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giveitdirty Member Since January 06, 2011

Partying Cheerleader Style pt 2

gumie35 on Incest Stories

Partying Cheerleader Style part 2

It would help to read Partying Cheerleader Style 1 first.


The first day back of class was brutal. It was hard wondering the campus and trying to stay positive. It had only been a short while since my own sister sucked my cock at football game party. I was in shock. I took a week off school to get over what happened.

            I wasn’t sure how life was going to change. Did the guys on the team know? Did the head cheerleader tell anyone what happened? Then there was my sister the cheerleader herself. How did this happen to us?

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oNormal">            My mood was melon collie and it was my first day back. I was just wondering the halls going from class to class.

            That night I returned home to an empty house. My sister has been away staying with friends ever sense the night of the party. I was kind of glad she wasn’t around. I didn’t enjoy blowing my wad in her mouth. Damn she could suck cock.

            I went to my room and undressed to take a shower. I grabbed a towel and headed down the hall. I was alone so walking naked through the house didn’t bother me. I took a shower and when I stepped out to dry off, I saw my sister standing there in her cheerleader outfit. She had my towel in her hand.

            “Vicky!” I shouted, “What are you doing!”

            “Do you mean right now?” She said coy with a small smile and staring at my cock. My sister was short only about 5’1” and very petite. She long black hair was almost waist length from never being cut. Her legs were very firm and she would always walked around in her uniform. Her thighs were very shapely from all the jumping and exercise she did. The uniform was red and white. The top was a tight sweater, that showed off her firm c-cup and the skirt was only long enough to cover her ass. Her body was a rock.

My parents pushed her in gymnastics, running, and cheerleading. Vicky only cheers now. She wants to get into college with her talents but I’m not sure she will make it.

“Please hand me my towel.” I said with a kind of shocked look. I could not believe that she was staring at my cock. Again.

“If you want it, you have to come and get it.” She was staring at my cock again. The problem is that is was starting to get hard.

My sister watched as I stepped out of the shower and walked toward her. I needed to get my towel. I walked toward her and she handed me my towel. As I grabbed it though, she grabbed my cock. I jumped a little and so did my cock. She gave a quick stroke back and forth and it only added fuel to the fire. I was really hard again.

“Vicky! Please?” I pleaded, “I have to get on and get to work. I want to do this. This is wrong.”

“That is not what it is.” she replied, “You came in my mouth last week. You were bucking your hips at me and your cock was harder then it is right now. You grabbed my head and shot a huge load in my throat. You were not complaining that night. You have been staring at my ass for months. Your girlfriend has never done what I have done for you and you liked it. I know that you want me. I want you. I asked for you that night and made sure that Cheryl paired us together without telling anyone. Your friends don’t know that I was with you and no one other then Cheryl knows. We are free to do what ever we want.”

I was shocked at what she was saying. I could not help but be turned on at the same time. My cock was swelling in Vicky’s hand. I could feel my balls tighten. She was jacking me off in her cheerleader uniform. I looked down at her tits and she gripped tighter. I was going to cum in her hand if she kept going. But she didn’t.

“Oh, I forgot you have to go to work. Is babyboygraphics more important then me?” She said with a shove of her hip and a swing of her body.

She spun around on the balls of her feet and walked out toward my room.

“Where are you going?” I asked because now I was thinking with the other head.

“I want you to work.”

“I want to talk some more.”

“The time for talk is over. You need to work. Come in here.”

I was right there. When I walked into my room my sister was under my desk with only her uniform top on. I could see her skirt on my bed.

“Sit down and work. I want to suck your cock again.” She said with a smile. “I want you to cum on my uniform. I have never let anyone do that.”

My cock was pointing at her face now and I had no choice but to listen. I wanted to have her suck my cock again. She was 15 though. WOW! Where did she learn to suck cock like that? She was waiting for me, her mouth open slightly and her breast full. I could tell she was horny too.

I sat down in the chair and pull up to the desk. Vicky went to work.

“Start drawing!” She demanded and grabbed my cock again.

