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gerry1967 Member Since October 19, 2009

Our conservative family and what happened to us.

gerry1967 on Incest Stories

My name is Jacob Williamson. I come from the deep south from an area that is very conservative christian. My dad Zachariah Williamson is the Pastor at the local church and my mom Ruth and sister Sarah and I help as lay ministers. Mom is  a copastor at the church and my sister who is 18 and I at 16 help with the youth ministry at the church.  One of the ways Sarah and I help my parents is with sex education. When we first moved to this area there were a lot of problems with teen pregnancies esspecially incestuous relationships. Our straightforward and honest approach to teaching sex ed has lowered the teen pregnancy problem greatly.  We moved here when I was 5 yrs old and my dad was associate pastor.  I remember a particular event that made my parents and the church c

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ommunity decide to start the sex ed through the youth ministry program.  There was a family of four children a young man 18 at the time James Roberts and his three sisters, Amanda and Rachel were 16 yr old twins and Kathryn a 14 yr old. Their father was an abusive alcoholic who molested James from a very young age until he died mysteriously in a hunting accident and Their mom neglected them.  James finally snapped and one night he violently raped his three sisters. They all became pregnant.  It was very sad. James  wound up going to prison after the sisters spoke to my dad at the church and he called the authorities.  This single event would come back to change our lives. 

Mom, dad, Sarah and I were sitting at the dinner table having just said grace and getting ready to eat a wonderful meal when we heard a loud thump outside. It sounded like someone breaking down a door. My dad and I jumped up to see what was up when all of a sudden standing in front of us holding a gun was James Roberts. He had gotten out of prison and was looking for revenge.  He is there with two of his cousins and we all notice that They both also have guns and knives and a video camera.  He looks at my mom and my sister and comments how beautiful they are. My father says, "Please, don't touch them." "We'll do whatever you want, just please don't rape them."  James said, " Sit down and shut the fuck up." "  I am in charge and will say what will and will not happen." "No, my cousins or I aren't going to rape these two women." " Your son and you are going to or you're all goin to die."   We all looked at each other knowing that he was serious.  James told My mother to get them plates of food too. She did and when we were all done eating. James and his two cousins told us it was time. They lead us all to my parent's room and told us to strip nude.  My dad started to speak when James struck him and said If we didn't do what he said he would definitely kill all of us. Dad told us to do whatever it was James told us. Soon we were all nude.  James then looked at my mother and asked her if she was ovulating; she said, "Yes." He then asked, " Are you on birth control?" She said, "No, that she didn't personally believe in birth control." He just smiled and looked at me and said, "Kid, today is your lucky day; today you get to fuck your mom and make her pregnant with your sperm."  I was stunned and just looked at my father and mother. They just told me to do what James said.  James lead my mom to the bed and then told me to get in the bed with her. He said to my dad and sister ;"You'll both stand here and watch." "Before we start though Ruth has to say that she's a horny slut who wants her son to impregnate her." His cousin turned on the camera and told her the camera was rolling. Mom started to cry when James grabbed me by the neck and held the gun to my temple and said,"If you don't want me to kill your son you'll compose yourself and say what I told you to say." Mom stopped crying and looked right at the camera with a wicked smile on her face and said," I am such a horny slut and am going to take my son's virginity and become his whore letting him impregnate me." James laughed and said,"THat's the spirit." He then looked at me and said, " You're going to tell your mother she's a slutty whore and that you're going to fuck her hard." I was so scared and said what he told me. With that he made mom and I french kiss, then told us to get into the 69 position and perform oral sex on each other. It wasn't long before both my mom and I had our orgasms. When we came to. He told me to get into position and start to fuck my mother. I got my penis at the openinig of my mothers vagina and thrust. The feeling was incredible even though I knew it was   wrong.  TO make sure He wouldn't hurt anyone we both talked dirty telling each other to fuck harder and Calling each other demeaning names.  I felt hurt calling my mother a worthless slut; but, somehow I was also so turned on. Mom had three orgasms and hit her fourth wrapping her legs around my waist and I couldn't hold out any longer. I released the largest amount of sperm I had ever released in my young life. Our orgasms seemed to last for 5 minutes. When done we continued to fuck until I had ejaculated into my mother's womb again.  James said,"This will be a HOT video when we're done." "You're all naturals."  HE then told us to get off the bed and stand and watch as my dad took my sister's virginity. James said to my dad,"Tell your daughter that she's going to be your little slut and she'll produce you a child." My dad Yelled at Sarah, " You little slutty bitch I'm going to rape that virginal cunt of yours and give you all my seed." Sarah was totally shocked at my father but was too afraid to cry or say anything, James asked Sarah, " Are you ovulating?" she said, "Yes, I'm at my most fertile." James said,"Well now you'll carry a baby of incest."  He grabbed my sister kissed her then told my father to eat her out. My dad ate out my sister like a pro.  Sarah was actually begging my father to take her. Dad got between Sarah's legs; and put her legs on his shoulders to get maximum penetration and thrust taking her virginigy. This was not love making at all; it was animalistic sex. Soon they were both in throws of an orgasm. James suddenly thought to ask my father if he had had a  vasectomy. My dad looked at him and hesitated then nodded that he had. James was upset. "Why didn't you tell me?" My father said,"I thought that if you didn't know that my daughter wouldn't get pregnant." James struck my father on the side of the head and told me to fuck my sister. He said,"You'll fuck her as hard as you did your mother and give her your virile sperm." "She will be pregnant by the time we leave here today." I did what he said; I gave my sister a kiss whispering that I love her and began to fuck her like an animal rutting. It wasn't long before Sarah was in perpetual orgasm.  About 10 minutes into fucking my sister I thrust hard and came into her uterus. SHe orgasmed at the same time. I continued to fuck Sarah for about an hour fearing that James and His cousins would kill my parents if I didn't. I came in Sarah about 4 times. If she didn't get pregnant it would have been a miracle.  When I was done Sarah and I collapsed into each other's arms and fell asleep. We must have slept for about 3 hours. James and his cousins were still there and told me to fuck Sarah again. Mom was in bed watching the whole thing. I noticed that dad wasn't in the room and had feared that James and his cousins had killed him.  I fucked Sarah again cumming in her twice more; and when I rested for a bit James told me to fuck my mother again; which I did. James and his cousins masterbated to me fucking my mother and came all over mom and Sarah and I at the same time mom and I had our orgasms. With that they smiled and James said,"I can't wait for the people at the church to see this video once I edit it." Mom was distraught and Sarah and I just laid there in stunned silence. James and his cousins left the house only for us to hear a commotion outside. My dad  had managed to sneak out during our fucking session and brought the sheriff and his deputies. He explained everything. James and his cousins were arrested and the video once used for evidence of his crime was destroyed.  Mom and Sarah did get pregnant. Mom had a boy and Sarah had twins a boy and a girl. We live together as a happy family. I am now the pastor at our church and Sarah and I have since married. James thought that our ordeal would break up our family and teach us a lesson. It brought us closer together and our church family helped us transition through our ordeal and raise our beautiful children. 

