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Depraved Accident Leads To More

saberman on Incest Stories

Depraved Accident Leads To More




It was very early Saturday morning; the sun was yet to rise. Graham was feeling especially pleased with life at the moment. It was only another week before Graham, his wife Linda and his daughter Jessic

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a moved into their new home. Until it was finished however the threesome all had to share one bed. They were staying at Linda’s parents one roomed lodge, situated at the edge of lake in the mountains. The views were fantastic, half opening one eye into the almost pitch black room; Graham once again lamented the fact there was no electricity. Attempting once again to sleep Graham rolled over to face his wife who had her back to him. It was impossible to make out any further details, other than the fact that beyond his wife’s sleeping form was the vague outline of his daughter’s body. The Lindemans were a happy family often doing things together despite the fact that their daughter was at the difficult age of sixteen. Graham and Linda had allowed her a certain amount of freedom, which along with a good upbringing had made Jessica into a loving thoughtful teenager. Jessica had changed a lot over the last two years, loosing the spots, greasy skin and hair and gaining breasts and the womanly curves that come with maturity. Picturing Jessica’s young supple body had an effect on Graham, knowing his mind should not be wandering in this direction did little to stop it though.


Recalling a scene from the day before with his daughter beside the lake, wandering round and sunbathing in her white bikini. Although the bikini itself was not outrageous, Jessica’s tight firm body made it incredibly sexy.


Graham’s thoughts were beginning to have an effect on his own body, his manhood beginning to stiffen as he snuggled closer to his wife warm form.

Closing his eyes, Graham drank in his wife’s scent; it seemed somehow different, lighter and fresher.


He gave it little more thought as his minds eye wandered. Jessica was now paddling around to shore edge, Graham’s eyes tracking her as she did so. He recalled every bounce of her barely supported breasts, every sway of her smooth hips. Letting his imagination wander on its own Jessica’s bikini slowly started to melt into her unblemished skin. First the strap around her neck, shortly followed by the one around her back. In Grahams minds eye there was now only two triangles of material holding Jessica’s breasts in place.

As she turned to face the lake the material covering her behind slowly melted into her skin. Graham heart started beating faster, his minds eyes following his daughters flowing golden hair over her shoulders then down to her shoulder blades. His eyes roved across her skin to her waist as it pinched in before flowing out once again over her almost womanly hips, revealing a wonderfully tight hourglass figure. Grahams eyes then sank to the real treasure, the gorgeously tight, round, peach shaped ass. His mind picturing Jessica standing there innocently swaying her hips to the delight of Graham. Unable to tare his eyes away he continued to stare.


Graham manhood was getting increasingly hard as the images of his sexy daughter burned themselves into his mind. His penis now nestled nicely against his wife’s buttocks, Graham began to ever so slowly grind his hips. Not wanting to wake his wife just yet, Graham gently placed his hand on Linda’s knee, slowly moving it up to her waist then back down again.


Luckily for Graham both his wife and daughter were very heavy sleepers, many was the time that he had trouble getting his wife or daughter up and alive for work or school. This in mind Graham was not surprised that his wife did not wake up as he began moving her nightdress further up her leg with each stroke.


The image of Jessica once again became clear in his mind, she was now turning towards him a devilish smile on her face, her hands cupping her breasts she began to walk towards Graham. His mind slowed time as Jessica slowly removed her hands from her naked breasts. Graham’s jaw dropped at the sight, there ever so slowly bouncing as she moved were his daughters breasts. The image burned itself into his mind, the hard pink nipples surrounded by slightly darker areoles. Graham drew back his focus to encompass Jessica’s entire beasts, although a little smaller than his wife’s “C” cup Jessica’s stood almost straight out from her body. They were perfect; while there was no sag underneath the breast they had a very real bounce to them, giggling with every step Jessica took. After several moments of simply staring at her breasts, Graham forced his eyes down her body. There was the stomach he had seen before, although tight with slight definition at the sides and underneath the belly, there was no six-pack. Graham considered this the perfect female stomach. As his gaze slowly drifted down to Jessica’s hips, there was a definite widening to these with the bone of her hip ever so slightly visible at the tops of Jessica’s leg. Graham gave a whimper of excitement as he realized that the material covering his daughter’s lips was disappearing. He rushed his gaze down and was rewarded with a magnificent sight. There standing in front of him was everything Graham had ever imagined. A small triangle of light blond fuzz pointed down towards the lips themselves. These had been waxed and were free from blemishes. The crack itself began with a tiny circular eye at the top then proceeding to split the puffy peach coloured lips that clearly stood out from the body itself. As Jessica made the last few steps towards him, he marvelled at what he considered to be –the- perfect female form.


Graham’s manhood was now at full mast; the pyjama bottoms that were restraining it were begging to get very uncomfortable. Very carefully he removed them and threw them over the edge of the bed. Having managed to move his wife’s nightdress over her hip, graham now moved his naked groin against his wife’s buttocks, once again gently grinding his hips. Graham gave a little smile as his wife ever so slightly pushed back in her sleep. Graham considered this the green light, but still not wanting to wake her he ever so gently lifted her leg moved his between hers before lowering it again. Now this was a competition, Graham wanted to see how far he could get before his wife awoke.

Having lifted her leg his cock was now free all the way to her pussy. Holding the bottom of his shaft he glided his dick towards Linda’s pussy. As his head touched her lips Graham was slightly surprised by the light downy hair he could feel, for as long as he could remember his wife had shaved her lips, at Grahams request.


“I’ll have to tell her off about this laps later.” Graham said to himself as he proceeded to ever so gently rub the tip of his head along his wife’s slit. 


His imagination came back into focus with Jessica clutching Graham’s hand leading her father back towards the cabin without saying a word, that same devilish look played across her face. Graham stared at her mesmerized as they walked into the cabin, Jessica leading him to the bed, realizing only now that he also was naked. Real life reflected imagination as he and his daughter settled into the same position, Jessica lying on her side with graham behind her, his leg between hers, his cock-head poised at her entrance.


His heart racing with the forbidden erotic images that were flowing through his mind it was will power alone that prevented Graham from violently shoving his manhood into his wife’s slit. Not wanting to wake her and spoil the fantasy Graham resisted, sliding his cock ever so gently along her slit. After several minutes he knew his rubbing was having an effect, it was no longer his pre-cum alone that was lubricating the slit. Encouraged by this Graham slowly parted the soft pussy lips with his cock-head, cringing as a soft moan escaped her lips. Graham stopped for a moment letting her get used to the feeling, once he was satisfied that she still slept soundly he once again continued his rubbing, this time between her parted lips. If he had thought she was wet before it had not prepared him for what he now felt. The heat coming from her hole was breathtaking, never had Graham felt a pussy so warm and ready. After only a few minutes Graham decided she was ready, he rested his manhood just at the entrance to her hole giving her a few moments to become accustomed to him. Poised ready to push Graham was not prepared for what happened, still asleep but with obvious thoughts of her own she pushed down on his cock, enveloping the head inside her silky, fiery folds. Once again Graham stopped all movement, grinning to himself that he had gotten this far.


Unknown to Linda or Graham, Jessica was having her own erotic experience. Jessica knew she was sleeping, she was never able to explain it, but she could some how be asleep and dream, knowing she was dreaming. To Jessica this was an extraordinarily good dream. A stranger was fucking her, she didn’t know his name, nor could she see his face. The stranger was shrouded in shadow, making the fantasy all the more erotic for Jessica. She could feel the heat between her legs as the stranger began pushing his huge member into Jessica’s barely used pussy. The head was barely in and already she felt stretched beyond her limits. While there was a little pain from being spread so wide, there was also a huge amount of pleasure. Jessica had only ever slept with one guy, and then only twice. Although she had enjoyed the experience, it was not all she had imagined sex to be. Her ex’s dick must have been tiny compared to the imaginary one that was now invading her.


“God am I wet!” thought Jessica feeling some of her juices roll down her leg, unsure if it was for real or just a dream, she felt the imaginary massive member push ever so slightly further into her pussy and forgot all about it.


Graham’s mind was full of images of his sexy daughters body, even as he inched his member just a little further into his wife’s pussy.


“Linda you are so damn tight and wet!” Graham thought to himself, never before had Linda felt like this. He was sure he was going to repeat this exercise; he put it down to the position and the fact that she was asleep. He inched his cock further and further into her pussy, still unable to believe how tight it felt or that she was still sleeping. Eventually Graham had about half his cock inside her tight wet pussy, now he ever so slowly began pulling it out again. Graham repeated this process, each time getting a little faster and going a little deeper. After about five minutes Graham had his entire length slowly reaming her steaming tight wet pussy. Although still having to slow himself down, Graham could keep up a good rhythm. The erotic experience was beginning to have an effect on Graham though; he could feel the familiar tightening in his balls, the slight dull ache telling him he was almost ready to cum.


Jessica was amazed how real her dream felt, she was imagining that she could feel even the veins from the monster invader. She imagined herself pushing back onto the massive cock, filling her tight pussy even further. She could feel the strangers cock stretching her out, Jessica no longer felt any pain, it was pure pleasure she was feeling now. The dark cloud of the stranger slowly began to fade, the features slowly, ever so slowly becoming clearer. The shadow behind her now had arms and legs, the body of an older man, still handsome but past its youthful best. A smile crept to Jessica’s lips, she had always had a thing for older men, this one was different however, familiar somehow. The strangers thrusts started getting harder and quicker. She was getting close, just a little longer and Jessica was going to have the best orgasm ever.


Graham could feel his wife returning his thrusts now, any moment now Graham was sure she would wake up. Graham increased the tempo; the pressure in his balls was increasing with every thrust. Linda let out a little moan, followed by another. His wife’s pussy began clamping down on his cock with every thrust, her tight pussy becoming almost unbearable. Graham decided to hold off for as long as he could, he hoped she would hurry and wake up.


Just a little longer and Jessica would be there, revelling in the new feeling that was radiating from her pussy. The smell from the stranger crept over her, familiar, almost like her father after a run. The stranger suddenly had a face! It was her father!


“Oh my God” she thought, “I’m having the best imaginary sex of my life and its with my Dad!” This was the first time Jessica had thought about her Dad this way.


She realized “I should be feeling ashamed with myself”, “God only knows I’m anything but!”


