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budman58 Member Since May 03, 2010

Tricked into nudism

iampirtle on Bisexual Stories

Introduced to Nudism, Incest and Bi-sex



My sister and brother in-law asked me to watch my niece and nephew for a week. I said sure, it will give us a chance to bond a bit better. So I called work and talked to them and got the week off. I was happy to get to spend a little time with them. They were very young and I was all ways

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working and never got to see them much at all.


My brother in-laws mother had died and they were going to fly back to his hometown to the funeral. So I took them to the airport and seen them off. They hugged and kissed the kids goodbye and said see you in a week. That was the last time we ever seen them. The plain had crashed and all on board were killed.


My bother in-laws dad called about three days later and told me they left the kids to me if anything ever happened to them. I was a bit dumb-founded at first because I was never told or asked to do this for them. Now here I am a single man left with two very young kids.


Tell you a little about my self. I am 6’, 155 lbs, sandy blond hair green eye’s and tanned and a toned body.


My nephew was in school all ready. So I put my niece in pre-school so I could work. My apartment was not all that big but it got us bye.


A couple of years went bye and as the kids got bigger I was in need of a bigger place. So one weekend we went out and found us a house with a yard to move in to. It was a nice little house and there were other kids around for the kids to play with. I was happy about that. There were not many kids around the apartment complex for them to play with. Now there was more kids there age.


As we were moving in and I was unloading the truck. A very nice couple from next door came and asked if I need any help. I said sure thanks. Let me tell you just a bit about them. She was about 28, around 5’1” and about 110 lbs a baby blue eye’s and wavy  blond hair. “Sorry was wishing I had meet her first” He was about 31, around 5’8” and about 145 very tan and a very built with wavy dark brown hair and brown eye’s.


As we were moving things in he ask were my wife was. I told him I was not married and I was left with my niece and nephew when my sister and brother in-law died. Then told them what had happened.


Then they told me that they had 3 kids about the same age as mine were. They had one son and two younger twin girls. Their kids were thin and nice light tanned skin. Mine kids were light skinned and look a bit like ghost. But they will tan up this summer. They said they thought they would get along great.


The couple next door was very nice and helped us out a lot. He helped me get all the heavy things in their places and she was putting things in the kitchen away for me.


Then I asked if I could buy us a pizza’s for dinner for all the help they had been to us. They said “sure” Then they got there lawn chairs out and we all sat on the front porch and had pizza and soda’s. I got to be time for all the kids to hit the sack so we all said our good nights. “Very nice couple to have as friends, glad we moved here”


The next day I took the kids to school and got them in-rolled in there classes. The teachers were not all that friendly to the kids or to me. But none the less got them in-rolled. They only had about 7 weeks of school let till the summer brake any way.


I got the company I worked for to let me do most of my work from home. As I spend all my time at work in front of a computer any way. But still had to go in for a few hours a few time ever week to download special programs.


When the kids came home from school every night. I asked how their day was. Every day was the same answer “The teacher does not like any of us and is mean.” Then they would change their cloths and do the homework. When they were done with that they go out in the back yard and play with the kids next door till dinner was ready.


Well school let out last week and the kids were so happy that they had a summer brake. The couple next door and their kids and us had BBQ’S all summer long and great conversations. We talked about everything under the sun. They were super people. None of us drank or used drugs of any kind. Their kids were the nicest kids around.


I started to tell them how my kids and I did not like the teachers at their school. I asked were their kids, went to school. She spoke up, and said she home schooled them and that she was a teacher her self. I wondered why I never seen there kids go off to school or come home on the bus.


They little boy asked his mom if she would teach them too. She said, “Sure I can teach them as well as my own if you like” I said, “That would be so nice of you” The kids liked her any way. So when summer was over they started school next door witch was nice and close.


When the kids came in after school. I asked how was your day at school. They said, “The best ever dad” That was the first time in 6 years with them they ever called me dad. I felt like I had really done something right in my life. I hugged them both and told them how much I loved them. Not that I never told them that over the years. I did every night. But this time felt so much more special to me.


