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jessy19 Member Since October 19, 2009

Neighbors Ch. 01

jessy19 on Incest Stories

Ben saw her one afternoon. She had to be the hottest girl he'd ever laid his eyes on. Her long dark black hair was pulled back in a ponytail. She wore a short blue jean skirt and a white crop top that showed her gorgeous tanned skin and flat little tummy. Ben could see the shiny belly button ring she wore which reflected in the sun. He felt himself almost drooling. She was his new neighbor and quite a looker. She had to be at least 16 like his younger sister Julie. She carried a few boxes into the house and he saw her parents as well. Her mother was pretty with a dark complexion, which she must have passed on to her daughter. She looked to be a latina and her father was white, tall, and looked like a businessman. They were all pulling out boxes and some furniture from the moving van. Two b
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ig men helped out as well as another young guy, who seemed to be the girl's brother. He was tall with a tan complexion like his sister. His hair was dark black and he looked about 18 years old, just like Ben. "Why don't you go introduce yourself to them?" Ben heard his mother say. He jumped up almost startled. "Mom! You scared me!" "Ben you need to stop being so paranoid. They look like nice people." "I guess I should introduce myself. Their kids look like they would be going to high school with me." "Well? Go on. I'll be there in a bit. I'm going to bring them a bottle of wine as a house warming gift." Ben knew his mother would do that. His father was an owner of a liquor store and often got plenty of free wine to bring home. "Maybe I should wait. I mean they look busy." "Oh go on. I'm sure they'll take five minutes to let you introduce yourself." Ben knew his mother was right and he was dying to go out there and talk to the cute girl. He put on my shoes and walked out slowly walking towards their house. He noticed the other neighbors also paying close attention to the new folks but they didn't dare introduce themselves. The women in the neighborhood were probably gawking at the young man and his father and them men were most certainly checking out the mother and daughter. As Ben got closer, the girl had walked inside the house and he stood there not knowing how to say the first word. "Can we help you?" He heard a male voice. He turned and saw the young man smiling at me as he carried a big box. "Uh... no actually I'm just here to introduce myself. I'm Ben Malone from next door." He put the box down and extended his hand out for a handshake. "Hey nice to meet you. I'm Abel Logan." They shook hands and stood silent for a moment. "So you like the new neighborhood?" Ben asked nervously. He looked very at ease. "Yeah sure do. It's quiet, not like where we used to live." "Where you originally from?" Ben asked now feeling more at ease. "Chicago. My father is now running his law firm business here in Texas though. I like Texas. The people seem to be more friendly." Ben nodded. "Well we try to be." He scoffed and picked up the box. He looked over and the pretty young girl came out of the house. Her face looked so beautiful. "Is that the last of it?" She asked Abel. "Yup. Now all we need to do is unpack" "Ah yes that's the fun part," she whined. "Hey this is Ben Malone, our new next door neighbor," Abel said as the pretty girl stood in front of Ben. Her dark brown eyes glared at him. "Hi Ben. I'm Yvette." Ben shook her hand. Her skin felt so soft. "Hi," he could barely say. "She's my sister," Abel added moving closer to her. "Oh? I figured that. Are you both going to Lincoln High School?" "Yeah. I'm a senior and Yvette's a junior," Abel responded. Yvette. That was her name. God she was even more gorgeous up close. She eyelashes were long and her skin was flawless with that soft bronze glow. "Are you a senior too?" She asked me. "Y-yeah," Ben stammered. "My sister Julie is a junior too. She's at cheerleader practice right now though." "Hey that's great! I love making new friends," Yvette said sweetly. "Yeah I like to make new friends too," Abel added with a wicked tone. "Did you want to come in? The house is a mess, but you're more than welcomed to come in," Yvette said sincerely. Ben felt himself blushing at her invitation. "Well I don't know-" "Ben, there you are," I heard my mother squeal. She walked up to the gate with her bottle of red wine and a red bow tied to it. "I'm sorry for intruding like this, I'm Sylvia Malone. Ben's mom." Able and Yvette shook her hand and then Mr. and Mrs. Logan came out to introduce themselves. Abel and Yvette's parents seemed like very nice folks. Ben was surprised his father looked like a guy you could easily get along with since he was a lawyer. Their mother was quiet but very polite. "I brought you a bottle of red wine as a house warming gift," Ben's mother went on. Ben couldn't take my eyes off Yvette. She kept smiling at him and he knew Abel noticed the attraction he had for his sister. After a brief conversation with the new neighbors, Ben and his mother headed back home. "They are very nice people, don't you think?" She asked. "Yeah they are." "I bet you think Yvette was especially nice." She laughed. "Mom!" "I noticed you looking at her and she had her eyes on you too." "So what? Maybe I do feel a bit of attraction to her. She's really pretty." "I knew it," his mother yelped. "Just don't go telling everyone," he said sarcastically. * * * Later on that night as we sat to eat dinner, Julie came to join them. She had slipped out of her cheerleading uniform and into a comfortable pair of dark blue sweat pants with a white t-shirt. Her long brown hair was pinned up and she sat her little body down fast ready to eat. Her green eyes searched the table to see what was for dinner. Both Ben and Julie had the same light brown hair and the emerald green eyes. Ben was a lot taller though standing at 5'11". "How was practice today Julie?" Mrs. Malone asked. Julie took a long sip of her water before answering. "It was tiring. The new cheerleaders can't get their act together." "You couldn't get your act together either last year remember?" Ben teased. Julie stuck her tongue out at him. "Whatever!" They ate dinner comfortably as they always did talking about their day. Mrs. Logan brought up the new neighbors in the dinner conversation. "Honey? We got new neighbors. The Logan's." Mr. Malone raised a brow. "Oh really. Do they seem like nice folks?" "Yes they do. They got two children about the same ages as Ben and Julie." Julie looked interested. "Hmmm is one of them a male?" Ben laughed. "Yes as a matter of fact one is a male. But he's a senior like me. He's got a sister who's a junior like you." Julie's eyes widened. "Is he cute?" Ben made sighed. "How should I know?" "He is cute honey, but I think Ben thinks the boy's sister is cuter." Mrs. Malone answered and winked at her son. "Mom!" Julie narrowed her eyes at him. "Oh? You're already flirting with the new neighbor? Shame on you bro." "I'm not! Mom is just exaggerating." Mr. Malone sneered. "Sure son, sure." Ben's face was bright red. He knew it was true. He hadn't been able to stop thinking about Yvette since he saw her. * * * The next day Ben turned on his truck and waited for Julie to come out as he always did. He'd gotten that truck for his eighteenth birthday and now gave Julie rides to school and sometimes from school, when she wasn't at cheerleader practice. He stared out the window to his neighbor's house. He saw Abel walking out. Ben honked the horn to get his attention and waved to Abel. Abel nodded and walked the few steps over to Ben's driveway. "Hey it's good I saw you. I was wondering if Yvette and I could follow you since I'm not really sure how to get to the school yet." "Yeah no problem. I'm just waiting for my sister and then we'll leave." Abel laughed. "Yeah I'm waiting for my sister too. Girls, they take so damn long." Both guys laughed and then Julie stepped out wearing her dark black hip hugging pants with a low cut dark red top that enhanced her small breasts. Julie felt her heart race as soon as she saw Abel. He was so hot! Their eyes met and she knew it there was definite attraction. "H-hi," Julie stammered. "Hey there. I'm Abel. You're new neighbor," Abel said coolly. "I'm Julie. Ben's sister." Abel smiled wickedly at Ben and then turned to his sister. "So you're Ben's sister? I see. Nice to meet you." He said as he shook her hand. Julie could feel his nice strong grip on her hand. He was gorgeous! So tall, muscular and he had a very sexy smile. "Nice to meet you too." Ben knew his sister liked Abel. He could usually tell when she liked a guy. "Ok let's get going. Julie Abel and his sister are going to follow us." Julie blushed. "Oh Ok." She passed Abel up sashaying her little body. She noticed his dark brown eyes focused only on her. "Thanks Ben. Ah there's Yvette," Abel said turning to look at his sister. Ben stretched his neck to get a glimpse of the sexy girl. He felt his mouth almost water when he saw what she was wearing. It was a white short skirt and a dark blue low cut top. She seemed to have nice large breasts. At least a c-cup. Yvette smiled and got into her brother's car. Ben waited a bit and then drove off with Abel and Yvette trailing behind him. "God he's cute!" Julie wailed. Ben rolled his eyes. "You think every guy is cute." Julie playfully hit his arm. "That's not true. I don't think you're cute. "Ha! Ha! Ha!" Ben laughed sarcastically. "I knew you'd like his sister. She looks like your type." "And what is my type?" Ben asked curiously. "You know the pretty, slutty kind." "How do you know she's slutty?" "Look at the way she dresses!" "You dress similar to her sis, does that mean you're a slut too?" Julie sighed. "No! Nevermind!" Ben laughed and continued to drive. * * * Once at school, Ben and Julie got off the truck and met up with Abel and Yvette. Abel and Ben seemed to already be friends. Julie found it somewhat uncomfortable to talk to Yvette. She looked like the kind of girl that all girls hate. She was too pretty. Abel and Ben took off together so Ben could show him his classes and Julie was stuck with Yvette. "So, are there a lot of cute guys at this school?" Yvette asked smiling at Julie as they walked down the hall. Julie shrugged. "Yeah I guess." "Well you're brother sure is a looker," Yvette whispered. Julie giggled. "Well I don't know about that." "Sure he is. You're so lucky to live with him." Julie felt the girl was strange. "Well here we are. This is the main office. You need to let them know you need a schedule since you didn't get one." Yvette nodded. "Thanks Julie. I appreciate you helping me out." "No problem." Julie responded and walked away from the girl. She seemed nice but something just didn't seem right. Like she was hiding some secret. * * * "I'm glad we have a class together," Abel said as he stepped into the literature class that Ben took. "Yeah me too. You know I don't know why but you seem really easy to talk to." "I'm just that kind of guy I guess," Abel teased. They took their seats in the last row. "So is Julie... I mean does she got a boyfriend?" Ben nodded. "No. Why?" "Well because she's really sexy. I'd love to take her out one day." "You think she's sexy?" "Hell yeah! Don't you?" Ben felt almost shocked when Abel asked him that. "I don't know. I mean she is pretty but-" "But what?" Ben shifted in his seat and then class began before he could even try to find a way to explain that he didn't see his sister as "sexy." * * * After school, the four youths headed out by the courtyard. Ben and Abel had made a plan for the four to hang out since each young man found each other's sister to be attractive. Yvette and Julie were already at the courtyard waiting for their brothers. Julie sat on the grass pretending to read a book. She noticed Yvette staring at her. "You know you got a really nice body," Yvette blurted out. Julie put her book down and looked confused. "E-excuse me?" Yvette laughed. "Oh don't worry I'm totally straight, I just needed to tell you that you got an awesome body. I guess it's all that cheerleading huh?' Julie felt relived that Yvette wasn't gay. "Yeah I guess so. You don't have an ugly body yourself you know." Yvette sighed. "No, but I really need to start working out again. I guess I've been missing my friends back home and I've gone into eating binges at times. I feel like I've gained at least five pounds." Julie was now more comfortable with the girl. "It's hard to be on diets you know. If it wasn't for cheerleading, I think I'd be gaining weight." The girls giggled and their brother's showed up a few minutes later. Abel held his backpack over his shoulders and stared at Julie. Yvette's eyes met with Ben's. "So is there anything fun to do around here?" Abel asked. Ben nodded. "Yeah a few things. If you want, we can get something to eat and then go down by the beach and watch the surfers for a while." Yvette nodded. "Sounds good to me. We haven't had the chance to see the beach yet." They left in separate cars once again. The new neighbors followed Ben and Julie to the local burger hangout. Ben noticed Julie seemed quiet. He too was quiet because the question of whether he thought Julie was sexy or not kept going through his mind. "She's interesting..." Julie said out of the blue. "Yvette?" "Yeah. She seems really laid back and kind of nice." Ben smiled. "Yeah she does." Julie chuckled. "And Abel? How's he?" "He's really cool. He's funny and very up front about things." "I think we've made some pretty cool friends huh bro?" Ben nodded. "Yeah. This could be the beginning of a beautiful friendship" * * * After grabbing a quick bite to eat, the youths headed off to the beach to watch the surfers. The water had many talented young surfers that entertained the crowd. The four stood by the pier and watched. "Ah it's nice out here," Abel said closing his eyes and feeling the breeze hit his face. "I love coming out here," Julie said softly. "I don't blame you. It's relaxing out here," Yvette replied. Ben was silent. He stood very close to the dark haired girl. She was short but so sexy. He suddenly realized he was starting to