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LuckyCharm Member Since January 31, 2011

Me and my Father In law-5

jeevan_1950 on Incest Stories

Now I wanted my FIL to cum and give me the precious sex juice, semen. So I hungrily took his lund in my mouth and started to suck like there was no tomorrow. FIL lay quietly and enjoyed my sucking. He got the tempo and started to move his hips in rhythm and I knew he will come soon. I wanted to see his cock jerk and squirt. I sucked and his cock head touched my throat. I let it caress the virgin

Me and my Father In law-4

jeevan_1950 on Incest Stories

My FIL broke the ice and I felt relieved. It was a big problem for me to do that myself. Here he was standing next to my naked body, just getting out of big orgasm. I was really excited again with his lund jutting out, semi hard and waiting for my attention.. He looked at me and just smiled. It told me everything ,,,,,,,,,

Me and my Father In law-6

jeevan_1950 on Incest Stories

That was Sunday and my husband had holiday. Mamma too was home preparing our breakfast. I went to the bathroom to take bath. I undressed and while taking bath the thoughts of my Baba filled me. I became hot and started to caress my breasts and knead them. I slipped one of the nipples in my mouth and sucked on it. Ohhh god! Baba! I very much wanted to get FIL

Cousin And I Discover Promised Land (Part Two)

cleanshaven on Incest Stories

Cousin And I Discover Promised Land (Part Two)

Karen and I finished putting our clothes back on and climbed down from the hay loft. We brushed off the hay from each other and used the moment to feel up each other and kiss for another passionate session. She is fourteen and I am fifteen yet we are making out like we are in our twenties. We broke away from each other, straighten our clothes again and were just leaving the barn when we heard my Mom shouting from the house that it was supper time. Â

We went back into our rooms in the house and got changed into nicer clothes for supper. I put on clean underwear and hid my sex stained shorts deep under the pile of dirty clothes in the laundry hamper. Â

As I came into the dining room I saw Karen
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sitting across the table from my seat and she had changed into a very nice blouse that was a little low cut and showing some of her cleavage…just a hint of things to come.  I thought I could just make out a hint of nipples under her blouse and wondered if she had not worn a bra under her top.

At the same time I saw the mountain of food that had been prepared for supper and, being a male teenager, my mind changed gears from sex addict to eating machine instantly.

I ate like a staved buzzard on a gut wagon!

Karen was smiling at me across the table each time I would grab another piece of fried chicken. I soon felt her foot moving up my leg and touch my knee. I had no idea where this was going to go but I had an erection and was ready for action.

About this time my Mom asked me to please go into the kitchen and get some more ice tea for everyone. My heart sank because there was no way I was going to be able to hide the huge tent in my pants. I looked at Karen and she was just smiling at me with a very wicked smile on her face.

“I’ll get the tea for him,” she said as she moved her chair back from the table. “He is too busy eating to concentrate on walking or thinking right now”. Everyone laughed as they noticed the pile of chicken bones on my plate and the mouth full of meat I was inhaling at the moment. Â

I just looked at them all, smiled and mumbled a “thank you” towards Karen as she headed towards the kitchen. I continued to cram mass quantities of food into my face and was amazed at the wonderful smells and tastes as they very briefly passed through my mouth.

I looked towards the kitchen to see Karen inside looking back at me. From where she was standing I was the only person able to see her. She reached down, grabbed the bottom of her blouse and quickly raised it up, flashing me a shot of her breasts! She was not wearing a bra, answering the earlier question I had regarding specific items of clothing under her blouse.

Needless to say, the blood that had gone to my stomach to aid in digesting food had an emergency message to head further south to attend a very rapidly growing matter. I was shocked at Karen’s’ flash and the fact she did it with all of our families so close. I was also hard as a cold steel beam and had suddenly quit eating. Apparently no blood remained in the region of my brain that controlled the jaw muscles.

Karen quickly pulled her blouse back down, pointed to her breasts and then back to me with a huge smile on her face. I could see her mouth the words “all yours” as she came into the dining room with the ice tea pitcher. She went back to her seat across table from me, leaned down and placed the pitcher in the middle of the table. Â

As she leaned down I looked right down the front of her blouse and saw those wonderful breasts again. Her nipples had hardened and I could see them outlined against her blouse as she sat down in her seat. As she scooted her chair back up to the table she looked across at me and smiled that wicked smile again and had a gleam in her eyes.

“Thank you for everything” I heard myself stammer and smiled right back at her.

We finished supper, did the dishes and went back outside to do the nightly ranch chores. I loaded up a couple bales of hay into the back of the truck and Karen and I drove out to the cow pastures past the pond. She laughed as the cows saw the truck and came sprinting towards us knowing it was suppertime for them.

“They are just like you at supper time, huh?” she giggled as they crowded around the truck eagerly waiting for me to throw them flakes of hay.

“Yep, and just like you, they are showing me their boobs, too” I said as I threw the hay out to the herd.

She laughed and asked me, “So, did you like that little show in the kitchen?”

“Karen, I loved it. It was a little bit racy and you would have been in a lot of trouble if you had been caught with your blouse above your head, but I loved it”.

“I knew there was no way you would have been able to get up from the table in your condition, and I WAS the one responsible for doing that to you, so I just figured it was fair that I rescue you at the moment. It made me feel all tingly when I flashed you and sort of horny, too” she said as she moved next to me. She reached over and grabbed my hand and squeezed it tightly. “I really liked what we did in the barn this afternoon. I never knew it could feel that good. I thought I would be embarrassed for you to see me naked like that, but it just felt right to me”.

“Me, too” I said as I kicked the last bit of hay off the truck. I turned towards her and looked deeply into the incredible eyes. “I have never felt like this before. I have been naked a lot in the showers after gym or sports, but never with a girl. I thought I was going to feel weird or scared or strange, but with you I just felt like it was a very special thing”.

I brought her close to me and we kissed deeply, our tongues dancing across each others mouth, exploring and probing with a passion. Her hands came to the small of my back and pulled me into her even closer. I moved my hands to her back and slid them down to her rear and pulled her tight into my hips. I could feel her body move into my growing erection and begin to gyrate slowly against it. Our kissing became hotter and deeper, our hands pulling each other ever tighter against each other.

I pulled back from her, fighting for air and sucking in deep breaths.

“This is incredible” I panted, again looking at the fire in her eyes and those wonderful soft lips. “I need to remember to breathe when we do this”.

“I think my panties are wet again” Karen said as she slipped a hand down her pants. “My goodness, I’m soaked! I even put on a pad so I wouldn’t get my pants soaked…it has never been this wet before!”

“Can I see?” I asked as I began to move my hand towards her pants zipper.

“Sure, as long as I can see yours, too” she said as she moved her hands to my belt and began to loosen it.

“Like I would object?” I said as I lowered her pants down to her knees and moved my hands to the front of her pink cotton panties. I could feel the pad under the crotch of her panties and knew it hid the treasure I was seeking. Â

She had my belt loosened and had dropped my pants down to my ankles. She reached through the fly of my boxers and grabbed my throbbing manhood. Â

I blew a huge load of cum up her arm and all over her hand as she started to milk my erection.

“That was fast” she said as she continued to stroke and milk me.

“Sometimes it doesn’t take much, and this was one of those times” I managed to say. It does indeed have a mind of it’s own at times.

I moved my hand inside down the front of her panties as she moved her legs out just a bit so I could feel her vagina. My fingers moved past her pubic mound, down past the wisps of hair and I felt the top of her slit. I could feel her legs tremble slightly as I let my finger tip slide over her clitoris and move down slightly to her opening.

She was indeed soaked.

“That feels SO good when you do that” she said as she moved her hips into my hand.

“We better take these off if we don’t want them to get stained and smell like sex” she said as she moved back slightly and began to drop her panties down. Just the sight of seeing her vagina again made me tremble with excitement.

“Karen, we need to move over into the trees so no one can see us out here in the middle of the pasture. Just in case someone is taking a little stroll after supper. No sense in taking that risk, huh?” I asked. Every fiber of my being wanted to take her right there in the back of the truck, in front of the cows and everyone. Â

She looked up at me and smiled. “Yeah, we should move out of the middle of the pasture at least. You know of a good spot where no one can find us” she asked as she reluctantly pulled her panties and pants back up and jumped out of the back of the truck into the crowd of cows.

My mind was racing…where can we go so no one can see us but still not worry about us. The pond has lots of trees around it that would hide the truck but was too close to the house. There was a grove of trees at the back of the far pasture that would conceal the truck but cause concern to the adults if they came looking for us.

“Why, exactly, were you parked back here in the trees?” I could hear my Mom asking me. “And where is that fishy smell coming from?” No, we had to find a good safe spot that would allow us the freedom to explore our passions without getting caught.

I had an erection that wanted to explore the hidden treasures of my cousin and by golly it was not going to be denied!

The barn again? Perhaps. Way too close to the house and someone could walk into it at any moment and hear us. I had no plans on being quiet and I know Karen was pretty vocal when she was excited, so unless we planned on wearing gags, we had to stay quiet.

No way we could do anything in the house. That was not even an option. So where can we go? Where can we hide out and explore the depths of out mad passions for each other and not be discovered?

The tree fort!!

My brother and I had built the tree fort in a small grove of trees out past the pond years ago.  We used to spend the night up there for a lot of summers when it was too hot to sleep in the house. We had taken a lot of care and time to build it right, too. The roof on it was water tight, so even in a downpour it was dry inside. It was about 10’ by 10’ inside with windows on all sides. A trap door and rope ladder was the only entrance to our castle. It had no electricity or running water but it was our dream home away from home for many years. I had not been inside it for almost a year but it shouldn’t take much to shake off the dust and prepare for our passion session!

“I know the perfect spot” I told her as I laid out the location and story of the tree fort.

“That sounds perfect” Karen said. “How far is it from here?” she asked looking around the pasture fencing towards the far pond.

“It’s back behind that row of trees and really hidden in a giant oak tree. Climb in the truck and let’s go see it” I said as I started up the truck and moved through the herd of cows towards our little love nest. This could be perfect I thought to myself.

It took a few minutes to go through the gates and pastures before we reached the hidden grove of trees that harbored our love castle. You could not see it from the field and almost had to be directly underneath the tree before you saw the fort. We designed it that way and it worked perfectly.

Night was just starting to fall as we reached the base of the tree and freed the rope ladder into the bottom of the tree house. It seemed smaller now than before but I know it did not shrink.

I climbed up first and opened the trap door into the room. It was just as we had left it and it did not appear that anything had moved in while we were gone. I shook out the blankets to make sure there were no critters, alive or dead, and shouted down to Karen to come on up.

She entered the room cautiously as she got to the top of the ladder. “Is it safe?” she asked before moving any further up the ladder.

“Not a single rat in sight up here. Guess the snakes ate them all” I said, which brought her to an immediate stop on the ladder.

“You are just kidding, aren’t you” she asked, frozen in place.

I laughed out loud at her. “No snakes, either. That was for flashing me at supper”

“Ha ha ha, very funny. I hate snakes…and rats. Not real wild about spiders either. You got any of them up here” she asked as she slowly came up the ladder into the fort.

I had not even considered insects before this very moment. We had a few flies in the heat of the summer from time to time but I don’t ever recall seeing spiders or other bugs inside the fort.

“All clear on the critter situation. Nothing alive up here but us” I said as I quickly scanned the corners for spider webs and the window sills for any telltale signs of multi-legged critters. Thankfully we were alone.

“Hey, this is sorta nice up here” Karen said as she stood up in the fort. “You did a nice job building this. You should be proud of this” she said as she admired the view from the windows.

“Thanks for the compliments” I said as I came up behind her as she looked out the window towards the sunset. I kissed her softly on her neck and loved how soft her skin was against my lips.

“Mmmmm…that feels nice” she purred as she leaned her head over giving me even more access to her neck. I continued to kiss her, moving from her ear down to the shoulder then back up again. When I got back up to her ear area I discovered that magic spot I had located earlier In the day in the hay loft.

“Oh yeah, right there…” she whispered softly as I massaged that area with my lips and tongue. She began to make happy sounds, not words, just sounds as I continued my quest for passion. She reached up with her hand and pulled my head into hers as her breathing began to quicken and become more shallow.

“Don’t stop…just like that….keep doing it just like that….that feels SOOOO good” she said with her eyes closed and she moved her other hand up under her blouse to her breasts. She began to finger and knead her nipples which increased the pace of her breathing even more. I knew she was getting close to something that was going to be good for her, and I was getting close, too.

“I’m almost there….don’t stop….this is so wonderful” she voiced into the room. I reached around her and moved my hand under her blouse and cupped her other breast.  This sent a shock wave through her body and caused to become weak in the knees a bit.

“I’m gonna cum….gonna….oh yeah….gonna cum….here…it….comes” she said as her body tightened and wave after wave of pleasure washed over her. I did not stop what I was doing except to move her nipple between my thumb and index finger, causing her to reach a whole new level of pleasure, shouting into the air as her body shook, spasm after spasm, wave after wave flowing over her body. Â

Her knees buckled and I slowly lowered down to the floor on top of some blankets. I stopped rubbing her breast and nipple and began to just slowing stroke her hair and across her belly as she fought to regain her breath. I moved my hands slowly as her breathing began to come slower and her heartbeat eased off just a bit.

“You are amazing, you know that?” she asked, opening her eyes and struggling to regain her bearings. Her breathing was relaxing but her heart was still on warp drive.

“I don’t know about amazing, but you seemed to enjoy it” I stammered, flushed with the thought that someone considered anything I did to be amazing. Perhaps I have a hidden talent that needs to be manifested and trained to a higher level, like what I did with masturbation!

“I made a mess in my shorts for sure with that one” Karen said as she reached her hand down inside her pants. “Yeah, that was a soaker. I knew I should have taken them off when I got into the room.”

I liked the idea she was thinking about taking off her panties when she climbed into the fort. I liked any idea that involved her taking off her panties.

“Well, we can take them off now and try and let them dry off while we are up here. At least they won’t get any wetter” I threw out there hoping it made sense.

“I guess better late than never is better than keeping them on, huh? You had better take yours off, too, unless you have suddenly gained some sort of control over your thingee going off all the time” she said as she pointed to my erection inside my pants.

I was ready to explode at any second, and her pointing that out to me did not make it any better. I agreed it was a good idea and quickly got naked inside the fort. I turned around to see Karen had already taken off her blouse and was sitting down taking off her pants and panties. Her legs were aimed directly towards me and I got an incredible view of her crotch as she removed her clothes.

This was more than I was able to handle and I knew I was going to blow a load any second.

“Hey, are you going to cum again?” she asked as she scooted towards me with her head at my crotch level. “Hold on for just a second, okay? You got to taste me earlier today but I never got to taste you. Just let me know when you are ready, okay?” she asked as she grabbed my rocket and aimed it towards her mouth.

Just the heat from her hand was all it took to move my rocket into a full launch mode.

“Here it comes” I managed to say as the first wave ripped through me like an electric shock. My knees buckled slightly as I felt her put her mouth around my erection and this put me into a whole new level of pleasure I had never experienced. Wave after wave washed over me and stream after stream rocketed out into her throat. She was making some sounds from her throat but I was not in the right frame of mind to ask her what she was saying at the moment.

She began to suck on the end of my erection and used her tongue like she was licking a lollipop. This was an entire new lesson in carnal pleasure for me.

Mind you, I had masturbated a few thousand times already in my young life, and thought I knew about every level of pleasure that can be reached via that method of pleasure seeking. It would vary a bit depending on what I was using for either a visual or mental stimulant at the moment, but I was sure I had experienced every level and sub-level of orgasmic pleasure that could be attained.

I was so wrong.

My knees finally gave out on me and I came down onto the blankets beside her.

“You okay?” she asked me as I rolled over on my back and struggled for a full breath of air.

“Karen, that was so far past what I have ever experienced before, that was so far past incredible, my goodness….let me collect myself here for moment” was all I could utter at the moment.

“Yep, that is sort of what happened to me, too. I mean that it feels good when I do it to myself, you know, play with myself. But what you did was so far past that. I know what you mean now about being incredible feeling” she said as she laid down beside me and moved her hands across my stomach and chest.

“You tasted strange at first but kinda good, too. Sort of a cross between salty paste and plain yogurt…but in a good way. Have you ever tasted it before” she wondered out loud.

“Taste my own cum? No, not that I can remember. Never even thought about tasting it before. Just thought it would be sorta gross I guess. Hey” I asked, looking down at my shrinking member, “did you swallow the entire thing?”

“Well, yes, I did swallow all the stuff that came out, but no, I did not put your whole thingee in my mouth. I liked what I was able to do but you sort of did not give me a lot of time to enjoy it before you exploded. I would like to play with it some more it you’re ready for it” she said, looking down at crotch.

“Karen, it’s always ready to be played with by you. And I promise I will make it last a lot longer this time before I go, okay” I said as she moved down my body and put her head next to my crotch.

She reached out with her hand and placed it around my now limp member and squeezed it gently. I could feel the alarm in my head already going off to start the blood pumping south. Her hand was soft and she began to lightly stroke me slowly, blood engorging my member with each stroke and within a few strokes I was almost hard again.

“That is so neat how it can just do that” she said as she stroked me gently and slowly, a dab of precum beginning to escape from the tip. “Hey, there’s some stuff coming out already. Taste this” she said as she took her fingertip and removed the small dollop of cum from the tip and placed it up to my mouth.

I did not have a lot of time to think about taking my own cum or not. I did not have to think about if it was going to make me gay, weird or an addict of some kind. Â

I just did it,

I opened my mouth and she put her finger inside. I closed my mouth and felt her fingertip on my tongue. I sucked her finger for a second and could taste her finger as well as something else, which I just assume was my own cum. I was very prepared for it to taste like brussel sprout juice or something awful, but actually, it did not have much of a taste to it at all. A bit salty maybe, but not much of a taste. Â

“Not bad, huh” Karen asked as she continued to stroke me.

“Not bad at all” I responded back to her. “A little bit salty, just like you said, but not gross or anything”.

She smiled up at me and moved her mouth down over my member and took almost the entire thing into her throat. That did two things: one was make me almost loose my load instantly, and the other was make her gag.

“Go easy there, Karen. Maybe just a little at a time?” I asked as I settled back down, remembering my promise to make it last longer this time and not explode right out of the blocks.

She placed just the head into her mouth and began to lick and suck. She began to slowly plunge her head further down each time and moved her hand under her mouth to stroke me with each plunge.

I have never been very good at stopping an ejaculation. Frankly, I don’t recall ever having to do it before this moment, so I am not really for sure how to stop the train once it heads down the tracks. I always figured the entire goal of playing with it was to make it explode, and sooner was always better than later. Having never been to the later mode, I was just guessing here, but sooner was always my mode of selection. The faster the better.

Karen is working pure magic on me at the moment, and the moment I have trained for is quickly coming. I have trained very hard and long at how to arrive at this moment. Â

Stopping it? Not so much.

I heard one guy in the locker room say once that he thought of his grandma naked and the guy he was talking to said he tried doing hard math problems in his head. At the time I could not understand why you would want to stop it.

So I tried to think of what my grandma would look like naked. She would be short with white hair, a bit stooped over, long sagging breasts with big nipples, sagging skin down to her stomach, a white haired vaginal bush, and that is where this train almost wrecks again. No matter how sick it sounds, it still has a vagina and breasts….gotta try some math.

I start with multiplication tables and moved very quickly from them to algebra, then geometry and finally to calculus before I was able to feel any slow down in my run away train. And I think this was a crime, too, cause what she was doing to my member should be a highly sought after prize and remembered for life! And instead of that I am questioning the tangents and angles of objects that mean nothing to me except to somehow prolong the moment I have been training for now for years.

Karen was working me like toilet plunger. Up and down, licking and sucking, stroking me with her hands. I loved this too much to keep thinking of higher math. It was time to give in and just let it happen.

I relaxed and just concentrated on what she was doing. It was magic.

I could feel my stomach begin to tighten and knew I was heading down to the end of the tracks soon.

“It won’t be long now. That feels so incredible. Keep doing what you‘re doing” I panted out, letting her know she was making me very happy and the end was near.

I put my hand on the back of her head and can feel the suction and release from her mouth. Suddenly she changes her stroking rate and doubles it with her hand. This kicked the train into warp drive down the tracks.

I can hear sounds coming out of my mouth but have no idea what I am saying. I think I told her it felt really good or something to that effect, but for all I know I just sang “Mary Had A Little Time” in Spanish. Regardless, I feel my nuts begin to tighten and know what is about to happen next.

“HERE IT COMES” I shout out as my entire body spasms, my back arches, my fists clench and a volcano erupts from my crotch. I hear myself screaming in pleasure as wave after wave roll across my body, crashing, building, crashing, building, crashing, building a bit slower, crashing again, am I breathing?

Karen keeps up the pace until I have the presence of mind to hold her head still and then stop her hand from stroking me. I am at a sensitivity level I have never experienced before.

I know my heart is beating cause I can feel the jack-hammer going off in my chest. I am not conscious of actually breathing but know I must be doing it cause I am still alive, or at least for the moment.

That was the most incredible moment of my life.

Karen moves her body up and rests her head on mine. She leans down and kisses me with a deep passionate kiss and I can taste the salt inside her mouth. I know what it is and I could care less. Every fiber of my body is exhausted, but I am alive.

She leans up and looks into my eyes with those incredible sparkling eyes of hers. “Now do that to me” she says.

I can’t move my arms or legs and can barely think. The part that is capable of functioning in my brain is a bit busy sending signals to my lungs to breath and my heart to beat, Yet somewhere deep in my soul is a voice screaming to roll over on Karen’s’ crotch and pleasure her.

“Karen, you’re going to have to give me a moment here, Maybe two or three even. What you just did was so far out there….somewhere….I need a moment here” I could hear myself say as I struggle through the fog in my head.

I have discovered the best thing in life, she will be here for days to come, and I have no idea how I am going to survive the week at this pace.

But one thing for sure is going to happen. From now on I am going to refuse to think about Grandma or higher math.

End of Part Two
Stay tuned for Part Three (Pop Goes The Cherry)

Daddy My Shorts Are To Tight, Help me?

LustofMandi on Incest Stories

 "Daddy My shorts are so uncomfortable... help me?"

   The day was as it usually was, mild, warm, and sunny. The air was nice and stale. Enough to make you stay inside for the day.
The air-conditioner was on full blast. Carolyn was sitting on the creme colored couch her velvet purple eyes fixed on the TV. She was fifteen, her hair was a light brown and touching her chin. She had the soft features of a young woman to be. She was wearing a white tank top, that was loose in the waist area, and a bit of arch in the chest, where her medium B cup breasts were, perched up right in their push up bra. SHe was wearing a pair of short light blue shorts, and a pair of socks, her legs were spread on the couch as she slouched frowning and flipping through the chan

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nels, with sheer boredom. She heard the jiggle of the door knob, and glanced over, and to her surprised her daddy came in. He was a tall man, about 6*1, medium build with the same brown hair, only difference was the eyes, which were an amber brown. He was about forty years old. He was wearing a business suit. Carolyn's dad was an insurance sales man. So he shouldn't be home at ten thirty in the morning.

