as my stronger movements re-ignited her own fire and her body was totally rigid against me again  and she quivered and her fingers hurt as they dug into me so hard and she drew in a huge breath as if she was nearly drowning and then let it out in a long, long cry of ‘Aaaaaaaaaaaahhhhhhhhhh!’ as my love gushed into her and she felt it and it fused with her own pleasure and that’s what it was she was almost drowning in pleasure and excitement and orgasm and that’s what I wanted for her and I felt an ache in my heart because I wanted this moment, her orgasm, to last forever too as she trembled and shook and gasped for air but there would be others, there would be more, and I waited, my own climax finished as she just remained rigid with her back slightly arched beneath me and her breaths gasping as she held onto me and time passed and slowly, slowly her body softened and she relaxed onto the bed but her eyes were still shut and her breathing fast and she wouldn’t let me go but gripped me with her hands and fingers as if life itself depended on it.
I became conscious of Toni lying beside us, the room and everything that had faded into nothingness during that long, long, but-oh-so-brief time when my whole being had been focussed on my beloved little Tanya.
Gradually her fingers eased their grip and pressure on my back. She let one hand fall to her side and caressed me with the other. “My baby,” she murmured. “My baby. Oh God. My Davey baby.”  I moved to one side, opposite from Toni, and lay beside Tanya, my arm resting across her and my fingers softly stroking her ribs.
Toni was watching us, a smile, slightly tinged with sadness, on her face.
“How beautiful!” she whispered. “I’ve just watched you making love. Just beautiful!” She paused. “How I wish that someone would love me that way,” she finished wistfully.
Tanya still had her eyes closed and she  felt with her free arm, found Toni’s hand and their fingers entwined as Tanya squeezed her hand and held it.
“One day,”  she murmured breathlessly. “You’ll see. One day.”
But I knew she was being kind to Toni because if Toni ever found a man, or a girl, with whom she could share a love as absolute as Tanya’s and mine, she would indeed be a very, very lucky girl. And Toni knew it too, because she gave a very slight shake of her boyish head which Tanya didn’t see. But I did.
We lay like that for while, not moving, not speaking, just relaxing and enjoying the sensation of being together, of shared contentment, of shared pleasure. I looked at Tanya. Her breathing was regular and even and I realised she had fallen fast asleep. Toni put a hand to her mouth and yawned again.
I motioned with my head, not wanting to wake my adorable girl.
“In that drawer,” I whispered. “Duvet.”
And Toni nodded and carefully left the bed, fetched the duvet and gently laid it across us. She came round to the other side of the bed and carefully crept under it herself, snuggling gently against me, her knees against the back of my own, her soft mound against my ass and her head against my shoulders.
“Rest,” I murmured and I felt her nod and yawn again. I gazed at my girl, sleeping peacefully. My gaze turned to the window. Dawn’s early light was filtering through it, the trees beyond faintly visible as ghostly shapes. A bird sang somewhere. Tanya breathed peacefully and I heard Toni’s own breathing fall into an even, regular pattern.
Life was very, very much alright.
I closed my eyes and we slept.

        *                *                *                *                *                *                *                *                *                *                *                *
 I was awakened by the feel of someone nuzzling my stomach and my cock. I knew it was Tanya because she often wakes me this way, whether it be morning, noon or night. Sometimes she’ll kiss me on the lips or face or chest but her favourite way is to go down on me and kiss and nuzzle my cock until I awake. So I didn’t even bother to open an eye. I just reached for her head and stroked her long, thick tresses as they lay across me.
“’Morning,” I murmured.
She stopped her movements now that I was awake and I felt her slide up to my chest.
“’Morning, sleepyhead,” she said. “It isn’t though.”
“Isn’t what?”
“Morning. It’s nearly two o’clock.”
I opened my eyes and saw her face, her tousled hair falling either side of it as she watched me with a huge grin.  She nodded. “Really.”
“Come here,” I commanded. She moved further up my body and poised her head over mine. My hands went round her back and I pulled her to me, kissing her softly and lovingly, those wonderful thick locks draping my own face as we greeted a new day.
We always wake each other like this, in some way or other. No sex, no excitement or arousal, just the shared joy of being together, waking to each other and loving each other.
“Breakfast?” Tanya suggested.
“That would be nice,” I agreed.
Tanya turned to look at Toni, then motioned me with a twitch of her head to look myself.
Toni had turned over and was sleeping with her back to me, only one cheek and her boyish hair visible on the pillow as she cuddled under the duvet, her brown  right arm thrown carelessly over her shoulder.
“Sweet little thing,” Tanya murmured, then looked at me and grinned. “That’s the trouble. No stamina, these youngsters.”
I nodded sagely,  and Tanya carefully rolled off me and got out of bed.
“Stay there,” she whispered. “I’ll let you know when it’s ready. Let her sleep.”
“I’m not asleep,” came a sleepy voice. “I woke as soon as you started sucking him. And I’ve got plenty of stamina but you two have fucked me so completely I just didn’t want to move.”
And we laughed and Tanya gave a her a gentle good morning kiss and asked again, “Breakfast?” and Toni nodded and stretched, like a lithe young cat. Tanya disappeared into the kitchen and Toni yawned, stretched again and I sensed her skin and muscles and bones and tendons stretching with her and she was so young and luscious and I wanted her. She rolled over to look at me and smiled. She ran a hand down my cheek.
“’Morning,” she said. “Afternoon rather.”
“Nice sleep?”
“Lovely,” she purred. She smiled again. “Best sleep you can have…….”
I reached under the duvet and gently caressed one breast and then the other. The very feel of her against my hands and the sensation of her soft warm breath on my face was enough to make me hard, and she sensed it and smiled again and took my cock in her hand.
“God, I want you,” she whispered, her eyes big and wide and staring at me.
I shook my head.
“Then let me rub myself on you,” she pleaded, and she suddenly threw back the duvet so it slid to he floor, rolled over to straddle me and pressed her crotch down hard onto me. Her  pants had dried from the night’s fun, but they were moist now from the effects of her deep natural sleep and she began to thrust her hips backwards and forwards, rubbing her cunt and clit along the length of my erect cock. Her eyes were alight with excitement as she wanked herself furiously on me, then she paused, lifted herself and quickly freed my cock from my pants, lowering herself back onto its length all in one smooth movement. I could feel the remains of her brown stuff, still soft and sticky and squashy inside her pants and as she began to breathe through her open mouth I felt the flow of her love juice as it soaked into the brown stuff, her pants and onto my cock, making it even easier for her to rub herself.
“Let me feel it on me!” she pleaded, gasping. “Please!”
And quick as a flash she’d moved again, pulled aside the leg of her pants and pressed her wet cunt back down onto me, bareback. She rubbed herself once, twice, three times, and on that third stroke the tip of my cock caught her clit, and she wriggled and trapped it and I was inside, inside her cunt.   
She came then with a loud gasp and a flood of her juice, even as I used both arms to lift her clear of me, and I came too, shooting my cum straight up and onto her cunt, now an inch above me as I held her aloft.
“No!” I whispered. “No Toni! You know that’s not on!”
“Oh, but nice!” she gasped. “Just that moment! Just to feel you, to know you were in me, just for that second or two, made me cum instantly.”
And as I lifted her clear of my body and clear of my cock, I felt a cold tingle, a creeping on my spine which I had never felt since the day I met my Tanya, as I suddenly saw that she was standing at the bedroom door, watching us. Her face was expressionless.
Time froze.
Strange expression, but true. Time never actually freezes, of course, The seconds, the minutes tick away, but as the three of us were then, at that moment, time froze for us. Nobody moved, nobody spoke. I held Toni above me, her head turned to look over her own shoulder as she too had sensed the presence of my girl in the room. I felt her cunt drip her juice and my cum back onto my cock. And Tanya’s eyes followed the drip as she watched it fall.
And then she left the door and began to walk towards the bed, her face still composed and expressionless.
I desperately tried to read her eyes but they were just as devoid of expression as her face. She stopped beside us and looked at Toni, then at me. And for the first time since the day I had met this wonderful, adorable, lovable girl, months before, I wanted to cringe away from her.
I had to let Toni down because my arms were aching and I rolled her away from Tanya onto the other side of the bed. We both lay, looking up at her, silent.
She sat on the bed, her back to us, staring at the wall.
“I came to ask,” she said quietly, “how you wanted your eggs.”
We both knew that now this was a rhetorical question, a comment, an avoidance of the truth, and neither Toni nor I breathed a word. Tanya continued to stare at the wall.
“I’ve made a mistake,” she finally said. “I’ve made a terrible mistake.”
And I went cold, literally cold on my body at her words. I still had no idea what I could possibly say to her that would help, that would be right, and hearing her voice, different to any voice I had ever heard her use, made it worse. This voice was flat, dispassionate, as devoid of any expression as her face and her eyes.
“When I set this weekend up,” she continued, still staring straight at the wall and in that same, flat voice, “I had no real idea of how it would turn out. I knew what I wanted, for me and for Davey. I knew it would be difficult to find the right person. When we discussed the idea, Davey pointed out that if the person was a man, he would not be happy about him being inside me and that there was a danger that a man could lose control and attack me, force himself on me, and maybe Davey wouldn’t be able to stop him. I thought about that and decided that if the person was female, that likelihood was virtually eliminated.” She fell silent.
Toni started to reach out an arm towards her but I stopped her immediately. I didn’t know whether touching Tanya would help, or whether it would make things ten times worse. But I wasn’t going to risk any chance of that. I pushed Toni’s arm away as it reached across me.
“It never occurred to me,” Tanya said, “that a female might force Davey to do something he didn’t want.”
And Toni let her arm fall, and turned her head to face away from me and I felt sorry because I knew she was feeling the most horrendous guilt. Tanya went on, flat, not moving a muscle as she sat on the bed with her back to us. She wasn’t talking to me, she wasn’t talking to Toni. She was talking to herself.
“I knew that there were so many factors that had to be right for this to work. When Toni contacted me we exchanged emails and I had to find out all about her. I discovered she had no real knowledge of this sort of thing. I knew she was young, inexperienced, had never done the things that Davey and I do. We spoke on the phone, and I told her about our pleasures, our activities, how we like wet and dirty sex. I thought fine, if this shocks her, horrifies her, she’s the wrong girl. But it didn’t. It excited her, she wanted to try all those things she never had before. But I still wanted to be sure, and I told her it would be no good if she suddenly objected to something, wouldn’t do something, wouldn’t let us do something with her, to her.  If that happened, it would spoil the weekend completely for me and for Davey and I wouldn’t let that happen.   She had to feel completely and totally uninhibited if she came to us.  In the end I was convinced that she meant what she said and that she had the right personality, the right frame of mind, to join us for a weekend.”
Her shoulders lifted and fell as she shrugged.
“But that was only half the battle. I had to meet her, face to face, see her, talk with her, and I had to know what she looked like. She described herself to me on the phone but she might have been exaggerating. So I had to see her to be sure that she looked even half attractive.”
Toni rolled completely away from me and lay with her back to me, facing the other wall.
“And of course,” Tanya went on, more quietly, “she was a looker. She was a babe. And I knew Davey would think so too. I knew he would love her body, her tan, her short hair. And her personality. After talking with her for a while I  knew she was the right person. So we discussed what we might do all the weekend, and  it was a chance to talk nitty-gritty, to describe exactly what type of sex the three of us could enjoy together. It was another chance for Toni to back out. She didn’t know me from Adam and she hadn’t met Davey, so it wouldn’t have mattered. But she didn’t back out. Quite the opposite.”
Tanya sighed deeply.
“Because of what Davey had warned about if a man came to us, I made a rule, a taboo, that no way was there going to be normal, full sexual intercourse between Toni and him. Anything else was fine, but I did not want him inside another girl, the same as he didn’t want another man in me. I’d told Davey this and I told Toni on the phone and again at our meeting. She promised it wouldn’t happen and I knew I could trust Davey. I was convinced she was the right person and we set a date.”
Toni drew her legs up and lay in a foetal position on the bed.
“But I made a mistake,” Tanya said again and I felt and sensed and almost saw Toni cringe on the bed.
“I thought this weekend would be a time of three people sharing their bodies, their sex. I thought it would be fun, sexy, enjoyable, and it has been, as three people sampled the delights of each other’s bodies. What I hadn’t considered, I don’t think anyone considered, was that feelings might become involved. Might become an integral part of the weekend.” She fell silent for a moment and straightened her back.
“I came to love Toni,” she went on in the same dispassionate way, speaking to herself as if examining her own thoughts, “I came to love her in a quite different way to the way I love Davey. And he came to love her too, a lot, but again, quite differently to the way he loves me. And I hadn’t bargained  on any of that. But most of all, I hadn’t bargained on Toni.”
I risked a direct look at her as Tanya couldn’t see what I was doing. Toni still lay in the same foetal way, her knees drawn up tightly against her stomach. And now her hands moved to cover her face as if in shame, and partly her ears, as if she didn’t want to hear what Tanya was saying.
“I thought,” Tanya continued, “that Toni would spend this weekend learning. Enjoying yes, but finally experiencing the things she’d thought about, dreamed of trying. And that Davey and I would give her excitement and pleasure and orgasms galore, and she would probably do that to us, too, and that it would be a totally sexy, debauched, but uninvolved weekend.”
She paused yet again and then with another sigh said,
“What I hadn’t bargained on, in my wildest imagination, is that Toni might have feelings for us. That she might be such a nice, uncomplicated, open minded person that she would develop deep feelings for us and that the weekend would become a weekend not just of rampant, almost clinical, sex,  but that it would become a time of warmth, of deep feelings, of love. Reciprocal love between three people, each knowing that the other two loved them. It didn’t matter how they loved, or how much, or if it was more or less than another person. It was just that three people who had come together to have sex, came to love each other. And that meant that I had made a terrible mistake.”
I felt movement and risked another glance at Toni. She was still exactly as I had seen her last time, but now she was shaking her head slightly against the pillow, as if in negation of Tanya’s words.
“I didn’t know it,” Tanya said. “It was happening in front of me, to me, and I was so wrapped up in my own feelings for those two people that I didn’t realise I’d made a mistake at all. Not until just now.”
And finally she spoke directly to us, not turning a muscle to look at us, still facing the wall, but she spoke to Toni and me.   
“Davey,” she said, “I hope you will be able to forgive me. You’re a forgiving person and I love you very much, my sweet. I hope you will be able to forgive what I’ve done to you.”
(What she had done to me??)
Before I could open my mouth Tanya spoke to Toni. Her voice became softer and very, very earnest.
“Toni, I say the same to you. You are a lovely, bright, funny, intelligent girl. What I’ve done to you is ---” she paused and hunted for the words, “ --- it’s inexcusable, it’s horrible and I hope you will be able to forgive me one day.”
Toni had uncovered her face and turned her head to look at Tanya. Her eyes showed the puzzlement she evidently felt. Probably my eyes showed it too because now I couldn’t understand what Tanya was talking about.
“Tanya,” I began, very quietly, but she stood suddenly and turned to face us both and held up her hand to stop me.
“I did something very cruel to you both,” she said quietly. “ I put both of you under a terrible strain, in an intolerable situation. In defence I can only say I didn’t realise it was so cruel until just now. I am so very, very sorry, my sweet Davey. And Toni, our little Toni-girl, I am so sorry too that I have treated you so thoughtlessly this weekend.”
“Thoughtlessly? Tanya you ---” Toni’s face now showed total puzzlement. “ ---I don’t understand! What do I have to forgive you for? It’s me who should be on my knees apologising and begging for forgiveness. Tanya, it’s me who is sorry. I’ve let you down. Both of you. I broke my promise to you Tanya. I don’t understand what you mean.”
And Tanya looked at us and sat again on the bed but this time so she could face us and she took my hands and held them and looked directly into my eyes.
“You promised not to go inside Toni,” she said.  “Not that way. But you made the promise before there were feelings. Feelings started, grew. Hearts became involved. It changes things, d’you see?”
I thought I was just beginning to get an idea of what she meant.