So I accessed the site and began to draw. Vicky grabbed my cock and placed it in her mouth. She did not hesitate. It was not like the first time. She was slow then, seductive. She made love to my cock. This was different. She sucked my cock. She grabbed it at the base and plowed her head on it stroking my shaft as she worked the tip. She was drooling and gagging on some strokes. I was not working I was getting the best blowjob of my life. I was going to cum in her mouth again.

“Vicky, I am going to cum.” I said, “I can’t hold on forever.”

“I know, just let it go and tell me when so that I can get it on my uniform.”

I gripped the arms of the chair and closed my eyes. She was making all kinds of noise. She was gagging and sucking and stroking my cock.

I gripped the arms tighter and told her that I was going to cum.

Vicky pulled my cock out of her mouth covered in her saliva and stroked my cock with two hands. She aimed the tip at her tits and stroked harder and harder until I am. I blew like a volcano. I had not cum in a week so there was a lot to go. I shot hot sticky stream after stream on her uniform top.

I clasped in the chair and sank down. I looked down at Vicky to see what I had done. She was smiling and rubbing my cum in her top. I was spent. I rolled back away from the computer to let Vicky out.

As she climbed out from under the desk I could see my sister in all her glory. She was only wearing her cheerleader top with a very big cum stain on the front. She had her bloomers on and no shoes. Her ass was tight her pussy lips were tighter. I remembered that Vicky said no one had fucked her yet. I could see the wet spot right at the folds of her pussy. I knew she was horny.

She walked over to the bed and sat down. She spread her legs showing me a very wet pussy. “I want you to be my first. I have never let anyone fuck me before. I have never even let a guy finger me. I want you.”

My cock was still hard when I stood up and walked over to her…


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Partying Cheerleader style

gumie35 on Incest Stories

My sister and I were typical teenagers. I was a senor in high school and my sister was a freshmen. I was on the Varsity football team and my sister just made the cheerleader squad two days ago. The workouts for the both of us were long and hard but the pay offs were well worth it.

After the practices, I would walk my sister home. We would talk about what was going on in school and who was kissing whom. My sister was fourteen and I was eighteen.

My sister was short only about 5’1” and very petite. She long black hair was almost waist length from never being cut. My parents never wanted to take her in so

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she left it that way. Her legs were very firm and she would always walked around in her uniform. It was red and white. The top was a tight sweater, that showed off her firm c-cup and the skirt was only long enough to cover her ass.

My sister Victoria always showed me her ass around the house. It was a game for her. Victoria’s bloomers were tight like a swimsuit. Because my sister was petite, she had small breasts. I like to see her in a swimsuit though. She really turned me on. I think she knew too.

I was not that tall, around five foot, five inches. I was thick with a neck that was the size of a tree trunk. I played linebacker for the local high school and was getting offers from top colleges to play. I liked to keep my hair short and its dirty blonde look accented my tan complication. I took great care in my over all conditioning. I did not have a flat stomach, but it was close. I tried to eat well and drink plenty of water.

We walked home taking our time because I was sore and Vicky was tired. We joked around with each other she was teasing me about my loser girlfriend that never liked to do more then kiss. Vicky laughed at me and pointed to my dick, “You are never going to get her to suck your cock.”

I gave her a playful shove but I knew she was right. I was reduced to wanking off in the shower or a sock. My girlfriend Jenny was such a tease. I should drop the bitch and move on but when you are a teenager you have to have hope.

I took a shower and then headed to the kitchen to get something to eat. Practice can wipe you out. I went to my bedroom and started to rub one off. There was a knock at my door. I quickly turned out the light and covered myself. “Who is it?” I answered in the most tired sounding voice I could.

The door opened and my sister walked in. She was wearing some tight silk pink pants and a silk top that only covered her c-cup breasts. Victoria walked in and sat on the foot of my bed. She placed her hands behind her and leaned back giving me a view of the bottom of her breasts. Her silky smooth skin was a creamy white in the moonlight of my room.

“What are you doing?” Victoria asked with a smile on her face. “Can I watch?”