 I hope you enjoyed my first story. Let me know.


Cassidy becomes a woman...Part III

gerry1967 on Incest Stories

Cassidy becomes a woman III…

Cassidy Now 20 yrs old has three children 1 by an  uncle or cousin and two by her brother.  She has had problems with keeping a steady relationship until recently.  She met a young man at the community college she goes to. His name is Jeremy Tyler.  Jeremy looks a lot like her brother and is only a few months older than Cassidy. He doesn’t mind her having  children.   They became fast friends and soon found that they had a lot in common.  Cassidy and Jeremy did have sex; but, Jeremy always used a condom. He said, “He wants to wait until he’s married to father child

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ren of his own.”  That doesn’t bother Cassidy though deep inside she’s missed having a baby growing inside her.  Her life was about to change  drastically.  It was a holiday weekend.  She had time off from school and was helping her mom, Sandra with household chores. Sandra had been diagnosed years ago with a form of Muscular Distrophy but didn’t let that  keep her down.  Lately however she noticed that she would get out of breath and tire out quicker than normal. She also noticed pain in her legs.   Suddenly Cassidy heard a loud thump in her mother’s bedroom. She ran in to see her mom slumped on the floor struggling to breath and holding her chest. Cassidy reacted quickly calling 911.  The paramedics showed up and began to perform cpr.  Sandra died on the way to the hospital. Roger, Cassidy’s dad, told Cassidy and Joshua, and the rest of us the news.  That holiday would be somber. Being the youngest uncle at 40 yrs old and having lost a spouse years earlier to cancer I made myself available to my brother, Cassidy and Joshua.  I moved into  their home to help them with house work and for emotional support.  I have always had a different take on Cassidy’s situation.  I’m the nonconformist of the family and found the whole fact of Cassidy getting pregnant by family erotic and arousing.  Cassidy looked just like her mother did when Roger first married her. Cassidy and her mom were especially close. 

