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hle1023 Member Since October 19, 2009

Part II - Springbreak-Stephanie & Josh

hle1023 on Forced Stories

Part II -

Stephanie walked out of the bathroom and said to Josh " I am so humiliated by that". Josh wasn't very sympathetic. "Get over it" he said. "Now suck me off". She knelt in front of him, he said "I keep thinking about that girl licking your pussy in front of thousands of people, while Tom was spreading your pussy lips". Stephanie said, "I know more than one person was videotaping it, I am sure you can get a copy". "I know, and I am going to get a copy" he said. Stephanie, feeling ashamed and defeated, continued to suck Josh off draining every last bit of semen from him. He made her swallow this time too, which had never done before.

Stephanie went to bed that night, thinking that she had done the girl/gir

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l thing, she had done her duty, now it was over and her and Josh could resume normal relationship. Boy was she wrong. Little did she know that Josh's respect level for her just went down to zero, and his perversions were only going to get worse.

The next day, her and Josh went to the hotel across the street to see some of his rugby teammates where they were staying. Alot of these guys had been on the boat the day before, including Tom, whom she had always hated anyway, and had witnessed her public lesbianism. Stephanie was very anxious and nervous about going over there.

When they got to their hotel room, they walked in and the room got quiet when Stephanie walked in. There was about 5 of the rugby team members, plus Josh in the room. Tom high fived Josh and winked at Stephanie. Another guy, Fred was in the room, whom Stephanie absolutely detested more than Tom. He was short, kind of fat, and always had a foul attitude towards women. He had really red hair and freckles. He thought he was the shit. He walked over to Stephanie and pinched her ass. "Ouch" Stephanie said. "Look can we just drop this whole thing from yesterday. I was only doing it for Josh".

Tom said, "baby, according to Josh, you are only getting started". "Yeah" said Josh, "you are now our new rugby slut". Stephanie stared at him in disbelief and tears sprang to her eyes. "I am leaving" she announced.

She walked out the door, and Josh followed her and grabbed her by the arm "where are you going"? "You know I am one of the most popular guys on campus, I can make or break your happiness on campus, and sweetie you still got 4 years to go". Stephanie looked at him in horror and it slowly started to sink in. If she just wouldn't have caved and had that lesbian experience, at least he would have respected her. He might have dumped her, but at least she wouldn't be a considered a big whore.

"I am going home" she announced. "If you walk away, I promise you the next 4 years of your life are going to be a living hell, I will see to it that you do not have one friend on campus". Stephanie realized he meant business, and although she might be considered the "rugby whore" now, she still had Josh's name behind her so she would never be ostracized from the campus social scene.

"Okay" she said quietly, feeling defeated and her self esteem plummeting. "Now let's go back inside....................I want you to fuck Fred today. It is his birthday".

"No" she cried. "I hate him, he is so mean to women". "He is not mean, just misunderstood" said Josh. "Now come on" Josh grabbed her by the arm and pulled her inside.

They walked back inside and Fred was in his underwear now, and nothing else. The rest of the guys were sitting at the table. "She agreed to be your birthday present Fred" said Josh.

Fred got an evil look in his eyes "good you whore, I was on the boat yesterday and heard you yell when you came, now I am going to make you come". Stephanie's eyes turned as big as saucers as she realized what lay before her. "Can I go to the bathroom" she said weakly. "Go ahead" said Josh.

She went into the bathroom and closed the door. Stephanie started to slowly undress. There was a terry cloth robe hanging in the bathroom, she put it on and was naked underneath.

Stephanie walked out of the bathroom in the robe. The other guys were playing cards, while Fred was lying on the bed in his boxers, with a stiff hardon. "You ready" Fred said.

Stephanie walked over to the bed. Fred sat up and pulled her robe off. He choked when he saw her big tits up close. The guys on playing cards cheered. "Alright Fred, you are getting a nice birthday present today, aren't you".

"Suck me off" Fred said. Stephanie looked at the ugly, little fat red haired guy as she knelt down and started to suck his penis. Fred laid back in the bed while Stephanie was sucking him. The other guys had stopped playing cards and were watching, giving her pointers on how to suck him better.

Fred said "stop". He pulled her away, and told her to lay on the bed on her back and spread her legs. Fred then proceeded to lay down beside her sideways, and started to rub his dick on her pussy. Stephanie was chocking back the tears now, and let out a soft cry. Fred then started fucking her. He stuck his dick in her pussy, going back and forth very slowly, while rubbing her clit. Stephanie tried to block it out of her mind. She couldn't believe she was fucking this man whom she hated.

The other guys were quiet now, watching. Some had gotten their dicks out and were playing with themselves including Josh. It was all so humiliating. Tom had even gotten his video camera and was taping it, much to Stephanie's chagrin.

