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dandalk Member Since August 18, 2011
The Boy With The Golden Cum - Chapter 15 - The Final Chapter
dandalk 4555 days ago
- 0 + I really liked the humor of the Epilog. Nicely done series overall and I'm looking forward to see what else you'll come up with down the line.
The Boy With The Golden Cum - Chapter 7
dandalk 4567 days ago
- 0 + Dude, do whatever you want with these characters. I'm not going to stifle anyone's creativity. I'm digging what you're doing here!
The Boy With The Golden Cum - Chapter 1
dandalk 4568 days ago
- 0 + Fuck, this was pretty well done! I'm glad you enjoyed my series and I think it's pretty cool where you took it!
Cock sucking boy
dandalk 4765 days ago
- 0 + A good start. A little repetitious in the beginning and needed more detail about how he was sucked, but keep at it and see where your writing goes.
The Time Shifter Chapter 27
dandalk 4776 days ago
- 0 + moderator, please erase this posting since I had forgotten to log in before inputting it.
A Boy and His Flashlight Chapter 7
dandalk 4821 days ago
- 0 + Moderator, please delete this version of the story since I forgot to log in under my name when I posted it.
Girls masturbation circle part 2
dandalk 4830 days ago
- 0 + Totally awesome concept and story.
Breaking Natalie
dandalk 4828 days ago
- 0 + Extremely well conceived and written. Definitely looking forward to the next installment.
Ramu My Sex Toy
dandalk 4830 days ago
- 0 + Considering that English isn't your first language, you did a really good job.

The only thing is that when you use terms like "warden" and "inmate" those are words used for prisons. The "warden" should be "landlady" or "manager," depending on whether she owned it or was running it on someone else's behalf.

"Inmate" should be "boarder" or maybe even "student."

Anyway, I liked the insight into your culture your story provided. So I hope you'll write more.
All I want for Christmas
dandalk 4835 days ago
- 0 + That was a well put together story. and very timely There are some punctuation errors in the beginning, but it didn't impede the enjoyment of the story.
My Wish is Their Command Chapter 1
dandalk 4823 days ago
- 1 + No. How I write is I just start sort of come up with an idea and then spontaneously riff on it. Sometimes this leads me to writing a whole bunch of stuff in a short period of time and other times I get stuck and it turns into a dead end and I have to move on to another idea. I've even written the first chapter of stories and then trashed the whole idea when I realized that I had no idea of how to develop it in a coherent and interesting way.

I have two other story ideas right now that I'm tearing my hair out on where to take them because they're really good ideas.
Parents teach their daughter part 14
dandalk 4836 days ago
- 0 + Great story as always Morgen. Can hardly wait for the followup.
Wife to a Good Slut - El Monte Day 1
dandalk 4841 days ago
- 0 + The El Monte detail really bothered me because it doesn't sound like the El Monte I know, which is more famous for abandoned car dealerships (victims of the great recession and the ensuing credit crunch) and incredible amounts of hispanic gang activity. All the parks are claimed by one gang set or another. I mean, that area has been a pit as long as I can remember and it isn't close to any beach. Are you sure you have the town name right?
The South Marlin Circle Bondage Club Chapter 30
dandalk 4852 days ago
- 0 + It's cool goofy. I've been afraid I would accidentally do the same thing you did. So I don't blame you. Cheers.
Dawn 7
dandalk 4893 days ago
- 1 + Very sweet story. Looking forward to the next one.
The Business Trip
dandalk 4904 days ago
- 0 + Very nicely told!
Home Schooling - Ch3 "The Climax"
dandalk 4914 days ago
- 0 + very nicely portrayed.
Home Schooling - Ch1 "Bad Date Leads To A Revelation"
dandalk 4914 days ago
- 0 + Very well written with a believable and poignant premise.
The Asian Chick in the Wheelchair Chapter 39
dandalk 4922 days ago
- 0 + Thanks you guys. I'm glad you enjoyed them. I actually surprised myself that I was able to sustain the story line for so long, but that was because I ended up really caring about the characters. Unfortunately, though, I reached a point where I was pretty much creatively tapped out and decided to finally end the saga.The ending was a little facile, but it was the best I could do. Anyway, thanks again.
dandalk 4921 days ago
- 0 + It would have been great if you could have provided more details. What do your mom and your professor look like, for example? What country did this take place? What did they do sexually in detail?
Dawn 4
dandalk 4931 days ago
- 1 + Great story! Keep at it!
Dawn 3
dandalk 4933 days ago
- 0 + Nice story and well written, too, considering that english is your second language! I love how your personality really shines through your stories. My last Japanese girlfriend was chubby and had C cups (American size). If you're anything like her you have to be a real cute girl. Keep the stories coming!
Dawn 1
dandalk 4938 days ago
- 1 + A Japanese D cup is maybe an American large B cup? And a Japanese F cup is maybe an American largs C cup? Anyway, I'm looking forward to your other stories. Gambatta kudasai.