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neotype2001 Member Since October 19, 2009
Strange questions
neotype2001 5542 days ago
- 6 + Like the previous reviews, i'll go ahead and reinstate what they told you already. You need to read over your work CONSTANTLY. It sounds as if you just wrote it in one sitting at your computer. Readers hate seeing grammatical errors in something they are
The day my sister was home from school
neotype2001 5542 days ago
- 1 + i hope that you're 12 or english as a second language student, because this was a god awful attempt an english. The wording was so broken up I couldn't understand half the fuckin story. I'd give it 0 but you can't. Have someone else type your ideas from n
Small Town Girl
neotype2001 5542 days ago
- 3 + you started off setting up a good story, but then it seemed like you got really lazy. This could have been 10 pages instead of the 1 paged attempt you gave. You should also proofread your stories. Grammatical errors are unpleasant in any sex story.