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ginagirl Member Since October 19, 2009

The New Wife Learns to be a Good Bitch

ginagirl on Forced Stories

Everything about the wedding had been just perfect, even if marrying Jeffrey hadn't been exactly her choice. But her father had pressured her relentlessly, telling her what a good match it was, how very wealthy Jeffrey was. And he was handsome and successful. At 28, her mother said, Carla was getting a little over the hill, which was kind of insulting, but possible true. And she wasn't drop dead gorgeous, but definitely pretty, and with a good figure. So finally, she gave in.

Since everyone seemed to be deciding things without her input, Carla wasn't even that curious about this mysterious honeymoon destination that Jeffrey had planned. They'd boarded a private jet shortly

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after the reception and it was dark by the time they touched down. She'd napped on the plane, but was still kind of tired, so when the little shuttle bus dropped them off a the resort, she was ready to get some sleep and hit the beach in the morning. But when she came out of the bathroom, Jeffrey put his arms around her and said he'd been waiting all day to fuck his new wife. She pushed him away, saying, "Don't be crude, Jeff. That's hardly any way to get me in the mood." His eyes hardened. "I'd hoped you'd be a little more cooperative to start, but I can see I've got my work cut out for me."

"What are you talking about?" she said, turning away. But he grabbed her arm and spun her back. "Perhaps you don't quite understand your position, Carla. You're mine, now."

She tried to push away. "Well, of course I am. We said our vows and everything. But don't act like some sort of caveman." To her utter shock, he slapped her across the face, which stunned her into silence.

"Let's be very clear, Carla. I consider you to be mine in the sense that you are my property. I more or less bought you from your dear father in settlement of some significant debt, and in consideration for future business arrangements. I am not the sort of man who lets a woman disobey him or do anything except what I say she will do. When I say "own" ... I mean it. I believe wives have specific functions, which you will carry out to my standards or face unpleasant consquences."

Carla had been too stunned to reply, but now her anger was at full boil. "Let me go, you son of a bitch. LIke hell I'm your property. I'm on the next plane home tomorrow, and I'll get an annulment. Fuck you!"

He slapped her again and then pushed her up against the wall. "So that's how you want to play it, fine." He pushed her face down on the bed, and quickly tied something around her wrists. "I'll scream!" she threatened.

"Fine," he chuckled. "No one here will care. This resort caters to men like me. The women here have no say in anything. "And," he added, "we will be staying here for quite a while, several weeks, perhaps longer, depending on your learning curve." He pulled her off the bed and sat her in a chair, then took a couple of ropes out of a drawer and tied her ankles to the chair legs, with her thighs spread open. He pulled a chair up to face her and sat down. Reaching out, he yanked open the front of her sexy honeymoon neglige. "These are the facts of life, Carla, of your life, anyway... from now on. I could have had you without marrying you, but social mores being what they are, it's wise to have a wife. You will be an asset in more ways than one. So let me give you a brief, shall we say, job description. If I choose to father children, you will be the brood mare, so to speak. Unless and until I do decide, your primary responsibility is to service me, anytime, anywhere, however I choose." He patted the front of his trousers. "Keeping your husband happy is what you will live for. And that means you worship this cock, and you obey my orders no matter what they are."

Carla started to speak, to protest, but he raised his hand and she closed her mouth. "Secondly," he reached between her legs and parted her pussy lips, "this nice little fuckhole, and your ass, and your mouth," are for servicing cock, mine and anyone else's I allow to have use of you. These nice tits... mine, too." He got up and poured himself a drink. "Don't think for a moment that this is some sort of partnership. Some men may want that. I don't. To me, a woman is basically a bitch, a breeder, a fucktoy. I think that's what they are made for. That's why they've got a pussy, and ass, and a mouth, because a cock fits nicely in them. And we're going to stay here until you fully understand that. I know I will enjoy your training, I don't really are if you do or not. Your pleasure is of no importance to me. However, with proper conditioning, I daresay you will become a very willing and eager slut, since all bitches are basically slaves to their orgasms. Kind of like Pavlov's dogs... eventually just the sight of cock will have you panting and spreading your legs and wagging your ass."