“I’m not doing anything. I was getting ready for bed.” I said with a shaky voice. Did my own sister want to watch me jerk off? Did she really? I looked away from her.

Victoria looked at my cock under the bed sheets. “I have watched a couple of boys before. I like it. I love to see them squirt there cum on my tits.” She said with a straight face and a wicked smile.

“Vicky! What are you doing?” I said in shock. “YOU are not sleeping with them are you?”

“Nope I have not let any man fuck me yet.”

“But you are only fifteen years old!”

“So I like it when men look at me. I know you look at me. You like my tits and my ass. I have always wondered what your cock looked like and what it feels like.”

“Vicky, I can’t let you see my cock. I am your brother.”

“I will show you my tits so that you can jerk off to them. If you show me your cock right now, I will show you my tities.”

She started to inch her tits out further and let her jet-black hair fall down her back. She was damn sexy but I was not about to let my sister see my cock. I didn’t want to ruin my family over some cheap and meaningless sex.

My sister could see that she was not going to win so she stood up and headed for the door. The moonlight gave way to the light from the hall as she opened the door. She turned her back to me and said, “You could have seen all of this.” With that she pulled her pants down and showed me her incredible ass. She wasn’t wearing any underwear and her ass had a perfect shape to it. After all she was a cheerleader.

I jerked off three times that night and fell into a very deep sleep.

Friday was the first game of the season. We had trained for a long time and wanted to win. This was my first year on the varsity and I heard that the parties are off the hook. I couldn’t wait to see if they were true.

We won the game as expected. In the locker room everyone was talking about the win and the party at some guy’s house. I headed over after I changed and showered.

The party was already in full swing when I arrived. The cheerleader squad was already there. There were about two hundred people in all. The football team started drinking. There were shots being lined up and someone was smoking weed in the back. The music was rockin’ and everyone was having a good time.

I had a drink in my hand and just worked the room. I went talking to some of the cheerleaders and to Vicky. She was still in her uniform as were the other girls. As I was making my rounds with the girls, I heard a rumor.  The Head cheerleader told Vicky that all the girls give at least a blowjob to the football team. She was saying that the head cheerleader got to pick the guy that the cheerleader would have sex with. Both people would be blind folded. She was also saying that the cheerleaders would be blind folded too.

Well shit!” I thought. “I’m getting laid tonight!” I hurried to find the guys and find out more details. That is where I ran into Johnny one of the running back.

“Dude, you know that there is some sort of thing about having sex with the cheerleaders tonight?” I said with almost a smile on my face. I was trying to hold in the excitement. I was like a kid in a candy store, like a homeless man on free donut day at Krispy Kreme.

Johnny and Tim lead me to a room on the second floor. As we approached the door the Tim handed me a blindfold. Johnny looked at me and said, “You can’t take off the blindfold if you want to stay on the team. Do not talk and just sit on the bed and let the cheerleader come in and suck my cock until you cum in her mouth. That is the rules.”

            “Oh hell yes.” I said without thinking. My girlfriend had only let me play with her pussy a couple of times but nothing more and I was really horny.

            Tim asked if I needed a condom. “Nope.” I said, “My father hooked me up.” and I walked into the room. It was dark but the bed stand light was on. The room must have been a girl’s room by the décor. I took off my shoes, pants, and shirt. I then applied the blindfold and sat waiting.

            I could hear the door open and I head the head cheerleader say, “Your prize has arrived. No talking and you must cum in her mouth.”

            I heard footsteps and then the light when out. “Oh you two have a good time and keep your blind folds on the whole time.” Then I heard the door close.

            My heart was pounding like a bass line at a rock concert. I could feel my palms sweating and my cock was growing all by its self. I sat back and I wanted to see the girl that was about to suck my cock but I didn’t.

            I could feel a set of hands begin to rub my legs, running up and down my thighs. I felt this girl’s hands run over my cock. Even though I had my boxers on, she could feel my hard cock. I felt her small hands touch my legs she was shaking a little. I wasn’t sure if she had ever sucked a cock but I was going to find out.

