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gen_man69 Member Since October 19, 2009

My lady boss - Part 1

gen_man69 on Lesbian Stories

I will never forget the first time I met Sheyna. It made me regret the fact that I was born a girl. Well I didn't regret it afterwards, but then, I am getting way ahead of myself here. 2 years ago, I was running down the streets of New York, 10 minutes late for my first job interview mad as hell and wearing the most inappropriate blouse which was the one that fell into my hand in my mad scramble. It was too low and I was wearing a green bra to top that up. My only solace was the it was a lady, I had the appointment with, so I was safe.

I rushed into the reception almost knocking someone over. The receptionist, a young hottie, looked me over, her eyes going dissapprovingly to my cleavage that left nothing much to the imagination. She made me wait for almost 10 minutes mo
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re before she escorted me to this room at the end of the hall. I absently looked at her swaying hips encased in a tight short skirt that ended well above her long legs. She seemed to be blessed with generous amounts of flesh where ever I checked out. She was as tall as me, 5' 6".

But thats where the comparison ended. She had a flatter bust and and pointed face. Her blue eyes had an amused look when she surveyed my assets again, her annoyance slowly evaporating into a thin smile. Her lips were thin and cheekbones high. One thing I liked about her was her neck. It was slender and long and made me want to kiss it ! I pushed all these thoughts away as she ushered me to the room. She made me sit and asked whether I would like a coffee. She did that bending towards me attentively and I got a glimpse of her breasts. They were small but lovely encased in a padded bra. She caught me looking that sent the blood rushing to my face again ! Oh god, I am acting like a guy I thought to myself as I declined the offer for coffee and sat down to collect my thoughts. I was trying to make up a story in case I was asked why I was late.

Before long, the door opened and I smelled Sheyna before I actually saw her. Her perfume was overpowering and I got up hastily adjusting my blouse clumsily and making it even worse. She came to me and I almost fell into my chair. She was the most gorgeous lady. Brunette with shoulder length hair with deep brown eyes. I was instantly mesmerised by her gaze. She gave me the most appraising look, her eyes faltering a bit at the sight of my cleavage. I kicked myself mentally. Here I was, dressed like a slut, in front of the most gorgeous lady I have ever seen. For a moment I wished I were a guy. She wore a business suit, and I could see a significant bulge under her coat. She wore no make up. This lady didn't need any. Her skin was blemishless and had a wonderful tan suggesting that she spent a lot of time in the sun. Her face was pleasant and broke into a smile easily. Her hair was lose over her shoulders and she had this habit of running her finger just over her ear to put it in place. Everytime her hand went up, I couldn't help but gaze at the bulge under her coat that was trying to break free. Oh my god, I am thinking like a guy, I said to myself, kicking myself mentally.

She kept her attention on my resume. There wasn't much on it but she read it attentively.

"Er.. maam. I am so sorry that I was late for the appointment," I stammered wringing my hands.

"Oh thats fine and you can call me Sheyna," she said looking up at me.

"Why dont you relax?" she said, smiling again. I felt myself blushing.

"Looks like you got dressed in a mighty hurry," she smiled with a glance towards my blouse.

I blushed again, straightening up my blouse. Oh gosh, why did I have such big boobs? Well, I am quite proud of them. They are 34D and I do get noticed or rather they get noticed much more than my face. But this is the first time I got stares from 2 lovely ladies on the same day.

"Well, Sarah, tell me a little bit about yourself," she asked, her gaze direct but soft.

I rambled on about my education and how I needed a part time job to make ends meet. After I finished, she looked at me.

"Well, your job will be pretty simple. You will need to be my secretary for a period of 6Â months, until my regular girl gets better. She was involved in an accident. I am not difficult to work for. You need to maintain my diary and make sure I don't miss any of my meetings. So can you start today?"

I was delighted. I got up in a rush of gratitude, I hugged her without thinking. I was so happy that I managed to land this job. It would pay my tuition as well as my expenses.

"Oh thank you so much I mean Sheyna," I said. She returned my hug. It felt so good to be hugged without being groped.

Sheyna called her receptionist whose name was Betty and got her to introduce me to the rest of the staff. It was a small communications firm with an all girl staff. I did not see any guys around. The company was run by Sheyna and her staff of 6 ladies. I had to sit in Sheyna's room which was really cosy and had a fantastic view. Her room was right at the end of the hall and was away from the main office. Strangely, my desk was a few feet away from hers so that I got a good glimpse of her in every possible posture and it was a treat for my tired eyes. She was absolutely comfortable around me and removed her coat exposing her lovely chest. I had a hard time looking at her face when she spoke to me. I was intrigued by the sight. If she noticed my stares, she never let on.

She took me downstairs to lunch.We talked about lots of stuff. I realised that she was not married and was basically a workaholic. She seemed fun to be with and the other girls joined us too. They were a fun bunch and I was happy that I was selected. No men for at least six month I hoped.

We went back to work. Sheyna showed me around and got me inducted to most of the day to day functions. She had this habit of coming to my desk rather than calling me. When I mentioned that she could ask me to come to her, she smiled and said that she enjoyed the exercise.
When she stood next to me, I could smell her perfume and I could feel her body heat. I began to enjoy her visits to my desk. I also felt something else. I felt her looking down my blouse. It confused me and delighted me at the same time. I kept telling myself that I was imagining it. But once I caught her red handed when I went to her desk on one of those rare occasions and I happened to look up as I bent over her desk. Her gaze was unashamedly on my cleavage. She smiled and apologised.

"Sorry, Sarah, your blouse distracted me," she laughed.

"Oh thats ok," I blurted, without thinking and blushed as I realised the implications of my statement. As if on cue she looked at my cleavage again. I lingered for a while longer, daring myself to tease her a little.

"Maybe I should ask you to wear this blouse more often," she said and for some reason I didn't think she was joking. Then I did a strange thing, surprising myself. I took my coat off and the next time she came to my desk, I let her have more than an eyeful. She drew a chair next to me to take me through a document and kept glancing at my blouse. I indulged her. I am not a lesbian but this lady was making me do things I would never dream of doing.

Her touch was so gentle when she wanted to get my attention. She always made it a point to either touch my hand or arm when she came to talk to me. She would sit or stand so close that I had to control myself not to lean against her and feel her warmth.

"Sarah, do you think you could stay back a little late today? I have an important meeting at 6 and I need you to be around in case I need anything."

I nodded. "The only thing is that I might need to trouble you for a ride home," I said.

"Deal. Lets get a bite to eat afterwards too," she said, her eyes twinkling. Was I imagining it or was she coming onto me? I shook my head trying to concentrate on my work abandoning the thought.

"Sarah can you get me a couple of Asprins from the lowest drawer of your desk?" She said. I almost fell out of my chair when I found the contents of the lower drawer also included a naughty looking strap on dildo. I almost screamed but managed to control myself. I got her Asprins and it was a while before I could stand without shaking. Oh my god, what have I got myself into? I asked myself.

Sheyna left for the meeting and I was left to my own devices. So I started absently going through the computer's hard drive. Now this is called snooping. I was looking for juicy stuff. If you have a dildo in your office, you need to have entertainment and that was my logic. Well I did find some juicy stuff. The hard disk was full of porn. Lesbian porn. I opened a couple of files and closed them hurriedly thinking that the office might have hidden cams. But it didnt take me long to get over that inhibition. Before long I was watching Nina hartley licking Asia Carrera. I was getting so excited and I realised that I was getting wetter by the minute.

Before long, my hand was in my pants rubbing my wet panty. Then the damn phone rang. I almost screamed again!! It took me a few seconds to realised that its the phone. I answered, my voice sounding funny and I was panting.

It was Sheyna. "Sarah, are you ok?" she asked.

"Y..yess.. " I stammered pinching my thigh hard to bring myself back to earth.

"I am almost done and I will be there in about 15 minutes," she said before hanging up.

Nina was buried inside Asia. I had to turn it off reluctantly feeling unfulfilled. I managed to straighten up before Sheyna came. I had time to look at the dildo again. I could smell Sheyna's perfume on it and that scared and tantalised me at the same time. I found myself absently smelling the dildo before I realised what I was doing and I dropped it. To my horror, it came apart. For the third time, I screamed just as Sheyna opened the door. She rushed to my side and I realised that I might get fired the first day on the job for watching porn and breaking my boss's strapon dildo that was stored in her secretary's desk !

Before I could say a thing, she picked up the dildo and expertly put it together and put it back in the drawer. I was speechless. "Happens all the time," she smiled."I meant to get a new one, but never got round to it. Get your things, I am taking you to dinner."

I stood rooted to the spot and barely managed to gather up my things and followed her to her car. I tried to tell her a number of times and she kept asking me not to worry about it. We went to this lovely Italian restaurent that served fantastic food. Sheyna seemed to know everyone there.

During dinner, she admitted that she was a lesbian. I was tongue-tied again. She didn't seem to notice. we were in a booth and seated next to each other. I willed myself not to get up and move over to the other side. I just turned to her and listened to how she realised that she was different at an early age. She described her first time with one of her tutors. After a while, I found myself getting wet again. I squirmed in my seat not knowing what to do. Sheyna, put her hand on my thigh. I almost screamed again. Her hands started to caress my thigh, while she gazed deeply into my eyes. I felt like a rabbit caught in the headlights. My thighs parted and she started to rub the inside of my thigh sending shivers down my spine. Here I was, on the first day of my dream job with my boss with her hand between my legs. How many, ladies had this priviledge as I felt her moving towards my crotch. My pants were quite tight so when she ran her fingers over the crotch, I felt her fingers. My pants were getting soaked. she kept rubbing me over the pants, her finger increasing its pressure. I suppressed a moan.

She came closer. "You are a very sexy girl. I fell for you the moment I saw you. I found it so hard to control myself the whole day today. Sarah, don't ask me to stop now. I want you," she whispered into my ear, making goosebumps appear all over my body. I nodded. Yes, I nodded. I would have done anything for her at that moment. We walked, no we ran to the car. she opened the back seat motioning for me to get in. I got in. The door closed and Sheyna was literally all over me kissing and sobbing and moaning all at the same time. Her lips found mine and it was as if I was kissing a tornado. There was so much pent up energy in her that was coming out like this fantastic force. I have never been kissed by a woman and this is something I will remember for the rest of my days. I never felt needed by anyone I have come into contact with and the feeling was fabulous. After a few minutes of kissing, she subsided. "I am so sorry, but you drove me nuts the whole day with your cleavage girl," she laughed straightening my blouse.

I just took her hand and placed it under the blouse. She needed no second invitation. "Touch me Sheyna," I said my voice cracking under the stress and passion. She ripped my blouse apart, exposing my bra. she sucked the lace tasting and moaning. I took off my bra wanting her mouth on my breasts. I wanted her to taste me. All of me. I was going crazy with this sexy woman.

I took her hand and placed it on my crotch making her rub it. I got hold of her breast and started to knead it. It seemed larger than life under her blouse.

"Please Sheyna, I need to cum badly," I begged, surprised at the sound of my own voice. She put her arm around my neck pulled her to me and kissed me passionately, unbuttoning my pants. I helped her push it down wriggling in my seat, making her job easier as I felt her hot tongue explore mine. She put her hand inside my panty understanding my urgency and I felt her tease my slit exploring it. Then she rubbed the whole length of the slit as she kissed me tenderly. I let her take over me and it felt far more erotic than any man had ever made me feel. I would have done anything for her then. I felt her finger slip into my pussy easing gently into it. I spread my legs further to give her more room. I felt her explore my insides, gently probing, moving and sliding in my wet hot pussy. I pushed against her hand, impatient. She increased her pace. Her hand around my neck went down at the front and caressed my nipple and pinched it as she fingered me. It was as if I was floating on air. I closed my eyes and enjoyed the moment. Being in my bosses arms and being fingered by her seemed so unreal. She was so gentle, so loving and I didn't want it to stop.

The sensation became so intense that I started to suck on her tongue so hard and she moved her hand faster in response. I felt a scream start deep within me as I shuddered in the most amazing climax I have ever had. She kept moving her fingers until the sensation was too much for me and I had to stop her hand moving in me. She kept kissing me. I felt so exhausted and energised at the same time. I felt I could sleep in her arms forever. After a while she pulled away. I pulled her back to me wanting to return the favour. But she shook her head.

"Lets take things slowly, baby," she said. "This is what I wanted for today. I wanted to make you cum with my hand. We have six months," she said sighing and looked into my eyes. I gazed at her deep brown eyes lovingly.

"Did you like it?" she asked. I nodded looking back at her. Then the most amazing feeling overcame me. I turned to her and pushed her back against the seat. I moved in between her legs and started to kiss her. She did not resist, returning my kiss, pleasantly surprised. I went berserk. I almost ripped her shirt off trying to get at her breasts. And they were absolutely gorgeous and I unsnapped the front opening bra. They were enormous and must have been at least 36D. I licked her cleavage moving to one of the breasts sucking around the nipple before I moved to her nipple. Her nipple was relatively small and was rock hard in my mouth. I sucked and sucked. She just lay there and caressed my head as I sucked her hungrily. Then I moved to her tummy and licked it all over. Her skin was smooth as silk and I moved lower. I did an unusual thing, I started to lick her pants moving to the crotch, wetting it. It was silky and black and she almost jumped as she felt my tongue on the material and then when I found the outlines of ther pussy under the fabric did I realise that she had ditched her panties before we got to the car. I licked her over the pants. I realised I was driving her crazy as I felt her raise her hips to me. I pulled down the pants exposing her wet pussy. It was clean shaven. I looked up at her. "I..I have never done this... should I lick it?" I stammered.

"Well just like any other guy would lick you. Just pretend its my mouth and start from there."

I was tentative at first as I felt her womanly smell. When my lips touched her skin, she gasped pulling my head into her pussy. I started to lick the slit moving up and down tasting her. I kept licking her and I felt her reach under her thighs and I saw her finger rubbing her anus. To my amazement, she pushed one finger in moving in time to my licking. I inserted a finger into her pussy as I sucked her clit. She was moaning and urging me on, calling me all sorts of endearing names. I kept my assault on her pussy even though my jaw ached. I felt her orgasm beginning. She shuddered as she came and she squirted all over my face. I have seen the phenomenon on porn but it was weird to experience it first hand. She screamed so loud when she came clenching her hands on my skin.

We waited for a while so that our excitement subsided to an acceptable level. She pulled me up and kissed me hard. "I am so sorry. I forgot to warn you about the squirting," she said. I didn't say a word. I just kissed her again returning her gentle smile.

Afterwards, we cleaned up and went back home. She dropped me off and no she did not come up. I thought we had our share of excitement for the night. But I went back home and humped my shower hose thinking of her !! I couldnt wait until our next encounter.

To be continued...

My Lady Boss 2

gen_man69 on Lesbian Stories

If you missed my first story, my name is Sarah and I am 19 yrs and I met Sheyna, a gorgeous brunette who is now my boss. On the first day on the job, I ended up with Sheyna giving me a fantastic orgasm in the back seat of her car. It was my first lesbian experience and I was hooked.

The next day I decided to be a sexy in my attire. I wore a short black skirt that ended a couple of inches above my knee. I wore my hair loose. I also wore a low neck top that showed a generous amount of my deep cleavage. I wore a black lacy bra and matching panties. With this kit, I walked into office early morning. Betty was at her usual perch and her eyes almost fell out of her head when she saw me. She gave me a wide smile as I walked upto her to sign in. I bent over the table unnecessari
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ly as I signed in giving her another glimpse of my 34 D breasts. She couldn't resist looking at them. I realised that being Sheyna's receptionist and being the gorgeous girl she is, that at one time or the other Sheyna would have got into this young girls pants as well.

I turned and with an exaggerated swing of my hips and walked towards Sheyna's office feeling Betty's eyes on me. I just logged onto my PC and heard someone come into the room. It was Betty.

"Hey, Sarah, are you busy?" she asked.

"No, come on in," I said. She was dressed in a pair of tight pants that accentuated her figure and a high neck sleeveless blouse. I couldn't help but look at her figure with my eyes resting on her crotch. She looked sexy in her outfit. She walked upto me and stood close. I felt her looking down my blouse.

"Did Sheyna, take you out last night? " she asked. There was a trace of envy in her voice. I nodded.

"Well, did she take you home or did you guys do it in the car?" she asked laughingly. She went on to explain that it was a regular part of Sheyna's induction process to the company. I learnt that most of the girls in the company were either bisexual or lesbian. While I was talking to her, my elbow was jutting out. Betty started to lean against my elbow rubbing her crotch against it. I kept my hand there, my pulse quickening as she kept talking about the plus points of working here. I started to push my elbow against her in a feeling her mound under my elbow.

"Sarah, your breasts are fantastic" she said, looking unashamedly at my breasts. I did something that surprised even me. I took her hand and placed it on my right breast giving her a gentle smile. Her hand trembled as it started to squeeze my breast. Her touch was gentle in contrast to Sheyna's first time with me. She bent towards my face. I pulled her to me with my hands and kissed her lips lightly, my arms going around her long neck. Then I made her sit on the table, stood up and moved between her legs. My tongue duelled with hers, playfully wrestling with her. She kept rubbing against my breasts.

I pushed my breasts against hers and started to kiss her hard. I first sucked her lower lip moving down to her chin, biting it playfully. Then moved back up to her upper lip, tracing it with my tongue. Then I kissed her, opening my mouth and sending out my long tongue on a mission to conquer her mouth. We kept kissing for what seemed like hours to me. She pushed me back so that she could get a good look at my boobs. She reached up and slipped off my tshirt, exposing my lacy bra. She bent over and started licking the straps, biting and pulling then with her teeth. It felt extremely erotic. I caressed her breasts over her bra while she played with my strapped. Then she did the most erotic thing I have seen. She lifted my arm and started to suck on my shaved armpit. Some of you may think that its gross, but it was the most wonderful feeling in the world. It made me shiver. She kept sucking on the skin running her tongue up and down. It made my breath come faster and a moan escaped my lips.

I started to unbutton her blouse exposing her padded bra. She moved down to my bra cup, running her tongue along the top seam trying to push her tongue under it. I slipped off one of the straps of my bra and made it easy for her. She moved down to the cup and started to lick it running her tongue over the nipple over the cup. I pulled her to my nipple making her suck it harder. I felt my panty getting wet.

I pulled her off my nipple with difficulty and started to kiss her long neck. She shuddered as I started sucking her neck while biting it lightly. I slipped off her bra straps, pushing the whole bra down while I kissed her neck. Her breasts were high and small, and I could cover one with the palm of my hand. On top of that, she had puffy nipples which drove me crazy. I started to lick around her nipple, teasing her a little and trying hard to avoid her puffy pink nipples. It was so hard not to suck them. But I knew through experience that a woman needed to be licked around her nipple to make it even more sensual and pleasurable. I suddenly started to suck on her puffy nipple. She moaned and lifted herself off the table trying to give me all of her breast to suck. I took in as much as I could manage. I kept sucking her as I ran my tongue over her hard nipple. Her nipple was so soft and suckable. I kept sucking her and felt her body respond. I started to rub her tummy caressing it and moving down towards her crotch. I unzipped her panties and pushed it down while kissing her nipple. I cupped her wet panty making her moan louder. My finger dipping into the crevice pushing the panty material into her slit.

She groaned, pushing my head down to her pussy. I started to lick her thighs moving up slowly. I could smell the fragrance of her pussy juice and her wet panties. I pushed it aside and started to lick the corner of her pussy near her thigh, tasting the puffy skin and moving towards the middle. She was completely shaved. I felt my tongue slide over her smooth skin. I moved up to her clit pushing my tongue between the lips, finding the little knob. I started to tease her clit tracing the outline of it, teasing it out of its hiding place.

" god.. please suck my god !!" Betty hung on to me with her dear life urging me on. But she didn't let me lick her clit for long.

She pulled me up and hugged me. She then started to suck on my lips tasting her pussy on them. I closed them tight as she sucked them, moaning. Her legs encircled me as she kept sucking my lips. I opened my mouth letting her probing tongue into mine. I took my bra off in the process and unsnapped Betty's bra that was half off. We crushed our breasts as we kissed and kissed. It felt so nice to feel my breasts rubbing against hers. She pushed my hand to her pussy and thats all the encouragement I needed. I started to push the panty down and with her help, we had it off and I used all of my fingers to tease her nether lips. I felt her gasp into my mouth as my fingers made a similar motion to typing on the keyboard across her slit. Then she pushed my hand further down. I didn't realise what she was doing until one of my fingers reached her anus. She took her mouth away from mine for a few seconds to ask me rub her rim. I started to rub her anus, teasing her rim and making her moan louder. My finger was so wet that it slipped in a few millimeters and the effect was like magic. Betty pushed herself against my finger. I had no choice but to move my finger at her pace. I slipped another finger into her pussy so that I had one in her ass and one in her pussy. She kissed me hard as she moved against my hand moaning my name out loud. "Oh, Sarah baby, fuck my pussy and ass with your gorgeous fingers ...... aaaaahhhh.. ," she moaned rocking against my hand.

I was so engrossed in what I was doing that I didn't notice that we had a visitor. I realised that someone else was in the room only when I felt a hand caress the back of my legs. I turned around to see Sheyna and she just smiled as she caressed my legs.

"Betty, you couldn't wait to get your hands on this young girl, huh?" she said. She urged me on as she knelt behind me. I shuddered as I felt her tongue trace the back of my leg. She pushed my skirt up exposing my ass and panty. She unzipped the skirt and let it fall to the floor. She then proceeded to rub my ass, kneading the soft flesh in her her hand. I could feel her breasts rubbing against the back of my thigh. In the mean time Betty asked me to stop my onslaught to let her experience a longer orgasm. She let me have her breasts to be sucked. I didn't mind diverting my attention to her breasts. I started to lick all over the puffy skin moving slowly towards the nipple. Sheyna continued to knead my buns. Then I felt her nose against my panty. I felt her smelling my pussy.

"Oh Sarah, I love the smell of your pussy," she moaned, rubbing her noses on the slit through the panty. I pushed my pussy against her face, but she kept avoiding it. Then suddenlt, as I was begining to get a little impatient, she started to lick my pussy throught the panty. Stabbing her tongue into the slit. I hugged Betty hard as I sucked her nipple making her moan louder. I wanted to give Betty pleasure of the same intensity I was feeling them. After what seems an eternity, Sheyna, pushed my panty down. She started to lick my bum and gently bite it. Her fingers were tantalisingly close to my pussy. Yet, she avoided it. She started to lick the back of my thigh moving slowly towards my pussy. Then again as before she stopped giggling at my frustration. Then she suddenly sucked my pussy so hard that I had to hold on to Betty, feeling her tongue stab into it and go deep.

I spread my legs so that she would have easy access to my pussy. She french kissed it with her mouth as her nose rubbed against my anus. She fucked my pussy with her tongue while teasing my clit. I kept grinding against her, moaning.

Betty whispered that she wanted my mouth on her pussy again. I gladly obliged. I moved my head between her legs as my finger rubbed her anus again. My finger teased her little brown opening, running my finger around the rim as I licked her wet pussy. Her juice was thick, and slimy. I took some of it and rubbed it on my asshole reaching behind me. Sheyna, got the message and immediately her finger was buried in my ass after a passionate licking session on my ass.

As my fingers went into Betty's pussy and ass. I felt Sheyna's finger enter my pussy, then a second as she fingered me. Just then Betty shuddered as her body experienced the orgasm. She held on to me as she pushed against my hand and then her movements slowly subsided. She lay there in my arms as I felt Sheyna's finger in me. Betty realised what was going on and started to suck my breasts, intensifying my experience. I have never been made love to by two women and it was the most wonderful feeling in the world. So gentle, so loving and best of all, no stubble !!

I pushed against Sheyna's hand faster feeling my orgasm near and then with a shudder I was there. I held onto Betty as she sucked my nipple and experienced a rocking orgasm at the handS of my boss - literally ! After my body recovered, Betty whispered into my ear. "Lets take care of our boss now," she said and we slowly took Sheyna by the hand to her couch.
We made her lie down and started to unbutton her blouse. We kissed either side of her neck and slowly made our way towards her mouth. We both nibbled at the corners of her mouth sucking those lovely full lips. She kissed back caressing our backs. I move down to her big breasts and started to kiss them. They were a little bigger than mine and much nicer. I felt the weight of one in my hand as I sucked the creamy expanse of skin on it. I moved closer to her nipple and sucked it all into my mouth. Sheyna arched her back, making me take more of her into my mouth. Betty joined me on the other breast following my actions. We stopped our attention for a moment to take off all of Sheynas clothing. She parted her legs for us giving a view of her wonderful pussy. We straddled a thigh each as we continued to suck on her nipples, rubbing our wet pussies on her thighs. We slid on her thighs as we enjoyed her breasts, our pussies sliding along her smooth thigh with all the saliva and pussy juice lubricating its path.

I reached down to touch her pussy and found that it was so wet. I rubbed my fingers along her slit making her moan. Slowly, I moved down to her tummy and moving to her navel. I explored it with my tongue. She pushed my head impatiently to her pussy. I started to lick her pussy sucking her juice into my mouth. She pushed her pussy against my face. I continued to suck her hard. I squeezed one finger into her pussy, moving it slowly in, feeling the soft wet pussy. I looked and to my surprise, Betty had climbed the couch and was pushing her pussy against Sheyna's face. I noticed Sheyna's finger teasing Betty's ass hole. Sheyna lifted her pussy a little and I realised that she wanted me to do the same to her. I rubbed her small opening with the tip of my wet finger and slowly slipped it in through her sphincter. I sucked her clit while my finger went deeper into her ass moving it slowly in and out. My tongue flicked at her clit making her move faster and faster. Betty started to moan again and once again Sheyna squirted hard against my face as she screamed in ecstacy. Though I was ready this time for her cum, I still had difficulty in dealing with the sheer amount of liquid that it gushed with.

I almost choked with her cum against my face and almost fell backwards. I recovered to suck and lick most of her juice from her pussy. I slipped my finger out of her ass and stood up. Betty came again crushing Sheyna's face. There was sudden silence in the room and only our heavy breathing could be heard.

We came back down to earth. We took turns to visit the ladies room to get ourselves cleaned up. I spent the rest of the day with no panties since they were wet beyond recovery.

To be continued.. your feedback as always is treasured. Or if you just wanna chat and made to feel like sarah.. feel free :-)



Tutor Gets a Delightful Experience 3

gen_man69 on Lesbian Stories

Hope you read the first 2 stories in this series. Sarah meets Beth a gorgeous blond tutor and things get hot. Second part describes an encounter with Sarah's teacher Miss Murphy.

I went home feeling drained after the session with Miss. Murphy. I went home and had a nice warm shower. I could see marks on my body where Miss Murphy had sucked me and there were a few hickeys. After my bath I wore the sexiest bra I could find which was made of very thin lace. I put on a blouse that had a deep neckline. Then I managed to find a pair of shorts that clung to my hips and a black panty.

I went to Beth's house and rang her doorbell. I was delighted to see Beths mom open the door. She was in a bathrobe and she welcomed me in. "Hey, Sarah come in. I just had a shower.
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Beth is in the shower and she will be down soon. Why don't you make yourself comfortable?" I sat down and as she bent to collect a couple of magazines off the floor I got a good look at her breasts. My earlier estimate of 36C had to be wrong. These seemed bigger than ever. She caught me looking and gave me a sweet smile. I blushed and managed to look down feeling my nipples harden. She came back after a few minutes in a cute pair of shorts that stuck to her skin like a second skin. She was wearing a thin strap tshirt that did anything but contain her big breasts. She came and sat down next to me on the couch.

"I..I am sorry about staring.." I started to say and she smiled. "Thats OK dear, I am used to people staring at them." she said pushing them up with her hands under them and struck a pose. "I can make a fortune if I posed for Playboy, huh?" she said looking at me.

I nodded as my blood started to rush to my tummy and below making the area warm. I couldn't help staring at them again. She came closer and hugged me gently. I hugged her back and I could feel her breasts against mine. I hugged her closer and felt her sigh. I shivered involuntarily and she pulled me closer. She leaned back a bit and looked into my eyes.

"Are you attracted to me Sarah?"

"Y..yess... maam."

"Mm...I am flattered."

And she kissed me so gently on the mouth. Her lips lingered on mine for a moment and then she started to suck my lower lip ever so gently into her mouth. I felt her hands rub my back. I hugged her tighter as I started to return her kiss. I was bold enough to push my tongue into her mouth toying with her tongue and in a few seconds we were trying to get at each others tonsils! She pulled back suddenly as we heard a door slam. Beth came down the stairs as we struggled to disentangle ourselves and by the time she was at the foot of the stairs, her mom had started to tell me how much she loved living on her own. I stood up to give Beth a hug and she stared at my hard nipples through the tshirt and gave me a wink. I blushed again. She hugged me for what seemed like eternity.

"So how is my favourite student doing?"

"Getting better and wrestling with a computer."

"Good. Are you ready for your next class?"

"Pretty much."

"well, lets go upstairs then."

I followed her upstairs after thanking Sarah's mom for her company. She winked at me as I said that. "I would love to talk to you sometime later," she said, looking pointedly at my body. I hoped that Beth didn't pick up on it. We went upstairs and the moment we were in her room she turned around and started to kiss me. She stopped half way and pulled back looking at me quizzically. "Hey, how come you smell my mom's body soap?" I looked down, embarrassed.

"Oh my god! Did you kiss her?" she asked, looking at my face intently.

"Kind of.." I stammered not wishing I were somewhere else.

"Tell me what happened."

"Well. She met me at the front door and sat down on the couch next to me and before I knew it she started to kiss me. I kissed her back. I am so sorry Beth." I felt like shit.

"Hmmmm.. I have suspected this for some time. My mom likes girls. I have seen a lot of her chat transcripts containing really hot chats. Wow, I wish she had kissed me."

