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evilmrmerlin Member Since October 19, 2009
Me and my Brother
evilmrmerlin 5543 days ago
- 1 + I'd like to be nice about it, but there's nothing to be nice about. It lacked spelling, punctuation, grammar and structure. Three short paragraphs is not a story, it's a sketch for a story.
Massage from sis!
evilmrmerlin 5543 days ago
- 4 + This has the makings of a good story but you're let down by your writing. Use correct english in stories, not chatroom abbreviations like u for you and gr8 for great. The punctuation could also use some work as their were far too many sentences that ran i
Hiking with my daughter
evilmrmerlin 5543 days ago
- 10 + This has easily got to be the worst written story I have ever encountered. Even if it had correct spelling, punctuation and paragraphing it still would have been awful.