compare Yvette with his own sister. He realized Yvette and Julie both were very beautiful. They were both petite and had gorgeous bodies. Both had nice plump lips and sexy little smiles. Oh quit thinking that way you pervert! Ben reminded himself. "Why are you so quiet?" Yvette asked Ben. Ben looked away trying to avoid eye contact. "I'm just thinking about stuff." "Like?" "School and stuff." "He's thinking of how to ask you out sis," Abel uttered. Yvette and Julie giggled. "Dude! Come on now!" Ben said feeling so embarrassed. "Well it's true right? I notice you looking at her. It's the same way I look at your sister." This time it was Julie's turn to turn red. "Are you both that sheltered that you get all embarrassed when someone finds you attractive?" Yvette asked calmly. "N-no," Ben stuttered. "Of course not," Julie agreed. "You both act so shy. We didn't think Texans were that way," Abel said never taking his eyes off Julie. The subject quickly changed when a surfer did a nice little trick out on the water. The four cheered and Ben and Julie felt relieved to move on to another subject. "Hey Julie? I have Bio with Atkinson. Do you have her too?" Yvette asked. "Yeah she's tough." "You think I could come over tomorrow night and you could help me catch up a bit?" Julie felt uneasy at first but figured it was nothing to fret over. "Uh yes sure." "And Ben? I could use some help on the literature assignments," Abel added. "Feel free to come over too then," Ben replied. Abel and Yvette both exchanged satisfied looks. * * * The next day at school was a busy one for Ben and Julie. Julie had to stay until six that night for practice and Ben had a student council meeting. He was vice-president not because he cared so much about politics but it would look awesome on his college application. He hadn't seen Abel all day until Literature class but they took a test and the teacher talked most of the time that they hardly even got to talk. After dinner that night, Julie headed up to her room and took her homework out of her backpack. She knew Yvette would come over soon and so would Abel. Oh God Abel! Julie fell back on her bed and stared up at the ceiling. She hadn't been able to stop thinking about Abel since yesterday. The way his smoldering brown eyes looked at her made her so wet! She'd never had sex before but if she would she'd love to have it with Abel. She licked her lips and began to rub her breasts over her t-shirt. She pulled it up and reached inside of her bra slowly rubbing on her hardened nipples. She instantly felt sweet sensations all over her body. Never had she felt more excited about a young man. KNOCK! KNOCK! KNOCK! Alarmed, she quickly put her shirt back down and fixed her bra. She got up and opened her door to find Yvette standing there smiling at her. She held her biology book and a notebook. "Did I come at a bad time?" She asked sweetly. Yvette's heart was still racing. "N-no not at all. Come in." Yvette walked in and took a seat by Julie's computer. Julie pulled up a chair and they began to study. Julie hoped Yvette would bring up Abel. She hoped Abel wanted to ask her out. * * * "I know we're suppose to have a huge test next week over The Canterbury Tales so you really have to study those," Ben told Abel that evening. "I hate literature. It bores me. I'm better at math." "Well in that case you do my math and I'll do your literature," Ben laughed. "I could help you with math you know. I'm a pro. That's going to be my major in college. Yvette is pretty good with math too. I think she wants to go into teaching too." "Hey teaching is a great career," Ben said sincerely. "Yvette's great," Abel said. "Yeah she seems like she is." "No. I mean she's really great. If you know what I mean?" Ben sat for a moment dumbfounded. "No. What do you mean?" Abel closed his literature book and took a deep breath. "I know my sister very well. She and I are very close." "Ok... and?" Abel blushed. "Well, let's just say that we really love each other." Ben shrugged. "So? I love Julie. That's what brothers and sisters do. Love each other. Right?" Abel scoffed. "You don't get it do you?" Ben nodded but he did understand. He just wanted to hear it from Abel. He wanted to make sure he wasn't taking it the wrong way. "Yvette and I are... were... are lovers," Able revealed. Ben was speechless. It couldn't be true. Could it? It had to be one of those things you only read about in dirty magazines or online. "I'm sorry I shouldn't have said anything. Can we forget about this?" Abel apologized. Ben didn't want to forget about it. He wanted to know more. Was it possible that a gorgeous girl like Yvette was having sex with her own brother? The thought turned him on more. "N-no it's OK. I was just shocked. Very shocked. May I ask why did that happen? Why did you want to get involved with... with your own... sister?" Abel had a serious look to his face. "We didn't intend for it to happen but it did. We'd always been close to begin with. Once day she and I were play wrestling and I was on top of her pinning her down and she was laughing so hard. I kept tickling her and then suddenly it just happened. We kissed. It was a long wet kiss." Ben felt his cock harden. "Really? Then what?" "Well, we kind of ignored each other for a few days because we knew it was wrong. But then we realized we couldn't stay away from each other. We were in love. It's juts hard to keep our relationship going without our parents getting too suspicious you know." "I can imagine," Ben said still at awe. * * * "So why don't you have a boyfriend?" Yvette asked Julie, as they were finishing up the study chapters. Julie closed her book. "I don't know. I guess because I'm so picky. I want a guy I can feel comfortable with. A guy who I find not only attractive outside but inside too. Someone smart, funny, and sweet." Yvette raised a brow. "Hmm looks like you just described Abel." Julie blushed. "Your brother is very good looking. I'd love to get to know him better." "I bet you would. He is a really good person. He makes a wonderful boyfriend." Julie giggled. "A wonderful boyfriend? I don't think I've ever said that about my own brother." "Why not?" Yvette asked boldly. Julie looked clueless. "I don't know. I see my brother as just... a guy. Someone I grew up with and fight with at times." "Julie, brothers are like boyfriends to be honest. I mean they don't like you to be screwing around, they will always love you no matter what, and they like to protect you." Julie didn't know what to say. "Abel has been so good to me. I love him with all of my heart," Yvette went on. "And think about it, what other guy on Earth would love you unconditionally than your own brother; your own flesh and blood?" Julie felt confused in a way but in a way she began to understand what Yvette was telling her. She began to remember all the times she felt a slight twinge of jealousy when Ben paid attention to other girls. When Ben talked about other girls, and how she hated when Ben wasn't around. She also remembered how she would keep staring at him when he walked around the house with no shirt on or when he had just gotten out of the shower and rushed to his room with only a towel around his waist. Did she deep down want her own brother? "Have you had sex yet Julie?" Yvette asked curiously. Julie nodded. "No. I'm still a virgin." "I figured. You're really sweet and I hope you find that wonderful guy someday," Yvette said looking towards the door knowing Ben's room was just across the hall. "Are you on the pill at all? You know in case you do decide to have sex?" "I'm on the pill, but it's to regulate my periods." "That's perfect", Yvette said smiling. "Are you and Abel... well you know..." Julie hesitated to ask. Yvette sighed blissfully. "Yes. If your question is that if we are lovers, then the answer is yes." Julie felt so shocked. "Really? Then why are you two so intrigued with me and Ben?" "Well we need to make it look convincing to our parents that we are not messing around." Julie looked disappointed. "So you mean you are not interested in us at all?" Yvette laughed. "Of course we are. You two are very hot but we still stay true to each other if you know what I mean?" "Yes I think I understand." * * * The next few days Ben and Julie tried to keep busy hoping to avoid running into the Logan's. Ben felt awful for not talking to Abel after the huge confession he made but he felt almost scared to hear more, thinking it might excite him too much and make him think about being with Julie. Julie ignored Yvette by hanging with her own friends and rushing off from one class to another hoping to avoid running into Yvette in the hallways. It wasn't until Friday afternoon, that Julie found a letter in her locker. It was from Yvette inviting Julie and Ben to come over that night. Abel and Yvette's parents were going out of town for the weekend and they had the huge house to themselves. "Should we go?" Julie asked Ben that afternoon as he drove her home. "I don't know I guess. I've been so busy I haven't had time to see Abel too much," Ben lied. "Yeah me too with Yvette. I guess we could go over for a while." Julie hoped Ben would agree. "You're right sis. We should go I suppose." Julie felt pleased. After the sibling's confessions, Ben and Julie hadn't talked much about their new neighbors. They just kept it to themselves. Friday night came and Julie and Ben had told their parents they be going over to the Logan's home to keep them company. Mr. and Mrs. Malone thought it was a wonderful idea. Little did they know what their children would experience that night. * * * "Glad you two could make it," Abel said opening up the door for Ben and Julie. Abel wore some khaki cargo shorts and a white t-shirt with no shoes. Behind him stood Yvette. She wore a green and white tube top and short white shorts. She was also barefoot. "Hey guys," Yvette said with a big smile on her face. Ben and Julie walked in slowly. The Logan's had a beautiful home. Expensive art hung on the white creamy walls and fine furniture surrounded the place. "Wow your folks have a really lovely home!" Julie exclaimed in awe. "Thanks," Abel replied. "So are you having a big party or something? Is that why you invited us here?" Ben asked curiously. Abel and Yvette looked at one another. "No. We wanted to maybe start over with you guys. I mean I know Yvette and I confessed our secret with you so we want to start fresh. We don't want you ignoring us at school anymore." Ben gulped and looked over at Julie who looked so embarrassed. So they both knew about the Logan's incestuous love and yet they didn't tell each other. "Well... uh it's nothing to worry about. We'll forget about it." Ben uttered. "Well I'm sure it won't be that easy but we'll have to take your word for it," Yvette said. "Do you guys want something to drink? You can have liquor if you want. The folks got a really nice bar," Abel offered. "No just a coke for me," Ben replied. "Me too," said Julie. "We were going to go swimming tonight, Abel and I were since it's such a beautiful night. Did you guys want to swim with us?" Yvette asked eyeing both siblings. "I didn't bring my suit," Julie said. "Yeah me either," Ben agreed. "That's OK. Julie I've got a few suits that I have never wore with the price tag and all up in my room. And Ben? Abel's got some swim trunks you could borrow as well." Julie looked uneasy. "I don't know..." "Come on now please! It'll be fun. We can swim and then sit around and talk about whatever under the stars," Yvette implored. Julie did want to go swimming and so did Ben. They wanted to spend more time with their new neighbors. They found them so intriguing. "Alright I guess," Ben gave in. Julie was glad he had decided to swim with them. Yvette yelped and Abel walked in the living room with the drinks. "Why are you so happy now?" He asked his sister. "They decided to swim with us," Yvette answered. Abel raised a brow. "Oh yeah? Hey that's even better. I'll take the drinks outside for now." "I need to borrow your some swim trunks," Ben said quietly. "No problem. Come with me and I'll get you some." Yvette looked over at Julie. "And you come with me. You can have your pick of any of my suits." * * * The swimsuits Yvette had were so gorgeous. They looked expensive too. One in particular caught Julie's eye. It was a sky blue color and didn't look too slutty. "I would like to borrow this one," Julie said shyly. Yvette looked puzzled. "This one? Well, it's more conservative I guess but Ok. I figured you'd want to show more of the sexy body of yours." Julie blushed. "No this one will do." "Ok then you can change in here or if you want to go change in my bathroom that's fine too. I've gotta put mine on too." "I'll change in the bathroom," Julie replied. Julie headed off to Yvette's bathroom and slipped out of her jeans and t-shirt and into her bikini. She had a tough time tying the knots but eventually succeeded. She walked out the bathroom and her jaw nearly dropped when she saw the bikini Yvette had on. It was white and barely covered her big breasts and the bottom was so small that it almost looked like a thong. "It's about time you come out. Are you OK?" Yvette asked. Julie nodded. "Y-yes. I just had a hard time tying my bikini." "You could have asked me for help you know. Don't worry about me trying to check you out because I told you I'm straight." Julie chuckled nervously. "I know that." "Well let's get going. The boys are probably already in the water." * * * The girls headed on out to the patio and sure enough Abel and Ben were already splashing in the water. Ben's eyes went directly to Yvette. Her little white bikini looked so stunning on her. Her body was just so unbelievable. Then he didn't want to but he found himself staring at Julie. Her bikini wasn't as revealing but still; she looked very sexy. He finally got a glimpse of her sexy flat tummy and smooth legs. "Wow!" Abel blurted. The girls both giggled and slowly slipped into the pool. They swam around for a while talking about school and the Logan's told wacky stories about when they lived in Chicago. The night was young and the weather was so nice. "I'm glad we came over," Ben said as he floated in the water. "Yeah me too," Julie added. Yvette and Abel