“When Toni arrived and we started our weekend together,” she went on, “it wasn’t  your heart or your soul that wanted her. It was your body.” She looked at Toni. “And the same is true for you, little Toni-girl. You told us you’d been without sex for a long time. And here we were, giving you all kinds of sex and orgasms and pleasure but denying you the one thing you really wanted, with a man who’d turned you on as soon as you walked in our door. Because you’d had Davey’s tongue and my cock in your pussy but it was sex, just sex, and now there was love in the mix, and you began to want him because you had feelings for him --”  and she looked at me again, still holding onto my hands, “ – and, my lovely sweet baby, you began to want her because you had feelings too, and d’you see, it changed everything. To expect you not to have full intercourse, to hold you to your promise  to  keep away from Toni’s pussy was cruel. And I am so, so sorry that I didn’t realise it before and tell you both.” She looked at Toni, who just stared at her, her mouth agape.
Tanya squeezed my hands. “It was a shock when I saw you, but it made me think. This was my Davey, breaking a promise, abusing the love we have?” She shook her head and her long hair flew from side to side. “No. I didn’t believe it. But I saw, and I wasn’t wrong, so it made me think, why? Why did that happen after you’d both foresworn it? And then I realised why.”
She looked across me at Toni and she smiled at her.
“Toni, it’s okay. I am not upset, I am not shocked now, I don’t blame either of you, and I’m not angry. Actually, yes I am angry,” she went on after a pause, “but I’m angry with myself. If I hadn’t been so immersed in my own hedonistic pleasure with you both I would have realised it sooner. But I’m not angry with either of you.”
She released my hands and stood, glancing from one to another of us. “I’m going to make breakfast,” she said. “It’s okay, really. Do it. I want you to do it. Toni, I want you to enjoy every single second of Davey’s cock in your pussy. And my Davey, I want you to savour every single second of being inside Toni’s cunt. Do it.” And she turned and left the room. I looked at Toni.
“I have to go to her,” I said and she nodded.
“I know, I know.”
I leapt off the bed and followed Tanya into the kitchen where I shut the door behind me. She was just about to crack eggs into a saucepan but she stopped and looked at me.
“I’ve spoilt it, haven’t I?” she said. “You don’t want her now, do you?”
I shook my head. “No. I mean, yes I do,  but…..oh, I don’t know.”   
“I’m sorry Davey,”  she repeated in a small voice. I held up my hand to stop her. She put the eggs down unbroken and came to me. She put her hands on my face and gripped it hard.
“I meant it, Davey baby. In the bedroom. I really meant it.”
There were things I wanted to say and I struggled to them into some sort of coherent order.
“Tanya, I promise you, I didn’t want that to happen. It wasn’t me.”  I felt terrible. I sounded like a schoolchild caught red- handed in some forbidden act who immediately denied all knowledge of it.
“I mean, yes, of course I wanted her. But she ---”
“I know, I know,” whispered Tanya, her palms rubbing up and down each side of my face. “ I heard it, I saw it. I know what she said and what you said. I heard you say no to her.”  Her eyes, earnestly looking into mine, softened. “I know you wouldn’t abuse  our love. I love you, my Davey baby, and your happiness, your pleasure, your life with me is all that matters to me. Do you understand me?” And she gave my face a little shake with her hands.
“Do you understand me, lump? I was wrong. I made a mistake. I hope I don’t do that very often, but this time I made a mistake in expecting something from you, and from Toni, which was right at the time but isn’t right now because things have changed. But I didn’t realise it until now. Lump, I love you with all my heart. You are the most important thing in my life but now Toni is important to me too, the same as she is to you. I want you to be inside her. I don’t want you to go back in there and fuck her cunt. I want you to go in there and love her, the same as you did to me last night.”
“I can’t love her the same as I love you!” I protested.
“I know, I know. I don’t mean that. But you love her in your own way, the same as I love her in my own way. Not like we love each other, no, but in our own way. So go to her and show her your love for her, your way.”
And she reached forward and kissed me between her cupped hands. “I want it for both of you,” she said. “Go to her and love her your way, and let her love you her way.”
I looked at her and had no words.  What had I done to deserve a girl who could love me so fiercely and yet say those things to me? I didn’t know.
“I love you,” I began.
“And I love you,” she interrupted. “And nothing’s changed between us. Nothing at all. But we have changed because we love our Toni-girl as well now.”
She was still holding my face and she shook it again.
“She’s in that room alone, feeling lonely, sad, probably rejected and certainly as guilty as hell. I wouldn’t be surprised if she’s packing her bag! Now go to her!”
And she dropped her hands to my shoulders, spun me round and marched me to the door, opened it and thrust me out of the kitchen.
I went to the bedroom. It was empty.
“Shit!” I said, and went to the spare room. The door was closed but I opened it without knocking. Toni was collecting her toiletries from the dressing table and dropping them in her bag on the bed. I stood in the doorway and looked at her.
“I think I’d better leave,” she said.
“No, don’t! Please! Please don’t leave!” I said.
She shook her head and continued to drop items into the bag.
“I should. I feel awful. I’ve broken my promise to you and to Tanya. I’ve caused a row between you and that was the last, the very last thing I ever wanted to do. It was selfish of me to do what I did. It was just that moment and I wanted…….”  She trailed off, looking at me. “It was wrong. It was selfish and wrong and I wish I hadn’t done it but it’s too late now. I did it and now this has happened and I’m sorry that I did it.”
“Toni, you haven’t caused a row. It’s okay now. I’ve spoken with Tanya and what she said, she meant. It’s okay now.”
But Toni shook her head again and looked down at her little bag of things.
“Even if she meant it,” she answered softly, “that isn’t the point. The point is that I’ve upset you and I’ve upset Tanya --”
“No, you haven’t!” came Tanya’s voice and she appeared from where she’d been standing, out of sight beside the doorway. She pushed me aside and went to Toni.
“No you have not upset me! I was upset with myself. I told you. Don’t go Toni. Please! I’m begging you, please don’t leave us. Stay with us for the rest of the weekend, as we planned and wanted.”
She took Toni’s hands in hers.   
“I want you to stay. I want to do more things with you and Davey. Davey wants you to stay. We love you, little Toni-girl and I’m begging you again, please don’t go.”
Toni looked from her to me, then back again at Tanya. She shook her head once more.
“I can’t,”  she said. “I feel so bad about this. It’s all my fault. And Tanya, understand, it wasn’t Davey. He didn’t let you down. It was me. I just wanted your man in me and I made it happen and so it’s my fault. Not his at all.”
“Now listen to me,” Tanya said, and she pulled Toni down onto the bed where they sat, side by side.
“Listen to me, very carefully,” she repeated. “Nothing has changed between Davey and me. Nothing. Do you understand? Our love for each other is as strong and untainted and absolute as it ever was. But now each of us loves you too. Not like we love each other, no. But we love you very much in our own way. We do not want you to leave. We want you to stay, and enjoy our love for you, enjoy the pleasure that we want to give you. And perhaps even more importantly, we want to feel the love that you have for us, the love we’ve felt from you already.”
She looked up at me, and back to Toni again.
“I saw your face after we’d made love. I heard you when you wished for Davey to love you the same way. You said ‘someone’, but I know you wanted Davey to be in you and love you like he did me. Give you  the same feeling. The same loving feeling. Of being loved.” She paused and looked at Toni’s face.
“He can’t love you like that Toni-girl. He can’t even if he wanted to because he doesn’t love you the same way he loves me, but he loves you in his own way and he can love you in his own way. And I love you in my own way. And we do not want you to leave. Please?”
And she threw her arms round Toni’s neck and pulled her close and sat there, hugging Toni and saying nothing more. There was a silence as Toni looked at me over Tanya’s shoulder.
“You really want me to stay?” she asked softly.
“Yes,” I told her. “I do, very, very much.”
And almost at the same time, Tanya said, “Yes, I want you to stay. I want to love you. I want to feel your love. I want to see and hear and feel your love for Davey and his for you. Stay.”  She spoke the last word very softly.
And eventually Toni gave a little nod. “I didn’t want to go,” she said. “I wanted to stay but I thought I shouldn’t.” She paused and then asked in a very quiet, tremulous voice, a whisper, as if she was frightened to speak,
“But what happens if I want Davey again? If I can’t control myself again and I ---”
And Tanya released her hug and held Toni’s shoulders in front of her and spoke to her eyes, quietly but with unmistakable truth in her voice.
“You will want Davey again. I know it and Davey knows it. And when you do, he will be there. And you will have him, just the way you want. You will love each other and pleasure each other and he will be right inside you, where you want him, for as long as you want him. D’you hear me? And I will be there too, and I will watch, or touch, or kiss or do anything I can to make that time that he is inside you as special for you as I know you want it to be.”
So saying she stood up, pulled Toni to her feet, took my hand and put it in Toni’s and pushed us towards the door.
“Now for heaven’s sake go to the bedroom and fuck each other while I go and make breakfast!”
And all that without saying a word about Toni calling me Davey.
She vanished back into the kitchen and I led Toni to our bedroom. But we didn’t fuck. We sat on the bed and Toni looked at the door, to where the sounds of pots, pans and other breakfasty sounds were coming.
“Can she mean it?” she asked me. “Does she really, really mean that we can f- make love like you two did?”
I nodded. “Make no mistake,” I said. “She means it.”
“But –she’s incredible,” Toni said. “She’s so understanding. She’s unbelievable.”
“Now you know,” I said.
“And she’s so right,” Toni went on as if she hadn’t heard me. “About how I felt, about how I wanted you to make love to me, not just…….”  she trailed off and then looked at me.
“Will you still want me?” she asked in that wistful voice.   
I looked at her, and my eyes drank in her lovely soft body, her firm round breasts, her exquisite elfin face, her soft mouth and her tousled boy’s haircut and I said, “Yes, Toni-girl. I still want you, very much. And Tanya was right about something else too. I don’t want to fuck you. I want to love you.”
And Toni took one of my hands in her own slender, elfin hands and she squeezed it gently and she said, “And I want to love you too, Dave. Very much.” She leaned over and gave me a tender, loving kiss.
And it might have happened then, who knows, but at that moment Tanya called, ‘Breakfast!’
Toni whispered urgently to me. “I wanted to ask, what’s the form?” She glanced down at her  dirty pants and then at mine, covered as they were with the fruits of our earlier sex fun and the fruits of the raspberry gateau. “Should I shower or change before we eat?”
“If you want to,” I told her. “We won’t. We usually stay like this until, well, until we don’t.”
“Okay,”she responded. “Then I won’t change either. I was just thinking about sitting on your chairs….”
“Tanya will have covered them with an old towel or something. We’re used to it but if you’d rather shower or put something else on…..”
“Oh, no!” she grinned. “I like being dirty! It’s fun! I don’t want to change. I want more!”
“Come on then,” I said to her, pulling her up. “Let’s eat. Lots to do after!” And Toni giggled as we went to the kitchen.
As I opened the door we were greeted by the smell of frying bacon and grilling sausages, and the aroma of freshly percolating coffee. There were cereals on the table, toast slices in racks, jam, honey, preserves, and Tanya was busy at the cooker doing things with the  bacon and sausages and eggs.  She looked at us and smiled. “All okay now?”
And Toni nodded and I nodded and we sat.
“Beans and tomatoes and hash browns keeping warm in the oven,” said Tanya. “Let’s tuck in.”
And we did.
As Toni and I finished cereals, Tanya dished up huge platefuls of hot food, piling the plates with everything she had prepared.
“God, I can’t eat all this!” Toni objected, looking at the mountain of food in front of her.
Tanya grinned. “Do your best. Got to keep your strength up. Might need it later!”
And Toni giggled and tucked in.
Although it seemed that the air had cleared I still could feel a very slight reservation, a slight distance, around us which hadn’t been there before. I thought it was coming from Toni, who probably still felt guilty and in all likelihood still didn’t believe that Tanya had could so readily forgive. I knew she could, although she’d surprised even me this time by her apology for a mistake. As her explanation had unfolded I had thought she was going to say that Toni herself had been the mistake, and that Tanya would try to throw her out of the house. And I’d been worried and yes, frightened that if she’d tried to do that, we would have had our first real row. Because I didn’t want Toni to leave, certainly not to be evicted in such a fashion. Not because of the sex. I just didn’t feel that she deserved that. As I enjoyed the food, (I was ravenous, I discovered, once I’d smelled the delicious aromas in the kitchen) I pondered how best to bring the ambience around us back to the light, care-free, uninhibited condition it had been before. Was that even possible, I wondered?
“I have a suggestion,” I proposed, buttering my third slice of toast.
“Nothing wrong with your appetite this morning, I see,”  Tanya grinned.
“Morning? It’s three o’clock woman! Fine time to be having breakfast! Anyway, what about going for a little walk after breakfast, or whatever it is at three in the afternoon. I thought perhaps we could take some bread, walk across the fields to the lake and feed the ducks.”
This is something Tanya and I do quite often.
“You have a lake nearby?” Toni enquired in some wonder.
Tanya nodded. “About twenty minutes walk. It’s a bird sanctuary.”
“Ooo, that sounds nice,”  Toni agreed.
“How’s the weather Davey?”  Tanya asked.
I got up and went to the window, opened it and stuck my head out. It was a gloriously sunny day, but as it was late summer there was the possibility of a chill in the air. Not today though.
“Glorious,” I told them. “Lovely and warm and sunny.”
“Good,” Tanya said. “That means we don’t have to get dressed.”   
Toni paused with her coffee cup halfway to her mouth, looked at Tanya, dressed only in her see-through pants, at me, dressed similarly, and then at her own dirty and full pants.
“We’re going dressed like this?”
Tanya laughed. “Well, yes and no.”
She wiped her mouth with her napkin and stood up.
“I’m going to brush my teeth,”  she said. “Back in a mo.”
Toni watched her leave and then whispered to me. She still wore an incredulous look.
“Are you really going dressed in your pants?”
I chuckled and said, “Even I wouldn’t go out in quite this state. What I mean is, we don’t get showered or changed. Not usually. We just throw something over these and go. But,” and my voice took on a serious note, “sweet little Toni, if you prefer to change, it’s fine. Really. We won’t, but if you feel more comfortable then go right ahead.”
But Toni was shaking her head. “No, I’m happy to do as you do,” she said. “It sounds exciting. Sort of naughty. But I only brought underwear, I didn’t bring any other outer clothes ‘cos I thought we wouldn’t need them.”
I immediately knew what she meant. It was something Tanya and I had established a pattern for a long time ago, but Toni was in a slightly different position. To put on her clothes as she was over her body and pants meant that she would then have to travel home in them afterwards.
“That’s no problem,” I said briskly. “Don’t worry. Tanya’ll give you something to put on.”
And I smiled, and Toni smiled, and I thought the air had cleared even more.
I leant over and kissed her cheek. “Are you feeling okay, now,” I asked her softly. “I mean, really okay? With me and with Tanya?”
She nodded and caressed my own face. “Yes,” she whispered. “I am. Really I am. I want to enjoy a walk, a bit of fresh air, and then come back and go back to the bedroom and spend all day and night having fun. And lots of orgasms. With you both.” And she kissed my nose. And the air was clear.
We’d finished the mammoth repast that Tanya had made for us. Even Toni. She regarded her empty plate with some dismay.
“I’m a pig,” she wailed. She rubbed her full stomach. “I can’t believe I ate all that. I must have been hungrier than I thought.”
“It’s the exercise,” I told her airily, looking at the ceiling. “Gives you an appetite.”
She placed a hand on my cock. “Gives you an appetite for more, you mean,” she said mischievously.
“That too,” I agreed.
Tanya returned and asked, “Anyone else want to go to the bathroom before we go?”
Toni  nodded. “Yes, I want to clean my teeth and freshen up too.”
She rose from the table and Tanya reached for her hand and stopped her.
“Toni,” she said, “you’ll only brush your teeth, won’t you?” Toni looked at her. “I mean,” Tanya asked her seriously, “you won’t do anything else in the bathroom, will you?”
And Toni looked  at her, and put her hands on her hips, winked,  and spoke  in a voice like an argumentative teenager, “Well, really! What else would I do?” And she moved to the door, looked at Tanya again, tossed her head and pouted, “Really! Anyone would think I was going to pee or something!  Huh!” And she flounced out of the room.
Tanya looked at me. “She’s okay?”
“She’s very okay,” I told her. “Looking forward to the walk and then back in the bedroom for the rest of the day and night. Her words, not mine.”
Tanya nodded. “Good. Good. I was worried there for a while. Thought I’d really fucked everything up.” 
I went to her and hugged her gently and stroked her long hair and her back.
“Tanya,” I said quietly. “My lovely, adorable, sexy, beautiful girl, you couldn’t fuck anything up if your life depended on it. It’s fine. She’s fine. I’m fine. And I want you.”
And she snuggled against me and said. “Yes. I do too. But later. Or do you want to go to bed first?”
“Well, if you really insist,” I grumbled theatrically, “I suppose I can wait. But not too long, mind!”
And we chuckled and hugged.
Toni returned and regarded us impishly.  “Starting without me again?” she enquired archly.
And Tanya held out one hand and Toni came to us and we all three hugged each other and kissed.