He glanced over at his daughter, to see her sitting on the couch. Tom, gave a grin as he watched her blue eyes move from the screen to his face.

"Hey daddy what are you doing home so early?" Carolyn asked sweetly, as her father approached her, and took a seat next to her on the couch.

 He smiled, "Never mind that... why didn't you go to school today? I though.."

"Mom! Didn't take me! She forgot again." Carolyn exaggerated that again, causing Tom to heave a great sigh as he ran his hands through his hair disgusted. "She's... she's gonna get us sent to court." said Tom in a distressed voice.

Carolyn gazed at her father, watching him, for some reason she felt an odd bubbling sensation rise up in her. A nasty, sensation, a senastion that she was scared to admit to out loud.

 A sigh fell over, Carolyn, "You mad at me daddy?" asked, Carolyn moving closer pressing her head agianst his shoulder. Tom just glanced at his fifteen year old gorgeous daughter.

"Of course not! It's your fuckin mother..." he murmured, shaking his head.

Tom wrapped his arm around his daughter, as he felt her shift in his arms. He grinned, as he watched her. He faintly noticed the hardened nipples through her tank top. Tom watched her and seen that the shorts were getting twisted as she moved herself in a laying position. He faintly seen the shorts ride up into her crack, and felt a flicker inside of him. 

"You comfortable baby?" asked Tom moving and touching her waist, with his hand.

She gave a smile, and glanced up at him from his lap. "I'm very comfy daddy..." she said, as his hand pressed against her thin abdomin. Tom stared straight ahead of him at Cartoon Network that was flickering onto the screen. He watched as his daughter giggled, at something from television.

Carolyn felt his hand on her upper abdomin and wondered what it would be like to feel his hand go further. She didn't dare say these naughty thoughts out loud.... oh no. She had to keep them private. Carolyn wondered why she was such a twisted girl. She had no unearthly idea why. A smile flittered across the girls face, as she giggled, at something that was said. "Mmm... these shorts... so.. uncomfy." Carolyn murmured to herself.

 Tom looked down and could tell they were riding up into her now. He could make out the pussy lips between the fabric. Tom felt his cock errecting, and his eyes widen ever so slightly. He knew she'd feel it seeing as she had her head in his lap.

"Um... here.. let me..." he slid his hand down, causing Carolyn's stomach to reflex, as she watched his hands move between her thighs. He slowly and gently pulled at the blue fabric. He felt the tip of her pussy and his cock twitched again, his hormones started bubbling.

Carolyn tried not to gasp, as she felt his fingers pluck at her, crotch. She felt his fingers ever so gently glide over, trying to remove the shorts from the uncomfortable position. "Is this helping?" asked Tom clearing his throat.

"No..." whimpered Carolyn. She moved up into his lap a bit further. Her back was now against his cock. She felt it, Carolyn, glanced down at his hands, that were trying to seperate the material. "Uh... why don't you try moving under my shorts... by the waist band... daddy." said Carolyn, very gently.

Tom just stared at his daughter, "Right sweetheart..." and his hands moved from her pussy lips. She was sitting up now leaning into him, as his fingers, pulled at the elastic waist band, and his hand moved between the skin and cloth. He touched her abdomin and felt her panties. They were soft and cotton.

Carolyn's eyes closed, as she felt her daddy's fingers touch the outer part of her pussy. She quickly reflexed in the pussy causing her lip in her pussy to swell. Her father was making NO attempt to remove the uncomfortable cloth from her pussy. He was running his fingers over the fabric of her panties. Tom felt his cock get hard, as he fingered the outside of her little girl twat. He winced, as his index finger grazed the cotton, when he heard a soft, "Mmmn.." escape from his little daughters mouth. He moved closer into his daughter, and pressed his lips against hers.

Carolyn felt her daddy's lips, as his hands moved through touching her her panties. She whimpered and squirmed slightly, only causing her daddy to sink his lips further into hers, causing their tongues to meet. Spit and saliva were exchanged, as he grabbed a hold of the top of her shorts, and slid them off tossing them to the floor. HE realized she had pink cotton panties with a Wednesday embroider on it. He kissed her harder as he started rubbing the outside of her panties. He felt her legs spread, as he kissed her. "Mmmmmmn...." she said into his kiss. Without warning he pulled back, and reached over nearly towering her, but still sitting. He had both arms around her, and his mouth was next to her neck, his fingers slid her panties aside, and he groaned again seeing her forbidden little muff. It was shaved and pink to perfection. She was wet. Her fifteen year old pussy lips, screamed at him, as his fingers ran over it. He was staring at her pussy, as his fingers touched the clit. She squealed, and squirmed, legs spread like a little daughter whore. "Like that sweetheart? Like your daddy fingering your clit?" he hissed in her, ear causing her to only squeal more, and squirm on his hand. "Yes.... finger me daddy..." she begged, her lips barely moving. "Look at me." said her father. Her eyes opened, and she stared at him as he fingered her pussy. "Like that huh? Like your daddy fondling your pussy?" he hissed, causing her to nod, and a.. "Eh...uhn..." escaped her mouth as she barely parted her lips. her head thrusted back, as she felt his fingers.

"Turn around..." he told Carolyn, who was only to eager and wet. Hormones raging, and horny as hell she moved around her head at the other end of the couch. Carolyn could see her daddy's errection, as he advanced on her, he came down, on top of her his mouth connecting with his as his hands moved hertank top away revealing her push up bra. Carolyn's daddy grabbed at her bra making it come off,springing his daughters titties to life. "Ooh such precious little girl nipples." his tongue glided over the tan errect nipple causing an arch from his little girl, , and a, "Uhnnnmm.." noise. "That a girl... daddy's little girl huh! Getting her nipples licked..." he moved to her other nipple, cock about to bust out of these good armoni clothes. He moved his hands, and stared at her body, at the beautiful little girl laying on the couch. Cartoon Network playing in the background. He grinned, as his fingers curled around her panties, and yanked them down, causing Carolyn to breath softly, as he pushed her legs aside, revealing her smooth little muff. "Shave often?" he asked his daughter, his fingers carressing the top of her pussy. "Mmm. yes...."

"Aw.... I see..." his mouth moved down,and Carolyn hadn't expected that. "Ooh daddy! Oh yeah...." she shrieked, with pleasure as his mouth pressed against her fifteen year old cunny. She whimpered, and held her legs up as her father grabbed them pinning them aside and ate her out perfusely. She whimpered, moved her ass in the up and down mode trying to get more of her daddy's tongue up inside of her. The juices ran out and into her daddy's mouth, tasting the sweet peachness of his young daughter. His cock was so hard, he felt as if it would bust out of his pants.

Carolyn felt a tidal wave wash over her body... she squealed, and whimpered, as she moved furiously, twitching. "That a girl... orgasm... mmm... let me taste it sweetheart..." his mouth covered her puss, as the juices ran down, near her tight cute little ass.

 HE moved up andtasted her breasts. Carolyn whimpered, and couldn't believe what was happening. she couldn't help it. Her hormones just... guided her.

 Carolyn's daddy stood up with a grin, and his hands moved to his pants. Carolyn watched her daddy, unbuckle his black belt, sliding it off, and tossing it aside.
 "Want to suck daddy's cock? Only right to return the favor..." He said, in a hoarse voice.

 Carolyn just nodded, still twitching from the orgasm she endured, when his cock was pulled out she wrapped her little hand around it, with her fingers, the creamy flesh was thick, and the vanes were seen through out his long shaft. Carolyn placed her mouth around it and down she went. A long groan escaped Tom's mouth. "Fuck..." He hissed, as he felt her tongue, and the inside of her mouth massage his dick. He grabbed her head pushing her down onto his dick causing her to gag, and come up slobber was hanging on his dead. "That a girl, suck daddy's dick! Your better than mommy." He murmured, as Carolyn continued going down on him, making surping noises.
 Tom just watched his daughter suck him off with high anticipation. HE groaned, and watched as her young little mouth went to town, till her mouth was exhausted. "Good girl... now bend over..." he told his daughter.

Carolyn stood, and her daddy bent her over pushing her head against the back of the couch. She felt her daddy move her legs. "Yeah spread them for daddy...! Nice..." His fingers fondled her pussy from behind, wiggling and sliding a finger in causing his daughters pussy to reflex, and tighten, on his fingers. She was so fuckin tight. Virgin obviously. He grinned with high anticipation... He slid two fingers in getting a gasp from Carolyn. "Yeah.. feel my fingers up your puss!" He grinned, as he felt his cock twitching up and down slightly just waiting to feel her virgin cunt lips around his thick daddy dick.

  After a few moments of that, getting her worked up again he stood, and moved behind her, he grabbed her ass, with a groaned, as he grabbed the shaft of his cock, and pressed it against the opening causing a gasp, and a twitch from Carolyn. "Good girl... you'll like this..." He responded to her, as he slid his dick into the tight virgin daughter hole. SHe let out a painful scream, feeling the large shaft penetrate her young folds. "At a girl.. stay like that...!" He slid his cock up in her causing himself to groan, he couldnt' remember when he fucked pussy this tight. He groaned thrusting hsi head back and shook it before turning his eyes back down onto the wet mass of pussy juice on his cock. He heard his daughters moans and screams, and it just made him want her pussy more. Being horny has its fuckin consequences. Soon he started going faster grabbing her ass pulling her into him. It took Carolyn awhile to get use to it, and start enjoying it.

 "Ooh daddy... yeah...! Don't stop.." she begged, as he grinned, "Daddy keep on baby!" he said, grabbing her ass. "You're so tight." He grabbed her and pulled her up to him, dick still in her twat. He grabbed her titties and slammed her, as he tasted her neck, and hissed in her ear. SHe whimpered in her young innocent voice. "Aww... yeah... oh gosh.... mmnmmh.." she purred. Her juices were runnign down her own leg now, from the wetness. He jiggled her tits, and groaned, as he bit his lip harshly, hearing her moan, 'Daddy' Over and over again. He didn't know how much longer he could take being inside his daughter. It was too hot...! "SHIT! Get your mouth down here..." he said forcefully, yanking his pussy sodden cock, he pushed her head down, and she fell to her knees, weakly. SHe had a few tears stinging her eyes from the painful penetration, mingled with the anticpiating desire for more. She watched her father jack his dick, with his hand,and it only took two strokes for white hot cum to shoot out, onto the girls innocent face. He groaned, and jerked. Carolyn felt the hot sticky, cum on her face... he grinned and looked down at her... as she looked up sheepishly, her face covered in cum... "Hows your first time?" he whispered, in a hoarse voice... just as the door jiggled, causing both eyes to widen... the door opened...

  ~The END~ 

 Got a good story for me? E-mail me at

Our Time in the Dark

justjim on Incest Stories

The shades were always drawn. The house was always dark. But it was especially gloomy in the attic where there were no windows, only ventilation slats at the top of the wall that let in scant slits of gloomy light. The attic was small, only five feet high and barely bigger than a walk-in closet. It was meant for storage, but it was Rachel Booker’s bedroom. She was one of seven children living in a three-bedroom house, and when it became obvious that seven children simply couldn’t fit into two bedrooms with all of their meager possessions, Al Booker had cleared out the attic for Rachel, his oldest daughter.

Over time, she had made the attic a more inhabitable place. There was carpet now, that she had tacked down herself, and sheets of plywood nailed
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to the unfinished walls. She had even taken the trouble to wallpaper it, but it was clumsily done so she covered it over mostly with white sheets that made the room look strangely haunted. There was just enough room for a narrow twin bed and a cardboard box for her clothes. It wasn’t much of a room, but at least she had it to herself.

She stayed up there most of the time, lost in a book, despite the extreme heat or cold depending on the season. In the winter, she propped the trapdoor open to catch some of the heat, but in the summer there was no relief from the sweltering inferno. She dragged up box fans to get some relief, but all it did was push the hot sheets of dry, dusty air around and make her sneeze. Nevertheless, the attic was a safer place than the cooler home below. Safe and sheltered from six siblings who argued constantly and an alcoholic father who had taken more notice of her since she turned eighteen.

She dreamed of getting out of there, of going away to college or finding her own apartment, but her father forbade it. He wouldn’t pay for college, and her grades weren’t good enough to get a scholarship. And she couldn’t get a job without a car, even if he would let her. It seemed she was destined to be trapped up there forever… at least she didn’t hit her head on the ceiling.

Standing on her toes, Rachel was still only four foot ten and ninety pounds soaking wet. She still looked like a child, but she certainly didn’t feel like one.

Al Booker ran a tight ship. He had five daughters, two sons, and no wife. Laura Booker had left years before shortly after the birth of their youngest child, Matthew, who was almost six. It was after Laura left that Rachel had moved into the attic. She was there one stifling day in June, still dripping wet from a cold shower wearing only a towel twisted over her breasts when the trapdoor flew open. She spun around with a gasp, lovely in her own way. Childish looking with no make up and no clothes, but her body argued with the eye.

She was slender yes, but she also had a very curvaceous figure for such a small young woman. She had wide, sensuous hips, high, firm, B-cup breasts, and long, tone, attractive legs that drew the eye. She wasn’t a beautiful girl, but there was something appealing about her wide, innocent brown eyes, and long, soft brown hair. Everything about her was feminine, fragile, and innocent. She was a perfect blend of pretty and plain, pretty enough to attract attention, but plain enough to disappear in a crowd.

Poking his head just inside the trapdoor, Al Booker took in his nearly naked daughter and feigned disapproval. “What are you doing up here dressed like that?” He came through the trap door, stooping because of the low ceiling. Rachel swallowed and backed up until she felt the backs of her knees collide with the edge of her mattress.

“Nothing, I was just getting dressed.” She said sheepishly clinging tighter to her towel. Al frowned and shut the door with a booted foot. Then he crossed the small space to her and she flinched. He sat down on the bed and looked up at her.

“Go ahead then.” He commanded in a soft, dangerous voice. Rachel wrapped her arms around herself and shook her head, staring at him with wide eyes. She had often caught him looking at her before, with an expression she didn’t like, but he had never taken it this far before. She glanced toward the trapdoor wistfully, wondering what to do. “I said go ahead.” Al barked and reached out, wrenching the towel from her grasp. Rachel gasped trying to cover herself, but it was a futile act. Al’s roving brown eyes traveled appreciatively down his daughter’s naked figure. Her nipples, a becoming shade of pink, were puckered from the cold, her flat navel was damp with a sheen of still drying water and her little pussy was a perfect V between her legs dusted with a light brown fuzz that matched her hair. Rachel hurried into a pair of panties, half expecting her father to stop her, but he didn’t.

She pulled on a bra and yanked on a dress over her head. It was a worn, blue cotton that fell to the knee, loose and light, perfect for the hot weather, but she suddenly wished she could bundle on layer after layer of clothing and was acutely aware that now, more than ever, she had to get out there.

“I’m going to have to punish you for being so indecent.” Al studied her with sharp eyes. Rachel swallowed averting her gaze to her bare feet. Al reached out and closed his hand around her wrist, he dragged her forward and bent her across his lap. His large hand caressed her derriere lovingly through the thin fabric of her dress and panties. She squeezed her eyes shut, clenching her jaw, and waited for it to be over with. “Daddy’s bad girl.” Al whispered and lifted her dress up to her waist.

Rachel panicked as he pulled down her panties, but she dare not move. Her bare ass and pussy were exposed to the air as he pulled the thin band of cotton around her knees. He ran his hand up the back of her smooth thigh and up over her butt. Then abruptly, he began to spank her, not hard, but playfully almost, just enough to sting.

Rachel clenched the ridge of his jeans in her small fists biting her lip and prayed that it would end soon. But Al was far from finished. When her ass was pink all over he shifted the position of his aim so a stinging slap hit the backside of her vagina. She gasped loudly and clenched her legs together but it was useless defense against his repeated abuse. A strange tingling sensation started between her legs and spiraled outward to her body. Her pussy grew wet and gaped open a little from the rush of blood. Rachel felt dizzy.

“Have you been a slut Rachel? Are you having sex with your queer little boyfriend?” Rachel shook her head in mute protest. “Let’s just find out, shall we?” Al sneered and ran his finger down her ass crack. He pushed his index finger into the opening of her vagina and she whimpered, sprawled across his lap, and she could feel his throbbing hardness pushing against her ribs. He showed no mercy sinking his finger into her cunt until he met the resistance of her virginity. “Ah, good girl.” Al crooned rocking his finger in and out of her. She panted opening her legs slightly, gripping to the side of his leg, her vision going blurry from the sensations he was stirring between her legs. “You deserve a reward.” He purred, aching with need.

He found her clitoris with his thumb and began moving it in slow circles over her tiny pleasure nub and she squealed, squirming on his lap.

“Daddy, Daddy, please…” She begged spreading her legs further and rocking her hips slightly with the motion of his magic fingers. Al groaned feeling his erection harden and slid two fingers into her, stroking her little clitoris faster and faster until she quaked and trembled beneath him letting out a long, whispering moan.

“Did you like that baby?” He asked her smiling. Rachel fought tears, refusing to answer. “Answer me!” He gave her butt a sharp slap. “Did you like that?” Slowly, she nodded.

“Yes.” He smiled.

“Then I think I deserve a reward, don’t you?” She didn’t answer, but he didn’t care. He pushed her off his lap and unzipped his fly, releasing his hard, aching cock. He didn’t have a huge cock. It was about six and a half inches long, but it was good and thick and it looked enormous to Rachel who had never seen one before.

She felt slightly ashamed at the pleasure he had brought to her, but there was no undoing it now. “Come here.” He pulled her forward by the shoulders and wrapped his fingers around the nape of her neck, dragging her face down near his engorged penis. “Kiss it.” He demanded in a tortured whisper. Rachel hesitated and pressed her lips gently to the head of his cock, then looked up at him uncertainly. He groaned at the butterfly soft touch. “Now put it in your mouth and suck it gently, caress it with your tongue. Like an ice cream cone.” He instructed. Rachel shook her head.

“No Daddy, please.” He looked angry.

“Do it.” Fighting tears again she carefully took his penis into her warm, wet mouth and licked tentatively with her tongue. Al reacted almost immediately groaning and arching his hips. She suckled at it gently and ran her tongue up from the base over the head causing him to tremble. She sucked a little harder wrapping her tongue around his shaft and running it up to ridge around his head, licking all around it, drawing softly at his cock with her mouth until her jaw started to ache. She stopped and rubbed it.

“Daddy, my mouth hurts.” She complained. Al groaned, he was so close, ever fiber of his being was screaming for release.

“That’s okay.” He said breathlessly. “Take off your dress and panties.” Rachel blushed and shook her head, backing away.

“Daddy, no, please, don’t do this.” Al glared at her and she looked humiliated as she undressed, removing everything as he asked her to do it. When she was nude, he dragged her forward by the hips and gestured for her to sit.

“Sit on my lap, slowly, and wrap your legs around me, I’ll hold onto you so you don’t fall.” Rachel hesitated and awkwardly clambered into his lap until his cock was cradled against her belly and her legs were wrapped around his middle. He lifted her under the armpits and dragged her forward, setting her down slowly onto his cock. She screamed as the head of his engorged penis slid into her tight, hot, wet slit.

“DADDY!” She wailed. He arched his hips and dropped her onto his cock and it sank into her up to the hilt, ripping through her virginity. She cried out and leaned forward, clinging to him and he groaned and bit her shoulder, rotating his hips, grinding his pelvis against hers.

“It’s all right baby.” He soothed and backed up until his back hit the wall. “Now get up on your feet.” Looking pained, Rachel squatted over him. “Now bounce up and down.” He ordered breathlessly. Rachel pivoted to the balls of her feet and pushed herself up and down, his cock knifing in and out of her cunt. Al grunted gripping her hips to move her faster and lay there for the most part, letting her make him feel good. Rachel held onto his shoulders to balance herself, riding his cock for all she was worth, strange sensations of pain and pleasure boiling through her tiny body until her legs grew too weak and tired to continue. She collapsed onto her back, panting for breath, and Al got on his knees on the floor.

He hooked his hands under her knees and dragged her forward to the edge of the bed. His need for release was so desperate now that forgot gentleness and hammered his throbbing cock into her tight, tiny pussy. He could scarcely believe how hot and tight she was. He gripped her thighs and buried himself again and again and again into her aching cunt. Rachel meanwhile was crying out in pain and pleasure, writhing beneath him and gasping with each thrust. Al’s thrusts suddenly got more frantic, deeper, harder, deeper still, harder still until Rachel was screaming and trembling beneath him, lost in the throes of an earth shattering orgasm.

“OH GOD DADDY, YES!“ She screamed. Grunting Al hammered his cock into her harder, harder, harder, fighting through the tight confines of her orgasm until yes, yes, yes, his whole body shook with the impact of his own climax as he clung to her, emptying his balls into her tight little snatch. Sweaty and exhausted, though far from sated, he let his head drop down to her chest and stayed that way for a long time, feeling her tremble beneath him, feeling himself slowly shrink inside her.

Once he had the energy to move again, Al went downstairs for a shower and smirked to himself as he bathed. It seemed he didn’t need that fucking bitch, Laura, after all.

Tammy, Larry, and me

hillarysmuff on Incest Stories

"Shhh, be quiet" I whispered as I peeked in the back door to the barracks. I looked at the duty NCO desk, it was vacant. North had done his job. I called him ten minutes earlier and asked him to distract the duty NCO so I could sneak Tammy into the barracks, and my room. Without a single question, he agreed. The plan was working. "Let's go" I whispered. Holding Tammy's hand, I led through the back door and quickly through the rec room into the main hallway.

A quick left turn and fast dash later we were at my room. I silently entered the key in the lock and turned the doorknob. THe room was dark as I opened the door. I led Tammy into the room, placing her behind the door as I silently closed it. As we turned to my bed, there was enough light in the room to see

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Tammy's brother Larry, asleep in his own bed. We tiptoed over to my bed.

I motioned to her to hold the back end of the mattress, then went over to the front end. We silently lifted the mattress off the rack and placed it on the floor. With a shared grin, we began to undress. With lots of practice, I was out of my clothes in seconds. I watched, with satisfaction as the high school junior undressed. I never grew tired of seeing her undress, even though it had been for less than a month. Her long brown hair cascaded down her milky white shoulders as her T shirt came off.

Her firm B cup, half orange sized tits held form as she released them of the bra that had held them captive. The tuft of light brown pussy hair came into view as her panties slid down her thighs, and onto the floor. We moved onto the mattress. Laying side by side we began kissing as I moved my hand down her body, feeling it's silky softness. I cupped her left tit, feeling her heart beat with anticipation as I gently piched the hardening nipple.

I moved on down, momentarliy cupping her ass before finding her slit. She opened her thighs, allowing me more access as I fingered her slit. She was wet as I slid my finger into her tight pussy which still was snug around my middle finger. It was such pleasure entering her. I moved to enter her with my dick. She slid under me as I moved to mount her. The moonlight fell across her almost doll like face as I made ready. She had that wonderful smile on her face as I positioned my dick at her entrance. She inhaled deeply and arched her back as I went in her.

Her fingers slighly scratched my shoulder blades as her tight pussy grasped my dick. I laid fully on top of her, face to face, as my hips began doing the work of pumping the teenager's ass. We kissed for a moment, then I began caressing her ears with my nose. I could feel her hands lightly scratching up and down my back. Suddenly, I felt her freeze. I lifted slightly to look her in the eye and noticed she was looking to my left. I also looked to see her looking at Larry.