I used to have a little time with them getting out of bed to go to school. But now that they were going, right next door to our friends house to school. They got right up and ready to go. I saw a big change in them and their attitude after going to the lady next door for school. They came home happy and just seemed to be in a higher separate after only 3 months of school their.


My kids came home from school one afternoon and asked if they could spend Friday night with there friends. So I went next door and asked if they were invited to spend the night and she said, “Yes they were” It’s ice cream and popcorn and a movie night. I said, “Oh good, I can go play pool” It’s been a long time since I had a night out.


She asked, “Who are you going to play pool with” I said, “Anyone that’s there to play” She said, “Why don’t you take my husband he could use a night out” I said, “You think he would like too” She said, “Sure he never gets out much, he will go”


About one hour later was a knock on the door. It was her husband and he told me he would like to get out for a few games of pool Friday night.


Well, Friday night came around and I took the kids over to their house. Him and I took off to play pool about 8 P.M. I asked if he new of a good place to play pool. He said, “Sure do” He told me were to go and we ended up at a strip joint to play. Playing pool was not easy with nude woman dancing around the room and pool table. You see I have not been with a woman since I got the kids 7 years ago.


My cock got so hard I could not hide it from any one. Thank god the only one’s really looking was the girl dancers. One of the dancers was built just like his wife and she was a total turn on. I was about to bust a nut as she brushed up agents me.


I told him that, “I really need to go,” He said, “Not before we get at least one lap dance and I am paying,” he said. He got that little gal that was built like his wife to dance for me, another one for him.


We had to sit as they danced. She put her face in my lap and then ground her pussy into my crotch. I was so hard and pre-cum was making a big wet spot on the front of my pants. When the song ended I was glad, he paid and we left out.


On the drive home he told me to stop he had to pee. I thought peeing mite help me to with my hard-on. So I pulled off on a small path to a grove of trees and stopped. He got out his side, I got out mine and we watered the trees. As I held my cock to pee, I got hard again from just the touch and thing of that little gal that dance for me. I had a time getting my cock back in my pants hard, but I did it.


I asked him if he was done and he said, “I can’t go home with a hard cock, the wife would kill me” I said, “So what are you going to do then” He said, “I am got to jack off first and you” I said, “Then I am going to also, I really need to get off”


He came around to me side of the car with his hand on his cock and leaned up on the front fender dropped his pants and started to pound away. I had not been nude in front of a man since the Marines. I thought what the hell and dropped my pants to my knees and did the same. I blow a load long and hard; it was about 5 or 6 shots before I was empty. He blow off about 3 or 4 good shots him self.


He looked at me and said, “God man, how long has it been since you were with a woman” I said, “ Since the kids moved in with me. I just jack off a bit at night” He said, “If that’s the case we need to get you laid and soon before you for get how its done” and chuckled a bit. Then we got back on the road for home.


As, I drove in to the driveway. He asked, “Why don’t you come over to the house for dinner tomorrow night” I said, “That would be nice to have someone else to do the cooking for a change, I except thanks” He said, “She all ways makes fried chicken on Saturdays” I said, “Sounds good to me and the kids love it” He said, “Everyone will be wearing shorts and barefoot, so come in them to if you like”


Well, I went in to the house and took a shower and hammered away at my cock again. This time I was not thinking of the girl at the strip joint. I was thinking about his wife and having dinner with her. She is so fine. Then I turned in.


The kids did not come home all day, but I did hear them out playing in there back yard. You see, they have an eight-foot block wall all the way around their back yard.


I showed up to dinner about 4:45 p.m. and she answered the door in a tiny short skirt and t-shirt cut off just under her tits and asked me in. I got a hard-on instantly, just thank full after she open the door she turned and went to the kitchen. I went into their living room and had a seat. She said, “Dinner will be ready as soon as the kids come in and wash up” She then went into the back yard a told the kids it was time to eat, wash up.


