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emily Member Since October 19, 2009

Kelly's sexy schoolgirl panties - chapter 1

emily on Teen Stories


Kelly Johnson was a little tease. At the age of 18, she had already managed to earn herself a lot of extra pocket money by doing little sexual favours for several older gentlemen in her neighbourhood, but she knew she could earn more – much more. It started with her paper round, and at Christmas when she put little cards through all the doors wishing everyone a Merry Xmas, luv from Kelly. She didn’t really give a shit whether they had a merry Xmas or not, but it did remind them that she had delivered their papers, and it often prompted them into leaving a tip for her. So early December off she went on her bike with a bagful of cards to deliver. She enjoyed biking round her neighbourhood to do her paper round. It was much quicker than walking, and there was the ad

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ded bonus of being able to upset all the businessmen by letting them see her panties and then cycling off quick. She always wore very short skirts, even in the wintertime, and deliberately let them ride up whenever she saw one on his way to the station. There was one in particular, Mr Pervy she called him, who always left his house at 8 o’clock exactly. Kelly used to try to be cycling towards him just after he left his house every day. She didn’t always make it, but when she did it was real fun. He would pretend not to notice her, but she could see him desperately trying to look up her skirt. All he ever got was a quick flash of her knickers as she shot past, and she knew he would have done anything to get a longer look. As she rode into The Avenue, with her long blonde hair blowing behind her in the wind, she saw the old bloke at number 13 getting out of his car and went into the drive to give him his card. He looked pleased to see this small, beautiful blonde girl coming to see him, and she remembered that last year he had given her a very generous £5. Better be nice to him. Kelly gave him his card and wished him a rather early Merry Christmas. How kind, he said, and asked her how she was doing at school. Kelly got back on her bike and sat there chatting to him, telling him how well she'd done in her exams. As she sat there, with one foot on the pedal and one on the floor for balance, she saw him looking at her legs, trying to look up her skirt. Dirty old bugger, she thought, but instead of sitting on her bike a bit more modestly, she slowly moved her left leg so that he could see further up her skirt. It was about 5 o'clock, and dark, but his drive was well lit by the sodium street light outside. Kelly had started her round straight after school and was still wearing her uniform. She knew the effect it had on the men, and she enjoyed that. The school she went to was very traditional over uniform, and although a lot of the girls wanted to wear trousers, the head wouldn't move on the issue. Kelly reckoned he just liked seeing young girls in their school uniform. So there she was, wearing her grey pleated skirt, little white socks, blue blouse and school tie. It wasn’t any of these that Jim Marsham was interested in now though. As her left leg moved further and further out, Jim became more and more aware that her white cotton panties were becoming visible. He couldn’t believe what he was seeing. This beautiful blonde angel of a young girl was sitting on his drive on a bicycle, and he could see right up her skirt. What was more, she didn’t seem to be aware of the fact. He tried to keep her talking as long as possible, worried that she would just cycle away to the next house, and also that she might notice his frequent furtive glances between her legs. He was saying anything that came into his head just to keep her there. How things were when he went to school, all those years ago, how things had changed, and how lonely he was since his wife had died. And all the time he kept glancing at the taut white cotton between Kelly's legs, his cock stiff in his trousers. He thought he could just make out her labia, and he longed to touch her, to put his fingers inside her warm moist panties, to press his old face up against her cunt, even just to sniff those panties. Kelly wriggled her little bum on the saddle and decided to shock the old chap. "Mr Marsham, are you trying to look up my skirt?" Jim was horrified. So she had noticed after all. What was he to do? "No no my dear. I was just looking at your bicycle. Is it new?" He realised this was pretty lame as soon as he said it, but it was too late. How the hell could he get out of this now? He could almost see the girl's parents at his front door, and the policeman asking him awkward questions about what he had been doing. Shit, shit, shit, shit, shit. Kelly wasn’t really sure what to do next, but she wondered if she could get some money out of him. She had already managed to earn a few pounds by letting men touch her inside her bra, and even once or twice up her skirt, but she'd never let them go beyond the touching. It hadn't always been easy stopping them mind, and she remembered going into one man's garage and letting him touch her breasts for £5. He put his hands inside her blouse and rubbed her breasts, but then as she felt his cock going hard against her leg, he had forcibly pinned her against the garage wall and started kissing her hard. His tongue was darting all round her mouth, but worse still his hands had moved from her breasts and were lifting up her skirt. All of a sudden he had both his hands inside her knickers and he was groping her, trying to open her legs so that he could put his oily fingers inside her cunt. Kelly knew how to look after herself though, and a quick hard kick in the balls soon had him off her. She needed more money than this though for the lifestyle she was into. Her pocket money went nowhere, and the odd £5 didn't help a great deal now either. She had to stay cool. "Mr Marsham, I know you were looking up my skirt, and I don’t think my Dad would be very pleased if I told him." "Silly little girl", said Jim, " I'm old enough to be your grandfather. How dare you accuse me of something like that? I think we should tell your father, so he knows what a liar you are." This was much better. He'd gained his composure now, and he felt sure that he could bluff his way out of this one. Kelly was a bit floored though. She'd been half thinking of blackmailing him, but she thought it could all go horribly wrong and backfire on her. Who would they believe? What proof had she got? As she thought about all this, she realised that it wasn’t going to work, but she also had an idea. Blackmail would be a great way of earning her a lot of money, but she had to get it right. It had to be something serious, and it had to be something she could prove. She knew in a flash what to do. "I'm sorry, Mr Marsham. I must have made a mistake. I hope I haven't embarrassed you." This was music to his ears. She hadn’t really seen him looking after all. He was in the clear. Relief, oh great relief. "To tell you the truth, Mr Marsham, I was actually half hoping you had been looking up my skirt. I don’t seem to be able to get a boyfriend, and it was sort of nice to be getting some attention. I'd better go now, and I'm very sorry to have made such a fool of myself." Kelly looked near to tears. She was a bright girl, already very well able to understand men, and she had a pretty good idea how this conversation would continue. She was right, and Jim was about to be drawn into her plans like a fly to a spider's web. "That's alright my dear. Don’t cry now. Dry your eyes on my handkerchief." She had him where she wanted him. "Would you mind getting me a glass of water please"? Jim said of course he didn’t mind, and went round to the back of the house to the kitchen. Kelly followed him round with her bike. She stood just outside the door, rubbing her eyes to remove a piece of grit which in reality didn’t exist at all. As he came out of the kitchen with the glass of water, she started crying, saying her eye was hurting and could he get the grit out. Jim was pleased to help her of course, suspecting nothing, and still feeling very sorry for this poor girl who had no boyfriend. What a waste he thought. As she lifted her face to his, she opened her big blue eyes wide and pressed her breasts against him. She felt his prick stiffening against her and she knew he was hooked. She moved her right hand slowly but very surely to the bulge in his trousers and rubbed it gently. "You find me attractive don’t you", she whispered. "Tell me I'm not ugly".