Carla was about to faint from shock. She couldn't find any words. This was all some sort of bizarre nightmare form which she would wake up. He was acting as if she was going to be some sort of sick sex slave. Like hell, she thought. As if reading her mind, he chuckled. "Oh, you'll learn. And the first lesson is right now." Jeffrey was tall, and standing beside the chair, his crotch was easily even with her face. He unzipped his pants, pulled out his cock and forcibly turned her face toward it. He rubbed it all over her face, letting it get harder and harder as she tried to squirm away. Once his pole had stiffened sufficiently, he reached into the drawer again and pulled out a leather strap with a ring in it. "I can't really trust you yet not to do me some injury, so this will prevent that, and also give you a graphic example of how easily I can use you. Without warning, he pried her mouth open, popped the metal ring between her teeth and secured the strap around her head. Now her mouth was opened in an O shape. He straddled the chair and slid his erection into her mouth, letting it lie on her tongue. Slowly he stroked it back and forth.

"You see, Carla, ..." he paused, "I probably won't use that name except in public. In private, I'll be using more functional names, like job titles. So, let me start again. You see, cunt... your job description has, shall we say, several bullet points. One of them is cocksucker. So you will have to get very good at it. Since I doubt you'd be very cooperative at the moment, nd since my cock needs servicing, we'll do it this way. I fuck your mouth as long as I want, as deep as I want, and you'll swallow my cum. I'll forego you licking me clean, at least for the moment." He suited his actions to his words, and picked up a steady rhythm, holding Carla's head between his hands and thrusting into her without regard for her discomfort. Suddenly he stopped. "Oh, but it IS our honeymoon after all. Perhaps I'm being selfish." Back to the drawer he went and this time came out with a lavender vibrating dildo. Unceremoniously, he spread her pussy open, worked it in, ignoring her protests. "Don't whine. It's already kind of wet... I knew you had a slut streak in you." Flicking it on, he resumed his position and thrust his cock into her mouth. Sure enough, as he had predicted, Carla began to quiver from the deep vibrations in her vagina. He reached down and turned it up to high and then began brutally using her face like a pussy, his cock goins so deep she could only breathe between strokes. At last he buried himself to the hilt and held it there as she was torn between trying ot breathe and cumming all over the vibrator. He drew back and then shot his load down her throat. She had to swallow it.

"Not bad," he shrugged. "Your father thought you'd be decent cocksucker, but we'll see. Now I'm going to get some sleep, and you get to think about your future... I think some fresh air would be helpful. He scooted her and the chair across the carpet and onto the patio. "But it's kind of hot out here, don't you think." He ripped away the sheer fabric of her nightgown, leaving her completely naked, the dildo still in her pussy. He turned her to face outward, toward the little gravel path that ran along in front of the bungalows. In the daylight, she would be on display for anyone passing by. Before going in, he fondled her breasts. "These are pretty nice, but I think I'd like them bigger. We'll take care of that while we're here, too." Thoughtfully, he decided to remove the O ring from her mouth. "Feel free to chat with anyone who comes by," he said. Any woman on this island is fair game for any man who feels like using her, but until I put your cunt label on you, they'll just look and handle."

He left Carla there, shivering a little the dark, wondering what in the world did he mean by 'cunt label,' and could this really he happening to her?


ginagirl on Forced Stories

Early the next morning, Carla awoke from a restless sleep to find two men standing in front of her. They did not address her, but acted as if she was deaf or something.

"He's got himself a good one," said the older of the two.

"He'll want bigger tits than these," said the other, grabbing one of her breasts and weighing it in his hand. Carla was stunned for a moment, then said, "Get your hands off me!" The men laughed. And she heard Jeffrey's voice behind her. "Sorry, guys, the bitch really isn't broken in yet." She felt his hand on her shoulders; then they quickly slid down to her grasp her breasts. He held them from underneath, squeezing them into an elongated shape, nipples pointed outward. "And you're right, they're not big enough. I like 'em the size of cow tits, so they drag th
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e ground when the bitch crawls. Either of you guys need a little dick polish?"

The younger man, who seemed to be in his 30s, rubbed the front of his pants where a bulge had appeared. "There's something about fresh meat, Jeff, always gets me hard."