Somehow the thought of her own father fucking her turned her on even more. Jessica’s pussy then took over all rational thought. She was cumming! She awoke to the most fantastic experience of her short life, her pussy contracted and relaxed sending wave after wave of pleasure through her entire body. She couldn’t help but let out audible groans, even as she realized that it was not a dream, there really was a huge cock stuffed inside her tiny little pussy!


The feeling of Linda’s pussy clamping down, milking his cock was too much for Graham, in the midst of his wife’s orgasm he let go with what was probably the most powerful orgasm her had ever had. Jet after jet of sticky white cum streamed forth out of his pulsating manhood.


“OH FUCK! Oh Fuck!” Gasped Jessica, the words spewing out of her mouth unbidden as she writhed in the throes of her orgasm.


The realization hit him like a freight train, “Jessica…. No!”


The voice that coming from beside him was Jessica’s, not that of his wife. Unable to comprehend what had happened Graham’s hips still moved with a live of their own, his cock spurting copious amounts of sticky cum into what he now knew for certain was his daughter’s pussy.


Linda awoke to what were undoubtedly the smell of sex and the groans of pleasure. She sat bolt upright glancing down at the bed to where the noises came from, it was only then Linda realized the room was pitch black. Still trying to comprehend what was happening Linda began fumbling with the gaslight situated at her bedside table. Hearing the groans of pleasure from her daughter and the shouts of alarm from her husband only things more confusing for Linda.


Graham’s mind went blank, he could not think, it was not until his balls had finally emptied themselves that he pulled his cock out of his daughter.


With an audible wet “plop” Jessica’s father removed the invading member from her still convulsing pussy. Jessica on a come down after her orgasm just lay there on her side with a grin on her face.


Eventually Linda managed to get the lamp lit, brightness suddenly filling the room. The three family members all closed their eyes, giving them a moment to adjust to the now well-lit room. What Linda saw made her stop dead in her tracks, her jaw dropping open. Scrambling out the bed was her husband, as he pulled the covers back Linda’s eyes locked onto her husband’s rock hard penis, still slowly dribbling what could only be cum. She glanced at the bed at her now uncovered daughter, lying there her nightgown bunched above her hips, naked below the waist, her eyes closed with a highly contented look on her face.


Graham grabbed his pyjama bottoms sticking his legs through in a rush.


“Jessica I’m so, so sorry” panted Graham, eyes wide still in shock staring at Jessica. “I…I thought you were Linda”


 “What have you done?” Asked Linda, glaring at her husband.


The calmness in her voice surprised her. Linda had a good idea what had happened, every time it was suggested Linda’s mind refused to think that her husband of 22 years had just fucked their only daughter. She slowly began walking round the bed towards her husband, not knowing what she was going to do when she got there.


“You always sleep in the middle of the bed Linda! I thought it was you” Graham mumbled.


Seeing the menace in his wife’s eyes Graham began to back-pedal. He did not get very far, soon bumping against the wall of the small room. With nowhere else to run Graham feel to his knees


“I’m so, so sorry Linda I didn’t know!” pleaded Graham on his knees hands clenched in front of him.


“Did you just have sex with her?” accused Linda, throwing a finger towards Jessica.


With a weak defeated look on his face Graham gave a slight nod, hands at his sides not looking at Linda as she took the last few steps and rounded on her husband.


“THWAK” the sound of Linda’s slap hitting Graham’s face almost echoing round the small room.


“How the fuck could you be so stupid?” Growled Linda, eyes burning with rage.


“I thought she was you, you always sleep in the middle.” Repeated Graham, blank defeated eyes now staring up at his wife.


Unseen by her parents Jessica had finally pulled herself together. While her mother was rounding on Graham, Jessica had climbed out of the bed on the other side. Feeling something trickling down between her legs, the full realization of what had just happened flooded over Jessica. Putting a hand down under her nightdress scooping some of the liquid. Jessica thought back to the last few moments before all hell broke loose, she remembered feeling jets of red-hot liquid filling her pussy, increasing her already overpowering orgasm. At the time Jessica had only thought about how good it felt, now as she brought her cum covered finger before her eyes she was stunned. 


“You fucking idiot I…” Linda began screaming at her husband only to be interrupted by the quiet voice of her daughter.


“Did you cum in me?” interrupted Jessica.


Both Linda and Graham turned to Jessica and stared blankly who was standing there, her fathers cum slowly dribbling out of her overfilled pussy.


“Oh my God!” Exclaimed Linda, both hands covering her mouth. “Are you on the pill?” she asked, desperately hoping she was.


Jessica slowly shook her head and answered simply “No”


“I’m so, so sorry honey!” Graham’s voice pleaded for forgiveness.


“GET THE HELL OUT” Linda screamed at her husband, spittle flying from her mouth.


Graham did not have to be told twice, flying for the door only grabbing yesterdays clothes and the car keys in his rapid exit.


With the exit of her husband Linda quickly calmed down and began to think rationally.


“Jessica, you need to get as much out of you as you can” Linda said as she led her daughter to the curtain that cornered off bathroom, Grahams truck tyres skidding in the gravel outside.


Jessica simply nodded and allowed her mother to place her on the toilet. She watched blankly as her mother drew the curtain giving her a drawn smile. Jessica heard her mother scrabbling round in the main room, unsure what to do.


“I will be back in a few hours, you need to take the morning after pill” Was all Linda said as she hurried out the door.


Jessica was alone; sitting on the toilet her unprotected pussy filled with her fathers own sperm. She looked down upon hearing a small splash examining the mess between her legs. Her fathers cum was everywhere, she could still feel yet more sloshing around inside her pussy. Some had dribbled out and was now coating her inner thighs in a sticky mess. Yet more was clinging the blond downy hair that lightly covered her lips. Jessica was amazed at how red and swollen her lips seemed. Standing proud above all else though was her clit, just as red and swollen as her lips.


“I know its wrong but God that felt good!” Jessica mumbled to the empty cabin.


Jessica’s stomach flipped with nervous excitement she thought back to how it felt to have her fathers cock buried deep inside her little pussy. Before she realized what she was doing Jessica had a finger from her left hand buried in her pussy, her fathers cum leaking out around it.


“Oh Daddy you feel so good inside your daughters little pussy” Exclaimed Jessica as she began playing with her protruding clit.






Linda had taken the second car and was speeding down the dirt track heading for the nearest pharmacy when she slammed on the brakes. The car came skidding to a halt a few meters further, gravel clicking off the wheel arches. She put her head in her hands trying to stop her mind spinning.


“What am I going to do?” She whispered to herself.


For the last 16 year Linda had been a member of a “pro-life” group, ever since the doctors told her that she could no longer have children. There had been complications during Jessica’s birth, which had left Linda infertile. She and Graham had always wanted a large family, unwilling to adopt they put that dream aside and focused on raising Jessica. Although the morning after pill was essentially a contraceptive Linda still considered it the termination of life.


“Can I let my daughter have her fathers child?” That was the question floating around Linda’s mind.


Trying to force down the feeling of excitement that was rising inside her, Linda put her foot back on the accelerator and slowly trundled down the dirt track. As the trees flashed by the window a pleasant thought crossed Linda’s mind.


“I could be a grandma!” With a smile Linda made up her mind what she was going to do.


Graham drove down to the nearest coffee house, sat down and mumbled his order to the waitress. He sat there barely touching his breakfast stewing over what had happened. He was deeply ashamed, not only by what had happened but also because of the fact that he wanted more. Jessica had been the best fuck of his life, he was not certain he would be able to contain the lust he now felt for his daughter. Before she had been his gorgeous daughter, now though all had changed! As he thought back to what had happened, about how good Jessica’s pussy felt, he couldn’t help but begin to feel aroused. Placing the napkin over the growing bulge in his trousers Graham quickly polished off the rest of his breakfast.


Linda parked outside the pharmacy took a deep breath to steady her nerves then headed inside.


“Morning, can I have a PCP please?” Linda asked at the counter.


The pharmacist searched behind the counter for a few moments and producing a small package.


“Here you are madam, the Post-coital pill is a singular…” Began the man behind the counter only to be interrupted by Linda’s upraised hand.


“That’s fine thank you, how much?” Linda said with a smile reaching into her purse.


After purchasing the pill the second part to Linda’s plan began. She glanced down at the weight of the pill, noting it Linda went into the vitamin section of the store and began searching.


Jessica had two mind-blowing orgasms before she heard a car slowly winding its way up the track towards the cabin. Hurrying to dress herself, her fathers cum still leaking out of her unwashed pussy, Jessica could get the thoughts of her father out of her head.


“Hello sweetheart, everything alright?” Asked Linda as she entered to cabin, giving her daughter a hug.


Jessica only nodded and looked at the floor. Linda noted the red flush to her cheeks but put that down to embarrassment. She gave her daughter a hug and passed her the small package.


“Its just one pill” Said Linda with a reassuring smile.


As Jessica unboxed the pill Linda poured a glass of water and handed it to her daughter. Linda watched as her daughter swallowed the multi vitamin pill


Smiling Linda thought, “That’s certainly not kill my potential grandchild, if anything it will help her conceive.”


Jessica noticed the smile on her mother lips, she wondered if it would be there if her mother knew that Jessica had just masturbated herself to orgasm thinking of her father. As they sat down on the edge of the bed her mother began a long lecture about how she should not feel bad and it not being her fault. Jessica barely heard a word only nodding when she thought appropriate. She was deep in her own sin filled world dreaming about her father’s marvellous tool.


When Graham eventually returned to the cabin that evening he expected to see his case outside the front door. Instead as he opened the front door he found his wife and daughter just finishing up with dinner.


“I think we all need to have a talk about this morning” Stated Linda as she saw her husband sheepishly walk in the front door.


Nothing was said as the table was laid for dinner, once everyone had sat down Jessica began.


“Daddy, we know you didn’t mean for this morning to happen” Began Jessica, her voice only breaking slightly. Looking at her Mother, who gave her a reassuring smile and nod Jessica continued.


“We know you thought it was Mum and that you would not have done anything had you thought it really was me.” She tried to give her father a smile.


“We all wish this had not happened, but it has. So now we have to deal with it.”  Continued Linda, Taking off where her daughter started.


