Member Since October 12, 2010
My fiancee sucumbs to an old school 'friend.'
4973 days ago
4927 days ago
Like the story. Hope you write more like it.
My fiancee sucumbs to an old school 'friend.'
Have you thought about writing it from Lynn's point of view?
Wizards of Waverly Place Inescapable Lust Chapter 5
Nice one. Can't wait to see what you come up with next.
Wizards of Waverly Place Inescapable Lust Chapter 3
It's a show stephfly. If Leon see the show in a different way deal with it or dont read his stories. I think it was good. I lime to see Mason and his friend dp Alex or Alex take Mason in his wolf form.
Wizards of Waverly Place Inescapeable Lust Chapter 2
Should of had Juliet fuck Mason infront of Alex before she made Alex leave. Other then that it was good
Wizards of Waverly Place Inescapeable Lust
Nice I can't wait for your next one
The Rape and Brutalization of a Young High School Catholic Cheerleader (Part 16)
Plz add more the weekend is not over
The Rape and Brutalization of a Young High School Catholic Cheerleader (Part 10)
great story. sent email