            I grabbed the bottom of my seat to stop from grabbing this girl. I wanted her so bad. My cock was doing all the thinking. I let her slowly rub my cock. I wanted to feel her touch on my bare skin so I rotated and thrust my hips at her face. My cock touched her. I’m not sure where but it felt like lighting. I was so excited.

            Her hands slide under my boxers and grasped my cock. I almost spoke. I remembered the rules and kept my mouth shut. My heart was beating so fast that I thought I could jump through time. I really didn’t want to shoot my load in my shorts either.

            The cheerleader worked my cock for a couple of minutes with her hand before I felt her pull at my waistband. I pushed my hips up to allow my boxers to come free. She pulled them all the way off and now I was free. My cock sprang free, like a jack in the box, swinging from side to side. I ran my fingers through her soft hair. It was long and had a great smell about it something that smelled familiar.

            I thought about what Vicky was doing at this party and if she was with a guy right now. Then I put it out of my mind and went back to the girl sucking my cock.

            I felt a warm breath on the tip of my penis. “WOW”, I thought she is about to suck my cock! This is great!

            I felt her warm breath as she breathed out and then I felt her soft wet lips touch my engorged cock. I was so hard and her lips felt like silk that I almost came in her mouth. I place a hand behind her head and one on the chair for balance. I began to slowly move her head up and down on my cock. I could feel her tongue on the underside of my cock and whirling around my tip on the up stroke. The cheerleader slowly started to work my cock faster and faster. She applied suction to my cock and worked up speed. “This girl has sucked a few cocks in her day”, I thought while I was gripping her head and grabbing the chair for leverage.

            I am not sure how long she was sucking my cock but I was so close to cumming and she never stopped. She kept the pressure on my cock and used her hands to stroke my base of my cock. I felt a hand on my balls lightly squeezing them. I couldn’t take it anymore. I gripped the back of her head and I shot a huge amount of cum in this cheerleader’s mouth. I held her tight while she licked my balls with my cock still in her mouth. I shot another load deep into her throat. I must have shot four or five loads into her mouth before I let go of her head.

            She pulled back and I could hear her swallow. “Ummmmmmmmm, that was good big boy. Thanks for the large drink.”

            Her voice was so familiar that I pulled off the blindfold and saw something that would change my life. It was Vicky with a blindfold on too and she was wiping the cum from her chin. I was so shocked! What had I done? This was my sister and she sucked the best cock ever. It beat a hand job by my girlfriend any day.

            It then occurred to me that this was a set up. It was the head cheerleader that put us together. She was the one picking the girls to suck the guys. I grabbed Vicky and pushed her to the ground. I then grabbed my clothing and quickly got dressed.

            “What a bitch!” I yelled as I ran out of the room and left the house. 

Naughty At School

Tremor on Teen Stories

Lea was a beautiful girl, but by no means slutty. She just always liked to push the boundaries. She stood in front of her mirror totally naked, with her shapely figure, and her breasts that stood firm and soft, one and a bit handfuls in each even side. With beautiful, small, soft pink nipples standing proudly erect on the middle of each. Her face was inviting, friendly and warm. With a light brown wave of hair all the way down to the top of her back. Her eyes were a clear green, with a face that said yes, and a body to match. She was so happy with the woman she had made herself to be. At only 16, she didn't know where else she could improve herself.

Lea loved to look at herself, and liked to run her hands over her firm stomach, that she had spent months working out on, up over

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her nipples, slightly tweaking them until they were totally erect. Focussing over them before deciding to button up her shirt. Her thin white collared shirt was a few sizes too small. When she bought it, she noticed that the buttons were stretched tight around her breasts, but this was pretty much the exact reason why she bought it. Pulling up her white cotton panties, that were slightly more see through than the normal, she looked at herself one more time "mmmmm" she moaned quietly. And did up her school plead skirt, that was also a few sizes too small.

Walking into school, knowing that every boy there wanted her, but none of them had had her at all... Yet. This made her thighs warm up and once again her nipples shon proudly through her white shirt. Strolling the corrodors until she reached her locker, and her girlfriends. The first class she had was English, with their sexy new teacher Mr Massie. Mr Massie knew how to get every one of his students going, with his empassioned speaches, and what Lea noticed as his crystal blue eyes.

