Member Since October 19, 2009
Here, Kitty, Kitty
5101 days ago
5573 days ago
a very good story that gives the reader a well rounded view of this womans past adventres that have shaped her throughout her sexual desires, and in enfect bring her closer and closer to womanhood. though only an 8 becuase there was no detailed sex scenes
Daughter and Me Part 2
this story had a lot of potential but the sluttish sounding daughter and the fact that your grammer lacks polishing, detract formt he story as a whole. next time jump over to the forums and have someone proof-read your work it will make it better as a who
Two Cent Whore
your use of vocabulary as always astounds me at first i was feeling sad for this guy but as tie grew on he became alive through your story and i begn to understand his plught btu the ending was rather unexpected but it did fit right into the story an enjo