were splashing one another. "Well you two are very nice people. We didn't want to lose you as friends," Abel said. "Quit splashing me or I'll really get you!" Yvette cried out. Abel kept splashing his sister and Julie and Ben just swam across from one another watching the siblings be playful. Julie noticed Ben was staring at her and she tried hard to avoid her brother. He knew about Abel and Yvette's incestuous love and that only made Julie more nervous. What if Ben started feeling that way towards her? Would she mind? She was lost in her own thoughts when suddenly she realized that everything got silent. She looked at Ben who's mouth looked open from shock. Then she turned to look and gasped. There was Abel and Yvette kissing. Not just any little kiss but a deep long wet kiss that only lovers share. Abel had his arms wrapped tightly around his sister and they kissed with their tongues sliding into each other's mouths. Ben could feel his cock growing slowly and noticed Julie was staring at Abel and Yvette. Everything fell silent and the kiss seemed to last an eternity. Yvette pulled away from her brother when she noticed her neighbors staring at them. Her face was red, but Abel looked calm. "Sorry... I'm really sorry," Yvette said softly. Julie didn't know how to respond. She just looked away and began to swim. Ben cleared his throat and laughed nervously. "It's Ok. I'm sorry we stared. We'll go home now." "No! Don't go. Look it was my mistake. I guess we just got carried away," Abel apologized. Julie was at the end of the pull with her back towards them. She was debating whether or not to just get the hell out of there. She placed her hands on the cement above the pool and put her head down waiting for someone to say something. She heard water splashing behind her and heard Yvette's voice. "Hey Julie? Are you OK?" Julie nodded but avoided looking at her. "Yeah I'm fine. I have to go home." Yvette lightly touched her arm but Julie quickly moved away. She climbed out of the pool wrapping a towel around her. She quickly walked into the house and Ben followed. Yvette and Abel stayed in the pool to let the siblings talk in private. Ben went after his sister. "Julie! Wait please!" He grabbed her arm stopping her. She looked up at him and her eyes showed fear and excitement. "Are you OK sis?" Ben asked concerned. Julie didn't respond. Instead she remained quiet for what seemed to be forever and suddenly tip toed and reached up to plant a hard kiss on Ben's lips. Ben was in shock. He didn't move at first. His lips remained pursed and Julie's hungry mouth parted wanting so desperately to get a French kiss from her brother. Ben could feel her skinny arms wrapped around his neck and she fought hard to reach up and kiss him. It was all so confusing and yet so hot. Ben then found himself letting go. He parted his lips and kissed his little sister back. He placed his hands on her tiny waist and began to enjoy the forbidden kiss. His tongue slipped out of his mouth and into his sisters. He searched her mouth wanting to touch her tongue with his but he could tell Julie didn't know how to kiss. Was he her first kiss? Julie felt her brother's tongue in her mouth and she let her tongue relax and meet with his. Their tongues glided against one another making the kiss even more erotic and so illicit. She couldn't believe how turned on she was getting kissing her own brother. She'd gotten turned on by some of the boys in school, but nothing compared to this. Just the fact that it was her own brother, her own flesh in blood she was doing something so sexy with, was what turned her on. "Whoa! I didn't expect this!" The siblings broke their intense kiss as soon as they heard Abel's voice. Julie looked embarrassed as so did Ben. "Uh... I-I... we were just..." Julie didn't know how to explain the fact that she'd been so turned on watching Abel and Yvette kiss that she wanted to try a bit of incest herself. "It's Ok Julie no need to explain," Yvette said coolly. "So do you two want to try being intimate with each other?" Abel asked excitedly. Ben looked at his sister, who was blushing. "Yeah. I mean I do at least." Abel looked at Julie. "How about you Julie? You want to be intimate with your brother?" Julie didn't know what to say. She'd never acted upon something so wrong. "I-I don't know." Yvette smiled and winked at Abel. "I think she's just scared. She's a virgin after all." Ben raised a brow. He found it hard to believe that a beautiful young girl like Julie could still a virgin. Yet the thought of her being untouched got him hot. Julie turned redder now and turned away from the three of them. Ben walked to his sister and put his hands on her shoulders. "You don't have to Julie. It's Ok." Julie was shaking. Deep down she did want to be with Ben. She turned to face her brother and looked up at him with frightened eyes. "I'm s-scared." Ben hugged his sister and held her in his arms. He could feel her heart racing. She hugged her brother back and loved the way his hard chest felt against her skin. She wanted to kiss him again. She wanted to share another long wet kiss with him. He was an incredible kisser just like she thought he would be. She remembered walking in on Ben once kissing a girl in his room. His hands were inside of her shirt and they were kissing passionately. She secretly always wanted to be that girl. She loosened herself from her brother's embrace and took once glance at Abel and Yvette who stood watching what her next move would be. "I do want to be with him... intimately," Julie whispered. Yvette smiled and held on to Abel's hand. "See what we are doing? We are corrupting these two." Abel laughed. "I don't think we are. I think deep down they've always wanted each other. They just needed someone to help them realize that incest happens, even among "normal" families just like theirs." Ben touched his sister's beautiful face and then let his hand slide down to her waist. Julie felt the towel she had around her waist fall off her body. Then Ben's hands went up her back and untied her top letting it fall to the floor. Julie tried to cover herself up since she'd never let a guy see her topless before. "No let him look at you Julie," Yvette ordered. Julie put her arms down and let her brother's eyes explore her body. Ben almost gasped as he looked at his sister's beautiful breasts. They were small with large erect pink nipples. Julie's chest was heaving and Ben's hand reached to touch her breasts. Julie closed her eyes and moaned very softly feeling her brother's heavy hand on her delicate and sensitive breasts. "Mmm she has nice breasts doesn't she Ben?" Abel asked. Ben nodded and kneaded his sister's breasts in his hands. He took her two nipples in his fingers and gently pinched them. Julie's lips parted and she moved closer to her brother putting her arms around him. Ben leaned down to kiss his sister. He slowly trailed kisses down her neck and moved down to her breasts. He put one hard nipple in his mouth sucking on it gently while playing with the other. Julie tossed her head back and moaned very softly. Yvette and Abel continued to watch the siblings kissing and touching. It was so erotic watching them discover the joy of incest. Abel put his hand on Yvette's ass and gently squeezed it. Yvette moved closer to her brother and they too began to kiss. Julie felt herself getting wet between her legs. Ben's touch was so delightful and his hands continued to touch her breasts. His mouth felt so good sucking on her nipples. Julie ran her hands on his chest and down his stomach. She could feel the ripples of his hard stomach as her hands glided down. She knew he was wearing swimming trunks and nothing else. He was hard. Oh god was he ever hard! She put her hand on his cock over his swimming trunks and heard her brother moan. "Ooh yes. Baby, keep touching it," Ben said breathlessly as he broke their kiss. Julie moved her hand slowly exploring the hardness of her brother's cock. She could tell he was thick and long. She couldn't wait to hold it in her hand and touch it, pleasure him. "Does he feel big?" Yvette asked as Abel stood behind her rubbing himself against her. Julie nodded. "Uh-huh." "Mmm why don't you take it out of his shorts and make sure. Take a look at your brother's cock," Yvette insisted. Julie smiled shyly and Ben ran his finger on her lips grinning sweetly at her. Julie slightly pulled his trunks down and reached inside to grab a hold of her brother's throbbing hard on. It felt so good in her hand. She looked down and stared at the most beautiful cock ever. He was definitely well endowed. He had to be at least 7 inches long and very thick. The tip of his cock looked like a mushroom head but a soft pink color covered with gooey liquid. "Move your hand up and down on it," Abel blurted out. Julie was just mesmerized and did what Abel said. She slowly began to move her hand up and down her brother's hard member. Ben's face showed the satisfaction of his sister's touch. Soft grunts escaped his mouth as Julie continued to touch his cock. "You want to try to put it in your mouth?" Yvette asked. Julie gasped and didn't know how to reply. Yvette smiled wickedly and got on her knees in front of Abel. "Look it's not so bad. It's really hot actually and Ben will love you for it. Just look at what I do and you do the same to your brother." Julie nodded and she and Ben stared at Yvette beginning to blow her brother. Yvette pulled Abel's hard cock out of his shorts. Julie could tell that he was just as endowed as Ben. Yvette held her brother's cock in her hand and looked over at the siblings. "First you might want to tease him a bit and lick the head," Yvette began. Her tongue slithered all over Abel's cock head. Abel looked over at the siblings and winked. "Mmmm yeah! See now that's a really good beginning." Julie and Ben continued to stare as Ben rubbed Julie's nipples and Julie gently stroked Ben's cock. "Now after a few seconds of that, you can go ahead and slowly take inch by inch into your mouth. Like this..." Yvette continued to demonstrate making Julie and Ben hotter than ever. They watched Yvette take in every inch of her brother's cock into her mouth. Abel ran his fingers through her hair and closed his eyes enjoying the feel of his sister's warm mouth pleasing his cock. Yvette took Abel's cock out of her mouth. "See that's all you do. Just move your head back and forth letting your lips slide on his cock. You keep doing that until he explodes in your mouth. Try to swallow. It's actually pretty good. Very warm and salty and so sexy to do." Julie nodded and she looked at Ben. "I want to do that do you bro," She said softly. Ben moaned. "Yeah? You want me to cum in your mouth sis?" "Y-yes. I want to taste you." Julie was so nervous. Yvette went back to sucking Abel off and Julie slowly got down on her knees. The foursome stood only a few inches away from each other. Ben watched his little sister getting the courage to give her first blowjob. She held his cock in her hand as Yvette had done with Abel's cock. Her pink tongue began to lick off his precum. Ben immediately felt a rush of excitement flow all through his body. Her tongue felt deliciously erotic on the tip of his cock. He could see small strands of his precum hang on between her tongue and the head of his cock as she licked slowly. "Put it in your mouth Julie. Please," Ben implored after only a few seconds of feeling her tongue on the head of his cock. Julie slowly began to swallow up her brother's cock. She wondered if she could fit it all in her mouth. Even if she couldn't, she'd still try. Ben watched Julie's mouth take in every inch of his hard on. Her mouth was so warm and her lips were nicely wrapped around his cock. She moved her head back and forth sliding her lips up and down Ben's aching cock. Ben moaned loudly along with Abel. Both brothers' were getting their cocks sucked by their gorgeous little sisters. It was so sexy the fact that they were able to do this and not feel guilty about it. It was all fun and so hot. Abel threw his head back first and groaned. "I'm gonna cum! Oooh fuck!" Julie turned slightly to look at how Yvette took her brother's cum. Abel spurt out his cum and Yvette shuddered at first and eventually swallowed it. Julie could see Yvette gulping down every drop of her brother's cum. She wanted to do that with Ben; to taste him. Ben also saw the sexy display that Abel and Yvette provided for them. He'd never had a girl swallow his cum before since most of the girls he'd gone out with thought that it was sick or gross. Now his own beautiful sister was going to give him that pleasure. Ben felt his balls swelling up and he knew it was time to shoot out his cum. Julie was moving her mouth up and down her brother's cock when suddenly she felt a blast of warm liquid shooting in her mouth. Oh God he's cumming! She thought. "Ahhhrrrhhhhggghh yesss!" Ben groaned. "Swallow it Julie. Drink it baby." Julie fought hard to drink up all her brother's cum. He had cum so much! She felt as if she almost choked on it. He was so warm and salty just like Yvette had said he would be. She loved his taste. Knowing that her brother's sperm was in her belly turned her on even more. Ben finished shooting out the last drop of cum into his sister's mouth and pulled his cock out. He fell back on the couch breathless and Julie slowly got up wiping the corner of her mouth. "Oooh you did really good Julie. Look at him, I bet he's never cum so hard before," Yvette cheered. "She blew you good didn't she?" Abel asked Ben. "Yes she did. Oh God that was hot!" Ben answered breathlessly. Julie went over to the couch and Ben held her hand. Yvette and Abel stood in front of them. Yvette giggled as Abel whispered something to her. "Ben now it's your turn to please Julie," Abel announced. Ben gulped. He wanted to taste his sister now more than ever. "Are you ready to have your pussy licked by your brother?" Yvette asked Julie. Julie felt her heart racing. "Y-yes," she answered. "Well then, get ready to experience the best feeling ever. Having your pussy eaten out is the best," Yvette said as she lay on the couch and Abel got between her legs. Abel turned to the siblings and smiled. "Watch this..." to be continued...