He was laying on his side looking at us. "How long you two been doing it?" he asked. "Hi Larry" she nervously said. "About a month" I answered. There was an awkward silkence for a moment as we just looked at each other. "What are we gonna do to fix this?" Larry asked. Tammy took charge as she reached out towards him. "You two come here" he advised as he pulled back the sheets and took off his briefs. I was amazed when I saw Larry's dick. I had showered with him plenty of times, but I had never seen his dick hard. It was a full twelve inches long, thick at the base and tapering to a tiny head. "Come here sis" he said in a superior tone of voice, "I want you to give me head".She obeyed her brother, laying sorta across him as she started slobbing on his knob. I moved her hips to allow me better access.

I entered her again, gently pumping her so as not to mess with the blowjob she was giving her brother. "How is she?" Larry asked. "Wonderful" I answered as Tammy turned to smile at me. "I think I want some of her pussy" Larry added. I backed off as Tammy turned to give me a questioning look. "Go ahead" I said. Tammy climbed up on her brother. She positioned herself on top of him. She took his dick and began to impale herself on him.

I was a slow process as she took his length and width in her. I was nowhere near Larry's size and she was trying not to injure herself. Finally, she took all of him inside of her. They clasped hands and Tammy began bouncing on top of her brother. I couldn't see her face, but he had a shit eating grin on her face.

She began moaning and panting. Larry began lifting his hips to meet her. Suddenly, I heard him say "turn". She turned to face me. She had a "I'm a naughty girl" look on her face as she began pumping him. She cupped her tits. Larry reached up, pulling her back to lay on top of him. He cupped her tits and began thrusting into her with intensity. She began grunting with each of his thrusts. Left alone, I should've been jealous, but I was turned on watching the brother and sister hump away. Suddenly they stopped. I noticed that Larry was whispering in her ear. She nodded a couple of tims, then lifted herself off of him. She repositioned herself and started taking his monster sized dick at her ass. She wailed as she spread her ass, taking him into her.

She leaned back onto him. He pushed on her shoulders forcing her ass to take his entire dick. "Ah Shit", she grunted as she began panting. "Come on Glenn" she panted. I moved to enter her pussy. She made a sound I hadn't heard as my dick entered her. She shifted, and he grabbed her hips. Her pussy was tighter than usual. Her eyes were closed and she was whimpering. I began pumping her.

I took her hands in mine. She squeezed tightly. I couldn't tell if she was enjoying herself or not. I began nibbling at her earlobes again and moving my nose next to her ears. I noticed a grin cross her face, but her eyes were still closed. I was aroused and soon came in her. I laid still on her. A moment later I heard Larry grunt and I actually felt him cum in her. She slid off of him and the three of us now laid on our side, my face to hers, her brother holding her.

I caressed her behind her ears and noticed the smile returned. "You ok?" I asked. "Yeah, I'm fine". I noticed she reached back and was holding her brother's hand. "We should've made a movie" I joked. We all laughed, and Tammy added, "I don't think so. My parents would die". "No shit" Larry added. We were quiet for a long moment. "Want to go again?" Larry asked, "Yeah, but no more doubles.

One in my pussy, one in my mouth, ok?" Tammy asked. "And wash your dick before you put it back in me Larry, go on, go". Larry got up from the bed. He went to the bathroom and came back shortly. That was the first night we did that and we had a dozen more times before Tammy's parents figured out something was up and began watching us like hawks.

Uncle Takes A Niece

familyluvr on Incest Stories

            I never thought about my niece in a bad way until she flew out to visit with me while I was on business. I had a few pictures of her but never thought anything different of her until she got off the plane and met me at the gate. My little niece was only 17 and getting ready to start her senior year in high school after summer. She had grown up quickly. She had the looks of a twenty year old. Skye had filled out in all the right areas. She reminded me of a young woman and not a teenager when I spotted her.


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 Ã‚ Â Â  We hugged each other and headed out to get her baggage. When she gave me a hug, I was surprised at myself for looking at her the way I did. My own beautiful niece had stirred something in me that was not right. However, I could not get over how sexy she looked as we drove in the car to the hotel. She had beautiful long blonde hair that lay down her back while she walked. It helped to accentuate her nice figure. I continued to get mad at myself for the things that I was thinking about.

            Finally, we got to the hotel and headed to our room. As we stepped into the room, I immediately noticed that there was a king size bed and that was it. I got angry and started to call the front desk when my niece just told me that it would be fine. Skye said that there was plenty of room and that we could both sleep in it. I told her that I would call down and see about getting a roll away. She said not to bother. At first I was trying to convince her that it wasn’t fair to her. All Skye could tell me though was that she would be just fine with this. So I finally relaxed and said okay. Personally, I told myself that it was going to be nice lying in bed with a beautiful woman like her.

            Once we started unpacking and putting things away, Skye then noticed that she had forgot to pack her night shirt. I told her that we could go down to the local store and get her another one. She just said no and if it was okay with me she would just wear one of my shirts. I had no problem with that. I am a tall muscular man and she is such a tiny beauty, so I knew she would be swimming in it.

            All this time I could feel that sensation building inside of me that was not the right type of thoughts or feelings for an uncle towards his niece. I went into the bathroom and changed into my swim shorts while Skye put her swim suit on. We were going to go down to the beach and do some swimming in the ocean. I figured that this would be a great idea so that I could get these thoughts out of my head. Once I walked back into the room, I was back to square one again. There stood my niece in one of the sexiest bikini’s I had ever seen any woman wear. It fit in all the areas it was designed for. “Wow, that there is some suit you have little lady”.

            Skye just smiled and gave me a little nudge in the side like she used to do when she walked by me. We headed to the beach and my eyes kept watching her body. I could feel my dick start to stir. I could not believe that my own niece was turning me on. I hurried up and drop my towel and ran into the water while my sexy little niece stretched out the blanket we brought along. I got into the water and felt my dick start to go down from the cold ocean waters. I was feeling like I could now control myself. This was until I watched my niece run into the water as her tight figure flexed with every stride. She had nice firm tits that were definitely bigger than a hand full but held themselves up high on her chest.

            Skye dove into the water and swam right in front of me. I watched as her suit became wet and formed itself to her tight little ass with a perfect curved shape. I was glad that I still had my sunglasses on because all I could do was look at her chest and ass whenever she went by. I just knew that it was going to be a long week but I didn’t care because I was with my wonderful niece. I told myself that it was just because I hadn’t been home for awhile and I would be fine soon. I continued to stay in the water as my niece walked up to the blanket and laid down on it. I then took this opportunity to hurry up and make my way to the blanket. Skye stayed on her stomach as I then laid down on the blanket next to her making sure not to get to close.

            Skye and I talked a while before we finally got up and headed to the room to shower and get ready to go out for some dinner. I took my shower after Skye. I could not help but think that she was just in this shower all naked wet and soapy. I was left with no options except to grab hold of my dick and jack myself off while envisioned my niece naked. I could only imagine it but it still lead to one hell of a great ejaculation all over in the tub.

            Finally, I was able to relax a little bit. Now that I had jacked off, I had those guilty feelings for having such bad thoughts about my niece. I got out and dried myself off and put on my shorts and shirt. When I came out of the shower room, I was led right back into those wild unnatural thoughts about Skye again.

            There was my niece standing by the bed. She was dressed in another one of her outfits that fit just right in every way that makes a male notice and get excited. “Mercy, you sure aren’t a little girl any more”. Skye just looked in the mirror with a big grin and turned to adjust everything just right. “I can see that I am going to have my hands full just trying to keep the guys away from you tonight”.

            Skye finished adjusting and walked up and stood in front of me. She looked up at me while putting her arms around my neck and gave me a kiss on my cheek. “Thank you uncle, I just wanted to look good enough for the night. You were so nice to pay for me to come out here and see you that I would hate to disappoint you”.

            I put my arms around her and held her loose while I tried to be natural about everything. Actually, I was really in a bad situation. I could feel her body and its heat against me and this was really getting me going again. I could feel her firm breasts as they pushed against my body. My hands touching her back were really having a hard time not just grabbing a hold of that beautiful ass that she had. I broke the embrace as normal as possible and then we headed to dinner. My hands were still feeling the hot touch of her back. My cheek could still feel the sting from her hot lips touching them. My dick was now in another bad condition. I was glad that it was night as we walked to the car. I was able to keep my niece from seeing my hard-on.

            We drove for awhile until we came to a very nice restaurant that I liked and knew that she would like. As I came around and opened the door for her, I was able to look into the car and down at her. Skye let one leg out and I was able to see right up between her legs. I could tell that she was wearing a pair of deep red panties. My heart beat extremely hard for a few seconds while she then took her other leg out and stood. Again, I was glad that it was getting dark. My little sexy niece was creating a very hard situation for myself. Her dress reached about half thigh, so I was able to watch her legs as she entered the dinning area. Her dress was loose and swayed with every step she made. I looked up at all the guys watching her as she walked by them. One of them even had the balls to turn and lean over when she went by him. I took it upon myself to accidentally bump his head with my fist when I walked up. I played it off like I didn’t mean to. He sat back in his seat and gave me a look like please don’t beat me. Skye had no idea any of this went on. She walked up and I pulled out her seat for her while she sat. My beautiful little niece smiled up at me and said thank you. I smiled back as if to give that your welcome kind of look. In actuality, I was able to see down the top of her dress and got a great view of her cleavage. In the back of my head I kept telling myself that this is wrong. She is your niece. My dick was telling me other signals though.

            We ordered our dinner and talked about how things were going back home and such. I ordered a drink and was sipping on it while talking. My niece kept looking at my drink as if trying to say something. I asked her, would you like to have some. She admitted that it crossed her mind but she was afraid that she would get caught. I told her that I would keep an eye out. She smiled at me and took a pretty good swig. She almost choked on the alcohol. She then told me that she liked to drink occasionally but her mom frowned upon it. I just told her that her mom was not here and go ahead. Skye snuck a few more sips before dinner came. I finished it off and ordered another one for dinner. We ate and drank as we talked some more. I was enjoying having her here with me because I usually eat alone and it was nice having someone to talk to.

            The idiot in me was playing full stream. I figured that it was okay for her to drink because it would make both of us tired and I would be able to sleep that night. I really don’t know where that stupid thought came from because I was getting a nice buzz going and my foxy niece was feeling pretty good to. She was still keeping her wits about her but I could see that her eyes were starting to look glossy. She said that she wanted to dance so we got and went onto the dance floor. I may have been in my forties but I could still dance okay. I was in a trance as I watched my sexy niece swing in all different directions. Her dress spun around with her as her legs her being shown off to everyone. We danced and laughed for quite awhile. We sat down for a little while and three guys came up and asked if they could dance with her. Skye just shook her head no and they left. I was glad that my niece had run them off because I was really enjoying my time with her. I even started to lose those wild urges in my head. It was just a good time all around.

            Everything was fine until my niece decided that she wanted to dance a slow dance with me. I wanted to say no but got up anyway. As we stepped onto the dance floor, she put her arms around my neck again and held me close to her as she rested her head against my chest. I could smell her fresh blonde hair and I could also feel her whole body resting against my frontal region. Skye’s dress was silky to the touch and I could feel every bit of her warm body against my palms. My beautiful niece’s tits were pressed against me and they were doing a number on my crotch. She held me close while I tried to keep myself off to one side of her. It was enjoyable but painful as well while we danced.

            Finally the song was over and we stepped off the floor. As we were stepping off the floor, my beautiful niece was holding my hand and she actually lost her balance a little. She recovered quickly and no one saw her. Skye turned to me and said that if it was okay she would like to go. I thought she was upset but she informed me that the alcohol was starting to get to her. She was worried that the restaurant would get upset if they knew that I let her drink. I informed her that they would not but we could leave only if she wanted to. She said yes because she was starting to feel pretty tired.

            As we were stepping out into the front of the building, a young man walked up and tried to get her to go back in. Skye said no and that she was sorry. His friends that were standing around him started to laugh and tease him. So he decided to be a jack ass. He stepped in front of her and spoke the wrong thing and called her a bitch. He told her that she couldn’t handle any but and old man like me. I reacted without thinking. I stepped in front of my niece and punched this idiot square in the face. He flew back and fell to the ground. My niece stayed behind me while the door man came running up. I started to apologize for everything. The stupid kid started yelling and trying to get things going even worse. The door man looked the punk in the face and told him that he needed to shut up. He also told him that he saw the punk trip and fall. The kid looked angry as if he was going to rise up. The door man leered at him again and told him to either leave or he was going to have to witness him falling down again.

            The kid got up and left with no hassles. The door man apologized for letting things get as far as they did with him and his wife. I just smiled and slipped the doorman a twenty as I shook his hand. Skye was a little shook up about what went on but shrugged it off as they headed to the car. She held my hand and arm while she leaned against me. I looked at her and said I was sorry for letting him say those things to her. She just grinned back at me and giggled a little as she spoke.

“That man thought we were husband and wife”

“Yeah, I wanted to correct him but I just didn’t feel like it was the time”

            My beautiful niece just held onto me and walked with me. We got into the car and were heading back to the room. Skye then turned towards me with another smile. She obviously was really starting to feel the effects from the alcohol because she had her leg bent so that I could see right up her dress again. My niece rested her head against the back of her seat while she held my hand. She was unable to see me but I was able to get a great shot of her panty covered womanhood. My dick forgot all about the fight and was now back to the same condition it was at the whole day. I   knew that I was going to be up for quite a while before he would get tired enough to lye down next to her. I was just glad that she was tired because it was going to be easier to calm down if she wasn’t awake and still driving me into that incestuous thought process. While my sexy red pant wearing niece rested her head with her eyes almost asleep, I continued to look at her cleavage and her firm legs which led up to that sweet little honey pot that was hidden under her panties. My dick was as stiff as it could get. It was so hard that it ached to get out of my shorts. I had to finally pull my eyes away from her sexy, fuckable little body. I had to really work hard at telling myself that this is my niece. I can not be thinking these crude thoughts. I was going to have to relax before we got to the hotel or she was going to see my stiff cock poking against my shorts when I open her door.

            Finally, I was able to divert my train of thought to something else. I continued to look forward as we pulled into the parking lot. I went around and opened her door as I looked away from her while I held her hand and guided her out of the car. I was really doing well. Everything was fine until I held the door open for her and she brushed against me while she stepped through the doorway. Her tits came into contact with my body and she fell towards me a little. Her hands reached out and grabbed my sides. She continued to walk in as if nothing had happened. She was to far gone to realize what she was doing. What she didn’t know was that she had brushed against me and caused my dick to spring back to it hardest form. I walked behind her and watched as her fine young ass swung back and forth with her steps. It was then that I was glad it was Friday. I was going to be up almost all night trying to calm down before I could sleep. I was starting to realize that this not such a good idea to have my niece staying with me for a week. It was to late that night but I planned on getting a roll away tomorrow.

            I opened the door and we went into the room. Skye grabbed her shirt and went into the restroom to change. I took this opportunity to try and adjust myself so that it was not so evident about my hard dick in my shorts. I sat down at the desk and turned on my laptop while she changed. My wonderful niece then came out of the restroom and stumbled a little bit as she looked at me with those glossy eyes and grinned. I watched as she tossed her stuff into her luggage. I immediately noticed that she had removed her panties as well. I now knew that she was not wearing any panties as she stood and walked over and behind me while I stared at my laptop. Skye reached up and put her arms around my neck as she rested her chin on my shoulder. I was finding it hard to try and concentrate with her tits poking me in the shoulder blades and her hot body resting so close to me. She watched for awhile and then said she was going to bed. As she did this, she gave me a kiss on my cheek again and said goodnight. I tried not to look but the mirror in front of me forced me to look up as she pulled the covers back and crawled across the bed. I was able to get another great look at her legs and ass while she crawled. I was unable to see everything but I did get a glimpse of her gorgeous little pussy. I did not see any hair but I did get a quick look at her lips. They were a perfect sight and they were a pretty pink. My dick pulsed with my heart beat. I thought I was going to bust a load right there.

            Skye finally settled down into the bed. She had turned herself away from the light. I got up and turned off the light. All I needed was for light was my laptop. I sat back down and tried to concentrate on my work. I kept getting pictures of her sexy little body as it danced with me tonight. I was also getting images of her getting into bed. My mind could not stay focused on the task at hand. I tried numerous times to work. I sat in the chair for about an hour and a half. I was unable to do any work. I was too turned on by my foxy niece that I finally gave up and leaned back in my chair. My dick hadn’t gone down a bit. It had a mind of its own. I looked back at the bed and my niece was now lying on her back and I couldn’t help but notice that her legs were slightly parted. I felt like I could see through the blankets. I envisioned her legs spread and that tight little pussy of hers out in the open. I couldn’t help but grab my dick and caress it a few times. I told myself that I was going to have to relieve my nuts before I could sleep. After I jack my dick off, I would be able to get some sleep.

            I got up and made my way toward the restroom. I wanted to make sure that Skye was asleep before I went in and shot my load. I didn’t want her waking up and hearing me. I walked to her side of the bed and called her name. She did not budge. I then nudged her a little bit to make sure she was asleep. She did not move at all. I could tell by her breathing that she was fast asleep. I figured that the coast was clear and went to stand back up. I made the mistake of looking down at her tits as they pushed against my shirt. They looked so perfect as they poked out and up. They were so firm to the sight. I was so turned on that I didn’t realize it as my hand then reached out and came to rest on her breast. I was out of control once I felt her nipple against the palm of my hand. I even gave it a little squeeze. All night long I had been watching and staring at this beautiful creature. I now had my hand on her tit and it felt absolutely wonderful.

            I was uncontrollable now as I brought my other hand up and grabbed her other succulent tit. Her body heat was incredible as she heated up my hands and my body. It would be a terrible thing to have her wake up and see me feeling her up but I was not thinking about that. All my mind and cock was thinking about was how hot she looked and felt. My shirt never looked so right for someone. I caressed her tits for awhile as my dick throbbed in my shorts. In the back of my head, I was telling myself to stop but my dick was talking for me now. It was telling me everything I needed to hear. I continued to feel up my niece for a few minutes before another thought came into mind. Before I knew what I was doing, I reached up and started undoing the buttons that were keeping me from seeing everything in its glory. I worked the buttons loose and then I pulled the shirt out of the way very carefully. I got the greatest sight of all. My niece had very sweet looking tits that had small nipples. They looked just like the porn stars titties. They were perfect in shape and size. They were anything but small. They definitely did not look like the tits you would see on a seventeen year old.

            I was lost in lust as I then undid my shorts and kneeled down beside the bed. I took hold of my cock and began jacking on it slowly. I could not help but lean over and bring my lips to rest on top of her nipple. My niece did not move or nothing as I then began to lick the tip of her nipple. It immediately got hard and I was drawn to it more as I took her tit in my mouth and began to suck on the whole mound. I flicked my tongue across the hard nipple why I sucked it into my mouth. All this time, I was still pulling on my dick. I couldn’t help but do the same thing to the other firm melon in front of me. Skye’s tits tasted so sweet as I changed back and forth. I finally let go of my dick and reached up to play with her mouth watering tits while I sucked on them. I loved the way they stayed so firm to the touch and grasp while I played with her nipples. My niece was causing me to really lose myself in her succulent beauty.

            After I had succeeded in mauling her teenage tits I then began to wonder about the rest. So I raised back up while keeping one hand busy with her nipples, I slowly slid the blanket down further. I wanted to see that little snatch that she had been teasing me with all night. I removed the shirt out of the way and was looking down at her blonde little hairs. She obviously shaves herself and I was able to see very little hair at the opening to heaven between those sweet looking legs. I almost dove my face right between those hot legs of hers but instead I slid my hand down and brought it to rest against her swollen mound. I kept my hand in place to see if there was any movement in her yet. Her belly was firm and her sexy little twat was even sexier than I thought.

            Skye did not move as I sucked on her tit and nipple. My hand then slowly slid forward and between her legs. I fingers were right at her opening. I could feel nothing but steaming heat radiating from her. I was unable to control myself as I slid the tip of my finger between her lips. I could feel heat and was aware of something else. My little niece was wet with juices. I almost shoved my finger into her but I still held onto some sort of control. I just kept my finger at that depth and rubbed her pussy lips slowly back and forth. This is when Skye reacted to my touch as she sighed and shifted a little bit. I froze still. My hand was still on her pussy and my mouth was still on her nipple. My niece adjusted a little bit more as she opened her legs slightly more and moaned her boyfriend’s name.

            I could not believe it. My sexy niece was dreaming about her boyfriend playing with her body. I kept my hand and mouth where it was and waited for her to relax again. She had said something about playing only because she wasn’t ready for the rest. I was in a dream land. My sexy niece was dreaming that her boyfriend was having fun with her. I waited until she was relaxed again before I started to play and suck some more. I still kept my finger at the same depth inside of her as I went back and forth across her lips. I had given up on sucking her tit. I was to busy watching my hand slide between her pussy lips. She was getting wetter and wetter. My finger was shining from the wetness between her legs. I actually removed my hand and licked her juices off my finger. As I tasted her young sex, I just had to taste it some more. I was not going to be satisfied unless I could lick between her lips and lap up more sweet nectar.

            I stood up and pulled my shirt off and let my shorts fall off the rest of the way. I just had to get between her legs and stick my tongue where my finger was just at. I walked to the end of the bed and slowly crawled up and between her legs. I still kept myself back a ways. Her legs were far enough apart for me to get my head between them and that was about it. I carefully slid my hands under her thighs and brought them to rest at her sides. I could smell her sex as I drew closer to her mound. I was unable to crawl any closer but I was plenty close enough to reach her pussy. I lowered my head and stuck out my tongue as I aimed it at her opening. Finally, I had my face against her pussy lips and I had my tongue just inside her. I began lapping at her juices while they continued to flow into my mouth. I contained a slow licking of her juices and could actually feel her hips moving a little bit. I knew that if I kept this up, she was going to wake up. I did not want that to happen. I wanted to enjoy my naked little niece as long as possible. My dick was poking into the bed so hard that I thought it was going to make a hole in the sheet.

            I slowly worked her pussy over as I made sure not to get her fully awake. I could not get enough of her sweet taste in my mouth. I was actually getting it on with a beautiful teenager. I told myself, “not bad for a forty one year old.” I wanted to enjoy this for as long as possible. I didn’t care about the rest of the week. I was living for that moment right there in front of me. It was at this moment that I decided to take things a little bit further. I was so turned on by this hot little minx that was lying in front of me that I decided I needed to feel some of that sexy little pussy of hers with my cock. I rose up from my niece’s succulent and sweet tasting pussy as I slowly crawled up between her legs. I had to move them gently wider to make room for me to get between. I moved cautiously up her body. I could feel the heat coming from her legs and was really getting wilder by the second. My dick was dripping with pre-cum as I moved up her body. I told myself that I was not going to be able to fuck her. I just wanted to put my cock inside that wet little pussy of hers and feel her insides against my dick walls.