Stephanie's tits were going back and forth and Fred was fucking her. "Do you like that you little skanky slut". Stephanie nodded, because she knew that it was what he wanted to hear.

One of the other guys, Steve, came over started playing with Stephanie's tits. "Why dont you get her in the ass Fred". Stephanie looked up at everyone, and was startled. She had only ever had anal twice with Josh, and both times she hated it.

"Get up on my ass" Fred said. Stephanie looked at Josh pleadingly, who gave her a look that said you better do it. Fred stuck two fingers, coated with saliva up her ass. She gasped.

Stephanie was too tired to fight, and just gave in rather than do anything more to compromise her situation. She squated over Fred, while he called her mean, nasty names, and took his dick in her ass. She then lay back on her elbows, while he told her to pump his dick with her ass. She did as she was told.

While she was fucking his dick with her ass, the rest of the guys were standing at the foot of the bed watching. Their eyes were looking at her clit, which was swollen from being fucked so hard by Fred. Steve then proceeded to get naked, and climb up on the bed. "You ready for a sandwhich baby". Stephanie started crying, tears rolling down her face. "Please no". Fred grabbed her by the hair and told her to shut the fuck up.

Steve then stuck his dick in her pussy. Very slowly. She groaned. It hurt so badly. They both started going in and out of her at the same time. Stephanie was overwhelmed. Josh was now staring at both guys with their dicks in Stephanies holes, pumping in and out of her. Josh was playing with himself while he watched Stephanie get fucked.

Stephanie felt like a play thing, just being used for their pleasure. Both of the man finished, coming inside her with a loud groan. The rest of the men wanted sucked off, except Tom. He wanted to fuck her ass.

Tom leaned her over one of the chairs, and stuck his dick inside of her ass really deep. He had Josh videotape up close, Stephanie's ass getting reamed by him. The only way Stephanie could bear the pain was by playing with her clit, which only got hoot and hollers from the rest of the guys.

Fred ordered her to stick her fingers in her pussy while Tom was fucking her. Of course she did what she was told. "Now fuck your pussy with two fingers while Tom fucks your ass". Tom had stopped fucking her, and waited for her to get her two fingers in her pussy. "Ready," Tom asked. Stephanie nodded yes. Tom started fucking her ass and stopped again, "what the hell are you doing you dumb bitch, fuck your pussy while I am fucking your ass". Stephanie started crying, but Tom pulled her hair for her to stop. Fred leaned over the chair and said "what is the problem, boo-hoo baby". Fred had the video camera now.

"Let's try this again, I fuck your ass while you fuck your pussy with 2 fingers". Stephanie stuck two fingers in her pussy, and Tom started to pump her ass, Stephanie started to fuck her pussy with her fingers. The guys started cheering. Tom had alot of stamina. Tom must have fucked her ass for a good 20 minutes. He would stop and just rest his dick in her ass, and she was not allowed to move. Then he would start up again and she had to start fucking her pussy with her fingers again. "I can't come" Tom announced. The guys just looked at him, and Stephanie looked at him in disbelief. She was tired and wanted this over with. Tom got up and went to the refrigerator and pulled out a hotdog. He then walked over to Stephanie and told her to shove it up her cunt.

Stephanie looked at him with widened eyes, while the guys that were watching, starting getting hard ons again. "Why" she asked. "Stick this hot dog up your snatch,while I fuck your ass. When you have two dicks in you, it makes your ass even tighter around my dick, and your fingers up your snatch are not doing the trick.

Stephanie, totally submissive, and tired at this point, reluctantly agreed. She started to sob silently as she stuck the hot dog up her snatch. They other guys were now all on the floor watching, and let out a groan as the hot dog slide up her snatch. Tom then slowly slide his cock up her ass  "oh my god, that feels so tight now, baby you are so tight now. Are you ready"? "Yes" she said softly. "Go baby, go". Stephanie started to fuck her cunt with the hotdog while Tom fucked her ass. "Keeping fucking your cunt" Tom ordered. Stephanie kept fucking her cunt, in an out with the hot dog, while Tom pumped in an out of her ass. Finally Tom came in her ass with a loud groan.

Stephanie proceeded to get up, thinking it was finally over, but Fred had one more thing in mind. He came over to her whispered in her ear "I am not all that bad baby, we all think you are a great girl baby. Now, we just want to see you fuck a little bit more, than you are free to go". Stephanie at this point, ready to except any kindness someone would give her, nodded yes. Fred then went to the refrigerator and pulled out another hot dog, but this one was bigger. Fred took the hot dog, and ordered Stephanie to spread her legs wider while she leaned over knelt over the chair. She nodded yes, because he was being so kind.