Ghost Boyfriend

jessy19 on Supernatural Stories

Jeff held Courtney's hand as she cried. Nick, Courtney's long time boyfriend of 2 years had passed away in a horrible car accident. Nick was also Jeff's best friend since grade school. The funeral ceremony was short and Courtney felt as if her world had been torn apart. Nick had been a wonderful, caring, and understanding boyfriend. They would stay up late at night talking about how they would marry after college and live happily ever after. Now all of that was gone. Courtney dried her eyes with a tissue and everyone began to walk outside ready to head on over to the cemetery. The clouds were looking dark outside as if it was about to rain. Once at the cemetery Courtney held on to Jeff's hand for support. She knew he was the only other person that cared about Nick as much as she did, besid
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es Nick's family. Cried and sobs could be heard as the priest said his prayers. Courtney didn't cry. She was all out of tears. She recalls a few days before when she was given the awful news. She cried day and night almost nonstop. Being in college, she got an excuse from her professors to stay away from class for at least a week. Luckily she lived alone otherwise living with a roommate like she did last year would have killed her. She needed time alone. After the funeral, Courtney decided to head home. Jeff watched her leave in her car and waved to her. She was beautiful, he had to admit. Her hair was long, blonde and silky. Her eyes were a baby blue and her skin light. Her rosy cheeks, perfect eyebrows and pouty lips alone could make any guy fall for her. She was very petite and short standing at only 5'2". Jeff had fallen hard for Courtney ever since he first met her. He still recalled Nick introducing them 2 years ago. Courtney was sweet, sensitive, smart, sexy and witty. What else could a guy what? She was perfect. His dream girl, but he had to stay away. No way on earth would he ever let a girl come between his friendship. He recalled watching Nick and Courtney kissing and he watched. He watched how his best friend slid his hand up and down Courtney's beautiful hourglass shaped body. He'd gotten so hard that he just had to look away. Now Nick was gone, yet Jeff still felt like making a move on Courtney would be wrong. Lying in the bathtub, Courtney relaxed in a bubble bath. She'd been through hell that week with all the funeral things going on and trying to keep up with her schoolwork. She closed her eyes for a moment and could faintly hear Nick's voice humming to her as he used to when she took a bubble bath. He'd hum as he washed her neck and back. He used to tell her about his day and how much he loved her. It was the most wonderful time of her life. Now Nick was gone. It was time to begin life all over again. She wondered how long that would take her. ~One Year Later~ Nick slicked his brown hair back and his green eyes pierced at himself in the mirror. He had to admit he never looked better of felt better in his entire life. He recalled the accident and he still recalled Courtney his true love. She'd been the first girl he'd been with sexually and emotionally. And Jeff. He remembered his best friend in the whole world. A friend that had been his friend through thick and thin. A kind of friend that you could trust with your own life. He missed them both but often got to get a peak at them. He'd watched Courtney at school, when she slept and when she talked out loud as if she knew he was present. Jeff had done well in school despite his best friends death. Jeff's short black curly hair and dark deep blue eyes could make almost any girl swoon. He was charming, intelligent and very polite. Nick often wondered why Jeff never had a girlfriend. He said he was always too busy with school but Nick knew there had to be something else behind it all. "Courtney? Are you busy?" Courtney heard a deep masculine voice speaking to her. She looked up to see Jeff standing there holding his backpack. "Hey Jeff. No I'm just studying for my history exam. I swear if I don't pass this, I'll never graduate college." Jeff laughed. "You're smart Courtney you can do it. If you need any help I'm here." Courtney looked at Jeff's handsome face and smiled. "Thank you. They continued to talk and Nick sat near by listening. He noticed his best friend's eyes glowed as he stared at Courtney. Nick had never really noticed before. He always sensed Jeff might have a small crush on Courtney, not that he could blame him. He watched them converse for a while and then decided to disappear. Back in heaven, Nick sat quietly and looked around. He knew he shouldn't be watching Courtney or Jeff but something told him he had to. Something told him his job on Earth wasn't finished. * * * Jeff lay on his bed early the next morning and ran his hands down his body until he found his hard cock. He gripped it tightly and moaned quietly. He'd spent the entire day with Courtney the day before. He could still recall the smell of her perfume, the way she talked so softly, and the way she looked at him with her eyes glowing. He was in love. He'd fallen head over heels. He wanted to ask her out as more than just a friend but thought it was still too risky. Guilt swept over him thinking he'd still in some odd way be stealing his best friends girlfriend. He couldn't do that to Nick. Nick had been his best friend since they were children. Nick had been a friend you never forget. Jeff began to stroke his cock slowly as his mind filled with thoughts of Courtney's pretty face, little body, and long tanned legs. He'd accidentally touched her hand several times and each time, her touch alone would entice him. The way she smiled at him made his heart flutter. Courtney was his dream girl. "Hmmmgghhhh," Jeff moaned stroking his hard member faster now. He had a good tight grip on it and felt his veins pulsing and his balls swelling up full of cum ready to be released. He closed his eyes envisioning kissing Courtney softly on her pouty lips. His hands would roam her entire body touching every curve she had. He'd kiss her neck softy and lightly suck on it leaving her soft little red marks. His hands would move to her breasts as he caressed them over her top feeling her nipples harden underneath the fabric of her top. She'd moan softly into his ear and beg for more of his touch, beg for his cock... "Ahhhhh fuck!" Jeff cried out as he felt a long hard shot of sperm shooting out of his throbbing cock. The long ropes of warm cum shot out furiously. Jeff groaned and felt his toes curl. He lay in bed for a minute catching his breath and feeling his cock begin to soften in his cum covered hands. * * * Courtney woke up the next morning as looked out her window. She could see several of her classmates running outside, as it was their usual jogging time. She groaned not wanting to get out of bed. She wore nothing but a long nightshirt and soft pink cotton panties to bed. Her nightshirt was lifted up above her waist. Courtney looked up at the ceiling and smiled. "I miss you Nick. I miss you so much." She lifted her shirt up all the way exposing her small breasts. Her nipples were so hard and felt incredibly sensitive as she touched them. Her fingers ran gently over each breast giving her the sensation of wanting to masturbate. It'd been so long or at least it seemed like an eternity since she last had any kind of sexual pleasure. She remembered the last time she and Nick had sex. He'd been so gentle with her that night. He'd moved in and out of her so slowly at first letting her enjoy the feel of his cock inside of her. She remembered the look of love in his eyes as he began to move faster inside of her. She ran her hand all over his skin feeling him, so hot and sweaty. "Ooh God!" Courtney called out. One hand stayed on her breasts and the other moved down. She ran it passed her flat belly and it stopped once it was between her legs. She could feel her panties soaking wet. Her finger rubbed up and down over the cotton fabric where her clit is. She moaned softly and pushed her panties to the side. She spread her lips open and flicked her clit with her finger so fast. Her little body squirmed on the bed as she began to pleasure herself. "Oohhh Ahhrrrhhhhhh!" Her finger slid into her pussy. She could feel she was wet and so warm. Her juices seeped out coating her finger with her honey. Her finger slid in and out of her opening and so many thoughts ran through her mind. First Nick came to mind. His mouth between her legs and his wonderful lovemaking. But then, images of Jeff came to her mind. Courtney tried to fight it. She didn't want to think of Jeff. He was a friend that's all. Nothing but a dear true friend. "Mmmmgghhhh!" Courtney wailed as she thought more about Jeff. She loved the way he looked at her lately. She'd noticed his stares of admiration before Nick had passed away. She always blushed but never thought about Jeff in more than a friendly way. She was in love with Nick and Jeff was nothing but a friend. Ok so she had secretly thought about kissing Jeff. Maybe even letting him feel her breasts. Letting him run his hands down between her legs and fingering her. Making her moan loudly as he sucked on her nipples. They were just fantasies. Something she would never act upon, but Oh God he was gorgeous, she had to admit. Courtney felt her heart racing and her body tighten up as she began to climax. Her nipples got so big and her body trembled. "Mmmmmm Jeff!" She found herself blurting out his name. Nick knew what was going on. He knew he was in a better place, and Courtney was still on Earth and needed to be happy again. Jeff could make her happy. He had to find a way to make them both realize that they belonged together now. They both had a chance at love. * * * Jeff was studying for one of his anatomy exams on evening when he heard a noise outside his window. He took a peak outside and saw nothing but trees swaying from the hard wind. The sky looked dark and a sudden sound of thunder was heard. Jeff frowned. He had no idea it would rain that evening. He closed his window and his blinds. Heading back to his studying Jeff's eyes widened and his breath grew short. He stood there frozen as he looked at Nick standing before him. Nick grinned at his friend but Jeff was speechless. "Jeff?" Nick asked softly. Jeff still didn't respond. His heart was pounding so hard he swears he almost had a heart attack. It was either Nick's ghost or Jeff was hallucinating. He stepped back feeling so frightened. "Jeff, please talk to me. It's me Nick." Jeff was still dumbfounded. It had to be a dream! This wasn't real. Nick was dead. It was all his own imagination. Jeff gulped and took a deep breath. "N-nick?" Nick nodded. "Yes it's me. Please don't freak Jeff. I know I'm dead. I'm a ghost." "N-nick. I m-miss you!" Jeff stammered and had tears running down his handsome face. Nick felt tears swelling up in his eyes. "I know. I miss you too. And Courtney. Oh God I still love her." "Why are you here? I mean I'm glad you are here but..." Jeff's words trailed off. Nick walked closer to his friend. He put his arms around him and Jeff hugged his friend back. It felt almost like old times when they used to bond the way best friends should bond. Jeff couldn't feel Nick but he knew Nick could feel him. "Nick, Courtney still loves you. I know she does." Nick took a look at his friend. "And you love her don't you?" Jeff wanted to look away but he was afraid if he did, Nick would be gone. "Yes I do. I'm sorry." "You've always been in love with her haven't you?" Jeff nodded as he wiped his tears. "Yes. But I never did anything with her Nick. I swear! I'd never do that to you." Nick smiled. "I know you wouldn't. You're a true friend Jeff. I'm sorry I never got to tell you how much I appreciated your friendship when I was alive. I did. I still carry you and Courtney in my heart." Jeff stared at Nick in amazement. He hadn't realized how much he missed his best friend until that moment. "I'm glad you came to visit me. Are you going to be able to do that more often?" Nick shrugged. "I don't know. I guess I can. It's weird you know. I think I got these strange powers now. I can make myself disappear or appear whenever I want. I was going to appear for Courtney, but I had to talk to you first. Jeff I need you to make Courtney happy." Jeff looked shocked. "W-what? Me? What do you mean?" "You know what I mean. Jeff it's time you go on with life. I know you and Courtney are denying each other because of me. Well guess what? I'm gone! You two deserve one another. I mean I can't think of any other guy who could make Courtney as happy as you can. I trust you to take care of my girl Jeff. I love you both and you both mean so much to me. I need you two to take care of each other and love one another." Jeff looked uneasy. "Nick, she was your girl. I can't-" "That's right! She was my girl. But she isn't anymore. Life has changed and you have to change with it Jeff. I know you will make her happy. She needs you." Jeff smiled shyly. "I love her so much Nick. She's all I think about." "Yes I know you do. Please go to her." Jeff nodded. "No I can't. She probably doesn't feel the same way about me. I mean she was so in love with you." "Well she's going to find someone else eventually. I mean she's only 21. I don't think she's going to spend the rest of her life mourning over me right? So it's your chance Jeff to get the girl of our dreams." Jeff laughed quietly and hugged his friend again. "I love you man." "I love you too." Jeff sighed. "Ok now can you at least talk to Courtney too? She probably wants to see you again. It'll be such a treat for her." "I don't know if I can. I can try. I think I can only appear for some people." "She must be studying right now. She studies at the same time I do." "Yes she does." "Can you come with me? I'm so nervous." Nick winked. "Yup I sure can. I won't let you down Jeff." Jeff left his blue jeans on and changed into a black t-shirt and put on his boots. They both headed out to Courtney's apartment to see if Jeff and Courtney could admit their love for one another. * * * Courtney was frustrated over her chemistry homework. She lay on her bed in her long baby blue t-shirt that used to belong to Nick. Her blonde hair was hanging down and her long legs dangled off the bed. Knock! Knock! Courtney got startled. She raised her body up from the bed and realized it was almost nine that night. She wondered if it was Jeff. She hoped it would be. "Jeff!" Courtney's smile grew as she saw Jeff standing in front of her door. "Hey. Are you busy?" Jeff couldn't