            As I got into position, I looked down and saw this vixen of a body looking so small compared to her uncle. My cock was so big compared to her little pussy lips. I was almost like an animal out of control. I felt like I had power over her and could do and take whatever I wanted. Skye just lay there with her legs spread wide and my dick was just centimeters from her love tunnel. I pumped it a few times as I smeared some of my pre-cum on it. I brought the head to her opening and rubbed it back and forth a few times to get her juices coating my cock as well. Then I started to give a little bit of pressure as I slid into her pussy lips. I didn’t want to hurt her, so I just barely got the head of my cock in her and stopped for a minute. I could already tell that it was a tight fitting virgin pussy.

            I waited for a short minute. I then could not help but slide my dick back and forth into her hot wet juicy lips. My mind was telling me to just grab hold and give it all to her. I was not aware that I was pushing a little bit further than I should of. It felt so incredible that I just could not control anything anymore. I told myself to stop and leave my niece alone. However, my cock was telling me something different. I continued to rock back and forth inside my sweet niece’s tight little pussy. I lost control of watching what I was doing or when to stop. Her pussy was squeezing me so nicely. I guess that I wasn’t paying attention because it was about that same time that Skye came out of her sleep and became fully aware that she was not dreaming and that her uncle was over her and slicking his thing in her. She quickly reached up and tried to stop me as she began to fight me off. “Uncle no, this is wrong, this is gross,….you have to stop now”.

            I didn’t hear anything that she said. I could see her mouth moving and the scared look on her face but I was now lost in what I was doing. The minute that she reached up and started pushing against me, I went into another zone and started to defend what I was doing. My cock was still inside her as she tried to get out from under me. But she was so tiny compared to me that she was pinned with no where to go. All of this raw power came over me at the same time and I could not take it anymore. I let go of my dick and grabbed both of my niece’s hands as I pulled them above her head. I laid down over her as I brought my mouth over hers and began giving her the deepest French kiss she ever had. She tried to fight my face away to scream but I had her pinned under my body as I prepared to take my young little niece’s virginity.

            My hands held her arms way above her head as I rose up to look down between us at my dick sticking just inside her tight lips. I looked my niece back in the eyes like a wild man as I again lowered my body onto hers. This time I put my mouth back over hers as I entered my virgin niece with all my strength. I tore right through her virgin wall and came to rest balls deep in my niece. My mouth covered hers as she tried to scream. I buried my tongue in her mouth again. Her whole body got stiff as I penetrated completely into my niece. I stayed like that or a few seconds while I enjoyed the inside of her mouth with my tongue. I could feel her tits against my naked chest and her tight little pussy was squeezing me hard. It felt like I was being squeezed into a vise, my niece was so tight. Finally I couldn’t lie still anymore and started to give my niece and slow but deep fuck. I pulled back to where my dick was inside of her only to the head. I think she thought I was going to stop. I surprised her by burying my cock back into her. It knocked the wind out of her. I finally let my mouth off hers and stared her straight in the eyes with wanton lust. I continued to look her in the eyes as I began to pick up my pace of fucking.

            I leaned down and buried my face into the small of her neck as I rose up and continued to rape my niece. She did not say anything else as I assaulted her young body with my animal driven cock. I pumped my dick into her back and forth. As I first started this, I thought that I was going to cum right away. However, now I was just enjoying this tight pussy as it squeezed my cock. I could hold onto her hands anymore and I let go while at the same time I reached down and grabbed my niece’s tight little ass and raised it up while I sank further into her body. I could feel my balls slapping her ass cheeks as I rammed into her over and over again. I was beyond thinking about who I was fucking. I was just enjoying the tightest fuck I ever had. The headboard to the bed was slamming against the wall as I pounded my cock into her tight hole. The sound of the headboard made me even wilder. I was really drilling into my niece now. I could here my juices slick between us as my dick slapped against her wet pussy. I didn’t want this to ever stop.

            All good things must eventually come to an end though. I was fucking my niece back and forth and suddenly became aware that she started to move her hips with me. This made me even more excited. Skye even reached down and grabbed hold of my hair between her fingers and held me against her as she then started to grind her hips against my cock. She brought her legs up and wrapped them around my waist as best as she could while she held me tight. I continued to fuck my niece as she leaned down and licked my ear. “Yes baby….God uncle,….dooo mmmeeeee…..fuck your little niece hard”.

            I could not believe my niece was telling me this. She didn’t sound like a teenager then. She sounded like a full grown woman going after something she wanted. She pulled my body against hers while she fucked my dick with her pussy. Every time that I would shove into her, she would lift her hips to give me full access to her womanhood. I now could really hear our juices mixing together. She was creaming all over my dick as we fuck each other.

“You are…..goooiinnnggggg to……make your…..niece……cuuummmmm”.

            As I heard her say this I felt her body tense up as she let loose with her cum. She gripped my cock so hard with her pussy that she forced me over the edge as well. “AAAaaaarrrrrr…..Fuuuckkkk yeeeaahh baby”. Was all I could say as I emptied my nuts into this hot little woman. I felt my dick pulse as my niece pumped spurt after spurt from my cock and into her body. I could feel my toes tighten up it was so much. I felt it fill her body up and push out past her lips and my dick as it drained onto the sheets. My hot niece’s pussy was pulsing every bit of my cum out of my balls and she was giving me every bit of her cum as well.

            Finally, I could not take any more and I collapsed on top of my niece. Skye held me tight in her arms as she caressed my hair. She let her legs drop down and left them spread out to either side of me. Both of us were having a rough time trying to catch our breath. I was sweating all over her body as I felt her tits still mashed against my chest. I was still deep in my niece’s young and tight pussy. I could tell that I was still hard.

            My niece then began to get upset. She started crying and telling me that we hadn’t used any protection. She started crying about possibly getting pregnant. I could feel my dick still stirring inside her tight young pussy as I informed her that it was a very good possibility that could wind up pregnant before this week was over. I told her that she could move to my home town and live with me. I would tell her mom that she is going to work for me. She could get all the books she needed and challenge her senior credits and get out early. I told her that I am coming off the road so that she and I could be together all the time. After our baby is born, she and the baby can come with me on the road until it is time to settle down and get our child or children into school at that time.

            My niece just looked at me and saw that I was not joking. She gave me a very sensual kiss and said that she was going to enjoy being my woman. She also became aware that my dick hadn’t gone down and was actually starting to do some moving inside of her again. My niece told me that she would greatly enjoy having our baby. I couldn’t believe my wishes. I was going to fuck my niece for the rest of my life. I rose up and my niece pushed me back onto my back as she grabbed a hold of my dick while she straddled my waste. She guided my cock into her as she sat down on me. We again fucked each other to a mind exploding orgasm.

            By the time that week was over, I had given her every bit of fucking energy I had. I had fucked her every way possible. She even had me show her how to suck on my dick and swallow. I fucked her tits and we even tried anal sex. That was a little painful for her, so we decided to take our time with all of that. By the time she left to fly back we were deeply in love as a man and woman are.




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The Silken Family Trap Part I

PantyhosePrincess on Incest Stories

The Silken Family Trap


Michele Nylons


My father was away interstate, had been for six months and would be for another year. As a fifteen-year-old boy, it was hard to come to grips that my father was in prison and I was ‘the man of the house’. Mom was a nurse who worked a long day shift and came from work dog tired most evenings.

She just flopped on the lounge without even removing her uniform, kicked off her white loafers, and crashed. She was a voluptuous woman who filled out her white nurses uniform, it stretched across her bosom and ass and the hemline was short. She wore lots of makeup and had flaming red hair; I had overheard other mothers at school talk about her behind he back; how she dressed like a ‘trollo

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p’; but their husbands eyes found her ass, long legs, and bust, and I could see their lust right there. I think a lot of those mothers were jealous.

My sister Eileen was a trollop, no doubt about it. She was 17 and had inherited mom’s figure and long legs, she wore far too much makeup and her school uniform skirt was far too short. Eileen liked to flaunt the rules, she was always on detention for not conforming to the school dress code but she couldn’t care less.

She wore her skirt as short as she could get away with and instead of wearing the prescribed uniform brown ankle-socks; she wore sheer to the waist pantyhose. The boys loved her and she loved them. She didn’t care about her reputation, as she saw it, at the age of sixteen and in her last year at school, it was more important to be popular than to get an education. Eileen was known as the ‘town bike’ and on parents and teachers day at school, the same fathers that cast their eyes on my mom could not help also glancing at Eileen with the same longing.

Living in the same house as my mom and sister did have advantages. From as long as I could remember I have had a fetish for nylon stockings and pantyhose. Mom wore either white or beige pantyhose with her nurse’s uniform and my sister wore beige to school but sometimes black or other coloured pantyhose with her street clothes. Of course once they were damaged they were discarded, but they did not stay in the trash long before they became part of my collection.

Alone in my room I would enact my pantyhose fantasies. I would wear them, sniff them, and wank in them, all kinds of pantyhose perversion. I loved the sight, feel, and smell of nylons. I could get an erection just rubbing their silken material against my face, and could orgasm by just rubbing my cock against the silky fabric. Yes living with two ladies who wore pantyhose every day had its advantages.

It also had its disadvantages. In the evenings I was constantly surrounded by two sexy women wearing sheer pantyhose and short dresses and skirts. I think because I was a son and a brother to them that both mom and sis just didn’t take any notice me as a man. They both often sat around with their skirts hiked up or legs akimbo and were often in various states of undress in my presence. I was just Mike, the son and brother who was a nice guy, studied hard, had few friends, and kept to himself. I think they actually felt a bit sorry for me, a geeky loner who spent most of his time in his room.

But if only they knew what I got up to in there, with their discarded pantyhose and the odd pair of nylon panties I had stolen. I wore their pantyhose and panties. I knew the sweet yet musky sell of their vaginas intimately; I had put the same silky nylon gusset that had encased their pussies against my penis. In my fantasies my mom and sister would wank me off with their nylon-encased toes. If only they knew…………………..but one day they found out.

Mom had come home about seven thirty, dog-tired from a day at the hospital. She kicked off her white loafers and the pungent yet arousing smell of nylon encased feet that had spent all day in hot shoes hit my nose. She ruffled my hair and kissed my cheek.

"Mom is just going to lie down for a little while son," she said. "Please go and fix me an ice cold Coke". I went into the kitchen and fixed the Coke and returned to the living room to find mom asleep on the lounge.

She was lying on her side and her white nurse’s uniform dress had rucked up around her ass. She was wearing white pantyhose today and pulled on a pair of white nylon panties over them. The crotch of mom’s panties looked hot and stained from her long day at work.

This was not an unusual situation, mom often crashed on the lounge like this and I would steal furtive glances up her skirt until I could take it no more and retire to my room for relief. This evening however, I knew my sister had a hot date with some guy she had been trying to get to take her out for ages. She wouldn’t be home for ages. I had my chance to try something I had wanted to do for a long time.

I put the Coke on the table and sat on the far end of the lounge. The TV was on and deliberately make plenty of noise and movement, I had to be sure mom was sleeping deeply. She didn’t stir at all. I reached out and gently placed my hand on her calf. I caressed the sheer nylon and immediately felt myself get hard in my jeans.

I stroked mom’s nylon calf for a couple of minutes, it felt lovely but it was also my plan to see haw far I could go without waking her up. She remained dead to the world. I took a deep breath and slid my hand up her thigh, the nylon was stretched taught and shiny here and as I stroked mom’s thigh I felt a drop of pre-come drip out of the end of my penis. I reached down and slowly unzipped my fly.

My throbbing hard cock sprang out; it was red and engorged. I continued to caress mom’s pantyhosed thigh and slowly wank my cock. It was nice but I wanted to feel that sheer nylon on my cock; I wanted to touch my mom with it. I re-positioned myself and was now on my knees on the end of the lounge. If mom woke up now I would have no alibi, kneeling there with my cock out of my jeans. I bent down over mom and put my nose next to her nylon covered pussy, I breathed in the heady aroma of mom’s cunt though her panties and hose.

I gently stroked the sheer white nylon of her panty crotch and felt the heat mom’s pussy had generated. I dare not linger in this compromising position any longer; I sat back down on the lounge. Now I eased myself so I was hunched over mom’s legs. I placed my cock against my mother’s pantyhosed calf and began to rub it gently against the sheer nylon. The feeling was exquisite and I became lost in my fantasy come true. I was rubbing my hard cock against my mom’s nyloned leg finally one of my deepest desires had come true. I knew what I was doing was wrong but it felt so good.

Then the door flew open and my sister flew into the room "That cheap, no good asshole" she yelled, then…………… "What the fuck do you think you’re doing?" She hissed at me.

"I, I, I, Shhhhhhhhhh" I hissed back quickly shoving my cock back in my pants.

Mom stirred "What’s up!"

"Nothing mom, just go back to sleep ok," I soothed.

I was glaring at Eileen who was mesmerised with shock at what she had seen. I got up and grabbed my sister and shoved her out of the room, down the hall, and in to my room.

"You, you, you" she stammered "were touching mom with your thing." she was still shocked but now she seemed to be coming around.

"You, you, you………You dirty little bastard." she started to smirk.

"I knew you were a perv, all the time you spend in your room with the door locked. All the times I couldn’t find my pantyhose and panties. And all the times mom and I found those suspicious stains on the pantyhose and panties we had left to hang in the bathroom!"

"You fucking dirty perv!"

"Shut up" I hissed in her face. "Shut up! shut up! shut up!" I pushed her and she fell on my bed, she looked up at me and laughed

"Wait until I tell everyone about my brother the pantyhose pervert," she said vindictively.

She was lying where I had pushed her, propped on her elbows facing me. Her legs were apart and her short white A-line skirt was hiked up to the top of her thighs, her platform high heels swung just off the floor. Her bust heaved with anger and then laughter, straining her breasts against the pink cashmere sweater she was wearing.

Her legs were encased in the shiny gossamer of taupe pantyhose, I could tell they were the expensive, sheer to waist kind she wore for her best dates. With her sluttish makeup and flaming red hair I could understand why the boys all loved her, she was my sister but I felt my erection start to return just looking at her.

"You aren’t telling anyone about anything," I said.

"Like fuck I’m not," she laughed back. "Starting with mom. She will be really keen to know her son was dry humping her leg like some dog on heat I’ll bet"

"You will be lucky if she doesn’t throw you out," she sneered.

"Oh I don’t think you will!" I hissed at her and then I noticed the fear in her face, she knew she had pushed me too far. I knew I was caught dead to rights and the only way I could save myself from a life of blackmail from bitch sister was to make sure I could blackmail her back.

"Yeah, I don’t think you can tell anyone anything about my pantyhose fetish, especially as you are a willing participant." I sneered at my sister.

"What the fuck are you talking about," she just managed to get out when I fell on her. I pushed my face into hers and mashed my lips against hers. She struggled and I followed the movements of her head to keep my mouth over hers to keep her quiet. She was struggling beneath me but even though she was a well-built girl, I easily outweighed her. I reached down and opened fly and pulled out my cock, it was semi-erect.

Eileen could feel me moving on top of her and when she felt my half-hard cock on her pantyhosed thigh she really began to struggle. I began to harden as I felt the silky feel of my sister’s nyloned thighs rubbing my cock. I didn’t have to move because her struggling was making a nice rocking motion that kept my cock rubbing nicely on her hosed thighs.

My sister wasn’t dumb, she was no virgin and figured out what I was doing and stopped struggling. She pulled her head right back and breathed out softly

"But I’m your sister Mike, I’m your sister!"

"I know that. You are my cock teasing, slut sister, who lounges around the house showing off her assets just to tease me. If you suspected I had a pantyhose fetish, then you must have done all that on purpose!"

"But I’m still your sister, we can’t," she sobbed.

"Well I can," I said.

I reached between us and hiked up her skirt all the way over her hips, I positioned my now rock hard cock between her silky nyloned legs and against the gusset of the nylon panties she wore under her pantyhose. Then I began to move slowly back and forth, pushing my cock against her gossamer encased pussy. She had given up the struggle and was quietly sobbing, her head was resting against mine.

"Don’t Mike, please don’t, I’m your sister," she whispered.

"I don’t care," I whispered back. "I have wanted to do this for so long, I don’t care about the consequences." I whimpered and then gently kissed her.

She didn’t respond at first so I kept up the pressure lightly on her lips until I felt the first stirring’s in her. My cock, which was encased in the folds of her pussy but surrounded by the nylon of her panties and hose, suddenly felt sticky warmth against it. Although I was close, I knew I hadn’t come yet, so it could mean only one thing, my sister was getting wet.

Oh my God! I got even more excited now and started a rhythmic humping, that forced the head of my cock to push against where I though her clitty might be under the nylon of her hose and panties. I must have been close because I felt my sister squirm slightly and adjust her ass so that my cock moved a fraction to what must have been the right position for her.

Then I felt my sister start to hump me back, as I pressed my cock against her she pushed back against me. I was in heaven, dry humping my sister like this. I put my hands under her ass and squeezed her buttocks through her sheer hose and nylon panties. It felt wonderful. Then she amazed me! My sister lifted her legs up and rubbed them over my back.

She reached around and pulled my shirt out of my pants and rucked it up my back. I felt her pantyhose legs lock behind my back and rub the sensitive skin there, as she rocked in time with my thrusts. She was now rising up to meet my thrusts and kissing me passionately.

She was breathing hard and fast. The feel of her pantyhose encased legs rubbing my back, her nylon pantied ass in my hands, her soft lips kissing me, her sheer pantyhosed and nylon panty covered cunt pushing against my cock was exquisite and I felt myself about to release.

I pushed hard against my sister and felt the end of my cock push the fabric of her pantyhose and panties just inside her cunt. It was too much. I shuddered and felt streams and streams of my semen flood into her and soak the material of her panties and hose.

She shuddered back and gripped me with her tight nyloned legs and I felt her orgasm rage through her and her cunt spasm against my nylon covered cock.

We held each other that way for a few minutes, then she lay back and dropped her legs. She smiled up at me through her smeared makeup and said:

"We are in so much trouble now," and giggled.


To be continued.

Sarah's Life: The Origin

Fat on Incest Stories

Religion had always been a big part of Sarah’s life ever since she was born. She lived in a small town where sometimes it seemed the future hadn’t arrived. Everybody was kind and a good neighbour. On Sunday the town gathered at mass to hear the preaching. Before meals they gave grace. People genuinely tried to practice good if you can believe that. Sarah’s family was of course deeply religious too. Even her name had come from the bible. She had a happy childhood. When she was four her mother gave birth to her little brother and they seemed like the perfect family.

Sarah of course fitted perfectly in that definition. She was intelligent a

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nd always had a word of comfort or encouragement if anyone needed it. Everybody loved her. At 16 she was also one of the prettiest girls the town had ever seen. She didn’t fall in the blond, slim type. No. She had curves. Her round cheeks and thick lips were the perfect match for her brown sympathetic eyes. Her black hair fell halfway down her back dancing above her waist that was followed by her firm generous ass. When she was younger her body had developed fast. Being tall and having large breasts had first embarrassed her but those feelings had long been forgotten. Today she loved her body and knew full well the effect it had on men and how it could be used as a weapon if she needed.

Along with her body something else had developed quite soon in her. Her sexual drive. The first manifestation of it had come when she was only eight years old. She had caught a glimpse of her father naked in his bedroom. The door was slightly open and she couldn’t help but look. He had just gotten out of the shower and was using the towel to dry his body. Her eyes stopped at his semi-erect penis and she felt a complete fascination for it. Suddenly she heard some noise and ran away to her bedroom scared that someone had seen her spying. No one had and at night the image of what was for her a “monster” between her daddy’s legs never left her mind.

Her dad, Josh was a middle-aged man like any other. Of course for her he was a hero but that was not the case. He had a small store where he sold fish bait and liked to watch sports on TV and go to church as a good Christian. He was a simple man. His hair had almost disappeared in its entirety. He had a big strong figure. Tall and once handsome today he had little to offer even though he had kept in good shape.

When Sarah was a baby she already cried to go to her daddy’s lap. It had become normal by now for her to watch TV sitting on his leg or to tell him all about school while he moved his legs up and down making her feel like she was ridding a pony.

For him that had never had any sexual aspect. It was that way however that Sarah had her first sexual experience. It didn’t involve sex but it was the first time she felt truly aroused. When daddy got home he sat watching TV holding a beer and resting from another hard day’s work. Sarah was ten by now. She ran and jumped to him laughing. She was wearing a yellow dress along with her childish shoes and white stockings. Her daddy tickled her a bit. They were both happy in each other’s company, as they had always been. After a while she sat on his lap and they watched the news together as her mom finished supper at the kitchen. Her skirt had gone up a bit and her legs were visible from the knee down. She had grown much and her feet almost reached the ground.

“Pull me up daddy I’m falling.”

Josh grabbed her waist and pulled her towards him. She placed her legs on his knees and her head on his shoulders. After a while she noticed that her ass was right next to his crotch. She moved a little and placed herself right on top of the monster that had plagued her dreams for so long now. She did it casually. He was large as she already knew and even without being erected his penis pressed against her. Her heart was racing now. She was red and starting to sweat. She felt a tingle inside her panties. Frightened she moved a little again. Almost bouncing a bit. He held her waist and pulled her to him even more. Suddenly the bulge in his pants began to rise. So he was enjoying this too she thought. And she was right. To his enormous shame the feeling of his daughter’s behind against his penis had made him terribly excited. Without being able to stop himself he pushed her even more to him. The middle of her legs felt moist now. Something new to her. Sarah was enjoying this so much she was almost closing her eyes with pleasure.

“Pull me up daddy. Again.”

He was now fully erect. Her ass was pressing his cock down. He was sure she had no idea what was happening and that only made him feel even worse. Still it was so good. She was so pretty. He placed a hand on her leg and tried to focus his attention on the TV so she wouldn’t be suspicious.

But the moment was unfortunately coming to an end. His wife’s voice echoed through the house as she called them to the table. He allowed himself to look at Sarah and saw that her skirt was almost completely up showing most of her well shaped but small legs.

“Time to go honey.”

She stood up and ran to her bedroom. They couldn’t look each other in the eyes at that moment. Later that week Josh forced himself to describe what had happened to the priest during confession. He was told those thoughts came from the devil and that he had to fight them with all his faith and strength. He promised to never succumb to the temptation again.

If the priest was right then that meant that Sarah was already possessed because from that moment on every kind of desire swept her body and none was denied by her mind.




Although her daddy never allowed her to sit on his lap again the memory of what had happened could never be erased. In the following weeks she woke up in the middle of the night, sweaty with her young virgin pussy soaked and her nipples erect. Her whole body seemed to be on fire at times. She already had some pubic hair and she adored lifting her skirt up and push her panties down to observe her vagina in the mirror. At that time her breasts were growing considerably and she was the target of malicious eyes at school that made her terribly ashamed. Still soon she began to explore the feeling of her hands gently touching her nipples. Sarah was on a trip to discover her body but her strict education seemed to prevent her from crossing a limit. She rubbed her legs together but felt dirty when she imagined touching her pussy.

