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schooner Member Since October 19, 2009

A Family Affair (part one)

schooner on Incest Stories

I continued to run my tongue up and down my eleven-year-old daughter's soaked clit. We started out in a 69 position with her on top and sucking my seven-inch cock and me on the bottom with her legs spread as far as she could go to get the full effect of my long pointy tongue on her clit. She sucked me pretty good for what had to be almost a minute but as with all the other times we had been here she couldn't concentrate on it for very long as her own pleasures began to overwhelm her. I didn’t mind really, I mean I was getting off pretty fucking good just doing this!

“Daddyyyyy, I-I can’t hold it much longer!” Sara gasped.

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>“Try baby,” I muttered between licks. “Remember what I told you, make it last it’ll feel even better.”

I resumed licking and her rock hard little clit and meanwhile began to insert a finger just inside her tight little pussy, knowing this would drive her over the edge in seconds, but not really caring about making her pleasure last longer. It was just a thrill watching her skinny little legs shake ever so slightly and to feel her body jerk back and forth as she tried to obey her father’s wishes.

Sara and I had been fooling around like this for about six months now. Her mom had left us for another women of all things, a long time ago. I had taken her virginity only 8 days ago, but her tasty little pussy with all its features and aromas was my favorite pass time.

“Daddy I gotta let it go,” She could barely get the words out through her heavy moaning and breathing.

I shoved my finger deep inside her tight little pussy just as I sucked as hard as I could manage on her small clit. This of coarse sent her over the edge.

“eeeeeeeeeeee! Ohhhhhh godddddd!” Sara screamed loud enough to wake up the dead as her juices hit me in the face and mouth. Her whole body shook with what had to be at least four orgasms from her head right down to her toes and she fell off me, landing hard on my king sized bed. Her breathing was so heavy and her eyes rolled to the back of her head several times. At first I almost thought she was hyperventilating, but her breathing slowly began to calm down and I smiled at her as I bent over to give her a little kiss, making sure my tongue slipped to the back of her throat as I did so. As I pulled away she smiled up at me.

“Dad, that was the best one ever!” Sara exclaimed.

“Your welcome, baby.”


We both glanced at the half open bedroom door and then back at each other. I gave Sara a wink.

“Our peeping tom is back,” I whispered.

“Go get him,” I heard the excitement in my daughter’s voice. We had intentionally left the light on so our nightly visitor could get a good view this time.

“Are you sure?”

“yep,” Sara’s reply and her reassuring smile was all the prompting I needed. I crept from the room still in my birthday suit with my rock hard, hairy cock standing at attention. I was so horny at what I was about to do I thought I would cum all over the carpet before I even reached the door.

Easing it open, I spotted what I fully expected to…. My 12-year-old son with his pants to his ankles and his little pecker in his hand. He was stoking it so furiously he hadn’t even noticed me standing there.

“Jason….” I knew I had startled him and he must’ve been about ready to cum because as he dropped his hands to his hand and gazed up at me with a look of terror on his face he began to shoot his load uncontrollably. It shot straight up in the air and landed between us on the floor.

Instinctively he reached for his pants still draped around his ankles.

“Don’t!” I ordered him, a little more forcefully then I planned.

He just stood there; his face beat red and his little 4-inch cock quickly softening between his legs.


“You don’t have to explain son,” I said trying to sound reassuring. “Your not in trouble. In fact, your sister and I want you to join us.”

He was speechless; unable to fathom what I was saying I suppose. Or perhaps wondering if this was some sort of trick or maybe thinking it was a dream come true I can’t be sure.

“You can leave those out here you won’t be needing them for a while,” I stated, pointing to his pants. “Come on.”

I turned and started back inside and watched as Jason turned and looked back down the hall as if expecting somebody to catch him. Somebody else anyway.

I watched as he kicked off his clothes and began following his naked father back into the bedroom. As I strolled across the room and sat down next to my still naked daughter I turned and saw that Jason had stopped in the doorway, looking a bit embarrassed I would have to say.

“Hey bro come on in the party’s over here.”

Slowly Jason made his way toward the bed and as he got within arms reach of us I saw him stop and look down at his dick, which had now become solid as a rock again. He looked up and I swear you could’ve lit a match on his face.