The lecture continued for perhaps half an hour as they all eat dinner. Graham was amazed that he was actually being forgiven. Nothing could have pleased him more at this point than the forgiveness of his loving family; little knowing that each had their own agenda. That night Graham slept at the foot of the bed on a collection of pillows. Although uncomfortable Graham was not displeased, it gave him a little privacy to relieve the ache in his balls.


“Oh this is so wrong!” thought Graham as he wrapped a hand around his stiffening manhood. Images of that morning, fucking his own daughter’s tight pussy flashed through his mind. “But why does it feel so good!”


The next day they got a message that the Lindamans new home would not be completed on time. There was to be a delay of two weeks, perhaps more.


“Well looks like we shall have to stay here for another few weeks then” Said graham, handing the message to his wife.


Linda glanced over the brief note saying, “looks that way” Turning to Jessica she asked, “As it looks like you are going to have some more free time Jessica, would you like to join me in doing some work for the trust?”


Jessica knew her mother was referring to the anti-abortion trust to which her mother volunteered. “Sure why not” She replied, secretly she would have preferred to have more time alone, or with her father but wanted to keep her mother happy.


Things on the surface seemed to return to normal over the next few days. When Linda managed to get some time to think she would often deliberate on her decision with the morning after pill.


Linda kept telling herself, “A child is a child, and it doesn’t matter who the father is!”


Walking along one of the lakeside tracks one morning thinking about her daughters potential pregnancy Linda realized she was feeling another emotion, something she had not expected. Linda sat down on a nearby tree stump, at once horrified and amazed that the thought of her husband impregnating her daughter was turning her on! The more she thought about the, more wetter her pussy she became. Linda unbuttoned her jeans and slowly pushed a hand down inside her panties.


As Linda’s finger reached her slit she whispered to herself  “Jesus I’m wet!”


Linda could feel her juices already begin to slide out of her pussy and down through her ass crack. Slipping a finger into her channel Linda let out a little moan. As images of her husband fucking her sixteen-year-old daughter filled Linda’s mind a second finger joined the first burying them to the knuckle, Linda’s other hand joined in the fun, her middle finger quickly finding her clit.


 “My God I’m depraved” Said a little voice in the back of Linda’s mind.


The little voice was quickly squashed however as images of Graham’s cock erupting in Jessica’s tiny pussy filled Linda’s imagination. Image after image flashed through her mind as two fingers became three inside Linda’s pussy, her left hand making ever quicker circles over her protruding clit. Linda barely lasted two minutes before she came.


“That’s right cum in your daughter, give her your babies for me!” Shouted Linda to the trees as her orgasm ripped through her body.


Never before had Linda managed to bring herself to such a powerful orgasm. Quickly covering herself up Linda continued on her walk, unsteady at first after her earth shaking orgasm, hoping that no one had heard her shouts.


Over the next week Jessica’s father spent most of his time travelling between the new house and the cabin trying to sort out the problems. Jessica longed to spend more time with him, but her mother was keeping her busy enough with chores for the trust. To Jessica during these chores it seemed to that her mother was lecturing her about the wrongs of abortion. Having never really thought about it before Jessica felt herself feeling very sympathetic towards some of these women. She made herself a promise, if she ever again slept with a man and became pregnant, she would not have it aborted, no matter what. Little did she know that the chances were high that there already was a small foetus growing inside her. Still Jessica wished that she could spend more time with her father, alone.


“Not that I want sex with Daddy again, no that’s icky and wrong. It’s just so long since I spent some time with him.” Jessica told herself on many an occasion whilst trying to figure out a way to make it happen.


“It looks like I’m going to have to spend some time here over the next few days, going over these plans” Said Graham at dinner one night.


Jessica’s heart skipped a beat knowing that this could be her chance to talk to her father. Right then and there she formulated a plan to get her father alone. She decided to take a walk in the woods and somehow “twist her ankle”. As soon as the remnants of dinner were tidied away Jessica let her parents know she was going for a walk. On her return as Jessica came within hearing distance to the cabin she let out a pain filled scream.


“Oww it hurts!” Shouted Jessica as Linda applied ice to her daughter’s ankle.


 “Well looks like you will have some company for the next day or two Graham” said Linda while looking at Jessica’s ankle.


Graham only nodded, trying to hide his smile. He marvelled at his stroke of luck, idea’s racing through his head. He doubted he would get any work done. The next day could not come quick enough for Graham. The thought of having his daughter all alone kept him awake almost all the night wondering if he could seduce his daughter.


The next morning saw Linda going off early to do some chores promising not to be too late. Both Jessica and Graham waving her off. Most of the morning was spent sitting around the cabin making small talk trying to think of things to say to the other when suddenly Graham realized something.


“Your ankle, its better!” said Graham with a start noticing his daughter wandering around normally.


Jessica looked down at her leg a redness rushing to her cheeks. “Oh…. Yeah …I…” She stammered trying to think of something fast.


Jessica sat down and with a sigh said, “Look the truth is I never hurt my ankle Daddy.” She paused for a moment trying to think eventually saying “I just wanted to spend some time alone with you”


Graham stared at his daughter trying to restrain the hormones flying to his crotch. He realized he had to say something and stammered out, “Me too sweetheart”


Jessica smiled getting encouraged by her father’s positive response. “How did you not realize it was me? I mean…” Jessica stumbled over her words.


“It was dark, your mother and you are of a similar build and your mother always used to sleep in the middle.” “I didn’t know!” Answered Graham, failing to stop the images of that one night from flooding into his head.


Jessica stood up and crossed the distance to her father, sitting close to him. “But didn’t –It- feel different?”


Graham closed his eyes deadly afraid, yet secretly wanting Jessica to see the growing bulge in his trousers. “Well yes it did.” He answered, looking across at his daughter, his gaze drifting down to her cleavage.


Jessica’s eyes widening at the sight of the bulge in her fathers trousers as she stole glances at his crotch. “Was it better?” Jessica asked not knowing where she was going with her questions.


Heart racing Graham answered after a pause “Yes, you are tighter and…” struggling with the word “wetter.” Turing the tables and feeling more confident Graham asked knowing the answer “Had you done it before?”


Jessica only nodded, feeling the heat rising to her cheeks.


“Did you like it?” the question flying out of his mouth before Graham realized.


Jessica took a long time to answer, the room falling silent. “Well with my ex-boyfriend it was nothing special, but with you it was different, it felt really good.”


Grahams draw dropped, his manhood was now at full mast unable to hide itself any longer.


Seeing her father’s surprised reaction she said, “I know it was wrong though and it should never have happened.” Unable to drag her gaze away from the bulge in her father’s trousers Jessica felt herself becoming aroused.


Graham took note of his daughter’s lust filled gaze and decided to get braver, putting an arm around his daughter. “As long as no one finds out, there is no harm done then?”


Still unable to drag her gaze away Jessica allowed the arm to slip behind her back. “No I guess not.”


“You know we have all day to ourselves, Mum will not be back for hours” Stated Graham, referring to Linda as he ever so gently pulled Jessica towards closer.


Jessica continued to stare at her fathers bulging crotch, wanting desperately to see it but knowing it was wrong and she shouldn’t.


The room was once again filled with silence, Graham psyching himself up to ask a forbidden question. “Would you like to see it?” His voice barely a whisper


The next few moments where a blur, her father stood as Jessica dived for his zipper violently ripping his trousers off followed by his t-shirt then finally pulling his underwear down, revealing the object Jessica had longed to see. Her fathers cock stood a good eight inches out from his body, Jessica stood there studying carefully every vein and wrinkle. Her gaze tracked upwards, over the contours of his slightly muscular stomach, over his manly chest with barely any hair, along his straight muscular shoulders to his eyes. Those eyes could have bored holes through solid concrete and were now roving all over Jessica’s clothed body.


“Now its your turn.” Stated Graham the calm in his voice surprising himself.


“No daddy, we shouldn’t its wrong” Jessica’s half-hearted plea was ignored.


His daughter put up no resistance as Graham slowly removed Jessica’s clothing. His heart racing faster with every extra inch of her forbidden flesh he exposed until his daughter stood naked before him.


“Even better than I had imagined” Whispered Graham, drinking in the sight.


Letting his gaze drift out to encompass Jessica’s entire petite frame. Barely topping 5ft 4inches Jessica was the epitome of how a young women should look. She had a blond hair that reached the blades of her gorgeous rounded shoulders. Jessica’s stomach was flat with a slight amount of definition. She had the perfect hourglass figure starting at the shoulders, curving in at the waist only to once again curve outwards following the contours of her hips. Her legs were toned but with little definition, neither long nor short.

Her breasts were almost exactly as he had pictured them in his head, a little smaller than his wife’s “C” cup Jessica’s stood almost straight out from her body. The hard pink nipples were surrounded by slightly darker areoles. They were perfect; while there was no sag underneath the breast they had a very real bounce to them. He quickly rushed his gaze to the most forbidden of fruits, Jessica’s lips. Graham could already make out some dew like moisture on the fussy blond hair that sparsely covered his daughter’s pussy. He had always thought he preferred women to shave their lips, but seeing Jessica’s light blond hair simply covered the lips and waxed into a small triangular shape just above the top of her slit Graham changed his mind, this was perfection.


“You are exactly what women should be! Perfect!” Graham said meaning every word.


Jessica’s only answer was a giggle as she allowed her father to lead her towards the bed.


Sitting at the end of the bed next to her father staring at his cock Jessica thought to herself, “How did I ever get that thing inside my little hole? It’s massive!”


Noting Jessica’s gaze Graham asked, “Would you like to touch it sweetheart?” Already moving Jessica’s hand towards his cock.


“No we shouldn’t Daddy” Jessica again resisting with her words.


As Graham placed Jessica’s tiny hand on his manhood he sat back and watched as his only daughter began sliding her tiny hand up and down his shaft.


“Oh Daddy its so hard!” Jessica exclaimed


She could feel every bump and vein in her fathers manhood, Jessica watched enthralled as with every down stroke the foreskin pulled back from her fathers cock revealing its huge purple head. The room feel silent for a time as both father and daughter began to really enjoy themselves.


“Oh sweetheart that feels so good!” Said Graham as his daughter lifted her lust filled gaze to meet his.


Jessica could not help herself, she knew what she was doing was wrong, and she should stop. However Jessica was so turned on by her forbidden feelings racing through her body that she could not stop herself. She slowly lent forward and did something that she had never done before.


