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eggycheese Member Since October 19, 2009

Alex and I

eggycheese on Teen Stories

Alex and I

I woke up on that Tuesday morning feeling absolutely normal. I turned over in my bed and saw that it was 6.30. I had to get up to go to school so I woke myself up properly by doing some loose stretches. I have never felt comfortable with my body. I haven’t had a boyfriend in about two years and I think that I can’t get one because I’m fat. My friends always tell me that I’m gorgeous and things to try and reassure me but it never works. So I read on the internet about healthy eating regimes and stuff. I’m trying my best and have lost about 4 pounds so far. So anyway, I finished my stretches and got into the shower. I washed and conditioned my hair and then lather

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ed up my legs with shave gel. I finished shaving my legs and bent down to feel the smoothness. I felt quite turned on but knew I had to hurry as I was running late. I had been shopping that weekend and had bought myself a new top to celebrate my weight loss. It was quite revealing for school but I wasn’t bothered. It was time for boys to see the new me I thought. The top was low cut and tight around the bust area but got looser around my stomach which hid the worst bit of my body. I put on my favourite jeans and shoes and ran downstairs to get my breakfast. I saw the time on the big clock in the hall and realised I was a lot more late than I thought! And I still hadn’t done my makeup. I skipped breakfast and ran for the bus. The stop is only at the end of my road so I didn’t miss it. I sat on an empty seat and got out my makeup bag. I held the mirror up and tidied my hair. I then put some mascara and eye-liner on before getting my lip gloss. As I brought the mirror up to focus on my lips, I noticed the reflection. Behind me was a lad that I knew from school. His name was Alex and I think he was in the rugby team. He was in my maths class too. Suddenly, he realised I had seen him looking and turned and stared out of the window. I smiled to myself and applied the lip gloss, then put the mirror away.

At school, things went fairly smoothly. I’m 15 and a half so in a years time I will be doing my GCSE’s and my teachers never let us forget it. I got told off a couple of times for talking (which isn’t surprising) and a couple more times for not having my homework. Finally the day was over. I went to the bus stop to catch my bus home. I was one of the first people on so I found my favourite seat and settled myself down in it. As the bus filled up, Alex came on. He looked around for a spare seat and, even though there were some free nearer his mates, he sat down next to me. I was surprised at this because, until this morning I hadn’t really noticed him paying any attention to me at all! But I managed to hide my excitement. I moved my bag so he could sit down and smiled at him. He grinned back and said thank you and sat down. He spoke to me quite a bit. Just small talk really. Then the subject went on to maths. I told him how I was really worried I was going to fail because I didn’t get anything we had been taught this term. He smiled at me, almost sympathetically really, and said that if I wanted to come round to his place then he could tutor me. Now I wasn’t exactly going to turn down an invitation like that was I! But before I could answer him, my mobile rang. It was my mum. I answered it and she told me that her conference at work had run over so she was going to stay the night at a nearby hotel and maybe the next night too. I couldn’t believe my luck. The house was empty and I had the most cutest boy offering to tutor me! I was in heaven, literally! I hung up the phone and turned to Alex, a new spout of courage being issued to me. I told him that there was a change of plan. That my house was empty and that he could come round and tutor me that night. He said that was fine and that he could easily walk home afterwards as his home was not far from mine. My stop came round the corner so we gathered our stuff and exited the bus. As we walked to my house, we walked pretty close, his shoulder was touching mine. I could feel heat coming from him. I could also feel my pussy get wet! We walked up my drive and I unlocked the door.

