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Slickman2000 Member Since October 19, 2009

Brown Shoe Store II

Slickman2000 on Sex Stories

Take the time to read "Brown's Shoe Store" to get up to date.  Copyright laws apply.


Mike and Meagan put the shoebox down and finished their lovemaking. Meagan was finally adjusting to the size of Mike's tool and was now pushing back as much as she was taking it. The portable cot was about to fall apart and continued to bang against the wall. Just as Meagan climaxed they heard someone pounding on the front door.

"Shit." Mike said stopping his pumping motion. He glanced at his watch and noticed it was ten minutes before the store was due to open. He drove his pist

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on in once more but heard the pounding get louder. "Fuck." He pulled out and quickly pulled up his jeans and slid his tee shirt on. As he tied his sneakers he noticed Meagan had not moved.

"Meagan hurry and get dressed! It might be my parents!"

"I can't move." She giggled. "I've been fucked to death."

Mike laughed and threw her panties and bra to her. He peeked through the curtains and saw Meagan's sister Janet with her hands positioned on the sides of her face as she peered into the store.

"It's Janet." Mike announced.

"Good. Now come on back." Meagan begged holding out her hands.

"I have to open the store in a couple of minutes so we don't have time." Mike said shaking his head. Meagan had turned from a tomboy to a girl in heat. Mike opened the curtain and walked to the front door. Janet saw him and smiled. He opened the door and Janet stormed in.

"Is Meagan here?"

"Well......maybe...........why?" Mike stuttered. Janet walked quickly into the back room and froze seeing Meagan pulling up her pink panties.

"I hope you used protection." She said until she saw the spent rubber by the bed. "Never mind. I guess my little sister is not a little girl anymore. Are you OK?" "Janet. What are you doing here?" Meagan asked pissed.

"I'm trying to warn you Dad is looking for you. I didn't want him to find you like this."

"What's he want with me?" Meagan asked as she quickly pulled up her jeans and shirt.

"He wouldn't tell me but he said it was good news." They heard the bell signaling someone had entered the front door. "It's him."

"Hello Mr. Green." Mike said nervously. "Hi Dad." Meagan said coming through the curtains.

"What were you doing back there? Are you two alone?" He asked visibly upset.

"No Dad. I'm here." Janet said laughing as she came through the curtains.

"Good." Jim Green said. "This letter from State came for you this morning." He handed her the unopened letter.

"They already turned me down for the scholarship." Meagan said as she ripped open the envelope. She quickly read the letter and smiled. "The other girl turned it down and they are now offering it to me!" She said jumping up and down for joy.

Janet and her father both moved forward to hug her but Mike stayed silent. Meagan turned and looked at him. "I got............" She was ready to say 'it' but realized that she would be living away from him now. They both were planning on going to the local university but now they would be separated.

"Meagan. That's great."" Mike said forcing a smile.

"Dad. I think we need to go home." Janet said pulling on his arm to leave. Jim finally realized what was going on. "We will see you at home." They left.

"I can still see you." Meagan said as she pulled his body into hers. "I'll only be five hours away."

"Yeah I know." He said kissing her on her forehead. "But, sometimes distance messes up a relationship."

Both of them remained silent as they thought about being away from each other. Suddenly the doorbell went off and a man and woman came in. "I'll call you later." Mike said as he walked over to help the couple. Meagan sadly walked out of the store.


Tara and Brad were sitting in Tara's den watching TV and waiting for her parents to leave the house. Her mom and dad were going out of town for the weekend and were leaving Tara home alone for the first time. The only way they would agree to it was if Meagan and Heather stayed with her.

"Now you two behave yourselves."
Tara's mom Carol said pointing her finger at her.

"We will Mom."
Tara said smiling. "I'm going to college next year so you have to learn to trust me."

"I trust you." Carol said. "It's him that I don't trust." She glared at Brad.

"Mrs. Green. I promise to be good." He said putting his hands up to shield him from her. They both laughed. Brad had been dating
Tara since they were 15.

Tara was wearing a short skirt and tight blouse with new Victoria Secret baby blue thong and panties. Today was going to be her de-flowering and she wanted to look nice and sexy.

"I thought Heather was coming over?" Carol said looking at her watch.

"She should be here any minute."
Tara said trying not to be upset.

Heather pulled into
Tara's driveway and noticed her parents were still at home. She grabbed her small suitcase and moved to the front door.

"It's Heather!"
Tara's Dad yelled when he opened the door. "I'm glad you are here." He said to Heather while rolling his eyes. "Let's go dear." He yelled back to his wife.

"I thought they would never leave."
Tara said smiling. "Did you hear from Mark?" Heather had told her Mark had not talked to her since Meagan's graduation party.

"No. I think he is still pissed. He suspects I fucked Alex when we were demonstrating that position on the sofa."

"It did look pretty real." Brad said. "You two didn't really......"

"Of course not." Heather lied. "Even if I did what difference would it have made? After all he did go down on Janet."

"Going down and fucking are two different things." Brad said.

"How would you know?" Heather asked pissed with his comments. She knew both Tara and he were virgins.

"I'll let you know in about an hour." Brad chuckled as he grabbed
Tara's hand to lead her upstairs. Tara smiled and followed her boyfriend.

"Probably two minutes." Heather laughed as she watched the two walking up the stairs. Brad moved his hand behind his back and gave her the finger.


As long as Mike was busy in the store he was OK. When no one was there he thought about Meagan leaving town. Today was supposed to be a special day. He would not be a virgin anymore. But he would have traded it if Meagan stayed at home. He realized he was being selfish but she was looking so good he was jealous she would find someone else. His buddy Mark was also going to State so maybe he could get him to keep an eye on her.

A light rain was falling as Betty Talbert pulled into the parking space in front of the shoe store. She had not been back to the store since the incident and felt nervous as she opened the door. She saw Tom's grandson Mike helping a young boy pick out some shoes. He turned and waved to her.

Mike watched the mother and son leave the store and walked over to Mrs. Talbert.

"Hello Mike." She said smiling. "I'm so sorry about your grandfather."

"It's OK. He died happy." Mike said knowing he was looking up her skirt.

"I'm so embarrassed about that." She said looking down.

Mike noticed she was wearing the same outfit she had on that day. "Would you like to try on some shoes?" He asked feeling his heart beat faster. His smile told her what he was thinking.

"You know I'm not much older than your mother." She said shocked the young boy would suggest such a thing.

"You're a very beautiful woman now and even before." He said still smiling.

"Before?" She asked not sure what he meant.

"This morning I found an old shoebox that my grandfather hid in the backroom. It had some interesting things inside."

Betty's heart almost stopped like Tom's did that dreadful day. He had told her he had thrown away those photos. Now his young grandson had them.

"You have to give those back to me." She said sternly. "They should have been thrown away years ago. Since they are photos of me they belong to

"But they were not just photos of you." Mike said knowing he had the upper hand.

Betty thought back to that night many years ago. They were all camping out in the back woods when the party got out of hand. Tom, being the older one, got Betty and the other girls to dance by the campfire. He took their pictures with the Polaroid Camera as they danced and drank beer. She didn't remember which girl started striping first but soon they were all topless. The booze lowered her resistance and that night she lost her virginity. She found out later that Tom had taken photos of everything. He had told her the photos were destroyed.

"If you don't give them to me I'll have to tell your parents." She said firmly.

"I don't think so." He laughed. "I think it was my father who was in a lot of your photos. I don't think my mother will be happy to see what you two were doing."

Betty stared at the boy. Shit he was just like his grandfather, handsome and confident. She knew she would shock him with her next words. "Your mother was there too. How many photos did you find?"

"No way." Mike laughed. His mother was the most conservative prude he knew. He realized she was serious. "Four pictures." He replied.

"He took a lot more than that." She laughed. "Maybe we need to look around some more?"

Mike looked at the clock. It was closing time. He moved to the door and turned the sign around to say 'CLOSED' and walked ahead of the older women into the back room. He had cleaned the storage room many times but his grandfather told him to not worry about dusting the tops of the shelves. If there were more photos they would be up there. He grabbed a chair and climbed up on top of it. The chair was wobbling so Betty quickly put her hands on his waist to steady him. Her face was only inches from his cute little ass.

"I feel something up here." Mike said as he touched another shoebox. He tried to get it but it was all the way in the back. "A few more inches," he said just as Mrs. Talbert's fingers slid down to cup his ass cheeks. "Whatt?" He asked looking down at her smile.

"Keep looking." She ordered as her fingers squeezed and caressed. God his butt was so firm. She thought about her own husband's flabby butt who was probably napping about now. The photos had fired up some passion deep inside of her.

"A little bit more." He said feeling his hard-on pressing outward. Her fingers were down moving down under his ass and up between his thighs. "Ohh!" He cried as her fingers cupped his balls. "Mrs. Talbert!" He was loosing his balance and had to grab the shelf to keep from falling. His body turned to face her. He held on to the shelf as he watched her fingers move up to the snap on his jeans.

"I'm going to fall." He said as she unzipped his fly.

"Well hold on to something." She laughed as she pulled his jeans and boxers down to his knees at the same time. His hard nine inch prick sprang straight out at her face. She jumped back and giggled. "You are just like your grandpa." Her small fingers curled around its base.

"We shouldn't...." He moaned as her face moved forward to allow her tongue to lick off the pre-come from the tip.

"Oh yes we should. It's what you wanted before right?" She said as her fingers started to slowly stroke him forward and back.

"I guess SOO!" He groaned as her mouth moved over the crown.

She popped her mouth off and licked her lips. "Yep. Just like Tom. Why don't you come down from there?"

"But the photos." Mike said as he grabbed her hand to step down onto the floor. He almost fell because his jeans were now wrapped around his ankles.

"The pictures can wait. This can't." She giggled as she pulled him over to the cot. "You're not a virgin are you?"

"Well no." He thought. "This morning was the first........." He started to say but didn't want to mention Meagan's name.

"Good. Maybe I can teach you the right way before you pick up bad habits." She pulled the long zipper down her grey dress.

"Bad habits?" He said watching the older woman toss the dress aside. Her full pure white breasts were overpowering her tight beige bra and her full white panties showed the light shadow of her bush.

"Sure. Men liked to stick it in and bam-bam they are done." She laughed. Her thin arms moved around to release her bra. She knew her breasts still looked quite nice and watched his expression as she pulled the cups off her firm mounds. Her light brown nips stood at attention.

"Did you and grandpa? You know?" He asked as her panties moved slowly over her sparse blonde and grey bush.

"Fuck?" She laughed. "No. We only played the teasing game. It was a lot of fun while it lasted. But, you and I will fuck." She giggled using the 'F' word. She took his hand and led him to lie down on his back.

"I shouldn't do this." Mike said making a last ditch effort to stop it. "I have a girlfriend." He said thinking of Meagan.

"Will you tell her?" Betty chuckled as she moved her body on top of his and aimed his tip at her juicy opening.

"No." Mike said feeling his tip rub against her moist folds.

"Me neither." She laughed as she lowered her body down onto his hard shaft. "OH MY! YOU ARE A BIG BOY!" She cried as her frail body took all of his length.

Mike's body automatically started to quickly rise and fall. But, she smacked him on the side of his face. "SLAP"

"Ouch!" He said holding his cheek. "What was that for?"

"Slow down. This is not a race. Lie back while I show you heaven. " She said as she moved her head up over his mouth.

"Kiss my neck and nibble on my ear. Run your hands gently over my back and ass. Mike did as she said. "Nibble not bite." She giggled feeling his lips doing as she said. His large hands explored her back and hips. She started to rise again up his shaft and slowly back down.

"When you push inside make sure you rub against my clitoris." She instructed. "You know what a clitoris is right?"

"No." Mike confessed as he sucked on her earlobe.

"Give me your finger."

Mike allowed her to take his index finger and guide it down between their bodies until she pushed the tip against the small but hard mound of flesh at the top of her slit. "Right there. Touch it for a while." She moaned as she let his finger go. Mike now knew what the pleasure button was called.

Betty closed her eyes feeling his lips everywhere on her neck and ears. One hand was massaging her ass while the other hand played with her clitoris. Besides all of that his long rod was completely filling her up. "God. You're a fast learner." She moaned as she approached her climax.

Mike forgot about his own pleasures as he spent all of his energies on making her happy. "You want to go fast." He sped up his fucking action. "Or slow?" He whispered in her ear. He could tell from her rapid breathing that she was almost ready to come. He was in control and grinned as he teased her.

"FASTER!" She screamed as she felt the fires igniting the dynamite between her thighs. "OH LORD I'M COMING!" She screamed. The bed once again smacked against the shelf and another shoebox fell hitting her in her quivering ass. Neither of them stopped to see what it was. Mike felt his dam burst and he held on to her small ass until he was completely empty.

"Did I do OK?" Mike asked with a smile.

"Yes." She panted. "Damn good." She rolled off of his body and picked up the shoebox and peeked inside. Mike watched as she pulled out a stack of old photos and looked at them. "Yep. These are the ones that I remembered. You may be interested in this one." She held it out for him to view.

"Holy shit! Is that.........?"

"Yes sir in the flesh." She laughed.


Heather turned on the TV to keep from falling asleep. Tara and Brad had been upstairs for almost 30 minutes. She moved back on the sofa and surfed through the channels until she saw a movement behind her. She jumped and held up the remote control to throw it until she saw who it was. "
Tara? Are you OK?"

"Yes." The young girl said while sitting down only wearing her new bra and panty set. "Things didn't go as planned." Just then they heard Brad moving quickly down the stairs and out the door.

"You have to promise not to tell anyone." She said almost crying.

"Sure." Heather said as she put her arm around her friend.

"He couldn't get hard."

"But, he was surely hard last week." Heather said remembering how he looked when Janet pulled down his briefs.

"I know." She sobbed. "He was as surprised as I was. It must be

"Bullshit. Any man would die to have sex with you."

"Thank you."
Tara said wiping her eyes. They heard the doorbell ring. Heather opened it to see Meagan. She did not look too happy either. "What's wrong with you?"

Meagan walked in to see
Tara crying. "What's wrong with her?"

They all moved together and hugged. Meagan told them her good news and the reaction from Mike after they had made love.
Tara told her about Brad's failure to take her cherry. Heather told both of them that she had broke up with Mark. They all looked at each other and bawled.


Both Mark and Brad were sitting on Mike's porch when he arrived home. "Whassup?" He said seeing them both looking upset. They quickly told him and he sat down between them on the step. "Meagan's going away to college. She got the scholarship from State."

"Fuck man. That's too bad." Brad said. The three of them just stared at the traffic passing in front of Mike's house.

"I do have some good news." Mike said with a smile. "I'm not a virgin anymore."

"Meagan?" Brad asked.

"Yes, and........." He grinned.

"Two at the same time?" Mark jumped in.

"Not at the same time but both were today." Mike said proudly.

"Shit man. Tell us." Brad said pulling his buddy over to him.

"Remember the lady who was trying on shoes when my grandfather died?"

"Yeah. Betty somebody." Mark answered.

"Evidently she and my grandfather had something going for a long time. She stopped by today to continue it with

"Shit. How old is she?" Brad asked.

"She said she was a couple of years older than my mom and she is 44." Mike answered.

"You fucked an old lady?" Mark said loudly.

"Shhh." Mike said looking behind him to make sure his parents were not listening by the door.

"She might be old but her body was like a young woman's." Mike said defensively. "And, God, she taught me how to fuck." He laughed.

