Member Since February 26, 2010
Young mans breeding.
4705 days ago
4696 days ago
Ok, that was just bad. I have never seen such a lack of detail and honestly, the guy just got raped, WHY THE HELL WOULD HE COME BACK!!!!!!????? I'm sorry but if I could give this story a score from 1 to 10 I would give it a -10. You sir, should really consider giving up writing stories.
The Raid on Kadhir Pets
Ok, one thing I have to say is TOO MUCH DAMN DETAIL!!!!! I love detail in a story, but this was overkill. If you had as many words, but a whole lot more was going on that would be one thing, but you were putting the detail that's meant for 10 things into one little thing. Even when it got to the sex. I thought there were only a couple ways to say someone was getting fucked, but you came up with 100. I'm sorry, but I lost interest really fast. People on here don't want to read an entire documentary they want to read a story.
Randy and Sara Ch#2
Please get the next chapter out soon. I can't wait to read it.
How mom and I survived the cold without power. Pt. 3
How mom and I survived the cold without power. Pt.2
Please get the next chapter out
Aim gets fuck by a horse
nice story, but terribly written.
How mom and I survived the cold without power.
PLEASE GET THE NEXT ONE OUT SOON!!! That was really good.
Man on Viagra!!!
That was incredible. Please get the next chapter out soon, I want to read it REALLY bad.
Hot Milf Best Big Tits DD
Wow. That was terrible. You didn't have enough detail and you REALLY rushed the story. You went from ok there's this hot mom to we are making out.
Sailing the open seas with Em - PART 2
Please keep going. I want to hear what happens next.
Legendary Milfs: Dragon Ball Z
kim possible and pokemon definately
Animal Lovers Part 2
keep writing. I loveit.
My Son The Inventor - Ch5 - Like an episode from the Simpsons
Keep writing the story. It is amazing.
Great Wolf
Please keep writing this story. I love it.
His Wishes
Please next story out soon.