“Come on then,” Tanya said eventually. “Let’s find something to put on.” And she dragged Toni away from me. “Lump, stay there!” 

The girls disappeared and a few minutes later there were squeals of laughter from Toni. I drank another cup of coffee and put the dirty dishes in the sink full of hot water. They could soak while we were out. I had just finished wiping the table when the girls burst into the kitchen and stood side by side looking at me.
“We’re ready!” they announced in unison.  I looked at them.
They’d combed their hair and cleaned their faces. Tanya was wearing one of my shirts again, a pale yellow one, and she’d given one to Toni, too. A pale green one. Toni had removed her hold-ups and their legs appeared from beneath the shirts, their breasts moulded and rounded by the fabric and I could see their nipples beneath the material. For the first time I could see Toni’s legs and they were slender and smooth just like her hands and fingers. They both looked stunning. They stood together, smiling at me.
“Can’t we just go straight to bed instead,” I implored.
“No,” they said in unison again.
I shook my head. “Minxes,” I said. “You look gorgeous, both of you. And now you’re going to make me wait.”
They nodded.  “If it’s worth having, it’s worth waiting for!” Tanya wagged a finger at me. “What are you going to wear?”
“One of Tanya’s manhole covers!” suggested Toni, giggling.
“No!” I said. “In the house yes, but not outside. Well, only if it’s dark,” I admitted. “No I’ll throw some shorts on.”
“And I’ll get the bread,” Tanya said and busied herself collecting things from around the kitchen. She paused at one point and stared into space for a moment, then nodded to herself and added two towels to a big plastic carrier bag.
She grinned at me. “Might need these,”she said.
Toni looked perplexed but said nothing.
And so we set off. I collected my shorts on the way out and put them on.
It was indeed glorious outside. We strolled along the street and turned onto the path across the fields. Toni giggled.
“Those people! Did you see their faces! Couldn’t believe we’re dressed the way we are!”
“Imagine if they knew what you had underneath the shirt.”
“You mean all that nice brown stuff that’s still in me?” Toni giggled.
“That, and the pee, and the cum, and the raspberry gateau,” said Tanya. And they both giggled and linked arms and skipped off in front of me like two little schoolgirls. And as they did so the shirts flapped and swirled and gave me glimpses of their thighs and pants and I really wanted to turn round and go home and take them to bed.
A gentle stroll brought us to the lake. Toni marvelled at the quantity of birds. There were geese and ducks and swans and curlews and gulls and moorhens and a whole host of other feathered creatures about whose names I hadn’t the foggiest idea.
“Incredible!” Toni breathed.
The swans and ducks and geese were so used to humans around them that they approached quite close. Other birds kept their distance but hovered expectantly, knowing that food would probably soon appear.  Tanya dished out small bags of bread from her plastic bag and we strolled along the lake edge, throwing morsels of bread into the water. The birds followed, either swimming a few feet from the edge or waddling along behind us, quacking and squawking noisily.
There were a few other people about, obviously taking advantage of the late summer afternoon, as we were. Most of them pointedly ignored us, a few smiled at the girls, then smiled at me in a knowing sort of way. One young couple, strolling hand in hand actually stopped and stared at us as we passed them. When I looked over my shoulder they were locked in an embrace and his hand was between them, feeling between her legs, and her hands were clamped round his ass and pulling him in to her. Nice, I thought. Dressed as we are, we may have done some good there.
But there were other people who made it quite plain they thought we were rude, or disgusting, and shouldn’t be walking around as we were. One middle-aged couple actually tutted as they went by, the man looking at me down his nose and the woman pursing her lips and snorting at the girls as we walked past, the girls giggling and chuckling. Tanya glanced back at them.
“Stupid people,” she said contemptuously.  She turned and watched the couple walk on, their heads together as they discussed this affront to their sense of propriety and glancing back at us briefly.  
“Stupid,” she repeated. “I bet when they have sex, if they still do, he’s on top of her. I bet he’s always been on top of her since the day they were married. I bet he’s never licked her cunt, nor she his cock.” She shook her head. “Stupid,” she said again. Tanya has no time for prudes.
“You’ll get no bet from me,” I answered her. “But, to each his own, my sweet, to each his own.”
We continued our stroll. Toni was captivated by the birds and after a while waved her bag.
“I’ve run out of bread!” she wailed. So I gave her mine and she happily threw it to the birds until that was all gone too.
We were heading for some thick bushes and trees that grew to the lake edge. The path wandered away from the water and continued round the outside of the thicket, but countless feet over countless years had worn a path through the undergrowth, following the lake edge. Tanya took my hand as Toni skipped ahead, scattering the last few crumbs of bread from the bag.
“Think you may need the towels,” she whispered. “In fact I’m sure you will.”  She glanced at Toni. “She’s sweet. I hope she’s going to enjoy this as much as we do.”
“After the second or third ‘Ooooo!’,” I whispered back, “I’m sure she will.”
And Tanya laughed.
“What are you laughing about?” Toni pouted, running up to us. “Secrets?”
“Not at all, little Toni-girl,” Tanya smiled. “We think it’s time we had some fun.”
“Ooooo, yes!” Toni agreed, her eyes shining.
“One,” I said.
“What are we going to do?” She was like an excited little tomboy. “Something naughty? Something sexy? Something we shouldn’t do out here?”
“Yes, yes, and yes,” Tanya laughed.
“Ooooo! Tell me!”
“Two,” I murmured.
“Wait a sec.” Tanya took her hand and led her to a small clearing amongst the trees and bushes. It was shielded on all sides except for the footpath that ran along one edge. And anybody coming would be heard long before they could see the clearing, or us. Tanya and I had been here before.
I fell back slightly. Tanya had taken Toni’s hand and I was quite content about that.
Tanya went to the side of the clearing and crouched down, putting the bag on the ground beside her. She still held hands with Toni, and now she placed the slender fingers between her legs. Toni had to crouch too to do it. Tanya glanced at me and I nodded slightly. There was no sound of anyone else following our path through the thicket, nor indeed, coming the opposite way. There was a slight pause.
And three, I said to myself.
“Nice! Very nice! More!”
And I heard the sound of water running and dripping as Tanya released her golden shower into Toni’s hand.
“Rub me,” whispered Tanya, and Toni began to rub her, massaging Tanya’s cunt lips through the soaking wet pants as my girl poured her golden pee into them.
“I do like that!” whispered Toni. “I love it! More!”
“And I like you rubbing me,” said Tanya, whispering back to her. But her voice was becoming more excited.  “Do it faster! Rub my clit! Yes, yes! Harder!”
And I watched them both as Toni continued to rub at my girl’s cunt as fast as she could.
“Wait! Stop!” Tanya suddenly said. She pulled Toni’s hand further round behind her to cup her ass cheeks.
Toni looked at her enquiringly, and then in a flash realisation had dawned.
“Oh, YES!” she breathed in excitement. “YES! You’re going to ----ooooooooo!” and the girls stared at each other face to face and then Toni’s hand moved and I knew she was feeling and massaging and squashing the bulge, the brown, sticky, gooey stuff that Tanya had let go into her pants.
“Yes!.... Yes!..... Lovely!” Toni breathed. “Oh, it’s so nice! It’s so naughty of you to fill your pants out in the open! It’s so sexy. Tanya, do more! More! I love the feel of it in your pants, in my hand!” And she cupped her free hand round Tanya’s neck and they moved together and kissed passionately, Toni still rubbing and feeling with her other hand.  
Finally they parted lips and mouths. “Bring your hand forward slowly and wipe it on my cunt,” whispered Tanya, her eyes glowing. “Yes! Like that! Ohhhh!” and her eyes closed in rapture as Toni drew her hand slowly forward, hard against Tanya’s crotch and her finger trailing, pressing into her cunt.
“Ohhhh! That was nice!” Tanya murmured. She looked at Toni. “You enjoyed that, too.”
Toni nodded, her eyes alight with her excitement. “It was sooooo good,” she said. “To feel you filling your pants was so erotic! Now I know how you felt when I did it.” She looked at me. “But you didn’t get any this time, Dave,” she said, a trace of sadness in her voice. “Sorry. I hogged it all.”
I smiled. “Plenty of time,” I said. “Plenty more where that came from. There’s three of us.” And Toni giggled and that made Tanya giggle and she pulled a towel from her bag and handed it to Toni, who cleaned her hand quickly. Tanya stood and a beatific smile came over her. I knew she was using her own buttock muscles to feel and enjoy the softness of the brown stickiness.
“What about you?” she asked Toni. “Are you ready to do some more yet?”
Toni frowned. “Don’t think so,” she replied dubiously. “Soon, perhaps, but not right now.”
“Shame.” Tanya pulled down the tail of the shirt over her bulging pants. “Never mind.”
“Poor Dave,” Toni said. “All he got to do was watch. Didn’t feel you, didn’t feel me, didn’t do anything.”
Tanya used one shoulder to nudge her twice in a time-honoured vaudevillian way, gave her a theatrical wink and said,
“Something you want to do to him, is there?”
And Toni looked at me and smiled. “Yes, I want to suck him off!”
And she came to me and put her hand up the leg of my shorts. “I want that in my mouth,” she said excitedly. “Here, now, in the open! I want to feel your cock in my mouth and feel you get harder and cum!”
Her cool fingers closing round me outside my own pants was enough to wake my cock from its slumbers and Toni dropped to a crouch, unzipped me and pulled out my cock. Slowly she took me into her mouth, holding the base with her hand and sucking and wanking me at the same time. Her eyes closed as she enjoyed the sensations and she continued in this way for several minutes. Then she paused with me outside her mouth, looked up at me and said, “Don’t cum in my mouth. I want you to shoot it all over my face!” and she took me into her again and sucked and stroked me harder and faster. I was thrusting at her mouth even as she sucked me and having had quite a rest by now, I was more than ready to cum wherever she wanted it. I made no attempt to control things. I wanted to shoot my cum as soon as I could and I let things take their natural and fastest course. She felt the tremor in me that preceded my climax and immediately pulled me from her mouth and aimed  my cock at her cheeks. My cream exploded onto her cheek and she immediately moved me so that the next lot landed on her closed lips. Then her neck. Then her cheek and nose, and finally she opened her lips and took the tip of my cock between them as the last of my cum shot from my cock.
She stood and her fingers wiped my hot cum over her face and tasted it on her lips.
“Mmmmm!” she murmured.
Tanya had come to us and now she stuck her tongue out and licked at Toni’s face, collecting my cream, tasting it and swallowing it.
“Can’t let you hog all that as well, little Toni-girl,” she grinned. Toni looked at her.
“D’you think Dave might like some?” she asked roguishly.
“I think he might,”  Tanya grinned.
“Should we give him some?”
“I don’t know. What do you think. Does he deserve some?”
“Poor little mite. Look at him. Think we ought to give him some.”
“Just a little then.”
“Agreed.” And so saying Toni collected some more on her fingers, wiped it on my face and stepped back to admire her handiwork. And Tanya scooped some cum from Toni’s neck and did the same.
“That’s better.” Toni grinned.
“You missed a bit.” Tanya smeared my face with a soft and gentle finger. “Can’t have him going home looking like an urchin. There. Now he’s covered.”
“Have you quite finished?” I asked peevishly.
And the girls laughed and I grinned. Tanya collected the carrier bag and stuffed the towel inside it which Toni had used.   
“There’s no more bread left,” she complained.
“And there’s no more cum left,” Toni complained, still smearing mine over  herself and eyeing my shorts where I had put my cock back to bed.
“Yes. Pity.”
“Nothing for it then.”
“We’ll have to go home and have sex.”
And they linked arms and flounced off along the path, Tanya throwing me the carrier bag as she passed.
When we reached the fields Toni looked round. “Do you know what I’d like to do? Right now?”
“Grrrrrrrr!” growled Tanya.
“Oops! Sorry!”
And Toni looked round again. Then she pulled Tanya to her, kissed her hard on the lips and slid her hand under the shirt tail to massage the brown bulge in Tanya’s pants. Tanya pushed back against her hand, enjoying the feelings as much as Toni was enjoying squashing it on to her. After a few minutes they separated. Tanya pulled the bottom of the shirt down again to cover her pants.
“Nice,” she said.
“Nice,” Toni agreed, her eyes shining.
We walked on and came to the street that led to home.
Toni looked round again, carefully. I thought she was going to do the same thing again, but she didn’t. No-one was near, only two men walking away from us a little further up the street. Toni came to me, pulled me close to her and kissed me hard, pulling my hands round behind her, under the shirt tail and onto her pants.
“Rub my ass, Dave!” she implored. “Now! In the street!”
And I was happy to oblige.  As we kissed and I rubbed her firm round cheeks and pulled her close to me she made little noises of pleasure. And Tanya came and stood beside me and rubbed my ass with one hand. Finally Toni stepped back, a bit breathless.
“Lovely!” she cooed. “Just lovely!”
She didn’t pull the shirt down, she left it where it was, slightly rucked up against her waist, and turned to continue homewards. Gradually, the shirt fell into place itself.
I looked beyond Toni. The two men had stopped. One of them appeared to be writing something. He picked up something from the ground, put it on the top of a low wall and the two of them carried on. When we reached the wall we realised the man had written on a scrap of paper and used a stone to secure it in place.
I  looked at it as we passed, and the girls craned their necks to see too.
On the paper the man had written ‘Lucky Bastard!’
     *                *                *                *                *                *                *                *                *                *                *                *
Once indoors Tanya brought out tea things and the last of the raspberry gateau from the bedroom.
“This either needs eating or squashing inside someone,” she told us. “What’ll it be?”
“Not more food!” exclaimed Toni, but nevertheless she accepted a small slice and ate it with relish.
Tanya and I finished the rest.
“Pity,” Tanya sighed. “I rather fancied some of that in my pussy. Never mind. Now I’ve sat down I’ve got something else in there and that’s just as nice!”
We laughed and I poured the last of the tea into everyone’s cups.
“I’m going to brush my teeth,” I said. I rubbed my chin and face. “And I’ll have a quick shave again, too.”
“Everywhere,” Tanya murmured and winked at Toni.
When I returned Tanya had left her chair and had gone to Toni and was kissing her gently. Now she left her and came to me, kissed me tenderly and said simply, “Love you, lump.”
Toni had  glanced at me once or twice but hadn’t spoken much during tea.
Now she looked at Tanya and asked, “Are we going to the bedroom again?”
“We certainly are!” Tanya replied briskly. “You and Davey can go now and I’ll wash up.”   
But I objected and so did Toni who said ‘that’s not fair, Dave should help too’, and that made us all laugh again.
“Go, my children,” Tanya said waving a hand at the door. “Go forth and multiply, in the nicest possible way.”
And the girls grinned at each other and at me, and Toni and I left the table and headed for the door and Tanya called Toni back and whispered something to her that I couldn’t hear. Toni turned her head sharply to look at her, her face registering shock.
And Tanya whispered again, quite a long time, and Toni tried to say, ‘but--  but—’ several times but Tanya kept on whispering and glancing at me and her eyes were smiling so I knew it was nothing bad and I thought ‘bloody little minxes are up to something again’.
And eventually Tanya stopped whispering and looked at Toni and Toni looked at her and said,
“Are you sure?” and Tanya nodded, smiling,  and pushed Toni gently towards me.
“I suppose there’s no chance of me knowing what that was all about?” I asked resignedly.
“Oh, you’ll find out,” Tanya crowed.
“I’m sure I will,” I said darkly. “Bloody little minxes!”
And they laughed and Toni took my hand and we went to the bedroom.
And when we were in there Toni threw me back onto the bed, grabbed at my shorts, unzipped them and pulled them off. She leapt on top of me, straddling me and sat upright. I could feel her soft cunt pressing down through my pants and onto my cock, which of course woke up and wanted to know what was happening. Toni frantically undid the buttons on the shirt, pulled it off and dropped it on the floor beside my shorts. Then she leaned forward, her head poised over mine and she looked down at me, her eyes sparkling. Her breasts were above me, taut, round, tanned, and with her nipples hardening even as I looked.
“I want you,” she said. “I want you to fuck me. This time. I want you, Davey, to fuck me very, very hard! In my cunt. My pussy. I want your lovely cock right in me as far as you can push it and I want to feel you fucking me HARD!” And she rubbed herself against me and her juices were flowing into her own pants and then she was tearing at the leg of my pants and pulling it aside and lifting herself slightly and pulling her own wet and brown pants aside and then down onto my cock and I’d wanted this ever since she’d set foot in the door and now her wet,  bareback cunt was engulfing the tip  and this time there was no hesitation and no guilt and no taboo and I loved it and I thrust my hips up and my cock shot like a rocket right inside her delicious, hot, soaking wet cunt which gripped me fiercely and I lifted her almost off the bed and she breathed ‘Yes, Davey, yes!’ and I thought she’s so beautifully young and tight and so wet and that made me harder and each time I thrust upwards she lifted off the bed and cried out ‘Ah! Ah!’ and I fucked her and fucked her as hard as I could and I’d wanted this so much that I knew I couldn’t wait long but that was alright because she was almost there too and again this was almost like rape because I was pounding into her cunt and I felt her juices on me and that made it so easy to pound her again and I did so hard and now so fast and she was loving it and crying ‘Yes! Yes!’ each time and then she threw her head back and went rigid on me and screamed so loudly ‘Oh, Davey you’re fucking me! You’re fucking me NOW!’ as she came and there was a huge gush from her as her cum shot from her over my cock and down its length and that was it and I came too and  I shot and I shot and I shot and her cunt filled with my cum and her cum and it was just so electrifying and it was all I’d thought it would be and more much more, it was unbelievable, this girl, this tender, inexperienced, lovely soft creature with her firm breasts and firm ass and all that cum gushing from her and I sank back onto the bed and she flopped onto me and we lay, gasping for breath and holding each other and I felt our mixed cum run over my cock and it twitched one more time and she wriggled and moaned and gasped ‘Davey, Davey, Davey’ and I thought ‘Dear God, if Tanya’s heard her calling me that as she came, and she must have, Dear God there’ll be trouble’.
Toni lay and held me tightly. I tried to move to a more comfortable position but she gripped me and murmured ‘no’ and wouldn’t let me move. I stroked her short dark hair and her back and she wriggled against me and gripped me even harder. I felt her nipples against my chest, still hard but gradually, slowly, softening to their normal state. I felt her thigh on mine, warm, soft, erotic, and I felt her wet cunt against me, still releasing her love juices and our mixed cum and I felt it on my own thigh and I thought, yes, Tanya was right when she said I wanted to feel these things.
And that reminded me.   
“Toni,” I whispered.
She snuggled against me and murmured a questioning “Mmmm?”
“Toni,” I said. “You called me Davey.”
“Mmmm,” she agreed.
I was flummoxed. I didn’t want to say the wrong thing because she thought she’d been in trouble before with Tanya and there was no way I wanted her to feel now  like she had then. But I wanted to tell her that this was another taboo and she’d broken it. But how the hell to say it without upsetting her I didn’t know.
She raised her head from my chest and traced a finger from my eyes down the side of my nose to my lips. She pulled them open a tiny bit and her eyes regarded me solemnly.
“I know I did,” she murmured. “Davey, Davey, Davey.”
“Ssshhh!” I warned.
“But it’s a nice name!” she said. “It’s cuddly and loving and sexy and strong and it’s your name and I love the sound of it and I love saying it. Davey, Davey, Davey.”
“But you mustn’t!” I told her in a frantic whisper. “You mustn’t!”
And her eyes regarded me for a moment and then she scrambled on top of me like she had just now and looked down at me, bent and kissed me hard all over my face and then looked down at me again.
“I must!” she pouted.
I shook my head in despair.
“Toni,” I implored. “Please don’t. I like to hear you say it too but you know that’s Tanya’s name for me and she’ll go mad if she hears you using it. She must have done already,” I finished morosely, wondering what would happen when I next faced my girl. And what would happen when she next saw Toni.
“If she’s heard it then it doesn’t matter, does it,” Toni pouted again. “Davey, Davey, Davey. Lovely Davey. Beautiful, sexy Davey.”
I gave up. I’d tried.
And Toni’s eyes took on a glint and she smiled down at me and said, “It’s such fun teasing you!”
“It may be fun,”I said, “but, my sweet and lovely Toni-girl, my adorable little elfin, I don’t want to upset Tanya and I don’t want you upset and I really wish you would stop calling me that.”
Her eyes clouded over and she gazed at me.
“You really don’t want me to call you that? Not at all?”
“No,” I told her firmly.
“Oh,” she said wistfully. “That’s sad.”
And my heart went out to her because I really did love this little elfin and I felt sorry but this was something that she just had to understand.
She rolled off me and lay beside me, cuddling me and stroking me. Then she used her finger to do her lip thing on me again, gently pulling at them just enough to open them a fraction and then letting them go.
“What do you think Tanya will do if she heard me,” she asked thoughtfully.
“I don’t know,” I answered her truthfully. “I really don’t know.”
“Will she be cross? Will she throw me out, d’you think?”
Actually I didn’t think she would because of what had happened earlier. I didn’t think Tanya would want to risk upsetting the weekend again, not after it had gone so right after breakfast. But I also knew that no-one, no-one at all was allowed to call me Davey. There was once a friend of mine, who, when he first met Tanya and heard her calling me Davey, had started to use the name too. And I remembered what had happened then.
Tanya had said, “Do you mind not calling him that. It’s my special name for him. He’s Dave to everyone else.”
“Davey’s a good name,” my friend had said. “He looks like a Davey, more than a Dave, in fact.” And he had stared at Tanya belligerently. “And I’ve known him longer that you have,” he pointed out, “so I’ll call him what I like.”
“Please,” Tanya had said, very quietly and very politely, “ I would prefer that you didn’t. I would prefer that you called him any other name you like, but not Davey.”
And my friend had looked at me and said, “What’s with her? Davey!” And he turned back to Tanya and added, “You call him what you want and I’ll call him what I want. And if I want to say Davey, then I will.”    
“Fine!” Tanya had compressed her lips and glared at him and then said. “As you wish. But not in my hearing. So if you use that name, my name for him when I’m not there, I won’t know about it. But since you’re so belligerent, --” and she’d started to step forward, glaring all the while at him and forcing him to step back each time,  “---so rude, so selfish and so very, very unpleasant, as long as I and Davey are together you will not be invited to my home with Davey and if you call our home on Davey’s phone I shall take great delight in telling you to piss off and slam the phone down on you!”
And she stood back with her arms folded and glared at him until he looked away and muttered something about having to go.