Beth sat down on the bed sighing. I went to her and made her lie down on the bed and lay on top of her holding her head slightly up so that I could look into her eyes. "I really like you Beth. I want to make love to you right now. Before I do, I want to tell you something that happened in school today."

I told her about Miss Murphy. I was sure she would get jealous. But, the opposite happened. "Well I have had an experience with her too. She took me to the lab upstairs and sucked my pussy so hard that it hurt for a couple of days!"

We started to kiss slowly. I stopped again. "Do you think we could get your mom here and make love to her?" I asked her, my pussy getting wetter by the second.

"Sarah, why don't you get started with her and I will join you guys in the middle?"

Beth was so excited to hear my plan. My plan was simple. Go into her mom's room and get her to start something and Beth would join us during our play.

So I went to her moms room and knocked on the door. She opened the door. She was dressed in a tight pair of jeans and tshirt that showed her flat midriff.

"Hi! Have you two finished your session?" she asked.

"Kinda," I said going into the room making her take a couple of steps back.

"You said you wanted to get to know me better."

"Mmmm.. yeah."

"Well, here I am. I am all yours."

I could see her having trouble breathing. I went to her slowly and took her hands and put them around me. "I am all yours," I whispered.

She hugged me for what seemed like eternity. I could feel tears running down my neck. Then she let go and looked at me. "Are you sure you wanna do this?" she asked. I nodded. I brought my face close to her. I kissed her on the cheek. My hands caressed her back feeling it shudder at my touch. I kissed her lightly on the lips, tasting her lips licking them in the process. I sucked each lip into my mouth, relishing its taste.

"What if Beth sees us? Is she in the room?" she asked. I nodded. "Then we should stop," she said. "Why should we?" I asked, kissing her again. "I have done this with her," I told her. She looked at me and said "I know. I watched you two the last time."

It was my turn to be shocked. "Well my sisters place is across the road and she has a pair of binoculars," she grinned.

"Did you like what I did to your daughter?" I asked. She nodded. "Yes, I enjoyed watching the two of you."

"Would you like to make love to her?"

She gasped at the question. "Oh my god! Can you read minds? I really want to make love to her but I don't know if she would like to," she sighed. An idea struck me. I glanced towards the door. I could see Beth watching us. "Close your eyes," I said. As she closed her eyes, I started to kiss her again pulling her to me. I beckoned Beth as I continued to kiss her mom. Beth came to us hesitantly. "Don't open your eyes," I said pulling back a little. I let Beth take my place and she started to kiss her mom. She must have realised that it was Beth cause she moaned as she felt Beths hands hug her. I could see tears of joy in her eyes. I went behind her mom and started to rub my body against her and we were engaged in a threesome hug. I lifted her tshirt at the back and started to lick her smooth skin and felt her shudder. Beth kept kissing her mom. It was so hot and my panties were soaked watching them. Finally they pulled away. Her mom's face was angelic. "Oh god, baby, I am so sorry, but I enjoyed that kiss much more than any other kiss in my life."

"Mom, I wanted to kiss you for so long," Beth said as she pulled her close again kissing her mom deeply. I joined them trying to kiss each pair of lips. Then both of them turned and started to kiss my lips. It felt divine. The we turned back to Beth's mom, Linda and started to kiss her. We then took her to the bed and made her lie down. We were on either side of her and started to kiss her again running our hands across her body caressing her. After a while we took her tshirt off, exposing her big breasts encased lovingly in a see thru bra. Beth and I started to kiss her neck, licking either side in concert. She was moaning and writhing on the bed urging us to love her. Then we moved to her ears. I started to lick Linda's ear wetting it with my tongue. I felt her shudder as saliva started to stream down her neck. I saw Beth kissing her mom again sucking her lips into her mouth. The sight of them kissing made me reach out to Linda's breasts. I ran my palms lightly over her bra feeling the outline of her hard nipples. I gently squeezed one bra cup feeling her arch her back to make more contact with my hand.

For a moment I stopped to watch the daughter and mom kissing. I reached behind Beth and lifted her tshirt off her body and encircled her body from behind cupping her breasts. Her mom lifted off the bed and started to kiss Beths' tummy. She sat up on the bed resting against the bed post. Beth sat on Linda's lap and started to kiss her again. I straddled Linda's thighs and started to caress Beths breasts cupping the small lovelies feeling their warmth against my palms. Then I made her kneel in line with Linda's mouth.

Linda kissed Beth's nipples lightly and slowly using her tongue to caress them, wetting them. I put my hand under Beths crotch and squeezed her pussy over her panties under her short skirt. I could feel her already wet pussy. I managed to squeeze my head against Linda's tummy and between Beth's legs and started to lick her panty. Linda immediately removed Beth's wrap around skirt so that she could see me lick her daughter. I sucked her panty dry licking and probing. Linda cupped my breasts and started to squeeze them as I licked her daughters panty. Beth started to rock on my mouth. I pulled her panty aside and started to lick her pussy slit tasting her pussy again. Linda slid, out from under me and then I saw her take her jeans off, then her panty. Then I saw her pussy descend on my face. I adjusted myself to align my lips with her pussy and started to lick her slit. I saw her hand reach out to take over her daughters pussy.

I started to lick Linda's pussy that was completely shaved. Her pussy was much bigger than Beth's and the lips protruded slightly making it easier to suck on. After a minute or so I switched to Beth's pussy, licking it over her moms hand. Her fingers parted and let me lick her daughters'pussy. After a minute or so Linda made Beth lie down and moved her pussy between Beth's legs and started to rub it on her while they kissed. I moved between their legs and started to lick them alternatively. I placed my finger on Linda's anus and started to rub the rim. I licked and made my finger wet and tried to enter her anus. She screamed as my finger entered her. I put another finger into her pussy. I moved my hand in concert to the two bodies. I then started to rub Beth's anus. I wet my finger with her juices and started to slowly insert my finger. I could hear her groan and felt her pushing against my finger. It was so hot to be able to finger both mom and daughter at the same time. I wished we had Beth's aunt licking my pussy while I did both mommy and daughter. The thought almost made me cum.

I watched Beth kiss her mom so hard as Linda ground her pussy against her daughter. I fingered faster knowing that both of them were close to cumming. Suddenly I felt Linda's body shudder against my fingers and felt her cum on my hand. She grabbed Beth tighter and kissed her harder pushing her pussy and ass against me. As soon as she came, she pulled back and started to lick her daughter's pussy. Beth pushed her mom encouraging her to make her cum. "Oh please lick my pussy faster..," she moaned. Linda sucked her daughter making me wish I had my mom do the same to me. I leaned over to suck her pink nipples while she bucked her hips against her moms face. I pushed my finger into Beth's mouth letting her taste her moms ass and pussy. She sucked my fingers as I licked and bit her hard pink nipples. Finally, she came really hard, biting my fingers. Her mom came up to kiss her and we were locked in a three way kiss licking and intermingling our pussy juice. Linda turned to me.

"Its your turn baby," she said making me lie down next to Beth. I started to kiss her as her mom started to lick my cleavage moving down to my big breasts. She lovingly kissed each nipple as her daughter explored my mouth. I cupped her sensitive breasts while I felt her mom's tongue trace my aureloa teasing me. She then started to suck my nipple gently pulling more of it into her mouth until her mouth was filled up with as much of the flesh of my breast as possible. I gasped into Beth's mouth as I felt the exquisite sensation of my nipple grating against Linda's teeth. Beth moved over to my other breast mimicking her moms action. I caressed both heads as they feasted on my big breasts. Linda lifted my arm and moved to suck my armpits. It was the most erotic sensation to feel her mouth on the sensitive skin of my armpit. It was cleanly shaved and I felt goosebumps on my body as she sucked the skin. She switched back to me breast and continued sucking the nipple. She came back up and pushed her nipple into my mouth letting me reciprocate the action. Her nipples were much bigger than ours due to the fact that she had borne a child and I sucked it hungrily. She then slowly pulled out of my reluctant mouth moving towards my tummy.

She licked my navel and explored it with my tongue. I asked Beth to sit on my face and she complied with such eagerness that I was almost smothered by her wet pussy. I moved her over so that I could explore her ass. I licked around her rim tracing the tight hole with my tongue feeling it twitch against my attention. I slowly started to push my tongue into her hole as I felt Linda starting to lick my pussy. I lifted my legs to allow her easy access and I felt her finger probe my sweaty ass. When her finger entered my anus it felt awesome. I pushed my tongue into Beth's ass as I felt her mom do the same. I started to rock my pussy against Linda while enjoying Beth's ass. Then she moved her pussy onto my pussy asking me to lick her pussy. I pushed my tongue into her pussy while my finger entered her ass. She was starting to get out of control at the sensation and started to rock against my face. Linda meanwhile was probing my pussy with her finger. She was so gentle while she kept sucking on my clit.

Finally I could feel her pinky finger in my pussy, moving gently in time to my thrusts. It felt better and better as it became easier and easier to move her finger. I had experimented with a few of my rounded pens before but her finger felt much nicer. I rocked faster wanting to cum hard on her finger and she responded moving her tongue and finger faster and faster and I came hard screaming into Beth's pussy. Linda kept licking me afterwards that I had to push her head away because my pussy felt so sensitive after the orgasm. Beth came again just a few seconds after me pressing her pussy against my face with my finger buried in her ass.
The room was quiet for a few second as we came slowly back to earth. Our bodies were covered with sweat and pussy juice. Afterwards we took turns in the shower to get cleaned up. I was the last to get cleaned up and when I went downstairs Linda and Beth were preparing dinner. I helped them and had a lovely dinner afterwards. We felt a bit awkward after what happened but after a few minutes we chatted and laughed like old friends. Linda and Beth dropped me off at my place. I called them in to introduce them to my mom. My mom instantly took a liking to Linda and Beth and I was happy that they got along well. Once they left my mom remarked on how pretty Linda and Beth was and that she was happy that I was finally making friends. I blushed a little when I remembered the evening and quickly went to my room before my change of color was noticed.

Its again. Your comments are most welcome.

Tutor Gets a Delightful Experience 4

gen_man69 on Lesbian Stories

Tutor Gets a Delightful Experience 4

Authors' note: This story is dedicated to Alanna, one of my fans.

After my session with Beth and her mom, I went home exhausted. I went home to find my mom in a sad mood. Let me describe my mom. She is my height with dark hair. Her breasts are proportionately larger than mine although thats my opinion! She wears 34D cups and therefore one could say that she is endowed. She has a bit of a lower tummy which I find quite attractive and gives her a mommy look. Otherwise, we would be mistaken for sisters. She is 38 years old but looks more like in her 20's. My dad met her in high school and they are happily married for almost 20 years now.

I sat down next to her and asked her w
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hy she is feeling glum. "Oh, baby its just my book. I can't seem to find a publisher who wants to give me a chance," she said.

My mom is a freelance writer and this was her first attempt at writing a novel. I did the proof reading for her and thought her story was quite interesting. But she tried so many publishers and none of them gave her a chance.

"Oh, mom, I am so sorry that they turned it down," I said giving her a hug. I was concious of my boobs rubbing against her back as I held her. She turned to me and hugged me hard sobbing uncontrollably on my shoulder. I held her tight feeling sad about her rejection. I held her for some time and then I realised that I was getting the same warm feeling I got when Beth's mom held me. Before I could react, I felt my pussy getting wet and my heart starting to beat faster. "Oh god, what is happening to me?" I wondered as I held my mom. How could I feel this way about my mom. I wanted to disengage myself but I couldn't because she was holding me so tight. For what seemed like eternity, I held on to her hoping that my heart beat was audible. She must have felt me squirming and she looked up lovingly at me. "Oh baby, thanks for that. It really made me feel better."

She looked at my face. I am sure my face was flushed and my breathing was faster than normal. "Sweetie, whats wrong?" she asked, looking at my face. "Don't be upset," she said and kissed me on the cheek quite close to my lips. I got goose bumps all over. She smiled and looked at me. "Are you cold baby?" she said as she noticed the goosebumps and her eyes strayed to my hard nipples poking through the tshirt. She seemed a little embarrased and pulled away a little. I nodded, not trusting myself to speak. She hugged me again rubbing my hands and back and that almost drove me crazy because I could feel her breasts rubbing against mine. I must have gone even redder. "Sweety whats wrong?" she asked, worried.

"Er.. mom.. what you are doing is kind of getting me feel...." I stopped. She looked at me and asked. "Tell me sweety, what does it make you feel?"

"Oh, mom, if I told you, you would get mad at me."

"No, I won't. I never get mad at you."

"Well, this is kinda personal."

"Cmon, baby, tell me," she said coming closer. I shuddered as her breasts bumped into mine. She noticed it immediately and pulled back.

Now she went red in the face. "Am I making you feel uncomfortable baby?" she asked, suddenly feeling self concious. I nodded. "From the moment you hugged me, I felt funny."

"Oh baby, I am so sorry. I had no idea," she said stepping back, embarrassed. "Well to be honest, I felt it too," she said with a nervous smile. "I thought it was just being close to you and because you are my daughter. But, it somehow felt different."

I broke down then and sat her down and told her all about my exploits with Beth, her mom and my teacher. She listened to me wide eyed. For a minute or two she didn't say a thing. "Oh my god. I had no idea," she said. Then I saw her squirming in her chair, her hands wrining each other looking at me. "So girls excite you, more than guys, is it?" she said. "Even your own mom?" she asked, her face going red against.

"I am sorry mom, I couldn't help it. Its something I don't have control over."

She stood up and came close to me. She made me stand up. She hugged me harder this time. "I still love you baby. Thank you for telling me about this. I will help you sort things out."

Then she kissed me on the mouth. Just like that. I was stunned. She didn't open her mouth but it was the most gentle kiss I have experienced. More so because she was my mom. I held her tight returning the kiss. she pulled back a little. I stood there staring at her. Then I moved forward and kissed her again. It must have been the way I angled my mouth and maybe it was a spur of the moment thing. But I slowly felt her mouth open and I lost control. I opened my mouth slowly and I felt her tongue gently come into my mouth. Here I was french kissing my mom and it felt so good. We moved into the kiss moving deeper and deeper as I duelled with her tongue. I felt so hot and wet. We kept up the kiss and then we pulled apart. My mom was breathing hard not wanting to meet my eyes. I turned her face towards me looking into my eyes.

"I am sorry, baby. I don't know what came over me," she said. "Its ok mom. You are a good kisser," I said, pulling her to me again and kissing her harder this time. She moaned into my mouth. Getting bolder, I managed to lift my skirt up a bit so that my pussy and panty was almost visible. Then I took her reluctant hand and placed it on my crotch. I felt her gasp and try to pull the hand away. But I held it in place urging her to rub me. After a few tries she started to rub my pussy over the panty. We kept kissing and I started to rock against her hand moaning into her mouth. Then, I came so hard that I shuddered and shuddered and shuddered losing total control of my legs. She realised it and held me tight as she continued to rub me. Then after a few minutes passed, I was able to stand without support. Without a word, I reached into her shorts, which were lose and elastic and slipped my hand into them searching for her pussy. I caressed her mound which was lightly covered with hair. I cupped it with my hand squeezed it feeling her shuddering at the sensation. She dropped her shorts and leaned against the table, letting my cup her pussy. She pushed one chair and put her leg on one giving me more access to her pussy.

I wanted to tease her a little. So I took my hand out and started to lick my palm. Then I knelt by her and started to lick her thigh of the leg that was on the chair. She held me by the head pulling me towards her pussy. I resisted making it harder for her. She moaned my name pleading me to lick her pussy. I moved ever so slowly to her panty licking it lightly, teasingly. I got hold of the waistband and pulled it tight across her pussy while making it wet with my saliva. She kept pushing her pussy against my tongue moaning and screaming my name. I felt the slit underneath the wet material and started probing it. The response was almost instantaneous. She humped my mouth harder. Not wanting to make her too impatient, I slipped the panty off and gave her the best french kiss I could muster sucking the whole pussy lips into my mouth in one motion. She gasped as I started to probe her pussy lips tasting her for the first time. She tasted so nice on my tongue. I slipped lower and lower moving under her. I then made her sit on the chair, slouched and her legs spread so that I could enjoy her more. I started licking her pussy again while I pressed my middle finger into her opening. My finger slid in easily and I was able to squeeze one more finger. I started to move my fingers slowly as I licked her clit. I wanted to finger her ass too but was too scared to try it now. So I kept fingering has and I felt her getting closer to her climax. I moved my fingers faster and felt her body meeting my thrusting fingers in a perfect rythm.

Then she came really hard and for the first time in my life I realised that mom squirted when she came. She showered my face with a warm liquid which felt like pee but I knew about this ability of some women through some of the articles I read. I was soaked with mom's cum as I stopped all movement and rose up to kiss her mouth making her taste her pussy on my lips and tongue. She lay there dazed for a few seconds and looked up at me.

"Oh baby, what have we done? I never meant it to be like this." she said.

"Its Ok mom. I really enjoyed doing this and I really wanted to. You made me wet when you hugged me."

She smiled when she realised how she made me horny. "We should get cleaned up," she said getting up putting her clothes back on and just then there was a knock on the kitchen door. It was our neighbor Alanna. We barely managed to get dressed and as I opened the door she stood there grinning. "I hope I am not interrupting anything." she said with a smirk on her face. Alanna, was a cute blonde with blue eyes with a mischievous face and full lips. She was around 5' 9" with C cup breasts. Her butt was rather small but her legs compensated for it. There she stood on the kitchen step in a hot red tshirt and shorts accentuating her long legs.

To be continued ...

Thanks for all the positive feedback.

Tutor Gets a Delightful Experience 2

gen_man69 on Lesbian Stories

Read my first story where Sarah meets a lovely blonde tutor named Bethany. They have a lot of fun at Beths house.

The next day i was dreading meeting Beth because I was shy about facing her after what happened. I went to school early and most of my friends noticed something different about me. They wanted to know whether I got laid the previous night. I laughed it off sounding mysterious. During the lunch break Beth caught up with me.

"Hey ! How are you doing?" she said hugging me tight. I was self concious and realised a few people looking our way.

"I am doing fine."

"Mmmm.. did you enjoy our session yesterday?"

"Uh huh."

"I liked it too. I played with my pussy all night thinki
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ng of you" she said.

"Wow ! Thats really nice."

"Wanna grab something to eat?" she said looking at my boobs.

"You took my advice then," she said looking at my revealing tshirt and tight pair of pants.

"Yes, I told myself, what the hell, it can't be that bad."

"I like the new you," she said looking down my low cut neck. We walked hand in hand into the cafeteria. I saw a few guys almost choking on their food as we walked in. Some of the girls looked at Beth enviously, their eyes stopping at my ample bosom. Somethings never change, I thought to myself.

We had a nice chat during the meal taking time to stare at each other. I couldn't help looking into her lovely eyes thinking what it would be like to kiss them. I couldn't help getting a little wet. I told Beth this and she grabbed me by the hand pulling me out of the cafeteria. We went to the ladies room. There weren't many girls in there. Before I could protest she pushed me into a cubicle and followed me in. She closed the door and turned to me pushing me back against the wall. She started to hug me hard and kissed my lips breathlessly, pressing her body against mine crushing me. We kissed passionately, our tongues intertwined. She then lifted my tshirt and exposed my breasts and cupped them in her hand while she kissed my mouth. I could feel the warmth of her hands against my nipples. She started to squeeze them gently sucking on my lips.

I held on to her not wanting this moment to end. I forgot the fact that we were in a toilet and felt so comfortable in her arms. I pushed her down gently to my bra. She started to push her tongue between my breasts as if making love to my cleavage with her long tongue. Then she traced the edge of the bra cup with her tongue trying to squeeze it in under the material. I was so impatient that I slid one strap off, loosening the cup so that she could go in further. I started to caress her breasts with my hands squeezing those lovely little mounds. She must have felt my excitement since she lifted the bra exposing my breasts. She started to suck on the breast avoiding my nipple. That drove me crazy. I wanted her to suck on my nipple. But she simply wouldn't. In the end when my frustration was reaching its limit, she sucked me hard while she pulled my skirt up and cupped my pussy. I almost screamed. I could hear girls in the washroom and I was almost oblivious to it. She started to rub my pussy over the panty while she sucked my nipple hard. I pulled her head to me hard, biting my lips to stop myself from crying out. I felt her finger part the panty and as her fingers touched my nether lips, I almost jumped.

I kept moving against her hand, whispering to rub me harder. She switched to my other breast sucking harder than ever while her hands made magic on my pussy. Finally, she sat on the toilet seat and I put one foot on her shoulder and she started to suck my pussy. I almost lost my balance but managed to steady myself. She kept licking and licking me. Then I felt a light pressure on my anus. I felt her finger probing the rim of my anus. It felt so good. She continued to suck my pussy and I came so hard that I almost bit my lips in half. My legs were shaking and I felt Beth holding on to me, steadying me. We took a minute or two to calm down. By then, it was time to get back to our class. I was so dissappointed that I couldn't do the same to Beth.

"Its alright darling, we still have the rest of the day and don't forget our class." She said smiling at me. I straightened up and we came out of the toilet cautiously. Thankfully, no one saw us, and we made it barely in time for our next class. My class teacher was Miss Murphy. She was around 28 and unmarried. She was a brunette and she was around 5' 10" and slender. Her breasts were not so large but she had a nice bust. It may have been a B cup. She had shapely hips and walked in a manner that was so graceful that I really envied her. She was pretty but not sexy as Beth. Her dark eyes were penetrating and gave her a serious look. She was wearing a formal dress with a coat and a tshirt underneath and a knee length skirt that matched her coat. Several times during the class, I felt her eyes on me. I dismissed the thought thinking that my over lesbianised brain was giving me signals that were more to do with my new experience than anything else. However, just before I left the class, Miss Murphy stopped me.

"Sarah, can I speak with you?" she said.

"Yes Miss Murphy?"

"Young lady, I noticed two wet patches on your tshirt." she said. I must have blushed so hard that she smiled at me. "Well, well, what were you upto dear?"

"N..nothing Miss Murphy.." I stammered.

"Well, can you stay with me after class and help me with something?"

I nodded. "Well grab a chair and sit next to me would you?" she said taking her coat off and putting it on the chair. She was wearing a thin strapped tshirt that did wonders to show off her skin. It was so smooth that I wanted to reach out and touch it. I sat next to her. She dropped a pencil and before I could reach down, she turned to my side and bent over. I got a view of her breasts I will never forget. They seemed so big under her tshirt. She caught my look and smiled.

"Oops, that was a bit too much for you was it?" she said, looking at my face. I didn't know how this thought came to me, but I stood up half in my seat and bent so that my cleavage was in full view to her and reached across and grabbed a pencil off the corner of her desk. My breasts would have been inches off her face.
I sat down and looked at her. "Now we are even." I said.

"Mmm.. I like young women who take initiatives" she said.

"I think you are a very pretty young lady."

"I think you are a gorgeous lady."


"Yes. Really. If you could read my mind now, you may be quite surprised."

I simply took her hand and placed it on my right breast. "Where did you say that wet patch was?" I asked her innocently grinning at her surprised expression.

She caught on, she started to squeeze it lightly. "Hmmm let me see.. " she kept on squeezing it. "Well, its not wet anymore. Maybe it was the bra." she put her hand under my tshirt and started feeling my bra cup. I was getting wet by all this groping. I pulled her face to my breast and said "Why don't we recreate the situation?" She started to lick my bra cup wetting it. She gently bit my nipple over the cup. Then she stopped and pulled the tshirt back in place and then pointed at it. "I think thats a perfect recreation of what happened." By this time the school was virtually deserted and we had the place all to ourselves. But I was worried that Miss Murphy would get into trouble so I suggested that we find some place safe. She took me upstairs to her lab which she had the keys to. We went into a small room which was used to store the consumable lab equipment. The moment the door closed she hugged me so hard and started to kiss me. I pushed her back. "Wait Miss Murphy, I want to show you how much I appreciate what you do for us in the class. Please close your eyes and let me show my gratitude."

I pushed her back against the wall and I slowly slipped off her tshirt. I started to lick her cheeks and face like a dog not letting her respond. Then I started to suck both lips into my mouth, while caressing her breasts over her push up bra. She had a glorious cleavage and I told her so. I sucked her neck and reveled in the smoothness of it and I moved up to her ears. I started to lick her ear and sucked her earlobe. Then I moved down to her breasts tearing away the bra and started to suck the pink puffy nipples that she had. I sucked her and she started to moan. My hands moved down to her skirt unzipping it and letting it fall to the floor. She was wearing a sexy pair of black panties. I cupped it as I started to suck her breasts. I pushed her arms up and then sucked her arm pit making her jump at the sensation moving back to her breasts.

Then I slowly knelt down licking the upper part of her thighs making her leg muscles jump. I moved my tongue to her mons licking and teasing. I felt her pushing my head lower but I resisted. Then suddenly, I moved my mouth to her pussy through the panty making her grip my head hard. She put one leg on my shoulder to make it easier for me. I pulled the panty down and started to lick her slit. It was so wet and juicy. I took one finger and started to push into her pussy. I saw her pushing her own finger into her anus while I fingered her. I got bolder and pushed one more finger. I sucked her clit while I moved my fingers in and out of her. she kept begging me to fuck her harder. I felt her shudder as she came hard on my finger. She screamed so loud that I am sure someone would have heard us. Before I could recover, she pulled me up and started to kiss my mouth.

"Oh baby, I want to taste my pussy on your mouth..mmmm...Oh god..where did you learn to suck pussy like that?"

"Well, I am still new to this." I said as I kissed her on the lips sucking hard. She pulled away and said that she had been waiting for this for a long time. I was surprised to find out that she had a crush on me for almost 6 months. The patches on my tshirt had given her the courage to try something.
Then she made me lie down on the floor and took my panties off. She started to suck the panties in the crotch area. They must have been quite dirty by then but she seemed to like it. Then she bent over me and started to kiss me, rubbing the length of her body against mine. It was a divine feeling. She took my tshirt and bra off and started to attack my breasts. It felt nice because she was a little rough and slapping them a little. Beth had never done that and it was a new experience for me. She bit my nipples sucking them into her mouth and I could feel her pussy rubbing against mine. The feeling was nice as I felt her pussy grinding into mine. She was so impatient to get to my pussy that she forgot to kiss me ! I wasn't complaining anyway as she started to lick and suck it hard. Then after a while she turned and sat on my face as she sucked my pussy. I started to lick and suck hers once again. This was nice cause I got to do something to her while she did something to me and the intensity of both actions seems to grow and feed each of us making it more intense. I remembered that she liked her anus to be probed. So I pushed one finger into her and her sucking increased in intensity. Her pussy juice was all over my neck and face and I continued to suck her hard. I felt my orgasm rip through my body but I didn't stop licking her. she came soon afterwards. We lay there for sometime, getting our breath back. Finally she got off me, turning towards me. Without saying a word we kissed and hugged each other. sucking each others juices. She surprised me by asking me for the finger I put in her ass and then she licked it. In the heat of the moment, I licked it too and it was a nice feeling to share an intimate part of a person you just helped cum. We straightened up our clothes and slowly went down to our classroom.

"Will, I meet you again?" she asked.

"Of course, Miss Murphy. I will." I promised as I ran back home. I have never felt this happy in my whole life and I couldn't wait to tell Beth about it.

Well another installment of Sarah's story hope you liked it.


Lonely Ch. 2

gen_man69 on Lesbian Stories

Lonely Ch. 2

A bit about me before I start and hope you read my first story where I met Nirosha, a hot 18 year old girl with an awesome body and personality.

I am Shani and I am 30. I live in Sri Lanka and I am single. I dark complexioned and 5 feet 10 inches which is unusual for a Sri Lankan girl. I have 34D cups which is one of my strong points, no pun intended. My hips are not very wide but shapely enough to attract attention. My butt is cute enough to look hot in hipsters. I love to wear tight pants to show off my butt and hips. I have shoulder length hair which is jet black.

After our hot and active night the previous day, we decided to take things slow the next day. Since it was the weekend, we spent time together shopping and hanging o

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ut at the mall. Some people looked at us with admiration as we walked hand in hand. From time to time, Nirosha kissed me on the neck or fondled my butt which made me feel self conscious, drawing the attention of more people. Finally, we sat at the Food court of the mall and started to eat. She had so much energy that made me feel 10 years younger. She had so much life in her which reminded me of my teen years. I was not as bubbly. She had the ability to raise the energy level within a matter of minutes without even trying. From time to time, her soft gaze rested on my face and moved down excitingly to my bust. Her gaze made me hotter than anything I have experienced before.

She started describing what she would do to me right there under the table, which got my blood pumping. My heart beat so fast that I thought it might give out. Her husky voice brought my pussy to a wet state fairly quickly. I started squeezing my legs together gently because I was feeling really horny by then. We were interrupted by another lady who excused herself and sat at our table. She took one look at my face and apologized.

"Oh I am so sorry, I seem to be interrupting here. The place is so crowded and I can't seem to find a decent table," she said, starting to get up again.

"No, its fine," I croaked.

"Are you sure?"

"Yes, we insist. I just have a naughty girl friend."


"What did she do?"

"Well, I made her wet," Nirosha blurted out before I could say anything.

I looked down, embarrassed. This lady seemed to be in her late 20's and later we found out that she was holidaying in Sri Lanka. She introduced herself as Jenny. Jenny was slim but had a nice figure and a flat tummy. Her breasts seemed around 32C which seemed bigger due to her smaller frame. Her dark hair ended up at her shoulders. She had a lovely smile and a friendly face. She was wearing a dress with a deep neck that showed off her cleavage. She smiled pleasantly as we checked her out.

She reached over and put her hand on my thigh and the effect was electric. She leaned over exposing more of her breasts and said in a husky voice.

"So how did she make you wet?"

Here was a complete stranger asking me how my friend made me wet. I was tongue tied. Nirosha seemed more at ease.

"Well we can tell you all about it in our apartment," she countered.

I was not really sure if that was a good move and I looked at Nirosha sternly.

"Relax Shani, I know her well," she laughed.