“ Just relax son, your sister here is gonna take reeeeeeally good care of you,” I nodded to Sara and watched with a smile as she dropped to her knees in front of her brother’s cock. It was about half the size of mine and had the faint traces of hair around the balls, a sure sign that my little boy was on his way through puberty.

“Just like I taught you, remember baby?”

“I know daddy.”

Slowly she began licking her big brothers balls, tracing over them with her tongue and working her way slowly up the shaft with the tip. I almost laughed as I saw Jason shudder and his head tilted back with so much pleasure written on his face. Sara looked up at him and smiled, knowing that her inexperienced brother was about to get a sex lesson from little sis.

I knew what was about to happen as I saw Jason begin to twitch ever so slightly from the workings of Sara’s tongue. She could probably deep throat that little cock of his, but I was starting to think she wouldn’t have a chance. And I was right. As Sara worked her way up her brother’s cock and began slowly licking his very sensitive knob I saw Jason look over to me for just a quick second and then back down at Sara.

“S-Sisss….” He barely managed to get out as his inexperienced 12-year-old cock shot sperm all over his sisters face. It kept erupting like a fountain and Sara just staying there and took it all as Jason let out several loud moans and words nobody could make out through his premature ejaculation.

When he finally came down from what had to be the best orgasm of his young life his face once again became red with embarrassment as he realized what he had just done.

“Don’t worry son, it was your first experience, you’ll be able to control it a little better each time.”

“Yeah and since I’m not going to get to suck your dick I guess we’ll just move on to the best part,” Sara smiled at her little brother and turned back to the bed. We both watched as she spread herself wide open, letting her big brother know that she was open for business just for him!


To be continued

A Family Affair(part two)

schooner on Incest Stories

The phone next to the bed rang before I could get anywhere with my little sister. I wasn’t sure if I should be relieved by this or disappointed. Part of me wanted dad to answer the phone and end this, but another part was demanding Sara’s cunt. I had dreamed of it on several occasions. Watched her undress at every opportunity and lately my jerk off sessions had become even more fantastic since I’d discovered what dad and Sara had been up to.

“What the fuck did you do to her this time?” I snapped out of my daze and turned my attention from my sister to my dad who had decided to answer the phone. “Fine, Iââ

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‚¬â„¢ll be there as soon as I can.”

Dad slammed the phone down in disgust and I watched his naked figure walk past me to the closet.

“Uncle Dave again?” Sara asked.

“Your aunt kicked him out and he needs a place to stay,” Dad replied, throwing on some trousers.

I watched this whole scene in front of me in amazement. I couldn’t believe how my sister was just laying there completely naked spread eagled on my dad’s bed and fingering herself. Meanwhile she was carrying on a conversation with my father as though nothing out of the ordinary was happening!

“He’s a loser, why does Brenda keep taking him back?” Sara rolled her eyes in disgust as dad finished getting dressed and walked past me again to grab his car keys off the nightstand.

“You two get dressed and get to bed, I don’t want your uncle to find you like this when he gets here.”

“How longs he gonna be here this time?” Sara asked.

“I don’t know, probably take a day or two before your aunt forgives him and takes him back.” Dad stopped beside me on the way out the door and put a hand on my shoulder. “Don’t worry son, you won’t be a virgin for too much longer.” He said with a slight grin. “Oh and pleeeease don’t do anything while your uncles’ here.”





That night I must’ve set a new record for jacking off and a quick one again in the morning when the alarm went off. I walked to school with my sister as I always do, but this time it was different. We didn’t say much and I couldn’t help glancing at her slim and gorgeous body from time to time. I probably had a hard on right up till we got to school. I had gotten a taste of my sister last night and I didn’t care anymore. As I set bored to tears in French class I made up my mind then and there. I wanted…no, I needed to fuck my sister I didn’t care about the consequences anymore.




School finally came to an end for the day and I caught up with Sara in the parking lot. It was only a ten-minute walk home and if I was going to make a move I knew it had to be soon. My legs were trembling so much I thought I would fall over. I was scared to death, part of me didn’t want to go through with it, but my aching hard on was encouraging me to make a move.


“Hey sis,” I began slowly. “Were you umm, really gonna let me… you know… last night?” She slowed her pace and turned to me with a grin from ear to ear.