“Oh my fucking God!” Graham shouted as Jessica’s soft velvety lips engulfed his cock-head.


Not wanting to spoil the moment Graham said nothing as he watched the back of Jessica’s head bob up and down on his cock “Holy crap, she is really sucking my cock, my own daughter is really sucking my dick!” Said the voice inside Graham’s scull.


“Do you like that Daddy?” Asked Jessica as she moved round to kneel on the floor between Graham’s knees.


Her father simply nodded, his eyes glazed over as Jessica once again engulfed as much of her fathers cock in her mouth as she could, her right hand joining the fun at the base of his monster. The silence was only broken by the soft moans coming from her father and the sucking, squelching noise of Jessica’s mouth and hand as they worked on Grahams shaft. It was not until her father’s hands clutched the sides of her head, encouraging her up, that Jessica’s mouth left Grahams cock.


“It’s your turn now” Graham said as he moved his daughter to lie at the head of the bed.


As Graham lay down between Jessica’s milky thighs he got his first close up look at his daughters pussy. The smell was intoxicating, pure sex mixed with lust. Lightly kissing along Jessica’s thighs he quickly reached the prize. Graham brushed his tongue along her slit, tasting his daughter’s wetness for the first time. His tongue becoming ever more forceful it pushed its way between Jessica’s outer lips and into her wet slit. Graham could hear moans of pleasure coming from his daughter these encouraged him further. He pushed his tongue as far as he could up his daughter’s hole, flicking around before removing it. Graham then buried his nose in Jessica’s light downy hair as his tongue found her love button. It was easy to find, it had already shrugged off its hood and was stranding proud ready for him.


“Oh-fuck-Jesus!” Exclaimed Jessica falling flat back on the bed.


Never before had anyone done this to Jessica. It felt great, not as good as the night her father had been inside her, but she knew she was not ready for him yet. “What are you thinking, you can’t let your father fuck you!” the voice inside her head said. Ignoring the voice Jessica concentrated on the feeling in her loins as her father pushed a thick finger inside her velvety folds, while his tongue worked on her clit. Jessica was already close, “How could that be?” She wondered, her father barely having touched her. There was no mistaking it though the muscles inside her pussy where already tingling.


“Oh God Daddy you are going to make me cum!” Panted Jessica.


Jessica managed to hold of for a short time longer, but as her father pushed a second thick inside her dripping pussy she blew.


“OH FUCK, OH FUCK!” Screamed Jessica as the pressure built inside her. “Oh Daddy I’m cumming”


Graham grinned as his daughter’s tight pussy clamped down on the fingers buried inside her pussy. He kept gently flicking her clit with his tongue as Jessica’s juices began running over his engorged hand.


Jessica knew she let out many groans and expletives as she came but didn’t care, there was no one round to hear. The feeling was just too intense; here she was getting eaten out by her own father. This was the most erotic experience of her young life. Gradually her orgasm faded, glancing down between her legs Jessica saw her father standing in front of her, dick in hand with a large grin on his face. As he began to move himself forward Jessica realized what he was about to do.


“NO DADDY! We can’t, not without protection…” The words stopped as the monster began forcing its way inside Jessica’s lips.


Graham knew he shouldn’t, he knew it was wrong to fuck his own daughter. The small part rational part of him was not in control though. Graham let out a grunt as Jessica’s wet; red-hot velvety folds engulfed his cock-head. Closing his eyes he thought to himself “Oh God this is just as I remember.”


“Oh YES Daddy put your big fat dick inside your daughters hot tight wet pussy!” Jessica amazed herself as the words spilled out of her lips.


Graham need no further encouragement, with one light shove her had a third of his manhood inside his daughter.


“Jesus Christ your pussy feels good sweetheart!” Gasped Graham


Slowly he began pulling out, with gasps and moans from Jessica as he slowly pushed his cock inside his daughter. Graham was almost half way in before her slowly pulled back, this time he pulled his cock all the way out with a soft wet “pop”. Admiring the hole he left before Jessica’s angry red pussy closed itself back to its original size.


“Put it back Daddy, it feels so good” Jessica desperately gasped.


“Ok princess” Muttered Graham as he lined himself up again.


This time Her father was less gentle, she felt him lightly push the head of his cock past her lips, only then to suddenly bury the entire length of his monster inside Jessica’s hole.


“FUCK! Take it out TAKE IT OUT!” Screamed Jessica as she felt her pussy stretching trying to accommodate her father’s size.


Graham waited a few moments for Jessica’s pussy to accommodate his size before slowly starting to pump his length in and out of his daughter’s slippery cunt, Jessica’s breasts giggling with every thrust. The moans of pleasure Jessica was making every time he topped out sent a tingle along his spine.


“Oh God Daddy, harder! Fuck your daughters tiny little pussy!” Encouraged Jessica eventually really enjoying the feeling that was now emanating from her slit.


Spurred on from his daughters dirty talk Graham really started to unleash his pent up frustration. Faster and faster he mercilessly pumped his cock in and out of Jessica’s once tiny hole. The harder he fucked her, the dirtier Jessica’s tongue became. Graham was not surprised that within minutes he began feeling the familiar tingle inside his balls.


“Fuck me, push your big fat Daddy cock in me! Jesus I can feel you getting harder! Oh God Daddy you are stretching my pussy Daddy!

Oh FUCK that feels good!” The torrent of words just flew out of Jessica’s mouth.


Jessica was unconsciously meeting her father’s every thrust, her body moving on its own. As her father’s cock stretched Jessica’s little pussy to its limit she felt the now familiar tingling once again beginning inside the folds of her pussy. Automatically Jessica felt her pussy muscles contract onto her father’s cock, heightening the sensitivity and bringing her closer to the edge.


“Oh Daddy I’m almost there, just a little more FUCK ME DADDY” The words once again tumbled out of Jessica’s mouth.   


“Me too sweetheart!” Grunted Graham.


Graham felt her clamp down ever tighter on his cock; he knew he could not last much longer. The experience was too dirty, too wrong, too forbidden with one last thrust he buried himself as deep as he could and began to spurt hoping his daughter would follow. She did!


“Holy shit Daddy I can feel you’re cum” Jessica panted eyes wide “Oh God here it comes! I’m cumming TOO!”


Jessica’s screams and Graham’s groans were one as father and daughter exploded in mutual orgasm. Jessica’s pussy began sucking Graham’s manhood as he sent jet after jet of hot sticky cum into his daughter’s pussy. Jessica arched her back, her whole body shaking. His daughter’s pussy felt like nothing on earth, it seemed to be sucking every drop of cum out of Graham’s manhood. Graham’s orgasm almost reduced him to tears. He looked down to see his own cum bubbling out of Jessica’s swollen red pussy lips. There must have been gallons, he pulled out only to still squirt more of his cream onto Jessica’s light blond mound. The sight was a wonder, Jessica still lay on the bed twitching, still feeling the effects or her orgasm, her abused, red swollen pussy gaped open in memory of her father cock, that moments before had filled the hole. Graham’s cum was slowly trickling out of the tiny overfilled pussy, down onto the bedclothes.


“Christ Daddy that was amazing, even better than the last time!” Said Jessica breathlessly.


“Wow, just wow!” was all Graham could think to say, still admiring his work. 


“We have to do that again. And again!” Mumbled Jessica


“You got that right!” Noticing that his cock was yet to soften Graham asked with a grin “what about now?”


A new voice came from the corner of the room “I’m glad you both enjoyed yourselves” said Linda folding her arms and walking towards the bed.






It had been a slow morning at the trust and Linda decided to take an early, long lunch. As both her husband and daughter were at the cabin Linda decided to join them. She quietly pulled the car into the driveway and stepped out. As she neared the door Linda could swear she could hear the bed squeak and moans of pleasure coming from the cabin. Her heart a flutter she made a detour towards the window. What she saw as she peered through the window took Linda’s breath away.


“Oh my god they are fucking each other!” Linda gasped moving her hands in front of her face.


There lying naked on the bed was Jessica, Linda’s only daughter, kneeling between her parted legs was the unmistakable frame of her husband his hips slowly moving back and forth. By the groans of pleasure both were clearly enjoying themselves. Linda was amazed that the sight did not disgust her, quite the opposite in fact. As Linda stared through the window, hand moving to the waistband of her trousers, a plan began to formulate inside her head. 


“Jessica could be the mother of the children I have always wanted!” Linda whispered to herself.


Linda knew what she was thinking was depraved and down right wrong, not to mention illegal. She could not help herself however, the thought of her daughter having her husbands babies stimulating Linda like nothing she had experienced before. She began masturbating her eyes glued to the sight of father fucking his own daughter.


“That’s right, fuck her little pussy and give her your red hot spunk!” Linda whispered to the pair behind the windowpane.


Linda’s fingers quickly became a blur as they brutally flicked over her distended clit, juices flowing from her lips into her panties. Linda could not keep up the pace for long, taking less than a minute before cumming in her trousers. Without thinking Linda began to creep carefully towards the door. She wanted a closer look; she had to know if they were using protection.


As Linda silently entered the cabin the smell of pure sex assailed her nostrils. Jessica was screaming for her father to fuck her harder, while Graham was obviously tensed holding back his seed. Linda her legs shaking through nerves and her recent orgasm went to sit in darkest part of the room, waiting for them to finish. 


Grinning as her husband came inside her daughter Linda stood up and strode towards them, not knowing what she was going to say.


“I’m glad you both enjoyed yourselves.” Linda stated walking towards them with her arms folded.


Both father and daughter jumped, Graham spinning round to face his wife, while Jessica lifted her head off the bed her legs still wide open. Linda gazed towards Jessica’s crotch and was rewarded with what she had hoped to see. Her daughters pussy was red raw Jessica’s clit was still hard and poking out of its hood. Matting the light covering of downy blond hair together, yet still trickling out the pink folds of her daughters open cunt was Graham’s cum.


Noticing that Graham was about to speak “Get on the bed and lie on your back!” She commanded her husband; turning to Jessica she added, “Don’t move”


Graham crawled on his back onto the bed staring flabbergasted as his wife began to strip off her clothing. As his wife reached her underwear Graham couldn’t help but notice the large wet patch at the crotch of Linda’s panties. “She is as turned on as we are!” Graham realized looking down his cock showed no sign of loosing its stiffness.