"Really?" Brad asked. "Do you think she will teach me?"

"I wasn't supposed to tell anyone so how can I asked her?" Mike laughed at his buddy.

"Me too?" Mark asked. "Since I won't be getting any from Heather I would love for her to do show and tell with

"She said she would come by tomorrow at closing. How about you guys being there instead of me? Who knows she might just take you both on?" Mike laughed.

"Deal." The both said at the same time.

***** Meagan told
Tara she felt so bad she couldn't stay and went home to call Mike but his parents said he had left with Brad and Mark. She changed into a long nightshirt, took out the letter and read it over and over until she fell asleep. *****

Mike left Brad and Mark at Mark's house and decided to stop by
Tara's to talk to Meagan since she was supposed to be staying for the night. He knocked on the door and saw Tara's face peeking out from behind the small curtains. "Mike." She said opening the door a fraction.

"Is Meg here?" He asked.

"No. She and Heather left because I wanted to be alone."

"Sorry to have bothered you I heard........" He stopped realizing Brad was not supposed to tell anyone.

"It's OK. Meagan and Heather know too."
Tara said. "Do you want to come in?"

"Gee. I shouldn' are all alone.......I should go home...your parents aren't at home right?" He stumbled.
Tara smiled and opened the door enough for him to see her right breast only covered by her pale blue bra. "Come in if you are coming in." She giggled as she opened the door until her whole body could be seen.

"You sure?" Mike asked frozen to the spot.

"Yes." She said softly as she left the door open and walked back into the house. The rear strap of the thong was squeezed down into her ass crack. Mike's turned to make sure no one was watching as he moved into the house and closed the door.

He walked down the hall and looked into the den where she has disappeared to. She was sitting on the sofa with her legs crossed smiling.

"If you want I'll put on my robe." She giggled. Her eyes locked on the huge bulge in his jeans.

"NO. I mean only if you want to." Mike said blushing. Even though they had seen each other naked at the party they were not alone like they were now.

He started walking to the chair. "Sit by me." She said confidently. Mike did as she said.

"Can I get you something?" She asked in the sexiest voice she could muster up.

"Something?" Mike repeated.

"Sure." She giggled and uncrossed her legs. "Anything you want."

Mike's eyes moved to the dark shadow of her pubic mound at the vee in her panties. "
Tara. Are you sure?" He asked. Things were out of control. Yesterday he was a virgin and now the third female today was offering him her body.

"Yes." She whispered. "No one will know but you and

"But Brad. Won't he know when you do it?"

"Brad will be so happy he won't even know his name." She smiled. Her fingers moved to the small clasp between her breasts and released it. Mike watched as she pulled it apart to show him her young firm mounds and tiny small uplifting pink nips.

"Why don't we go upstairs?" She asked as she stood and reached out for his hand.

Mike didn't blink an eye as she led him up the stairs and into her room. The bed was messed up from her earlier dealings with Brad.

"I didn't bring any protection." He said watching her push down her thongs and lie back on the bed.

"Don't worry I'm protected." She giggled. She slowly opened the young tan thighs to show him her dark hairy nest surrounding her pink rose.

Mike quickly took off his clothes and moved up next to her. She grabbed his prick and pulled it towards her virgin target. But he stopped her. "This is not a race." He whispered remembering what Betty had told him. "Lie back and let me show you heaven."

Tara closed her eyes and for the next ten minutes felt Mike's fingers and lips on every part of her body. His tongue made her nipples harder than ever before and his hands on her ass was driving her crazy. By the time he lined up his penis to enter her protective gate her body was screaming for him to fuck her.

She moaned out loud from the initial pain and he stopped as the huge tip broke through her hymen. "You OK?" He asked.
Tara took a deep breath and said "yes keep going". He did until he was almost all the way in and he could not go anymore.

"Go slow." She moaned. The pain had turned into pressure and finally into pleasure. His fingertip found her small clit and massaged it as he slowly pumped in and out of her.

"Fuck me Mike." She whispered as she curled her legs around his hips to hold on. "My pussy is yours."

Mike kept his cool and composure like Betty had taught him. He was in total control until he remembered who was in those pictures. When he heard
Tara's screams of climaxing he joined her and filled her virgin hole with his juices.

About ten minutes later as
Tara's naked front hugged up against his back the phone rang. Tara had to reach over him to answer it. It was Meagan.

"Er...Hi Meagan." She said with her face in a panic. Mike's face also was drenched in fear as
Tara's nipple crushed against his shoulder.

"No I'm alone." She lied. "Heather left." She tried to move to allow Mike to move out from under her but she dropped the phone and it fell downward smacking onto his forehead. "AH." He groaned. Then the phone crashed down to the floor.

Tara quickly picked it up. "Sorry I dropped the phone." She said. "What? No. I said no one is here." She lied again. "OK. I'll call you tomorrow." Tara hung up the phone. "That was close." She saw him putting on his boxers.

"You don't have to go you know." She said smiling.

Mike looked down at her beautiful body. "What did you have in mind?"

"This." She giggled as she reached out to grab his soft penis. She pulled it until it was lined up with her small soft lips. They opened and engulfed the tip.

"I think I'll stay a little longer." He moaned as her lips moved down his shaft.

***** Meagan had known
Tara long enough to detect when she told a lie. Someone was at her house and it wasn't Heather. She called Mike's house again but his mom said he was still out. She called Mark's cell phone.

"Mark. It's Meagan. Have you seen Mike?"

"Yes. Brad and I were with him earlier. We left him at
Tara's house. Aren't you and Heather there now?"

Meagan's mind quickly put two and two together. "No. I was not feeling well so I left Heather there. Thanks." She said hanging up.

Tara's house was only a block from hers so she pulled on her sneakers and quickly moved out of her house and down the street. When she saw Tara's house she saw one light on downstairs and a light on in Tara's bedroom. She moved over into the bushes and waited.

Mark thought about the phone call with Meagan and knew from her voice something was up. He broke away from Brad and decided to head to
Tara's to see what was going on. He also wanted to see Heather again to see if they could make up. As he approached the house someone called to him from the bushes.

"Mark. Over here." Meagan said as she stood up into the light shining down from the overhead street lamp. Mark quickly walked over to her and ducked down.

"What the hell are you doing?" He asked. He noticed she was wearing a long nightshirt.

"I think Mike may be in there with
Tara." She whispered.

Mark realized he didn't want his buddy to be caught. "Mike's not in there." He said standing up. About that time the front door opened and Meagan pulled him back down in the bushes. "Shhh." She whispered.

They both peeked through the shrubs to watch Mike move slowly out the door. Before he made it all the way out a hand and arm grabbed him. The door opened and
Tara's face, shoulders and naked breasts moved out to allow her lips to find his. "Thanks for making me a woman." She said loud enough for Meagan and Mark to hear.

"You promised not to say anything." He said as he broke from her grasp.

"Of course." She giggled as she closed the door.

Meagan and Mark stayed still until Mike was far enough down the block. "That shit head." She said.

"Meagan you know he really cares about you." Mark said trying to help his buddy.

"Yeah sure. I know what he cares about." She said angrily.

Meagan was so upset she did something without even thinking about it. Her body turned and pushed Mark's down onto his back. She grinned down at him as she unzipped his jeans and reached in to find his semi-soft penis.

"Meagan. What are you doing?" He whispered.

"This." She said smiling. Her fingers gently stroked him until he was almost fully rigid. "And this." She giggled as her mouth slid down over his mushroom tip.

At that point Mark forgot about his buddy. Her tongue was dancing up and down his hard dance floor. "Oh God don't stop." He groaned but she did stop.

"What now?" He asked. She moved her hands up under her nightshirt and pulled down her white bikini panties. She threw them aside and straddled his hips.

"How do you know they did it?" Mark asked as her dampness sucked in the tip of his hard-on.

"Didn't you hear what she said when he left?" Gravity moved her dampness down his prick. Luckily no one was walking by the moving bushes or they would have heard the grunts and moans as the two bodies slapped together. Mark's finger moved up to find her braless breasts under the cotton gown but she pushed them away. "Only fucking." She moaned as she raced to get off.

"Let me know when you are coming." She glared down at him. She saw the veins in his face and neck rise to the surface. "Now." He cried. She quickly moved her body off as his sperm flew up into the air like a fountain. "Meagan." Mark said as she grabbed her panties and walked away.

"If you say a word about this to anyone I'll cut it off." She said not bothering to turn around and look at him.


Brad walked down the lonely street heading to his house and looked at Heather's house which sat two doors down from his. He and Heather had pretty much the same relationship as Mike and Meagan. They grew up together and spent a lot of time playing games in each others houses. He had never really thought about her sexually until the party the other night. When he touched her pussy it was the first for him since
Tara had only allowed him to touch her outside of her clothes. He remembered her full delicious breasts. He needed a friend to talk to.

Heather was sitting watching TV in her cotton shorts and tee shirt when the doorbell rang. It was
and her parents were in bed. She hurried to the door and saw Brad's face through the small sight glass. She opened the door.

"Hi. I know it's late but I have to talk to you." He pleated.

"Come in but be quiet. My parents are already in bed." She moved aside to let him in.

"I'm so embarrassed." He said. "You think about doing something as far back as you can remember and then when the time comes you can't do it." He whispered.

"I'm sure it happens to other guys as well." She said trying to console him. "Maybe it was stage fright?"

"Stage fright?" He asked.

"Sure. You get so nervous you forget your lines."

"Talking wasn't the problem." He groaned.

"What were you thinking when you were doing it?" She asked trying to help.

"I was thinking I wanted to satisfy her and was afraid I was too inexperienced or maybe too..........." He stopped. "Small." "You are not too small." She laughed softly.

"But Mark and Mike........."

"Sure they are bigger but you are big enough to satisfy a woman."

"Yeah right." He said holding his face in his hands.

Heather felt really bad for her best male friend. At the same time the conversation had stirred up some tingling in her loins. She smiled and whispered in his ear. "I will prove it to you if you want."

Brad's eyes opened wide as he realized what she was offering. "But......." Her fingers on his lips stopped him. "No more talking." She whispered.

She moved down on her back next to him on the sofa and pushed her cotton shorts under her raised ass and slowly down her pink thighs. She was not wearing panties and her flaming red bush appeared. Brad watched as her fingers pulled her shirt up over her full round breasts and hard pink nips. She bunched the shirt around her neck in case she had to get up quickly.

"Your parents?" Brad asked as he looked down at her full nakedness.

"They sleep like rocks." She giggled. Her right leg moved up over the seat cushion until her pink folds peeked out at him. He remembered she was not a virgin.

Brad took a deep breath and released his jeans and unzipped his fly. He pushed his pants and his boxers down over his hips until she reached out to stop him. "Leave them at your knees." He smiled knowing he could pull them up quickly if he had to.

Heather looked at his penis and noticed how hard it was. She moved back and spread her legs wide and watched as he turned his body to lie between them.

Brad reached under his stomach and grabbed his hard-on. As the tip pushed against her damp opening he felt it getting soft. "Shit." He moaned just like last time. But this time Heather pushed his hand aside. "You don't have to satisfy me. I want you to come inside of my pussy." She whispered as she lightly bit his ear. "Give me your cock." She said talking dirty. "Fuck my pussy." Her tongue slithered into his ear as she felt his prick jump in her fingers. Within seconds she was holding a rigid rod and guiding into her warm oven.

Brad's eyes opened wide looking down into her hazel ones. "It feels!" He groaned. "It is Heaven."

"Relax. Think about something else." She giggled. He did feel so good inside of her.

"Like what?" He laughed. His hips began a slow in and out motion.

"Like the time I beat you in Mario Brothers." Her legs moved around his naked hips.

"When did that ever happen?" He asked feeling at ease fucking her.

"Maybe it was Donkey Kong?" She chuckled. He was bringing her body up to a boil. Pretty soon her pot would boil over.

"I'm glad Mark is going away." Heather said. "And, I'm really glad you are staying."

"Me too." Brad said feeling confident as he stroked steadily in and out of her.

"HEATHER. IS SOMEONE DOWN THERE WITH YOU?" Heather's mom's voice rang out from upstairs.

"Shit." Brad said trying to pull out. But, Heather grabbed his ass and held him there. "YES MOTHER. IT'S BRAD!" She screamed back.

"HI BRAD!" Her mother yelled.

"HELLO MRS. JACKSON!" He yelled back not believing his prick was buried in her daughter's pussy.

"GOODNIGHT!" She yelled. They heard her bedroom door closed. "You are fucking nuts you know it." Brad whispered in her ear as his hips resumed their fucking motion.

Her fingers moved up under Brad and grabbed his balls. "Yes and they are your nuts." She bit him hard on his earlobe.

"Ouch. That hurt." He moaned.

"Shut up and fuck me." She giggled and released his jewels. Her hands moved around to hold his prick deep inside of her. Well as deep as he could go anyway.

"I'm almost there." She moaned in his ear. "Let it go."

Brad saw in his mind the gate opened at the race track. His hips moved in blinding speed until his spunk shot into her depths. "Oh man." He laughed feeling his release. "Me too!" She cried with her hand over her mouth to prevent her parents hearing her pleasure cries.

"Quick. Pull up your pants." She said hearing the door upstairs opening again. She managed to pull her shorts up just as her mother walked in.

"It's good to see you two together again." She said smiling. "You spend too much time with that Mark

"We broke up." Heather said while winking at Brad.

"Good. You are too young to get that serious. Brad. Stay as long as you want." She smiled as she moved into the kitchen for a light snack.

"Stay as long as you want." Heather whispered in his ear as her hand reached down to find the bulge in his jeans.

"I will." Brad said smiling. He could feel life again in his shaft. "I certainly will."


"God where were you?" Janet asked seeing the dirt on her sister's legs as she came through the back door.

"Where are mom and dad?" Meagan asked quickly.

"In bed." Janet answered. "Where did you get so dirty?"

"How about in the dirt?" Meagan said smartly as she moved around her to go upstairs.

"Are those your panties in your hand?" Janet asked shocked.

"Yes. What about it." Meagan asked glaring down at her older sister.

"Nothing." Janet answered. Her little sister had definitely grown up.

Meagan thought about calling Mike or Tara but called Heather instead. She dialed her cell phone to prevent waking up her parents. Heather answered it on the third ring.

"Hi." Heather said trying to get her breath. Just as the phone rang she had straddled Brad's lap to fuck him again. Brad managed to reach her purse without pulling out of her. He watched her grabbed her phone and answer it while her body moved up and down on his pole.

"Have you been running?" Meagan asked.

"Kinda." Heather giggled. "What's up?"

"I saw Mike leaving
Tara's house tonight and I over heard her say he had made her a woman." Meagan said softly.

"Really." Heather smiled. "You think Mike fucked
Tara tonight?" She had said it so Brad could hear it. "I'm really sorry Meg."

Brad's hands grabbed her hips to stop her fucking him when he heard what she had said. He was angry but not that much. He guessed since he was fucking Heather how could he be that mad at
Tara. But, how could his buddy fuck his girl like that? "Are you OK?" Heather asked as Brad's lips found her long hard nipple. "You did what?" Heather said stopping her own fucking motion.

"What?" Brad whispered. "What did she do?"

"God Meg. Why did you do that?" Heather listened to Meagan trying to explain why she had fucked Mark. "No I'm not mad. Mark and I broke up and I really don't want to get back with him anymore. I think I have found somebody else." She giggled looking down into Brad's eyes. "I'll tell you tomorrow."