So I knew how strongly Tanya felt about other people calling me Davey. But what I didn’t know was what she would say to Toni. She might just remind her firmly that it was a no-no, but then again she might be annoyed that Toni had broken another promise. I hoped it would be the former.
“I don’t know, little Toni-girl,” I repeated with a worried sigh. “I just don’t know.”
We lay for a while, not speaking. I lay and worried a bit about what might happen, and Toni lay half on my chest and stroked it thoughtfully. Then she turned her head to look at my face and her fingers stroked and caressed my cheek.
“I know what she’ll do,” she said gravely.
“What?” I enquired dubiously.
And Toni rolled over on top of me again and pressed her cunt onto me and wriggled her hips delightedly and a huge grin spread over her face and she cried gaily, “Nothing!”
And she wriggled her hips again and ground her crotch onto my sleeping cock.
“She’ll do nothing!” she repeated and laughed at the expression on my face. Her face sank against mine and she nuzzled my neck and face, nipping gently at me between words.
“Oh, you’re such a lovely, lovely sweet person, Davey,” she said. “I can’t tease you any more. Tanya whispered words to me that I really thought I would never, never hear.” She stopped nuzzling to raise her head and gaze at me. She caressed my cheek again and said softly, “Davey, sweet Davey, Tanya told me I could call you that. Really she did.”
And she gazed at me lovingly and added, “I couldn’t believe it at first. But she meant it. She said that I had her blessing and she knew it meant so much to me and I could call you Davey, just like she does. But she said I had to tease you about it first!” 
And she dropped her head and went back to nuzzling and nipping me. “So now,” she whispered between nips, “you’re my Davey as well!”
I stared at the top of her head incredulously. Could this be true? Could she have misheard? No, not with Tanya’s mouth virtually buried in her ear, as it had been. So then, it must be right. I was flabbergasted. I had never, never thought that my Tanya would relent on that rule for anyone, ever.
“But she’s so special,” came a voice, and Tanya was standing beside the bed, watching my face and smiling at us.
And she’d done it again, the bloody little minx, the fabulous, lovable,  gorgeous, wonderful, bloody little minx had not only read my thoughts yet again but she’d cooked up a plan with Toni and fooled me again. Bloody adorable little minx! Both of them!
“She’s so special to us both,” Tanya said, “that if there was anyone at all in the world who I didn’t mind calling you Davey, it’s our little Toni-girl.”
I shook my head ruefully. “I would never have believed it,” I said.
“Aren’t you pleased?” she asked softly. “Don’t you like it?”
“Yes. I do,” I answered. “I like hearing it and it’s nice for me if you’re happy about it. And Toni-girl is in seventh heaven.   I’m just having trouble taking it in.”
“There won’t be anyone else,” Tanya said and I knew she was speaking to both of us. And Toni rolled over and looked up at Tanya gravely. She held out a hand and Tanya took it.
“Thank you,” Toni said. “It’s -  it’s – I’m just honoured,” she finished simply. “I am.”
And Tanya smiled broadly at her and at me and she said, “Good fuck?”
And Toni threw up her arms and cried, “It was a great fuck! It was a fabulous fuck! It was hard and fast and strong and it was a fantastic fuck!”
And Tanya laughed and said, “Yes, he can do that sometimes. And now its my turn.”
I thought she meant she wanted me inside her and I was about to plead for a bit more recuperation time, but Tanya had picked up the strap-on and was fastening it in place.
“Now I want to love you, little Toni-girl.” And she unbuttoned the shirt and dropped it on the floor.   
And Toni smiled warmly and Tanya smiled, and they melted together on the bed as they kissed and cuddled each other. I was content to move over and lie there, watching them loving each other. Their lips roved over their faces and necks and ears. Their tongues tasted their breasts and licked at nipples straining with hardness. Their hands caressed and stroked and aroused each other and it was soft and gentle all the time, not hurried and not urgent. And Toni’s fingers caressed Tanya’s cunt through her pants and came away from her with a little of her soft brown stickiness on them and Tanya gently sucked at them and then gave them back to Toni to suck and they smiled at each other and Toni rubbed her again there, hard, and I could see Tanya was very aroused.
Toni whispered, “You’re still very full!” and rubbed her again. “I want to, too.”
And Tanya nodded and gently pulled and manoeuvred Toni until she was crouched on the bed and Tanya put her hand between Toni’s legs and smiled at her again.
Toni paused, and then I could see her pants begin to stretch as her own brown stuff began to fill them. I could see from Toni’s eyes that she was trying to empty every last bit into her pants, and in Tanya’s eyes I saw the pleasure and delight as the warm stickiness fell gently of its own accord into her palm, cupped over Toni’s cunt. There was a huge amount and it made an enormous bulge in Toni’s crotch. Finally she shook her head and whispered, “Can’t any more.”
And Tanya eased her back onto the bed and used her cock to rub Toni’s own cunt, outside her pants and Toni’s eyes closed in bliss as she lay quietly enjoying the feel of that big latex cock rubbing against her pants and squashing her brown stuff into her and then Tanya pulled aside one leg of her pants and slid the cock inside and rubbed her a little more and as she finally entered Toni through the warm bulge of her stickiness our little elfin let out a long  gasp and murmured, ‘Yes! That’s nice!’ and Tanya began to move with long, slow strokes as I had done with her, when,  aeons ago? and continued that way, her long hair moving softly over Toni’s breasts as she stroked slowly in and out of Toni’s cunt and Toni was building and her breath was coming faster through her open lips and still Tanya continued in that slow, gentle way and now Toni’s hands were pulling at her ass, pulling her inside as far as she could and then caressing Tanya’s back and hips and then pulling at her again and now she was gasping a little with each breath and I knew she was getting close but Tanya kept on loving her in the same way and Toni began to make little ‘Oh! Oh! Oh!’ noises and then her hips were thrusting up at Tanya to meet her, once, twice, three times and she stayed rigid and her eyes were closed and there was a long ‘Ooooorrrrrrrrrrrrrr!’ in her throat as she climaxed.
As Toni finally let her body relax back onto the bed Tanya smiled down tenderly at her and allowed the cock to leave her. She waited, kneeling over Toni until she finally opened her eyes again. She smiled, a warm, loving, tender smile at Tanya, and Tanya returned the same smile and whispered gently, “Love you, little Toni-girl!”
And Toni’s arms went round Tanya’s neck as she pulled her down to kiss her on the lips and she whispered, “And I love you, sweet Tanya.” They gazed into each others eyes for some time, not needing to speak.
I gave a little theatrical sniff as I looked at them. “And who loves me?” I enquired plaintively.
They looked at me and Tanya looked back at Toni and gave a twitch of her head in my direction to say ‘Hark at him!’ and they both looked at me again and said, “We do!”
And Tanya rolled over to give me a hard, long kiss on the mouth and Toni’s hand went to my cock and caressed it.
Tanya smiled at me and said, “I love you, lump!”
And Toni bent to suck my cock for a moment and murmured, “And I love you too, Davey.”
“And I think it’s about time we showed him,” Tanya said. She regarded me for a moment, her eyes running the length of my body and pausing at my cock.
“Hmmm!” she commented. “Going to be busy soon, but first…….”
And she started to roll me over onto my stomach. Toni helped and I certainly didn’t prevent them. When they had me in the position Tanya wanted, on my knees with my ass presented to them in the air,  she ran her hands down my back and sides.
“Now, little Toni-girl,” she asked, “Which do you prefer to do, suck him or fuck him?”
Toni giggled. “Well, as I recall, I sucked him last time while you fucked him, so maybe we can change this time?”
“Absolutely,” Tanya agreed. “Haven’t tasted my lovely Davey for a while.” And without more ado she removed the strap-on and handed it to Toni who fastened it on.   
Tanya slid under me on her back and smiled her special smile at me.
“Want to suck you,” she whispered. “Want to suck you till you fill my mouth with your cum!” And so saying she gently took my cock from inside my pants and closed her lips over it. Toni was already kneeling behind me and pulling aside my pants to explore with her cock.
“He’s very empty,” she said with a pout. “We’re both full and he’s empty.”
“When you’ve finished with your cock inside me,” I said, “that may very well change!”
“Oooo, goodie!” giggled Toni, and began to push her hips forward. And so she began to fuck me, quite hard, while Tanya sucked and licked my cock, pausing occasionally to run her tongue along the back of it, round the base, the tip, and round my balls, using every way she knew to give me the utmost pleasure from her mouth.
“Ooo, my cock is in you,” Toni breathed, moving faster as she pumped at me. “It’s coming out with brown on it and it’s lovely! It’s sliding in you so nicely!” And she continued to fuck me to her heart’s content. I felt the girth of the cock in me as Toni thrust it in and out. And I was glad that she was gaining pleasure herself from it.
Tanya had made me swell to bursting point and I began to push down towards her, wanting to be deep in her mouth at that special moment. She gripped the base of my cock with her fingers when she could and used them to pull me into her mouth as I pushed myself into her. I could hear Toni’s voice behind me murmuring ‘Oh, I love fucking you Davey!’ but I knew the time was near and I glanced down at Tanya’s face below me and whispered, “Love you very much, my angel!” and as I felt my cream start its upward journey from my balls which Tanya was fondling with her other hand,  I added, “I’m going to fill your mouth with my love now!”
And there it was and I spurted my cum into her mouth, and again, and again until I was spent and Tanya released me and slid upwards to me so that she could kiss me and give me some back. And I felt Toni pull back for one final time and my rosebud felt empty, but I knew that Toni’s cock in me had moved things and soon I was going to empty myself.
My eyes must have told Tanya, because she put her hands round me and stroked my back before resting them on my ass.
“Toni,” she said, and Toni, who was removing the strap-on, looked at her and smiled and dropped it on the floor beside the bed and leant forward to place her hands on my ass too. There was only a brief pause and I felt myself beginning to empty, the soft brownness quickly filling the back of my pants as the girls oohed and aahed and massaged me and squashed the material, covering my balls and the base of my cock with my own brown stickiness.
Finally I said, “That’s it, my sweet little minxes. I haven’t any more.”
And the girls rolled me onto my back and looked at me, and at each other, and Tanya said,
“Hmmm!” again.  “Not an awful lot, is it?”
Toni shook her head. “Do you think we should ----”
“Yes, I definitely think we should,” Tanya interrupted her and I marvelled yet again and thought, now she’s doing it to Toni as well.
Before I could move or utter a word, Tanya had pulled the front of my pants down as far as she could and held them there. “Be my guest,” she said to Toni.
And Toni giggled and replied, “I am your guest!” and she straddled me on her knees and pulled her own pants away from her body and allowed her own rich brown softness to fall from them onto me. When she was sure she couldn’t get any more from within her or within her pants she resumed her previous place and held my pants open for Tanya.
“Still not enough,” she commented, and proceeded to do as Toni had done. There was now an enormous mound of brown stickiness on me, covering my cock and lower stomach and overflowing into my pants to cover my balls as well. The girls carefully pulled my pants up again and then first Tanya and then Toni sat on me to ensure it was squashed hard against me and down into my crotch to nestle between my balls and my ass.
It was a heavenly feeling, one that I had come to enjoy immensely since Tanya and I had first discovered this pleasure, quite by accident. Tanya did a small pee on me too, and that made everything even softer and warmer and even more enjoyable.
We lay beside each other for a short while, the girls stroking me, massaging me again and murmuring words of excitement, tenderness and love, to each other and to me.  
“Toni-girl,” I began after enjoying their ministrations for several minutes, “you have such a delightful, soft, young body that is firm in all the right places, round in all the right places, and wet in all the right places. It’s also completely tanned and you have no white marks around your delicious breasts or your beautiful, smooth soft cunt. How do you mange to do that?”
Toni wiped her palms and fingers on my thigh, leaving small brown marks.
“I have a flat,” she said. “A very small flat. Actually it’s more like a large bedsit. But it happens to be on the top floor and we have a flat roof. I have the key to the door onto it. No-one can overlook it so I go up there to sunbathe and lock the door behind me.”
“Nice,” I commented. “And a good place to have sex.”
“Only ever once,” Toni recalled. “My ex wasn’t that keen anyway, and when we got up there and undressed he kept looking at the door and saying ‘suppose somebody comes?’ even though I’d locked the door. It wasn’t successful. Didn’t enjoy it like I wanted to.”
“Like you should have done,”  Tanya corrected.  “You deserve better than that. Better than him by all accounts.”
“And now I have better than him, “ Toni told her, softly stroking Tanya’s cheek. “I have you, and I have Davey, and either one of you alone is worth a hundred of him.”
And Tanya kissed her and I rolled over to kiss her too and I felt the warm brownness in my pants move and squash delectably as I did.
And the hours passed by. Saturday evening became Saturday night, then became the small hours of Sunday morning. And we continued to enjoy our pleasures as we had done since Toni had arrived. We kissed, we cuddled, we stroked and caressed. We nibbled and tickled. We rubbed and wanked.  We wet each other again. We sucked and licked and slurped, we  fucked and we loved. We rested, and I made love to Toni. She built extremely slowly, as I intended, her body trembling as her feelings swelled inside her and when she finally came she screamed out loud in sheer rapture, her body jerking and quivering beneath mine. I’d promised her that we would make love, as opposed to fucking,  which we’d done so many times already. After she climaxed and soaked me with her cum, which was sheer bliss, she held onto me and wouldn’t let me go for some time. Eventually, she dozed a little, and Tanya and I did too.
Later we ate a little, and drank some more, and then we kissed and fucked and loved some more.  We took it in turns to give each other the ultimate pleasures, the deepest love, the most electrifying fucks. Our bodies were wet, sweaty, and dirty. And we each of us loved every single minute of it all.
Finally, resting, the three of us cuddled together and just gently caressing each other, our wet bodies pressed tight to each other, Tanya said,
“This time has been the most fantastic I could have imagined.  It’s way, way better than I had ever hoped for. And it’s all down to you, little Toni-girl.”
“No,” Toni firmly. “It isn’t. I’ve done nothing except what you’ve shown me, taught me. It’s been heavenly, but I haven’t made the weekend what it’s been. You and Davey have done that.”
“We haven’t taught you love,” Tanya said quietly. “The love you’ve shown us is your own. Natural. Spontaneous. From your heart.”
And Toni went a bit quiet and thoughtful and didn’t say anything for quite a while.
Tanya and I spent time gently loving each other with our lips and tongues. She stroked my forehead and gazed at me and said,
“Love you, so very, very much, lump.”
And I smiled, a smile full of warmth and tenderness and love, a smile that said, ‘I don’t have to tell you. You know I love you just as much.’
“Do you know there’s one thing we haven’t done,” Tanya mused thoughtfully. “The three of us. We’ve done everything you can think of, everything, pretty well, that the human body is capable of for showing love and giving pleasure. But there is one thing we haven’t done.”
I thought about it, running my mind back over the hours, the days, of what we’d done together in this room, this hedonistic room, this den of iniquity, this heaven. And I knew.
I nodded. “If you want.”
Tanya grinned. “I want.” She looked across at Toni.
“Toni-girl, there’s something we haven’t done that we’d like to do.”
“What? Sorry, miles away,” Toni said, flustered, and turned to us and smiled. “Sorry, missed that. What did you say?”   
“There’s something we’d like to do, all together, that we haven’t yet done. If you’re up for it?”
“Tanya!” Toni’s eyes were reproachful. “I’m up for anything, you know that.”
My girl smiled. “Sorry. Thought you would be but just checking.”
“Is Davey up for it?” Toni enquired.
“Game for anything,” I asserted.
“The question is,”  Tanya said devilishly, “Is he up to it?”
And they chuckled and I said ‘Ha, ha, ha’, and I grinned at them both and invited, ‘Try me!’
Toni said, “Glad we’ve got that sorted. What are we going to do?”
“A triple fuck,” Tanya said.
Toni looked puzzled. “You mean, we’re all going to fuck each other at the same time? How can we do that?”
And Tanya said, “Well, actually Davey, my sweet and lovely Davey, isn’t going to get fucked this time. But we are. At the same time. Suppose it’s really a double fuck, but triple sounds better.”
Toni peered at my cock, hidden in my pants and covered as it was with our combined brown stickiness.
“Hasn’t sprouted another one by any chance, has he?”
But she knew what we meant and reached for the strap-on.
I lay back on the bed. Tanya fastened the strap-on to herself once more.
I made myself as comfortable as I possibly could on the bed. I was going to have some weight on me, I knew that. Not too much, but I’d know it was there.
Tanya knelt astride me, but facing the foot of the bed. She played with my cock, stroked it and caressed it just enough to make me hard, then lowered herself on to me. She beckoned to Toni, and our little elfin sat, facing Tanya, her legs open wide and alongside our bodies. She slid forward until Tanya’s cock could slide into her. She wriggled and adjusted herself until she was just right, then lifted herself with Tanya’s help so that she was sitting, lotus position, on Tanya. Her legs wrapped around Tanya’s back and rested on me.
“That’s nice!” she cooed. “Never tried it in this position before.”
“Neither have we,” Tanya chuckled.
And she began to move her hips backwards and forwards, sliding and rubbing herself on my cock, buried deep inside her cunt from behind. And as she moved forward, so her own cock slid into Toni’s wet and smooth cunt. And Toni responded by thrusting her own hips forward, meeting Tanya with every stroke. It took only a few moments for us to achieve a regular movement between ourselves so that each of us felt the maximum pleasure.
Toni’s arms circled Tanya and she caressed her back, neck and hips as our slow, even movements infused our bodies with delight. And Tanya reciprocated, stroking and caressing Toni, sometimes on her back, sometimes cupping her face or stroking her cheeks.
And this went on for a long, long while. The weight of the two girls on me restricted my own movements slightly, but it was pleasurable for me, (there is never a time when I am inside my beloved Tanya that is not pleasurable), and Tanya could feel me as well as if we were fucking in the normal doggy style. And Toni, our little Toni-girl, must have been feeling Tanya inside her to the hilt. On those occasions when I could see her face beyond Tanya’s back, it was in a transport of delight, her eyes closed and her tilted slightly back as she caressed my girl and felt her deep within her.
Tanya and I have long since learnt to control our pleasure so that our climaxes build slowly, so that we can enjoy and savour every moment of the pleasure growing inside our bodies. We don’t always cum together, but that doesn’t matter, because we treasure the feelings inside us as our orgasms start, build and suffuse our bodies, culminating in that explosion that is the ultimate pleasure, the ecstasy that shows our love for each other.
So Toni began to build first as we rocked and stroked and fucked, evenly and slowly. Once again she started to breathe rapidly, little gasps of pure pleasure each time Tanya’s cock slid deep into her. As her pleasure grew she became more frenetic in her treatment of my girl, throwing her head forward, nibbling Tanya’s neck and ears, kissing her with abandon and then throwing her head back again as a particularly ecstatic stroke filled her cunt. I could hear the wet noises her pussy made as Tanya’s cock slid in and out, building her orgasm slowly, deep within her.
And Tanya too was wet, as she always is. Her love juices flowed down my cock as I thrust into her as hard as I could, given the weight on me and my restricted movements.   
 She pressed down on me, hard onto the remains of the soft brown stuff that still enveloped my cock. Toni’s cunt was also getting its fair share of brown stickiness from what was in her own pants. Tanya’s juice flowed from the base of my cock down over my balls and on towards my rosebud. The feeling of her warm juice on me was a pure delight.
And now Tanya’s own breath was becoming faster and more excited.  Her hips ground back and forth on me with more intensity. And then Toni orgasmed, gasping out words as her feelings passed the point of no return and she knew she was going to cum.
“Yes! Yes, my sweet Tanya! Fuck me! Fuck me! Yes, yes, yes, rrrrrooooooooooorrrrrrrrrrr!”
And within a few seconds, I felt a gush of warm fluid on me. Whether it was Toni’s cum, running down Tanya’s cock and then down past her cunt to end up on me, or whether it was a surge of lovejuice from Tanya herself in a sort of sympathetic climax, I didn’t know. But it was heavenly.
Toni held onto Tanya’s shoulders as Tanya now gave herself over completely to her own pleasure. Toni’s eyes, when I could see them, were shining as she looked straight into Tanya’s. I could feel my own stirrings too, and I thought Tanya and I might cum together, but she beat me to it, (we both prefer it that way if we’re not together)  and suddenly arched her back and pressed down onto my cock so hard I thought she would bruise me.
“Davey, Davey! Sweet love! Yes! Deep! Deep! Aaaaaahhhhhhhhh!”
And I let my control go and came myself, my hot creamy cum gushing forth deep into Tanya’s cunt as I orgasmed.
Toni’s eyes were still shining as she slid her fingers between Tanya’s legs and collected some of my cum and Tanya’s, then sucked her fingers with great relish.
“Gorgeous!” she confirmed. “Who’d have guessed that Davey’s cum, your cum, your love juices, wet pants and dirty ones could taste so nice!”
Tanya grinned and kissed her. “Getting a taste for gourmet delights, are you?”
“Oooo, yes! I’ll say!” Toni gently slid herself backward, releasing Tanya’s cock from within her.
“Shame!” she said. “It’s so nice when your cunt is full to the brim with cock!”
“Couldn’t agree more,” Tanya said, also lifting herself free of my own cock, “except perhaps when Davey was in my cunt once and I had this one, --“ gesturing to the strap-on,  “—in my ass hole. Now that was filling!” She yawned. “ I must confess I wouldn’t mind a snooze, and afterwards I’ll rustle up some ---” she glanced at the clock, “---brunch.”
“Brunch is a meal that is too late for breakfast and too early for lunch,” I explained patiently. “A meal that is too late for lunch and too early for dinner is high tea.”
“Then high tea it will be,” agreed Tanya, “but we’re fresh out of scones and cream. So it may have to be steak and mushrooms and eggs and whatever else I can find.”
“Well, if it has to be, I suppose I can put up with it,” I grumbled. “Toni? A little rest and then eats?”
“If you’re going to twist my arm,” Toni agreed.
“Then I suggest we snuggle together and have forty winks first,” Tanya said, suiting the action to the words and adopting her favourite position for sleeping. And Toni snuggled me the other side, one arm draped across me to reach Tanya so she could caress her, and the other hand under my cheek, the back resting on the pillow.
“Love you, Tanya,” she murmured. She kissed me on the lips and murmured even more sleepily, “Love you too, sweet Davey.”
“Sleep well, little Toni-girl, “ I replied. “Have a nice snooze.”
And we went quiet, and the room went quiet except for the sound of gentle breathing, and I closed my eyes, and we slept.
         *                *                *                *                *                *                *                *                *                *                *                *