"Just one second," Jeffrey replied and within seconds he was fitting the horrible cock ring into her mouth. "Better use this until she's had her training." She started to speak and, he twisted a nipple viciously. "Shut the fuck up, bitch." If a man wants to use you, then he'll use you." As the man was somewhat shorter than he, Jeffrey thoughtfully released Carla's straps and pushed her to her knees in front of his guest. The man quickly unzipped his fly, pulled out his hardening dick and shoved it into her mouth. Then, to her humiliation, they continued chatting as if she was not even there. The stranger grabbed her head in his hands and shoved himself fully into her throat.

The older man watched approvingly. "Have you seen Malcolm's new bitch?" He sold the old wife, got himself a hot blonde with tits out to here," he gestured, and a tight, tight cunt. Sorority girl, not even 19 yet. Swears she was a cherry cunt, too."

Jeffrey laughed. "They're hard to find... so many little sluts running around. That's on my agenda for the future, though, some really sweet young pussy... for when I get tired of this little bitch." He patted her head. "Her daddy sold her cheap, though. I said I'd consider letting him have the use of her at some point when I get tired of fucking the same holes."

Carla's head was swimming. Nothing made sense. Her new husband was watching another man fuck her mouth and talking about his next wife... and her own father had sold her?

Her attention was brought back to the hard meat reaming her throat. She choked. They laughed. He pressed harder, held it longer, and by the time the man had shot his load down her throat, the other one was hard, and wanted some, too. "Go right head," chuckled Jeffrey. "That's all the bitch is going to get to eat today. It's the cum diet until she starts learning to obey." He swiftly strapped her arms behind her back and her ankles together as she knelt there on the patio. He secured her wrists to her ankles so she could not leave her position.

He went back into the bungalow and came out with a little plastic sign on a chain that he showed her. "Please let me suck your cock." is all it said. "That's your first cunt tag," he explained. Today, your everyone's little cocksucker. He turned the vibrator on low, hung the sign around her neck and, as an afterthough, when back in, and returned with a blindfold. "I think it's more painful if the cunt can't see it coming." They all laughed, and strode off down the path.

Carla did not know how many hours it was until she heard Jeffrey's voice. She had even lost track of the cocks that had been thrust into her mouth as if she were a public convenience. Hands that had fiddled with the vibrator, pushed it in and out a few times, and even, to her horror, the giggles of what sounded like teenage boys who appeared quite willing to yank on her nipples, play with her clit, and use her just like the men were doing. She knew she had cum on her face, both fresh and dried. She had to pee so badly, she finally let go, and felt it trickling down onto her legs.

Jeffrey expressed his disgust and amusement at her plight when he finally returned. He removed the straps and yanked her to her feet. "Time to wash you off, bitch." He shoved her into the shower, turned on the spray... cold... and directed it, hard and stinging, all over her body. "Bend over," he ordered, and pushed the shower head into her crotch a sshe bent over double. Cold needles of spray made her cry out, but he didn't even respond. He poured some body wash onto her ass, lathered it, then pressed his soapy fingers first into her vagina, then worked a finger into her ass. She cried, "Don't," too late remembering she wasn't supposed to talk. The transgression earned her sharp, painful slaps on her ass and a spray of water in her face. He rinsed her off, once more pressing the showerhead into her pussy, then spreading her ass to allow some water in there was well.

He pulled her out of the shower, threw her a towel and watched as he dried herself. He stroked the bulge in his trousers. "Now that you're all clean, let's get you dirty again... just like the filthy little piece of ass you really are."

Again, there was no foreplay, certainly no romance. He flung her down on her knees so that her chest rested over the bed. He kicked her legs apart, and she felt his cock head running up and down her damp slit. "Lesson two, my little bitch... when your hubby's cock needs servicing, it gets what it wants. You have three holes ... mouth, ass, cunt... they are mine when I want them.... and they're for anyone else I want to let use them." He reached under and fingered her clit, chuckling when she jumped and her body squirmed. "You see.... Carla.... I knew what you were the first time I met you... a cockhungry little whore hiding behind that ladylike facade of yours. What you really need is to spread your legs and worship at the altar of cock...and you'll cum every time." He vibrated her clit between his fingers and buried his entire length in her hot pussy. "No matter how hard I fuck you, use you, abuse you, humiliate you, I'll make sure you cum... every time. Just like now." And, to her shock, Carla did. She felt the wave starting. She couldn't stop it. He rubbed and flicker her clit... and said, "Cum, bitch!" And she came, screaming, panting, like the sluts she'd seen in movies.