"This is the lady I called yesterday to say that I am getting late."

"Oh, ok," I nodded.

"Well Jane and I have had a few encounters worth remembering," Nirosha quipped, pointedly looking at her body. I couldn't help but look at her cleavage and she complimented by looking at my bust. I can't explain it, but the more I looked at her cleavage, the more I wanted to find out what she looked like under that dress. We finished our lunch and made our way back to my apartment. Jane sat between us in the taxi and she started to flirt with Nirosha, making me a little jealous. The seconds seemed like hours when I looked forward to being made love to by two gorgeous ladies. We finally arrived and the lift seemed to take ages. I was nervous as I entered the apartment and Nirosha went to the little girls’ room and left me all alone with Jane. She sat down right next to me on the couch. My hands shook and I struggled to keep them from touching her.

I excused myself and had an invigorating shower. I dressed in the sexiest bra I could find along with a t-shirt that had a deep neckline. The bra accentuated the shape of my breasts and made them look even bigger. I fondled them a bit, playing with the nipples and almost made myself want to touch my pussy. I resisted the temptation knowing that very soon my pussy would be paid attention by to lovely tongues.

 By the time I was out of the shower, Nirosha had left on an errand and Jane had freshened up. She had changed into another gorgeous dress that did even less to hide her wonderful cleavage. My heart started to beat faster and my hands refused to move in the direction I wanted. All I could think of was getting my hands on this lovely lady seated next to me.

"I love this place," said Jane breaking the silence. I was so relieved that she took the lead.

"So how did you meet her?" she asked and I detected a hint of jealousy under the surface.

"Well, I happened to hear about her little shop from a friend and I paid her a visit," and I went on to describe what happened in the shop and afterward. I could see Jane starting to blush and her tongue kept licking her quivering lips. I saw her gently rock against the couch with her arms crossed under her breasts pushing them up even more.

The sound of my voice silenced my nervousness. She put her arm behind my shoulders and turned slightly towards me. My eyes drifted down to her wonderful cleavage. Her breasts seemed to be mashed up together making them even sexier than I first saw them.  

"I can see why she is attracted to you. You look gorgeous," she whispered moving closer to me and I felt her fingers gently rub my neck. She had the ability to make even the most simplest of gestures sensual. I felt like a school girl being seduced for the first time.

She moved closer and kissed me gently on the cheek. Her body radiated with a wonderful heat that enveloped me. I just smiled stupidly at her and waited. She kissed my cheek again and I felt her tongue snake out of her lovely mouth and taste my skin. This made me shudder. Her tongue started to explore my face and licked mischievously at the corner of my mouth as if she were licking my pussy. I moaned as my imagination started running wild. Her tongue started to explore my face running over my lips, chin, cheeks and eyes. This was the first time I have experienced such kind of attention. When she explored my face I felt my pussy working overtime to lubricate.
Before I knew it, her lips were on mine and she was kissing me hard. It was so intense that I was taken by surprise. Her kiss was as intense and strong as a man's. I put my arms around her and returned her kiss. I could feel her need and realized that she must have been without sex for a long time. She seemed to enjoy sucking my lower lip which was full and soft. She moaned as she felt my hand run across her back feeling her tense muscles. She seemed to be under a lot of stress which was evident by the tightness of her shoulder muscles. I kneaded them gently making her suck my lips even harder. I was literally lying down on the couch and she was on top of me. I sensed her urgency as I felt her crotch hump against my hip. Her breath came fast as she begged me to make her cum.

I pushed her roughly back onto the other end of the couch. Her smile widened as she seemed to like me taking charge. I pushed my body on top of hers and started to kiss her hard while pulling her face to me with my hands. My fingers rubbed her scalp as my tongue forced its way into her warm wet mouth. Her tongue was mischievous. It kept avoiding mine and finally I got hold of it and started to suck it. My thigh rubbed against her crotch making her move rhythmically against it. I felt her heat emanating from every part of her body and galvanized me into action. I moved to her neck, sucking her soft skin while my hands started to uncover her wonderful breasts. She wore a lace bra which showed off the outline of her pink nipples. She moaned into my mouth as she felt my hand on her bra cups. Her impatience was evident as she pushed her dress down to her waist.

I looked into her adventurous eyes delaying my progress to her delicious body. Her face was flushed and she had trouble controlling her breathing. But she met my teasing gaze evenly waiting for me to touch her again. I waited for another minute which seemed like an hour. All I wanted was to uncover her gorgeous breasts and suck them till she screamed. But I wanted to tease her even more.

"You are killing me!!" she moaned as she looked into my eyes. I didn't smile at her. I looked into her eyes, my face expressionless.

"Close your eyes!" I ordered. She seemed surprised at the tone of my voice, but she complied. I put my hands very lightly on either side of her face and started to caress it with the lightest touch. She moaned as I felt her body visibly relax. Her breath slowed down a little as I moved my warm palms lower to her shoulders and then over her breasts. I could see goose bumps on her skin as my hand moved along her tummy. I admired her flat tummy as I pulled the rest of her dress off. Her thighs were lovely and I realized that she was clean shaven. I moved my hands lightly down her thighs right to her feet. I kneaded the soles of her feet and I heard her moan. My hands traveled up her leg to her thighs and down again.

Finally, I took my hands off to take my clothes off uncovering my 34D cups and I was naked except for my panties. I pushed one leg of hers onto the coffee table. I wanted to be kinky so I planted my feet on either side of her right foot and started to rub against her leg wetting it in the process. Then I brought her toes up to my crotch. I took her big toe while making her curl the rest of her toes and started to rub my mound against it. I then practically squatted on her toe. She started to rub my pussy with her toe.

To my surprise her toe started creeping in through the edge of my panties and very soon her toe was probing my slit. It was so hot and sexy that I didn't wanna get up. I held onto her thighs as she started to probe my pussy and she seems to quite at ease doing this. I squirmed as I felt it go up my pussy and very soon I was humping her toe. She pulled out of my pussy and then started to rub it against my ass hole. I pulled back a bit and sucked her toe making it all slimy and then parted my cheeks as I helped her probe my ass. She teased my ass without going in and I didn't think it could take her toe in anyway. After a few minutes of this, I knelt by her and started to look at her pussy. It was clean shaven and I could see her clit. She was dripping wet. I resisted the temptation to taste her and started to rub her bra cups, while my breasts rested on her tummy. One of her hands tried to touch them, but I pushed her away.

"Relax darling, enjoy the attention," I whispered. She moaned in response. I wanted to move right down to her pussy and lick her but I wanted to take my time. I put both my hands on her bra cups. I kneaded her breasts gently and felt her nipples harden underneath the soft lacy fabric. I slipped the bra straps off and pulled her bra down and got the shock of my life. She had the biggest nipples I have ever seen. They were as thick as my forefinger and about 2 centimeters in length. Her nipples were surrounded by a light pink aureole which excited me. I just stood there and gaped at them. Then I started to lick her breasts. She was fair skinned that I could see the blue veins and her skin was so soft was a baby's. I kept moving around on her breast, my tongue dangerously close to her nipples. After a while, she tried pushing me to her nipples and I avoided them. I went on teasing her and then without warning, I sucked one nipple hard into my mouth making her scream. Her nipple felt obscenely big in my mouth as I toyed with it. Every time I flicked it with my tongue, she jumped.

Jane's moans increased and then I realized we had a visitor. "Well, well, well seems like you two have started the party without me !" exclaimed Nirosha. She struck a sexy pose in a cute denim skirt and t-shirt. I left Jane for a moment and went to her and hugged her hard mashing my breasts against Nirosha, while I kissed her hard. She kissed me back as her hands went to my breasts pinching my nipples. She knelt by me and started to lick my pussy tasting my sweet nectar. I pulled her up again and pushed her back to get her t-shirt off and her breasts were out in the open and then her skirt came off and I realized that she wasn't wearing any panties.

"Do you like her nipples Shani?" asked Nirosha. I laughed nervously in response. We made Jane sit on the couch and sat on either side of Jane facing her. First we started to kiss her mouth at the same time running our tongues all over her face. She shuddered as she felt the attention of two tongues. Then we proceeded to her neck sucking each side and finally we moved slowly down to her nipples. We sucked them hard driving Jane wild. She held both of us tight as if she didn't want us to stop. I parted her legs so that I could reach her wet pussy lips. Her pussy was drenched from the attention we were giving her. I was dripping wet and straddled one of her thighs so that I could rub my pussy against it. Nirosha did the same and we continued to suck Jane's breasts. She reached under my pussy and rubbed my slit. One of her fingers entered me easily as I moaned, sucking her breast harder. I felt Nirosha move down lower to Jane's pussy. I heard wet sounds as she started to lick. Jane started humping against Nirosha's face. I had an idea. I took my mouth off her breast and asked Jane if she would like me to lick her ass while Nirosha licked her pussy. She nodded her head, her face blushing at the thought of the offer sunk in.

Nirosha lay on the carpet and Jane practically sat on her face with her pussy resting on her mouth while giving me access to her ass. I straddled Nirosha as I started licking Jane's buttocks, moving to her crack. I parted her cheeks and moved lower and lower. My wet tongue found her opening and I started to trace her rim.

"Oh Shani baby, please lick my ass hole, oh gosh!!" she murmured.

I kept licking her rim as I rubbed my pussy against Nirosha's tummy. She felt me move and pushed one hand to my pussy. I was thrilled when she started to finger me as she licked Jane's pussy. She put one more finger in my pussy to make things nicer. I parted Jane's cheeks further as my tongue teased its way into her anus. Her humping grew faster as she reached back and pushed my face into her ass. I had a hard time breathing as I struggled to keep my tongue in her. It was like trying to tame a wild horse. My tongue started to ache as I pushed it in and out from her ass. I could hear Nirosha lapping away at Jane's pussy. Just as I was wondering how much attention Jane could tolerate without cumming, she shuddered signaling her climax. I breathed a sigh of relief as I pulled out my tongue out of her ass and slumped on Nirosha's body catching my breath.

After a few minutes, I was up again kissing Jane hard on the mouth. Nirosha disappeared into one of the rooms and then she returned with an black strap on. She was wearing one. She came to us and started to poke it between our faces and we started to suck it like a cock.

"Shani, how would you like two cocks inside you baby?" asked Nirosha mischievously. I shuddered at the thought.

"Don't worry baby, one of these is smaller and will fit your ass easily," she said as if reading my mind.

So Jane wore the smaller dildo and we both sucked it to make it wet and slimy. Nirosha lay on the floor and I straddled her face first. Her tongue explored my pussy and ass thoroughly and then so did Jane. I straddled Nirosha's dildo and Jane helped her enter my pussy. It was nice to feel the soft rubber filling my emptiness. Then I started to move while kissing Nirosha hard. After a few strokes, I stopped for Jane and she licked my ass hole again and probed with her fingers. Then she entered me gently and I felt the smaller dildo entering me ass. It was nice to feel two cocks in me and after I said yes, they started to move.

I could feel Jane biting my neck as she moved and I kissed Nirosha hard. Both girls started off slowly until I got more comfortable and then they increased their pace gradually. I was screaming at them to fuck me harder and I was surprised at my reaction. It was really nice to be pounded by two women at the same time and I felt the start of my orgasm and everything went blank as I came screaming my head off. Both ladies stopped their onslaught and I came slowly back to earth. I was exhausted. But I realized that Nirosha hadn't cum yet. I turned around to see Jane and Nirosha start to kiss. They seemed so familiar with each other that I started to become jealous. They kissed each other like long lost lovers and Jane started to suck on Nirosha’s breasts while the other pinched Jane's huge nipples. Jane moved onto the carpet and lay on her back while resting most of her shoulders against the couch. She put some cushions under her back to make herself comfortable. She then spread her legs and lifted her knees drawing her heels closer towards her butt. Nirosha moved to the space between Jane's legs so that they fit each other like the letter "x" and I realized that both their pussies snugly fit against each other. Nirosha started to rock herself against Jane's pussy while rubbing hers against Jane's. It was an awesome sight to watch. Nirosha leaned forward to let Jane suck her breasts while she moved slowly and sensuously against Jane's pussy. They then started kissing each other while their pussies reveled in each others wetness. I was mesmerized by the gentleness and the sensuousness of the act.

I started getting wet at the sight and I started to rub my pussy. Jane noticed this and called me closer. She made me stand between them with my pussy turned towards Nirosha and my ass turned towards Jane. Jane made me push my ass against her face and she started to lick my ass. At the same time Nirosha started licking my pussy. I was in heaven. I felt Jane probe my tight opening and relaxed consciously letting her wet tongue enter the dark recess of my ass. Nirosha slid a finger in my pussy as she sucked on my clit. I held onto her as I started to rhythmically move against the loving mouths of both women and with this kind of attention, I didn't last long and I came hard biting my lips in the process. The two ladies didn't show any signs of stopping their dance soon. The continued kissing each other after I moved away to protect my pussy which was now sore.

I took one of the dildos and started to lick it. It tasted of my juice and I sucked it all watching Jane slowly move down to Nirosha's pussy while she gave her own pussy to suck. The two girls started a hot 69 and I watched breathlessly as they dived into each others pussies. Jane fingered Nirosha's ass while Nirosha did the same to Jane.
After a few minutes, Jane got off Nirosha and wore the strap on. Nirosha kissed and sucked it and then parted her legs to let Jane enter her. I moved in closer to watch the fun and then I got an idea. I wore the strap on and then moved to Jane’s ass. She realized my intention and stopped long enough for me to slip into her pussy. the strap on was like a jock strap so that her pussy was open. I pushed into her pussy and we all started to move. It was difficult to get a rhythm at first but then I got the hang of it fairly quickly and we started moving. Nirosha didn't need much time to cum when she saw what we were doing and she shuddered and bit Jane’s shoulder as she came. Although Jane stopped, she urged me on and I fucked her hard. Her screams grew louder and louder and she came as hard as Nirosha while kissing her hard. We lay there for a while and finally I pulled out of Jane's pussy. We were so exhausted and cleaned up afterward and slept in each others arms for the rest of the day.

Hope you enjoyed this part. It took a long time to complete and I hope it was worth the wait.


gen_man69 at yahoo dot com

Tutor Gets a Delightful Experience 1

gen_man69 on Lesbian Stories

I am 15 years old and my name is Sarah. I have dark hair which I inherited from my mom. One other thing that I inherited from my mom is her heavy chest. At my age my bust is around 34c. I am short at 4 feet 2 inches which makes my breasts bigger than they seem. This has been a burden for me since the girls in my class are jealous of them and the guys can't seem to look at my face for more than 2 seconds. And that is only if they get as far as my face ! Therefore, I tend to wear clothing that does its best to cover up my chest. My hips are slim and my butt is rounded but not as provocative as my breasts. My legs are not bad looking but I tend to cover them up too. I realised quite early after puberty that I was not interested much in guys. This could be because most of them were more intere
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sted in my breasts than any other part of me. I am quite good at my school work but I had one weakness: computers. This is how I ended up being tutored by a girl one year older than me. Her name is Beth short for Bethany. She was more or less the opposite of me. She was about 6 inches taller and her hair was blond and long. Her breasts (this is usually the first thing I compare!) were much smaller. 30a would be my guess. She was thin and used to wear tshirts that showed off her flat tummy and the skirts she wore made her legs look longer than they actually were. I felt excited by the prospect of her tutoring me since I knew she was one of the popular girls in school. Strangely, most of the guys in school had not been able to get a date with her and this made our sessions quite important for me since I noticed so many guys giving us looks of amazement.

"Hi!" said Beth walking towards me.

"Ready for your class today?" she said. I looked at her. She looked stunning in a deep neck tshirt that was designed to bring attention to her small breasts. She was wearing a pair of tight jeans to match her tshirt and she looked sexy. I couldn't help but check her boobs out enviously wishing mine were that small.

"Earth calling Sarah !"

I looked up startled realising that she had caught me looking at her boobs. I could feel my face going red.

"Oh!! Sorry !! I was thinking about something I was supposed to pick up for mom." I stammered feeling foolish.

"Hey, cool. Then lets go to my place today. My comp is much faster than the rusty old machines in the lab anyway and I have some interesting stuff for you to help you learn computers." she said, taking my arm and moving towards her scooter. She passed me a helmet as she started the little thing up. I hadn't been on a bike before and I was terrified. I didn't want to let Beth know so I got on the bike behind her holding on to her with so much force that she asked me to relax. somehow being close to her like this made me feel safe and comfy in a way that I have not felt with other girls. I enjoyed the ride and I could feel my breasts digging into her back as I held her close as she sped home.

When we got to her place, I was feeling an odd sensation on my nipples. They were tingling and I could also feel a bit of wetness between my legs. Like all other girls my age, I have experimented sexually and masturbate at least 3 times a week, but unlike the other girls I didn't have a boyfriend. I have never had sex which was unsual for a girl my age. I have seen my share of porn but I never seriously thought about losing my virginity to a guy. I felt funny about getting wet after hugging Beth but pushed the thought out of my mind. We were greeted by Beth's mom at the door. If Beth was gorgeous, her mom was even better. Her mom, Susan had larger breasts which I guessed to be at least 36c. She had wide hips and a graceful air about her and she portrayed a certain unawarness of her beauty that seemed to make her more beautiful. She wore a tight sleaveless tshirt that accentuated her breasts and a pair of shorts that covered her thighs upto her knees. I felt very comfortable with her and she gave me a hug and I felt out breasts bump into each other as I tried in vain to avoid contact with the already sensitive nipples.

"Mmm.. you girls look a little tired. I have made you some lemonade and its in the refrigerator. I am going off to your aunts place for a couple of hours. You girls make yourselves comfortable," she said leaving the house. Beth lived in a plush part of town where most of the houses were large and showed the high income level of the occupants. I marvelled the house as Beth took me inside. She took me upstairs to her room.

"Make yourself comfortable Sarah," she said taking me into her room. She threw her books to a corner and proceeded to take her tshirt off. I was stunned to see her quite comfortable with me. She proceeded to put on a loose tshirt which was so loose that one end kept falling off her shoulders.

"Hey, do you wanna change? I can give you a comfy tshirt, she said. I was not going to change in front of her with my nipples in a excited state. I just took off the shirt I had on revealing my thin strapped tshirt. I showed a bit of cleavage and I was comfy about that with Beth. We sat down on the bed. I was fidgeting about. She went down for a moment to get us some lemonade.

She came back and we had a sip of lemonade and I started to feel better. I told her that her mom was really pretty. she nodded.

"My dad died when I was small. Mom never remarried. She gets so many requests for dates and she turns every one of them down. But I feel that she is very happy on her own," Beth said.

"I am sorry to hear that."

"Oh, thats perfectly fine."

"So lets get to work. Tell me what you want to learn." So I told her what they are. One was familiarity with the keyboard. She loaded a program to teach me the keyboard. While I used the program, I felt her looking at me. When I turned to her to ask a question, she seemed flustered for a moment and I felt her eyes on my lips. She smiled nervously.

"You have a nice pair of lips. They are so full and sexy."

"Thanks. Thats not what most people notice about me." I smiled at her.

"What do they notice?" she asked.

"Isn't that obvious?"

"What do you mean?"

"Well, my boobs are the first thing that guys notice!"


She smiled. "I did notice that." Her face had a wistful look.

"Reminds me of mom's. I wish I had bigger boobs," she said sighing.

"But you are gorgeous. All the guys really want to get a date with you."

"Yeah, I know."

"Hey, can I ask you something?" she said.

"Go on."

"Why do you wear clothes that hide your body?"

"Well, I don't like guys ogling my chest. I find it disgusting."

"Do you mind if girls ogle?"

"Well, I didn't notice any girls ogling," I laughed.

"Turn," she said.

Then she started to look at my face, my lips and then my breasts. Her look was so gentle and loving that I was mesmerised by it. Before I could think, she outlined my lips with her index finger. A gentle caress, that sent shock waves to all parts of my body. She came closer until her face was inches away from mine, looking into my eyes tenderly.

"You are gorgeous and so sexy. It doesn't matter what people say. Just flaunt it. This is the only chance you will get in your life to be free."

Then her lips came close to mine and kissed me lightly. I almost had a heart attack. It felt so good that without thinking I placed my hands on her cheeks and pulled her closer and kissed her again.

Suddenly we pulled back, both aware of what just happened. We both spoke at the same time.

"Sorry, oh my god. What did I do?" she asked me.

"I am sorry. I shouldn't have kissed you like that," I said. My face was red and my hands were shivering.

Without thinking I just pulled her close again. My body was not responding to my commands. I could not control myself. I covered her lips with mine and started to suck on them while her mouth was closed. They tasted so good. I put my arm around her and pulled her close, my heart racing, my eyes closed, not trusting myself to look at her. Then I separated her lower lip and started to suck on it slowly. I have seen this move in a magazine that I read once. I then moved to her upper lip sucking it slowly, my face at an angle, my hand caressing her soft skin at the back over her tshirt. I heard her sigh sinking into my arms.

I stopped for a moment. I opened my eyes and I saw an angelic look in Beth's eyes.

"Don't stop. Kiss me again."

I pulled her closer and kissed her. I felt her mouth open and her tongue moving into mine. We tasted each others saliva as we kissed passionately. She pulled me on to her lap and I was more comfortable now, kissing her as I felt the smooth comfortable fabric of her tshirt sliding over her skin under my hand. I don't know for how long we kissed. She must have felt my weight since she suggested that we go over to the bed. She led me by the hand.

"Are you sure about this?" I asked.

I felt so confused about the way I was feeling. My panty was soaked. My nipples were hard. I have never felt like this about a woman before. Was I a lesbian? My mind was like a hurricane. So many thoughts were going in my head.

"Yes, I knew this would happen today. I wanted this to happen. I am so crazy about you Sarah."

I was stunned. I sat down on the bed resting back against the head board. She straddled my legs and then came closer and started to kiss me again. I felt her hands caressing my breasts over the tshirt. It was an exquisite feeling. I slipped off the straps of my tshirt exposing my bra and placed her hands on the cup. I felt her shudder as her hands came into contact with my bra cup. She must have felt my nipple straining against the cup. Then she started kissing my neck and moved up to my ear. Her tongue was wet in my ear, probing and loving it. I shuddered at the sensation. I never knew that my ear could be that sensitive. She bit my ear lobe gently, moving back to my throat. I pulled my head back letting her lick my throat. Then she proceeded to kiss me again. I slippled off her tshirt accidently and exposed her breasts. They had puffy nipples and the breasts could fit into a glass of champagne with ease. I cupped them as she kissed me again.

Then she moved down licking my cleavage. I could feel the saliva pooling at my navel. Then she did the most amazing thing. She started to wet my bra cup with her tongue. She avoided my nipple, teasing me. It drove me crazy. I didn't want to say anything because I felt so comfortable in the moment and I felt that I shouldn't spoil it by saying anything. I wanted her to take her time. Suddenly she sucked my nipple hard through the bra cup making me jump. My panty was soaked and I was sure it was leaking into the sheets.

She lovingly slipped off my bra, exposing the breasts. She stared at them lovingly lifting them in her hand feeling their weight. She squeezed them and played with them like a child. Then she brought both nipples close together and sucked them alternatively. Her tongue was like magic. She then put her face between my cleavage and let my breasts envelope her face. She then moved down to my tummy kissing it gently.

"I want to kiss your breasts," I whispered. She smiled softly at me and lifted herself up bringing her lovely breasts in line with my mouth. I closed my lips over the puffy pink gorgeous nipple sucking it so gently. She gasped as I felt her crotch rock on my thigh, rubbing her pussy against me. I put my hand in her shorts and realised that she was not wearing a panty. I felt the smooth skin and realised that she has shaved her pussy. I pushed her shorts down to get my hand into it. I cupped her wet pussy while I sucked her nipple and most of her breast which went easily into my mouth. She moaned pressing herself harder into my mouth and rocking against my hand. I felt her slit with one finger and started to rub her there as I had seen in lesbian movies. She gripped my head hard pulling me to her rocking hard.

"Oh god Sarah, please lick my pussy. Oh god ! Please lick my pussy."

I pushed her onto the bed making her lie down. I pulled her shorts down and it was completely off in seconds. Then I started to lick her thighs moving up towards her pussy. I have never licked a pussy before and I had a fair idea of how its down. I kissed the top of the mons and started to move down tasting a woman for the first time. She had a slight sour taste and was mixed with sweat. I loved her taste. I kept licking between her legs pushing my tongue deep into her slit, feeling her clit and moving up and down. She pushed my head down making me lick all of her slit and moving back up to her clit. Then she shuddered as she came hard. I felt her spurt her juice and for a moment I thought she had peed in my mouth. Later I realised that she squirts cum during her orgasm. I lay my head on her thigh, resting my head from the vigorous licking. She pulled me up, kissing me tenderly, our breasts rubbing against each other.

"Oh baby, that was so good. I came so hard."

"I want to lick you now. Please sit on my face."

She pulled me up so that my pussy was right on her face after I had taken off all my clothes. She started to lick my pussy. It felt so good that I screamed when her tongue licked my pussy for the first time. I felt her tongue probe my pussy. I held on to the bed post as she licked and licked. I felt her finger rubbing my pussy as she licked. I squeezed my breasts with one hand as I kept my balance with the other. I came shortly afterwards screaming my head off. I have never cum like that before. I had to try hard to release the bed post that was being held by my hand. I felt like I was in heaven. I moved my pussy away from her long tongue and started to kiss her. I could taste my pussy in her mouth.

"Oh Beth, how did you learn to make me cum like that?"

She gave me a mysterious smile. " I will tell you later," she said.

We lay there in each others arms for a while. We had to get dressed really fast when we heard the front door open and her mom's voice calling out to us. We managed to get dressed in the nick of time. However, I felt our faces must have given us away since her mom had a puzzled look on her face when she saw us. It was a fleeting expression and I was not sure if I had really seen it.

I went back home and had a long shower. I used the shower nozzle to pleasure myself again thinking back at what happened with Beth. My mom asked me whether I met someone new, when she saw me at dinner. I blushed and looked down. "Mmmm..must be someone really special," she said. I didn't trust myself to say anything so I kept my big mouth shut. I was looking forward to my next class with Beth.

This is my second lesbian story. I need your comments.

A chance encounter

gen_man69 on Lesbian Stories

Hannah was 22 and until the day she went for the movie Basic Instinct 2, she never realised a certain unique interest of hers. It may be unfair to say that she is attracted both the sexes, since what happened that day was not initiated by her, but by an older lady that she happened to meet at the cinema by accident or fate, she would never know.

Hannah was a pretty young thing. Her short blond hair gave her a boyish look until your gaze swept down to the rest of her body. There was nothing boyish about this young lady. Her hips were full, and she had an impressive chest bordering on a 34 d cup that she generally tried to hide with a smaller bra size. This had an alarming habit of pushing up her bra to accentuate her cleavage that forced her to wear high necked tshirts. However
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, her flat tummy and unassuming face that was prettier than most girls were the very reasons why men as well as women looked at her more than twice. Hannah had long ago given up trying to acknowledge any of these looks or advances and many a time she was compelled to lead a reculsive life as much as her life would permit. In a rare moment of desperation to come out of her shell, she decided to watch a movie that she really liked: SpiderMan 3. Toby MacGuire was her idol and that was the main reason for her attraction to this movie. So she went alone to the movie. She was dressed in a flowing skirt that did its best to hide her legs and a turtle neck sweater. However, there was too much of a crowd for the movie and she did not want to go back either. So she ended up in a queue for a completely different movie: Basic Instinct 2.

There was not much of a crowd at the movie and she found herself standing behind a lady who seemed to be on her own. She was quite a pleasant looking lady who seemed to be in her early thirties. She was dressed in a short casual skirt that attracted the eyes of several young men. She did not seem to notice these glances and kept her attention focused on the moving queue. Hannah was right behind her and could not help but notice her full figure and bulging bust. It made Hannah wonder how this lady managed the constant stares from a number of people. She was wearing a blouse that barely hid the cleavage and the blouse ended an inch above the waist of her skirt exposing her flat tummy. Judging by the tone of her muscles, Hannah realised that she was looking at a fit woman. Before long, they were at the ticket counter. The man at the counter issued two tickets thinking that Hannah was with the lady. She looked back at Hannah and then paid for both tickets, giving her a gentle smile.

"Here you go. Looks like I am lucky enough to be seated next to you," she said. Hannah insisted on paying for the ticket but, she brushed it away. "You can buy me some pop corn if you like." she said. They got the pop corn and Hannah was feeling a bit uncomfortable around this strange woman. It turned out that they had the box all to themselves which made Hannah even more uncomfortable.

They finally sat down next to each other. Hannah was fidgeting with her watch and forced herself to talk about why she came to the movie. It turned out that Tracy was a fan of Sharon Stone. Hannah couldnt help looking at Tracy's cleavage from time to time when she turned to talk to her. She seemed not to notice the young girls glances. After a while Hannah got comfortable with Tracy, finding her to be a funny and and easygoing person. The theater was getting a bit colder and Hannah felt goosebumps on her hands. The lights went off and the movie started. Hannah was not prepared to face what happened next. The credits started with Sharon Stone being fingered by a half delirious man. She was surprised to find that it was arousing to watch a woman driving a car at high speed being fingered at the same time. She continued to watch the scene, mesmerised and out of the corner of her eye, she spotted something strange. She could see Tracy's hand on her own breasts caressing them. She did not want to move her head to see what was going on. But she felt desperate about seeing this older woman caressing herself. She turned slowly towards Tracy. Tracy's hands were caressing her body.

Tracy saw her look and smiled. "I hope you wouldn't mind if I touch myself a bit," she said caressing her breasts ever so gently. Hannah could not take her eyes off this spectacle. Tracy's actions were so erotic that she felt her hands rise upto her chest. She stopped herself in time pushing her hands somewhat reluctantly to her lap. She could not move. Tracy continued to caress herself. Hannah was shocked to notice a certain amount of moisture between her legs. She squirmed in her seat willing herself to get up and stomp out of the box. But her body did not move. Tracy turned towards her.