I woke and opened my eyes sleepily. Everything was quiet. I looked at the clock. I hadn’t been asleep long; about three hours. It was five in the afternoon. I looked at the window. Dull, grey light filtered through it and I thought I could hear the sound of water dripping somewhere. It’s raining, I thought, or at least drizzling. Pity. I wondered what had woken me. I glanced at Tanya, still asleep in her favourite position on me. Her breathing was regular and even and her breasts rose and fell slightly against my chest as she slept peacefully. And I realised that hers was the only breathing I could hear. I turned my head to look at Toni and even as I did I felt the coldness on my left side. Her side of the bed was empty. 

Gone to the bathroom, I thought. I closed my eyes, ready to sleep some more. No, she wouldn’t do that. If she needed to go there she would have woken us and it would have been a time for us to continue our exertions. Gone for a drink, then. I listened but I couldn’t hear the clink of a glass or the running of a tap. I listened hard, tuning out the dripping rain and heard….nothing. Not the tiniest sound of movement anywhere. Had Toni gone to sleep in the spare room for some reason? Still no sound, except that vaguely I heard the sound of a car outside and dismissed it, still listening for any sound that might have been Toni. It was quiet.
And suddenly my eyes were wide open and I was shaking Tanya and saying ‘let me up!’ and she was still asleep and I rested her head on the bed as I swung my legs to the floor and rushed to the bedroom door and out. I ran to the lounge. Empty. I looked into the kitchen as I raced to the bathroom. She wasn’t in either room. That left only the spare room and I turned towards it and time dropped into slow-motion and my arm and hand stretched out as I headed for the door and it was coming nearer so slowly and my fingers were ready to turn the handle but it was so far away and there was a tightening in my heart and my legs were so slow when I was in a rush and would I never get to the sodding door and with a sickening feeling I knew what I would see when I got there and now my fingers were grasping the handle and it was turning and I threw the door open with a crash.
The room was empty.
Too empty.
Toni’s few small bottles and possessions  that had been on the dressing table were gone. Her little bag that had lain on the bed all weekend had gone. I heard a door slam and rushed to the window. A taxi was just pulling away from the house, its lights and blinking indicator reflecting on the dark, glistening wet tarmac of the street and I knew with absolute certainty that Toni was in it and I watched it accelerate away and disappear.
There was a pain in my heart. An ache, an emptiness which felt as if my heart was going to implode. I heard a sharp intake of breath and turned. Tanya was standing in the doorway, her hand clutched to her throat, staring with wide eyes at the bed.
“Oh, no!” she whispered. “NO!” Her eyes lifted to meet mine and  I saw mirrored in them the same pain, the same ache, shock and emptiness that I felt in my own heart.  “NO!” she whispered again. We looked at each other across the room, not moving. Tanya’s gaze drifted round the room as if she was desperately searching for some sign that Toni was still in the house.
“How did you know?” she whispered, her eyes clouded with pain.
“I woke up. It must have been Toni closing our front door as she left. I couldn’t hear anything. Nothing at all. Except the car. The taxi.”  I gestured to the window.
Tanya sank onto the bed. “Why?” Her hands rose and fell as she strove to understand. “I thought she was happy. “Why did she go?”
And to this I had no answer. For her, or for myself.
“Call her!” I said urgently. “Quick, where are the mobile phones?”
“In my bag.” Tanya ran into the kitchen where her handbag lay on the counter. She grabbed it and opened it feverishly. Her hand went inside for her phone, and reappeared clutching sheets of paper that had been pushed just inside it. She looked at me, then unfolded them, glanced briefly at them and thrust them towards me.
I shook my head. “No,” I said softly. “You first.”
Numbly Tanya straightened the papers and started to read.  It took her a few minutes and I stood very still and watched her. Tears sprang to her eyes as she continued and she used a hand to wipe them away so she could read clearly.
And finally she read the last one and the tears rolled down her cheeks and she thrust them at me again and sank into a chair with her elbows on the table and her head buried in her hands, crying her eyes out.
I went to her and put one arm round her shoulder squeezing it gently but she didn’t respond, just cried and cried into her hands, cupped over her face.  I looked at the papers I was holding. Toni had folded them in half and on the outside of the top sheet was written, in small, neat handwriting:- Tanya and Davey. I unfolded them. The neat writing continued on each page and I started to read.
My dearest Tanya, my dearest Davey. Please forgive me for this. I know that you will be shocked to find me gone. I hope you will not feel too hurt because there is a reason. It is a selfish one, but for me, it is important.
You have given me something this weekend that no-one will ever be able to give me again. You have both shown me things, taught me things that till now I have only imagined. Dreamed of. But with you they became real. They were my life for these few hours. But  more than this, you have embraced me into your lives, you have welcomed me, excited me, made me laugh, made me forget the bad things in this world, the worries and cares that suffocate us in our everyday lives. I have never met anyone like you both. I have never met such giving people. Because most of all, you have given me love. Real, whole, unrestricted love. Your love. And this I will treasure for the rest of my life.
I love you both so very much I can’t explain it in words. It is like something has lodged in my heart, something wonderful and beautiful and I know it will be there always. And as Sunday grew nearer and nearer, I knew I was too weak to stay until the end. I am so sorry. I wanted to be here with you both but I dreaded the moment when it would end. I dreaded  it with all my heart and it hurt me so much to think of it, I decided to do this.
As I left you in bed you were curled together, sleeping peacefully, clasped in each others arms like the lovers you truly, truly are. Did you feel my kisses as I blew them to you? I hope you did.
 My sweet Tanya, my lovely new friend, my confidante, my mentor, my lover. How I have adored my time with you, sharing the pleasures and experiences we have enjoyed together. I wanted them to never end. But in my heart I knew they must. And I was afraid. Your caring, your loving, your understanding, your incredible sacrifice for me by letting  me  use your special, loving name for Davey was a precious gift that I could never, never hope to repay. I love you  my Tanya, I love you so much.
My wonderful, sexy, adorable Davey. How you have shown me pleasures and excitements and heights of ecstasy that I have never known before. And how you have loved me with your body, and your heart, filling my soul and my own heart with a contentment and a richness that will warm me and nurture me always. And yet, even as we loved together, your whole being was devoted to your Tanya, as she is devoted to you. And this was a wonderful thing for me to see, to experience, to share.  To receive your love, your thoughtfulness, your care  in the hours I have been with you has been the most exhilarating experience I could know. I love you, Davey, I love you so much.
And because I love you both so very, very much, and because I wanted these hours, these days, these pleasures, these warming, loving times to go on and on for ever, I knew that I could not, I could not, bear to say goodbye. I do not want to hurt you, never, never, never, but the thought of standing at your door, seeing your faces for the last time and leaving this home full of warmth and love and friendship and care, and also fun and laughter, is too much. I am weak, and I am selfish. I could not bear to leave you both that way. I am so glad, so happy, so overjoyed that I have had this time with you both. I feel so privileged that Tanya chose me for this weekend, to share  these pleasures, these ecstasies, these experiences that others cannot and will not ever know. And because she  chose me I have felt your love and warmth and it has grown and grown in my heart and my heart has  filled with my love for you.   And it is only because of you, my loving Tanya, and you, my loving Davey that these hours have been the wonderful times that they were. 
And so, I cannot, cannot, cannot, bear to say goodbye to you. There is already an emptiness in my heart because I will no longer be with you both. I am writing this as I wait for the taxi. It will be here soon and our time together will have ended. I cannot tell you how sad this makes me. I will miss you both, more than I can possibly, ever say.
Thank you for your love, sweet Tanya. Thank you for your love, sweet Davey. I will treasure it always. Take care of yourselves, always. I know you will take care of each other.  I love you, both of you, and I always will,  from the very, very bottom of my heart.
My loving kisses for you both.
Your little Toni-girl.
I folded the letter and placed it gently on the table.
“Call her,” I said. I handed her the mobile and she dialled mechanically.
“Straight to mailbox,” she said tonelessly. “She switched it off.” She looked at me with her tear-stained face and I gently lifted her from the chair and held her close, saying nothing, just caressing her and holding her and being with her.
We stood there, two people in the middle of the room, two people loving each other with all their hearts, but feeling sad and drained and yes, suddenly lonely.
And the house, silent all around us, seemed terribly, terribly empty.
       *                *                *                *                *                *                *                *                *                *                *                *
Tanya and I were taking one of our frequent evening strolls. We had just spent the afternoon in bed so we weren’t out looking for somewhere to have more sex, we were just enjoying a pleasant Autumn early evening.
Six weeks had passed since that weekend. Nothing had happened then to affect the relationship and feelings between Tanya and me. If anything it had strengthened them. We still enjoyed all the things together we had before, our company, our bodies, our foreplay and our sexual adventures together. Our orgasms were still as good, strong and exhausting as they had been. That weekend had been nice, but it had just been a delicious, short sexual adventure in our lives and we were both happy to have had it, but neither of us felt anything was lost from our own love for the lack of it. We were content together,  as we had been from day one. And my beloved girl still always seemed to know what I was thinking before I said it.
Tanya had tried to call Toni day after day, into the evenings, three, four times a day but without success. She used my phone too, and tried using withheld numbers, but nothing worked. We eventually decided that Toni had got herself another phone or number,  and no longer used this one.  We’d left messages; they were not returned. And after a while, we stopped.
Apart from an odd comment by one of us in the days immediately after that, neither of us had spoken much about the weekend, or Toni, since then. Not because it was embarrassing, or taboo. We didn’t need to speak about it. It was nice, it was short, it had ended sadly and we wished it hadn’t, but it was over, and we had each other to ourselves again with nothing lost from our love. 
I didn’t know if Tanya ever thought about Toni. She probably did.  I did from time to time, a sad nostalgia in my heart as I remembered her, and my thoughts idly drifted to her now, recalling her figure and body, her sweet taste and the light in her eyes when she was especially excited or happy, our time together and how she had made us laugh, and  I recalled her orgasms and how she had enjoyed herself with us. My thoughts idled away, not with regret, but with a pleasant feeling that she had brought extra pleasure to Tanya and I, and we in turn had given her pleasure she had either missed for so long or not known before. But I remembered it all with a certain sadness, too.
So it shouldn’t have been a shock, but it was, when Tanya suddenly said,  “You came to love her a lot, didn’t you?”
(How does she do that?)
“Yes,” I agreed thoughtfully. “I did love her a lot.”
“I loved her too,” Tanya said.  “I loved her in my way, and you did too.” She was silent for a while as we strolled along. Then she asked,
“Do you still miss her?”
“No,” I said promptly. “The memories, yes. Her no, because I have you. Even Toni could not replace you, or the way I feel about you, or what we have together. You know it and I know it. Yes, of course I remember what she did to me, and to you, and what we all shared. I remember it with great pleasure, but miss her? No, I don’t miss her.”
I wondered what all this was leading up to. Surely Tanya had no doubts about us? Did she perhaps think that I missed Toni so much that I wanted to be with her instead of my Tanya after all?
“Sweetheart, surely you can’t think that---“
“Would you like her to come again?”
“I would love her to cum again,” I assured her.
She hit me on the back. Gently.
“Lump! You know what I mean!”
I took her shoulders and turned her to face me. I regarded her seriously for a moment or two. 
“How can that be?” I told her softly and gently, brushing her lovely flowing hair from her face. “Listen, you know very well that I will do anything you like to give you pleasure, both in bed and out of it. My life revolves around making you happy. I love giving your body pleasure. Of course I loved what Toni did to me and to you too. I loved our weekend together. To love you, and her, and to know her love in return was…….” I fell silent, hunting for the words, but Tanya was nodding a little and she knew. “But she is gone. So I don’t miss it and I don’t need it when I have you. Do you understand, woman?” I finished, jokingly severe.
“Yes, sir. I understand master,” she replied submissively. And then she added softly, “I thought you would feel that way.  I hoped you would feel that way. But I wanted to hear it from you.”
“You had doubts!” I said in alarm.
“No, no, no, I didn’t,” she answered earnestly. “None whatsoever Davey baby. I thought I had judged right, but I wanted to hear it.”
“You always judge me right,” I sighed. “You’re very good at it.”
Tanya nodded.  “Lump. You’re a book.”
“Hmmph! Don’t know if I like that.”
“A sex book. A fantastically exciting and erotic one. Positively debauched.”
“That’s alright then.”
We strolled on.
“Do you miss her?” I asked.
Tanya said slowly,  “No, sweet Davey. I don’t miss her. But I remember how it was, and I remember my feelings towards her while she was with us. Nice, warm, loving  feelings. I still have those feelings in my heart towards her. And so do you, lump, and I know it!” She paused and considered. “So I suppose, if I miss anything at all, it’s being able to give those feelings to her. To show her how I feel.” She paused again then looked at me earnestly. “Do you understand me, Davey baby?”
Since Tanya’s whole being is always focussed on giving to me and loving me, I understood perfectly.
“Yes,” I answered. “I do. Because that’s how I feel if for some reason I can’t show you how I feel. And I had a lot of pleasure when I saw in her eyes that she appreciated our giving, she loved us for it.”
“That’s not the only pleasure you had from her,” Tanya said darkly, nudging me in the ribs.
“Nor you!” I returned with a grin. “But I’m not talking about that. I’m talking about pleasure inside, in the soul, in the heart. I’m talking about missing loving her and showing it, giving it.  And so are you,” I added, “and I know that.”
Tanya nodded. We strolled on a little more, enjoying the evening air, the sounds around us and the fragrance of early Autumn as golden leaves scrunched underfoot, and we enjoyed the simple pleasure of just being together. She squeezed my hand.
“So it doesn’t matter to you if she was to visit us again, or not?”
Again I wondered where this was going. I know my Tanya and I felt instinctively that there was a real purpose behind all this but I couldn’t for the life of me work out what it was. We had not heard from Toni or seen her since the day she left our home but Tanya’s words still seemed to hint to me that she harboured doubts in some way.  I grabbed her shoulders again and faced her, looking at her lovely eyes and mouth which I just had to kiss, very gently and tenderly.
“Now listen to me,” I began. “You are the most important thing in the world to me. Yes, I know that sounds trite or corny but that doesn’t make it any less true. You and I have something that is so special, so rare, so completely whole,  that I doubt if another man or woman in ten million could say the same. Have we ever argued? Have we fought? Has there even been so much as a cross word between us? No. We understand and know each other as well as we know ourselves. The way we are together, our shared thoughts, the way we complement each other’s lives and fulfil them, is something that most people will never know, and die without ever having sampled such togetherness for a minute, never mind living daily. You have my heart, absolutely, completely, fully, without any restrictions, doubts or hesitation. We are like sun and rain, you and I. Our two lives are one, and all sun is no good without rain and all rain is useless without sun, and that is what makes our two lives one whole one, and it blooms and flowers and grows and is spectacular because of that.”
Tanya had taken a step back from me so that my arms were at full length to hold her shoulders. She stared at me.   
“And as long,” I went on, “as there is rain to complement the sun, and sun to complement the rain, then life will continue to thrive and grow. It doesn’t need more than that. So whether or not you add something else to it temporarily doesn’t matter. It won’t affect the long-term result. That whole life will thrive and grow. So it doesn’t matter whether Toni or any other girl is a fleeting part of our whole life.  It is there anyway, thriving, growing, blossoming and giving each of us separately astounding pleasure, contentment, and happiness. And because we are human beings, love is added to that sun and that rain. It is the earth that the sun warms and the rain refreshes and all together it makes a wonderful, natural, incredibly special thing that you and I are blessed with. I have you. You have me, and together we are whole and we are more than the sum of our parts. I know this. I have understood this since I first met you, and that is why my love for you is so strong, so all-encompassing, so indestructible. If I am the rain, you are my sun. I need you to make my life whole, and you do. I do not need anything else to make it whole. Anything else added to it is a bonus, but not necessary. I love you with all my heart and nothing and no-one could ever affect that, or take it away. So the answer to your question is, it doesn’t matter to me if Toni comes to us again or not. Or  anyone else, for that matter. It’s nice, it’s as if there was an extra long, bright sunny day to my rain, but I don’t need it because I have my sun in my life already, every single day and every single night,  and it’s you.”
I looked at Tanya. Her chest was heaving, her shoulders rose and fell. She stared at me and made a noise.
“Uh –uh—uh,” and then she was flying at me, her hands curled into fists and she was pounding them at my chest so hard I had to take a step back.  I thought for a moment that she was furiously angry and then I realised she was sobbing her heart out.
“What is it?” I asked, dumbfounded. “What did I do? What did I say?”
She sobbed and sobbed and now she was resting her fists against my chest, her head lowered and her shoulders shook and heaved. She tried to speak but struggled for breath  between the sobs.
“Y-y–y you said,  - you bastard!”
(I’m sure I didn’t say that?)
“Y-y you said the n- n- nicest words –uh – I h- h- have ever heard in my h- h- h- whole life,   from any w- w- one ever!”
My arms went round her and I cuddled and hugged her.
“Sshh! Sshh! Don’t cry,” I murmured into her hair. “Sshh. If they were nice words, why are you crying?”
And then the words came tumbling out, punctuated by her sobs.
“Y- y- you bastard. I c- c- couldn’t believe w- w- what I was hearing and it made me so h- h- happy to hear them and I w-w- wanted to laugh and jump and t- t- t- tell you and it m- m- made me want to love you even m-m-more than I do and---“ she began to slap me across my shoulderblades every few words,  “it gave me a pain in my heart because I  c- c- can’t love you any more than I do and that made me s- s- sad and if ever there was any w- w- one that I wanted to hear words like that from it’s you and you said them and I was sad because I can’t love you more than I do and I want to and I wanted to tell you and my heart felt as if it was going to burst because I love you so much I was angry because I can’t love you more and because I was sad and I should’ve been happy and that made me more angry and that made me sad that I was angry and I’m crying and I love you so much you lump and you’re a bastard!”
“Yeeesss. Well, that’s all perfectly clear now,” I sighed. Her fists were again resting against my chest and I hugged her tightly, partly out of sheer love and partly to stop her slaps which were actually beginning to hurt.
She continued to sob as I stroked her hair and her cheek.
“I love you, Davey,” she whispered after a while. “I do love you so very, very much it makes my heart ache.”
I really didn’t know how to respond to this. Was this a good thing or a bad thing? I made do with cupping her small face in my hands, gazing into her eyes and murmuring,
“My heart is also full of love Tanya. For you. My special, special girl. It will always be full of love for you, no matter what.”
And then I just held her, waiting until the sobs had passed and she was quiet. I pulled my hanky from my pocket and gently wiped away the tears and the streaks on her face.
“Shall we go home?"   
She nodded, sniffed and took my hanky to dry her face again and blow her nose. We turned and started to retrace our steps homewards.
“And after all that,” she said, the last few, dry,  sobs escaping her, “I didn’t even a –a - ask you the thing that was most im – p -- portant.”
My arm was round her shoulder and I squeezed it gently.
“What did you want to ask me, my sweet little Tanya?”
She sniffed a couple of times and used the hanky again.
“I’ve found her. I spoke to her. I w-w-wanted to ask you if you would like it if  T-T-Toni came to live with us.”
        *                *                *                *                *                *                *                *                *                *                *                *
To those cynics and scoffers who have read this story who do not believe that the
characters could be real, who do not believe that a love such as described here can
exist, to those who do not believe that there are people in the world for whom the
driving force, their ‘raison d’etre’,  is to ensure the pleasure and happiness of
their lover, or who have never experienced the feelings of a reciprocal love
so overwhelming, so complete, so ecstatic, so absolute that it almost hurts,
I have these words for you:-
If you have never seen the fiery light of a shooting star
blazing its way across the heavens, if you have never
witnessed first hand the colours of the
Aurora Borealis playing in the night sky,
that doesn’t alter the fact that
they exist.
They do.
You are unlucky. You are the ten million.
To those prudes who have read this story, in whole or in part,
who are shocked and horrified and revolted by the characters
and the way they have behaved, the things they have said
and the things they have done, to themselves and to others,
I have these words for you:-
Until you first taste an apple, you won’t know if you like it.
The situations and events described in this story will be
unacceptable to most people.  But that doesn’t alter the fact that
they exist.
There are people
for whom such activities, shared with another, or with others,
heighten their pleasure, strengthen the bond of their love,
enhance their experiences, enrich their lives.
They are not decadent people.
They are not depraved people.
They are not sick people.
They are just not you.
*      *      *      *
“I have lived completely.
I have loved absolutely.
And in this world, that is without peer.”
Christopher Barton

"Does it turn you on?"

wetpants on Incest Stories

 “Does it turn you on?”