“You should’ve seen the look on your face,” she said trying not to laugh. “I thought you were gonna shit yourself!”


“Yeah well I bet you were nervous too when you first started doing this stuff,” I tried to sound mad, but the best I could do was turn my head in embarrassment. “So were you really going to let me?”


“Well yeah,” Sara replied, her voice taking on a more serious tone. “It would’ve been so cool to do it with my big brother. Especially since you’re the only one of us that’s still a virgin. I like that!”


“But you’re doing it with your own family!” I protested. I didn’t really care anymore, but I just wanted to know how she felt about it.


“Hey if it bothers you, you can stay a virgin for a few more years! Mr. Peeping Tom.”


“I didn’t say it bothered me,” I didn’t mean to, but I think the lust I was feeling right now slipped into my tone of voice.


We walked in silence for another minute. I knew uncle Dave would be at the house for a couple of days and I couldn’t wait that long to finish what we started last night.



“You wanna fuck me don’t you?” Now that caught me by complete surprise. I stopped dead in my tracks and stared at her. I wanted to say yes, but my mouth was suddenly so dry I couldn’t speak. “You know we’re not suppose to, you heard dad. We gotta wait for Dave to leave so we don’t get caught.”


I swallowed hard and cleared my throat. “Well… dad doesn’t have to know either. I mean, he’s at work for another hour.”


“Uncle Dave’s there.” She stated flatly. Was she trying to talk me out of it? “But we could sneak into the garage.”


I smiled at her and we didn’t speak another word, just hurried home. We made it to the garage and there was no sign of uncle Dave. The Garage door was closed but there was just enough light to see what we were doing.

My hormones were racing, my dick ready to pop out of my shorts. I was about to fuck my sister in our very own garage. Right where dad would park his car less then an hour from now!

The floor was concrete, but Sara found an old blanket and spread it out. We stood at either end of the blanket and stared at each other for a good minute, nobody making a move. I don’t know if I was more horny or nervous, my mind was in frenzy.

“I bet you want me to start right?” I nodded, unable to speak at that moment.

My mouth dropped open as Sara lifted her tank top over her head, revealing just the slightest sign of her young breasts beginning to form. She was only 11 remember, so a bra wasn’t in the equation just yet. She eased off her jean shorts and turned around. I could barely make out her ass cheeks through her thin little panties. I felt my hand slip into my shorts as she slipped off her undies and her smooth, hairless ass hung there within arms reach of me.

I was actually starting to drool and I had to wipe my mouth as she turned and faced me, her perfect little clit and hairless pussy right there for my eyes to see.


“Your turn.”


It took me a moment to snap out of my daze and realize what she meant. I fumbled with my shirt, nervous as hell and shaking like a leaf.


“I’ll help,” Sara quickly crossed the blanket and knelt down in front of my shorts as I dropped my shirt. She dropped my shorts and boxers all in one motion, not wasting any time. Was she just as horny as I was?


“This is what I wanted to do last night,” she whispered. I felt my cock slip into her warm, wet mouth and my knees began to tremble as I got my first blowjob ever from my sister! But it was less then a minute before my cum was building up at a record pace. Somehow she must’ve sensed it because she took my cock out of her mouth and looked up at me with a big grin.




She stood up quickly and turned around, pressing her ass against my hard cock she reached around and grabbed my waist, pressing me hard against her as my cock erupted and I shot a load that went from her ass right up to the middle of her back! I was over come by pleasure and I had to wrap my arms around her to keep from falling on my face.


“Were not gonna get very far if you keep doing that.” She sounded serious, but I knew she was only mocking me. “I bet you’ve never tasted a pussy before.”


I shook my head no and I watched as she lay down on the blanket, spreading her legs for me.

“Come on. I’ll show you how while your dick recovers.”


I lay down between her legs, unable to believe what was happening. I was getting a crash coarse in sex Ed from my younger sister!


I put my face to her little pussy and just started licking, not really knowing what I was doing.


“No not there,” she lifted my head to her clit. “Right there, up and down really fast, pleeeese.”