"Can you help me with my bra?" she asked, turning her back to her and lifted her blouse exposing her smooth skin. Hannah resisted an urge to feel Tracy's skin, but her hands did not obey her. She felt her hands run over Tracy's back as it moved up towards her bra to unsnap the clasp. Hannah felt the releasing of Tracy's breasts as the tension eased on the massive mounds. Tracy settled into her seat and started to rub her breasts under her blouse. Hannah was mesmerised by the bulging breasts being caressed by Tracy. She felt her mouth water at the thought of the loveliness inside Tracy's blouse. As if she read her mind, Tracy calmly lifted her tshirt and bra exposing her milky breasts. Her nipples were pink and the aureola was large. Hannah could see that these were natural breasts devoid of any enhancements. Tracy took Hannah's shaking hand and placed it on her breast urging her to caress them. Tracy was shocked but could not take her hand off Tracy's soft flesh. She leaned closer as she tried to calm her trembling fingers as she ran her hand over Tracy's breasts feeling the contours. She teased the skin on the nipple coaxing them out of its lethargy and gasped as it stood up proud. Tracy put one hand behind Hannah's head and slowly pulled her down to the warm skin of her breast, her intention obvious. Hannah's mouth opened automatically to welcome the soft skin of Tracy's breast into her mouth. She started to lick the upper part of her breast, holding it in her hand. Tracy's breast felt heavy in her hand. She squeezed it lightly as her mouth left a trail of saliva across Tracy's breast making its way towards the summit of her breast.

Hannah's heart was beating faster than ever and she was so confused as to why she found this act so erotic. This was the first time she tasted a womans' breast and she felt as if she had done this all her adult life. Hannah's mouth reached its destination and Tracy shuddered as Hannah's inexperienced lips took hold of her pleasure point. Hannah's enjoyed the harness of Tracy's erect nipple and started to suck in earnest. Her other hand toyed with the other nipple making it hard.

Hannah sucked Tracy's nipple hard making Tracy moan and wriggle in her seat. Hannah spotted Tracy's hand moving towards Tracy's crotch. Hannah stopped Tracy's hand and placed her own hand on Tracy's thigh, caressing the smooth toned skin. She moved her hand up, feeling the heat of Tracy's core. Hannah's hand moved higher and higher reaching the wet fabric of Tracy's panty. Tracy scooted down the seat to make her pussy more accessible to Hannah. Hannah started to jab her fingers at Tracy's pussy over the panty making Tracy jump at every jab.

Tracy reached under Hannah's tshirt and started to squeeze Hannah's breasts. Hannah pulled up her tshirt giving Tracy access. Tracy helped Hannah remove her panties making Tracy's wet pussy accessible. Hannah could see glimpses of Tracy's pussy in the darkened theater. She cupped Tracy's pussy and was unsure how to proceed. Tracy gave her quick lesson in pussy rubbing and Hannah started to rub her pussy making a wet sound as it slipped along Tracy's slit. Tracy moaned softly as she felt Hannah's fingers traverse her wet pussy. She pushed her body against her fingers needing more of Hannah's touch. Hannah responded by putting on more pressure.

Tracy pulled Hannah's head away from her breast and started to kiss her mouth. Hannah felt a woman's tongue and lips for the first time in her life and enjoyed its soft feel. She had kissed a couple of guys before and kissing a woman seemed much more enjoyable. Then, Tracy bent over Hannah's breasts, searching for the hard young nipples. Hannah almost screamed as she felt Tracy suck her nipple. She held Tracy tight as her mouth explored. Hannah's fingers faltered on Tracy's pussy as she found the attention too much and it distracted her from rubbing Tracy's pussy. Tracy didn't notice as she continued her onslaught on Hannah's hard nipples. Hannah could sense Tracy
s attention getting more intense as she felt her mouth suck harder. Tracy pulled up Hannah's skirt trying to get at Hannah's pussy. Before long, Hannah's panties were on the floor and both women were rubbing each others pussies.

"Oh Hannah, I wanna fuck your pussy,..." whispered Tracy. Before Tracy could respond, Tracy just stood up and made Hannah lie down on the carpeted floor. She lifted Hannah's skirt baring her pussy. Then she lay on top of Hannah with her pussy pressing gently against Hannah's lying at an angle getting the maximum contact possible. She gently started kissing Hannah while starting to rub her pussy on the young girls pussy. Hannah was surprised but had no choice but to respond while moving her hips in concert with Tracy. They started to feel the heat and wetness of each others pussies rubbing against each other, trying to merge while the other patrons watched the movie oblivious to what was happening a few feet away.

Tracy started to hump Hannah's pussy faster and faster kissing her so hard as she felt herself on the edge of her climax. Hannah felt Tracy's urgency and moved faster feeling her own climax nearing. Just then, Tracy came, moaning into Hannah's mouth and she kept rubbing her pussy against Hannah without slowing down.

The intensity of this act made Hannah cum a second later. Hannah didn't scream as her mouth was locked into Tracy and she held onto Tracy as her body rocked with a fantastic orgasm.

After catching their breath, both women sat up and moved into their seats after wearing most of the clothing.

"Oh, Hannah, I just can't get enough of your pussy. Would you like to come with me to my place? We still have at least a couple of hours," Tracy said looking at Hannah hungrily.

"Yyess..," Hannah nodded. They both left the cinema in a hurry and headed down to Tracy's place. Tracy lived in an apartment complex close to the cinema. They entered Tracy's apartment. As soon as they were inside, Tracy pushed Hannah against the wall and started to kiss her hard pressing Tracy's heavy breasts against Hannah. Hannah hugged Tracy tight as she felt Tracy's tongue explore her mouth. Hannah lifted Tracy's blouse, and Tracy helped her take it off. Before long both women were topless,rubbing their breasts as they kissed hungrily. Tracy enjoyed kissing this young inexperienced woman who was a fast learner. Hannah was amazed about how pleasurable it was to be kissed by and older woman.

Hannah got bolder and turned the tables on Tracy. She turned Tracy so that she was pinned against the wall. She started to kiss Tracy's neck feeling the smooth skin on her neck and started to suck the skin. Hannah jammed her thigh between Tracy's legs forcing them open pushing the tight skirt up. As if in a trance Hannah knelt before Tracy, pushing the skirt up more and baring her pussy. Her tongue reached out automatically reaching the wet fabric of Tracy's panty. Tracy was beyond the teasing phase. In a lightening move, her panty was off and Hannah's tongue touched a woman's pussy for the first time. As her tongue touched Tracy's pussy, Hannah felt a wave of pleasure course through her body making her shudder. Before long, Hannah's mouth was all over Tracy's pussy loving the taste of it. She kept licking Tracy and before long Tracy was on the verge of another orgasm. Tracy made Hannah finger her pussy as she licked her clit and before long Tracy came hard collapsing on Hannah helplessly as she lost all control of her legs.

Tracy recovered quickly and reciprocated. Her mouth found Hannah's pussy and Hannah felt a womans tongue on her pussy for the first time. She held on to Tracy as she felt her tongue roam all over her pussy. Then she felt Tracy go lower and lower reaching the end of her pussy and reaching the area between her anus and pussy. She enjoyed Tracy's attention. When she felt Tracy's tongue reach her anus, Hannah almost jumped. But Tracy held her down moving towards her little hole gently probing. Hannah felt Tracy's tongue trying to make its way past the tight opening. Hannah relaxed her muscles, letting Tracy push through. Tracy tongued Hannah making her scream. She felt Tracy's finger enter her pussy making it even nicer. She felt Tracy's attention get intense as she drifted closer and closer to an orgasm. Just then, she felt Tracy's finger replace her tongue in her ass and now she had two fingers: one up her pussy and one up her ass. A few seconds later Hannah screamed as she came hard.

"Oh gosh Tracy, that felt so good," moaned Hannah as she stretched like a cat on the floor. They got up and had a shower together ending up in another couple of orgasms as they soaped each other. It was late when Hannah finally left promising to grow the friendship to much dizzier heights.

Tell me if you like more of this couple. Gen_man69. on yahoo.

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Lonely Ch. 3

gen_man69 on Lesbian Stories

A bit about me before I start and hope you read my previous stories where I met Nirosha, a hot 18 year old girl with an awesome body and personality and then her friend Jane.

I am Shani and I am 30. I live in Sri Lanka and I am single. I dark complexioned and 5 feet 10 inches which is unusual for a Sri Lankan girl. I have 34D cups which is one of my strong points, no pun intended. My hips are not very wide but shapely enough to attract attention. My butt is cute enough to look hot in hipsters. I love to wear tight pants to show off my butt and hips. I have shoulder length hair which is jet black.

After my encounter with Jane and Nirosha, I started becoming more comfortable being a lesbian. However, Nirosha left Sri Lanka to start on her higher studies in the UK. We pa
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rted as friends, but it was a tough break. I spent almost 2 weeks in my apartment thinking about our encounters. I missed her energetic personality. After the second week, one of my friends came to see me. Her name was Waruni, but I used to call her Rosy in school simply because of her rosy lips. Waruni was a petite lady with a fantastic figure. She had short dark hair upto to her shoulders and her eyes were dark and oriental in shape. Her skin was fairer than most Sri Lankans. She was married and didn't have any kids. She maintained her figure by going to the gym at least thrice a week. Her best asset was her bust which was 32C and seems bigger because of her smaller frame. Her walk was the sexiest I have seen on a woman where the sway of her hips was much more than an average woman which made it interesting to look at. It was as if her hips were attached to a set of springs that had no relationship whatsoever to the rest of her body.

So while I was moping about Nirosha, there was a knock on the door. I was not too interested in having company and I must have had an irritable look on my face as I opened the door. My mood changed when I saw Waruni. She seemed a little haggard and one look at her face told me that she had cried her heart out. I forgot all about my troubles and ushered her in. I let her settle down on my couch while I made a cup of Ceylon tea for her. Apart from being a destination of cool and friendly people, my country is famous for its tea.

She took the cup gratefully and smiled at me. It was a heart wrenching smile. I watched her pink lips as she sipped the tea, tears in her eyes. She could not hold it in any longer. She put the cup on the coffee table and turned to me. I reached out to her and she broke into tears. I held her hard as I felt her let go. I felt her tears running down my neck and down by back. I held her tight while rubbing her back and making consoling noises. After about half an hour, her sobs subsided and she calmed down enough to tell me what was bothering her.

She went on to tell me about her husband and that she found out that he was gay. She was devastated to find that he had married her out of convenience and that he kept going back to his lover. It had first started after a few months of marriage where he had lost all interest in her sexually. She wondered about it first and thought that work related stress was the cause. She had found other interests to compensate for sex and that is how she ended up getting into physical fitness and community service. According to Waruni they had not had sex for the last 2 years and two days ago she had found out about his affair with another man. When confronted he had broken down and asked for a divorce. I let her get the stress out of her by letting her talk about it.

"How could I have been so stupid?"

"Its not your fault, Waruni, anyone could have fallen for him. He is such a nice guy."

"I know, but I am so upset about it. It would have been OK, if it were another woman, but a guy?"

"But I am sure he could not help it."

"So what do I do? I don't know what to think."

Then she laughed.

"Its kind of ironic. I remained faithful to that jerk for 2 years where I could have cheated on him. I wasted two years of mind blowing sex!"

"Oh Waruni, don't think like that," I tried to console her.

"No! I am going to teach him a lesson. I am going to find a girl and fuck her to show him that I can do it too!"

I almost had a heart attack at the thought of Waruni making love to a woman. She was gorgeous and suddenly other thoughts started to enter my mind.

"Why don't you clean yourself up and we can do something together? You can stay here for a few days until we sort things out," I offered her.

She turned to me and gave me a hug.

"Shani, you are a great friend."

I hugged her back, struggling not to feel her soft warm body in my arms and tried to ignore her breasts mashing up against mine.

I got her settled in my room and she went for a wash. I waited for her in the living room watching television. My mind was not settled enough to concentrate and I kept flicking channels until Waruni appeared. I almost did a double take. She looked like a teen in a pink camisole and silk boxers. I think I had my mouth open for a while and I just stared at her. She looked awesome. I sincerely hoped that she didn't notice my gaping mouth as she sat opposite me and put her legs up on the sofa. Her breasts jiggled inside the cami at each step she took. I

"What are you watching?"

"Nothing, really. There is not much on." I replied, my voice seemed to come out of a well.

She smiled at me.

"What do you want to have for dinner?" I asked, trying not to stare at her.

"Well, lets get some pizza," she said.

I was wearing a pair of shorts and a t-shirt that was tight enough to make a grown man weak in the knees. I wore a bra for modesty and of course, panties. I struck a sexy pose where I was sure my assets were in full display while I made the call. I returned to the sofa and I flipped channels. Waruni seemed lost in her own thoughts and I decided not to intrude. She got up after a few minutes and went over to my DVD collection.

"Hey, you have a nice collection of movies," she commented.

"Do you have porn?" she asked.


"Oh, come on, don't lie to me!"

"I don't have porn!"

She started to go through the drawers on the same cabinet. I suddenly remembered that I had kept some of my porn DVD's in there. I heard a exclamation as she found my stash.

"So you don't have porn? I don't remember seeing a movie about lesbian bra busters, or Big tit lesbians."

Just then the door bell rang and I walked over to the door to find the pizza delivery guy who started to eye my breasts hungrily. I gave him a view he would not forget as I bent over to sign the credit card receipt. He was dumbstruck as I closed the door gently in his face, smiling wickedly.

Waruni asked me why and I told her what I did. She laughed at my slutty behavior. She was watching an 80's lesbian collection starring Christy Canyon. My face went red at the sight of Christy Canyon licking Traci Lord's pussy. I tried to distract her from watching it by waving the Pizza in front of her face. She stared at it with her eyes wide while she tried to push me away. In the process, she pulled my t-shirt exposing my bra for a short while and she laughed at me pointing to my exposed melons barely concealed by a struggling bra. I can't explain why but I was furious with her and I put the pizza on the table and literally sat on her back and started to tickle her. She struggled under me but I was too heavy for her to topple over. In her desperation, she turned onto her back and I imprisoned both her hands while sliding down to stop her legs from moving. I had her securely pinned. I smiled wickedly at her as she pleaded with me not to tickle her. I used my teeth to pull up her camisole exposing her tight tummy and started to nuzzle against it making her scream and struggle. I didn't let her go and kept tickling her with my lips. She was laughing so hard and struggling but she was unable to get up. Since I was sitting on her thighs, her struggling legs applied pressure against my pussy making me feel slightly horny. I kept willing her to struggle more so that her thighs would rub against my pussy which was starting to become wet.

Finally, I let go of her arms and they shot up and pulled me to her hard reversing the hold. She got me into the same position she was in and had my arms imprisoned. I didn't struggle too hard and let her win. She lifted my t-shirt and started to tickle with her hot lips. When she bent over, I could see her creamy breasts. I couldn't take my eyes off them. I made sure my thighs rubbed against her pussy as I struggled strategically. She went on kissing giving me no indication that I was getting through to her with my little thigh rub. I wanted to find out if she felt it, so I stopped moving my thighs and immediately, she started to grind herself against them. I felt goosebumps as I felt her rhythmically rock against my thighs.

As usual, the stupid phone rang breaking our sexy wrestling match. Waruni's face was flushed as she quickly got off me and I rushed to the phone. I was frustrated to find out that the caller had got the wrong number. I cursed him silently as I turned to Waruni. She had turned off the DVD player and was pretending to read a newspaper. Her chest betrayed her outward calm appearance as I noticed it rise and fall rapidly. I decided to put her at ease and called her to the dinner table. She ate silently refusing to make eye contact. I didn't push it but after dinner we retired to bed. I shared my twin bed with her and we went under the covers. After a while, she turned to me.

"Shani, are you awake?"

"Yes, Waruni."

"I am sorry about what happened earlier."

"What baby?"

"Well, when I kind of, well this is embarrassing."

"Tell me."

"It felt good rubbing against you."

"Oh that? Don't worry about it."

"What do you mean? You mean you are OK with the fact that I half molested you?"

"Well, I wouldn't call it molesting, Waruni. I didn't exactly protest, did I?"

"Well I guess not."

She was silent for a while.

"Well, can I ask you something?"

"Yeah, what is it?"

"Well, did you enjoy it too?"

"Yeah, I did and I was mad when the phone rang."

She laughed.

"Well its not the first time I have done this with a girl."

It was my time to be surprised.

"Oh really?"

"Yeah, in boarding school,  I saw two older girls doing it. I told this to one of my friends and then we tried it. It was nice and we did it a few times."

"Wow, I didn't know that you had experience with girls, Waruni."

"Well, I have a confession to make too," I said, my voice getting a little strained.

"Please don't judge me ok?"

She nodded, coming closer under the covers, her face a few inches away from mine. I told her about Nirosha and then about Jane and how I enjoyed being with women. She listened with her eyes getting bigger and bigger. I finished with tears in my eyes as I told her about losing Nirosha.

She pulled me to her and hugged me fiercely.

"Don't hate me Waruni, I know you hate people who are gay," I whispered.

"Oh no, baby, I hate my jerk of a husband. I am sorry if I gave you that impression."

She held me tight. I returned her hug. As I was beginning to get warm feelings elsewhere, she let me go and turned around and went to sleep. I didn't want to make a move so I fell asleep watching her sexy back.

I don't know what woke me up but it was dark. I then felt the bed shaking. Waruni had her arm across me and her hand was squeezing my breast. I was facing her. As my eyes slowly got adjusted to the darkness, I was able to see her humping a pillow between her legs. She was still wearing her shorts and the camisole and her head was turned towards me. It was such and erotic sight. Her body was moving fluidly on the bed against the pillow. All of a sudden she gave a cry of frustration and stopped.

Her hand continued to rub my breast. I decided to spice things up a bit by moaning. Her hand stopped and then after a few seconds started to rub it once more. I moaned a little louder and her hand stopped again. To my relief it started again. I felt her come closer. My hand lay at an angle and I felt it brush her thigh. It took a while and her thigh moved to a position on top of my hand.

I made sure my fingers were curled up slightly. She moved a bit more and my hand was right under her crotch. She adjusted her position so that her crotch rubbed against the palm. I held it firmly and she started to move gently. She kept stopping after every few seconds to check if I were awake. I kept my eyes closed. Her arm encircled me and she started to move slowly at first and the pace of her breathing increased. By this time my pussy was drenched but I willed myself not to make a move. I felt I would be intruding if I woke up at this point. She continued to rub against my palm and then suddenly, she stopped with a moan of frustration. It was clear that she could not reach orgasm. I then heard the quiet sobbing of a frustrated lady. I remained as I was and wondered what I should do. After a while she moved off my hand and turned my back to me.

I didn't sleep after that. My mind was in full gear and I felt sorry for Waruni. My pussy was still wet and I put my hand under the covers and started to rub my pussy. I took one of my pillows and put it between my legs and started to rub on it. Soon afterwards I got hornier and I bunched up the pillow so that it was like a saddle and started to rock against it. I didn't realise that I was making a racket and shaking the bed. I lifted my tshirt so that my nipples and tummy would rub against the soft pillow. I kept assaulting my pillow. I felt my orgasm come closer and closer and I came hard against the pillow and I was drenched in sweat. I let my breathing settle down and got off the pillow. When I turned towards Waruni I was shocked to find that she was facing me. Her eyes were closed and her breathing was even and I breathed a sigh of relief.

I fell asleep looking at her sweet face and when I woke up, Waruni was already up and making breakfast. I cleaned up and went down in a fresh t-shirt and shorts, deliberately braless. The t-shirt I wore had a V neckline to show off my cleavage. Waruni seemed quiet and I wanted to cheer her up. I went behind her and hugged her. She jumped a little and leaned back as she realised its me. She was wearing a short cotton skirt and a strap t-shirt. I could see the outline of her bra through the t-shirt.

"Hey, sister, why are you up so early?" I whispered in her ear, making sure that my breasts mashed up against her back. She shuddered a little and I couldn't tell if it was because of my breath in her ear or my breasts against her back. My hands caressed her tummy gently as I continued to hug her. I kissed her on the cheek. The egg got in the way and I had to let go of her reluctantly. I went back to the kitchen table and poured myself a cup of orange juice, admiring her shaking butt as she stirred the scrambled egg. I felt my pussy getting moist at the thought of what happened the night before. Breakfast was done and we sat down to eat. I deliberately rested my breast on the table so that they balooned up. Her eyes kept going my breasts and I pretended not to notice. I got up a couple of times to serve some egg and I bent over so that she could get a good look at my breasts. I didn't try to catch her in the act but when I looked up her eyes quickly went back to her plate. The color of her cheeks told me that she had seen enough to make her blush.

We made small talk and she seemed ill at ease. I assumed that it must have been due to the frustration the night before. The more I looked at her face, the more I wanted to help her reach the unattainable orgasm.

"You seem a little distracted."

"Oh, yeah. I didn't get much sleep last night."

"Oh dear, why is that?"

"I don't know. I guess since its the change of place I guess."

"Oh, you don't feel at home in my bed?" I needled her.

She blushed. "No! That’s not it. I quite enjoyed sleeping in your bed." Her face turned crimson. I decided not to push it. She started to rub her left hand. I asked her what happened. She just said that she must have knocked against something. I drew my chair close to her and took her hand. I covered her hand with both my hands and started to caress it. I looked into her eyes as I caressed her hand. Her eyes kept moving back and forth between my eyes, my breasts and my hand. After a while, she became more comfortable looking into mine. I slowly raised her hand to my face and kissed it. I kissed each finger, her palm, rubbing it against my face.
"What are you doing Shani?" she asked, her voice barely above a whisper.

"Well, I am just kissing your fingers. Don't you like it?"

She smiled nervously. Her hands shook and there was some resistance as I tried to put her fingers in my mouth. I knew I was close to getting her into my bed and kept up the pressure. I took her thumb and started to lick it like a cock, my tongue darting to the point it was most sensitive to a man. I ran my tongue round her thumb and then started to suck on it. I kept looking at her face and she couldn't help licking her lips. However, she still sat rigid on the chair. I deliberately pulled my t-shirt down exposing more of my breasts. The little movement drew her eyes to my cleavage again.

Since I had her distracted with my breasts, I decided to turn up the heat a notch further. I started to move closer, pushing up my breasts provocatively. Her concentration remained on my breasts and I could see her chest heaving faster as her breath started coming faster. I put one arm around her and I started rubbing her back. She moaned as she felt my hand rub her back. I realised that she was starved of touch and this encouraged me to go slow. Finally, her head rested on my shoulder as she visibly relaxed. Her hand started to rub my face as I sucked on the fingers or her other hand.

After a few minutes I took her onto my lap. She was not too heavy and I cradled her in my arms as I started to kiss her forehead, holding her like a baby. Her body seemed fragile and innocent in my arms. If I didn't know her real age, she could have been easily mistaken for  a teen. I kissed her eyes lovingly and moved lower, tracing her nose with my tongue. My long tongue found her lips and started to lick them gently. Her lips quivered against my probing tongue but they remained closed.

I started to suck them gently, probing them with my tongue like I would do with a pussy. Her body tensed a little since she recognised the action. I kept probing her lips while one of my hands started to rub her tummy over the fabric of her top. Her mouth opened a little and I grabbed my chance and my tongue forced its way into her mouth. She resisted the kiss, but it was half-hearted and before long I was kissing her hard. Her sensual lips drove me crazy while I tried to get them into my mouth. I sucked them each with great intensity and she responded and finally we were in a kiss where each of us were trying to get more of the others tongue and lips. Her breath was coming faster and her body was writhing in my arms. My hand snaked under her t-shirt exploring the soft flesh of her belly. Our kissing became even more intense as she realised that my hands would soon make contact with her breasts. She made moaning noises in her throat while she kissed me.

I wanted to tease her to make her forget any resistance she would offer me. So my hand stayed tantalisingly close to her breasts while I kissed her. Her tongue was fiercely sensual, drawing mine out so that her mouth could suck it all into her mouth. At one point I thought my tongue would be torn out. Her intensity must have been because of the frustration she had in her own sexless marraige and I had managed to finally open the flood gates. Without warning her hand pushed mine upto her breasts and I felt the thin material of her bra. I shuddered as I felt the soft warmth underneath the material. I reached up to pull down the cup so I could feel the hard nipple. I was greeted with a fairly large nipple that poked into my palm when I tried to squeeze her breasts. She moaned into my mouth and her mouth moved out of mine and moved down lower to my throat, sucking my skin hard into her mouth. Her tongue moved lower and lower pushing my neckline down, reminding me of a baby searching for her mother's warmth. Since I was not wearing a bra, I had to help her a little to find my nipple. It disappeared into her mouth the moment she found it, sending a jolt of pleasure like a bolt of lightning throughout my body. I almost screamed and she stopped. I urged her to suck them again. She started more carefully this time and I shuddered as my nipple slipped into her mouth smoothly.

I started playing with her nipple. I realised that I had a better response when I rolled her nipple between my thumb and forefinger. Everytime I squeezed the nipple, she shuddered. She reached up and pushed my t-shirt down exposing my breasts completely.

"I want to play with your breasts," she said, taking her mouth off them for a few seconds. She was breathless like a sprinter who had run the 100 metre dash. This didn't deter her from diligently going back to my nipple and sucking it with renewed enthusiasm.

I made her sit straddling one of my thighs and pulled her to me, kissing her hard. With my other hand I lifted her skirt so that her panties were in contact with my thigh. She moaned as my hand started making her rock on my thigh as I sucked on her tongue. I pulled back from her mouth to take her t-shirt off. She helped me take her bra off and I was amazed when I saw her breasts. Her nipples were large and her aureola was a shade of pink. Her breasts seemed even bigger than I had imagined and nicely proportioned. I could see some of her veins against the creamy skin.

I pulled her back to me and our breasts mashed together while we kissed. She kept rocking on my thigh. Things were getting hotter by the minute and I decided it was time to move to the bedroom. Without saying a word, I picked her up in my arms and moved to my room. She had her arms around my neck like a baby as I lay her down on the bed. I lay on my back and pulled her on top of me. She put her legs on either side of my thigh and started to rub her crotch against my thigh with the slim barrier of her drenched panties. I pulled her up so that her thigh would rub against the crotch of my shorts. I loved the dull feeling of her thigh rubbing through my shorts and panties. I reached behind her and pulled her panties up, and made the fabric go into her ass crack making it look like a thong. Pulling on the panties once its like a thong creates a nice feeling when its pulled up. She moved to my breasts and started sucking it while rubbing her pussy faster against my thigh.

"Baby, I want to feel your pussy," I murmured. First I thought she didn't hear me, but then I felt her slowing down and moving slowly up so that my hand was within reach of her pussy. I reached between us under her belly and started to rub her crotch over the drenched panties. She started kissing my face as I reached into her panties. Her pussy was smooth and shaved. I cupped it with my hand and squeezed it, feeling the juice trickle over my fingers. My middle finger found her opening and I started to probe it. She was tight but her wetness made it easier for my finger to move in slowly. She lay still while I moved my finger into her tight pussy. After my finger was buried in her, she started to move against it sucking on my breasts. Her movements were slow and sensual and I made sure her clit recieved some attention. However, it was difficult to keep my finger moving since it started to hurt. So I made her lie on her back and propped her tummy up with a couple of pillows. I spread her legs so that I could give my undivided attention to her pussy and ass. I started to lick the insides of her thighs and moved towards her pussy which was dripping. My tongue went right into her slit and started to lick the slit up and down. I buried my tongue in her pussy and felt my nose rub against her anus. I could feel her clenching her anus when she felt my nose against it.

I kept licking her pussy along its length. I increased the length of my tongue's path closer and closer to her anus. She squirmed a little but I ignored it. I used my forefinger to rub the well lubricated rim of her anus while my tongue licked her wet pussy. Her movements increased in intensity and I realised that she was going beyond the point where one doesn't care about how the pleasure is derived as long as the sensation helps the quest towards a rocking orgasm. I took a chance and pushed my forefinger gently against the opening of her anus. I felt the muscles clench immediately. I kept probing the opening and then brought my tongue into action. My finger slipped into her pussy while my tongue probed her anus. It received a better response and the muscles didn't clench as much as they did against the finger. I tasted metalic taste of her ass as my tongue pushed its way into her. I heard her moan when my tongue overcame the last bit of resistence and I was finally insider her ass. My tongue moved in and out of the opening and I felt her rock against my face.
I realised that she was enjoying herself and buried my tongue deeper. My tongue ached as it went into her anus but I didn't want to stop. I wanted her to cum hard in response to my tongue and finger. I managed to insert another finger into her pussy while I tongue-fucked her ass. I kept moving my fingers harder. My hands were aching from the effort but I didn't dare stop. I used a finger of the other hand to stimulate her clitoris. She moved even faster and then suddenly, she started to shake uncontrollably signalling her climax. I was surprised to find my hands getting drenched and I realised that Waruni had squirted during the climax. I felt a stream of cum slamming into my neck and drenching my breasts as she screamed herself through a really intense orgasm. I kept moving my fingers and fucking her ass until she pushed me away when the sensation became too much for her to handle. I moved off her pussy and ass and hugged her hard as she tried to get back to the present.

She turned towards me with tears in her eyes and her face full of emotion and kissed me wordlessly. I felt her lick her cum off my face. Her arms were wrapped hard around my body and her lips didn't seem to get enough of me. I have never experienced such a loving kiss and an embrace from a woman before and it was a moment I would treasure for a long time. She seemed overwhelmed with gratitude. Finally, she managed to get back to earth.

"Oh gosh, Shani, you made me cum!"

"Well, you never told me that you squirt. That was a lovely surprise."

"Its the first time I did that. Could there be something wrong with me?"

"No baby, its normal and I loved it!"

"Really? Oh my god, your bedsheet is ruined!"

"Thats a small price to pay," I murmured as I pulled her to me and started to kiss her again.