Steve started the video camera again, and Fred, squating over Stephanie, slowly stuck the bigger hot dog in. The men all gasped, and so did Stephanie. "Are you ready, I am going to start fucking you with the hot dog. She nodded, and he started. She felt the hot dog go inside of her. It was smooth, like a cock. He started fucking her faster, while playing with her clit. The men watching, were starting to groan louder and louder. She could feel their eyes on her snatch as Fred pumped the hot dog in and out of her cunt. Steve got up, and grabbed another hot dog and sat beside of her. "This is going up your ass honey, you are going to be a movie star". Stephanie really had no choice so she nodded yes. The sooner they got what they wanted, the sooner this was over. Steve stuck the other hot dog up her ass, while Fred was pumping her cunt. The both were pumping her ass and cunt with the hot dogs at the same time. She heard the men watching, groaning. This went on for about 20 minutes before she heard them all groan, telling her that all of them had masturbated and came. "Am I allowed up now" she said. The men nodded yes. Â

Stephanie got up, humiliated, ashamed, used and defeated and proceeded to limp over to the bathroom.

"What is Josh going to make me do next" she thought to herself. "I am nothing but a big whore to him now."

Part III to be continued

Springbreak - first time public lesbian experience

hle1023 on Forced Stories

Her name was Stephanie and she had been dating her boyfriend for a little over 6 months now. She was a freshman at the local university and he was a senior. Her boyfriend (Josh)Â was captain of the rugby team and a really good looking guy. All the girls wanted to date him, and somehow she had landed him. She thought that it helped that she did have huge tits and a great pair of legs. Plus she was skinny to boot. Most girls she went to college with that were skinny had tiny tits or fake tits. She had both - skinny and huge breasts. 38 D's to be exact.

Josh and her had been sexually active together since the 2nd week she started dating him. However, she knew he had a kinky side to him. He told her before that he thought she would look hot kissing another girl, but she had quickl

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y told him she wasn't into girls or being a lesbian. So he dropped the subject. Although, if push came to shove, she would do anything to keep him. He was popular, good looking, and came from money. Any girl at her university would die to go out with him. She considered herself lucky that he was dating her. However, she secretly hoped that he would never bring up the lesbian thing again, because she really didn't want to do anything like that. She came from a good family, and had morals and values.

So springbreak was right around the corner, and her and Josh and a bunch of college friends were going to Lake Havasu. They were all pretty excited. She had never been on a college springbreak before because she was afterall, only a freshman.

Springbreak was fun for Stephanie. Drinking, partying, hot tubs, the lake. Her and Josh were having a blast, and all of their other friends. Mostly the friends they were hanging out with were his guy friends from the rugby team. However, she didn't mind. They were fun guys.

One day they were at the lake laying out on one of the yachts. His rugby friend Tom knew some people that owned the yacht, and they were all invited aboard. Stephanie was having a blast and was really enjoying herself with Josh. She also was a really drunk, but it didn't matter, it was springbreak.

As the day progressed on Lake Havasu, and the more people got drunk, the crazier things became. Girls starting taking off their tops, kissing each other all around the lake, on practically every boat in the lake. Josh of course was staring at all these girls kissing each other, and even some would take off their tops and suck on each other's tits. Josh starting looking at Stephanie in a weird way that made her uncomfortable. "What" she asked him. "I wish you would kiss a girl. You know how much that would turn me on? Look my dick is getting hard just thinking about it". She stared at him in disbelief "are you serious" she asked? "Yes" he said, very quietly but yet very seriously. "I need to know if I am going to be with you, that you have a sense of adventure." Stephanie gulped and turned away to try and to hide her tears that she felt stinging her eyes. She had a feeling this was coming but had been in denial. All of the rugby players had girlfriends that would be with other girls to turn their boyfriends on. It was the norm rather than the exception. Stephanie had hoped that Josh would not have the same expectations of her, but she was wrong.

Stephanie knew that she didn't want to lose Josh. Plus everyone at school would tease her about being "square" if she lost Josh over this. She turned to Josh, and said "okay". Josh's eyes lit up and a look of lust came across his face. "Let's go" he said, as he pulled her up from the towel she was laying on. "Let's go to the front of the yacht and see what is going on".

They got to the front of the boat and everyone was screaming and hollering from the lake down below. Two girls were on the deck taking off their tops and wiggling their tits at the crowd below. Stephanie recognized one of the girls as someone whom always hung out at the rugby house. A "rugby groupie" they called them. A girl willing to do anything for the rugby players.

Josh grabbed Stephanie's hand "come here". He pulled her onto the deck in front of the crowd below. "What are you doing" she stammered. "Just relax" he said. He had a commanding voice, and she didn't want to argue with him. She figured she had already risked losing him once with the girl/girl thing, she didn't want to push him any further. She stood in front of him like he told her too.

The two girls were still dancing and shaking their tits for the crowd. Josh got behind Stephanie and started massaging her tits through the fabric of her little bikini. Stephanie tensed up, but didn't protest, although she could feel tears coming up to her eyes again. The crowd saw him feeling her tits and started to watch Josh and Stephanie. The two girls shaking their tits, starting watching them too.