help but notice how beautiful she looked. "Not really just doing some chemistry. Come in." Jeff stepped in and Nick followed. Nick closed his eyes and hoped Courtney could see him, but no matter how hard he tried, Courtney didn't seem to see him there. Jeff looked at Nick nervously. He took a seat on Courtney's bed and she sat next to him." "So what's going on? What brings you here this time of night?" Jeff took a deep breath before speaking. "Well, I saw someone tonight. Someone you and I know." Courtney looked puzzled. "Who?" "Nick." Courtney stood up looking so angry. "Stop it Jeff. Stop playing like that. It's not funny." Jeff looked up at her. She looked shaky. "I'm not playing. Courtney it's true. I saw him. I even talked to him." "Jeff, have you been drinking?" "No. You know I don't drink. Courtney please listen to me." "I've heard enough. Jeff I hate to be rude but please leave." "No Courtney please, listen to me." "I said leave!" Courtney's bottom lip trembled as she was beginning to cry. Jeff stood up and tried to touch Courtney's shoulder. She moved away from him and tears rolled down her face. "Courtney he's here in the room with us right now as we speak." Courtney sobbed. "Why are you doing this to me? Jeff please stop talking this nonsense!" Nick watched as his friend struggled to tell Courtney about his appearance. Nick took a deep breath and wished. He wished hard and suddenly felt as if he was fading away. Jeff was about to speak, when suddenly he felt his breath go short and his body tremble. Courtney looked scared. "Jeff? Are you OK?" Jeff didn't respond. He just kept shaking for a moment and then fell on the floor on his knees. Courtney rushed to him trying to help him out. "Jeff please talk to me. I'm sorry, I didn't mean to be that way with you. Jeff!" Jeff looked up at her finally but it wasn't Jeff. It was Nick. Nick was inside Jeff's body now. Courtney looked into Jeff's eyes but realized there was something different. It was something so familiar. She held Jeff's hands in hers and felt that touch. The touch that used to make her get so excited. It was Nick's touch. "Jeff? Nick?" Courtney asked confused. "It's me babe. It's Nick." Nick nodded. "Yes it is. I've missed you so much. I love you Courtney." Courtney was confused. She slowly walked to Jeff and put her hand on his face. Jeff put his arms around her and even though it was Jeff hugging her, she could feel Nick's touch. "I can't believe it's you. This has to be a dream." Nick laughed. "It's not." Courtney began to cry and she held Nick and Jeff at the same time. "I love you Nick. I love you so much. I miss you." "I miss you too. You know I still love you and I always will." Courtney felt him cup her chin and make her look up at him. She saw Jeff's face but still felt Nick's presence. "Jeff loves you too you know that? He loves you more than just a friend. Please give him a chance." Courtney wanted to protest, but she couldn't. She was very fond of Jeff. How could she not be? He was kind, gentle, smart, and sweet. He was now her best friend. Someone you could trust your life with. She had to admit she loved Jeff too. There had been so many times she thought about him sexually and emotionally. He was the best thing that she had ever since Nick. "B-but he's your best friend. Isn't that wrong?" Nick nodded. "No it's not. It's very right. I want you to be happy and I want Jeff to be happy. The only way that'll happen is if you two admit that you love one another and want to be with each other. Courtney life is too short for you to be depriving yourself of true love." Courtney bit her lower lip and blushed. "I do like Jeff. No, I love Jeff. I love him so much." It felt good to admit that. Nick felt his heart flutter with happiness. Finally his best friend and his girl would be together. They'd be able to enjoy each other for a long time to come. Maybe even for eternity. Nick leaned down to kiss Courtney's lips. He'd missed her kisses. The way she always kissed so softly and the way her tongue used to slide with his. Courtney's toes curled as she kissed Jeff's lips but felt Nick's kiss. It was so exciting and emotional. Tears ran down harder on her pretty face. Her heart raced and Nick began to slowly lift up her shirt. It's been his t-shirt. His brother had gotten it for him one Christmas, but it was too large. He gave it to Courtney since she woke up one morning and slipped it on after they had made love for the first time. She walked around in it making him want her more. She modeled it for him and he never forgot that moment. He never would. She still wore the shirt that brought so many sweet memories back. He knew even though she loved Jeff, that he would always have a special place in her heart. Courtney felt the shirt being lifted up her body. She raised her arms letting Nick take it off. She stood there topless; wearing only her bikini cut baby blue lace panties. Nick began to drool He hadn't forgotten how gorgeous she looked half naked and even more beautiful completely naked. "I have to go Courtney," Nick said touching her face. Courtney opened her eyes and knew this was right. "I know. I will always think of you. I will see you someday in heaven." Nick felt like crying. "Yes you will. Until then, Jeff will take care of you. He'll love you as much as I did." Courtney closed her eyes and took a deep breath. "Goodbye Nick. Goodbye. I love you." Nick kissed her lips softly. "I'll always love you. Goodbye my love." Jeff saw the world spinning for a moment and felt dizzy. He vision blurred and then he opened to his eyes. His jaw dropped as Courtney stood there topless smiling at him. "Courtney, y-your so... wow... so..." Courtney moved towards him and put her arms around him. "I love you Jeff. I slowly fallen in love with you." Her words touched Jeff's heart. "I love you too Courtney. I'm so in love with you. I've loved you since the first day I met you. You're an incredible woman." Courtney tiptoed and reached up to kiss Jeff. She could now distinguish the way Jeff's lips felt compared to Nick's. Their lips touched and parted. Their tongues made their way into each other's mouths. The kiss they shared was full of passion and love. Jeff felt his cock growing inside of his jeans. The more he kissed the girl of his dreams, the more he got hot. He ran his hands up and down her bare back and down to her buttocks. They felt so firm. He squeezed them gently with his hand and moved his mouth down to her neck. He licked and kissed her neck gently. His lips began to softly suck on it, leaving little red marks on Courtney's neck. Courtney moaned tenderly as she enjoyed her new lover's touch and kisses. Jeff moved lower and his mouth found Courtney's breasts. He took turns kissing each breast and once he came across to her nipples, he felt his mouth almost drool. He took one nipple into his mouth and sucked on it gently. Courtney threw her head back and moaned louder. Jeff's mouth felt so good sucking on her nipple and his tongue flicked it sending chills all over her body. "Mmmm more! Oh Jeff this feels so good!" Courtney purred. Jeff kept licking and sucking on Courtney's big pink hard nipples. He picked her little body up from the floor and carried her over to her bed. Courtney's body lay on the bed and she stared up at her lover. Jeff began to remove his shirt showing Courtney his hard chest and stomach. Courtney gulped, feeling mesmerized at his beautiful body. Jeff then leaned down to take off his boots and socks. He then unbuttoned his pants and looked down at Courtney who's eyes were filled with curiosity. His eyes trailed her almost naked body. She was an absolute goddess! Her skin was so soft and she carried a nice tan. Her tummy was flat and had a small silver naval ring. Nick had been so lucky to be with this beautiful woman almost every night. What man wouldn't be jealous? Courtney spread her legs teasing her new lover. She smiled up at him and he was almost speechless. Her baby blue panties were there, visible for his eyes to see. There was a little wet spot on them from Courtney's honey. "I'm so ready to be with you Courtney. I hope you don't think I'm going to fast, it's just that you are so irresistible. You don't know how many times I've dreamed about this." Jeff whispered as he leaned down grabbing both sides of Courtney's panties. Courtney lifted her hips off the bed inviting him to strip her down. Jeff moved Courtney's panties down her smooth legs and almost choked as he stared at her amazing little pussy. She was completely shaven and he couldn't wait to taste her to feel how baby smooth she was. He moved her body up and he dove down between her legs ready to taste just how sweet she really was. As his face got close to her pussy, he could already smell her feminine scent. It was incredibly intoxicating! He spread her soft pink lips open, and her little wet pink clit peaked out. He ran his tongue up and down on it very slowly feeling her get more wet and squirm on the bed. "Ooh lick me! Taste me Jeff!" Courtney implored. Jeff licked her faster now hearing her innocent moans and feeling her juices begin to drip down his lips. She tasted so delicious, just like he thought she would. His lips clamped on to her clit and he sucked on it hard making Courtney almost scream out in pleasure. He looked up at her and her eyes were closed and her mouth was open as she tried to gasp for air. Her body kept squirming from the intense pleasure. "I'm going to cum Jeff! Oh Goddddd!" Courtney exclaimed. Jeff sucked her clit harder now and felt her tense up. He slid a finger inside of her and could feel her pussy clasp it. She bit her lower lip and began to moan loudly. "Oohhh Jeff! Mmmgghhhhhhh!" Jeff felt her warm honey oozing out of her and into his mouth. Her taste was absolutely delicious. She came for what seemed to be an eternity until Jeff felt her body slowly get back at ease. Her breathing was still heavy. He watched her chest heave up and down and her nipples were engorged. Jeff parted his lips letting Courtney's clit slip out slowly. He made his way up kissing her body. She smelled so wonderful. Once his made his way wall the way up her body his lips met with hers. They shared her taste in their kiss. Courtney moaned into their kiss. "You taste so delicious!" Jeff groaned. Courtney looked into his eyes. "I love you. It feels good to finally be able to tell you." Jeff felt his whole body get excited. "I love you too. I love you so much!" "Make love to me Jeff," Courtney begged. Jeff kissed her lips softly and stood up to remove his boxers. Courtney raised herself up on her shoulders to look at her new lover's cock. She wondered what he had to offer her. Jeff slide down his boxers and Courtney gasped. Jeff's cock stood up straight and so hard. He was a nice size about seven inches long or so. Nice thick mushroom head dripping with precum. Courtney wondered what he would feel like inside of her. She'd only had one lover, that had been Nick, but now she was ready to experience love once again. Jeff moved to the bed once again and climbed on top of Courtney. She looked up at him and put her hands on his shoulders as he positioned himself. Jeff hadn't had sex in such a long time. It'd been well over a year. He couldn't wait to be inside his dream girl. The girl he'd secretly fantasized about for two years. "I've dreamed about this moment Courtney. Now you're letting me have this and I can't believe it. It's like a dream come true. Tell me I'm not dreaming." Courtney smiled. "You're not dreaming. This is so real. You and I making love is going to be so real." Jeff had never been more excited or turned on by any other female in his entire youth. He grabbed his throbbing cock and began to poke at Courtney's tight opening. Jeff groaned and felt his cock slowly being swallowed up by Courtney's pussy. She felt so tight! His cock was being smothered by Courtney's lovely cunt. He kept sliding his cock in until every inch was buried inside of Courtney. Courtney shrilled in pure delight. Having a cock inside of her felt so incredible. It was like heaven all over again. He felt different than Nick. They both had their own way of making love. She was learning Jeff's way now. Courtney put her legs around Jeff's waist pulling him closer to her. "I feel you so deep inside of me Jeff. You feel sooo good! Oooh yes!" Jeff began to move in and out of his dream girl. She wasn't a dream anymore. She was his now. He would take care of her just like his best friend had told him to. "Courtney, I love the way you feel! I can't believe I'm inside of you!" He kept pumping her and they both moaned in pleasure together. They had become one that night. They both felt so happy to finally be able to find love with one another. Jeff felt his balls swell up full of his cum ready to shoot out into the girl he loved with all of his heart. Courtney could feel his cock twitching inside of her and she knew he was about to cum. Nick's cock used to do the same thing before he exploded inside of her. Courtney felt a rush of excitement go through her entire body. She almost lifted her hips off the bed and then it happened. She was climaxing. She was cumming on Jeff's cock. "Ooh Jeff! I'm cumming! I'm... c-cumming!" Jeff felt Courtney tense up and his cock couldn't take it anymore. "I'm cumming with you love. Oh Courtney feel my seed!" "I feel it! Oh God!" Courtney was in bliss. Jeff stared into Courtney's eyes as they both came together. It was a beautiful moment. A moment one does not ever forget. Courtney felt her pussy being flooded by her lover's cum. It was so warm and spurting out so hard inside of her. They were both breathing so hard enjoying each other. After cumming, Jeff slide out of Courtney's pussy and lay next to her. He stroked her hair and touched her face. She was an angel. His angel. "It's strange how some things happen for a reason huh?" Courtney asked softly. Jeff nodded. "Yes it is. It was so hard when we lost Nick but now look at us. I know Nick is happy for us too." "I am happy for you. I'm so happy for you both," Nick said out loud but Courtney and Jeff could not hear. They were basking in their own happiness. Nick took one last look the lovely couple and disappeared. He'd always watch over them and make sure Jeff would treat Courtney right. The way she deserved to be treated. The way he would have if he'd still been alive. The End Courtney stepped back again and her heart pounded. It felt like a dream. Maybe it was a dream, but it felt so real! Was Nick trapped inside of Jeff's body? Had he come down from heaven to talk to her? "I don't believe it! Nick! Is that really you?"

