ps10v3rt4k3's Avatar
ps10v3rt4k3 Member Since October 19, 2009
ps10v3rt4k3 5542 days ago
- 9 + Great great story, but format it better~ It's probably something that happens when posting on here, but I think there's ways around it...
The Ultimate Day
ps10v3rt4k3 5542 days ago
- 5 + Really enjoyed how you set up the entire thing.. A really good introduction~
The Ultimate Day
ps10v3rt4k3 5542 days ago
- 5 + love these types of stories~ glad you and your friend have such a good bond ^_~
My Week With Her Sister
ps10v3rt4k3 5542 days ago
- 9 + enjoyed it a lot ^^
One Lucky Day
ps10v3rt4k3 5542 days ago
- 8 + I liked the story~ keep it up!!
Sarah and her Brother....the story continues
ps10v3rt4k3 5542 days ago
- 10 + It really does feel like I'm actually there in his shoes... Simply amazing writing! Both stories - great job!! I really feel every emotion you put into these stories.
Cadbury in service
ps10v3rt4k3 5542 days ago
- 1 + Good story, but needs spacing. =(