At the end of the lecture, Mr Massie called over Lea and invited her to sit on his desk. Lea had been working all week to get Mr Massie's attention and she finally realised that she had. When she sat on his desk, instead of crossing her legs like normal, she shifted them slightly apart. Giving him the best view possible. While the last few students were walking out, Mr Massie dribbled on about her grades. Until finally the last student had left the room. At that Mr Massie lifted his hand and placed it on Lea's knee, slowly inching up her thigh. She began to squirm, this was what she was waiting for, someone to take the cherry she had been blessed with.

With every centimetre that Mr Massie moved, Lea's heart rate and breathing increased exponentially. She quivered at his touch, until finally Mr Massie broke it and stood up. Unbuttoning some of Lea's buttons he stood back and stared at her young body.
"Don't even think about saying you can't do this because your my teacher" Lea murmured,
"I wouldn't dream it, I have wanted to make you mine ever since I started" he repleid.
Lea grabbed his front and pulled him towards her, ripping most of his buttons off in the process. Mr Massie lifted Lea into the air and pulled her legs tightly around his waste. Carrying her around the room embraced in a kiss. While she latched on she had taken care of the last few buttons and begun kissing his chest. At that, Mr Massie placed Lea back down on his desk and swung his arm to clear it. Pencils went flyng as Lea arched her back onot his desk, giving him a full view only covered by a milimetre of cloth. He unbuttoned her last few buttons and let her light pink nipples poke out and breathe. He latched onto her right breast and sucked ashard as he could. Lea squealed with the pleasure of this rapid moviement. Reaching down onto Mr Massie's pants where he was now huge. Rubbinig him up and down as he sucked on her other nipple. Flicking it with her tongue until it hurt how hard they were. She pushed him away and unzipped his pants, pulling them all the way down wit his boxers.

She grabbed his beautiful cock and placed it as far down her throat as she could. Gagging on it's girth. Back and forth her head slid and Mr Massie's head lolled back. 'This is it, heaven' he thought. As she looked up at him with her clear green eyes, she put on a face of a girl who wanted nothing more than him inside. He let her keep going, bobbing up and down with her hand rubbing his shaft until he could stand no more. Lifting her back onto the desk and pulling aside her panties. Slipping his fingers straight into her incredibly moist mound. He beckoned his fingers and she moaned in ecstacy. More and more he moved his fingers insdie her body, getting every inch of pleaseure out of the moment. She got his attention, and finally he realised what she actually wanted. Pulling his fingers out and sucking on her juices, he quickly bobbed down and inserted his tongue. Touching over her clit and flicking it as he had done her nipple. She was immediately thrown into an amzing orgasm, something she was yet to feel before then. This had definitely not dampened her spirits. She wanted more...

Mr Massie stood back up, not able to bare any more outside of her. Pulled down her panties and lifted her incredibly short skirt. Not wanting to take it off, as he loved how she looked just sitting rhere in it. She nodded and he immediately plunged deep insdie her... The sound she made can not be descirbed, as she laid down on his desk. Bracing herself with her hands, so she could push further down his shaft. Wrapping her legs around him so she could pull him in further. He was pumping like there was no tomorrow. In and out he want, both of them letting out moans of pleasure and ecstacy. Cum came flowing out of Lea as each orgasm she reached surpassed the last. She could not explain the pleasure she was feeling as her cherry was popped without stop.

Laying on her back she did not want it to stop, until Mr Massie, after what seemed like an eterntity of pounding slowed his paces, pulled right out and put himself back in very slowly.
"I'm alsmot done my little one" he muttered,
"Give me everything you've got!" she repleid,
and with that he slipped easily back into her hot mound and did exactly as he was asked. Giving her every milimeter and second he had to give. At that she clamped down on his incredibly hard dick, throwing into her final orgasm for the afternoon. Cum streaming down her legs and his legs. As he filled her up with his seed, she could not even think of a word to say, nor a feeling to express... She just lay there, with him insdie her.