The 3 girls pasted by me first on the way to wash up. My girl had on a little tank top and a short skirt that all most showed her little butt and no shoes. One of their girls was dressed the same way and the other had on a little short sundress and as she ran by her little butt did show just a bit. My cock jumped and started to get hard again. I thought to my self this sucks dumb ass. She just a little girl, get it out of your head.


Then the two boys came running through in just a very short pair of shorts and their buns hung just out the bottom of them. I told him that the boy shorts were just a bit short don’t you think. He said, “They were playing out in the back yard and it was the only old ones his son had, so they wore them to play in. I said, “Okay they are just kids” But then again his shorts were about the same way as the two boys. I had on shorts but a bit longer, my ass did not hang out the bottom but not far off though and a t-shirt.


He said, “Lets go to the table and get our seats” and we did. The kids came in and the two boys sat next to me and the girls sat across from me. His wife sat to the left of me. He sat at the other end of the table. Now this is a glass top table and she put the food on paper plates be for sitting down. So there was not much on the table and I could see everything though it.


His wife said something to me and as I turn to look at her I looked down and I could see her pussy through the table. She had that short skirt on and no panties at all. I got a hard-on like right now. I don’t wear under wear and I was doing everything to keep my cock from coming out the bottom of the leg hole. Then I could see that the 3 girls had their legs spread just a bit and they were panty less too. My cock jumped and got even harder. I asked if I could use their bathroom. They said, “Sure down the hall to your left” and I headed off.


I hammered away at my cock till I unloaded everything. Just as I was getting done his wife asked if I was okay. I said, “Yes I am fine be out in just a minute” She said, “Okay”


When I came out and went back to the living room. The kids were out playing in the back yard again. The two of them were sitting on the sofa together. I then asked, ”Why do none of the three girls have on under wear” He then said, “We are nudist and your kids have been going nude at school for about a month now” I asked, “Just how my kids started to do this going nude thing” She said, “I had all of my kids wearing cloth’s and after about two months. One of my girls said she did not want to wear them any more and came out nude. Your son asked why she had no cloths on,” I told him that none of us really wear cloths; we are doing it just for you two kids. Then your son asked if my husband and I went nude in front of the kids too. I said, “Yes we do, all of us run around the house nude” He then asked if Him and his sister could go nude too. I told them only if they really want too. They both striped right off with out question. So my kids took their cloths off and so did I.


Your son got hard at first but he never said anything. Just went on like my kids do. He said, “The kids are out in the back yard playing right now in the nude” I said, “They are, are you sure” So we got up and I looked out the sliding glass door and sure enough. They were all play ball in the nude and they were having fun. I had seen them nude a lot of times over the years but never thought of running around nude. I thought o-well no biggie.


We went back to the living room and had a seat and we were just talking. Then the kids came running though with the cloths they had on at dinner. I stopped my two and asked them why they had them cloths on when I just seen them in the back yard playing in the nude. My two said, “They told us to wear them if you were here so you won’t get mad at all of us” I asked them, “Do you like to run and play in the nude” They both said, “Yes daddy we do its fun” I then said, “Well then go ahead and take them off and run bare ass its okay” All the kids striped faster then you could say “Fries with that” Then they all ran off to play in the bedrooms.


Then he said to me, “If you are going to let the kids run nude you should go nude also” He got up and removed his pants and his wife took off her skirt and top. Now they were both totally nude. I got up and slowly took my shirt off, then my shorts. Now I was totally nude with a 6-1/2” hard-on. She giggled and that made me want to run. Well see he is about 8” and I thought she was giggling at mine being so small. She was giggling because I had seen her and the three girls in the nude and got a hard-on.


She got up and came over to me and got down between my legs and started giving me a blowjob. It only took me about two minutes to cum. I told her I was about to cum and he said go for it buddies. Let her have a blast like you let out last night. I did just that and man did that feel great. I did not have to jack my self off and I got to fuck the mouth of the lady I was jerking off to every night.