Kelly's Sexy Schoolgirl Panties - Chapter 2

emily on Teen Stories

Jim was shocked.  He didn’t know how to react to this.  His head told him he was playing with fire here, but his cock was sending very different messages to his brain.  As Kelly rubbed his penis slowly, he felt it growing bigger and bigger.  The spunk was seeping out of the end of it already, making a wet patch on his trousers.  It reminded him of his surreptitious visits to backstreet porn shops, when af

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ter a few minutes browsing he would always have sticky trousers. 

He had been married, but his wife had died some time ago.  Not that he wasn’t still interested in women.  Quite the opposite in fact.  It was just that they didn’t seem very interested in him.  Masturbation was one of his great pleasures in life, and at least it was free.  Well, almost free.  He had to buy his porno mags, and his porno videos, then there were the telephone sex lines which he spent so much time on.  He wondered sometimes what his neighbours in this respectable area would think if they knew how he spent his time.  It was alright for them, though.  They all had wives or lovers.  All he had was his porn collection and a telephone.  Not fair really.

Kelly was still rubbing his cock, and he was afraid he was going to come, and make a fool of himself.  He had to control himself somehow.  He thought about his beloved car.  It worked.  His cock started to subside.

"You think I'm ugly, don’t you?"

"Of course I don’t.  You're really pretty."

"You’ve never even noticed me before.  And I've been delivering your papers for months."

" I have noticed you.  I've watched you from behind my curtains, and I've wanted to talk to you but didn’t dare.  Why did you touch me though?"