With a final kiss, she tidied herself up and strolled out. What she didn't realise is that the head mistress had been at the door all along. As she passed throug hthe doorway she was pulled aside.. "Next time, young lady... I better be in there too" she whispered...

:) To continue?

Teacher gets Halloween treat

gumie35 on Forced Stories

Everyday the two of them harassed the other kids in school. High school in the mid west was like the Wild Wild West. If a teacher didn’t catch you, you were able to do anything you wanted. It was better if you played football. Well the Tomas and John played football; they were bigger and stronger then most everyone in the school.  When you are on the team you are rule the turf, anything for a win the coach would say.

The boys would beat up the younger kids and even fight the older ones. Tommy once fought a senior and broke his jaw. In the heat of the moment he was unstoppable.  This made every student and most teachers fearful of Tommy and John. There

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were rumors of the two of them catching a freshmen girl in the stairwell and making her suck their cocks. It was a rumor though so who knows what the truth is. The girl’s parents moved away and she never returned to school.

Halloween was fast approaching and the school was getting ready for the big day. Decorations were going up and kids were talking about the candy hauls from years past. While in the lunch room Tommy and John were listening. “This year will be better then last year.” John said with a devil grin. His smile that could fool a child in a second to think they were safe. “Are we going to egg houses this year? Maybe break a couple of windows?” Tommy said starting to show his teeth also. “No, NO.” John said, “I have an idea. I have been thinking about Mrs. Porterman.” Tommy looked surprised, other then the fighting and the occasional harassment they had never done anything that could land themselves in jail. “Yeah the sexy ass forty year old that teaches science?” John looked up to the brightness of the florescent bulbs that lined the cafeteria. “That’s the one.” He said, “I want her.”

Tommy looked shocked. “What do you mean you want her? How?” John without missing a beat looked down, dead at Tommy and said, “I want to taste her ass. I found out that her son attends classes here. I have thought about it and I think that we can follow him home after school tonight and see where she lives. We can then get our costumes and head back. She will not know it’s us and open the door like normal. When she does we can over take her and fuck the shit out of her. She will never see it.” Tommy’s brain was turning. He thought about it for a minute. John took this as a sign of weakness. “Don’t puss out on me tonight!” He said with a low growl thru his teeth. “I want this.” Tommy let out a laugh that snapped everyone’s head in the lunchroom toward them. “I just had an idea, I would never bone out on you. I was thinking to not get caught; we should video it and hold it against her. This way if she sees us we can get out scot-free.” John started to openly laugh too.

Three o’clock came fast. John and Tommy were really excited about this move into the dark would of sex. They had been forcing girls for sex for sometime but never an older woman and never a teacher. This was a big jump for them. After school, like clock work Mrs. Porterman’s son Israel headed to the bus and headed for home. John and Tommy followed in Tommy’s car.

Mrs. Porterman lived in a small suburb about twenty-five miles from school. The house was rather large and it was well manicured.

After going home and getting their costumes, John and Tommy returned to Mrs. Porterman’s house. It was now dark out and the getting close to nine o’clock where most of the trick-or-treaters would be heading indoors. The two boys waited in their car, hidden from view. “John what are you getting for you fifteenth birthday this year?” Tommy said trying to past the time. “Not sure, probably just something that I will throw away. My parents are asses anyway.” John said while trailing off, “What do you think, is it safe to enter?”

“The streets are pretty clear let’s go for it.” Tommy said, “Do you have the camera?” John held up the camera as he exited the car and put on his mask. John was wearing his favorite Clinton and Tommy was wearing a doctor’s mask and gear.

With all the confidence in the world, the two of them walked to the front door and rang the bell. When Mrs. Porterman answered the door she was shocked, not at who was at the door, but their age.  “Wow! You guys are really big to be trick-or-treating.  I am almost out of candy but let me see what I have in the house.” She was wearing a Caribbean Pirate costume. The black vest was low-cut scoop neck showing her full breasts. The costume had a gold collar, and scalloped lace hem. A white lace top that was see-through with bell sleeves with gold and black trim; and sassy black booty shorts with garters really pushed the boys over the edge. The thigh-high jet-black boots were just a bonus.

