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HankWilliams1956 Member Since April 21, 2012

Alice 4

Hateshiganai on Incest Stories

It was just 2 months since we had been to my grandparents' house, and i had made love with my young cousins. Now, they would be staying at my house for the weekend, and both myself and Alice knew we would make the best of the time we had together.

It was a fine Saturday morning, and my autie Kerry was due to arrive at about 9am. About half past 9, her car pulled up onto the drive, and she and her daughters cam bustling up the driveway. After someone knocked at the door, i made my way over to it to let them in. No sooner had i turned the handle than Jenny came hurtling though the doorway and careered into the lounge - right into my mother's lap. Meanwhile, Alice came in in a much more civilised fashion, giving me a quick hug on the way past into the lounge. Last came Auntie Kerr

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y. As i let go of the door, she turned and hugged me and, to my silent amazement, squeezed my bum as she moved away.

Thinking i had imagined that squeeze, i followed Kerry into the lounge, closing the front door behind me. I sat down on the sofa next to Kerry, and mum got us all drinks.

After a day of not mch going on, mum suggested we rent a film, so she left to get one whilst myself and the girls set up the lounge. I maneuvered the two sides of the corner sofa to that they were making a loose triangle with the TV, allowing everyone a goos view of the screen. Naturally, i took the center seat, and lay back against the cushions to wait for the return of the film and my mother. The girls arrayed themselves about me; Aunt Kerry was on my right, with Alice on my left. Jenny decided she was going to sit with my mum when she got back, so she placed herself in the middle of one of the sofas.

After 20 or so minutes, me and Kerry were talking about how life was treating us, and mum came in the door. She put her coat and things on the floor by the door and joined us in the lounge. She put the DVD in the machine and turned the lights off in the room, now the TV was the only illumination in the room. Jenny wrangled my mum into sitting with her; that left me, Alice and Kerry to ourselves in the corner.

As the film started, the blankets we had over us started to move, as i felt Alice's hand move up my leg and down under the waistband, delving into my boxers to fondle my member. As Alice played with my stiffening dick, Aunt Kerry brought the blanket up around her shoulders and made a weird rolling movement with them. Kerry then handed me something under the blanket and i took it in to the light a lil bit to see what it was.

Her bra.

Even though i had no intention of speaking anyway, i was still left speechless. I turned my head towards my Aunt Kerry, to find her undoing the buttons of her blouse, reveal luscious, creamy tits crowned with rosy-red nipples.

I should perhaps point out at this point that Kerry had Alice young, and Jenny was conceived not long after Alice was put into school. Hence, Kerry is only 29 and despite having two kids, she is trim, toned and i now know she has 36C breasts. She is 5'5" with pale, milky skin and gold-brown shoulder-length hair. She has an hourglass figure.

So, back to the story, i stared at Kerry's tits as she bared them to me. She grabbed my hand and laid in on one her beautiful tits as she lay back against me, as her hand joined her daughter's in my boxers. If she was surprised or angered by finding her 13-year old daughter's hand fondling my fully-erect manhood, i couldn't tell; but, it felt great beyond imagining to have both my cousin and my Aunt groping my dick, and as if to repay them, i reached my hands into their crotches, up their skirts and down their panties. I slowly inserted a finger into each of their's pussies, and began fingering them both at the same time.

Soon, i began to feel Kerry start bucking against my hand, and she quickyl excused herself from the room, and both Alice and i knew she was going to the bathroom to orgasm. So whilst her mother had her orgasm over me finger fucking her, Alice grabbed my hand and forced more of it inside of her, until she too needed to be excused to go orgasm.

I suddenly realised that within that impromptu prgy, i was the only one not to have been made to cum. Feeling a bit left out, i too went to the toilet, just as Kerry was returning. On my wasy past her i squeezed her tit through her blouse, while she groped my crotch, a sly smile on her lips. When i arrived at the bathroom, a grabbed my shaft and began to pump it. I waddled in the door, hand on dick, right into the reclined form of Alice. I didn't need a second thought about it, i just made a bee-line for her crotch, my dick sliding up inside her all in one motion, as i picked her up and placed her on the toilet.

After we had both climaxed, we returned to the lounge, with a good time-span left between us. We couldn't have my mum finding out, now, could we? Soon, the film ended, both my mum and jenny having fallen asleep mid-way through. As Kerry transported my mum to bed, and Alice moved Jenny, i re-arranged the lounge back to how it had been before the movie. Right after that i made my way straight to bed, and lay there thinking about how many more times this weekend i would get to fuck Alice and explore her mum.


Part 5 to follow. As a break from tradition, i will not be giving any hints to the next part, nor will i leave it up to readers. This will be a Mystery Episode!

Alice 3

Hateshiganai on Incest Stories

Alice and i just stared at each other. We had just been asked by Alice's little sister what we had been doing in the bathroom. Surely we couldn't just come right out and say we were having wild, passionate sex? Could we?

"What do you mean, Jenny?" i asked her

"Well, i could weird noises coming fromthe bathroom, so i cam to the door to find out what was going on. When i listened at the door, all i could hear was Alice whispering 'yes' and you saying 'uhh' or sumthing"

"Oh, erm, i was....... well........ ermm, how about i show you what we were doing?"

"Yeah, okay. What do i do first?"

"First you have to come to the bathroom with me, since having our parents find us what we will be doing would be very bad"

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(God i hate that question) "Because they think you're too young to do this and they willl get mad for me spoinling the surprise"

"Oh okay, shall we go in the bathroom, then?"

Jenny and i made our way across the hall to the bathroom, and i locked the door behind us. I then turned to Jenny, knelt down, and put my hands on the front of her jeans. I began undoing the top button with one hand, whilst with the other i pulled down the zipper.

"Why are you doing that, James?" Jenny asked me

"I have to do this to get you ready for the thing me and Alice were doing. Now, please keep your questions until after i've finished, 'kay?"


Jenny clammed up and i continued undressing her. After her jeans reached her ankles, i got her to step out of them and take her t-shirt off. Now, since she had just started puberty, she wasn't wearing a bra, so now she was stood in just her panties, which i promptly slid down her shapely legs to the floor.

"Now Jenny, i want you to undress me, starting with my jeans."

"Okay" she replied

She knelt down in front of me, and began udoing the fastenings of my jeans. As she did this i pulled my t-shirt off over my head whilst my dick grew to full erection. Jenny slid my jeans down my legs, to the floor, and i stepped out of them. She then grabbed the sides of my boxer shorts and pulled them down my legs. As soon as they went far enough down, my dick sprang forth and swayed gently mere centimetres from her face. She was intent on my boxers, however, and didn't see what bounced against her lips. As soon as i had stepped out of my boxers, i picked Jenny up and sat her on the toilet, spreading her legs and kneeling between them.

"Jenny, what me and Alice were doing is called 'fucking', and to do this i will need to help your 'pussy' get wet. Now, this will feel real good, and at some point you'll feel like you wanna pee; when that happens, dont hold back, just let it go. It will feel amazing!"

"Okay James, as long as it dont hurt"

"Well, actually, since this is your first time, there will be a bit that'll hurt, but it only hurts the first time. Every time after that, it'll be all pleasure. But, you have to have that bit of pain at the start to get the pleasure, okay?"

"Oh alright, James. Go for it"

I slipped a finger up inside Jenny's pussy, and began to twiddle it about, immediately getting a response from Jenny. Her eyes closed and her body trembled, whilst small moans escaped her lips.

"You gotta be quiet, Jenny. Remember, your parents dont want you to do this, and they'll get mad at both me and you if they find out what we're doing"

"Uh huh" she moaned as i now probed her pussy with two fingers. I continued finger-fucking Jenny until i could slip my index, middle and ring fingers in, during which time she had her first orgasm, and i had to clamp my hand over her mouth to stop her scream of ecstasy from being overheard.

When finally i got three fingers in, i decided she was ready for the main attraction. I withdrew my fingers, and got up to stand between her spread legs. I picked up Jenny's pleasure-induced limp body and switched places with her. Now i sat on the toilet, and i held Jenny above me. I used my knees to spread her legs, and slowly let her down onto my dick.

As her pussy got close to my dick, Jenyn regained conciousness, and she stood herself up, allowing me both hands to guide my bulging dickhead towards her virgin pussy. I held it against the slit, and gently pushed at the opening. She was so tight, having never had anything in her pussy, except my finger a little while ago, that i thought i was going to cum right there and then. But, i held it in, and slowly pushed my 8" dick up into my younger cousin's preteen pussy.

Eventually, after much groaning and moaning on both our parts, I got my dick in as far as it would go - the head resting up against Jenny's hymen.

"Jenny.......this is......the part......where it's gonna hurt..... 'kay?"

Jenny was lost in the moment, but i definitely saw her nod her head a little bit. So i withdrew a little ways, then thrust forward hard, breaking the hymen, and my dick slid all the way in to the hilt. Jenny and i were now hip to hip, my dick firmly buried in her pussy, and a look of utter pleasure was painted across Jenny's face - the pain of breaking the hymen seemed to have had no effect on her at all. I then began lifting her up by her hips, then pull her back down to my hips, making my dick slide in and out of her pussy. I slowly increased my rhythm, until Jenny was bouncing up and down on my dick.

As she bounced she moaned louder and louder, until i had to put my hand over her mouth to kepp her from alerting her parents. Mid-stroke, i switched places with her, Jenny now laid out across the lidded toilet seat, my dick pounding her sweet preteen pussy for all it's worth. I felt my dick suddenly get swamped in a warm liquid, and since i knew i wasn't ready to cum yet, i realised that Jenny had just cum - again - and i saw her eyes roll up into her head as the sheer volume of pleasire coursing through her small body got the better of her, and she fainted.

While she was out of it, i continued my thrusting until i, too, orgasmed, spewing forth gob after gob of cum up into Jenny's body.

It took us maybe 10 minutes to come down from our mutual high, and i got nothing but expressions of happiness and words of thanks from Jenny.

"That was the best thing i've ever felt, James!" Please do it to me again sometime?!"

"Alright, Jenny. But say nothing of this to anyone, except Alice, unless you wanna get really badly told off, and get grounded for at least a year, maybe two?"

"Oh my god! No, i wont tell anyone except Alice."

"There's a good girl. Now, lets get dressed and we'll go play with Alice for a bit, then we can go back downstairs and have supper"

End of Part 3

Part 4 will follow at a later date, featuring a 3-some between James, Alice and Jenny. If you want their mom to get involved, put 'mom' at the end of your review. If you want my auntie to get involved, put 'aunt' after your review. (or you can put both, i dont mind!) Thanks!

Alice Part 2

Hateshiganai on Incest Stories

That evening, after we had all had dinner; Alice, her little sister Jenny and myself went upstairs to play. Whilst we played together, me an Alice would steal glances at each other, and even copped a feel of one another when Jenny wasn't looking. Eventually the sexual tension got too much and we excused ourselves from Jenny, explaining that we had something to talk about privately.

Alice and i retreated to the bathroom, locked the door and immediately started to kiss, hold and strip each other. As Alice unzipped my jeans, i cupped her breasts through her top, massaging and squeezing them. I slipped my hand up her skirt, and pushing her panties aside, inserted a finger into her pussy. I slowly curled and uncurled it inside her, making Alice shiver with pleasure and her hands accele

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rate in their mission to undress me. By this point i was in just my boxer shorts, but those were quickly gone. My dick sprung out of the confines of my boxers, swaying whilst pointing directly at Alice's pussy. Sensing what i was thinking, she took her top and bra off, soon followed by her skirt and panties. Now, we were both naked.

Alice perched her cute little ass on the toilet, spreading her legs wide. I guided my dick towards her rosy, glistening pussy. As the head touched the lips, a shock of pleasure wracked us both, and my dick was shoved in to the hilt, my balls slapping against her ass. We both stared at each other in wonder - it felt as good this time as it did the last time. I began to withdraw my dick from her pussy. Then, when the head was about to slip out, i thrust it all the way back in, slowly. I kept on doing this, savouring the feeling of the dick penetrating my cousin, Alice. Her face was a mask of arousal; her head way tipped back, her eyes were closed, and am expression of absolute pleasure covered her features. I cupped her head in my hand and brought her face up to mine. We kissed and kissed and kissed, whilst my dick maintained its slow thrust. As we kissed, my rhythm sped up, and soon Alice was bouncing up and down on my dick, moaning in pleasure.

After what seemed like hours of fucking my cousin, i felt the tell-tale tingle in my shaft and, as if in unison, Alice began to impale herself on my dick even harder, shaking with the onset of orgasm. As we climaxed, we hugged each other close, our lips meeting in the most loving kiss i have ever known. Our cum mixed within her; mine entering her womb, hers leaking from around my shaft.

We collapsed in exhaustion as the reality of how long we had been at it dawned on us. Alice quickly used some tissue to clean up the excess cum that was leaking from her pussy, whilst i got dressed. After Alice finished dressing, we unlocked the bathroom door and returned to my bedroom, finding Jenny just then sitting down.
Looking up at us with a curious expression on her face, she asked

"James, what were you doing to Alice?"

Part 3 to follow. Again, i want reviewers to let me know what they want from this story. So, please put either "yes" or "no" at the end of your review, as to whether you want Jenny included in the 'goings on' Between James and ALice. FYI Jenny is 4'5" with white/blonde hair, icy blue eyes and quite slim.

Cousin Lovin'

Hateshiganai on Incest Stories

The weekend had been planned well in advance. Me, my sister and my mum were going to my grandparents' house, so we could catch up with all our relatives that live in that town. Now, i have secrectly been harbouring a crush on my 13 year-old cousin, Alice. She has tanned skin, long brown hair, brown eyes and a slim, toned body. I'm not sure how big her tits are, but they're probably 34A.

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n">When we arrived, i found to my pleasure that Alice and her two younger sisters were staying with us at my grandparents' house that weekend. I made a mental note to try an get Alice alone as much as possible that weekend - I had seen the way she glanced at me, and i knew she felt the same about me as i felt about her.

Well, later that afternoon, everyone went out for a walk saying that they'd be back in an hour or so. Alice expressed a wish not to go, so i said i would look after her at the house, whilst everyone else went walking. My grandparents agreed with that, complimenting me on my thoughtfulness for the wellbeing of my cousin. Haha, more like thoughtfulness for the pleasurement of my cousin! Anyway, everyone left, and it was just me and Alice sat in my bedroom.

There was one hell of an awkward silence right then, but i thought i'd break the ice, and planted my lips upon Alice's. Momentarily she seemed shocked by that, and withdrew a few millimetres. But right after that she returned the kiss, and it quickly turned into a snog. We embraced tightly, with our hands exploring each other's bodies. My right hand went straight to her bra clip, whilst my left hand made a bee-line for her skirt. Meanwhile, her hands unbuttoned and unzipped my trousers, then slipped them down my legs to my knees, and from there they fell to the floor. As my jeans made their journey south, i unclipped her bra and pulled her panties down to her knees, close to my tented boxers.

Alice unbuttoned my boxers and my erect, 7" cock sprang forth, swaying and twitching in anticipation. I had her panties to the floor now, and her skirt rolled up to her hips - my eyes engorged themselves on the wondrous sight before them; my 13 year old cousin's downy-haired pussy. It was pink and glistening from the cum leaking from within, as was the head of my dick. I laid my cousin out on my bed, and she spread her legs without my having to say so. I positioned myself between her legs, and rested the head of my dick against her opening. Slipping it in a little bit, i bent to her face and whispered "I love you, Alice"

I half-heard her identical reply, as the explosion of warmth eveloped me. I don't remembered much of what happened during the next 15 minutes, only suggestions of movement - the in-out movement one associates with sex, the exclamations of "yes" and "uh" that are so primal and yet so meaningful. I awoke as if from a daze, mid-loving, tender kiss with the cousin i had just had passionate sex with; our arms wrapped around each other as we lay side-by-side in my bed, my slowing softening dick retracting from her glistening, pink pussy.

"I love you, Alice. I want you to be with me always"

"I love you too, James. I want be with you, too"

"But, we cannot tell anyone about us"

"I know, but maybe one day we can"









Loving Family

uosdwisrdewoh on Incest Stories

I lay there holding my wife. We had just had incredible sex and we were both almost asleep.

Then the door clicked open softly and our daughter entered. She never knocks and we don’t try to make her.

“Mommy? Daddy? I can’t sleep. Can I sleep with you tonight?”

Mindy was fifteen. She hasn’t slept with us much for years but lately, since we’ve been getting more intimate with her she wants to sleep with us most every night.

“Sure Honey.” I said.

We moved to make room for her between us.

She lay down and inhaled deeply. “Your bed always smells so good!”

That was because our bed reeked of sex.

“Do you want to sleep or play a little first, Honey?” My wife

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asked, knowing very well what the answer would be.

She giggled. “Play.”

I moved closer to my beautiful daughter and my wife did the same on the other side of her. We’ve always been a very close family and enjoyed cuddling with each other a lot. It seemed very natural to everybody when we recently took it to the next level.

My wife slid off our daughter’s large t-shirt and my two favorite girls started kissing deeply and stroking each other’s breasts. I put my arms around her from behind and started nuzzling her neck. My fingers trailed gently down her stomach and started to stroke my daughter’s inflamed pussy.

My dick was getting hard against her cute little butt. I felt my wife’s hand on my shaft, guiding me into my daughter’s hot pussy. She slid her leg between ours so they could grind their clits against each other and we could all make love together.

She reached out and put her arms around me and I did the same so we could hold our little girl tightly between us. I started gently thrusting into my daughter. Every stroke moved her against my wife, creating friction between them. I felt the heat of both their pussies and they were both moaning with delight as they continued to kiss and caress each other.

I increased my pace and reached down to finger my wife’s pussy. I found my daughter’s fingers already there and she squealed with delight as we entered her together.

We all came together, gasping our “I love you”s to each other. Though I had just made love to my wife I emptied another massive load in my daughter.

We all lay still for a while then I moved my fingers, drenched in my wife’s pussy juices up to my daughter’s lips. She sucked contentedly as my wife trailed kisses down her breasts and stomach. Finally she reached our daughter’s sweet pussy and buried her tongue in it.

My daughter and I started kissing as my wife pulled us closer so she could alternately lick her pussy and my dick.

My daughter came, moaning against my lips, under the stimulation of her mother’s talented tongue and fingers and a few seconds later I came again in my wife’s mouth.

She crawled up next to us again. “Sleepy now, baby?”

“Yes Mommy.”

They hugged each other and then we all kissed, I loved the feeling of both their tongues against mine, and we all cuddled up for a blissful night‘s sleep.

Crazy Mom

PB2006 on Incest Stories

I took my Mother down to the psyciatric ward to be evaluated.

 She had started to act funny. All of the sudden she started to believe everything she heard. She was very gullible. Like if I told her that she had a dick, she would have to look down her pants to make sure she didn"t. So they evaluated her and decided that she wasn"t crazy enough to be given medication or taken in for special care, so I took her home.

At the time we were now living alone, as my parents were divorcing and it was messy and my younger sister was in school. I was 14. When we got home she did what she usually did, she could still function, she was just a very trusting person now. I went in my room, sat at my computer and played some porn of girls fucking (I found these in a cupboa

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rd of my dads).

It had been a few minutes, my pants were around my ankles and I was jerkin" my big meat, when my mom walked in (I didn"t have a lock on my door)."Dinner." She said.

Then she noticed what I was doing. I pulled up and pants and quickly excused herself and walked out, closing the door behind her. I had to take care of the situation.

I could have just told her I was checking for cancer, she would have believed anything I said, but that was too easy, plust I was still horny. My mom was standing at the stove and I walked up to her.
"It"s ok mom, since I walked in on you yesterday, we"re even.""You walked in on me yesterday?"
"Yeah don"t you remember? You had just got out of the shower and you had no clothes on and I saw you and said that you have a very beautiful body."

"You think I have a beautiful body?" She said blushing.
"Of course! You"re a hotty mommy."
I began to caress her milky white thighs that were exposed by her high cut off shorts.

"You want to make love to me mom.""Of course I do."Then we just started making out and slobbering all over each other. My mom"s name is Isobel and she"s 45,and is about 5"2"", really skinny, only 115 pounds, she has long brown hair tied into two pigtails. She had little petite, but nicely shaped tits,

My name is Paul and I"m  taller than my mom, 5"11", also really skinny, 120 pounds, I have dirty blonde hair. I had a hairy chest and bush surrounding my 7 inch, super thick dick. I had an ass like my mothers, it was hairless, none on the inside or outside. I took off her black tank top and began to feel her bare skin, with only a white bra covering her playful tits.

She had ripped off my shirt with out me even knowing and we were both working on trying to get eachothers pants off, while still sucking on the otherone"s tongue.

Mom had worked off my pants to reveal my striped boxers, while I started to pull off her short shorts to find matching white panties. We had made it to the living room and jumped on the couch. She was on top of my licking my chest and I manuevered her bra off.

I started sucking on her already erect red  nipples on her supple breasts. Isobel began her way down my body and managed to get off my underwear so she could see my big sausage.

"I want you to fuck me." She said."Alright, but I"m on the top."
She laid on the couch on her back and I slowly and carefully pulled off her panties so I could finally get a glimpse of her buried treasure. I was on my knees and aiming my dick at the entrance of her snatch. I started to slowly put the head in while we both moaned."Fuck me hard baby."

I shoved my whole package in her and started to furiously thrust back and forth. Her tits were bouncin" up and down and my balls were slapping her asshole. I was feelin" up her tits when I began to feel my climax come on.

I was sweaty and so was she. I began to pump faster, causing her to scream out a loud moan.

We were both screamin at the top of our lungs when we swapped body fluids. I pulled out my cum covered dick and collapsed on my Mom.

We slept There on the couch, with come still on our stuff.
Afterwards we made a pact to0 keep this a secret from everyone, and evey chance we got we fucked like bunnies.

Cousins compare

Vaughan on Incest Stories

When I was 14 I went to stay with my Auntie and my 2 cousins krissy and Shelly. Krissy was a 16 yo gymnast and her sister was 17 and should have been a model. As my hormones were running rampit at that age I use to always try and catch them getting change and would wank in the shower everytime i stayed there.

On this occasion my mum cam with me so she got the spare room meaning that i had to sleep on the floor between my 2 cousins single beds. When it was time to go to bed i was as horny as hell and already my young cock had started to get hard. I went to bed first knowing that the girls would have to come in and get changed. Shelly was first and she quite openly dropped her skirt to the floor and pulled on some pj bottoms then turned her back to me while she put on her top.

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I was staring uncontrolably and as she jumped in her bed she looked down at me and said get a good look? i turned red and said nothing. Not long after Krissy came in and instantly stated that i had to leave so she could get her nightie on. To my surprise Shelly told her to not be so silly and that I was her cousin and to just turn the other way. Krissy walked to the end of where i was sleeping and took her top off first. From where i lay i could just see the side of her breast as she took off her bra and quickly slipped her nightie over her head. she then let it drop and did one of those grl manouvers where they take off there panties and use the nightie to keep anyone from seeing. Once again my eyes where fixed on my cousin and when she turned around to get in to bed i averted my eeys to my other Shelly who was staring at me smiling. The light got turned out and we all settled in to bed.

I had a raging hard on and couldnt sleep then after about 45 mins i felt a hand tapping me on the shoulder. It was Shelly. she beonned me to get into bed with her and signalled me to be quiet and pointed at Krissy. I wasted no time i stood up in my boxers and slid under her covers. She put her arms around and lent into my ear and whispered "so who has the better tits?" I layed in silence concerntrating on not letting my hard cock come into contact with my cousin as we layed close. I didnt see urs i whispered back. "Do you want to see them" she purred Yes i nearly said allowed before she put her fingers to my lips.  Shelly un buttoned her top and out  sprung 2 amazing breasts that I now know are about a c cup with the perkiest nipples. I stared at them and she grabbed my hand and placed it on her left breastt. I nearly came in my pant instantly.