"Sure. I'll see you tomorrow. Get a good night's sleep." She told her friend. "I don't think I'll get much sleep tonight." She giggled as she hung up the phone.

"Damn. Doesn't that beat all?" Heather said resuming her fornicating motions.

"What? Tell me." Brad said panting.

"Meagan thinks Mike fucked
Tara tonight so she fucked Mark for revenge."

Tara fucked Mike and Meagan fucked Mark?" He repeated. "That makes it perfect because I'm fucking you." He chuckled.

"No sweetie. I'm doing the fucking." She laughed as her hips moved up and down, up and down.

It was
the next morning when Brad pulled his tired ass out of Heather's door. He barely made it to his room before he collapsed on his floor.


Somehow Mike made it up the next morning and arrived at the shoe store exactly at
. He made it inside and was setting up the cash register when the door opened and Meagan's mother Mary stood there.

"Good morning Mrs. Jenkins." Mike said politely.

"Good morning Mike." She said turning around to twist the 'OPEN' sign to 'CLOSE'. "We need to talk."

Shit Mike thought figuring she had found out he had deflowered her daughter. He watched as she walked around him into the back room. She seemed to know her way around pretty well.

He followed her and stopped suddenly when she did.

"I want the pictures." She said firmly.

Mike suddenly realized that she was the woman in the photos he did not recognize. Shit. She was the one that was fucking his father.

"Those were taken a long time ago." She said somewhat embarrassed. "Betty told me you found them. You and I both know why they can't get out."

"I didn't look at all of them." He lied trying to pretend he did not know what she was talking about.

"Good try but I don't buy an 18 year old boy not looking at naked photos." She said not smiling. "It was a one time thing where some young people had too much to drink." She said trying to make an excuse for her actions.

"So just give me the photos and we can forget all about it." She crossed her arms on her chest.

"I won't give you the photos because my father is in them too." He said firmly. "I don't think he wants those photos to get out either."

Mary smiled at him. For someone so young he was smart and had balls. "Can we destroy them right now?" She asked softly uncrossing her arms.

He looked at her. "I know about my mother and your husband too."

Actually Mary did not know that until he said it. She was so shocked she kept quiet for almost a minute while she cleared her head. That night in the dark woods everyone paired off. Her husband had said he had passed out.

"Good. Let's destroy those photos too." She said trying to act cool.

Mike moved his body up to hers until his chest pushed against her breasts. She moved back thinking he was going to molest her but he reached over her head to pull down an old shoe box. He took the box and opened it in front of her face. She reached inside and pulled out the old and faded Polaroid snapshots.

"God. These are horrible." She said while looking at her naked body wrapped around Mike's dads hips. "But I did look pretty good in those days." She smiled. She was now about twenty pounds overweight with most of it in her ass and thighs.

"You still look good." Mike whispered in her ear as he stood behind her. His hand moved to rest on her hip. She did not pull away. Her fingers trembled as she pulled the naked photo of Mike's mom and her husband. She was on all fours while Fred fucked her from behind.

"I didn't know they did it that night." Mary said softly. "I thought it was just us." Mike's closeness was making her dizzy. His body slid back until he was directly behind her. His hardness was pushing against her large ass.

"Look at the others." He whispered as his lips moved across her neck to her ear. He looked over her shoulder as she pulled out a photo of her standing naked. Her full breasts and hard nipples rose proudly above her flat stomach and blonde bush.

"Your breasts are so beautiful." He whispered.

She laughed nervously. "They were."

"They are." Mike whispered as his hands moved over her shoulders and down over her massive breasts. He cupped them in his hands.

"Mike. We can't do this." She said not preventing his hands to caress and explored as they discovered her hard nipples.

"Why not?" He asked as his lips moved up and down her neck like Betty had taught him. "I won't tell Meagan."

Mary moaned as one of his hands moved swiftly over her stomach to press against the vee at the top of her thighs. She took a deep breath and turned until her mouth matched up with his. Her mouth was open as she pressed it against his young lips. Her tongue became the aggressor.

"We can do it but only once and only if you make me a promise." She said as she fumbled down into his pants until she found his hard-on. She quickly released his jeans and pushed them down until his bare prick pointed outward. Her chubby fingers moved around it.

"Oh yes." He moaned "Only once." He forgot about the promise as he watched her pull her dress off and turn her body for him to release her bra. The bra was so big it had a four clasp device. He had only seen the tiny bras the girls were wearing the other night. He pushed and pulled but was only able to release one of the clasps.

She laughed. "Let me help." Her arm moved behind her and with one easy motion released the bra. She pulled the straps over her shoulders and down off her creamy orbs. She turned again to show him her treasures.

"I never thought the day would come that I would be showing my tits to you." She laughed thinking of all the time he had spent at her house from a young child on.

"Me neither." Mike grinned as he fingers moved up to curl around her large boobs.

As Mike caressed her mounds she pushed down her half slip and panties. She moved down on the cot to her back and opened her legs. Mike went brain dead as he pushed his body down on hers and gently shoved his prick into her. Her whole body rose up when he reached the end.

"God. Just like your father." She cried as he slowly and methodically fucked her. Their body's slapped together as one until they were both about to come.

She reached up and grabbed a hand-full of hair on his head. "Promise me." She said looking him eye to eye.

"What? Anything!" He cried wanting to finish.

"Promise me you won't see Meagan anymore." Her pussy was squeezing him deep inside her tunnel.

"What? Why not?" He groaned.

"Promise me!" She said again holding his prick frozen inside of her.

"OK. I promise." Mike cried out wanting to come. "But why?" He asked as her body released his prick for both of them to climax.

"Because.......OH, OH!" She screamed. "IT"S BECAUSE.......I'M COMING!" She yelled. "SHE'S YOUR SISTER!"

Mike tried to stop when he heard what she had said. "OH FUCK!" He yelled as he came. Their bodies slapped until they couldn't move anymore.

"My sister." Mike said raising his head up to look into her eyes.

"Yes. Your father got me pregnant that night." She said closing her eyes. "And, who knows maybe my husband got your mother pregnant as well. Your birthdays are only seven days apart."

Mike fell off her body and onto the floor. Could it be true? "How can you be sure?" He asked as he watched her get dressed.

"A woman knows." She said. "I didn't know you and Meagan were involved until last night. You have to stop seeing her."

"I really like Meagan." Mike said as she took the photos out and tore them into tiny pieces before putting them back into the shoebox.

"Good. You should like your sister." Mary laughed as she picked up her purse. "Just don't fuck her."

Too late, Mike thought as he watched her walk out the door singing some tune. "But I just fucked you. Doesn't that kind of make you my step mother or something?" Mike yelled as the door closed. Mike laughed as he placed the shoebox up on the shelf next to the other shoebox that had a lot of similar photos. Who knows he might need them someday.

Later that morning Mike was ordering some new style shoes when he heard the door open and looked up to see Meagan standing there. "You asshole." She said noticeably pissed off.

Mike stood back behind the small counter. Did she know about Tara or her mother? Fuck.

"What did I do?" He asked innocently.

"You know what you did. I was watching as you left
Tara's house last night." "Meagan I can explain." He said not knowing how the hell we would ever do that.

"Before you do I have to tell you something." She said with her face softening up. She gulped and said, "I did it with Mark last night."

"Shit Meagan. Mark doesn't feel about you the way I do." He said realizing how stupid it sounded.

"Oh yeah. You care so much about me you go fuck my best friend?" With that she started crying.

"Oh please don't cry. I can't handle that." He knew the only way to shut her up was to tell her the big secret. "Meagan. I can't see you anymore. I mean I can't have sex with you anymore."

She stopped crying and looked at him and started crying even louder.

"You don't love me?" She said as she slowed down her sobbing.

"God yes. I love you so much it hurts." He said as he moved around the counter to pull her body into his. Her face and wet eyes looked up into his and her mouth crushed against his own. He felt her tongue enter his mouth and pushed her body back.

"We can't do this because I promised your mother." He said.

"My mother. What does she have to do with this?" Meagan said pissed off again.

Mike had painted himself into a corner and the only way to get out was to tell her the truth. "Meagan you are my sister." He said looking her eye to eye.

Meagan looked at him like he was nuts. Then she started laughing. "If you want to go and date
Tara go ahead but don't give me your bullshit."

"God. I wish it wasn't true but it is. My father is your father." He said.

"How can that be?" Meagan asked realizing he was serious. "Way back when our parents had a camping party and got smashed. They all ended up sleeping together. Your mother told me it was my father that got her pregnant that night. And to make matters more complicated my mother slept with your father that night too. Our birthdays are almost the same Meagan." He pulled her body back to his.

"I don't believe it." She said.

"I didn't either until I saw the old naked photos. Remember the ones in the shoe box?"

"I didn't recognize anyone in those."

"It took me a while but I did spot my mother and father. I didn't see your mother's photo until today when she pointed herself out to

"My mother came here?"

"Yes. This morning to tell me about you being my sister and to get me to tear up the photos."

Meagan moved over to the chair and sat down. "This. I can't believe this is happening to us. I finally get your attention and think we have a thing going and we are brother and sister? It's not fair."

As they sat there the door opened and Brad and Mark walked in. Mark saw Meagan and turned quickly to leave. He was worried Mike had found out about him and Meagan last night. "I'll call you later." Meagan said not even looking at the two boys. She quickly left the store.

"What's up with her?" Brad asked.

"I think we can all stop pretending that we don't know what happened last night." Mike said glaring at Mark.

"Don't give him any shit because I know about you and Tara." Brad injected.

"Hey guys can we all just forgive what has happened?" Mark asked.

The three amigos, who have been friends, since the first grade, all smiled. "It was that damn spin the bottle game." Brad said as the all put their arms around each others shoulders.

"We've always shared things so why not girlfriends?" Brad laughed.

"You're taking this pretty good." Mike said looking suspiciously at Brad. "Too good." Mark also turned to look at a blushing Brad.

"OK. Shit you guys know me too well. I spent most of the night at Heathers." He confessed.

"You fuck." Mark said pushing him hard back against the counter.

"Hey. Brad's right. Let's forget it." Mike said. Suddenly the door opened and Betty stood there smiling.

"I've got to get out of here." Mike said winking at Brad and Mark. "You guys are closing up for me right?"

"Huh?" Brad muttered. "Yes. We are closing for you." Mark said while elbowing his buddy in the side.

"Leaving?" Betty asked surprised as Mike walked past her.

"I have to go. Mark and Brad can help you." He said smiling.

Betty lowered her eyes at first but then smiled.

Mike laughed as he walked down the side alley to get into his car. He wished he could have seen Betty taking on both of them. As he started his car he noticed the store key on the key ring. Shit. He had to go back.

Mike was surprised to find the front of the store empty so fast. He reached inside the door to disengage the buzzer so they would not know he came back. He could hear them talking in the back as he tiptoed to the curtain door that leads to the backroom.

"So what did Mike say about me?" Betty asked as she sat on the cot looking up at the two young studs.

"Nothing." Mark lied. "Yeah nothing." Brad added.

"Bullshit. I know how you boys like to talk. I guess there is only one way to shut you up." She laughed as she reached forward to pull both of them up close to the cot. Her fingers quickly unzipped both of their flies and pulled out their hard-ons."

"I've never had two at one time." She smiled. Her hands curled around their pricks and she stroked them. "Who's first?"

"Me!" Brad replied quickly.

"Good. We'll save the big boy for last." Betty stood and pushed the boy's back as she stripped for them. Their eyes opened wide when they saw her garter-belt and hose and that she was not wearing any panties. "Is it OK with you that I keep this on?" She asked while touching the garter straps.

"Oh yes." Brad said.

She pulled off her bra and moved to her back on the cot. "You know maybe I can do you both?" She guided Brad's face to her lower stomach and pulled Mark's mouth down to her nipple. She closed her eyes and moaned as their inexperienced mouths licked and sucked her body.

Mike watched his buddy's pleasuring the older woman. He wished he could join them but he needed to find Meagan. He left the key to the front door on the counter and headed out to his car.

Mike parked in his own driveway, walked around the back of his house to sneak around behind Meagan's house. He jumped the small fence and walked around the hedges. He stopped when he saw Janet sunbathing on the back patio. She heard him coming and was sitting up drinking a Coke.

"Well, look who's here." She smiled.

"Hi. Is Meg home?"

"No. My mother and she had a big argument and they both took off somewhere. Do you know what they were fussing about?"

"I think so but I promised not to tell anyone." He stared at the tiny bikini holding in her oil covered breasts.

"Why don't you sit for a while? Maybe Meagan will return?" She pulled a nearby chair over next to her lounge chair.

Mike did as she said and sat back trying not to stare at her body. He remembered how smoothly shaven her pussy was at the party. It was causing a rise in his shorts.

"Would you put some lotion on my back?" She asked not waiting for an answer. She turned on her side and released her bikini top. The skimpy material fell from her bare breast. She made no effort to hide her hard nipple.

Mike's fingers tremble as he spread the hot oil over her shoulders and down her slim back. His fingers stopped at the top of her bikini bottom.

"You can take them off if you want." She giggled with her face looking downward.

"What if Meagan comes back?" Mike asked nervously.

"She just left so it will be a while for her to cool down."

Janet lifted her hips upward to allow him to pull off her last article of clothing. She felt his trembling fingers pull the material down over her hips and off her feet. She lay totally naked before him. "Are you going to window shop or go for it?"

Mike poured some more oil in his fingers and slowly spread it across her soft buttocks. He heard her moan softly as he applied more pressure.

"So are you going to tell me what is going on with Meagan?" She asked as she suddenly turned to lie on her back. She giggled when she saw his reaction.

"Err...." He froze. Her body was so nice and smooth especially her pussy mound.

"Can't talk?" She giggled. "You want to put some oil down there?" She said as she slowly opened her thighs. Her pink rose opened its pedals. He looked at her clit shining from the oil making it look like a pearl sitting in and oyster.

At first Mike thought that if Meagan was his sister then Janet was too. But his father was not Janet's so she was not his sister. Good. He thought as his oily fingers moved up her calve, thigh and over her puffy swollen pussy lips.

"You know we have time but if you don't pull those clothes off and get on top of me soon Meagan may come home." She laughed.

"You mean?" He asked as his fingers found her clitoris.

"Yes. I'm yours if you want me." She giggled and opened her legs as wide as she could.

Mike didn't say another word as he quickly stripped. His prick was at max as he moved his body down onto hers. Her hand moved under him to caress his long dong.

"Umm. So big." She whispered in his ear. "Put it inside me." Her fingers moved around to his ass and he did as she asked. "Oh shit." She moaned. "You're filling me up."

Mike pushed in and out as Betty had taught him keeping himself in control. He smiled realizing he had fucked all the women in this family now. He moved his body forward until his shaft rubbed against her clit each time he entered and pulled back.

"Where did you learn that?" She moaned loudly. She was so excited she took a bite out of his shoulder drawing blood.

"Ouch." Mike groaned.

It pissed him off so much he started ramming his rod deeper and deeper into her. Her cries were louder and louder as they raced to completion.

"Don't stop. Don't stop." She yelled as she came. "Now!" Their oily bodies slapped five more times until they both became still.

"Damn. Meagan is a lucky girl." Janet said as she pulled her top and bottom back on.


Meagan sat in her car at the Mall trying to calm down. When she got home earlier her mother cornered her and told her she couldn't see Mike anymore. She steamed and stormed out of the house slamming the door on the way. Just because her mother fucked around years ago she was not allowed to see the guy she loved. She closed her eyes and tried to think of a way to still see Mike.