We entered and I led him to the living room where I told him to get comfy. I told him I was just gonna go upstairs and get changed and bring my maths stuff down and that he could get anything he wanted from the kitchen. I ran upstairs and grabbed tee and a pair of hot pants. I had bought those at the weekend because all those stretches had paid off and had left me with ultra toned legs! I grabbed a folder of maths stuff and went back downstairs again. Alex was in the kitchen looking at what was in the fridge. I entered the living room. There was a breakfast bar separating us. I sat down at a stool at the bar and asked Alex to grab the apple juice and a couple of glasses from the cupboard. He came with them and sat down at the bar next to me. He poured some juice as I found a page that I knew I found difficult. As we both leaned into the book, our shoulders touched again and I could feel shocks of electricity coming from him. He smiled at me then bent down to explain an equation to me. I didn’t get it at all. I was really upset and I felt really stupid. He lay his hand gently on my thigh and pulled my chin gently up with his finger. He looked deep into my eyes and told me that we would have a break and do some more later. I led him into the living room and we sat on the sofa. I turned the TV on and snuggled up to his side. I told him I was quite cold (it was true, my legs had goose bumps!) and did he mind. He grinned at me and put his arm around my shoulders. I snuggled into him again, one hand around his back and another innocently on his chest.

As we sat together, I could feel myself getting hotter and hotter. I looked up at him and saw he was staring intently into my eyes. He smiled at me and asked if he could kiss me. If I was standing up then my legs would have collapsed! I was so flattered. And he was so cute. I leaned forward and told him I hadn’t in a long time and I might not be very good at it. He told me that’s not possible and leaned down and kiss me gently on my lips. His were so soft and gentle. He broke apart and laughed quietly at my face. I was in heaven even more at this point. I smiled at him, which I suppose was a signal that he could carry on because this time he kissed me again but his tongue slowly entered through my lips, slowly roaming my mouth. I thought I had died and gone to heaven about three million times! He was beautiful. He thought I was beautiful. We were beautiful.

He broke the kiss and asked me if I was ok. I couldn’t believe that I was kissing the most gorgeous guy in our year, and he was so concerned about me. I nodded, smiling and told him I was fine now.

‘good. Shall we try that equation once more?’

So I got up and got the book and brought it back to the sofa I snuggled up under his arm that was once again over my shoulders. As he spoke, his hand went lower and lower until it was on my breast. Now my breasts aren’t very big and I wear padded bras to make them look bigger but I wasn’t wearing one at the moment because I took it off when I got changed. my nipples were clearly showing through the thin material of the tee. I looked up at him and grinned. He smiled back and took the book off me and put it on the coffee table, all without breaking eye contact with me. His hand started playing lightly with my nipple as I lay back on the sofa and he gently lay on top of me. Our kiss began once more but this time the pressure was all different. He moaned gently through it, his tongue vibrating mine. He broke it again and got off me.

‘What’s the matter?’ I asked.

‘Nothing, I just don’t want to take advantage of you because I have liked you for ages and I want this to be special.’

‘Really,’ I asked him.

‘Really what?’ He replied.

‘You have liked me for ages?’ I asked.

‘Yea,’ he said. ‘I was so pleased you asked for a tutor.’

I giggled softly. ‘Do you want to go upstairs, its more comfortable up there.’