You Like? She asked in her sexy purring whisper. Yes  very much I replied while starting to caress er tits with both hands. "seeing as your  touching me she said with a wicked grin and her hand went straight down under my boxers and gripped my hard cock. I moaned and was so close to cumming that i had to tell her. Im gonna cum any second I said embarrased by my lack of staminer. "Its ok let me make sure we get none on the sheets and with the disappearedunder the doonah and put her mouth round the head of my cock. I instantly started cumming in her mouth. I bucked and moaned as she sucked evey last drop.

She came up from under the covers smiling and then we heard ......"What are you guys doing?

Caught again

Jim Moore on Incest Stories

Clair just stood in the door with a smile on her face looking at her mother and brother laying naked in bed. My cock was still about half hard and it was wet with cum and Mom's pussy had my cum running out of it.

"Clair come here and I will try to explain what is happering" my Mother said.

She walked over to where we were and sat down on the bed. Mom proceded to tell her how that when she was about 15 her brother, out Uncle Bob had started fucking her and it was just to good to stop, so when ever Dad would leave town they would get together and have sex. She told her that she understood how Me and Clair would want to fuck and now that we had started she knew we wouldn't stop. She explained that she wanted to get her started on birth control before we fucked again.

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I said "Hey Clair why don't you get naked with us and that would make all of us feel more confortable." Mom chimed in and agreed with me. Clair stood up and proceded to strip naked. When I saw her tits and little cunt my cock sprang up again. Mom reached over and took it in her hand and started slowly jacking me off. "Come here and help me" Mom said. Clair got on the bed and Mom took her hand and put it on my now fully hard cock and strted moving her hand up and down. Mom reached over and took one of Clair's tits and started rubbing it.

"Mom, your making me very hot and you said Jim couldn't fuck me so what am I going to do?" Mom pushed her over on the bed and spread her young legs exposing a very little pussy. Then she put her head down and started licking her little cunt up and down. Clair opened up her legs as wide as she could to allow Mom to get full access to her cunt. Mom lifted up her head and said "How did you get that huge cock in such a little pussy?" Mom was on her knees with her ass up in the air. As she went back to working on Clair's little cunt licking and sucking her pushing her tongue as deep into her as she could I went behind her and put my cock head up to Mom's cunt and with one fast lunge drove the full length of my cock into a very wet pussy. Mom groaned and pushed back against my cock. Clair was moaning and pushing her cunt up into Mom's face as she ate her sweet little pussy.

I started pulling out almost all the way then plunging my cock back into Mom's cunt and with each stroke she would moan very loud. "Mom you have a wonderful pussy and I love being a mother fucker"

Here is the picture, Mom has her face buried in my sister's cunt licking and sucking like crazy and sis is bucking and almost screaming about how good it feels, I'm behind mom fucking her pounding her like a jack hammer and she is moaning and trying to shove my cock deeper into her cunt. The feeling was so wonderful feeling my cock plunging into Mom's cunt and watching my sister get her pussy ate.

Sis started screaming, "Mom I'm cumming I'm cumming keep sucking please don't stop Oooooohhhhhhhhhhhh." I could feel my balls start to get tight and I knew I was about to blow a load of cum in Mom's pussy, and she was moaning,"Mmmmmmm". I shoved my dick as deep into Mom as I could and let the first jet of cum shoot out. "Oh shit Mom I'm cummmmiiiiiinnnnngggggg, damn that good pussy". With each stroke I would shoot another stream of cum. Mom pulled her face up from my sister's cunt and let out a screaml, "Ohhhhhhhh I'm ggoooooo iinnngggg ttoooooo cummmmmmmm ohhhhhhhh fuck me with that sweet meat pound your mothers pussy shoot your cum in her".

I was exhausted and let my limp cock slide out of her pussy and fell over on the bed beside my sister who was still breating hard. Mom fell on the other side of her panting like a fresh fucked bitch. "Son you have the best dick I've ever had and I know your sister will want lots more of it". "Mom I love fucking you and Clair's pussy is so damn tight it is wonderful." Clair raised up on one hand and said, "Mom you better hurry and get me those pills, because I don't know how long I can do without that big cock in my pussy."

We lay there a while just getting our breath and Clair said," Mom is Uncle Bob's cock as good as Jim's?" Mom said "Well maybe some day you will be able to find out for your self how good his cock is, if your brother doesn't mind sharing your."

Hope you like the story. Jim_Moore63@Yahoo.com

Mom Caught Us

Jim Moore on Incest Stories

There we were laying completely naked on our backs my hald hard cock laying on my belly with cum dripping out of it and Clair with her legs still spread and cum leaking from her little pussy when the light came on and there stood our Mom with her hands on her hips.


With that Clair pulled the cover up and covered us both up and started to cry. "We are doing the same thing that you and Uncle Bob was doing not 10 minutes ago in your bed."

"What are you talking about me and Bod"

"Don't try and deny it Clair and I both saw him between your legs fucking like there was no tomorrow."

Mom turned and ran down the hall to her room and shut the door. I put my arm aroung Clair and told her no

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t to worry that Mom wasn't going to  do anything because if she did Dad would find out that she was fucking her brother. Go to sleep and get some rest you have to go to school tomorrow. I picked up my shorts and went to my room and got in bed. I lay thinking about what I had seen and done that night before drifting off to sleep.

The next morning I was woke up by my Mom tapping me on the head. I open my eyes and Mom was setting on my bed and I noticed that she was only wearing her nity which I could see through. She has nice tits with dark brown nipples that were sticking out about 1/2". She said that she wasn't angry with Clair and I for what we did, and that Bob and her had started having sex when they were about the same age. She said I know how good it feels and that is why we can't stop doing it every chance we get. Her face was a little red as she talked and she put her hand on my leg. I could feel my cock starting to get hard just listening to her talk.

She said I know that you are a man and need sex but please wait until she could get Clair on the pill before we tried it again.

"I noticed that you have grown into a full man by the size of your dick, it is even bigger than your Dad".

"What are you trying to say Mom?"

"Well if you need relief I think I know someone who would be willing to help you out."

"And who might that be?" With that she pulled her nity up over her head and exposed a wonderful let of tits and a pussy that was covered with dark brown hair. She said "Me". She pulled the cover back and there I was with my cock sticking straight up in the air. She reached out and put her hand around it and started to stroke it up and down. "Son you have a wonderful tool to make women happy, and I'll bet you know how to use it." She leaned over and put one of tits at my mouth so I opened my mouth and took it in. She pushed it down on my face and let out a moan.

I pushed her away and said "Mom should we be doing this?"

"Why not she said, you have fucked your sister and I have fucked my brother so why shouldn't you fuck your mother?" "Besides you have a hard cock and I have a wet pussy just waiting for it".

I pulled her over on the bed and started kissing her shoving my tongue in her mouth and she accepted it willingly. I sucked one tit whild rubbing the nipple of the other one between my finger and thumb. I started kissing her down her belly until I hit the hairy patch on her pubic area. She spread her legs wide and I lowered my head and kissed her wet pussy. I put my tongue in her crack and she put her hands on the back of my head and plushed my face into her cunt saying "Yes Yes Yes eat Mommie's pussy suck it make me cum on your face". I found her clit and rolled it with my tongue and she threw her head back and grabbed the sheet on both sides of her. "Oh Oh Oh fuck baby your making your mother cum" I kept sucking her clit and tongue fucking her pussy until I flet her body shake and she almost screamed out. "Oh my wonderful son I'm cummmmmiiiiiiiiinnnnnngggggg Oh don't stop suck my pussy, eat it , lick it ohhhhhhhh".

She relaxed on the bed and I lay down beside her still with a huge hard on. She got up and put her lips on the head of my dick and licked it lightly. Licking the pre cum from the tip. I pushed my cock up and said "Suck that cock suck your son's lovely cock you know you want it in your mouth and feel it throb as you suck it"

She opened her mouth and took about half of my cock in her mouth and started bobing her head up and down if a fucking motion. "Oh Mom that feels soooo goood but I have another place I want to put my cum" I pulled her head off and pushed her over on her back. She knew what I wanted and spread her legs waiting for me to drive my cock into her cunt. She grabbed my cock and pulled it down to the entrance of her pussy and said, "Fuck me Fuck my pussy drive that wondereful peace of meat as deep as you can in me". "I'll bet you fucked Clair good last night so fuck me the way you did her fuck me my baby".

I shoved my cock about half way in her wet cunt and she screamed, "Yes Yes Yes that's it fuck my pussy". I pulled out a little then drove the whold thing in her until my nuts slapped her on her ass. "You like my cock don't you Mom, you like your son's cock buired in your cunt?" "Oh hell yes I like it I want it I have to have it, just fuck me with it".

I stared out taking long slow strokes and damn it felt good, not as good as Clair but very good. I picked up the pace and started driving my cock home hard and fast. "That's it baby fuck that pussy hard, fuck it like I know you know how, make your mother cum Ohhhhhh fuck me fuck me harder." I was driving my cock in like a jack hammer and my nuts were slapping her ass with each stroke. I could feel my nuts getting tight and knew I was about to blow my load in her. "I'm abou to cum will you cum with me?" "Cum in me fill me with your hot love juice pump it in me now" I made a couple of lunges and shoved my cock as deep as I could and let our a loud grunt as I unloaded my balls deep in my mothers pussy. She said, "Oh baby i'm cumming I feel your cum it's hot and I love it FUCK I'M CUMMMMMMiiiiinnnngggggg."

I fell down on her out of breath and could still feel my cock pulsing in her cunt. "Oh my sweet son that was wonderful, I think I can take care of you until Clair is ready" I rolled off with my cock still dripping cum. I looked up and there in the door was Clair my little sister. She was just smilling and said, "You like his cock too don't your Mom?" Mom jerked the cover up over her naked body but I pulled it off again and Clair said, "Mom you have cum leaking out of your pussy" and laughed.

We Caught Mom

Jim Moore on Incest Stories

Let me start by telling you something about what happen. I'm a 20 year old 6'tall and about 210#. I had been away working for 2 years and just been home a couple of weeks. My sister is 15 and very well built. Not real big tits but very nice. My Dad worked for an oil company and was gone lots. Almost every time he went out of town our Uncle Bob would have to come over for some reason, and usually spent the night. Mom is 40 but sure doesn't look bad.

My date and been a bad deal since she wouldn't let me go any further than feeling her tits. It just gave me a good hard on and lover nuts. I came in about 1:30 AM and was trying to not wake anyone, but when I got close to my mothers room I could hear noises like someone moaning. The door was about half open and with her night light I co

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uld see something that floored me. My mother was on the bed completely naked sucking someone's cock. She was really going after it and the man was pushing his butt up trying to get more of his cock in her mouth. I steped back and remembered that Uncle Bob's car was in the drive way. I looked again and sure enough it was Mom's brother that she was sucking off. I stood and watched for a minute and my cock was getting hard even though I felt anger for her fucking around on my Dad especially with her own brother.

I went to my bed room and undressed my cock still hard as a rock. I started to jack off when I thought about my little sister and how beautiful her little ass looked in her tight shorts. I put on some shorts and tip toed down to her bed room and found that her light was on. I knocked softly and ask if I could come in. She was dressed in a see through white nity and was setting up in bed reading. I could see her nipples throuogh the thin material and I thought I was going to cum in my shorts.

I told her what I had seen in Mom's room but she didn't believe me so we went back to Mom and Dad's room. When we looked in Mom was setting on top of Uncle Bob riding his cock. She was pumping up and down moaning with every stroke. He started saying "fuck that cock sis fuck it until I fill you with my cum". I looked at my sister and her hand was down between her legs and I knew whe was feeling her pussy. Mom said "Oh shit big brother I love your cock, it fuckes me soo good." "It's so hard and big, fill my pussy with your hot cum" I tapped my sister and said lets go.

We went back to her room and she could see my cock pushing out on my shorts. "Did looking at our Mother and Uncle doing that make you excited" she said. "It sure as hell did sis, and I noticed that you might have gotten a little worked up also" We sat down on her bed and looked at each other for a few seconds when she said "Let me see it". I told her let's both take our cloth off and not hide anything. I said If Mom and Uncle can do it it must be ok, and besides we do love each other. She didn't hesitate to pull her nity over her head and I slipped my shorts off exposing my hard cock. "Oh god sis you are the most beautiful woman I have ever seen." She looked at my cock and said "It looks bigger than Uncle Bobs, but it is beautiful, can I feel it?" I took her hand and placed it on my cock and stroked it up and down a few times. I ask her if she had ever seen a cock before and she said that she had and that one of her boy friends had ever busted her cherry.

She was breathing hard and so was I. I pushed her back on the  bed and started rolling the nipple of her tits between my fingers. She moaned and pushed them up to me. I sucked her tits first one then the other and each time I changed she wimpered softly. I started kissing her down to her belly and she put her hands on my head as if to stop me but never did. When I got to her pubic area I could feel some very soft light hair. I spread her legs and kissed her young pussy very softly and she let out an "Ohhh". I licked her pussy from top to bottom and found it already very wet. I keep licking and tongue fucking her flicking her clit each time I come to the top of her little pussy. She was holding on the sheet with both hands and pushing her young little pussy up into my face. I felt her start to shake and her body got still and she let out a "Ohhhh Ohhhh Ohhhh" I knew she was experienceing her first orgasm.

I lifted my head up and she grabbed my face and kissed my hard on my lips and shoved her tongue into my mouth which I welcomed and our tongues meet. She put her mouth to my ear and wispered "Fuck me big brother, Fuck me not just like Uncle Bob is fucking Mom". I got between her legs and put my very hard cock at the enterience of her little fuck hole. It was dripping wet so there was not need and any pre cum even thought there was plenty. I pushed the head of my cock into her warm wet love tounel. It was the most wonderful feeling I had ever experienced. She pushed her butt up and some more cock went in.She was so tight and hot I thought I was going to cum before I coujld get completely in her. I stroked her there for a feSw times then with one slow push I put the entire lenght of my cock deep into her young sweet belly. She almost screamed when I did. I told her not to worry about making to much noise because what was Mom going to do. I sucked her tits and fucked her long and slow trying very hard not to cum to fast. I told her she had the tightest pussy I had ever had and it felt wonderful to be fucking her.

After a while I picked up the pace and started fucking her hard and fast going all the way in each time. She was saying "Oh Oh Oh" each time I shoved my cock into her pussy. She said "Big brother I have wanted you to fuck me for so long I'm so glad it has finally happen". We were both breathing had and I was pumping her cunt like a jack hammer. She kept saying " Oh fuck that feels good, fuck my pussy big brother shove that big lovely cock in me and fill me with your sweet cum". She started to stiffen and I knew she was about to cum so I shoved my cock as deep as I could and let the first blast go. She let out another low scream as I kept pumping my cum in her with each stroke. She said "I'm cumming I'm cumming keep fucking me don't stop please don't stop" Then she let out a low "Ohhhhhhhhhhhhhh" I had spent my entire load in her young tight pussy and just fell down on the bed beside her. I said "Sis that was the most wonderful fuck I have ever had", and she said it was for her also.

About that time the light came on and there at the door stood our mother with her hands on her hips. "What is going on her?" she said.

But that is anothe story.

I know I'm not the best write so go easy on me if you will.


A Crazy Night With Mom

uosdwisrdewoh on Incest Stories

It was a Friday night. I was hanging out with three friends of mine. We were all sixteen but we were all broke and none of us had access to a car so we were hanging around my basement playing pool and drinking my mom’s beer.

Suddenly I heard a car pull up and the door open and close upstairs. My mom was home from her date way earlier than usual.

“Jimmy? Are you home?”

We quickly stashed the beer behind the furnace.

“Down here, Mom!”

Mom came down the stairs. She smiled and waved to us. “Hey guys!”

I had to admit, my mom was hot! All my friends said so and I secretly agreed. She was only 34 and had a killer body. She was wearing a short skirt and a very tight top with a lot of

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cleavage. I could tell she was kind of tipsy.

“You’re home pretty early.” I said.

“Yeah, I’m through with that idiot.” She said with contempt. She picked up a cue. “Wrack ‘em for an old lady, Steve!”

It’s cool when my mom hangs out with me and my friends. In a lot of ways she’s more like a big sister. They all like her and we always have a good time.

Tonight Mom was looking especially good and damn, I couldn’t keep my eyes off her ass as she bent over that table. I could see the other guys felt the same way.

After a while she said. “I’m getting a beer. You guys want one?”

I was shocked. She’d never offered us beer before. We all said yes hesitantly.

“Just don’t tell your parents about this.” She grinned mischievously. “And absolutely no driving!”

“It’s cool, Misty. None of us have a car tonight.”

She went up to the kitchen.

“Man, your mom is so cool!” Matt said.

“And hot!” Tony added.

I jabbed him with my cue and went to take my shot.

We all drank and played a while longer. Mom was sitting on the couch when she held up her empty beer bottle and shook it.

“Would you get me another one, Sweetie?”


I came back down and what I saw made me jump back in surprise. My mom was on the couch making out with Matt! I couldn’t believe this was happening! And I couldn’t believe how much it turned me on!!

I peeked around the corner again. They were really going at it! He had her tit out of her shirt and was squeezing and stroking it. I had a hard-on and started to rub it through my pants almost unconsciously looking at my mother’s bare breast.

Tony sat on the other side of my mom with his mouth hanging open. Steve was across the room at the pool table with a similar expression on his face. I didn’t think this could possibly be any crazier but then mom reached behind her and unzipped Tony’s pants! She pulled out his dick and started stroking it while kissing Matt.

I just stood and watched and rubbed my dick. What else could I do??

“Hey Jimmy! You get lost up there?” She called.

What the hell?? I assumed she had forgotten all about me!

I walked the rest of the way down the stairs. I couldn’t believe this! I couldn’t believe she was okay with me just seeing this!

She let go of the other guys and took the beer from me.

“Thanks, Sweetie.”

She pulled me forward and kissed me. Her mouth opened and her tongue slipped into mine. This could not be happening! My mom was French kissing me with her tits hanging out right after kissing my buddy!

She stopped and took a drink of her beer. I just stood there in front of her, too stunned to move.

“Hey Stevie! Come on over here!” She giggled. “How would you boys like to do something else we shouldn’t tell your parents about?”

Steve came very slowly. Mom reached out and unzipped my pants. She pulled them down along with my underwear and my hard dick sprang free. She took it in her hand.

“Wow! You’ve really gotten big, Jimmy!”

What in the hell was I going to do here??? The other guys had already made up their minds not to let this opportunity pass. They were already pulling mom’s shirt off. What choice did I have but to go along with it?

I made up my mind when my mom’s incredible tits bounced free. I got down on my knees and started sucking one. Matt had the other one.

She grabbed us both by the back of the head. “Oh, good boys! That’s right!”

I was going to hell! I was down on my knees sucking my mother’s tits. I’d done this before, I realized, but pushed that thought out of my mind. She started stroking my erection with her bare calf. We’d certainly never done that before!

Her skirt was pushed all the way up and somebody’s hand, I couldn’t tell who’s, was down in her panties rubbing her pussy. I wanted to get my hand in there too, my tongue, my dick!

“Come on, boys. Let’s go over here.” She stood up and went over to the rug. We all trailed behind her. She dropped her skirt and panties as she walked and then my gorgeous mother was completely naked.

She quickly undressed those of us who were still wearing clothes then she got Tony down on the floor on his back. She got down on top of him and told Steve to get behind her.

She took them both inside her cunt and all three moaned with ecstasy.

“Fuck! You boys are so big!” She gasped.

She grabbed my dick in one hand and Matt’s in the other and pulled us toward her.

She started alternately sucking our cocks while fucking the other two guys. God, this felt great! I couldn’t believe I was getting a blowjob from my mom!

She continued to fuck and suck. Our hands were all over her and I could tell she loved it.

She took my dick all the way down her throat just as she moaned in orgasm. I shot my load right in my mom’s mouth and Matt’s cum sprayed all over her face a second later.

Mom got off the other guys’ dicks and pushed me down on my back. She had mine and Matt’s dicks in her hands again. She stroked them for a few seconds. We were both still rock-hard.

She took a lick of Matt’s. “Mmm, I love teenagers. Always ready!”

She straddled me and guided my cock inside her. She was so hot and wet and still so incredibly tight after fucking two guys at the same time!

She looked down into my eyes as she started to slowly and sensually fuck me. For a moment it was just the two of us. Just me and my mom having sex.

Then she looked over her shoulder. “Are you waiting for an invitation, Matt?”

He quickly dropped to his knees and awkwardly inserted his dick into her cunt with mine. Gross. I didn’t want to think about that. She started fucking us both hard and reached out to grab Tony and Steve’s dicks.

I lay there under my mother watching her suck dick and caressing her tits. Everybody who’d ever called me a motherfucker was suddenly right!

Suddenly I thrust up into mom’s cunt. I felt it clamp down hard, grinding my dick and Matt’s against each other. Above me she had both the other guy’s heads in her mouth. I saw them both tense up and then cum dripped out of her mouth. I squirmed underneath her to avoid being hit in the face with it but she eagerly lapped up every drop she could get.

After the exhaustive five way fuck my friends all left quickly, mumbling goodbyes and not looking anybody in the eye. Soon I was alone in the basement with my still half naked mother.

She yawned and stretched, thrusting out her fantastic tits.

“Well, I’m beat. Come on, Jimmy. Sleep with mommy tonight.”

She took my hand and dragged me up the stairs.

A Curious Little Sister (Part 2)

Diabolos on Incest Stories

This is the (rather delayed) second part of what will be a trilogy. I hope you enjoy it and let me know what you think at octobormoon75@yahoo.com. Thanks!

Greg stood frozen like a statue for several moments after his orgasm. His head was swimming and spots were dancing in front of his ey

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es. It was the most intense cum he’d ever had and it was all because of his little sister April who even now was washing his spunk off her body behind the shower curtain not but five feet away from him. Greg looked down at his now wilting cock. Strands of semen were slowly oozing from it and onto the linoleum floor. He realized he still had a vice-like grip on the porcelain sink behind him. He let go of it and reached for some toilet paper with which to wipe off his dick.

“God, it got everywhere!” He heard April’s high-pitched voice echoing off the tiles in the shower. “You got some in my hair!” Greg smiled. That was the hardest and furthest he’d ever shot a load. He was a little proud of himself.

“Sorry about that,” he said without really meaning it. She didn’t sound weirded out or anything. In fact, Greg believed he was having a harder time accepting what had just happened than his thirteen year-old sis.

He guessed it was more of a game to her than anything. As Greg dabbed the last bit of sticky cum off his limp prick he stared at the shower curtain. He felt like he should say something to April, but he had no idea what. He then saw his sister’s head peer out from around the shower curtain. Her blonde hair was wet and stringy, clinging to her face and long, thin neck. Her eyes dropped to Greg’s still half-hard member. She smiled and held out a damp, soapy washcloth.

“Want me to wash that off for you?” Not sure if she was teasing or serious, Greg grinned and walked toward April. He stopped in front of the curtain as April reached down with the cloth and, wrapping the wet fabric around his hanging dick, squeezed and wiped at it. The contact made Greg’s sensitive organ spasm and drops of cum oozed from it. April noticed Greg’s shudder. “Are you okay?”

“Yeah, yeah,” Greg answered distantly. “Feels good.”

“Looks like it hurt or something,” April observed.

“Well…a little. But a good kind of hurt.” He smiled reassuringly at her. 

Suddenly April shivered. “Oh shit! The water’s cold!” Releasing her hold on her brother’s limp prick she disappeared behind the curtain. Greg heard the water shut off.

“Well, it has been running for like twenty minutes.” Greg tried to peer behind the curtain without looking too obvious but before he could see anything April’s cherubic face reappeared.

“Hand me the towel?” She asked. Greg grabbed the towel sitting on the sink behind him and handed it to her. “Thanks.” Again she returned to the cover of the shower curtain.

Greg bit his lip, wondering if he should act on the impulse he felt. “What’s the matter, sis? Shy or something?”