I obeyed her command and as my tongue worked feverishly at her little clit I took in the taste. It was like nothing I’d ever tasted before. Ohhh soooo sweet and-and the smell was to die for! Her little pink clit was so tinny, it couldn’t have been any bigger then the tip of my finger, but she was enjoying it. Her breathing was getting heavier and her body was beginning to twitch every time my tongue made another pass.


“P-Put a finger in my pussy!” She gasped. “But not too far!”


I eased my finger inside just until I saw my nail disappear and I heard her let out a gasp. She suddenly arched her back and I barely managed to stay with her.


“Stop! Stop!” She cried.


I pulled back quickly and looked up into her face, thinking I had hurt her or done something wrong.


“What’s the matter?”


“Nothing,” she panted. “I don’t want to cum until you fuck me that’s all. Looks like your ready.”


She noticed my cock standing up and saluting again and signaled me to get on top. My stomach was in a knot from the exhilaration I was feeling. Finally it was going to happen!


“You have to pull out when you’re ready to cum,” she instructed me. “I can’t get pregnant by my own brother!”

Quickly she guided my cock to the opening of her cunt and told me to push nice and easy until the head popped in.

“Ok shove it in…. HARD!” I obeyed and as my cock slid all the way inside her she let out a little scream that someone must’ve heard. But at this point I didn’t care. I lost my breath as what felt like electricity shot through my whole body. From my cock to the tips of my toes to the top of my head. For an instant I couldn’t move the pleasure was so intense.


“Do it! Please Jason, do it!” Sara begged me. “I gotta cum soon!”


Without further instruction I began to pump my sisters pussy faster and faster feeling my own orgasm rising to the surface and begging to be let out. By now I was shoving so hard we were off the blanket and on the cold concrete garage floor, but we didn’t care.


“Jason I’m gonna cum!” Her whole body shook with a massive convulsion and as her pussy tightened around my cock I felt my sperm drill the back of her cunt, Forgetting what she had said about Cumming inside, we both screamed in unexpected pleasure as I held my cock inside of her as deep as I could. The electricity I felt at the beginning was almost more then I could take now. My cock was so sensitive that I couldn’t move it in or out of her soaking pussy. I collapsed on top of my sister and she wrapped her arms around my back, both of us trying to catch our breath.


Finally my cock fell limp and out of Sara’s cunt; as it did I locked eyes with her and we both smiled. However the smiles didn’t last long.

“Holy shit! You came inside me! I could get pregnant… dad we’ll kill us!”

I didn’t have time to reply as the sound of a car pulling in the driveway got my full attention…. Dad was home!





To be continued

My Confession

schooner on Taboo Stories


This is a humiliating story for me but one that I feel must be told. I am 31 years old now; I was 26 when it happened. I made a promise never to reveal what went on that day, but I just can’t live with it anymore I have to get it out in the open, even if its just here.

I remember I’d had a hard day at the office; the boss had been on my ass since I walked in the door and so I decided to stop and have a few drinks. There was nothing special about the place, I’d been there be

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fore, and it’s on the way.

It took me awhile to figure out how they managed to slip something into my drink. I remember a women, about middle age I guess, walking past my table. She accidentally drop a set of keys that landed under my chair, I imagine while I picked them up for her someone (obviously working with her) slipped something in my glass of Draft. I imagine if anyone asked while they were dragging me out they simply said we were friends and I’d had one too many.

I awoke in a room I’d never seen before, as my blurred vision cleared I instantly noticed the video camera mounted in the corner above my head. The room was about the size of an ordinary living room, but the only furniture was the bed I woke up on. It was well lit, the florescent lights casting a glow not unlike that of an office.

Besides my subsiding headache I felt a bit of a sting in my left arm, upon examination I notice a small bandage. I remove it to the site of a small hole; obviously they had inserted some sort of needle in me while I was asleep, before I could consider the reasons why, a small piece of paper on the pillow caught my attention. It was a note:

“She’s beautiful isn’t she? Not to worry she’s all yours.

If you’ve noticed the needle, you’re probably wondering

What exactly you’ve been stuck with. Without a lot

Of details let me just say it’s a drug that, before long

Will shall we say, activate your sex drive whether you’ve

Ever considered such an act or not you will soon have no choice.

Keep in mind the video camera and make us proud.