That was the mistake that set off the plan. Mrs. Porterman turned her back that within an instant John rushed her. His hands quickly entrapped her. Her small waist was no match for he’s power. Tommy quickly entered the house, closed the door and locked it, and then turned out the porch light. It was time to begin.

John removed the camera from his pocket and tossed it to Tommy, then turned back to his prize. Tommy started to film as the events unfolded.

John looked over Mrs. Porterman’s outfit. She was really hot. Her breasts were full but not sloppy. The breasts filled the vest and pushed outward as she took deep breaths. Her boots were stopping her from running; she knew when she put them on that she would not be able to move very well in them, but tennis shoes would ruined the outfit.

“What do you want?” She said with anger in her voice, “Get out of my house!” She screamed. “Oh baby, don’t be like that. Playing hard to get is so twenties, you are much more mature then that.” John taunted her. “Get out of my house you fuckin’ bastard!” She fired back. Mrs. Porterman was a feisty blonde that never took shit from anyone. John stopped in his tracks. She was shocked! Did she really scare him? Just like that John removed his mask. She almost pissed herself. “Why don’t we wait until Israel gets home? Then we can talk to him.” John said with that evil smile. “What are you going to do to him?” Mrs. Porterman said with tears starting to well up in her eyes. “Well we are horny and we are going to fuck something tonight. You or your son! The choice is yours.” John said while laughing.


She had no choice. Mrs. Porterman had to do as they wished. The threat of violence was way to real for her not too. She was openly crying now. John had his prize now and showed it by grabbing her arm and dragging her into the living room. Tommy followed closely behind.

As they entered the living room it was wide open with a coffee table and a leather L-shaped couch in the center of the room. The television was against the wall with wall-to-wall carpet. It was very a contemporary looking. The lighting was dim and set to just the right setting for the occasion.

“You are going to do what we say, when we say it.” John said looking around the room. Something caught his eye but he kept his cool. “Come over here.” He pointed to the ground in front of him. “Stand before me.” Mrs. Porterman was now shaking, but she obeyed his command. John leaned into her ear and whispered to her, “What is your name?” “My name?” She repeated without looking at him. Her hands were in front of her trying to hide behind them. John just stared at her. She whispered back to him, “ My name is Joan.” John reached out and grabbed her arm with all the strength his fourteen-year-old body could muster. The force that John held her arm shocked Joan. “What is your name?” He shouted as he pushed her to her knees. Her arm was now above her head and really hurting. He stared at her with hate in his eyes and said, “Tell me!”  “Please!” she screamed, “You’re breaking my arm!”

Joan thought about it for what seemed like eternity and blurted out the first thing she could think of, “Slave! I am your slave. Please stop, my arm is going to break.” Joan make-up was running down her face mixed with tears. This showed John that she was ready. He released her. “Tommy did you get that?” John never took his eyes off his newly enslaved woman. “Your fucking right I got that! This will make for a great video to mail to the other teachers.” Tommy said while laughing.

Joan hung her head low and knew that she was fuckin’ screwed. These two boys beat her and now she had no choice if she wanted to spare her son, keep her job and reputation as a teacher in the community. “Slave.” John said with a cold and cutting voice. “Rub my cock.”

Joan never looked up; she reached up and started to touch the material of John’s pants. She hit the mark and found the piece of meat that hung between his legs. It was starting to grow with every stroke. Tommy was zooming in on his pants and watching his cock grow. “Slave.” Tommy called out, “There is a reason he is called king dong!” John started to laugh and Joan started to sob again. Tommy laughed again at the sight that was really turning him on too.