He stood up and took my hand. I led him up to my bedroom where I sat down on the bed. He sat down next to me, his eyes almost questioning me on what I wanted to do. I nodded then kneeled up on the bed. My lips met his and this time both hands were free. They went for my breasts which were so pleased to me touched because the nipples had got so hard that they were now quite sore. I broke off the kiss this time, only to pull the tee over my head, revealing my breasts to him. His mouth lowered and clasped around the left one, his tongue swirling around the nipple. I moaned and tilted my head back. It felt so good. He moved onto the right one, doing the same but his hand was still on the left one, occasionally pinching the nipple between his finger and thumb. It hurt but in a pleasurable way. I moaned at him not to stop but eventually he did. He lay me down on the bed and hooked the elastic of the hot pants I was wearing around his thumbs and pulled down until they revealed my panties and bare legs. He lowered his face and shoved his nose into my panties, smelling my scent. He hooked the elastic of my panties around his thumbs too and pulled them down until they revealed my slit, with a streak of hair on my mound. I spread my legs for him as his face lowered once more. He stuck his tongue out and probed my pussy lips that were red and inflamed. I was so hot. He ran his tongue over my clit, making me shiver. I moaned and bucked my hips to meet his licks. He stuck his tongue into my burning hole just as I had the most intense orgasm I ever experienced. I was thrashing around the bed like hell, moaning and groaning. After I recovered I leaned up on my elbows and looked at him. He had a grin like a Cheshire cat, one that matched mine. I told him that I was going to go and clean up but would be right back. I went into the bathroom and splashed my face. I tied my hair back in a loose bun of curls and sprayed myself with body spray. I called to him to see if he was ok but there was no answer. I walked into my room and saw him lying in my bed, the quilt covering his stomach down, fast asleep (or so I thought). I quietly walked up to the bed and straddled his groin. I leaned forward and stroked his chest with my fingers, feeling the strong muscles rippling under his skin. As my hands travelled lower and lower to his stomach I could hear his breath quicken. I kissed his lips lightly then made a trail of kisses down his neck and chest to his stomach where my hands were still massaging. My hand went under the cover to his groin. I gripped his cock, the first cock I ever had. His was firm yet soft and smooth. I ran my finger down it then back up again, paying attention to the head, swirling my little finger round and round it. I shimmied down so I was kneeling down in between his legs. I pulled the covers away from him and saw it for the first time. I bent over and kissed the head. I then ran my tongue where my finger ran, again paying attention to the head but this time with my tongue. As I took it into my mouth, I heard a small gasp escape him. I didn’t see him lean up on his elbows like I was, observing me suck his cock, not knowing he was my first. I tried to deep throat him but my throat muscles were not used to it and I gagged. I tried again and again and on the third time I managed to get him all in my mouth. He gasped again, he sounded shocked! He wiggled my nose in his pubic hair and my ass in the air in unison, a kind of celebration dance! His voice sounded hoarse when he almost whispered that he was going to cum. I tensed my throat muscles so that they tickled his head and then I felt jets of cum flowing down my throat. I gagged a bit and almost spat him out but I held him there and drank it all like a pro. I looked up at him and licked my lips, cleaning up all the leaks that had escaped my mouth. His jaw had dropped but he looked happy. I crawled up to him and lay next to him. Wow, he whispered. I giggled quietly before curling up next to him and eventually dozing off, listening to the steady sound of his heart beat.

I woke at about 8.30 that night. Alex was lying next to me. He smiled at me when he realised I had woken and kissed my forehead. I looked down and grinned at the fact that we were both naked!

‘Hope,’ he whispered.

‘Yea,’ I said.

‘I think I’m in love,’ he said.

I leaned up on one elbow and grinned the biggest grin I have ever given anybody. I kissed him fully on the lips before whispering, ‘I think I love you too!’

We lay there together for a while, just talking about stuff, our favourite books, our family, our hobbies, stuff like that. Then I said something I really wanted to happen. I knew I only wanted him. I had dreamed for years that Alex would like me and now he did, I wasn’t going to let him go. He was perfect. Although the good thing was, he looked as though he liked me as much as I liked him. Then I said it.

‘Alex, I said.

‘Yea,’ he replied.

‘I want you to be my first.’


‘Yea. Please.’

‘Ok but won’t it hurt.’

‘I’ve been told it does but I don’t care. I want it to be you.’

‘Ok will be careful. Tell me if you want to stop.’

I kissed him and he responded. I lay on my back as Alex lay on top of me. His cock was already hard, it must have been from the lack of attention! As he held himself in position he looked at me for the signal. I nodded and smiled at him. Then he entered. He was slow and he would go in a bit then out then in a bit further. He sank into me and I felt my pussy muscles contracting to fit him inside me. Then he felt it. I felt it too. My cherry. He drew out and then asked me if I was sure. I said yes and he smiled at me before going into me again, slightly harder this time so as to break my cherry. I squealed in pain. It hurt so much! He stopped immediately and just stayed in there, waiting for me to get used to him. I held onto him, tears running down my cheeks. Gradually the pain went away and I told Alex it was ok to start again. He went slowly and carefully but as he realised it wasn’t going to hurt anymore, he picked up his pace. I loved it. As he pumped into me I could feel my muscles trying to hold onto him as he left me, then making room for him as he entered me. Suddenly he stopped again.

‘What’s the matter?’ I asked.

‘Nothing,’ he said. ‘But I’m going to cum.’