Again I looked at my arm, studied it, a little confused until a soft whimper caught my attention. I look up and for the first time I notice her. A girl, maybe 12, or 13 sitting in a small chair in the corner on the opposite side of the room. She was staring at me and obviously feeling terrified. I slowly approached her, forgetting about the note. She shrank back into the chair as if it could provide some sort of protection.

“Its ok I won’t hurt you,” I tried to reassure her.

“They s-said you would.” Her voice was almost a whisper.

Who? Do what?” I asked stopping just out of reach of the terrified girl. She was beautiful, her long dark hair hung down well past her shoulders and threw her thin white shirt a pair of heart pounding young breasts were just starting to appear. The skirt she wore was way too short and I could see as it rode up that she wore no panties.

“Your gonna have sex with me,” she whispered.

Just like that it hit me, whoever they were they had brought me here to rape this young girl, and the drug they had injected me with was to make sure it happened. Worst of all the sick bastards wanted to get it all on film! I looked back to the camera and wondered if they could see us right now?

“I won’t do anything to hurt you, I promise,” I said, before thinking about that statement. What if I couldn’t help myself? What about this injection? I had never sized up a young kid like I just had a moment ago; maybe it was starting to affect me?

Instinctively I backed away. I returned to the bed slowly and sat staring at this young girl before me. And to my horror she slowly stood up and began to approach me. Holy shit she was beautiful. Those long legs that delicate little body so thin I would probably smother her if I… what am I thinking, STOP don’t let this happen!

“Can I go home now?” She pleaded softly.

I stretched an arm out and she instinctively backed away.

“Please come sit down. I won’t hurt you; I’m not the one that brought you here. I can’t get out either.”

“You can’t?”

Slowly she approached the bed and as she eased herself down on a corner I caught a glimpse of her ass and suddenly felt my breath being taken away. My cock was beginning to stir and I couldn’t fight the hard on I had in seconds.

I began to wonder if fucking this young girls tight little pussy would be so bad? The people who brought me here weren’t going to tell, so who would ever know?

Oh god no I can’t be thinking this. I tried to shake off the thought and reached out slowly to this young girl. I rubbed her forearm gently and she looked straight into my eyes.

“You’re not going to have sex with me?” She asked.

What’s your name, sweetie?”


“And how old are you Sara?”


“Have you ever had sex before?” Where the fuck did that come from?


“Do you want to?” I was losing it. Just touching her was driving me over the edge; my cock was so hard it hurt. I wanted her so bad and all that was holding me back was the small shred of morality in the back of my mind, but it was fading quickly.

“I-I don’t think I know how,” she replied.

I eased my way across the bed and put an arm around her shoulders.

“I could show you, it doesn’t have to hurt.” To my horror she thought about it for a second and then shook her head no.

“Sara….while I was asleep…whoever brought us here, well…they gave me a needle…. It makes you want to have sex really, really bad. I’m trying but I don’t think I can stop myself….”

I saw her eyes widen and felt her try to pull away. I held tighter, I couldn’t let her go not now. I had gotten a whiff of her ‘little girl sent’ and I was almost over the edge.

“Let me go I don’t want to!” Sara screamed.

“Please I’ll be careful!” I begged.

“NO! You said you wouldn’t hurt me!”

I wasn’t thinking anymore, my cock was taking over. I wrapped both arms around her and forced her face to mine. I pressed my lips to hers and she tried in vane to push me away.

As I broke the kiss she screamed and tried again to push me away.

“I-I’m sorry Sara I have to have you!”

I reached under her skirt and just having my fingers probe her sweet, innocent, virgin pussy was driving me mad. Forcing her on her back I held her two small arms with my left hand and undid my jeans with the other, letting them fall to my ankles. There would be no foreplay, no tasting her sweet innocence; my cock just couldn’t wait any longer.

I shoved her skirt up as high as I could and used my spit to soak her delicate pussy as well as my stiff cock.

Her struggling wasn’t making this easy; every time I had my cock over her small hole she would squirm a certain way and I would lose my chance at penetration, or in my case, relief.