"I was lonely, and I just wanted someone to notice me.  I thought it would make you want me, but now I'm not so sure.  You don’t fancy me, do you?"

Jim thought for a few seconds that he'd blown the biggest chance he'd ever had in his life.  Here was a young girl who'd had her hand on his cock, and all he could do was think about cars to get rid of an erection.  What on earth must she think? 

"I was afraid someone would see us."

"Let's go inside then", said Kelly, and gave him a sweet little smile.

 Jim followed her into the kitchen like a lamb to the slaughter, thinking this beautiful young girl had the hots for him when all she really wanted to do was blackmail him.  Poor bastard.

He pulled the curtains so no one could see in, hardly able to believe his luck, but all the while scared stiff in case he got caught.  He knew what he was about to do was wrong, so very wrong, but nothing was going to stop him now.

Kelly sat on the table and opened her legs just a fraction.  She kicked off her clumpy black school shoes, and sat there swinging her legs tantalisingly.  Jim watched her as she lifted her legs onto the table and sat there, smiling.  He was utterly fascinated by this lovely creature, and stared at her like an idiot. 

"What's the matter?", she said.

"I think I love you".

"Don't be silly".

"I haven't been this close to a girl like you for more than 40 years".

She giggled, and playfully touched his bulging trousers with her foot.  He held her foot, feeling its warmth through the white cotton socks.  She was beautiful, from her warm little feet to her long blonde hair, and she was his for the taking.  God had been kind to him at last.

He wondered what to do next.  Where should he start?  He had here on his kitchen table a lovely blonde schoolgirl, in her uniform too, from her white socks to her grey pleated skirt, and her blue blouse.  He could see her pert young breasts jutting out under the blue blouse, and he wondered what her nipples were like.  Kelly drew her knees together under her, only too aware that in doing so she was exposing her little white cotton panties.  Jim stopped bothering about her nipples.  His eyes were almost out on stalks.  Panties! 

Jim had a bit of a problem with panties.  Some would call it a fetish.  He would stop at nothing for a flash of a girl's knickers, and here was this lovely 18 year old showing off her panties like there was no tomorrow. 

Kelly could hardly fail to spot the effect she was having on him.  He gawped at her in amazement as she slowly moved her knees apart, exposing herself completely to his stare.  She lay there on the kitchen table, the soles of her feet flat on the table top, her skirt up to her waist, and her legs wide apart. 

"You like looking at my panties, don't you?"

He gulped.

"Do you want to touch me……..down there?"

Did he?  More than anything he had ever wanted before in his life. 

Kelly pulled his hand towards her.  It didn’t take much. 

"Touch me then".

Jim put his hand on Kelly's white panties.  He was physically shaking, with a strange combination of excitement and fear. 

"Properly, then."

He was more than a bit taken aback by all of this.  18 years old and she was behaving like a little slut.  He was embarrassed by the whole thing, and she was just lying there with her legs apart, skirt round her waist, egging him on to finger her cunt.

So why not, he thought?  He rubbed his second and third fingers gently up and down her crotch, pushing the thin white cotton material into Kelly's pussy.  As he stroked her cunt she started getting very wet inside.  So were Jim's pants, as his cock started dribbling cum. 

His mind raced ahead.  He imagined himself standing over Kelly, his erect penis in his hand.  She was licking it, whilst at the same time dipping the middle finger of her right hand in and out of her cunt.  She lifted her finger to Jim's mouth.  He could smell the girly cunt sort of smell that only young girls cunts smelt of.  It was beautiful.  He licked the finger held out to him, and tasted the musky scent of Kelly's young cunt.  Kelly was still licking his cock, and he thrust it hard into her mouth.  A warm gush of sticky white semen spurted out of his cock.  He felt good.  The cum shot out all over Kelly's pretty young face.  This was a dream.  His cock kept on coming like there would be no end to it.  Jim was wanking himself off over her upturned face, as the creamy white seed spurted out of his prick all over her eyes, her nose and into her rosebud mouth. 

