Bomb Shelter Bondage - Part 1: Planning the perfect kidnapping
Bomb Shelter Bondage
Part 1:   Planning the perfect kidnapping
It all started out as just a crazy idea.  I mean, what 35-yr old guy hasn’t fantasized at some point in their lives about having sex slaves
I had worked since college as a Mechanical Engineer until, after 10 years, I finally got sick of having to do whatever someone else to.  So, I quit my job and started a web-based M.E. consulting business so I’m able to work at home and have other freedoms that a regular 9-to-5 job wouldn’t allow me.  I’ve always lived in big cities so I thought that I’d give small-town life a try.  I bought a place just off of one of the town’s many county roads.  It wasn’t exactly rural (I wasn’t ready to go that extreme yet) but it had a drive about a quarter-mile back into a nice wooded area.  I still had neighbors if I needed them but far enough away that I wouldn’t have to worry about Ma & Pa Kettle stopping by.
I’ll warn readers right now that part 1 is about only what I find and the kidnappings. ÂÂ
If you don’t care, I suggest you go to the next section.
I was back in what can only be called a small forest raking leaves one weekend, beginning to become aware of how much yardwork would be required and starting to regret my decision to move here, when I tripped and fell over something.  “Damn, I’m starting to hate this place,†I mumbled to no one in particular.  I got up, checked my new shirt for rips, and proceeded to rake away the leaves.  At this point, I was fully expecting to find a tree-stump or some similar thing that would cause me to be forced to either do yet more labor or call my realtor.  What I found, instead, changed my life.
It was a hatch of some sort, with a spinning valve attached.  I gave it a turn but the thing wouldn’t budge.  “Probably rusted,†I thought.  I stuck my rake-handle in and used it at leverage.  Finally, after several attempts, it freed-up and started to move.  Removing the rake, I gave the handle a few twists and heard the clicking sound of a latch opening.
I lifted the lid and saw a ladder leading down into darkness.  “Cool.† After retrieving a flashlight, I climbed down about 30 feet and started to look around.  I had found what appeared to be an old bomb shelter.  That struck me as weird until I remembered being practically between
Like most guys, I had a nice variety of porn.  While watching a dvd that night of a girl getting raped, I couldn’t stop thinking about what I had found earlier that day.  I mean, what stops most people from doing what I was watching..?  Fear of getting caught or arrested later.  How do you prevent that?  Have a place no one knows about that is virtually escape-proof.  The realtor never mentioned the bomb shelter so I’m guessing that they didn’t know.  It wasn’t uncommon for people with them to keep it a secret back then so that everyone in the neighborhood wasn’t wanting to use it should the need arise.  As for escape-proof, removing part of the metal ladder and replacing it with a rope-ladder would do the trick nicely.  It would mean a lot of work but …I was actually going to do it..!
I decided to sleep on it but woke-up even more determined than ever to do it.  I knew that the key to this, however, was to be smart about it.  So, I decided to myself that it would be at least 9 months (the start of next summer) before I attempted it.  I wasn’t about to risk jail because I’d been impulsive…that just isn’t in my engineer nature.
Now, I started to look at my porn collection more as research.  I looked at all I could on bondage, torture, forced lesbian sex, humiliation tactics, anything I could think of;  From websites and story boards sprang fountains of ideas.  I decided that my captives would be trained in three stages:  Bitch, Slut, and Whore.  Finally, I had a plan containing over 200 ways to train, mentally break, and sexually torture them for my delight and amusement. ÂÂ
I began shopping for sex toys of all kinds.  Soon, I had various dildos, anal beads and plugs, a wide range of vibrators, restraints, chairs with big holes in the seats for placing objects through, ball gags, clothespins, ear plugs, blindfolds, etc.  I also bought several costumes (of which only one I’d actually speak in) to keep them unsure of how many people were their captors.  I also purchased several pairs of velvet gloves;  I once had a female friend who said that they felt like amazing on bare skin as her boyfriend caressed her.  I even bought a pair of male puppies to serve as guards and later more.  My best purchase, however, was a liquid climax cream product that claimed to be a female Viagra when applied to a woman’s clit capable of producing numerous orgasms.  We’d soon see…
I was also busy cleaning and setting the bomb shelter up.  After throwing down several bug-bombs, I started to arrange it for my needs.  I removed to food and broke apart the majority of shelves.  The hardest thing to deal with was the mattress.  I finally decided to prop it up against a wall in the portion that would be unused.  The gas generator was too big to move so it had been worked into my plans.  The water system would serve a purpose in time as well.  The ladder was altered and a lockable grate was placed across the opening up-top to prevent access.