Finally I leaned into her, using my own body wait to keep her still and with one hand on my cock to keep it steady I felt her tight hole begin to give way. As expected I met her resistance and a small part of me wanted to be gentle, but as the warmth of her young pussy began to coat my dick I felt an orgasm approaching the surface and under these circumstances I knew I couldn’t control it.

I felt her virginity rip away followed by an earth shattering scream and a more desperate struggle on Sara’s part for escape. My body weight however was too much for her.

“OHHHHHHH FUUUCKKKKKK!” I wasn’t even halfway home before I exploded deep inside her pussy. Ramming my cock the rest of the way I released it from my hand and fell on top of this young beauty. Under my full weight there was no way she could force me from her cunt.

“Take it out, take it out! Please!” She continued to beg and cry uncontrollably from the pain I was inflicting, but even as I came down from my greatest orgasm ever, I wasn’t done. Whatever this drug was an orgasm didn’t stop it from continuing it’s effects. Holding my cock deep inside her I began to thrust. Not with gentleness for this young one’s first time, but with desperation for more relief. I began to shove harder and harder, with drawing barely even half way before sinking back inside as deep as I possibly could. My hard thrusts driving Sara’s hole body up and down violently on the bed. She wasn’t fighting anymore just lying there, taking it all through her muffled cries as I kept my full weight on her tiny body.

I stole a quick glance at my cock as I began to feel something strange. Blood from her torn innocence was staining the bed and my cock as well. But I still couldn’t show any mercy; I had no control over my actions anymore.

The warmth of this young girls pussy was amazing, I had never had such a tight fuck in all my life and the feelings racing through my dick were almost unimaginable.

Suddenly I felt her pussy begin to tighten even more and her body convulsing under me. It was her own orgasm, forced upon her as it may have been but there it was! I lost it, my cum rising to the surface in record time and again I soaked her insides. She looked into my eyes for a fleeting second and I would have to say there was confusion there. Forced upon her or not and orgasm is an orgasm and the pleasure of the first is always remarkable.

Knowing that for a second or two she might have enjoyed this forced fuck compelled me to begin pounding her once again. Only this time I wrapped both arms around her thin little waste and rolled over until I had her lying on top. With her head buried under my chin and her tears soaking my chest I grabbed each of her tiny little ass cheeks in either hand and squeezed with painful force as I began thrusting up into her pussy once more. As I felt my third load rising to the surface I pulled her up until the tip of my cock was at her virgin door and slammed for all I was worth deep inside her soaked pussy. My cum exploding to the back of her cunt.

I was done, the need for further pleasure gone from my system I eased my extremely sensitive cock out of her pussy and gently laid her beside me on the bed. Tears began to roll from my eyes as the drugs wore off and I realized the horrible thing I had just been forced to do. Sara made no effort to pull her skirt down or cover her hot, red pussy, she just lay there sobbing, her head buried into the bed. I rolled to the floor and found my clothes, getting dressed quickly. I wanted to say something, but I knew words could never make up for what I had done. So I made my way to the chair on the other side of the room and sat with my head buried in my arms….



I won’t apologize for my actions even though they were horribly wrong. There are days like today when I just can’t seem to shake what I did, which is why I thought getting this story off my chest would provide me with some comfort and it has. What I did was wrong there is no excuse for doing what I did, but the reward I got from this experience makes it all worthwhile. I will leave you now to pray to god that I burn in hell for doing what most people consider to be an inhumane act. Besides it’s almost four o’clock and I need to pick up my reward from the daycare center.

My Confession

schooner on Taboo Stories


This is a humiliating story for me but one that I feel must be told. I am 31 years old now; I was 26 when it happened. I made a promise never to reveal what went on that day, but I just can’t live with it anymore I have to get it out in the open, even if its just here.

I remember I’d had a hard day at the office; the boss had been on my ass since I walked in the door and so I decided to stop and have a few drinks. There was nothing special about the place, I’d been there be

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fore, and it’s on the way.

It took me awhile to figure out how they managed to slip something into my drink. I remember a women, about middle age I guess, walking past my table. She accidentally drop a set of keys that landed under my chair, I imagine while I picked them up for her someone (obviously working with her) slipped something in my glass of Draft. I imagine if anyone asked while they were dragging me out they simply said we were friends and I’d had one too many.