Spurt after spurt of hot spunk spattered onto Kelly's face, until it was dripping down and into her mouth.  Jim's cock was still spurting as he continued his everlasting orgasm, shooting spunk up Kelly's nostrils and into her blonde hair.  Would it never stop?  Kelly pursed her lips, shaping them like a tight little arsehole.  He pushed his spurting cock into her mouth, splashing his seed across her chin as he did so.  In out, in out, in out, shooting load after load right to the very back of Kelly's throat.  She opened her mouth wide.  Jim's cock just kept on spunking, until her pretty mouth was full to the brim.

His cock stopped its spurting just in time to stop the poor girl from drowning.  She was gagging and choking with the overflowing semen, dripping down her chin, leaving dark blue wet smears down her nice clean blue school blouse. 

"Swallow it, you little whore".

Kelly swallowed the gloopy sticky semen as fast as she could.  She wanted to spit it out, but Jim wouldn’t let her. 

"Don’t spit it out, or I'll piss in your mouth until you choke".

He couldn’t believe he was saying or doing these things, but here he was with this young schoolgirl on his kitchen table.  Seeing was believing, after all.

Kelly swallowed the mouthful of cum, as she was told.  It was salty and she felt sick.  She retched, and spewed up most of Jim's semen onto the floor.

"You little cunt.  How dare you waste my spunk like that."

Jim's cock was still hard, with spunk still dribbling out of it.  He wanted to punish Kelly for not swallowing all his come, and without really thinking forced his cock into her mouth, though she tried to stop him.  His balls felt swollen and tense, and he had the feeling he sometimes had in the middle of the night after a heavy drinking session.  He had to have a pee, but here he was with his cock in this girl's mouth, and he didn’t want to waste any time. 

His cock was bursting, and not with semen this time. 

"Keep your mouth open, you little whore".

Kelly could guess from the look on his face what was going to happen next, and she didn’t want it. 

"I've got to get back now,” she said, starting to get down from the table.

"Oh no you don’t.  Lie back on that table and open your mouth."

Kelly could see she was in big trouble now, so she did as she was told.  Jim held his cock over her pretty little face, and began to piss all over her.  Kelly started to cry, it was so awful.  The tears streamed down her face and mixed with Jim's warm yellow pee.  She did as she was told and opened her mouth wide.  The piss from Jim's cock spattered into her open mouth, filling it until it overflowed all over her pretty little face.  She grinned, thinking this was the best way to save herself from even more trouble.  Jim had stopped peeing into her at last, and she lay there grinning, her mouth full of his hot piss. 

Kelly slowly started to drink down the yellow fluid, as Jim watched.  Slowly, it vanished down her throat, leaving her mouth salty and smelling of urine.  Jim felt an overwhelming urge to taste her mouth.  He put his tongue into Kelly's hot little mouth, and licked all round it.  Their tongues met, and they shared the salty taste of Jim's piss.

















































Kelly's Sexy Schoolgirl Panties - Chapter 3

emily on Teen Stories


Jim woke with a start.  This had just been a dream.  None of it had happened, and here he

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was still, with a blonde schoolgirl, still in her uniform, lying on his kitchen table, with her white cotton knickers just centimetres from his face.

"What's the matter?  You look as if you're miles away" she said.

Jim got a grip of himself. 

"Shall I take my panties off?  I know, let me take my blouse and skirt off as well."

"No.  Leave them on.  I kind of like them."

"Do you like schoolgirls then?"

Jim had to admit that he did.  He loved their uniforms, and the last thing he wanted Kelly to do was take it off. 

Kelly wriggled about a bit more on the table.

"I'm going to have to go in a minute."

"Why", said Jim?  "You haven't been here long." 

"No, Silly.  I mean GO", said Kelly.

"What do you mean?"

"You know.  GO.  For a pee!!  I'm going to wet my panties if I wait much longer.  It must be that glass of water."

Jim wanted desperately to watch Kelly wet her panties.  He had seen it in magazines and films, and he had even watched girls doing it through binoculars, but he had never seen it done right in front of him.  He wondered just how he was going to drop it into the conversation though. 

He didn't need to.  Kelly could sense from the look on his face that just talking about wetting her panties was getting him going.

"That's making you horny, isn't it?  You'd like to see me wet my knickers, wouldn't you? “Kelly could just imagine how much she was going to be able to extract from Jim later on for all this!  How much was he going to be prepared to pay to keep her quiet?  She had a mental picture of herself sitting on the floor surrounded with £5 notes.