Linda had never felt so turned on in her life, her pussy physically dripping as she climbed onto the bed. She could hardly believe what was happening herself as she mounted her husband, his large cum covered manhood sliding straight up between her pussy lips. Linda’s eyes never left her daughters cum filled pussy for one moment.


“You have a great body mum.” Jessica gasped, watching her mother mount her father.


Jessica had always thought her mother was a little frumpy, too prim and proper. Now seeing her mount the man who had just left his seed in her pussy, Jessica could not help but see her in another light. Her mother was more or less the same body shape as Jessica although a slightly shorter with a little more weight. Jessica realized the slight sag in her mother’s breasts and giggles of her belly were exceptionally good for Linda’s forty-two years of age. Linda’s breasts were slightly larger than Jessica’s, her nipples and areolas were also somewhat more mature. But to Jessica her mother could pass for someone ten years younger. Jessica watched as her mother quickened the pace, lifting her hips up and down, Graham’s gliding in and out Linda’s shaven cunt lips. Jessica had never seen someone else fucking for real before; she could do nothing as her own fingers began reaching for her cum covered pussy.


“That’s right finger fuck yourself.” Thought Linda as she watched two of her daughter’s fingers bury themselves, yet more of Graham’s cum leaking out past Jessica fingers. The sight of her masturbating daughter sent Linda over the edge. Linda kept fucking her husband at the same furious rate even as her pussy juices leaked out past her lips, over Graham’s cock soaking the bedclothes. Linda continued to fuck her husband, watching out the corner of her eye as Graham’s gaze flittered between Linda bouncing up and down on his cock and his daughter who was lying at his side masturbating. Not even in Linda’s wildest dreams had she imagined the scene that was now playing in front of her. The whole room was heavy with the smell of sex, wet squelching noises and pleasurable groans as all three family members. Linda felt her heart continue to flutter the utter wrongness of all that had happened only serving to heighten the experience as she kept impaling herself on her husbands cock.


Jessica watched intently for several minutes as her fathers cock disappeared inside her mother’s folds only to reappear seconds later. Jessica glanced at her own crotch her eyes bulging amazed at the mess her pussy was in. Her father’s cum was everywhere “He did it again!” The thought suddenly jumped into her mind. Her father had once again spent his seed inside her unprotected pussy. Jessica thought back to all the talks she had with her mother about pregnancy and abortion and now here she was with her own father’s potent seed still leaking out of her young accommodating pussy. “I could be pregnant with my fathers child!” the thought that should have repulsed her only caused Jessica to stuff a third tiny finger inside her sensitive, well lubricated pussy.


Linda watched her daughter add another finger with a smile, still bouncing on her husbands cock. “She will not be able to last much longer.” Linda thought with certainty. Linda continued to watch as Jessica’s legs began to shake, followed by her arms then the inevitable happened.


“Jesus, Fuck I’m cumming” Shouted Jessica, three fingers shoved deep inside herself, the fingers on her other hand attacking her clit.


Linda watched as her daughter arched her back, lifting her ass off the bed. Linda continued to gaze in amazement as her daughter, letting out a scream sent a stream of clear fluid jetting out of her cunt, past her engorged fingers and perhaps a foot onto the bed.


“Oh My God!” cried Linda as she ground down even harder on her husband’s cock.


As a second jet of her daughter’s cum followed the first Linda could feel her third orgasm of the afternoon begin to build.


“Oh my I’m close too!” Exclaimed Linda, her eyes never leaving her daughter as she writhed in pleasure upon the bed.


Linda lifted herself clear off Grahams cock, only to impale herself once again moments later. She ferociously pounded her husband’s cock into her pussy. Lasting less than a minute after her daughter Linda eventually gave into the demanding sensation in her loins.


 “Oh God Mommy’s cumming too!” Linda cried out as wave after wave of pleasure issued forth from her cunt.


Graham was in heaven, he could hardly believe his luck here he was his beautiful wife cumming all over his cock, lying next to his stunning daughter who had just cum all over the bed, his own cum leaking out of her pussy. During the throes of her orgasm Linda had stopped fucking his cock, remedying the situation Graham grabbed hold of her hips and slowly began to bounce her up and down on his cock. Slowly as his wife came back to her senses he picked up the pace. Within minutes he was once again driving his manhood as far as he could into his wife.


“Ugh I’m getting close!” Promised Graham, looking up into his wife’s eyes.


Jessica still coming down after her orgasm barely noticed as her mother climbed off her husbands cock, despite his protests. She only grasped what was happening when her mother pulled her into a sitting position then encouraged her to mount her father. Jessica did so happily, despite the slight raw rubbing sensation she felt as her own father’s cock head once again split her pussy lips. The discomfort was soon forgotten as once again waves of pleasure swept over Jessica as her father’s entire girth filled her willing pussy.


“OH yes Daddy that’s what I needed!” gasped Jessica as she began to impale herself.


“Oh God sweetheart your pussy feels so good!” muttered Graham as he watched his daughters small breasts bounce in front of his face.


“Daddy your big hard cock feels so good inside my pussy!” once again Jessica began to get carried away “That’s it, fuck your own daughter, fill her unprotected cunt with your baby making seed!” Grunted Jessica


“Oh god here it comes” Moaned Graham his balls tightening for the second time that day.


“Give it to me Daddy, I want your hot seed filling my delicate pussy!”


Graham was anything but delicate as with one last almighty shove pushing his cock as far as it would go. With a load grunt Graham finally let go.


“I’m cumming!” cried Graham as he pumped yet more of his sticky seed into his daughter’s young hungry pussy.


“That’s it Graham fill your daughter with your baby making spunk!” uttered Linda


Mesmerised Linda watched as Graham came inside Jessica’s little pussy. After his seed was spent Linda ogled as Jessica climbed off her fathers shrinking penis. Once again there was far too much to be held inside Jessica tiny hole, instantly rivulets of cum cascaded out of Jessica’s pussy through the blond pussy hair, down her ass crack and onto the bed.


“My God that was amazing” Muttered Jessica she examined her own crotch. “I love it when you cum in me daddy.” Lifting cum covered fingers to her face


“In that case we need to get you on the pill” Said Linda breathlessly.


An hour or so later Graham was left alone to make something to eat, his wife and daughter having disappeared to sort out some “women things”. Graham didn’t ask, didn’t care, he was beyond happy. From now on he would get to fuck both his beautiful wife and amazing daughter; that was all that mattered to Graham.


Linda dropped Jessica off at the doctors, telling her to get a prescription for the pill, she told Jessica to wait in the car, saying she would go to the pharmacy and collect the morning after pill along with her prescription. Putting her plan into action Linda once again substituted the PCP for a multi vitamin, and then went searching for something that would like a lot like the packaging of her daughter’s pill. Linda knew now beyond doubt that she would make sure her daughter became pregnant with her fathers child, without the two of them knowing.



The three continued their forbidden relationship after they moved into their new home, mother, father and daughter sharing the same bed.


It all went as Linda planned, less than a month later Jessica missed her period and the doctor confirmed that Jessica was pregnant, all three family members agreeing against Jessica having an abortion, despite the circumstances. Jessica and Graham were amazed wondering how it could have happened, while Linda kept her terrible secret


Eight months after the later Jessica gave birth to her fathers daughter/grandchild.


Despite taking precautions, Less than a year after the birth of Jessica’s first child once again became pregnant with her fathers child. Still Linda kept her awful secret.


In total Jessica mothered three of her father’s children all conceived by what seemed fate. Linda eventually got the large family she had always hoped for.

Island romance with my daughter

saberman on Incest Stories

15 years ago i owned a successful business, the long hours were begging to take their tole. With having a young family that I loved I was unable to spend as much time with them as I would have liked. After long nights of discussion with my wife we decided that it would be best for me to sell the company... It was the best discussion that we ever made! I was able to get vastly more than we ever expected for the company.

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language: en-us"> 

I had always dreamed of owning my own island and living there self sufficiently. It took a lot of convincing but eventually my wife agreed to bring our two young daughters to the island off the Cuban coast. By the time we had brought all the supplies we would need we still had money left.


The Island was beautiful; it was roughly 10 miles square, with several fresh water lakes and rivers. Once or twice a month my wife would need to make the daylong boat ride to the mainland for a few of what she called "essential supplies". I found this irritating and unnecessary, but as I had dragged her out here I could say little.


As the girls grew older we sent them to a boarding house on the mainland so they could get a proper education. I was sad to see them go, almost as sad as they were to leave.


By the time our two girls, Mina and Hollie were 11 and 13 we had lived blissfully on the island for almost 10 years. My wife was still making regular trips to the mainland; these were becoming less frequent after the girls had refused to go to school. After many arguments the Girls won, we were "home schooling" them.


Eventually disaster struck on our 11th year on the island. My wife, while taking a trip to the mainland got caught in a freak summer storm. When news reached us several days later that my Wife had never arrived I was devastated. I brought Mina and Hollie back to the mainland. For many days I did nothing but cry. Eventually my lovely daughters pulled me out of my stupor. They convinced me to take them back to the island; the girls said they wanted to collect a few of their things. Without thinking I agreed and took them and the boat back to the island. I was consumed with self-pity and could not see what was going on behind me as I walked back to the cabin. Mina and Hollie and concocted a plan, they wanted more than anything to stay on the island. They waited for me to disappear into the trees, the moment I gone they emptied the petrol tank into the boat, threw a match inside and shoved it off the beach, into the sea. It was the last we ever saw of the boat, in fact it was the last boat we had and our only way off the island. At the time the girls told me that they must have forgotten to tie the boat up properly. I accepted it with a shrug, telling the Girls that I needed some alone time; I walked to the other side of the island and wallowed in self-pity. I stayed there for several days before coming to my senses and realizing that my little baby girls needed me.



Mina and Hollie had managed on their own, they were happy to see me upon my return however, greeting me with hugs and kisses. For Months we all grieved together, there was little talking between us. After some long discussions with my daughters we decided it would be best to leave our old family home behind and move to another place on the island. It was about now that I began to realize how grown up my little girls were becoming. Mina, our youngest had always had strawberry blond hair, she never liked to have it cut higher than her shoulders. Hollie on the other hand took after me; she had dark drown hair reaching down to her waist, often in one long plait. Both Girls had an athletic build, tight legs, stomachs and arms. They enjoyed nothing more than chasing each other around the island or swimming in the sea. Mina was still developing her womanly curves, but even at this early stage I knew she would make some man very happy one day. Hollie although two years older than her younger sister was at a similar stage in her development, had more of a stick like figure than Mina. Hollie was tall and thin where Mina was shorter with more curves. Despite the differences you could clearly see they were sisters.