"Shani, I want to see all of you," she mumured shyly. I moved closer to her face and kneeled right in front of her face with my legs on either side of her.

I reached over to the drawers near the bed and took a small pair of scissors and handed it over to her.

"Why don't you expose the bits that you want to see?" I asked her.

"You don't mind me ruining your shorts?"

"Not at all."

She took the pair of scissors from me and started to cut along one leg. She reached halfway along the length of the shorts and then started cutting along the other leg. Then she joined the two cuts horizontally making a flap. She pulled me down towards her face. She started to lick along my thigh moving closer to my wet panties. Then she licked along the edge of the panties teasing me by sliding her tongue under the seam. Then she started to lick my crotch, tasting my wetness. I pushed it harder against her mouth. She took the scissors again and pushed me back. She pulled the material away from my body and made a cut along my slit on the panties.

It was a really kinky thing to do and I felt my pulse racing when she pulled my crotch to her face. Her tongue started to probe the opening, exploring my slit. Her tongue was not as long as mine, but it made up for the length with the intensity of its attention. she kept licking along my slit. After a while, she tore my panties up making way for her tongue to explore me fully. The torn shorts were becoming a hindrance and I got off her face to take them off along with the panties. I sat down back on her face and let her tongue do its probing. I reached back with my finger and started to probe my anus, but she stopped me. Her fingers started to explore my ass. They were not as practised as mine. However, her inexperience made it even hotter and I shuddered when her finger entered my ass. I smothered her mouth with my pussy moving hard against her probing tongue. I reached over and pulled her head to my pussy as I grinded against her face. Her finger was buried inside my asshole as she struggled to keep pace with my rocking. I realised that my weight was difficult for her to manage and I moved onto my back so that she could lick me easily.

But she had other ideas. She lay on me with the full length of her small body and started to rub it against me. OUr sweat and her cum made it a sticky encounter. I pulled her up a little so that I could kiss her mouth. She broughter her finger to my mouth and made me taste my own ass. We kissed each other over her finger. I felt her foot rubbing against my pussy. I lifted my hips off the bed to allow her toe to rub against my pussy.

By this time I was going crazy, wanted her mouth on my pussy. But she was taking her time getting to it. I let her take it at her own pace, not wanting this to end soon. Eventually, her mouth went to my breasts. She started to suck my nipple hard. I asked her to bite it gently and she complied. Then she lifted my arm and started to lick my armpit. It felt so hot to feel her licking all of my sweat. I pulled her back up and kissed her hard tasting my salty sweat on her lips. She went back to my other nipple and gave it the same treatment.

"Close your eyes!" she ordered.

I closed my eyes and let her take over my body. I felt her moving along the length of my body. It was hard to keep my eyes closed and my mouth shut but I managed it. Her inexperienced tongue was all over me. It lingered in every crease it could find including my belly button. Finally, her mouth was so close to my clitoris. She started to lick it gently. It was drenched in my juice and I could feel her breath on my skin. The tongue slid down and she made me lift my hips and slid a pillow underneath so that she could have access to all of me.

I felt her tongue hesitate at the lower edge of my pussy. I moaned a little louder urging her to continue on her downward quest. She resumed her hesitant descent. She lingered on the no mans land between my pussy and anus. Her tentative tongue was ticklish and sexy at the same time. I waited patiently as she gathered enough guts to move lower. Her progress was tantalisingly slow. Finally, her tongue reached my rim and I moaned even louder, urging her to lick my ass. She started to trace the rim gingerly, and I pushed it against her face. Her tongue gradually became less self conscious and started to lick the tight rim. I parted my cheeks with my hands giving her support. Her tongue started to enter the tight opening. It felt heavenly as she entered me slowly and finally she was inside my ass. Her tongue started to probe as I had done on her. Her nose rubbed against my pussy as she struggled to keep her tongue inside my tight hole. The pulled out and then started to do the same with my pussy. Her tongue started to fuck my pussy and her thumb rubbed my clitoris. I started rocking harder and harder against her mouth. I felt her other thumb go into my ass. I cannot explain how it feels when someone assaults 3 pleasure points at the same time. Its something that needs to be experienced rather than explained. I don't remember how long she kept up this assault on these three pleasure points but without warning, my long awaited orgasm was upon me and I felt as if I was drowning in that intense pleasure. I shuddered repeatedly as I started screaming my head off. I came back to earth to the sound of my own breathing and the clicking of a clock on my bedside cupboard. Without thinking I pulled Waruni by her hair and dragged her upto my face. Her face seemed tired and wet from the attention she had just given me. Her eyes were full of emotion and love and kissed her hard. No words were required to express how we both felt. We kept kissing each other and to my amazement I felt her responding again. Her legs slipped to a position so that she was straddling me while lying on me and she started to rock against me. Her pussy started to rub against my tummy and she breath started to come fast. She kept rocking against my tummy. She then slid down to my thigh and started to rub against it while sucking on my breast.

"Waruni, do you want to sit on my face baby?"

She stopped and without a word slid over to my face and started rubbing her wet pussy against my tongue. She held onto the bed post and rocked.

"Shani, please baby, put your finger in my ass!" she gasped.

I grinned as my hands started to rub her ass and moved towards her tight opening. Her rocking became faster. Within a few seconds I had a finger in her ass and one in her pussy. She was moaning my name while she rocked against my hands and tongue. For the second time that night she squirted on me. This time the amount of liquid was much more than before. I drank some of it as I continued to lick her pussy. She pulled away from me finding it difficult to endure my roaming tongue. She was breathless and sweaty. She came back up and started to kiss me hard. Her hand went down to my wet pussy. She was inside me in a flash, her fingers buried in my pussy while she kissed me. My pussy was already wet from the encounter between my tongue and her pussy.

Her fingers made a wet sound as it slapped against my pussy. She slid down after a while and started licking my tummy as her fingers continued to slam into me. Her tongue licked my navel pushing it in and making it wet. Her tongue took its time to move down to my waiting pussy. It started to lick the mons moving down lower into my slit. It didn't stop at my pussy and continued to move down to the area between my pussy and ass. I shuddered as I felt her tongue move lower. I lifted my hips off the bed. Her tongue toyed with my anus as I spread it so that she could lick it. She made me lie on my tummy, after propping up my ass with a pillow so that it lifted my ass for her to lick.

Her tongue started its excruciatingly slow journey down the crack of my ass. I felt her linger at every point, licking and tasting. Her moans suggesting to me that she enjoyed licking me. Her tongue reached my ass hole for the second time and started to explore it as if for the first time. Her hands parted my hole and licked it slowly telling me what a nice body I had. Her tongue pushed gently at the opening and suddenly with a bit of force, her tongue pushed in hard. I felt her going in and moaned as she started to move in and out of my ass. From time to time she moved to my pussy which I was trying to rub against the pillow. Her hands stopped my moving hips. Her tongue then attacked my pussy with no inhibitions.

I almost screamed as I felt her tongue lick my clit. Her finger entered my pussy easily and started to lick rythmically making the pleasure build up. I knew I was not going to last much longer and just as the thought crossed my mind, I felt the orgasm hit me. I shuddered and lost all contact with the real world as I tumbled into the dark void of a blissful orgasm. I felt her move back up on the bed and put her arm around my body as I drifted into a dreamless sleep.

Tutor Gets a Delightful Experience 4

gen_man69 on Lesbian Stories

Tutor Gets a Delightful Experience 4 Authors' note: This story is dedicated to Alanna, one of my fans. After my session with Beth and her mom, I went home exhausted. I went home to find my mom in a sad mood. Let me describe my mom. She is my height with dark hair. Her breasts are proportionately larger than mine although thats my opinion! She wears 34D cups and therefore one could say that she is endowed. She has a bit of a lower tummy which I find quite attractive and gives her a mommy look. Otherwise, we would be mistaken for sisters. She is 38 years old but looks more like in her 20's. My dad met her in high school and they are happily married for almost 20 years now. I sat down next to her and asked her why she is feeling glum. "Oh, baby its just my book. I can't seem to find a pu
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blisher who wants to give me a chance," she said. My mom is a freelance writer and this was her first attempt at writing a novel. I did the proof reading for her and thought her story was quite interesting. But she tried so many publishers and none of them gave her a chance. "Oh, mom, I am so sorry that they turned it down," I said giving her a hug. I was concious of my boobs rubbing against her back as I held her. She turned to me and hugged me hard sobbing uncontrollably on my shoulder. I held her tight feeling sad about her rejection. I held her for some time and then I realised that I was getting the same warm feeling I got when Beth's mom held me. Before I could react, I felt my pussy getting wet and my heart starting to beat faster. "Oh god, what is happening to me?" I wondered as I held my mom. How could I feel this way about my mom. I wanted to disengage myself but I couldn't because she was holding me so tight. For what seemed like eternity, I held on to her hoping that my heart beat was audible. She must have felt me squirming and she looked up lovingly at me. "Oh baby, thanks for that. It really made me feel better." She looked at my face. I am sure my face was flushed and my breathing was faster than normal. "Sweetie, whats wrong?" she asked, looking at my face. "Don't be upset," she said and kissed me on the cheek quite close to my lips. I got goose bumps all over. She smiled and looked at me. "Are you cold baby?" she said as she noticed the goosebumps and her eyes strayed to my hard nipples poking through the tshirt. She seemed a little embarrased and pulled away a little. I nodded, not trusting myself to speak. She hugged me again rubbing my hands and back and that almost drove me crazy because I could feel her breasts rubbing against mine. I must have gone even redder. "Sweety whats wrong?" she asked, worried. "Er.. mom.. what you are doing is kind of getting me feel...." I stopped. She looked at me and asked. "Tell me sweety, what does it make you feel?" "Oh, mom, if I told you, you would get mad at me." "No, I won't. I never get mad at you." "Well, this is kinda personal." "Cmon, baby, tell me," she said coming closer. I shuddered as her breasts bumped into mine. She noticed it immediately and pulled back. Now she went red in the face. "Am I making you feel uncomfortable baby?" she asked, suddenly feeling self concious. I nodded. "From the moment you hugged me, I felt funny." "Oh baby, I am so sorry. I had no idea," she said stepping back, embarrassed. "Well to be honest, I felt it too," she said with a nervous smile. "I thought it was just being close to you and because you are my daughter. But, it somehow felt different." I broke down then and sat her down and told her all about my exploits with Beth, her mom and my teacher. She listened to me wide eyed. For a minute or two she didn't say a thing. "Oh my god. I had no idea," she said. Then I saw her squirming in her chair, her hands wrining each other looking at me. "So girls excite you, more than guys, is it?" she said. "Even your own mom?" she asked, her face going red against. "I am sorry mom, I couldn't help it. Its something I don't have control over." She stood up and came close to me. She made me stand up. She hugged me harder this time. "I still love you baby. Thank you for telling me about this. I will help you sort things out." Then she kissed me on the mouth. Just like that. I was stunned. She didn't open her mouth but it was the most gentle kiss I have experienced. More so because she was my mom. I held her tight returning the kiss. she pulled back a little. I stood there staring at her. Then I moved forward and kissed her again. It must have been the way I angled my mouth and maybe it was a spur of the moment thing. But I slowly felt her mouth open and I lost control. I opened my mouth slowly and I felt her tongue gently come into my mouth. Here I was french kissing my mom and it felt so good. We moved into the kiss moving deeper and deeper as I duelled with her tongue. I felt so hot and wet. We kept up the kiss and then we pulled apart. My mom was breathing hard not wanting to meet my eyes. I turned her face towards me looking into my eyes. "I am sorry, baby. I don't know what came over me," she said. "Its ok mom. You are a good kisser," I said, pulling her to me again and kissing her harder this time. She moaned into my mouth. Getting bolder, I managed to lift my skirt up a bit so that my pussy and panty was almost visible. Then I took her reluctant hand and placed it on my crotch. I felt her gasp and try to pull the hand away. But I held it in place urging her to rub me. After a few tries she started to rub my pussy over the panty. We kept kissing and I started to rock against her hand moaning into her mouth. Then, I came so hard that I shuddered and shuddered and shuddered losing total control of my legs. She realised it and held me tight as she continued to rub me. Then after a few minutes passed, I was able to stand without support. Without a word, I reached into her shorts, which were lose and elastic and slipped my hand into them searching for her pussy. I caressed her mound which was lightly covered with hair. I cupped it with my hand squeezed it feeling her shuddering at the sensation. She dropped her shorts and leaned against the table, letting my cup her pussy. She pushed one chair and put her leg on one giving me more access to her pussy. I wanted to tease her a little. So I took my hand out and started to lick my palm. Then I knelt by her and started to lick her thigh of the leg that was on the chair. She held me by the head pulling me towards her pussy. I resisted making it harder for her. She moaned my name pleading me to lick her pussy. I moved ever so slowly to her panty licking it lightly, teasingly. I got hold of the waistband and pulled it tight across her pussy while making it wet with my saliva. She kept pushing her pussy against my tongue moaning and screaming my name. I felt the slit underneath the wet material and started probing it. The response was almost instantaneous. She humped my mouth harder. Not wanting to make her too impatient, I slipped the panty off and gave her the best french kiss I could muster sucking the whole pussy lips into my mouth in one motion. She gasped as I started to probe her pussy lips tasting her for the first time. She tasted so nice on my tongue. I slipped lower and lower moving under her. I then made her sit on the chair, slouched and her legs spread so that I could enjoy her more. I started licking her pussy again while I pressed my middle finger into her opening. My finger slid in easily and I was able to squeeze one more finger. I started to move my fingers slowly as I licked her clit. I wanted to finger her ass too but was too scared to try it now. So I kept fingering has and I felt her getting closer to her climax. I moved my fingers faster and felt her body meeting my thrusting fingers in a perfect rythm. Then she came really hard and for the first time in my life I realised that mom squirted when she came. She showered my face with a warm liquid which felt like pee but I knew about this ability of some women through some of the articles I read. I was soaked with mom's cum as I stopped all movement and rose up to kiss her mouth making her taste her pussy on my lips and tongue. She lay there dazed for a few seconds and looked up at me. "Oh baby, what have we done? I never meant it to be like this." she said. "Its Ok mom. I really enjoyed doing this and I really wanted to. You made me wet when you hugged me." She smiled when she realised how she made me horny. "We should get cleaned up," she said getting up putting her clothes back on and just then there was a knock on the kitchen door. It was our neighbor Alanna. We barely managed to get dressed and as I opened the door she stood there grinning. "I hope I am not interrupting anything." she said with a smirk on her face. Alanna, was a cute blonde with blue eyes with a mischievous face and full lips. She was around 5' 9" with C cup breasts. Her butt was rather small but her legs compensated for it. There she stood on the kitchen step in a hot red tshirt and shorts accentuating her long legs. To be continued ... Thanks for all the positive feedback.

Aunt, Daughter and Maid Part 4

gen_man69 on Taboo Stories

This is the 4th part in the series. I hope you are familiar with the plot :-). The action starts with Sam, the nephew getting a bright idea after finishing lunch with his aunt. Aunt and the maid in some hot lesbian action.

So my bright idea was to hide in my aunts closet and surprise her. I went into her room and went into her spacious closet. I opened the door slightly so that I could see the room. I could see her bed and dressing table from the closet. I waited for her impatiently. My cock hurt a little due to the action in the morning. Right now, it was starting to get hard again. I did not know what I would do when she came into her room, but I just wanted to be there.

After a while I heard the room door open and I saw my aunt come in. She usually has a nap from 2
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pm for about 2 hours. She went in front of the mirror and started to take off her blouse. She looked at herself in the mirror in her sexy bra and turned to look at her back. Then she proceeded to take off her shorts. She was now standing in front of the mirror in a bra and panties. She continued to admire herself in the mirror when I heard a knock on the door. My aunt hastily got into a robe and she opened the door. It was Namitha the maid.

"Madam, can I clean your room now?"

"Why, yes of course." I heard my aunt say.

"Well I can come back later if you are busy."

"No. no. its perfectly fine," my aunt said, as she let Namitha in.

"I guess you were too busy in the morning to do any work huh?" I heard my aunt ask with a short laugh. Namitha giggled. "Yes, madam, I was busy showering with your cute nephew."

"Well, thats interesting. I hope you didn't do anything naughty," my aunt said. "Well, he is still being trained madam," said Namitha.

"Well did you go all the way with him?"

"No, madam. I will need sometime. But I heard some noises in the afternoon just before lunch. What were you upto madam?"

"Well, I had a bit of fun with him. It was accidental of course but he started playing a porn movie by accident and I couldnt help it."

"What did you do?" Namitha sat down on the bed next to my Aunt. "I let him kiss my breasts and he gave me a hand job. It was so good. I have never cum like that after my husband died."

"Then I gave him a hand job too. His penis is so small but so sexy."

"I think I may have pulled a muscle after all that playing," my aunt said touching her left shoulder.

"Do you think you can give me a massage, Namitha?"

"Of course madam, come here lie down on the bed and take off that robe," she said.

"Do you mind if I get down to my underwear too, madam?"

"No. Thats fine," I heard my aunt say. Namitha started to rub my aunts back with cream as she rubbed her shoulders. I heard my aunt sigh.

"Oh this is so good. Where did you learn to massage like this Namitha?"

"Well madam, all you need is to know the points on the body that need most of the touch. That is the areas that you dont let people touch."

"Mmmm...sounds interesting. What would those areas be?"

"Well, for instance like your back. It is starved for touch. So are your shoulders and backs of the thighs."

"Oh, I was thinking of more exotic areas," laughed my aunt. "I think you are right, you are doing such wonderful things to my back."

"Do you mind if I straddle you tush while I rub your back?" asked Namitha.

"No, of course not. Go ahead."

I saw Namitha straddling my aunts buttocks in her panties and bra and start to rub her back slowly and sensually. It made me feel hard again. She leaned further up my aunts back so much that her breasts rested on my aunts back as she rubbed my aunts hands kneading them in her hands. My aunt moaned as she felt the pleasure of Namitha's touch.

"Oh Namitha, your body feels so warm and soft," my aunt moaned.

without a word, Namitha unsnapped my aunts bra and started to massage the sides of her breasts. Without my aunts knowledge she slipped off her own bra, and continued to massage her. Her dark heavy breasts burst out of their imprisonment, making my cock jerk in response to the wonderful sight.

"Namitha, do this any longer and you may have a horny old lady in your hands," said my aunt gasping as she felt hands caressing the sides of her breasts.

"Relax," was all what Namitha said as she rubbed my aunts back and under her arms. I saw her gently rocking on my aunts buttocks and her face was getting excited by the second. I could see her chest moving up and down rapidly and I realised that Namitha was rubbing her pussy on my aunts buttocks through her panty.

Then Namitha leaned over again and started to kiss my aunts cheek and ears. She started to suck her ear pulling on the earlobe. Her breasts were now resting against my aunts back and there was no way that she could have missed that fact that the bra had come off. Then I saw Namitha kissing my aunts lips while her head was turned to the side. Then without saying anything Namitha lifted herself and turned my aunt around, taking off her bra.

Then she lay on top of my aunt and started to kiss her eyes and nose so gently and moved slowly to the upper lip, sucking on it slowly while her breasts rubbed against my aunts breasts. She then started to french kiss my aunt while taking her hands and imprisoning it above my aunts head, totally in control. Then she moved slowly to her neck sucking noisily. She then started to trace her throat with her long tongue moving up to the chin and then sucking it and back to her lips kissing hard.

My aunt was going crazy bucking her hips trying to rub her pussy against Namitha. Namitha held her back kissing my aunt harder and harder and then slowly moving down to her arm pits. I never seen a woman jump like that when Namitha started sucking my aunts shaved armpit. She started to moan loudly, while her maid sucked her like a vacuum cleaner. Then Namitha moved to her cleavage and started to lick up and down its length. Then she moved slowly to one breast. Like I did earlier, she started to lick around the nipple avoiding it. Then she started to suck the whole nipple making my aunt cry out. She was writhing under Namitha like a snake, moaning and crying and screaming at the same time. She held Namitha's head in her hands directing her on her breasts, urging her to suck them and pleading not to stop. Namitha switched to the other breast and gave her the same treatment. Then I saw my aunt pushing her down towards her tummy. Namitha, started to suck and lick my aunts tummy spending extra time on her navel. She then spread my aunts legs and started to kiss the top of her crotch over the panty.

She kept licking the top and started to move slowly to the slit. "Oh, madam your panty is so wet," said Namitha in a low voice and started to suck my aunts panty noisily just above her pussy moving down lower and lower. My aunt was urging her to lick her hard and she pushed her panties down making Namitha lick her pussy directly.

"Oh, baby push your lovely tongue into my pussy, pleeeeasee,..oh god," she kept moaning. Then I saw Namith push her finger into my aunts pussy and my aunt lifted her pelvis up moaning.

"Oh god, what are you doing? Are you licking my ass too?"

I could see Namitha going lower and lower and she must have put her tongue into it because my aunt screamed in ecstasy.

"Oh god, I never knew that it would be this nice, oh god..please...more" she moaned as I saw Namitha insert her finger into her ass, while she sucked on my aunts pussy. My aunt continued to moan and buck at the attention and finally she came very hard. This was much louder than when she was with me. They lay there for sometime recovering from the activities, and Namitha went up to my aunt and started to kiss her hard.

"Can you taste your pussy on my lips, madam?"

"Oh god yes !! Please let me suck your pussy too?"

I saw Namitha start to sit on my aunts face letting her lick her. She started to rock on her face and started to moan while squeezing her breasts. She reached back and put a finger into her anus while my aunt licked her. I was surprised to find that I liked to see her finger going in and out of her ass. I reached for my cock and started to jerk it. It still hurt a little after being used twice in a day but I didn't care. I wanted to cum again.

Finally I saw Namitha cum hard on my aunts face and then they kissed passionately. Then to my surprise, Namitha sucked the finger she had in her ass. This made me cum so hard that I was sure that they heard me. I wanted to join them but I didn't want to mess up the moment. So I waited until they kissed each other lovingly and Namitha proceeded to clean the room. My aunt fell asleep almost immediately and thats when Namitha found my hiding place. She was amused to see me with my shorts around my ankles and cum on the floor.

"Well, look who is peeping on his aunt," she said kneeling before me about to take my cock into her mouth. I pulled away saying that it hurt so much. She understood and asked me to be a good boy and take a warm bath and that everything would be fine by the next day. I left my aunts room and went back to my room and had a nice long bath and slept like a baby till 6pm when the sound of thunder woke me up.

Jenny, my aunts daughter had come back home after visiting her friends, and I realised that it would only be a matter of time when I would play with both my aunt and Namitha. But boy was I wrong about that !! Wait for my next installment of this story.

Thought I would make this story a lesbian encounter for any ladies out there. Comments please

Aunt, Daughter and Maid Part 3

gen_man69 on Taboo Stories

Story continues after the nephew plays twice with the maid. The story picks up from where Sams' aunty returns from church.

I was in my room, when my aunt returned. Jenny, my cousin was not with her. She knocked on my door and came in as it was not locked.

"Hey, there. How are you doing?" She sat down with a sigh on the bed. I was playing the latest version of the computer game Need For Speed on my notebook PC.

"Hi, I am doing ok," I said without taking my attention off the game. Then I heard her get up and the felt her standing just behind me.

"Seems like an interesting game," she said.

"Yeah," I said, continuing my last lap in the race. She pulled a chair right next to me and kept watching my
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prowess with the Ferrari. Somehow she being close to me made me lose my concentration and I ended up losing the race.

"Damn!!" I said, banging my fist on the table.

"Why sweety, what happened?" she asked.

"Oh, I lost the game. This needs a bit of concentration." I said.

"Oh, I am sorry. I will let you get back to the game," she said getting up. I noticed that she was upset. I got up hurriedly.

"I am sorry, aunty. Please sit down. I am finished with the game anyway." Her face brightened a little as she sat down.

"So tell me young man, what do you have on this PC besides games?"

"Well I have my school work and some movies."

"Wow, I like movies. What do you have?"

"Well I have The Matrix, Gone in 60 seconds, and ..." I hesitated feeling a little nervous.

"Well, can I see a movie?"

"What do you like?"

"Gone in 60 seconds? Is that good?"

"Yes," I said as I started up the movie player. Then before I could load the movie, I must have accidently pressed the play button and the movie I last watched came on the screen. Now the bad thing is that it was not a movie that I wanted my aunt to see because I had loads of porn on the machine and the player loaded the last porn movie I watched. It started with one guy getting a blow job by two ladies. I tried hard to close the window but I could not do it properly as I was so nervous.

I felt a hand on my shoulder. "Well I don't mind watching this movie, " my aunt said. I dared not look at her face. I could only nod.

"Tell me why you like this movie darling?"

"Well, er.. er.. well..." Words were in short supply.

I looked at my aunt. Her attention was totally on the movie. One lady in the movie was younger and the other was older. They were playing Mom and daughter while the guy was their father. Now the daughter lay on the bed while she sucked daddys cock and mommy was licking the daughter between her legs. I felt so uncomfortable as I could feel my cock rising up. I looked at my aunt and realised that her face was flushed and she was breathing faster. She had changed into a blouse and pair of shorts. The pair of shorts were fairly long and the blouse was tight across her breasts. I could see the nipples poking out of her bra and blouse. Without batting and eyelid, she took my hand and before I could say anything she placed it on her left breast and held it in place with her hand.

My breath was coming fast and my heart was doing its techno beat. I didn't know what to do. I was so scared and excited at the same time. So I did the obvious thing. I started rubbing her breast over the blouse. A soft moan escaped her lips as she continued to stare at the video. I started to squeeze her breast lightly. Then I got a bolder and squeezed it more firmly. I could see her thighs opening and  closing rythmically. I kept squeezing her breast. After a few seconds, she unbuttoned her blouse with her hands until all of the front buttons were off. Then she pulled the flap of the blouse on her left breast so that I was now in direct contact with the bra. I could feel the nipple hard under my hand. She took my hand away to remove her blouse completely and forced me to place my hand again. I got bolder and got up. I went behind her and cupped both breasts with my hands kneading them firmly. She leaned back on the chair sighing as I squeezed both breasts with my hands.

"Mmm..mmm.. oh god. This feels so good..." she said squirming in her seat.

Since the back of the chair was shorter I could lean against her back and my cock which was hard and pressing against my shorts, was resting against her back as I rubbed her breasts. I felt her opening her shorts and sliding them a bit and she started to rub her panties. I was so excited to see this.

"Please baby, come and sit next to me."

I sat down next to her and she took one of my hands and placed it on her panty after taking her shorts completely off. She spread her legs and I started to rub her panty that was drenched. She slid down the chair so that I could reach her pussy lips. The panty was so wet. To reach her pussy I had to slightly turn towards her and bend so my mouth was quite close to her breasts. She must have felt my hot breath on it since she pulled my face closer. I started to lick the bra cup avoiding the nipple. I didn't realise I was teasing her but when she started to move her nipples towards my mouth I got an idea. I avoided her nipple and that drove her crazy. She started to hold my head and pull it to her nipple. But I kept moving away. Then all of a sudden I sucked the nipple hard through the bra at the same time I moved my hand into her panties feeling the pussy directly. She screamed so loud that I am sure Namitha must have heard it. I continued to suck her nipple through the bra as my fingers started to rub her pussy.

Then I pulled the bra cup down with my teeth exposing the breast. She helped me by slipping the strap off. I started the same treatment without touching her nipples and she started to go crazy again. Then I sucked her nipple hard. She moved one of her hands down to my hand to help me find my bearings showing me how she wanted to be rubbed. I wanted to slip my finger into her pussy, but I was not sure whether I could find the right place so I kept rubbing the slit. Then I felt her hand pulling my face up. She started to kiss me hard as she urged my hand to move faster. I guessed that she was close to cumming. I rubbed even harder and she came hard screaming into my mouth. She shuddered for almost 20 seconds and to me it was like and hour. Then slowly her breathing came down to normal but she never stopped kissing me during this time. Finally she let go of my lips and I felt like someone who was underwater for 5 minutes without breathing. I was breathing so hard. She held me close, whispering that she loved me and that she was thankful for what I did.

Then I felt her hand going to my shorts and taking my cock out. She started to rub it making a fist in her hand. Then she brought her hand to her lips and spit into it and the wet hand sliding down my cock made me jump. It was an exquisite feeling. She started to jack me off slowy at first kissing me again and pumping up and down. After a while, I felt I was about to cum and I started to kiss her harder, pushing my tongue into her mouth, she responded by moving faster. Then I came so hard and my cock spurted a small amount of cum as I had exhausted most of it in the morning with Namitha.

"well, well, well, looks like you had a nice time in the morning."

I nodded, looking down at her hand still wrapped around my cock. She did the most amazing thing. she moved her hand to her mouth and started to lick the cum off her hand.

"Its been a while since I tasted some cum," she said as she smacked her lips. I was flabbergasted. Here I was sitting almost nude with my aunt licking my sperm off her hand after giving me a hand job! She then took my hand and held it to her mouth and started to suck it too ! Then when she finished, she kissed me again. I could taste my sperm and her cum in my mouth !! Though I felt a bit hesitant about tasting my own cum, I kind of enjoyed tasting my aunts cum. Then we remained seated our breathing returning to almost normal. My aunt was a mess with sweat pouring down her face and cleavage but she seemed different. Her face seemed brighter. She looked at me and then there were tears flowing down her cheeks.

"Why are you crying aunty?"

"This is the best thing that happened to me since your uncle died," she said hugging me hard.

"I am so sorry for doing this but I could not help it. I know its not a legal thing too. Please don't tell anyone OK?"

"Yes, I am glad that you are happy," I said hugging her back. Then I told her about me and Namitha. To my surprise, she nodded saying that she knew about it. She had walked in on us the other night and watched us doing it. She also told me that she played with herself while watching us.

"Well I should have a bath now," she said getting up and straightening her clothes. I pulled up my shorts and straightened the desk up. I could not believe what happened. I knew this was wrong but I was so happy that I managed to make her happy.