He shot his load, flipped her over, turned her so that her head was hanging off the bed, straddled her throat facing toward her feet, and stuffed his slimy cock in her mouth. "Lick it nice and clean, and maybe I won't let too many men have you tomorrow...hmmm... or maybe I'm getting hard again. I like doing it this way. I can get it all the way in, and still slap those tits around."

He choked her, he yanked on her tits, and made rub her own pussy.... and again, Carla came like the slut she was.

ginagirl on Forced Stories

It would be the ultimate revenge. Nine years of marriage hell. Even her own father had tried to warn Stan that he didn't really want to marry Felicia. She'd virtually stolen control of the family business, slept with her father's most unscrupulous competitors, betrayed him just to get more power.

But no, he did it anyway, and she'd turned into a first-class bitch. She'd demeaned him, publicly humiliated him in front of his colleagues, refused to have a family, saying his sperm wasn't good enough. He could count on one hand the numbner of times they'd had sex in the last two years. She thought because she came from wealth and high society that she could treat him like dirt. She was wrong. His plan was meticulous and perfect

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. He would not only have his revenge, but he would be rid of her without having to do anything risky like murder. The solution had presented itself when he'd gotten to be friends with a man named Harker at the gym. After some weeks of hearing Stan complain, Harker had asked him to a private club, a small, exclusive club of disgruntled husbands. A few months later, the time was at hand, and his new friends were going to provide an unbreakable alibi in return for a evening's entertainment.

8:00 a.m. Felicia leaves for her massage appointment, tells the maid she won't be back until late evening. She thinks she's meeting her wimp of a husband for dinner. Before that she has shopping, a hair appointment, and lunch with friends. Life is good and she makes all the decisions, as any wealthy privileged woman should. Right? Stan knows better.

Outside the restaurant that night, Felicia's pampered life took a different turn. Two men, wearing some sort of masks grabbed her, threw her into an SUV and put her face down on the back seat. Quickly her wrists were cuffed behind her and her ankles strapped. She kept screaming until one man said, "Shut the fuck UP, bitch!" and pressed her faced into the seat until she couldn't breathe. She felt hands all over her, pulling up her dress, pulling down her panties. "Hey," says another voice, "don't mess with the goods. You know this one's for the special party."

Laughter. "No one says we can't touch the merchandise, long as we don't use it."

Felicia was horrified, in total panic. But she was angry too. how dare they presume to treat her this way! It was not a long ride, but it seemed endless as fingers probed between her legs and pinched her ass. The car stopped and the men pulled her out, blindfolded her and then, right there in the middle of a parking lot, they stripped off her clothes ... every shred. "You won't need these anymore," said the first man. "Yeah," agreed the second. "Kind of like putting clothes on a cow going to see the bull... would you look at those tits." Hands mauled her breasts briefly. "I wouldn't mind seeing those drag the ground when the bitch crawls."

Felicia was nearly out of her mind with fear and loathing. Men calling her names like that, touching her most intimate places, treating HER... Felicia some kind of trollop. It hadn't yet occurred to her that it was going to get worse. She was thinking kidnapping for ransom, and of course, dear Daddy would pay anything to get her back.

She was half-dragged, half carried across pavement. She heard a door open, then they went through. The corridor echoed, it seemed they were going down an ramp. Before long, another door. She could hear a murmur of voices. The she was thrown to the floor, She felt carpet under her body. A few moments later, more hands pulling her upright then into a cold metal chair. The wrist cuffs were removed, only long enough to secure her wrists behind her, and to the chair. Ankles yanked apart, strapped to something else cold. The blindfold was removed, but at first all she could see was a bright light. Finally, she saw it was some sort of spotlight, and then someone turned it down. There were faces all around her, unfamiliar faces, at least a dozen men. She was furious. "How dare you do this. I demand that you release me at once. Do you know who I am?"