“I’m standing here naked and I let you touch my dick. You can’t even let me see you?” He reached up and grabbed the edge of the curtain, ready to pull it back. Before he could, however, April pulled it open. She was wrapped in the towel. It clung to her lithe, wet body, leaving little to the imagination. April was looking at him curiously.

“You want to see me naked?” She didn’t seem to believe him.

“Yeah,” Greg could feel the lump rising in his throat again. “You wanted to see me. I think it’s fair I see you.” April seemed to think this over for a second. She shrugged then undid her towel, allowing it to slip off her body where she held it in clenched hands. Greg looked at his thirteen-year-old sister as she stood before him naked. Her tiny body was pale, the skin smooth and unblemished. Her breasts were small, firm buds with rather puffy, large areola. Her nipples were erect and surprisingly long, Greg reckoned a quarter of an inch. April’s stomach was flat, her waist slim. Her hips were beginning to widen and a fine thatch of peach fuzz-like hair covered her pubic mound.

As Greg stared at his sister, he felt himself becoming aroused again. He was dimly aware of his cock engorging with each deafening thump of his heartbeat in his ears. “It’s getting big again?” April asked, snapping Greg out of his admiring stare. He looked down at himself and saw his dick twitching, nearly fully erect again.  

“Of course it is, dummy,” Greg explained. “You look good.” April blushed and lowered her eyes.

“Thanks. I think you look good, too.” At the compliment Greg’s cock gave a large twitch causing April to laugh. “I think it wants me to touch it some more,” April smiled teasingly.

“I think you’re right,” Greg answered. “But I’d also like to touch you.” April’s cheeks turned red but she nodded anxiously. “Let’s go to my room.” He offered a hand to help his sister out of the tub. As she climbed out, her stomach brushed against the tip of Greg’s cock causing him to gasp in unexpected pleasure at the contact and April to giggle.

“That tickled,” she said quietly as he led her toward the bathroom door. He opened it carefully and stuck his head out, listening intently.

“I don’t hear anything. Mom and dad shouldn’t be home for awhile, but better safe than sorry, huh?” Greg looked back at April and she nodded. They left the bathroom and made their way down the hallway toward Greg’s bedroom still holding hands, Greg’s penis wagging back and forth as he walked. His door was open. Greg reached inside to turn on the light, illuminating his ill-kept room. The siblings walked in and Greg shut the door behind them. He looked down at his little sister who was looking back up at him uncertainly. Greg’s heart was pounding. He wasn’t sure how far April wanted to go or how far he’d take it. All he knew was that he was overcome for lust for his sister. His eyes glared lasciviously at her tender, young body. She cast her large eyes down toward the ground, gently extended her hand and rubbed her fingers along his turgid shaft. Greg closed his eyes involuntarily.

“It’s so big.” April looked up at him, her eyes wide with apprehension. “Are you going to put it in me?”

Greg opened his eyes and stared into her face. “I don’t know. Do you want me to?”

Still rubbing his cock, April looked down at it. She put her hand underneath it and raised it up, as if hefting it in order to ascertain its weight. “Wouldn’t it hurt?”   

Greg smiled. “Yeah, you’re probably right.” He reached up and gently caressed her face. “Let’s just take it slow, okay? There’s plenty of stuff for us to do.” She smiled as Greg stroked her cheek. He then ran his hand down her slender neck until he reached her left breast. He felt her stiff, rubbery nipple and slowly rubbed it with a finger. Her eyes fluttered and she sighed. He felt her grip on his cock tighten and she began to move her hand back and forth again. In response Greg pinched her nipple gingerly and pulled.

“Mmm…that feels nice.” April squeaked. Greg silently agreed. His sister’s plump nipple felt so good in his hand. He reached up with his other hand and began fondling her left breast. She cried out with pleasure again and he felt her clutch his prick even harder as she slowly jacked him off. With his left hand, Greg reached down April’s little body and, finding her plump, firm ass, began squeezing it while at the same time pulling her closer against him.

“God, you feel so good, April,” Greg murmured as he leaned down, pressing his mouth against his sisters. She made a surprised sound, obviously not expected to be kissed this way. However, her tiny mouthed opened, allowing her brother to slip his tongue in between her small teeth. Her mouth was warm and hot and kissing his little sister sent shock-like thrills through Greg’s body. April wrapped her right arm around Greg’s neck while her left hand continued to work on his pulsating cock.

Greg moved his right hand off his sister’s tit and gently placed it in between her legs. She moaned into is mouth as he felt her hot, surprisingly moist cooze against his hand. Her vaginal lips were small, almost nonexistent. Greg rubbed his fingers against them and in seconds he discovered her tiny, hard clit. As soon as he brushed his questing finger against it, April’s body shook and she moaned, terminating their lustful kiss. “Oh, Greg!” She yelped in surprise. Smiling to himself, Greg continued to massage her clit. April released her hold on her brother’s dick and gripped his well-defined arm for support. Her entire body began shaking, her legs quivered and knees looked as if they may buckle beneath her. The flush in her cheeks became even more pronounced and her eyes were lidded. The button beneath Greg’s finger grew harder then suddenly his fingers were flooded by a deluge of sticky, hot liquid. April squealed and clung more tightly against her brother. “Oh…oh…oh…oh,” was all she managed to say as her body trembled uncontrollably.

In moments her orgasm had subsided but she was still limp in Greg’s arms, resting her body against his for support. Greg slid his hand out from between his sister’s legs and walked her over to his unmade bed where he sat her down on the edge. April’s body was slumped forward, her head resting against Greg’s stomach as she struggled to catch her breath. Greg rubbed her back, quite satisfied at the ease with which he’d made April cum. His cock now throbbed harder than ever and he could feel it pressing against April’s heaving chest. He patted her head, her hair was still wet from the shower. “You okay?”   

April laughed uncertainly. “Oh, god. Yeah, I’m okay.” She raised her head and looked up at her brother. “That was so great.” Greg smiled down at her then noticed how close his cock was to her mouth. April followed his gaze and looked down to find Greg’s cock head beneath her chin. She smiled at it and reached up with both hands and grasped it. Instantly a large drop of pre cum fell from the tip and onto April’s lap. “Oh, gosh,” she exhaled. She reached down with one hand and wiped it up with her forefinger which she then raised to her lips and licked. “Mmm…so sweet.”

Greg entwined the fingers of one hand in April’s wet hair and pushed her gently forward toward his cock. “Lick it off the tip,” he said breathlessly. Unsure of herself, April parted her full lips and darted her tiny, pink tongue out. Greg threw his head back as he felt April’s tongue against his shiny knob. The first lick was quick, reluctant. The second lingered, soon April was swirling her tongue around his dick head as if it were a lollypop. She made a yummy sound as she did so. Greg grabbed her hand that still encircled his cock and pushed it up the thick shaft toward the tip. This forced another drop of pre cum out and onto April’s eager tongue. April then began tugging on Greg’s cock herself in an attempt to coax more of the fluid out. Greg pushed her head toward him again. “Take it into you mouth, baby.”

April opened her mouth and Greg carefully pushed his cock into it. He winced as he felt her teeth against the sensitive flesh but the pleasure he felt far outweighed any uncomfortability. April opened her mouth as wide as she could but could barely fit the fat head inside it. Greg began pushing himself back and forth, holding her head still. “Keep jerking it, sweetie,” he commanded her. She obeyed, using both hands to pull on her brother’s crank. “Oh..shit…oh, April!” Greg felt as if his balls were going to explode as he felt himself cumming. His cock pulsed in April’s tiny hands as a wad of jizz erupted into her drooling mouth. She looked up at her brother in surprise and pulled her head back. Just as she spat out a string of thick sperm another blast splashed against her open lips. Greg held her hands onto his spewing prick as he moaned loudly, pushing his member back and forth inside April’s grip. More cum shot out, catching April on the chin, neck and titties.

Greg continued pumping until spunk ceased to ooze from his dick and he could continue to stand no longer. He collapsed on the floor in front of his sister who was wiping off cum from her lips with the back of one hand. “Oh god. It’s just as much as last time.” Greg made an amused sound. He looked up at April. His sister had his cum dripping off her delicate chin and running down her thin neck. Her puffy nipples had droplets on them. She was smiling at him. Overwhelmed with love and affection for his little sister, he kissed her deeply on the mouth, tasting his spunk on her tongue and lips. April flung her arms around his neck and pulled him to her, returning his kiss just as fervently. “I love you, big brother.” She whispered into his ear.

“I love you too,” he replied softly.  

































My Daughter, My Lover

uosdwisrdewoh on Incest Stories

I walked in and there was my daughter Krystal stretched out on the bed laying on her stomach doing her homework. She had on a very short nightie that showed off her long, beautiful legs and a little bit of the swell of her sweet little ass.

"Hi Daddy!" She grinned up at me.

My daughter is so incredibly beautiful! She has her mother's green eyes, beautiful chestnut hair, and a smile that lights up a room. I could also see pretty much all of her full, luscious breasts with the neckline of that nightie.

"Hi Honey!" I put my hand on her shoulder and leaned down to kiss her. "Sorry I'm so late. Work was hell."

As I talked I slid my hand down her back to give her beautiful butt a playful squeeze.

"That's okay.&quo

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"You need some help with that?"

"No, I'm doing fine. But I could use a little study break." She rolled over and sat up against the pillows. She spread her legs and lifted the front of her little nightie. Then she started rubbing her sweet, swollen cunt. "Would you mind eating your little girl's pussy, Daddy?"

I grinned and crawled onto the bed. "That's just the thought that kept me going all day!"

As I started to lick my daughter's hot, musky pussy I thought about how much I loved her. All fathers and daughters should have a relationship as good as ours. Not all fathers and daughters will or should become lovers of course but that's what works for us. I thought back to the time two years ago when Krystal had seduced me and made me her lover.

I raised my daughter alone after her mother died giving birth to her. Being a single father was tough but I loved my daughter so much. She was such a smart, beautiful girl. Hell, she was my best friend for the last fourteen years. Now she was becoming a beautiful young woman.

Like all children Krystal slept in my bed once in a while when she was scared or upset about something but that hadn't happened in five or six years. When she shook me and asked if she could sleep with me I was still half asleep and I didn't think anything of it.

"Sure, Baby."

She crawled into bed and I hugged her and kissed her on the forehead like always. Then I fell fast asleep again.

When I woke up and saw the gorgeous dark haired girl riding my cock I thought I was dreaming. I think I thought I was dreaming. Anyway, I definitely couldn't see her face. All I could see was her bouncing hair and the outline of her incredible body.

I reached out and stroked her fantastic thighs as she pumped up and down on me then I reached up and squeezed her perfect breasts. She was moaning and gasping a little but she was really very quiet. Then when I touched her breasts she gasped "Daddy!"

I froze in horror with my hands still firmly clamped on my daughter's incredible breasts.

"Krystal???" I yelped in terror.

"Daddy! Oh, Daddy!" She shouted.

My daughter was coming while she rode my dick and I realized I was coming too. I grabbed Krystal's waist and thrust up into her, cumming harder than I had in years. Of course a part of me was horrified and disgusted by my actions but it felt so fucking good! I rammed my dick all the way up into my daughter and felt her amazing cunt squeezing me and pulsating in a way I'd never experienced with any other woman.

I shot my load inside her then fell back on the bed and lay there gasping. Krystal lay down with her head on my chest and my dick still partly inside her and slipped her arms around my neck. I wanted to put my arms around her too and rest with her for a while. To feel her breath on my neck and her heart beating against mine-

Was I insane??

I shoved Krystal roughly off me and stumbled to my feet. I tripped on my tangled boxers and found my pants.

"Daddy? Where are you going?"

I ignored her. I realized I was crying as I pulled my pants on and almost zipped my still hard dick. My keys were in the pocket and I practically ran out to the car.

I drove around for hours. I don't remember much about it. I couldn't even go anywhere because I wasn't wearing a shirt but that was okay. I wanted to be alone. I had just fucked my daughter for Christ’s sake!! Finally my parental responsibility made me turn around and go home. If I was feeling this awful I couldn't imagine what Krystal must be feeling.

I went into the house and up to her room. The door was closed and I heard music. I wanted to run but I had to think of my daughter so I knocked.

"Come in."

She sounded so cheerful!

I walked in and she was on her bed, calmly reading a book, apparently in no distress whatsoever.

"Hi Daddy." She smiled brightly at me.

"Hi, Baby..." The nickname I'd always used suddenly seemed terribly sexual. "We need to talk about what happened."

She turned off the music. "Yeah...I guess we do."

She scooted over and I sat down next to her on the bed. I was in her bed. I felt filthy. I should have thought to get a shirt!

"I know we were both half asleep and it was just an accident but what happened was wrong-"

"Don't say that." She frowned.

"Yes, B-H-honey. It was wrong. We-"

"No, Daddy!"

She threw her arms around me and looked up at me with big tear filled eyes. I felt trapped. Whatever had happened she was my daughter and I couldn't very well refuse to hug her even if I was obscenely aware of her breasts pressing against my chest.

"It was special! It was my first time and it was with the man I love most in the world! Even if you didn't like it and even if it never happens again, please, please don't call it wrong, Daddy!"

I was completely at a loss.

"I...H-h-honey..." I rubbed her back. "Fathers and daughters can't do that kind of thing! You know that!"

"Why not?" She asked with a childish innocence. "You always taught me not to believe something just because other people say it's true. You taught me to think for myself, Daddy. We love each other, don't we? We make each other happy, don't we? Didn't it feel good?"

I sputtered. How could this be happening??

"I know we weren't careful enough and that's all my fault. But now you can take me to get pills." She giggled. "Believe me, I don't want any kids who are also my brothers and sisters. I like being an only child."

I sputtered some more. I couldn't get around her logic. Why the hell did she have to be so smart??

"I-you-you-you're only fourteen, Krystal..."

"Oh you're right, Daddy." She purred seductively. "I'm much too young for sex with boys. But you're my father. You love me and you'd never hurt me or take advantage of me. Right?"

"O-of course not."

"Then if we're careful and we love each other and want to make each other feel good then there's no problem, right?"

"No!" I burst out. "You-you...Krystaaaal!!!" I ended in an imploring whine. I had no idea what to say.

She moved back and started unzipping my pants. She smiled sweetly and sympathetically up at me. "I think I've won this argument, Daddy. Now I want to taste this big, hot cock. We both know I can't get pregnant from that."

Those words coming out of my fourteen year old daughter's mouth floored me. I didn't stop her as she pulled my swelling cock out of my pants and started licking and sucking it. It was obvious she'd never done this before but it was my first blowjob in over fourteen years and it felt fucking incredible.

By the time I exploded in my daughter's sweet mouth I had come to a realization. She was the one being much more mature about our relationship. I was the one who was childish and afraid. I loved Krystal with all my heart and we both wanted this. So I should just relax and let it happen.

That day our relationship began to change to something between father-daughter and husband-wife. There were some bumps along the way but that's to be expected in any relationship.

Two days later we moved all Krystal's stuff into our room and we've slept there together ever since. The day after that I took her to the doctor and got her the pills which she takes religiously. Now we're happier than we've ever been and more in love than ever.

My daughter screamed out in orgasm and her sweet juices flowed into my mouth.

"Daddy! Oh I love you, Daddy!!"
"I love you too, Baby. I'll always love you." I whispered as I lapped up her luscious juices.

Daddy Loves Twincest

naughtydaughter on Incest Stories

My little girls, Ashley and Brooke, are identical twins. I was only nineteen when my girlfriend got pregnant, unplanned, of course, so it was even more of a shock when the pregnancy resulted in not one but two tiny baby girls. They were always beautiful kids - my girlfriend Nancy (we never married) made them grow their blonde hair long and by the time they were eight it reached past their asses.


Their mother upped and left years ago, leaving me ill-equipped to bring up two daughters, who were proving to be more than a handful. The

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twins, now fifteen, were the most beautiful bundles of trouble there could ever be, and I’m not just saying that as a proud father. As the girls hit puberty and began to develop, my buddies began to compliment me on what a fine pair they were, and when they walked down the street more than one head would turn, men and young boys alike! Of course I worried, having such stunning daughters. They were identically sexy, a petite 5’6 with sexy green eyes and curvy figures. But what began to worry me more was the amount I had begun to notice the their bodies recently, their firm tanned legs, the promise of their young breasts squeezed into tight tank tops.


I went into the back garden one sunny day and almost choked to find my fifteen-year-old daughters sunbathing in tiny bikinis that left very little to the imagination. Ashley was rubbing suntan oil into Brooke’s back, and I was surprised, even a little thrilled to find a hard on immediately appear in my pants. They had their backs to me and unsure what to do, I hung back, dying to massage my rapidly growing cock as I feasted my eyes on their slim tan legs and achingly pert butts. Brooke undid the straps of her bikini to allow Ash better access with the oil and my hand flew to my erection as I caught sight of a glimpse of part of one breast as it sprung free of the tiny halter. I had never even seen my daughters in their underwear before, and I was surprised to find Brooke’s breasts fuller than I had expected.


“You do me,” Ashley giggled, lying face down on the lounger, and Brooke retied her bikini. Straddling her sister’s butt, she began to massage the oil into Ashley’s back. “Mmmmmm…” Ash moaned contentedly. “’S good.” Brooke continued to rub the oil over her sister’s back, while they muttered and giggled together. Eventually she exclaimed, “shut up!” to some whispered comment of her sister’s, un-straddled her and slapped her ass playfully before lying down to catch some rays herself.


I locked myself in my room and wanked furiously over and over again to the thought of my little baby girls touching each other. I imagined them kissing, the fullness of their tits, the roundness of their cute butts, and worse, what it must be like to fuck their tight young cunts. I knew it was wrong, sick even, but nothing was going to stop me thinking about it now.


Now everything they did made me see them in a new light. I wanked more than I ever had. The sight of my daughters in their tight pajama tops with no bras made me even more aware of the size of their breasts. How could I have missed it before, those full round globes with their protruding hint of a nipple, which I sneaked glances at whenever I could. They must have been at least a DD-cup, bigger than their mom’s, and fuller somehow, rounder. How I ached sometimes in my frantic late-night wanking sessions to go into the room they shared and violate them, rip off their clinging tees and slide my cock between their ample chests, to titty-fuck the pair of them before shooting me load over their beautiful young faces. They had the faces of angels, my little girls, but bodies that would tempt a saint.


My fantasies began to get worse. I love my little girls, as any father would, but some part of me, some animal part, also wants to ravage them, to grab them and fuck them roughly and hear them moaning my name. I became obsessed with twin porn on the internet, but nothing could make me cum as hard as when I thought about my two baby daughters and the nasty things I wanted to do to them.


Eventually I did the unthinkable. I bought and installed a secret camera in their room, and every day when they were at school I watched the tape from the night before. Working from home left me a lot of time for jerking off over grainy footage of my teenage daughters. “Love you, Daddy,” they would each say with a kiss on the cheek as they got out of car at school every day, little knowing that as I looked up their tiny tartan school skirts as they got out (too short for school regulations of course, but then they were fifteen), I was looking forward to the glimpses of their naked young bodies and the long hard orgasms that last night’s footage would afford.


One night I was passing the girls’ room on my way back from the bathroom when I heard noises from within. I had bid the twins goodnight only a few minutes ago and they must be getting ready for bed. I pressed my ear to the door. There was muffled giggling, and the squeaking of bedsprings. “Ssssssh! Dad will hear!” one of them whispered, which one I couldn’t be sure. Then there was more giggling.


Heart racing, I went to my room and hooked up to the live digital feed I had by now set up from the camera in their room. The light was still on and I could see everything clearly. Ashley, the younger by four minutes and wearing nothing but an oversized shirt I recognised as mine, had pinned Brooke to her bed and was tickling her mercilessly. Brooke, squirming and trying to wrestle her sister off, was wearing a tank top and knickers. As she wriggled her tank top began to ride up and expose the lower part of her luscious round breasts, but Ashley did not let up.


After a few minutes of helpless wriggling in which her half-exposed tits bounced madly, Brooke managed to roll over and straddle Ash. She laughingly said something as she began to tickle her little sister back, but as I had not wired the camera for sound I could not hear what they were saying. As Ashley kicked and giggled under her sister’s roaming fingers, the man-sized shirt she was wearing began to ride up and from the camera’s position I could see to my cock’s delight that she wasn’t wearing any knickers. Brooke had evidently noticed too, because she pulled Ash’s shirt right up over her tanned, toned stomach, laughing as she tickled her uncovered belly even harder.


Ashley’s legs were splayed wide open and I had the most gorgeous view of her completely shaven cunt. I actually heard Ash’s shriek all the way from my room as she realised her sister had exposed her. In retaliation she pushed her sister so they were sprawled face to face on the single bed, the shove causing Brooke’s tits to spring from the tight vest completely. Brooke, instead of covering herself, simply ripped open the front of Asley’s shirt so she could tickle her under the arms, her most sensitive tickle spot, as well I knew. As the twins struggled to get a one-up on each other in this wrestling-tickling match their bare legs became entwined and their exposed DD tits were soon pressed tightly against each other as Ashley reached round and pinned Brooke’s hands behind her back. In the resultant checkmate it took me a moment to realise that Brooke’s thigh had slipped between her twin sister’s legs and Ashley’s bare teenage pussy was writhing against her twin’s leg, seemingly of its own accord. Ash’s head flew back, eyes closed, and her mouth opened as if in a moan.


Breathing heavily, they continued to writhe, their big tits grazing against each other, Ash grinding her cunt against Brooke’s leg, loosely cupping her sister’s ass cheeks. As soon as Brooke’s hands were free she thrust one down her knickers and began furiously to rub herself. Her other hand found her twin’s throbbing breast and began to massage it, though it more than filled her grasp. Breathing heavily and looking intently into each others’ eyes, the twins slowly brought their lips together in their first incestuous kiss. Slowly their lips parted and Ash’s tongue slipped into Brooke’s mouth. Brooke’s eyes closed in ecstasy as she thrust her tongue against her sister’s, deepening the kiss as she groped her little sister’s soft full breasts.


Ash, ever the wilful sister, broke the kiss and said something. Then she pushed her sister to the bed and straddled her as she ripped off Brooke’s knickers and tank top and lowered her head to suck her sister’s nipple into her eager mouth, all the while grinding their naked hairless cunts together. Brooke, though she might have been the quieter sister, was definitely not lacking in incestuous passion to match her sister’s as she reached round and started to massage Ash’s ass cheeks, her fingers slipping round between her legs to her pussy. Slowly and teasingly she began to rub up and down her sister’s ass and cunt slit while Ash ground frantically against her fingers. Eventually Brooke sunk her fingers deep in her sister’s tight hole and began to finger her in a rocking movement she had clearly used on herself.


Though Ash was clearly loath to stop her sister’s thorough massaging of her cunt, after a while she began to slip down her twin’s body, leaving a trail of kisses and bites all the way down to Brooke’s wide open legs. She descended eagerly and began to lick and suck wildly at her labia and clitoris, spreading her twin’s legs wider still with her hands. Brooke was obviously in the throes of ecstasy as she grabbed feverishly at her sister’s hair, pushing her face deeper into her bucking crotch.


I was in heaven. In the space of a few minutes my little girls had gone from innocent tickling to a full-on incestuous sex session. My boner was so hard it hurt, and all I was wearing was a dressing gown. But I was determined the night’s activities would not stop there for me.


Quietly I left the system recording, picked up a small metal item from my drawer and slipped out of my room. The girls were managing somehow to be quiet, I could only hear their passionate moans by pressing my ear to the door. Silently I opened the door and slipped inside. The scene was a million times better in person. The twins had moved to licking each other out in the 69 position and were so engrossed they didn’t even know I was there until the click of the key in the lock as I locked us in.


With barely muffled screams of horror the naked girls sprung apart, their faces burning with guilt and shame. I hadn’t thought about how I would deal with this part but I sensed that if I handled this right, I could get the fuck of my dreams tonight.