Her libido seemed to be her enemy at times but deep down she knew it was a battle she couldn’t win. The garage roof was leaking and her dad asked some of his friends to help him out. They spent the whole day working and Sarah stayed close watching them. By noon none of them was wearing shirts. The sun burned their naked skin and Sarah looked fascinated at their hairy well-built chests. Especially her daddy who was the strongest man of the group. That night she couldn’t sleep. Her pussy was pulsating. She was breathing heavily. She tried to close her eyes but it was impossible to stop her brain. Images kept passing through her mind. Of course it was not a complicated fantasy or even detailed. It involved kissing as she had seen on TV and of course touching. Her daddy touching her right there. Right in the middle of her legs. Almost instinctively her hands pulled her nightie up. It was white and short with little cute bears waving goodbye. She felt it reaching her breasts and stopped. Sarah didn’t dare to push the sheets away. Someone might come in. She rubbed her legs together and moaned. It was like her body was out of her control. She took her white panties out. Her hand rubbed her pubic hair and then went down into that little piece of flesh that seemed the center of all she was feeling. She rubbed it almost afraid. Her body was shaken by a wave of pleasure like nothing she could have imagined. She moaned continuously now. One finger rubbed between her pussy lips not going inside but just playing. Without thinking she placed the free hand on her breasts and rubbed. They were not fully formed of course. They had the shape of a small orange. Perky and firm. Her heart seemed about to explode. She needed something. She tried to think but it was too hard. Finally she slid her pillow down to her legs. She opened them and placed the pillow against her soaking pussy. Then she closed her legs again and turned around. She tried not to scream as she lay on her stomach rubbing herself on that pillow. It was soft and caressed her pussy and clit at the same time. She had her little ass up in the air as she kept her rhythm ridding that love instrument. She felt an energy forming. Something too strong to control and a few seconds later her mind and body exploded to a giant orgasm that took her breath and made her lay down almost blacking out. From her anus to her breasts at that second her body had been so sensitive that her brain could hardly cope with such pleasure. She forced herself to regain control. She pushed her nightie down again and put the pillow under her head. As she lay there she could smell her own pussy. The pillow was soaking wet with her fluids and she thought how good it felt to smell it. She fell asleep smiling. A new Sarah had been born that night.      




Sarah was now 14. Her daddy had never been the same. He was distant and seemed sad and preoccupied. This hurt Sarah. They were so close! To see their bond destroyed broke her heart. His store was also in significant financial trouble. Her mother had noticed the change in him too. The town’s priest once again came to the rescue. He advised them to go on a retreat and of course they agreed. So Sarah and her brother went to their grandfather’s house for the weekend and they left for some “god-forsaken” place to pray and live their faith. Hank’s wife had died long ago when Sarah’s dad was just a kid. Hank was 70 now but he was as strong and mean as always. He was in wonderful shape for his age except for his hair. There wasn’t any. It ran in the family. Hank had always been kind to her but she knew that he wasn’t a very nice man. He was tough and her dad had many bad memories from growing up without a mom and such a rigid father. Later that night Hank sent Sarah’s brother Mike to bed. Sarah remained in the couch watching TV while Hank smoked and drank the last bear of the day.

“God you’re turning into such a beautiful girl Sarah.”

Sarah blushed a bit and smiled.

“You look just like your grandmother. You got a boyfriend yet?”


“You can tell me. I bet there’s a boy you like. Am I right?”


“I knew it. He just doesn’t give a damn about you right? Boys at your age are stupid honey. Look at you. You’re almost a woman. You’re body is developing every day. And those stupid kids just think about football or something like that.”

“They look at me like I’m weird.”

“Don’t you worry! You’re beautiful and soon they’ll realize that. And by then you wont give a damn about them. Trust me.”

Sarah laughed timidly. Hank got up.

  “Well I’m going to bed. Want to help your old granddad?”


They both went to his room. She was a bit uneasy. His eyes were all over her body and she knew it. He sat on the bed and smiled. Sarah was wearing a green dress that was too childish for her age and small for her body.   They couldn’t afford new clothes right now. Not until God helped them and daddy could save his store. The dress was so tight her body curves were completely visible. Her breasts stood out almost bursting to freedom. It was also too short covering not much more than her behind. Hank licked his lips as a wolf ready to take its prey.

“You’re so pretty. I got a present for you. Do you want it?”


Sarah was very nervous by now. She could hardly speak.

“Ok. Open that drawer and take the package out”

She took the package and opened it. It was a bra and a pair of panties. Both pink and both very childish. They had little rabbits jumping around.

“You like it?”

“Yes sir.”

“Well put it on.”

“What do you mean grandpa?”

“Lift your skirt up for me honey. C’mon don’t be afraid.”

He took the package from her and smiled.

“C’mon honey.”

She lifted her dress slowly revealing her panties.

“Hold it like that. Let me see you.”

The old man observed her lower body as she stood there holding her dress up. She was wearing white panties and you could see her pubic hair inside.

“My God. You’re too much for me to take.”

Sarah noticed that his penis was fully erect. It seemed like it was ready to explode from his pants.

“Turn around honey.”

She did as he ordered. He watched her round ass and the perfect shape of her legs. He then pushed her towards him and began to feel her. He took his hands from her ass down to her knees and back up. Slowly. This was exciting her much to her surprise.

“You’re perfect Sarah.”

He pushed a hand between her legs and rubbed. She moaned. This made him smile.

“You like it don’t you? Yes you do.”

He kept rubbing her panties noticing that she was getting soaked.

“Keep holding your dress up honey.”

He slid her panties down and saw her young pussy for the first time. He felt his cock pulsating in his pants but he resisted its appeal. He wanted this to last. There she was. Holding her dress up, her panties around her feet and her pussy for the taking. He played with her clit for a while watching her warm reaction.

“Turn around and bend down.”

She kept holding her dress as she obeyed to his request. Her ass was now right in front of him. He used both hands to explore it. Then he pushed one hand between her legs and rubbed her pussy once again as he kissed her anus and felt her flesh with his free hand. The feeling of his tongue on her ass almost made her fall down. She held on though with her hands firmly on her dress. She was enjoying this. It didn’t matter how sick or disturbing it was. It felt good.

“Now put this on.”

She took her dress out. She was now completely naked. She then got his present on. The pink bra hardly held her tits and the panties covered only half of her pussy. She had no idea how Hank had bought such an item. It seemed like lingerie for children. Had he planned this so carefully?

“Go to the bed.”

She sat on the bed and he pushed her down gently.

“Open your legs.”

Hank couldn’t take such an erotic view. Her panties left her pubic hairs free and didn’t cover her pussy lips. He opened his mouth and used his tongue to lick them all over. Sarah shivered. Then he slid her panties aside and used his tongue on her clit. This was too much for her. The bra was too tight on her breasts. Still the pressure felt good. She rubbed her nipples as her grandfather’s tongue kept licking her clit. His fingers played with her ass. Suddenly Hank got up and ripped the small bra off. He then took her breasts in his hands and kissed her nipples with hunger. She had long dreamed of having a mouth around her tits. Her nipples were erect and sensitive and the pleasure was almost too much to take. He went back down and without letting go of her breasts continued to eat her pussy. She put her legs around his head. Finally her body gave in. Pleasure ran through her as an orgasm invaded her most intimate self. She screamed. Hank got up with the taste of her young pussy in his mouth. He opened his zipper and took his cock out. It was huge. He pulled her up and put her hands around it. She could hardly breath. She was still shaken up with that powerful sensation. Still she jerked him. She had never seen a cock so close much less touched one. Of course she didn’t have any skill yet but watching his granddaughter naked giving him a hand job was enough for Hank. It took both her hands to hold that gigantic cock.

“Put it in your mouth honey.”

She was so far gone now she didn’t care. She just wanted to experiment. She took the head of his cock in her mouth and licked it with her tongue.

“Keep jerking.”

  She tried to get as much of his cock inside as possible but he was too big. She liked the feeling of having a penis in her mouth. It was exciting and naughty.

“Lick it like an ice-cream.”

  Sarah took the cock out and licked it up and down and then side to side.

“Lick my balls too honey.”

He held is cock up and she lowered her head and used her tongue to play with both his balls. She licked them all over and rubbed them with her hand.

“Oh God.”

She took his cock again and jerked it and as she was going to put it back in her mouth a jet of cum erupted from it and sprayed her head and hair. Hank hadn’t cum in ages. His sperm came at enormous speed and force right at her. When he stopped he saw that her face was filled with cum that was dripping down to her chest. Some of it had already fallen to her tits. She had her mouth wide open when he cumed without warning and the brutality had forced her to swallow some. It didn’t taste good but she liked it.

“Clean my cock honey. Use your tongue.”

She licked the rest of the cum and again swallowed some.

She never forgot that night. How could she? Hank passed away a few months later. They never had the chance to do anything like this again.

Her mind however was already corrupted.

Years went by without much happening. It seemed there was no one that could match her cravings.   It was at 16 that she decided that one way or the other she would get what she had always wished. Her father. He would be the first man she would feel inside her. But another person felt the same kind of desires that she did. He was close and he was watching her. It was Mike. Now at 12 he couldn’t think of anything else but fucking his sister. She had become his obsession and she had no idea.


When school ended a new stage of their lives began even if they were unaware of it. A part of their lives that would mark them forever. That would mark them deep inside.    

Me and my Father In law – 11

jeevan_1950 on Incest Stories

Now Baba was enjoying this teasing and I too. Sujata was watching us and breathing heavily. Her fingers were busy as she massaged her clit. Now I wanted Baba from behind! So I turned around and put my hands on the couch. Baba came behind me and thrust his lund in my choot from backside. ...........“ Ohhhh Baba! Stop fucking that choot and put your lund in between these hard breasts and fuck them.

ME and my Father In law-7

jeevan_1950 on Incest Stories

SO that was the best quickie I had. Sorry I never had any sex as I was a virgin till marriage and then too I never fucked out of my wedlock. That night my husband was surprised that I was still dripping cum from my choot. He even asked me why I had not wiped it all. What should I say? Should I tell him that I am going to keep that cum in my choot because its precious for me as it is his father

Farmed Out Part Two

gwkent on Incest Stories

Part 2

I stood up from the chair, my cock now going soft in the wet mess i had left in my pants.

"hmmm looks like you made a bit of mess there son, i think you know what to do, we can't have a mess in the house can we"

I looked at him and saw him pointing to the arm of the chair. I had cum all over it and in my pants and i knew what he wanted

"does daddy want me to wipe it up then"

"yes, dadddy does, but why don't you clean it up with your tongue and show daddy how much you like it"

I got down on my kness and started to lick the side of the archair, tasting my own cum on the material. This was one thing i was not at all worried about. I had often cum in my own hands and licked myself clean.

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I had become quite a lover of it, and eagerly lapped up the globs of white sticky cum.

"hmmmm, looks like you have tasted that before son,"

"yes dadddy, i have , i always like to drink my own cum when i have been playing with myself"

"very nice, why dont you take you pants off then and show daddy how you clean up for me"

I took my pants off and held them to my face, looking up at him with my eyes, i started to lick the juice from my boxers,

"it's nice daddy, it tastes so sexy, do you like watching me lick it off"

"ohhh yes son, i do it's very kinky do you know how that makes me feel watching you do that"

"i hope it is turning you on daddy, i would like to think that i am pleasing you"

"it is son, can't you see the bulge in my trousers?"

"yes i can daddy, it that for me?"

"hmmm, would you like it"

I was now very much into this little game, i had always been quite sexually driven, but had been given little chance to explore anything, being an only child meant i had to find ways to enjoy myself with quiet wanks under the covers. Now here i was in a situation that gave me a wonderful opportunity. I had never thought of doing anything with another man before, let alone my granddad....but there was something very kinky about these games. I was not going to hid the fact that i was enjoying them.

"yes, daddy, i would love to see what have under there if you will let me"

"ok, but you have to promise to look after it, and treat it nicely, if you do you'll get a nice reward, do you like the sound of that"

"ohh daddy, yes i promise to be on my best behaviour with it, i will worship it and do what ever you want me to do with it"

"ok good, then you may come over and have a feel then"

I shitfted my self and stayed on my kness in front of the lump in his trousers. Firsly i started to rub my hands on him feeling his tool. He was quite hard under the material, and it was a lump i was becoming move and more excited about exploring.

Taking a lead, i started to rub my face over his bulge, and then taking licks as well.

"daddy, it does feel quite hard, should it be locked up under there"

"no son, i dont think it should"

With that i began to undo his zip and could smell his musky sweat and heat. I sniffed the opening so that he could see that i wanted to appreciate every moment.

Putting my hand inside i could feel something much larger than i had imagined.

"daddy, it feels big!!!"

"oh i think you will cope ok boy"

Feeling his now damp y-fronts with one hand i used the other to loosen the button at the top of his pants. I didn't have to worry about his belt, as of course that had comeoff a long time ago at the start of this perverted game.

His pants undone, i pulled them down, and saw at last the object of my desire....and it was not going to be a tiny object that was for sure.

i rubbed his Y-fronts again and looked towards him,

"can i take a peak daddy"

"i think you should my little horny son"

I pulled the top of pants away and looked down

"oh my word daddy, it looks huge,"

"and it's all for you son"

I pulled his pants down and his cock sprang out like a spring being uncoiled.

It was a magnificent tool, he didn't have a forskin like i had, and his knob stuck out proud and firm. He was thick, fuck me it was almost twice as thick as mine. I had seen big cocks in books before but never this thick.

As it stood to attention, he gave it a flick with his muscles, i looked up at him in amazement

"dadddy, that is massive, i never knew it could be so big, If I promise to be nice with it daddy can i play with it for a while?"

"sure you can son, let me sit down so i can relax and then you can play with it all you like"

This was clearly going a lot better than he expected, but hey what is a boy to do when he's given free range to play with a new toy.

He sat in the chair and i took him in my hands for the first time. I couldn't even get my hand around it fully, and i began to rub his shaft slowly up and down.

He could see i was transfixed by his proud penis.

"have you ever played with another cock before"

"no dadddy, never, only my own"

"so you've never tasted another mans dick then"

"oh never Daddy, but i would love to taste yours"

"well you better ask nicely then"

"ohh dadddy, may i lick your penis, i would love to taste you, and play with you in my mouth, it looks just like a lovely big lollipop"

"and it will be just as sweet for you, you'll see"

I stuck my tongue out and licked the shaft tentatively, then moving my tongue up and down a few times i ventured out towards his massive purple knob, using just the tip of my tongue i flicked over his helmet, and then went all the way down his shaft again, flicking my tongue to and fro working my way back up to where his first drops of juice had appeared. I wasted no time in picking his pre cum up with my tongue and lifting it up towards my moouth, so it stretched out.

He loved it

"my god, your a fucking natural son,"

I suddenly started to relaise what it was like to give someone pleasure, and all my life i had wanted to annoy people, this was much much better.

I now started to lick more feverishly, moving my tongue up and down his length and all over the head, i soon learned that the more i licked the shaft, the more of those sweet thick juices appeared on the top.

I started to kiss his errection, gently sucking as i did, moving up i wanted to suck that head that was getting wetter and wetter. reaching the top i put my mouth over him and tried to kiss and suck his now fully errect cock.

"oh yes son that's it, suck on you granddaddy's hard cock, suck me like your lollipop, it's nice and wet for you, keep sucking and show daddy what a good cocksucking little boy you are"

I was encouraged by this and stepped up my quest for his whole cock to be inside me. I opened wide and took the top of his cock in my mouth, still using my tongue to stimulate him, i opened wide enough to start sucking on his delicious prick. Taking the head inside i worked up and down while using my hand to wank his shaft as i did.

He tasted amazing and I was having the time of my life sucking my grandfathers cock.

"ohh yes that it's boy suck it deeper, god you are are a fuckin good cocksucker, you are making an old man very very happy here boy"

I didn't respond as i was too busy enjoying myself, forcing more and more down my throat and then coming up for air, he was so wet that his cock was now just slidign in and out of my hungry mouth, and he was getting harder and harder.

"fuck yes, thats good, dont you dare stop boy, your gonna make me cum so fucking hard"

I was engulphng as much as i could and his words made me relaise how much i wanted to finally feel what it was like to suck a cock off like the women I had seen in the movies, i wanted this man to cum in my mouth, i wanted every drop of cum to swallow. And i got the impression it was exactly what he wanted too.

He was getting close and he started to grab his cock, wanking harder as i sucked.

"ohhhh son yes, tell me where you want it, tell your old man where he should cum"

I popped my mouth off and strings of pre cum stretched from my lips to his knob.

" oh dadddyyy, fuck my face hard pleasse and shoot you load in me, pleeese daddy i have been a good boy, let me drink every drop of your hot spunk, force me to swallow every bit of your creamy sperm"

"yesss, that is what i wanted to hear from you you fuckin cum hungry whore"

I had never been so fucking turned on before and i loved his use of words, i was his, i was his fuckin slut, and i was loving it.

I opened wide and he grabbed the back of my head, forceing me down on him, i took more inches that every before and just sucked for all i was worth.

"good boy, good boy, fuck yes swallow my cock in your fucking deep throat, fuccckk yes, keep sucking bitch....make meee cummmmmm"

He pumped his cock harder and deeper inside me and i grabbed his balls and felt them stifen he was going to shoot that load all for me

"yesssss, here' it cummms boiyyyyyyy ahhhhhhh yessss"

I felt his cock go rock hard and and gush of hot spunk left his rod and went straight down my throat, god it felt good, it was thick, creamy and so fucking horny, he let another stream go it hit the back of mouth and throat, and then he just carried on cumming, he let go of my head as i started to choke, despite trying to swallow as much as i could. His cock popped from my mouth and yet he still shot thick wads into the air and all over my face, into my still wide open mouth and over my nose. Eventually the mass of liquid receeded and i was covered in goey thick spunk,

he sighed in relief and i grabeed his cock again kising his now white knob, lickign up his juices, using my tongue to lap up the bits that were dribbling down my face.

I guided his cock to my chin and let a large drop fall from my chin back on his knob and i greedly gobbled it up, i put his cock back in my mouth to suck the last drops of my reward, then looked at him as i let the juices come back out my mouth over his cock again, so i could suck them up once more.

"you are one hell of a cum slut boy, fuck that is the best blow job i've ever had"

I was pleased that i had satisfied him, and i continued to play with the spunk in my mouth for his enjoyment.

"daddy that was divine, your cum tasted so good, please tell me if I am a good boy I can have that every day, please dadddy, i'll do anything to drink you all the time"

"oh son, you can drink your grandfather cum anytime and I'll give you loads more too"

I let go of his cock and wiped my face, being careful to lick my fingers clean as well.

I was on heat big time, and just wanted more,

"oh dadddy, that was so nice, i am so horny, i love being daddys plaything, i want to do anything to please you daddy."

"oh you will son, believe me you will"

"thank you daddy, you know I would love to play with your arse like you played with mine too daddy, i bet your arse woudl taste just as nice daddy"

"it will son, but just give me a few minutes to recover ok"

"yes dadddy, what ever you want".

With that he sank it his chair and I stared up at him, like an obidient puppy does with his master, just waiting to get my tongue out and lick him all over again......

To Be Continued

Daughter's A Field-Hockey Player

Jr.Kong69 on Incest Stories

My eighteen-year-old daughter is one succulent piece of meat. I fuck her all the time--now that she's legal--and she loves it when she eats my cum. I've been dreaming about her for a couple of years, and I got to act on my feelings a month ago; I'll tell you about it.

It was a sweaty spring afternoon when Jenny got home from field-hockey practice. (I always loved to go watch her and her team-mates running around the grass with those outfits on, but the skirts were too low...then.) Today, however, the Badgers' coach decided--to my great ecstasy--to give them the new ones.

My daughter walked into the living room through the open front door with a plaid skirt that rested in mid-thigh. Her dark-blue socks covered her knees, but still showed the fresh-baked-bread tan of her legs

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. The top was tight, and her delicious-looking mounds were stretching the sweater out; I could see her eraser-type nipples thrusting against the fabric. Her stick was in her hand, and she threw it towards the coat rack as she stormed in on me watching TV.

She stood directly in front of the television with her hands on her beautiful hips; the right side of her ass was raised higher than the other. I had to struggle to keep my ten inches of manhood from flowering in my sweatpants as I asked her what was wrong.

"I'll tell you 'what's wrong'! The fuckin' coach is making us wear these new uniforms. How the hell can I play good if I think some guy's checkin' out my ass in this?" Her long blonde hair, that was fixed in a pony-tail, bobbed around as she yelled. The sweat from the day's practice rolled down her cheeks and thighs in slippery rivulets. My cock stirred.

"I don't know, sweety. I think you look fine. You'll still be scoring more goals than anyone out there. And, by the way, the guys are going to check you out no matter what you wear. You're gorgeous!" I grabbed the magazine that was sitting next to me and draped it over my crotch nonchalantly.

"Thanks daddy, I'll get over it. Ooh , is that the new interview with...?" She reached forward and gripped the magazine off of my lap. I tried to tell her to "hold on, I'm still reading it", but she pulled it off, and just stared at my member bulging inside my sweats. I was glad that it was only me and her in the house right now because I didn't need her telling her mom that I was rock-solid from leering at our daughter.

The magazine fell to the floor as my little girl's eyes were transfixed on my flesh-pole hidden inside the cloth of my sweats. I was nervous, and I started to say something when she said, "Daddy, I hope you don't mind me saying so, but is huge!"

My balls shriveled inside my sack as I couldn't fathom what my daughter just said. I decided to go with it. "Why, thank you, dear. But, it's okay, you could call it what girls your age normally call it." I stretched my arms back behind the couch so my daughter could get a better view of my stuff.

"Your...cock is wonderful. I've had a couple of dicks, but none that big." She looked down at the floor. "I hope I'm not embarrassing you. I just never saw one so magnificient before. Does Mommy like it?"

"Your Mother can't get enough of it. I cum inside all of her holes all the time; at least, I used to. She don't give me much anymore." I sat up and stared at my baby's glistening love-sticks shiny with perspiration. As I did, my cock-head poked out through the top of my sweats, and it rested on my lower chest.

"Damn, Daddy, how long is it?" Jenny came around the table in front of me, and sat down; her gaze never left my sausage. Her tanned legs were slightly agape, and I caught a glimpse of her cotton panties. There was a line of moisture along the crack.

"Ten inches, darling. I'm sorry that you saw me like this; I feel so ashamed, but I have to tell you this: You are a sexy young woman, and, if you would let me, I would like to fuck the hell outta you."

"Oh Dad, after seeing that monster cock of yours, how could a girl say no." She winked at me as she started pulling her sweater off. "You wanna see my titties, don't you Daddy?" Her bra was as white as her underwear as I watched it fight with the load of her bosom. The bottom of her sweater got caught on those jugs, and when she pulled it free, they jiggled lively in front of me.

Now my litle girl reached around and undid the clasp of her bra. Her nipples were fully erect, and the skin around them was light brown and sweet-looking. I reached down and used my thumb on the bulbous head of my dick; the pre-cum was salivating from the hole. I could have easily sucked my own penis, but my daughter was here, so what the fuck?

Jenny fondled her tits and looked down at the slab of cock in front of her. "Daddy, I could see your dick throbbing. You want your baby to suck it? Huh?"

The skirt she was wearing was pulled taught as her legs were open very wide. I could see a lot of semen soaking through her panties now. She was a cummer...just like mom. I wanted to cum all over her knee-high socks, but then I thought better of it: better in her mouth. "Yes, Jenny, please. Suck as much of my cock as you can. Just take your time, and go inch-by slippery-inch."