“Slave.” John said, “Take out my cock and put it in your mouth.” Joan had not had a cock in about six years. Her husband ran out on her and Israel and left her alone. Joan never dated; she just focused on her work and son. No one at that school knew this. She hid it well from her students and co-workers. Joan was scared but her body was starting to get excited. She was only ever with her husband and he was not that great of a lover. Joan unzipped John’s fly and pulled open the fly of his boxer briefs. John’s cock was stuck in his boxer briefs so Joan reached in and grabbed a hold of it. Her hand could not get around his member. King dong was right she thought. How in the hell was this thing going to fit in her very tight mouth? Tommy watched all the action that was unfolding and getting great angles with his camera. Joan struggled for a couple seconds and then got it to pop free. John’s cock was huge maybe about 10 inches. It had veins running around it and circumcised. The tip was the size of a small apple and about the same color too. Joan was visibly shaking at it size. She was not impressed. Her husband’s cock was only about seven inches hard and he never lasted that long. Not even in high school.

“What are you waiting for slave, suck my cock.” John said. “I am not sure how to.” Joan said in shame. “I have never seen a cock this big. I cannot get it in my mouth.” Joan looked down away from her capture. “Do your job or I will make your son learn.” John was cold and knew she just needed to be pushed a little.

Joan opened her mouth as wide as she could and took the tip in her mouth. She placed a hand at the base of his cock to keep it stable. Joan began to slowly work her cock into her mouth, first the tip and then slowly getting another inch in. She was drooling and choking on the monster with every breath she took. After a couple of tries, she opened her mouth a little more and took another inch in. It was too much. She gagged hard and almost vomited on John’s cock. Instinctually she pushed on John’s thighs and tried to get his cock out of her mouth. John got pissed at his slave and grabbed her hair and forced his cock into her throat. When she gagged again he could feel her throat massage his cock. John could hold out no longer, get grabbed handfuls of that long blonde hair and shot load after load into his slaves beautiful mouth. Joan gagged and gagged on the hot long loads of cum that shot down her throat.

Joan’s gagging almost sent Tommy over the edge as well. He had not even touched his cock, but seeing his science teacher sucking his friend’s cock was great. This was his private porno. John was spent for the moment, he would recover but it was going to be about an hour. “Tommy, let me have the camera and start working with the slave.” John said with his cock shrinking by the second. Tommy was eager to cum too. “I want to fuck her!” Tommy blurted out. “No the slave pussy is mine for now.” John claimed. Joan was thankful that she was not going to get fucked. This was already embarrassing, but John’s cock is way to big for her pussy and she was afraid.

Tommy walked over and sat on the couch and pointed to his cock. John filmed the whole thing with his cock hanging out. Joan started to get up but her knees were sore from being in this position. She went to get up again and John spoke up, “NO. Crawl to him. Slaves don’t walk unless they told to.” Joan did as she was told. She crawled over on her hands and knees to where Tommy was sitting. Tommy already had his cock out and a hand on the base. It was not even close to John’s size. His cock was about seven inches long and nicely round. When Joan got to it she was relieved to see that it was not a monster too.

She quickly went to work on it. The soon she could make him cum the faster they would leave. She did not want her son to return from his party to see her like this. Joan took Tommy’s tool in her mouth and started sucking and stroking it. She was still shaky from the last blowjob and her jaw hurt. Joan soldiered on with her job. She sucked hard on Tommy’s cock and moved her hand to meet her lips. She sucked and sucked and stroked to her lips. She was sucking as hard as she could. Tommy knew his body and knew that he was going to cum soon. This slave was giving the best blowjob he ever had. She was sucking so hard that Tommy could not hold back any longer. He looked at John with the camera and John knew what was going to happen.  John zoomed in on Tommy’s cock, “Slave.” John said, “Swallow all the cum Tommy gives you.” Joan with a mouthful of cock just moan, “ok master.” That was all Tommy needed to cum. He shot load after load of hot cum into Joan’s mouth. Joan did exactly what she was told. She swallowed every drop of cum that Tommy shot off.

John held the camera in one hand and walked over to Joan. “You are now my slave. You will do what I want when I want it, anytime of day including school or I will post the video to a sex site and then e-mail everyone a link to it. Joan with cum residue in her dry mouth just stared at the floor and nodded her head.

John knew that school was going to be different from now on.

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