Mary also had to get out of the house. She wondered if Mike's parents Beth and Jim knew about the photos. She had not paid them a visit for quite a while she thought at she knocked on their front door. Jim answered. "Mary."

"Hi Jim. May I come in?" She asked with a big smile. The old photo had stirred up hot memories.

"Well I guess so." He said looking nervous. "Beth and Mike are not here right now."

"Good. I need to talk to you anyway." She said as she pushed by him to enter the house.

"Can I get you something?" He asked still almost asleep. She had awakened him from his afternoon nap.

"No. You will need to sit down." She said moving over to the sofa. He sat next to her but at least a foot apart.

"What is going on?" He asked.

"Mike found those photos your father took of us at the camping party."

"Shit. He said he tore those up." Jim said upset. "Mike knows?"

She shook her head yes. "I have something else to tell you that I should have said years ago." She said squeezing her fingers together.

Jim looked at her puzzled at what it could be.

"Jim. Meagan is your daughter." Mary blurted out.

Jim sat starring at her. He had thought the same years ago but was afraid to say anything. "I think its best to just drop this."

"You've known it all these years haven't you?" She said sitting up looking into his eyes.

"Mary. It's only going to cause a lot of pain."

"I think it already has. Mike and Meagan have been going out."

"Shit." Jim exclaimed. "Do they know?"

"They both know now. I couldn't let it go any further. Both are really upset."

"What can I do?" He asked.

"I think you need to talk to Mike. I tried talking with Meagan but she ran out of the house."

"You're right." He said. "I'll do it when he gets home."

"Thanks." She said smiling. Being this close to him was making her body come alive. "You know I've never forgotten how good it was that night."

Jim smiled. "Me neither."

Mary shocked him by leaning over and lightly kissing his lips. She held her lips against him to see what reaction she got. It was the one she wanted as his mouth opened to allow her tongue inside.

"How much time do we have?" She panted as she helped him remove his shirt and unbutton his trousers.

"Mike is due home any minute." He said as he pulled her blouse off and released her bra.

"Let's go down to the basement." He said as he pushed his pants and boxers off. His prick was harder that it had been in the past ten years.

"OK." She giggled as she ran down the hallway ahead of him only wearing her basic white panties. They were off her feet by the time she reached the old sofa. Jim moved up behind her and they both fell in a naked heap on the soft cushions. As he entered her warm oven she whispered, "Now don't get me pregnant this time."

"I won't. The tube has been tied." He chuckled as his hips drove his passion in and out of her.


Meagan drove her car down her street and turned into Mike's driveway. She needed to talk to him. She saw his car and smiled. Her knocks on the door were not answered so she moved around the house to look into his bedroom. As she passed the basement window she heard someone laughing. Her knees again got dirty as she leaned over and peered through the dirty glass. She gasped when she saw the naked breasts and face of her mother as she rode whoever was on the sofa. Shit. It had better not be Mike she said as she watched his hands move up to cup and play with her mom's massive breasts. Suddenly his face moved up behind his hands and his lips opened to suck in her huge nipple. Damn. It was her mother and biological father going at it again. She moved back from the window and around to Mike's room. She tapped but he was not at home. She started to leave when she heard someone coming through the bushes.

"Mike." She said surprised.

"Meagan." He said also surprised.

"I was looking for you." She said noticing his shirt was open and his oily chest exposed. "How did you get so oily?" She said as she pulled his shirt open to look at his chest.

"And, where did you get this?" She asked moving her fingers up to a red mark on his shoulder. Mike knew there was only one way out of it and that was to lie. "I fell when I jumped over your fence. The oil was when I was sitting out in the sun after work." He hoped she would buy it.

"You poor thing." She giggled as she placed her lips on the red marks. Her tongue slipped out and moved down to flick across his nipple.

"Meagan. We can't do this." He said pushing and holding her back.

"Why not? Our parents are doing it?" She giggled.

"Doing it? Don't you mean done it?"

"No. I mean doing it." She laughed. She pulled him around the house and down to the small basement window. "See."

Mike moved down and looked. His mouth opened wide when he saw Meagan's mom bouncing up and down on somebody lying on the sofa.

"It's your dad." She said. Mike looked for another minute until he heard his dad talk. It definitely was his father.

"Let's go over to my house." She said as her fingers pressed against his bulge. Mike thought about Janet on the patio. "No." He thought quickly. "Let's go to my room."

"OK." She said excitedly. She followed him as he quietly opened the back door and tiptoed down the hallway to his room. She moved in as he locked the door behind them.

"We have to be quiet." He whispered.

"Like them?" Meagan laughed hearing the moaning and grunting through the floorboards.

"True." Mike laughed.

"Mike. I love you and don't want to lose you." She said as her lips moved up to his.

"But....the sister and brother thing?" He said as he broke his lips away.

"There is no proof we are sister and brother and I don't think my mother and your father are going to tell anyone."

"They might." Mike said.

Meagan smiled and walked to the door. "I don't think so. Coming?" She asked as she walked out the door.

"Meagan where are you going?" Mike asked in a panic. He followed her out to the basement door and down the stairs. They stood at the bottom of the stairs watching Mike's father fucking Meagan's mother doggy style. They were both facing away.

"Ah hem!" Meagan sounded trying to get their attention. Mary heard her but Jim didn't. Mary turned her head and saw the two teenagers watching.

"JIM STOP!" She cried as she reached behind her to grab his white ass. "We have company."

Jim turned and saw a smiling Meagan and Mike looking at them.

"I can explain." Jim said quickly.

"Go ahead. I would love to hear it." Mike laughed.

"Mike and I have decided to keep going out." Meagan said sharply. "I'm sure you two have no problems with that right?"

"Well yes we do." Jim said with his hard-on still buried deep into Mary's dampness.

"No we don't." Mary said looking over her shoulder at the stupid man.

"We don't?" Jim asked.

"No." Mary said firmly. Jim finally realized that the kids could easily make it known the two of them were fucking.

"No. We don't have a problem with you two going out." He smiled. "Now would you mind going out?" He said winking at them.

"Sure. We are leaving. We will be upstairs in Mike's room." Meagan giggled. "Now don't you two do something we wouldn't do."

"They won't." Mike laughed as he pinched Meagan's cute little ass as she ran up the steps ahead of him.

"You know there is no proof we are sister and brother." She said as she pulled down her panties and moved over to the bed.

"What's that?" Mike asked seeing a small mark on her ass just above her crack.

"Just a birthmark." She giggled as she turned her body to look at it. "Damn." Mike said as he turned and pushed down his boxers. Meagan's heart sank when she saw the same identical birthmark over Mike's ass.

"You think?" Meagan asked Mike as he moved down between her thighs.

"No just a coincidence." He said as his prick sank deeply into her hot cave.

Brown's shoe store I

Slickman2000 on Teen Stories

Brown’s Shoe Store


Note from Slickman:  Thought I would do a “first time” story that included a spin the bottle game.  All copywrite rules apply.

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It was Mike Brown’s first job at the age of 16 years old.  Luckily for him his grandfather owned the small shoe store located near the Catholic High School he went to.  He could get out of his classes at and be at the store in 10 minutes.  For the first two years his tasks normally involved cleaning and stocking the shelves.  It wasn’t until his Senior Year when he was 18 that he got the chance to actually sell shoes to customers. 


Meagan had a crush on Mike since the third grade.  They only lived three houses from each other and were schoolmates and playmates.  Mike never really considered Meagan to be anything other than one of the guys.  She normally wore baggy clothes and kept her hair cut short.  She could play baseball as good as most of the other guys and could spit and run better than most.  She would stop by the store after school to see him but his grandfather would run her away. 


63 year old Tom Brown smiled when he saw Mrs. Talbert and her daughter walk into the store.  He told his grandson Mike to clean up the back while he waited on his favorite customer. 


“Hello Tom.”  Betty said as she walked over to look at the same display of shoes she had seen every week for the past three months. 


“Hi Betty.  I’ve gotten in a new pair of boots in if you might be interested.”  Tom said pulling the boots from the box and holding them up for her. 


“Of course.  Why don’t I try them on?  Regular size.”  She smiled.  Tom knew her size by memory.  He pulled out a size 6 medium and carried them to the small row of seats. 


“Now you just sit there and be a good girl.”  Betty said to her daughter Amanda.  The girl slid up onto the seat and looked at herself in the small mirrors down by the floor in front of her.  She made some faces and giggled. 


Betty took off her coat and folded it neatly on the seat next to her.  She turned to see Tom kneeling in front of the seat waiting anxiously for her to sit down.  She smiled as she slightly hiked up her dress while she turned and slowly sat down. 


Tom couldn’t wait to see his prize for the day.  He had played this game with this woman for the past ten years and it was normally the highlight of their week.  They both pretended like nothing was happening but their bodies didn’t lie.    He unzipped the boot as she lifted her foot for him to slide the boot on.  His eyes were locked onto her knees as the short skirt moved up and away from her flesh.  He watched her stockings end and the garter-belt begin.  Her white creamy flesh was unblemished as it moved upward towards her panties.  He wondered which ones she would be wearing this week. 


Mike grinned as he peeked through the curtain watching his grandfather sneaking a peek up the older woman’s dress.  He had seen him doing it for the past year and always laughed at his expression when he saw her panties. 


Tom’s eyes never blinked as he raised her foot higher and higher.  Only a few more inches he thought.  Almost there.  Suddenly his eyes opened wide expecting to see her panties.  Except today she was not wearing any.  He looked directly at her bare uncovered moist pink pussy lips covered with sparse light blonde pubic hair.  He felt the sharp pain and grabbed at his chest as the lights went out. 


At first Betty didn’t know what Tom was doing when his head dove deeply between her legs.  “TOM!”  She screamed as she tried to lift his head and body off of her. 


Mike jumped through the curtain and over the chairs when he saw his grandfather fall forward.  He pulled him back off of her lap and looked down to see her uncovered pussy.  He froze but realized his grandfather was unconscious.  “GRANDPA!”  He screamed trying to wake him up.  But, Tom did not wake up.  His heart and his life had suddenly come to a stand still. 


The ambulance came but nothing could be done.  Both Betty and Mike were too shook up to talk about what had happened.  All both would say was that he just had a heart attack and fell.  The 10 year old girl Amanda didn’t really know what was going on.


A few days later Tom was laid to rest and the family gathered at his home.  “What are we going to do with the shoe store?”  Mike’s father Jim asked.  He was the town’s dentist and had no interest in keeping it open. 


“Sell it.”  Mike’s mother May said. 


“We can’t do that.”  Mike said.  “It’s a family tradition.  I’ll run the store for the summer before I go to college.” 


His parents looked at him.  He was a smart boy and could handle the small amount of business the store had.  Summer time sometimes picked up because the other kids were off from school and had more time to shop. 


The store was closed for two weeks until Mike graduated from High School.  His girlfriend and he had broken up a few weeks ago because she was going to a school back east and didn’t want to be tied down.  Mike didn’t really care because they had slowly broken away from each other anyway.  It was graduation night when he realized Meagan thought more of him than a good friend. 


“Where are you going tonight?”  Mike’s mom asked him as they arrived at home after the graduation ceremony. 


“Meagan is having a party.”  Mike replied.  He knew his mom liked Meagan since she had almost lived at their house for the past ten years. 


“OK.  But, don’t stay out late.”  She winked.  Mike frowned and ran up to his room to get his jeans and tee shirt on. 


“How do I look?”  Meagan asked her girlfriend Tara.  Tara looked up from the Teen Magazine she was reading and gasped. 


“Where did you get that dress?” 


“Internet.  With a credit card it is easy.”  She giggled.  She looked at her reflection in the full length mirror.  The dress came down to just below her hip line.  If she leaned over any at all anyone would see her new red satin thongs.  She bent at the waist just to see the reaction of her classmate and good friend. 


“Holy Mother of…”  Tara exclaimed when she saw Meagan’s bare ass cheeks with the shiny red thong strap splitting the middle of her creamy buttocks. 


“I guess I better not bend over huh?”  Meagan laughed. 


“Your parents will never allow it.”   Tara laughed. 


“My parents won’t be here.  My older sister Janet is supposed to be watching us.”  Meagan smiled.  “I made sure her boyfriend Alex will be here and will keep her busy.” 


“Mike is going to have a heart attack.”  Tara laughed.  “Has he ever seen you in a dress?” 


“Not like this only in my school uniform.”  She smiled.  Only Tara knew she had a thing for Mike. 


“I feel under dressed.”  Tara said looking down at her tight jeans and haltered top. 


“I’m sure Brad won’t mind.”  Meagan giggled.  Tara had been dating Brad for a little over a year and had reached third base.  She was hoping for a home run tonight.  Meagan just wanted to get up to bat with Mike. 


Brad stopped by Mike’s house and they walked to Meagan’s which was only few yards away.  “I think tonight will be the night.”  Brad whispered as he pulled the Trojan from his rear pocket. 


“You wish.”  Mike laughed.  Neither of them had gone all the way but like most senior boys they told everyone else they had. 


“I’ve got two in case you might need one.”  Brad said holding up the other rubber. 


“Right.  And, who might that be with?”  Mike asked.


“How about Meagan?”  Brad asked.  Tara had told him Meagan had a thing for him but made him promise not to tell.


Mike laughed.  “I’m not sure if Meagan even likes boys.”  He had always thought of her as one of the guys. 


Brad put the rubbers back in his pocket and they knocked on the door.  Janet answered it. 


“It’s little Mike and Brad!”  She yelled so her sister and Tara could hear her. Janet was only 20 years old but acted like Meagan and her friends were a lot younger.  “They are still upstairs getting ready.”  She turned and led them into to the basement. 


“Now be good down there because I don’t want to have to come down there and spank you.”  She laughed. 


Mike and Brad stared at Janet’s cute ass as she walked in front of them.  Brad elbowed Mike and grinned. ”If you get bored Mike doesn’t have a date and you can spank me anytime you want.”  Brad said to Janet as she turned. 


“I have a feeling Mike will be busy enough.”  Janet laughed as she watched the two 18 year olds walk down the basement steps. 


“What did she mean by that?”  Mike said as he sat on the large sofa in the corner of the finished basement.  He looked around and thought about all the good times he had with Meagan as they played ping pong in the room and video games on that same sofa. 


“Ready or not here we come.”  Tara announced at the top of the steps.  Brad sat forward as he watched Tara’s jean covered legs coming down the stairs.  She smiled when she got to the bottom and looked up at Meagan standing nervously at the top waiting to come down.  Tara grinned as she looked up under Meagan’s short dress seeing the front of her red panties.  She thought about calling Mike over but Meagan would kill her. 


“And now.”  She announced.  “A new Meagan!” 


The two guys turned expecting to see Meagan’s jean covered legs but instead saw her bare ankles, calves, and thighs.  Mike leaned forward trying to see where her clothing started.  Shit.  It better start soon he thought.  Finally her red dress and her curvaceous ass came forward.  He watched and waited because whoever it was it could not be Meagan. 


Meagan almost fell down the last two steps as she peeked under the ceiling to see Mike’s reaction.  She smiled when she saw his eyes opened wide and his mouth open as big.  “Holy shit.”  Mike muttered. 


“Damn Meagan.  You look hot.”  Brad said at the scanty clad girl.  His eyes took in her bare legs and even her full bust she had successfully hidden from everyone in the past. 


Meagan smiled nervously and walked into the small room.   She saw the look on Mike’s face and it gave her a warm feeling between her barely covered legs. 

