Member Since October 19, 2009
5101 days ago
5573 days ago
Loved the attention to detail and reality.
Older Sister and Younger Brother Shower
i get the sense of ghetto incest with the amount of "fuck"s that are used.
Camryn: C.02
The question marks (or boxes to some others) is a formatting issue I'm trying to work out. It's a guess and check process on this site as there is no way to preview.
Alice 3
how about you have sex with an unborn baby still in the womb, or is that too young.
Alice Part 2
stop using 'whilst'
Daddy in My Bed
Wow, that girl is extremely bipolar and seriously needs to see a therapist. She seems very mature for her age and incredibly independent with a lot of knowledge almost no 13 y.o. virgin would have.
Beside the girl's psychotic anti-erotic mood swings a
Beside the girl's psychotic anti-erotic mood swings a