Jeremy had tried to be comforting to Cassidy; but, she seemed to be pulling away and pulling herself into a shell. Roger her father had taken to drinking again after many years of sobriety. It had been almost 6 months since Sandra had died. Roger had gotten a prescription for Viagra and would go out at night drinking looking for sex.  Cassidy had gone out with Jeremy and the two of them had had a fight. She came home upset and in tears. I comforted her as best I could.  I led her to her bed and held her tightly. She kept saying that she wasn’t beautiful. I asked, “Cassidy why do you think you’re not beautiful.” She said, “Jeremy doesn’t want  to have a baby with me.” I told her, “Jeremy and you are both young.”  “Jeremy doesn’t want to hurt you.”  Cassidy, “I want to have another baby so bad.” “Why isn’t there another man who will make love to me?” As she said this Roger had come home. He was drunk and had gotten worked up by a woman he had met at the bar who didn’t want to have sex with him. He saw his daughter crying and came to her and grabbed her. They hugged and He kissed his daughter. He said, “You look so much like your mother.”  Cassidy, “Daddy I need someone to love me.” Roger, “I love you Cassidy.” She said, “No, Daddy I need someone to make love to me.” Roger wasn’t thinking properly at the time. He laid Cassidy on the bed and they began kissing.  Cassidy was greedily accepting her father’s kisses and they began stripping each other.  I could hear Roger begin saying, “ Sandra, It’s been so long.”  I knew he was so taken by this and was in a daze that he believed  he was making love to his wife not his daughter. It wasn’t long before the two were nude. I loved watching this and was totally turned on watching the two of them.   Cassidy spread her legs to welcome her father’s erect cock. Roger wasted no time in shoving his cock deep into his daughter’s now wet pussy. They both began to make love.  They kissed and Cassidy kept saying, “Oh I need you; Please fuck me harder.”   Roger was already fucking harder and I could tell by the fact that his thrusts were now becoming sporadic he was about to cum deep into his daughter’s womb.  Suddenly Roger thrusts his cock to the root and screamed, “I’m cumming so hard.” And grunted through his orgasm. The two continued to make love for two hours.  When done they both fell into a deep sleep. I covered them both with a blanket and went to bed.  Later that night I felt someone in my bed. I rolled over to see it was Cassidy sitting there. I asked, “Cassidy what’s wrong.” She said, “Uncle Jared do you really think I’m beautiful.” I said, “OH, Cassidy you’re very beautiful.” She said, “I’ve always loved you; would you make love to me.” I grabbed her head and kissed her lips. She was still nude from when her father and her had made love.  I quickly removed my boxers and got between her legs. I began to make love to this beautiful woman. I knew that her father had filled her with his sperm and that she had probably already conceived. If not then She’d carry my child. I made love to her for about 20 minutes before emptying deeply into her womb.  I continued until I came in her again. She then got up and went back to her father’s bed.  Early the next morning I saw her and her father again making love. 

Cassidy and Jeremy made up with each other the next day.  A week later she came home with a large smile on her face. We all asked her why she was so happy. She showed us her ring finger and on it she had an engagement ring on it. That night Jeremy stayed with her in her bed and we could tell that the two of them were making love. About a month later Cassidy came in crying. We asked her what happened. She said, “I’m pregnant again.” We said, “Cassidy you said you wanted another kid.” She said, “Yes, I do but I thought it would be with Jeremy.” “When Jeremy and I made love the last time he used a condom each time; because, He thought I wasn’t sure about a baby.”  “Now he’s found out that I’m pregnant and he knows the kid isn’t his.” I said, “Cassidy you know that no matter what happens with you and Jeremy; your father and I love you very much.”

It was at her next doctor’s visit that Cassidy found out that she was carrying twins; a boy and a girl.  Cassidy had the children and a DNA test confirmed that her father had indeed fathered her twins. She named them  Katelyn and Kevin. Cassidy and Jeremy were married. He realized that no matter what happened he loved her very much. She is now pregnant again; this time with Jeremy’s son.  But that may not be the end of the story.