And he started to draw out.

‘No,’ I said. ‘I love you. I don’t care. I have been dreaming about being with you for years!’

‘Oh my god,’ he said. ‘So have I. I have always wanted to fuck you. I want to marry you and have babies with you. I want to be with you. I want you.’

‘Please,’ I said. ‘Don’t stop.’

So he bent down and pushed his tongue into my mouth as he pushed his cock into my pussy. After a couple of thrusts, he grunted as he emptied his load into me. I could feel hot jets enter me just as I came. As we orgasmed together, I felt totally at ease with myself for the first time in all my life. I had never felt anything like it. We lay there together for a while, in complete harmony. Then we showered together and helped wash each other. And I loved every minute of it. Even the maths!


Angel part one

eggycheese on Teen Stories

Before I start, maybe I should introduce myself to you. My name is Angelica, but everybody calls me Angel. I am 15, probably about 120 pounds and 5ft 5”. I have a curvy figure, with 34C tits and a large round ass. My hair reaches about half way down my back, and is dark and curly. I have long legs, and large hips.

I wasn’t always like this. I mean, ever since I had discovered masturbation I was addicted, but I never thought of myself as a slut. But I guess things started changing since the day after my fifteenth birthday.

My mum and dad had gone out for the day, into town I think, so I was left alone. I am the youngest of 5 children, 4 boys and myself. All of my brothers have moved out so its just me and my parents, which can get pretty boring. A

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nyway, back to the story. I had decided to start snooping around, seeing as it was my birthday the day before, maybe they had got some present that they had forgotten to give me. I looked in all the usual places. In the wardrobe, under the bed, in the spare room, but I couldn’t find anything. I was searching in my fathers closet when I found a stack of porn magazines stuffed behind a load of shoe boxes. I brought out the one on top of the pile, it seemed to be the one that had been read the most. It was all about teen girls getting screwed by older guys. Some were only a few years older, but then there were some that were more than twice their age. I opened up the middle page and my eyes grew. There was a scene in a kitchen, with a girl and two older guys. The girl could only have been a few years older than myself, but she looked like she was having the time of her life. In the story next to it, it described how the girl had done something bad at school so her father and her uncle (the two guys) had decided to make her pay for it. They had the girl lying on the table. One guy was above her and one below, and they were shoving their dicks into her pussy and ass! She looked like she was having so much fun. My own pussy started getting really wet, so I took off my panties and plunged my finger into my hole. I pummelled my hand in and out, with my thumb rubbing my clit, and brought myself to orgasm. Then I quickly cleaned myself up and went to my room, taking the magazine with me. My father had a whole wardrobe full, so I was sure he wouldn’t miss it.

That was three weeks ago, and I can’t stop myself thinking about the magazine. And it gets me so horny every time. I’ve had boyfriends before, but they are so inexperienced. I really want to lose my virginity to an older guy, someone who knows what to do with me. I love the idea of talking dirty to an older guy, and getting them really horny, so horny that they had to have their way with me there and then.

It was lunchtime, and I was at school. Ever since I found the magazine, I have started dressing sluttier and sluttier. I wear my shortest black skirt with stockings, not tights, and my tightest white blouse which I tuck in to my skirt to show off my waist. I wear my sluttiest panties that show to everyone when I bend over and give the dirtiest looks to anyone who checks me out. Anyway, I had locked myself into the toilets. I was so horny and I needed to give myself some relief. Some guys in my last class had been checking me out all lesson and I had practically given it to them on a plate. My hand reached up into my skirt and moved my thong aside. My finger traced my lips, occasionally dipping into my slit. Then I suddenly thrusted two fingers into my pussy, causing me to moan loudly. Suddenly I heard girls coming into the toilets. I knew it wasn’t safe to be doing it here, so I thought of a plan. I tidied myself up and left the toilet. Back in the corridor, people were staring again, and I loved it. I loved every minute of it. I made my way towards the library and entered. At the back of the library was a small room for the school nurse. I knocked and entered.

‘Hello dear, may I help you?’ she said.