I awoke in a room I’d never seen before, as my blurred vision cleared I instantly noticed the video camera mounted in the corner above my head. The room was about the size of an ordinary living room, but the only furniture was the bed I woke up on. It was well lit, the florescent lights casting a glow not unlike that of an office.

Besides my subsiding headache I felt a bit of a sting in my left arm, upon examination I notice a small bandage. I remove it to the site of a small hole; obviously they had inserted some sort of needle in me while I was asleep, before I could consider the reasons why, a small piece of paper on the pillow caught my attention. It was a note:

“She’s beautiful isn’t she? Not to worry she’s all yours.

If you’ve noticed the needle, you’re probably wondering

What exactly you’ve been stuck with. Without a lot

Of details let me just say it’s a drug that, before long

Will shall we say, activate your sex drive whether you’ve

Ever considered such an act or not you will soon have no choice.

Keep in mind the video camera and make us proud.


Again I looked at my arm, studied it, a little confused until a soft whimper caught my attention. I look up and for the first time I notice her. A girl, maybe 12, or 13 sitting in a small chair in the corner on the opposite side of the room. She was staring at me and obviously feeling terrified. I slowly approached her, forgetting about the note. She shrank back into the chair as if it could provide some sort of protection.

“Its ok I won’t hurt you,” I tried to reassure her.

“They s-said you would.” Her voice was almost a whisper.

Who? Do what?” I asked stopping just out of reach of the terrified girl. She was beautiful, her long dark hair hung down well past her shoulders and threw her thin white shirt a pair of heart pounding young breasts were just starting to appear. The skirt she wore was way too short and I could see as it rode up that she wore no panties.

“Your gonna have sex with me,” she whispered.

Just like that it hit me, whoever they were they had brought me here to rape this young girl, and the drug they had injected me with was to make sure it happened. Worst of all the sick bastards wanted to get it all on film! I looked back to the camera and wondered if they could see us right now?

“I won’t do anything to hurt you, I promise,” I said, before thinking about that statement. What if I couldn’t help myself? What about this injection? I had never sized up a young kid like I just had a moment ago; maybe it was starting to affect me?

Instinctively I backed away. I returned to the bed slowly and sat staring at this young girl before me. And to my horror she slowly stood up and began to approach me. Holy shit she was beautiful. Those long legs that delicate little body so thin I would probably smother her if I… what am I thinking, STOP don’t let this happen!

“Can I go home now?” She pleaded softly.

I stretched an arm out and she instinctively backed away.

“Please come sit down. I won’t hurt you; I’m not the one that brought you here. I can’t get out either.”

“You can’t?”

Slowly she approached the bed and as she eased herself down on a corner I caught a glimpse of her ass and suddenly felt my breath being taken away. My cock was beginning to stir and I couldn’t fight the hard on I had in seconds.

I began to wonder if fucking this young girls tight little pussy would be so bad? The people who brought me here weren’t going to tell, so who would ever know?

Oh god no I can’t be thinking this. I tried to shake off the thought and reached out slowly to this young girl. I rubbed her forearm gently and she looked straight into my eyes.

“You’re not going to have sex with me?” She asked.

What’s your name, sweetie?”


“And how old are you Sara?”


“Have you ever had sex before?” Where the fuck did that come from?


“Do you want to?” I was losing it. Just touching her was driving me over the edge; my cock was so hard it hurt. I wanted her so bad and all that was holding me back was the small shred of morality in the back of my mind, but it was fading quickly.

“I-I don’t think I know how,” she replied.

I eased my way across the bed and put an arm around her shoulders.

“I could show you, it doesn’t have to hurt.” To my horror she thought about it for a second and then shook her head no.

“Sara….while I was asleep…whoever brought us here, well…they gave me a needle…. It makes you want to have sex really, really bad. I’m trying but I don’t think I can stop myself….”

I saw her eyes widen and felt her try to pull away. I held tighter, I couldn’t let her go not now. I had gotten a whiff of her ‘little girl sent’ and I was almost over the edge.

“Let me go I don’t want to!” Sara screamed.

“Please I’ll be careful!” I begged.

“NO! You said you wouldn’t hurt me!”

I wasn’t thinking anymore, my cock was taking over. I wrapped both arms around her and forced her face to mine. I pressed my lips to hers and she tried in vane to push me away.