“Just what do you think you’re doing?” I asked quietly, keeping my face neutral. I hoped they would be too embarrassed to notice the raging boner under my dressing gown.


There was a long pause. They had to know there was no way to explain this one away. “I can explain...” trailed off Ash.


“Can you really, Ashley?” I said coldly. Brooke reached for a sheet to cover herself but I strode over and snatched it from her. “I want an explanation, young lady, before either of you put on so much as a stitch!” I snapped.


“We were… we weren’t…” Brooke started, then began to cry. “Daddy, I’m sorry!”


I sat down on the bed next to her and placed an arm round her shoulder. “Don’t cry, baby,” I comforted. I pulled Ash in for a hug from the other side. “I know exactly what you were doing, and I’m not angry.” Brooke stopped sniffling. If I moved my hand an inch further it would be touching her perfect round breast.


“You’re not?” said Ash, swallowing down her tears.


“No, I’m not.” I pulled my little girls in closer. My hands now rested just above the curve of their breasts. “It felt natural to you, didn’t it?”


“Um… I guess so.”




“Yeah, it felt kinda…”


“Hot?” I finished.


She bit her lip, swollen from kissing. “Yeah, hot.”


I let my hand stroke gently and comfortingly over the soft curve of the top of my girls’ breasts. If they hadn’t noticed my hard on by now they must be blind.


“But girls,” I continued, my hands getting lower and more insistent in their rubbing, “you know that in the eyes of the law, what I caught you doing was wrong. Not just wrong, but illegal. It’s called incest.” Brooke started to cry again. “Don’t worry baby. I won’t let them take you away to a mental institution, or even prison. I know there’s nothing wrong with you really. You’re just two healthy girls who need to get their satisfaction.”


Ash turned her big green eyes on me. “Daddy, they’d really take us away if they found out?”


“Yes, baby. But I won’t let that happen, not while you’re my special little girls. My special little girls who understand that we all need to get our satisfaction, even Daddies.”


“Daddy, what do you mean?” Brooke asked, and in reply I picked her up by the waist and deposited her at the head of the bed next to Ash. Gently I forced their bodies together. “What are you doing?” There was worry in her eyes.


“Daddy wants to see you and your sister carry on. You said it felt good. Well it makes Daddy feel good too.”


Nervously the twins moved their lips together in a chaste kiss. “Do it,” I said angrily. “Or you’ll get such a hard spanking you won’t sit down for a week.”


I stood to the side and began to stroke my 9” shaft as my girls began to kiss passionately, their tongues enmeshing and their full breasts pressing hard together.


Just then Ash glanced up and gasped as she saw me with cock in hand. “What are you doing?” she asked, horrified. I decided it was now or never. “I thought you were my special little girls,” I said as I advanced on the bed. “Daddy needs to enjoy himself as much as little girls do.”


I stood over the bed, 9” cock standing proud as I took off my robe. “Who wants to touch it?” I asked. When neither of them replied, I grabbed Brooke’s hand and forced it to grasp my shaft. “This is my cock,” I said, forcing her little hand up and down my length.


“It’s hard,” she said in an awed voice. I let go of Brooke’s hand and Ash, never one to miss out, reached out to touch it too.


Soon Ash’s lips were stretched around my throbbing shaft as Brooke sucked on my balls. Without mercy I grabbed the back of her head and began to throat-fuck her, her soft whimpers only serving to arouse me further. Soon I was about to come. But I did not intend to waste my seed in the back of my little girl’s throat… not yet, anyway.


I pushed them both to the bed, where they lay, half-scared, half aroused, gazing up at me with those huge green eyes. Oh, how I wanted to fuck them.


I grabbed Ash and rolled her over so her face was in her sister’s cunt. “Lick her out, Ash,” I ordered.


She had just begun to do so when my two fingers entered her cunt from behind, causing her to gasp in pleasure. God, she was so tight. “Oohhh, Daddy!” she yelped. She was soaking wet and bouncing her ass against my hands as I roughly began to finger-fuck her, whilst positioning myself behind her. Just as she was beginning to moan in earnest I withdrew my fingers and in one hard movement mercilessly shoved the length of my 9” rod into her tight little cunt. “Unnnnnnnh!” is all she could manage as my huge cock hammered into her virgin hole, all the while thinking it had gone to heaven. She began to struggle but I held her ass in a steely grip, ruthlessly thrusting into her, over and over, the silky tight walls of her passage squeezing my cock like a vice. Meanwhile Brooke was in the throes of ecstasy, thrusting her head back and frantically grasping at her own bouncing tits as her sister’s face thrust up and down her pussy. My little Ash, always the cheeky one, was paying the price now for her lip, as her long-suffering Daddy used her as a filthy incestuous fuck-toy.


Ash screamed into her sister’s crotch as my pounding cock spread her pussy lips wide open in its assault. Brooke, on the verge of orgasm from Ashley’s lapping pink tongue, looked at me over the writhing form of her little sister’s naked body, and the look I saw in her green eyes almost made me cream right then and there. Her eyes were narrowed in her flushed, beautiful young face and they seemed to scream, “fuck me, Daddy!” louder than any words. But all the same, I wanted to hear it.


I pulled out of Ashley and positioned myself above Brooke, teasing her swollen clit with the head of my cock. She let out a long, sexy sigh that caused her massive breasts to rise and fall, and quiver as she quivered. Ashley, spent after her ordeal, was lying on the bed next to her, frantically massaging her own clit. Brooke leaned over to Ashley and pulled her face in for a long, slow, wet kiss, rubbing her breasts. Ashley moaned softly.


I smiled. My elder twin was turning out to be quite the vixen! I continued to tease her with my cock, and she let out a tiny moan. “Please…”


“Please what, baby?” I asked, gently massaging her tits with my other hand.


“Please – put it in me…”


“You mean fuck you?”


“Yes Daddy, fuck me!” she groaned impatiently. “Please, just fuck me like you did Ash!”


I needed no further encouragement from my writhing naked little girl, and shoved my cock hard into her sopping wet cunt. I started slowly at first as she cried out in pain, but she never took her sexy green eyes from mine and her swollen lips opened in a tiny gasp as my shaft began to enter her faster and harder. Brooke would get no more compassion than her feisty sister, I thought as I hooked her shapely legs over my shoulders, noting how flexible she was, and began to fuck her so deeply I could feel the head of my cock slamming into the back of her pussy. And what a pussy it was! Like her sister she was tight and silky and so wet…


Just then I groaned as I felt little Ashley behind me sucking on my balls and moaning as she obviously fingered herself, her moans creating pleasant vibrations as she sucked and licked at my nuts like they were a lollipop. Brooke gave a loud gasp as the pressure of my fucking began to build up inside her. “Oh – Daddy – I – didn’t – know-” she managed between strokes until her lips sprang open and she looked directly into my eyes as her orgasm hit her and her entire body began to shake. “OH GOOOOOOOODDDDDDD!” she screamed as wave after wave of ecstasy flooded over her, her taut young thighs gripping my chest like a vice.


That was it for me, and with a groan I came harder than I had since I met their mother, spurt after spurt of hot spunk filling my little daughter’s throbbing cunt.


As my girls and I recovered I knew that this would not be the end of our incestuous adventures. They had discovered a willing and experienced cock in their own home and as for me… well, I was living every father’s secret dream.



I hope you enjoyed this story, I know I enjoyed writing it. If you’re a bad daddy please email me: naughtydaughter89@yahoo.com

Sweet Sister Sue

Jim Moore on Incest Stories

I feel like i am a normal 19 year old man and she was a beautiful 13 year old girl. We live on a farm several miles from a town, so we spent lots of time at home with little to do. I have been jacking off two and three times a day for several years and played with my little sisters pussy since she was about 10. She liked me to finger fuck her and then when she started getting tits I would suck them and finger her until she would cum. She would jack me off and watch my cum shoot in the air but I couldn't get her to suck me off or let me try and fuck her. I guess you could say I watched her grow up in more ways than one. When she started getting a little hair on her pussy it really drove me crazy. When she would see me go to the barn in the afternoon she knew that I was going to jack off

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so she would follow me and ask if she could do it for me while I fingered her.

My Mom and Dad had left to visit my ill Grandmother and left us alone for the week end. That afternoon I had ask my sister if she would like for me to finger her and have her jack me off. She smilled and said sure. We went to my room and I was so horny and excited because I thought this might be a chance for me to actually get to fuck her. We stripped naked and of course my cock was hard and sticking out. I helped her take off her cloth and she was beautiful with her small little tits and pussy with some light brown hair on it. She started rubbing my cock and I was fingering her clit. She had spread her legs to allow me access to her pretty little cunt. I had heard about men licking a womans pussy but had never tried it. I decided that this was my chance to try something new and maybe get my cock into that small little pussy. I got down between her legs, and she said "what are you doing"? I said I want to make you feel really good. When my mouth got close to her cunt I could smell the sweet aroma of her hot cunt. I kissed her pussy a couple of times and she let out a little moan, but when I put my tongue between her pussy lips she sucked in her breath and let out a "Oooohhhhh". Her legs spread wider as I licked her cunt and started to flick her clit with my tongue. It didn't take long until her was cumming and put her hands on my head and pulled my face into her cunt. She said "Oh brother did that feel good, where did you learn how to do that?" I told her she was my first and that I loved making her feel good and would she like to try making me feel good? She ask me what I wanted her to do and I just put my cock up to her lips and said "suck me off". At first she just looked at the hard bulging head but finally started to kiss it. I said "suck it" and she opened her mouth and allowed the head to go into her warm moist mouth and I thought I would cum on the spot. I started to slowly push my cock in and out of her mouth and she got into the rythem and soon she was sucking me like a pro. I told her I was going to cum but she just kept sucking until the first load squirted out of the head and she pulled her head off and let the rest hit her in the face.

I assured her that she had more than repaid me, and that I loved her dearly for doing iot. We lay there for a while talking and I started sucking her tits again and in a little while my cock was hard as a rock again. I ask her if she would like to try something that would make us both feel better and she ask me what. I got between her lets and rubbed my cock up and down her little fuck hold touching her clit each time. She said "It's too big and it will hurt me". I told her I would go slow and that I didn't want to hert her. Finally she gave me the Ok and spread her legs as wide as she could. I lined my cock up with her tiny hole and started to push. When the head of my cock sank into here wet hot pussy she let out a moan and so did I. I had never felt anything that was so wonderful in my life. I slowly pushed in and out going slow not wanting to hert her. She was so tight and hot I couldn't hardly keep from blowing my load each time in went into her further. I slowly fucked her until I was completely in there was no chery to break and soon we were fucking like wild. She had her legs up in the aid and I was punding her pussy as hard as I could. Soon she started to say things like" OH fuck Oh fuck that feel good", Oh yeah big brother fuck your little sisters cunt", and each time she said something like it brought me closer to shooting off. After a while she started to almost scream " I'm cumming I'm cumming, Oh shit I'm cumming" and with that I shoved my cock as deep into her hot wet fuck hold as I could and blasted her with a huge load of cum. With each jet she would shout "Ohhhhh". We both collapsed and my soft cock slowly slid out of her pussy.

She said can we do it again, and I told her we have all week end.

WHile the cats away

Vaughan on Sex Stories

I had been dating Kelly for about 3 months and had met her pearents on a couple of occasions and got along well with both. Her mum Sandra was a real knock out and it was obvious where Kelly got all her looks from. Both where very tanned, toned and had long brown hair. Kelly had c cup breasts while her mother's were slightly bigger and there butts were ettched from stone. They were perfect.

It was easter and Kelly had invited me to go away with her family. They had a beach house up the coast that could sleep ten and we would have our own room so as not to be bothered at night, kelly sold it to me well. We left in seperate cars me and Kelly in mine and her pearents in the other and by the time we got there it was night time and everyone was buggered. We all helped empty the c

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ars and headed off to bed. Our room was down stairs and Kelly's pearents would be sleeping upstairs. Once in our room kelly and i jumped in bed and both tierd we fell asleep snuggling together.

In the morning I woke with that familure feeling of being as horny as hell. I rolled over to find that kelly had already got up and had left a note to say that she had gone with her dad to pick up supplies and for me to relax and get up when Im ready. I was dissapointed that I couldnt have some moring sex but got out of bed anyway to go find some coffee. Thinking I was alone i walked through the house in just my boxers my morning boner clearly visible but with not a care in the world! I walked upstairs and into the kitchen and turned on the kettle and sat myself up on the bench. Suddenly I heard a "Good Morning" from across the living room and there in one of the couches was Sandra in a serong and a bikini top.

I couldnt beleive I hadnt seen her and I jumped off the bench trying to hide my boner. Sandra was on her way over and had already noticed my hard on and was grinning mischieviously. "I think you may wanna wear something more supportive in future Seb, your nearly popping out of those". She said with a husky sexy voice I hadn't heard before. "I...errrrr didnt know you were here ..... thought you'd gone with the others...... so sorry Mrs Kemp". I babbled "Call me sandra and you dont have to apologies" she replied as she walked over and turned the kettle off. "You gonna make me a coffe?" she questioned. "Sure, how do you have it I answered. She told me then went and sat back down on the couch.

I made the coffees then realised that to give her the coffee I was going to have to walk over in full veiw of her. I placed the coffee and said "Coffees UP" Bring it over would you she said huskily. Dam i thought this is going to be real embarrassing. I pulled my boxers up to try and keep my cock against my lower stomach and not pertrude so much and took her cup over to her. Before I had even taken 3 steps I could feel my cock bouncing up and down with every step. I was watching the cups closley, carful not to spill it but as I glanced up at Sandra I noticed her eyes were locked on my bouncing man hood and it was about to get worse. As I side stepped a bean bag i felt the head of my cock push through one of the gaps between the buttons. Snadras jaw dopped, before she composed herself and said told you, you needed more support!"

I froze not knowing at first what to do. "would you like me to give you hand there Seb" Sandra stood walking towards me. I was blushing and couldnt make eye contact but just nodded my head. Sandr came over to me and with out any hesitation she grabed my cock and pushed it back through the gap. I let out a little moan through clenched teeth as she just smiled holding her hand against my swollen cock. "Was that a moan of pleasure Seb?" she whispered. I couldnt reply I was frozen solid. She gripped my cock again this time through the boxers and pushed her hand down its length and again I moaned. "MMmm ... I believe it was" she whispered this time leaning right into my ear.

Still holding the coffees out to my sides Sandra continued teasing me by whispering "I wondered what will spill first the coffee or somthing else?" She was standing close to me her bikinied breasts against my chest and her hand had started stroking up and down my cock to my mumbled moans. "I think I can make you spill somthing" she continued. SHe then reached inside my shorts and got her hand around my cock and started pumping. Her other hand was carressing my ass and I was so close to popping it wasnt funny. I had my mouth open and was gasping for air as i could feel it getting closer. she kept stroking me while her other hand untied her surong and let it fall to the floor. I looked down to see her naked pussy and with out stopping her stroking she turned around and then inserted my cock into her. I dropped the cups grabbed her hips and drove her as hard as I could. She screamed out and I came in one hell of a hurry. I bucked and twitched as her pussy filled with every last drop.

I let go of her hips and steped back looking around the room as if in a state of shock. I ran my fingers through my hair and staired up at the ceiling I had just unloaded in my Girlfriends mum and my mind was going crazy. Sandra casually picked up the broken cups and her serong and tied it back around her waist. I was pushing my cock back inside my shorts and was still in a state of "WHAT THE FUCK?" We cleaned up the spilt coffee and I threw out the broken mugs never saying a word. The house was totally silent as we moved about until suddenly I heard a car pull up in the drive..........

Blow wind Blow

Vaughan on Sex Stories

Well this story starts out on a very windy day that changed my life. I had been in a meeting all morning and was dressed in my usual business suit and was leaving an office building in the middle of the city. As I stepped onto the street the wind nearly swept me off my feet. It was howling. I made my way down the street with the wind directly in my back blowing me along nearly forcing me to break into a run. I looked ahead of me as a woman wearing a long black dress stepped out of a cab and headed my way with a business satchel in hand.

She was sheilding her eyes from the dust and grit as it blew through the air which allowed me to take a good look at her figure. The wind being directly in her face was blowing her dress hard against her frame outlining her amazing figure. She was

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about 6 ft tall, slim with great breasts and curvasious hips, she had long brown/red hair and was simply stunning. As she got closer I noticed just how much her dress was being blown into her and the outline of her waste and the way the dress pushed back between her legs left a clear outling of her nikkers.

I couldn't take my eyes off her and then just as we were about to cross a gust of wind blew her sideways towards the road. My reflexes were sharp enough to reach out and grab her arm as she stumbled off the curb certain to fall over. Her heel went into a storm drain, her ankle twisted, the heel snapped off she fell toward the road and the contence of her satchel flew down the street as she dropped it, just as i got my other arm behind her to stop her from falling all the way to the ground. I awkwardly pulled her upward back to her feet and turned her round to face me and asked if she was ok.

She stood in silence for a few seconds and then just dropped her head and replied a sollom yes. I bent down and picked up a few sheets of paper that were caught on sign posts and a parked cars tyre but most of them where gone half way across the city. As i stood back up I glanced up at the woman to see tears rolling down her face.

I was unsure what to do so i just walked up and put my arms round her and said "One of those days huh?" Her arms roped round my back and she nodded into my shoulder as she wept. She quickly gained composure and stepped back from me and still not looking up thanked me. I told her it was nothing and introduced my self. She then introduced herself as Kate and that the paper work was so very important and that she had to try and retrieve as much as she could and with that turned and started hobbling off down the street, thanking me again before she turned. It was then I finally got to look directly into her eyes. They were still wet with tears but they were stunning! I stood frozen for a second, stunned by there beauty then snapped out of it as she took another little stumble trying to keep upright in her broken heel and the howling wind. I quickly caught upto her and grabbed her hand and guided her into the shelter of a cafe. SHe insisted that she must get the paper work but I told her I would do it for her and sat her down and ushered to the waiter to organise the lady a drink. I scurried out the door and ran off down the street fetching paper from high and low. An elderly woman had caught about 5 sheets and handed them back and two boys saw me chasing peices of paper and joined in, enjoying ot as a game. I collected all that I could find and headed back to the cafe.

On my return the lady was sitting with both her shoes on the table and was sipping at what seemed to be a whisky on ice. I sat down opposite her and placed the the paper work on the table and told her that it was all i could find. She thanked me again and again and I repeatedly told her it was nothing. I grabbed her heels and looked at the broken one. I wanted to make this woman happy and I remembered that I had a friend who owned ashoe store just round the corner. I looked over at the lady and flashed her a smile and said I'll be right back order me one of what your having and ran out the door.

IN a flash I had ran round to my mates store given him the shoes to repair and picked up a simular pair for her to wear fir the remainder of the day. I ran back into the store with the box and the repair docket and said Sebastiyn VAughan at your service my lady in the best James Bond voice I could muster up. She starred at me again with those amazing eyes, now dry and with the sweetest voice said "Are you some sort of saint?" with the cutest quizmical look I had ever seen. "Nah, nothing that special, just a guy wanting to cheer up a very unlucky but amazingly attractive woman" I said blushing slightly and feeling a little silly. She told me i had done a very good job of cheering her up and told me that she had to repay me in some way. I had started sipping on my drink and knowing that she wasnt short of a buck as my mate at the shoe store said her shoes where not cheap by any means i replied, "Buy me this drink and we'll call it even" how bout I buy you dinner instead she replied and for the first time a smile beamed on to her face that totally caught my breath. I agreed to dinner and although it was only about 6:30pm she motioned to the waiter to bring us some menues.

We ate and chatted and I was totally taken away with her intelect, her wit and sence of humour let alone her startling beauty. It seemed like an hour had gone past when it had been 3 and it was time to leave. We both had drank through out the meal and afterward and were both a little pissed but very happy. We walked out the front of the cafe resteraunt and agreed to share a cab as be both lived in a simular part of town. We reached her house first and she invited me in for a coffee and some more conversation and i agreed.

We walked into her home and she showed me through to the kitchen and told me to wait while she visited the bathroom. I started making coffee whilst she was gone finding my way round the kitchen. I snooped a little into the living area and looked at the photos on her fridge of her with a bordie collie dog and then some other pics of her with what seemed to be two equally attractive friends. "There my two sisters" she announced as she re-entered the kitchen now in bare feet, "their my best friends we do everything together". "Wow you three must turn heads everywhere you go" i blurted again blushing a little. She smiled and said "my sisters do" to which I replied "well you had my head spinning before you had even gotten all the way out of the cab this afternoon". Again my mouth had ran before my mind could click into gear, i didnt want her to think I had helped her just to get into her pants, but she put me at ease as she said "Well no matter how much a guy trys to wow me I would never ask just any guy into my house, espicially if I'd only met them a few hours earlier." We both went quiet as she took over making the coffe and then handed me my cup and headed toward the living area.

I sat down next to her and she placed her cup on the coffee table then took my cup and sat down as well. She looked at me and said I still dont think I have thanked you enough and with that she lent forward and started to kiss me. This was not expected but i quickly got use to it and i took her into my arms and kissed her long and passionatly. With out taking her lips from mine she pushed me backward and alyed me down onto the couch. She crawled up and straddled me as my cock instantly became hard in my pants. She pushed againsgt me and moaned as she rocked her hips on my cock. It was all happening so fast but I was going to dare stop her. She lossened my tie and undid my shirt still kissing me. Then my belt came ondone and my pants were loosened and her hand reached down and grabbed a handful of my rigid cock. I pulled her dress up until i could slide my hand under it and ontonthe sides of her thighs. I lifted my hands up to her waste waiting to feel her panties but there were none she had left them off when she went to the bathroom. I broke the kiss momentarliy and said "when did you plan to do this?" and she replied "Just after we finished our mains" before kissing me again.

I rapt my back up over her ass then between her legs from behind. She rocked her hips back to reach for my searching hand as it found her now wet pussy. She moaned again into my lips as my fingers worked her. she was on all fours above me now pulling at my cock while i had bot both hands involved in stoking her pussy. she suddenly sat up right pulled her dress over her head tossed it to the floor than dissappeared down my body and took my cock into her mouth. i let out a moan and then said "You better turn round so i can give you the same favour." She wasted no time in spinning around and nuzzling her pussy donw onti my face. IN seconds of my tounge licking at her clit and pussy she was rocking her hips on my mouth and moaning with my cock in her mouth. This was sending small vibrations up and down my cock and I was ready to blow at any second.Then her body started to tence up and I knew what was coming i concentrated on the job at hand and moved my hand around so i could get to fingers and slide them into her while my tounge frantically worked her clit. My cock came out of her mouth as she let out a loud moan and her hand took over pumping my pre errupting cock. With her sitting up slightly i removed my fingers and licked her all over. she squirmed on my face causing my tounge to swoop into her ass, she moaned again and positioned her tight ass right on my mouth, I continued to lick except this time it was her ass that my tounge was disapperaing into. One hand was now on her clit while her other hand was pumping my cock. Her moans increased and then she slid her pussy back on to my mouth as her juices started spilling if not squirting out of her. That took me over the edge and my cock errupted its first two jets into the air and the remainder in to Kate's mouth as she engulthed me once again.  

We layed there motionless except for our breathing until Kate whispered lets go upstairs to my room.......


Dont Stop.........

Vaughan on Incest Stories

Hi my names Charlie. I recently turned 16 and this is a story about my older brother Kent who is 17 and the time I caught him masterbating.

It was an early Sunday Morning and I had gotten up early to go and train in the pool. As I walked to the bathroom in my nightie i herd muffled moaning coming from my Kents bedroom. Kent is what my friends call a super hottie and even though I have spent most my life despising him, in more recent times I too have noticed his hottness. I crept Up to his door and peeked through only to see him on his back pumping his hard cock in his fist. I bit my bottem lip to stop myself from gasping as I stood there and watched. He was moaning and had his eyes closed and his hand worked his shaft to a frenzy. My own hand had dissappeared under my nightie a

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nd was going to work on my clit as if it had a mind of its own.