When I went downstairs for lunch, my aunt and Namitha were both talking. They stopped the moment I entered the kitchen. Namitha pretended to be busy setting up the table while my aunt sat down to read the paper at the table. She gave me a sly look and smiled. Then she went back to her reading. I sat down at the table. Namitha came behind me to set the plate down and she pressed her breast to the side of my face while setting the plate down. She gave me a sly wink and went about her business. I felt the blood rush to my face and dick ! I found it hard to concentrate during lunch and I finished my meal quickly and got up to go to my room.

"Sam, are you OK?" My aunt looked concerned. I nodded as I went on my way to my room. Then I had a bright idea. Thats another story !!

Tell me what you think.

Aunt, Daughter and Maid Part 2

gen_man69 on Taboo Stories

Continued from the first part. I spent most of my school holidays at my aunt. I was once caught by my aunt when I was pleasuring myself in my room. One thing led to another and the maid came to my room that night and we had a nice time pleasuring each other.

The next few days were awkward for me since the maid did not come to my room. This was most because my aunt was up until late entertaining some of her friends from church. Since I had that wonderful experience with Namitha, I could not help fantasising about our next encounter. The following Saturday an opportunity arose when my aunt left with my cousin to the Sunday fair. Usually this is after church and so she would be out for at least 3 hours. My heart was beating fast
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and I could not wait until they left. I pretended to be asleep as I had an annoying erection and didn't want to go out with my penis sticking out like a sore thumb. However, my heart skipped a beat when I heard a knock on the door. It was my aunt.

"Wake up sleepy head" she said. She came into the room as it was unlocked and came round the bed to the side as I was facing my back to the door. I had to ditch the pillow since I did not want her to think that I was being naughty. She sat down by the edge. I could smell her perfume and her face was partially hidden by her chest. I turned onto my back so that I would not get caught staring at her breasts. She leaned over a little looking at me, I could see that she was wearing a low cut blouse and a few more degrees lower and I would be able to see her cleavage. I tried so hard not to look and I could feel her eyes on me and detected a half smile on her lips. Before I could say anything she started to talk.

"Listen, I am sorry about what happened the other day. I spoke to Mrs. Jones and she said that its normal for boys your age to experiment." I was shocked.

She had spoken to her neighbour about what I did ! She must have seen the shock on my face cos she bent over again even lower this time to pat my cheek and reassure me that it was Mrs. Jones who had talked to her about her daughter Lisa. I couldn't believe it !! Lisa was a really plain looking girl with freckles and glasses. I would never have thought that she would be the type who masturbates. I was even more shocked that my aunt would share such a thing with me. I felt my cock getting harder. I hoped that she would not notice. But then, my uncomfortable glance towards my crotch must have alerted her because she looked over her shoulder and she must have spotted my dick since I heard her take a sharp breath. "Oh my! Looks like what I told you got you excited?" she looked at my face. I could have died !

"Well, I guess the pillow will come in handy now, huh?" she asked with a sly smile. I didn't know what to say. Then she did the most incredible thing. She placed her hand on my erection over my pyjamas and I almost flew through the roof. I bit my lip and that is the only way I could manage to lie still. She cupped it for a while looking at me. Then she sighed. "I wish I was younger," she said and got up abruptly and walked out of the room without another word. The moment she was out of the house I got up quickly and cleaned up. My cock refused to go down. I was so excited to think of the possibilities of being alone with Namitha.

I went downstairs and I could not find her. Then I went to her room. The door was unlocked and I went in. I was wearing a pair of shorts and underwear where I managed to cram my unrelenting cock. It hurt but I didn't want anyone else to come by and see my predicament. I was about to turn back when I heard the sound of the shower in the maids' toilet. I went down on my knees by the door and slowly eased it open as it was unlocked. I could see the maid under the shower. Her body looked so inviting and the pain in my shorts increased. Without thinking I knocked on the door. "Who is it?" asked Namitha. "Its me. I need to talk to you," I said. What a stupid thing to say I wondered. I heard the shower stop and the door opened and Namitha was in a hastily wrapped towel. Her long hair was wet with strands all across her face looking at me with an amused expression. "Mmmmm.. nice to see you around here. Has your aunt left?" she asked me with a mischievous smile. I nodded, not trusting myself to speak. She came closer and closer, her eyes sparkling and her hands on either side lifting up to encircle my body. I shivered involuntarily, my heart hammering like a bass drum to a techno beat. I felt the blood pounding to my head and elsewhere as I felt her cool hand pull me to her and give me a big hug. It felt so comfortable to be held by this woman. I sighed as I felt her breasts press against me.

"Does my little master need a shower?" she whispered kissing me gently on my cheek. I nodded dumbly my hands shaking as I tried to hold her. She must have felt it because she asked me to relax and hugged me even harder. She then half dragged me into the toilet and started to undress me.

"I will give you the best shower that anyone has given you," she said as she pushed my shorts down. Leaving my underwear on for the moment. "Oh my, you seem to be thinking very naughty thoughts," she said as she threw away my shorts. Pushing me towards the shower cubicle.

She turned the shower on, adjusting the controls to a mildly warm temperature and then shed her towel. Her body looked so inviting and I got bold and looked at her luscious breasts drinking in their beauty. They were much bigger than my aunts with dark nipples. I wished I could touch them but I couldn't get my hands to move. It was so exciting to be with a woman twice my age, willing to teach me stuff. I always used to feel invisible around girls my age where guys who were better looking that me got most of the attention. Having someone so close to me, made me feel like a scientist who discovered something for the first time. I wanted to experiment and see the possibilities the new discovery offered.

"I missed you." I said, finally managing to get something out of my mouth. she came closer with a sponge and started to rub my body starting with my chest and moving lower. Her breasts jiggling at the effort. I stood and stared at them, mesmerised by the soft lovely mounds moving in concert to her efforts.

"I know," she said continuing to rub my tummy with the sponge moving lower to my crotch. I gasped as I felt the soft sponge touch my dick. Before I could get used to the sensation she went down rubbing my thighs and then the back. Then I heard the sponge drop and I felt her breasts against my back and her hands started to encirle my waist rubbing my tummy and moving up to my chest teasing my nipples. I felt her licking my ear which made me shiver. She then took some of liquid soap and started to rub is slowly over my chest. Slowly moving down as she bit my neck slowly. I never thought my neck would be that sensitive as I shivered as I felt her tongue exploring it. I felt her hands move closer and closer to my crotch. She then turned me around and her mouth decended on my lips sucking the lower lip first and her hands starting to rub soap on my cock and balls. Then her hands moved to the back and one finger started tracing my butt crack moving towards my anus. I started to suck her lips as I felt her finger getting closer and closer to my anus. I felt it cleaning my anus and slipping in slow because it was well lubricated. I started sucking her lips so hard involuntarily as I felt her finger work its magic there. I started rubbing my cock against her tummy feeling her reciprocate the movement.

After a few seconds, she then moved away pushing me under the shower again washing off the soap carefully. Then she took her towel and dried me off, lingering at those special places making sure I was dry. Then she took me by the hand and led me into her room. She made me sit on her bed and knelt before me so that she could kiss me. We were more or less at the same height because the bed was low. She started to kiss me hard pulling me closer with her hard dark nipples grating against my barely hairy chest. Her hands pulling me to her. I could feel her hands getting tighter around me kissing me harder. Then she got up taking her left breast and pushed it against my lips. I started to suck it into my mouth. She almost jumped moaning pulling my head to her fiercely. I sucked harder pushing my whole face into the lovely mound. Without thinking I started to caress her tummy and started to move down. She must have felt my hand because of one of her hands started to come off my head and pushed my hand down between her legs spreading herself for me. I felt her lips and the fingers slid across the lips because they were drenched in her juices. I started to rub her lips tentatively. Her hand came down impatiently and gave me a little lesson. She made me push the finger into the slit so that I could rub the clit and the lips. I continues to suck and then she gave me her other breast. I went on sucking and playing with her breast in my mouth while my hand rubbed her.

After a minute or so she moved away lying down on the bed. Without a word she made me kneel and put my head between her legs. I started to lick her up and down her slit. She tasted funny but I didn't care. I heard her whisper, breathlessly.

"Put your finger inside darling" she said. Then she gave me another lesson on how to find her pussy hole. After a few attempts and a few cries of pain, I was inside her. My fingers seemed small insider her pussy as I moved backwards and forwards while licking the top of her pussy. She started to moan aloud and started to buck as I continued. Then she came so noisily that I was scared that she was hurt. She pushed my head away, shivering and shaking hard. After a while her breathing came back to normal.

Before I could say anything she made me get up and come over her head and started to suck my cock. I felt a finger under my anus pressing as she started to suck me hard. I held on to the wall as she sucked and sucked with all her might taking most of my 4 inch cock into her mouth. I knew I could not last much longer and the moment the thought was complete, I started to cum in her mouth as I felt her finger slide into my anus. It was too much and I heard her moan as she felt my sperm in her mouth and throat. I pulled out of her mouth slowly and lay down next to her.

It was unbelievable. I wished that moment would never end. I closed my eyes to picture it in my mind and suddenly I felt her getting up and before I knew it, her pussy was on my mouth and her thighs straddling me as she pushed it next to my mouth. I started to lick her hard again and she took one of my finger and coaxed it into her anus. She came in a few minutes with her cum all over me almost breaking my neck in the process. Then she climbed off and pulled me to my feet. We had a nice shower right afterwards and I went back to my room as if nothing had happened by the time my aunt came back.

Well hope you enjoyed the second part. Write to me

Aunt, Daughter and Maid Part 1

gen_man69 on Taboo Stories

Aunt, Daughter and Maid Part 1

When I was around 14, I used to spend my school holidays at my aunts house. My aunt, her daughter who was 16 and her maid who was in her 30's used to live in the country where I used to love to stay.

My aunt is widowed and is quite beautiful. She has short hair which is jet black. Her skin is so nice that she looks like a woman half her age. She is quite short at 5 ft 2 inches with a slight tummy. Her breasts are 32c and her ass is full and not plump at all. Her daughter bears a strking resemblence to her except her breasts which are quite small around 29b. The maid is an Indian lady with dark skin and long eyelashes. She has a full figure and wears saree most of the time. Her breasts are bigger than my aunts and her hips are wide
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as is the case with most Indians. One of the reasons I used to like being at my aunts is that being in a mostly female household presents with so many visual opportunities. My aunts name is Jane and her Daughter Jenny and the maid is Namitha. I have on so many occasions seen one of the ladies in various stages of undress. I would get so many opportunites to handle their underwear which used to drive me nuts. I had a curious habit which started when I was younger, to rub my cock against the pillow as I was riding a horse. This gave me a lot of pleasure and I used to cum on the pillow. I could never grow out of it. This was how my Aunt found me when she accidently came into my room ! Damn! I forgot to lock it and I was startled to hear her voice that I fell off the bed. When I rose up she was standing in my room, her hand on her hips and with a look of disapproval on her face. I was in a Tshirt and underwear since I did not want to soil the pillow !

Before I could say anything, my aunt said, "What do you think you are upto young man?"

"I..I.. am sorry aunty, I didnt know you would be back so soon" I said.

"At least lock the door next time. I don't want Jenny to see this kind of thing ok?" She left the room without saying another word. I felt so bad about what happened and didn't talk much during dinner. My aunt behaved as if nothing had happened and she went out of her way to get me to talk. Namitha as usual was literally bending in front of me giving me the joy of looking down her ample cleavage. After dinner I was helping her do the dishes and she asked me why I was quiet tonight. I told her the story and she laughed. "You mean you do it on a pillow ? Hahaha.. " she laughed so much that she almost broke a plate.

I went to sleep early that night but could not relax. I kept thinking of what happened. Then I heard a knock on my door. I opened it and was surprised to see Namitha standing outside my door in a night dress that was cut low to show the swell of her dark breasts.

"What are you doing here?" I asked her.

"I came to see you do the pillow." She said with a smirk. I tried to close the door on her, angry, but she would not let me. "I will scream if you dont let me come in." she said. I let her in. "So show me what you did." She asked me, sitting down on my bed her neckline plunging further down showing her big breasts encased in a black bra. I felt my cock getting hard.

"Please Sam, show me what you do with the pillow. I wont laugh at you." She said. "Well what the hell! I will show you. You can laugh if you want to." I said. As I took the pillow and put it on the bed and positioned it between my legs while i hugged another pillow and started to move rubbing my cock through my pyjamas on the pillow rocking like a jockey. After a few seconds I felt a hand on my back. Then a voice close to my ear. It was Namitha. "Do you want something better than that pillow Sam?" Namitha asked me. I could feel a tremble in her voice. I stopped and nodded, unsure what to say. Namitha lay down on her tummy and patted her ass. "Rub yourself on my ass, but on one condition. You have to take your pyjama off." I pulled off my pyjama, and then she lifted her night dress so her dark ass was bare. Then I positioned myself so that my cock was in the groove of her ass. Then I started to move hugging her hard, moving slowly at first. Her body felt so warm and nice and felt much better than a pillow. After a while, she made me stop. I could see that she was excited too. Then she turned and helped me put my cock between her thighs and pushed them close together imprisoning my cock. Then she made me move up and down rubbing my cock against her smooth thighs.
It felt like heaven. Then she started to kiss my face and then without warning she kissed me on the mouth. I was getting close to an orgasm and sensing this she stopped me. "Wait young man, why are you in such a hurry?" She asked, kissing my lips and pushing her tongue into my mouth. Then she pushed my mouth towards her breasts.

"Please kiss them." She urged as I licked the bra cup that was so thin that I could feel her nipples get hard. She was moaning now and I kept sucking her breast through the thin material. She could not take it any further as she ripped her bra off, uncovering her luscious breasts and forced me to suck it hard. I started pumping my cock again between her thighs. I could feel it rubbing against her pussy and the cock started to slide more easily as her pussy got wetter and wetter making a slight wet noise.

She then reached between us and got hold of my 4 inch cock and started to rub the tip against her pussy where her clit is while not letting my face off her breasts. She continued to rub as I came all over her pussy but she kept on rubbing it and came soon after shuddering. We lay there for a minute getting our breath back. I was wondering how lucky I was to have a maid like this who would let me do stuff like that. She then pushed me off her and before I had time to react she started licking my cum off my cock. It was in a semi hard on state after the orgasm. Namitha kept licking off my cum until the most of it was gone. Then she pushed her pussy to my face and made me lick my cum off her pussy. I didnt like it at first but the heat of the moment really helped me to lick it off. Then she kissed me tasting my cum again on my lips and then without a word she left the room.

I could not sleep that night. I was so excited about what happened that I fell asleep well after midnight. In the morning, I was worried that it had been all a dream until I realised that I had fallen asleep naked.

I went downstairs after a wash and was a little worried when my aunt gave me a funny look and asked me if I slept well last night. Maybe it was my guilty concsience that got the better of me. I was shy to face Namitha in the morning, but she acted as if nothing had happened and she was her usual self until I went to the kitchen to leave my plate when she made a playful grab at my cock. When I turned around I saw my aunt leaving the kitchen door. I was sure she had seen me. I was more worried that she did not say anything more about the day before. I was in half a mind to go back home before things got too complicated. But I could not leave this sexy Indian maid who was such an exciting creature to be with.

Part 2 will follow.

Contact me on IMs welcome.

The Hairdresser Ch 1-3

gen_man69 on Lesbian Stories

The Hairdresser

My name is Nisha and I am from Sri Lanka, a beautiful country with even more beautiful beaches and sexy women. I am 18 and most people describe me as a tom boy. This is mainly because my hair is cut short and I don't have big breasts compared to my mom. She has a gorgeous pair of 34d's that are all natural. Though I have 28b's, I have a fantastic figure with wide hips, narrow waist and a tummy most women would kill for. This is because I love sports and work out at least 3 hours a week. My legs are long and nicely muscled and well suited to my 5 foot 9 inch frame. I do get hit on by lesbians more than guys and that sometimes bothers me. My mom Anusha is 39 and most of my physical traits are from her, except the short hair and small boobs. She is a widow, since

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dad died when I was 14. She never remarried and I never really caught her even looking at a man after dad's death.

I have an easy going and fun personality. I love to read mostly romantic novels and the odd erotic story. Ok, let me be frank. More than the odd erotic story and I love browsing for sexy stories online. I dare say that some of the stories I read could make some ladies shudder. I also do watch porn as I have a number of good friends who are guys and I am not ashamed to borrow some of their DVD's. I take care not to let my mom see me watch porn and I keep them well hidden on my PC. I live in Colombo, the business capital of Sri Lanka. My story starts when I took my mom's advice and set up an appointment at the place where she gets her hair cut. I used to stick to the cheaper salons since I don't believe in spending a fortune on my hair. So I took this up partly to keep my mom happy and to sample the taste of fashion that most women spend their lifesavings on.

The salon was an old house that had been refurbished. It didn't look impressive from the outside. I walked into the salon and was instantly impressed about is decor. According to my mom, it was owned by one of her old friends. I was greeted by a lady who seemed like she was at the latter stages of her 30's. As she escorted me to a private room I stared at the gentle sway of her wide hips. She told me that my mom had booked me for a massage as well. Instead of getting upset over this little addition to my programme, I decided to enjoy it for once. The room I was in was separated from the rest of the customers by a small cubicle so that I had privacy. It had a door that had no glass so that the privacy was complete. I presumed that it was because of the massage facilities. I settled into my seat awaiting the lady who was going to change my look forever. If I had known in advance what would happen next, I would have rushed out of the salon in a second.

The door opened to let an extremely pretty girl into the room. Her face seemed vaguely familiar and I realized that she closely resembled the lady at the counter. I assumed that she was related to the owner. She smiled at me and for no reason at all, I was suddenly self conscious. I usually feel so comfortable with my looks and I was surprised at my reaction. The girl looked like she was in her 20's and had dark hair. Her hair was straight and elegantly highlighted with streaks of dark red. Her skin was slightly dark giving her an exotic and mysterious look. She had shoulder length hair and when she turned to close the door, I realized that she had a substantial bust for her slim figure, which accentuated it further. Her tummy had a slight curve that I find to be sexy on a woman opposed to me near flat tummy. The fact that a woman has a certain amount of fat on her belly makes her more feminine and sexy. I remembered my mom's tummy at the sight of her. This lady had slimmer hips and wore a tight pair of pants that stretched across her cute little butt. She suddenly turned and I had no chance but to smile sheepishly noting a slight smile of what I detected to be a mix of amusement and embarrassment on her face. I quickly turned towards the mirror trying my best to count the lines on my palm.

"Hi," she said in a sweet melodious voice that I instantly liked.

"You must be Nisha, the daughter of my best customer," she smiled at me in the mirror.

"I am Sharon and I am all yours for this afternoon," she said. The statement would have made me blush, but she said it in a manner that was sweet and innocent.

I quickly smiled and looked down again to cover my embarrassment.

"Hey, it’s ok. It’s not unusual for a woman to check another woman out," she said, breaking the ice instantly. I liked her more. I looked up again and met her eyes and was surprised to see a certain amount of tenderness. Her hand started to stroke my hair, running her fingers through it, feeling its texture. This simple gesture sent shivers down my spine as I have never been touched liked that before. Sharon turned a fairly simple action into a comforting and tender experience. This is the first time I let a woman touch me this way. This is mainly because I am generally not a physical person and I don't relish physical contact as much as many women do. I am more comfortable shaking hands with women than hugging them which attracted a lot of teasing from my close friends. I tended to wear a bra under my nightdress when I had to share a room with another girl. So for me, letting Sharon touch my hair in this manner was a major leap forward in physical relations.

"Your hair is different from your mom's," she said looking at me smiling.

"Yeah, mom said that you are good with your hands. I mean with your scissors, or whatever," I said kicking myself.

She seemed unperturbed. "Oh, did she really say that?"

I nodded like a dumb fool.

"That’s nice of her. She is a gorgeous lady and I love cutting her hair," she said.

"She is one of those ladies that makes me wish I was a guy. And I didn't know she had a gorgeous daughter as well." she smiled.

"Oh, thank you," I murmured.

"So what do you want me to do for you?" she asked, her eyes sparkling.

"Well, its overgrown and I want you to put some femininity into it," I said.

"Mmmm, that won't be difficult," she said.

"Let’s wash your hair first," she said.

She turned the chair and tilted it so that my head was resting on the edge of the sink. She wore a tight fitting black t-shirt with a deep v neck. I realized that the way she was bending over me was giving me more than a glimpse of her cleavage and the black lacy bra she wore. She bent over me and washed and dried my hair. I had no choice but to gaze wonderingly at the lovely breasts shaking to an erotic rhythm of their own. They were at times dangerously close to my face. Her body radiated with a heat that I found to be alluring to the extreme. I tried to brush away this feeling, but miserably failed. Basically, I was beginning to enjoy this encounter a whole lot more than a simple hair dressing appointment.

I had no way of judging whether she did this on purpose. Sharon finished wiping my hair and turned me back to face the mirror. It was quite cold in the room and my nipples were hard against my flimsy bra and I could see them pressing against my thin strap t-shirt. My eyes moved from my nipples to her face and I realized that she had been staring at them too. Her gaze met mine, not acknowledging the fact that she had stared at my nipples and showing no reaction at being caught.

"Do you mind if I slip your straps down?" she asked. I assumed it was my t-shirt and I nodded.

To my amazement, she slipped my t-shirt and the invisible bra strap down and had a cloth wrapped around my neck to keep away the hair off my skin. I shuddered as I felt her gentle hands turn the simple act of tying that cloth around my neck into an intimate gesture. I was struggling to drag my mind to the task at hand.
 She started to cut my hair, ending a stream of thoughts that were buzzing in my head. I don't know if it was by accident or design, but she kept rubbing her breasts against my shoulder and neck as she cut my hair. Sometimes, she would cut some strands on the opposite side of my head by pressing me against her soft cleavage. I decided that it was OK to do that since it was a girl and it felt so soft and comfortable.

Finally, she finished and started to give me another wash. By then, I was looking forward to getting another glimpse of her breasts and the thought annoyed me a little. I didn't truly understand the feeling I was experiencing and it was one of those moments where I felt as if I was at the edge of a deep pit thinking whether to take a leap. This happened to me a number of times. First, when I discovered a sex story on the Internet. Next was when I discovered masturbation. Third was when I discovered that rubbing my panty covered pussy on the tummy of my 3 foot toy teddy bear was more pleasurable than my hand. The fourth moment was when I discovered that my mom had been using the same teddy bear. Though at first, I didn't want to use it any more, the thought of her deriving pleasure out of my toy made me hornier and I flew off the edge in that occasion too. Yes, I know it sounds weird but she did use it for the same purpose. In my experience, everyone has secrets like this that they would rather forget. These are moments of insanity driven by an extreme need to satisfy ones needs. Different people express this need in different ways, some eat their way to death, some turn into serial killers, some turn into sex maniacs and I settled for my teddy bear!

I was relishing the thought of looking down a gorgeous woman's cleavage for the second time that day and I jumped off the edge. This time, she positioned herself over me so that she was half lying on my body as she washed me. This was sending my heart on a rampage inside my chest. I had goose bumps all over my body at the sensation of her breasts rubbing against mine. The straps of my t-shirt remained off and I could feel the outlines of her bra rough on my skin. If ever there was an example for the phrase - time stood still, this was it. Her face was inches off mine and her breasts were soft against my body. I had this urge so taste those dark lips and I felt as if I was at the edge of the precipice again. Then suddenly, I felt her move away and the opportunity was gone. I cursed myself for thinking like this and when I moved my legs, I realized to my horror that I was slightly wet under the skirt I was wearing. I moved self consciously just to be certain and there could be no mistaking the sliminess I felt there. I was going red.

"Is something wrong?" asked Sharon.


"Did I make you feel uncomfortable?" she asked, concerned.

"No. Not at all. It was really good."

What was I saying? I felt foolish. She smiled at me. Why was I feeling like this? I was at a loss to explain. My heart hadn't stopped its insane beating although it was a little less loud. But I am sure she must have heard it.

"Are you ready for the massage?" she asked, dimming the lights and lighting a candle.

I nodded dumbly. She lifted my t-shirt and took it off as if it was the simplest thing in the world. Her hands brushed against my skin leaving trails of pleasure across my tender skin. She let me sit as I were and started to massage my neck using a little bit of oil that she heated up by rubbing her palms together. Her gentle eyes never left mine, making me feel so safe and comfortable. Her eyes had a hypnotic effect on mine.

I relaxed, leaning against her. My cheek rested against her bra and something on the bra irritated my skin digging into it. I started to fidget and she asked me why. I was embarrassed to tell her but eventually, I mentioned that something on her bra was making me uncomfortable. What she did next was the craziest thing I have ever seen. She just reached into her t-shirt and unhooked the bra and took it off without ever removing her t-shirt.

"There you go. Now you can relax," she said smiling at my open mouth. She waited until my jaw muscles went into action again to rectify the situation. It was a while before I regained my composure. My panties were getting wetter now. Finally, my head sank into her cleavage and I was enveloped by the softest pillow I have ever rested my head on.

I could see her nipples hard under her t-shirt in the mirror. I kept staring at them and I felt her eyes on me. I didn't care. I was already flying off the edge of the precipice again abandoning my morals for something that seemed daring. For the first time in my life, I wanted to make love to this gorgeous woman.

I felt something snapping inside me. It could have been the environment in that room and the beauty and sensuality of the woman next to me. I didn't care anymore. I wanted to go further and see what would happen next. I turned to my side and now her nipple was right against my cheek. I started to rub my cheek against it. Her hands moved with increasing intensity on my head pulling me to her, helping my cheek. I used one hand to unobtrusively pull her t-shirt down so that her nipple would get exposed. I succeeded and my body shuddered as I felt her hard bare nipple against my cheek. It was an exquisite feeling. I felt her hot breath on my face as the pace of her breathing increased.

I used my other hand to pull my skirt further up, exposing my toned thighs. I didn't really understand what I was doing. All I wanted was this gorgeous woman to admire my body. She turned my head further and the nipple edged closer and closer to my lips and after what seemed like eternity her hard nipple was against my lips. I wanted to tease her and so I kept my mouth closed. She kept grinding her nipple against my mouth and I refused to suck it. She was moaning now and pleading me to suck it.

"Oh baby, don't tease me. Suck it into your soft mouth. Oh god, you are killing me. Please suck my nipple," she pleaded.

I kept holding her off and suddenly when she least expected it, I sucked it into my mouth and she jumped. It was like sucking a rubber eraser on a pencil except for the fact that it was more pliable than rubber. I ran my tongue over it feeling its contours.

"Bite it Nisha," she whispered and there was no way in hell I was going to disobey her. I started to bite her nipple lightly, not wanting to hurt her. She abandoned the massage and moved her hand to my bra cup. Her soft hand started to squeeze it gently. I used my hand to prompt her to squeeze it harder. Her t-shirt was getting wet and pulled my head away and lifted it, exposing her chocolate colored nipple for the second time.

I licked its tip mimicking the actions I had seen in many porn movies. I flicked my tongue out at the nipple and she pulled my head closer moaning under her breath. I had no choice but so suck it all in. Her nipple slid like an eel into my mouth and she squeezed my breast hard in response to the intensity of the feeling of me sucking her. I played with her nipple and then she gently pushed me away. It must have been too much for her and then she exposed her other nipple. I went back to sucking. She jumped at the feeling and I bit her nipple harder than last time. She held onto me with her dear life. My hand slipped lower looking for her pussy. Her hand got hold of mine and guided me. Her pants had an elastic waist and I was able to slip my hand in. Her panties were soaking wet and I started rubbing her slit through her panties.

"Please baby, go inside my panties," she moaned into my ear. She helped me push the pants down a little and made it easier for me. My hand felt her hairless pussy and my finger struggled to find her clit. I managed to find her clit and started to rub her slit while my mouth sucked on her nipple. Her movements increased and I had a cramped hand that was stuck inside her panties. I pushed myself to move harder blocking out the pain wanting her to cum hard. She came in the most erotic fashion. She pulled my head off her breast and sucked my lips hard trying to wrench it off my mouth and shuddered as she experienced the most divine moment during sex. She just stood there kissing me less intensely winding down her engine. I pulled out my soggy, cramped hand and before I could reach for the box of tissues on the table, she sucked her juice off my fingers and kissed them lovingly. I looked at her and for once in my life; I was at a loss for words.

She smiled gently at me and moved her hand lower. She pushed me so that I could lie down on the chair and she increased the incline of the chair to almost 180 degrees. I was confused when she took the hair clipper but when she switched it on, I realized what she was going to do. The clipper created a slight noise as it vibrated. She lifted my skirt and placed the body of the clipper, with the protective cover on the blade still on, next to my wet panties. It sent jolts of lightening up my spine as I felt the cylindrical body of the hair clipper vibrate against my pussy. I tightened my thighs around it and tried to move it with my hand. Her hand stopped mine and then she took one of her scissors and cut my panties off to my disbelief. She stared at my hairy pussy. I was feeling shy and kinky at the same time, if it were possible. She just parted my legs and slipped the cover off the clipper. Then with the expertise that could only be displayed by a person of her profession, she shaved my pussy. She had to use a smaller clipper on the lips and within minutes, I was clean shaven. Then she proceeded to rub me dry and that was hard since I kept leaking juice.

"I guess you will need to use a different method to stop the flow," I said, smiling cheekily at her.

"You mean I might have to use something to plug the leak?" she asked matching my naughty smile.

"Maybe," I countered.

"How about this?" she asked showing me her middle finger.

I just looked at her. She pushed the finger close to my mouth and I started to suck on it, making it wet. She slipped her finger out of my following tongue and started making a trail down my body.

Her hot mouth covered mine sucking my lips and pushing her tongue into mine and I returned her kiss. It was nice for once to not feel the irritating stubble of a guy as I felt the smooth skin of this woman. Her mouth moved to my bra cup and sucked the flimsy material into her mouth along with my nipple. Her mouth managed to cover most of my bra cup. I was impatient enough to push her away for a moment as I unsnapped my front opening bra. She devoured my breast at once and my crotch arched up, looking for contact as if by instinct.

