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icekold666 Member Since October 19, 2009
Aubrey and Kristen
icekold666 5449 days ago
- 8 + IT was a good story, but u went into a little too much detail at te beginning anout what she was doin, if u cut it a bit shorter, (the intro that is the rest was rockin!!) it would be better, i give u a 3 1/2.
Me and My Sex goddess Sister
icekold666 5449 days ago
- 8 + I understand whqat the others are sayin, some parts are relatviely unrealistic, but the overall story was ok. i think you need to do more about her tits, k?
Me and Mah Sisters
icekold666 5449 days ago
- 8 + This was only her first one. they'll get better as she gets better at writing