Angelina's Secret Hideout

jessy19 on Celebrity Stories

Angelina Jolie tried to keep her hands from trembling. Her heart pounded and her mouth felt dry. It'd been days since she had last got a good night sleep. She stared out the window of her limousine, as she was being driven to her brother James' house. Angelina had recently been stalked by one of her fans. She had been sent threatening letters, received frightening phone calls, and was even followed once. She feared for her life. Her bother had told her to go stay at his place for a few days while the authorities catch the stalker. Once the limo arrived to her brother's house she felt slightly at ease. "Here you go Ms. Jolie," said her limo driver as he parked the limo in front of her brother's house. Angelina sighed and grabbed her purse. The limo driver got her two suitcases and
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they both walked to the door. James was already at the door waiting for his little sister. His smile made her heart melt. "Jamie!" Angelina cried out and ran to her brother wrapping her arms around him. "Whoa! Hey sis!" James replied kissing her forehead. Angelina stared up at him. "I've missed you bro." "I've missed you too. You look great!" Angelina blushed. "So do you." Angelina couldn't stop staring at him. His hair was a bit long, dark brown and his smile, was so captivating. "Come on in sis," he told her and then grabbed her suitcases from the limo driver. "I got them thanks man." He closed the door and led her to the huge living room. A skylight brought in the beautiful sun. She flopped down on the couch and took a deep breath. James sat next to her and held her hand. "How you been?" She opened her eyes and tears quickly streamed down her face. "I've been awful! I can't sleep, can't eat, I can't do anything!" James wiped her tears and held her. She placed her head on his chest and sobbed. "I'm sorry sis." "It's not your fault. I guess it's the price I have to pay for being famous." "You're very popular sis, and so very beautiful. You are bound to have stalkers, but still that doesn't make it right. If I ever find this guy I'll kick his ass." Angelina snuggled closer to her brother. "Jamie thank you for taking me in." He cupped her face and made her look up at him. "I love you sis. I will protect you." He leaned down and kissed her lips softly, just as he'd always done growing up with her. They were innocent kisses. She smiled and her eyes began to close. "You look tired baby. Let me take you to my room so you can take a nap. Don't worry I got my security outside and I'll be here." She moaned. "Mmm thank you." He saw she didn't move so he took the liberty to pick her up in his arms and carried her to his bedroom. She was light as a feather. He looked at her face so peaceful and beautiful. He lay her on his king sized bed watching her dark locks fall on the bed first. He couldn't stop staring at her. The white tight top she wore rode up slightly showing off her flat tummy. Her black pants were tight on her showing every sexy curve she possessed. "Phew sis you are so damn pretty." He muttered to himself and left her on his bed so she could sleep. * * * After a few hours, Angelina finally woke up as she stretched her body on her brother's big bed. His cologne lingered in the sheets. She rolled around on his bed feeling happy for once in a long time. She then began to wonder how many women James had brought over to house for a nightcap. "Lucky bitches," Angelina thought. She got up and tossed her long hair back. She could smell something cooking in the kitchen as soon as she stepped out. She smiled when she saw her brother busy in the kitchen. "Mmm something smells good." James laughed. "Well I can't cook that well, but I hope you still enjoy sis." Angelina walked to him and saw he was cooking spaghetti. "How sweet! I love spaghetti!" "I know you do." She giggled and kissed his cheek. He grabbed her and held her in his arms. "You sleep ok?" She nodded. His body pressed against hers. She reached up to kiss his lips, this time the kiss was a few seconds longer, making her toes curl. "So when do we eat?" She asked anxiously. "In about five minutes. You can go freshen up and I'll have it served for you." She went ahead to freshen up and came back to see the table was set with a hot plate of spaghetti. Her mouth watered. "Oh my goodness! This looks delicious!" She exclaimed. James smiled and pulled out a chair for his sister. "Have a seat sis, I'll be back with the wine and garlic bread." As Angelina waited, she grabbed the Parmesan cheese and sprinkled it over her spaghetti. James came back with a basket of warm garlic bread and a bottle of red wine. He poured Angelina a nice full glass of wine and then sat down to pour his own. He watched his sister devour her plate. "Hungry sis?" He joked. Angelina slurped up a string of spaghetti dirtying her pretty lips. "Oh yeah! I was starved. I haven't had a big appetite these past few days." James continued to eat and stare at his sister. He couldn't believe how beautiful she was. It seemed that she got more beautiful as the years passed by. After dinner, the siblings headed for the den to watch some television. James made sure to avoid putting on the news and worry his sister more. Instead, he put on the Classic Movies channel and let his sister snuggle up against him. The sipped on the rest of the red wine as they watched classic films. RING! RING! RING! Angelina almost jumped up. Her hear was racing as she stared at the phone. James quickly picked up the phone. "Hello?" "Uh yes hold on." "Here, it's the police." Angelina took the phone slowly. "Hello?" "Ms. Jolie? We have good news. We know who your stalker is." "Well then, arrest him so I can have a normal life again!" Angelina pleaded. "It's not that easy. He might be armed and very dangerous. We have a plan to catch him but he's been moving around a lot, searching for you so we are just trying to keep up with him." "You have to catch him soon!" "I know we do and we will. Ms. Jolie you are safe right now at your brother's home. Just stay there until further notice." "I will. Thank you." She hung up the phone and paced the room. James grabbed her hands and made her stop. "Angie? What's wrong?" "They said they know who my stalker is but are still trying to catch him because he is looking for me. Oh God! He's trying to hurt me!" She cried. James put his arms around his sister. He held her, stroking her soft hair. "I told you that he will not hurt you. I will die before anyone hurts you." Angelina sobbed and looked up at her brother. "Jamie I'm just so scared. I wouldn't want anyone to hurt you because of me." James kissed her nose. "Like I said, I would die for you sis. I love you so much." Angelina choked on her tears. "I love you too. You mean the world to me." She put her arms around him again. James comforted his sister until she finally stopped crying. He wiped her last tears and kissed her cheek. "It's getting late. Why don't you go shower up and get ready for bed? I have to shower as well." "I wish we could take a bath together." Angelina blurted without realizing what she'd said. James raised a brow. "Uh... well we haven't taken a shower together since we were kids and I think you and I have grown a lot since then." Angelina laughed. "I know, I just don't want to be alone." "Look go shower up and I will be right outside the bathroom. Then when I shower, I will have one of my security men here in the house and the other three will stay outside." Angelina sighed. "Yeah okay, I suppose that sounds fair." "Now go on and shower up." * * * As Angelina showered James waited outside the bathroom, as promised. He desperately wanted to go in the shower with his sexy sister and touch her, kiss her deeply and make love to her. It was wrong, but he wanted it more than anything. He paced the hallways as he waited. He thought about her situation. It was a scary situation indeed. He wouldn't let anyone try to hurt his sister. He didn't want to make it seem like he was worried, but he was. He knew he'd have to say calm just for her. In the shower, Angelina closed her eyes as the warm water hit her body. She could still feel her brother's kiss on her lips, his strong arms around her body and could see his gorgeous smile. She ran her hands down to her breasts gently pinching her sensitive nipples as she continued to think of her brother. She began to remember how she'd kissed him publicly a few years back at the Oscars. It had been a big day for her and he'd attended the Oscars with her holding her hand and supporting her like no other man ever had. She was so happy to have won that she almost lost herself in the moment and planted a long wet kiss on her brother's lips as the camera's flashed catching the siblings in a sexy incestuous moment. Angelina had to argue with the press that she and James were not lovers, although deep down she loved the fact that everyone thought they were. By the time she knew it, Angelina's hand was between her legs rubbing on her pussy. She spread her pussy lips open massaging her swollen clit. She opened her eyes and realized she'd been in the shower a little too long. She finished rinsing off and headed out. * * * A few minutes later, he heard the door open. Angelina stepped out wearing a towel around her body and her head. "Have a good shower?" James asked. "Yes! Thank you. I needed that." "Ok well, I'm going to shower up now and Mark, one of the security guys, is in the living room watching out for you." "Okay. Thank you again Jamie, for everything." "No problem." James replied and stepped into the bathroom ready for his shower. Moments later, James was in his bedroom trying to find a decent pair of boxers to wear. He grabbed a black silk pair and slipped them on. He then threw on a white t-shirt and went out to the living room to see his sister. Angelina was talking to Mark. She was laughing so sweetly, the laughed that always touched his heart. She was in her silky dark blue pajama pants and tiny black tank top. "Hey Jamie," Angelina said turning to her brother. "I'm done with my shower now, thanks for everything Mark." The security guy nodded and walked away slowly never taking his eyes off Angelina. Once he was gone James turned to his sister. "So what were you two talking about?" "Not much. He was just telling me about all the other celebrities he's had to work for. I tell you bro, it's a crazy world out there." "I could have told you that." Angelina giggled and got up from the couch. She stretched her body making her tiny top go up and revealing her tight tummy again. James gulped. "I'm really beat. I guess I should get to bed." "Y-yeah. Me too." "Jamie, can I sleep with you, tonight?" Angelina asked. James' heart raced. "You want to sleep with me? On the same bed?" "Yes silly!" Angelina teased. "Well I-I guess so, yes." Angelina headed to his room and turned to look at her brother once again. "I'm going to bed already. You coming or what?" James tried hard to keep himself calm. "I'm right behind you sis." Once in her brother's bedroom, Angelina pulled the covers off the bed and jumped in making herself comfortable. James stood and laughed. "Hog up the sheets why don't you." "Oh come on, it's not everyday that I get to spend the night with you." James scoffed and climbed into bed with his sister. She let him have some of the covers. They both got comfy in the bed and James turned off the lamp next to him. The darkness of the room didn't frighten Angelina. She knew her big brother was there to protect her. She nestled her body close to his. James wrapped his arm around his sister's waist as her butt pressed against his cock. He moved back slightly to avoid getting a hard on, but Angelina moved close to him again. Her warmth, her smell, sexy body close to him was too much. James shifted his body away again turning on the lamp. Angelina turned to face her brother. "What's wrong Jamie?" James ran his fingers through his hair and sighed. "Nothing, it's just that... well... you are getting too close to me sis." Angelina blushed. "Does that bother you? I didn't think it would." "Well it doesn't really bother me, but I think almost any human on Earth would get a bit... excited with you being so close to them like you were with me." Angelina moved closer to him. "But you and I are brother and sister. I mean it should be ok for us to snuggle against each other right?" "It should but..." "But what? You know it's been a long time since I was held in bed. Billy Bob was the last man I had in my bed and he never wanted to hold me." James looked surprised. "Really?" "Yup. He would just fall asleep and snore loudly. I hate that." James knew he was making a big deal out of nothing. He and Angelina shared a special brother and sister love, nothing else. "You're right. I'm overreacting sis. Let's go back to bed." Angelina was satisfied. James turned off the lights and once again she snuggled next to him. His warm, strong body felt so good against hers. She turned her head for a brief moment and kissed his lips softly. James fought hard to keep his cock from hardening. "What was that for?" He asked. She giggled. "Goodnight kiss. What else?" James laughed nervously. "I knew that. Night sis." The both fell fast asleep in each other's arms. * * * James woke up the next morning shifting his body, pressing it tighter against the warm body next to him. He moved very slowly enjoying the small pleasure his cock was feeling. Suddenly he opened his eyes and realized he was in bed with his sister. He gasped and quickly pulled back. Angelina slowly turned over and smiled. "Well good morning." James felt his face turn beet red. His morning wood was throbbing. "M-morning. How did you sleep?" Angelina looked as if she were in a daze. "I slept so good. I haven't slept that good in a long time!" "I'm glad sis. Listen Myra should be here in a while to make us breakfast." Angelina raised a brow. "Myra? Is she a slutty maid?" James laughed. "No. She's 54 years old and a very good maid." "I see. I'm glad you didn't hire one of those trampy maids." "I would never." "Good." She winked at her brother and got up. James watched his sister stretch her lovely body. His eyes devoured every beautiful curve she had in those few seconds. I'm gonna go wash up." "Ok then. I'm going to lay here for a while." Angelina left the room and James quickly took his big hard cock out of his boxer shorts. He gripped it tightly with his hand and began to beat his meat. He'd never been hornier in his entire life! He knew it wouldn't belong before he would cum. He could still remember the feel of his sister's body pressed tightly against him. "Oooh fuck!" He moaned as he jerked off. It began to get hot under the covers so James kicked them off and continued to masturbate. Thoughts of Angelina whirled in his mind. The quick mouth kisses they shared were incredibly hot, especially the ones that lasted over 3 seconds. James felt his balls swell up full of his cum ready to shoot out. "I got time, I have time to cum and she will never know," he said to himself. His cock twitched in his hand, he knew he was going to explode. "Hey Jaime-" Angelina burst through the door as her brother shot out his cum. James tried to control himself but it was too late! Hot spurts of cum were shooting out of his cock violently as his sister watched with wide eyes. He couldn't stop if he wanted. Angelina felt paralyzed. She knew she should keep looking but she did. It was as if her brother's huge cock was hypnotizing her. Long ropes of cum shot out on his chest and the last shots landed on his belly. Their eyes met and Angelina quickly closed the door tried to catch her breath. James groaned feeling the sticky cum all over his hands and body. "Shit! You really fucked things up! She needs your help and you go acting like a dog in heat." James scolded himself. He grabbed some tissue on the nightstand and wiped himself off. He feared going outside to face his sister. * * * Angelina's heart raced as she stood outside the hallway. She leaned up against the wall. Images of her brother's big cock kept coming back to her. It was so big, so hard, she longed to touch it. She kept envisioning his cum shooting out from his cock and only wished he could explode that way inside of her. She decided to go on to the kitchen following the delicious aroma of home cooked breakfast. She saw the maid in the kitchen happily cooking. "Hello," Angelina said stepping into the kitchen. Myra, the maid blushed. "Good morning Ms. Jolie. Wow it's such an honor to meet you." Angelina