A voice behind the light said, "Yes, we do. And why should we when we went to all the trouble of obtaining your services."


"You're the entertainment for one of our special events." Ordinarily we would simply hire an accommodating whore, or perhaps abduct a lonely single woman who wouldn't be missed. But one of our members suggested you would be just right for something we haven't done for a while."

The man strode forward into the her field of vision. "You see, Felicia, you've pissed off a lot of people, particularly the men in your life. And now it's time you found out what it is like to be humiliated, betrayed... used." He lifted one of her breasts by the nipple. "You will be treated as you deserve... like a piece of ass...three holes to service cock, nothing more. If you do not comply, you will be punished. If you do not follow every order to the letter, you will bear the consequences." He took the other nipple in his left hand and pulled hard on both, jiggling her tits.

"You don't mean you're going to rape me?" she asked, in a melodramatic tone, since she herself could not believe it.

The man laughed. "Rape you? Well of course you're going to be raped, and sodomized, and abused. You're going to have so many cocks penetrate your orifices, you won't be able to keep track of them. And there will be an attentive audience encouraging your rapists to do their best... or is it their worst."

"You wouldn't!"

"Actually, ordinarily we would do it ourselves. But this occasion calls for something specifically tailored to our member's request. And quite honestly, you're not good enough for any of us. We have instead invited three special guests who have just recently been released from the penitentiary. They haven't had any pussy in several years, but they are going to have yours."

Felicia saw three hulking black men step out of the shadows. Her blood ran cold. "No, please, my father will give you anything you want, call my husband. Please."

"But Felicia," he said with a smile, "we don't have to call them. They are both here. They belong to our club now and it is their suggestion to .. invite... you. They want to watch while these three men fuck your brains out and treat you like something even lower on the social scale than a whore." She saw her father and husband coming closer. Stan's smile ws almost evil, and her father just looked disgusted with her.

Stan stepped up beside the chair in which she was bound and reached between her spread legs to pull on the mound of hair. This pussy's going to finally get a workout," he said. "You thought it was just too good for my cock... let's see how you like theirs." She realized the three men released prisoners had taken off their clothes, and three massive, hard penises were pointing right at her.



Her father stood, arms crossed, and a satisfied expression on his face. "You know, I've often thought what you needed was someone to take you down a peg or two, now it's gonna all the way down."

The light was turned down more, and the three men were told to begin anything they wanted. The tallest and largest of the three straddled her lap and grinned as he rubbed his erection all over her face.

"Now you listen to me, bitch. You open that mouth, and if you try and bite me, I'll fuckin' cut your tits off and shove a goddam broom handle up your little white pussy. You're gonna show everyone here what good little cocksucker you are." He pinched her face in his massive hand and her mouth popped open. Before she could utter a sound, he shove his enormous cock down her throat. She struggled to breathe as he held it there for a moment. "Man this is nice... way better than those little queer boys we had to suck us off in the joint." He began sliding in and out. "But how about you show more enthusiasm, bitch. Untie her hands."

"Now, you're gonna put your fingers in the corners of your mouth.. like this... and hold it wide open so I can enjoy it. good... now lick my cock, bitch... lick it." A second man went behind the chair and began mauling her tits and feeling her pussy. "This first one's gonna be quick, cause it's been a while. We all need to get one good cum in you, then we'll settle down to some good old fucking and sucking." True to his word, in moments he groaned, leaned in hard, burying his massive shaft in her tight throat and let go a load of hot cum which she had no choice but to swallow. A few feet away, Stan laughed. "And she never would swallow mine," he said. "On those rare occasions when she would even lick my cock."

Felicia made up for lost time that night. As the club members looked on, and fondled their own "dates" for the evening, the three ex-convicts used the society woman, made her the cumbucket and fucktoy and toilet. First spreadeagled on a low set bed, taking turns plowing her cunt, dropping their cocks down her throat. They all joined in the laughter when Felicia screamed out her first orgasm.