I stood there fingering myself watching my brother pump harder and harder as i drew myself closer to my own orgasm. Then he came and spirted cum up his belly and chest. I quikly and quietly crept away my fingers still probing and went into the bathroom to finish what i had started.

As I same i couldnt get the picture of my brother cumming all over himself from my mind and my coach could tell I was pre-occupied as i stuffed up turns and my stroke was all over the place. On the way home I tried to think about everything else but still couldnt remove the image. I walked in the back door and into the kitchen where my bro was at the fridge looking in wearing only a pair of shorts. I instantly changed direction and headed for the bathroom to have a shower. Kent yelled from behind that mum and dad had gone for the weekend and that tonight he was having some of his friends over and that I wasnt allowed to dob.

I agreed but only if I could have a friend over too. He was fine with that so after my shower I rang vikki to come over. The day was spent fooling around on the computer and watching DVD's. Kent ended up going out with his mates leaving Vik and I at home to talk. I told Vikki about the morning and she was so jelous. She so badly wanted my brother and asked about 100 times if i thought it would happen again the next day.

We were both sound asleep when Kent got home it was about 2am and Kent was drunk out of his brain. He stumbled in and collapsed on the couch next to me. I asked him if his friends were coming, to which he grunted "no" and then lent over and put his head on my lap and closed his eyes. Vikki had woken too and she looked up at me with the most mischievious grin. I shook Kent and he mumbled something i didnt understand. I told him that I would help him up to his room so he could go to bed. He grunted in agreeance and Vikki and I supported him up to his room.

Once in his room we sat him on his bed and he just fell back and lay with his feet still on the floor. I bent down and started undoing his shoelaces and Vikki started undoing his shirt. By the time I had got one shoe off Vikki had his shirt off and had undone his pants. I gasped and shook my head. Vikki just grinned and pulled at his jeans and started sliding them down off his hips. I got his other shoe off and vikki pulled his jeans off. Kent Lay there in his Calvin Klien briefs snoring totally out of it. We pushed him up onto his bed and vikki regularly accidently onpurpose slipped and ran her hand across his cock.

Vikki then whipered to me if she could just have one look and although I wanted to say no I also wanted to see it again. I said ok and Vikki needed no further responce she had his briefs off in a flash. we both sat their staring at it while Kent just snorred. I saw Vikkies hand go down between her legs and then her other hand reached out and grabbed his cock. I didnt move I just sat and watched while vikki, never taking her eyes off his cock, started to wank him. Even though Kent was asleepp it didnt take long for his cock to wake up. Vikki was storking it and finger herself and didnt care if I was watching or not. Truth was I was playing with my self too. I walked round the other side of the bed opposite vikki and then reached out and joined in the stroking. Vikki looked up at me and grinned that mischievious grin again. and no sooner had i got the rithym up had she crawled onto the bed in between his legs and started sucking the head. she tore off her nightie and proceeded to finger herself while sucking.

I was sooo wet and my fingers where working my clit in to a frenzy. Then vikki stopped looked at me and said wanna try? i dint say anything just swapped positionswith her and got on all 4s and started sucking. His big cock in my mouth felt amazing then even more amazing was Vikkihad started fingering me from behind. I lost all control and soon was deep throating my brothers cock while vikki was fingering licking and sucking my wet pussy. Suddenly I felt Kent's cock erupt and his warm juice start spilling from his cock and down my throat and he started mumbling..... Oh yer you know how i like it ......yer thats it. Vikki and I froze and then the bomb shell

Kent moaned.............................

Dont Stop you know I love it when you suck my cock MUM..........

Mowing Strip

Vaughan on Incest Stories

Firtstly I'll say that my aunt is probibaly one of the hottest ladies I know. My uncle is rich and ugly so there's no guessing why they got married. Aunt Sarah is kool though and has always been one of my favorite aunts. My mum and other aunts and dont like her but their only jelous.

When I was 15 I was starting to get very interested in girls and also had the need for cash so i could hang out with friends and have money to go to movies and stuff. My pearents were not very well off so I had offered to mow my uncles lawn as his garden was huge and i thought i could make a handy buck or 2. My uncle agreed to pay me $150 fortnight to do his lawn. He had a coool ride on mower but it still took me all day and was over the whole rideon mower pretty quickly.

One sunday I had my

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mp3 player blaring when i saw out the corner of my eye my aunt sarah walking toward the pool in a tiny Bikkini. I stared and nearly ran into a tree which she noticed and laughed. I blushed! She jumped in the pool and I watched as she swam about a bit. It was a scorcher of a day and i was in just a pair of shorts. She jumped out then went and layed down on a sun bed. I had my arnette sunnies on and i watched out of the corner of my eye again as she layed down on her tummy then undid her bra straps so she could tan her back. after mowing the same section 5 times I decided I had to move on but as I did I suddenly heard Aunt Sarah call out to me.

I stopped the mower and wlaked over in my sunnies trying to act cool. She smiled and was up on her elbows watching me and i was staring at her clevage. "Your really growing up Mike....... the girls must be chasing you everywhere" She said smiling while looking me up and down. "I wish" i replied. "Can you rub some oil on my back babe" she asked pointing to some tanning lotion. I obliged and she lowered her head again and I grabbed the bottle. I started rubbing her back and covering her in the oil. I was sitting on the side of the sunbed and the view of her ass and back was amazing. My cock was starting to get hard as I continued to rub. "mmmmmm thats so nice ....your hands feel so strong" she said in a low husky voice. I said nothing and kept rubbing. I was soo nervous my brething was shallow and my cock was growing by the second.

"You better do my legs now babe" Sarah said not moving. I squirted some more oil in my hands and began to rub. her bikkini bottoms were a G so her ass was totally visible and as i got to the top of her legs I hesitated ...... "Keep going babe I need to be covered head to toe" she said with a slight giggle. i started to rub the oil into her ass and she ever so slightly opened her legs. i could see her bikkini clad pussy lips clearly as i kept rubbing. i quickly did her other leg then started rubbing her other ass cheek. "feels like youve done that before Mike" she said looking back at me seeing me staring down between her legs. "um...... oh..... no not really" I stammered. "Well it feels good." she said staring at me. I didnt know where to look until she siad giggling, "its ok baby you can continue looking down there if you want."

I turned as red as a tomatoe but it didnt stop me from staring back down at her pussy. I kept rubbing and she started moving her hips around in my hands. "You like that?" She said knowingly. to which i replied in the affirmative. She looked back at me again and i grinned embarrassed but extaticly happy. "You wanna do my front now?" She asked and I nodded instantly. She flipped over and dropped her bikkini top to the ground. I stared! She is what i now know as a c-cup and her tits are so perky with bullet like nipples and totally tanned. i started rubbing her legs with the oil and moved up over her stomach quickly. "theres no rush babe take your time" she said I slowed down i got to her breasts and looked to her for apprasal. she just smiled and nodded.

I started rubbing the oil into her tits and nearly cam in my pants. she closed her eyes and let out a moan. "you know im missing out on a complete tan because of you" she sighed.  I stooped rubbing and apologised to which she laughed and said not from ur hands silly because im still wearing my bottoms and i usually wear nothing" My jaw dropped and she laughed again. Dont think you'll mind though and with that pulled down her Bikkini bottoms to expose her pussy. With its lil tuft of hair at the top I couldnt take my eyes off it.

"Well?" she asked staring up at me grinning. "well what I said" breaking my stare for half a 2nd to look up to her face then back to her pussy. "You'll need to rub some oil on it" she giggled again like a young girl. I looked up at her with a llok of disbelief. "Go on I know you want to" I was shaking and my breathing was short. I squirted some oil into my palm and with my hand shaking i lowered it down onto her pussy. She opened her legs and let out a little moan. i went to pull my hand away but befor i could her hand came over the top of mine and she continued to rub her pussy with both mine and her fingers. Then she pushed my index finger up inside of her and she moaned again and started to rock her hips. I was about to explode in my shorts, "Oh Fuck yer" i said as i felt her juices all over my fingers.

Are you hard baby?" she enquired knowingly. I nodded and she said "You keep rubbing me baby and kneel just here".She spread her legs a lil wider and pointed between her legs. I got in position, my cock centremeters form her pussy and stomach. she lowered my shorts and gripped my cock. that was it I erupted my cock spurting cum all over her stomach, pussy, tits and as high as her neck. She squeeled in delight. My cock stayed rigid as she rubbed my cum into her skin. I kept rubbing her pussy now with two fingers sliding in and out.

My cock still hard she looked up at me and said "Does it always stay hard like that after you cum?" "mostly" I lied. She just grinned and pulled me ontop of her. she reached down and slid my cock into her. I nearly came again then and their. "Fuck me" she whispered. I started to move and slowly i relaxed and started pumping. she started to moan louder and louder and talking dirty to me. i was ready to cum again but she beat me to it she screamed out and started convoulsing i pulled out and she nearly knocked me off the sun bed trying to get my cock in her mouth. She was going crazy sucking every last drop from me. I was in heaven.

It fair to say I now mow the lawn regularly...........

Massage from sis!

Vaughan on Incest Stories

It all started about a year ago when my sister Shelly started her massage course. She was half way through her course and had been looking for people to practice on. She never had much trouble as let me just say that all my mates tell me my sis is an absolute babe. Shes a tall slender brunette with c cup breasts and an ass to die for. Shes my sis I know but any man would get a stirr in their pants if u ever saw her naked and i had got that chance a few times. She was 19 and I was 20, we were pretty close and both were made triathletes so we use to train together too.

One week end after swimming in the morning then cycling for a few hours we got back to the house to find that mum and dad had gone away for the weekend. We both showered, i used my pearents ensuit and then went down

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stairs to make some lunch. Shelly had put on a bikkini top and a serrong and looked gr8! I had on just a pair of shorts as it was a scorcher of a day. we chatted over lunch and i hinted how good it would be to get a massage. Shelly agreed then said "ill give u one if you do me after" I smiled and said sure my mind racing, saying to myself sure Ill DO you!

She set up the table and got her oils and i layed down on my stomach in my shorts. She then told me to take them off so she could do it properly. I protested and told her I wasnt wearing anything underneath. She said she seen it all before and to stop being silly so i lifted my hips from the table and dropped my sorts to down my legs and to the floor. I lay their naked with my head in the hole and i watch her legs and the serrong swaying as she moves around me. Shelly then says to herself but out loud "m gonna get oil all over this" and with that removes her serrong. I couldnt quite see high enough to seewat she was wearing underneath but i was sure it was nothing. Instantly I became a lil hard.

She was massaging my lower back then her hands started moving over my ass which felt gr8! i moaned a lil to let her know how good it felt. Slowly but surley her hand was going lower down my ass and to the inside of my thigh until she was regularly brushing the bottom of my ball sack. This was driving me wild and I moaned a few times more to let her know i was enjoying it. suddenly she stopped and moved up to my neck she stood at the end of the table and i moved my head in the hole so i could see as much of her legs as possible. Then she knelt down! Her pussy was bare not i thread of clothing and not a hair insight. My hard on moved to full capasity! she kept rubbing my neck like nothing was going on. I moaned again and this time she let one hand slip down to her pussy and lightly ran her fingers between the lips. I moaned again and she rubbed again. I seriously could of came right there but she stood up.

Roll over and Ill do your legs she said. I again protested and she again said she'd seen it all before. I was feeling a lil bold so i flipped over and my cock sprung up of my stomach. I watched Shelly as she staired at it. She composed herself and said "enjoying that much are u bro" so smuggly So i replied "as much as you were when u were kneeling up the front!" She went bright red then looked down and started massaging my legs. I lay there in silent as she massaged up my calf then to my hammi's and thighs. as she got to the top her eyes locked on my cock. Once again her hand on the inside of my thigh was brushing my balls and i was starting to moan again. She got more confident and started rubbing my groin and the back oy hand slid against my rigid cock. She licked her lips and looked up at me and our eyes locked she grabbed my cock in her hand and lowered her head to my cock. before engulfing it she whispered "sorry but i have too" and then slid my cock down her throat. "Dont be sorry" i uttered as she worked my cock with her mouth and my balls with her hand.

I was in heaven her eyes were still gazing up at me and then she said u better be as good as me when u give me a massage!" i told her to get on the table she declined and rather pulled me off the table and onto the floor she lay me on my back ripped off her bikkini top then swiftly stradeled my face and went back to sucking on my cock. I burried my face in to her sopping wet pussy and instantly she started to moan and grind her hips against me. We kept going for ages until i said i think im gonna cum and which she replied so am i then continued sucking me and fucking my face. that was too much for me and i started to blow my load deep in her throat and no sooner had i started she did too. Her body was convulsing and she ook her mouth off mycock to moan loudly. my cock still erupting blew cum every where. she sat up quickly and her ass was still hovering and her pussy dripping above me. I lifted my head and pushed my tounge into her ass. She cried out YES then span around to face me! my cum was dripping downher chin and was spattered across her face. she was doing her best to lick it up and clean her self up. 

She looked down at me and siad now it must be my turn!

My sis had grown up.

Jim Moore on Incest Stories

I had joined the Army after getting out of school at 18 years old and when I left my little sister (call her Janice) was just 10 years old. I was always her "big brother" and we got along great. I had never thought about sex with her at all.

When I arrived home I was supprised to see this very sexy young girl run out and jump in my arms and give a kiss on the mouth. She said "oh it's so good to have you home again, I have missed you so". I just stood there and looked at what was a well rounded young girl of 13.

We went inside and she wanted to know all about what I had been doing and to my supprise she ask if I'd been getting lots of pussy. I told her she was to young to talk like that. I could see her nipples sticking through her "T" shirt, bu

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t she pulled the shirt up and exposed two of the most beautiful tits I had ever say. She said, "do this look like a little girl to you"? I could feel my cock start to get hard just from looking at her wonderful tits. I told her she better stop before Mom and Dad come in and saw her like that."Oh I forgot to tell you they have gone for the weekend, and we have the house to our selves"

I was setting on the sofa and she walked up and wiggled her tits almost in my face and said "Do you like them? I told her they were beautiful. "You can feel them if you want" I was almost in a trance as I put my hand on her perfect rounded tits and squeezed them. She pushed back and before I knew what was going on I had one of them in my mouth sucking on it. She was moaning and saying "suck them big brother suck both of them". By this time my cock was as hard as a rock and bulging in my shorts. She sat on my lap and started rubbing my cock through my shorts. "You have a nice big cock there brother, let's take it out so I can see it" I pulled down my shorts and briefs and my cock sprang up. She let out a little scream and grabbed it and started pumping it slowly. I couldn't believe what was going on. Here I was with my 13 year old sister and she had my cock in her hand as I sucked her tits.

She stood up and pulled her shorts down and threw them away and said "take my panties off brother". I reached out and pulled down her panties to see a small patch of hair on her pussy. I rubbed her and slid my finger into her little slit to find that she was very wet. She got down on her knees in front of me and opened her mouth and started sucking my the big head of my cock. "Oh Janice we shouldn't be doing this, you are my sister and besides that I'm much to old for you". She just looked up at me and continued to suck and jack my cock.

Here I was home for only less than an hour and I had my little sister sucking my cock and enjoying every minute of it. I had laid back on the sofa and my 8" cock was sticking straight up as she sucked the head and licked it. She pulled her mouth off and said "I need you in me, I need you to fuck me" and before I could say anything she was on my lap with a leg on each side with my cock touching the hair on her cunt. I was totaly out of control by now and all I wanted to do was get my cock in her sweet little pussy and fuck for dear life. I guided my cock to her small fuck hole and rubbed it up and down a couple of times and then it happen, she lowered her self and I had the head of my cock in her pussy. She was so tight and wet I wanted to just ram all of my cock in her but thought better. I ask her if she had ever been fucked before and she shook her head yes as she began to ride my cock up and down going deeper with every stroke. I looked down and watched my cock slowly disappear into her tight little cunt.

After she had buried all of me in her she started to bounce up and down and I shoved my cock up to meet her every stroke. She had her eyes closed and was moaning " Oh Oh Oh" with every stroke. She was so tight I knew I wouldn't last long and she bucked up and down on my cock. "Oh fuck me big brother, fuck me the way I've always wanted you to fuck me." Oh shit sis I'm about to cum should I pull out"? NO keep fucking me and shoot your cum in my belly" She made about three more bounced and she started with a low moan that keep getting louder until she almost screamed out "I'm cummmmmminnnnngggg" With that I started to pump a full load of cum deep into her pussy. We slowed the pace and I unloaded every drop of cum I had in her. She leaned over and kissed me and said "I have dreamed of this for a long time and it was just as wonderful as I ever thought it would be" I told her that she was the best fuck I had ever had and we decided that there would be much more of this before the week end was up.

Swimming Time With Sister

aabbdd112233 on Incest Stories

It  was a hot July day and I decided to go swimming at the local pool.  Let me describe myself.  I have brown hair, I'm about five-ten, I have a muscular build, and I keep my stomach nice and flat.  I had just gotten my liscence so I asked my parents if I could take the car.  They said I was allowed as along as I brought along my fourteen year old sister and was back before five.

My sister has never really caught my eye.  She is about five-two, blonde hair, B-breasts, and pretty petite.  When we got to the pool I noticed that none of my friends where there.  My sister met up with one of her friends, Abbie, and so I just hung out with them.  After about thirty min. Abby left and so me and my sister swam around...We whe

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re having a lot of fun and didn't notice the clock.  At around Five 0 Five we realized we had to go, So I called my parents and said that we where running late because the locker rooms at the pool were full and we were changing into regular clothes.  After we started to drive away I realized that me and my sister both had on our swimsuits still, and if my parents found out I lied we would both get grounded.  I told my sister and so she told me not to look...She put a towel in front of her and took off her bikini bottoms and top.  She then reached for her bag of clothes but noticed that they where in the back seat.  As she was disrobing I accidentally looked over at her.  I never quite saw my sister from this view and I have to admit...it was not half bad, in fact it was great.  She ditched the towel and climed in the back, my eye on her the whole time then she put on her clothes and came back up.  We were approaching our house and I still had on my swim trunks.  I obviously couldn't change then because I was driving as I found out when I attempted.  "Here, Let me help you, I won't look, promise." my sister said.

She slid off my swim trunks, and I saw her glance down.  I was a little embarrased but she took out my shorts and proceeded to put them on me.  As she did I felt her hand move onto my cock.  I started to get hard...but she must not of seen, or ignored it.  As we pulled into the driveway I walked up to the door to see a sign that said my parents went to a movie and dinner and we could order pizza or something.  "all that work for nothin," I thought.

At around nine I was watching TV in the dark living room when my sister came in , in a long white shirt, ready for bead.  She layed on the couch and put her head on my lap.  I had not gotten around to putting boxers on from earlier that day and just my shorts where seperating my sisters head from my cock.  I looked at her and I had a flashback of earlier in the day.  I started to get hard, and she lifted her head up, adjusted it, then layed back down.

"This is uncomfortable," she said.  "oh great," I thought "I blew it"

"go sit in the recliner," she said-  I obeyed thinking she thought I was a pervert, but instead she came and sat on my lap, a blanket covering us.  We watched TV when she said "I'm hot" and I saw her throw her Shirt on the floor.  I couldn't see her tho, because of the blanket, but I said"me too" and threw my shirt on the floor and started to remove my  shorts but remembered i didn't have any boxers on. 

"why not take off your shorts too" she asked " I already saw everything earlier today, and I only have panties on, It's ok, It's hot in here, and we have a blanket over us."

I threw them off and started to get a hard on, my cock was pressing against her but.  Her eyes where closed and I thought she was sleeping, so i acted as if i was too, and closed my eyes, letting my hand fall on to her breast and cup it.  I flicked it around and circled her nipple with my finger, when I saw a pair of panties fall to the floor.  Then I felt her move and saw she was rolled around, Now straddling me, still "sleeping"  I put my hand down and found her pussy...it was wet, and i started to finger her. I heard her moan and then she looked up and kissed me.  She slipped under the blanket and then I felt a mouth on my hard cock.  She went up and down, circling the head, then taking it all in,  but when i was about to cum, i pulled her up, and put my didck at the entrance to her pussy.  We made out and she lowered herself onto me.

"ahh"' she moaned as i felt my dick enter all the way.  We fucked for about five min, her pussy becoming slippery with her juices, when I heard the front door openeing.  MOM AND DAD i said "pretend your asleep"

We pulled the blanket up and acted like we where asleep.  MY cock was still in her pussy, and still hard as can be.  Mom and Dad whispered then sat on the couch watching TV.  It was apparent they where not going to move anytime soon, as i saw when i snuck glances.  I layed there when I felt my sister starting to bounce up and down again.  I layed there and my sister said "shhhh".  She bounced some more, and we continued tocfuck while my parents watched TV.  I looked over at them and saw my dad was massaging my mom's back, and undid her bra and they started to make out.  Then they looked over and saw me watching.  My dad went over and said "Son, why don't you and your sister go to bed and leave me and your mom in here a lone" at the same time pulling back the blanket..

"what the hell............" he said

A Curious Little Sister

Diabolos on Incest Stories

This is my first story for this site so please let me know what you think! I've got some more chapters for this story so if you guys wanna read 'em I'll send 'em in! Feel free to e-mail me at octobormoon75@yahoo.com

Greg had turned on the shower and was preparing to get in when he realized he’d forgotten a fresh towel. Leaving the water running, he left the bathroom a

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nd headed down the hallway to the linen closet. After poking around for a suitably large towel, he closed the closet door and made his way back the bathroom. He pushed open the partially closed door to find his little sister April standing in front of the shower curtain. Her hand was holding the end of it, as if about to draw it back. “What are you doing?” Greg asked in puzzlement.

April jumped and turned toward her brother. Her cherubic face was bright red, contrasted all the more by the yellow curls that cascaded about her head. “Nothing,” she replied with faux innocence. Greg sighed. April was forever pulling pranks on him and teasing him. He wondered what she was up to. Then a thought occurred to him.

“Were you trying to peek in on me?” Greg couldn’t help but smile. April was thirteen years old now and she was going to start becoming curious about things. Greg remembered when he was around her age how he used to peek into Mrs. Dodson’s window down the street.

April smiled sweetly. The same smile she used when she wanted something from their parents. “Maybe,” she giggled. Greg wasn’t sure why, but he suddenly felt uncomfortable standing in front of his sister wearing only his pajama bottoms.

“Okay. Why?” He asked.

April turned an even deeper shade of red and she began biting her thumb. An annoying habit she had when she was nervous. He caught her blue eyes roving over his exposed chest and thought they may have lingered a few seconds at his groin. “Well,” she began haltingly. “Lucy at school said that…” April started giggling and Greg huffed impatiently. Then something in his brain clicked and he remembered that Sarah Wagner had a little sister named Lucy. Uh oh, he thought to himself. “Lucy said that Sarah told her that you had a real big…dick.” She whispered this last word as if afraid of being overheard even though they were home alone this evening.

Now Greg felt himself blushing. He’d gone out with Sarah Wagner a few nights ago. They were making out in his car on an old country drive and things got pretty hot. He had Sarah in the back seat, her shirt open and pants down, and when he took his cock out she freaked when she saw how big it was. She screamed so much as he fucked her that his left ear still rang. He couldn’t believe Sarah had told her little sister Lucy about it.

“So you wanted to take a peek and see, huh?” Greg asked April, who nodded in response. Greg was a little uncomfortable at the thought of his little sister wanting to see his dick, but he also felt aroused at the thought. He felt his prick twitch slightly inside his pajamas.

“Can I see?” April asked timidly. “I’ve never seen a real one before.”

“Jesus! Don’t they have Sex Ed in the 8th grade anymore?” Greg asked her.

April laughed. “Yeah, but they don’t really show you anything.” She took a few steps toward him. The entire time the water had still been running and the bathroom was filling up with steam. “Come on, Greg. I told Lucy I’d find out and tell her.”

