margoslips on all

I Wasn't Ready
The next night I dressed in my favorite short red skirt and a white sweater. Alex picked me up at 8:00. Mom let me put on earrings, the clip on kind, and lipstick.
My first surprise was that
My Special Occasion
I was still a virgin, at least technically, when I turned 18 my senior year in high school. I had let boys play with my body and even take my panties off and put their fingers in me -- oh how good that felt -- but I had never gone all the way. My girl friend Amy and I were also experimenting, but that's another story. My limits were frustrating the boys I knew and, well, it was affecting my social life. Being 5'10 didn't help either. Anyway, I was a woman now and I wanted to be a real woman. I wanted my first time to be special, and there was a special man I wanted to share that with me.
I had had a crush on Mark He grew up next door and I would often stand at the fence and talk to him when he was out in the yard mowing or working. Trouble was, he was 10 years older and I don'
Married Men 1
I was just 16 and Candice had to go out of town to visit her mother, who I guess was needing to move to a more suitable home. Matt hired me that Friday night so he could go to his boss's retirement dinner.
I had found a movie in their collection, just a plain old R rated movie, and was watching it when Matt came back. I was surprised at how early he was, but I guess retirement dinner
I alwa
Breakfast Club 4
Lydia and I had been meeting secretly as lovers now for several months while we continued our new found Sunday breakfast wife swapping meets with our husbands, Frank and Carl. For me it was like I had found a new corner of heaven. Carl and I were still very much in love and showed it our bed. But fucking Frank every couple of weeks was unbelievably exciting and Lydia, Lydia was a new and wonderful passion for me. I was in love with her and the many hours of love making we shared were both sweet and powerful. This Sunday, we had decided we could keep our secret no longer.
The men cooked as usual and were getting very fancy. Belgian waffles with strawberries were designed to be symbols of love making to come. Champai
Breakfast Club 3
Carl and I couldn't speak about it until Wednesday. Last Sunday was the fourth or fifth time we had met with Frank and Lydia to have sex in the same room with them. We had found that terribly exciting and made it a regular thing. It even seemed to make sex in our own private moments richer. But that last morning, a little joke had gone way too far and we found ourselves making love to our opposites' spouses. Oh how I found myself wanting it in that sudden moment of passion, but even that night I was devastated by my own behavior.
I wondered if my marriage was going to end. Carl and I loved each other more than anything in the world and now it could all be over. We were somehow struck dumb afterwards and that only a
The Breakfast Club 2
Every few Sunday mornings, Carl and I got together with another officer couple, Frank and Lydia. The boys improved their breakfast cooking skills to include such delicacies as jelly omelets, cheeze omelets and over easy eggs. We also studied sex manuals with them and tried new and different things after breakfast, too. We were amazed at the different positions in the manual and would both try the same thing. But it was all pretty conventional, other than we were having sex in the same room as another married couple.
I realized I was developing urges for Frank after seeing him with Lydia so often but had put them out of my mind this morning. We always started our escapades by "sneaking" up behind the boys while they were washing the dishes. (Sometimes that led to a good s
Married Men 3
"Oh! Uh, Hi." I hadn't been with Matt for over a year. I used to babysit for the Rikers and Matt had taken my virginity one night when his wife was away. Our affair went on until I moved away to college. I was in my dorm room when the phone rang and it was him.
"You alone?"
"Yes," I said expecting him to want phone sex or another meeting.
"Look, something came up. I thought of you."
"I have a client who's coming in from England. Big shot with his firm."
"Yes," I mumbled.
"Well he asked me to set him up with a, you know, a date ... well ... not just any date."
The Breakfast Club 1
It was boys against girls in canasta and the prize was the losers had to cook. Carl and I lived in officers housing, then, and were good friends with Lydia and Frank. We went to baseball games with them, played cards, went to church and generally had a good, honorable time with them. Both couples had been married for a little over a year and hadn't taken advantage of the Army's free babies (military hospitals only charged $1.75 per day). On that Saturday night we played canasta and, of course, we girls won. (Are we dating ourselves? Who even knows what canasta is?) The guys knew nothing about cooking, so confronted with their loss, agreed to cook breakfast the next morning. At least they could scramble eggs and fry up some bacon.
We were all dressed for church and the fashion then
Oh Brother 2
I was going out with Mark, a kid a bit older than me, at the time. And after I had felt Paul's hand washing my pussy and seen him come in the shower, I had different ideas about my limits when alone with a boy. Mark and I had a favorite barn to park behind, and as usual, we got into the back seat.
When he reached up under my blouse and felt my bra, I said, "Why don't you take it off?" And while he was doing that, I was unbuttoning my blouse. He saw my breasts for the first time and it was delightful to have him rubbing me there. He kissed me there, too, and
Quickie After Church
It was late spring. Still a bit chilly. But perfect for a walk along the wooded path that leads up a hill near our church. Anyway, my husband was off to a round of golf - I never could get interested in that game - so I went alone.
About a half mile along the way, I saw, coming the other way, my old boyfriend Eric. Well he was my boyfriend for a few months in High School and yes we had been lovers too. But now were both married and though I would run into him in stores and at town events and such, we were pretty much over each other. Or so we thought.
"Hi, Eric. Nice day. How are you?"
"Hi. I'm great. It is a nice day."
I went to give him a kiss on the cheek, which I did. But then we kissed on the lips.
"Wow, Hi. I wasn't expecting
A Band Story
The band was taking its semi-annual trip to Washington, DC, and after playing a concert in Harrisburg, PA, we were put up for the night in the local Holiday Inn. Carol and I, both flute players, were sharing a room on the 6th floor and the boys had been located safely away on the 8th floor.
Laying awake talking about the boys in the band made us both pretty horny and we started to imagine. We had focused on two trumpeters, Eric (6'6, blonde and also a baskeball player) and Ray (5'9, more ordinary build but with a wicked sense of humor). Both guys were known to have had their way with other girls not on the trip with us, so we couldn't help but think about the possibilities for us.
"Suzy, do you think about sex with Eric?" "I was thinking about it now."
Married Men 2
I started working on him the second time I sat for them, especially when his wife Toni was out of sight. There's a way you can be so glad to see him when he picks you up for a job, say thank you when you are being paid, good bye when he drives you home that arouses interest without being too blatent. Tight clothing didn't hurt either. I could tell he was always delighted to see me, too. Of course, there was the little problem o
Oh Brother 1
Anyway, one day when Mom and Dad weren't home, Paul was in the shower. I screwed up my courage and snuck into the bathroom and stood there in a corner where he couldn't see me until he came out of the shower. Eventually, the door slid open. Paul stepped out. There he was, naked and dripping wet from head to toe. But I don't think I had time to take in any details. He actually screamed and turned around to hide his privates. I ran out and hid in my bedroom and locked the door.
A few moments l