Then doggie style, whereupon the club president ordered her to bark like a dog, wag her ass, and crawl around the floor with her large tits dragging. One of the members, who favored corporal punishment, whipped her milky white ass with a riding crop, leaving red welts. Another had her spread open so her cunt could be similarly reddened. She was ordered to lick cum from the floor, to beg to be used more. "Please, sir, fuck one of my slut holes," became her mantra for the evening, along with declaring (with some prompting of the riding crop) "I'm a whore, cunt, cumbucket slut.... I live to be fucked... I love cock better than anything."

Just when she thought it could be no worse, she was placed on a low platform shaped sort of like a cross, with her head at the top so someone could straddle her face. But not a man, a woman guest, who ground her pussy into Felicia's mouth, using it to masturbate, while her sloppy pussy was penetrated yet again. "Get your tongue in my pussy, you stupid bitch," said the woman, and Felicia obeyed as the woman yanked at Felicia's nipples.

Finally, as she lay on the cold wood floor, the men circled around her and simply ejaculated all over her as they insulted and mocked her and made her rub her own cunt until she could not help but cry out with yet another orgasm. Then, there was a break, and she lay there panting, cum all over her body. Maybe it was over, finally. And when she got out of here, she was going to have them all arrested by God... they'd pay for this.

But still they weren't done. The original two thugs who had brought her in were told to carry her into the shower room/bathroom. There on the freezing tile, they laid her down, face up. Handing her a large dildo, the club president told her to fuck herself with it and NOT to stop as, one by one, the guests trooped in, relieved themselves on her face, in her open mouth, all over her body, a steady golden stream of humiliation. Then, as they watched, she licked the floor.

Felicia awoke in a daze, her body sore, her pussy still burning. To her dismay, this had not been a nightmare, but reality. She was tied hand and foot, spread open, under a blanket. After a while she heard footsteps and then her father, her husband, and three club members came into the room and stood around the bed.

"You let me out of here,now!" she screamed. And Stan shook his head. "You just don't learn, do you? But... you will." He turned to the man next to him, "I hope you know what you're doing, Gerhard, buying this bitch."

The blonde man smiled, "Of course. I like my little toys to be spirited, I so enjoy breaking them, making them into perfect cockslaves."

Felicia sputtered, choked on the words she was trying to say. "What... who..."

Stan said, "I'm not stupid, Felicia, no matter what you think. And do you suppose for one minute we would leave you free to file a complaint? Even though we have some excellent video footage of you begging to be fucked in the ass.. and you eating pussy... and you fucking yourself with a black rubber dildo while you wallowed around in pee and cum. Great porn, and believe me, it will sell very well. You'll probably star in a lot more films in the next few years. Gerhard is a very creative European filmmaker, and he's bought you."

She looked shocked, then terrified. "Don't worry, Gerhard assures me that all his bitches get to like it a lot, once they're trained. But at first, you resist, and he gets to make some great rape movies, then some nice bondage flicks--you'll look good in a collar and leash, and once you're over the hill, and those big silicon tits start to drag the ground like a cow's udders, well, I hear bestiality is another special genre people really like. Isn't that right, Gerhard?"

"Ah, indeed. And this one will make my German Shepherds very happy, perhaps even a pony or two. Um, I've seen the films from your party, of course, but do you mind if I examine the property?"

"Not at all," said Stan. Gerhard looked at the guard, "Stand her up, please." They quickly unfastened her bonds, and pulled her upright. Gerhard smiled, hefted her tits in his hands, walked around behind her, felt her ass, ran his hands between her legs. "On her knees," he ordered and she was forced down. He took out his semi-hard cock and rubbed it over her face, eyes, mouth, as it quickly hardened. Then she forced it between her lips and down her throat. But he kept talking to his associates. "Just some quick relief, her cockscuking will need some improvement." He continued chatting while he held her head and used her mouth to masturbate himself as if she were some sort of rubber doll. When he'd emptied his load of cum into her, he looked down, "Now, my sweet little bitch, you know what you're good for. You're worth less to my than my favorite dogs and horses, but with training, we'll see. I think I'll call you Princess Cumbucket."

No one ever heard from Felicia again, though the club members received complimentary copies of her many hardcore porn flicks and Stan loved to have one of the club escorts suck his cock while he watched. Within a year he'd identified a perfectly obedient and subservient wife, whom his former father in law enjoyed just as much as he did.

The end