“Well tell her you saw it and it was fucking huge, alright?” Greg tried to brush April off as he was becoming more and more uncomfortable. He’d noticed his sister’s nipples hardening beneath the tank top she was wearing and tried not to look away from her eyes.

“What’s the matter?” April asked teasingly. “Is it really not that big at all?” She laughed.

Greg knew he was being baited but he didn’t care. April was starting to piss him off. “Alright, you little brat! You want to see my cock, come over here and take my pants off!” He gave her a challenging look. He was sure she’d back down.

Instead April closed the distance between them and, grinning broadly, dropped to her knees and pulled down Greg’s pajama bottoms in one fluid motion. Greg was too startled to speak or move. He simply stood there as his sister peered at his exposed genitals. She screwed up her face and looked up at him. “It doesn’t look that big.”

“Huh?” Greg asked stupidly. He looked down at himself. His penis hung flaccidly, only two or so inches long, surrounded by a tuft of dark, curly hair. His balls were contracted with nervousness, barely visible amidst his pubic thatch. “Well I’m not hard!”

“Make it hard,” she told him as she returned her attention to the object of her curiosity.

“It’s not that easy,” replied defensively. His head was spinning. He couldn’t believe April was on her knees inches in front of his exposed privates! God, what if mom and dad came home and found them?

“Can I touch it?” April asked. “Will that make it bigger?” Greg stood mute, too shocked to say anything. Taking his silence as permission, April reached up a little hand and, extending her index finger, poked at his limp prick. She was rewarded with a slight jump from it which made her giggle. She began moving her finger over it more quickly, as if scratching a dog’s head. The contact felt like an electric shock running through Greg’s body and he felt himself becoming aroused. “Ooh, it’s getting bigger!” April shrieked excitedly.

Greg closed his eyes, trying to bury his conflicting emotions as he felt April’s finger caressing his growing member. Suddenly he felt each of her small fingers encircling his cock and pulling on it. He gasped as he opened his eyes and looked down. April was grinning widely as she pulled on her brother’s dick, like a child with a new toy. Her bright, blue eyes were flicking back and forth from the cock in her hand to her brother’s half-lidded eyes. “Does it feel good?” She asked softly.

“Yes,” Greg exhaled and nodded his head. Soon he was rock hard in his sister’s awkward but arousing grasp. April stared at it, her eyes wide. It was nearly nine inches in length and curved slightly to the right. April’s fingers danced across bulging veins along the shaft that she could barely get her digits around. The engorged head was eye level with April and was so close it was threatening to poke her. She took her hand away from it and leaned back admiringly.

“Wow, that is big!” Greg detected a note of satisfaction in her voice. “The pictures they showed us in health class didn’t look anything like that!”

“I guess not,” Greg said dreamily as he gazed down at his sister. He couldn’t deny she was cute. She was skinny with long legs and ever so slightly widening hips. Her breasts were still only mere bumps but her erect nipples stood out clearly against her top which had become dampened by the gathering moisture in the room. His manhood throbbed almost painfully. “You want to touch it some more?” He asked her.

“Will it get bigger?” she asked breathlessly.

Greg suppressed a laugh and sheepishly grinned. “No, but it will feel really good.” April shrugged and got up on her knees again as she grabbed for Greg’s protruding member. He sighed as he felt her warm hand on his length again. He leaned against the sink, his hands gripping the slick porcelain as he began to buck his hips back and forth with each tug. It wasn’t going to take long for him to cum.

“Oh, what’s that?” April asked as she took her hand of his cock as if it had bit her. Greg looked down and saw her rubbing her thumb and forefinger together. He saw a clear, sticky fluid there and laughed softly.

“Oh that’s pre cum,” he explained to her. “It does that when it feels really good.” April glared at his cock head as drops of the liquid seeped out the slit at the tip and dropped to the floor. She rubbed a finger curiously against it, smearing it all around the end of his purpling head. April pulled her finger away and a string of the stuff followed. To Greg’s amusement April put it up to her nose and sniffed. Then she put it to her lips and tasted it. Greg’s mouth fell open as he watched his sister lick his pre-ejaculate off her finger. She looked up at him with a surprised look on her face.

“It tastes good,” she giggled, “sweet.” April licked her finger clean then gripped Greg’s shaft once again. The sensation of having his little sister jerk his cock and seeing her enjoy his pre cum was too much for Greg. Without warning he felt his cock spasm and shoot out a thick load of cum that splashed against April’s face.

A look of shock replaced curiosity as April recoiled, taking her hand off the squirting cock. With a groan, Greg quickly reached down and jerked himself off, causing more of the thick, sticky fluid to gush out. This time it hit April on the neck and tank top. “Oh my god!” April yelled in surprise as she struggled to get up. Greg continued to pump his cock, coaxing out more cum, some of which fell on April’s scrambling legs.

Greg leaned back against the sink, his hand squeezing the last drops of cum out of his still stiff member. April grabbed the towel Greg had gotten from the linen closet and began to wipe the sperm off her body. “Eww,” April said distastefully. “It’s everywhere.” Through glazed eyes Greg saw his little sister strip off her clothing. Before she bounded into the forgotten shower the images of her puffy, pink nipples and tight, little butt were burned into his brain.

My Sleeping Sis

Mtbiker650 on Incest Stories

Well, when this all started i was 17, and my sister was 13. I never really though of her in a sexual way, until one night she was sleeping on the couch in just her panties. I just stood there wanting to touch her, but i was able to resist for fear of being caught. I couldn't get the picture out of my mind as i slept. So, lucky me, my mom was leaving me and her alone that night. I was supposed to babysit which i did reguarly.

Well, when her bedtime came, i told her to go to bed, and she did. So i waited untill about midnight just to make sure that she was asleep. Then i walked into her room to see her flat on her back, legs spread slightly and no blanket on. It was the middle of summer so i kind of expected that.
Before i get going her let me tell you a littl
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e about myself and my sister. I am about 6ft. tall, 150lbs, and average size cock. My sister was about 80lbs., about 41/2 to 5ft tall, and now that i have been paying atention...had a really nice ass.
Once i got in the room i wanted to jump ontop of her and fuck her brains out, but no, i decide to make sure that she was at least asleep. So i walked p to her slowly and tapped her shoulder, nothing, the i touched and rubbed her stomach, nothing, then i started rubbing her pussy, again, nothing.
So getting a little braver i pulled her panties down just untill i could see her pussy. And oh my god was it beautiful. So smooth, soft, and warm. I just wanted to eat it up. So i started tasting it and flicking my tounge over her clit, and to my surprise, NOTHING happend. Again getting more confidence, i started to rub it with my finger. Then i trired to slide a finger in, and it did...here i am thinking she was a virgin, and at 13 she wasnt.
After playin with her pussy for a while she was still sleeping soundly. So i thought, mabye i could get my dick in her mouth. so i went to where her head was and turned it so that it was facing me. I then grabbed her chin and held her forehead and opened her mouth. And i started to skull fuck her, not too hard though, i didnt want to wake her. And wow...did it feel great.
Once that got boring i decided id try and kiss her, basically because i couldnt think of anything else to do. So i knelt down and slowly touched my lips to hers and slid my toung into her mouth. ANd i started to kiss her gently. Right at that point an idea popped into my mind. FUCK HER!!
And since she was such a heavy sleeper it wouldnt be too hard to get her in the right position. I went to the end of the bed and closed her legs, the slid her panties off while lifting her ass so that i could. Then i spread her legs as far as i could get them to go. I slowly and as carefully as i could climed on the bed and straddled her. I just sat there thinking "what the hell am i doing???" Then i was just like "fuck it...you only live once'
So i got inbetween her legs and started to slowly fuck her. Sliding in and out as slow and smooth as i possibly could. Then the strangest thing happend.
I heard a moan. But i ignored it and kept fucking her. Then again a moan and i felt her hips thrust beneath me. Was she awake?
Anyways, i kept fucking her but i slowed down a little bit. Then her eyes opened and she just stared me down and all i could do is stare back with my mouth wide open. We did this for like 5 minutes. Then she said "I've been awake the whole time, keep going it feels soo good."
So now that she was awake i got to speed it up a little bit. And i rolled her over so that she was on top and just told her to bounce as fast as she wanted and she wanted to go fast. So i started to throw my hips into it too making us go at least twice as fast as earlier.
All i could hear was her "AWWWWW!!!!"
"MMMMMMMM....Harder, faster."
And i did as she said. "you want faster? I'll give you faster!"
And i started thrusting as hard as i possibly coudl and just listened to her scream. Then i said i was gonna cum. And that scared her. "No, get it out then!!!!!"
So i said "well are you just gonna leave me hanging?"
And she whispered "nope, get thatdick over her."
So i walked over to her and she put it in her mouth and started bobbing up and down, up and down. and moving her hand at the same time, and playin with my nuts also. This time i didnt even give her any warning, i just grabbed her head and came in her mouth forcing ehr to take all of it. and let me tel you that that was the best ejaculation ive ever had...
And afterwards she actually said thank you. And wanted to know if we would ever be able to do it again, and all i had to say to that was "any time baby, any time." So just about every night we would sneak into her room because it was the furthest away form my moms and we woud fuck all night long............

My Slutty Sister (Part 2: The Car Ride)

nickmuk on Incest Stories

The weekend after my first time with my 13-year old sister Amy, my parents had planned on us going up north. My sister and I were both very dissapointed, as we did not like family trips too much. 

Now that my sister and I were involved in a sexual relationship, things between us were much different.  We wouldn't be embarassed if she walked in on me, or vice versa.  Since my parents slept downstairs, and our bedrooms were upstairs, that left us a lot of freedom.  We even showered together once that week, because we were both running late for school.  I guess you could say that our parents were clueless.

As we were packing for our trip, I was in her room with her.  She was throwing things in her bag.

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  Then, as she went for her panties, I told her not to bring any because I found it really hot when she didn't wear any.  She reluctantly agreed, and put them back. 

The next morning, with our bags packed, we loaded up the big RV.  My mom and dad sat in the front, with my dad driving, while me and my sister sat in the back.  The way the van was, my parents would only be able to hear us, and see us from our necks up.  At the time, I never thought much of it, until today at least.

As my sister reached back to get drinks from the cooler, her hand rested on my sweat pants, right on my dick.  I stayed still, reading my magazine.  Just her hand being there started to make me hard.  She handed the drink to my mom and looked at me and smiled.  What did she have planned?  It was so dangerous, I mean our parents were right in the front seat.  She whispered in my ear, "Just keep reading your magazine, and leave it to me..but make sure you don't make any noise."

I nodded, and her hand went right back.  Now she was looking away from me, out the window, while her hand was running up and down my sweat pants, rubbing against my hard cock.  What we were doing was so dangerous, but it was so exciting at the same time.

Then she did something I was not expecting.  She pulled my cock out of my sweat pants.  This was so dangerous because if my mom or dad even turned around, there would be my sister hands wrapped around my dick; not the easiest thing to explain to your parents.

She continued to give me a hand job, until she saw that my mom was asleep.  She then told my dad she was tired, because she knew he wasn't going to turn around while driving, and so she laid down.  Now my dad couldn't see her at all, but her head was inches away from my cock.  I continued to read my magazine while my sister started to give me head right there. 

She started by just kissing the head, but then I reminded her that we don't have much time, so she nearly swallowed my whole cock.  She started bobbing her head up and down along my shaft, getting it soaking wet.  One thing I learned about my slut for a sister is that she is really sloppy and wet when she gives blow jobs.  But, she now started sucking my balls, and stroking my wet cock with her hand as she did it.  I wanted to moan terribly bad, but my dad would hear, even with the radio on.  She started going much faster, and I got much closer.

With my free hand I was rubbing her neck, back, and ass.  Keeping my self occupied enough not to scream.  I whispered that I was close, and she put her mouth back on.  She bobbed her head up and down extremely fast, and just as I was about to cum, she deepthroated and my cum went down her throat.  

If I could explain to you how hard it was not to scream, that would be a miracle.  It was nearly impossible.  So I put my arm up to my mouth and screamed in my sleeve.  Some of my cum was dripping down her mouth and all over my cock.  She looked so hot with cum all over her lips.  But she licked them up and licked all the cum off of my body with no problem.  

She turned and laid down the other way, and whispered for me to just finger her, and we could do more later.  I agreed, because eating her out may cause some problems in the car.

So she laid with her legs spread and I started rubbing her pussy with my free hand.  I pulled down her sweat pants a little, and like I told her, she wasn't wearing any panties.  This was a problem though, because there was a big wet mark on her sweats.  She just laughed at it and shrugged it off.

Anyways, I started rubbing the outside of her pussy and her clit.  I could tell she was really horny, because she was humping back on my hand.  I slowly slid one finger inside her, and she squirmed a bit.  I then slid two, and eventually three, as my fingers were filled with her wetness.  She mouthed the words "Lick them" to me, so I did as told and licked my fingers.  She just looked at me and giggled.  I began alternating between rubbing her clit, and sticking three fingers deep inside her.  She just closed her eyes, and put her shirt in her mouth to keep her from yelling.

We did this for a good 5 minutes, before I knew she was about to cum.  I stuck in three fingers really deep, and with my thumb I rubbed her clit.  I felt her pussy squeeze tight against my fingers, and my whole hand was getting wet.  We stayed in that position for a good minute or so, while her climax ended.  She grabbed my hand and licked off all her juices, the hottest thing I've ever seen her do.  Then she rubbed her pussy to get all the other juices off and licked her own hand.  She sat up and put her sweat pants back on.  

She put her hand on my thigh and asked my dad when we would get there.  He looked at her through the rear view mirror and said twenty minutes.  She turned to me and smiled.. 

My Slutty Sister

nickmuk on Incest Stories

My name is Nick and my sister is Amy.  Let me tell you about her.  She has dark brown hair,  light brown eyes, around a b-cup bra, and an ass that is the result of many of my fantasies.  She is 13 years old, and I am 16 years old.

I have always lusted over my sister, and really wanted her bad.  She has always been in many of my fantasies.  I would sneak in her room and steal one of her thongs or g-strings to jack off with.  I always considered her to be a slut, because of how she dressed and acted, and I wanted to see for it myself.

Many times at night, I would here her moan and breathe deeply, since her room is right next to mine.  One night, I heard the familiar sound and stood outside her d

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oor.  I opened her door a crack, hoping she wouldn't hear.  There laid my sister in her bed, wearing a t-shirt and thong, and her playing with her tits and pussy.

By now, my cock was fully hard, and I was dying to rip it out.  Just at that moment, she looked directly at me.  I stopped there scared and embarrased, as I had just been caught.  I turned away and walked into my room thinking about what I had down.  Just then, I heard a knock, and it was her.

"Nick, its okay that you were watching," she said. "I mean, it's a little wierd, but I understand."  My sister had just told me that it was okay to watch her.  "In fact, I have seen you do it before too, and it really turned me on." 

I could not believe my little sister was talking like this.  I stood there speechless, and she noticed.  "Well, aren't you going to say something?"  Just then she did the unthinkable, and reached over and kissed me. 

I felt her tongue push against my lips, so I opened them a little bit, to let her tongue slide in.  I made out with my sister for a good 5 minutes, before I started grabbing her tits, and rubbing my hands up her body.

Her hand reached down to my shorts and she started rubbing my cock up and down.  She pulled off my shirt and started kissing my stomach.  She then pulled down my shorts.  I felt her hand move up and down my bare 7 inch cock.  She then started sucking it, moving her lips and tongue up and down.  I was in heaven, and nearly about to cum.  I told her this and she stopped. 

Right away she got on her back, and nearly demanded I eat her pussy.  She pulled off her shorts to reveal her pink, soaking wet thong.  I pulled the string to the side and began licking up and down her slit.  I put two fingers in, and to my suprise, she took it easily.  I sucked on her clit as I fingered her, and she started bucking and humping my face.

She started yelling and screaming, and I had to tell her to calm down or our parents would hear.  She said for me to stop so I did.  She laid me down on my back, and climbed on top.  She positioned her pussy right above my cock and lowered herself.  I got about half way in and she started to go up and down. 

I was nearly about to cum, when she forced herself to go deeper on me, nearly taking the whole cock.  She was going faster and faster, and I couldn't hold it any longer.  She told me just give her one more minute, so I held on the best I could. 

I felt her scream and her pussy grab and swallow my cock.  I told her I had to pull out or I would cum, but she didn't get up, and just pushed herself farther down, as she kissed me on the lips.  Just then I exploded, my hot cum seeping into her pussy.  She let out a sigh of satisfaction and put her head on my chest, my cock still burried deep inside her.

We stayed in that position for a while, me a little worried if I could get her pregenant.  (I didn't)  She pulled out a good half hour later, and went to her bed. 

In the morning we acted as if nothing happened, but I knew this was just the beginning of a very sexual relationship.

My Aunt Tilly

Trap on Incest Stories


     Her real name was Teresa, but we all called her aunt Tilly. She was an extremely sexual woman. She had won the state beauty pageant in her late teens, which parleyed into an underwear modeling career during her twenties, and she fit the mold to a tee. She had long hair, light brown, that extended to her mid-back. It was strait and always combed and brushed to perfection, just as you would think a lady of this sort would keep it. She had a lovely face, slender and devine, with high cheek bones and a perky, cute nose that turned slightly upward. Her eyes were her most endearing facial feature. Bright green and sexy, with dark eyebrows that enhanced them even more. Her body was chiseled out of stone. A Greek artist could do no better. Her

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breasts were in the ballpark of a C-cup or D-cup, and fit snug and high on her chest. Her stomach was flat and featured with great muscle tone and her legs were lovely. Perfect is probably a better word, and must have been forty inches long. She had the classic bell-shaped figure though her hips were not large. They were, well, perfect. And a better ass I have never seen to this day. Her complexion was impeccable and always tanned to perfection. I can’t use the word ‘perfect’ too many times to describe this woman. I was about thirteen when her modeling career was coming to an end. She had always been my favorite aunt. She was my dad’s little sister, and had a great, fun-loving personality to go along with her beauty. She lived in the same town as I did and we talked and visited each other often. She was still only twenty-eight years old, and was the most beautiful woman I had ever seen then or now. And it was then that our ‘special’ relationship began.

Now as for myself, I was fortunate to get some of the family beauty. I had been active in sports since I was eight and dreamed of a career as a professional athlete. I worked out much of my free time and at thirteen, I was the strongest, fastest, and biggest kid in my class. I guess I am at least fairly handsome as well, because I never had trouble finding girlfriends. I guess I was as sexually active as any kid at that age, though I had never been all the way so to speak. I don’t know what it is, but girls my age cringe when it comes to intercourse, though they are as free to suck a dick as to make out with a guy. They usually request a little head in return, but that is more than acceptable considering. I guess they feel that is as good as sex will get with a boy without the chance of getting pregnant. I can’t blame them and didn’t really mind. I loved blowjobs and never turned down a chance at one. I had received many during my eighth grade year, and even more surprising was that most of the girls swallowed. But now it was summer vacation and I hadn’t seen any of my girlfriends in nearly a month. My birthday was coming up soon and I hoped I might get a little relief at my party, but until then I was confined to pleasure myself. Recently, I was finding myself imagining having sex with aunt Tilly as I stroked myself off. It was disconcerting at first, but I soon found that I was jerking off more frequently because of my fantasies.

I was just about to go to my bedroom for one such session when the doorbell rang. It was a Monday afternoon and my parents had left that morning for a two day business trip out of state. They decided I was old enough to keep myself. I was a little surprised to see it was aunt Tilly when I answered the door. She was supposed to be on her way to Florida for a photo session.

"Hi there, what are you doing here?" I asked as I let her in the door.

"Well, I was hoping just to talk. They canceled my session and I am a little depressed. I think that I am becoming a ‘has-been’ in this business." She replied.

She walked strait in and set down at the kitchen table. I could tell she was upset and also a little drunk. She had a bottle of scotch in her hand. I walked over and set in the chair next to her.

"Would you like a drink Danny?" she asked, seeming suddenly to come out of a trance.

"I don’t know, I’m a little young don’t you think?" I answered with a smile. I secretly wanted to join her badly, and was glad to hear her reply.

"Not today Danny. If you want one I would love for you to join me. I hate to drink alone."

I grabbed the bottle from her offering hand and quickly took two large swigs. It wasn’t the first time I had drank, and I loved every time I had caught a buzz.

We talked for almost two hours as we drank. I offered to let her stay with me so not to be so lonely the next two days, which she quickly accepted. I had to assure her that she was still very beautiful and that it had nothing to do with her session being canceled. During that time, we had drank nearly the entire bottle of scotch and were both getting pretty drunk. Our inhibitions were fading fast and our talk turned much more adult.

"You know what I’d really like to do Danny?" she asked.

"What’s that?" I slurred in response. She giggled a little and was slow to answer.

"What aunt Tilly?" I asked again smiling.

"Well, what I’d really like to do is . . . no, I shouldn’t tell you." she giggled.

"Come on! You can’t leave me hanging like this!" I laughed back.

"Have you even seen a Playboy magazine Danny? Because I always wanted to do that. Pose for Playboy I mean. I hate clothes and I think that would be very freeing!" she finally said.

I almost fainted. I couldn’t believe that she wanted to do that and I couldn’t believe that she admitted it to me, even if we were drunk. I didn’t speak for several seconds and she seemed to become uneasy about having said it.

"I’m sorry Danny. I shouldn’t have . . ." I stopped her before she finished.

"No Tilly, I’m sorry. I think that’s great! It was just a shock to me for a second there." I quickly blurted. "In fact, I think clothes are very uncomfortable also. I often sleep in the nude."

The words were shockingly out of my mouth before I realized it. The look on my face must have been priceless because she began to laugh once again.

"Well, I tell you what then. If you’re game, lets spend the next two days naked. I mean it doesn’t mean anything more than comfort. It will be our own private nudist colony. It would be nice to see that I’m not the only weirdo in the family." she laughed.

I was immediately stunned. I really did almost faint that time though I fought hard to keep a strait face. The woman I jerked-off to was now offering to run around naked in front of me and I couldn’t wait to let it happen. The scotch helped make my decision as I replied.

"OK!" I started with a giggle, "but you strip first. I want to make sure that you are serious. I don’t know if I can trust you."

She giggled as she stood up. She was wearing some shorts and a tee-shirt and tennis shoes as she proceeded to the bathroom. I waited in great anticipation as I quickly drank my glass down. My heart was pumping furiously and I thought it might explode. I had seen only a few titties in my life and I was sure they would never compare to what I was about to be shown, not to mention her pubic hair, which I had never seen before on a girl. My cock was growing in my pants though I barely noticed.

Just as I though I couldn’t wait anymore, Tilly popped around the corner wearing nothing but a smile. She threw her hands up and yelled "Ta-da!" as I could only stare. Her breasts were hard against her chest and her hard nipples pointed slightly outward and high to the sky. Her body was as perfect as I had mentioned before but there was an unexpected surprise. Her pussy was bald. There was absolutely no pubic hair covering her mound and I could see the top of her slit and the folds of her labia ever so slightly. She was so drunk she slurred and slipped a little, spreading her legs to unknowingly better my view. Suddenly I came. I had never anticipated it, but the build up and the delivery was more than I could stand. Her body was so perfect it led to me shooting my sperm all over the inside of my shorts. I hadn’t bothered to put on underwear that morning and I could only hope it wasn’t soaking through. The orgasm was more obvious than I had liked and it gained the attention of my aunt.

"What’s wrong Danny? Are you ok? You look tense." She asked, seeming suddenly sober.

I couldn’t answer for a moment as my orgasm subsided and then I assured her it was nothing.

"Well then it’s your turn Danny. Go ahead and strip." she laughed.

I smiled as I rose and started for the bathroom. I had to walk past her to get there and I was embarrassed. I tried to hurry by, but as I got even with her, she stopped me with her hand.

"Something’s wrong isn’t it Danny? Do you not want to do this anymore?" she asked.