‘Yes, I’m really not feeling very well,’ I replied.

‘Oh dear, what’s wrong with you?’ she said, looking sympathetic.

‘Well I have a really bad headache, and my stomach is hurting.’ I lied.

‘Do you want me to send you home dear?’ she asked.

‘Yes please. I think I would be better if I just went to bed.’ I was trying to look ill.

‘Of course, of course, always helps doesn’t it. Right you can just leave, I will sign you out.’ she said, turning to her computer. ‘What’s your name dear?’

‘Angelica Lewis, miss.’

‘Rightio. Bye then.’

‘Thank you miss.’ I said before leaving in a hurry.

My plan had worked. I wasn’t ill at all. Now I had the whole afternoon to just lie in bed and fuck myself silly. I had found a vibrator in my mums bed side table, which I knew could come in handy this afternoon.

As I walked down my street, I saw that there were building vans outside our house. ‘oh shit,’ I thought. I had totally forgotten that we had builders in today to fit our pool in our garden. I opened the front door and walked into the lounge. There were two builders in there, talking measurements or something. They noticed me standing there and stopped talking.

‘May we help you?’ one said. He was about 5ft 11”, and looked about 30ish.

‘No, this is my house!’ I said, annoyed that my plan had failed. I was still really horny too.

‘Oh so you must be Angelica. Your mum told us that you would be home at about 3.30, its not even 1.00! Aren’t you supposed to be at school?’ the other builder asked. He was slightly taller, very muscular, and looked younger too, probably about 23.

‘I’m not feeling very well so I got sent home. I’m going to bed. Is anyone working upstairs?’ I asked them.

‘Nope, just downstairs. We will make sure no-one disturbs you.’

‘Thanks,’ I said. I went upstairs.

I chucked my stuff in my room, now really annoyed that my plan hadn’t worked. I went across the hall to the bathroom. The door was closed but not locked so I assumed no-one was in there. I assumed wrong. I opened the door. There was a builder in there, jacking off! Shocked, I closed the door.

‘I am so sorry,’ I called through the door.

‘Its ok, don’t worry. I just needed some relief!’ he called back. It sounded like he was trying not to moan.

‘I know the feeling,‘ I giggled. ‘I should have knocked or something, I’ll wait until you’ve finished,’ I said, embarrassed.

‘Do you need anything?’ he asked.

‘I just came for some hand cream from the cabinet,’ I said, lying. I had actually come to do what he was doing right now!

‘Well you can come in now, I’ve finished,’ he replied.

I cautiously opened the door. The builder was washing his hands. He was about 5ft 10”, and you could see his muscles through his thin t-shirt. He didn’t look older than 21.

‘I’m Jake,’ he said.

‘Angel,’ I replied.

‘Oh so you’re the pretty girl on the refrigerator then,’ he grinned.

‘Oh no, you saw that huh!’ I said, flushing pink. My mum kept a picture of me on the front of the fridge, a really embarrassing one too!

‘Its cute,’ he smiled at me. He had a cute smile. When he did, his eyes sparkled. They made her feel all mushy inside.

‘Thanks,’ I grinned at him. I reached to get the hand cream, and was rubbing some into my hands when he said ’But your more beautiful in the flesh.’

I looked up at him. He stepped forward. He gripped my hips and held me to him, his lips grazed mine. When I showed no sign of stopping, he kissed me properly. His tongue probed my mouth as his hands groped my ass. I broke off the kiss, and locked the door. ‘We don’t want any visitors,‘ I said, giggling. I turned back around and pulled his top off him. I explored his body, felt his muscles rippling beneath his skin. As my hands travelled lower, I realised he had a raging hard on. I undid his belt and pulled his trousers to his feet. His boxers were supporting a full sized tent! I pulled them down too, and his cock sprang to attention. I lowered myself to my knees and wrapped my hands around his tool. It must have been about 9 1/2 inches long, and quite wide too. I could barely get my petite hands around it. I traced my finger over the head, scooping up some pre-cum that had started to come out of the tip. I brought my finger up to my mouth and gingerly sucked on it. It tasted quite salty, but bearable. I bent my head over the head, and sucked. My tongue flicked over the tip, and tickled underneath it. ‘Wait,’ he said. I looked up at him, my eyes trying to look innocent. ‘puppy-dog eyes’, my mum calls them. I took the head out of my mouth, and stood up.