I asked if I could return her the favor. He said, “Sure, I told you last night we were going to get you laid” and chuckled. She sat back in the easy chair with her pussy pushed to the edged and I got down on my knees with my bare ass sticking out. I started to eat that sweet pussy of the mouth I just fucked. I have wanted to do this every since the day they helped me move in our things to the house. This was a dream come true.


Why I was eating her out I was playing with my cock. He then asked me, “Have you ever had a guy suck your cock before. I pulled my mouth from her pussy long enough to say “NO” Then he asked if it would be okay for him to suck my cock and lick my balls. Then he said, “You are eating out my wife and you have fucked her mouth and I no you are going to fuck her pussy too. I thought real quick and thought what the hell, just a blowjob and getting my balls licked and sucked. I told him to go for it if you want.


He did just that, he licked my balls and sucked my cock and I ate out his wife. It was the hottest sex I had ever had. Then to my surprise as he was licking my balls he went up and started to lick my asshole. I got so hard and turned on I did nothing to try to stop him. It felt wonderful. As he was licking my asshole I felt his tongue enter my asshole and I came on their carpet. No one seen it happen and I thought to my self, you can clean it up as soon as we are all done.


Then I felt him lick down my balls back to my cock. Then I felt my cock getting sucked again. I was just in heaven with all of this going on. Then I felt something slippery slide in my asshole. I took in a deep breath and cum really hard in witch I thought was his mouth and his finger up my ass. At the same time I looked up to his wife and she had just a bit of a grin going on and then she came and hard.


I looked down to witch I thought was him sucking my off. Much to my biggest surprise, it was my niece between my legs sucking my cock and it was my nephew with his little dick in my asshole fucking me. I started to say something as I cum again in my niece’s mouth again and my nephew cum in my ass at the same time. I wanted to say something, anything but was so turned on and hornier then ever, I said nothing. My nephew pulled out as soon as he was done cum-ing in my ass.


I then mounted his wife’s pussy and slipped my cock straight in she was so wet. Just about then I felt another cock slip into my ass and I cum in his wife as soon as in entered fully. I was getting to like this cock in the asshole thing. I looked back and in was his son fucking my ass and then he cum in me. Then his dad fucked my asshole and cum in me. After all of this cum was just dripping out of my ass and onto the floor.


As I sat up and looked around I seen my nephew fucking his sister. So I thought I would repay the little fart and slipped my cock into his ass and fucked him. He cum in his sister when I slipped my cock in him. His asshole was so tight I cum as soon as I got in. I was running out of cum now and in need of a short brake.


I sat back in the chair to get a short rest and just watched as them and their kids and mine were all fucking how ever and changing around. Then my niece can over and sat in my lap. She kissed me on the lips for the first time and then slipped me her tongue. I took it gladly because it was the first real loving kiss I have had since the kids started living with me. During this kiss I started getting hard again and she asked me if I was going to put it in her. I asked her if she wanted me too. She said, “Yes Daddy fuck me please” I slid her down on to my cock and put the head of it in her sweet tiny little pussy. She took in a deep breath and dropped down on me and my cock slid in her about 4 inch’s.


Tear’s ran from her eyes but never said a word. Then she slowly started to hump me. In about 5 minutes my cock was all the way in her little pussy. It was so tight that I could not hold my self back and cum in her filling her with more cum then I had ever felt come out of me. It ran down around my cock and over my balls to my ass. She got off me and started to lick me clean. It was such a hot thing to see I cum a little bit more into the air and on her face.


Well needless to say we all became like a family unit. The kids and I moved in with them and this playtime goes on all day long between how ever wants to play. To date I have been with every one of them male or female and they have all be with me. Since that night I have not only learned to like a cock in my asshole, I learned how to give a blowjob and swallow cum.


We all live very happy together.