I was lying on my bed dressed only in shorts, looking at a ‘top-shelf glossy magazine’.  The pictures were full colour and very explicit. My hand was inside my shorts, gently rubbing my hard cock in preparation for a good wank, when suddenly the door burst open. In a flash I’d withdrawn my hand and looked up to see my younger sister standing there, fresh out of the shower, wrapped in a fluffy bathrobe and towelling her hair dry.  I quickly thrust the magazine to one side.

“Have you nicked my Ipod?” she yelled.

Read More

“No!” I answered, angry that she’d burst in on me, something she doesn’t usually do. “I have not!”

 “Well where is it then?” she demanded. She peered at the magazine.

“Oh! Admiring the female form, were we?”

“So what!” I said crossly. “Perfectly normal for someone of my age!”

She looked at my shorts. My erection, dwindling now at the shock of her bursting into my room, was still very evident.

“Must be a good mag!” she commented. She stepped into the room and picked it up before I could stop her. Retreating out of my immediate reach she scanned the pages.

“Mmm! Big tits!”

“Sis!” I reproached her.

“Oh, shut up! What am I supposed to say? Mammaries? Boobies? Breasts? They’re big tits!”

She leafed through a couple more pages and stopped with a gasp.

“Oh! Not only tits!” She peered closely at the page. “No wonder you’ve got a hard on!”

“Sis!” I expostulated. “What’s got into you?  You’re not supposed to say things like that!”

“Oh shut up!” she said again. “Don’t be such a prude!” She turned more pages, looking at the pictures closely. “If you can look at tits and cunts in a glossy magazine and have a wank over them, I can say whatever I like!”

I raised up on one elbow and stared at her. She’d never talked this way before. At least not in front of me. Maybe with her friends. She got to the last page and looked at me over the top of the magazine.

“Not that impressed with any of them,” she said. “One or two nice pussies and a couple of decent titties but none that does anything for me.”

I lunged for the magazine and succeeded in wrenching it from her grasp.

“They’re not supposed to do anything for you!” I pointed out irritably. “They’re supposed to do things for boys and men!”

“How do you know?” she pouted. “I might be a lesbian!”

“Sis!” I exclaimed again.

“Alright, I’m not,” she admitted, “but I might have been. Anyway,” she eyed my shorts again significantly, “you obviously liked one of those bodies. Or more.”

I was trying to think of a suitable put-down to this comment and send her packing when she stepped back to the doorway, undid the bathrobe and opened it wide.

“Does this body do anything for you?”

My mouth opened to speak and remained in that position. I stared at her in total shock and amazement.

“Sis!” I eventually gulped. “What the hell are you doing?”

“Showing you my body!” she answered impatiently. “Do you like it? Does it do anything for you?” She thrust her hips at me suggestively. “Does it turn you on?”

My sister is twenty.  Just.  I am two years older. Of course I’d seen her wearing all sorts of clothes as we grew up together. Shorts, bikinis, tight jeans and cropped tops, miniskirts, the lot. A part of me had occasionally remarked to myself that she had a terrific figure and often looked quite sexy, but the  ‘brother’ part just dismissed this as an idle observation and I had never, ever, thought of my sister in a sexual way.

Now she was parading in front of me, blatantly showing me her body, or most of it, in an obviously provocative way.

She had on a flowery, thin, almost see-through bra and skimpy panties so she wasn’t completely naked, but if anything, this made it worse. Her breasts, I realised now, were beautiful;- round, firm, thrusting up without any support from the bra. Her nipples were taut and thrust out, pushing against the thin material of the bra. It certainly wasn’t cold in the room and at the back of my mind I thought, so she must be aroused. I could clearly see her aureoles, large, dark and round. The thin panties hid just enough to be  completely erotic. I could see the line of her lips through them, and a dark area which could only be her cunt itself.  Her fresh, young, soft skin showed through the material, and I realised with yet another shock that she was shaved smooth. Her love mound showed as a soft bulge at the front of her pants. Her body was lithe, her legs, I already knew, were long and tanned and very sexy.  All in all she was a vision, a sexy, enticing, temptress with a body a man could die to hold and touch and be inside.

And she was my sister.

The vision had its effect. My erection immediately returned, stronger than ever.

She looked at my shorts as she continued to dance in front of me, thrusting her hips to and fro.

“Yes, I see it does do something for you. Quite a lot, in fact!”

“Sis!” I managed to  say after swallowing a couple of times. “Stop it! What do you think you’re doing? Cover yourself up!”

“Prude!” she said again. “What’s the matter? Embarrassed?  You’ve seen me in a bikini before. What’s the difference?”

I swallowed again. My mouth was dry. “The difference,” I said awkwardly, “ is that you’re…..you’re--” I gave up and waved a hand at her to signify the dancing and erotic movements she was making. “And I was already --”

“You were already hard from the magazine,”  she interrupted. “Ready to have a wank, masturbate, give yourself a handjob.”

With each word I felt a twitch in my cock.

“Sis! Sis!” I implored. “Stop it please! You’re being really nasty, doing that when you know I’m already turned on!”

She suddenly ran forward and leapt onto the bed, the open bathrobe billowing behind her like some sort of cape. And she leapt on top of me, kneeling over me and straddling me.

I gasped. Her breasts were now only a few inches from me and I felt the warmth of her skin as she pressed herself against me.

“Oh, poor love!” she said,  grinning. She rubbed her mound over my erect cock and it strained inside my shorts.  “Oooo!” she said, her eyes going wide. “I’ve often wondered how big you are! I’m impressed! You’re big!”


She leaned down without warning and planted her mouth against mine, lying full length on top of me and continuing to rub herself against me. Her tongue forced its way into my mouth and thrashed around, licking and tasting and curling around mine as she kissed me.

I tried to push her up, away from me, but she slid her arms quickly under my head and pulled me even tighter against her own face.

And, unbidden and without any conscious effort from me, my body pushed up against hers as my cock strained inside my shorts and demanded to be let out.

I made noises as I couldn’t speak out loud. They were supposed to be ‘No! No! No!’ but if she understood them she ignored them. I was shocked beyond belief, partly at the way my little sister was behaving, and partly at the thought that my body had responded to her by signifying its pleasure at her closeness.

Eventually she pulled her head away from me and breathed hard.

“You do like my body!” she crowed. “I felt you push against me!”

Seizing the opportunity to finally speak I let rip at her.

“Sis! I don’t know what this is all about but stop it now! It’s gone far enough!  You’re being really mean and spiteful. Now go away, leave me alone and I’ll get rid  of the results of your little game!”

She gazed at me without moving and spoke very softly.

“I’m not being mean and spiteful. And it definitely hasn’t gone far enough!” She leaned forward and kissed me again, a soft, loving, more than sisterly kiss on the lips. And she moved one hand from under my head and I felt her wriggle as she slid it between us and grasped the outline of my cock through my shorts.

“Uh!” I gasped, jerking involuntarily. “Don’t!”

“Why?” she asked in a soft, seductive voice. “You like it! I can tell!” She grinned at me. “Why do you want me to stop?”

“You’re my sister, for fuck’s sake!” I gasped, hardly realising I was swearing in front of her and trying not to think about her slender fingers still grasping my cock through my shorts and rubbing me. “Stop! We can’t do this!”

“Who says?” she pouted. “Society? Bollocks! Who’s to know? Mum and Dad are away. We have the place to ourselves all weekend. Maybe it’s wrong, but you want it and I want it. I’m on the pill. So we’re safe. Are you telling me you’ve never done anything wrong in your life? ‘Course you have. So have I.  I’ve often thought about having sex with you. Wondered about your cock. How big it is. What it tastes like. How it would feel sliding into my cunt. Or my ass. Now I have the chance to find out. You were already hard when I came in and you’re still hard. Have you never thought about fucking me?”

I was shaking my head from side to side through all this and my eyebrows shot up when she mentioned fucking her ass.

“No! I haven’t thought about it at all!” I gasped. “Never!  You’re my sister! Sister! Brothers and sisters don’t fuck. They don’t have any sexual feelings towards each other at all!”

“Well, I do!” she said softly. “Have had for a long time. I want you, brother! I want to hold you, wank you, suck you, and most of all I want to feel you slide your big cock into me and fuck me silly. And later, when you’ve recovered, I want to feel that same big cock fuck my asshole! I want every type of sex I can get from you, my big brother!”

I just stared at her. I was completely speechless. To think my, supposedly, demure little sister could talk like this, use these words, and above all, use them to her brother and admit she wanted sex with him had left me utterly astounded and totally at a loss for anything to say.

But my body had no such qualms and I was more and more conscious of her fingers grasping me  from outside my shorts and slowly and gently wanking me.  As if reading my –subconscious—thoughts, she suddenly reached up inside one leg of my shorts and I felt her warm fingers close round my rod. Her touch was heavenly and I knew that if her hand stayed there a minute more I would cum.

“Stop!” I pleaded one more time in a resigned voice. “If you don’t stop I shall have to cum. Sis, stop, please!”

But in answer she wriggled down the bed, away from my head, kissing my chest and stomach as she moved until she got to my shorts. She pulled the top down and my cock sprang out, free at last and only moments away from exploding. Quickly she licked the tip, opened her mouth and took me inside. The feeling was indescribable. I’d had blowjobs before but this was unlike any other. In the furthest, dim recesses of my mind I knew it was because it was my sister, it was wrong, forbidden fruits, and that made it even better than with anyone else.  Her tongue slurped round my helmet and I felt her sucking my shaft as she grasped the base with her fingers and licked and sucked at me, her eyes closed in rapture.

Until now I had kept my hands beside me on the bed and hadn’t touched her at all, except when I tried to push her away, but now, feeling her lovely mouth encompassing me, sucking, licking and tasting my unbelievably hard cock, I couldn’t resist stroking her head, feeling her fresh, still damp hair in my fingers as I pulled her against me. I thrust upwards and into her and with a huge gasp I felt my cum explode from my cock and into her mouth. I pushed up as hard as I could and I came again and again and again, my hot cum gushing from me in huge spurts. I had never had such a huge orgasm, or shot so much cum in all my life. I looked down and saw that it was already leaking from her lips and she was using it as a lubricant as she continued to slide her mouth up and down the length of my rod, my cum glistening on my shaft and trickling from the corner of her mouth. My fingers entwined in her hair and I pulled her against me, loving the feel of her around me, loving the thought that my sister had just sucked me off, loving the thought that I was in her mouth.

Finally I sank back on the bed, gasping for breath. She released my cock from her lips, tipped her head back and swallowed.

“Mmmm!” she said. “Nice! Just as I remembered and expected.”

“Sis! Sis!” I gasped. “What have you done! What have we-------”

For a moment I hadn’t realised what she’d said, then it sunk in.

“What! What do you mean, remembered?  You’ve never tasted……we’ve never….you can’t remember my taste!”

“Oh, yes I can!” she said impishly. She bent down and licked the last few drops of white cum from my cock and stomach. “I like the taste of your cum. I know you have a huge libido and wank yourself a lot when you don’t have a girlfriend, like now. I’ve tasted your cum, but only when it’s old, not fresh like now.” She paused and regarded my puzzled expression. “I’ve licked your cum from your sheets,” she said.


“Tasty! But much better fresh, with your big cock filling my mouth.”

“Sis! Sis!” I shook my head. Did I really know my own little sister? She’d sucked cum from my bed sheets? She swore, flaunted herself at her own brother, sucked him off and still apparently wanted a lot more sex from him?…..Was this really my sister?

I looked at her soft young body lying between my legs, her fingers idly tracing around my cock, soft now and lying on my stomach. Yes, it was my sister, but not the sister I always thought I had.  She was beautiful, sexy, erotic and I wanted her.

She gently eased my cock back inside my shorts.

“Have a little rest,” she said. “I want a lot more from you yet and I know you can do it.”

She slid up and kissed me with all the tenderness of a young lover kissing her man.

“Sis,” I said firmly.  “That was gorgeous. Quite unbelievable. I admit, I loved every minute of you sucking me and giving me a blowjob. But that’s it! We’ve done something we shouldn’t, it was nice, heavenly, but we’ve done it now and that’s it.”

She pulled away from me and stared at me, a glint in her eye.

“What do you mean?” she demanded. “What about me? You’ve just shot a gallon of cum into my mouth. You loved it. What about me? Am I supposed to go without any satisfaction, then?”

I felt a twinge of remorse. What she said was true. She’d come on to me and I’d had the most incredible pleasure from her. Wasn’t she entitled to some pleasure in return? Yes, she was, but she was my sister!

“Yes, I bloody well am!” she went on before I had a chance to phrase a reply. “I want my pleasure from you! And I’m going to get it! You’re going to lick me out, fuck me, fuck my ass and--- and--- anything else I want!”

She stared at me defiantly.

“And--- and—“ I repeated. “There isn’t any more ‘and’ is there?”

She looked away. “Well, yes,” she said more quietly. “I might get my toys later too.”


She looked at me again, more defiant than ever.

“Oh, shut up!  You’ve just fucked your sister’s mouth so don’t pretend to be a prude! Yes, toys! What do you do when you want sex and don’t have a girl? You look at sexy magazines and hold your cock in your hand and wank yourself till your cum shoots out! What am I supposed to do if I don’t have a bloke and want sex? Go without? Bollocks! I rub my clit with my finger till I’m wet and it’s dripping everywhere and my own cum shoots out of my cunt, or I use a toy to pretend fuck me, like you pretend to fuck your hand! Yes! Toys! But I want to feel you use them on me!”

She was quite breathless with anger and I felt suitably chastened.

“Sorry, sis,” I said softly. “I’m not a prude. You know that. But you’ve given me so many shocks today! That was another one! I never dreamed you had, or used, sex toys! It’s just not something I thought about my own sister! The same as I never thought about you sucking me, or me fucking  you. These things have just never entered my head. Till now,” I had to add.

She softened at once and giggled.

“What are you thinking about now?” she enquired.

I shook my head from side to side and shrugged my shoulders.

“You win!” I told her. “I admit it! Now I’m thinking about your body, touching it, kissing it, licking your cunt, your ass, sliding my cock into you, both of your holes, cumming into you---”

I shrugged again, helplessly. “It’s your own fault! I love you, sis, you know I do. Very much. But now….now, I can’t look at you like before. Now I want that lovely body! I want to do everything to it! Especially I want to fuck you!”

That was it. I’d said it. I’d admitted to my little sister that I wanted to fuck her.

“You want to do everything?” she asked me archly.

I nodded. “Everything.”

“Even this?” And so saying she slid up my body until she was straddling me again, gazing down at me with love in her eyes.

“Even this?” she repeated.

I waited, puzzled, not sure what she meant, and then, to my utter amazement and shock yet again, I felt a warm trickle on my stomach and running down my thighs. It was a very pleasant sensation and I thought she must have somehow made herself cum, all over me, but I instantly realised that couldn’t be. I looked down.

My little sister was peeing on me.

I heard her chuckle and looked up at her.

“Bet you didn’t think I did that, either!” she chuckled again.

“Sis! What….how…..where did you learn to do that?”

She stopped the flow of warm piss and rolled off me to lie beside me.

“Uh!” she said. “One of my ex’s, the bastard! Did it to me one day. I was so shocked I slapped his face and wouldn’t let him touch me for ages. He sweet talked me and sweet talked me until I agreed to let him do it again. Then it wasn’t a shock. I still wasn’t sure I liked it but after the second or third time I realised I did. It was nice!”

She rolled over again and pressed her lips against my shorts. I felt her sucking the pee from them, and probably the last drop or two of cum as well.

“Lovely!” she said. She looked up at me. Her face softened and she stroked my cheek.

“Big bro’,” she murmured. “Lovely big bro’ with a huge cock.  I’ve really shocked you, haven’t I?”

I nodded, speechless again.

“Sorry, lover. Really I am. But when I knew Mum and Dad were away and we would be alone this weekend, I thought, I am not going to miss this chance! No way! I knew you’d probably be at home as you don’t have a girlfriend now. And you know I told my ex to go and play on the motorway a few weeks ago. So there was just us. And I knew I wanted to have you this weekend. But I’m sorry I’ve shocked you, my adorable big brother.  I hope you’re over it now. I just want us to enjoy ourselves together. All day and all night and all tomorrow too.”

My head was a mixture of thoughts. In the first place I’d felt a thrill when she called me ‘lover’. I  liked it. A lot.  Then I thought about how she’d planned this, how her thoughts had centred on us both having sex together and how determined she was that it would happen. But I also thought, what will happen when our parents are back? Is this a one-off occasion? I couldn’t see how it could be anything else. Our parents don’t go away that often. And I felt her fingers on my cheek, and felt her warm body against mine, her nipples pressing my chest and her hot thighs against mine, and I thought, I don’t want this to be a one-off occasion! No way! I want to do this again. And again. I want to feel her soft mouth sucking my cock! I want to slide it inside her hot wet cunt! And yes, her lovely tight asshole too!  I want to have sex with my sister as often as I can!