"No, no. I still do." I said as I tried to push through her hand. She continued to resist as I could sense she was looking down at my crotch.

"Why are you wet down there Danny?" she asked in a more concerning voice. "What happened?"

I closed my eyes in worry. I was searching for a good excuse and was about to tell her a lie about how I had spilt my drink when I suddenly felt a tug on my shorts. I quickly opened my eyes to see my aunt Tilly on her knees before me pulling my shorts down. I was humiliated as I tried to stop her, but I was too late. I watched in horror as my cum-soaked cock flicked upward from the band of my shorts. A small spot of my cum hit her in the lips as she flinched a little. I could no longer move as I was stunned frozen.

"Danny! You have sperm all over yourself! What the hell is going on here!" she yelled. I then saw her lick the spot of cum off her lips. I almost came again.

"I’m sorry Tilly. I never meant for it to happen. It’s just that I never have seen a girl completely naked before, especially not as hot as you. I guess it was too much for me." I said.

"Did you jerk off while I was in the bathroom?" she asked more softly.

"No! I would never! It just happened." I answered.

Suddenly a smile crept slowly across her face. "Well, I guess I understand. I actually appreciate this kind of response. I guess I still have some of my looks." she said, smiling up at me. Her hands had moved to my thighs.

I suddenly tried to ensure her. "Over course you do auntie! Your still the most beautiful woman ever." I said.

"I love you Danny, and I want to help. I know a boy your age is susceptible to this kind of thing. I should have known better. I can help you clean this up if you want." she said.

"No I guess I can do it. And I still want to do our idea. I’ll just be a few minutes and I’ll be back." I answered.

"I could use my tongue." she whispered.

"What did you say?" I asked surprisingly.

She looked up at me and spoke in a normal tone this time. "I said I could use my tongue if you will let me. I love the taste of sperm. God, it’s been so long. Only if you want though. I wouldn’t want to take advantage of you." She reverberated.

Words could not make their way through my mouth as all I could do was nod in approval. She smiled and then looked back down at my penis. She moved slowly, licking first on my inner thigh, edging ever-closer to my scrotum. I knew it was going to be too much as I decided I better speak up.

"Aunt Tilly," I said, out of breath, "I think you better do my cock now, unless you want a bigger mess. I mean if you want to."

She never even looked up as she started more quickly now. When her lips parted and caressed my cock, I thought I would die. I had been given blowjobs before, but never with this kind of touch and expertise, and never from someone as lovely as my aunt Tilly. I watched as her lips pushed my previous cum toward the base of my cock as she went deeper and deeper. Even though I had just came, I knew it wouldn’t be much longer. My orgasm hit hard as she quickened the pace. I was cumming in my aunt Tilly’s mouth and she was sucking hard to increase my volume. I had to brace myself against the wall as she drained the last of my cum, not wanting to release me from her mouth. As I finished, she pulled away and swallowed hard. Then she continued to lick the cum from my balls and thighs until I was completely clean, except from her saliva which glistened all over my crotch.

She finally raised back to her feet as she looked at me with lust. She said nothing, only pointing toward the bathroom down the hall. I quickly moved to the bathroom and stripped as fast as I could. My cock never relented as it was hard as ever now. I raced back into the living room. Something in her last look told me that the fun was just beginning.

I was slightly disappointed upon returning to see my aunt sitting quietly on the couch watching television. I slowed down and walked over sitting on the opposite end.

"I think I should apologize for before Danny." she said. "I should never have done that and I am sorry."

"Tilly, I was there too and I’m not at all sorry. I had an embarrassing situation that you turned into the most special experience of my life. I only hope I can pay you back for your generosity." I said.

"What do you mean Danny?" she asked.

I said nothing. I only got up and walked in front of her kneeling by her knees. Then I parted them slightly before she tensed.

"What are you doing Danny?" She asked. I could tell she was getting excited.

"Just relax. I am going to return the favor." I said.

I felt her relax and I continued to spread her knees apart until her legs were wide and her pussy was fully visible. She gasped as I kissed her gently on her left inner thigh and ran my tongue to her pussy. She then pushed her hips forward to give me a better vantage point. I then ran my tongue along her slit to her clit. She moaned loudly and whispered how much she loved it. I then took control and buried my face into her mound licking wildly and pushing my tongue hard into her opening. She put her hands hard on my head and wrapped her legs around me as I continued. She was screaming in ecstacy as I refused to relent.


No sooner did she said it than I felt her pussy become suddenly wetter and a spirt of fluid escaped her opening and into my mouth and chin. I didn’t really know what was happening. At first I thought she might be peeing on my, but I soon realized this was not urine. It was something much more pleasant. I continued eating her sweet pussy until she grabbed my hair and pulled me away. She was like a crazed animal as she spoke the filthiest things I had ever heard.


I was dumbfounded. Surely I wasn’t the best she ever had. Maybe she was just being nice. But I wasn’t about to disappoint her now. I quickly rose my body up onto her until my cock was at her dripping hole. I sucked her left nipple hard into my mouth as I pushed my hips forward and entered her pussy. It was tight and warm and the best thing I have ever felt. I began to pump hard into her as I took turns sucking her tits. Her arms and legs wrapped around me in rhythm with my thrusts as she screamed for me to fuck her harder. I then raised up and kissed her letting my tongue dance with her’s as she pulled me hard into her mouth. Then she broke the kiss and spoke out of breath.

"Get up and let me change positions. I want you to fuck me doggy style." she said softly.

I raised up and she quickly moved her knees to the floor as she learned over onto the couch. I moved around behind her as she gazed back at me to watch. I positioned my cock at her pussy and entered her again with one quick thrust. She fell hard into the cushions of the couch as she let out a scream. I grabbed her hips and pumped furiously at her ass. The sound of my balls slapping against her pussy was erotic and pleasurable. This went on for several minutes with her constantly begging me to fuck her harder. I don’t know why I hadn’t cum yet, but I was enjoying every bit of it. She then quickly stood up without warning as my cock popped from her cunt. She was convulsing as she leaned over to rest her hands on the couch, not saying a word. Then I watched as she began to quickly rub her pussy with her hand. She began to scream "OH GOD!" over and over again as a large stream of cum began to splatter from her cunt. It lasted several seconds and wet not only me but the carpet and the coffee table as well.

I sat on the couch beside her and stroked my cock with my hand until her orgasm subsided. I thought she would collapse several times before she finally finished, though she never did. Then she looked at me with a smile and quickly straddled me with her still-shaking legs. She sat down on my cock and began to ride me cowgirl-style. It wasn’t long before it was my turn and I was ready to cum.

"Oh shit auntie! I’m going to cum!" I screamed.

"Ok!" she said as she rose off me and laid down on the floor. "Cum fuck my tits until you cum all over my face! HURRY!"

I did as told and straddled her chest. As I laid my cock between her tits, she squeezed them together around my cock. Between the slickness of her cunt on my cock and the sweat of our fucking between her tits, there was plenty of lubrication. I began to pump as she opened her mouth to take the head of it into her mouth with each forward thrust. I could take no more and my first spurt came just as my cock was in her mouth. A large stream extended from her tongue to my cock head as I pulled away. The next spurts hit randomly all over her face and chest, running down the sides of her neck. I came hard and long and finally took my cock in my jerking hand for the final few spirts, aiming specifically at her open mouth. She licked and scooped up as much as she could as I milked the remaining cum to the tip. She then took my cock into her mouth and suck the last bit down her throat.

After several minutes, I finally got off her and she rose to her feet and collapsed back onto the couch as I stayed sitting exhausted on the floor. We were both trying to catch our breath. There was cum all over the carpet and couch from our fucking and I suddenly became a little worried.

"Tilly, that was the most amazing thing I have ever experience, but what are we going to do about the mess?" I asked.

"Oh honey, it was the best ever for me too. It’s hard to believe you are only fourteen. Well, almost fourteen anyway." she said. "And don’t worry about the mess. We will clean it up tomorrow night. I have a feeling it’s going to get a lot messier before then anyway." she said with a smile.

"Yeah," I said, "I think maybe right now."

I stood up on the couch and straddled her body, pointing my still-hard cock at her mouth with a smile.

"Oh my! You are a stud honey!" she said, as she took my cock into her mouth.

Since those two fuck-filled days, we have been lovers. No one in our family has a clue what’s going on, but we fuck almost every day. It has been over four years since that first time and we are planning to move in together when I leave for college next month. Its an out of state college and my parents are glad that she has decided to move in with me there to help take care of me. She told them she had gotten a job there and it was no problem. Little do they know that her main job is to drain my balls every day as we fuck like animals. And animals we are when it comes to sex. We have since done things that make our first time look like a scout meeting, and I know the best is still yet to cum. She still looks as great as she did then and we just can’t help ourselves. Oh how I do love my aunt Tilly!

Lusting to Have Him

Liqquid on Incest Stories

“Lusting to have him.”

By Liqquid

Her tongue had begun to swirl left and right upon the glistening head of the throbbing cock. She ever so gently moved her lips back and forth against its delicious flesh to feel ever inch sliding in and out past lips. Her suction grew stronger and the taste was much more divine then she could ever have anticipated.
She felt the pulsing cock quiver, and in her thrilled state she touched her teeth to the top and bottom giving him heightened excitement and danger which was very clear upon his face. Deeper and deeper she plunged his throbbing cock instantaneously feeling her own gush of cum drenching

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her lacey panties.
Pre-cum seeped from the tip of his aching dick while dripping onto her waiting tongue. This brought her mind to the point of pure lust as she felt the thick slime of his sperm coat every inch of her mouth. Tasting the extreme saltiness of his hot, thick cream forced yet another hard gush into her underwear, now soaking through to her bright white short and down her inner thighs.
Her moans of elation told him that she loved sucking on his rock hard prick, feeling his blood filled veins flow and ultimately swallowing that same slippery cum she loved so very much.

“Do you like that honey? Do you like my lips wrapped around your…hard…Mmm, delicious....dick?” Her voice was very deep and raspy as she lowered her head down atop his cock again.

Her mouth slurped and squished around his dick loud enough for anyone in the house to hear, but this didn’t faze her at all, fore what she really wanted was this hard cock to explode deep down her throat.
Soon it would become a reality, and soon she would be able to feel the heat of his sperm dribbling off her red lips down her chin.
Faster and faster she sucked and louder and louder the noises could be heard, her fingers then reach beneath his tight ball sack and squeezed with sexual delight. She cracked the sides of her mouth as she listened to his loud moans erupting from his lungs. She loved the fact that her succulent mouth was giving such fantastic pleasure and reveled in the idea of taking this cock so aggressively.
The throbbing cock shook violently deep in her mouth; his eyes glazed over as he felt the tip of his dick slamming against the back of her throat. His expressions were of complete shock and lustful pleasure; his hands grabbed the sides of her face as he voluntarily began to fuck her face hole harder and harder.
His hips bucked forward then back, forcing his cock to slide in and out of her biting teeth. She grabbed the bass of his dick; gripping it, watching it and licking it with her lapping tongue waiting for his first explosion to strike any second.
She held her lips tightly against his dick and felt the first waves of his scolding sizzling jets fill her mouth. She was in absolute heaven as she started to swallow hard while gagging on the white slimy treasure. She didn’t letting up on her sucking nor her harsh manipulation of his sperm filled balls.

“Give it to me baby, squirt all your hot nasty cum in my mouth!” She did her best to breath between each plunge of her mouth.

Harder and harder she sucked trying to gather as much of his cum as she could. His cock never stopped squirting the tons of cum into her gaping mouth. She moaned in lustful delight knowing she had loved going down on him when she had gotten the chance.
He hollered again and exploded past her lips and down her swallowing throat, his eyes were shut tight, not even the strongest crow bar could open them.
As the last spurt traveled up his shaft and onto her tongue he felt her teeth gently scrape his quivering cockhead; her luscious lips clasping onto the tiny hole, sucking every drop before it would end.
Quickly his body went limp and fell against the bed. Her mouth didn’t leave his cock; her sucking remained devouring his sperm that also spilled along his waist. This forbidden sexual act sent her body into another spinning and explosive orgasm.

“OH…IM…CUMMING…BABY...IM CUMMING!” She screamed as loud as she could.

He thrashed his body back and forth on the bed, pleading for her to release his dick, but she didn’t listen, fore she knew he loved it as much as she did. Her hand was held to the base of his slick cock jerking him off; her mouth popped from his young member while her eyes gazed upon it like it was her own Golden Trophy.
He screamed once more for her to stop her jerking fingers as he begun to grip the bed sheets trying to withstand the extreme pain and ultimate pleasure of having his cock gripped like a vice.
As she squeezed harder into his cock, she forced her grip up his dick to push the remained cum from his shaft and onto her tongue.
She lowered her head back to his aching dick and started eating every last drop. She could feel the veins of his dick shrink with the sides of her lips. The actions of her giving him a strong sexual blowjob made his body jerk and slam atop the bed.
The sheets were soaked with lustful sweat; cum that hung from her gaping lips fell to the sheets in a white slippery puddle. She lowered her tongue to the pool of young cum and licked it up eagerly. As it stretched from her lower lip she smeared it into her supple skin.

“Mmm, baby you taste so good I just cant get enough!” She said as that same nasty sperm slowly dropped down between her heaving breasts.

She purposely moaned excessively loud enveloping his cock; this caused the vibrations of her now husky voice to send shudders of electricity down his cock and through his entire body.
It throbbed and quivered as she then licked the very tip. Her jabbing tongue knew full well that the tip of his cock would be as sensitive as her engorged pussy would be after someone would have sucked on it for as long as she had.
With a lasting pop, she lifted her head up slowly. Her low cut blouse had somehow worked its way open revealing her rather large breasts.
The cleavage was glistening with cum and super hot sweat; her lips were covered with the same as her tongue shot out and swirled around very sexually to capture the last bit of his wonderfully tasting cum.
As he managed to gather himself, he pulled his head up from the bed and opened his eyes. As he brought himself back to reality, he found himself looking directly down into her drooping shirt.
He suddenly felt his loins jerk in excitement as he saw his Mother’s huge tits for the first time. Not wearing a bra his Mothers’ succulent pink nipples were piercing through the extremely thin fabric. She moved away from his small young body not noticing that her barely 14-year-old Son was staring sexually at her heaving cum covered tits.
She smiled at him as she sat up then licked her lips while her fingers immediately began harshly pinching her bullets through her blouse.

“Mmm, you like Mommy’s tits baby?” She moaned with sheer excitement. “Oh baby you have…Mmm… no…Ooooh…idea how I loved it when you used to SUCK on them as a little baby.” Her body shuddered as she felt her Motherly pussy squirt violently again. “You even made Mommy cum one time….ooh…, you sucked my milk so …So… hard…!”

Her nipples were now clearly visible to his eyes as more of her lavender blouse hung freely off her shoulders. She then purposely reached down to her loose fitting white short and thrust her hand passed the waistband.
Her hand bulged in front; the fingers clearly wiggled back and forth inside her shorts to sooth her soaked pussy lips with her jabbing fingers. She licked her lips more and finally stroked the fingers of her free hand from the base of his young dick to the very tip. She began to swipe her Son’s tiny cum hole around and around so she could smear his last bit of cum against her index finger.
He watched his Mothers’ tits sway openly, her blouse elegantly sliding completely off her sweaty skin. He cast his virgin eyes to her other hand buried deep beneath her bright white short, diddling her fingers between her legs noisily sloshing her privates. He was already old enough to know where her hand was and what it was doing.
He said nothing, but listened to this squishing sound; her fingers diving in and out of her Motherly pussy forcing her hot thick juices out from between her engorged folds. She was masturbating in front of him, but she never looked him in the eyes, she only stared at his 14-year-old prick twitching as it lay against his tiny waist dripping with her saliva.

“Oh baby it feels so good when Mommy plays with herself like this!” Her fingers jabbed faster and deeper inside her pussy as her own cum seemed to simply gush from its confines. “OH YEAH,…..ooohh….touch your cock baby. Stroke that little boy dick for Mommy!”

While her hand was furiously fucking her own pussy she watched in amazement her Son slowly reaching for his little dick and gently placing it within his small palm. She opened her mouth and let out the deepest of groans as his fingers slowly wrapped around his shaft and began to stroke upward.
He still said nothing, but only kept his eyes locked upon her tits as they flew from left to right; his Mothers body quivered then shook uncontrollably as yet another orgasm quacked throughout her entire body. The sound of her fingers beneath her white shorts grew louder until such acts began to pour profusely down her tanned legs and onto the bed sheets.

“Jerk that little cock baby boy….OOOH…., jerk it hard for Mommy…JERK IT HARD!” She exploded underneath her shorts, the fabric itself dripped of Motherly cum soaking through in enormous amounts.

She then quickly shifted her very adult body up around his knees, straddling his small child legs and allowed her hot dripping liquid to spill atop his skin. His small hand still jerked his little dick up and down; before her very own eyes his cock began to grow once more only a couple of minutes after he had his first earth shaking orgasm.
She was feeling the ultimate pleasure from her fingers as she fucked herself hard and fast. He stared in admiration as she continued her actions in front of him. His cock started to glisten more as he smeared his cum and his Mother’s spit up and down his very young cock. She was so locked in severe incestuous lust all she could possibly think of at this moment was where she’d love to shove her own Son’s dick. She wanted it, she wanted it bad.
Suddenly she forcefully pulled her eyes away from his dick and then stared into his dark brown eyes. She quickly stopped masturbating and yanked her womanly-cum drenched hand from between her legs. She raised it to hover just above his stroking fingers and then watched her thick hot cream drip upon his bursting red cockhead.

“My Son has the most beautiful cock that I’ve ever seen.” Her breathing grew harder as drip after drip coated every inch of this little boys dick. “Mmm…it looks, feels and tastes even better then your Brothers cock does.” She said deeply as her eyes slowly closed for a moment.

She swung her cream soaked hand to her sore nipples and rubbed her cum into her own skin. Slowly her fingers traveled beneath each of her large breasts then gently trailed between and rested within her cleavage.
She then reached her hand close to his cheek then graced her fingers against the side of his face smearing her liquid around. Slowly she moved her hand down and over to his chin then up to his lower lip. His young hand flew faster and faster upon his young cock as he somehow knew what his Mother was going to do next.
A moment later, his Mother’s fingers touched his lips and slowly pushed inside his gently opened mouth. Quickly she felt his tongue slither in and around her invading digits and tasted the strange pungent liquid for the first time. Suddenly reluctant, he tried to turn away from her fingers, but his Mother then reassured him that it was alright.
This action got her off immediately. For as long as she could possibly remember she had always wanted to let her own Son taste her thick hot com from her fingers.

“Does Mommy’s cum taste good baby?” She said in a very playful voice. “Eat Mommy’s cum baby…lick it off my fingers like a good little boy!”

She finally brought composure to her face and body. Her hand was pulled abruptly from his mouth and then lowered to her side. She slowly lifted her body from her Son’s captured legs and stood atop the bed.
She spread her legs slightly so more of her cum soaked shorts could drip profusely upon him. Also while bending over towards him she wanted to see his eyes glued to her own hanging breasts which were also coated with the same Motherly cum that drenched his legs.
She loved this teasing action, bending over very sexually, tits hanging just above his waiting mouth and cum dripping down her legs had given her the sensation of control and absolute lust for her tiny little boy. She knew what she wanted next and exactly how to get it, weather he wanted to or not.
As she fully stood to her weakened feet, she looked down at her shorts and had begun to swirl her hand around the huge wetness between her beautiful legs. With an even wrier smile, she cleared her throat, since it was coated earlier with her Sons cum, and motioned for him to get up from the bed…his bed. She thought to herself, what better place to give an after school rewards then her own Son’s bed.
He raised his weakened body from between her long beautiful legs and quickly glanced to her thighs and saw her legs were shiny with liquid all the way down to her ankles. Before he got up completely, he looked to his Mother standing atop his small little bed and smiled.

“Now I want you to go and clean yourself up in the bathroom ok?” She told him as she was still breathing rather hard. “You have to hurry; your Father shouldn’t see you like that. He’ll be home soon!”

She said this to him as he walked to the hall. With her white shorts high against her sexually slender hips, she again swirled her hand in hard circles against her aching pussy atop of her cum dripping shorts.
As he turned and dashed straight into the bathroom down the hall, she lifted her head towards the ceiling and took in the deepest of breaths. Looking around quickly she then pushed her hand back into her shorts and started stroking herself once more.
She had feelings running through her mind of how she would love to have his young cock buried deep between her sex; having his dick pound into her from behind while she pinched her own nipples. Wanting to feel of every inch of his throbbing boy dick, squirting his sizzling jizz inside of her sex crazed pussy. She wanted her Son’s nasty sperm to swirl and churn deeply inside of her.
Thoughts like this were extremely immoral, and what she had done to him a few minutes ago had her thinking of worse actions. But she could not escape the fact that her 14-year-old boy had the most delicious cock she had ever tasted.
Feeling her Son’s dick sliding in and out of her mouth made her cum violently and the idea of taking him right there in his own room made her shove three fingers deeply inside of herself. She stood with her legs bent slightly as she fucked herself quickly thinking of him slamming her harder and harder.

“Oh sweetie…Mommy wants your boy cock. Mommy wants it so bad!” She whispered to herself.

Her moans erupted from deep within her lungs and echoed all through the house. She gushed cum all over her fingers and down her legs. The growing puddle on his bed would be difficult to hide if her husband would see, but pushed the thought aside as she felt the waves of pure lust over come her.
Her Son hadn’t come out from the bathroom yet and as she finished fucking her aching pussy she wondered what he could be doing in there for so long. She quickly put on her lavender blouse and fixed her crooked white shorts then turned to the hallway.
Stepping from his room she placed her extremely sticky hand to the doorknob and turned it. She opened it hurriedly and found her Son standing in front of the vanity mirror jerking his young cock hard and fast.
She immediately gasped at what he was doing and quickly stepped inside. He jumped as his mother quickly slammed the door behind her. He still had his cock in his hand and felt the shock of what his Mother had immediately begun to do before his very eyes.
She stepped behind him; staring at his reflection she placed her hands to the bottom of her loose fitting shirt. In one quick movement, she pulled it over her head and allowed her huge heaving breasts to fall against the back of his head.
He held his breath long as he watched her grab her nipples in each hand and pull on them to the point of pleasurable pain. Stepping to his side she then slowly turned her back to him and very gently bent over. She curled her thumbs into the waistband of her white shorts and slowly and quite deliberately yanked them down past her thighs down to her very pretty feet.
The massive amounts of cum that were soaked into her shorts splashed slightly as they hit the floor. His small young hand continued to glide up and down his hardened dick as he locked his eyes to her heart shaped butt.
While being bent over, her swollen pussy lips gushed clear liquid that also dripped to the white tiled floor. His mother remained bent for several second so he could finally see what her pussy looked like.
She felt the overwhelming passion tingle all over, and the thought of what he was doing while viewing her sex, made her pussy drip more of her wetness down her shapely legs.
He grunted loudly as his hand had begun to squeeze hard into his boy cock. He wanted the same pressure as his Mother had applied while she was sucking on it earlier. As he looked over every inch of her butt, he stopped to stare at her asshole and slowly licked his lips.
He had the incredible urge to swipe his tongue across his Mother’s puckered asshole and find out just how delicious it must be, but perished the thought as he then brought his eyes to her luscious pussy.
It dripped profusely; some even dripped directly on her feet and seeped between her red painted toes. He suddenly felt like licking his young tongue between them to clean him Mothers feet from her own delicious cream.
He then brought his virgin eyes to her hand saw her reach behind her and slowly graces two fingers to her sore, pout pussy lips. She then spread them for her Son to see what mouth-watering surprises were hidden deeply inside.
She shoved one finger past her lips, then another, then another, she started to slide her fingers in and out of herself while she remained bent over for her young boy to see and lust over. Not being able to stand much more, she straightened her slim, shapely body and stepped between him and the mirror.
She was greatly taller then him so she gently moved her body back against the bathroom sink to sit slightly atop the marble counter. She then spread her les and curled her wet toes around the back of his knees.
He stepped closer to his Mother as more of her legs began to wrap around him. Her tits were mere inches away from his drooling mouth as she felt the heat from his breath grace upon her sensitive nipples. She then delicately placed her fingers to the back of his neck and pulled him closer until she felt his young body touch the inside of her thighs.