Although they were two years apart, they both acted in the same mature yet childish manner. I could talk to the girls about anything; they would nod to me and return intelligent comments, only to push me off my chair and run away giggling the next moment. As life after the next few months began to return to some sort of normalcy we put the finishing touches to our new home. It was not so grand as our last; this one had only one communal living space. The old one had had one for the girls, a separate room for my wife and I and one large room for cooking and eating. The girls and I were happy with our new home, they expressed their gratitude by giving me a hug and a peck on the cheek every now and again saying “thank you Daddy”. Every time one of them would do this I would beam with pride and hug them back affectionately. We had a new daily routine I would work in the fields or try to catch some of the plentiful wildlife for the evening meal, while the girls would tend to the house, help in the fields or study or make new clothing which I could have sworn got sexier and sexier. In the evenings the girls would take turns to cook (both were excellent cooks) then we would all sit down and I would help the girls study. When the sun set we would all start thinking about going to bed, the girls would change behind a thin material screen. As their lithe forms swayed behind the screen, it was all I could stop myself from staring, I would steal glances instead berating myself every time. When they were ready for bed I would tuck them in with a kiss each (they both slept in the same bed) they would each say “night, night Daddy, don’t let the bed bugs bite”. I would then climb into my own bed, strip off all my clothes (from the age of 12 I had slept naked) and try to fall asleep.



As the feeling of the loss of my wife faded I stared to have sexual feelings again. With no way of satisfaction I was becoming highly frustrated, at this point it was beginning to keep me awake. At times I would lay and my bed facing Mina and Hollie, my cock standing straight out, a million things running through my head. Chiefly among them was the thought of what it would be like to fuck such young things. This thought however was quickly crushed with the remembrance that these two sexy little things were my daughters. This only got worse as the summer drew on, our little house although cozy was at times, in the summer it got very warm. As the heat inside the house increased, the bedclothes and the clothes the girls were wearing became less and less. To the point where at times if the moon was shining through the open window, I could just about see through the girl’s nightdresses. The first time this happened I was rubbing my shaft before I realized what I was doing. The little voice that said, “this is wrong, that is your daughter” was unable to get through the thundering voice saying, “What would it be like to lick those little nipples and squeeze those budding breasts”. I lay there on my side staring at Hollie, she must have been sweating and the thin material of her long nightdress was sticking to Hollies lithe form. I could clearly make out her coin-sized areolas topped with her pinky red nipples. I was rubbing myself with abandon now my minds eye picturing my hands roughly manipulating Hollies breasts. They must at the time have been a large “A”. It was the pink nipples standing out from her chest that really drove me crazy. As Hollie turned onto her side I got a clearer image of her whole body, the gentle sway from her shoulders up again for her hips, then down again to the tips of her toes. Hollies young breasts still sticking straight out from her body with no sign of sagging. I couldn’t hold back any longer jets and jets of creamy white fluid spurted out the tip of my cock covering my bed sheets. I let out a grunt of pleasure at the release of months and months of pent up sexual frustration. At this grunt I could have sworn that I saw Hollies eyes fly open for a split second, luckily there was no further movement from her so I put it down to me being nervous. As the thumping in my chest began to fade, the realization of what I had pictured in my head started to sink in. I berated myself promising that I would never do anything like that again. I quietly pulled on some shorts, stripped off my bed and went to wash the sheets, careful not to wake the girls.


For the next few months I would keep my sexual feelings under control, I would masturbate away from the girls. Concentrating on old porno magazines or fantasies from when I was young. I had to keep my concentration though, one little slip and I would see myself pushing my dick between Hollies breasts, or fucking her little mouth. Shortly after Hollies 15th birthday reading through one of the girl’s textbooks I came across something unexpected. Hollie would soon have to start “sex education”. I sat there and stared at the book for a while, wondering how I was going to teach this to my little baby daughters, especially after the last few months. They had done a little Sex Ed before with their mother, but this was a lot more detailed and involved.


The day came all to fast and I said to the girls “If you look at the next few chapters in your text books, you will see that we have to start with the topic “Sex Education” are you girls alright with that?” To my surprise I did not get two little red faces staring back and me, hands over mouths stifling a giggle. Instead I they both sat there confidently Hollie saying “its about time Dad, we have been looking forward to this”


After the first few hours of the lessons I knew they would be all right. Hollie and Mina sat there attentively, not smirking or giggling. The problem was not the girls though; it brought my incestuous feelings once more to the fore. That night I masturbated several times picturing not only being sucked off by Hollie, but also fucking both her and Mina. I came twice in rapid succession thinking about fucking Hollies tight little pussy. In my mind it had only a few little dark hairs on top, with nothing surrounding her little pink pussy lips. The “this is wrong part of my brain had totally switched off now, all I could think about was ravaging one of my little daughters pussies.


A week after our first lesson I got a shock when Hollie came wandering up to me just as I was getting out of a pool, had she found me a minute sooner she would have seen me masturbating under the water. As she wandered closer I could see she was tense


“Hi Hollie, everything alright?” I said, as casually as I could.

“Dad I need to ask you a few serious question” said Hollie sounding a bit nervous.

“What’s the problem sweetheart?” I walked her over to a patch of grass and sat her down.

“Its about the lessons we have been having, you know, the sex education lessons” she said, a little colour appearing on her cheeks. I lifted a hand up to her cheek, giving it a stoke and said “nothing to be embarrassed about, what’s up?” To her credit she asked her question with remarkable calm

“I know you said it was normal for people to masturbate, but is it normal to” She trailed off for a few moments, I was to astonished to say anything, I’m sure my mouth must have been hanging open. “Is it normal to use things when a girl masturbates?”


Now I was stunned, I had briefly gone over the subject trying not to let my desires known and now here she was creating vivid pictures in my mind. All I could see for several moments was the little thing sitting in front of me stuffing a large dildo in her tight little pussy. The silence must have lasted


“Dad?” she questioned. I gave myself a little mental shake and tried to answer

“Yes, yes it is normal for women to use objects to help them achieve orgasm” I said, trying to be as clinical as I could. Gradually I became aware of a tightening sensation in my groin, as I had only a few minutes before cum it came as a slight shock, I shifted my position to try to hide it. “They’re normally called Dildo’s Hollie, they come in all sorts of shapes and sizes normally made from silicone, some even vibrate”


I was struggling to drag my eyes away from my daughter. As I glanced at her my mind seemed to be taking photographs, with little effort I can still bring them to mind to this day. Hollie was sitting on the grass; her knee’s bent with her feet tucked up towards her shapely behind. She was leaning backwards, her arms supporting her weight behind her. The long dark brow hair she has was loose today, gently blowing in the wind. The white top she wore was hugging her stomach tightly and holding her ever growing bosom straight out towards me. The top must have been slightly see-through because I could just about make out the outline of Hollies areoles and could certainly see her pinkish nipples slightly poking through the material. It had been a hot day, while turning to dusk now Hollie was still wearing her tight light blue shorts, I loved this pair and encouraged her to wear them as much as I could, with this pair of shorts as long as she had them pulled up I could clearly make out the outline of her pussy lips. Hollie seemed to drift off into space as I was taking in the sights, after about half a minute she replied


“Is it safe to use things like fruit when a girl masturbates?”


My eyes must have widened at this point I was in total shock. Hollie seemed genuinely embarrassed for the first time, casting her eyes down and the red returning to her cheeks. I physically closed my mouth and tried to make a response


“As long as the object is clean it should not be alright” was all I managed to stammer out.

Still with her eyes downcast she muttered, “So something like a banana is ok?”

Nodding I said, “Yes a banana should be fine”.


It was then I realized that Hollie was not staring at; she was in fact staring straight at the bulge in my trousers! I had no idea what to say but I quickly grabbed my towel and used it to cover my groin.


Ignoring the fact that she must have seen the bulge I asked “is there something else you wanted to talk to me about Hollie?” My mind was hoping to get out of the awkward situation as quickly as possible, yet my legs would not move.


“The thing is Dad, Mina dared me to put a banana inside me it bled and now will not stop hurting” Hollie blurted out, obvious she needed to talk to someone, it must have been very hard for her to come to me about this I realized.


I was stunned but I fought past it and said “its alright sweetheart, you remember what I said about a girls hymen?” She only nodded at me “you must have broken it with the banana, don’t worry it will stop hurting soon”.


I tried to give her a reassuring smile. With tears in her eyes she got up, as she did so I could make out a dark blue patch right in the center of lips. Suddenly she was on top of me giving me a big hug, it took me by surprise and I was bowled over. I fell over on my back, Hollie was on top of me still embracing me, to my horror the towel fell away and I felt my hard cock push its way between Hollie ass cheeks. I was sure she must have felt it, to my surprise she did not quickly roll off and run away screaming. In fact I was almost certain that I felt her bob her hips up and down very slightly. After a few moments Hollie did get off and wiped her eyes. Giving me a peck on the forehead saying, “thank you Daddy”. With that she walked back to the house. I watched her leave with my mouth open, trying to digest everything that has just happened.


As I watched her young ass sway off into the distance I knew one thing for certain. Looking down at my crotch I said to myself “looks like we need another bath”.



Over the next couple of weeks Hollie would come to me with ever more probing questions, obviously feeling a lot more comfortable around me.


She would ask me things like “what do men think about when they masturbate?”

I answered, “mostly about having sex with women, but some men have fantasies that they like to think about”.

Hollie took a few moments to digest this answer then asked, “what sort of fantasies?”


I was sure that my cheeks must have gone red at this point, images of my ultimate fantasy flashing through my head while looking at the girl herself sitting in front of me.


“Some men like to fantasize about having sex with people they work with, some like to think about having sex with other peoples wives” I paused for a moment then continued “some even like to fantasize about having sex with younger women” I licked my lips feeling nervous, wondering if Hollie would read through the lines of answer.


“So its normal to think about other people when you masturbate?” Asked Hollie luckily missing the intent of my previous answer.


