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phang Member Since October 19, 2009
I fuck my mom
phang 5606 days ago
- 6 + Use capital letters where they belong. Use spell checker. Write more stories
Me and my Aunt
phang 5606 days ago
- 6 + Proof read your work before you upload it. Correct punctuation and capitalization add to the story. Poor sentence structure detracts from the story. Add a little more detail. Keep writing.
Big Brother 2
phang 5606 days ago
- 6 + Your story line is not too bad. Learn to spell. Spelling errors detract from the story line. For instance, clothes are what you wear. Cloth is what clothing is mad from. Don't be put off by constructive comments. You will do all right, just learn to
Big Brother 2
phang 5606 days ago
- 6 + Your story line is not too bad. Learn to spell. Spelling errors detract from the story line. For instance, clothes are what you wear. Cloth is what clothing is made from. Don't be put off by constructive comments. You will do all right, just learn t
Fucking a 13 year old
phang 5606 days ago
- 4 + Use Word when writting, and follow rules for spelling and grammer. I just could not get by all the errors to complete the story.
Cousin and I discover Promised Land (Part One)
phang 5606 days ago
- 10 + Well written - proper grammer and punctuation. Excellent job. The story was believable and followed the probable course of the teen. Keep up the good work.
Bathing Memories
phang 5606 days ago
- 0 + When I saw a wall of words, I did not even start reading.
College kid has his way with a 14 year old girl
phang 5606 days ago
- 1 + First, Collegekid, study English. Your grammer is horrible and your sentence structure is not as good as a 14-year old. Learn the difference between your and you're. "Don't know nobody" is a double negative. The story is not too bad, but use your spel
phang 5606 days ago
- 6 + Break up your paragraphs. It's a little difficult to read as one paragraph.
Land Of Oz
phang 5606 days ago
- 0 + Can you think longer than one fucking paragraph. If that's all you have to offer, stop taking up space
14 year olds rape?
phang 5606 days ago
- 6 + The story is not too bad. However learn how to spell. You used the word cloths to mean clothes and close. They both sound alike, but have different spelling. Cloths means more than one cloth. Clothes mean the garments you wear. Close means to shut.
Innocent Fuck 2
phang 5606 days ago
- 1 + A story should be more than one paragraph. Learn to use your spell checker. Learn to use capital letters at the beginning of a sentence. This reads like it was written by a 4th grader. It needs to be longer with more detail.
Feels so wrong, yet so good
phang 5606 days ago
- 8 + Good story. Most words spelled correctly, still a wall of words.

Use a blank line between text and it will read better. Good effort, write more and don't forget to use your spell checker and then proof read.
It Begins
phang 5606 days ago
- 2 + As most new authors, you produced a wall of words. Use line breaks. Type your document on the computer as you want it to appear. DO NOT save it as a WORD document. Just copy it and then paste it onto Sex Stories Post then submit it. The line breaks s
phang 5606 days ago
- 1 + You are writing a story, not text messaging. Use capital letters. Us the spell checker, for goodness sake. This is the writing of a 12 year old!
My brother's friend
phang 5606 days ago
- 4 + Your story is pretty good, however, use your spell checker, your grammer checker, and how to captilize. It does not matter what country you llive in, only if you write in English, use the rules for Englilsh writing.
Sleeping Cousin
phang 5606 days ago
- 1 + Use your spell checker. Not enough story, lengthen it out some.
My first time. a must read.
phang 5606 days ago
- 0 + How old are you? Six or Seven? Hell, my 5 year old spells better than you do.
A x-mas story
phang 5606 days ago
- 4 + You start off saying you and your cousin attend the same college. If I were you college teacher, I would send you to spelling class. When Christmas is used as X-mas, there is only one s, not two. Your grammer and spelling is poor. Take some time. Sep
Incest with my dad-True
phang 5606 days ago
- 4 + The spelling and grammer looks like you typed it in a hurry before someone came in and caught you on a porn site.

Slow down, proof read, correct the spelling and grammer and then upload it again.
First time with daddy
phang 5322 days ago
- 0 + Do you know how to use capital letters?
My Sister-in-Law and Me
phang 5606 days ago
- 6 + Story line is pretty good. Good detail. The only thing that detracts from the story is poor spelling. You said "your still dripping" and it should be you're still dripping. You make that mistake several times, but used it correctly once. Another mist
Dog Rape
phang 5606 days ago
- 0 + First, write about something you know about and SUE SPELL CHECKER. USE GRAMMER CHECKER.
Adventures in Taboo 1
phang 5606 days ago
- 1 + Could not read it after the first few sentences. Learn to use paragraphs
Adventures in Taboo 10
phang 5606 days ago
- 1 + My word, man! After 10 stories and you still don't know how to write. Stop until you learn grammer and how to use paragraphs. Until then, spare us the wall of words!
Moms Best Friend
phang 5606 days ago
- 6 + You can write some good stories if you take your time and think them through. First, use a spell checker. You need to use caps on "I" and proper names. Make the words sound like someone speaking. A 40-year old woman does not talk like a 15-year old.
my ittle friend 2
phang 5606 days ago
- 4 + Well written with good grammer and spelling. Keep up the stories.