shook Myra's hand. "Nice to meet you too. So you're the one who usually cooks for my brother?" Myra smiled. "Actually I just started this job a few months ago." "I see. Well everything smells great." "Have a seat Ms. Jolie, I'll serve your breakfast." Angelina took a seat and Myra began to pile her plate up with delicious food. She heard footsteps and she quickly froze. She knew it was her brother. "Good morning Myra." "Hello Mr. Haven, I just met your lovely sister." James stood by the table for a moment. He realized Angelina did not want to look him in the eye. He felt so awful for having had his sister catch him jerking off. "Hey sis," he finally said quietly. Angelina slowly turned to face him. She knew her face was red. "Hey," she responded shyly. James took a seat next to her and nervously grabbed the morning paper that was nicely stacked on the table. Angelina stared at her brother noticing he too looked uneasy. "Here you go Ms. Jolie," Myra announced setting Angelina's plate down. Angelina looked at her plate, which consisted of scrambled eggs, French toast, sausage links and a side bowl of fruit. Myra poured a big glass of orange juice for Angelina as well as a cup of coffee. "You want the same thing Mr. Haven?" Myra asked. James looked up. "Not really. Just some coffee and toast." "You should eat better," Angelina said softly. James smiled shyly. "I know but I'm not that hungry." "Don't worry about earlier. It's ok," Angelina said placing her hand over her brother's. James' heart raced. Just the slight touch of her soft hand was making him hard again. "Thanks. I'm sorry about that." Angelina shrugged. "Let's forget about it." "How can I forget about something like that?" James asked himself. * * * After breakfast, Angelina went and stood by the window, which had a view of her brother's beautiful garden. She stared at the bright flowers and wished she could step outside for one minute to touch them. "You like the flowers don't you sis?" James asked. Angelina jumped up, startled by her brother's voice. "Yes. They are so pretty." James smiled and opened the sliding door. He stepped outside and pulled a few flowers out. He came back with three roses, red, yellow, and pink. Angelina's heart melted. "Here you go sis," James said handing her the flowers. "Aww Jaime that's so sweet!" She took the flowers in her hands and smelled them. "I got you the three colors. The yellow is for friendship; the pink is to show you how pretty you are, and the red is..." Angelina waited. "The red is for..." "Yes?" James took a deep breath. "The red is for how much I love you." Angelina stood speechless. She wasn't sure if he meant love in a brother and sister way or more. She threw her arms around her brother and planted a soft kiss on his lips. James put his arms around his sister's tiny waist and kissed her back. Their lips pressed hard against each other for a few seconds. James thought he'd cum right then and there when he felt his sister slowly part her lips. He followed her lead and parted his lips as well. Angelina's tongue slid into her brother's mouth and the siblings began to share a long wet kiss. James' toes curled and he felt as if his heart would burst out of his chest. Angelina loved the feel of her brother's lips pressed against hers. He was a damn good kisser. His hands slid up and down her back while she pressed her body against his. It was a moment of passion, romance and love. A moment, neither sibling could forget. In the midst of their kiss, the siblings forgot where they were until they heard Myra's voice. "Ahem!" She cleared her throat. Angelina quickly pulled away from her brother and James took a deep breath hoping Myra would not see his hard on. "Sorry to... interrupt, but there is a police officer on the line wanting to speak with you Ms. Jolie." Myra said handing Angelina the cordless phone. Angelina's face was flushed. "Uh y-yes of course." She put her flowers down and grabbed the phone. James paced back and forth next to his sister hoping the police had some good news. "Hello?" Angelina's voice was shaky. "Oh? Oh my God! Yes! I can go. Oh thank you so much!" She hung up the phone and looked at her brother. "Jaime, they caught my stalker! The caught him!" James felt his heart flutter and rushed to throw his arms around his sister. Finally she was safe. "I'm so glad baby. I'm so glad." He stared into her face and saw she was crying. She looked so relived. "I need to go sign some papers because this is going to court. I have to show all the threatening letters I received from him, as well as the recorded phone calls." "You want me to go with you?" He asked wiping her tears. She smiled. "Yes. Would you?" "I'd be happy to." "I'm going to need you there to hold my hand." "I'll be there sis." He kissed her forehead and held her in his arms once again. The siblings headed to court that afternoon. Angelina had so much proof that the man that was on the bench was her stalker. He was going to be put away for a long time and finally Angelina was free. * * * Angelina and James got home later on that evening. They had dinner at a small romantic restaurant just before getting home. James put his car keys down on the coffee table and Angelina took off her jacket and laid it on the couch. "What a day," Angelina finally spoke. James nodded. They stood only inches away from each other. The lights were dim and James was nervous. "Yeah tell me about it. I'm just glad you are safe now. I don't know what I would have done if anything ever happened to you." Angelina smiled and hugged her brother. "Thank you for everything. You don't know how much I appreciate it. You took time from your busy schedule to make sure I was safe." "I would do it again too," James responded. She reached up and kissed his cheek and then gave him a peck on the lips. James wanted to kiss her lips again but realized it was wrong. He quickly pulled away before Angelina could do anything else. She stared at her brother, puzzlingly. "Jamie you ok?" "I'm fine. I'm just tired. I'm going to take a shower and then head off to bed." "Yeah I guess I'm tired too. I could use a long warm bath." "Feel free to use the other bathroom. Has a huge bathtub." "Only if you join me," Angelina thought to herself. "Sounds great," she said out loud. "I got different bath scents that you can use for your bath," James told his sister. "What do you suggest?" Angelina asked. "Hmm... jasmine is nice or even vanilla." Angelina smiled. "I'll surprise you with the scent then." James nodded and watched her leave to the room to get her clothes and head off to take a warm bath. He wanted to go join her, but instead he went to take his shower, alone. * * * After his shower, James went to his bedroom and since the night was chilly, he slipped on a pair of flannel pajama pants and a white t-shirt. He went through his voicemail messages to see who had called. Afterwards, he turned on the TV to watch the late night news. He was almost dozing off when he heard his sister's footsteps. James dropped the TV remote when he saw his sister step into the room wearing nothing but a towel. Her long black hair hung loose and wet. Her pouty lips slowly formed a sexy smile as she closed the door behind her. "D-did you have a nice bath?" James stuttered. She nodded and walked closer to him. James lay in his bed looking up at his beautiful sister. He saw her hands slowly begin tugging at the towel that was wrapped around her body. Stop Angie, please stop. Don't tempt me James said silently. She didn't stop. She did one quick tug on the towel and it quickly fell to the floor. James gasped and his cock grew hard within seconds. He looked at his sister's naked body. She was so perfect. Her beautiful breasts were just the right size and her dark pink nipples were erect. He stared down her body devouring the sight of her beauty. Her flat tummy her creamy thighs and then her shaved pussy. "Oh my God," James whispered. Angelina grabbed the remote that he dropped and turned off the TV. "I was thinking Jamie, can I sleep with you again tonight?" James felt his face turn red. "B-but you're not wearing any clothes." "Hmmm you don't catch on very quick do you bro?" She teased and climbed on top of him. James couldn't move. He was completely mesmerized by his lovely sister. "Are you sure about this? I don't want you to do this in such a vulnerable state." She nodded. "Don't say that. Don't you know that I've been in love with you for... oh God ever since I can remember. I love you." Her words so sweet, made his heart melt. He reached up to touch her face and damp hair. "I love you too. With all of my heart." "Then show me how much you love me. You know I can still feel your kiss from earlier this morning. I want to kiss you some more Jamie." She leaned down and planted a kiss on James' lips. James kissed his sister back passionately. Their tongues caressed against one another's slowly. James heard her moaning into his kiss. "Oooh I love kissing you. I want to make love to you," Angelina cooed as she broke their kiss. "Let's make love baby. I've dreamt about this for so long." She smiled wickedly. "Why didn't you tell me? We could have been doing this a long time ago you know." James blushed and stared at his sister as she began to pull his t-shirt up. "Take this off." James raised his body off and quickly took off his t-shirt. Angelina kissed him hard and then moved down to his neck. He could feel her lips showering him with sweet kisses from his neck down to his chest. She ran her tongue slowly down his love trail. James' cock was pitching a tent in his pajamas. Angelina ran her hand over her brother's cock feeling it throbbing over the flannel material. "Mmm I can tell you're so big. I loved watching you cum all over your hand. That was so hot!" She whispered as she looked into his eyes. James couldn't help but moan at his sister's touch. He felt her reach in and pull his hard cock out of his pajamas. She held it in her hand and stared at it, amazed by his size and width. "Oooh Jamie, you are everything I expected and more." James blushed. Her hand stroked his cock slowly up and down feeling his cock veins throbbing each time. She moved her body lower and slowly ran her tongue up and down his cock as if she were licking a lollipop. "Hmmgghh!" James moaned. She continued licking his cock. She placed her lips on the tip of his cock and pressed her lips on it. She could feel his warm precum trickling down to the corner of her lips. His taste was incredible. She released her lips from his cock and licked the gooey precum from her lips. "You taste good too. I knew you would." "Put it in your mouth baby," James begged. Angelina smiled and grabbed her brother's cock. She parted her lips and inserted her brother's dick in her mouth. Moving her thick luscious lips up and down her brother's cock, she stared up at him. James squirmed on the bed never having felt such a hot warm mouth like his sisters. She looked so beautiful sucking him. "Ahhh yes! Like that baby, keep doing that!" James groaned. Angelina loved the look on her brother's face as she sucked him off. His moans filled the room along with the sound of her lips sucking on his cock. She moved her hands down gently squeezing on his balls. James bit his lower lip trying to contain himself from cumming but he knew it was too late. His entire body tensed up and his cock twitched. A big load of cum shot out of his cock and into his sister's mouth. He watched her keep his cock in her mouth swallowing his seed. Angelina's mouth was filled with her brother's warm salty cum. She let the gooey liquid stay in her mouth for a few seconds to taste him. Slowly the cum oozed down her throat and into her belly. James felt relaxed and took a deep breath. He saw his sister slowly take his cock out of her mouth and wipe the corner of her mouth with her tongue. She crawled up to him kissing her way up until her lips met with his. He could taste himself in her mouth as they kissed. "That was... Oh sis that was so amazing!" James cried out looking into his sister's eyes. "You taste so good. I could drink you up every night." James felt his cock harden again. Angelina felt something hard against her leg and turned to see her brother's cock was hard once again. She looked at him and raised a brow. "Hmm, I see you want more don't you?" James nodded. "I do. I want to be inside of you. I want us to make love." Angelina slid her body down again and grabbed his cock in her hand. She straddled him and began to slide her pussy on his cock. James gasped. "Oh fuck!" "I've wanted to do this for a long time. I'm going to make love to you bro," Angelina said softly. Her pussy swallowed up his cock nicely. She started to move his hips slowly getting used to his size. James placed his hands on her waist as she began to ride his cock. Her pussy felt incredible sliding up and down his cock. His hands reached up for her breasts. He squeezed them while he played with her nipples. Angelina tossed her head back and moaned loudly. "Your cock! Ooh your cock f-feels so good in me!" Angelina purred. "You're so beautiful sis. I love you so much," James whispered. Angelina leaned down and kissed her brother while she kept fucking his cock. They kissed passionately. James continued to touch his sister cupping her buttocks in his hands and feeling her body move up and down. "Jamie, I think I'm going to cum soon. You're so deep inside of me!" Angelina said breathlessly. "I want to feel you cum. I want your juices all over my cock." Angelina moaned and began to slow down. James knew he had to give her an orgasm. He held on to her waist and moved his hip up and down, ramming his cock in and out of her pussy. Angelina was still for a moment feeling her brother fuck her from underneath. She felt her entire body on fire and suddenly she screamed as she climaxed. "Ooh Jamie! I'm c-cumming! Ugghhhhhhh!" She cried out. James could feel her body shaking and her warm juices oozing all over his cock. He continued pumping her until she finished shaking. Then for a moment, they both stayed still staring at each other. Angelina could feel her brother's cock throbbing inside of her. She wanted to finish him off and have him cum inside of her. "I love you," she said to him. "I love you," he replied touching her face. She then began to move her body again, sliding her pussy up and down his cock once again. James grabbed her breasts and moaned. His cock kept twitching and he knew it would not be long before he came once again. "Cum in me Jamie. Let me feel you explode inside of my pussy," Angelina begged. "I'm going to cum sis. Oh god! Feel my cum! Take my cum!" James panted and blasted his cum inside of his sister's pussy. Angelina's heart fluttered. Finally she was able to take her brother's cum. The one and only man she'd ever truly love. She could feel long ropes of his cum shooting inside of her and filling her up. James thought he'd never finish cumming but finally when the last cum drop shot out he was able to exhale. Angelina stayed on his cock for a few more minutes until she felt him grow soft. She slid got off him and lay next to him. He put his arm around her and she snuggled close to him. "Wow!" She finally spoke. "Yeah tell me about it. Oh my goodness. That was just so incredible!" She looked up at him and kissed his lips. "I couldn't have shared this with anyone more wonderful than you. You mean everything to me." "You are the world to me dear sister of mine." She giggled and sat up. She cupped his face and looked deep into his eyes. "Oh but I'm not just your sister anymore." He smiled. "I know that. You are my sister, my lover, my everything." She caressed his face and kissed his lips. * * * The next morning the siblings woke up in each other's arms and had another love making session. It was Angelina's last day at her brother's house. She had to get ready to go start her new movie. She had finished packing that early afternoon and James came into the room with a sad face. "Jamie, please don't be sad. I promise to come back again." "I know baby, but I'm going to miss you so much." Angelina threw her arms around her brother and they held each other for what seemed to be forever. "Look I promise once I finish doing this movie I will come back to be with you." "You better," he said sweetly holding her hand. "I will. After all this is my secret hiding place. A place where only you and I share secrets and each other." He kissed her one last time before she left. As he watched her leave he smiled and knew she'd be back again, and he'd be waiting with open arms.