She scooted the table she was sitting her fine ass on closer to me. Her fingers gripped my waistband and hauled my sweats and boxers down to my knees. "Daddy, I'll bet you can suck your own shaft," she said as she got a complete look at my unit. She licked her full lips.

"You bet I can. I used to do it once in a while when I was lonely. I'm not gay or anything, I just feel that if you can go down on yourself...why not?"

"Well, I have to tell you--I can eat my own pussy, too. I do it all the time when I think about Mom. Why don't we do ourselves for a minute before we get to the real action?"

I liked where this was going. I would never suck another man's dick, but my own...sure. "Okay, honey. I want to watch you lick your pussy while you see me suck my big cock." And with that, I bent my head down and easily placed my lips on the head; the pre-cum tasted great. I made slurping sounds as I thrusted three inches into my mouth. I kept my eyes on my daughter, waiting for her to take the plunge, so to speak.

"Oh, daddy, that's so fucking hot. Watch me." My daughter stood up and pushed the table away from me. She laid down and contorted herself in such a weird manner; her knee-high-socked legs crossed behind her neck, and her skirt fell down a bit. She struggled a little, but finally brought her lips up to her moist cunt. She used her right hand to pull away her panties, and started chewing on her huge pussy. I couldn't believe how bulging her cunt was! She sucked and slurped along her folds as I sucked inch after inch of my cock. We both moaned with bliss as I released my prick from my mouth and let it hit my chest again.

I sat there watching my beautiful daughter eat her own cunt until I said, "Let me take over, sweety."

Before she could answer, I got off of the couch, and helped her tongue herself. I rubbed my hands around her ass as I licked and licked her juicy pussy. Our tongues met a couple of times as we both ate her fun-box. This went on for a while, and then she asked, "Daddy, can I please suck your sweaty cock? I want to feel that massive dick as deep inside my throat as possible."

"Sure, honey. Let me lie back for ya." I swiped at her cunt two more times, and leaned back against the couch. She uncrossed her legs from behind her back, and crawled over to me like a tiger stalking a gazelle. She wrapped both hands around my shanker, and began jerking me up and down.

"I don't know how much I can get in my throat, but I'll try real, real hard to take it." As she stroked me off, she looked into my eyes with want and need. I couldn't deny my baby pleasure, could I?

"As long as you eat whatever juice comes out, I'll be happy. Now suck daddy, Jenny. Suck him good."

She started kissing all around the head, and immediately, my cock pulsed with some drops of liquid. She snorted those up orally, and placed my huge dick in her lovely mouth. Head in. Two inches in, now. Back up, and five steaming inches were down my daughter's throat. We're at eight, and my daughter's eyes--and esophagus--were bulging with greatness. "Two more, my darling little girl," I said in between gasps of pleasure.

"Oh-may, ammy," she mumbled as she took the whole pole in. Down and up she went, for five fucking minutes on my rod. The slurping, spongy sounds were incredible.

Before I quaked my globs in her mouth, I had to fuck my daughter. I pulled her off my veiny, slimy dick, and told her to lay back. "I'm going to see to it that you eat your pussy while my cock penetrates your fuck-hole. You game?"

"Fuckin-A-right, I am! Slide that meat into my hot oven, Daddy-dear." She threw herself back, and got into the same position as before; 'I love this outfit', I told myself as I watched those cottoned-calves cross behind my sweetheart's head again. With haste, my daughter started lapping at her pussy again, and moaning for me to throw it in her. That's just what the fuck I did.

I gripped my cock, and placed the mushroom-style head against Jenny's cunt-flaps. I rubbed it up and down the swollen, plump slit as she tongued us both. I didn't want my little girl to feel any pain, so I asked her how she wanted it: slow, fast, or fuck-fuck-fuck, that's good! She exclaimed, "Daddy, you know what's best for me, so give me what you give Mommy," she said with a faux-shy voice.

"You got it, Daughter-dear." The head of my cock disappeared inside my baby's cunt (as with the whole ten inches of man-flesh), and she wailed in bliss. The suction sounds my cock and her cunt made, joining together in incestuous hardcore sex, exceeded the noises her mouth made on my dick.

As I gazed down at my member ripping up my daughter's moist vagina, I saw her pearl-like cum dripping down the folds of her pussy. She screamed, "Oh, that's it, Daddy, fuck your whore daughter's sloppy cunt! I'm going to cum, Dad!" I pumped and pumped, letting my little girl get filled with meat while her and I played with her clit. I heard a moan from the room; it was probably her, no doubt. I was grunting with passion on every plunge as we both said, at the same time, we were going to cum.

As I thrusted into her two more times to work the jizz from my balls, Janine (my wife, and Jenny's mom) squatted over my daughter's face, and started grinding her cunt into my daughter's-- surprised, but willing--mouth. "That's it, Steve, fuck your daughter while she eats my dripping snatch."

I sure as shit wasn't going to stop, so I ejected my cock from my daughter's soaking wet pussy, and leaned up. Ropes of my hot semen launched themselves right onto Jenny's face, and her mother's cunt. The snotty white mass dribbled all over my baby's lips as she sucked it off of her mommy's pussy. I groaned with each burst, and instantly got hard again as I watched this evil act being performed by my family. I let my stiff cock rest on my daughter's tummy as my wife squirted her cunt juice into Jenny's open mouth.

"I guess it's time for Mom to join in the fun, right dear?"

Jenny just mumbled an "uh-huh" as she slurped up the cunt where she came from eighteen years ago.

Aunt Rose

milfluvvr69 on Incest Stories

Eric was a young man, just turned 15, and he was starting to notice women more and more. He never thought that he could find his aunt soo attractive until he spent the weekend with her. Those 4 days would change their lives forever.

Eric's parents were on vacation and he had that Friday off, so he had to stay at his aunt Rose's house til they got back. When Eric got to his aunt's house, he went inside to greet her. When he got inside, he couldnt believe his eyes. There was his aunt, standing there with nothing but a tiny towel on. She came up and gave him a hug and a kiss, and as she walked away, the top of her towel got caught on his necklace, and her towel fell off, revealing her petite, firm breasts and semi-shaved pussy, along with her tig

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ht ass. "Oh, my I need bigger towels," she said, acting like it was nothing at all. Of course, it was a big deal to Eric, as he had just seen his gorgeous aunt in the nude.

A few hours later, his aunt Rose went out for a jog. Immediately after she closed the door, Eric went upstairs and jacked off, dreaming passionately about fucking his 37-year-old aunt's brains out. He cummed 3 times, and wanted another shot of his hot aunt's body. When she got back, she left him some dinner and went up to take a shower. Eric followed her upstairs. He couldnt find a way to see her until he went in his room and saw a big hole in the wall that went straight to the bathroom. He got a great view. His aunt began undressing, revealing all of her womanhood to him. Then, he didnt believe it, but he heard his aunt moaning in the shower and saying his name! He went into her room and found her panties on the floor, and began beating off into them. As soon as he cummed, all of his clothes off, his naked aunt walked out. "ERIC!?! What are you doing!?" she said. "ummm, sorry aunt rose." "Well Eric," she said,"I guess I cant be mad at you. But since youve seen my 'prized possessions', let me see yours." He turned, his big dick facing her. "Oh my god, youre huge! Eric, I know this is wrong, but I havent had a good hard cock like yours since your uncle died 7 years ago. Please, fuck me, fuck your aunt good and hard!" "Anything for you, Aunt Rose." 

They began kissing passionately for five minutes before she moved down to his cock. She took all nine inches in her mouth. "Oh my god, fuck yeaaaa!" Eric yelled, as he filled his aunt's mouth with his cum. "Ok, my turn," she said. "Don't even bother eating me, I want that manhood in my pussy!" she told him. Eric laid back down, and his Aunt Rose mounted him, getting all nine inches into her sopping wet cunt. "OHHHHHHHHHH, OOOOOOOOOHHHHHHHH!!!!! AAAAAAHHHHH!! AAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHH!!! YEEESSSSSSS, YEEEEESSSSSSSS!!!" she screamed as she rode up and down and rode like a cowboy. "OOOOOHhHH my GOD, FUUUUCK MMMMMEEEEEE!!!" she continued.   Eric then laid her down and pushed his dick into her and began pumping. "HOOLY SHIT!! OOooHHH MY GOD!   ERIC, FUCK YOUR BAD AUNT HARD!!!!" she yelled. She then wrapped her sexy legs around him and fucked in rhythm. "Ok auntie, Im gonna shoot, where do u want it?" "Fill up my cunt baby!" she said.  "Ok then," he said, and he pushed forward and proceeded to fill her up til she leaked.  "Oh my god, that was awesome Eric. I havent fucked like that since high school! But I wanted you to cum in my pussy for a reason. I need a man in my life, Eric, and I know that there are a lot more out there for me to go out with, but I realized that I want you." "Oh, I want you too Aunt Rose." "Eric, will you marry me?" she asked. "Aunt Rose, my parents are coming home in three days, we cant get married." "Well," she said, "We'll leave them a note that youre dropping out of school and getting married to a rich woman."  "Ok, if youre sure that will work...."

Eric and his Aunt Rose left the note. The next day, they started on a four day road trip to California to start their family. His aunt had gotten a pregnancy test and was expecting their child. On their way to Cali, they stopped in Vegas and got married. Eric had not only fucked his aunt, but got her pregnant and married her. They lived a happy life as not only aunt and nephew, but also as husband and wife.


Slap That Puppy

shu on Incest Stories

Terry Gettsum was just a normal thirteen year old. He got average grades in school and had plenty of friends but would not be considered popular. He did okay at sports but was neither among the best or the worst. His mother and father still lived together but that may be unusual in most places. He had one baby sister, Dianne, two years younger than him that he considered a nuisance most of the time. It was a perfectly normal family by all appearances and, until that April, it had been. Like most boys his age, Terry masturbated regularly and had no idea his parents knew about it. Of course they knew. Every night at 11:00, his father would hear the squeaking floorboards and make a comment like, “There he goes again”, and laugh about it. It was kind of funny but his father was con
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cerned as well. When he was that age, his mother had taught him better and, now, the responsibility fell to him. So, naturally, he invited his mother to visit. It had been a few years since Granny Gettsum had travelled across the country to visit but Terry remembered her fondly. She was a big woman but surprisingly active. Most of all, he remembered her laughter and her affection. She told crude jokes and swore, but always with a smile. Terry’s mother was not so amused and she grimaced every time but that was part of the fun. Terry waited impatiently for his father to bring her back from the airport and when they pulled into the driveway, he ran out to greet her. She had gotten even bigger and Terry could barely hug her. She hugged him though and he nearly suffocated between her breasts. “Look at you. You’ve gotten so big”, she gushed, “You’re a man now”. His father asked Terry to get her luggage and opened the trunk. “Are you sure you’re big enough for MY bags, sweetcheeks?”, she asked. “No problem”, Terry boasted but when he lifted them he continued, “Holy shit, what have got in here, a car battery?”. “And spares. It never hurts to be prepared”, She answered and laughed, but directed at her son. Terry was just happy to get away with swearing. They all went inside and Terry put the luggage away while his grandmother said hello to his mother and sister. “So, whose bed will I be sleeping in?”, Terry heard his grandmother ask when he got back to the living room. Terry’s mother mentioned that they converted the den and that she will have her own room. “That’s a shame. You shouldn’t have gone to so much effort”, Granny responded. “We didn’t want you to worry about the stairs”, assured her daughter-in-law. “I may be fat but I’m not old yet”, Granny said with a chuckle. “I was only concerned because I know you have bad knees”, Terry’s mother defended. “You’re very thoughtful”, Granny conceded, “These old knees are worn out. Damn football injury”. “You played football?”, Terry asked with a baffled expression. “Not exactly but you can say I was on the team”, Granny said with a grin. “How did you hurt your knees?”, Terry probed, more confused than before. “Picking up the soap in the locker room”, his grandmother retorted curtly, “Dinner smells wonderful”. The conversation shifted toward food and family. There were lots of stories about Terry’s aunts and cousins and Terry got bored. The aunt and cousins still lived in the same city where his father grew up and Granny lived in her own condo. They talked about that, too, all through dinner. Terry finally got a word in and asked if Granny wanted to play a video game after dinner. She used to do that before but she sucked at it, to use her words. “Can’t tonight, sweety. Got a date”, Granny answered. “You have a date?”, her son asked in amazement. “Ya, I called up an old friend that I would be in town. He insisted on picking me up at the airport but I put him off till tonight”, Granny boasted. Terry watched his mother shake her head in disapproval but she always did that with Granny. “Tomorrow, we can play your game. You can kick my ass tomorrow”, Granny promised as she winked. “He’ll be here soon, she continued, “I better get changed”, and left the table. When she returned from the den, half an hour later, Dianne pointed out that she was wearing the same clothes. “He ain’t coming to see my clothes, honeybuns”, was Granny’s response. Terry didn’t get to see his grandmother before bedtime or even in the morning, before school. His mother said that she was still sleeping and to be quiet. After school and after homework, as his mother pressed, Terry got his chance to “kick her ass”. Good thing his mother didn’t stick around because Granny swore up a storm then. She even called him names, like “little shit”, but it was all in fun. Some of the words, Terry hadn’t even heard before. She nudged and tickled and tried to get distract him but she still lost every game. “You got another date tonight”, Terry asked. “Naw. It’ll probably take him a week to recover”, she answered abstractly, “I need a younger man”. “How about you”, she flirted, “You can be my date tonight”. “Okay, but I have to be home by ten”, Terry joked. She laughed so hard that the windows rattled and then gave him a big hug and a kiss on the cheek. Later that night, around 11:00, Terry heard a soft knock on the door. He pulled the sheets over his hard cock and the magazine and squeaked out a “Ya“. Granny came in and sat on the side of the bed. The bed groaned under the weight and Terry braced himself from rolling into her. She didn’t say a word. She just reached under the covers and pulled out the magazine as if she were psychic. She leafed through the pages and paused at the centrefold. “Is this the kind of girl you like?”, she questioned. “I guess so”, Terry mumbled. “You know the problem with these kind of girls?”, Granny asked rhetorically, “They’re not real”. She told him not to be ashamed about jacking off but that he shouldn’t brag about it either. She said that the biggest problem is that it was such a waste. Then she suggested that he demonstrate his technique. “I can’t do it in front of you”, Terry complained. She held the centrefold in front of her face and asked, “You can do it in front of her”. “But I can’t… It won’t… It’s soft”, he whimpered. “Now that’s something I can take care of”, his grandmother offered. She didn’t wait for a reply. She threw the covers back and Terry rushed to cover himself but lost his balance as he rolled toward his grandmother. “Oh my God, you got pubes”, Granny commented, “That’s a shame but you are a young man now. You will be by the time I get through with you”. She cupped his balls and his youthfully small prick in her wrinkled hand and squeezed softly. Terry wanted to scream but he loved his grandmother and didn’t want to get her in trouble. He was helpless and vulnerable with his fate in her hands. Her hand shifted to the shaft and she tugged and massaged it. He couldn’t help it. It felt so much better than his own hand but not nearly as soft. He began to relax and just enjoy the sensations and, as he got harder, her tugs became strokes. “That’s my big guy. Show me what you got”, Granny cooed. He had closed his eyes, trying to convince himself it was just a dream, but he opened them when he felt the bed move. He watched as her mouth engulfed his prick and felt something entirely new and indescribable. “Oops, I almost forgot”, Granny said as she paused. She pulled her false teeth out and handed them to him, asking him to put them on the side table. He did what he was told and treated it as just more dream of the night. “You’re in for a treat now”, Granny said proudly. Terry had nothing to compare it to. It felt amazing but he had no idea how good she was. If he only knew that it will probably be the best blow-job of his life. Her tongue was like an instrument and even her gums and the roof of her mouth was a trained chorus of pleasure. She sucked like a Hoover and, being a young man, it didn’t take long for him to cum. He shook as though he were having a seizure. It was unprecedented but so many things were for him. She managed to hold him in his mouth and swallowed every drop. She got up and wiped her mouth with her hand. “I’ll see you tomorrow night”, she warned, “You can owe me one”. He lay in bed, convincing himself that what had happened was real. He couldn’t be dreaming because he felt so alive and his prick was still twitching. He didn’t think he would get to sleep but he did and quickly. The next morning, he avoided the eyes of everyone and especially, his grandmother. He knew they had done something wrong but he wasn’t sure why. She didn’t really hurt him, just the opposite. He wasn’t sure what to do, so he did nothing. All he knew was that he couldn’t say anything to anybody. Not only would it hurt her grandmother but it was just embarrassing. Granny acted as though nothing had happened at all except for a pat on the butt she gave him as he left for school. She gripped it a little too long to be just playful. When he got back from a quiet day at school, life just seemed like it was before. He did his homework and played video games. They had dinner and talked casually but Terry knew better. He was just pretending as if it hadn’t happened. He kept looking into his parents eyes to see if he had given away his secret. He went to bed that night with a mix of dread and anticipation and, for the first time in months, did not abuse himself to sleep. He just waited and waited until his eyelids became too heavy. He was awoken by being shaken. His grandmother stood above him as reality took hold. “Had to wait till your parents got to sleep”, she whispered, “Tonight, we’re gonna rock ”. She removed her bathrobe to reveal her bra and panties and the mounds of folded flesh. Terry watched in horror as she removed her bra and her tits flopped out and under her armpits. This didn’t look like the pictures in his magazine. Everything was loose and dangled. Her arms flapped like the flippers of a walrus and her sheer bulk frightened him. There was almost three times as much of her as there was of him. “Tonight, you’re gonna learn how to pleasure a real woman”, Granny began her lesson, “Shove over”. To Terry, she seemed mountainous lying beside him but he had to be close because there was no room left in the single bed. She rolled down her panties, if that is the correct term for anything so large, and dangled them above his head. “Take a whiff, I’ve been wet all day waiting for this”, she encouraged. He almost gagged on the aroma before asking, “What do you want me to do?”. “It’s an acquired taste but you might as well get used to it”, she began her instructions. Terry did what she told him and positioned himself between her legs as she asked and she pulled his head right into it. “Stick your tongue in there. Lick it like a dog. Ya, right there. That’s the spot. Hope you didn’t have a big dinner” He kept at it and she slowly got wetter until the pussy juices flowed. It was musky and kind of funky tasting and Terry wondered if all women tasted like this but he still kept at it. He didn’t have a choice, his head was gripped between her thighs and she thrust her hairy pussy at him. Eventually, she quivered and bounced and the bed shuddered. He couldn’t lap up the juice as fast as it gushed and he wondered if his mother would think that he wet the bed. She relaxed her grip on his head and he popped up to ask if they were done. “Not by a long shot, honeylips”, she stated, “Give granny a kiss”. Terry climbed over her stomach and hesitated because he had never kissed her on the lips. She grabbed his head with both hands and tugged it toward her. She pushed her tongue between his lips and gave him his first French kiss as he straddled her girth. She sucked his tongue like she had sucked his dick and Terry was overwhelmed by her passion. Her hands lowered to his ass and she squeezed those little cheeks like toys. His dick began to swell against her bellybutton. “Feels like you’re ready for the home run”, Granny suggested. Terry was beginning to listen to his other head but it wasn’t sure what to do either. “Just stick it in there, big guy”, Granny led. He slid back down but found that it would only fit in if he kneeled between her legs. It slid in easily and it was so warm and soft. Instincts took over and he thrust inside her while watching her face. It gave him joy to give her joy. It gave him ecstasy to take hers. He felt different. He felt like a man. After she had left for her own room, Terry knew that things had changed. He was not just a victim, he was an accomplice. He looked forward to tomorrow. He got home late from school the next day. Hockey practice had kept him. He got home to find his grandmother alone in the house. Apparently, his mother was out with his sister. It didn’t take them long to get naked but, this time, it was in her room. She gave him another blow-job but stopped before he lost his load. Then, she knelt on the bed with her face on the pillow and her huge ass in the air. “Spank me”, she ordered Terry was confused. He was confused for several reasons, not the least of which was the vagueness of her request. He was reminded of when his friend said that he would meet him in the park. Problem was that the park was several acres and he didn’t know where to start. He was faced with a similarly imposing amount of real estate. “Slap that puppy”, she insisted. So he did, again and again, over here and over there, until it became red. She moaned and screamed in a mixture of pain and pleasure. Terry was not only enjoying this, he was aroused by it. “Mom, are you alright”, came Terry’s father’s voice from the other side of the door but he didn’t wait for an answer. He opened the door to see his naked son behind his mother’s big red ass. Terry looked back at his father in terror as his heart raced. “Oh, sorry. I thought you were hurt”, his father apologized, swallowing a laugh. “No problem”, his mother stated, “It’s been a long time since you had a gummer”. He considered it for a while and shrugged. Unlike his son, he knew how talented she was. He walked to the other side of the bed and undid his belt. “Whatcha waiting for sweetcheeks”, Granny said to her grandson, “Give it to me”. His father asked, “How does it feel to barbeque a sacred cow?”. Terry had no clue what his father was talking about but his grandmother said, “Moo”. Any normal guy would be limp as a noodle after all that but Terry was not normal. He was thirteen. It all began to make sense to him. It was still beyond his imagination but reality was so much stranger. So, there he was, fucking his grandmother from behind while she gave his father a blow-job. If his mother and sister joined in right now, he probably wouldn’t be surprised. He wasn’t surprised, the next day, when his grandmother asked his sister to sit on her lap. “You’re such a sweety”, Granny flattered, “I really bet you are. I just want to eat you up”. Granny’s hand slid up Dianne’s inner thigh till it went under her school skirt. “Do you have any hair down there, yet?”, Granny asked with all the appearances of being innocent.

Pujor Anando

anonymous on Incest Stories

Dear Readers

Aj apnader amar jiboner ekta bastab kahini shonabo. Eta ekta love cum sex story jar pradhan charitre rayechhi ami Sayan ar amar maa Rima. Amar baba Navy te service kare ebong pray 7-8 mass par par bafi ase.Phale savabik vabei maa eka haye jay. Mayer prati amar sex feelings ase jakhan ami class ten e pari. Ekbar ekta chudo chudir golpo bai ek bandhur kaachh theke pai jekhane samast

Me and my Father In law-12

jeevan_1950 on Incest Stories

so I signalled Sujata and we both brought our mouths to FIL’s Lund. We pushed our tongues out and licked our FIL’s ramrod all over. .... I told Sujata that we should not allow him to cum outside our choots. And I wanted Sujata to take all his spunk in her choot and get pregnant with his seed. .... I sat down facing Sujata’s choot and with the other hand I p

Me and my Father In law-14

jeevan_1950 on Incest Stories

When I met Sujata next day I told her what FIL did to me. How he fucked me in front of his old friends. How Bhidekaka fucked me in the kitchen and how all the fellows jacked off over my body. Suju was thrilled!......... Baba pushed his finger in my ass along with Sujata’s. it touched my sphincter and could not go in easily. Baba moved the finger side ways and found some sma

Farmed Out Part Five

gwkent on Incest Stories

Chapter 5

I got up from the hay bale and smiled towards my grandad,

"Was that a nice way to welcome the morning in for you gramps?"