“Hi Mike.”  She giggled.  She pivoted to give him a full view of her curvaceous ass. 


Mike couldn’t talk as he watched what used to be his tomboy buddy walk around the small table to sit next to him.  His eyes never left her body and his mouth never closed. 


“Damn.”  He finally managed to say. 


“If you don’t like it I’ll go change.” Meagan said smiling. 


“NO!”  He said loudly.  “It’s going to take some time getting use to.” 


Tara was happy Meagan was getting some attention but not all of it.  She moved over to Brad and plopped down on his lap.  “Hi honey.”


“Hi.” Brad said not taking his eyes off of Meagan’s short skirt.  Only a few inches more and he could see all the way up to the junction of her tan thighs. 


“Heather and Mark are here.”  Janet yelled down the stairs.  They all turned to see the two walk down the steps.  Heather was also wearing a short dress but not as reveling as Meagan’s. 


“I’m going home to put a dress on.”  Tara said standing up.  But, Brad pulled her back down on his lap.


“You look great in your jeans.”  He laughed as her cute round ass bounced down onto the front of this jeans. 


“Who else is coming?”  Heather asked.  She pulled Mark over to squeeze into a large chair. 


“That’s it.”   Meagan answered. 


Mike looked around the room and realized he had been coupled up with Meagan.  Heather and Mark had been going out for almost two years and Tommy and Amy as well.  He could feel the heat radiating from Meagan’s bare thigh which was pressing into his own leg.  He knew there would be some intimate stuff going on and was unsure how he would respond doing anything with his video game friend.   


“Will your sister be joining us?”  Heather asked as she put her hand on Mark’s leg just above his knee.  He put his hand on hers and smiled. 


“No.  She promised to stay upstairs.”  Meagan said still nervous to be sitting next to Mike. 


“What does everyone want to do?”  Tara asked.  She could feel the rise in Brad’s pants under her ass.  So far she had only touched him through his clothing and he had done the same to her.  Tonight she hoped they would take it further. 


“We could dance.”  Meagan said trying to calm down.  She pulled her dress down and walked over to the stereo.  She forgot about her short dress and leaned over to select a CD. 


Mike tried not to look at the bottom of her pink ass cheeks peeking out from under her dress.  He wondered if she was even wearing panties. 


“Uh Meg.”  Tara laughed. 


Meagan turned to see Tara pointing at the back of her dress.  She quickly stood up right and blushed.  “Oops.”  She giggled. 


Meagan put on the CD and turned to walk back to the sofa.  She hoped Mike would ask her to dance.  However the first song was a fast one.


“Come on.”  Heather said to Mark trying to get him up to dance.  Right now all three guys had full hard-ons and were not about to stand up.  Heather laughed when she saw his condition.  She reached over and took Meagan’s hand.  “Let’s dance.”


Meagan was standing next to a hip grinding Heather and didn’t know what to do.  She would be moving and wiggling her body for the first time in front of guys.  The girls had danced together at slumber parties and had fooled around dancing in only their undies.  But, that was with girls.  This was completely different. 


“Come on girl shake that thang.”  Heather laughed as she took Meagan’s hips in hers and twisted and turned them. 


Tara again felt left out watching the other girls getting all the attention.  She jumped up between them and started grinding her ass in large circles. 


The guys sat back and enjoyed the view.  Heather’s dress moved up twice enough for all of them to see the bottoms of her silky white panties and even Meagan was starting to move her hips more.


“Yeah!” Brad screamed and clapped his hands.  He wanted the girls to get down and get nasty.


 “WHAT IS GOING ON DOWN THERE?”  Janet yelled from the top of the stairs. 


“Nothing.” Meagan laughed. 


“Good.”  Janet said.  “Keep it that way.”  She laughed and closed the door. 


“That was fun.”  Tara said laughing.  The fast song ended and a slow one came on.  She held her hand out to Brad and he accepted it. 


Meagan sat back down next to Mike and watched as Heather and Mark moved up to dance close together.  She could see the girls push their stomachs up to the front of the guy’s pants.  She took a drink and sat back by Mike. 


“So are you going to talk to me?”  Meagan asked.  She glanced down to see the tent still in his pants. 


“I don’t know what to say.”  He said.  “You are so different.”  He looked down at her body. 


“You don’t like?”  She asked smiling. 


“Yes.  I like it a lot.  But we've been friends too long.   


“Can’t we enter a new level of friendship?”  She asked. 


“I don’t know if I can.” 


“Let’s try.”  She said as she stood and took his hand.  He followed her up to where the other couples were grinding their bodies together and felt her body push into his.  Her arms moved over his shoulders and her eyes looked up into his. 


Meagan tried to act calm when she felt his penis pushing against her stomach.  She moved her soft breasts forward until her hard nipples jabbed into his chest.  Her body moved to the music causing her stomach to rub across his hard-on. 


“I can tell you like it.”  She whispered.  Her face moved up to rest on his shoulder allowing her lips to press against his neck. 


Mike easily forgot who he was dancing with.  Her body was igniting parts of him never lit before.  At first he tried to hold his body back from hers to prevent her feeling his passion but she kept coming.  He looked over her shoulder at Mark as his hands cupped and fondled Heather’s ass.  Mike’s fingers shook as his own hands moved down Meagan’s waist to the top of her hips.  He could feel her thongs under the thin dress.  Every five seconds his fingers moved lower until his whole hands were now covering her marvelous buttocks. 


Meagan felt his hands on her ass and smiled.  Her lips moved forward to plant little kisses on his neck.  Although she was a virgin she did have some experience kissing from her last boyfriend.  Her lips moved up to his earlobe and sucked it between her teeth.  She nibbled on it. 


Mike felt her lips and her stomach rubbing against him and it was too much.  His fountain was ready to gush.  He pulled away and looked into her eyes.  He saw the passion of want and need.  He tried to move back before it was too late and her soft lips moved up to his.  Her mouth opened and her tongue snaked into his mouth just as he climaxed.  “OH SHIT.”  He moaned as he pushed away from her and ran into the small bathroom on the other side of the basement. 


Heather saw what had happened and tried to do the same to Mark.  She wanted to pull it out and do it in the open but knew her girlfriends were not ready for that just yet.  Her fingers moved down between their stomachs until she found his erection.  She squeezed and stroked him until he tried to pull her hand away.  Too late.  He pushed her back and gave her a dirty look.  He ran to the bathroom door but Mike had locked it.  He hurried up the stairs. 


Tara and Brad didn’t know what was going on.  They were so locked up together they didn’t even break away. 


“Good job Meg.”  Heather whispered. 


“Did he just…?”  Meagan whispered back to Heather. 


“Sure did.  I guess you were too much for him.”  She laughed.  They sat down on the sofa and watched as Tara slowly did the same to Brad.


Janet was sitting on the sofa waiting for a phone call from her boyfriend when she heard the basement door open and someone run into the bathroom.  She was afraid it was one of the girls.  She moved over to the bathroom door and heard the water running.  She twisted the doorknob and slowly peeked inside.  She gasped when she saw Mark standing with his pants and boxers down around his ankles.  He was washing his stomach and pubic area.  He saw the door open and the shocked look on Janet’s face as she looked at his semi-soft seven inch prick.  She slammed the door.


“Shit.” Janet said to herself.  She moved into the den and sat down.  She had imagined her sister and her friends as kids but now seeing Mark’s prick and it being larger than her own boyfriend’s her opinion suddenly changed.  She heard the bathroom door open and then the basement door.  She sighed and waited for her boyfriend to call.  Her body was suddenly on fire. 


Mike cleaned up and dried his pants the best he could.  Luckily jeans were easy to dry and hard to see any stains.  He heard someone try to open the door and then run upstairs.  He waited until he heard the footsteps coming back down.  He opened the door and walked out like nothing happened. 


Meagan was nervous as she waited for Mike to return. He sat next to her and she whispered.  “Sorry.” 


Mike whispered back.  “I’m not.”  She giggled. 


Heather and Mark were not taking it as well.  “What the fuck did you do that for?”  He asked upset.  She had embarrassed him in front of his friends and Janet had seen him with his pants down. 


“You didn’t like it?”  She asked. 


“No.” He said sharply back. 


“Good.  Then you can do it yourself from now on.”  She got up and walked over to sit in another chair. 


Tara could see something was wrong with Heather and Mark.  She thought she could break the ice if they played a game or something. 
”Who wants to play a game?” 


“What kind of game?”  Heather asked.


“Any game.”  Tara replied. 


“How about spin the bottle?”  Brad jumped in. 


“We are kind of old for that aren’t we?”  Mark said.  Right now he did not want to kiss or be near Heather. 


“Instead of kiss let’s do dares.”  Brad said.  “You only get to turn down one dare and if you do you have to take off an article of clothing.  The person spinning the bottle will come up with a dare to the person it points at.” 


“Sounds like fun.”  Tara said.  “I’ll get a bottle upstairs.”  She ran up the steps.


“Do you want to play?”  Mike asked Meagan who was now holding his hand. 


“As long as you are playing.”  She smiled. 


“What are you looking for?”  Janet asked Tara seeing her searching around in the kitchen. 


“A bottle.”  Tara said. “We are playing spin the bottle.” 


“A kissing game?”  Janet laughed.


“No a dare game.” Tara responded. 


Janet was pissed her boyfriend had stood her up.  She was bored and was still thinking about Mark’s prick.  “Do you think Meagan would be upset if I played?”


“Of course she would but I wouldn’t.”  Tara laughed.  Janet followed the younger girl down into the basement. 


“I thought you said you would stay upstairs?”  Meagan asked her sister when she arrived in the basement. 


“Alex stood me up and I’m bored.”  Janet said.  “Tara invited me.”


Meagan gave Tara a dirty look. 


“OK but if you repeat any of this I’ll kill you.”  Meagan glared at her sister. 


They all moved the table out of the middle of the floor and sat in a big circle.  “Who goes first?”  Tara asked. 


“Spin the bottle.”  Brad replied..  Tara spun the bottle and it went around and around.  It slowed and stopped on Mark.  “I get to go first.”  He smiled at Heather and she smiled back.    


Mark took the bottle and gave it a big spin.  It moved around and slowed.  They all watched as it pointed to Tara. 


“Be good or I’ll get even.”  She said. 


“OK.  Go into the bathroom and take off your bra.”  He said. 


Tara smiled.  “That was not so bad.  I can do it here.”  She moved her hands up under her shirt and released the front clasp.  The guys watched in amazement as she twisted her arms and managed to pull it out from under her tee shirt. 


“How did you do that?”  Brad asked while scratching his head. 


“Maybe I’ll show you sometime?”  She giggled.  Everyone could now see her hard tips poking out the front of her blouse.  She tossed the small bra on the sofa.  “My turn.”  She spun the bottle and it pointed to Janet. 


Janet was wearing a denim skirt and a halter top.  She looked at the young girl and was ready for anything. 


“OK.  I dare you to kiss the boy of your choice for one minute.” 


Janet immediately looked over at Mark who had been avoiding eye contact with her.  She moved up and walked around the circle.  She stopped behind Mark.  Mark looked over at Heather and smiled as he turned and offered his lips to the older woman.  Janet gave him the best she had.  The others could see their mouths open and their tongues mixing together.  

“A minutes up.”  Tara laughed.  Janet moved her lips away and smiled.  She moved back to the circle.  She spun the bottle.  It pointed to Mike. 


“This one is easy.  Take Meagan into the bathroom and have a three minute date.” 


Meagan smiled at her sister.  Her being here was not so bad.  Meagan quickly stood and walked ahead of Mike. 


The door closed behind them.  “Three minutes.  Go.”  Tara yelled. 


“I still can’t believe this is you.”  Mike said as he moved his lips down to hers.  Meagan accepted his lips and tongue.  Mike’s hands moved down to a territory he knew was OK.  His hands cupped her round ass. 


Meagan broke the kiss and they both gasped for air.  “What’s different about me?”  She giggled.  “This.” He laughed as his hands moved over her ass cheeks. 


“What else?” She asked excited he would touch her elsewhere.


Mike’s hands moved up her sides and to her stomach as she moved back from him.  They both looked at his hands as they moved up until they brushed the bottoms of her breasts.  He looked at her face to see a smile.  It gave his hands the go ahead to move up over her soft orbs. 


“Definitely these.”  He said.  Meagan’s eyes closed as a boy touched her breasts for the first time. 

“Two minutes to go.”  Tara yelled. 


Mike toyed with her hard nips.  “What else?”  She asked with her eyes still closed.  They both knew where his hands would go next. 


“You sure?” He whispered.  She shook her head yes.  It was a moment she had dreamed about for a long time. 


Meagan sucked in her stomach while his fingers moved down her abs to her stomach.  He lightly touched over her pubic mound and to the junction of her thighs.  Her legs opened enough for his fingers to trace over her virgin slit.  She moaned when he touched her clit.  His fingers moved lower to the bottom of her dress and under it.  He touched the insides of both thighs as his fingers moved north. 


Mike had touched his last girlfriend on her panties only.  He had never touched hers or any bare pussy before. His fingers pushed against the soft satin panty and stopped.  She really was a girl he thought.  He curled his finger under the elastic edge and felt her silky soft pubic hair guiding the way for his fingers to her damp slit. 


“Meagan.”  He whispered as he moved his fingers up her slippery channel. 


“I wanted you to be the first to touch me.”  She moaned when he pushed against her hard pleasure knob. 


As Mike’s finger moved off her clit she grabbed his hand to hold it there. 


“Right there.”  She directed. 


She could tell from his fumbling finger he did not know much about a female’s vagina.  The only real one he had seen was Mrs. Thompson’s the day his grandfather died. 


“One minute.”  Tara yelled. 


Meagan wasn’t sure if she would get this chance again so she aimed her fingers at his zipper and found it.  She pulled it down and reached inside.  She wasn’t sure how it would feel when she found it but she had a pretty good idea how it would be shaped.  Her fingers pushed thought his bush and across his hot shaft. Her fingers explored it as he explored her wetness.  She marveled at its size.  She guessed it was at least seven or eight hard inches.  Her fingers moved around the crown and felt the slippery pre-come. 


“I’m glad you are the first too.”  Mike whispered.  Her fingers were making him close to coming again. 


Her lips sucked on his earlobe again and she could feel him about to explode again.  He did not know how to bring her off.  “Maybe we can have some other firsts?”


Mike thought about what she had said.  “You mean?” 


“Maybe?”  She giggled. 


“TIMES UP!”  Tara yelled as she tried to open the door.  Mike pulled his fingers out of Meagan’s panties and she did the same out of his pants.  They rearranged their clothing and Mike kissed her one last time.  Meagan opened the door and walked out blushing. 


“Hey sis.  Did you find anything in there you liked?”  Janet teased. 


Meagan kicked her lightly as she walked by.  Meagan grabbed the bottle.  Her body was now on fire and she wanted to see and experience more.  She spun and it landed on Mark.  Meagan wanted to see if everyone was willing to share.  “OK.  I want Mark to demonstrate his favorite sexual position.”  Everyone turned to look at Heather.  She frowned.   “With Tara.”  Meagan finished.  Everyone looked at Mark and Tara to see if they would do it. 


“Go ahead.”  Heather said already upset with him.  They all looked at Brad.  “Fine with me.”


Tara looked at Mark and grinned.  She had always liked Mark but he had been dating her girlfriend for such a long time.  Tara stood up and met Mark by the sofa.  “What’s your favorite position?”  Tara whispered in his ear. 


