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ThrillSeeker Member Since February 08, 2010
ThrillSeeker 5272 days ago
- 0 + I enjoyed the story! Nice build-up to the scene where you take charge and administer the necessary discipline to Emily. If she intends to behave in a childish manner, then she leaves you no alternative but to punish her like a child, including using your belt on her naked backside. I like your descriptions of how she looked, what you said and how you corrected her answers to show you the proper level of respect before being put to the cock. I found the story to be an exciting example of applying the principles of 'tough love' to someone who was merely misbehaving in an attempt to gain attention. Will there be any follow-up accounts? Perhaps her mother deciding to add a measure of maternal discipline for Emily disrespecting Mom's new husband? Hope so!!
Old friends new experience
ThrillSeeker 5308 days ago
- 0 + Very good story and with a most happy ending!

I liked the way you both started out kind of unsure (moving your hand closer to hers and then she reached out to take your hand) and then just went with your feelings! Also, it was nice how you described spending some time together with friends and eating a meal before getting physical. I believe there is much more to making love than simply inserting Tab A into Slot B!
Part of the Band
ThrillSeeker 5461 days ago
- 0 + I just read this today (2/8) and enjoyed it very much. Lesbian scenes are so sweet: gentle, firm, insistent on getting to the newbie's tits and pussy but not being forceful, taking it slow, letting the sweet thing enjoy those sensations of your tongue and fingers for the first time....very hot!