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diggly123 Member Since July 16, 2010

Teenage Sexual Encounters Episode 1

lulzywin on Sex Stories

Greetings to you in whichever part of the world you're in. My name is Liam and in this series of erotic literature, I will be taking you through some rather phenomenal sexual experiences that occurred during the course of my teen years, each one of them based off real happenings (let's hope my memory serves me right).

My first sexual experience dates back many a year, shortly before my thirteenth birthday. Before we dive right in with the gritty details, some back story.

As a child, I was quite the timid one. I was never particularly popular and despite having female friends, never an actual girl I could call my own in contrast to my acquaintances who would often boast of their experiences. In the last year at my first school, I was never particularly attract