Aaron Carter's 17th Birthday

jessy19 on Celebrity Stories

Aaron shifted his body as he sat on the big plush chair at his own 17th birthday party. Nick Carter, Aaron's big brother, had thrown him a big Hollywood bash that December. Aaron didn't want that. He had wanted a private cozy little party. He hated big crowds and noise. Nick had invited all kinds of people. Mostly pop singers and uptight little sluts. One person he invited was ok by Aaron. It was Paris Hilton. Oh god Paris! Aaron drooled over the blonde as he saw her walking side to side with his brother. Nick had his arm around her tiny waist and was showing her off like a prized possession. She looked sexy in her little black skirt and red crop top showing off her flat tummy. Ever since the whole sex tape scandal came out about Paris, Aaron had been dreaming about her. He knew she was ol
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der than he was but in his own mind he hoped she would see how much he liked her. Aaron turned to see the annoying Hillary Duff giggling as she sat next to him. "Aaron! You haven't been listening to a word I'm saying!" Aaron rolled his eyes. He only wanted to look at Paris. She was so classy and sexy as hell. Why couldn't girls his age be like Paris? Why did they have to be so annoying like Hillary? "Aaron I feel so drunk!" Hillary hissed. "The let me call you a cab. I think you need to go home," Aaron responded pulling out his cell phone. "You dummy! I'm trying to give you a hint here. You can take advantage of me!" Hillary slurred. "I don't want to take advantage of you Hillary. You are doing nothing but getting on my damn nerves!" Hillary gasped and Aaron called a cab to come pick her up. "You are losing out on this pussy!" Hillary said pulling up her skirt. "Put your skirt down Hillary! Why can't you act like more decent?" "But Aaron I'm horny!" "That's enough. Please just sit down and your cab should be here shortly." Aaron stood up and left Hillary. He walked around having mindless conversations with a lot of teenage sluts. He wished everyone would just leave and let him enjoy some time alone! Everyone but Paris that is. He sipped on a coke and watched Nick and Paris kissing so passionately. Why does Nick have to be the one with all the luck? Being 17 doesn't help either. Paris would never give him a second look knowing he was underage. Aaron pondered and almost lost track of time. He soon began to see the crowd slowly fading until everyone was finally gone. He sighed feeling relieved that he was finally at peace. He searched for his brother Nick but he was nowhere to be seen. "He probably took Paris home," Aaron said to himself. Aaron said goodbye to a few people that were left at the party and closed his front door. He looked around and figured he'd just have someone come clean up the place the next day. That night he was exhausted and couldn't wait to just lie in bed and relax. Aaron went off to his room and took of his shirt and pants. He remained in his black silk boxers and nothing else. He was about to get his bed ready, when he heard a soft knock on his door. "What now?" He murmured. He went over to answer the door and his breath grew short as he saw Paris Hilton standing there at his door. She smiled sweetly at him. "Aaron? Nick is... well he's passed out. I think he had a bit too much to drink. I just wanted to tell you that. Since he brought me here, I'm going to catch a cab back home." Aaron felt numb. He was speechless. "Aaron? Are you OK?" Paris asked laughing softly. "Uh... y-yeah I'm f-fine. I'm sorry what were you saying?" Paris smirked. "Ok I think you need some sleep too. I'm sorry if I disturbed you. I'm going to catch a cab since your brother is passed out." "Oh. I'm sorry about that Paris." "No need to be sorry sweetie. You didn't give Nick those drinks." Aaron laughed nervously. "Yeah I guess not." He was busy staring at her pretty face that he suddenly forgot he was only in his boxers! He noticed Paris eyeing his teenage body and Aaron felt his face turn red. "I'm sorry I'm not really dressed." "That's ok. You got a nice body Aaron." Aaron blushed more. "T-thanks. But I bet you like Nick's better." "I didn't say that did I?" Paris asked wickedly. Aaron blushed more. "Well if you need a ride back home, I can tell my limo driver to take you." Paris reached out to touch his face. Aaron felt her warm hand and got an instant hard on. He'd never had Paris touch him. "That's really sweet of you." "Well I care about you and I just want you to get home safe." "Are you sure you only turned 17?" Paris asked. Aaron laughed nervously. "Yes. Why?" "You act more mature for your age. Pity you're only 17. I could get in trouble for looking at you right now in your underwear." "I'd never tell anyone," Aaron blurted out. He hadn't realized what he was saying until he finally said it. Paris eyed the teen more and Aaron moved back some letting her know she could step into his room. Paris walked closer to the teen, closing and locking the door behind her. Aaron gulped watching the girl of his dreams opening her arms out to him. He felt her put her arms around him and he held her back. "Happy birthday. I almost forgot to wish you a happy birthday sweet Aaron." "Thank you Paris," Aaron whispered. He felt her kiss his one cheek very softly and then kiss the other. She was a bit taller than him but that didn't make any difference. She was gorgeous and was all he had thought about ever since Nick brought her home. Her eyes met with his and she leaned down and planted a very soft kiss on his lips. Aaron felt his toes curl and his cock harden. Paris' lips were so warm and soft. She kept her lips on his. Aaron parted his lips a bit feeling her wet saliva on his lips. Paris parted her lips too and slowly began to slide her tongue in his mouth. Aaron didn't hesitate to let his tongue caress hers. They shared a long wet kiss and Aaron felt his entire body on fire. No other girl had ever given him such a hot kiss. They were all teenagers with no skills on how to please a man. Paris was different. Paris knew exactly what to do! Paris slowly broke the kiss and took a deep breath. "Wow! You kiss really good baby! I wonder what else you can do." Aaron was so excited. "I want to show you what I can do. Can I show you Paris?" Paris pressed her body against his. "You sure can. I want to know how that teenage cock will feel inside of me! You're so irresistible Aaron, so innocent!" Aaron grabbed her hand and led Paris to his big king sized bed. Paris sat down slowly and stared up at the teenager. Aaron grabbed one foot and began to slip off one of her high heels. The he proceeded to take off her other shoe. He got on his knees and his hands slowly went up her long legs caressing them and touching her soft skin. Paris smiled at him and touched his youthful face. "You are such a cutie pie. No wonder girls are crazy about you." Aaron moved up and grabbed her hand kissing it softly. "But I'm only crazy about one girl, you." He could see Paris blush. He put his hands on her shoulder and gently pushed her back so she could lie down. Paris stared up at him as her eyes danced. Aaron saw her slowly spreading her legs open inviting him to take her panties off. Aaron looked down and put his hands on her thighs slowly moving them up and grabbing the sides of her panties. She was wearing a black thong. Aaron found that so sexy! He began to pull her thong off slowly until finally it slipped down her legs and Paris lifted her feet slightly to let it fall to the floor. Aaron stood there for a minute completely numb. Paris giggled and lifted up her skirt showing Aaron her beautiful shaved pussy. She spread her legs wide and Aaron got a good look at her pussy hole. "W-wow!" Aaron could barely speak. "You like my pussy baby?" She asked sweetly. "Oh yeah! You are so beautiful Paris." Paris sat up and quickly removed her red top giving Aaron full access to see her gorgeous breasts. Paris lay back and opened her arms out to him. "Come here baby. Lay on top of me." Aaron quickly moved towards his dream girl and let his body fall on top of hers. He placed his lips on hers and they began to share a hot long wet kiss. Aaron could feel her soft hands sliding up and down his back and her fingernails lightly scraping it. Her breasts were pressed against his chest and her nipples hardened underneath. Aaron moaned into their kiss. He moved his lips down slowly kissing Paris' jaw line and then down to her neck. He gently sucked on her neck leaving soft red marks claiming his territory. Nick would probably see the marks but Aaron didn't care. All he wanted was to make love to the girl he'd been dreaming of for months. He then moved down to her breasts taking one of her hard nipples into his mouth. He sucked on it hard while his fingers pinched her other nipple. Paris sighed in pleasure and wrapped her legs around him. She ran her fingers through his hair. "Yes! I love the way your lips feel wrapped around my nipples! Oh sweet Aaron I think I'm falling for you!" Aaron looked up and moved upwards to kiss her. "I'm so in love with you Paris. I always wanted to tell you." Paris put her arms around his neck and then managed to flip him over. She lay on top of him all naked and hot for him. Aaron stared up at his beautiful girl. "Have you ever tasted pussy?" Paris blurted out. Aaron nodded. "N-no. I haven't done much with a girl except finger a girl and play with a girl's breasts." "Ooh you sweet boy you. I really want you to eat my pussy baby." Aaron gulped. There was nothing more that he wanted than to taste Paris' pussy. "I will do it." Paris smiled and raised her body up. She stood on top of him and squatted down in front of his face. Aaron looked up mesmerized by her lovely pussy and sweet ass. "Now, I'm going to put my pussy on your face and I want you to lick and suck my clit. I like it when I'm licked really fast so make sure you do that OK?" Aaron could hardly speak. "Y-yes." He saw her pussy move down and she spread her lips open letting her big swollen clit peek out. Aaron slid his tongue out and waited for her pussy to land on it. Within seconds he began to taste her sweet juices. He flicked his tongue on her clit, just the way she had asked for. Then, he took her clit into his mouth and sucked on it, just like he had done with her nipples. He could hear her moaning loudly and she moved her body up and down as if she was fucking his face. Aaron let out a loud groan as soon as he felt her hand on his cock. He could feel her pulling out his cock and then sliding it into her mouth. His entire body tensed up and he moaned into her pussy. He clamped his lips on her clit and let her moved her pussy up and down on his face. He had his arms wrapped around her waist and then moved them down to her ass. He placed his hands on his ass and moaned louder as she began to put more suction on his cock. Paris moved faster up and down his fucking his face hard. Her moans filled the room; Aaron was surprised they didn't wake Nick up. He felt her tremble above him and she put his cock really deep into her warm mouth and moaned as she came. Aaron could feel the vibrations of her moaning on his cock. His cock twitched and then began to shoot out long jets of cum into her mouth. They came together enjoying each other's taste. Aaron could feel her sweet honey dripping into his mouth and he drank it up. Paris lifted her pussy off his face and rolled over to the bed. She looked at him and opened her mouth showing him that she had a huge wad of his cum in her mouth. She held it on her tongue and then closed her mouth showing him that she'd swallowed his load. "Mmmm so good!" She purred. Aaron was more turned on than ever! He could tell his mouth was still wet from her hot juices. She moved towards him and wiped his mouth with her tongue licking up her own sweet juices. They began to kiss again sharing the taste of their cum. "You were so delicious!" Aaron rasped. "I'm still so horny!" Paris moaned. "Me too. Look, see I'm still hard." She gave him a devilish smile and got on top of him once again. "I'm going to fuck your brains out Aaron Carter! Tonight you lose your virginity." Aaron felt his heart racing. "I'm so ready." Paris grabbed his cock and held it in her hand. She straddled him and began to insert his cock into her pussy. Aaron grabbed the bed sheets trying to keep calm. Her pussy felt so tight and warm wrapped nicely around his cock. He could feel his cock sliding in deeper and deeper. Paris slid her entire pussy on his cock until his balls touched her ass. She sat on his cock and touched his teenage face. "Mmmm you have such a nice cock! I'm surprised you're still a virgin!" He moved his hands up and touched her breasts pinching on her nipples. Paris began to move her hips slowly. Aaron would feel his cock getting fucked and he began to groan so loudly. His breath was growing short as she moved faster on his cock. "Yess! Oh God that feels so good!" Aaron cried out. He squeezed her breasts each time she moved up and down on his cock. Paris bit on her lower lip and her face showed signs of pleasure. She moaned softly and Aaron could feel her juices coating his cock. "Aaron! Oh Aaron!" Paris moaned. "Yes baby ride my cock! I'm yours Paris! I'm all yours!" Paris was bouncing wildly on Aaron's cock. She tossed her head back and screaming and moaning Aaron's name. Aaron let her breasts go and grabbed her ass hard making Paris open her eyes and yelp. Aaron then rolled her over on her back without ever pulling his cock out. He was buried so deep inside of her. He leaned down to kiss her soft lips. "Mmmm yessss! Fuck me baby!" Paris muttered. Aaron began to thrust his hips making his cock slide in and out of Paris' pussy. She wrapped her legs around him making sure his cock was buried deep inside of her. Aaron continued to fuck her harder and harder. "Ahhhhh! Oh Aaron! I'm going to c-cum!" Paris screamed. He could sense her pussy constricting on his cock. Her entire body trembled underneath him. Aaron could only handle a few more thrusts until he too began to cum. His balls exploded letting his hot ropes of cum shoot out violently inside of Paris. He felt her almost jump up at the first shot of sperm. Aaron felt as if he couldn't stop cumming! He grunted loudly until his last shot of sperm was released. He collapsed on top of Paris with his face on her breasts. He could hear her heart pounding. "Ooh that was so hot!" Paris finally spoke out. Aaron looked up at her and kissed her softly. "Yes it was! Now tell me which Carter brother do you want to be with?" She gave him a look; not just any look but a look that said it was him. The End