Member Since October 23, 2009
My Friend Nina
5468 days ago
5467 days ago
Great story! Keep them cumming.
My Daughter's Freind Natalia Part #9
Awesome story keep it going or coming which ever.
They All Seem To Know
I have liked all of ur stories. Keep writing them please. They are the only enjoyment i get anymore so PLEASE keep writing ok. Thanx again for the GREAT stories u write. I wouldn't mind seeing those videos either. Could u send the link to my email. tyhare062367@yahoo.com
My Daughter's Freind Natalia Part #8
Keep going they are the best.
My first time with my big boy
It was good but it could have been longer tho.
My Girls Chapter 21
Great wonderful story! It would be nice to have access to the rest of it, is there some link somewhere to the missing Chapters 9 to11 around here somewhere? I hope there is more to this story?
doing my girlfriends lil' sister
Awesome story keep them cumming.
Harry goes back to hogwarts chapter 2
great story keep them cumming.