"Sure was son, looks like you loved it as well"

"you bet gramps, you know I was really worried about coming down to the farm, I thought it was going to be a real shit being here but I think I am going to really like it"

"that's good son, but it aint gonna be all fun and games you know, there's a farm to run as well, but if you carry on performing like you have so far then it will be more play than work, if you’re happy to put the effort in on the farm and help me out then I'll make sure that Jack and I will be available to you whenever you need, and likew

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ise I expect that sexy round arse and mouth of yours to be available to us at all times"

"Oh daddy, yes, of course, I'll be happy to help out on the farm if I'm going to get a good reward of hard cock and hot cum in the process"

"Ok, boy why don't you go inside and do some cleaning up in the house, and I'll be in a short while and we can discuss your duties"

I did as instructed and headed off into the house to clean up

It was a couple of hours before my grandad came in, by then I had cleaned the whole house, hovered and polished, I doubt the house ever looked so clean, but I was eager to please my grandad as much as possible. When he came in he was pleasantly surprised and I made him a sandwich for lunch and we sat down for him to give me my daily rota.

"ok Kevin, I'll make a deal with you, if you keep this place tidy and clean, and I leave you in charge of the cooking then I won't make you work too hard on the farm, jut a few jobs, like helping me keep the stables clean and feeding some of the animals. There’s isn't huge amounts to do on the farm these days but if you handle stuff in here and then I can get the bits out there done and then we will have more time to play"

"Sure grandad, sounds good to me, you know of course I will do anything you say"

"ok good, now I have to go into the village this afternoon and do some deliveries, Jake will be coming with me and I might do a bit of shopping as well so I will be gone for a few hours, finish up with the cleaning and I also need you to go and give Monty's kennel a bit of a clean"

Monty was the farm dog, officially a guard dog, but no one every came around un-invited anyway, he was a Great Dane and had been with my grandfather for about 6 years.

"Sure thing, I’ll make sure it’s all clean for you when you get back"

"Ok, good, now before I go I want to show you the downstairs bathroom, which you haven't cleaned yet, so come with me"

I got up and followed him to the bathroom, I had only used the upstairs one since I got here and the undesireable state of this one confirmed I had made the right choice.

It was a big room that was almost just a massive walk in shower, it had a toilet to one side and a basin to the other, the floors were filthy from mud but at least they were tiled so would not be hard to clean.

"You see it needs it a good clean, I haven't used it much recently because of the state of it so do your best, get it nice and clean and we can have a lot of fun in here son"

The latter part of the statement made me want to get this place nice and clean and I nodded

"Now before I go I need to take a leak, how about you come and hold my dick for me while I piss"

"Certainly daddy, glad to assist"

"Let’s go over there then" he pointed to the shower section "no point me aiming for the bowl if you are going to clean up"

I followed him excited about seeing his cock once more, he beckoned me to unzip his jeans and take his penis out. I wasted no time in grabbing his soft prick and held it for him

"That’s a good boy, now get down on your knees and put your mouth over my cock; let me give you your reward for cleaning the house so far"

I did as I was told and put his limp dick in my mouth, within seconds I was feeling the jets of hot piss in my mouth and I gulped down a mouthful, I could hold it in thou and his cock popped out and started splashing all over me

"Oh yesss, son, that’s nice, let me piss all over you"

He grabbed his cock and directed it all over my face and splashed his urine all over my t-shirt

"Hmmm, oh grandad that’s nice, piss on me, I love you weeing on me"

He started to shake the last few drops and slapped his cock against my face before nudging it back towards my mouth and telling me to clean it off. I eagerly licked the last drops of piss and he put his cock back.

"Good boy, now you should keep those clothes on so you can smell my piss while I am gone"

"Yes sir, I will"

With that he said his goodbyes and walked out leaving me to sort out the mess.



I got to work on the bathroom intent on making sure I did a good job, I started to think about the kind of "fun" we were going to have in here, and that coupled with the strong smell of my granddads piss was enough to keep me semi hard while I cleaned.

After about an hour I was done and you would hardly have recognised the place, I was pleased with my work and decided I needed a break, and went and took a seat in the front room. I had been there for only a few minutes when I remembered that I also had to clean the kennel out,

'Bollocks, no rest for the wicked' I said to myself.

I went out to see Monty, I had not really seen him since I had got back, he was a friendly dog and it was only really his size that made him an effective guard dog as he was as placid as they come.

I wondered out into the farm yard and into Monty's kennel, it wasn't really a kennel, more like a barn converted to suit the dog. Monty lived outside in the summer and came in during the colder months, and he seemed to prefer it that way.

I went inside and he was asleep, so I began by clearing up his mess, there wasn't much and I presumed Grandad had given it a clean this morning, it just really needed a sweep and refill of the water and food. I gave it a quick tidy and then went to fill the water bowl.

As I got closer to Monty he stirred and came over to see me, I patted him and told him what a good boy he was, he seemed very keen to sniff me, and I couldn't get him to lay back down,

"Down Monty, give me a break will ya" I said as if the dog would understand.

Then he jumped up at me and I lost my balance, I fell backwards, landing flat on the floor and Monty jumped on me still sniffing like mad. Then it dawned on me that he was interested in the odour coming from my T-shirt. Of course the smell of urine would be interesting to him, he continued to sniff my shirt and despite me telling him to get off, he was not going to. I was flat on the floor with Monty standing on top of me and I was struggling to move.

"Monty move your arse, your too heavy" I claimed, but he would not budge, now he was starting to get a bit frisky, he must have thought I was playing with him, he started to lick my t-shirt and unwashed piss stained face, I managed to push him off but before I could get up he was back on top again. This time he was even friskier, and as he got more excited I suddenly noticed it that the smell was doing to him what it had done to me in the bathroom. Glancing down I could see that his cock was starting to appear from his I had never ever even though about this before....but watching this Great Dane get excited was actually starting to excite me as well.

I stopped for a minute and wondered what hell was I thinking, but that pause didn't last long enough to stop my dick twitching, I had a bizarre desire to see what his cock looked like, and I couldn't help myself. Reaching down I touched his sheath, his cock had only just started to pop out and I knew there was a lot more there to see. He seemed startled by this but was still more interested in my T-shirt, so much so that I couldn't keep him still. Then I had an idea, struggling with him a little bit more, I managed to get my t-shirt above my head and off my chest, Monty nose followed it as that was clearly what he was interested in. Taking the shirt off I held in on hand above my head, Monty moved forward and now he was standing above me with cock dangling above my chest. With my other hand I reached out and grabbed his cock and slowly started to wank him, pulling his fur coat back and revealing his doggie cock.

He didn't seem to mind and as his cock started to appear, I started to get some real kinky desires, would he let me wank him off?, I was sure he would not mind and so I continued to rub his cock until he was fully exposed. His cock was big, and I mean big, there was something very sexy about the texture of it and it's red colour that was so horny, he was now starting to get wet and little drops of juices were appearing on his tip, then his attention was diverted from the t-shirt as he looked around and give his cock a lick, he seemed to enjoy the taste and when he stopped he looked at me.

It was a look that almost spoke to me

"Was that nice Monty, what was that look for", I had a glint in my eyes and I knew what I wanted to do for him

"Ohhh I see you want me to taste it, well I would love you"

He seemed to know what I was saying as he grunted and went back to my t-shirt. In my hands I held a fucking big dogs cock and now I wanted to suck him, shifting my body downwards I came face to face with his red cock and instinctively I put out my tongue and touched him. It was a strange sensation and one was I starting to like, within moments I had started to lick this animal’s cock up and down and he had started to dribble more doggie juices. I ran my tongue over his tip and tasted doggie pre cum for the first time.......and boy did I like it.

I lifted my head up to lick more and realised that I needed to get into a better position if I was going to take that prick in my mouth. I let go off the t-shirt and rolled out from underneath Monty, patting his back and he laid down, satisfied that he now had control over the item he desired.

As he lay there, I rubbed his belly and he almost opened his legs for me, it made me wonder if this was nothing new to him....

I rubbed his cock again and then put my head on his belly and started to lick him all over again, this time I was getting more and more excited and his cock was getting bigger and bigger, closing my eyes I opened my mouth and slipped it over his red cock and started to suck his juices right down my throat. He was gorgeous, his cock was not as hard as granddads but it was thick, and it tasted soo good. I was now really getting into this and started to suck feverishly on his red tool, licking the shaft and then putting his cock tip in my mouth and teasing him with my tongue. I sucked harder and harder tasting all he had to offer, then I put one hand on his balls and massaged them.

It was all getting too much for him and he started to jolt forcing more of his tasty cock into my willing slut mouth. He whimpered and the next thing I knew he was shooting wads of hot creamy spunk into my mouth, I was too slow to react and pull away, but I doubt I would have done even if I could and I was pleased I hadn't. I let him spray the insides of my mouth with his sperm. It tasted sweeter than the other two cocks I had recently devoured and I fucking loved it. He filled my mouth with cum and I let go, allowing the last spurts to jet over my face. I swallowed the spunk in my mouth and couldn't believe that I had just given a blow job to a dog. Monty certainly didn't mind.

He bent over and licked the last drops from his cock before getting to his feet and then turning to lick the rest of his load from my face. caught up in my own sexual bliss, I didn’t even think about the fact that here I was on all fours, face to face with a great Dane that had just enjoyed a blow job, like me Monty was still horny and seeing me in that position was always going to re-ignite his natural instincts. When he wondered off and around the other side, I automatically thought he was going to get a drink, even when he stopped and started to nuzzle his nose into my arse I just didn't twig that his next move would be to jump on top of me and start trying to hump me.

Monty's weight on my back was enough to keep me down and he started to frantically pound his cock into my jeans, overcome with the situation I realised that I did not want to waste this opportunity, I wanted his dog cock inside me, I wanted my arse to be invaded by this animals big fat cock.

I struggled to get the fuck hungry creature off me and I stood up, he barked at me as if to ask what I was doing, but I was about to give him exactly what he wanted. I undid my jeans and pulled them off my legs. I did not see the need to be wearing underware any more. The site of my semi hard cock seemed to delight Monty and he started to lick my balls

"Good boy Monty, give me a good lick and I’ll let you put your cock up my arse as well"

With Monty being such a big heavy dog, I thought it would be better if I rested myself over a hay bale for him instead of being on all fours on a hard floor. He didn't need me to ask him to follow me, he must have known what was coming and he bounded over to the hay bale with me. I sat on the hay facing him to give him a chance to use his long tongue on my now stiffening cock. It felt good on my shaft and balls, but it only called to make me want him inside me ever more. Lifting my legs up I guided Monty towards the hole he was soon going to get to plunder. I wanted his dog saliva to give me some sort of lubrication, as there was no way I wanted to delay my desires by having to find some oil.

He seemed to lick licking my arse, and it felt good having a wet slimy tongue on my ready and willing shithole. After a few mins I could wait no more, I turned over on the hay and offered myself to him. He carried on licking me before realising that I was on offer to his sexual needs, I was ready to be his bitch.

"Come boy, get up her and fuck my arse, give it to your favourite young arse"

He wasted no time, jumping up on me and using the bale of hay to steady himself he started to jut his cock about, frantically trying to find a home for his tool. I reached down and tried to position his cock but he was moving about too much, he just kept smashing into the side of my arse. After a few attempts I managed to get the tip of his cock next to my ring, "come boy now you can do it", he started to jut about again and eventually found his paradise...........and fuckkk me it hurt !!

Monty had blasted his cock straight up my arse and I had never felt so much pain, I screamed in agony and actually badly wanted to get out of this position, my arse felt like it had been split in two but Monty was in, and that was all he cared about. I started to realise that maybe I had tried to take too much on here!

Now that Monty's cock was in he was starting to get his rhythm and he started banging my arse hard and fast

"Fuckkk, shittt it fucking hurtss, argghg"

Monty of course was not interested in my screams and he continued to feed my aching arse with long hard strokes of his cock. I was feeling almost faint and each inch went deeper inside me, god it hurt.....but fuck was it horny, as my arse started to get used to such a thick cock, so I started to enjoy this act of depravity.

"Goddddd yes, boy, fuckkk it, fuck my arse, donnttt stop screwing me"

I started to love having this cock in me and Monty pumped harder and harder as if he could not get enough, I looked around and was just so turned on to see that a good 90% of his cock was buried deep inside my anal passage. I started to rock my arse back and forth in time with him and then I felt him starting to grow inside me, 'fuck....he was getting bigger".

The next thing I felt was a blast of hot liquid shooting inside of my stomach, Monty was coming and as he did he jumped forward again burying the last few inches of his cock further down my shithole......suddenly I felt very faint

I must have passed out for a few mins because the next thing I knew I was being dragged off the hay bale and I landed on the floor. I looked around and Monty was heading for his water bowl....and he was taking me with him!

I had no choice but to scramble backwards, his cock was still in my arse and it wasn't coming off....what the hell was going on, why was his cock stuck up my arse!

Monty got his drink of water and then just stood there, he didn't seem to care that he was still attached to me. I could do nothing but try and keep him still, fuck knows what would happen if he saw a cat!

I must have been like that for about 5 mins when suddenly I heard a car pull up and two doors open and shut.....fuck it was my grandad back from the village with Uncle Jack. I didn't have a clue about how he would react, for some reason I thought he would be annoyed that I had got myself into this state.

I stayed quiet as I heard the two of them going into the house, I tried frantically to release myself from Monty but it was just not going to happen.

A couple more minutes passed, although it felt like hours, before I heard my grandad calling my name

"Kevin, you around, come see what uncle jack and I got for you"

"Kevin", "Kevin where are you"

"in here grandad" I felt had to say something, after all I could be stuck like this for hours and I was dreading the thought that I might need hospital treatment to get me free

My Grandad walked in to the stable and although I was in some way pleased to see him, I was embarrassed beyond belief

"What the fuck???"

"I’m sorry grandad, I was just, just , well I was feeling a bit horny and came out her for a wank and next thing I knew Monty had jumped on top of me and I couldn't stop him, I’m really sorry grandad"

I had decided it would be a better route to go down than trying to explain that I wanted to suck his dog off!

"Oh dear son, what have you done?"

I was concerned by the tone of his voice

"Hey jack, come out here and see what a mess our boy has got himself into"

Shit, I was hoping he wasn't going to call uncle jack to the party

"Bloody hell Glenn, what have we here?"

"Look like we've got ourselves a real dirty little boy I think jack, we better take a closer look"

The men approached closer and Jack slapped his thighs beckoning Monty over to him

"Noo don't do that I'm stuck he will drag me"

It was too late and I ended up half way across the floor. My grandfather came and knelled down in front of me

"Now you say you came in for a wank and Monty jumped you"

"Yes grandad, I swear I will never come in here and wank off again, please just tell me how to get him off"

"Ha-ha, looks like you have already got him off!" Jack laughed

"Well son" Grandad continued "you see you are stuck for a reason, and that is because you are telling porkies, now why don’t you tell me what really happened and I might be able to help you"

"I’m not joking grandad that is what happened"

"Really, well in that case you'll just have to stay like that, come on jack lets go inside I don't like liars, he can stay here all night for all I care"

Now I was petrified

"Ok ok, that’s not exactly true"

"Ahhh, I thought not, now why don't you tell us the truth and don't leave anything out"

I felt totally embarrassed now as Jack joined my grandfather in sitting on a hay bale ready to listen to my excuses

"well, it wasn't my fault, honestly, I came in hear to clean the kennel out like you asked and Monty started to get frisky, he seemed to be turned on by the smell of your piss on my t-shirt from lunch time, and he just started jumping on me and getting excited"


"Well I could see his dick coming out and well....well ok I could not resist it, so I wanted to play with him"

"What do you mean play with him?"

"Well I started to rub his cock, I know I shouldn’t have and I'm sorry but I was just so turned on"

"And was that all you did?"

"No I’m sorry I couldn't stop myself and I gave him a blowjob!"

The two men looked at me almost in disgust

"Right so you gave my dog a blow how come his cock is stuck up your arse right now?"

Granddads tone told me I was in deep shit in more ways than one

"well then Monty started to jump about and tried to mount me while I had my jeans on....I really didn't think it would do any harm and I took my pants off and let him fuck me...I’m sorry grandad, I really am, it will never happen again I promise, please just get him off me"

"Well that's more like the truth, and let me tell you it's disgusting, I cannot believe I leave you for a few hours and come back to find that you have been fucking my dog, your sick and perverted aren't you?"

"Yes grandad I’m sorry"

"And I bet you fucking loved sucking my dogs cock and then I even bet you couldn't wait to take his cock up your tight arse, eh?"

"No grandad I didn't I was just overcome"

"Don’t fucking lie to me boy, tell the fucking truth or I will leave you here"

"yesss, grandad, I’m so ashamed because I did enjoy it, I tasted his cock and liked it so much I let him cum in my mouth and then when he started to try and fuck my jeans I knew I had to have him, pleasssee forgive me, I know I am a dirty little slut but after the last day I just couldn't help myself"

"well son this gives me a problem now, because you see I didn't plan on introducing you to Monty’s big cock for a while yet, it was going to be a surprise, but you have beaten me to it, both Jack and I were actually saying in the car earlier that we thought you would be a quick learner and we might only have to wait a few weeks before introducing you properly to the animals but well.....I guess we were wrong, you have proved to us after just one day that you truly are a dirty little fucker, a teenage slut boy who will do anything to get a nice hard cock, no matter whose or what cock is it, and that my son is music to my ears. You really are the best son a daddy could wish for"

I was suddenly taken a back by this change of attitude and now realised that this had been my granddad’s wish all along, he wanted me to fuck the dog, in fact wanted me to fuck the "animals" !, my fears from the last 10 minutes had now become sexual interest again....

"Oh grandad, I am so happy you are not annoyed with me, I was really scared for a while, but please tell me how I get Monty off me please"

"ha-ha, well son you see there is nothing we can do there....but it's nothing to worry about, you see when a dog is really excited and in the process of fucking, he gets what we call a knot, his cock swells up at one end and he shoots his load, but then it takes about 15 mins before his cock starts to shrink again, only with Monty is takes him a bit longer because he's cock is a bit bigger than most dogs, and that’s one reason why he's here, now judging by the size of his cock still, I reckon you still have about another 10 minutes like that"

I couldn't believe that what I had gone through was normal, there I was panicking and thinking I was stuck forever

"So son, did you enjoy getting fucked by a dog then?"

"Hell yes, although it really hurt and I think I passed out when he came"

"I’m not surprised, I would never have thought you would have taken his whole cock inside you first time, it took me about 3 attempts, and Jack a few more before we finally managed to get all that doggie cock inside us"

My ears perked up and the thought of my grandad and jack being fucked by Monty

"You have let him fuck you too; I wish I could see that"

"Well you never know son, but likewise don't you think we would have liked to see you fuck Monty?"

"Yes I am sorry, but you know daddy I would be more than happy to get dirty with Monty again for you anytime"

"That’s what we like to hear boy"

"Have to say Glenn, sitting her watching this little slut with a dog's cock up his arse has made me a bit horny, mind if I take advantage of the situation. My cock needs a bit of a suck I think"

"Ohhh I’m sure my son won't mind the chance to eat some more meat, would you"

"Defiantly not uncle jack, but would you mind grandad if you talk to me while I play, I get so excited listening to you talking dirty to me"

"Sure thing, why don't you let me tell you what I want you to do with uncle jacks penis"

"Hmmm yes daddy, that will be nice, and I will happily do as you say"

Jack walked over to me and took his pants down; his cock was already stiff and waiting to be devoured by his cock hungry nephew

"Now, don’t touch it with you hands just stick your tongue out and let uncle jack rub his cock all over you"

Jack was happy with that and he started to rub his prick over my tongue, face and cheeks, he grabbed the back of my head and directed me to lick where he wanted it

Grandad then came and sat down next to me and grabbed my hair, beckoning Jack to let go

"Good boy, now lick that cock while I play with uncle jack"

He put his hand around jack's balls and started to squeeze them,

"now wait a minute son, let gramps have some of that tasty cock" and with that he yanked my head away and took Jacks cock in his hand, opened his mouth and sucked his knob"

"Fuck yer Glenn, suck it you old whore"

It was the first time I had seen a guy suck another guy in real life and it was fucking horny, even better knowing it was my grandad, he sucked a little longer then spoke again

"Mmmm, that’s such a fucking nice cock don’t you think son"

"Oh daddy yes, I love it, almost as much as I love your cock gramps" I smiled

"Mmmm, I think we need some lube" and with that he spat onto jacks cock three times so his spit was dripping off the knob

"Now lick that up you whore"

I was not going to object and I teasingly licked up the juices, running my tongue over his knob and shaft, then gramps started to spit again, this time over my face and into my mouth, he grabbed Jacks cock and started to rub it into my face smothering me in cock juice and spit

"That’s a good boy, now suck it, suck that hard wet cock, and don’t stop until I say"

I was happy to oblige and put my mouth around this gorgeous cock.

"Now fuck his mouth Jack, give my son a good hard face fuck, I wanna watch him eat every inch of your fat cock"

Of course I knew from last night just how much I loved Uncle Jacks prick, and I knew I was capable of taking most of it in my mouth so I was more than happy to let him shove it as far down my throat as he wanted

Jack grabbed the back of my head and started to fuck my face in the same manner as Monty had fucked my arse earlier,

"That’s it fuck face swallow uncle's big fat cock, eat my meat and fucking enjoy it you slut"

It was really turning me on to hear them talking to me like this and I eagerly gobbled as much cock as I could, I could see my grandpa had moved his fingers around to Jack arse and he was rubbing his mates bum.

"That’s it Jack, give it to him, he fucking loves it, wants every inch of your prick the dirty little cocksucker"

As I was being stuffed with cock I noticed that Monty's cock had started to slip out of my arse, I had started to get used to having something in my arse and now it felt weird to be empty at that end, mind you I had more than enough to concentrate on in the front. My gramps must have read my mind

"Looks like you are free from Monty now, bet you miss having that cock inside you, don't you, you little whore"

I looked to him as if to nod agreement.

"Answer me slut"

Of course I couldn't so gramps pulled jack cock from my grasp

"Yesss daddy I do miss it, I miss a cock up my arse, please daddy would you like to fuck me again"

"No son, I’m too interested in watching you suck your uncle’s cock right now, but if you really want me to fill your arse up for you I will"

"Ohhh daddyyyyy yes please, please fuck me and fill my arse with cock, I love it when I have two cocks in me"

"Keep on fucking him Jack while I sort this little slut’s arse out"

Jack was happy to continue and once again started feeding me long strokes of his thick penis

Jack was holding my head so I could not see what was going on, but the next thing I knew was I could feel Monty’s tongue back on my arse, shit now I was not sure I could take his cock again!

"that's it Monty boy lick his arse and I will get your cock all ready once more and you can fuck this little slut and we can watch this time"

I really was not sure how I would handle Monty for a second time, but I figured that my arse would adjust as before and no doubt I would end up getting the solid fuck I wanted anyway.

I still couldn't see but I could hear my gramps telling Monty what a lovely cock he had and I guessed he was getting him hard for his grandson

Suddenly gramps yanked my hair back forcing Jack's cock out my mouth with a plop

"Now are you sure you want another hard arse fucking boy?"