I’d determined that I’d use the back half as my captive area.  I lined the walls with mirrors for humiliation effect and placed a portable wheeled shelf in the middle, creating two pockets.  This way, they wouldn’t know about each other at first and later could just be used as dividers to keep them separated.  It too was lined with mirrors on both sided with a balsa-wood mirrored wall&door completing the enclosure.  I also had a one-way mirror frame that could be slide in-place of the shelf.  This would allow one to observe the other’s plight while leaving the other to the misery of their reflection.  Finally, a combination of chains, ratchets, boards, and pulleys (thank you, engineering school) would allow me to hold my prey in their areas however I wanted.  It also could be made to force a 69 or the straddling of the other’s head if I saw fit. I was certain that I would eventually on both accounts.
Taking things a step further, I installed in each…room…a camera & closed circuit monitor that I could view either from the remainder of the shelter or through the link to the house.  The monitors could be made to show things from a dvd machine, either of the two rooms, or a combination using split screen.  I’d also accidentally stumbled across a website demo where you could type in something and the software would produce it as words in 6 different voices:  3 male and 3 female.  This seemed perfect to help further create doubt in my captives’ minds about just how many people were holding them.
Now, who and where…?  I decided pretty quickly that I didn’t want the girls to be local.  For that matter, I figured that even neighboring states might be a little risky since the State Police agencies probably would have decent working relationships.  No, they had to be from farther away so I settled on
Finally, 10 months after discovering the bomb shelter, my renovations were complete and I was ready to head to
I finally got my first chance at 11:32AM when I saw a young Asian girl on a bicycle coming towards me.  She had long black hair, red shirt, and black shorts.  I had to drive passed and then turn around, my heart racing as I checked again for signs of coming cars.  Seeing none, I donned my ski mask and took a deep breath.  …The whole thing happened in only 15 seconds but felt like forever…  I cut the front of the van in- front of her bike.  Thud – Her tire hits my vehicle but by this time I’m already out the driver side door and racing around the vehicle, nervous as all hell.  She’s ok but in shock, first from what happened and then from seeing a masked figure.  Clap! – I place my left  hand behind her head and the chloroform-ragged right hand over her face.  Panic is setting in to both of us now but the drug causes her to go limb after what were actually mere moments but felt to me like an eternity.  As fast as I could, I opened to side van door and tossed her in, followed quickly by her Trek bicycle.  Around to the driver’s seat I go, my heart ready to explode from a strange mix of excitement and fear, and I’m off with my first prize…
After 5 minutes, went I’m sure that I’m not being followed nor having heard anything on the scanner, I pull into a vacant parking lot and secure my prey more thoroughly.  She appears rather pretty as she rests…  First, I apply the handcuffs with her arms behind her back.  Then, I apply the gag before finally adding the blindfold.  I also give her a longer dose of chloroform just to be on the safe side.
I changed my plate and sweatshirt and proceeded to look for Girl #2.  After nearly two hours, I was beginning to get desperate since no other “safe for me†opportunities had presented themselves yet.  I was almost ready to settle with one-now, one-later when what should my eyes spot but a blonde jogger rounding the corner.  She had shoulder-length hair and was wearing a white t-shirt and black shorts with “CHEER!†across the butt.  I’d always thought that girls who wore words on their butts wanted people to notice.  Unfortunately for her, I had…
Unlike before, I decided to let her jog towards me;  Too much of a chance of her evading my van since she was on foot.  I drove slowly towards her and, at the last possible second, swerved out of my lane and nearly onto the very sidewalk she was jogging on.  As fast as I could, I jumped out of my seat and lunged at her.  She was startled  but I had surprise on my side.  Luckily.  She too tried to get away when the realization of what was happening hit her.  By then, however, the drug was taking effect and it was a matter of an few seconds before she was inside the van as well.  I drove west to the drive and my car’s hiding spot.  It was nearly 2:00 by the time I switched them from the van to my trunk.  I applied one more chloroform dose each and then closed the lid.  I was also determined to lose the van, maybe for good, so I pushed it into the river.  That way, any evidence would be long destroyed if they ever happened to find it.  I’d actually done it…
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