Member Since October 19, 2009
All Over Red Rover
5112 days ago
5584 days ago
It would be four stars, had there been no "author's note", and five, if it weren't for a few bits of purple prose that disturbed from the flow of the story. Nice tale, though, so far.
Always Master's Choice
Wow. That was... very good. Very effective, too. ;) The good grammar, spelling, and construction is also appreciated, since it helps keep the reader in the story.
Very well written and a the first part is a good short story within itself. However, I could have done without the sex-ed morality lesson preceding the story. The story reveals the moral on its own.
And Now for Something Completely Different
Not trying to be mean or nothin', but if you're going to submit an erotica story of this kind on a site, you could at least look up the basic biology. Sorry. :-/
first time with a dog
The story itself is pretty good, but you need to edit so that it reads smoothly. Capitalize letters where appropriate and fix punctuation. It reads like a 4th grader without a grasp of grammar wrote it. :o/
A lonly day with my dog
Better formatting than most I've seen on SSP, as well as grammar and spelling, so it's easy to read. The story itself is interesting, but a tiny bit unrealistic at parts. A dick belonging to a dog that size having its way, even if it weren't completely en
Angie's 14th Birthday Gift (part one of series)
In the switch over to the new site design, a lot of my story formatting was lost. Oops! So, I'm sorry about there not being any quotation marks and such in many of the first Angie stories on here. :o)
Satisfied by dog
Interesting, but your story needs paragraphs very badly. One huge column of text like this is difficult to read. A better format and a little grammar adjustment and this would be a lot more comprehensible. Not to mention hotter. ;o)
Rocky's Bitch
Nice plot, but it was constructed poorly. The basic plot has been done before (er, by me, haha), but the mom's vibrator and baby oil was a GREAT touch. I love baby oil in sexual situations. ;-) The run-ons and very little capitalization made it more diffi