Member Since June 06, 2010
There Can Be Only One Ch 19
Very nasty Mr. Nasty but dare I peek to see if Adele brings her 15 yr old charge with her or better yet, will he just manipulate that situation?
There Can Be Only One Ch 18
They seem good so far.
There Can Be Only One Ch 17
When the world hands you lesbians, you make lesbianaid. With your cock juicer.
Let the show commence.
Let the show commence.
There Can Be Only One Ch 16
Take your time Nasty, don't get the PERVs too excited. ;P
Create Your Own Fuck-venture: Saturday Morning with Lexie
I cheated and read through all the numbers. On to the next one.
There Can Be Only One Chapter 15
This one started out strange from the last one and I'd have liked more detail but I'm not writing it (and probably couldn't) so, carry on.
There Can Be Only One Chapter 13
I'm amazed that Ross's dick hasn't fallen off.
There Can Be Only One Ch 11
I was a bit confused being I thought that Vicki liked ass fucking with a comb and then she suddenly didn't want her virgin ass penetrated. There was also a mistake when Ross first penetrated her sphincter but her cunt tightened around his cock.
Still a great story.
Still a great story.
There Can Be Only One Chapters 1 & 2
This was an awesome story.
There Can Be Only One Chapters 3 & 4
I'm amazed nobody has commented on this story.
Nutting in the church lady's coffee was inspiring.
Nutting in the church lady's coffee was inspiring.
There Can Be Only One Chapters 5 & 6
It's about time the kid is exhausted. He must drink a lot of protein shakes because after 3 orgasms, he should be taking him hours just to shoot blanks and painful ones at that.
Well, it's a fantastic story anyway.
Well, it's a fantastic story anyway.
There Can Be only One Chapter 12
Great again...you're the Master. LOL
Marisa's first time with her little brother Part 1
Lucky brother. Is part 2 out?
Okay, still loved the story.