Jim admitted that, yes, he would rather like to see Kelly wet her panties.  He was ashamed of what he was doing with this young girl, and sort of just whispered it to her.

Kelly found this absolutely intriguing.  Just why did he want to see her wet her knickers?  She hadn’t met anyone like this before, and she found it very odd.  She told Jim to say it properly, not just whisper it, or she wouldn’t do it.  Jim was now really embarrassed, and just hung his head in shame.

"Say it properly or I won't do it".

Jim looked at her, sadly, ashamed at his behaviour to this pretty young schoolgirl.

"I want you to wet your panties.  Please do it for me."

"Beg me, then", said Kelly.

"Please, please, please, Kelly, will you let me see you wet yourself?"

This was starting to make him feel very horny, just saying the words, and he could feel his cock stiffen again.  This was, after all, the only chance he was ever going to get to talk really dirty to a young schoolgirl still in her school uniform, and he decided he'd better make the most of it.

"Kelly, I want you to wet your knickers.  I want you to let the piss spurt out of that tight little cunt, and stain your little white panties yellow.  Then I want to lick your panties, and suck the wet patch, whilst you pee some more."

Kelly was taken aback by this change.  No more the hesitant old man, now he seemed very much in control of himself.

"You are a sexy little girl, and I am so pleased that you came into my house.  I haven't given you your Christmas gift yet this year.  I was going to give you £5, but would you like to earn a bit more?"

Jim was worried that this delightful creature was going to get frightened by his dirty talk, and just run away.  She seemed pretty relaxed about it, but she might just be a little prick teaser who would get scared and run off.  He didn’t want that to happen - oh no!

"I have a proposal to make to you.  You've earned your £5 by delivering my papers so reliably over the last year, but I could pay you quite a lot more than that if you were specially nice to me."

"How do you mean, nice?"

"Well, you'd have to, sort of, be my girlfriend, and we would do the things that boys and girls do when their parents are out."

"Like kissing, and that?"

Kelly knew full well what he really wanted, but she couldn’t resist teasing him.  She was also starting to rethink the blackmail plan.  Perhaps she could make just as much this way, without any of the risks.  She wondered how much she could get him to pay.

"Well, er, um, a bit more than that, actually."

He'd gone all shy and hesitant again.  But why, he thought.  He was the one with all the money, and this was just some silly little schoolgirl looking for a bit of extra pocket money.  He'd show her who was in charge.

"Kelly, oh sweet sexy little Kelly, I want to stick my big fat cock up your tight little cunt and spurt hot spunk into you.  I want to sniff your little panties after you’ve peed into them.  I want to lick your tight little bumhole.  I want to suck your pussy.  I want you to suck my penis until I come all over your pretty little face.  I want you to swallow my sticky seed.  I want you to squat over me and piss all over my face, then I want you to slowly sit on my face in your wee stained knickers and let me suck your little cunt through them.  I want you to hold your pussy open for me while I piss inside you.  I want to masturbate over your panties whilst you're still wearing them, so the cum runs down your panties and into your vagina.  Then I want to lick the cum out of your pussy."

"You want quite a lot then, really", said Kelly.  She was a bit shocked by this sudden outburst from Jim, and hadn’t realised the depths of his lusting for her.  She knew that he fancied her, but didn’t know how far he wanted to go.  Very plainly, he wanted to go as far as he possibly could, and she found this at the same time frightening and exciting.

"That's going to cost an awful lot of money.  If I'm to do all those wicked things you'll have to make it worth my while.  My Mum and Dad would kill me if they found out."

"How much do you want then?"

Kelly thought for a bit.  She wanted to get as much as she could from this man, but she didn’t really know just how much he would be prepared to pay.  If she asked for too much he'd just tell her to clear off, but she didn’t want to ask for too little.  It was very difficult to guess how much he would pay.  This was quite a nice house, there was a nice big TV, and it looked as if Mr Marsham had enough money to be able to afford quite a lot.

Kelly got off the table and sat on the settee.  Jim sat on the chair opposite, anxiously waiting for an answer.  She figured that her best bet was to get him so worked up that he couldn’t refuse her.  This was a pretty accurate guess.

"Well", she said, allowing her grey skirt to ride up her lovely long legs, "That's a very difficult question".