"Umm hmm god yes dadddy, please I would like to feel Monty’s cock in me again, I really loved it earlier and if you want to see him fuck my arse then yes I would love to let him fuck me again"

"Come on boy up you get" he patted my back from Monty, the dog didn't need a second invitation, he had been here before and I guessed he liked it. He jumped up and I instinctively pointed my arse forward and spread my legs

"Oh come on Monty, fuck me, fuck your favourite teenage boy’s arse, show gramps how much I can take and what a little slut I am"

Gramps loved it and as Monty started to flap around he held my arse open and directed Monty's cock right up inside me

"Good boy, go fuck that tight arse, split my son in two, fuck him Monty"

Monty needed no such encouragement and his cock when straight back up where it had been just a few minutes ago and for the last 30 mins.

"Ahhhhhh shittttt yesssss, fuckkk meeee, goddddd fuck I loveeee it, oh gramps this is better than before, god he's so big"

"Ha-ha, glad you love it slut boy, now Jack, shut him up for me will ya"

"My pleasure Glenn, get your fucking gob around this bitch"

Once again I was being fucked from both ends, and I was in my element, this truly was the best thing in the world. As Monty pumped so Jack forced more meat into my mouth I just wanted to stay like this forever. Monty's cock was again a good 80% inside me rocking back and forth and gramps wanted to see me take more again

"god son, if only you knew how good this looks, but I want to make Monty fuck you harder, harder than you have ever been fucked, would you like that"

I could only nod in desperate agreement.

Gramps got up and in the corner of my eye I could see him pull his pants down, what was he going to do I wondered. I saw him disappear behind me and soon I found out

"That’s it Monty, keep fucking him and grandpa will give you something back"

"ohhh yes Glenn, that will fucking make him really hard, you know this boy is going to get a real fucking seeing too now" Jack was loving watching this and I wished I could see as well but I guessed what my grams was going to do.

"Come on Monty, you know you love it when grandpa sticks his cock up your doggie arse"

With that Monty yelped and started to pound my arse faster, I felt him get heavier and realised that my grandfather had started to fuck the dog.

"Fuck Monty your arse is fucking tight but the more I fuck you, the more you are gonna pound my son so here goes"

Monty yelped again and the force pushed him forward and he sunk all 10 inches of his thick red cock inside my tight arse, I went to scream and Jack just forced more cock in my mouth. I was feeling faint again but there was no way I could black out with 17 inches of thick cock meat thrusting its way into both ends of my body.

"Ahhh fuck yer Glenn, fuck that dog, you driving me wild watching this, I gonna fucking shoot my load if I'm not careful"

"Well just hang in there mate, I wanna smother this little fucker with both our loads in one go"

Gramps pushed deeper into Monty’s arse and I felt the knot once more swelling inside me, Jack with drew his cock to take a breather and I was free to scream again

"Ahhh fuckkkkk I can feel him getting bigger ohhh god it soooo fucking gooooood"

Suddenly Monty was shooting yet another load of doggie cum straight up my shit passage

"Ohhh fuckkk yer, he's Cumming, god oh goddddd it fucking hot"

"That’s it boy take that K9 cum in your arse, you filthy little fuck"

"Ohhh god daddyyyyy it so fucking sexy, I fucking love it, and I love you watching me be such a dirty whore grandson"

Gramps took his cock out from Monty as the dog continued to pump more spunk inside me, he came around to me face to face again

"Did that big cock feel good son"

"Oh daddy yesss, it was great, I love Monty’s cock stuck in me, it so warm"

I bet you would love another cock in your mouth again as well"

"Oh yes gramps I always love a cock in my mouth"

"Well you better beg for it you cocksucking bitch"

Now I was in complete ecstasy and would do anything to get yet more cock to feed on

"Ohhh dadddy yes pleasssee, oh I want your cock so bad, I want to show you what a really dirty whore I am for you and uncle jack, please please let me taste your hard cock and drink all that lovely cum from you and uncle jacks stiff pricks"

"Hmmm, well maybe I should let you but then again....."

"Noooo please pleasssee daddy pleasssee I want to suck you off, plleassse daddy"

He was really in total command and I didn't care what I had to do to get his cock, Monty had jumped off and twisted around again but his cock was still throbbing inside me and I just so badly wanted to taste more and more cock

"Hmm well the only thing is I haven’t cleaned it from fucking Monty's arse, and as you can see it's a little bit dirty, so maybe I should go away and wipe the doggie shit off it and have my own little wank while I am there"

Now I was totally beyond control, I had to have that cock, and I didn't care if I would feel sick after, I was way to far gone in erotic bliss to care, and he knew it

"Daddy noooo, I will suck it, I’ll suck your cock clean of the doggie pooh, please just let me suck it I promise I'll clean your cock for you pleeasee"

"oh your are a fucking good son, a fucking dirty little bitch of a son, but nevertheless one that deserves all the depravity he can get, here boy, lick that dog shit of my cock, lick it like a lollipop and if you do a good job uncle jack and I will both cum all over your face and in your mouth"

He offered me his cock and I wasted no time in starting on my task of cleaning him off. To be honest it was gross, his cock stunk and I thought I would throw up but that was not going to spoil my enjoyment. I licked the shit from his cock and then gramps spoke again

"hmm you're a good shit sucking bitch, Jack I wanna give him a good pounding, why don't you spread my legs and get that lovely cock of yours up my arse while I do"

"Thought you'd never ask mate, spread them legs for dirty jack"

As I licked and sucked my grandpa’s cock clean I could see Jack between his legs, gramps bent forward and my uncle parted his cheeks and I could see his cock disappearing

"Ohhh fuck yer Jack, you always know how to grind my arse mate, get that cock in there and let’s fuck this horny bitch together"

As Jack fucked my grandad so he fucked my mouth harder and each thrust pushed me against Monty to just keep that sensation going strong. It was the perfect session and now that my granddads cock was clean I was enjoying sucking his juices and sticking my tongue down his piss hole while I knew he was loving Jacks fat cock inside him,

"Oh fuck Glenn I am gonna cum soon, I wanna off load on this slut"

"Mmmm ok Jack, but hold on I wanna give my son something special for him to enjoy, just keep you cock in me for a moment"

"Ok man, I think I get your drift, lay it on me I would love to see our little boy eat it all up"

I was not sure what he meant at first but when my grandpa gave a little strain it virtually gave the game away, so caught up in the erotica it just continued to turn me on even more

"Ok son, how would you like two hot wads of cum in that hungry mouth of yours and something very special from your ole gramps"

Knowing full well what was coming I was not going to disappoint the men whose cocks had given me so much pleasure

"Ohhh yes granddaddy, you know I would love to drink all your cum, and I’ll do anything for you, just give me that cum and I'll suck anything you want, just let me taste all that spunk"

I could see Jack withdrawing his cock and gramps looked around with a smile on his face

"Now son, close your eyes and open wide for granddaddies special surprise"

I did as I was told like some obedient little puppy,

"Can you smell uncle jacks cock now?"

"Yes daddy I can"

"And what do you smell"

"It smells of shit daddy"

It actually did smell gross and I was not so sure I really wanted to do this now, I had sucked my grandfather’s cock with dog shit on it and although it was damn kinky it was not the best taste in the world

"And does my cum loving whore of a grandson want to lick all my shit off of uncle jacks cock"

"I’m not sure daddy I don’t think I like the idea of that, it's not very nice daddy"

His voice took a turn for the worse

"Sorry!! What do you mean no, listen you. You little cunt, you wanted you arse fucked hard and your mouth filled with cock didn't you"

"Yesss daddy, but....."

"no fucking buts here", he violently grabbed my head and I opened my eyes and saw Uncle Jacks cock with a bit of shit on his knob and brown stains down his shaft

"You see it now, you see your uncle jacks cock, I’ve given it a nice coating of grandpa’s special sauce for you, you think you can get away with sucking a dog off and then still refuse my shit"

"But dadddy it's not very nice and I didn't like the doggie pooh"

"well I don’t care, you said you would do anything for me, and right now I wanna see you lick the shit of your uncles dick, got it, otherwise I’ll leave you out here with Monty all night and you will never get to see either of our cocks again"

Putting it that way didn't give me much choice and the recent exchange of words had once again turned me on enough to carry out another humiliating act for my grandfather

"Daddy no, I can't not have your cocks, pleases no, I will do anything for you"

"So what are you gonna do bitch"

"I’ll lick uncle jacks cock clean for you daddy"

"Well you better fucking beg for it now motherfucker and you better convince me that you want it bad"

At this point I have to admit that being made to beg for his dirty cock was probably the sexiest thing ever and I was now really gagging for it

"yesss dadddy, I do want it, I want to lick all your shit from uncle jacks cock , I want to taste your shit and show you how much I love it, pleeasee make me eat shit, I know how much you would love to watch your son lick it all off, goddd please just let me taste your pooh"

"Now that’s better, come on jack let the fucking shit sucker have it"

Jack came closer and the smell was still gross but it turned me on. I put my tongue out and started to lick his shaft, leaving the lump on his knob for last,

"That’s it you dirty little boy, lick it clean, how does my dump taste for you"

"Ohhh daddyyyyy I love it, it’s so kinky and sexy"

"Good, now see that lump on uncle jacks knob, I want you to suck if off and then play with it in your mouth and if you do that, then uncle jack and I will give you the best reward you could wish for"

I moved my mouth over the lump of crap and sucked it into my mouth it did not taste good, but if this was going to get me a double helping of thick creamy cum then it was going to be worth it I started to sexually rub my tongue all over the shit and I knew it was turning them on

"Mmmm dadddy this does taste good, do you like watching you little whore eat your shit and play with it in my young sexy mouth"

"Fuck yes boy, god you are fucking dirty"

"I love being a dirty slut for my uncle and granddaddy, and I love your shit, I just need some nice hot juicy cum to swallow it all done with, do you have any for me?"

Both men were now wanking frantically clearly getting turned on watching a 16 year old boy being a total slut.

"Ohhh fuck yesss her it comes you cum whore"

Jack was the first to offload, I opened my mouth and let him shoot his load straight down my throat and then send globs of thick warm cum all over my face

"Ohhh yes, cum on shoot you cum, cover my face with spunk, shoot it in my mouth, I love the taste of warm sperm, mmmm thanks uncle you taste soo good"

He was still shooting his last few drops when gramps was ready

"Come on granddaddy do it for your son, cover me with love juices, ohhh pleeasee daddy fill your sons mouth with spunk"

He fired his load into my awaiting mouth, splattering all over the inside of my mouth and filling me with creamy spunk.

Jack had been squeezing the last bits from his dick, and as gramps finished texturing my face with white blobs I just wanted more

"oh good that’s so sexy, uncle jack, will you piss on me please, I would love to taste shit cum and piss all in my mouth at the same time, and gramps, please wee on me too, let me show you what a dirty whore you have as a grandson.

Both men smiled and in unison let out a jet s hot piss all over my face, they were directing the piss onto their cum and trying to drive each blob into my mouth. I just sat there open mouthed accepting every last drop of piss into my dirty gob. My face must have looked like a human toilet but I didn't really care, I had satisfied my two older men and had gone beyond any sexual desires I may have had in the past. I was without doubt a real fuck slut and I loved it.

Lucky Stone pt 9

bakerman on Incest Stories

Lucky Stone pt 9.

Dad and I enjoyed the rest of the afternoon with Kath and Kim. A little more sex and a whole lot of fun. The image that sticks in my head was of the four of us sitting around naked just talking and laughing like "normal" people. I suppose it's the way I wanted my family to act. As I went to sleep this thought kept flashing in my brain along with the knowledge that tomorrow was our last full day on the island.

The next morning after a quick shower I headed out to breakfast and was surprised to find Mom, Dad and Sue sitting together having a meal.

"Hurry up and eat" said Mom "We are all going to play mini golf this morning."

"Then later" said Dad "we will hit the pool for some volley ball. Then after lu

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nch some tennis"

"How about we have teams." said Sue "Boys verses girls at golf, then Mom and Dad against Mark and I in the pool and then some mixed doubles for tennis."

I just drank my juice and watched all this by-play in stunned silence. Who were these people and what happened to my family, this was weird. Finishing breakfast we all headed for the golf course. There were three different courses so the contest was best of three. There were many high fives and hugs and kisses over the three rounds as putts dropped and the leader switched from team to team. Finally it was over with the ladies sinking a tricky putt at the last to win 2-1.

"Lets head back to the room for some cold drinks and change into our swimmers before we hit the pool." said Mom

While Dad and I, as the losers, prepared drinks the women went off to put on their swim suits. A few minutes later they returned in just their bikinis and it was lucky Dad and I were behind the counter as I'm sure he was getting a hard on like me just looking at these women. Sue is a little taller but thinner than Mom. Her breasts are smaller but firm while Moms are large and round. They both slim at the waist but then Moms hips spread out while Sue's just run into her long legs. Moms firm thighs really accentuated the V of her bikini bottoms as the material stretched over her mound. Sue's swim suit dissappeared invitingly between he legs highlighting her pussy lips. They stood together and did various poses before asking us if we liked what we saw. Dad and I could only nod as they went back to their rooms to get their wraps, sandles and other pool stuff.

Dad turned to me and said "I don't know about you but I would fuck both of them right now if I had the chance. Are you in?"

I again nodded but we never got a chance because after coming from their room they went straight to the door, with a cry of "meet you at the pool" and then they were gone. Dad and I wasted no time in changing, grabbing our stuff and racing to catch up with these two hot women.

At the pool the women had laid out their towels and were about to enter the water. A number of other people from the resort were gathering for the volley ball session. Soon the net was strung over the pool and one of the staff was evening up the numbers on each side. Sue and I drifted towards the back of our group while on the other side Mom was trying to get on Dad's shoulders. He dropped underwater and came up under Mom but the wrong way round. His face was buried in her pussy but when Mom joked that Dad was never good at sports everyone in the pool began to laugh.

Just as the game was starting Sue sank under the water and put her hand up my shorts and grabbed my semi hard cock. She gave it a few jerks and a squeeze before surfacing to tell me that there was an eel in the pool then she burst out laughing. Across the pool I could see Dad lifting Mom to hit the ball but as he released her his hands found her tits and gave them a playful squeeze before lifting her again. Sue must have also seen them because she swam in front of me and asked to be lifted as well. The next time the ball came our way I gripped her around the waist and lifted, then letting her slide back into the water I also gave her breasts a good squeezing and could feel her hardened nipples through the swim suit.

Sue swam after a ball that had been wildly hit and as we all waited for play to re start a man, older than Dad, turned to me and said that if Sue was his girlfriend he'd get her out of the pool and into a bed straight away. As the game went on Sue stood in front of me and pressed her arse against my cock.

"Ooh, still hard and ready for some action." she said looking over her shoulder.

Then Mom called for us to get out and have a break. As Mom climbed the steps from the pool I noticed her bikini briefs had been pulled up her arse crack like a thong and there were several red marks on her backside. As we walked towards our towels two bikini clad babes passed us heading for the pool, of course being males Dad and I both turned and checked them out. Mom and Sue noticed and began a series of poses and asked us to check them out. We then all sat on the towels and laughed. Sue began digging through her beach bag looking for her sun block.

"Damm, its not here. I must have left it in our room." said Sue still rummaging in her bag.

"I'm going back to our room to get my sun block."said Sue

With that she jumped up and ran off, I shouted at her to get my cap. She slowed and turned and I said it's on the chair under my jacket. With that she sprinted away towards the hotel. One of the staff came by and Dad ordered some fruit drinks for us all to have while we waited for Sue to return. The drinks arrived but Sue didn't so I said I'd go and check what was keeping her.

Arriving at our room I was about to burst in when I felt the stone warming, knowing this was a sign I carefully entered the main room and closed the door behind me. Making my way to the door to our room I could see Sue lying on the bed. One hand held the remote and the other was rubbing her mound. Looking at the TV screen I was surprised to see pictures of Sue and Tiffany locked in a passionate embrace on a beach. Sue flicked the remote and the next picture had Tiffany sucking at Sue's nipple. The next picture had the two women standing and kissing and I could clearly see Sue's hand between Tiffanys legs giving her cunt a massage. The next moment Sue saw me and we both said " where did you... who took..why" and other things that made no sense.

"This disk dropped out of your jacket when I was getting your cap. I stuck it in to see what you had been taking pictures off and I found these." shouted Sue.

"Wait a minute, I got these from the guy at the photo shop who told me they were someone's pics of some hot women on the beach so while he was processing them he burnt them to a disk. When he gave them to me I didn't know it was you. As a matter of fact I had'nt seen at them till now." I blurted out my answer hoping to calm her.

"So he thought we were hot?" queried Sue

I moved to the bed and sitting down told her that she was indeed hot and anytime guys see two women going for it they couldn't help but get aroused.

Reaching over to my lap Sue began to rub my harding cock, and asked me if these pictures were getting me aroused. There was no way I could lie as my cock was now tenting my shorts. Sue gripped the waistband and pulled my shorts down,  releasing my now fully hardened cock. Sue ran her acrylic nails the length of my shaft and the sensation made me blood freeze.

"You know little brother you're not so little, compared to others, if you know what I mean." Sue spoke in a low raspy voice.

Sue moved off the bed and knelt on the floor between my legs. Her hands were rubbing my cock, slowly working the length of my shaft, then while one played with my balls the other wrapped around the head.

"Let me tell you something they might turn you on a bit more." Sue spoke low and slow. "The other women in the pictures with me, had fucked a guy less than an hour before she hooked up with me. When I licked her slit I could taste the cum leaking from her cunt. I love cum." Sue grinned as she spoke and then her mouth enveloped my cock head.

The sensation was mind blowing and it took all the control I could muster, with the stones help, not to shoot it all right then. Her mouth slowly swallowed my shaft, her tongue swirling around the head before she slid it back out. With one hand firmly on my cock she used her free hand firstly to pull my shorts right off and then to remove her bikini top. Sue worked my cock hard, squeezing and pulling on minute then using her tongue to lick its length the next.

Sue then stood up pulling me from the bed and with her hand on my head she gave me a deep passionate kiss forcing her tongue into my mouth. I replied with some tongue action of my own as I gently massaged her breast, feeling her nipple hardening. My other hand was on her arse slowly working her bikini briefs down. Now fully naked I could see she had trimmed her pubic hair to just a strip, leading to her waiting pussy lips. We moved to the day bed and Sue got on all fours and turned to me with a grin then asked me to fuck her from behind.

I had one hand on her arse spreading the fleshy globes while my other hand guided my cockhead up and down her slit getting it nice and slick before plunging it into her waiting cunt. Suddenly Dad was right there, wearing just a t-shirt his swimmers already on the floor, gripping his erect cock and positioning himself at Sue's mouth.

"I told your mother I chase you kids back to the pool so lets get on with this. OK"

As Sue opened her mouth to reply Dad fed his bulging cockhead between her lips and forced more of the shaft into her throat. I went back to working my cock along her slit, occasionally forcing my cockhead between her other lips, running it from her clit to her arse hole. I finally thrust my cock into her cunt, forcing my full length into her in one deep plunge. A moan escaped her lips as she worked Dads cock. I fully removed my cock from her hole before slamming it back. I could see her arse ripple as the force of the thrust ran through her body. I had just pulled free again when Mom, who had already removed her bikini, entered the room and asked why she wasn't invited to a family get together.

Here I am standing behind my sister, hands on her arse and dick at her opening, while Dad is in front with his cock down her throat. Mom walked up to me and placing one hand behind my head pulled my face to hers and gave me a long passionate kiss, her tongue forcing apart my lips and probing deep into my mouth. Her other hand gripped my cock, slick with the juices of her own daughter.

"So is this something just for the holidays or has it been going on for a while?" asked Mom releasing my head.

"It's a long story that involves ALL of us" I said "so just enjoy the moment and we'll talk later. Come onto the bed with me."

She was happy to do what I asked, and did so immediately. Telling her to get on all fours on the bed I gave her arse a gently slap before positioning myself on the bed.. She smiled and licked her lips, before asking what I was going to do.

I didn't answer as I lined up behind her, and forced the head of my cock between her wet cuntlips

"Oh, Mark, put it all the way in there!" She gasped, as her fingers digging into the soft pillow on the bed. I pushed forward, and with her cunt already starting to leak her juice, it took hardly any effort and I had her fully speared on my erect cock. She was loving it. "Yes!" She squealed, as I pumped myself into her, frantically. Her eagerness only served to excite me more, as I pounded into her with all of my might.

I gave her everything I had to offer, and she loved every second of it. Mom was saying things that made Dad turn and look. I plowed into her until I reached the inevitable. I knew I was fixing to blow my load.

"I’m cumming!" I yelled, as she turned her face towards me. With her eyes tightly closed she asked a special favour.

"Cum in my mouth, please! I want to feel it going down my throat."

I pulled out, and immediately she rolled around and took me into her mouth one final time. She sucked on me for a moment, pushing me down her throat once, and I moaned loudly. She knew it was time, and pulled my cock out of her mouth. She licked her lips and kissed the head once, before opening her mouth to accept my load.

My cock spasmed over and over again, shooting white lines of cum into Mom’s open mouth. I came so uncontrollably, that most of it sprayed her face and tits. Mom looked up at me, and I blew one huge final stream all over her lips and nose. Mom laughed and licked the head of my dick clean, as cum dripped off of her chin and onto her sweaty body.

With all our activity we'd completly forgotten Dad and Sue. So as Mom and I lay on the main bed we turned to Dad and Sue on the day bed. By now Sue had finished sucking Dad's cock and he was now laying on his back. Sue sat above him with Dad's hands supporting her arse as his cock pistioned her cunt. Positioned a she was facing us, her legs spread wide, we had a clear view of Dad's cock, as it slid back till just the head remained inside, slamming deep into Sue.

It was then that Mom began shouting to Dad "Come on you old man fuck her. Slam that cock into the little bitch. Push it right into that tight cunt."

She turned to me and laughed and I joined in as I could hear Dad breathing hard from the effort of fucking Sue. Sue was also moaning and groaning and her hand was furiously rubbing her clit. The sloshing sound of dick in cunt filled the room. Mom and I were chanting "Fuck her, Fuck her", Dad's face was red with exertion and his eyes had closed tight as he tried to delay the inevitable of shooting his load.

Fianally as he shouted "here it comes" Sue slipped off his dick and lay back on Dad as a jet of cum shot into the air and fell across Sue's stomach. Another spurt landed in her pubic hair and several smaller bursts landed on her thighs. Mom began to clap as her husband and daughter lay in an exhausted heap.

"What a performance. Are we one hot fucking family or what?" said Mom stepping off the bed and moving to give Dad a big cum flavoured kiss. She then reached between Sue's legs and said "you'll get a better orgasm if you rub it like this" demonstrating how to manipulate her clit.

Feeling all hot and sweaty I suggested we move outside to the spa pool to clean off . Three other sweating, cum covered bodies followed.



Me and my Father In law -13

jeevan_1950 on Incest Stories

I lay on the floor and called all the old men. I told them to jack off on my body while I lay in ecstasy. My body shook and the choot spasmed! Ohhh it was great orgasm, quite different from all previous ones. It was sustained orgasm and lasted for over a minute. When I opened my eyes I saw all six men holding their lund in hand and jacking off. Ohhh it was so dirty!