Member Since January 26, 2011
Sarah and I. Part 2
5127 days ago
5127 days ago

u have to write a part 3 man mmmm tht was a great story........ although in part one i would have thought to put a little more action into it. u know wht i mean?
Dads on Cheerleaders
hmmm............. i liked it......... well written
Father Williams
ya umm i agree THAT WAS THE WORST STORY I HAVE EVER READ!!!!!!! AND THE FACT THAT YOU BROUGHT JESUS AND EVERYTHING INTO THIS!!!!!!!!!! you know wht just leave man leave
Hiking Vaction - ( Complete ) - Written by: Fantasyweaver
very LONG story but i liked it so keep up the good work and try to make it a little shorter cuz u almost lost me but i liked it! :)
Fucking my bestfriends mom
hmmm u should have put paragraphs other than tht well done