‘What is it?’ I asked, grinning as I hugged myself close to him and started placing light kisses on his neck and shoulders.

‘Nothing, I just don’t think its fair how I have to be naked and your not!’ he replied laughing.

‘Well, I’m sure could do something about that…’ I said seductively.

I sat on the toilet seat and took of my shoes. Then I slowly took off the stockings, showing one inch of smooth, slender flesh at a time. I stood up, and started un-doing buttons on my blouse. I peeled that off my shoulders and undid the button and zip off my skirt. That fell to the floor. Jake looked amazed.

‘Wow,’ he whispered. ‘You really are beautiful!’

I giggled. I was now standing there in my underwear, a matching bra and thong made of black lace. My hands snaked behind my back and unclipped my bra. That fell away too.

‘Sorry, I can’t wait anymore!,’ Jake suddenly said hoarsely, after my bra had fallen to the floor.

He stepped forward and grabbed me and pushed me into a rough passionate kiss. His hands rose and started massaging my tits. His hands flicked my nipples, making me squeal through the kiss. My thong was drenched with my juices, some were even running down my legs. And yet, I was still loving every minute of it!

I started to grind myself against his cock, loving the way it felt running through my slit. He knelt down at my feet and removed my thong, then flicked his tongue over my clit before plunging it into my pussy. I had to grab hold of the wash basin to keep my balance, my legs had suddenly turned to jelly! It was the most fabulous thing I have ever felt in my life. ‘Oh my god!’ I growled. ‘Harder, harder, harder…’ He did, his tongue reaching further into my pussy, going faster and faster. With his thumb, he started to gently rub my little clit, that pushed me over the edge. I collapsed into an amazing, intense orgasm that seemed never ending. Jake reappeared from between my legs, grinning like a Cheshire cat! He was licking my cum off his lips and chin. I leaned forward and kissed him, tasting my cum in his mouth. I moaned. Suddenly he stopped again...

should i continue??? its up to you guys! email me at, or leave a comment. thanks xxx

Angel part two

eggycheese on Teen Stories

I leaned forward and kissed him, tasting my cum in his mouth. I moaned. Suddenly he stopped again.

‘Are you a virgin, Angel?’ he asked quietly.

‘Yea…’ I replied.

‘Oh, ok.’


‘Well I’d never have guessed. You act so experienced.’

‘Nope, this is my first time.’

‘Great,’ he said, pulling me close.

‘Why don’t we go to my room? It would be much more comfortable.’ I asked him.

‘Sure, sounds good.’ he gripped my hand and followed me out of the bathroom to my room. Suddenly I realised, my bed was tiny and it was covered in stuffed toys! I quickly led him to my parents room. He didnâ€

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â„¢t seem to care. We closed the door behind us and he led me to the bed. I wanted him to control me, so I stood posing at the end of the bed until he made me come and lie on the bed.

‘Does your dad have any condoms?’ he asked me, looking concerned.

‘Its fine, I’m on the pill to control my period.’ I replied smiling.

‘Perfect, I want you to experience your first time without rubber between us.’ he grinned.

He made me lie on my back and I spread my legs wide, giving him full access. I couldn’t help smiling…I knew it was going to be good! I felt like such a bad girl, and I really wanted him to punish me. The only problem was, he was too nice! Suddenly I thought ‘why am I moaning! He gorgeous, what else to I need?!’.

His tongue brought me back from my thoughts, flicking my clit. I couldn’t help but moan! His tongue traced to my ass, then back up to my clit as few times, occasionally he even dipped his tongue into my little ass hole! Then he slid one finger into my pussy and wiggled it about a bit, then put another one in. Then he started to pump them in and out really fast and, rubbing my clit at the same time, brought me to a second orgasm.

‘Are you sure you wanted me to do this?’ he asked.

‘Positive,’ I replied.