“Sis, what happens when Mum and Dad are back? We won’t be able to do this then! Have you thought about that? Suppose, just suppose, we have a weekend of sex as you suggest. Suppose we both get to like it so much that we want to do it again? We won’t be able to! And what happens in a few years when you want, or I want, for that matter, to settle down with a family? We’re going to remember this weekend and it may cause us a lot of grief.”

She kissed me gently and stroked my cheek.

“I have thought about it. We’ll find a way. Love always does.”

I gave her a sharp look. She was gazing at me, her eyes soft and gentle and trusting. Like a little sister.

“I love you, my big, strong, clever bro’. I love you very much.”

“I love you too, sis,” I began.

But she was shaking her head.

“I don’t mean I love you like a brother. I mean I love you. Really love you. I have done for a long time. I haven’t thought of you like a brother for ages. I’ve only thought of you as a man. A man I want. A man who makes me go weak at the knees. Who turns me on every time I’m near him, smell him, brush against him. I love you, bro’,” she repeated.

“Sis!” Once more she’d jerked the ground from under me. “I had no idea--- You can’t ---!”

“Of course not,”  she said. “I’ve been very careful to keep my feelings hidden, especially in front of Mum and Dad. It’s been difficult, I can tell you! But sometimes I’ve walked around with my pants soaking wet from thinking about you. And me. That’s why this weekend was so important. Why I was so determined that my big strong brother was going to fuck me, come what may!”

She raised herself and looked at me, her eyes searching my face.

“Does that make me a slut?”

“Don’t be silly! No!” I reached for her and hugged her to me, tightly. “Just because you’ve shocked me beyond belief, said things, done things I would never have dreamed you would even know about, doesn’t mean you’re a slut!” I hugged her again and enjoyed the feel of her warm body against mine. I felt her relax.

“Good,” she said. “Are you recovered yet?”

“If you mean for sex, no! I’m still sensitive! If you mean from all the shocks, no! I wonder if I ever will recover from them! I’m still worried about this. Whatever your feelings, or mine, it’s wrong. It’s taboo! And I’m worried about after this weekend too.”

“Well, I’m certainly not going to tell any of my friends!” she stated firmly. “This is my secret. Our secret. And I can’t believe you’re going to go to the pub boasting about how you’ve shagged your sister!”

“I haven’t!” I pointed out indignantly.

“But you’re going to. Aren’t you?” she asked, a note of doubt in her voice. “You’re not going to leave me high and dry after I’ve opened my heart to you, are you?” She looked at me searchingly again.

I could feel every inch of her flesh that was touching mine. I could feel the heat coming from her thighs as they pressed against mine. I remembered the feel of her mouth sucking on my rod and her tongue flicking at the tip.  My sister’s mouth. My sister’s tongue. Yes, I thought with a sigh. A sigh of resignation that I would be committing myself to a path down which there would be no turning back. I sighed again. A sigh of pleasurable remembrance at her mouth……her tongue.

“I don’t know, my sweet little sis,” I sighed once more. “I want to. God, how I want to now I’ve thought about it and had a taste of things to come. Yes, sweet little sister. I want to have as much sex with you as we can this weekend,  but you’re my sister and it’s wrong! We’ll both feel so guilty, so bad, afterwards…….”  I tailed off, already feeling guilty about the blowjob she’d given me.

She snuggled hard against me and rested her head on my chest.

“No we won’t,” she replied. “I don’t feel guilty at all. It’s something I’ve wanted for so long. And you won’t feel guilty because it’s me that’s started it and led you on and you’re a bloke and you want sex from anything in a skirt, like anyone your age.”

“Charming!” I said indignantly. “I do have standards, you know! Not just anything in a skirt!”

“I meet your standards,” she said flatly.

I shut up. I couldn’t answer this because she’d met enough of my female friends in the past, be they serious, but usually short-lived relationships, or one night stands. And she was right, of course, in that her own luscious, firm, rounded, pert and enticing little body probably far exceeded any standards I’d ever set for myself.

“Oh, sis!” I groaned. “Why are you doing this? I rolled my head from side to side in a genuine agony of indecision. The thought of a weekend of sex with her was so tremendously exhilarating that half my mind was in a fever of anticipation. The other half, well, maybe a quarter, well, maybe  just a small segment, recoiled at the thought that she was my sister and I had a responsibility to her. And to myself. And my self esteem. And Mum and Dad. And ---

“Oh, fuck it!” I said aloud. I rolled over and hugged her to me, looking at her face, just inches from mine.

“I hope we don’t regret it, but okay. Yes. I want to have sex with you, okay? Lots of it!”

She kissed me on my eyes and then my nose.

“Good! It’s made me very happy to hear you say that.”

We lay together for a while, each immersed in our own thoughts. My sister and I had had a fairly quiet and peaceful sibling life, compared to some. Oh, we’d had our spats and tantrums, our arguments and shouting matches as we grew up. But mostly we adored each other in a brotherly sisterly sort of way.  We’d helped each other with school homework from time to time and later she’d make a point of checking out any girlfriend I’d brought home and let me know  her opinion, whether I wanted it or not. By the same token, I’d been wary of one or two of her boyfriends and told her that if they gave her any grief or stress to let me know. I’m not a violent man, nor am I normally aggressive, but I would have been first in the queue to protect my little sister if some boy was mistreating her in any way. So we had a strong bond already. What would happen after this weekend was anybody’s guess. Would it strengthen that bond? Or destroy it?

She disentangled herself from me and rose from the bed, holding out a hand to me.

“Come on,” she said. “I’m going to cook. Come to the kitchen with me.”

So I rose and followed her out of my room. She threw off the bathrobe and chucked it through her own open bedroom door where it landed on her bed. As she led the way downstairs I looked at her body, lithe and supple in front of me.

But now I wasn’t looking at my sister. I was looking at a gorgeously sexy, inviting body. A body I’d felt right next to me and wanted to feel there again. For the first time in my life I realised consciously that she had the most firm, round, pert ass that a man could wish to see, touch or slide his cock into. I saw her waist, tapering in before slightly widening again at her hips. A waist that begged to have arms, my arms, round it.

At the bottom of the stairs she stopped suddenly so that I bumped into her. That is, my cock bumped straight into that pert, firm ass, right between her cheeks and she pushed herself back against me, hard.

“Mmmmm!” she exclaimed. She wriggled a bit, pressing her crease against  the feel of my cock inside my shorts. The thoughts I’d been having and the feel of  her ass against me was enough to start an erection again, albeit a slight one.

She straightened up and continued to the kitchen.

“Nice,” she threw over her shoulder. “Soon be ready again. After we’ve eaten we’ll be able to spend all afternoon in bed.”

Whilst she collected  everything she needed to make us a light lunch, I brewed a pot of coffee. Holding my mug in one hand I went to her and put an arm round her waist. That slim, warm, firm waist, but delightfully soft to my touch.

“Whilst you’re doing that, I’ll go and have a shower and change,” I said.

“Don’t you dare!” she said sharply. “You stay as you are!”

I felt the dampness at the front of my shorts from where she’d peed on me.

“But,” I began.

“No!” She waved a spoon at me warningly. “I want you to keep those on and nothing else! Okay?”

I shrugged helplessly. “Okay. If that’s what you want.”

She was looking at me pensively.

“On the other hand,” she said softly, almost to herself, “ I wonder.” She tapped the spoon against her teeth thoughtfully.

“Why not?” she answered her own unspoken query. “Wait here.”

Dropping the spoon on the table she hurried out and I heard her go upstairs. Moments later she returned, one hand hidden behind her back. She came up to me and planted a kiss on my lips.

“Big bro’,” she said, “Are you ready for another shock?”

“There’s more?” I enquired, dismayed.

“Probably more than you can imagine,” she answered dismissively, “ but right now I’m thinking of just one, smallish one.”

“Smallish?” I echoed.

She nodded. “Do you remember a pair of white cotton boxer shorts you used to wear?” she asked me. “Very soft, quite old now, and with an opening at the front without any fastenings?”

I dimly remembered having a pair of boxer shorts like that, only they weren’t called boxers. Because they had a short leg they were just pants, as opposed to briefs. So I nodded.

“Yes, I remember. Haven’t seen them for ages. Thought they must have been thrown out, or the washing machine had eaten them, or something.”

“I have them,” she said, and produced them from behind her back.

I gaped at them, at her, and at the pants again.

“You?….When…? I mean, why?…..”

I stared at her in disbelief, again wondering if this was really my sister, or had she perhaps become a pod-person from  the planet Mars?

“Why on earth have you got my old pants?” I finally managed to string together a coherent question.

To her credit, she actually went slightly pink.

“I rescued them from the washing bin,” she explained.

“Nicked them,” I suggested.

“Saved them,” she corrected. “I wanted them because they smelled of you. And because they have an opening at the front so I could slide my dildo or vibrator in there when I wanted to masturbate and think of you. But mostly,” and she coloured a little more, “ because you’d either wanked into them or had a wet dream in them and they had your cum on them.”

She thrust them into my free hand and turned back to her cooking chores.

“I want you to put them on,” she said with her back to me, “in place of the shorts.”

Still processing this new, and slightly shocking information that she’d walloped me with,  I absently turned them over in my hands and examined them. I remembered them. Hadn’t seen them for ages, not since last winter in fact, and I remembered vaguely wondering then why I couldn’t find them. There was the opening at the front, just a gap with two slightly overlapping hems and no fiddly buttons or anything to prevent easy access. And yes, I saw with embarrassment, there was a big stain at the front which could only have been cum, whether it was the result of a wank or in my sleep I couldn’t remember.  And to my horror and dismay I saw that there were even a couple of skidmarks at the back of them.  But there were other stains, deep in the crotch and I wondered about them until I realised that they must be my own sister’s juices and cum if, as she suggested, she’d been wearing them for her own sexual pleasures. I felt myself going red.

“Sis,” I stammered, “ are you telling me you’ve had these all the time and been wearing them, just as they are?”

“I love them,” she said by way of an answer. “I told you, they smell of you, my brother, a nice, strong, manly smell that makes me think about you, your cock, having sex with you. When I wear them I can cum so quickly and with such a huge climax that I soak them.”

“Erm ---yes, I can tell,” I admitted.

She turned to face me. “But now I want you to wear them,” she said. “All weekend.”

I gazed at her helplessly.

“Sis,” I began again.

“There are many things you don’t know about me, aren’t there?” she commented.  “To you, I’m just your little sister. A teenager. A baby. Someone for you to protect, or fight with, or disparage. Well, I’m not, not any more. I’m all growed-up. I’ve had sex, quite a few times. I’ve tried lots of different ways. Some I liked, a few I didn’t. But I’m not just a little baby for you to amuse yourself with any longer. Nor am I a silly, giggly teenager who gets a crush on any half decent looking bloke. I’m old enough to know my own desires, my own wishes, dreams. And I’m old enough to know what I want. And I want you. I love you, my brother. You’re all the world to me now.”

And she came to me and put her arms round me and hugged me very hard, her head resting on my bare chest and those wonderful, gorgeous, hard nipples pressing against my skin through the thin fabric of her bra. Even through my shorts I could feel her love mound pressing hard against my cock.

“Now you stay right where you are while I just finish this quickly and then we’ll eat.”

She laid out the table and I watched her in silence. I felt that my whole world had changed this day.

She moved around and I couldn’t help but watch her body as she worked. She bent over in front of me to get a salad crisper from a cupboard and her firm round cheeks presented themselves to me. A dark line ran between them and I imagined the crease of her ass, my tongue licking there and kissing that hidden place, her rosebud, as the heat of her cheeks surrounded my face.  I thought about pulling down those skimpy pants and thrusting my rod into that pert, tight little ass.

She was right. She wasn’t my little sister any more. She never would be again. I wanted her, all of her, very much. Below the leg of her thin pants her thighs were tanned, soft and  I wanted to hold them, kiss them, lick them, hearing her moan with pleasure as I did so. I sighed, thinking of the commitment I’d just mentally made and hoping that the path down which we were both about to go would not suddenly rear up and bite us both in the backside.

“Come and eat,” she said.

She’d made us a huge fresh salad of cold meats, cheeses, pickles and the like and I suddenly realised I was ravenous. She sat, half facing me and smiled at me often as we tucked in to her repast. Stretching out one bare leg she rubbed her foot against my thigh, wiggling her toes as her foot moved higher and higher, creeping under the leg of my shorts and still moving up my thigh until I felt her toes gently caressing my balls and the base of my cock.

I smiled at her. There was no point in objecting, and anyway, it was a nice sensation.

She giggled and said, “I can’t get enough of you. I want to touch you, somehow, somewhere, all the time.” But she withdrew her foot and continued eating. We finished the lunch in silence. I have no idea what she was thinking about, but I could have hazarded a guess. For myself, I was still trying to come to terms with this volte-face in my life, still trying to justify to myself the decision I’d made, and still thinking about that luscious body which I was soon going to be enjoying.

We put the dirty dishes in the dishwasher. She cleaned a little and I made us both a mug of coffee. She leaned against the counter nursing her mug with both hands and regarded me with a mischievous smile playing at the corners of her mouth.

“Are you ready?” she enquired, raising one eyebrow. “Are you ready to have an incestuous relationship with your sister? Is that beautiful great cock of yours recovered enough so that it can fill my cunt, or my ass, and fill me full of your hot cum?”

I wanted to answer ‘yes and yes and yes!’ but I just stared at her.

She put down the mug and picked up those old pants of mine from a chair. She stepped in front of me and pulled down my shorts to my ankles. Crouching down she nuzzled my cock and my stomach, her tongue flicking out and back, licking me gently. Her face moved lower and she took my cock with one hand, not erect yet but already beginning to harden,  and licked the back of it from the base to the tip, her lips roving round my helmet and producing an immediate erection that strained towards her.

Yes!” she breathed. “You’re ready, no doubt about that!” She lifted one of my legs and I stepped out of the shorts. She held the white pants so that I could step into them and pulled them up over me, slowly, gently, erotically. My cock immediately found the opening and sprang out. Again she bent and licked it and I could hear her breathing deeply.

“Oh, I love your smell!” she murmured. “It drives me wild! Feel me!”

I made no move, just enjoying the feel of her mouth and tongue again.

“Feel me!” she repeated and took one of my hands and placed it between her legs.

She was incredibly warm, her thighs on either side of my hand rubbing my skin and passing their heat into my hand. My fingers involuntarily curled inwards and I felt the outline of her cunt lips. I gently used one finger to rub between them and let out a huge breath. Her pants were soaking wet from her love juices and my finger had no difficulty pushing the soft fabric into her, into her wet cunt as I sought her clit and began to rub it gently.

She gasped. “That’s what you do to me when you’re near me!” she said as she drew in a big, shuddering breath. “And when I smell your smell, I’m done for. I just soak myself. And now, finally, to feel you rubbing my cunt, to feel your finger stroking my clit……” she shuddered and pulled away from me, releasing my cock at the same time.

“Not here!” she said. “Upstairs! I want to feel your whole body next to me! I want to feel your face between my legs, licking my cunt and  my clit. I want to bury my head between your legs and kiss your balls, suck them, suck your cock and smell that wonderful smell that is you!”

And she grabbed my hand and dragged me out of the kitchen and upstairs to my bedroom. Pushing me onto the bed  she shut the door and leaned against it, breathing heavily and looking at me.

“I’m going to cum so quickly!” she said. “As soon as you touch me, I’m going to cum! I just know it!”

And she came to me and lay beside me and I was lost.

I stroked her hips and her waist, my hand rising up to cup one breast. She let out a gasp and closed her eyes.  I massaged her breast gently, playing with the nipple. It was so hard I thought it would break through the fabric of her bra. Her own hand moved down and rubbed the outside of my pants, rubbing the outline of my cock, her fingers curling round to cup my balls.

I kissed her, full on the lips and felt a thrill go through me. It was like kissing a girl for the first time ever.  I kissed her again and knew that the excitement was because this was forbidden fruit. Her lips were soft, delicate, her breath warm and gentle through her slightly open mouth. Her tongue flicked out and circled my lips and then she thrust her head forward and her tongue flashed into my mouth, writhing furiously and encircling my own tongue. I responded fully now, all inhibitions forgotten as I let myself sink into the rapture of enjoying her body.

My cock found the opening in my pants of its own accord and her fingers encircled it, stroking me gently, long, slow strokes that made me even harder and  I pushed my hips towards her, wanting my  cock to find her wet, warm cunt.

My own hand dropped to her thighs and she gasped again as she felt me stroking them, my fingers moving upwards as they caressed her soft flesh, until I found the edge of her soaking wet pants and my hand moved across to rub her lips, a finger again searching for the cleft between them so that I could rub her clit.

But she pulled away from me and gasped, “No! No!  Not your finger! You’ll make me cum too soon!  I want you!”

And she rolled away and onto her back and opened her legs wide. I moved across to lie above her, my hands supporting my weight  and gazed down at my soft, sexy, beautiful sister’s face. My cock hovered inches from her pussy. She quickly lifted her hips and pulled down her pants, just an inch or so.

“My gorgeous brother!” she breathed softly. “I want you! Push that big, hard cock into me, with my pants!”

I must have looked puzzled because she added breathlessly, “I want to feel that cock sliding into my cunt surrounded by my own pants because they’re wet and I’m wet and I know they’ll give enough for you to do it! And then, and then I’m going to feel your cock in me bareback! Just you, your hot hard cock, in me, sliding into me and fucking me!”

I moved my hips forward and the tip of my cock aimed true and straight and I felt her hot wet cunt lips against the tip, even through her pants. I pushed into her a little more, and my cock slid an inch or two inside her, taking her thin, wet pants with it.

“Aaaaaahhhhhhh!” she gasped. “Yes! Yes! Oh, it’s beautiful! It’s lovely!”

I stroked inwards and out again once, twice, and each time she let out a gasp. Her eyes were wide open now and staring at me.

“Enough!” she growled, deep in her throat. Quickly she reached down and pulled aside the leg of her pants.

“Now!” she breathed. “Now! Come into me! You!  My big brother!  Fuck me now!”

And I wanted this more than anything I’d ever wanted and I slid forward and my rampant rod slid into her open wet cunt like a homing missile. She was wonderfully, gorgeously tight and gripped my rod with her muscles and she was so wet and open that I slid right into her, up to the hilt and she cried out so loud and jerked her body I thought that I must have hurt her.

I stopped and she gasped “Yes!! Don’t stop! You’re in me! Oh, my gorgeous big brother! You’re in my cunt and I’m so wet and it’s filling me and I love it! Now fuck me, hard!”

And I began to stroke in and out, getting faster very quickly and almost with each stroke into her sopping wet pussy she let out a cry. Her hands pulled at my back and her fingers dug into me. She pushed up against me, her back leaving the bed as she thrust up to meet my strokes. Her hands dropped to my ass and she pulled me into her as hard as she could.

The feeling of being inside her was unbelievable. Her young, supple body was so perfect for me that I felt exhilarated like never before. I was in my young sister, fucking her, feeling her hot wet pussy gripping my cock and I knew that I wouldn’t be able to hold out for long.

“Wait!” she gasped, and she raised her legs up over my shoulders, opening her beautiful, hot, wet hungry cunt even more. As I thrust into her she began to tremble and the next two movements into her made her almost scream each time.