He kept massaging her tits while the crowd went wild. He whispered in her ear "I am going to take your top off now". She nodded her head, but couldn't speak, lest she start to cry. He slowly un-did the strings on her bikini, letting them fall to the side while slowly exposing her enourmous tits. The crowd went wild. Even his rugby team mates whistled. Stephanie just closed her eyes.

Josh kept massaging her tits, tweaking her nipples until they were hard. Stephanie hung her head so that her hair covered her face and how embarrassed she was. He whispered in her ear again "now is your chance to prove to me your adventurous side". She nodded as a tear fell slowly down her face.

He motioned for the one girl to come over to him. The one that he knew from the rugby house. He whispered something in her ear, and she nodded and smiled.

She came up to Stephanie and started to kiss her. Stephanie faltered for a moment and the kissed her back, after giving a glance over to Josh, whom nodded to go ahead. The girl then started sucking on Stephanie's tits. Stephanie was beyond humiliated. Her face was bright red. The crowd was chanting "eat her out, eat her out". She heard the click of a camera.

Josh, whom was still behind Stephanie, whispered in her ear again "I am going to take off your bikini bottom now". She nodded, as he slowly un-tied the strings at of her little bikini on each side of her hip. The material slowly fell away onto the ground, to reveal Stephanie's shaved pussy. The girl whom was sucking her tits started to lick downwards towards Stephanie's pussy.

Stephanie stopped her and whispered into Josh's ear "can I turn around and face you while she licks me, I just need sometime to adjust to this". He nodded, and turned Stephanie around so that she was facing him, with her head on his shoulder and ass sticking out.

The girl, whom had been waiting, then proceeded to sit down on the ground, directly under Stephanie's naked pussy, and then started to eat her out. The crowd was going nuts. Yelling, hollering and cat calls. Stephanie had her face buried in Josh's shoulder while he massaged her tits and whispered in her ear "you are my good little girl". She nodded. "Now I want you to grind your hips into her face." Stephanie rocked her hips back and forth into the girls face. The crowd was screaming, and she could hear pictures being taken, which only furthered her humiliation.

Josh whispered in her ear " you are going to need to turn around now". Stephanie said "please", but he gave her a look that she knew he wasn't taking no for an answer. "You are my good little girl, let's keep that way". She nodded and turn around.

One of his rugby brother's came up to him and slapped him high five and gave him a can of whipped cream. Josh handed the whipped cream to the girl kneeling on the floor in front of Stephanie. The girl then shook the can, and proceeded to spray the whipped cream on Stephanie's tits and pussy. She then stood up, and started licking the whipped cream off Stephanie's tits, while Josh hovered over Stephanie's shoulder watching.

The girl then slowly worked her way down Stephanie's stomach, licking the whipped cream, until she came to her pussy. She then started lapping Stephanie's pussy furiously. Stephanie, whom had been hanging her head with hair covering her face, looked up into the sea of people watching, and felt deep humiliation and embarrasment that she didn't know what to do.

Josh spoke to her in a sharp tone "spread your legs more, and grind your hips into her face, and quit looking down". Stephanie did as she was told, she planted her feet firmly on the ground, spreading her legs while Josh balanced her, and grinded her pussy into the girls face, while looking at the crowd. The crowd went wild and starting chanting her name. Josh was playing with her tits, while she saw someone's video camera from a far, taping her. She kept rocking her hips in the girls face. The girl then started to finger fuck her while she lapped at her pussy. One of Josh's rugby friends, Tom came over to help Josh balance her out. He started playing with Stephanie's tits, and was hold her pussy lips apart so the girl could lick her even deeper.

To Stephanie it seemed that this went on forever. The crowd kept on chanting for her to "come" but she just couldn't. She was too embarrassed, and humilited and felt like she was having an out of body experience. She just wanted it to be over. So Stephanie let out a yell that sounded like she came, but was really a desperate animal cry that this was all happening to her. After this happened, the crowd went nuts, and Josh told the girl to stop licking her. Camera's were flashing, the roar of the crowd was defeaning, but finally it was over. Josh handed her back her bikini and he covered her up with an oversized towel and led her down the back side of the yacht. While they were walking down, his rugby brother's were high fiving him, and winking at Stephanie.

They got down to the cabin of the yacht and Stephanie walked into the bathroom to get cleaned up. She felt embarrassed and humiliated beyond belief. She didn't know how she was going to viewed once she returned to school. She was sure everyone would find out. She was sure she would probably even wind up on the Internet somewhere. She never had felt so ashamed, or slutty in her life. She compromised herself for this guy. She didn't know how she things were going to work out between her and Josh now. She walked out of the bathroom to talk to him................

Part II will be continued