He climbed on top of me and guided his cock towards my entrance. With his hand, he gently slid his head into my long awaited pussy. I moaned in delight. It was slightly painful, but bearable. Then he thrust in deeply, causing me to scream slightly at the pain I was feeling.

‘Its ok,’ he said. ‘It will pass in a moment.’

He lay there deep inside me, just waiting, whilst I got adjusted to the size of the intrusion. He played with my tits, sucking on my nipples like little boiled sweets, and licking them like lollypops. The pleasure he was giving me over-rode the pain, and I told him to go on. He withdrew his cock, and my pussy felt empty. But then he slammed back in again, then out then in. I was moaning loudly. My pussy was tingling, and my walls were clenching at thin air when he withdrew but at thick meaty cock when he re-entered. The feeling was sensational. My head was spinning. ‘harder, harder,’ I whispered hoarsely in his ear. I wrapped my legs around his waist and pulled him in harder and faster.

‘Wait, I have an idea,’ Jake grinned at me.

He made me get off the bed and get on my hands and knees on the floor, with my ass in the air. He came up behind me, and got ready to put his cock back in my love hole, but I couldn’t stand the wait. I slammed back onto his hard cock and groaned loudly, as his cock went deeper than ever before. He was finally beginning to realise that he didn’t need to be gentle with me, and was slamming into me like there was no tomorrow! Suddenly he began to groan louder than he had been before, and said ‘I’m gonna cum, I’m gonna cum all in your pretty little pussy.’ I couldn’t wait. ‘Oh come on, shoot your load all into my pussy, go on, I’ve been a bad girl, I need your seed right up inside me’ I said. He couldn’t wait any longer. He shot his load, jet after jet after jet of hot sticky cum I felt hit my pussy walls, pushing me to an incredible orgasm right on his cock. I milked his cock of all its juices, then he pulled out and we both collapsed on the bed. Mine and his cum mixed together started pouring out of my pussy and down my crack onto the bed but I didn’t care. I loved every minute of it, and nothing could spoil it!

hey guys...thanks for the great feedback for part one, and heres part two just as promised! feedback would be greatly appreciated, email me at or leave a comment, thanks xxx

jess and liam

eggycheese on Incest Stories

Every Saturday, mum and dad went out. Dad was popular in the whole round table thing, so consequently, he was always being asked to dinner parties. Mum didn’t mind of course. She got to buy a new outfit each week! I was always left to look after my sister. She was 15 and I was a year older. I always got paid for it so I wasn’t too bothered. I had never really been keen on the whole brother and sister thing so we usually just did our own stuff. She was always upstairs, washing her hair or doing other things that girls do. Mum always let me rent a film to watch to keep myself occupied so I was always downstairs watching the film in the living room. The room with surround sound!

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Everything was normal. Mum and dad went out about seven. They were staying overnight tonight because the party was miles away and dad was going to close a deal there, so there would be lots to drink! I didn’t mind this at all. At about half seven, I heard the shower turn on upstairs, so I knew Jess was washing her hair about now. I got myself a snack and settled down in the living room with my film. It was crap. After the first couple of minutes, I had totally forgotten about the film. I was listening. I could hear Jess upstairs. The shower had stopped and she was now in her room. She had the radio on and I could hear her singing along! She had a really good singing voice. Suddenly the radio was turned down and I heard her talking on the phone. It must have been one of her friends.

‘Hi honey. U ok?’

‘No sorry babe I can’t come out tonight. I’ve got to stay home.’

I thought this was a bit strange. Mum had said to me that Jess was allowed out only if she came back by 11!

‘No you can’t come round either! Mum said I can’t have anyone round. Not sure why. Oh well. See you on Monday babe. Bye’

I thought this was strange too. Mum had said that she was allowed someone round to keep her company! I had to go and see what was going on.