And then her fingers were raking my back as she came. She screamed aloud again and I felt my cock become soaked within her as the first huge gush of her juice and cum shot over it. There was so much I thought for a brief second that she was peeing  on me again and then I realised that it was her hot cum enveloping my cock. Her fingers were clawing at my back and again she shot a great quantity of cum over me, buried deep within her. It was enough to take me to the point of no return and even as she  released that second gush of fluid I came myself, spurting  my hot cum into her, once, twice, three times I felt my cock shudder as I sent my creamy spunk deep into her cunt. It was such a tremendous orgasm that I felt my legs and almost my whole body trembling with the ecstasy of  it.

“Yes! Oh yes! Oh yes!” she screamed as her body writhed and jerked  and she  felt my rod deep inside her.

“Oh, fuck, yes! Yes!”

Her eyes were screwed tightly shut and we were both covered with sweat from our passion. Her hair lay damply across one cheek and as she finally began to subside I realised that my back was sore from her fingernails. I started to gently slide back, to withdraw from her, but she let out a guttural “NO!” and gripped my ass again, pulling me into her as she slumped back on the bed, her breath ragged. She slid her legs off my shoulders and lay flat on her back, my own body resting half on her now as I relaxed too.

“Stay there!” she murmured in that guttural growl. “You stay in me! I’ve waited for so long to feel your big cock in me that you’re not moving from there now!”

And we lay, panting, hot, sweaty and I felt her cum and love juices, and my own hot cum, flow against my cock as it slowly subsided within her wet cunt. She began to stroke my back gently, caressing my hips and ribs, up to my neck and back again.

“Oh it feels so good to have you inside me!” she murmured in my ear. “I’ve dreamed of this moment when your hot strong body is next to mine, on top of mine. I love you so much, my brother.”

I managed to pull myself away from her and rolled to lie beside her. I looked into her face, her hair all tousled and damp, and I kissed her gently.

“Sis, you can’t say that. You can’t love me like that. I know you’re not a silly schoolgirl any more, but you just cannot love me that way.”

I paused and she was regarding me seriously and with a tinge of sadness in her eyes.

“Why can’t I?”

“Think about it!” I said with a note of desperation in my voice. “What will happen when we can’t be together? What will happen if I meet a girl and want to have a long, long relationship with her, maybe even marry her and have a family? How will you feel? What will you do?”

There was a silence as she continued to look at me, her fingers now gently tracing along my cheek and round my lips. I thought that perhaps I was beginning to get the message across, that she would stop and think about where this was going, where it could go. And could not.

“Don’t you love me a little bit too?” she whispered in a very small voice.

This was not what I expected at all. I bit back my immediate reaction of ‘no, not like that’ and thought about it.


I remembered our growing up times, visiting our grandparents, Christmases and birthdays. I didn’t think about our parents or anybody else, my thoughts were centred on my sister and me, how we acted together as kids, how we behaved to each other. I recalled summers, bathing in the huge plastic pool Dad used to set up in the garden for us when it was hot. Birthday parties in the garden. I remembered her first ‘love’ and how she’d cried when he’d dumped her, and how I’d tried to comfort her. All these nostalgic reminiscences had one thing in common. The feeling of brotherly love I’d had for my sister, all through our years together.  I looked at her sweet, innocent face now, and without moving my eyes my mind looked at her lovely lithe body, her shapely legs and that wonderful dark area hidden beneath those thin panties.


Did I love her now like I had done all our lives? And with a heart that was fleetingly as heavy as lead, then fluttering with excitement and exhilaration, I admitted silently to myself that no, I did not love her like that now.  My feelings had changed. I loved her as a woman, a lover,  a fantastic sexual partner who had brought me to heights of ecstasy I had never known with any other girl. I wanted to be next her. I wanted to be inside her wet, juicy cunt. I wanted to feel her arms round me, caressing me, stroking my cock, I wanted to see her eyes full of tenderness as she looked at me and know that she was loving me.

She had remained quite silent as I thought all this, just watching me and waiting. I could see in her eyes her own love, this forbidden and dangerous love,  and the trust that had always been there as we had grown up together. The trust that said, ‘ you’re my big brother and you’ll protect me, not hurt me’.  But I could also see  in her eyes the slight fear and worry of what she would hear when I answered her.


Should I end it all now? Should I answer her that I did not and could not love her the way she said she loved me, the way she wanted me to love her? Should I be cruel to be kind, to protect us both? Should I get up from the bed, shower, change, refuse  to be close to her, refuse any sex with her, and turn back from this perilous and dangerous path?

I rolled to lie on top of her again and buried my face against hers. Putting my lips against her ear, I said “Yes, sis, I do love you too. I do love you as a girl, a beautiful, adorable, luscious, desirable girl.

I love you as someone with whom sex is the most fantastic I’ve ever had. Yes, my lovely, adorable little sister, I love you too.”

And her arms went round my back and she held me so tightly I could hardly breathe and I felt her body shudder as she sobbbed once or twice. And I felt relief, and was glad, that I’d admitted the truth and hadn’t tried to hide my true feelings, either from her or myself.  And I knew that now there could definitely be no turning back.


She held me like that for a while, kissing me occasionally.

“I don’t know what I’ll do if you meet someone else,”  she whispered. “I don’t want you to, of course.

I don’t want anyone else. Only you. But…….”  She tailed off, then began again. “I suppose it’s inevitable, isn’t it? Maybe I’ll meet someone too, but I don’t think so. I won’t try. But if you do, you will tell me, won’t you? You won’t try and hide it from me?”

And she pushed me away from her so that she look into my eyes again.

“I’ll tell you,” I promised. She nodded, and then hugged me to her again.

“That sex was so good! I told you I’d cum as soon as you touched me. Now I want more!”

She started to push me down the bed until I was level with her breasts and pulled my head against them. She said nothing but she didn’t need to.

Gently I started kissing one nipple and fondling the other breast with my hand.  My lips and tongue circled round, teasing, feeling, bringing her nipple to an incredible hardness through her bra. My fingers gently rubbed her other breast and nipple producing the same result. She moaned a little as her hands stroked my back.

I eased my hands under and felt for the clasp of the bra. She arched her back to give me room and then it was undone, and I gently drew out the straps on each side as I  slid my hands from under her.  Now her bra was just resting on those gorgeous mounds, those full, firm, round, beautiful breasts and I used my teeth to lift the material gently from her,  and with a quick flip of my head it was gone. In front of me her breasts waited, and my tongue and lips went to them, now feeling their softness yet their firmness as I kissed each one, moving from one to another and back again without ever removing my mouth from her warm flesh.

Her hands were everywhere, stroking, rubbing, caressing me, on my back, my neck, through my hair and the moans were coming more often as I aroused her. Slowly I slid down her body, my kisses and licks now covering her stomach, across to her hips and returning, and lower still, reaching the waistband of those erotic, thin pants.

I stayed outside them, kissing her love mound and relishing the feel of her hot skin through them , smooth as it was with not a vestige of hair.

She started to push up against my mouth and her legs opened, inviting me to lie between them. I moved over to rest between her thighs. My imagination had not played me false:- I could feel their heat on either side of my cheeks as I kissed her thighs, licking, tasting, gently nibbling, moving higher and higher slowly, from one side to the other.

I reached the leg of her pants, licked her hot thigh once more, then  ran my tongue from her hip, down, down, following the line of the leg until I reached the softness of her cunt lips beneath my tongue, then I moved to the other side and did the same thing, never touching further than her lips, full and hot.

She moaned louder and pushed up at me.

“Oh, my brother! My lover! My love!  Lick me! Lick me, please! I want to feel that hot tongue of yours licking me out! Lick my clit and make me cum!”

I allowed my tongue to briefly flash across her panties, just brushing her opening and she gasped.  Using only my tongue I gently probed inside one leg, feeling her hot smooth flesh on my tongue as I explored higher and deeper. Then I had to hold back the leg of her pants with my fingers as my tongue tip found the wet gap between her lips and explored further inside……tasting her juices which were saturating her pants and my tongue and lips. And then I reached her button, her centre of ecstasy and she let out a long guttural groan and heaved up at me. I licked her, back, forth, around, up and down and her body started to writhe to meet my movements.  I felt a gush of her love juices and they tasted divine. And then, as my tongue licked and lapped at her clit, she could hold back no longer and I felt her cum join her love juice on my tongue.

“Uh! Uh! UH! Uhhhhhh!” she gasped and spasmed as she came.

I continued licking at her but she pushed me away.

“No! No! Wait!” she gasped, and lay there, her breasts heaving as she sought to regain her breath. I slid up her body and licked her nipples again but her hands went to cover them and she shook her head breathlessly, her eyes closed tightly.

“My sweet love! I can’t! Wait, please!”

So I lay beside her and watched her and thought,  yes, my beautiful sister, you really are something else! Gone was any lingering doubt about what we were doing. Now I wanted her. I wanted to feel that luscious body next to me, beside me, around me, all the time.

“God, that was nice!” she suddenly murmured.

I lay and watched her, a feeling of contentment inside me as I relived her passionate pleasure in my mind. I wanted to be inside her again. I wanted to fuck her until she was totally exhausted and couldn’t move.  And I wanted to take her in my arms and just hold her, doing nothing, just holding her close to me and feeling her body there.  I loved my sister.

No. I loved my lover.

Her eyes opened and she gazed at me.

“I wondered, I thought, often, how you would be in bed,” she murmured.  “I wondered if you’d jump at the chance to fuck me without a thought, but I guessed you wouldn’t want to. At first. And then I wondered, if you did, would you just fuck me without giving me any pleasure, any satisfaction, any climax? But somehow, I knew you wouldn’t.  I knew I would cum as soon as you were in me. But you’ve given me more pleasure than I ever dreamed of.  Your cock in me, your tongue licking me, it was all just……” she shrugged,  “unbelievable. I love you, my brother!”

And her hands went round me again and she pulled me to her, but gently, tenderly, lovingly.

“I must have a rest,” she giggled softly, “but I hope you’ve got plenty more cum in you, waiting to shoot inside me?”

“I have,” I said. “Plenty. And for you, I think I’ll have a lot. Often. I love you too, sis.”

We kissed and then relaxed, lying beside each other contentedly.

“When you’re ready, I am too,” I said after a while.

“In a minute,” she said. Then, “No. Now!”

She reached down and put her hand inside the opening at the front of my pants, holding my cock which immediately started to rise to the occasion. She extracted it and began to wank me again.

“I want this in my ass!” she said. “I want to feel this sliding inside my ass and filling me, shooting your cream into me! But now take these off, “ she tugged at my pants, “so I can feel your balls against me as you fuck me.”

Between us we pulled them down and I kicked free of them.

“Wait!” she said, took them in one hand and massaged herself between her legs with them. 

“I like it when they’re full of my juice, my cum and yours, “ she said. “You’ll have to shoot into them again for me before we’re finished. But first, me!” She pulled her own pants down and kicked free of them, and for the first time in my adult life I saw my sister naked. My eyes relished her body, ravaged her body, as I drank in her smooth soft skin, her long legs, and as she opened them wide again for me, her smooth love mound and cunt lips, wet, gleaming in the light from her own juices and cum.

She pulled at me and rolled me on top of her and I could feel the heat of her thighs once more as I lay between them. She raised those beautiful legs and grasped her own ankles, her cunt now open and so inviting in front of me, so wet and hot that I wanted to thrust my cock, hard again now, into her and pound her into a frenzy. But her rosebud was also there, and my cock twitched and strained harder as she used her fingertips to collect some of her own juice and moistened  the crease between her cheeks and her small round rosebud.

Her eyes gleamed with expectation and her voice was low, husky and sexy.

“Fuck my ass!” she  said. “ I want that lovely hard rod of your flesh in my ass! Fuck me, my lovely brother!”

I hesitated.

“Have you done this before?” I asked her.

“Once or twice,” she answered. “Have you?”

I nodded. “Once. But she didn’t like it.”

“I do!” my sister urged. “I do!  I love to feel my ass full and stretched, and I love the feel of cum shooting in me! But now I want to feel your cock and your cum there!”

I guided  my cock towards her ass, rubbed the tip between her cheeks, then eased up to her rosebud. She murmured, deep in her throat and spread her lovely legs wider. Slowly I thrust my hips forward and I felt her rosebud give as my length started to slide into her.  Her passage was even tighter than her soft wet cunt, and  I knew that it would only take a few movements from me  before I would have to cum. I slid into her, further, further and she moaned and gasped and tried to push back against me, urging me further in.  My cock was now buried deep in her, up to the hilt, and  I could feel the softness of her cheeks against my balls as I paused.  She looked up at me, her eyes shining.

“Yes!” she breathed. “I love it! I can feel that huge shaft in me! It’s gorgeous! Now fuck my hole!”

“Sis, I won’t be able to wait long,” I said. “You’re so beautiful and hot and tight round my cock,  I love being deep in your asshole, but as soon as I move, I shall cum.”

“Good!” she growled, “ but fuck me hard! Hard! Pound into me even if it’s only two or three times!”

I put my hands round her hips and pulled her against me and maybe my cock slid another few millimetres into her, but then I stroked, fast, hard, very hard, my hips banging against the backs of her thighs and ass cheeks as she held her legs up, open wide. My balls slapped against her ass too, and that feeling, her tightness, heat and the sensation of her muscles gripping me as I thrust at her was too much. Three times I pounded my length into my sister’s incredible ass and I could wait no longer and with a groan I stayed deep in her and let my hot cream spurt out and fill her back passage. The wetness from my cum made me want to stroke more, and as I pulled back a little I felt my cock lubricated deliciously by my own cum and pounded at her again twice more, sliding easily in her now, which produced another spasm from my rod and one last gush of cum into her.

She had moaned and gasped with each of my thrusts and as she felt my hot cream enter her she let out small, guttural cries of ‘Oh! Oh! Oh!’.

Completely spent, I gently eased back and withdrew from her. She allowed her legs to fall on either side of me, then moved them together, gripping me between them as she writhed and wriggled on the bed below me.

“So NICE!” she murmured again. “I’m so full of your cum, it’s amazing! I can feel it in me now! Hot! It’s just gorgeous!”

I managed to squeeze from between her legs and flopped on the bed beside her.

“Yes,” I agreed somewhat breathlessly. “Nice! Your ass is lovely! That was just heavenly!”

“Mmmmmmm!” she said and rolled to face me, her arms going round me and pulling me close to her.

“Love you, love you, love you!” she said.

I stroked her hair as I lay, recovering.

“I think,” I said, “that we should have a rest for a while. What about some coffee?”

She nodded. “Good idea. I’ll make some. But only if you promise……”

She tailed off and looked at me mischievously.

“Promise what?” I asked warily.

“To fuck me, suck me, wank me with your fingers, lick me, fuck my ass, and do everything  again. All weekend.”

I nodded. “Yes, I want it too, sis. I want you very much, even now when I’m already spent.”

It was her turn to nod.

“Sis,” I said seriously, “You’re not going to breathe a word of this to anyone, are you? Not even your best friend?”

“Huh! If I told her it’d be all over town in five minutes! No! You’re my secret! Now I can think about, no, now I can remember the feel of your cock in my pussy, your tongue licking my cunt and clit, your big, hot cock in my ass! Now I don’t have to imagine it! I can remember it whenever I want. No, I shan’t breathe a word to anyone.”

“You promise?” I asked again.

“I promise. And you?”

“Sis, I promise. If anyone ever found out, we’d be in such trouble….my God, I don’t want to think about it!”

She noddeed seriously. “Not a word. From either of us. Okay, let’s go and have a drink of something. And maybe a bite, too.”

She rolled off the bed, pulled on her pants again and winked at me. “If your hot cum leaks out of me, I want it to keep it in my pants,” she said,  “so I can feel it, smell it, taste it if I want! And put yours on again.”

I did, and we went downstairs to the kitchen.


                                    *                                  *                                  *                                  *


The weekend went so fast I wouldn’t have believed it. We sucked, licked, fucked, stroked, wanked, kissed, and then fucked again without stopping, except to regain our strength after each incredible, ecstatic bout of sex. She got her toys and we used them on each other.  The time my hard cock was rammed into her cunt and she thrust her dildo into my hand and told me to fuck her ass with it at the same time, she cried out so loudly as she climaxed that I was sure somebody must be able to hear her. But the windows and door were closed and I smothered her lips with mine to quieten her screams of ecstasy. The  TV remained off,  we didn’t go out,  we ate occasionally, she put some CDs on while we fucked,  but apart from that it was just an entire weekend of  unbridled, rampant, non-stop incestuous sex.

Finally, late Sunday afternoon, we tidied the place up before our parents returned. With one final, last bout of sex,  in which we first licked and sucked each other everywhere, caressed and wanked each other before I pounded her ass again, withdrawing in time to roll her over and enter her wet cunt for one delicious last climax that shot so much cum into her it leaked out of her pussy and onto her thighs which she then proceeded to collect in her pants again, we had to admit that any more would be too dangerous and we showered, dressed, changed the bedclothes and  by the time our parents walked in the door we were sitting demurely in front of the TV, watching a movie.

And of course, after that, it became so difficult, so frustrating  for us both that we took every tiny opportunity to pleasure each other.  If we were in and our parents were out, even for just half an hour shopping, we had sex. At night we usually managed to sneak a quick rub, often enough to orgasm, as we passed each other on the way in or out of the bathroom.  The very fact that we had our secret was enough to make us both want to be with each other, touch each other, fuck each other, all the more. But opportunities were not many, or often, and we made sure we took full advantage of them. And that included the car. Not so comfortable, but we managed once or twice.

Some three weeks after that weekend, in which time we’d managed to fuck each other in a real, unhurried way at home maybe four or five times, I picked up Sis from work in the car one Friday evening and brought her home with me. So, unusually, we both walked in the front door together. Mum and Dad greeted us in their usual perfunctory, but nonetheless affectionate way, and Dad said, “You’ve both got a letter. Same one, it looks like.”

As I was last in I was next to the hall table where post was left. Sure enough, there were two letters, one for me and one for Sis. Both white business envelopes, printed name and address. Local postmark, dated yesterday. I flipped over the envelopes but there was nothing to indicate where they’d come from. Sis came back into the hall to collect hers and looked at it disinterestedly.

“Some sort of crap, probably,” she muttered. She took it with her as she went upstairs to her room. I did the same, thinking that it could wait until I’d showered and changed, whatever it was.

I had just stripped off my shirt and jeans when there was a knock at the door and without waiting for an invitation it was opened and Sis ran into the room. She closed the door behind her and stared at me. She was trembling from head to foot and as white as a sheet.

“Have you opened that letter?” she asked in a hoarse whisper.

I shook my head.

“Open it!”

“Sis, what is it? You look as if you’ve seen a ghost! What’s the matter?”

“Open the fucking letter!” she screamed in that same hoarse whisper.

I grabbed it from the bedside table and ripped it open. Sis had come to sit on the bed beside me and I could feel her trembling.  She  was holding a sheet of paper and she thrust it at me. There was a single sheet of plain white paper in my envelope. The paper had two lines of print on it, no heading, no signature. I read it, then looked at her paper. They were identical.  Sis and I stared at each other.

“Oh fuck!” I said.

I put my arm round her and held her tightly as she started to cry. The letters read:-


I know you’ve been having sex with each other. I’ll be in touch.