Her finger started on its journey in finding my wet opening. Her progress was agonizingly slow. Finally, it reached my crotch and spent a few more minutes relishing the smooth skin down there. I was going crazy and pulling her head to my breast as hard as I could. Her palm closed over my pussy squeezing the wet mass of tissue. Her middle finger was in line with my slit and I felt her wiggling in her middle finger into the slit. I kept pushing up my pelvis to get more mileage from her finger. Her finger curved into the slit searching for the opening. Her finger met stiff resistance as I was tight. I relaxed letting her push her finger in and finally her finger was buried in my pussy.

She kept sucking my breast while her finger started building up momentum. Her mouth left my breast and moved lower to my tummy. She turned my chair so I was exposed to her piercing gaze. Her finger slipped out of my pussy with a wet sound and I moaned in disappointment. My disappointment didn't last for long. She knelt before me and started kissing my thighs and I spread my legs giving her more room. Nothing prepared me for what I felt next when her mouth closed over my pussy, covering it. Her tongue was inquisitive to the extreme. It explored my pussy for the first time. I held on to her head as she licked my slit taking her time over every nook and cranny. She discovered pleasure points that I never thought that existed in my encounters with teddy and my ex-boyfriends.

Her finger slipped into my pussy while her tongue found my clit. She started lick the little nubbin as her finger moved in and out of my pussy. I felt her little finger rub gently against my anus. I was shocked at first but I was too far gone to care. My pussy juice made it easier for her finger to slip in.

I had an idea. I called her name softly. She looked up at me, her mouth covered with my abundant juices.

"I want to lick your pussy while you lick mine," I said, my voice shaking. She nodded, slipping her fingers out of me. She slipped her pants and panties off and climbed on the chair. I hoped it could take both of our weight. Her lovely shaven pussy descended on my mouth. I started to lick her pussy gingerly and I felt her tongue do the same. The fingers resumed their original positions. This time I felt a bigger finger going up my ass and I realized that she was using a finger one hand on my ass and the other on my pussy. I was wondering whether I should stick one finger in her ass. As if she read my mind, she asked me insert one finger into her anus. I have never done that in my life though I have fantasized about it. I was trying to figure out which hand I should push in when she answered me again. She wanted my thumb in her ass. I first wet it with her juice and started pressing down on her anus. She groaned, pushing against my hand. My thumb went into her ass. She went berserk, pushing her pussy against my face. I kept moving my thumb in and out of her ass. My tongue fucked her pussy. I squeezed a finger into her pussy as well. My tongue tasted her juice. We moved against each other faster and faster.

I realized that I was approaching my orgasm and suddenly it was upon me, I sucked her pussy hard trying to stop myself from screaming out loud as I felt my body shudder. she kept licking me hard and I kept shuddering. For the first time in my life I had 3 orgasms in a row. I pulled her by her hair to stop her from licking it anymore as it was too sensitive. I kept sucking her and she came harder. I didn't stop licking until she lifted her pussy off my face. We lay there, trying to catch our breath. She climbed off me awkwardly. I got off the chair and we hugged each other hard. She kissed me passionately, not wanting to let me go. I got cleaned up using one of the towels nearby and straightened myself. Sharon took my panty as a souvenir and she gave me hers. To her surprise, I wore it under my skirt. After I managed to restore some amount of respectability to my appearance, I said good bye to Sharon. I set up another appointment the following week for a massage.

To be continued...

Hairdresser Ch. 2

A short description of myself and my mom before I continue my story.

My name is Nisha and I am from Sri Lanka, a beautiful country with even more beautiful beaches and sexy women. I am 18 and most people describe me as a tom boy. This is mainly because my hair is cut short and I don't have big breasts compared to my mom. She has a gorgeous pair of 34d's that are all natural. Though I have 30b's, I have a fantastic figure with wide hips, narrow waist and a tummy most women would kill for. This is because I love sports and work out at least 3 hours a week. My legs are long and nicely muscled and well suited to my 5 foot 9 inch frame. I do get hit on by lesbians more than guys and that sometimes bothers me. My mom Anusha is 39 and most of my physical traits are from her, except the short hair and small boobs. She is a widow, since dad died when I was 14. She never remarried and I never really caught her even looking at a man after dad's death.

On my way home after my encounter with Sharon, my thoughts were like Hurricane Katerina. My ears were buzzing and I shuddered inside the bus as I remembered Sharon's probing tongue on my pussy. This got me so hot again that I wanted to rub my pussy in the bus. I dared not since there were so many people in the bus. I had to try hard to control myself until I got home. I had to really control an urge to push my hand into my panties.

Thankfully, my mom was not home when I got back. I rushed to my room and locked myself up. I was so wild that I grabbed my stuffed teddy bear and pushed him onto the bed. I didn't have time to take off my skirt or my panties. I whispered Sharon's name repeatedly as I started to rub my wet pussy against his fur. I was going crazy. The bed shook as I rubbed my pussy against teddy and I was sucking his shiny nose, moaning aloud as I continued my onslaught against the helpless stuffed teddy bear. Its fur was so soft that I stopped momentarily to take off my top and bra so that my nipples started to experience the luxurious feel of its fur. I realised that something inside me had snapped after my session with Sharon. All I could think of was her body as I kept rubbing myself against Teddy. Just when I was about to cum hard I heard the front door slam. It was as if I was struck by lightening. One moment, I was on the verge of an orgasm and the next, I was scrambling madly off the bed trying to find an excuse for being topless. My mind was blank and all I could think of at that moment was to rush into the toilet. After rushing into the toilet I suddenly realised that I had left my bra and top on the floor in my room.

I was so jittery that I couldn't bring myself to try anything in the bathroom. A lost orgasm really messed things up for me.
I was wishing my mom had given me a few more minutes. I heard her come into my room and she knocked on the door of the bathroom.

"Hey Nisha, how was the haircut?" she said.

"It was fine, I am having a shower," I said, my voice shaking.

"Didn't they give you a shampoo after the haircut?" she asked.

"Yes, mom, but the bus was so crowded and it is so humid today that I sweated a lot," I said, hoping and praying she would believe me.

"OK, don't be too long. I am hungry and I'll wait for you," she said. I sighed in relief when I heard her close the door to my room.

I finished my shower as quickly as I could and dried my hair. To my amazement, my pussy was still wet. It felt squishy and no amount of drying helped. I gave up as I heard my mom call out to me. I wore a sexy pair of shorts and a tshirt without a bra. Not that I really needed a bra !

I went down to find mom seated at the kitchen table. I avoided her look as I busied myself fiddling with the plates as I dished out some rice and curry. I sat down and felt her check my hair out. She nodded approvingly.

"Looks like Sharon has done a nice job with you," she said and I felt blood rushing to my face.

My mom misunderstood my blush and said that she thought the hair style suited me. I nodded, trying not to look at her face.

"Is something wrong?" she asked, her motherly instincts kicking in.

"No mom!" I responded, a bit too sharply.

"You look a little dazed," she said. With this she got up and sat down next to me. I couldn't help but notice her big breasts. They reminded me of Sharon.

My mom doesn't worry too much about showing skin at home and I felt my eyes going to her cleavage. I kicked myself mentally and started to concentrate on my lunch. We talked about hundreds of things that Mothers and daughters talk about and finally lunch was over. I went back to my room. I wanted to give teddy another run but it was too dangerous to do that with my mom around. I waited for my massage with Sharon with so much longing that I dreamt of her almost everyday.

Finally, the day came and by the time I got to the salon, I was so eager to see her that I almost bumped into the older gorgeous lady as she was walking out of the salon. I felt her soft breasts against me as I struggled to regain my balance. She smiled at me as she ushered me into a dimly lit room with a massage table in the middle. There were a few candles and the room had a pleasant fragrance.

"Please get undressed while I get Sharon," she said as she walked out of the room, with her hips swaying gently.

I took off my dress and wore the towel that was neatly folded on a chair. Finally the door opened and Sharon walked in and my heart sank. There was another girl with her. she was dark skinned and around 5' 5". Her hips were slimmer than Sharon's but she was stacked like Sharon. Then I realized that she was wearing a padded bra that accentuated her heavy bosom. Sharon was smiling but she gave no indication of our close encounter through her body language. I presumed that it was because of the presence of the other girl. She introduced the other girl to me has Asha. Asha made me lie face down on the massage table, after loosening the towel. She then started to rub my back with massage oil that was heated up to match my body temperature. Her hands were so gentle and lingering. Then I felt another pair of hands and I lifted my head slowly to see Sharon standing right in front of me, inches away from my head. I lay my head into the doughnut shaped headrest as I felt her hands knead my shoulder muscles. The thought of her inches away from my body made me excited beyond words; my heartbeat reached a zillion beats a minute in a record number of seconds and finally settled down to a manageable level.

I felt Sharon's lower tummy rest against my head. I may have imagined it, but I distinctly felt the table losing its height. I opened my eyes and the floor seemed closer now.

My heart rate jumped again as I felt Sharon's thigh against my head. There was no mistaking that thigh. It rested gently against the top of my head as she massaged my shoulders. Asha's hands kept moving along my back finding nerves that I never thought that existed. I was feeling so relaxed until I heard Asha whisper in my ear.

"Do you mind if I climb onto your back?" she asked sending shivers up my spine. I moaned, my head nodding in agreement. I heard clothes coming off and didn't dare to look at what was going on. I felt the table creak as she climbed onto my back, her legs rested on either side of me as she let my butt take some of her weight. I felt her panties against my butt. From the feel of the material, I realized it was satin. I felt her hands start to rub my skin again. Her crotch started to rub against my butt rhythmically as she continued her massage. The thought of her pussy rubbing against my butt did wonders to the moisture level of my pussy.

"Are you wearing silk panties?" I asked, my voice shaking.

"Yes, do you feel the material?" she asked.

"Yes, I can," I replied.

"Most clients don't like lace panties as its rough against the skin," she explained.

"Some clients, don't like satin either," she said giggling.

"I think she is one of those clients," I heard Sharon answer with another giggle.

Before I could protest, Asha was off my back and the panty came off like lightning. She got back on my back and now I felt her shaved smooth pussy against my butt. I couldn't help but moan and tried to lift my butt to meet her rhythmical movements. She stopped me from moving by putting more weight on me.

"Nisha, you must relax. You are our guest here," Asha said giggling. I stopped moving.

"Sharon, I think you should get undressed too," Asha said.

"Do you want me to strip, Nisha?" Sharon asked. I could only croak, not knowing what would happen next. My mind was at the point of no return. I was not going to let anything short of an earthquake stop this little threesome. I kept my eyes shut as I heard the sound of zippers and her bra being unsnapped. I felt her warm naked thigh against my cheek as she continued her shoulder massage. Then I realized that Sharon was as wet as me. I could smell her pussy. It was unmistakable. I felt her moving towards my elbow that was jutting out of the massage table. Her legs widened as it came closer and closer to my elbow. I could see her as my face was turned towards her now. I almost jumped as my elbow disappeared into her crotch. I pushed it against her pussy as I felt its moist warmth. Asha's pussy was dripping on my butt. Both women were breathing hard. Then I heard the unmistakable sound of kissing. Asha was kissing Sharon. The sound of two moist exploring mouths engulfed the small room.

"Oh Asha, your lips are so sexy," I heard Sharon moan, ending in more kissing sounds. These sounds contributed to the increased wetness between my legs. Asha kept rubbing her pussy gently against my butt as she kissed Sharon. Sharon's pussy rubbed against my elbow. I felt her lips separate against my elbow. My pussy was wet and I was hyperventilating.

"I think her thighs need some attention too," whispered Sharon, her mouth disengaging Asha's with a loud smack.

Asha turned so that her back was facing my head and started to knead my thighs. She parted my legs gently, making room for her hands. Her palms were so close to my pussy lips and I was willing her to move closer. It was so hard not to scream at her to touch my pussy. But the fact that I let her tease me made it even more exciting for me. Her hands kneaded the top of my thighs, moving slowly down slick with massage oil. It was so relaxing to be pampered this way except for the fact that two horny women with wet pussies had their sights on my slim little body. The edges of Asha's palm kept rubbing lightly against my pussy lips, teasing me. This made my blood pump harder than ever.

"I think you guys are ignoring your client," I complained.

"She is right, Sharon," Asha replied. She climbed off my back and they started to turn me onto my back. Sharon took a piece of cloth and blindfolded me. They also tied my hands and feet to the table. My legs were parted and I had no way of closing them. I felt Asha climbing on me again. I felt a pair of lips start to kiss my cheek, sucking the skin. They moved towards my ear, licking the inside of the ear. I got goose bumps all over.  The tongue tickled my ears but I had no way of stopping her as I was immobile now. Sharon's tongue licked my face and it found my lips. Her fingers held my lips closed as she sucked on them. Asha joined in and they began to feast on my mouth. I tried to kiss them but Sharon's fingers held my lips in place. I gave up, letting the girls have their way.

"Sharon, I love her small breasts," Asha said.

"Can I suck on them, Nisha?" she asked. I nodded my head in response. I felt Asha's tongue start on its way to my breasts. She took her time. Her tongue followed my cleavage, moving to my right breast. Her tongue circled my nipple, avoiding it. I tried to push it into her mouth, but she avoided it skillfully. I pleaded her to suck my nipple.

"Oh, Sharon, please suck my nipple. Oh darling, please suck it hard!!" I moaned but this did not change her course.

Sharon, moved to the other nipple. She did the same to that nipple. I was going crazy. I started to scream their names, asking them to suck my nipples.

Suddenly when I least expected it, the two ladies sucked my nipples hard at the same time. I have never experienced such an exquisite feeling. I guess it was because my eyes were closed and that heightened my senses. The two ladies almost hurt me with the rythmic sucking of my tender nipples.
I called out to the them to give my nipples a break. I felt them lift off my nipples and I heard them kiss each other.

"Kiss my nipples Sharon," said Asha. I heard her moan as Sharon responded. She sucked Asha's breasts noisily. Sharon pushed my blindfold up so that I could see them. It was so erotic to see Sharon kiss the other girl's breasts tenderly. I got a glimpse of Asha's nipples from time to time as it slipped out of Sharon's mouth. It was hard and dark. I wanted to suck them so much. Every time Sharon's mouth sucked one of them, she shuddered.

Asha pulled Sharon up by her hair so that she got a chance to suck her lips. They kissed tenderly, their tongues exploring each other like snakes in heat. Their breasts competed for space as they kissed each other. The skin bulged as each breast tried to push the other away.

I could see that they were very comfortable with each other by the way they played together. Sharon, pushed Asha roughly down to her large breasts. They shook as her body tensed when Asha bit one of her nipples. Sharon slapped Asha and I was a bit surprised to see Asha moan as if asking for more. Sharon slapped Asha again. It was not a violent slap but I heard the sound. I saw Sharon's hand move under Asha'a neck squeezing it a little bit as she sucked her breasts hungrily.

Sharon noticed my concern and she smiled at me. "Asha loves a little bit of rough play, don't you?" she asked.

Asha moaned in assent without taking her mouth off the soft mountains of softness. She moved to Sharon's other breast while she got slapped a little more.

My foot was really close to Sharon's buttocks and I pushed my toes against her crack. She looked at me and smiled mischievously. She parted her cheeks and rubbed herself against my toes. It was really erotic and I kept rubbing my toe against her anus. She turned around for a little while to wet it with her saliva and literally sat on my toe.

"Do you like to fuck me with your toe Nisha?" she asked. Before I could reply, my toe was buried deep in her pussy, while Asha sucked her breasts. I wiggled my toe as she fucked it like a cock. I wanted to suck her pussy so much.
"Oh please Sharon, I want to lick your pussy once more. I wanted it so much since the last time I met you," I said to her.

She looked at me once again and started to move towards me, pulling out of Asha's clutches. She climbed on top of me and presented me with her lovely pussy. It was dripping wet as it came closer and closer to my waiting mouth. My tongue was quivering in anticipation. Her pussy stopped about an inch away from my mouth. I reached its puffy lips with my tongue, teasing the middle. I licked it gently along the length. Her wetness tasted so sweet on my tongue. I then felt Asha licking my thighs and moving towards my pussy. I moaned as I licked Sharon harder. She untied one of my hands and pushed it towards her anus. I started to tease her little hole as my tongue pushed further into her pussy. She was fucking my tongue now. My finger slipped into her ass and I felt Asha's tongue flick at my clit. I increased my intensity of licking against Sharon's pussy and pushed myself against Asha's face. I wished she would finger my anus and as if she read my mind, I felt her finger rub against my other opening. The finger slipped in easily.

Sharon ground her pussy against my face as she moaned my name. "Oh, gosh, Nisha fuck my pussy and ass with your tongue and finger. Oh gosh, make me come baby," she moaned. I moved faster as I felt her reaching her climax. The thought of her reaching her climax intensified my sensations and I came a few seconds after her screaming into her pussy.

We lay there for a while as I slowly came down to earth. When I opened my eyes, Sharon was standing by me with an odd looking apparatus in her hands. I realized that she was holding onto a strap on. I looked at her and she had one on and Asha was sucking it like a cock.

"Please wear this Nisha," she said. "Asha loves two cocks," she laughed as I looked incredulously at the strap on. They helped me get into it and I felt weird having a dick. Asha started to lick mine and I realized that I had a smaller cock than Sharon. Sharon lay on the floor and Asha climbed onto her cock her back to me. She called me to the front so that she could suck my strap on while Sharon fucked her. Asha looked at me and said, "Why don't you get that thing up my ass?"

I was clueless about anal sex apart from what I had seen in movies. They stopped and helped me mount Asha. She parted her cheeks for me and I pushed the slippery cock into her ass. She moaned as I pushed it slowly into her. We started to move and my strap on slipped out a couple of times before I got the hang of it. But in the end I was fucking her like a man! Asha got wilder as she got closer and closer and I thought she would never come because it kept going on and on. Finally, she screamed as her body shuddered under me. My legs were shaking from the exertion. It must be hard being guy, I presumed as I pulled out of Asha's ass and pushed the strap onto into Sharon's mouth. Then I sucked Sharon's strap on tasting Asha's pussy juice on it. We lay there on the floor for a while and I must have dozed off. When I woke up, there were two ladies looking down at me. It was Asha and Sharon and they lifted me up and took me to the bathroom. They pushed me under the shower and started to give me the best shower I have ever had. This is simply because both their mouths were focused solely on my pussy for most of the time.

Hope you enjoyed this. Write to me with your ideas for part 3. This is dedicated to one of my fans Shanna. Enjoy !!

Hairdresser Ch. 3

A short description of myself and my mom before I continue my story.

My name is Nisha and I am from Sri Lanka, a beautiful country with even more beautiful beaches and sexy women. I am 18 and most people describe me as a tom boy. This is mainly because my hair is cut short and I don't have big breasts compared to my mom. She has a gorgeous pair of 34d's that are all natural. Though I have 30b's, I have a fantastic figure with wide hips, narrow waist and a tummy most women would kill for. This is because I love sports and work out at least 3 hours a week. My legs are long and nicely muscled and well suited to my 5 foot 9 inch frame. I do get hit on by lesbians more than guys and that sometimes bothers me. My mom Anusha is 39 and most of my physical traits are from her, except the short hair and small boobs. She is a widow, since dad died when I was 14. She never remarried and I never really caught her even looking at a man after dad's death.

Everything changed after I met the sexy hairdresser Sharon. I returned home fulfilled and tired. I took a long shower thinking about my encounter with Asha and Sharon. I could still feel the strap on entering her ass. I refrained from playing with myself since I felt more than satisfied with the experience with Asha and Sharon. I went to our entertainment room and was watching a movie when my mom came home. She came into the room and I was amazed to notice how sexy she looked. She was wearing a pair of tight pants that showed off her butt and I was intrigued by the way the pants showed off the outline of her crotch.

"Hey, how was your massage?" I looked away from her crotch hurriedly wondering if she had noticed my gaze.

"It was wonderful," I said, trying not to look at her eyes. I couldn't help looking at her gorgeous breasts that were pressing against the overcoat she wore. I wondered how her breasts looked underneath and as if she heard my thoughts she stretched and removed her jacket, exposing the tight t-shirt she wore underneath. Her breasts seem larger than life and I was amazed how long it took me to realize how gorgeous my mom really is. Suddenly the pair of breasts I was admiring started coming towards me and before I could react my face was buried in them as I received a hug from my mom.

"What is it sweetie? You look as if you have seen a ghost," she said, holding me. I stopped myself from reaching out and biting her skin and resorted to try and break my second and third fingers against the chair as a distraction. Finally I decided to hug her back feeling the softness of her breasts against my face.

She released me and sat down next to me on the couch. So tell me what they did to you at the massage she asked innocently. But I had a hard time keeping my face the same color. I pretended to look at the TV screen and answered her in the most normal way possible.

"Well at least give your mom a shoulder rub," she said turning her back to me. I reached across and started to knead her shoulders.

"Oh gosh, you are good at this!" she exclaimed and she shifted herself so that she was closer to me. I parted my legs to give her room and soon she was really close to me. I was wearing a short wrap around skirt and it rode up to expose my panties. My mom kept leaning back into me so that her shoulders were virtually on my b cups. I got a good look at her cleavage and the sexy bra she was wearing. After a while her head was leaning against my shoulder and I started to rub her arms. My hands brushed the sides of her breasts more than once. Every time they brushed against her bra I shuddered. I found it difficult not to look down her t-shirt. The rhythmical rise and fall of her chest pushed her breasts up and down in the most erotic fashion. I could make out her nipples against the thin material of her t-shirt. I wondered how they would taste in my mouth. These thoughts did nothing to reduce the moisture level of my pussy. I was dying to touch my pussy but I was so scared. Then I realized that my mom had fallen asleep. One of her hands lay on my leg.

I reached over and put my hands on her tummy and hugged her to me. She moaned in her sleep sinking further into me. I was dying to touch her boobs but my hands refused to do my bidding. I smelled her perfume and found it irresistible. So I kissed her cheek once. I kissed her again. I wanted to kiss her lips so much. My pussy was so wet now that I had to touch it. I took one of my hands and pushed it under my mom. My hand reached my pussy and started to rub it over my panties. It was hard to move my hand as my mom was literally on top of me. The feel of her body on mine was so comforting and erotic at the same time. Her body was soft and warm. She seemed so lovely and serene in her sleep.

It must have been the blood flowing rapidly to my head that made me do it, but I suddenly I found that my hand was on one of my mom's breasts. I almost jumped out of the couch when I saw my hand there. I could feel her nipple hard under my hand. I couldn't remember how long it had been there. I almost jumped again when my mom moaned in her sleep. I watched in horror as her hand descended on mine, keeping it firmly in place. My heart was beating like a jack hammer. I started to squeeze her breast and she moaned some more. I managed to get hold of her lovely nipple and started to roll it between my thumb and forefinger. The thin material of her bra cup made things easier. My other hand put some pressure on my pussy. I loved the feel of her hard nipple in my hand. This was getting crazier by the minute and I was regretting the whole thing and the blessed phone came to my rescue. It rang and my mom jumped off the couch. I took my hand off her like lightning.

"Oops, I must have dosed off!," she said as she answered the phone. I straightened my skirt and pretended to watch the movie. During the phone call, I noticed my mom looking at me. I met her gaze once and turned back to the movie hurriedly. After she finished the call, she went to her room. I followed her a few minutes later. I could hear the water running in the shower and as I moved closer, I could hear moaning sounds coming from inside. It was as if she was masturbating. The moans grew louder. I wanted to do something daring. I knocked on the door.

"Mom! Are you alright?" I asked. The moaning stopped abruptly and I heard the water stop. She opened the door wearing a bath towel. Her face was flushed and she looked at me guiltily.

"What is the matter?" she asked.

"I thought I heard a noise."

"No, it was me humming," she replied.

"Well, it sounded as if you were in pain," I said pushing the door a little looking down at her cleavage.

"No, I am fine," she replied failing to meet my gaze.

"Can I soap your back or something," I asked.

She looked at me and after a moment's hesitation, she nodded. I went in and undressed down to my panties and bra. She looked at me curiously, but said nothing. Her face became redder as it took in the flatness of my stomach and rested on my small perky breasts.

"Do you think I am sexy, Mom?"

"Of course you are. I bet guys go crazy over you!"

"Girls go crazy over me."



"Like who?"

"Sharon and Asha."

"Oh my god! Really?"


I walked over to her and turned the shower on. I started to rub her back. She shivered as I rubbed her back, my body inches away from her.

"Mom, I feel attracted to Sharon," I whispered.

She said nothing. I felt her body stiffen. I moved closer, my hands moving towards her tummy, my body getting drenched by the spray. I was hugging her now, my body resting gently against her. My hands moved up and down her body avoiding her breasts. I waited for her reaction. She had her eyes closed.

"Nisha can you soap me now?"

"Yes mom."

I took some liquid soap and turned her around to face me. I worked up the foam in my hands an started with her neck moving lower. She kept her eyes closed. I pushed her to the wall and made her rest against it. Her arms fell to her sides enjoying my hands. My hands rubbed soap on her breasts. I purposely lingered on her nipples. They were rock hard. She shuddered but said nothing. I got bolder. I lightly squeezed her nipples between my fingers and moved down lower to her motherly tummy. I ran my hands all over her tummy making it slippery and my heart skipped a beat as I moved lower. Her pussy was shaved and my hands teased her thighs.

"Where else do you want me to soap you mom?" I asked, my voice a croak.

She didn't respond, but I realized that she had parted her legs a little. My hand inched closer to her shaved pussy. Finally, my hand covered her mound. She had her eyes closed but her mouth was open and I detected small moaning sounds escaping her lips. Her lips were full and sexy and I moved towards them. Before long my mouth was on hers. My hand was sliding along her mound, exploring and parting her lips. I started to suck her lips. She didn't respond. I kept kissing her. I started to rub my body against her, sliding up and down. She shivered, moaning into my mouth. I pushed my tongue into her open mouth. Still there was no response from her. I moved my mouth away from her.

"Kiss me, Mom," I ordered her and she reached forward. I kissed her hard and she responded. My tongue played with hers tasting her saliva. My pussy was dripping wet. I kept sliding my body against hers. Her hands reached behind me and unsnapped my bra and slid it up so that my breasts rubbed against hers. My nipples were hard and I kept kissing her. She said something that I could not hear. I leaned closer to hear what she said.

"My ass needs to be soaped Nisha," she moaned. I bent a little and she spread her legs more to allow my hands to reach under her pussy. My fingers went past her perineum. She gripped my shoulders hard as my fingers inched towards her anus. I rubbed the rim and finally slipped inside her tight ass. She screamed with pleasure and her hands tightened on my shoulders.

"Go right in sweetie," she urged. I pushed my finger up to its hilt. She started to move against my finger.

Since my face was in line with her large breasts, I started to kiss them. Her nipples were big and dark. I sucked them into my mouth as my finger fucked her ass. She pulled my face to her breasts urging me to suck them. I moved to her other breast sucking the thick nipple into my mouth. She turned the shower on washing the soap off and pushed my face down, her gesture unmistakable.

My tongue traveled along her tummy moving towards her hairless pussy. I knelt by her. I moved closer to her pussy and she met me halfway. I started sucking it like a madwoman, exploring every part of her lips. Her pussy fluid tasted awesome and I kept pushing my tongue against it. She groaned as she met my thrusting tongue. My finger kept moving in and out of her anus. I reached up to pinch one of her nipples as I licked her pussy. She kept moaning my name as she moved faster and faster against me and finally she shuddered as she came hard. She stayed like that for sometime and pulled me up and hugged me to her. She kissed me on the lips.

"Thank you," she murmured.

"You are most welcome," I whispered.

She then turned around to that I was leaning against the wall and then she took a sponge and started to rub it all over my body. I stopped her for a while and pulled back to me. I wanted to kiss her. I sucked on her lips, tasting her. I hugged her hard, not letting her move. Her knee separated my legs pushing her wet thigh against my mound. I started to rub my mound against her thigh as she did the same with her mound. It was even nicer than being licked because our bodies were rubbing against each other and that contributed to the overall sensation. Since we were both feeling cold, I asked her if we could go back into the bedroom. We were so desperate to go back to what we were doing that we tripped over each other to dry ourselves. The three minutes we spent drying seemed like eternity. Finally, my mom carried me to the bedroom. I was amazed at how strong she was. She put me down gently on the bed. She went over to her cupboard after asking me to close my eyes. When I opened my eyes, she was dressed in the most amazing bra. It a cherry red sheer bra that showed off her nipples. The cups held her lovely breasts accentuating her cleavage. There was an unnatural bulge in her panties and I was wondering what caused it. She smiled as she saw my gaze.

"It’s a surprise!” she said, smiling at me.

She walked over to me and climbed onto the bed. I turned towards her and we started to kiss again. The bulge in her panties rubbed against my tummy and every attempt to touch it was met with a firm slap on the hand. She held the back of my head tightly to her face as she kissed me. I started to explore her massive breasts encased lovingly in the sexy bra. Her nipples were rock hard and I kept pinching them. She asked me to squeeze it harder and I did so. This drove her wild.

"Oh baby, pinch my nipples hard!!" she begged.

"Oh mommy, your breasts are so sexy," I moaned into her mouth.

She moved to my neck, sucking and biting the sensitive skin there. I shuddered as I felt her saliva dripping down my body. She moved to my ear sucking the earlobe and she then did something that to me seemed strange. She lifted my arm and started to suck my armpit. I forgot all about the strangeness of the act as my armpit seemed to directly connected to my pussy. It sent an electric shock all over my body when her lips sucked on the skin under my arms. She then moved to the sides of my breasts sucking the supple skin there. It must have been the attention she was giving me and the tenderness she showed that drove me crazy. I gripped her hands roughly and pushed her back onto the bed holding her wrists tightly in my palms. I tried to overpower her. I gripped her legs with my thighs not letting her move and kissed her gently.