I went up the stairs and got to her bedroom door. I was just about to knock when I noticed it was open a tiny bit. I peered through and almost gasped out loud! I could see Jess lying on her bed with her legs spread out wide, fingering herself! She was so hot! I couldn’t believe it. I was watching my sister getting herself off. Almost immediately, I felt myself stiffen. I stroked my cock through my jeans. It strained against the seam, wanting to escape. I opened my flies and let my cock free. It was rock hard now. I looked through the gap again. I could see her wet pussy try to grasp onto her fingers as they pounded in and out, in and out. My hand started stroking my now sore tool. I let out a small groan, without thinking of the consequences. Jess stopped. ‘Shit,’ I thought. I shoved my cock back in my pants and legged it down the stairs. I jumped onto the sofa and pretended to watch the film.

Jess came down a couple of minutes later. She was wearing a small nightie, almost see-through too! She looked amazing. It had spaghetti straps and a scooped neck-line that showed off her tits, large for a person that age. The hem came up to the middle of her thigh. She smiled at me then sat in the large armchair opposite me. She had her legs over one of the arms and her head on the other. Her nightie had ridden up her legs as she sat down. She didn’t bothered to re-arrange it. It let me have a look at her ass, firm and round-looking. She was wearing a little pink cotton thong that only just covered her mound. Jess was watching the film. You could tell she didn’t like it. Her face was in a frown. She looked over to me, then grinned when she realised I was checking her out. She glanced down at the bulge in my jeans, then carried on watching the film. It got scarier. Even I jumped at some parts. Jess looked terrified, and kept on sinking lower and lower into the chair, making her nightie ride further and further up. She looked at me, her face full of horror. I patted the seat next to me and signalled with my hand to come and sit there. She got up and ran across the room. She jumped onto the sofa next to me and curled up, her hand innocently on my chest and another around my back. I put a hand around her shoulders and held her tight. I felt me cock grow again. After a while I realised she wasn’t watching the film. She was staring up at my intently. I looked down at her and smiled. Then I grinned at her, her nightie had scooped so low that her tits were almost escaping. I pointed this out to her. She smiled sweetly at me then started rubbing my back slowly in small circles. The hand that was on my chest slowly moved down to my groin. She lay it down gently on top of my bulge. I could feel my cock pulsating underneath her hand, she could too because she looked up at me.

‘What are you doing?’ I said.

‘Don’t you want me too?’ she replied. She straddled me and looked into my eyes. ’I have wanted you for so long, Liam. I have just wanted to feel you next to me. Why, don’t you want me?’

‘But you’re my sister!’

‘So, who cares? As far as I’m concerned, I’m a girl and you’re a boy. And your fucking hot!’ she leaned forward and stroked my cheek with her finger. She led it towards my mouth and slid it in. I sucked on it gently. It had a faintly sweet taste.

‘Do you like the taste of my cum, Liam? Do you want more?’ I looked deep into her eyes. She withdrew her finger from my mouth. I whimpered. It had tasted so nice. Then, she leaned forward again and placed her lips on mine. They were smooth and soft. We kissed passionately. Meanwhile her hands strayed to the back of my shoulders, pulling me in closer. I felt her breasts against my chest, her nipples pushing against the thin fabric that held them in. My hands started moving up her body until they got to her breasts. I pinched the nipples gently in between my finger and thumb. She broke off the kiss and let out a small moan.

She got off me and stood up. I followed her to the middle of the room and reached down to her hem of her nightie and pulled it upwards. Jess held her arms in the air as the nightie came off her. I discarded it and stepped back to take her in. Her nipples stood out proudly from her breasts, which were large and curvy. She went in and out in the right places, in at the stomach and out at the hips. Her legs were long and slender. Her small mound was firm and had a small clump of hair just above her slit. The rest was shaven and smooth. She stepped into me, her tongue roaming my mouth. My tongue swirled around hers, my lips suckled on hers. I nibbled her bottom lip. A small gasp escaped her. Her eyes were full of excitement. Her hands fiddled with the button and zip on my jeans. She managed to undo them then slid them down my legs. I stepped out of them as Jess felt the muscles in my arms and chest through the tight tee that I was wearing. ‘All that training must have paid off,’ I thought! and I will rewrite the other half for you! Love hope x x x )

(I’m really sorry about this but I have lost the other half of the story so if you like it then email me at