I nodded at that point and said “oh very much so Hollie”


Another time she came to me and said, “I know you said that girls enjoy the feeling of having a penis inside her, but how would it compare to the banana?”


Once again images of my daughter stuffing a banana inside her tight little pussy flashed through my mind, before I could think about what I was saying I had asked, “Did you enjoy it?” I almost clapped my hand over my mouth thinking I had gone too far.


Despite my fears Hollie answered her cheeks going a little red, “at first it hurt, it hurt a lot but Mina told me to keep going, after a while I guess it started to feel good I guess”


I tried to smile reassuringly despite the feelings of lust that I was having towards my own daughter. “A mans penis is softer, although still hard” I struggled to find the words. “It is difficult for me to explain, but when a women has sex she enjoys the feeling very much”. It was the answer I could give to her; it felt wholly inadequate at the time. 


The following day while I was sitting dozing in my deck chair close to the beach Hollie came up to me and poked me awake.


“Look what I made for myself” She exclaimed


I opened my eyes and beheld a most fantastic sight, there stood the girl that I had lusted over for months, doing a twirl in a tiny white bikini! I was in awe; there she was in what could only be described as nothing! I could clearly see through the fabric of her top, the dark pink areola that I had caught glimpses of before were now clearly on display. The thin material was barely holding those vibrant pink nipples back. The top itself was tiny being a small triangle just large enough to cover her what now must be “B” sized beasts. There was a thin piece of cord going up behind her neck, another around Hollies back. My eyes scanned down past her flat stomach to the white bikini bottoms. These too were almost completely sheer; there were two triangles of material, one at the front the other covering her tight pert behind. The front and the back where again connected with small pieces of string tied together in bows at either side of her hips. At she twirled I stared straight at her groin there the thin material clearly outlined the most prolific cameltoe I have ever seen. Hollies lips must have been 2 inches thick at least, shooting out from between her legs. As she turned around moving her legs the thin material started to creep up between those lips, I was entranced. I could clearly make out the peachy coloured skin underneath the material; even the small patch of fuzzy brown hair, just above her slit could be seen.


Hollie slowed her twirl and asked. “So Dad what do you think?” She stood there with her hands on her hips awaiting my response.


It was all I could do to slowly lift my gaze from her hypnotizing crotch, past her bouncing breasts to her eyes. After what to me seemed too long I made my reply. “Absolutely astonishing, my little girl has grown into a young women, you look fantastic”.


I almost kicked myself; I had been talking about the body that was clearly visible under the bikini.


Hollie beamed at me “thank you Daddy, you are the best!” she giggled, gave me a kiss on the lips and went to lie down on the beach a few yards away.


I sat there for a few moments with my mouth open then realized, Hollie must have thought I was talking about the Bikini. With her lying down only yards away I could not stop myself. I used the opportunity to pretend to be asleep but stare at her almost naked form. I lasted perhaps 30 minutes before I had to go for a swim and relieve myself of my raging hard on. I had to do this twice before I could get some peace. For the rest of that day I followed Hollie around like a stray dog, unable to keep my eyes off her mesmerizing body. 


As the weeks passed I could have sworn there was a change going through Hollie, she seemed to me to be dressing in sexier and sexier clothing, most seemed figure hugging or with deep cut cleavages. In the beginning I thought it was my lust taking over my rational thought. It was not only her clothing that seemed to change though, the way Hollie was walking talking and just being seemed sexier somehow. Her kisses seemed to last longer, she would sit on my lap and seem to grind her behind into my groin. Many were the time that I got hard while she was sitting there wiggling. I felt lucky that she either seemed not to notice or did not care. It was although she was trying to catch me taking a bath naked in the pools, turning up at inopportune moments I could not put my finger on one instance. There was one thing for sure it was driving me crazy!


One day mid summer I gave up trying to hide it, I had had enough Hollie would just have to see what she was doing to me! I sat there in my deck chair in the blazing sun. I stripped my shorts off and threw them to one side sitting there naked catching the sun, trying to doze off. I had made my mind up, the next time she wandered up to me she would be able to see exactly what effect her little body was having on me. I thought to myself, “Well what can she do, its not like she can get off the island”. I was sitting there dozing the afternoon away when the inevitable happened.


“Hi Daddy” shouted Hollie a few feet away, waving as she wandered up to me with a grin on her face.


I looked up at her and smiled waiting nervously to see what she would do when she realized I was only in my birthday suit. Hollie was wearing her summer dress, one that she had recently made some modifications to. My daughter had cut off the bottom of the dress about 10 inches above her knee making hr legs look long and snakelike. Hollie had also modified the collar, it now plunged down till about midway between her breasts. It was an old dress, yet it seemed to hug her in all the right places making her belly look flat. To top the effect she was walking on tip-toes through the sand. As Hollie swayed towards me she did not stop and stare open mouthed as I had expected. My daughter barely faltered in her stride as she came up and sat straight on my lap facing the sea!


She looked back at me and said, “going for the natural look today huh Dad?” She turned back with a grin, leant back against my chest and wiggled her behind into my crotch.


It was not what I was expecting, but she seemed comfortable enough “Hi Hollie, everything all right?” I said, trying my hardest to stop my manhood from rising to her greeting.


“Uh huh, just left a little lonely I wanted some Daddy time” She sat up at that with her hands on my knees and continued to wiggle her backside into my groin.


I sat back, my hands gripping the armrests tightly. “Comfortable?” I asked, unable to hold it any longer my cock began to swell slightly.


I thought to myself, “Well its now or never, she has to know what she is doing to me”


“Well I was getting there but something has started poking me in the leg” Said Hollie her voice rising slightly betraying her nervousness.


“Its your own fault Hollie” I Said, “if you keep wiggling its going to get a lot more uncomfortable!” I could not keep my voice from breaking either, my palms where sweaty and my heartbeat began to race.


Once again Hollie settled back, using my chest as a backrest. Still she did not relent, continuing to grind her arse into my crotch. The thoughts that were racing through my head at this moment were amazing; if I had not had such a tight hold on the chair I was sure my hands would be shaking. Chiefly among my thoughts were “why has she not gotten off?”


“So Dad” she said with a sigh, “when do you think a women is old enough to have sex for the first time”


Hollie was a whole lot more relaxed that I was, she seemed to be talking as if there was nothing unusual about this situation.


“Err, whenever the girl feels she is ready, although legally it would not be till she is 16” I managed to stammer out. My cock was like a drawbridge at this point, getting ever harder and higher.


“I feel like I am ready now though Dad, is that unusual?” Hollie asked leaning forward and looking back, her hands once again on my knees.


As she was asking the question she stood up quickly, enough for her to pull her skirt up over her hips. I stared down at her newly exposed legs and realized something that took my breath away. There was no material where her panties should be!


“No, not at all” I said, my voice almost a whisper at this point.


Never ceasing grinding her hips she asked, “You know when you said that some men fantasize about having sex with younger girls” She paused thoughtfully “have you ever fantasized about fucking girls?”


My mouth fell open as she spoke these words, my cock jumping with excitement pushing hard against her leg. I did not answer her for a few moments unable to move. I was about to it, before I could without looking at me Hollie put her hands on top of mine, lifted her legs over mine so that hers were on the outside. She replaced her hands on my knees as my rock hard cock tasted fresh air. I could feel the heat coming from between Hollies legs. My brain shouted, “stop this” I tried to open my mouth but my body was still paralyzed. Then it was too late! Hollie moved her hips forwards; her delicate lips brushed my rock solid cock. Lust took over me at this point; I still knew that she was my daughter but now that only made what we were doing more erotic. My daughter looked back at me at that moment giving me the most lust filled stare I have ever experienced. She began moving backwards forwards with her hips, I could feel the lips of her tiny pussy split either side if my manhood


“Well?” She asked looking at me straight with those lust filled eyes.


I nodded my head and closed my eyes. My Hips began thrusting in time with Hollies. This was the most erotic moment of my life. The wetness from her pussy trickling onto my manhood making squelching noises as my cock slid up and down between her soft outer lips.


“Oh my god, this feels so good Daddy” Hollie exclaimed arching her back with her eyes closed looking towards the blue sky.


Throwing all caution to the wind I said “Hollie you are the most beautiful thing on this earth”


My heart skipped as the tip of my cock brushed lightly against the inside of her pussy then carried on, Hollie grinding hard at the tip passed her cliterous. “I have wanted you forever” I whispered into her ear.


“I know” she said, “I have known since I saw you cum all over your bed while staring at me, that was the most amazing thing I have ever seen” She paused for a moment as the tip of my cock pushed once more against her pussy entrance. “I have been trying to get your attention for months” she exclaimed, now leaning forward and pushing down with her hips, moving ever faster back and forth rubbing her clit over my cock.


I realized my daughter was referring to the one and only night I had masturbated in the house at the start of the summer. This explained a lot of her actions over the last few months. The realization that I could have been in this position months earlier came as a slap. I was not going to waste another moment.


With that thought I lifted my daughter by the hips positioning the tip of my 8-inch rock hard manhood against the entrance to my 15-year-old daughters pussy. I held her there for a few moments, perhaps giving her one last chance to stop this. There was no way in hell I was going to!


“Oh-my-god, oh-my-god oh-my-god!” was all I got out of Hollie. Her little chest moving rapidly up and down as I held her. I took this as a yes and let her body weight fall, impaling my little daughter’s barely used, tight pussy on my big fat cock.


I let out a savage grunt as Hollies arse slapped on my legs stopped my dick from going any further into her pussy. Hollie on the other hand has another reaction.


“FUUUUUUCK!” She screamed “It hurts Daddy, take it out! Take it out”


I was not listening; I was lost in the moment, feeling her pussy contract and expand, trying to get used to my size.


“You are ripping me apart Daddy” Exclaimed Hollie, with less urgency this time.