Mark smiled and looked at Heather.  They only had intercourse  three times and Heather was not one willing to experiment.  “Girl on top.”   He whispered back.  Mark moved over to the sofa and lay down.  His prick was hard from the time he heard what was going to happen. 


“Like this?”  Tara asked as she swung her leg over his hip and straddled his waist.  Her pussy was directly above his bulge.  “I’m glad I didn’t wear a dress now.” She laughed.  She looked under her breasts to accurately guide her pussy to the tip of the tent in his pants.   She gently touched it at first and then pressed harder until the tip was pushing up against her clit.  She closed her eyes and lowered her hips until his log rested between her slit.  She started a slow up and down motion on his body. 


Meagan was sitting directly across from Mike as they watched Tara’s fucking motion on Mark’s hard-on.  She saw Mike turn to look at her and smile.  She smiled back and slowly opened her thighs to show him her red panties again.  Teasing was so much fun. 


“Touch my ass.”  Tara whispered in Mark’s ear.  His hardness was making her close to coming.  He glanced over at Heather and saw her looking away.  His fingers found Tara’s cute little butt and pulled it harder against him.  It was all Tara needed as she exploded.  “Oh..oh.”  She moaned as her hips moved faster and faster.  She bit into his shoulder to keep from screaming.  It was the first time anyone but her own fingers had made her come.  Her body went limp on top of him. 


“God.”  Janet said.  She never knew these 18 year olds would be this nasty.  As she wished if Alex was there she heard the doorbell ring.  “I’ll be right back.”  She said running up the steps. 


Tara climbed off of Mark and lightly kissed his lips as her face moved by his.  “Thanks.”  She moved up feeling the dampness between her legs.  By the time Mark sat back down Janet came down the stairs with Alex. 


The girls all looked at him as an older man. He was twenty-two and a Junior in college.  “Is it OK if Alex joins us?”  Janet asked. 


“Sure.”  Heather quickly replied.  If Mark could fool around so could she. 


“So, this is spin the bottle dare game?”  He said smiling.  He looked at the cute young girls who were making eye contact with him.  It had been over a year since he had a virgin he thought looking over at Janet. 


“My turn.”  Tara said as she picked up the bottle.  Mark grabbed it from her hand.  “You had a turn and I was part of the scene on the sofa.”  He said as he turned the bottle.  They all watched as it pointed to Heather.  Mark smiled.  It was payback time for his buddy Brad.


Heather gave him a stern look.  “Since I had such a good time with Tara it’s only fair that Heather shows her favorite position to Brad.”  Mark smiled at Heather thinking she would go to her missionary position. 


Heather knew what Mark thought she would do.  She actually had wanted to try another position but it was not what Mark thought it was.  She had wanted to try oral sex but didn’t know how to tell him.  This was her chance. 


Heather stood and grabbed Brad’s hand. She led him to the sofa and pushed him onto his back.  She could see the outline of his prick under his pants.  She smiled at Alex as she turned her body so she was facing his feet.  They all gasped when she moved her body onto his in a 69 position.  Her long blonde hair fell over his zipper such that no one could see her mouth open to nibble on his bulge. 


Brad didn’t know what hit him.  He expected her to do the same as Tara but when she turned and moved her hips over his head he looked up to see her dress fall over his face.  He couldn’t see her panties but his face soon felt them.  He moved his face up to get his nose free so he could breath.  When he did his mouth came into contact with her damp crotch.  He felt her mouth biting gently on his tip as his pushed his tongue out to find her damp slit.  He wished he could pull her panties to the side but his arms were trapped. 


“Shit.”  Alex said sitting upward to see better.  Janet had told him things were wild but to see them locked in a 69 was too much. 


Heather wanted to make Brad come to get even for satisfying Tara.  She didn’t know what to do so she did everything she could thing of.  Her mouth moved over his crown and she quickly raised and lowered her head.  She could feel him getting harder in her mouth.  Her mouth moved off the tip and down the side.  He was not a long as Mark but he was pretty thick.  She clamped her mouth on the side of his shaft and moved her head up and down.  Brad only lasted a few seconds.  “OH GOD!” He yelled from under her skirt.  Her leg moved enough for his hand to snake free undetected by the others.  He pulled her panties to the side and tasted a pussy for the first time.  His tongue discovered she definitely was not a virgin as it dove deep inside of her. 


Heather felt his dam burst and moved her head back.  His tongue up inside of her was too much.  Her head rose up when his tongue moved deep inside. 


The rest of the group sat silent as the two bodies stopped moving.  The game was turning into more than a game. 


“My turn.”  Heather said grabbing the bottle.  They watched as it turned to point to Alex.  It was her turn to dare him. 


She giggled.  “Take off everything but your underwear.” 


Alex looked at her in disbelief. “Strip?”  He asked.  “I just got here.” 


“Chicken?”  Janet teased. 


“You sure?”  He asked.  Heather shook her head yes.


They all watched as he stood and pulled his tee shirt over his head.  His chest was covered with dark hair and was full of muscle.  He stood and unsnapped his jeans.  They all watched as he pushed them down his legs and off his feet.  The large bulge in his boxers was not hiding from anyone. 


“Satisfied?”  He asked Heather as he sat back down.  She smiled. 


“So this is going to be one of those games huh?”  Alex asked.  It was his turn and he wanted to see some naked flesh. 


He spun the bottle and it pointed to Meagan.  She gasped.  She knew what he wanted. 


“Little sis.  I’ve never seen you in a dress before and now I guess I’ll get to see you not in a dress.  Take it off.”  He grinned. 


Meagan looked at Janet for support.  She only smiled.  “What if I don’t do it?”  She asked Tara who made up this game. 


“You lose your one denial.  You might want to save it in case something really bad comes up.”  Tara said.  She felt bad for her girlfriend who was about to expose her body for the first time. 


“She can have my denial.”  Mike said. 


“No. I can do it.”   Meagan said as she stood facing the other way.  They all watched as she pushed the straps of the dress off her shoulders and watched as it fell down her body.  Only her red satin panties and bra remained.  She quickly turned and sat back down.  She crossed her arm over her thongs.  With the other hand she took the bottle. 


Mike tried not to stare at Meagan’s body but he couldn’t help it.  Her muscular thighs fed up into her naked hips.  Her flat stomach did the same to the rise at her chest.  Her nipples could not be seen through the satin material of her bra but they definitely were hard little nubs. 


Meagan spun the bottle and it pointed to her sister. 


“OK.  Take off your skirt and blouse.”  Meagan said smartly. 


“You only had to take off one thing.”  Janet said.  Meagan knew she was wearing a halter top which did not have a bra.  If she took it off she would be showing her bare breasts. 


“A dare is a dare.”  Meagan laughed. 


Janet sighed as she stood to remove her skirt.  Luckily she had new panties which where pretty sheer.  She wondered if they could see she shaved her pussy.  She grabbed the bottom of the halter top and pulled it up over her naked breasts.  Her pink nipples stood out like small missiles.  She tossed the clothing on the floor next to her and sat down.  She saw Mark’s eyes locked onto her breasts and smiled at him.  She spun the bottle. 


Tara gasped when it pointed to her. 


Janet thought she would see just how far these kids would go.  “Let’s try this.  Reach down into Alex’s boxers and play around for at least a minute.” 


They all looked at Brad.  “A dare is a dare.”  He grinned.  He liked the way the game was going. 


“I can’t.”  Tara said looking down.  She had never touched a bare penis before as was not about to do it in front of everyone else. 


“You used your denial.”  Brad said smiling.  Seeing him smile pissed her off.


“Wait.  OK. I’ll do it.”  She said glaring at Brad. 


She moved over to Alex and he leaned back on his hands.  They all watched as Tara used one hand to pull out his waistband as the other hand moved down under the material.  Even though she had felt Brad through his pants she was not ready for the hard silky shaft as her hand moved around him.  Her fingers traced around the ridge of his crown and slowly down to his balls.  She cupped them in her tiny hand and slowly raised her fingers back up his shaft.  He was not as big as she thought he would be. Her fingers moved up over the crown again and off the tip.  Her fingers moved out of his waistband with the dampness of his pre-come on the tips.


Meagan couldn’t believe Tara would ready do it and watched as her hand moved under Alex’s boxers.  Even though he was wearing boxers everyone could see what was going on.  She remembered how stiff Mike’s prick was. 


“That’s enough.”  Tara said proudly.  She wiped her hand on her jeans and spun the bottle.  Around and around it went.  No one was talking as they watched the top of the bottle slow down and point to……Janet. 


“Hey.  I’m not taking off my panties.”  She said holding her hand out in front of her. 


Tara laughed.  “I’m sure the guys will like this.  Rub your breasts across all the guy’s lips.”  She was getting even for what Janet did to her. 


The guys thought Janet would refuse but when she stood and moved over to Brad he looked up at her naked breasts.  They were the first real ones he had ever seen.  Janet pushed him back until his head was on the floor looking up at her.   She knelt beside him and moved her orbs down until her nipple pushed against his lips.  Janet gasped when his mouth opened and sucked her hard digit inside. 


Mark was directly behind Janet and when she took the doggie position on her knees her ass was only a few feet from his face.  His eyes opened wide when her legs opened showing him her panties wedged into her pussy lips.  He did not see any pubic hair.


“Enough.”  Alex said.  He was not that happy with this young guy’s chewing on his girls nips.  Janet pulled her hard nipple from his mouth with a loud pop.  Everyone laughed.  She crawled over him to do the same to Mark.  As Mark lay back his bulge was outlined in his pants.  All the girls could see he was well hung.  Janet looked down at Mark’s opened mouth and thought she would do some teasing.  She dropped her nipple and it pushed into his eye.  He tried to tilt his mouth upward but she jerked her boob back.  She lowered it again and it pushed against his chin.  Again he jabbed his mouth at her breast and missed.  Finally Mark reached up and grabbed her breast and held it still until his lips sucked her nipple inside. 

Heather watched Mark sucking on the older girl’s tit and was more mad than jealous.  If he wanted to play around so would she. 


Janet pulled her breast away from Mark and crawled over to Mike.  “OK lit’ sis?” Janet asked as Mike leaned back.  Meagan knew she couldn’t say no.  She shook her head yes and stared as her sister aimed her breast at Mike’s mouth.  He showed how inexperienced he was as he licked and nibbled at her breast.  Janet grabbed his head and held his lips frozen on her hard bud. 


“Easy.”  She directed.  She closed her eyes as his lips and tongue gently caressed her nipple. 


“Good.” She moaned. 


“Enough.”  Alex laughed trying to act like it didn’t bother him. 


Janet grabbed the bottle and spun it.


Mike tried to move away from the bottle as it pointed to him but Janet quickly said his name.  Janet owed her little sister but she also wanted her and Mike to hook up.  She wondered how far Meagan would really go.


“OK Mike.  I want you to put your hand down the front of Meagan’s panties and touch her there for a minute.” 


Mike quickly turned to see Meagan’s expression which was one of shock.  She didn’t mind if Mike touched her vagina but she was not happy doing it in front of everyone.  She smiled and grabbed her dress nearby and placed it over her lap.   “OK but I get to cover up.” 


“I didn’t say you could cover up.”  Janet zapped back. 


“You didn’t say I couldn’t.”  Meagan said firmly. 


“She’s right.”  Mike quickly announced.  He also did not want others to see him fumbling around a girl’s panties. 


“OK.  OK.”  Janet smiled.  She watched as Meagan folded the dress over her lap and uncrossed her legs.  Mike’s hard-on was pushing out his pants as he moved over until his body was close enough to do what he had to do.  Meagan smiled and pulled up the dress for his hand to move under. 


“One minute.  GO!”  Janet said looking at her wristwatch. 


“Wait.”  Mike said.  “I’m not under her panties yet.” 


“Say when.”  Janet laughed.  Everyone’s eyes were on Meagan’s tiny dress which was moving along with Mike’s hand and fingers.  He quickly slipped his fingers down the top of her thongs until he touched her soft bush.  “OK.”  He announced. 


Meagan was totally embarrassed as her long time secret love fumbled down into her moist virgin slit.  He quickly passed over her hard clit and tried to find her hole.  I’m a virgin stupid.  She thought as his finger moved down to the bottom and back to the top.  When he again touched her clit she moaned. 


Mike was not sure what he was touching but when he pushed against a small mound of flesh she moaned.  She must like it.  He thought as he focused his rubbing on that spot. 


Meagan could feel her climax approaching and did not want to have it in front of everyone.  Her body was now moving with the motion of Mike’s finger which caused the tiny dress to move enough for everyone to see his whole hand under the tiny red triangle.  They could also see glimpses of her pubic hair.  “Oh…”  Meagan moaned.  She looked at her sister who was not even looking at her watch anymore.  “A minute has to be up!”  She cried out. 


“Make it two minutes.”  Janet laughed.  She wanted to see her sister finger-fucked until she climaxed. 


“JANET!”  Meagan screamed pissed at her sister but also was pissed at herself for not being able to control her explosion.  Her hips shot upward as she came.  “OH GOD!”  She cried as her hands grabbed Mike’s hand to pull it out of her panties.  She turned and turned her body until she could fix her panties back into place. 


Mike was amazed of what he had done.  He glanced over at Brad who gave him thumbs up.  It was his turn to spin.  The bottle turned until it pointed to Tara. 


“Take off your jeans and blouse.”  He said smiling. 


“Uh excuse me.  Did you forget I’m not wearing a bra?”  She said nervously. 


“Nope.  I definitely remembered.”  Mike laughed. 


Tara looked around to see if anyone would come to her aid but everyone just smiled.  Her small 34b boobs would soon be naked for the first time to males.  She stood and unsnapped her jeans and pushed them down her thin but well shaped legs.  She smiled as she pulled her panties out of her ass.  She closed her eyes and pulled her blouse up over her white breasts. 


“Nice.”  Alex said looking up at her young morsels. 


So far only Janet and Tara were showing privates.  Tara hoped to change that.  She took the bottle and made a wish.  The wish came true.  It pointed to Brad.  She had not seen him naked and since he did not stand up for her she was going to get him back. 


“Take off all your clothes.”  She said smiling. 


“What?”  He said laughing.  “You can’t do that.” 


“Oh yes I can.”  She laughed. 


Where Mike was sitting he could see both the front of Janet’s and Tara’s panties.  The dark shadow of Tara’s bush could be seen but he could not see any shadow under Janet’s panties and her panties were even sheerer than Tara’s.  He suddenly realized she probably didn’t have a bush.  She shaved it!


“Hey.  I can use my denial.  All I have to do is take one thing off.”  He laughed and pulled off his tee shirt and sat back down.  He looked at his girlfriend and smiled as he spun the bottle.  It stopped on Heather.


“OK off with the dress.”  He said grinning. 


Heather knew her panties were soaked and if she took off the dress everyone else would also know.  She was also not wearing a bra.  “I’m using my denial too.”  She said. 


“But, you still have to take off the dress.”  Brad laughed. 


“Not really.  I can take off anything I want.”  With that she stood and reached up under her dress and grabbed the waistband of her panties.  She pulled them down and off her feet.  She tossed them to Brad who caught them.  He smiled at her when he felt how damp they were. 


“My turn.”  Heather said as she sat down making sure no one could see up under her dress.  She spun the bottle and it pointed to Brad again.  “Aha!”  She laughed.  “Seems you have no more denials.” 


“Be easy on me.”  Brad begged. 