Her eyes were excited at the way I took control. I sucked each lip into my mouth. Her lips were thick and soft and I kept sucking them. I released one of my arms and held her wrists using one hand above her head. I then put one hand under her chin holding her firmly so that the head was slightly held back pushing her lips to the highest point. I kissed them roughly. She moaned and struggled under me but it was half hearted.

"Use my bras and tied me up," she whimpered.

I got two bras from her cupboard and tied her hands by the wrists to the bed posts. She was too short for me to tie her legs up so I let them be. I bent over to her and started to kiss her again. I could see that she was enjoying the attention.

"Do you want to suck my breasts, mommy?" I asked roughly.

She nodded helplessly.

"I can't hear you!"

"I want to suck your breasts," she moaned.

I held my breast so close to her mouth but away from her long tongue. I kept avoiding her tongue, getting frustrated by my antics.

"Open your mouth!" I commanded and she complied.

"Close your eyes!" I ordered her and she closed them, her mouth open in anticipation.

I forced my breast as much as I could into her mouth and she started sucking it like a newborn baby. I pulled her head tightly to my chest as she moaned and struggled trying to get as much of my breast into her mouth. I used my free hand to pinch her nipple hard and she moaned louder. My pussy was so wet and it was dripping onto her tummy. I slid my pussy against her round tummy as I struggled to keep my breast in my mom's mouth. I did the same with the other and she sucked it eagerly.

"Do you want my pussy, mommy?" I asked.

She nodded, trying to recover her breath from the constant sucking. Before she could recover completely, I sat on her face, my ass pressing hard against her nose almost blocking her breathing. She sucked and licked my pussy hungrily. I reached over and started to slap her breasts gently as I felt her tongue force its way into my vagina. Then I slid a little exposing my tight ass to her tongue. She moaned as her tongue explored the opening to my ass. She licked the rim and pushed her tongue gently against the tight hole. Finally her tongue pushed against the pulsating opening and I felt exquisite pleasure as she entered my anus with her tongue. Realizing that I was quite close to my orgasm, I lifted off her mouth and started kissing her again, tasting my pussy and ass on her mouth.

"What was the surprise that you have for me mom?" I asked her as I continued to kiss her.

"Why don't you see for yourself?" she countered. I moved down to her panties and started to lick the front of it. There was something soft under the material that resembled a cock. I bit it with my teeth and felt its length. She seemed to be wearing a strap on and the cock ended right where her pussy was. I pulled down the panties to find a black rubber cock fixed to her crotch. It was a double edged cock that ended inside her pussy which meant that she would also feel a certain amount of pleasure when she fucked me with it.

I started licking it like a real cock and sat on it. It was not a big dildo and was fairly easy to push into my tight pussy. I had to stop a few times to ease it in. Then after a couple of tries I was able to move up and down. It was a little uncomfortable at first and once my pussy got used to its size, it was easier. I lay on top of mom and was amazed so feel her start to fuck me expertly. After a few strokes I was screaming at her to fuck me harder. It took a few strokes for me to cum very hard but she didn't stop until I begged her to stop. I lay on her for a while feeling her wet kisses. I almost passed out for a minute or two until I regained my senses.

"Oh mom !!" I asked said.

"How did you learn to fuck like that?" I asked wonderingly.

"Well, we have to thank Sharon for it," she murmured. Suddenly everything clicked.

"You planned my seduction, didn't you?" I asked her.

She smiled mischievously, nodding.

"I am so sorry, babe. I wanted to fuck you so much that I used to talk to Sharon about it," she said.

"Seducing you was her idea because we wanted to find out whether you were attracted to girls," she laughed.

"That’s ok mom, I will forgive you if you will let me fuck you now," I said smiling mischievously.

I took off her strap on and pushed one end into my pussy and wore the contraption. I let her suck it for me first and then I moved to her pussy as she parted her legs invitingly. I decided to tease her a little by rubbing the tip of the strap on against her slit without pushing it in. Then I lifted her hips rubbing the head of the cock against her ass. She writhed under me trying to get the strap on into her. I rubbed the wet head up and down her slit, making her moan some more. Then I entered her suddenly making her shudder. I bent and started to kiss her without moving inside her. She kissed me passionately and urged me to move by pulling me inside her with her hands against my butt. I started move slowly feeling her body shudder at every stroke.

"Oh, Nisha, fuck me hard!!"

"Do you like me fucking you mommy?"

"Oh gosh, yes!!! Fuck me harder!!" she demanded.

I moved faster biting her neck in the process. I felt like a guy at that point. The other end of the cock was making me hot as I felt the reversed reaction of every stroke in my pussy. I moved faster and felt my mom respond. She bit her lip as she pulled me harder to her. I started to move even faster and finally her whole body shuddered as she had a wonderful orgasm. Her nails dug into my ass as she lost control and for a moment her face had a serene expression I have not seen before.

We hugged each other for a long time.


Send me your feedback gen_man69 at Love role playing and meeting sexy ladies on yahoo. Feel free to contact :-)

Cousins 1

gen_man69 on Incest Stories

I am 18 but have led a very sheltered life. My mom is a devout christian and she has always brought me up to value my virginity and to give it to the man I would marry. I am what you would call quite a beautiful girl a little on the heavy side though not overweight. I have dark long hair with dark eyes inherited from my mom. I have a big chest which is 38 D and smooth creamy skin that is a bit darker than most in my family. However, I don't wear revealing clothes and I don't wear makeup. Therefore, not many people do look at me. My dad died when I was ten and my mother brought me up on her own.
It so happened that one day my aunt and cousin landed at our place. They were in financial trouble and my mother being the good Christian, let them stay with us. I like my cousin and she is alm
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ost a splitting image of me and the only difference was that she is about half a foot shorter than me. Her name is Angie and mine is Mary. My cousin, like myself was also brought up according to strict values and rules. We ended sharing a room while my mother and her mother ended up in the master bedroom adjoining ours. So one night we were getting ready to sleep and it was a daily ritual that we brush each others hair. Angie stood right behind me in her night dress while I sat on a high stool. That night I could feel her standing a little bit closer than usual since I could feel her breasts on my shoulder. I didn't think of it much until I felt her moving rythmically. I looked at her face and her eyes were on my hair brushing away. I felt shy to ask her about it since I thought I could be imagining it. After she finished brushing my hair, I did the same. Out of curiosity, I wanted to move closer towards her, but was too scared to try. But suddenly I felt her shift and lean back against me so that my breasts were almost rubbing against her. My breath starting coming fast and I felt excited for no reason. I gulped down excess saliva that was blocking my throat. I glanced towards her quickly but she was calmly looking down. I inched closer until my nipples were pressing against her shoulders and slowly started rubbing them. The effect was electric. I felt a sensation that I have never felt before. I could feel Angie moving in the opposite direction to mine. So now this was delibrate. I had no doubts. I could now feel a different sensation between my legs. It was as if I had peed myself. I quickly finished brushing and went into the bathroom and checked between my legs. I had learnt about this in school and I realised that my vagina had become moist due to the stimulation. I quickly cleaned myself scared that my mom would find out. When I climbed into bed, my cousin was already asleep.
 I woke up in the morning. Angie made no reference to what happened the night before. I couldn't help noticing her in a different way after that. I started looking at my mom and aunt the same way. I felt ashamed and confused at the same time. I think Angie must have noticed my discomfort and I was glad when she suggested that we go out and hang out in the mall. My mom was a bit reluctant but agreed finally to let us go. We hung out together and had loads of fun. The mall housed a small indoor theme park. We took a couple of rides together. In one we shared the same rocking horse and she clung to me so hard that I could feel her breasts against my back. In one ride, for a moment we passed through a dark tunnel and she grabbed me hard by me breasts. She appologised later, but I enjoyed the experience.
Then we saw a movie. We sat right at the back in a corner behind a couple. The couple started to kiss and grope each other. So did the couple next to us. For the first time, I saw the girl next to us bend over the guy's crotch. I also heard slurping sounds and wondered what was happening. I looked at Angie and she was watching the movie as if nothing happened. I don't know what came over me, but I put my arm around her. My hand ended up close to her breast. She brought her hand up and firmly pushed my hand towards her breast. I could feel her nipple through her bra. "Squeeze my breast," she whispered. I was so scared and excited at the same time that I started sqeezing her breast. After a while she unbuttoned her blouse and made me squeeze her bra. I felt bolder and I slowly slipped my hand inside her bra. The very first contact with another person intimately gave me a shock. My heart started beating in my chest like it had never done before. "Oh, Mary, I love what you are doing to me. Oh squeeze it harder," she whispered into my ear, licking it in the process. Her tongue sent shivers down my body. She took my other hand and placed it on her other breast and I followed the same process with it. Her left breast had a bigger nipple and I found that exciting. Then she turned to me and her mouth found mine. She started sucking on my lips. I have never kissed anyone before and the only thing I knew about was what I had already seen in the movies. I did my best to kiss her back and her tongue eventually passed my virgin lips and found my tongue. This went on for sometime. I broke away from the kiss and realised that Mary had her right hand in her panties with her dress pulled up to her crotch. She kept rubbing herself while I kneaded her breasts. Her mouth found mine and I could feel the intensity of the kiss increase with her hand movements becoming faster and faster. She suddenly sucked my tongue hard and shuddered several times. I could feel her trying to keep quiet by the way she sucked on my tongue. I could hear her whimpering softly. She finally let go of my tongue and hugged me. She seeme exhausted. "Thank you Mary, that was wonderful," she said, pulling me towards her and her mouth on mine.
I kissed her back. I wanted her to do the same to me, but the film was almost over and we had to tidy ourselves quickly before the lights came on. We grabbed a quick lunch and headed back home. Strangely, Angie didn't talk about the episode on our way and it left me feeling a little sad. But she held my hand throughout and I could see that her face showed more happiness than I have ever seen.
 We came back home and I quickly rushed upstairs for a bath. When I came down Angie was chatting with my aunt and mom in the garden. My mom gave me an amused look and asked we whether I was alright. "You look a little pale darling. Are you OK?" she asked. I felt myself blushing and Angie quickly turned her gaze away from me.
 We sat down for tea. I could have been imagining things but I felt my aunt giving me looks from time to time. I was wearing a summer dress that was low cut. I was allowed to wear this try of dress only at home. I felt her gaze go down to my cleavage when I poured her the tea and milk. I pretended not to notice but could feel my heart beat rate rising again. During dinner, my aunt never left my side. I felt her hand brush my thighs and breasts a number of times, but could not determine whether it was accidental. Once she got up to get the salad and her breast rested against my arm for quite some time. She gave me a sly glance and sat down. During the rest of the meal her hand moved to my thigh and remained there for about 30 seconds. I did nothing to encourage her or discourage her. Feeling a little daring, I put my hand on her thigh. I could feel the silkiness of her thighs through the thin material of the frock she wore. Her hand held mine in place and kept pushing it towards her crotch when my mother dropped a glass with a bang and we stopped fooling around.

 Let me describe my Aunt. She is around 45 years old but has a fantastic figure. Her hair is also dark like mine and her breasts are 34C. She also has a bigger rounded ass than my mom. My mom is 40 and has a 40 D chest and a smaller ass. She has a bit of fat around her tummy, but for her age she looks quite hot. My mothers' best feature is that she has a birthmark just above her lips on the left side and she looks a lot like Catherine Zeta Jones.

 After dinner we all sat down to watch some TV and my aunt made sure that she sat next to me. My mother stood up after a while and went upstairs to turn in and so did my cousin. We sat there saying nothing. Suddenly my aunt started changing channels until she picked up a channel which turned out to be a soft porn channel. "Don't tell you mom that I watch these things Mary. A lonely woman like me needs a bit of entertainment," she said, winking at me. "I can change the channel if you feel offended," she said, looking at me. "I don't mind aunt Pam. I could learn a thing or two."
 We continued watching. The movie started off with a lesbian scene and I found it quite arousing. I felt my aunts arm around my neck and felt her breast pressing against my side. "Like mother like daughter," I thought to myself and wondered where all this would lead. I felt my aunt slowly unbuttoning my top and her hand making its way towards my braless breast. She started rubbing around my nipple, not touching the aureola which drove me crazy. I couldn't hold on much longer so I forced her hand to rub my nipple. She wet her hand with some saliva and she rubbed the nipple. It felt divine. Here I was, being seduced by my mothers' sister. "Oh darling, your breasts are as big as my daughters'," she whispered as she bent over my chest and exposed both breasts. Then before I could say no, she started sucking one breast. I almost screamed in ecstacy at the feeling. It was the most wonderful feeling I have ever had. I heard a creak and saw Angie coming down the stairs and was in no mood to warn her mother whose head was buried in my chest sucking my right breast. Angie calmly came down and sat on the other side of the couch next to me and calmly started sucking my other breast. All I could do was to shake my head in wonderment and ecstacy and pull both heads closer to my breasts. I closed my  eyes and sunk further into the couch. After a while I felt hands unbuttoning my dress and I did not bother to open my eyes. But when I felt the same hands parting my legs, something didn't seem right and I got the shock of my life when I saw my mom, stark naked kneeling between my legs and her head moving purposefully towards my pussy. I stood paralised when she started licking my thighs, her breast resting against my legs. "Oh gosh, what is happening to me?" I wondered. As if she read my mind, my aunt stopped what she was doing and said, "we planned this for a long time Mary. We dreamt of the day when we would finally seduce you."
I said nothing while I felt my mothers tongue reach my slit and slowly and purposefully make its way towards my clitoris. The feeling was so overpowering that I almost passed out. She started to lick my slit in long strokes. I managed to sneak in one of my toes and found her pussy. She helped me to insert it into the opening from where I entered this world. My toe felt warm and wet and my mothers pussy clung to it like a glove. She started moving. Angie got up from kissing my breast and pushed her breast to my face making me suck it. She then straddled my face and I came face to face with a pussy for the first time in my life. Her pussy was like a childs, completely hairless and dripping. "Lick the slit, darling. Let your tongue do the most natural thing. Lick my pussy.. ohhhhhh...," she moaned as I stuck my tongue up her slit. I could feel my aunt moving down to share my pussy. Before long I had the other toe stuck up my aunts pussy while the two sisters shared me.
"Mary, wet your finger with my juices, darling," said Angie. I did what she asked and then the next thing she said jolted me. "Move your finger around my asshole," she said. I felt a little yucky, but my mom and aunt was starting to drive me crazy with their tongues. So I gingerly felt around her ass crack and found the opening. Angie parted her cheeks to make it easier. "Oh thats it darling, press harder, ahhahhahhh...," she said while I felt my finger press against the opening. I pushed some more and felt the opening widen and my finger slid into her anus. I felt her reaction and I guess it must have been a wonderful feeling. Her pussy pushed hard against my mouth and I started moving the finger in and out. Angie started screaming aloud. "Oh Mary, fuck my ass.. oh.. fuck my ass hard.. Mary...oh.. fuck me.. oh fuck my ass Mary.. harder harder.. harder." I continued to fuck her with my finger. After a while I felt a finger probing my anus as well. Then I felt a finger go in. It was an exquisite feeling and just then I came hard almost biting Angies pussy off. I felt so drained by Angie wouldn't let me stop. "Oh Mary, please don't stop. I am about to come. Oh darling .. don't stop." I continued licking her and fucking her  with my finger and suddenly I felt something like pee on my face and Angie kept squirting me with fluid and shuddered for almost 30 seconds. "Oh darling, that was the best orgasm I have had in a long time. Oh Mary, thank you .. thank you.. oh darling I love your tongue," she said, sliding down to kiss and taste her juices on my face. "Mom, I squirted today after a long time," she said licking my face. "Oh ladies let me lick this lady's pussy," she said, pushing my mom and aunt away. They climbed off my toes and started kissing each other. My aunt scissored her legs and started rubbing her pussy against my moms, while Angie bent and started sucking my pussy. I felt exhausted after my first orgasm, but her persistant licking aroused me again. I felt one finger entering my anus while another entering my pussy. She brought me closer to another orgasm quickly.
 We turned to look at my mother and aunt in the 69 position. We went to them and I started licking my aunts pussy while Angie started to lick my mothers pussy. My aunt was on top to I was able to lick her anus as well. Feeling bold, I slowly stuck my tongue in her anus. She moaned and started rubbing herself faster against my moms tongue. I felt my tongue go into her anus and felt a slight metalic taste that I kind of liked. I then stuck two of my fingers into her anus and two more into her pussy and she had a raging climax and that brought my mother into a fantastic climax. We came off each other and started a four way kiss. It was the best time of my life.
"Oh darling, I loved the taste of your young pussy. I want to taste it again soon," my mother said, licking my aunts juices off my face. I hugged, her and told her that she could taste my pussy any time. To this she pulled me towards her and started kissing me hard and she roughly pushed my down to the floor and started attacking my pussy. "I want to fuck my daughter, " she said and then saw my aunt bring a strap on. While my mother sucked my pussy, my aunt strapped the dildo around my mothers' waist. After a while she let me suck the dildo. This was my first experience with a dildo and they used a smaller dildo on me that looked as thick as two of my fingers. My mother knelt between my legs and expertly found my opening and I felt the dildo sliding in. It was painful at first, but my mother was very gentle. After waiting for about 2 minutes, she started moving very slowly. She started kissing me while she moved gently. I wrapped my arms around her and felt on top of the world. I just had lost my virginity to my mother. As I grew comfortable, she kept increasing her speed. Then my aunt turned up with another strap on and started attacking my mothers pussy. So three of us were piled on top of each other and finally Angie fucked her mom in the ass with another strapon. We moved like a giant elephant, moaning and increasing each stroke until all of us came in quick succession.


gen_man69 on Lesbian Stories

I am Shani and I am 30. I live in Sri Lanka and I am single. I dark complexioned and 5 feet 10 inches which is unusual for a Sri Lankan girl. I have 34D cups which is one of my strong points, no pun intended. My hips are not very wide but shapely enough to attract attention. My butt is cute enough to look hot in hipsters. I love to wear tight pants to show off my butt and hips. I have shoulder length hair which is jet black. I haven't had many men in my life and most of them turned out to be jerks. Therefore, I have decided to lead a life alone away from the general rush to get married and have kids. However, my sexual appetite is fairly big and I used to feel frustrated. Finally, my saviour came in the form of a high speed Internet connection. I was introduced into the wonderful world of
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porn by a friend. I still can remember the first clip I saw. It was of two girls rubbing their pussies against each other. I had just got the connection and was still in my office attire when this hot clip grabbed my attention. Before long, my pussy was wet and I had my skirt off. I was so excited by the sight of the two girls that I started humping the soft leather covered arm of my computer chair. It was the first time I came after rubbing against anything of that nature. My arm chair was the object of my devoted attention on the next few days.

I soon got tired of rubbing against the leather and I wanted something more. I graduated to a pillow. I got two comfortable pillows. One was for hugging and the other was for rubbing my pussy on. I used to fall asleep after rocking on my pillow. Then an obscure internet search brought me to Literotica. I found so many women to role play with. Some turned out to be men but there were a few sexy women as well. I played various roles while making my chat partners cum. Some of them turned out to be long term partners but most of them were not from my country and that posed a problem for us to meet. I soon graduated to seeing women on web cams. It was so hot and very soon I wanted to hold a woman in my arms. I had no idea how to go about doing this and the chance came my way in the most unusual fashion. I was talking to one of my friends and she related an incident where a girl had come onto her at a clothing shop. My friend had fled the scene. I managed to get the name of the shop from her without arousing too much interest.

The shop was down a lane close to the place I live. I walked into the lingerie shop. The counter held one of the cutest girls I have ever seen. She looked just out of school and light skinned. Her hair fell across her face which made her push it away every few minutes. Her lips were gorgeous and I felt like sucking on them. She had cute dimples that made her look even more kiddish. Her bosom was nicely proportioned and looked heavy under her blouse. I barely heard her as I checked out her body.

"Is there anything I can help you with maam?" she asked, pointedly looking at me. Her gaze travelled to my large breasts.

"Yeah," I said blushing as I realised she had noticed my gaze.

"I am looking for a bra," I said.

"Whats your size maam," she asked her gaze travelling back to my bra busters.

"Oh, I am 34D, but I am looking for a bra for my girlfriend," I quipped, my heart beating as I realised that I was trying to do something I have only done online.

"Well maam. how big is she?" she asked.

"Oh shoot !! I don't know her size, because I want it to be a surprise for her," I said knowing how lame it sounded.

"Well what kind of bra are you looking for Maam?" she asked.

I did something daring. I unbuttoned two of the buttons on my blouse and showed her my bra. I pushed my hands under my breasts and pushed them out of the blouse for a greater effect. She blushed crimson as I saw her tongue run across her lips.

"Do you have this style?" I asked.

"Mm I am not sure," she said and I detected a slight tremor in her voice.

"Do you mind stepping into the dressing room?" she asked.

While I plodded into the dressing room, I heard a door slam. I was waiting in the room fiddling my blouse nervously. She came in and locked the door. Without a word she proceeded to unbutton my blouse. Her hands shook as she uncovered my bulging torso. I didn't feel like saying anything and my tongue seemed to be stuck down my throat.

She finally had the blouse unbuttoned and I helped her take it out of my pants. She gazed at my breasts and then looked at my face.

"Can I feel the material? I don't think we have this bra, but I want to feel the texture of the material."

I nodded my assent as she started to run her finger all over the material and within a couple of seconds her hands were literally cupping one breast. I felt my nipple harden and she must have felt it too.

"I am sorry, did I make you feel uncomfortable?" she asked starting to pull her hand off my bra.

I held onto her hand and shook my head, not trusting myself to speak and barely managed to get some words out of my mouth.

"No, in fact it feels rather nice," I whispered.



"You have nice breasts."

"Thank you. I am afraid I can't say much about yours," I countered.

"Well I am not stopping you from seeing what they are like," she smiled at me.

"Can I take them out?"

"Only if you promise not to put them back immediately without giving them attention."

"I seriously doubt that I will be able to take my hands off them."


"Wanna bet?"

"Well what would you want to bet on?"

"I don't know, you tell me."

"Well, your bet is that I won't touch your boobs?"


"What will you do you do if you lose your bet?"

"I will promise to taste any part of your body for as long as you want if I lose your bet."

"OK, you are on," I said.

I reached forward and and started to unbutton her blouse. Her fair skin glowed under her blouse and she was wearing a sheer bra. Her cleavage was awesome and tight any guy would have loved to put his cock in it. I wanted to lick between her tits. It looked so much like a shaved pussy. I could see her pink nipples under the material. It was pressed tight against the sheer cup. I hesitated and she took my hand and put it on her breast.

"You lost the bet!"

"Thats one bet I wanted to lose."

"So now I am wondering where you should lick me."

"Well there is so much time for that. Feel the texture," she urged.

I shuddered as I felt another woman's breast for the first time. It was so soft and full in my hand. I moved closer and started to feel her. Her nipple responded to my hand and got even harder than before. I looked into her eyes as I played with her breast. She smiled gently as I explored her breast like a kid with a new toy.

I kept glancing at her eyes and then her lips.

"I know where you want me to lick first."


"Your lips."

She must have seen the disappointment on my face.

"Remember the time limit? I can lick you anywhere anytime and for as long as you want."

I nodded as I puckered my lips for her. She started to lick the corner of my lips, probing gently, treating my lips like a pussy. She started sucking them from the corner and moved towards the middle of the lips and her lips were half in her mouth. She held my lips gently closed indicating that she didn't want me to open them. One hand reached behind my head to pull me to her. Then her tongue started to probe my closed lips prompting me to kiss her. For the first time in my life I opened my lips to another woman's mouth. I had no idea that it would be ten times as wondrous as I imagined it to be. Her lips were so soft and started kissing me expertly as we abandoned all pretense and started kissing each other hard. Our breasts got in the way as they mashed into each other. She pushed me back against the mirror as she started taking control of me. I was happy to let her. She was not as tall as I was but with her experience on her side, she made me feel smaller. Her tongue danced with mine as I felt her mouth suck on my long tongue.

One of her hands slipped my bra strap off and she started to caress the skin on my shoulder. She coaxed the bra off me and I did the same for her. Her touch was so soft and sensual. Her knee slipped between my legs and she got real close to me. I felt her crotch rub against my thigh as she sucked my lips dry. I put my arms around her and started to caress her back moving lower to her butt. It was nice to feel my tits rub against her tits. We crushed them against each other as we kissed and rubbed against each other.

I slipped my hand inside her pants which stretched to allow my hands in. I realised that she wore a thong and I was able to feel her butt in my hands. I started pulling her towards me in concert with her movement against my thigh.

She pulled off my lips and bent to take off her pants. She stood there grinning like a school girl as I surveyed her body. Her tummy was flat with a little bit of fat just above her waist that makes a woman look sexy and her thighs where shapely. Her hips were boyish but had enough femininity in them. She proceeded to peel off my pants and then she came close again. She whispered in my ear that she could see a wet patch on my panties. Our pussies had more access to each other's thighs and I was able to rub my pussy against her thigh while she rubbed against mine. We kissed and kissed as we continued our little dance. She sucked on my neck as her movements became intense.

I felt the wetness of her pussy on my thigh and I wanted to touch it. I pushed my hand between us and pushed it under her pussy. She gave me room to rub her as she bent to my breast and stared to suck my hard nipple. It was the first time I was sucked by a woman and I will never forget the experience. There was no beard to tickle me and the lips were so soft and gentle. I slipped my hand inside her thong and started to rub her clit. She started sucking my breast harder and I got bolder.
I was not sure if I should finger her since she seemed only around 18. In Sri Lanka virginity was still a judge of a woman's purity and I didn't want to mess with that. But she took her mouth off my breast pleading for me to push my finger in. After some difficulty, I was in her tight pussy. I needed a lot of help in finding the right place. She laughed as she realised that it was my first time with a woman. She shuddered as my finger entered her and she was dripping wet.

She rocked on my finger as I fingered her. She moaned into my breast and I made her switch to the other breast as it was getting to be unbearably sensitive. To my amazement I saw her reach behind her to finger her ass while I fingered her pussy. She came a few seconds after that but she continued to hump my finger. Her teeth felt awesome on my nipple as she lost control of herself. I held her tight as she humped my finger and before long another orgasm wracked her body and finally she slowed down.

I held her in my arms for a long time until she descended back to earth. She lifted herself and looked at me with sleepy eyes.

"What in the hell happened?" she asked.

"I am not sure."

She pulled out her finger from her ass and looked at it. I pulled out my finger from her pussy and brought it to my lips. I sucked my finger and on impulse I pulled the finger she had put in her ass to my mouth. She was shocked and awed at the same time and then she started to kiss me again tasting her pussy and ass in my mouth. We kissed for a long time and I pulled away this time. I wanted to suck on her nipples and I pushed her back towards the other wall as I sucked on her nipple. I bit into the soft flesh and heard her gasp. Her hands explored my body as I sucked on her succulent tits. I felt her hands push down my soggy panties and her finger found my pussy and entered it expertly. I felt her finger explore the inside of my pussy. It was harder than a cock but nicer when she explored gently. She wet her finger with her saliva and started to probe my anus. Her finger explored the rim and then she was in me. I love to finger my ass when I masturbate as it enhances the sensation. But it feels a whole lot nicer when someone else does it for you. She pushed me off her tits and pushed me roughly against the wall.

She started moving her head down my body to my pussy. I lifted one leg and she started to lick my clit as she fingered me. Another finger entered my ass hole and I held on to the wall as I started to rub against her mouth increasing my pace. Her finger started moving faster and faster inside my ass while her tongue coaxed my clit out of its shell. I rocked harder and realised I was moaning and coaxing her to lick me harder. I didn't care about anything else but her sweet tongue on my clit and her fingers. I moved faster as I felt my orgasm approaching and finally it hit me like thunder. I lost all control and when I was aware of my surroundings. I had the girl in my arms and she was caressing my face.

"That was one hot orgasm. Does this mean you won't take me home tonight?" she asked.

I was shocked to find myself in such a situation. I said yes without thinking. Her reaction was a typical school girl type reaction and finally I found out that her name was Nirosha. We grabbed a quick dinner and then went off home. She called her aunt and said that she would be staying with a friend that night.
Her aunt didn't seem troubled. I was new to this whole thing and was a little scared about what would happen once we got home. Nirosha seemed oblivious to the fact. I found out that she came on to women who would come to her shop but didn't find a regular girl to go out with. I was her third encounter and the first person to take her home.

I couldn't get enough of looking at her innocent face and her smile and by the time we reached home I was horny for her young body. No sooner we were in the house she came to my rescue.

"Hey Shani, do you want to have a shower with me," she asked mischievously.

I nodded and she took me to the shower. She proceeded to undress me slowly kissing every inch of my sweaty body. I did the same for her. When I stuck out my tongue towards her shaved pussy, she stopped me and pulled me up.

"Let me soap you first" she said. She took some liquid soap and proceeded to soap my body in a way that put my masseuse to shame. I found so many places on my body that were so sensitive to touch including my armpits, ears, neck and tummy. As she went down lower she used her tongue to clean me. She first would rub the soap sensually in the particular area and then wash it off. Then she would explore it with her tongue. She did something with the flexible shower cord that I thought was awesome. She rubbed a generous amount of soap on the metail surface with ridges on it. Then she put it between my legs like a thong and rubbed it against my pussy and ass. The ridges felt ince as they rubbed against my pussy.

She purposely avoided licking my pussy but she cleaned it and my ass thoroughly. Finally, it was my turn to wash her young body. I took my time and used my fingers and tongue to clean her up. She pushed me away when I tried to lick her pussy asking me to wait. We got dressed. She took nice tight pair of shorts that I couldn't get into anymore which showed off her camel toe. She then found a tight t-shirt with spaghetti straps. I got into a comfy tank top that found it difficult to hold back my breasts and a skirt and panties. She took me to my PC and took out a pen drive.

To be continued

Hey let me know your comments gen_man69 at