“You want to fuck Mommy’s pussy baby?” She said deeply as her fingers slowly circled into his short dark hair. “Mommy wants that little cock inside of her…will you do that for Mommy?”

In what seemed like an eternity, she looked into his eyes and blew in imaginary kiss to his lips. He didn’t know what to do and his shaking body didn’t help matters any as far as he was concerned. Her hands were now pressed fully to the back of his head and gently pulled him close enough to touch her throbbing nipple against his lips.
His mouth opened slightly and it was at that moment he heard his Mother sigh with fantastic sexual release. The instant his tongue touched her aching nipple he felt her body shake with enormous fury.
She jets her chest forward and plunged her nipple into her Son’s mouth and yelped with delight as she finally felt him begin to suck. The memories of when he was a baby flooded her mind. The one time she exploded years and years ago, with him nursing upon her nipples didn’t compare to the sheer delight of him now, biting, tasting and sucking her nipple like a piece of candy or chocolate.
She threw her head back and screamed for him to bite harder into her throbbing nipple. He did as he was told and also, on his own began to flick that same nipple back and forth with his tongue. He listened to his Mother’s yells and screams of how good and fantastic his tongue felt upon her open breast.
She quickly took one of her hands away from his head and lowered it between both their legs. She was trying desperately to find her Son’s hard throbbing dick so she could then shove it deeply between her extremely wet pussy lips, but couldn’t do so because she was in heaven feeling her 14-year-old boy biting hard into her nipple.
She wrapped her legs fully around his waist and lifted herself higher onto the counter and looked him straight into his eyes.

“Put your dick inside Mommy’s pussy baby….FUCK Mommy please…PLEASE!” Her voice rang of despair and anguish wanting her Son’s cock to finally pierce her gaping hole.

Her thoughts of this young boy’s dick deep inside of her made her crazy with lust. The thought of finally taking this boy would fulfill a dream she had for a long while. Suddenly she felt the tip of this child’s dick touch her pussy. Her mind flipped uncontrollably as more and more of this pleasure enveloped her entire body. It was then that she heard his delectable voice stammer to her ear.


The thought of her Son saying those words to her brought her off in an instant. Tons and tons of her own cum poured from her pussy and drenched his little cock. As her legs pulled hard on to his little body she forced the plunge of his boy dick deeply inside of her. His cock pierced her and instantly filled her aching pussy with is total eruption.

“FUCK ME BABY….FUCK MOMMY’S PUSSY……FUCK…ME!” Her screams or incestuous lust could be heard through out the entire neighborhood.

He quickly grabbed her hips hard in his hands. She reached around and grabbed hard against her Son’s little butt and felt his dick push its way into her aching pussy. She had him, he gasped as his dick squirted gallons upon gallons of his boy sperm deeply into her, she wailed at finally feeling the cock of another male sliding deeply past her lips, and yearning for him to fuck her like she had always wanted him to.
He looked down at his cock, it throbbed more and more as it quickly disappeared into his Mother’s beautiful pussy. He suddenly felt her pussy grab onto him with her muscles and literally suck his young 14-year-old dick deeply inside of her. She could feel her Son’s dick push its way in and out of her; her face was being slammed against his shoulder as she reveled in taking her won Son’s virginity from hi, as any incest crazed Mother should.
She screamed out loud as his small young balls were slapping against her tightly puckered asshole. She quickly reached down and started flicking her clit back and forth, pinching it hard and twisting it up and down. Her boy was fucking her and this feeling, thought and action suddenly made her gush her hot, motherly cum again all over her sons dick.
He forced his dick deeper into his mother as he felt her squirt something all his waist and thighs. He could feel her cream dripping from his ball as he continued to force himself deeper and deeper.
She placed both her hands against the counter and pushed back against him so he could jab more of his young cock in to her gushing pussy. He was coming deeply inside his mother’s pussy and she screamed and yelled at the top of her lungs. His thick hot cum squirted far up into her pussy and she came again as she relished in the forbidden act of being fucked by her own Son.
Her Motherly dream had finally come true and now as she tried her best to calm her body down she can feel her Son’s dick begin to shrink inside her well fucked pussy. It was also then that she could make him fuck her anytime she could ever want.
Fucking her to the point of demanding his little boy cock up her pussy, in her mouth, and later on, sliding in and out of her tight ass. She would have him after elementary school, after Dinner and most of all at night in his own bed.
Oh the thoughts she had for her Son’s dick was absolutely limitless. She would take his sex and do what ever she wanted with it. The thought even crossed her mind about sharing it, sharing it with her own Sister.
The incestuous act of her Son coming hard and deep in his Aunts tight ass forced one last gush of her own hot cum to squirt absolutely every, on the counter, on the floor and most important of all, squirting all over her Son’s body.
She then pressed her heaving tits into his face and told him to bite her nipple hard, then sooth it with his suckling lips. He opened his mouth and bit down hard into his Mother’s nipple.
She shrieked in overwhelming lust and hurriedly ran her hand between her weakened legs and scooped gobs of his own cum. She then reached it to her mouth and placed her fingers past her sucking lips. She left a gob of her Son’s cum on her tongue and then shoved her tongue deeply into his mouth.
She grabbed his body and held him close, and then French kissed her young boy, so he could taste his own thick boy cum from her mouth. She had fucked her boy for the first time and she knew right then it would never be her last.

The End


Grandfather Needs Cynthia (part 2)

Seductress1969 on Incest Stories

I brought her small body down on top of mine, and kissed her. She was catching on to this tongue teasing game, and was just as eager to dart her tongue into my mouth. My hands cupped her bottom and pressed her against my cock. I began grinding my cock against her pink cotton pantied pussy. It was enough to spring it back to hardness, and I knew I needed more of her tonight. I loved the feel of my hard cock against her clothed pussy, dry humping her, and knowing her pussy was responding, getting wet. She must have liked the way my cock was rubbing against her because she began to grind her pussy against me.

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"Honey do you like playing with Grandpa?"

"Yes Grandpa, you make me feel good and I like making you feel good too."

"Do you want to keep making each other feel good, Cynth?"

"Yes Grandpa."

"Cynthia you must promise me that you will never tell anyone about how we make each other feel good because people won't understand and they will take you away from me."

"No Grandpa, I don't want anyone to take me away from you. I promise I will never tell anyone. I love you Grandpa."

"I love you too Cynth."

"Grandpa, can you make me feel good again?"

" Yes honey."


I rolled Cynthia on her back and began suckling her little girl breast. My hand roamed over the top of her panties, and I caressed her pussy. I could feel the heat her pussy was giving off, and I knew she must be wet. Sure enough, as I let my fingers caress further between her legs, I could feel her pussy juices beginning to seep through her cotton panties. I need to touch her pussy, and I needed it now. Slowly, I began sliding her panties off of her, and tossed them to the floor. I was so excited, like a little boy in a candy store, and I was going to savor this treat.


Kissing my way down her young body, I stopped where her pussy began and inhaled the scent of her pure and untouched pussy. The sweet musky scent of her virgin pussy was intoxicating. Spreading her legs slightly, so I could get a better look at my granddaughter's pussy, then my tongue slid over her little girl folds; and I savored the sweetest pussy juice I had ever tasted. Tracing her pussy with my tongue, I found the tiny nub of her clit and flicked at it, before sucking it into my mouth. Cynthia was moaning at this new touch she was feeling, and her moans were all pleasure. So, I continued licking at her pussy, finding the entrance to her unspoiled pussy, and darting my tongue deep inside. Her juices were flowing and I was lapping every bit up. She must have been enjoying what I was doing, because her hips began to thrust up at my mouth while her pussy searched out my tongue, all the while she softly moaned.


She was so wet, so, I slid my finger part way into her pussy, while I continued to lick and tease her clit. I inched a little more of my finger into her and stopped when I felt the resistance of her virginal shield. I didn't want to break that just yet, I wanted my cock to take her cherry. I continued to slowly finger fuck my granddaughter, and again, she was lost to her body's pleasures. Her hips began to fuck my finger, and I could feel her pussy tighten around it with every thrust. Her breathing was becoming intense, and I knew she was getting close to cumming, her very first, and I delighted in the thought that I would be the one to experience it with her. This made my cock throb, and I began to grind it against the bed. We were both moaning now, as I fingered and licked her pussy and attempted to find relief for my cock. Then I felt her pussy tighten around my finger and her body began to spasm—she was cumming, my little granddaughter was cumming for her grandpa. I quickly pulled my finger out and replaced it with my hungry tongue. Her juices were streaming out of her pussy and my mouth licked and savored every drop. As her body began to relax again I continued to slowly lick out all the pussy juice I could. Then, I crawled up next to her, and kissed her hard, sharing with her the sweet taste of her pussy, which she eagerly sucked from my lips and tongue.


"Grandpa, you make me feel so good I love you."

"Honey, I love you too, you are beautiful, and I always want to make you feel good. But Grandpa's cock is still hard, and it needs to finish feeling good."

"Grandpa, do you want me to hold it again and then put it in my mouth?"

"No, Sweetie I want to put my cock into your pussy, where my tongue and finger was a few minutes ago."

"Will that make your cock feel good Grandpa?"

"Oh yes honey, but it may not feel good to you at first. It may hurt until your pussy gets use to feeling my cock in it, but once your pussy relaxes around my cock, it will start to feel really good for you, and for me. When I put my cock inside you, it is how we can feel good together."

"Okay Grandpa I want you to feel good."


So, I kneeled between my granddaughter's legs and spread them a little. I took one last look at her innocent pussy, and then guided my cock to the entrance. I slowly pushed the tip of my cock into her, and she was tight. I spent a few minutes dipping the tip in and out of her pussy, getting it wet with her juices, and then slowly inched in a little deeper. Slowly thrusting the little bit of cock I had in her, in and out, I loved how tight she felt around my shaft. Cynthia was squirming a little bit, so, I asked if she was okay, and she told me she was a little nervous, but she was okay. I pushed a little more, but met with resistance, I had reached her cherry, and I was now about to cross the line and fuck my granddaughter. I was too far to think it was wrong anymore, and I liked making her feel good, and she was learning to like making me feel good.


Before I took her cherry, I lowered my mouth over hers and began kissing her, hoping to take her mind off the soon to come pain she would feel, while I devoured any groan of pain that would definitely escape her. Still thrusting the bit of cock I had in her, and kissing her deeply, I pushed my cock in passed her virginal shield quickly, and didn't move. I felt her body tense up from the pain, but kept her attentions on my mouth and the kiss.


Her body relaxed, her pussy relaxed and let go of the clenched grip it had on my cock. I took this as a sign to begin slowly moving my cock in and out, in and out. Her pussy was getting wetter, and she was so tight on my cock; it was a wonderful feeling. With each thrust, I could feel Cynthia begin to respond back by meeting my thrusts with her own. Her hips and pussy rose to grab my cock, afraid that I might totally remove it from its very snug home; but I had no plans on doing that—no, I wanted to fuck her and give her all my cock. Soon, we were thrustings hard against each other, and moaning. I knew my cock was not going to last much longer. "Cynth I'm going to flood your pussy with my cum. Cum with me, and make your pussy milk Grandpa's cock." I began to fuck her harder and she spread her legs instinctively to yield me more room into her tight pussy. She started moaning louder than she had been, and her pussy contracted around my cock. "I'm cumming Grandpa, feel my pussy cum." With that, I thrusted into her hard and exploded my cum deep into her young pussy, which milked my cock for every last drop.


I held her tight against my body for a long while before I said anything.


"Cynthia, you are such a good girl and I love you so much. You make Grandpa feel so special when you let him touch you and make you feel good."

"I love you too Grandpa. Thank you for teaching me how to make you feel good, I always want to make you happy."


That was the first time I had delighted in my granddaughter's young pussy, and now I delight, just as much, in her teen pussy.













Grandfather Needs Cynthia (part 1)

Seductress1969 on Incest Stories

I remember that night so vividly, that night I had once thought so tragic and awful, when my daughter Elaine showed up at my door with my granddaughter Cynthia. My daughter Elaine had always been a bit of a handful for my now deceased wife and me. You name it, drinking, drugs, loser men, yet Elaine still had her intellect, an intellect that always kept her on track with her work in school, leading to degree in business management and eventually owning her own business. I had finally began to think that the rebel days of her youth had vanished and replaced it with a better perception, but I was wrong.


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Fifteen years ago, just as Elaine had finished university, she had met Kevin. Our whole family saw right through this asshole, and straight into his demented core. Of course, Elaine fell head-over-heels in love with this wacko, and shortly after graduation was knocked-up and married to him. What could we do, we loved her, we loved our granddaughter Cynthia too; so, we sat back, though not silent, and every now and then, picked up the pieces left from Kevin and his destructive ways.


Then, that awful night almost six years ago, I'll never erase it from my memory. I truly believe, next to holding the hand of my wife as she took her last breath of life, succumbing to cancer, this night, too, would be forever carved in my mind. It was a little after 10:00 that night, when my nightly news watching on television was interrupted by a non-stop ringing of the doorbell. I could not think who would be at the door that late, and as I neared the door I felt a surge of panic take over me, like I knew what I would find on the other side would be my worst fear.


Opening the door, there hunched over, was my daughter Elaine and little Cynthia. As my daughter looked up at me, my heart nearly stopped. Her face was badly beaten and bleeding, she could barely get the words out.


Cynthia said, "Grandpa, daddy did it again. He came home and trashed the house, and hurt mommy."


As I reached for Elaine, she collapsed in my arms and I brought her slowly down to the hallway floor. I ran and called 911, then rushed back to comfort Elaine. I watched her mangled body struggling for air, and I cried. By the time they got her to the hospital, it was too late. The doctor, who came to tell me my daughter had passed, said she had severe trauma to the head and internal bleeding, all of which led to tremendous blood loss, which was too much for her body to handle. That was almost six years ago.


Elaine was smart, and made sure there would be no complications in my getting custody of Cynthia, in the case of her death. With that prick, Kevin, behind bars, I was all Cynthia really had.


When Cynthia first came to live with me, she was a sad and timid 9 ½ year old, who had been through so much in her short life. This, I believe, gave her wisdom far beyond her years. That first year was hard for both of us. I was 67, and was having to learn how to be a father again, which was, in a way, easy since I had always been a big part of Cynthia's life even before all this tragedy. Eventually, we both adjusted and fell into routines, her with school and friends, me with my early retirement and trying to start up a small internet business to pass the time. I have to say it was nice to see my Cynthia begin to perk up out of the gloom and become a happy 10 year old, and this brought sunshine into my days. I could not wait for her to walk through the door, after school, come in my office, wrap her arms around my neck and hug, and then tell me all about her day.


I guess you can say, my daytimes led to boredom more often than not, and this led me to fill my time with surfing the internet; which, of course, led me to porn. What a fascinating concept for an old coot like me, I can sit in the comfort of my own home and gaze at porn all day, and no one is the wiser. It has been ages since I've had the pleasures of a woman, and with all the tragedy I had lived through, I did not have time to pursue dating or the company of a woman. And, to be honest, I'm no spring chicken; all the drama in my life has probably aged me faster. I'm not in the best shape, gray and balding, and a bit of a spare tire for a mid-section. So, online porn became my convenience. It was nice to be able to download a dirty mpg, sit back, and stroke my cock as many times as I wanted to during my not so busy days.


Then recently, I stumbled on a site full of pictures and clips of old men with really young girls. My cock instantly came to life, pressing achingly against the confines of my trousers. Undoing my trousers and freeing my cock, I clicked on a pictured of an aged old man with white hair, dipping his tongue and fat finger into, what must be, the sweetest tasting hairless pussy of some pre-pubescent blonde. As I began to stroke my cock, I could not help but wish I were the man in that picture. Oh, how my cock ached, I stroked faster, my breathing quickened, and I felt the familiar tightening in my balls. I wanted to be that man, I wanted to lick that little girl's pussy, and taste her sweet nectar. I was so overcome by desire for this little girl and my cock erupted, spurting streams of hot white cum all over the place. It was such a release, I've not cum like that in so long, yet it also opened up a new need—I needed a young girl.


I had just enough time to clean myself up before Cynthia got home from school. Today was her last day of school before the start of spring recess. This meant I would have her around most of the days for a week. I was looking forward to spending some time with her, and now I had even more reason to want some special quality time with her.


When Cynthia walked in the living room, after school, I drank her in. I had not noticed that she was actually beginning to bud small mounds where her once flat chest had been, and the sight made my cock throb. She was about 4 foot 6 now, and maybe 85 pounds the most, with strawberry blonde wavy shoulder length hair that looked so soft, and big dark brown eyes, which could always get me to do whatever she wanted. Shifting in my recliner, my mind was reasoning my cock into behaving. Her youthful beauty entranced me.


Cynthia flopped into my lap, wrapped her arms around me, and hugged me hello. Then chimed right in with the days gossip about who did this and that, what she got on her test in math, and how she and her friends were already planning her birthday party, which was two months away. I just gazed at her innocent beauty, and could not believe that she would be eleven soon. It was so comforting having her cozy up with me, we were close, and now I wanted to be even closer; but would she. I could not believe I was thinking this about my granddaughter, but I was. I wanted to touch her, to teach her, and enjoy her in everyway, but would she let me? I knew I had to put this out of my mind for the moment, as I felt my cock stirring. So, I suggested we go get ready to go out for dinner, making the excuse that I wanted to start her vacation off right, and she was only too eager to go.


After dinner, we decided to catch a movie. It was some teen horror flick she was begging to see, which I found boring and let my mind drift off to thoughts of Cynthia and my need to have her. Again, my cock sprang to life, and as it did Cynthia brought her hand to mine and clasped it tightly. Then, I did something, I had to test the waters; so, I brought her hand in mine to my lap and held hands against my bulging hardness. She didn't move, she didn't say a thing, so, I eased my hand from hers and left hers there alone on my hard throbbing cock. After a few minutes of her hand lying on top of my clothed erection, her thumb began to lightly caress my bulge. I thought I was going to explode right there. I didn't know if she knew what she was doing, or if she was just engrossed in the movie and thought it was my leg, but I was not going to stop her to ask. This went on for a while; the slow teasing of my cock by my, maybe unaware, granddaughter, and it was more than I could take. I excused myself to the bathroom, and stroked off, yet another, powerful wad of cum.


When we got home from the movies, I told Cynthia it was late, and time for her to go to bed. She hugged me, and thanked me for the movie and ran up the stairs to ready for bed. Before I headed off to my room, I checked in on her and said goodnight, then got myself ready for bed.


Shortly after I dozed off, Cynthia was at my bedside nudging me awake.


"What's wrong Cynthia", I asked. She was standing at my bedside, a bit pale and obviously frightened.

She said, "Grandpa, you shouldn't have let me see that movie, I'm scared. Can I sleep with you tonight?"


Now, I know I had died and gone to heaven. How could I say no to her, her eyes teary and mouth pouting, and an opportunity to feel her tender body next to mine.


"Sure honey scoot in here with Grandpa", is what I said.


Cynthia snuggled up close to me, and I could feel her body trembling with fear.


"Grandpa, my tummy feels achy because I'm so scared."


"How can I make it feel better?" I asked.


"Can you rub my tummy like you use too when I didn't feel good?"


I couldn't believe the luck I had just ran into. It was good enough, for the moment, having her little body next to me in bed, but now I was given permission to touch her body, and I was going to take full advantage of this. "Sure honey." And with that, my hand glided over her blue nightie, rubbing gently over her stomach.


"How does that feel Cynth?"

"Not too much better yet Grandpa."

"Sweetie, just relax and Grandpa will make it all better, you trust me right?"

"Grandpa I always trust you."

"Good, that's my good girl."


I kept rubbing her stomach, and slowly her body began to relax. With each swirl of my hand, I made sure that her nightie would rise up a little bit more. Then my hand felt the first contact with the skin of her stomach, so soft like silk, and my body tingled, waking my cock from its slumber. The motion of my hand began to cover more area, and my fingertips slid over her budding breast. They were not quite developed yet, but the youthful nubs felt wonderful under my fingertips. Cynthia's body was totally relaxed, and she made no effort to stop me from doing what I was doing.


"Grandpa that feels so nice."

"Cynth do you want me to keep rubbing?"

"Yes, don't stop. I feel so good."

"Well Honey, I know how to make it feel even better."

"Really, How Grandpa?"

"Let's get you out of this nightie so I can make sure I get all the spots that ache?"


I helped Cynthia off with her nightie, and now she lay next to me topless. I resumed rubbing her, only now, my hand went directly to her tiny breast mounds. Caressing one at a time, taking turns with each bud. My fingers twirled her pre-puberty nipples, and she moaned, not in pain, but in an obviously pleasured tone.


"You know you are Grandpa's special girl, and I'd never do anything to hurt you. I want to always make you feel good. Do you like what Grandpa is doing to you?"


"Oh yes Grandpa. I feel so warm, and it makes me feel good all over."


"That's good honey, because that means your body likes to be touched like this. Do you want me to make you feel even better?"


"MMMMM yes Grandpa," was all she could say as she was clearly getting lost in the new feelings her body was getting from my hands on her breast buds.


I lowered my lips to her chest, and slid them over each little bud. I couldn't believe how silky her skin felt under the calloused skin of my fingers. I suckled one of her buds into my mouth, not much there, but enough for my tongue to flick and lick, before making my way over to the other. Cynthia was moaning at each new sensation I was stimulating in her. I knew she was mine, and I could do whatever I wished. Kissing up her neck, and taking in the scent of her hair, which carried a hint of strawberry to match the color, I made my way to her lips, and pressed mine gently down on hers, and then, I let my tongue part her lips. She didn't object, she didn't fight, and she let my tongue touch hers. It was obvious that she didn't know what to do, so, I whispered in her ear, "Follow what Grandpa does with his tongue." She did, and soon, our tongues were teasing, and playing with each other. My cock was throbbing hard, and I eased it out of my boxers, letting it rest against her hip.


"Do you want to make Grandpa feel good like you?"

"How can I do that Grandpa?"


I brought her hand to my cock, and placed it over it. "This is Grandpa's cock. If you hold it in your hand and stroke it up and down, it will make Grandpa feel good like you." Cynthia began to rub my cock, her small hand fit snuggly around it, she stroked up and down, and not too fast. I thrusted my cock against her gripping hand, fucking it slowly, and trying not to explode yet.


"Do you feel good Grandpa?"

"OOOH yes baby girl, Grandpa feels really good. You are doing a good job. Can you kiss Grandpa's cock?"


Cynthia bent her head down to my cock and kissed the tip, then licked the bit of pre-cum that had escaped my cock. "Lick my cock sweetie, and then let it slide in your mouth." She was good at following what I said, and began to lick the shaft of my cock up and down. Her small tongue bathed my cock, and then she slipped it passed her lips. Her mouth, not wide at all, eagerly tried to take in as much of my cock as she could. "Cynth slide it in and out of your mouth, it will make me feel so good, and when that happens, I will explode my cum in your mouth." Cynthia sucked on my cock, up and down slowly, her mouth was tight around my cock and I knew I would not last much longer. I held her head and began to fuck her tiny mouth watching every inch that she could take disappear within her mouth. I couldn't take it any longer, "Ready honey, Grandpa is going to cum in your good little girl mouth." And with that, I let loose spurt after spurt of cum into her mouth. She couldn't swallow it all, and it began to seep from the corners of her mouth, trailing down her chin. She looked beautiful like that. When I pulled my cock from her mouth, I told her to lick her lips to my cum, and she did.


"Grandpa did I make you feel good?"

"Oh yes, Honey you made me feel really good, you are my good little girl."

(Part 2 will follow)