“Sure.  Why don’t you strip naked?”  She laughed. 


Mike felt for his buddy who would be the first to show everyone his penis.  He had seen his friend in the showers and knew he was smaller than himself but not that small.  He knew it was stage fright that was making his face pale. 


“Everything?”  Brad repeated. 


“Yes!”  Tara laughed. 


Meagan was holding Mike’s hand tighter and tighter as she watch her childhood friend release the snap on his jeans and push them down over his briefs.  The six inch outline of his penis was easily seen bulging out the front of his BVDs. 


“Why don’t we take a break?”  Brad asked hoping to stop where he was at now. 


“No!”  All four females yelled at the same time.  If they were going to show their bodies they wanted to see some penises too. 


Brad stood motionless trying to think of a way out of this mess.  He did not see Janet’s hands moving up behind him and could not react fast enough to stop his briefs flying down his hips and legs.  He looked down in shock at his virgin pecker pointing straight outward. 


“HEY!”  He screamed as his fingers quickly covered his hard-on. 


Meagan giggled as she saw a man’s hard penis for the first time.  She now knew that Mike was much bigger than their friend.


“Give me those back!”  He yelled at Janet who was holding them up for everyone to see. 


Tara’s panties became even damper when she saw her boyfriend’s penis for the first time.  She suddenly became curious what the other guy’s equipment looked like. 


Janet tossed him the undies and he pushed them down to cover his prick.  The white briefs sat on top of them but did little to hide his excited state. 


“Give me the bottle.”  Brad said noticeably pissed.  He was not going to be the only one naked.  He spun the bottle so fast it flew across and hit against Mike’s leg and pointed across at Janet. 


“Alright!”  Brad yelled seeing who it pointed to. 


“Not fair.  It hit Mike’s leg.”  Janet said.  She was not going to take off her panties. 


“Do it again.”  Tara yelled at her boyfriend.  She wanted to see some more naked men. 


Brad reached for the bottle and the briefs fell from covering his hard-on.  “Fuck it.”  He said as he spun the bottle slower this time. All eyes followed it until it stopped on…….Janet again!’’


“No excuses this time.”  Brad laughed. 


Janet looked at Alex who only smiled.  He wanted to see what these other girls looked like naked so he was not going to object about Janet showing her treasures. 


“Come on sis.”  Meagan said laughing.  “Scared?” 


Janet smiled but was steaming on the inside.  Her fingers moved into her panties waistband as she lifted her ass to slide them out from under her and slowly down her thighs. 


Mike had the best view when her bald pussy lips came into view.  He was anticipating she was shaven but was not prepared when he actually saw his first pussy and it was not hidden under a mat of hair. 


“Wow.”  Mark said what all the other guys were thinking.  “She shaves it.” 


Even Meagan was surprised when she saw her sister’s bald pussy.  She had heard about girls doing that but didn’t think someone like her sister would do it. 


“What’s everyone looking at?” Janet said as she sat down with her legs squeezed tightly together to prevent any more peeks at her pink slit.  She grabbed the bottle and froze.  “What if the person is naked?”


“They must do a dare or get out of the game.”  Tara quickly said.  “Spin.”  She was anxious. 


Janet twisted the bottle and let it go.  It turned around and around until it stopped on Mark. 


“OK big boy.  Let’s see it.”  She said chuckling. 


Mark looked at Mike and Brad and stood.  He wasn’t ashamed as he stood and pushed down his jeans and boxers at the same time.  His long seven inch hard-on popped outward. 


“They don’t all look alike.”  Janet cracked seeing a bigger shaft than both Brad’s and her boyfriend’s.   


Heather smiled at him proud that he had no problem stripping naked.  Her heart pounded as he spun the bottle.  It stopped on Meagan. 


Meagan gasped when she saw the bottle pointing at her.  She smiled and held her hands together begging her friend to be easy on her. 


“OK.  Just your bra.”  Heather said smiling. 


Even her bra was something Meagan was not prepared to give up.  Up until today she had hid her body and had hid it well.  Now every one of her friends, as well as Janet and Alex, would now see her bare breasts. 


“Just the bra.”  Meagan repeated as she unhooked the front clasp and pulled the bra slowly apart until her small but firm naked breasts were exposed.  Her nipples were as hard as she had ever seen them.  She turned and placed the bra between her and Mike.  She wanted to make sure he got a good look. 


Meagan spun the bottle.  Around and around it went and stopped.  Heather jumped back.  Meagan forgot Heather was missing her panties. “The dress.”  She said. 


“Meagan!  I’m not wearing panties.”  She exclaimed at her friend. 


“Oh. That’s right.”  Meagan laughed.  “Can you take off your bra?”


“I’m not wearing one.”  She whispered. 


“Hey.  If she only has a dress on tell her to take it off.”  Mark said happy that she would be naked too. 


“Wait I don’t have to take something off.  I can do a dare.”  She said smiling at her friend Meagan. 


Meagan knew the guys wanted her to strip but she didn’t want to piss off her friend.  “OK.  Let all the guys touch you under your dress one at a time for a minute each.” 


“Meagan!”  Heather said gritting her teeth. 


“That’s it.”  Mark said.  “You have to do it.” 


Heather looked at her boyfriend as she stood to stand by Alex.  His long arm moved his hand to her knee and slowly his hand disappeared as he pushed it up under her dress.  Her legs parted as he neared his destination and she closed her eyes when his finger tip invaded deep into her damp pussy.  He was much more experienced than Mark and went straight to her clit with his thumb while he pushed in and out of her hole. 


As Alex fingered Heather Mike moved his hand over to gently touch Meagan’s thigh.  Everyone was watching Alex and Heather and didn’t see her hand move over to his leg.  The game had made everyone so horny they were having trouble keeping their hands off each other.


“Next.”  Janet said looking at her watch.  Alex reluctantly removed his hand from under her dress and winked at her.  He had discovered she was not a virgin.  She smiled as she moved over to her boyfriend. 


Mark’s prick was standing at attention when she approached.  Although they had intercourse the times had been in the dark and they had not really seen each other naked.  As his hand moved up familiar territory her eyes closed again as he approached her honey tunnel.  She did not see Mark’s other hand pull up the bottom of her dress exposing her red pubic mound. It matched the flaming red hair on her head. 


“Mark.”  Meagan said to alert Heather what he was doing.  Heather opened her eyes and saw her dress up over her pussy.  She slapped his hands away.  “That’s all you are getting.”


“Hey. My minute is not up.”  He complained.


“It is now.”  She said totally pissed off. 


She moved over to Brad and stood while he reached up under her dress to finger her pussy.  His fingers explored and his middle finger slipped deep into her dripping hole.  He looked at her with a surprised look.  She smiled as he explored her cave. 


“Next.”  Janet announced. 


Mike pulled his fingers off Meagan’s leg and moved them to Heather’s ankle.  His fingers sped up her leg and under her dress. His finger tips pushed against the sticky juices of her pussy and searched for the small knob resting at the top.  He found it and rubbed. 


“Oh.”  Heather moaned.  Having four guys finger your pussy was too much.  As soon as Mike’s fingers found her clit she started to come.  “Don’t stop.”  She begged as he flicked his fingers across her hard joy button.  “I’m…..” She cried as she climaxed.  His fingers slipped down until he moved his index finger up into her pussy. 


“That was great.”  Heather said to bust her boyfriend as she moved back to her position.  She spun the bottle.  It pointed to Alex.  Since he was the oldest she wondered how brave he was. 


“I want you to strip and show us your favorite position.”  


Janet looked at her with total shock.  “I’m not doing that.” 


“I didn’t ask you to.”  Heather laughed.  “Alex chooses the girl.” 


Alex stood and slowly pushed his underwear over his hard-on.  It was starting to hurt being so confined. He smiled when he saw the wide eyes of the younger girls looking at his hard shaft.  And, best of all he got to pick out the girl of his choice.  As he looked around the room at the girls they all kind of looked away afraid he would pick them.  All except for Heather who was smiling at him. 


“OK.  I choose you.”  He said grinning. 


Heather smiled at her boyfriend and stood to walk with the naked older man to the sofa.  She stood nervously in only her thin dress as he whispered in her ear.  She turned and looked at Mark who was talking to Brad acting like he didn’t care what she did. 


“OK.”  She said agreeing to his proposal.  He wanted her to sit on top of him.   She stood back as he lay on his back.  His prick was hard and pointing upward as she moved her legs over his causing her skirt to fall over his stomach. 


“Hey.  We can’t see what’s going on.” Janet complained. 


“We are just demonstrating and not really doing it.”  Alex said as Heather’s damp pussy moved down onto his prick.  His hands took hold of her waist and he lifted her until the tip of his prick was poised at the entrance to her tight pussy.  She looked down at him and smiled. 


It was all Alex needed as he slowly lowered her body and her pussy down, down and down his shaft.  When she stopped he was fully inside of her.  Alex was happy just having himself in her and was even more happy when she started to rise up and back down.  She was really fucking him while the others watched.


“God.  It looks like they are really doing it.”  Tara whispered.  She also wished she could see up under Heather’s dress. 


“How long do they do it?”  Mark asked getting nervous.  “Who spun the bottle?”


“I did.”  Heather said trying to get her breath and pretend she was not fucking his man.  “I guess another two minutes.” 


“Two minutes!”  Mark said upset.  He knew she was at least rubbing her pussy on this man’s cock. 


Alex tried to hold back but couldn’t top his climax as he gripped her waist hard in his hands and shot his pleasure juices deep inside of her.  He did a great job pretending he was not really fucking her.  “Let’s just do a few more seconds.”


Heather was surprised when the experienced man came so fast.  She felt his juices pouring from her tight pussy and gave him a dirty look.  He was satisfied and wanted to stop.  She moved her pussy off his quickly softening penis.  Her dress covered his white juices dripping from her hole. 


Janet was the only one to see Alex’s prick before he hid it with his hand.  Shit. He had fucked Meagan’s friend while they all watched.  She watched as Heather quickly headed to the bathroom upstairs.


“Is she OK?”  Meagan asked seeing her friend running up the stairs. 

Meagan didn’t wait for an answer as she jumped up and ran up the stairs wearing only her satin red thongs.  


Meagan knocked on the door.   “Heather it’s Meagan.” 


Heather opened the door to let her friend in.  Heather was standing holding her dress up and was cleaning off the come from her pussy and legs. 


“He fucked you?”  Meagan asked shocked. 


“No. I fucked him.”  Heather said.  “At least for a few seconds.  Don’t worry I’m on birth control.” 


“Wow.”  Meagan said wondering if Heather was upset. 


“God.  It was so hot fucking him in front of everyone.”  She said smiling.  “Do you think anyone noticed?” 


“I didn’t.  It just looked like you were faking it.” 


“Good.  Let’s go back downstairs.”  Heather said.  “Maybe Mike will take your cherry.” 


“I hope so.”  Meagan laughed as she led the way back down the stairs.


“She’s OK.”  Meagan announced. 


Heather looked at Mark who looked at her suspiciously.  She smiled and sat back in her place.   Alex took the bottle and spun it.  It pointed to Mark. 


“Shit.  I don’t know.  A dare huh.  I got it.  Kiss little sis’s body all over.” 


Meagan sat up when he said little sis.  That’s what he called her.  He was telling Mark to kiss her body all over.  “I don’t think so.”  She said. 


“Use your denial.”  Mike said.  Of course it would mean Meagan had to remove her panties.


“But, I’ll have to take off….” She hesitated.  She took a deep breath and pushed her panties under her hips and down her legs.  She tried to keep her legs together as best as she could as her panties moved off her feet.  She sat back naked and looked down at the top of her blonde bush resting under her navel.  She turned to see Mike’s eyes looking at her lower stomach as well. 

Meagan spun the bottle.  It pointed to Mike.  She smiled.  He would have to do whatever she wanted. 


“How about another three minutes in heaven with me in the laundry room without the clothes of course.” 


“Here.  You want me to strip here?”  He asked.


She smiled and shook her head yes.


All eyes were on Mike’s trembling fingers as he slowly undressed. As his boxers moved over his nine inch rod Tara gasped.  “Holy shit.”   Even Janet sat up straight. 


Mike’s face turned beet red as he took Meagan’s hand to walk into the laundry room.  As Meagan stood her legs moved apart enough for Mike’s eyes to see her pink folds under the sparse blonde curls. 


“Now go easy on my little sister.”  Janet said jealous it was not her going into the room with the well endowed teenager. 


Meagan moved back against the washer as his moved his body up towards hers.  His long hard-on pressed directly into her stomach.  She laughed and moved her hand down to bend it upward.  The tip pressed against her right breast.  “Umm.”  She said as her hand guided the damp tip up to her nipple. 


Mike’s hands moved quickly to her nakedness.  He wanted to touch every inch of a naked female for the first time.  He explored her soft ass cheeks and slid his finger under her ass and across her damp slit.   Her legs opened to allow his hand more freedom. 


“Do you want to do it?”  Mike asked as she pushed his long dong down until the crown rubbed against her clitoris. 


“Yes.  But not here.  Not like this.”  She said.  “I want it to be special.” 


“Me too.” Mike said.  He really did want it to be special but right now he wanted to come. 


“Two more minutes.”  Janet yelled from outside the room. 


“What can we do?”  Mike asked almost crying for release. 


Meagan remembered all those girl sleepovers and all the talk about oral sex and blowjobs.  She told them she could never do such a vile act but now with his penis in her hand she forgot all those words.  She pushed him back far enough for her to slide downward until she was on her knees in front of him. 


“Meagan.”  Mike moaned when he realized what she was about to do.  “MEAGAN!”  He screamed when her petite mouth sucked in the mushroom tip of his prick. 


Janet laughed when she heard Mike scream her sister’s name.  “You go girl.”  


“I wonder what she is doing to him.”  Tara said.  The sexual tension in the room was at it zenith. 


“OH GOD MEAGAN!”  Mike moaned as her mouth took almost five of his rigid inches down her throat. 


Meagan didn’t like the taste at first but got used to it quickly.  She was on fire when she heard him call out her name.  She tightened her lips around his shaft when she heard him scream her name.  Her fingers moved up to caress his balls while her mouth moved up and down his long lollypop. 


“I’M COMING MEAGAN!”  Mike screamed to give her a warning to remove her mouth.  She did and his hot spunk splattered all over her face.  Her fingers moved to his prick and she milked him dry. 


“TIMES UP!”  Janet called out as she pulled open the door and stuck her face inside.  She wanted to see what they had been doing.  She laughed when she saw her little sister whipping off his come from her nose and chin.  Janet made a note to teach her how to swallow it. 


Mike walked out of the room first with his hard-on resending to its soft state.  There was no question Meagan had given him a release.  As Meagan stood to walk out Janet whispered in her ear.  “If you don’t want him I’ll take him.” 


“No way.”  Meagan said smiling.  That hunk of meat was hers.


It was Mike’s turn to spin.  They all were now leaning forward to see who the next person was.  The game had picked up a lot.  The bottle pointed to Tara. 


“The panties and………………” He hesitated thinking what he would ask her to do.   The blowjob Meagan had just given him was the best feeling he had ever had.  He had to give the favor to his friend Brad. 


“and……….give Brad a blowjob.” 


“Out here?”  Tara asked in shock.  At least Meagan got to do it in the laundry room. 


“Yes.”  Mike said.  He wanted to see it happen. His soft prick started to get some more life when Tara stood and pushed her panties down her small ass and tan thighs.  Her bush had a bikini shave with a thick dark strip over the lips of her mound.  He could not see her slit through the dark forest. 