One of the buttons on her blue school blouse had come undone, and Jim could see her little white bra inside.  He imagined her breasts nestling inside and wanted to put his head between them.  Perhaps soon he would be able to.  He'd pay anything she asked.  He had to.  This was a chance he would never get again to his dying day. 

Kelly allowed her legs to part a little so Jim could see up her skirt.  He didn’t miss the opportunity, and stared at her white cotton knickers.  He could see little wisps of her pubic hair just peeping round Kelly's panties, and longed to see underneath.  She knew the effect this was having on him and slowly pulled up her skirt.  With her skirt around her waist and her legs getting wider apart, Kelly started gently rubbing the crotch of her panties, whilst Jim sat mesmerised. 

"Do you like it when I do this?"

"You know I do, but please, I need to know how much you want.  I can't afford very much you know.  I'm only a pensioner, and I don’t have much money."

"I'm thinking", said Kelly, continuing to rub herself provocatively.

"God", thought Jim, "Christ knows what would happen if anyone came in here now.  Me sitting here with a young schoolgirl opposite me, still in her uniform and her legs wide apart, stroking her pussy."

Kelly slipped her hands inside her panties, and put her right hand middle finger inside her vagina.  She pushed it in and out, and it made little slurpy noises.  Then she pulled her finger out and offered it to Jim.  He sniffed it sensuously, savouring the musky smell of girly cunt juice.  He could see the little beads of moisture on Kelly's finger, where it had been inside her cunt, and he sucked it for all he was worth.  It tasted heavenly.  He wanted so much to put his hot tongue inside her little cunt and taste some more of her love juices.

She pulled up her blouse, exposing her dainty but plain bra.  Lifting up her bra, she exposed her small but perfectly formed milky white breasts for Jim to gaze at.  They jutted out of her slender young body like baby hillocks, pert, proud and erect.  He was stunned.  So used to seeing the larger breasts of the women in his vast porn collection, Jim could not believe how beautiful were these fine young titties.

Kelly offered him her left nipple, stiff and hard, and he sucked it like a baby.

"You can do all this", she said.  "One evening a week, and I'll only charge you £100 a week".

Jim didn’t know whether to laugh or cry.  What he had on offer here was an evening of the most perfect sex every week, the most unbelievable sex with a girl barely old enough to know what sex was.  He could teach her a thing or two!  But £100 a week?  How could he possibly afford that on his income?  He did have some savings, but he didn’t want to dip into those unless it was really necessary.  But wait a minute, if this wasn’t necessary, just what was?  He dithered, confused.

"But I can't afford that.  I'm only a pensioner.  How about £50?  That’s a lot of money.  Think of all the sweets you could buy with £50 a week"

"£100", said Kelly.  I'm worth all of that, and a lot more.  You'd have to pay nearly that for some old tart in Soho!"

"I wouldn’t.  You can get a girl in King's Cross for a few pounds, and they’ll do anything", said Jim.  "£50 is more than enough".

"Take it or leave it.  If you don’t think I'm worth £100 a session, don’t bother then."

Kelly pulled her bra back on, pulled down her blouse, and stood up ready to go, smoothing her little skirt down as she did so.

"OK, OK, OK, then", said Jim. "I can't afford that much, but if I sell some of my old furniture I might be able to get enough together for a few weeks.  But if I'm going to pay you £100 a week, I want to know exactly what I'm getting for it."

"I'll come round to your house one evening a week after school, between 4.30 and 5.30, and you can do whatever you want."

"Absolutely whatever I want?"

Kelly thought hard.  He hadn’t been very happy about the £100, and she was afraid he might change his mind.  She wanted that money very badly, and it was a lot less risky than blackmail.  Come to think of it, if she wanted to blackmail him, she still could.  She could deny ever asking him for money and just say that he had raped her.  Anyway, what could this poor old bloke do to her?  He probably couldn't even get it up!

"OK then.  Anything you want, but I get the money first."

So it was agreed.  Kelly was to come round to see him every Friday after school.  She would tell her parents that she was visiting her friend Stacey.  Jim was very keen that she should wear her school uniform, but that was no problem at all - though she still couldn’t see what he saw in it.

Kelly said she had to go home now, and although Jim begged her to stay a bit longer, she said he had had more than enough free samples, and that was that.  She would see him again on Friday.