As I broke the kiss she screamed and tried again to push me away.

“I-I’m sorry Sara I have to have you!”

I reached under her skirt and just having my fingers probe her sweet, innocent, virgin pussy was driving me mad. Forcing her on her back I held her two small arms with my left hand and undid my jeans with the other, letting them fall to my ankles. There would be no foreplay, no tasting her sweet innocence; my cock just couldn’t wait any longer.

I shoved her skirt up as high as I could and used my spit to soak her delicate pussy as well as my stiff cock.

Her struggling wasn’t making this easy; every time I had my cock over her small hole she would squirm a certain way and I would lose my chance at penetration, or in my case, relief.

Finally I leaned into her, using my own body wait to keep her still and with one hand on my cock to keep it steady I felt her tight hole begin to give way. As expected I met her resistance and a small part of me wanted to be gentle, but as the warmth of her young pussy began to coat my dick I felt an orgasm approaching the surface and under these circumstances I knew I couldn’t control it.

I felt her virginity rip away followed by an earth shattering scream and a more desperate struggle on Sara’s part for escape. My body weight however was too much for her.

“OHHHHHHH FUUUCKKKKKK!” I wasn’t even halfway home before I exploded deep inside her pussy. Ramming my cock the rest of the way I released it from my hand and fell on top of this young beauty. Under my full weight there was no way she could force me from her cunt.

“Take it out, take it out! Please!” She continued to beg and cry uncontrollably from the pain I was inflicting, but even as I came down from my greatest orgasm ever, I wasn’t done. Whatever this drug was an orgasm didn’t stop it from continuing it’s effects. Holding my cock deep inside her I began to thrust. Not with gentleness for this young one’s first time, but with desperation for more relief. I began to shove harder and harder, with drawing barely even half way before sinking back inside as deep as I possibly could. My hard thrusts driving Sara’s hole body up and down violently on the bed. She wasn’t fighting anymore just lying there, taking it all through her muffled cries as I kept my full weight on her tiny body.

I stole a quick glance at my cock as I began to feel something strange. Blood from her torn innocence was staining the bed and my cock as well. But I still couldn’t show any mercy; I had no control over my actions anymore.

The warmth of this young girls pussy was amazing, I had never had such a tight fuck in all my life and the feelings racing through my dick were almost unimaginable.

Suddenly I felt her pussy begin to tighten even more and her body convulsing under me. It was her own orgasm, forced upon her as it may have been but there it was! I lost it, my cum rising to the surface in record time and again I soaked her insides. She looked into my eyes for a fleeting second and I would have to say there was confusion there. Forced upon her or not and orgasm is an orgasm and the pleasure of the first is always remarkable.

Knowing that for a second or two she might have enjoyed this forced fuck compelled me to begin pounding her once again. Only this time I wrapped both arms around her thin little waste and rolled over until I had her lying on top. With her head buried under my chin and her tears soaking my chest I grabbed each of her tiny little ass cheeks in either hand and squeezed with painful force as I began thrusting up into her pussy once more. As I felt my third load rising to the surface I pulled her up until the tip of my cock was at her virgin door and slammed for all I was worth deep inside her soaked pussy. My cum exploding to the back of her cunt.

I was done, the need for further pleasure gone from my system I eased my extremely sensitive cock out of her pussy and gently laid her beside me on the bed. Tears began to roll from my eyes as the drugs wore off and I realized the horrible thing I had just been forced to do. Sara made no effort to pull her skirt down or cover her hot, red pussy, she just lay there sobbing, her head buried into the bed. I rolled to the floor and found my clothes, getting dressed quickly. I wanted to say something, but I knew words could never make up for what I had done. So I made my way to the chair on the other side of the room and sat with my head buried in my arms….



I won’t apologize for my actions even though they were horribly wrong. There are days like today when I just can’t seem to shake what I did, which is why I thought getting this story off my chest would provide me with some comfort and it has. What I did was wrong there is no excuse for doing what I did, but the reward I got from this experience makes it all worthwhile. I will leave you now to pray to god that I burn in hell for doing what most people consider to be an inhumane act. Besides it’s almost four o’clock and I need to pick up my reward from the daycare center.