Member Since October 19, 2009
5101 days ago
5573 days ago
Is the title character really named ANGLE? Or is she named ANGEL? You can't be that stupid can you?
Husband's whore
Does anyone check these stories before they are posted? This is obviously just and advertisment.
Different This Time Around
don't write it.
Was it love or just sex?
I really hopw english is not your first language. Your grammar and spelling is awful and the story is completely unbelievable. A 42DD 13 year old?? was this girl 5'3" and 350lbs?
Was it love or just sex?
Misspelling I can deal with, although I haven't seen a computer without spell check in at least 10 years. Poor grammar and poor sentence structure I can't deal with. Not to mention the story itself was uninteresting. Did you finish high school or did y
My daughter ...A tale of a true slut
Is English your native language? I really hope not. Your story was pretty good, but you have got to learn how to spell and use punctuation.
The day my sister was home from school
Decent story. But doesn't your computer have a spell check and grammar check?
First time with daddy
ya know, there is such a thing as spell check and grammar check. Just dreadful.
carolyn's hot boyfriend
Now, that's what I like. a short concise story that isn't even remotely erotic. I hope it didn't take too long to write John Grisham
middle school slut
Good story, but that was some of the worst use of grammar i've ever seen. You know your computer probably has a spell check too.