“Relax sweetheart it will be alright I promise” I answered soothingly, I had no intention of pulling out now


Despite my desire to bounce her up and down on my cock I wanted her to enjoy herself. I stopped myself from plunging my cock deeper into her ungodly tight pussy. Even her mothers had not felt this tight the fist time I had split her pussy lips. I slowly moved my hands up Hollies stomach, feeling her abs twitch as I did so. I began kissing her on the back of the neck while she continued to whisper, “you are too big, please take it out, please daddy”. There was no weight behind these whimpers so I ignored them. I moved my hands up and for the first time cupped her budding breasts. Even through the material of her dress I could feel that there was no sag in them. Hollies beasts pointed straight out from her chest, almost like two small cones. As I squeezed them my thumb and forefinger made contact with her tiny nipples. With that my daughter let out a little gasp and turned her head slightly towards me. I shifted position slightly bring my head closer to my daughters. As I massaged her breasts and tweaked her nipples Hollies mouth dropped open and she started breathing shallowly once again. Or lips drew ever closer, the last few inches being a blur as we both rushed to kiss one another.


This was no Father daughter kiss however; this was a kiss of pure animal lust. Our lips parted, both moaning in pleasure. There was urgency about the kiss; it was something that had been denied for too long. My tongue flicked into her mouth finding hers, Hollie responded pushing back with her mouth. Groans escaped the sides of our lips as our tongues danced in each other’s mouths. My hands on Hollies breasts became less gentle kneading them and pinching her nipples between my fingers.


Hollie broke our kiss and said, “Fuck me daddy” Her voice was full of lust, her earlier trepidation forgotten.


I kissed my daughter hard, my tongue searching out hers once again. This time I moved my hips back gently, my cock sliding back slowly out from Hollies tight hole. It had moved perhaps an inch before I slowly pushed it back with a soft squelch.   


“Oh my god Hollie your pussy is so tight!” I exclaimed, my eyes closing savoring the pleasure as my cock was being massaged inside my daughter’s pussy.


A small groan escaped my daughter’s lips “Don’t stop Daddy”


I had no intention of stopping, not until I had unloaded myself. I pulled my cock out a little further this time pushing it into her tight hole once again.


“Fuck me Daddy, that feels so good” Hollie gasped as my cock slid into her once again.


My lips found Hollies again our lust mounting as the tempo of our fucking increased. My hands moved to Hollies shoulders, peeling the straps of her top down. I pushed the material of her dress off her shoulders letting it pool with the rest at her hips. I broke out the kiss once again leaned my head over her shoulder and finally I could see. Those budding beasts were there standing straight out from her chest, Hollies nipples perhaps protruded a further inch.


“Those are the nicest breasts I have ever lied eyes upon” I whispered in my daughter’s ear. Fucking my own daughter with an ever-increasing tempo.


Hollie did not seem to notice she was quietly shouting, “Fuck my pussy, oh-my-god it feels so good”


I could not resist I grabbed my daughter by the hips pushed her forwards slightly, pulled my daughter’s tight vacuum of a pussy up right to the head of my cock, pulling her back down and pushing with my hips at the same time. The view from behind was amazing; watching my dick disappear into her cunt was like nothing I had experienced before.


“OH FUCK” Hollie screamed.


This only spurred me on as once again I lifted her hips, giving myself a great view before slamming my cock home once more.


“Fuck your daughters tight little pussy, fuck me daddy, OHHH I can really feel you deep inside me” Exclaimed Hollie,


I had no idea she would use language like this. All it did was spur me on further. This time I lifted her hips high enough so my cock slipped out from her pussy, doing so with an audible “plop” I watched her juices dripping from her pussy onto the top of my shaft. I once again let her fall, my cock head meeting momentary resistance as it passed through her lips, only to come to a halt as Hollies arse once again landed on my legs.


“OOOOOHHHH” shouted Hollie, her eyes going wide. “That’s it, fuck my tight little twat, push your big fat cock deep inside me Daddy, GOD it feels good”


I grunted “Oh you like that do you? Well try some more of this!”


I pulled my cock out several more times, Hollies shouts getting louder with every thumping return.


“Fuck me daddy, oh your big dick feels so good in my tight little hole” Hollie was really getting into both the fucking I was giving her and her dirty talk.


I began moving her hips back and forwards along my legs, without lifting her.


“Oh-god-oh-god-oh-god” Hollie exclaimed “faster Daddy, faster”


I did as I was told and started moving her faster, every time I did so there was a loud squelch coming from my daughter’s groin.


Hollie squeezed her eyes together and shouted, “YES! YES! YES!”


I began lifting Hollie and pushing her backwards and forwards at the same time, this must have done the trick. I felt Hollies tight pussy muscles contract further; it really felt now as though her pussy was sucking on my cock


Hollies eyes flew open with a cry she said “OH yeah Daddy! Right there! God that feel good” I pulled back and pushed in to her wonderful pussy once again. “Yes, that’s it, fuck my pussy”


Every time I thrust my cock in there came another astonished cry from my daughter. With every thrust I could feel the muscles inside her pussy relax and contract, the suction pulling at my cock.

Hollie was moving on her own now; my hands were no longer needed on her hips. I moved them up past her stomach, once again grabbing hold of her cone like breasts. At his point my brain said to me “oh my god, you are really fucking your own daughter!” The realization of exactly what I was doing finally started to sink in. There was no way in hell I was going to stop it, the realization only made what was happening even more erotic.


“Fuck my pussy Daddy, GOD, Fuck my pussy, Harder Daddy, Harder” Shouted Hollie, even though she was the one doing the fucking.


Hollies pussy contracted further, I hadn’t thought it possible, now my cock was barely able to move. The feeling was becoming too much, I could feel my balls begin to tighten, getting ready to unleash their load of hot sticky fluid.


“Fuck, me, Daddy, fuck, me, hard, push, your, rock, hard, cock, in, your, daughters, tight, pussy” With every word Hollie paused as she impaled her little pussy on my throbbing cock.


“Oh yes, oh yes, oh yes!” She exclaimed her tempo ever increasing. “I think, UH, I’m going, UH, to CUUUUUUUMMM” She screamed the last word for perhaps 30 seconds, till her breath ran out.


With that her pussy contracted so much that my cock was trapped unable to move! I could feel the muscles in my little girls pussy working over time, trying to milk my cock. I glanced over her shoulder and was greeted with something I never thought I would see. A small jet of clear fluid spurted out from Hollies groin, stretching out for almost a foot. Her pussy relaxed for a moment the grabbed my cock again, this time perhaps even tighter than the last. Again she ejaculated, this one not so long as the last but still a wonder to behold. I felt proud of myself for making my little girl cum. Now my balls were telling me it was my turn. Hollie pussy continued to contract, not as violently now though, I was able to move my cock. I did so now, with utter disregard for Hollies little pussy, or the fact that she was still Cumming. I grabbed her hips hard and lifted her clean off my cock, her womanly fluids trickling down the sides of my cock. I let her fall, meeting her with a thrust of my hips, impaling her once again on my rock hard cock. 


“Ugh, you are so tight” I exclaimed, bouncing her up and down on my shaft.


“Ugh, such a tight and wet pussy” I grunted again. My balls were ready to cum but I wanted to hold this back as long as I could.


I lasted perhaps another 30 seconds, my cock never leaving the bouncing, milking machine that was my daughter’s pussy.


“UGGGHHH FUUUUCK” I shouted, my balls emptying themselves. Buried up to the hilt in my daughter’s pussy


Thick strands of white-hot, creamy coloured gel flew out the tip of my manhood coating the inside of my daughter’s barely used pussy. Jet after jet flew out, my balls completely emptying themselves in Hollies love cannel.


“Jesus Daddy, I can feel it” Said Hollie, as she turned her head towards me her eyes wide “I can feel your big dick Cumming inside my tiny pussy!”


My cock must have spurted at least 10 times into her slit, Hollies pussy milking my fat dick as I did so. I kept bouncing my daughter on my cock well after I had given her all I had to give, savoring the feeling of my little girls tight pussy, wrapped around my cock. Even after I stopped I stayed in her, Hollies pussy seemed to be milking my cock even now. We sat there for some time with Hollie impaled on my dick, me rubbing her cone shaped breasts and tweaking her little nipples.


Eventually Hollie broke the silence saying, “Do you think I could be pregnant Daddy?” Looking at me with those big round innocent eyes.


I sat there in shock for a moment unsure what to think “I don’t know honey” was all I managed to get out, my head swirling with thoughts.


Hollie smiled at me and turned back to the sea. I had not thought about it in the heat of the moment, I was so used to my wife being on the pill. I had never worried about protection, the entire time I had been with my wife she had either been on the pill or we had been trying for children. Now here I was, my unprotected cock deep in my daughter’s pussy, my own cum leaking out passed her soft pink lips and dribbling onto the floor. There was no way she could have been on the pill I knew that for a fact! One side of my brain was saying “You idiot you have gotten your own daughter pregnant!” The other was saying “Look at the cum leaking out of her pussy, you might have gotten your own daughter pregnant! Now lets keep doing it and make sure!” For some time the two sides of my brain seemed to be at war, one shamed and degraded at what I had done, the other wanting to do it again and again and again. I didn’t make a conscious decision my body made it for me. My Cock had not even gone slightly soft, still buried in my daughter’s red and used pussy gave a few flicks. My hips responded, moving back and forth slightly, gliding my Cock very delicately in and out of Hollies pussy.


“MMMMM, Fuck me Daddy” whispered my daughter as she closed her eyes and lifted her head “Fuck my tight little pussy and make me pregnant with your Daddy cum”


I said nothing as I lifted her lithe form from off my manhood, I watched for a moment as cum dribbling out my daughters and down her leg. Hollie saw what I was looking at, without a word she scraped my cum off her leg with a finger she stuffed it straight back into her pussy. My eyes went wide and I gulped reaching under the chair I unfolded a blanket, laying it on the floor in front of me.


I pointed at the blanket and said to Hollie, “lie on the blanket with your legs up in the air”


Hollie did as she was told; lying on her back put her legs straight in the air, holding on to them at the knees.


“Like this Daddy?” She asked with an innocent air.


I stood there over my daughter for a moment savoring the view. There was my 15-year-old daughter with her legs in the air, her dress ruffled up at her waist. I looked at her lust filled face, pleading me to fuck her without uttering a word. My gaze drifted down to her “B” sized, cone shaped breasts standing straight out from her chest. Past her flat stomach my eyes drifted to her groin. There framed perfectly between her legs where the most exquisite set of lips I had ever seen, Slightly red now but still standing about 2 inches out from her body. Between those lips was the slit I had just fucked slowly oozing my milky cream. Could I have gotten her pregnant? With the amount of cum that was up there I was almost certain.