Brad looked at her and smiled.  Getting a blowjob from his love was the ultimate even if she had to do it in front of everyone. 


“Anyone want to teach me?”  Tara giggled as she moved down on her knees in front of Brad. 


“I will come on over here.”  Alex laughed.  Janet smacked him on his arm and moved over next to the young inexperienced girl.   “Take his penis in your hand and slowly stroke him while you lick around the tip.”   She whispered. 


Tara giggled as she grabbed his hard-on and did as Janet said.  It tasted a little salty.  “OH.” Brad moaned.  He knew he would not last very long.


Mark was sitting directly across from Tara and when she leaned forward her legs spread enough for him to see the virgin’s slim pink slit under the girl’s dark bush.  He could also see her tiny puckered rear opening.  It was a great sight.    


As Tara continued to taste the tip Janet whispered again.  “Suck in the crown and flick your tongue across the tip.”  Tara opened her tiny lips and did as the older woman said.  Her teeth gently bit his soft flesh.  “OH SHIT!”  Brad cried out.  Everyone else in the room laughed. 


“Now for the grand finale.”  Janet whispered.  “Move as much of him down your throat without gagging and when you pull your mouth out clamp your lips tightly around him.”  Tara’s eyes opened as wide as her mouth as she sucked in his six inch penis.  She was amazed when her nose pushed against his pubic mound.  She slowly moved her lips up and off making a popping sound.  “Ahhh.”  Brad groaned.  One more trip and he was history. 


Tara didn’t need any more instructions.  The rest was up to her.  She again sucked in his hard length and slowly pulled her lips off.  “OH, OH, OH!”  He cried as he came.  He did not give her any warning and shot his load down her throat.  Tara’s mouth came off gagging trying to breath.  “Swallow it.”  Janet yelled.  Tara turned and looked at her as her throat opened up to drink in his juices. 


Janet smacked him on his leg.  “It’s polite to warn a lady when you come.”   Brad looked at Tara who was trying to breath.  “Sorry.”


Brad managed to sit up and take the bottle.  The first open display of a sexual act had taken the game to a new level.  He wondered how far everyone was willing to go.  The bottle stopped on Mark. 


“Go down on the girl of your choice buddy.”  Brad said quickly. 


Mark sat up when the bottle stopped on him.  When he heard the sweet words he knew who’s pussy he wanted to kiss and lick.  He looked immediately to Janet and pointed.  “Her.” 


Alex spoke up.  “I don’t think so.” 


Janet didn’t say a word as she leaned over and whispered in Alex’s ear.  “I know you fucked his girlfriend so if I was you I would shut up.” 


Alex knew when he was to be quiet and now was one of those times.  “Go ahead.” 


Janet wanted to enjoy the experience and stood to walk to the sofa.  She sat back on the cushions and slowly opened her legs.  Everyone watched as her bald pussy lips opened wide enough for her inner folds to open. Her hard clit and opened pussy was on display.  She was definitely not a virgin. 


Mark just looked at her for almost a minute.  “You just going to window shop or are you going for it?”  Janet laughed.  His body moved forward until her hands took his head and guided his lips where she wanted them. 


“The tongue.”  She commanded as his lips moved over her clit.  He pushed his long tongue out until he pushed against her joy button.


“Right there.”  She moaned and closed her eyes.


Mark’s tongue rapidly flicked up and down and right and left.  She pushed his head lower and his tongue moved deep down into her moist depths.  Her hips moved upward.  It might be his first time but he was a fast learner.  She moved him back to her clit to finish her race to satisfaction. 


No one noticed Heather’s hand as she moved it slowly up under her dress to her dripping vagina.  She imagined it was her on the sofa Mark was going down on.  She was close to coming when Janet took a deep breath and held his face tightly against her womanhood.  Her body shook and trembled as she climaxed.  She let go of his head and he jerked it back to get some air. 


“Wow.”  Tara said. 


Janet stood and kissed Mark on his lips.  She tasted her own pleasure.  “My turn to spin.”  The game was coming to a peak. 


The bottle spun and spun until it pointed to Heather.  Janet smiled.  It was revenge time for the girl who had fucked her boy friend on the sofa.  Heather was the only one still wearing clothing.  “First take off the dress and stand to show everyone your body….” 


Heather did as Janet said.  Right now she was so hot she would do just about anything.  Her dress fell from her full breasts.  Of all the girls there Heather’s breasts were the biggest. 


“Nice.”  Brad said looking up at her large round areoles. 


“Thanks.”  Heather giggled. She let the dress go and it fell at her bare feet.  She kicked it aside and turned slowly showing her flaming red bush. 


“Now what?”  She asked anxious to be satisfied. Janet heard the young group gasp when she finished her dare to Heather.  “You like sexual positions so much I’m going to let you do a sixty-nine.” 


Heather smiled.  “With the guy of my choice?” 


“No.  With the girl of your choice.”  Janet laughed. 


“A GIRL!”  Heather exclaimed.  “NO FUCKIN WAY!”


“What’s wrong little girl not woman enough?”  Janet said with a dare. 


“It’s not that.  I can’t do that.”  Heather said looking at Meagan and Tara for support. 


“I guess your game is over since you have used your one denial.”  Janet laughed.  “You can wait upstairs until we have finished.” 


Heather stood not believing what she was hearing.  Her own girlfriends or her boyfriend was not supporting her.  She looked at Meagan and Tara who looked away.  OK.  She thought to herself.  If I have to do it so will one of them. 


“OK I’ll do it.”  Heather said seeing the shock on everyone’s face. 


“What?”  Mark said.  “You’re going to really do it?”


“Yes.  With one of my BEST friends.”  She said looking down at Meagan and Tara.  They both looked at her in fear. 


“Let’s see….which one?”  She moved her finger back and forth between the two of them. 


All the men were now sitting with raging hard-ons.  They were going to see two women giving each other oral sex.  Shit.  It was every man’s dream. 


“Let’s see…………..” She hesitated and said.  “I pick them both.” 


“You can’t do that.”  Tara said.  “She said female meaning singular.” 

They all turned to Janet who was almost laughing.


“It’s up to her.  If she wants both I’m OK with it.” 


“No.”  Tara said upset.  “You can’t do a 69 with three people.”  She looked at Meagan who was speechless. 


“I have no idea.”  She managed to mumble. 


“Yes we can.”  Heather said with a smile.  “We just get our bodies into a circle.” 



!”  Tara exclaimed.  “You’re nuts.” 


“Like this.” Heather said pulling both girls up and leading them to a large carpeted area.  “Lie on your right side.”  She said to Meagan who did as her girl friend directed. 


“Now you do the same with your head at Meagan’s stomach.”  Heather told Tara.    They all watched as Heather moved her naked body down until her own head was at Tara’s stomach and her own stomach was at Meagan’s head. 


“See….a circle.”  Heather said proud of her sexual creation.  “Now I do this.”  Heathers hands pried a part Tara’s legs until the girl’s dark pussy was inches from her face.  “And you two do the same.” 


The men were all now moving closer to the circle.  “I think it’s more like a 696969.”  Alex laughed. 


“OK now we do it.”  Heather announced as her lips pushed forward into Tara’s bush. 


Tara did the same to Meagan and Meagan did the same to Heather.  The girls tightly closed mouths were pressed against the other’s pubic mounds.  They froze. 


“Come on.  Open your mouths.”  Mark said excited. 


Heather broke her mouth away.  “You said to do a sixty-nine and we are doing………”  She was about to say “it” when she felt Meagan’s tongue flick across her clitoris.  Her eyes got bigger when Meagan did it again and again. 


“Look.  Meagan’s doing it.  She’s eating Heather’s pussy.” Brad cried out.  Mike looked at his new girlfriend’s tongue as it slithered into the curly crimson nest and moved up and down her friend’s canal. 


Tara heard the excitement of the men and didn’t want to be left out so she flicked her own tongue into Meagan’s virgin mound.  Heather closed her eyes and moved her face down into Tara’s snatch.


“Wow.  That’s cool” Brad cried out leaning forward.  His prick was at max.  He wished he was in the circle. 


“Hey, why don’t we join them?”  Brad whispered to the others.  Before he got an answer Mark and Mike jumped down on the rug.  Mike pulled Tara’s face from his new girl’s loins and shoved in his own to take her place.  He wormed his body until his hard-on pressed against Tara’s face.  She smiled as she grabbed the biggest penis and shoved three inches between her lips. 


Mark jumped between Meagan and Heather and aimed his rod at Meagan’s mouth while his face dove into Heather’s muff.  Brad wasn’t too far behind as he aimed his tongue at Tara’s narrow bush.  His prick was gobbled up by Heather. 


“Damn.  Look at that.”  Alex said with his arm around Janet.  “Want to join them?” 


Janet laughed and took his hand.  “Mom and Dad will be back in about 45 minutes.  That should give you enough time to fuck me the right way.”  They grabbed their clothes and ran up the steps. 


Heather tried to remember how Tara gave Brad his blowjob before.  Because Brad’s hotdog was now being swallowed whole by her small mouth. Brad proved again he was quick on the trigger as he exploded in Heather’s mouth.  She jerked her head back and spit out his spunk.  “Didn’t you learn anything at all?”  She yelled back at his head. 

Meagan’s mind was lost in passion heaven while the man of her dreams ate her pussy.  Mark’s prick felt different than Mike’s but she couldn’t put a hand on what the difference was.  Her mouth could.   She laughed to herself. 


Meagan was the first girl to climax and Tara was right behind her.  Tara’s second blowjob was a success as Mike yelled he was coming.  This time she removed her lips as he sprayed onto her neck and shoulders.  Mark came next but Heather was so happy she held back her climax.  Mark tried to get her off but he was too spent.  His head fell away and she groaned.  “Oh no please don’t stop.” 


Mark looked at his buddy Mike for help.  “Go ahead.”  Meagan laughed when Mike looked at her.   He dove forward and quickly resumed where Mark left off.  This time Heather let her dam go and her whole body blew apart.  “GO MIKE!  GO MIKE!”  Brad and Mark yelled seeing Heather come. 


Finally they all collapsed on the large rug.  “God.  That was……….unbelievable.”  Brad said as he pulled Tara into his arms. 


“I’ll say.”  Mark said as he did the same to Heather. 


Meagan and Mike didn’t have to say how good they felt.  She turned and kissed him.  Ten minutes later they all heard the garage door opening up. 


“Shit.”  Meagan cried.  “It’s my parents.”  She grabbed her clothes and quickly dressed.  She laughed when she saw Brad put his briefs on inside out. 


“Hurry.  Get out the Trivia game.”  She yelled at Tara who grabbed it off the shelf and quickly put some wedges on the board.  They all jumped around the game when the door opened and Meagan’s mom Mary moved down the stairs.


“Ah.  Isn’t that sweet.”  She said watching Brad as he pulled a card from the pile and read it to the group.  “Who said kids now-a-days can’t have good clean fun?” 


Heather held back her laughter as Meagan kicked her leg. 

“Any of you want a donut?  We stopped and got a dozen on the way home.”  She said. 


“I do!”  Brad cried out as he followed her up the stairs.  They all stopped the bogus game and followed Brad. 


“Where is your sister?”  Mary asked as they all grabbed their favorite donut from the box. 


“I think she might be upstairs.  I’m not sure.”  Meagan grinned. 


“She’s going to kill you.”  Tara whispered to Meagan as Mary turned and walked up the stairs. 


“MOM!”  Janet’s voice screamed from above. 


“Busted.”  Mike laughed as he swallowed his whole donut.  He grabbed another and stuffed it in his mouth. 


“Sex can make you hungry.”  Mike said not realizing Meagan’s father Fred had entered the house and was standing behind him. 


“Mike.”  Brad whispered and pointed back at Jim. 


Mike turned and felt the worst fear of his life.  Until the man smiled that is. 


“I’m glad you found the donuts.  We had to leave the movie early because my hearing aid died on me.” 


“Your hearing aid?”  Mike asked somewhat relieved. 


“WHAT?”  Fred shouted back at the boy. 


“NOTHING!”  Mike shouted back.  The man smiled and turned around to see Alex running down the stairs only wearing his jeans. 


“WHATS THAT ALL ABOUT?”  Fred turned and asked the kids standing around eating donuts. 




Jim leaned over and whispered in her ear.  “I heard what Mike said.  Let’s talk later.” 


Meagan smiled and kissed him on his cheek. 


The following week Mike opened the store door and Meagan was his first customer.  He did not turn the “CLOSED” sign around and took her hand and led her into the back room. 


“We have an hour before the store opens.” He said as his lips pressed down to hers. Her tongue quickly found his. 


“Did you bring it?”  She asked looking up at him with her baby blues. 


He shook his head yes and pulled out the wrapped protection from his rear pocket.  They moved over to the small cot and slowly undressed each other.  They had not been intimate since the party and both were extremely horny. 


Meagan giggled as he tore open the package and pulled out the rubber.  “I’ve never did this before.”  He said looking at her. 


“Duh. Me neither.”  She laughed. 


“No.  I mean I’ve never put on a rubber before.”  He held it up and looked at it. 


“I think I can figure it out.” She laughed.  She took it from his trembling hands and calmly pushed it down over his Mount Rushmore. 


“Thanks.” He laughed. 


“Don’t mention it.”  She said as she moved back and opened her legs. 


“I mean it.”  She said while he positioned his body until his prick pushed at her maidenhead. 


“You mean what?” He asked panting.


“Don’t mention it.  I know how you boys like to talk.” 


“I won’t I promise.”  He moaned as he pushed forward until he felt something give. 


“Stop.” She said smiling.


“I didn’t hurt you did I?”  He worried. 


“A little but I’m OK.  I just want to experience my transformation from a girl to a woman.”  She smiled as she pulled him deeper inside of her.  Her legs wrapped around his waist. 


“Just remember you are my woman.”  He grunted as he pushed in and out, in and out.


“And, you are my man.”  She moaned as they raced to the finish line.  Mike tried to hold back but his first experience into a woman’s body was too much.  “Meagan.  I’m com…………….ing.” He announced. 


Meagan smiled as he unloaded his love deep inside her.  She did not climax but she knew there would be more opportunities.  She held him close and whispered in his ear.  “Did you bring any more?” 


Mike smiled.  “Of course.  A Boy Scout is always prepared.”  He discarded the filled rubber and pulled out the new one from his jeans lying on the floor.  He looked down at his limp tool. 


“There’s one problem.”  He laughed. 


“Don’t worry about him.  I’ll take care of that problem.  She turned her body and took his noodle between her lips.  Less than 30 seconds later her mouth was full of his manhood. 


The second time took a lot longer and it was Meagan whose screams shook the tiny shoe store.  The cot pushed against the shelf and a small shoe box fell down and smacked Mike on his ass.  “OUCH!”  He yelled.


“What was that?”  Meagan said as they both turned to see the small box. 


Mike remained hard inside of her pussy as he grabbed the box and looked inside.  “Shit.  Look at this.”  Meagan’s eyes opened wide when she saw its contents.


“Who would have guessed?” 


Note from Slickman:  I know the ending was a dirty trick but I wanted to leave the story open for a possible sequel.  However, I want you to give me some ideas about what was in the box.  Maybe I’ll use them and maybe I won’t?  This was a fun story because a lot of us played spin the bottle when we were younger and dreamed of having a game like this one.  Don’t forget to vote.  Thanks….Slick.ÂÂ